Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 21, 1871, Image 2

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    (jc Qafoman's ' goxmxat, tcaxfdb, a., mxc 21, 1871.
Raftsman's Journal.
Col. DAVID STANTON, of Beaver.
Col.EOBEST B. BEATH, of ' SctnylkilL
Tiiehe are between ten and twelve thou
sand nejjro voters in Pennsylvania. Per
haps this, in a groat measure, accounts for
the "ninth resolution" of tha recent liar
ri.sburg convention. How is it, Mr. Wal
lace ?
It IS A significant fact that the '''Demo
cratic victory" in New Hampshire, such us
it is, was effected by the votes of original
and life-long Abolitionists, under the j.'U!.e
of "Labor lt'jfonneri." Will the Southern
Democracy stick a j.i; there?
The feud in Mexico boteen the d'.uVr
ent competitors for the Presidency continue,
and have assumed the proportions of a civil
war. The movements airaiu.-t the Govern
ment are increait in strength, and there
is momentary danger of a general insurrec
tion. The New York Sun starts the exceeding
ry unreliable rumor that England proposes
to guarantee the payment'of one hundred
million dollars for Cuba, provided the Cu
bans wiil pledge themselves not to become
annexed to the United States. This is rath
er thin.
TilB Bedford county V asks : "Will
the Democracy of Berks, York, and other
counties under their control divide their lo
cal offices with the black man and soldiers?
They never did it heretofore. It is to be
wn whether they will da it, now that they
want their votes."
It IS rumored that Minister Washburne
has leave to return home for a time, this
summer. He richly deserves the reward of
rest, and of an honorable reception on his
arrival in thf country. lie has made a
good record in France, and hi reflected
honor on the country.
The Deaioeratic leade.o having acknowl
edged the correctness of Republican princi
ples and policy by adopting the Ninth reso
lution, what is to deter clie honest and well
meaning portion of that party from uniting
fully with the liepuV.icaus? Step in gen
tlemen, there w still room.
- -
General McCandless ! General Mc
Cook I Every other Democratic candidate
bee ins to be a General. Who, then, said
the war was a lailure ? Was it the Demo
crats, and did they mean it ; or, are these
General merely "accepted but not endors
ed," like the amendments? What do you
say, George ?
The young Iowa Democracy unite with
their friends in Ohio and Pennsylvania in
the "new departure" stampede. It wut be
a very trying business on the old hard shells
of the party, to swallow these new-fangled
notion platforms. Kvidently, the Democra
cy are in "a bad fix," and will find "Jordan
a hard road to travel."
The Democracy of Northumberland are
divided into tactions, each of which throat
en open revolt. It is probable tiint two
tickaUt will be nominated, and an interne
cine war waged which shall help us not a
little. It is the same all over the State.
The Democratic party of Pennsylvania nev
er entered a campaign more dispirited, dis
heartened, or utterly disgusted with itself.
The New York Tammany politicians, it
is currently reported, have in view the send
ing of a committee to Jefferson Davis, to
endeavor to dissuade him from the rebel
lious courses in which ho is cn:i;,'eJ. IlaJ
they thus rem mstrate 1 with Davis in lfiOl,
instead of "iv-tiu" hiai on to treason and
to war, thousauds of lives and millions of
treasure tuiht Lave beeu saved to the
The New IIamphire Der.ioc-r-its have
determined to irM the Granite iSule fcr a
few years if po.-.".i.le. The pLn is to con
test the seats and turn out twenty tive lle
publieans of the pre-eut htislature, anl
then re distriet the State f ir Congressmen
and members of the legislature, upset tha
judiciary, and genywanJer to the iurthet
limit of partisan calculation. And why
not? Rascality is a cardinal doctiiue ot
Democratic faitb.
The difference between our plain Repub
lican style of government and that of mon
rchial Kng'and is illustrated in the fact that
Earl de Grey and Ilipon Ls to be made 51ar
quis of Ripon, as an acknowledgment of
his services in connection with the treaty of
'Washington. Secretary Fi.-h is generally
conceded to have done n re than Earl de
Grey in developing the treaty. He will
probably newr receive so much as a vote of
thanks from Congress.
Whatever else may be said of Colonel
Forney, it must be admitted that his ap
pointment as Collector -of the Port of Phil
adelphia has been a good thing for the bus
iness of that city. He has induced the
Treasury Department to give its atu.uiion
to the work of removing all difficulties in
the way of the transit in bond of foreign
merchandise arriving at the port ot New
York destined for Philadelphia. The iup
licate lee business has been overcome, so
that now the goods only have to pay one set
of fees, which is an important reduction of
the expanse to the iuijioiter.
The Democray Dead.
Not only is the teeesMon eaure dead beyond the
possibility of revival, but all in original adviser
and leading abettors are equally dead and dis
credited in a political sense. itu York World.
If all the "original advisers and leading
abettors" ot secession are "dead and dis
credited in a political sense," where, we ask,
is the Demoeratlo party ? Did they not give
aid and comfort to the South during all the
long and bloody years of rebellion ? They
declared the South could never be conquer
ed, and in deliberate national convention
pronounced the "war a failure." No jour
nal in the land took a more active part in
aiding and abetting secession than the one
from which we clip the above. If it had
not been for the aid rendered by such pa
pers as the New York Worltl, and almost
the entire rank and file of the Democratic
party, the rebellion would have collapsed in
a few short months. The only reward they
have for their ill-advised and suic dal con
duct is the melancholy pleasure of writing
their own epitaph as above. Never did the
World utter truer words than thos-e which
stand at the head of this paragraph. The
Democratic party which advised and abetted
secession is now "dead beyond the possibil
ty of revival." No new departure can give
it re-animation, so tays the World, and it
TllE sorrows of the Democracy in Ohio
are some-thing fearful to contemplate. It
seems that the proverbial rascality of the
organization is beginning to turn on itself,
just as a serpent is said, when perplexed, to
bite its own body. It is freely rumored that
the nominations made at the Democratic
C .invention in this Slate, and more especial
ly the plalfoim adopted, were carried by
false counts of the votes on the part of the
Secretary. In Ohio, an open rupture has
been reached for the ame rca.ion. It is now
claimed that the nomination for Governor
was secured to the announced candidate by
a double count ot votis. So serious is the
trouble that tiu Sta'e Committee has deter
mined to meet and settle the trouble. This
is not all indicative of a suceesfnl cam
paign. Out of the misunderstanding will
eome heart burnings which, added to those
already engendered by the difficulty over the
platform, will scatter and disperse the party
and give to the Republicans an easy and
triumphant victory.
Pi tThEM TlinOl H. William Lo -khanm
of New Haven, was found guilty, by the
superior court, of fraudulent votiug in the
Fourth ward of that city at the last State
election. The petmlty is one year's impris
onment and a fine of if 100. The Democratic
leader, "Baron Sehleigel," is under bonds
to answer to the charge of aiding this man
in voting illegally. The ward was where a
hundred Democratic votes wete slipped in
and counted ; and, when it was discovered
there were one hundred too many, one hun
dred Republican rotes were stolen to" make
the number of votes correct! That made
a change of two hund.ed votjjs. It is a
good sisrn to see the actors in that fraud
hunted out and punished.
TtiE new departure of Democracy and
the motive with which it is accpted, remind
ns of the story of Uncle Sam, a down east
farmer, known far and wide by his patriotic
title, who had a neighbor addicted to the
habit of working on Sundays. After awhile,
however, this Sabbath breaker joined the
church, shortly after whieh occurrence our
friend met the minister to whose congrega
tion he belonged. "Well, Uncle Sam,"
said he, "do you see any difference in your
neighbor since he made profession of reli
gion?" "O, yes," replied Uncle Sam, "a
great difference. Before, when be went out
to chop in the woods on Sundays he cariied
his axe on his shoulder, but now he hides
it under his coat."
Death of V ai.landh;ham. Ti e Hon.
C. L. Vallandigham accidentally shot him
self through the abdomen, at a hotel in
Lebanon, Ohio, on the night of the 1 0th.
IIo was counsel for McGcehan, who is on
trial for the murder of Myeis, and was pre
paring his argument in defence of his client,
and wtiile demonstrating with a pistol how
Mynrs might have shot h im.elf, it went off
atid inflicted a fatal wound he having in
advertantly picked up a loaded pistol in.-tead
of an einjrty oik; that was lying on a table,
lie died at 10 A. 51.. on the 17th. Much
sorrow is manifested by a!!, on account of
his sudden and tragic di-ath.
The New York Evening lust i-ays "the
United States rai-es by taxation about nine
dollars per head of the population, and
pays off its debt out of this, at about eight
million dollars a neinth ; n:t.l that the city of
New o:k iaies ly taw.ion twviity-two
dollars per head of the population, and in
cuts a new debt at u rajid late I elides."
Would the riiim-os of the i:aii.n be mid. it.
j the hands f the Democracy ? They would
i double taxation and inert u-e the national
debt at the same timuJ Lt us have Giant
I another terie.
TttE New Orleans Commercid Bidlcli.i
says :
-Mr. Duvis kiiovs The henrU of the .topic, and
they know t;i. It U r.ot alnajs wise, thtuh, to
tell the world what we ttinls i.r what we feei."
This statement confirms the sincerity of
the seeming extravagances uttered by Gen.
Toombs. All that is needed to get up an
other treasonable demont ration in the South
is to put the Northern Democracy in a po
rtion where they can give it aid and sup
port as Buchanan did in 1SC0-CI.
The Augusta, Aikansas, Bulletin, re
cently said ;
- there are some things our people do not do
sire to learn and ainons them i Yanirt rmiitral
. V c Mrcd no ifhce-butiiers to the North;
have h wish to interfere with their schools or
schuo'.-hooks their churches or their preachers.
Ju.it let , aout."
Ibis lias the true war time imack to it.
Jeff. Davis used to bay. "Let us lone." But
Grant didn't let him alone worth a cent.
Ir is well understood in political circles
that the Democratic leaders have already
abandoned all hope of .electing McCaudless
and Cooper, but that they will keep up ap.
pearances in the hope of getting ooutrol of
the legislature by electing a majority of the
members in the lower Hou.-e.
A Little of Everything.
Girls of the period female compositors,
lioing a cool business the ice-cream men.
Williamsporters find small fish in their milk.
Pit'sburg'and Brookville have the small-pox.
The new Government loan is being taken rap
idly. A railroad is wanted from Johnstown to Som
erset. Early training leaving town on the morning
express, ' ' -
Upset wagon and all to unload fish that's
handy. i -
The Venango county jail contains twenty-four
Sensible boys will not eat green apples ; the
others will.
Hot houee peaches are werth s ixty cents each
Huntingdon has an ice wagon run by a man
named Summer.
Must be bad the credit of the chap who could
not even borrow trooble.
I)r K. V .packman, of Lutbersburg has bocn
appointed a notary public.
Elmira rats don't know much about farming
They stent ihoepes for oats ,
The crows down South are silent and in dis
tress. They are loohing fur the lost eawi.
A woman in Klair county caught a wild tur
key reiently, which weighed twenty pounds.
Y.du Sncll announces herself as a candidate
for Superintendent of Schools iu Mahaska county,
Seven cent postago stamps are bein i?.ued by
the Uoverument, for the convenionce of foreign
Announced tho discovery of a 20-t'eot vein of
coal in Somerset aounty. That's a whopper the
coal ein, we mean.
A llnwiau named Octave Pavy, is about to or
ganizo an expedition to the north pole. lie feels
confident of success.
Kathcr a srfy joke the dedication of the new
park on Friuay lust Ahem ! it's out among 'em
boys. Call u;other
Soino judicial dignitar) has decided that mar
rying in K3t, though actually and legally per
tormed, is not binding.
Pie-Nics are in ordtr, now a days. Like Josh
Billings, "we don't know now whether we think "
they amount to any thing or not.
The ' glorious Fourth" is approaching, and
Young America is already boarding his pennies
for a proper celebration of the day.
A town in e'oos county, N.H., called "Success"
is a failure. It is twenty years old and has but
five inhabitants What's in a na.je?
The triumphal entry of the returning German
army, took place at Ucrlin on tho 16th June. It
w:is a grand and imposing demonstration.
The State of Maine has eighteen men who
want to be its Governor. About seventeen of
tbein will realise that it -'might have been."
Quieted down the local politicians in thi
county, since the c'ose of the primary campaign,
llow about iuvestiguting the alleged frauds?
While Prof. Darwin is bothering his brain
about the "development of speoies," nearly ev
erybody else is trying to develops the specie.
A Toledo druggist refused to sfgn a petition for
the improvement ot a street, when told that it
would improve tho health of the neighborhood.
Butler, Pa., has no licensed houso. and but one
in th i county is licensed. Three brewerie and
four whisky stills keep the town going, however.
The girls of Athol, Mass., whipped the boys of
that place at base ball the other day. and are now
recognixed as the conrng women of that section.
The fatteit hog story of tha season comes from
K.t Ljna, Mart. Ktlirard Merrill, of tbnt place,
found a diamond woith $2,500 in a plate of pork
A felon is said to be a common boil formed
under the tough ligament next to the bone. To
cure it promptly plunge tho lancet down to the
bone .
The newest variety of lager is sailed, "Aecht
Importirties Branschweiger Dopeel Bier," and
will killyeu almost as quick as a Nitro Glycerine
Kefrc?hing rains have fallen in this vicinity
within the past few days. whieh have infused new
lifo into the hitherto sickly appearance of corn
and things.
The following expressive notice is posted on the
closed door of a Brooklyn cobbler's shop: "Tbes
bexnies Is closed fnr a weak to elou the bos a
cbanz to be sik."
About the best thing that has happened to Mr.
Greeley, politically, is that Wendell Philips has
come out against him with rather uuu3ual vie
leuce even for him.
A pure white deer haunts the groves of Pierce
county, Wisconsin. There are plenty of whit
"denrs" in Clearfield. A considerable quantity
of tho white is "put" on, however.
A huge measure of tangle lvg whisky was seen
propelling a diminutive specimen of humanity
along hceuud Street on Saturday night. 11 o
should be kept in the house nt night
It is said that the Ku-Klux Committee find no
uifi'i ul'y in obtaining the attendance of witness
es, aid that the existence of Ku Klux in tho
Southern States will be clearly proven.
'Innocence abroad" says he was fooled over to
the park on Friday. A poor excuse is better than
noi.e, Go home and got your spanking, sonny,
and keep outof bad company hcrealler.
A queer institution democracy. Even their
prio,ary elections are carried by fraud, if we can
credit the assertions of some of tho recently de
feated candidates- Weil, chickens come home to
An exchange compliments a couple of young
surgeons for the skillful manner in which they
performed a delicate surgical operation, and,
though ' the patient died." predicts for them a
brilliant future.
l'le-'tuu.tLe "Waynesburg murderer, has boen
coiivicied of murder in the second degree. H.
li. Swuope, lt;q., wus one of the counsel on the
part of the prosecution. His closing speech is
said to have been a masterly effort.
The snake season opens well. They are ex
ceedingly plenty, and are imprudcat enough to
get into the hats of some of our nice youug men
when they are eat late at night without the con
sent of their anxious mammas.
Probably the first instance in history of a wo
man baring been buried with military honors
was that of Miss Esther Johnstone, a young En
glish woman connected with the German ambu
lance service, who died recently at Chalons, and
was buried with nulilajy honors by the Prussians.
liidu't see it. On Friday last several Gents
from Osceola, paid our town visit. After din
ner they, in company with turns of our own
"painted" bat sports, got into tha "Bus" and
drove to the new park to see some 'rare' fun. How
is it, boys? Couldn't see the point, eh ? Sext.
The Plymouth Star invites the people of that
place to patronize a clothing firm, in the follow
ing choice poetical style :
Do yeu wish a new garment to fit well?
Just take your purse and go to Ual-
Burn & Stern's, and leave your cot
For a new style See-more ooat.
Complaint is made that the cowl running loose
in the Borough, do violence to the aide-walks.
Any well-regulated farm would have iu cows
taughtboUer manners than they practice in this
town. Some ol our citizens think Council might
put a stop to it. The evening prouenadera com
plain that they sometimes gut their feet iu it.
Oar Candidates and Platform.'
Thtf Bradford Reporter, in reference to
the Republican candidates and platform
says : ' ' ' "
The candidates placed in nomination are
men of moral worth and political integrity.
Doth of them served in the army during
the rebellion Dr. Stanton as a surgeon,
and Col. Beath enlisted as a private and
came out with a colonel's commiseion, earn
ed by gallant service in the field. "The plat
form is all that could be. desired. Every
plank is of sound timber, capable of any
test which our opponents may apply to it,
and broad enough to accommodate every
man who is a Republican from principle. It
is the doctrine of the Republican party to
do what is right for all men and all inter
ests. But that we have triumphed hereto
fore and by it we will be victorious as long
as we are faithful to its noble teaching.
Aside from the merits ol our candidates,
and they arc well established, we eo into the
campaign animated and controlled by the
absorbing truth that it is necessary for the
Republican party to succeed, because such
success is essential to the well-being and the
perpetuity of the Republio. There can be
no good government in this country unless
it is administered by good Republican states
men. All that we are as a ftate and a na
tion we owe to Republican policy. Had the
Democratic party been continued in power
in ISliO, we would have cea-ed to exist as a
united nation in ISTO. These are the prin
ciples on which we i;o into the contest, and
on the single issue that the people cannot
do without the Government administered
by the Republican party, we will win uuoth
er great victory in October.
The Lincoln Intitnte of Jefferson City,
Misouri, is one of the proudest monuments
to the colored people in the country. Some
six yeats ago, deeply impressed with the
importance of education, a number of col
ored soldiers sub.-cribei six thousand dollars
towards the establishment of a college in
Missouri. The money was invested and a
fine college bui!ding worth 20,000 is the
result, and besides the State has endowed
the Normal Department with an annuity of
$5,000. The new building will be dedicated
on July 4th next. The trustees are anxious
to secure well qualified instructors for the
coming year, and in order to accomplish
that end have issued a circular stating that
a Principal (male) and assistant, either male
or female, are wanted. Applicants may be
white or colored. The salaries are $2,000
for Principal and ? 1,200 for Assistant.
Axi now comes the appalling announce
ment of another most terrible calamity at
sea, whereby five hundred kidnapped coolies
were literally roasted alive. It seems, from
the accounts, that these unfortunate human
victims to the avarice of man were entrap
ped aboaid a slave tfeamship at Macao, a
Portuguese city cn the coast of China, at
the mouth of the Canton river, and were
being carried off in bondage to some market.-
They were contined in the hold, and
when out at sea one of their number fired
the vessel. The officers and crew at once
closed and fastened the hatches, and left the
ship and their victims to the flames. The
fate of the five hundred was a terrible one,
and calls for a wift and certain vengeance
on their cruel murderers.
Karl RrssEi.i, moved an address to the
Queen from the British House of Lords op
pugns tbo Treaty or W..I,inton. Earl de
Grey and Ripon merely mentioned the pro
gress of free trade in America, and Earl
Russell withdrew his motion. Now Earl
Russell is notorious for his- dislike for this
country ; nor, indeed, are Englishmen, as a
body, believed to be in the habit of acting
against their own interests. Why then does
the prospect of free trade with this country
quiet them so completely, if we are to be
benefitted thereby ? lias true Christianity
so imbued the House of Lords that the
prospect of the prosperity of a rival nation
will induce them, like the wicked, to "cease
from troubling."
IiOchefobt is reported seriously ill, in
prison, in France. Can it be that there is
an attempt to quietly kill him off without a
trial? His trial has been postponed from
time to time tor the alleged reason that it
might involve some very uncomfortable de
velopments for the Government. His con
nection with the first Government after the
fall of the Empire seems to have given him
an inside view of matters, and to have plac
ed in his hands some evidence thit saves
hiiu from suiuuiaiy trial and execution. If
he will be so kiuJ as to die U nil! doubtless
greatly relieve the Government. .
The free trade Democracy tactics are thus
exposed by the Reading Tlnwt :
. "The Democratic party has always been
opposed to the policy of protection, as their
votes fully atte.-t. Of course there aro a
few Democrats (as in the ease of the last
session ot Congress) who voted tor a low
tariff, but the bulk of their party are now,
and have always teen, committed to free
trade, which, in other words, means the de
basement of the labor system of this coun
try, the contraction of wages, and the ine
vitable ruin and bankruptcy of every mat)
whi is compelled to toil with his hands for
the maintatnance of himself and family."
En. Scull, of the Somerset JIcruld,thaa
plants a stunning blow iu the tenderest spot
of his neighbor the Democrat :
"A few years since the Somerset Demo
(.rat was embellished with a cut of 'Scull
swallowing a negro.' We suggest that it
again be produced lor the edification of the
Democrats of this county who are now, by
their State platform, ordered to attempt the
same feat. It would happily illustrate the
immutable and unchangeable principles of
the Democratic party, and at the same time
prove, as Sam Patch did, that some things
can be done as well as others."
Godev's Lady's Book. The July num
ber of this excellent book is before us. It
contains its usual amount of literature and
fashion, and should be in the possession of
every lady. L. A, Godey, Publisher, Phil
adelphia. . Tub Democratic papers of Ohio are unan
imously opposed to the nomination of ade
by the Republicans. If Wade should be
chosen the race would be Letween a man
and a mouse.
The June number of the "Home and
Health" is on our table, containing its usual
amount of useful and interesting literature.
Majok Cook, who was a member of Lee's
staff, is now principal of the negro high
school ia Petersburg, Virginia
AdvKriisrwrntt set up tnlargi typr,reut of plain
ttyl,itriU b charged doubl Hiaal rates. Jfttutt
8. M. Phttesoili. Co., 37 Park Row. New York,
and Gxo. It. Howell Co.. 40 PaikKow, New
York, are the sole agents for the Jockkal in
that city, and are authorized to contract for in
serting advertisements for us at our lowest eah
ra'es. Advertisers in that city are requested to
leave their favors with either of the above houses.
tf.)r REWARD, The Commissioners of
ffnmf Clearfield County will give a reward of
Twenty Dollars, for tho detection of the party or
paities who are constantly mutilating and defa
cing the walls of the Court House. Within a few
days, the fine railing on the stairway bas been
chipped and out, from top to bottom, by some
thoughtless boy or malicious adult. The above
reward will be paid to any one giving informa
tion leading to the detection of this act.. and the
names of parties giving information will be with
held if desired. S. 11. SHAFFNER,
S. II 11 IN DM AN,
June 2l-3t. Commissioners.
The subscriber will offer at
residence, at 2 o'clock, p. m..
public sale, at bn
Thursday, August 24, 1871,
(If not sooner sold), his entire property, sitnated
in lit; ion township. Clearfield county. Pa., con
sisting of .1C9 acres and 6 per cent, allowance, of
the best of Farm, Timber and Coal Lands, in 3
surveys. lin in ono body; will sell either sep
erate. or together, at reasonable rates. The im
provements are as follows : About 110 acres clear
ed and under good cultivation, with four dwel
ling house.', three burns, one saw mill, and other
outbuildings, and three Gr'trato orchards of
choice fruit trees, and the best of running water
near the houe. The balance of there lands tim
bered with Pine, Hemlock n 1 other timber, suf
ficient to cut about Dve million feet of lumber.
For a mineral property this is the bust in this
part of the country, consisting of Iron Ore. Lime
stone and fttoueco!. of I lie best quality, and in
large veins, easily mined and convenient to the
railroads now under way of building.
For particulars call on the subscriber,or address
him at ltockton. Clearfield county. Pa.
Restaurant ami Ice Cream Saloon,
Second St., Clearfield, Fa,
Constantly kept on hand a Cns selection of
Candies. Cigars, Tobacco, Nuts, Ac.
Also Fresh Oysters, received dally, and
served up in any style, to suit tha
taste of customers.
A full stock of goods jut received from tne East.
The second story has been fitted op for a ladies
ice crentn saloon.
Jiiiliard Saloon in Lcavys Hall.
A Pril 1-'71 D M'QAUGHgy.
)El'OKT OF TI1K First National Bank
A of Curweusville. Pa., as shown bv il
books at the close of business on the 18ih day of
Loans and discounts - -Overdrafts
- - $224,172 5f
1,008 U
U. t. Bonds deposited with Treasurer
of U. S. to secure circulation -Other
Stock. Bonds. Ac, - - - -
Due fiom redeeming a reeerve ag'ts, -Due
from other Nut Bunfcs. - - -Due
from State Banks ami Bankers
Bunking House. .......
Furniture and Fixtures, - - - - -
Current Expenses, -------
Taxes Paid,
100,000 00
40ll Oil
49 8n2 49
4 703 69
18.78i 72
- 3.500 00
- 1.000 00
. son 95
- 70S OS
1.117 60
- 9.000 00
- - 740 30
- 30 00
- 20.035 00
Cash Items, (iiicludin)TjStamps),
Bills of other National Banks,
Fractional Currency and Nickel,
Specie .... .....
I-cg.il Tender Notes - . . -Total
- - H34 943 4$
Capital Stock paid in, - - - -Surplus
Profit and loss, - - - - -Circulation
outstanding, - - -Individual
Deposits, ....
Due to Nat l Bunks. - ...
Due to State Banks and Bankers,
Total Liabilities
- SI 00.000 00
. : 35.000 (10
- 15.74S 25
. - 89. .'.2 00
- - 185,925 IT"
- - 8 035 64
: . : T19 42
. (434 913 43
I. Samuel Arnold, C shier of the First Nation
al Bank of Curwensville. P , do kolemnly swear
that the above statement is true, to the bef of
my knowledge and belief.
SAM'L ARNOLD. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th
day of Juue, 1871. Josiab Eri.is, N P.
Correct. Attest :
Johs Pattok, "I
John Ikvim. Directors.
E. A. InvtK, 1 June 21. '7I3t.
pEPORT of the condition of the First
xt National Bank of Clearfield. Penn'a, at
the close of business on the 10th day of June, '71 :
Loans and Discounts, : . ; : : $130,131 4ff
Overdrafts. : : :::::::: 2,063 56
U. S. Bonds deposited with U. S Tr.
to secure circulation, : : : : : 97,000 00
IT s Bonds on band, ::::::: 3,009 00
Due from Kcdcemingand Reserve Ag'ts, 22 092 57
Due from other National Banks : : : 7.357 19
Due from other Banks and Bankers, : 10 245 Zli
Furniture and Fixtures ::::;: 1,2B0 60
Current Kxpcnaes, :::::::: 6S5 00
Taxos paid. :::::::: : : 81S 59
Cnh I terns, (including stumps.) : : : 5S6 73
Dills of other National Batiks : : : 5 80 00
Fractional Currency (iucluding nickles) : 494 67
Legal Tender Notes, ; : : : : : 9,210 00
-Total, : : : : : : : ;
Capithl stock pnid in, : : : :
Surplus fund. ::?:::;
Discount, :::::::::
Exchange, :::::::::
Interest. :::::::::
Profit and Lo?s, : : : : : :
Nnt'l Bank Circulation outstanding
Dividends unpaid. : : : :
Individual Deposits, : : : : :
Due tu Ni-tional Banks, : : : :
Total Liabilities : : : : : :
$275,825 93
; 13.000 00
; : 3.313 42
: : 205 27
: 3.546 93
: 1,431 64
: 86.9S4 00
: : 00
: 6.1,493 05
: 3.415 62
5275 S25 93
I.Jouu lioynton. President of the First National
Bank of Clearfield, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to iho best of my knowl
edge aud belief. JON A. BOYN TON, Prea't.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this lath
day of June, AD 17I.
'Vm. RiDEaaiau, Jj. P.
Sauitrl Mitchell. 1
V II. Dill. S Directors,
huiiiiii) Alossor J June 21, '71.
In accordance with an Act of the General As
sembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 2 2d
day ot March. A. D. 1870, "relating to the collec
tion of tax-s in the county of Clearfield, " notice
is hereby given to the taxpayers residing in the
districts below named, that the County Treasurer,
in accordance with the second section of said Act,
will attend at the place of holding the borough
and township elections on the following named
days, for the purpose of receiving the County and
State Taxes and Miiilia Fines assessed for 1671 :
For Brady, Wednesday, June 21st.
u Thursday, (at West Liberty). June 22d
" Friday, (at T routville). June 23d.
Fnr Bloom. Saturday. June 24th.
For Woodward, at Thomas Henderson's. Monday,
June 26tb, from 9 a. m. to 13, and at Puseyville
from 2 p. to. to 5 p. m
For (iulich. Tuesday, June 27th.
For Deccaria, W'ednesdny, June 2eHa.
For Jordan, Thursday, June 2'Jth.
For Ferguson, Fliday. June 3uth.
For Knox. Saturday, July 1st
For New Washington, Tuesday, July 4th.
For Chest, Wednesday, July 6th.
For Burnside, Thursday, July 6th, at election
For Burnside, Friday. July 7th, at Bnrnside.
For Bell, Saturday, July eth, at K. Mahaffey's.
For Lumber City, Tuesday, July 11th.
For Penn, Wednesday, July 12th.
For Bradford, Friday, July 14th.
Parties can also pay their taxes at the Treasu
rer's office at any time from this forward. I pon
all taxes paid on and previous to the days desig
nated, there will be a reduction of five per cent.
After the 1st of September five per cent, will be
added, which aiakm ten per cent, for prompt
payment. LEVi.il FLliGAL,
June 7,'7l. Treasurer.
rn H. MURRAY. Attorney and Counsellor at
J. Law. Prompt attention given to all legal
business entrusted to his care in Clearfield and
adjoining counties. Office on Market street, op
posite Naugle's Jewelry store. Clearfield, Pa.
Jane 14, 1371.
Tbe co partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, in the Mercantile busi
ners at Westover, was dissolved bv mutual consent
on the 24th day of May. 1S71. the books of the
firm are in the hands of A. L. Hurd and Joseph
M Kee for settlement. L. J. HCRD,
June 14.'7l-.1t. JOS. M'KEE.
ryro farmers and others.
- This Shop was established in 1S"9 Over fifty
portable Threshing Machine for rale as follows :
Four-horse tumbling shaft machine with a cylin
der 13 inches in diameter; four-horse Svrap ma
chine with a patent seperator complete; also,
three-horse machine with one or two band wheels ;
four-horse machine with a jack wheel and shaker
attached; two-borse very light draught machines,
and extra horse-powers constantly on hand. I
eall particular attention to late improvements on
my machines. They will ee mpare favorably w ith
any machines in the United States. All orders
promptly attended to. Repairing done on short
notice and reasonable teiins. Old metal wanted
Address Stewart Wilson, Strattanville. Clarion
county. Pa. One good machine in Clearfield In
quire of A. W. Walters.
0 F
Tour Dry Goods. Your Groceries
Your Hardware, Your Queen aware,
Your Notions. Your Boots A Shoes,
Your Leather, Your Shoe Findifijf,
Your Flour anl Fish,
'tour Bacon and Feed,
Your" Stoves,
Tour Carpet Clmns,
Tour Huts and Caps,
tour Wall Papers,
Your Orfo'oths. Your Carpets,
Your Window Curtain.
art wholesale to country merchant.
A liberal discount to builders.
Everything that you need can be had at great
advantage to the buyer, at
Market Street,
Mar 27,71. Clearfield. Pa .op. the Jail.
Siteee-ifori to Boynton if Toting),
Cor. Fourth and Pine Streets,
Mulay and Circular Saw Mills,
and all kinds of Mill work.
Heating Stores, Sled Shoes, Plows,
and eastings ef all kinds.
Oiffards' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whittles
Cilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks,
Air Cocks,' Glebe Valves, Check Valve.
Wrought Iron Pipe, Steam Pumps,
Sailer Feed-Pumps, Anfl-frietiea
Metals, Soap Stone Packing,
Gam Packing, Ac., ate.,
December 14. 1870-tf.
The nndersigned has just received from tho
East, and is now offering to the public, a well se
lected stock of Family Groceries, such as
and all kinds of green fruits and vegetable in
In short, nearly every article wanted for family
AH goods warranted to be of superior quality.
Room one door west of the Mansion House, and
lately occupied by Messrs. Hartswick A Irwin
as a Drug Store.
All are invited to call and examine my stock and
judge for Ihemselve of quality and price.
June 7, lsTl-tf
POR SALE-SrX BUGGIES and several Tw
"L: Curwensvillt. pa
Revoker5.'- A0"" "Dd SiDg,, B"rel ?ho ".
Bwrels Lrk?M ,,t,."- fcPortinK Goods. Kifle
Kurg-h XUnnWork'-
hTV"1'"1"' EiflM "'1 R"o'ver.
bought or traded for JJune U.'71-6m.
In West Clearfield.
w JtT, .0.n?J.r"gne'1 ha BDder n! control Tt'V
VALUABLE TOWN LOTS, iO ., I7S feet. wih
he offers for sale at a low figure. These lots wil
be sold on easy terms One-third cash, one-tlmi
in one year, and one-third in tw'years, without
interest Persons wUhing to purchase can see a
plot, of the lot at the office of the underpinned
May3.'d tf. JOHN H FLLFOKD
The undersigned have purchased the ri-ht
ot Clearfield county for Enoch Farnsworta
Stump Extractor, patented June 7th, lt70 This
is decidedly the most convenient, mest durable
and best machine of the day. Wet weather wil'
not effect it. the working part being all of ironi
The machine is ailv t . Hn.l ; n .
place that can be plowed. We will sell machii.rs
at a small profit on cost, and will try to make it
tO the advnnrfa ftf fnrnmM In I, n n ,k VI-
solicit orders frutn those wanting machines.
11. 1. rAKASWOKiH,
Clear6eld Pa
GEO. H. II ALL. Agent. . Curwenvi!le, p
Clearfield. Pa. (July lX'7o
The undersigned have opened a Meat .Market
in th room formerly occupied bv Aler Irvin.o.
Market Street. Clearfield, Pa .adjoiuing Mosip'
where they intend to keep a full supply ot
All Kinds of Meat,
Fruit and Vegetables,
ind at pices to suit the times. Their shop will
be open regularly, on Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, ami meat delivered at any point. A
share of public patronage is respectfullv solicited
Aug. 31, 70 tf. E. W. BKOWX.
Also conttnne to' deal in all kinds of unprev
ed Agricultural Implements.
I Would respectfully announce to citizens of
Clearfield and ricinity.tbat 1 have removed to the
new Mansomc building, first door below the Man
sion House, on Second street, with an entire new
stock of
aud Jewelry,-
ol the latest styles and of the best finish, se'eeted
with care. I will have an assortment of all the
latest novelties in jewelry, Ae Thankful for jour
past liberal patronage I hope by strict attention
to burinera to merit a cont;nuan:e of the n.e
March 1.1870-tf. S. I. SNYDER.
Stone and Earthenware, of every description.
Fishers' Patent Airtight Self-sealing Fruit Cans.
a good many other things too numer
ous to mention, at the
Corner of Cherry and Third Streets,
Aog. 3. '70-tf.
Hartswick & Irwin's
nearly opposite the Store of Weaver A lletts,
Where they will conlinne to supply Iheirold anl
as many new cuMnmers ss may cotcc. with
and Pharmaceutical IVt-partitioiis, in
cluding all new remedies,
Al.-o, a full line of
All of the best quality.
for Medicinal and Sacramantal purposes ONL1.
COLORS, of all kind.
Raw and Boiled LINKED OIL.
Ground and Unground SPICES, Ac, Ac
Will find our stock of CHEWING and SMOKISti
TOBACCO, Imported and Domestic, CIGARS
SNUFF and FINE CUT, to be of the very
best brand in the market.
Lamps and Lamp Chimney, Garden Seeds, -Musical
Instruments, Violin Strings, Ac.
Having a long experience in. the busineM.au
an exteniive'and well selected stock of Medici"-
we are enabled to fill Physioian' Prescri tis
at the shortest notice and on th mot reason-""
term, day oi igt. MJ 31, 71-