t)c Wiafeman' goutwt, t eaxfid b, ct., at) 24, 1871. fi i. I' i i 5 a! gov tht gnxmtx. Pumpkins Among Corn. The Farmers' Clab of Sew Yoak is somewhat exercised on this subject, and rather inclines, in one of its members, J. B. Lyman, to look upon pumpkins among corn in a favorable light. The member has "heard a great many old farmers fay that pumpkins do not 6et a corn crop back at all." We bare seen fields where part of the corn was planted without the pumpkins (for want of seed.) and that part had the best corn. It may be, in a drouth, that the broad leaves, by shading the ground, may be a benefit. We have good crops under such circumsfances of both corn and pumpkins; but the best have always been where the crop was one of corn only. And it stands in reason. Hero is the whole grorth given to tfctj one crop, that it very sensitive on this point, as it wants all to itself. For this reason we keep out all foreign growths: and the more we do this, and cultivate, stir well the soil, the better the crop. This must be obvious to every ooe and has long since become patent. Whore pumpkins are sparingly planted of Course there is less effect ; the corn does better, the pumpkins probably also. Better raise turnips, which, planted late, will not interfere, or but little, with the corn, for by the time the crcp begins to tell, the season for thjeorn will be so far advanced that but the ripening or oia'uring are to do, and this will not be seriously interfered with. It h with our "old farmers" iu this respect as in manj other things ; they are not close observers ; and bias has a hold upon their judgment ; hence they are opposed to all improvements at first, and only adopt them from necessity. Testing is the only true way to decide. We have been long since convinced, however, that pumpkins among corn are au obstruction, a hiuderance to the growth, and that they delay ripening. Less and less pumpkins are raised every year ; why? Not because they are a benegt among corn, but a hinuerance a binderance to cultivation as well as otherwise. Green Spinach. At the head of that class of pot-herbs commonly called "greens" stands spinach, admitted to be the most del icate in texture and acceptable in flavor. Many like their greens boiled with meat a treatment that rr-iy be well enough for tur nip tops, cabbage sprouts, a4 the like tarse herbs, but to drench th delicate and refined spinach in greasy pot-liquor, is to my niiion out-an J sacrilege. Often, with the Uz of intentions, the cook will send spi.iucii to the table of an olive or nearly broin color, instead of the dark, pleasing green, which wakes it as welcome to the eye as it is to tfee palate. This wact of proper color is because the cook does not know one simple dodge. Always boil spi nach in an uncovered pot. When the spi nach is done, drain on a colander, chop fine, 'warm it an with a good lump of butfr.and when w.ii Leated through, serve. Amen ean Arrixtllural. Cor N TV IMRiX'TOKV. TIME OP HOLnrTi nornr 2.1 .Monday in January, t Sd Monday in June. 5 w. 4h 4th " in May, in Nov. 2 w. COUNTY AND DISTKCT OFFICERS. Pres't.fudge Hon Cbua. A .Mayer. .Lock Harea. As'te. Judges lion. Samuel Clyde. Clearfield. Hon. Jacob Willhelm. Grahainton Sheriff. . . . Justin J. Pie, . . . Clearfield Prothonotary, Aaron C. Tate, . . ' Reg. A Rc. . Asbury W. Lee, . " District Att'y, A. W. 'Walters. " Treasurer. . . Lever Flegal,. . . Co. Surveyor, S. F McCloskey, . Curwensville Coinmiss'n'rs, David Duck. . . Clearfield. Samuel ShaffneT, . Clearfield. Samuel II. litndinan, Glen Hope. Auditors. . . Clark Brown, . . . Clearfield. Price A. Kowles, . N.Millport. John L. Miller, . . Kurd. Coroner. . . . James A. Moore, . . Clearfield Co.Superind't Geo W. Snyder, . . LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Te'eiuhtys. Nam'v of P.O. N amr.i of P .M . Beccaria. - - Glen Hope, - - Homer 1-uBree, ... I'tahvilie, - - . S. McFarland. '" - - Hegarty'f V, Honis Samuel llegarty Bell, - - - Bower, - - S A.ltorahaugb " .... Csest, .... Thos A. M'liliee " ' - - - Cush. - - -J.W Campbell. .... Ostend. .... H. L. Henderson Bloom. - - Forrest. .... Algernon Holden Boggs, - - - Clearfield Bridge, - Jas Forrest. . .... Wallacet.m, - - John E Moore Bradford, - Woodland, ... ',a. Albert. ' Win'gGrove, - Ed. Williams Brady, ... Luthersburg, - L. B. Carlile - - - Tnmtville, - - Mrs. C. Weaver " - - Jefferson Line, - . Jhn Heberlin. Burnside, - NewWashington) - Sain'l JJcCuno Burnside. - Matlhew Irwin. " - Patehinrille, . Jack Patch in. " - - - East Rtdge, - - W. Sunimerrille Chest.- - - - Hurd. .... I.rtwis.1. Hurd - - - MeGarvey. - - - V. m McGarrey - - - Westover, - - - S A. Farber. Clearfield. - Clearfield. ... p. A. Gnulin Covington. - Frenchvil'o, - Claud Earmoy ... Kartbaus, - - - John Reitcr Cnrwensville Cnrwensville, - - Charles ll.et Decatur, - I'hilipsburg. CetitTe county. Pa. ' - - West Decatur, - - Lever Smeal, Fergu'-'ti. - M irron. - - - John P Straw. Girard, ... Leconte's Mills. - Augu's Leconte, Bald Hills. - - Alex. Irwin. Goshen, - - SbawsvilU. - - H.H.Morrow. Grabai-!, - - Grahamt-Ti," - - Thos. H. Forcey Gueltch, Smith's Mills, - Jrs. G. Oanoe. " - - - - Allemana' ... Henry Alleinan. Huston, - - Tyler. .... Miss R J. Tyler. " - - - Pennfiel i. - FraoK Tlownsn. Jordan, - - Ansonvi'le, - - H.Swar. Karthaus. -Saltlick. - - Geo. Heckadern. Knoi. - - - New Millport, - H J. Sloppy. Morris, - - - Kylertown, - - Ed C. Brenner. " - - - Morrisdale. - - John Odcll Osceola. . . (Kty Mills.- - T. F Boalich. Penn, - - - Lumber City.t - II W. Spencer. .... Grampian Hills. Jona. Wall Pike. .... Cnrwerrille. - Chas. Hot,!. Tnion. - - - Kockton. - - . P. E. Brubaker. WoodwaH. Jeffries. - . . James Lockett. - - - - Manera. - - - - J . G Derby 4 This Post Office w-II do for Chest township. t Will answer for Ferguson township. STATE V. STATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Gorernnr. - - - John W. Geary, Cumberland, Pec'yofCom. - Frank Jordan. - Bedford, Dep. Secretary. J. M. 'SV.akley. -Auditor Gen - John F Uartraaft, Montgomery, burveyrr Hen.. J. M. Oampbell, - Cambria, aj .fJ.en ' C Bro". " Philadel.hia. Adj. -int Gen. . n. B M'Crea t. - Erie. Plate irrasurer. r.Wt W Mackey, . Pittsburg, fup V" ;,b,rl Lancastar, Ivpnty Sjp't. - C A. Cob.IB. . . iJr,dford ' State L.branan. en Forney. . . D.npbin; 6craE.r Corr.T -Ch.ef Jo,,. Tb awn. Associates. Henry W. Wiiuama j00 m h '1, Daniel Agrrew. George Sharswood Sesi ions, Philadelpiha, 1st Monday of Janaarv liar risburg 4th Monday of April Sunbury. li" Mon day of October Pi .wburg. 3d Mono ay ef October OFFICERS 07 THE UNITED STATES. President. - - - t lvsses S. Grant - Illinois, lie President, rhayler Colfax, Indiana. ec. of Stat. - Hamilton Fisb. - New York. I 8 B""''". Mafcaehusetts Pes of W ar, - W;u. W. Belknap. Iowa. N. of avy. - Gea. M. Robeson, New Jersey, Rc- of Into- ,r '-,D.rM. .-Ohio. ' P M. Gen. - - J. A J. Crcswell, Maryland. O no. Associate Justices Nathan Clifford, of -...u.. oauiuei eison. o- ew York. David Da v,s. of llinois Noah H ,way.. 0 OhTS.m. It I MS! ,IoV-6-P J Field, of Cal. Salary of Chief Justiee ?5P0,of AswiatcS.- gMALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES. HARTSWICK IRWIN are constantly replenishing their stock of Drags, Medicine. Ac School Docks and Stationery, including the Osgood and National series of readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of tbe best quality, and at the lowest prices. Call and sea. Clearfield. Nor 10, 1369 FARM FOR SALE! Containing 2 acres, in a good state of cultiva tion, situate in Pike township, about 60 rods from Logans' Grist Mill, on the Turnpike leading from Clearfield to Curweatsville. Tktre is a story and a half bowse, a stable and other outbuildings erected thereon. There is also a spring of good water and a young orchard on the premises. Any person desiring a good small FARM and HOME, will find this a very desirable location. For further particulars inquire of RACI1AEL CALDWELL, on the premises, or address T. W. FLEMING, March 29 tf Curwensrille, Pa. SACKETT & SCIIRYVER, BUILDING HARDWARE, and Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER and SHEET WON IT ARE (nearly opposite the jiil), MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Carpenters and Builders will do well to izim iue our stock before pure eing elsewhere. STOVES. We sell the TIMES COOK STOVE, the cheap est and best in tbe market. AUo, Heating. Parlor and Rafting Stoves, which will be sold as cheap as any in toe county. Special attention paid to ordering goods for parties who desire it. ROOFING, SPOVTIXG and JOB WORK done on reasonable terms. April 12. 1871. NEW STORE. Corner of Seeond St. and Hill Road. R. MITCHELL bias just received and opened, at the above earn ed place, an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Geeds, which he will sell very eheap for cash. His itek eonsists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queansware. Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, ete. He also keeps choice Flow, Cern Meal, Chop Teed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desirous of purchasirg goads at fai. rates are respectfully requested to give bin a call. Approved ewuntry produce will be takes, at if the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield. June 17, 1SCS. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to ih citizen of Clearfield county, that he has opened an INSURANCE OFFICE, in Clearfield, Fa., where all may arail ibtnnlro of First Class Lifo :md Fire Insurance. The following Compa nies are represented : HOME, New Yotk, NORTH AMERlCi, PMJt?rhi, FRANKLIN. Fhilai. vAia. ENTER PR IS E, Ph :d,pk,, HANOVER, Nna Yarl, NOR TH A MEP ICA N, N,f Tori, REPUBLIC, Ntw Yori, SECURITY, Nev Yuri, WYOMING, Wilktbarr,. Pa , WILLIAMSPOR T FIRE, VUl,am,r.rt, Pa., LANCASTER FIRE, La,ica,Ur, Pa , ALPS FIRE, Erie, Pa., LYCOMlNf! MUTUAL. Mry. Pa , GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE, Nrm Yori. I would warn all to beware of Trareling Agents representing Fire and Life Insuranoe Companies, as you may easily be deceived. and if you do have a loss, will be unable to 6r.1 the Agent who in sured you. or the Company jou are insured in. WM. TUCKER. Esq., is connected with me in the busings, and any business entrusted to him will bo promptly attandej to. Office opposite the Joi-ral Office, over Harts w ick A Irwin's Drug Store AP "l-y 1 JOHN U. FULFORD, Astul. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY! A Male and Female High School. Each Diparthht Distixct asd Couplets i Itsklp. The T3rth Sessiou of the present Scholastie year, of this Institution, commences on Monday, the 1st day or May, 1871 Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of tbo sestion. The coarse of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accomplish ed education of both sexes TERMS OF TUITION: Orthography. Reading. Penmanship, Primary Arithmetic, Primary Geography and Pencil Drawing, per session, (1 1 weeks), 85 00 Grammar. Local and Descriptive Geography, Map Drawing. History, Mental and Written Arith metic, and Pencil Drawing, f J 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying Natural and Moral Philosophy, Ge ology. PhysioT.gy. Chemistry, Rhetoric, Physi cal Geography, Book keeping. Botany, and Pen cil Drawing, 9 00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the above -""'i U 00 Pearl or Oriental Painting, 2i lessons, 12 00 Monochromatic Painting, 24 lessons, 10 00 Crayon Drawing, 24 lessons 11 00 Fancy Hair Work, 24 lessons, 1 2 09 Tapestry, 8 Instrumental Musio. 30 lessons, 10 00 re" No deduction will be made for absence. r5" Stodet- from a distance can be accom modated with boa,di;Mi-w rates. MT Any one, not a member ot the School, can receive private instruction, in ny ,f th. oru. mental branches. For lcrther particulars inquire of, or address, Rv. P. L. HARRISOV a. k Ar2VISTl. Prinelpal. TOR SALE. A Double Turbine Water Wheel, manufactured by James Laffell A Co.. at Springfield, Ohio, is new and will be sold at less than cost. For farther particulars in quire of the undersigned at Clearfield. March 1, '7l.-tf. A.S. GOODRICH. rrO THE LADIES. A circular for mar ried orsingle ladies, containing desiralile information upon matters never belore made pub licjnailed free. Those who wish to give it a care fell perusal may address. Mrs ELIZABETH A. KING, Williamsbuigb, New York. March 1, '71-3m. TNSURE YOUR PROPERTY". The undersigned are prepared 10 take any reasonable fire risks, in good ind reliable ccm panies, sach as the "Farmers Mutual," of York. Pa , "Andes." of Cincinnati. Ohio. Germania," of New York, and others Rates reasonable, and in ease of loss money paid up promptly April 12, 71 IRVIN A KREBS. WASTED, AGENTS. A few first class " men to act as agents for Wheeler and Wilaon'sSewing Machines. We will pay a sala ry or ,'iberal commissions. Horse, wagon and outfit furnished Apply to WM. SUMNER A CO . 140 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., or 91 Franklin Street. Johns town, Pa. Mar. 8, '70 -3m. WOOL WANTED. 10.000 pounds of ' Wool wanted, for which the hijrhest market price will be paid. Wool carding will be done throughout tbe season at moderate prices We also have on hand a large stock of woolea goods, enough te supply all our old customers, and as many new ones as will give us a call JAMES JOHNSTON A SON, April 26. 71-mp. Pells' Run. Penn p. rOR SALK HOUSE AND LOT, in Morri- diile. Morris township. The house is 32 by 24 feet, two-story, has eight rooms, good cellar, and having all facilities for a good hotel, having been a licensed bouse for several years. With the hou.-e there is half an acre of good fer tile ground, with stable and o'her outbuildings thereon. Terms to suit the purchaser. Apply to A.W.WALTERS, Aa. 1271. Clearfield, Pa. E W W AS H I N G T ACADEMY! O N G. W. INNES. A. M., . The Erst session of this instilnticn will com mence on Monday, the 15th day of May next, term 5 months. Pupils can enter at any time, and will be charg ed tuition from tbe time they enter until the oiose of the session. The course of instruction will embrace all branches included in thorough praatical edu cation for both sexes. Vocal music taught when dssireel Good boarding ean be bad at puwlre or private houses at THREE DOLLARS PER WEEK. Parents can be assured that the ability and en ergies of the Principal will be devoted to the mental and moral training of those placed under his charge. ' Terms of tuition will be moderate, and can be ascertained by addressing Du. J. Im.hbs. at New Washington, or the Principal, G. W. I ,, at Apollo. Armstrong courty. Pa., but who will be at New Washington atter April 1st. Mar 2!."?l. Q LOTJI IN G I CLOTHING!! GOOD A I'D CHEAP!!! Men, Youths and Boys can betuplpied with fnl suits of seasonable aod (aabionable clothing a I. L. l.EIZEXSTEIN'S, where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. Tbe universal satisfaction which bss been given, has induced him te increase his s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, Pells soeds at a very small preGt, for cash; His goods are well made and fashionable. He gives every one the worth of his money. He treats his customers all alike. He sells cheaper than every body elm. His store is conveniently situated. He having purchased his slock rl reduce! prices he can sell cheaper tl an otbers. For these and other reasons persons should buy tbeir olothinr at t. 1. RBrZBNSTErN'S. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18, Ib64. ..;y ' EW SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW & SOX. Have just returned frem the east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods ia the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they new offer to the public at the lowest cash prices. Their stock consists f a general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Qusensware, Hardware, Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps. Bocneta, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brenms, Nails, eto., iu fact, everything usually kept in a retail store ean be had by calling at tail stere, er will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and eensists ef ihe newest goods, is of the best quality, ef the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved country produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determined please all who may favor us with their custom. MayS, ISR7. J. SHAW A SON. gELLIN'ij OFF at COST for CASH ! THE LARGEST STOCK OP F U R X I TUBE EVER OFFERED IN CLEARFIELD ! AT THE STEAM CABINET SHOP, CORNER MARKET AND FIFTH STREETS, CLEARFIELD, PA. The undersigned would announce to the public that he has on band and is now offering, cheap tor cash, the largest stock of furniture ever in store in this county, consisting of UPHOLSTERED PARLOR SIIT3, CHAMBER SETTS, EXTENSION TABLES, SECRETARIES. BOOK CASES, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS AND MATTRESSES. LOUNGES, BENCH E3. PLAIN A MARBLE TOP TABLES A BUREAUS, WASHSTaSDS, cane seat and common chairs, rocking chairs, looking glasses, window shades, picture frames, c!ds and tassels. c. He also manufactures and keeps on hand Pat ent Spring Beds, the best ever invented. No fam ily should be without them. Any kind of goods not on Land can be had on short notice. Up hoi stering and repairing neatly executed. COFFINS, of all sixes, can be had on half-hours' notice, and at the lowest prices A deduction of 20 percent, made for cash. METALLIC CASES, or Rosewood, Walnut and Cherry Coffins, with glass or wood tops, furnish ed on fire hours' notice. Personal attendance with hearse, on funeral oc casions, and carriages furnished when desired. Thanking the public for past favors,' and by strict personal attention to business, I hope to reeivr a continuance of the same. Uemeraber he place tbe Steam Cabinet Shop, corner of Market and Fifth ekreets. Mar. :2,'7t-ly. PAMEL BESXER. pISHlNG TACKLE. Such as RODS, LIXES, REELS, HOOKS, SNOODS, BASKETS, 4-e., at H. F. BIGLER A CO S. FOR SALE, White Lead, Zinc Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine Tarnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and dry, Paint and Varnish brushes. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Clearfield.Pa -M .'. JAS. T. BRADY & CO., (Sucets.iors S. Jon ir Co.,) CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, PITTS B URGH, PA.. BANKERS, SCT AKD SELL ALL !! or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver and Coupons. Sit per eent. interest allowed ea deposits) sub ject to chock. Money loaned n Government Bonds. Bonds registered free of charge. July 1, laro-ly. JAMES T. BRADY CO. 1 871. 1871 1 SPRING GOODS! A TnE FIRST OF THE SEASON ! THE CHEAPEST IN THIS MARKET! BUY! BUY!! BUY!!! " or KRATZER & LYTLE, Tour Dry loods. Tour Grocerijs, Your Hardware, Your Queensware, Your Notions. Your Boots A Shoes, Your Leather, Your Shoe Findings, Your Fiour an J Fish, Your Bacon and Fwd, Your Stoves, Your Carpet Chains, Your Hats and Caps, Your Wall Papers, Yeur Oilc'oths. Your Carpets, Year Window Curtains. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! at wholesale to country merchants. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, Ac, A liberal discount to builders. Everything that you need ean be bad at great advantage to the buyer, at KRATZER A LYTLK'S, Market Street, Mar 22.'71. Clearfield. Pa , op. the Jail. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., Successors to BoyiUmn dj- Youngt Cor. Fourth and Fine Streets, CLEARFIELD, TA., siifriirciitt or STEAM ENGINES, Mulay and Circular Sa Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, shafting. Pulleys, bolts, and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stoves, Sled Shoes, Plows, ad eastings ef all kinds, DEALERS IN Gi lards' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whictfs Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Coeks, Glebe Yalves, Cheek Valves, Wrought Iran Pipe, Steam Pumps, Bailer Feed-Pcmps. Anti-frietioa Metals, Soap Stene Packing, Gum Packing, as., as , December 14. ISTO-tf. MO SHANNON Land and Lumber Co., MANUFACTURE LUMBER, LATH, PICKETS, AND SHINGLES. II. II. SI1ILLINGFORD, President, Ofir Forest Plar, 125 S. 4iA St., Phil' a. JNO. LAWSIIE, Gcn'l Sup't, Otola Mill, CltariiM County, Pa. Moshannoa Land and LumbT Co., Offer Inducements to Purchasers of CHOICE GOODS, AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA. 3Ioshannon Land and Lumber Co., Offer LOTS in the Borough of Osceola and vicinity for'sale. Terms easy. Apply at the Office of the Co. JOHN LAW3IIE, Oen'l Sup't. January 1S.I8TI. LEONARD HOUSE, Opposite tbe Railroad Depot, CLEARFIELD, PENNA , Feb. 8. Tl. D. JOHNSON A SOX. Props. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Cnrwensville, Pa. The undersigned having taken charge of this well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ot patronage. The house basbecn refitted and re furnished, and now compares favorably with any other house in the county. The best of everything Ihe market affords will be served up to guests. Chaiges mo-lerate. ELI BLOOM, Sept, 23. 1870-tf. Proprietor. rp H J . "S II A W HOUS E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. GEORGK K. COLBUKN, :::::: PaopuraToa This house was lately completed and justopen I to tbe publio is newly furnished, and provided ith al 1 the modern improvements of a first-class hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the business part or toe town, ana near to tna public Dun cl ings. A share of patronage ia respectfully solic ited. Charges moderate. The best of Liquors ia the bar. March 30,'70-tf. pXCUANGE HOTEL, -LJ Reynoldsville, Penjja. John 8. Badebach having purchased the lease of Mr. Wm. Vandeivert, in the exchange hotel, Keynoldsville. and having removed to said hotel, would inform his friends and tbe traveling pub lio generally, that tie is now prepared to accom modate them in a more satisfactory manner the Exchange being a mock- better house than the ewe lormermy occupied hy him. His table will always be Rupplied with the very bt the market affords. By strict attention to business he hopes to receive a share ef patronage, A hack will be kept at tbe Exchange to convey passengers to any point they wish to go. Mar. 8. 71-nov. 9, 70. QTEAM ENGINES I OR SALE. One 50 and one 25-horse powr Engines, war ranted first-class, of superior finish ami workman ship, for sale by BIGLbR. YOUNG A CO , April 12,71. Clearfield, Pa. ftLEARFIELD NURSERY. Encocr- ace Home Industry. The undersign ed having estabPsbed a Nursery, on tbe Pike halfway between Curwensville and Claarfiel Boroughs, is prepared to furnieh all kind sofFrui trees, (Standard and dwarf,) Evergreen . Shrub bcry, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black berry. Strawberry and Kaspheiry vines. Als Sibriant'rab trees. Quince and early ScarlctRbeu barb, Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug .1,1864. J. D. WRIGHT, Curwensville EW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Strctt, nearly opposite tbo residence of II. B. fiwoope. Esq., Clear.- . bld. Pa., Would respectfuMy announce to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately eocupied by J. L. Cutile.as a law office. and that he is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the manufacture ot sewed woik. Frnoh Kip and Calf Skins, of th best quality, always on hand. Give him a call. Jat.e 24. 6 1. rpiIE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. This Liniment having been used, for some years pascas a fami'y medicine by the pro prietor, and its good effects coming to the notice of his neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con sented to manufacture itfor the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It ia the best remedy for Catarrh and Billions Cholio. ever ofTered t the public; and will cure many other diseases iu tbe human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price. SI per bottle, or Bix bottles for b. Sent to any address by enclos ing the price to WM. H. WAGONE'R. Hurd Post office, Oct.o.tS69. Clearfield county, Ta. JJ O M E INDUSTRY! BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention Of tti citizens of Clearfiel i and vicinity- to give him a call at his shnj on Market St., nearly opposi te llartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair any thi jg in his line. Orders entrusted to bim will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra frenrb calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will finish Up at thelowest figures. Junel3th,lS6. DA.N'IEL CONNELLY PORTER SHAW, D. D. S. OJfic tu MASONIC BUILDING, CLSARFisLn, Pa. Puttingof theNAlURALTEETH in a healthy preservative and useful condition, is made a specialty. Diseases and mal formations common to tbe mouth, jaw and associate parts are treated and corrected with fair success. Examinations and consultations FREE Prices for partial and full sots of Teeth much uweb than in 1870. It would be well for patrents from a distance to let me know, by mail, a few days before coming to tbe office. It is very important that children between the ages of six and twelve yean should have their teeth EXAHiKcn. By Anaesthesia teeth are extracted without pain. February 15, 1871-tf. DENTAL OAR D. 17 DR. A. M. HILLS, Would say to bis patients and the public gener ally that, having dissolved partnership with Dr. Sbaw.be is now doing the entire work of bis office himself, so that patients need not fear bein; put under the hands of any other operator. Having obtained reduction of tbe patent oi the plate material. I am enabled to put up teeth much cheaper than formerly. I also have Dr. Stock's patent process for working Rubber plates, which makes a much lighter, more elastic and stronger plate for the same amount of matorial. and polishes tbe plate nn both aides, rendering it much more easily keptclean Special attention paid to the presenation of the natural teeth, and al! work guaranteed en tirely satisfactory to patients. Office at tbe old stand opposite the Sbaw HouFe. Office hours from 8 to 12, a. m.. and 1 to 5, p. m. Patients from a distance should notify me a few days beforehand of their intention to come. Always at home unless other notice appears in both the county papers Feb. I i, '71 -It. SOMETHING NEW IN ANSON T1LI.K, Cleariield county, Penn'a. The undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and oom mod ions store room, is now engaged in tilling it up with a new and elect assortmentof Fall and Winter goods, which be offers to the publio at prices to suit the times II is stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered te customers at from $10 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, and tiro eeries, of every kind, a complete assoitment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes, Hats an Caps in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very eheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard.and other goods in proportion. Now is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will not, be refused for any article in store. Examine my stock be fore yon buy elsewhere. October 30.1887. H.SWAN. MISS H. S. SWAN'S, School for Git It, Clearfield.Pa. The Spring Term of Fourteen week will com mence on Monday, April 10th, 1871. TERMS Or TCITIOS. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 wweks), 97 6i History, Local and Descriptive Geography ,-; with Map Drawing, Grammar, Meatal and Written Arithmetie, 9 80 Botany, Geology, Physiology, Natural Phi losophy, Physical Geography, Algebra, Rbetorio. Etymology and Latin, 12 00 Oil Painting. 24 lessons), 12 00 Monochromatic Drawing, 10 AO Crayon, - 6 09 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Music. (3 lessons). 10 00 Wax Flowers and Fruits, wi h materials, at teacher's charges. For full particulau send for Circular. Clearfield, August 17, 1 870-1 y. D RTGOOTS the cheapest in the county, a May a, i7. Ji'tiJt' s. E N S YOUTHS' AND BOYS', CLOTHING. The undersigned having recently added READY-MADE CLOTHING to his former business, would respectfully solictt an examination oi his stock. Being a practical Tailor be flatters himself that he is able to offer a better elan of ready-made work . than has heretofore been brought to this mar ket. Any one wishing to buy goods in this line would save money by calling at his stare, and making their selections. Also, full supply of Genu'furnishing goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for past favors, he would re spectfully solioit a eontinuance of the same. April 23, 1889. H. BRIDGE. Job Office. On -and FIRST CLASS COMMERCIAL NOTE, PACKET NCTK, LETTER, FLAT CAP, AND CHECK FOLIO PAPERS. BILL hF AD, MONTHLY STATEMENT, ASD STATEMENT PAPERS. CRYSTAL, ENAMELED, AND BRISTOL BOARD VISITING CARDS. BRISTOL BOARD, CH&NA no COMKOU BUSINESS CARDS, OF VARIOUS SHADES AND COLORS. AN ASSORTMENT OF COLORED PAPER. FOR DRUGGIST'S LABELS, AND HANDBILLS. PRINTED TO ORDER, on shbrt notice, AND AT CITY PRICES. tftS AND sio Hats and Caps. THE PLACE TO GET HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS A-XD SHOES, IS AT Fullerton's Xew Store, CNK DOOR NOltTn OF The New Masonic Building, CLEARFIELD, PA. Th largest stock of goods in this line ever brought into the county, is now open for tbe inspection or the public, and will be sold at the Very Lowest Cash Price.-?. Also, a splendid assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, consisting of SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKTIB3, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, UNDERrTKAR, Ete. A large steak of CARPETS k OIL CLOTHS, which will be disposed of at astonishingly low prices. 'A share oi patronage is respectfully solicited . DON'T FAIL TO CALL. D. R. FULLERTON, Secosd Ft , Below- Mabket, Clubi-iexd, Pa. April 5, 1871. M Q CEENoWARE Tea sets test stone-ware, 4 pieces, at S JO al MOjSOP . , NEW FIRM! The firm of C. Eratser in the Dry Goods Provision business will be known hereafter a acd fide KRATZER k LYTLE. Thanking the public for pat favors thev tor. t a continuance of tbe same 1 f Clearfield. Feb. 8, 1871. fo IMPORTED LIQUORS seen as ' BRANDIES and HOLLAND GINS PURE OLD GRArE BRANDIE PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES, All the above brands warranted pure and to' excel anything in this market for medicinal ir Pc GEO. N. COLBL K X March 30,'70-tf l Prop r of Shwjw. WEST BRANCH RESTAURANT AND Ladies' Oyster Saloon, OM SECOHD ST.. BELOW SIARKIT, CLEARFIELD, PA. Constantly kept tn hand a selected of Candies, Nuts, Cigars. Tobacco. Xe. Alsofreih Oysters received daily, and for sale by the doiea or hundred. J. M. MACOMBER Oct 1 2.'70. Proprietcr. STUMPS! STUMPS!! The nnlersigned have purchased tht ri-ht of Clearfield county for Enoch Farnswonh's stump i-xtractor. patented June 7th. ls.0. This is decidedly the most convenient, most durable, and best machine of the day. Wet weatLer wil. not effect it. tbe working part being all uf iroiii The machine is easily Tel up. and will work a&r place that can be plowed. Ve will sell machiLej at a small profit on e.t. and will try to make it to the advantage of farmers to buy thtirj. W8 Soliuil orders from thoo wanting machines II. T. FARNSWOKTII, Cl-arfieM Pa . J B. GARRISO.N", GEO. H. HALL, Agent. Curasn.ville, V Clearfield, Pa. July u'.'To NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned hare opened a Meat Market in tbe room formerly occupied by Alex frrio.oa Market Street. Clearfield. Pa .adjoining Mu.op'i, where they intend to keep a full suprly of ' All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit the times. Their shop will be open regularly, on Tuesday. TbursJ-y and Saturday, and meat delivered at any pofrt A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited At. G ll'lloffN, Aug. 3170 tL E. W BKUVV.V Also continue to deal In all kinds of improv ed Agricsltnral Implemonts. WATCHES AND JEWELRY I would respectfully announce to cit::ena of Clearfield and vicinity, that i ' ave removed tths new M anionic building, first door below the Man sion lloue, on Second sueet, with an ontire new stock of - WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Jewelry, of the latest styles and of the best finish, lelectti with care. I will have an assortment of all it" latest Lovelties in jewelry, Ac Thankful for vour past liberal patronage I hope by strict attentija to bu-ine-8 to merit a contnifnee of theu,s rwHAlK JEW ELRY MA TO OKDEK. March l.lS70-tf. S. L SSVMX. rpiIK NEW FAMILY SEW I. NT, MA A CHINK. bowery IlXlII vl j B"wk;:y The extraordinary s ucce of their new atid improved manufacturing M.ichine tor light or heavy work, has induced the t Mi' IKK SKW IN MACtHSE CO to manufacture a r.ear Family Ma chine of tlie same style and cunitruction. with additional ornamentation. mriWin- it e-j-.i-il in beauty ami finish with other 1'auniy M.icnii.o , whereas in usefulness it fir outstrip" al' com; tf itors. The price of tbi now acknowledged inc essary article comes within reach of every cla--3. and the Company is prepared to j-ffer the m t liberal inducements to buyers. dealers aud azkn'j Kvery Machine warranted. Apply for eir-ul-t and samples to KMPIKE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. No. 294 Bowery, New Yoik. March I, '71.-3m. CHOCKS! POTS! CHOCKS! Stone and Earthenware of every description Fishers' Patent Airtight ?elf-fealing Fruit Cat. BUTTER CHOCKS WITH LIDS. PK'Kl.K and APPLE B UTTER CROCKS CREAM AND MILK VROCKS.STEW POTS, FLO WER PO TS. PIE DISHES.tci a good many other thing? too numer ous to mention, at Th STONE-WA R E PO TTICR Y OF F. L E ITZ I r J- K, Corner of Cherry and Third Streati, CLEARFIELD, PA, Aug 3. '70-tf. M'P HER SON'S (formerly M'Gan(;hy's.' Restaurant and Ice Creinn ;Vi"0!i, IN LEATY'3 NEW BVILMVi. Second St., Clearlieltl. I'a. Constantly kept on hand a fine sa:octicn f Candies. Cigars. Tobacco. Nuts. Also Fresh Oysters, received dailr. serve i up in any style, to iuit tbu taste of customers. A full stock of goods jut receive! f om ti e Ls;t. SvtY" HilUtrd Saloon in S'onl St,y. lec. 14-'70 VT K MTHFIt'N MARBLE and STONE YARD. Mrs. S. S. Liddicll, Ilaring engaged in the Marble businc". ! -es to inform her f riecds, and the put. lie. that :.r iia now ar d will keep cons' an t!y on hand a it- ' ' well selected stock of ITALIAN AM' I i-KM-'.N I MAKBLE, and is prepared tofurn -li t- r !-r TOMBSTONES. BOX AI VUAl'LE TOMBS, MONU:. '".V TS, CUR US and POSTS forCF.MRTF.1: i L" rs- WINDOW SILLS AND CAT ALSO, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STASi) TOPS, tc. Yard on Peed rtreet, near the f fot.Cl.A'EfM. Pa. jMay-t.l:-" TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Sfora of R, II. SUA w, Two doors east of the Postoffice. Clearflsla Pa. Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Navy, Congress. CavendUh, Cable, Spanroll, Michigan and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, Also, a large and well selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe fixtures, Tobacce Boaes Cigar Holders, and everything eoerr frond in a we 1 regulated Cigar and Tobacco store. ty Remember the place: Two doors east of the PoetosSce, Clearfield, Pa. u Aug. it, o