BY S. J. EOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 3,-1871. VOL. 17.-NO. 35. Trr hi a IT NEVER PATS. It never pays to fret nJ growl When fortune items bar foe ; The better bred will push ahead And strike the braver blow. Fur lack is work. And those who shirk Should not lament their doom, But yield the play, " And clear the way That better men have room. it never paya to wreck the health In drudging after gain. And he is (old who thinks that gold Is cheapest bought with pain. An humble lot, A cosy cot, Have tempted even kings ; For station high, That wealth will buy, Not oft contentment brings. It never pays ! a blunt refrain Well worthy of a long. For age and youffi must learn the troth That nothing paya that's wrong, The good and pure Alone are sure To bring prolonged success, Whilo w!iat is right In Heaven's sight Is al ways sure to bless. .APRIL FOOL'S DAT AT ELMSGLADE. Pear Ki th : Did you remember that the :il!l of March is my ninetieth birthday ? Probably I .shall not ?ee another one, and I want all uiy iatnily to clebrate this. ViIl ymi come for a week ? I want you all to be here on the 27th or 28th, and to stay soma lays into April. I believe I can hone to - .'1 .- f . - . r . . t-uc an exeti.ung oiiiuey. Jjovinrfy ever, Grandmother. It was just what I wanted, this little hoi May, for I had been hard at work all winter, ami was feeling' very I nely, very hoiue.-iok, nnd dreary, when the invitation camj like a glimpse of sunshine. I knew who would be there. Five daueh ters and their husbands, with, oh ! so many children, most of them yountj ladies and gentlemen ; I, the only child of a sixth laughter, who had joined my father years ago in the better world, and Sylvia. I must tell you of Sylvia, the only one jirobably of grandmother' guests was not a child or a grandchild. She was grandma's companion. Nobody knew much about her previous history, excepting that hrr mother bid been one o grandma's scholars in the days when she kept a little school, before grandpa came''a-wooing. I think there was not one of the children who would not gladly have lived at Elim fntc, and been frrandrna's companion, hut eho would not have it so. "(iive me your company and your love. 1'oine to nie when you can, but never feel v'llijfl to stay," she would say. "Sylvia wiM live with me tiil she marries or I die." So it was Sylvia who wrote grandma's li tters, who read to her, and performed the thou.-aud lttilo acts of service old people enstant'y require. Because she was poor, Sylvia received a sahry ; because grandma lied pretty things about her, Sylvia accep ted the wardrobe she provided, and was al wiys exquisitely dressed. She was very beautiful. Not a merely pretty face, that depended upon color aad dress for much of its effect, but a rarely beautiful face, full of animation one moment, yet as lovely in re 1 o.e the next. The pending expression was bright and joyous, for Sylvia's was a happy nature ; but at times there would come to her great brown eyes a wistful look, f-ad and tender, as if soote sweet memory f sorrow or unattainable future joy was in her heart. We all loved her. Maude, stately bru nette, our queen of cousins, patronized her ; Sn-ic, the youngest of us all, worshipped her : and all the cousins between gave her tiieir love, unmixed with jealousy, for we knew she was grandma's comfort, without depriving us of one loving throb of her true heart. I fairly counted the hours in niy little hoarding-house room until I could pack a valise for a week's sojourn at Eluisglade, and I took an cirly breakfast and early train on the 2Sth, drawing a long, tree breath of delight as the iron horse snorted its way out of the depot. Such a houseful as I found. Maude, Claire, and IVrcy, with Aunt Alice and T acle Joe; Aunt Margery's twin girls and only son, with Uncle Harry promised for the birthday; Aunt Mary, with seven olive branches, and Uncle Walter coming with Uncle Harry; Aunt Sue and Uncle Lewis, with their only child, Hester; and Aunt Polly, wi:h ten children, and, grandma said, Uucle I'hil, the biggest baby of the lot; I, all alone, bat welcomed heartily. We were all there, as grandma said, all excepting! Sydney. It was a sad gap we knew for grandma. She had never had but son, and he died one year after his marriage, killed by a I'ghtniug stroke. Three days after his wife kistd her baby boy once, and then joined her husband, leaving the hour-old child to grandma. He was her idol. She leved us all, but she woridiipped Sydney, her child of chil-. dren, her darling of darlings. We were too yo-ng when he was at home to speculate about the peculiarities that made older peo ple sigh for the boy's future ; but, looking back through the vista of years, I can now understand why older people trembltd for Sidney. Fair as a girl, frail as a flower, beautiful as a dream, this orphan boy inherited from his father an artist's soul, from bis mother a sensitive, delicate body. He was a geni us, living an ideal life, indulged in every fancy, and causing no other anxiety than that called forth by his feeble heilth. His mother's large fortune made him indepen dently wealthly when he came of age, fo: grandma would have no part of it touched for ht support or education in boyhood think he was seeking for souls or faries in the flowers when his baby hands pulled them into shreds, his great blue eyes looking mournfully and wistfully at every torn petal. before he could speak, he would sit for hours, watching clouds, raindrops, birds. any of the beauties Nature showered upon Joimsgiade. I think the greatest straggle of his pet ted life was his'choice of a profession. Should he devote himself to music, he must give up his hopes of being a painter ; if he elected to be a painter, where were his dreams of one day rivalling the master mil sicians of the past ? Painting finally carried the day, yet to hear Sydney touch a piano or a vioun made one sigh for him to spend ui.s me in music. iSeeu I say he was the idol of aunts and cousins? Everybody joined the compact to spoil bydney, but he would not be spoiled: lie was hard-working arid indolent by turns. studying as eagerly as a proiessor to day, ly mg luiy on the grass all dav to-morrow His college life brought him no special hon ors, but its temptations passed him and loh him untouched. With his great soul-lit eyes, his white, broad brow, his sensitive mouth, and fine features, his expression was childlike in its innocent sweetness. I had not been an hour at Elmsdade when my especial pet and crony of cousins, Ella, came to take me up stairs. 'lot! and I are to have our old room, of course, she whispered. "Couie. let'n run off for a chat." We were out of school some years ago; Ella, a fashionable young lady in society, I, a hard working little music teacher; but, when we were alone, we often curled up girl fashion on our broad sofa to exchange confidences. "Nell," I said, as sonn as we were com fortably settled, "why don't Syd come home for Grandma's birthday ? He has been two years in Italy, and we may never all meet here again." "Sylvia," said Ella, shortly. Had she struck mo I could not have been more astonished. "How do you know ?" I gasped. "I don't know ; I only guess. When were you hero last, lluthy '(' ' "I have not been here since Sydney left. You know I went to B oston my last holi days, and this visit is fairly stolen. I shall have lo give extra leisoas for my holiday. But about Sylvia," "If you were not here when Sydney left, lluthy, I was sure you had teen Sylvia since." "No, not even to-duy." "I was here lor three months before Syd left. I am sure he was in love with Sylvia; and, froiii a sort of cousinly regard, such as we all gave him, Sylvia suddenly bectme a perfect miracle of stately propriety." "Oh, Nell! who could help loving Syd ney?" "Rathy, I think she did love him, but she is so proud and so conscientious. You know there was somo mystery about her father " "No mystery at all, only grandma don't like it talked about. He was mixed up in a trust fund swindle, a sapeoat for an un principled let cf men, and, when he found reputation and money both gone, he drank himself iiyjo de eriuui tremens, and 'so died." ' " "Is that the story ? Bad enough it is, and Sylvia thinks lias forever disgraced her. She says nothing, but once, in a sudden burst of confidence, she described to me the angelic being Sid's wife ought to te." "Nonsense! Syd, being rather too angelic himself for this work-a day world wants a good, common-sense, practical woman, to worship his genius if she will, and keep him in order. A nice mess the housekeep ing would be if Syd married another angel. Sylvia is just the wife for him." "Mind you, Ruthy, this may be all a no tion of infl own. All that is certain is, that Sydney went off to Italy like flash of light ning, grandma has grown twenty years older since he left, and Sylvia don't like to talk about it. She is a little sadder, arid likes to get off by herself sometimes, but that may mean nothing." "Or everything. There's the tea bell, and I have not taken off my travelling dress." "Never mind. Nobody is very fine to day. Wo will all beautify to-morrow. Come. There is nothing in the conversation giv en above to tell the reader what a harum scarum madcap Miss Ella was. Rarely was she so grave as she had been during that little chat. The prime leader of every kind of mischief, full of animal life, overflowing with gay spirits. Nell was the merriest and most mischief-making cousin of the group. Albert, another cousin still, was usually her ally, a id -de camp, or prime minister when ever there was any especial trick or fun in prospect. It was impossible to be grave where Al and Nell had any share of a fes tivity. It struck me when I entered the room to meet the family at tea haw aged and broken our dear grandmother had become, but a change almost as marked bad come to Syl via, I cannot describe it. She was active in arranging for every one's comfort, as at tentive to grandmother, as loving lo all, but the old joyous ring was gone from bei voice ; her eyes had a sad expression in repose ; her movements were as graceful as ever, but something of the spring was gone from her step. Subtle differences not easily seen by a casual observer, but I was thinking much of Ella's confidence, and during the evening noted so much change. The birthday was merrily passed, every ona had a gift, and on this occasion grand mother gave ui each a keepsake. When all were distributed, she put upon the table where her own presents lay, a diamond rinir. that we all knew had belonged to grandfath er. 'This is for Sidney," 6he said to us al!. "If 1 do not see my boy again, this is for him, and for his wife when he marries." There was a hush in the room for some moments, and I saw Sylvia go softlv awav. Nearly an hour later I met her in the library crouched down in a corner, white and still "I am tired, so tired," she said when I came in. 'You have had all the trouble, while we took the pleasure," I said. "Yes, that is it," 6he answered, eagerly, as if anxious for an excuse. 'Urandma has enjoyed it," I said, "but it Was very evident she missed Sidney. He ought to come home, or he may never see her again. "O, Iluth, he ought to come home to her!" ,. It .6ecmed as if the exclamation was forced froul her, for a moment later she said : 'But ho is learning a great deal. He writes that he never knew what it was to be an artist till he seen Italy." "Doe3 he write to you?" "I answer for his grandmother. You know I read and write all her letters." "True ! If you are so very tired, Sylvia, go lie down till bed-time, or go to bed, and 1 will undress grandmother and read to her to-night." She accepted the offer gratefully, and I returned to the drawing-room and made her excuses. , - The next day the whole household went crazy. It was April tool's Day, and every one of the busy bee hive of young folks tried to outdo the other in the magnitude or mischief of the tricks. Praotioal jokes was the order of the day. Nob'bdy was safe. Even grandmother joined in the innocent merriment, and gave us for a dessert a won derful pie made of shavings, white cotton, wool. and crimson worsted, adelectp-ble com pound so skilfully concocted that hdlf of us had tasted ir L' J:- -... - . i of egg was wool, our preserves worsted, and our pie crust wood shavings. Sylvia seem- j ed to catch t he merry tone. Nobody's sur prises were more startling than hers, but she was so wonderfully on her guard that at dust, tiobody could boast of having "fooled" Sylvial Nell Holoinnly declared that She would not have a wink of sleep if she did not play otic trick on Sylvia, but owned her self puzzled as to the modus operandi. I had gone from the house down to the gardner's lodge some little distance, but on the grounds, on an errand for grandma. Returning, and walking rather rapidly, for it was growing late, I met Ella hurrying to wards me. "Ruth, Syd is here." "Here!" "He meant to be here for the birth-day, but the steamer was one day behind time. Iluth, I was right. "I don't understand you." "About Sylvia ! I did not mean to listen. but I was in grandma's dressing-room, when lie came to tho bed room. Nobody had seen him, and after a few words of greetiug he asked her what do you thiuk?" "O Nell, ought you tell !" "You won't betray me. He don't know whether Sylvia loves hiui or not, and grand ma has hot found out in two years. She would ba glad, lluthy, to have Sydney hap py in his own way, but she cannot say a word to encourage h,iui to hope." "It seems too had." "He is so thin and so pale, Ruthy. She will kill him, hard hearted as she is." "Pshaw ! Men don't die of love." "But Sydney isn't like other men." We were at the house by this tiriic, and could see the whole party assembled in the drawing-room, excepting grandmother, who was still iri her cwr) room witH Sydney. Sylvia was at the piano playing a waltz, as we opened the door. Just as we did so, I heard grandmother on the stairs, saying ; "How surprised they will all be to see you, Sydney," and at the same moment Nell whispered to me : "I'm going to play an April fool's trick on Sylvia, and catch her." It seemed but a second, and I could still bear grandmother's slowly descending steps, when Nell dashed into the drawing-room crying : "Oh ! have you heard that Sydney is dead?" Every face paled, and a cry of consterna tion broke from every one, but there was a more ominous sound still, a heavy fall, and Sylvia lay insensible upon the floor. It was a cruel experiment. Sydney's self in their midst relieved the other's, but he saw nothing but Sylvia. Only to hear her speak again, only to see her eyes open acain. he Dleaded as if for his life. We opened the windows and let the cold even ine air blow in upon her t we drenched her face and hair with water; and, finally, Nell coaxed everybody away but Sydney and my self. "Will she ever waken, Ruthy?" be said to me, with stiff, white lips. "It is only a faintiDg fit," I answered, .liafinir the cold, lifeless hands. "You heard Nell's cruel joke?" "Was it that?" he asked. Oh, the selfishness of men ! Ilia color was returning, and a look creeping into bis eyes of fond exaltation. "Sylvia," fie said, bending his lips to hers, "you are. mine now. She heard him, for a faint color came to her cheeks, and she tried to move. I saw she was reviving, and I left them together. Nell met me in the hall. "I have got them all in to tea," she said. "Ruthy, have I killed her?" "No, indeed. Go tell grandmother all is well now." "You don't mean " . "I don't know ; I only guess," I said ; "but I guess we'll get our wedding." And I was right Having betrayed so much, Sylvia gave her love fully and freely as her nature was. She let her pride sleep, and Sydney went no more to Italy, for grandmother pleads for her best beloved child to close her eyes when they shall close to open no more in this world, and Sylvia thinks no home can be like Elms glade. You can't make Nell believe she did a wrong thing. "I was awfully frightened," she will own, "but I am glad as csn be I caught Sylvia once on April Fool's Pay. " Ead Oyster Story';, This is an original story. It originated with somebody else years ago. It it a high ly interesting story, said never to have been published before it appeared in some news paper many years ago, and although not ex actly in season, it is good. ; , Scene Steamboat pantry. Enter French man i "Sair, you keep ze raw oystair?" j Steward "Yes, sir; fine fat Prince Bay." Frenchman ''Tres bien ; I will eat some raw oystair. The Stewart opens a fine fresh one, and puts it on a plate before the Frenchman; who eyes it for some time, and then says : "Monsieur, you will call this good oys tair?" "Yes sir; prime." The Frenchman swallows it, (the first he ever ate,) opens his eyes; puts his hands on his bread basket, aad "bl-a up," up comes the oyster on the plate. "Sacratum 1 by gar, tat is no good oys tair I" "toil didn't prit salt and pepper on it, sir!" "Oh, pardon ine." Pdti on salt and "Bl a up I" rip it conies again. "No you tell me zat good oystair?" "Why, sir, you must use vinegaT." "Oh. oui, ccrtamment, by gar; oui," and swallows the same again. "Bl a up." n,l i. on Iho plate. Just tlicn a Bohemian enters! "Give us a dozen raw." The Frenchman turns to him. "Ah, my friend, you eat ze raw oystair?" "Of course':" . "You call zat ze raw oystair?" "Yes, fine fat one." "Ila, ha, tink is sat good oystair.suppose you eat him." "With pleasure, sir," and the man of note9 gave it a dash of pepper satice, and bolted it. Tho terrified steward stood aghast; he didu't mind "sawing" a Frenchman, but an old customer was another thing. The Frenchman turned ou his heel. "My friend, zat may he one good oystair, but I did not like hiih I swallow zat oys tair three times." "Bl-a-up," and up came the oyster, and the Frenchman danced with delight. "'Ah monsieur, bad oystair ; oui, certain ment." ... The reporter, speechless with horror, ran to the brandy bottle, swallowed about half and mizzled. The Frenchman followed, remarking, "zat tarn bad oystair.", - A Nice Speculation. A cow belong ing (o a western family recently strayed into a neighbor's garden patch, and he secretly penned her up. The cow's owners were obliged to have milk, and hearing that their neighbor had a good cow, bought their milk of him for three weeks. They then ascertained that they had been buying what was their own, and rushed to law for ven geance. This is equal to the story told of a Yankee out west, who during some excite ment which called the neighbors together, raised a tent over a barrel of cider which te had somehow obtained while it wp.s yet a rarity in that quarter, and began selling it at twenty-five cents a glass. For a while his custom was tremendous, and his cider was bringing a heavy revenue, when all of sudden his custouJer3 grew fewer. Present ly a man came in and asked him how much cider was. When told that it was twenty five cents a glass,the ttould-bo customer told the cider vender that he could get it around the corner for ten cents a glass. Supposing his was the only cider within hundreds of miles, the man went with the other on a tour of discovery, and found, to his conster nation, that some one had pitched a tent immediately to the rear of his, covering the end of his cider barrel which be had left exposed, tapped it, and was doing an ex tensive business at very little expense. Gluttony is the source of all our diseases. As a lamp is choked by a superabundance of oil, a lire extinguished by excess of fuel, so is the natural health of body destroyed by intemperate diet. Necklaces are still the rage. The newest style is called the "dog collar ;" it is rery broad, and composed of heavy gold links. If two hogsheads make a pipe, bow many will make a cigar? gnomes girrrtorij. W. WALTERS, Attormet it Law, L. Clearfield, Pa. Office in the Coort House ALTER BARRiTT, Attornej at Law, Clear neia, -a. May 13, 1863. HP. BIGLER A CO., Dealers in Hardware and manufacturers Of Tin and Sheet-iron tare, becond street. Clearfield, Pa. Mar '70 HF.NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and a dealer in Watches, Jewelry, A. Koom in I raham s row, Markets treet. Jsov. IB IHO'S J McCULLOCGH, Attobmitj-at-Law Clearfield, Pa. All legal business prompt ly attended to. Oct. 27, 1SC9. Oniti! T. Noble, Attorney at Law, and Alder man. Oifice on Grove Street, opposite he Post Uthce, Locfc Haven, Pa. Je. Ztf, IV-j. 11TM. REED. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa., Ill Fancy Dry Goods, While Goods. Motions. Embroideries, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing liooa, etc. June 19, jo. j. r. irvib. : : : : . . . l.krebs. 1RVIN JtREBS, (Successors to II. B. Swoop.), Law ad Collection Ofpicb, Market Street, ClearfiJld. Pa. Xov. 30, 1870. A I. SHAW, Dealer in Drags. Patent Mediclnea. . Fanoy Artictos, etc., and Proprietor of Dr. Boyer'i West Branch Bitters, Market Street, ulearfield. Pa June 15,'VO. PB. READ, M. D., Phtbicia and Surgeon. . Kvlertovn. Pa., respectfully offers his pro fessional services to the citiiensof that place and surrounding country. lPr- JB MEN ALLY, Attorney at Law, Clearfield . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick building of J. Boyn t n, 2d street, one door south cf Lanich's Hotel. TTEST, Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa., win . attend promptly to all Lee a I business entrust ed to hiscare in Clearfield and adjoining coun ties. Office on Market street. July 17, lib. THOMAS H. FORCET, Dealer In Square and Sawed Lumber, lry-Goods,Queensware. Gro ceries, Flour. Grain. F.eed, Bacon, Ao., Ac, ftra hamton, Clearfield county, Pa. Oct. 10. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Dealers in Drugs, Medieines. Paints, Oils. Stationary, Perfume ry. Fanoy Goods, Notions, ete., etc., Market street, Clearfie ld Pa Dec. , 1865. (1 KRATZER A SOX, dealers in Dry Gooda j. Clothing. Hardware. Queenaware. Groce ries, Provisions, Ac, Second Street Clearfield. . Dee. 27.1365. JOHN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds o Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0.'59. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreignand De mestio Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, afewdoora west ot Journal OJflce, Clearfield, Pa. - Apr27. JJ. LINGLE, Attorney at Law. Osceola, Clear . field county, Pa. Will practice in the sever al Courts of Clearfield and Centre counties. Al busincss promptly attended to. Mar 15. "71 1 V7"ALLACE A FIELDISG,Attori'ts at bw Clearfield, Pa- Office in res.dence of W. A. Wallace Legal business of all Kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. lJin.5.'70-yp wit. A. WALLACE. FRANK FIELDING. H W SMITH. Attormbt At Law. Clearfield . Pa., will attend promptly to businc.-s en- triH tn hid cure, urnos on feeona noor 01 new buildn; adjoining nnnlf .nlj nearly opposite the Court House. June 30, Btf FREDERICK LEITZINGER, Manufacturer of all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield, Pa. Or dera solicited wholesale or retail He alsokeeps on hand and .for sale an assortment of earthen ware, of bis own manufacture. Jan. 1, I8S3 MANSION nOTJSE, Clearfield, Pa -Tbis well known hotel, near the Court House, is worthy the patronage of the public The table will be supplied with the best in the market. The best of liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY. TOHN H. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa. Ofilce on Market Street, over Liartfwiek A Irwin's Drag Store. Prompt attention given to the securingofBounty claims, Ac.and to all legal business March 27, 1867. WI. CURLEY. Dealer in Dry Goods, tGrooeries,Hardware. Queensa are, Flour Ba con, etc.. Woodland. CIear6eld county . Pa. A Iso extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lumber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. Woodland, Pa., Aug. 19th, 1863. DR J. P. BURCHFI ELD Late Surgeon of the 83d Reg't Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, offers his professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sional calls promptly attended to.- Office on South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oot. 4. 1865 '6mp. CUKVErOR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. He may be found at bis residence in Lawience township, when not engaged ; or addressed by letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. March fith, 187.-tf. J4MES MITCHELL. DR, W. C. MOORE, Office, (Drug Store) 12 West Fourth St.. Williamsport, Pa. Special attention given to the treatment of all forms of CArtftre and Contteutiotta Disease. Consultation by letter with parties at a distance. Fee 5 2 00 for first consultation subsequent ad vice free. Mar 15,'71-6m. JEFFERSON L I T Z, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Having located at Osceola, Pa , offers his profes sional services to the people of that place and sur rounding country. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence on Curtin Street, former ly occupied by Dr. Kline. May 19, '69. GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of the Peace, Sur veyor and Conveyancer, Lnthersburg, Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly at tended to. Persons wis&ing to employ a Survey? or will do well to give him a call, as he flatters himselt that be can render satisfaction. Deeds of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legal papers promptly and neatly executed JeS'70-yp A GREAT OFFER. Horace "Waterjs, 481 Broadway, New York. will disposo of ONE HUNDRED PIANOES. ME LODEON'S and ORGANS of six first class makers, including Chickering A Sons, at extkexelt low PRICES fOR CASH. DCK1NQ THIS MONTH, or will take from 85 to 825 monthly until paid. 4-13-'70-ly J BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, A!D DEALER IN Saw Logs and. Lumber; CLEARFIELD, PA. Real estate bought and sold, titles examined, taxes paid, conveyances prepared. OSce in Masonie building, on Second -Street Room No. 1. Jan. !5, 71. B OOTS! BOOTS!! BOOT3!!! BOOTS!!!! FRENCH KIP, $6 00 FRENCH CALF, 00 LIGHT KIP, 6 00 at KRATZER A LYTLE'S, Sep. 21,1870. Opposite the Jail CANNED FRUIT. Canned Plnms, . Peaches and canned corn, ete , for sale at the Drug Store of A. 4. SHAW. E D. PERKS ACe's Soar, the beet In market, fer tale by J. SHAW A SON. M E N S T O U T II S' AND BOY S CLOTHING. The undersigned having recently added READY-MADE CLOTH ISO te bis former business, wonld respctful!y solicit an examination ol his stock. Being a practical Tailor be flatters himself that he is able to offer a better elan of ready-made work than has heretofore been brought to this mar ket. Anyone wishing to bay goods in this line would sate money by calling at bis store', and making their Selections. Also, a full supply of Gents'furnlshing goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for past favors, he would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the April 28, 18C9. H. BlilDGB. P1 SPRING GOODS! "71: THE FIRST OF THE SEASON! TnE CHEAPEST IN THIS MARKET ! BUY! BUY!! BUY!!! O F KRATZER & LYTLE, Tour Dry Goods. Tour Groceries, Your Hardware, Tour Queensware, Tour Notions, Tour Boots A Shoes, four Leather, Your Shoe Findings, Tour Flour anl Fisb, Tout Bacon and Feed, :. Your Stoves, Tour Carpet Chains, Your Hats and Caps, Your Wall Papers, Yenr Oilo'otbs. Tout- Carpets, Your Window Curtains. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! at wholesale to country merchants! OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, Ao., , A liberal discount to tuilders. suVaaiago'to tile ouyer. at": - - - KRATZER A IjYTIiK 3, Market Street, Mar.22.'7l. Clearfield, Pa .ow. theJail. REED REED. RrED REED UrotliMal REED BROTHERS, REED REED REED REED BRO'3 BP.O'S JjRO'S Are receiving ibis week a large asd attractive stock of FANCY DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, &c, to which the attention of buyers is invited. SPLENDID PLAID DRESS GOODS, 25 and 30 cents. SPLENDID BLACK ALPACA, 25 and 30 cents. EPLEFDID SUMMER SHAWLS, $2 00, $2 50 and $3.00.' SPLENDIP LACE POINTS, $4.00 and S4 50. SPLENDID LfNEN DAMASK, 45. 5'J 60 cts. per yard. ELEGANT MARSEILLES QUlLTS, $2 00 and $2 50. GOOD NAPKINS, 75 els., 87 cts., SI.00 and SI. 25 per dosen. , doOD TOWELS, 12i and 19 cents each. GOOD TOWELING, 10 and 121 cents. , , SPLENDID PIQUES, 18, 20, 25 and 31 cents par yard. GOOD CALICO. 61, 7, 8 end 10 cents per jard. MUSLIN, YARD WIDE, 8 cents yer yard. HAIR GOODS IN GREAT VARIEIT. CURLS, 35 cents. BEST SWITCHES, 20 eents. fEW CHIGNONS, VERT CHEAP. NEW MLLLNERY GOODS ! New Spring Stylea of HATS AND BONNETS! The choicest line of FLOWERS in the market SUNDOWNS, in great variety. Now Stylea LADIES' COATS, Ac, Ac , Aad thousands of other things of wi'lch wo would iike to tell you but for the want of time, being too busy selling goods. DON'T FAIL TO CALL! REED BROTHERS, Market St., Cleahfield, Pa. BUTTER, EGGS, WOOL, and all marketable produce taken. Mareh 15, 71. GROUND AND TJNG ROUND SPICES, CHrjn English Currant. Essence Coffee, and ine THE KIDNEYS. The Kidneys are two in number, sitnatad at tho upper part ot the loin, surrounded by fat. and consisting of three parts, vis; the Anterior, the" Interior, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs Interior consists of tie snes or veins, which serve as a deposit for the) urine and oonvey it to the exterior. Tbe exte ner is t conductor also, terminating in a single) tube, and ealled the t'reter. The ureters are con nected with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided into parts, vis: tbe Upper, th Lower, tbe Nervous, and tbe Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without tbe ability, others urinate with out the ability to retain. This frequently occurs in children. To cure these afleotions, we must bring into ac tion the muscles, which are engaged in their va rious functions. If they ere neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader mast also be made aware, that how ever slight may be tbe attack, it is sure to affeo- tbe bodily health and mental nowera.a nnr flK and blood are supported from these sources Got-T, or Rbkuh atism . Psin occurring in the loins Is indicative of the above Hisesisesl They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and cbaiky concretions. i .:..-... . . - Tbb Gravel. The grave! ensues from neglect or improper treatment of the kidneys. These or gans being weak, the water is not expelled from tbe bladder, bat allowed to remain; it beeomes feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this de posit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensue. DRorsr is a collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears different names, according to the parts affected, vis: when generally diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the Abdomen. Ascite when of the chest, Hydrotho- Treatmekt. Ilelmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of, the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumttiawiwia -Dysurie, or difficulty and pain in passing wattr, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent dischar ges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water Hematuria, or bloody inline ; Gout, and Rheuma tism of tbe kidneys, without any change in quan tity, but increase in color, er dark water. It vu always highly recommended by the late Dt. PliX;, tbo aJTecffoB. . , . ...... y. ... - ft. This medicine increases the power of Htgestioa and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise) by which the watery or calcareous deposition and all unnatural enlargements, as well a pain and inflammation are reduced, and it is taken by men, women and children. Directions for use and diet accompany. Philapelfbia, Pa , Feb. 25, 1867. U. T, Helnbold, Druggist: . , Dear Sir: I nave been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney affections, during which time I have used various medicinsV'n''reparations. and been under ine treat ment of tbe most eminent Physicians, experien cing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively ad vertised, I consulted witb my family physician In regard to using your Extract Duchu.'" I did this because I bad nsed all kinds of ad vertiied remedies, and had found them worthies, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no rem edies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredient. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of buchu, tubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and uy physician as an excellent combination, and, a ith his advice, after an examination of tbe arti cle, and contulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. 1 commenced it use about eigBt months ago, at which time I was confined to my room From the rst bottle I was astonish ed and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after using it three weeks was able to walk out. I felt much like writingyou a full statement of my case) at that time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater value to yod and mora satisfactory to cie. I am now able to report that a cere 1 effected after using tbe remedy for five month. I have not used any now for three months, and fel as well in all respects as I ever did. Yoor Bncbu being devoid ot any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of th ayatemI do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in soch affection. . M McCOKMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormiek'l statement, he refers to the following gentlemen: Hon. Win. Bigler,ex Governor, Penn'a, Hon Thomas B Florchaa, Philadelphia. Hon. J. p. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia.. Hon. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor. Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. R. C. Urier, Judge t'. S Couri. Hoa. G. W. Woodward, Judge. Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Phil'a. Hon. John Bigler, ex tiovernor, California. Hon. E. Bans s. Auditor Gen. Washington, D O. And many others, if neaeasary. gold oy Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Bev ware of counterfeits- Ask for Helmbold a. Taka no other. Price $1 .25 per bottle, or 8 bottle for $8.50. Delivered to any address. Describe symp toms is ail communications. Address U. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, 594 Broadway, N T. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE CPfil stel-engraved wrapper with fae-aimUe of my Chemual Warehouse sill signed June 15.'T-ly H T JTELMBOCD. fin II