Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 10, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. 17.-KO. 30.
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Select gflctnu
Where bsve yon ben, thii long, bright day?"
I said lut eight to a tired child;
'I've been to the woods to see if May
I coming.'' she said, and gravely tmiled-
' Khi what did too find, sweet searcher what?
How did the wood? regard yoor quest ?"
'I found one blue forget me-not,
Ac J a robin thinking about his test;
And spiii.g'ng grasses and cloer shoots.
Ac i a bluebird sir.ging overhead ;
Violets under some gnarled old roots.
And noddicg columbines white aod red
Sitt sHr-fliwers. too. by a tfcady ro-i
Such wee. w hite things and I Lathed my feet
In a dancing rivulet, clear and ceo,
Ati I withered ferns and raoescweet ;
O, and so rci-j tbiag be.'i.Ies!
Lut now I aid so tited. please good night !'
And 'be lays her hand in ruine and glides
(jenny, gracefully oat of sight.
Eut her last words bannt me, soft and low
O. and so many things besides !''
Ah sweet dreamer, yon little know
Ail the meaning that in there hides.
I'i '.h in an end as yet unseen.
!k.udless trust in a promised Good
Tti-e were the spoils that you brought yestreea
Richest uf ail, from that dim old wood !
r.ui'd. O robin, your downy nest!
Sir.g. O bluebird, and dance. O stream !
rpring all green thitgi. and own ber quest.!
J on. c. O May-time, find crown her dream '
"The many fail, the few fueceeV is an
nphorism so old. that its authorship, no
ooubt, had we the means at hand, could le
traijed to Esther Noah himself, his la-t
iitterar.ee to the wicked world as he shut
'he d?or i.f the ark, aud retired to safety
h id solitude.
Vet a gr-.-aier amount of success in life. I
think, might be generally attained, if in-j-tea
i of a! usin? circumstatjces. whi.-h we
fire all jvady to d , we were to endeavor to
fit in the aiiilc-s of character to the nooks
mid r-orners cf destiny.
No one is surprised when therjekles? and
dissipated come to a (Tisastrous termination
T their career, but many a one of honnia
lie instinct atid unsullied moralitv fails
short c f LXpecUtiou,
atid make- a di-nial j
c jnelusion
Tiiere mu-t i.-e fonie roann f .r this,
& iiiodest tiicry uf my on en thi v
and i
Ked ;
o-jrstioa en teon. j or tntinv a veir. tne !
rant tates. with-iut proportionate mean to
:acn tu-m.
brlnii as l-t
T'ossess-ir as ab.-Jjje want of
even wron d -.ing in its riJ --t
ai'if:(y, or
r"i-e. Ar-i
-i!s. arpa-
:.y p.a-m. f-. in epp
-i'i n to d'tty, wi'l
make shipwreck f-furc- h': v.jyaje is en
i. i tc2t!er how cilia
: ot
f pr-rt.
A friend of u.y ronth i-d-a l. II r-nter
1 the narrow c:r'-!e if ii;y irtimtes at
b iriinj-sch-X)!. more than thirty rears seo.
i.i J was the pride and g'j'"y of ou
!as. Kven then he ws a mot
tea.-li'.T, who fjund !:! c'-ver and gen-t'v'.a-.'Ike.
ani to the r.t of n. rough
.;iit;y lad-, he was in Iev a model t style.
IV. ' father wis nr.; a rich man ; inJ-.-d hi
i " rce : no larger than that of my own
I -.rvnt. but a this lat was the anxious
s-ner ot ten unruly children, he was in pro
j r:ion po rer than o!j Mr. (Vntend, whose
:i!y chii J was our aforesaid hero.
?o. when my c"3t was sha-by, it ws? still
;rn with noble indiff?rence to c-olr or size ;
J y bo t wer.- in a terrii.-l s'at - cf patch
i:.r :-ef t3 tie- 0'i were f jrthe'min!r.
i as to pvsVet mwr. my pocr father, j
a hard as hecouiJ.wa mway
1 snd with my monthly aliowiiM-e.
i .- re ons at him? and one delicat
ca-uhter ate up hi, s-iu'.l iu?orue i
f jl rarliity. I theref to grew up wi
hrtie i
ii .car- j
;h verv
:p;e weas as ta wnat wa nccessar.. ana
what Jr.er3 i -"us, and the sight of Paul !
Vnteni's toilette apparatu. which h? dis J
i syel before us sch-lb oys. a sh rt time j
J-.t'tvr his arrival, give tue r.o pang ot envy, j
t ;;; :;cti 1 could appreciate tue ciejar.ee or
r- arrangement. "Father wanted to t ive
i.n a common, trashv dressing cae," said
f e young f.-lloT. quite at "his eae in d;-
I '.ayir.g his treasure, "but I w.-iuldn't have j
'' I 6 n't like a thing any t-ctter lK-canse
it expensive, you know. boys, but I think
tVe Lt js alarays the cheapest, and I would j
do without, a hundred yesr. rather than t
start with r.r,e ot those nasty japanne 1 ihirgs !
the other fe lows Inve. the governor!
ioiVed up t'ti, though its my scdecrion en- i
ttrcy-rfect y j.laln and solid, with silver j
tops to everyth-ni I fca.., ghauts.
"Do yoa choose your own clothe, too?" !
said I, looking at the aimirab'.e material i
buj cui ui ilia ivii , our ;M,"r nt'st
veryinauigenttoyoutoiru.n tL. J and to seethe world, and eat, and fob
Oh ! my father is a re-alar Iri-k. and clothed decently is the prerogative of a gen
rever refuses me anything nw--iry f or a I tlerrao.5'
g?ntle-Ean ; and let me tell you," be v'.ied ; I sighed. "It is not the fate of all," I
w th knowing wink, "that there is not & ; ssii. "Some must struggle while others
f- "ow of my age in New York who knows i enioy. However, it is all right in the end.
r.OT to choose a coat better than I. I am
rt tracging," he said, laughing and eolor
a little, "but it's truth, every word I
-i r-at i:g lump oi a ooy, w;ij never :
his lessons, but had brains to be saucy
h?3 he liked, and who had not said a word
t..i this moment, gave a contemptuous
"If yi ar.d ycur father are such big
f-'-a's. ' he said with a grin, 'T winder you
Tf: c-irue to a country school at all with us
stLi"'. fry I wouldn't, I'd be hanged fir-t."
Io be hanged now, Wilson ; don't sand
tae.' ws r.al's reply. "It will be an .
immense relief to us all, and the professors,
too, no doubt."
Thus it was that Centend took the j cf
us boy, and in a few months led the class
like an old tell wether. With me alone,
h-jweyer, he was really on as intimate foot
ing. I was his chum, and had it not been
for tally education, which had given rry
mind a strong bias. I might have been led
into trouble by the association. In all bis
naoiu sna thoughts Lcntend was a gentle-
. 1 j . i - ' . ,
orderly, bnt his judgment on the subject of
texpen.se never underwent chance, arid bis
I decrees as to what every one should wear,
. buy, anI spend were fixed by his own ex
! perience, and immutable.
Many were the amicable discussions that
topk place between Paul and me, on this ble as it was "delightful. I could now pos-..-ultfu!
subject, and as he grew mere deci sess a home of my own, simple and plain
ded in his utterances, I became more stub- for this aloue my t-eaas permitted btit still
born, in my opinions, and oa this "moot J my own, where my sister and one other per
point" eternal warfare raged. j Eon, even dearer, should take thair places
I never shall forget one afternoon when i by the hearthstone, and rule by right of au
Centend caught me. with a pair of cheap j 'horitr aod affection.
white gloves that I had purchased at half
prieatthe country store. This extravagance
had emptied my purse and made my coun
tenance fall, but there was to be a wedding
i at'the Professor's house that evening, and
j we were all expected to appear in white
! gloves and cravats. It was iir'Jojible to
j stay away without giving offence, and I had
j therefore made this sacrifice to society, but
; not without a pang.
Paul took the gloves frorr1 me, turned
thm cooly over, and handed them back
with a contemptuous shrug.
'"Cheap and nasty, I see," said he.lsugh
i;ig. ''Toil never will learn wisdom, Jack,
and buy your thing lip-top."
"These are goodentrugh foroneevenins,"
said I quietly ; "white gloves don't last any
longer, and besides I caa't afford any Itet
ttr: the"? took all that was left of my al
lowance." "You should have written home for more
"'I wouldn't do that, whatever happened;
not if I f.aJ to wear mittens."
"Then you are a jackass;, I would rathc-r
beg, borrow, or steal a first-rate pair of kids
than go in those."
"I shall go in the-e. an 1 have a nice time
in spits of cheap gloves ; I am only a boy,
and nob.idy expects n to be elegant or Land
soun-ly gotten up here."
"I sl.a'.i always be dreel as a gentleman
sbo'iM. i' it take the l?.t stiver J. hae got
in the worth Kvery one notices dress, and
besjdos I hate mean clothes."
'"It is the meanest thin? in th-3 world to
!.:.vf; what vcu Cau'l affi.-";, or can:, j jv '
f--. . .. .., ' ;
"N "'rivpnse 1 the pn!?r j imil. tt i nn ani-
n a' that experts to be Heccd ; he likes it,
nn itaM h-.w I id'y lie '.ti;.1'
'"Well. ty fa.L-r ha no fleece to pare,
an 1 '.!.( n I leave sen ; f have g-t to work ;
hard snd f ul i'iy r.xtj way in the wr.rld.
I am p-.r g.-.itij to encumber, myself with a ;
load f f i lt L'-.nt tate?. C'tnm! clth. :
plain fare, will Le my 1 t for year-, perhaps ;
fir Ht. ai i it- is s srcl! to ub!tiit to circaui-
si.ir.-es iiii'il I c-m overemie tlieui."
Paul said no more. He was too kind- (
j hearted t'l dweli upon my uncertain pros- i
i pects, and felt really miK-h commiseration I
st seettie to bin abject poverty ; but
this conversation had the efil to conSrm j
us loth in our preconceived opinion. j
Three years paed away, and we separa- i
ted to en:er life on different pathways. j
With much difficulty my father obtsined
fur nie a place ia acity lawyer's ofSce. where ;
I studied, and received at the same trme a
small sa'ary for doitic ordinary trie? work.
If nsv elegant friend Paul had seen me iu
t5ie .afcy 0f clothes, and on the sornti-
J est of fare, working like a veritable boa-t of
burden, I d jnbt.whet'tifr a hearty scolding.
or a Lj-tit-r jhake of lb" LajJ would have i
ijj greeting.
As it was, not tiii liine '
lia l curried rue r.uiier ii:goer up on tt.e
;rr,.,.. i I'.rtnne' ladl -r did we meet
j . i , j wit5l a cor.
diality that revived th? affection of eariy i next V
years. He had been through college, and J "Well, Jack, the fact of it is, that a tour
was now on his way to Europe to fini-h his j "n Europe cuts into one's capital in the wo
studies, a;id see the world. j fullest style imaginable. I don't know
"Von are your own master now," said I, j tf hc-ther I should havje gone, had I kncwn
glancing at. his faultless mourning suit, evi- j how things would rcaiiy have turned put ;
dently in itsrt freshness. J but you see. traveling first-class and a" that
"Yes, and I miss my father terribly, a!- i sort of thing is expensive, and of course
though he was always pounding it into me i nothing else is fit for a gent eman."
about my extravagance. Iluwever, he was i ''Aheai. And I suppose there are many
a true friend, an j left me all he had ia the j other ways f getting rid oi one's nirney
world. Not so much after all. Ody fifty j besides traveling first-class,"
thousand. Put it's a nice little sum."
"You can live very comfortably on that
y i
said I. "The incom-wili.suppon
yon f you ?et jn a chcap pllCe.
No cheap places for me," said Centend,
lamrhimr. "You know I don't believe in
tnat sort of rr.ing. The bet of everything
is the cheapest, 'in fare, wear, and tare,'
"Jack," said Centend quickly, "come
out in the.stearaor with me. Yon want a
j holiday sadiy, and the run across will do you
r ' good. You can go for a month or so to
K'J'-'u. xou can go tor a montn or
Paris, and return in the autumn. It won't
cost yon much, and I'll back you to any ex
tent. Ycu are such an economical old
suaretocs, that having you along will lessen
my expenses by halt. For you know I have
no dissipations."
This was true, for Centend, extravagant
a. he was in everythice be bought or Used.
was too elegant to enjoy fjtt city life, and
he spent bU time in the choicest society, j
where he was sure to find the highest cul
ture and most congenial entertainment.
"I need hardly say tha Centend went to
Kurope alone. I fcirred away, often heart
pick and weary, till a end Jen turn of affairs
put me in as junior partner of the firm in
which I first entered as humble assistant.
Also about this time my father died, leaving
an unsullied name behind Lira, and a prop
erty that, divided betwea tea children. cave
each of them So,000. All my brothers were
now settled, most of them in a distant part
of our country, and my only sister, a pretty
little creature of nineteen, was claimed by
me as her eldi3r brother, and head of th?
Then, too, a Lope long cherished, but fre
quently relinquished, became at once feasi-
This was fifteen years a so, be it remem
bered : a man in those happy days could
buy a small house at a moderate price, and
furnish it, without utter ruin, at the uphol
sters. Ink-ed the snug dwelling which so
comfortably contained my household goods,
my dear little Susie, and my still more
charming Caroline, was in itself nothing re
markable, but to my e5-?s the abode of hap
piness and luxury.
As it chanced, aboct two months after my
marriage. I met, accidently. my friend Paul
Centend in the street not far from my own
houe, looking Ar lodgines after a prolonged
tour in Kurope. Never was a friend more
affectionately greeted than I ; never did my
heart respond more warmly to Centend's
kindly interest
I invitei him immediately $o my house
and promised ) im unlimited hospitality
from my wife an 1 sister.
I shall never forget Paul's first visit at
, , ... ... , ,-
; my modest domicile, lie tooic stoct in
a moment of all my economical arrange
j ments, and a smile which brought back re
miniscences of boyhood, lit up his face as
with a gleam of Eun-hine.
"The same (Ad two and sixpence are you,
my boy, as when first we utet 'upon the
banks of Dee!' And does your adored ad
mire mahogany and hair-cloth, and conde
scend to j nt her lee: on a villainous three
ply? Shi iuU:L be very much in love in
deed." "I hope Ehe is." snid I lauhinir ; "at
any rate she is cjntcnted, apparent iy. with
me ar.'d my le! origin's. I h ive dona as weil
fo,- L.r as I could arfoi.". an.l he lin.-- !t
anJ io sat-sSei; indeed, happily for my
pocket, neither of us has expensive tastes,
nor sicbs fjr what is uaattairiable,"
"There is the riistake yo i alw-ys make,
my de.it fellow ; & hati ionse tlitng at Jouble
the common price is the cheapest. bca ise
it d e D'lt po out uf fa.-hi-n a t J !u;s longer.
I'epenl upon it, r -j ood f urni: ore and the
heaviest targets are the best investments in
th' end."
"Certainly f ir,l rl.-li mnr:, -it I hive mt
the irorxy to piv for such things, and in
debt T will never be."
"There you arc- nain. Y"b-ta'ks a1.""it
debt? Everybody says you have money put
away ia an old stocking, and can hffori to
do a you p. lease."
"That ia mistake. I I;ave a pond b;'-i-ncss
aiid thi houe, and ctnnot aff jrd to
ue everything up in the preent."
Cer.ten J niw plcnted liim-elf on the crr-
Comf.: table, tbjiiirh d-ipise j
sofa, and di'cour'1' ebv-j-iently for fro i-ior- i
tal hrjr; abo'tt his Ejropean tour, Lis prcs- i
ent pla.is and fittrre purposes. " j
"Now I atit going to work," he said, ;
laughing. ' I am ei'icave to a p-iir.i that i
will make me a-usetui p"r- in in ar.y capacity s
ai 2 I will undertake any kind of business
which will I at the saiiie
time very light
and very rc-tnuiicrstive."
"Piemuncaiive 1 You. one of the lucky
ones, talking of work! What will happen
"Well, you know I never gamble, and
don't prefer running in debt, or trouble of
any kind, it is so intensely vulgar. But I
did give some of the neatest dinners io Par
is ever got up by an American, I don't mind
telling you that, and it made a dreadful hole
in my pur.-e, I assure you."
"I am sorry to hear it. are one of
those who can't 'afford to be roof i J"ur
tastes are too elegant."
"Stop laushiiig at me. Jack, and give me
tLe best advice as to what I shall do :" and
here Paul, relying on my fa'thtul friendship,
gave me a Jong account of his financial dif
ficulties, for, having spent nearly two-thirds
of his capi'al, his means were entireh' too
limited to suit bis ideas as to what was ab
solutely necessary for a gentleman's decent
At this turn of proceedings my wife and
sister suddenly entered the room. They had
been out shopping together, and as they
came into the parlor, animated and bloomy,
ing, I thought I tad never seen two more
lovely or elegant women.
That the srme idea had occurred to Con
tend struck me immediately as he rose to be
formally introduced. A look, which I
knew to be one cf pleasure end surprise, lit
up his fine features, and rendered his fasci
nating manners more prononcet than ever.
Centend stayed to dinner that day, and ate
his beefsteak off English china with such a
relish that "I wondered as I gazed." Per
heps. however, the flavor was rendered tol
erable by the presence of the ladies, who,
being easy in their manners, lively in their
conversation, and. above all, attractive in
appearance, made the meal pass, for me at
least, like a banquet of the gods. When
Paul left that evening, he squeezed my hand
long and hard.
'"Well, by Jove 'my dear Jack," he said,
"I believe you have the best of it, after all.
I can't say -tt.at 1 admire your choice of
houses cr furoiture.butyour taste in women
is without fault- Your Caro-Iina is hand
some enough for a duchess, and thatlittl
blue eyed sifter pf yotirs is as lovely as an
tcgeL "I wish I were a rich man,", he ad
ded, with a great sigh, "then I could be
happy too, and marry for Ipve."
".No, no, that can't be thought of" said
I, laughing. "lou can't afford to marry
for lave. Make; np to some heiress who
wants somebody to help her spend her mon
ey. That is the course for you. my dear
fellow, and the sooner it is done the better
it will be for your pst ket."
I went back to. the parlor, much pleased
with my friend's visit. C.-.roIine and Susie
had already taken Paul into their good
graces, and the warm interest I had so Ion
felt for my old school-mate was soon shared
by both these sympathetic women.
But alas ! for the blindness pf masculine
eyes, P.tul's visit, which risw came on
"fast and furious' ' ostensibly lo consult
me as to his entrance on a business career,
had really another ebjeel r.nd I, foo'ish bat
of a fellow, never siw that it was Susie's
blue eyes that attra.-tcd him, and not our
plain dinners and aiy still plainer talk. I
even laughed at my wife when she mildly
insinuated that sht thought Paul's loots
were wandering and melancholy when our
little charmer Was not within visible dis
tance. "My dear love,' rs;d I. with the know
ing air of a man vlo has been down to the
very roots of human nature, arid knew ev
ery fibre of the sane, "women who think
men like Paul Centend have any hearts to
lose are mightily mistaken. He has been
all over the world and seen all sorts of beau
ty, and come back perfectly heart-whole. It
is not in our little Lack parlor, oTer a pirf
as unsophisticated as Susie, that this man
of fashion is to become spoony. No, no.
Besides, he is cs poor as a church-mouse."
"Very Wc-ll. J.r-k." ia o i'. pk
rriu,r up her mouth, snd looking as
wise as an owl "have it your own way, my
dear ; but remember, if anything comes of
it, I have warned you beforehand. Yoa
forget th.it your friend Centend is a great
admirer of elegance, and every one admits
that your sister is as graceful a she is hand
some; also Mr. Centend never denies him
self any luxury that he thinks suited to his
jxjsition, and as to poverty, he knos noth
ing of ii reality not the ' shadow oi it
haunts htm while he has a peuny he can call
his own."
Still those wnrds made hat little impres
sion, and Paul came and went, as fancy led
him, altogether umpiestioued by me.
It was nearly a year after this that Susie
wa'ked into my room one morning and told
me, lauching and Llu-hinp. that Centend
ha I offered himself, and she had accepted,
him. Had the skies fallen I could not have
lecn more surprised, for Paul, in all his pri
vate confidences, had never approached rhis
subject. Neither was I at all gratified, for,
fond as I was of Centend, I loved my sister
far more dearly, and I dreaded lest the man
she had chf?n should fa:! i:i his daty to
protect her. I immediately, of course,
when it wa too late, did all I could to pre
vent this rrsrriage, which was in many re
spects very unsuitable. Paul was one of
those who should nevt-rhave married at all,
or at any rate entered into the holy bonds
enly under the most brilliant auspices.
' To deny himself of his elegant tastes, to
live tor others and be content fo work and
suffer for them, was something he had nev
er conceived of, much less put ia practice,
and to all snch marriage is. cf onght to be,
impossible. - " . .
"Well, th'ry married, not withstan ling,
and I gave my dear Susie away wit? tear
dimmed eyes, aud more sighs in rn? speech
than congratulations; while my wife, ready
always to look on the bright side, rird make
the best of everything. planned the arrange
ments as well as our limited means would
And Susie went out into her new "life
with a man she adored, and who foved ber
as Isaac in the simple time? of old loved the
wife whom he had sought so faithfully. But
alas ! for the simolicity of those happier
days; they are gone ncr to return. Flocks
and herds will not suffice the modern re
quirements of taste, neither in the shape
of wholesome proviioos or comfortable
clothing. Furniture, china, and silver
must not only be good, but beautful, artis
tically designed, and very costly; otherwise
they fa"! to come np to the standard that
fashion has erected, and which few have
the courage to rebel agaiust. My views orj
this subject were original, but it was in rain
I endeavored to impress them upon these
my best friends. Paul finally obtained an
office in the Custom House.civen him thro'
the influence of his quondam schoolmate
Wilson, now a flourishing politician ; and
with this to furnish an income, and a really
beautiful home, which he. bought and fur
nished with all that was left of his patri
mony and Saie's five thousand dollars, Cen
tend and his wife began thair housekeeping
This was the time before the war, and j
bings were not then, as now, at cold prices, ;
but it was painful to see Centend struggling I
under the 'pressure of wants and tastes
which he could not deny or control. Before j
the first year was out there was anxiety j
written tin Susie's rosy cheeks, and Paul, J
who would never deal with any l ut the best j
(that is to say the most fashionable) butch j
ers, bakers and grocers, was bo longer out
of the power of trades-peeple. and trcm- ;
bled at the sight of a bill. Upon coiipar
ing accounts, it was discovered by Susie, '
who. like most women, was the first to see
the need of retrenchment, that their living
aud ours differed much more in expense
than comfort, and our little establishment
being kept by good management on about
half what the Centends expended ; but
Paul's objections to deal in second-class
shops, as he called them, for a time checked
his wife's effjrts to economize. A few years
of this sort of thing and a family of young
children changed, however, the absolute
necessity of the case.
Paul, his love of clesance not a whit
abated, but his purse absolutely empty,
gave up the reins of power into bis wife's
hands and allowed her to manage matfersin
the .only way that was posiLI.j. Centend
never before was given to bursts of ill tem
per, indeed, Ids natural disposition was ami
able, but as thj sweetest wine is said to
make the sharpest vinegar, so Paul, cut
short in bis pleasures, his p;c tiir fancies,
aod his critical apetite was 'it becoming
morbid, querulous ani lault -finding, many
a morning did Susie come rouiid to .ur
house to ."have out" the good cry which she
dared not iuJ'iUre in at home. Many a sut
reptitious trifle for Paul's dessert, or a pres
ent for the children, was conveyed by Caro
line from our domicile to theirs.
But ail things have an end ; Paul's office
was taken from hiui't y a change of political
rulers, and, beset by dans and difficulties,
ill health came upon him (the sure reult of
overstrained faculties), and typhus fever
closed the catalogue of his misforturfe..
When Centend had sufficiently recovered
from his long iilne to look circumstances
in the face, he found himself in a deplora
ble condition, indeed. The war had just
broken out, and swept away the hopes of
happiness of thousands better anchored
than be. What the-i had destiny to offer
k:. " IT., I . . k
"" "fc . , '"-'-'---
oor a natural love lur the S;uier o protes-sltin,
but he gloried in his emintn,', and possessed
that kind of courage which iti reSnt-danl
sensitive tempera'iients his so often pr?-
dMOOl n.al.
and daagcr.
He obtained a c tmici-sion.
and leaving Lis family with me, he traveled,
almost from a sick bed.in'o the heart of the
battle-ground, there ta bid a lona iarewell
to elegant leisure and the luxuries of home.
Paring all these years of blooi an I carnasrc,
1 aui was one of those whnsa place are ever
in the "deadliest bread""' A if to dis-
j ...... ,l- J .1 . -
pd.orev.r the dream tha a centien.n s
l-reroitative is the svftet, the sweetest, and
the ben of what earth can furnish, lut daty
compelled hitn to the muche-t fare, scatitv
t I j ji-i ,
S.UUiOers.an J weary and long nirht-niarches.
tlthers ha-d turitiuL-. li crn;!." n.it nl.tam
he could not obtain
tusm ; 10 n:m at last teil t!ie ilreadtul lot ft
Atidersonviile, and a bastial existence to
which death would have been a Paradise.
I can bear to tell the Story n.iw, when it
j , , ,- ,. , ,
is- over, and he who b:re himself so bravely
tsuone w.u, 1 ,1-W nc came Hac. at last,
not to live and be happy, but to die an J be
l....r.;A.-' t :: . .1 .
4iaiji:i , i.'i tic iu'., iii.e e'ii-i jei . iiu I lie
. , .
enemy, learned to c-.nu.aer b.:.l-e,!. his own
passions and weakness, and ie.i the wo: Id ai
noble soul, one who had fu'lii til his mis-
sion aad ai ready to depart.
i i ., , . ,
rxh of hi -s char actor,, bat .J-jfj-j uiontbs o
sufferiii and privation had brj isht refec
tion, and with rc-S
ctioa ne w views of life, i
e Christian's hope. XJr i
j- , ,- ,1
of death, and of the
was tie Min.-rr';i to it in i.t'ir- Tn: - wU.-
- ' ","
he loved were ronJ him, an 1 the hours
,i , i 4i- i , ,,
tliat ushered him into tbe eternal World
were peaceful and without reeret.
My dear Jr-ek." he said but a few days
re his tran.iuil end, "how stranly t,y
-u4u uuu, u.JW LrU..,y in,
Sttny has been Sharted t'V I rovidence. A
m whcinvontl. nevpr 'npr,.,;,.M hma.H
in WUCS10 JOUtU neer permittel Lltllsed
an uncomfortable moment, is killed at last
by the effect of the horrors of a Souihtra
prison. Bat f jt :ny poverty, I should never
have left my heaie aud dear ones, to do
battle even in this rifthteo-n cause, and but
for my expensive tastes I should never have
been brtiught to this necessity. The evil
that has happened to me is my own work,
while tbe od I hare been able to do has
been the one blessing vouchsafed me by aa
overruling power. Let rue entreat yoa,
however, to wain my children aaalnst fol
lowing my footsteps. Ihis life is not g.ven
us for enjoyment, or the cultivation of ele
gant tastes. The prerJKa'i7" of a gentle
man is the privilege of every human soul
to 'do jatly, to love mercy, and walk hum
bly with his God.' "
Mr. Jones fold hi wife, the other day,
that if she did rot take care he should lose
bis temper with her. She replied she was
glad to hear of it, acd only hoped he would
never find it ajain.
. A Wisconsin paper mentions a case where
burglars broke iato a store, but the goods
were marked so high that they would not
take any away.
At the marriage of Princes Louise three
hundred pounds of wedding-cake were diss
tribe ted.
Modesty in a woman is like the color on
her cheek, decidedly becoming, if not
put on.
business! -Dtrcctcvu.
AW. WALTERS. Attoeset at Law.
. Clearfield. Pa. Office in the Court House '
--- , . .- i
UTALTER EARRETT, Att,fce aiLaw. Clear (
6eld. Pa. Ma 13 isss i
. - - J- 1 - i
HF DrGLEK C .. Tealers D Har-wsre I
. and manafacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron '
.-r.-second i:reet. Clearfield. Pa. Mar-7.
rl . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, ic. Kc m in
Graham c row, Market street.
Nov. 1.
THO-s J McCl'LL'TOn. A ttorev. -it-Law.
ClearS'ld. Pa. All legal tc-:.nc prftrpt
1t attetiled to. Vri 27. Issy.
r.ri T. Voblk. At'r.rrey dt Low. end Aler
1 man. Off.ee on Orove Street. orT.oM:e lie
t Uce, Lock Harcn. l a. Je. 2.'J-y.
TM. F.KF.n. Market Street, CicarSel l. Pa ,
i . Fancy I'rv flo
tiood. etc.
atd Gents' Fo it idling
Joce 1 s.'TD
J. p. isvii : : : : r. l - e kcbs
1RVJN A KP.EB'. .-Successors to II. E. Swoop-)
Uw ixii Collection '-'rncB. Market ?:reet.
Clearfi jlj. Pa Not. 3". isTtf.
At, ?HAWJ)ealerin Drug?. Tatent Medicines
. Fancy Artictos. et'-and Proprietor cf hr.
lker's VVet Branch It.'.teri, liarket street,
riearfield. Pa June 15, TO
r- P. Rlt.iTL M D.. PuTeiriAS and Scttcro
P . Xvlertown. Pa . rcs:ctfallT offers his I ro
sarroundl.'ig country. lApr- Jtt ftm. i
n f-wsTTV A t rf.n.Avxt I n Clrarfel
Pa. Practices io Clereid a.rd aije-n xr
?..j:i;iep. OEce in nrw brick k.ai'.dirg of J. Kotr
t tii. 2.1 street, one doci eoutb of Lanieh's Hott!.
TEsT. Attorney at Lw. Clear5eld. Pa., will
attend DroroDtlv to all Leraifcusiness entrust
ed to hiseare inClearSeld ar.d adjoinirg coun
ties Cilice on Market street. Juiyli.lsh..
riVlOM.5 H. FOKCET. Pealer in Fqnare and J
J Sswei Lurai'er. itry-'tpods.yueenswas-e. itro-
eeries. Flour. iraia. Feed. Baecn, e ,4c, ira-
haraton. Clearfield coorty. Pa. "ct 10.
VBTsWICK A IKWIX. Iea!ers in Drugs.
i I Medisines. Paiiits. "ils.J?tationarT. Perfume
ry Fancv Woods. Notions etc.. etc.. Markei street,
Clearfield, Pa lite. 6. isoo.
-f KR ATZER A SOX. d-aters in Itt odf
V J. Cloteing. Hardware Ouecriswa-e. Grwc
r'es. Ptesaions. & Second .Street Cienif -ld
Pa l'e 57. ISfiS
T.HIX Gl'ELICH. Mancfaetnrer cf all kind-
Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. Vs
lie also makes toorder Coffins-on short uiire c3
sttends funcrilf wirh a hearse A; rlO-':?
1 lCIiAKD tIO"P. CeaJer in Fore'fband lo
,. mejtie Pry Goods. Groceries Flour. Tacon
Lienors. Ac. Koom. on M ark e .reel, a few door
we--! ot .lorn'J Opirr. Ciearfieid. Pa. Apr27
JJ. LIXGLE. Att.irneT at Law.Osceo'a. Clear
. Scld county. P. Will practic- in tfce seeer
fti Courts f Cleirfi-M an! Tcntre roumies Al
buins prompt'. etten ted to Mar 15 711
j -wT-"-A,.LACE4 riELmx-..ATioaers at Law
I VI Clearfield. Pa. "ttre io ret.denee of W . A
Wallaee 1-gal bu.ines. ..f all s.i? ds . to
ri'.h promptness and fidelity.
l.lan 5.'7 tt
IRAK Kir.Lt iMJ.
i to bi care. ffi?e on nrv.r oi r.e
baiidin ad.j..iLing Countr X.tioial Itar:ic. T,4
nearly oppoite the Cert ll'.ae June :'. 'ii
TREDEKICK I.EITZINGrK. Manufacturer of
? all kiuds of store-war. Oarfeid. Pa. Or
der? tolicited whole.-alecr retail He also Steers
! on hand ani for sale aa asscrtment of earthen
' ware. f h own manufa
re. -sn 1. r
. w- A-cinx norSE, Clearfield. Pa This
j .L well knowo bolel. near tbe ourt House is
i wor'fiT the ra'ronnje of the public The table
iU hl .appy,ti .i!b lhe bet in .he market The
' best of liquors kept. Jvil iff GIIKKTY.
"joHX 11. FL"LF"KI. Attorney at Law. Clear
i be'- I r'5ce on J'.arket ttrec. oyer
I H-trl .-wick A Irwin's llrue ?tore. Pruipt attentiti
i ?j,-en to the seenringofSounty claims. Acs..nd to
I ;1 Ural uasiness. .Maren Z, . ls'.
I :1 legal "asinese.
f i-iy I. CfRI-ET, Dealer
T I. CfRI-ET, Dealer in Prv Go-.d?
Groceries', Hardware Ct;eerisare.F!corP.a-
con. etc., Woidland. Clearfield Ctuntv Pa. A!o
extensive dealers in a!l kinds of sawed lumber
shingles, and square timber, "rders solicited
Woodland. Pi.. Anff. lStb. l'fiS
- - -
J J '5d KrPcnrrVots ! llvr'-rr.ed
frm -he irmy. offer his prtfsfsiocal services to
t he ciii jer.s f.f CiearT!.! t,Tj4 T-irir.iTT- Profe-
1 I , , . - t
i orial calls prcmpttv .atrendad tn. Ofsee on I
South-East crr.er of '3d and .Market Streets.
"1t; '.lr,.5?-'r'.'1-.
j CrilVKV HI. The utidersicne.l offers
! hi-: services to the publie. as a Survyur.
no et uc I'JHii'j a i li i.sr .-tup nrr in , rTiCC
township, when rot nari;
or ! rewid hx
March fith. ISnT.-tf. J4.XES MITCHELL
i t-jttaivia. tlu as- B
"Ti II. W. C. MOOHB.T)ffiv. Inw Store't
U - West Fourth St.. Wiliiamsport. Pa
Special ,aterlion gTen to the treatment of ul
. ,r , ... - . . .
j '' 01 :ro,r 4SVt i iaftit4jai-j
S Zl. '?J i't?!
r?e s; du lur first cuneui talion tubseouent aa-
: T!;.e fre. (Mar li' 7l-m
M. P.,
j J - I F h K M) I
?. I
L I T Z,
, j,ins )oced Wt. Pa . vft llU pro'-
i r-inal semeen to the fcop'.e of that place and sur-
' rounding countrv. All calls promptly attend-d
, to. offie mri re;li3(,rcetjn cAia sireit. f-.rw.er
ly occucied bT ir. Kline
GEORGE C. KIKK. Justice of the Peace. For j j am now 0!e t-j report a eire is effected'
veyor and Conveyancer. Lu.her.burg P.. .
Ail bunness entrcsu-d m bim will be pr-"mptly at-j "
tended to. Perfon: wtthir.g to employ a survey- j .
or -ill do well to give him a caii. as he fl -tiers 1 CTC Btt DfJ r.T fc
himsell thst he can rer.der satisfacUon. lAt.lt feel as U Id a'l respects ts I erer did.
of c:;ETfTance. axtic.es of ereement. end all les;i !
papers promptly atd nea'ly exscutei 1es 70-pl Tour Buchu being den:d of any rrrleasict
. . j taste and odor, a nice ter-i.-atd inviorator of the
n R E V T OF E E R i in. I d sot n t le iibt it wltterer
, , " j occasion mas jequire its use Lc rucli affscioris.
Horace ater?, ' m Mccormick.
451 Eruadway. Xew York, ! .
will d'srofe of ONE HI XDREH PIAXOE. ME
l..UWAMII"i. i SIX Erfl C.ass m-rrs
ineladinr Chicker.n; k son;, at EXTHKirrLV l
pbicfs ron rvtB. ltt Riso this wohth, or tae
li 03i 5i to Sii monthly until paid -IS- if -r
raw Logs and Lumber,
F.eal estate boczht and sold, title examined,
taxes paid, conveyances prepared. -
Office in Masoni building, on Second Ftreet
Koom No. J Jan 55,71.
00T5! BOOTS:! BOOTS V.: EOjTS !!::
Sep. 51,179. e'pr.osite the Jail
CvFr FtriT Catted Flums, Peaches'
and eLned rn. euf. for sal. at the Vrng
r" tore of A- I. M' w ;
pD. PI
D. PERK5 A Co l flour, the best io market. fr
J l'i AK .- N
The Kidi,eysare twoin number, sitnated at the
, . ..t.,- jjr. j
TPcr r,r 'he loin, surrounded by fat and
eor.iif.ir.g of three part, eii : tha Anterior, th
r . , , r .
Iiiieriur, and the Eiier:r.
rv . , , . ...
The anterior absorb. In.ermr eons.su of tu
sues or Terns, which serr as a depusit for th
ariu convey it to lc eTterior. The exte-
j nor is e condoeu,r a!o, terminating in a single
j tube, and called the freter. Th ere: erf are eon
; sected with ihe bladder.
The bladder is coirp"ti of Tanow? soTerirgs
or tisoe. ditidfd ia: parts, rir : the I'fper, th
Lower, the Xerrocs and 'he J!onus. The opper
eipe's ihe lower rtuic!. Mary have desire to
t urix.aie without the abilirr. others urinate with-
cot the ah:!::y to Tf iia. This frequently ewers
ix. children.
To rnre these tfTcctiur.. we xnnst bring into e
ticn the mascles, vhich are engaged in their te
riocs functions. T they ere ceg'.erted.Grarel or
Iiropfy cay ecsue.
! The reader mnr! a'fo he made aTrrre. that how'
, . :,;, ,
the b 1it tea,:u ar.d rcen'al powf r. as our Eeia
D-o0; tcpporiea irjta inese sources.
G-rr on rrtmiTis Tiin occurrir-g in the
loit is indicatiT of the. above diseases Taey
occur ir persons disposed to acid stomach and
1 chalky occtetioLS.
' -' -- ' - t " v...u , w s .
; or im; ff er trc a:n.ect of the kidaeys These r
! Ens being weak, the water.is not eipelled from
the Madder, bet sllowel to remain; it becomes
feverish, and sediment f-rro". It is from this de
posit that the stone is formed, and grave) ensues.
I'r.orST is a eoiicction of water in some parts of
the body, acd bears different names. asectding to
the parts effected. Tts: when generally diffused
over ibe body, it is ca!d Atatirta : when of the
Abdomen. Aic::t, eben of the chest, llydrotho
rsz. Ti!Eatet rictmfcnld s highly concentrated
compound Extract Itnchu is dtcidedly une of the
bet remedies far diseases of the bladder, kidneys,
gravel, dr'f s;csl swe'linc rhecmatisj.and gouty
effsctior.s. I'tder this hesd we hTe arranged
Iysur:e. or difrrclTy ar.d x.ain io passing water,
Cn Cu.,,.n . ... 1 1 frr -, i, , WivVtaw.
i , 0f ,:er. rr sure, or rot ping of water :
Heaia'uria, or J.'way orice ; Gout and Kheooia-
; xim of thr k i i -.ct. wifi'f.ut an t efaanfl in quan-
always ti;.y recumtrenjea it tLe late ir.
Phytick. lit tr.e.e rrTecTior.s.
This medicine increases the pewer t;f d:estion
E-.d excites tLe absor'etts ii.to healthy exercise
by which the wa:ery or calrareous depositions
and all uLnatnral enlsrgements. as well a. pain
and inflammation are reduced, and it is taken by
men. women ar,d children 1'irectioi.s fr use and
diet accompany.
rimjtwri.r'-iA, Pa . Fov. ?. I&ir.
H T. Cflkb-iI-o. 1'rufgifi:
Dcak r-jB : I hate been a sufferer, f'.r upward
of twetty years, with gravel. Wsdeer and kidney
Jectiocs duiitg which time I have ui-ed ririons
medicinal prepswtinr.s sr.d len under the treat
ment of, the mott eminent Physicians, experien
eir.g b-jt little it
j :
our prcj aratiors extensirely ad-
; "rtised. 1 ..i.n!;ed with my Iiy physician
te-ard to ui: g yr ur Extract Pacha.
I did this because 1 had L-d all kirds of ad
rertised remedies, snd tad fuund them wonhle'S,
snd et'ine jaite injurious : in fact. I desfrired of
I vr Pet,,r't wt"- ,oi deterwitied tease m rem-
j tiief tereafter at,!t I knew cf the ingrr-dients.
' -i ivu uit; iu vhi fax u y
j As joa dv-p-niMMl that il was .ir pp-ed of i-u-ba.
: 1 ; 1 . a
'""" " "P"- "erne u occ-rrea o ue-j
i ury pt s:cis.D s an exct .!ci.t Cembinati : a, aod.
' b examlnetivn o: the arti-
'. '' 6- wilh ! dreggirt,!.
, concluded to try it. 1 commenced i's .e aont
i - - a
.j?!.t mct-tb: ago, at wh ch tiaie r'wai cot.rnef
' f ie tm little I . astouisn-'
i J
I ei and gratiped at the btoc-Seia! efect and after
i u'irg it fhrce weeks ess ab'e to walk out- I felt
I U-Uwh like, writir ycu a foil etMeiaent of my case
at that time, but thought my improvement might
1 b. ttlBp!,ry. M- tLef..r.
.' , . , .
j " lf'lt mvaSi tC1 V
knowing then il would be of greater
included to
perfect ccte,
value to yoa
and more satisfactory to me
should arr doubt Mr. McCormiclt'i statement.
feii ,0 ,t fuowing geDtJta(eB t
IIo. Wm. Eigler. ex Governor :rer.c'a.
lion Ih'tmasl' i iorcasc. I'hiia Jelphia.
Hon. i. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. J. r". Elack. Judge. Pt.;.'cie!pti.
1) P.. Pttrter, ex-'ioi n'-'T. Per-n sL
iioa. ElhsLeria. Judge. I fci ade'phia.
Hon. r.. C. lirier. Judge f. S Court.
Hon. 5 W. Woodward Ju ige Phi!dtij hit..
Hon. W. A. Purler. City Solicitor, I hifa.
Hon. John Eigler. ex O oreraor, California.
IJon. E Banks. Auditor Uen. Washington. D C.
And Bsc other if neesiarj .
S.ld by L'rcggi-is and Iealer ereryeh-re. Be
ware of eoenterfeits. Ask for Helmbtld's. Take
i no tier. Price SI 23 per bortie. or bottles for
M) Pelivered to any aadresa. jJeseribe iymp
toms is all communication.
j Andres II T. HE!.MB'U), Inig and Cheml
i eal Warehouse. 5 Broadway, S T.
steel -engraved w-rspj-er. with fn;-imiie wf say
i Chemical Wareheuse and signed
a. r I.i LM ..yJ.i
, fa
s ?