fje afferoatt's ountaf, gfearftefb, a., Jtprif 26, 1871. Raftsman's Jirarnal. 1. 1. BOW, lrTOBAD PROPRIETOR. CLEARFIELD, PA., APRIL 26, 1871. fhe coal troubles are in a fair way of ad jostmerrt. The -precise basts has not, how ever, as yet been prescribed. i The iVgislatnre of Connecticut will meet May 3, when the question as to who have been elected to Stale offices will bo settled, Winans, the Republican traitor in the New York Legislature, is lauded as a high minded and patriotic gentleman by the Democratic press. Ugh ! A Mr. Smith, introduced a bill at Harris- Lurg,.to allow each of the Senators and Representatives $500 additional pay. Is that the way to economize ? . a, Gov. Geary has appointed Joseph K. Whitman Asveiate Judge of Elk county, to hold office until the 1st Monday of De cember succeeding the next general elec tion. Johrf A. Heistand, E?j., editor of the Lancaster Examiner, ha3 been appointed Naval officer at Philadelphia, by President Grant. The appointment gives general sat isfaction. The Western Democracy are poshing Pendleton a9 tho Presidential nominee of that party. It is said that even Missouri papcr9 prefer Inm to Biair. Among them be it. Any candidate they present will be ladly beaten. 'A11 work and no play makes Jack a dul boy," can not have reference to the Penn'a Senate, if we believe the reports from Ilar risburg that body having played (the fool) while the House passed something over twelve hundred bills. It will gratify our readers to know that a prominent banker in St. Petersburg has ap plied for an appointment as agent for the eale of our new Government bonds in Rus sia, and that along with his application comes a subscription for ten millions of the loan. Not being able to ascertain which party j t nremila:ed on the result or the Connecticut election, the citizens of a New Hampshire town, both Democrats and Re publicans, clubbed togetber the other night to firo a salute and bold a grand supper and ball on general principles. Hope they en joyed themselves. Judj;e Randall, of Kentucky, has recent ly declared the law of that State, denying to negroes the right to testify in a court of justice in cases in .which a white man was a party, to be in opposition to the Fourteenth Amendment, and therefore void ; and in accordance with this enlightened decision, ruled the testimony of negroes admissi ble in all cases, equally with that of white men. A cotemporary says, (he defection of the Johnsonites did more to consolidate the Re publicans and to crytalize their opposition to the Democracy than any other event in the history of the party. Without going over nominally to the enemy, they bung on to the verge of Republicanism while bid ding for the favor of the opposition. The secjuel is still fresh in the public mind. Their fate will be that of the "Liberal Re publicans" and other disorganizes. Another Coustitutiunal Amendment, milk ing the maintenance of free schools coui pulsoty, and forbidding State, territorial, coun'y,or municipal aid to religious schools, has been suggested in the Senate. This measure goes over under the Senate rule, indefinitely, but it will uot be many years before the country will demand its adoption with such unanimity that its consideration can no longer be postponed by Senate rules or Democratic objections. It is announced that Gen. Spinner, the veteran watch dog of the Treasury, is to sail for Europe in a few days, partly as u means of promoting his recovery from his late lliiicss and partly on business for the i Government. It will Lo almost the first au- j sence of the General from his post of duty j since the outbreak of the Rebellion. No i man in the service of the Government bet ter deserves rest, and uo one will bo follow ed by wider and more cordial wishes for his permanent recovery. The Ohio Legislature has taken in band the strife and contest continually arising over the adoption of school books for the use of public schoo s. A law has passed in that State prohibitirg books in use in pub lic schools from being changed oftener than once in three years, and only then by a vote of two-thirds of ihe school borrds. This law will prevent the usual annual contest over the introduction of school worl, !n ,lo i i.t. -r .1.. o. ULrnt Dvuuuia Ul lUdl i?iaie. Udr Own Legislature had better pass a similar act. Among the many devices resorted to ii, the south to hide the full extent of the out rages on loyal men, is one compelling those who voted the Republican ticket, to publish cards setting forth that for the future they renounce all connection with the republican party, and adhere to the "white man's" Tarty. This is done to give the impression north, that the Republican party is losing strength through the voluntary renunciation of its former members. The compulsion is . i , . .. 1 1 . .... j. j . . . . . . xne iasn ana me noose. It has been tried in Nuth Carolina m several instances, and j on.te a nam.wr of rduntorj eards have been published I r i Republican "'Driftiags," Congress having a short time since pass ed a bill, creating the District of Columbia a territory, au election for Territorial offi cers was held on Thursday last, April 20th, which resulted in the choice of Chipman, Republican, as Delegate to Congress, by 8 majority of 4,1 15. The victory on the Leg islative ticket was not less decisive, the Re publicans having elected 15 out of the 22 members. The recent election in Jersey City, for city officers under the new charter, resulted in a decisive Republican victory. Last year the Board of Alderman stood two thirds Democratic, this year it stands ten Republicans to two Democrats The late election for a member of Con gress in Michigan, in place of Ferry elected Senator, has resulted in the choice of the Republican candidate by about four thou sand majority. The Republican candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court of Michigan, at the late election received ten thousand of a ma jority. Duluth that famous city the centre of the universe, has just eleeted its charter of ficers by a handsome Republican majority. Somerset county, New Jersey, at the re cent election, went Republican for the first time in twenty years. A Case of Bribing. It seems that the power of the Republi cans in the New York Legislature to defeat all undue partisan legislation, was suddenly overcome by the treachery of a member named Winans, who has gone over to the Democrat.', for a price, it isaid. The sum paid to Winans, h stated at seventy fire thousand dollars. The IWss in referring to the treachery of Winans says : ' "The bribery of Winans, the Republican in the New York Legislature" who went over to the Democracy, is on the whole one of the healthiest iJ.irns of these degenerate times. When only one man out of sixty three is willing to sell himself, and when he exacts seventy-fiv-e thousand dollars as his price, it shows that political virttse is still held in some esteem, even if it be a pecuni ary one. If only one man in this number iir every Legislature of the country puts himself up at sale and demands sueh a liiub bid, corruption and bribery will soon disap pear entirely. And what makes this case of Winans all the more encouraging is that he was a Republican. How many Demo cratic legislators hold themselves at so high a figure? One-tenth of it would satisfy most of them and conciliate their constit uents." The Democratic Addkess. The Dem ocratic Congressmen have just issued an ad dress to the countrj. which, a cotemporary says, "is remarkable for two things only its misrepresentation of some facts and ex aggeration of others. For instance, it is sta ted that the entire expendituresof the Gov ernment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861, were only $62,K)0,00O,and that $164, 000,000 were expended for exactly the same items in 1870. ' This leaves out of the count the fact that the fiscal year of 1300 was an antebellum one ; that the expendituresof the Government for the collection of the revenue have been tripled since : that a new and costly, but just and humane policy has been inaugurated towards the Indians ; that pensions have b ;en Immensely increased, and the army and navy much enlarged. No conscientious body of men would be guilty of so flagrant a misstatement as this of the Democratic Congressmen, and no citizen possessing common sense will believe it. Such falsehoods damage their authors more than tbey d those whom they are intended to injure. Any fair-minded set of men, in stead of attacking the financial policy of the Republican party, would praise it for its honesty and ecouoiny." Rf.pi-rucan Unity. In his letter from Washington in this week's Lulrprnilcnt, Mr. D. W. Uartlet, the able correspondent of that paper, gives the following hopeful view of the present and future of the republican party: "The political situation here lias greatly improved. In Congress the Repub lican members are once more united and victorious. The soreness occasioned by the San Domingo controversy in the Senate is nearly gone; the relations of the Executive with the Republican opponents of the an nexation scheme have greatly improved; and we may confidently look to a perfect union among all Republicans when Congress meets again in Decealer, if those who were prominent in the recent unhappy con- iMjicisies act wita wisdom and magnatutni ty. Let us remember, however, that no single per-nn owns the Republ;ean party, be he Senator or Executive, and that, the rifxt President;! campaign is to turn on principles, and not men. Republicans will admire and love him most who is willing to tiiuke the greatest sacrifices for the success of the nritieiules of the Rsnnblipin r-,,t ; Ranks. In every direction trouble stares the Democracy in the lace. There is prx-peet of an insurrection in their ranks in Indiana during next year's campaign. Even Hendricks, if he remain faithful himself, with all his eloquence and I influence, can hardly prevent a break in the ' I. T" r rJi.Ks. i iie Liatayette Courier says : "It is knoivn that the Hendricks pro gramme for the campaign of 1872is to nom inate Niblaek for Governor. But another element of discord has leen introduced inio the Democratic household. Tbe fued in the ranks is augmenting. It is known that a caucus was held a short time, since at New Albany, by leading Democrats, with a view of putting W. C. DePauw upon tu.t vulwr- IJutonaL0,,r:? as a ".ew departure uandi date, ilie j'l-iiniciaiic me'noers ot t;on- ii . i . . gre.-s and the leaders of tbc party through out the State manifest great anxiety. Be tween Woolley and the new departure, Mr. Hendricks is placed in rather an uncomfor table position." The accounts as to the result of the re cent election iu Connecticut are as incom prehensible as ever the canvassers, it seems, having no authority to investigate the allegeged frauds. The whole subject will have to be investigated by the Legisla ture, when it meets. The indications are that Jewell has been elected. Congress.- before its adjournment, passed the Ku-Klux bill, by a strict party vote Hence, tbe Democracy are ia favor of ail ,. r t- r-, maimer ol Lu Kiux outrages. The Apportionment Bill, "The following is the apportionment of the State, as agreed upon by the Conference Committee, and adopted by both branches of our Legislature : SENATORS. Philadelphia. . Chester and Delaware, . . Montgomery, ..... Bucks and Northampton, . Berks, ...... . . . Lancaster,. . . ., . Schuylkill Lehigh and Carbon, . . Dauphin and Lebanon, . Luzerne, Monroe and Pike. . Bradford, Susquehanna, Wayne and W y- nminir. ...... Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Sullivan, 1 Cameron. JlcK. an, rotter and i mga, Snyder, Perry, Northumberland, Union, Clinton. Cambria, Clearfield and Elk, Cumberland and Franklin, Adams and York, . Heilford. Fnlrnn. Blair and Somerset, Center, Juniata, Mifflin and Huntingdon, 1 Allegheny, or whom two are to be elected in 1ST I and one in 1873, Indiana and Westmoreland, Fayette and Greene, .... Beaver. Butler and Washington, Clarion, Armstrong, Jefferson and Forest, 1 Lawrence, Mercer and enango, Crawford, Erie .and Warren, . . . ; REPRESENTATIVES. Philadelphia, ..... Adams, Franklin, . . . ... Armstrong, . . Beaver. Butler and Washington, Bedford aud Fulton, .... Berks, Blair, .... v Bradford and Wyoming, . ... Bucks Cambria, . . Potter and McKean Carbon and Monroe Allegheny, outside of Pittsburgh, . First, Second, Third Fourth Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Fourteenth wards, Pittsburgh, ' . Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth. Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Ki?,'hteeiith, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, and Twen ty third wards, Pittsburgh, Chester, . .'.. Centre, . . . . Clearfield! . . - Clarion and Forest, . . . Clinton, Lycoming and Sullivan, Columbia, ..... Crawford, Cumberland, . . . . Dauphin aud Perry, . Delaware, ... Erie, .... Elk, Cameron, and Jefferson, . Fayette, ...... Huntingdon, ..... Indiana, Juniata and Mifflin, . . . Lancaster, . . Lawrence, . . Lebanon, . . . . Lehigh, ...... Luzerne. ...... Montgomery, ..... Mercer, Northampton, ..... Northumberland and Montour, . Pike and Wayne, .... Schuylkill, Snyder and Union, ..... Susquehanna, . . . . . Tioga, . Venango, ...... Warren, ...... Westmoreland, York, ...... Greene, . . . 8omoreet, . . . In the Senate, the bill was passed by a vote of 27 to 4, the nays being Warfel, Bil lingfelt, Allen and Findlay. In the House, the vote stood C7 to 30 the followiug vo ting "no :" Corny, Engle, Gray, Griffiths, TIaper, Johnston, Keech, Lamon, Leonard, Mc Junkin, McMnllin, Milliken. Moore, Par sons, 1'rizer, Pursell, Quigley, Reinoehl, Reyburn, Sanner, Smith, (Philadelphia,) Stone, WelK Wheeler, Whitson, Wiley, Williams, (.Luzerne,) Wishart, Young, Zerbe. Under this apportionment the Republi cans, by hard work, it is said, can elect 17 out ot the 33 Senators, and 53 out of the 100 Representatives, giving them a majori ty of 7 on joint ballot. Texas has earned tbe respect of her sis ter States of the nation by the way she has set to work to clean out the Ku KluX on her own hook. If the other States would follow her example Congrass would soon be relieved of the awkward position it is now in. In Texas, the first of July last, accord ing to the oflleidl report of the Adjutant General, there were 2,700 known crimiuals evading arrest in 10S counties, of whom 702 were murderers and 413 guilty of ns ault with intent to kili. At that time a special mounted State police, consisting of 1' men, was organized, and on the first day of January 978 of these criminals had been committed for trial. The work has al so been vigorously prosecuted since, so that now the State is quite tree from the Ku Klux. and there is a general feeling of se curity. It is much better for the soul hern States to do this kind of work for them selves, but if they won't undertake it, they must not complain if the General Govern ment does it for them, and somewhat rough ly, too. Terrible Octrage. The Pittsburgh Gazette says another terrible outrage has been reported from Columbia, South Caro lina. A party of twenty masked men en tered the house of Mr. Lawson II. Long, a merchant, and having dra.cged Iiini out,they inflicted no less than one hundred and sev enty lashes upon bim, and ordered him to leave the State in fifteen days under penalty of death. Thoy then went to the house of Isaac Cowlcs, a colored man. dragged him out and shot him. Tho only known offence of these two men, was that they were Re publicans. It seems, however, that to be a black Republican merits death in the' opin ion of these men, while the offence of being a white Republican is expiated with lashes and being driven out of the State. Congress adjourned on Thursday last, without day. The U. S. Senate will, how ever, meet in executive session on May 10th, for the purpose, it is presumed, of consider ing the report of the Joint High Commis sion on the Alabama claims. Free-trade is a cardinal doctrine of the Democratic party, aud will be a prominent plank in their National platform iu 1S72. W ask the working rocu to remember this fact. A Little of Everything. Hai a lady doctor Kbeoaburg. Burinesa neglected is basines lost. Idleness is the grave of a living man. Th etavorite color for parasoli is buff, lie bas bard work who baa nothing to do. Female street car conductors are talked of. A grain of prndence ia worth a pound of craft. Virtue and happiness are mother and daughter. Wise men make more opportunities than they find. Bruce 1860 Louisville ku gained 57,000 irhaln tanta. Indiana countrymen are wearing calioo panta loons. Fine gold fear not the fire, nor solid stone the water. Song of the billiard ball 'Oh, Carom me back!" ., . . Headville suggest! having six hours a day schooling. He who spends before he thrives, will beg before he thinks. lct your proaoises be sincere, aai such as vou can carry out. "Mnd-Tirkle soup" was lately advertised at a Ilartfurd restaurant. Vi ater is six cents a glass in Piocbe city, Co lo rado, and wh'ukj four. An ex-Mayor of Cleveland is confined in the Naihviile penitentiary. The homeliest man in town can get a cigar for the asking, at It. II. Phsw's Tbe next State Fair will beheld at Ecranton, commencing September 10th. There is so much "whi-ky paper" afloat in Cin cinnali that money is ' tight," A man who has tried it says that all the short cuts to wealth are over-crowded. Black silk hose are said to be fashienablo for ladies. Firemen still use leather. -lienpeck" is the euphonious name of a Post- office in Alexander county, Illinois Wbj are old maids tbe most charming of all people? Because tbey aro niatchlses. A vein of anthracite coal is said to have been aneartbed is Fulton county. Doubtful. There is no use of praising tbo present style of ladies' dresses, for they are puffed enough. Tho young lady who is unable to support a rl ding habit should get into a we Iking habit. fix Japanese want to go to West Point. If they do cadet Smith would be less conspicuous . "this is a sweeping catastrophe,' as the man said when bis wile knocked him down with the broom. Eastern popers say money is a drug there. We wouldn't mind taking a few doses of that kind of medicine. In the exact sciences can a homely woman with a Grecian bend Its accurately described as an "inclined plain ?' The determination to resist payment of the In come tax, by legal means, is becoming very gen eral throughout the country. Some Chinamen, at the Berlin diggings in Aus tralia, have lately struck a nugget of gold weigh' ing 1717 ounces, and worth $34,B80. A very small island ia Ossipe River constitutes a part of four towns, three counties, and the two Statee of Maine and New Hampshire. Sorasis women declare they won't wear dresses any longer. If they keep on a while longer tbey will get back to the original palm leaf. Tbe Bostonians are very anxious that all kinds of needlework should be thoroughly taught tbe girls in tbe public schools of that town. A western paper has an article on "the cure of idiots." A cotemporgry says that paper ia al; ways dragging family affairs into public. A little Butlalo girl wants u know if aau ire white, because her uncle told her that "Mary had a little lamb with fleas as white as snow." Pittsburgh has four hundred and seventy-five manufactories, which, if placed in a continuous line, would extend a distance of fifty-five miles. That little five-year bid, who speaks right out in a crowd with '-sparking around here every night," ougt to be put to bei early in the eve ning. Dr. M'alkingpest Is a Cincinnati pnysician. lie might have his name changed to running sore or tailing sickness, if he considered it an improve ment. Cincihnatians in the theatres take off their boots and place their stockinged feet on the top of the seats in iiont of them, That is the latest fashion. Fire-twenties in London on the 13th sold at 93 the highest figure tbey have ever reached in the foreign markets. Consols at the same time were only 93J. Any loyal American who desires to find out where is the stiog of death, can do so by taking a tiip South, where he will at once be shot, hung or tortured to death. A general expression of gratification Is express sed that the health of Chief Justice Chase has been so far restored as to enable him to resume bis seat on the bench. A'-wood ibis." a very rare bird In this country, was recently capture! at Jones' Bluff, Alabama. It is sixty-one inches high and eighty five inches from tip to tip of the wings. A party of .Now York capitalists have leased all the ore lands about Cantreville, Bedford county, and bound themselves to commence the creation sf a fnrnace within six months. Philadelphia is rejoicing over a conscience case. One of her citizens has sent the government three cents, an amount illegally kept back by him on the manufacture of six cigars some time ago. '-Ccme here, Felix ; you said the letter E was a glutton ; bow do you know it?" "Because he changes fasts into feasts, is invariably the first to commence eating, and is always last at the table." Tbe French made quite an outcry against the Germans for throwing shells into Paris. They have uot, however, hesitated to do so themselves, and inflict much damage on the handsomest part of the city. Twenty years ago Leland Sanford arrived in California with "only one shirt to his back." Since then, by managing always to retain a situ ation, and close attention to business, be baa man aged to accumulate a trifle of $10,000,000. Mississippi is not a pleasant place for a Nor thern white man or any kind of a colored man to live. During the past three months there have been 63 murders committed in that State, and du ring tbe past jear 30 churches and schools have been burned. Any man tired of life, yet debarred from suicide by tbe provisions of his insurance polioy,ean gain a speedy death and get ahead of the Insu rance Company by visiting almost any one of tbe Southern ttatei and letting it be known that he is a Northern Radical. Benjamin Franklin is said to be the name of the only pensioner in this country who bas lost both legs and arms in military service. A private in the Second Minnesota, he was wounded during the rebellion not less than twenty times and yet what there is left of the poor fellow seemstehave good health. When old Carlo sits in Sally's chair, Oh ! don't I wish that I were there ! When her fairy fingers pat his bead, Oh ! don't t wish 'twas me instead ! When Sally's arms his neck imprison. Oh ! don't I wish my neck was bis'n '. When Sally kisses Carlo's aose, Cb ' don't I wish that I were tuoie '. Speaking of beet sugar industry, the sta tistics show that France, Germany, Austria, Russia, Belgium and Holland are the coun tries m which most has been done and the most successful results obtained ; but all parts of all these countries are not equally adapted to Its cultivation. The middle and South of France are said to be too hot. In 1870 the product of France was, 300,000 tons. Germany 250,000, Austria 175,000, Russia and Poland 135,000,Belgium 50,000. ThtB great success has begun to .attract at tention in England, where the nse of sugar is steadily increasing its consumption being greater, proportionately, than that f any other couutry. In 18C9 it was forty-four pounds to each person ; in 1870 it had risen to forty-seven. Last year's imports exceed ed 700,000 tons, equal in weight to one eight the consumption of wheat, and more than one-fourth the imports of wheat. Division of Texas. The question of dividing Texas into three States is exciting much attention and discussion among the people and presses of that section. It is certainly large enough for such, a divUion, and it must soon take place. The Houston Union proposes the following plan of divis ion : First, to make three States at pres ent one west of the Colorado, one between the Colorado and Trinity, and one east of the Colorado ; second, we propose to cut off northwestern Texas by a line from the mouth of tbe Big Wichita on Red river to the mouth of the lib Peeos on the Rio Grande, thus leaving territory for two large States when it has the requisite population. This would at onoe provide for five States, and would settle the division question for ever. France. War still continues in France. The latest accounts show that the Versailles forces have gained important victories over the Communist forces, within the last ten days. Despite the rumors that the Reds are breaking up their organization, the in dications are that there will be considerable bard fighting yet before they are overcome, and peace restored. There is a report cur rent that the Germans were concentrating forces near Paris, in view of an enforcement of the conditions of their cession of hostili tiesthe first instalment ef the cash indem nity agreed upon having not as yet been paid. Approved. Tbe Lewisburg, Centre and Spruce Creek Railroad bill, authorizing the issuing of two-millions of bonds, has passed finally and been approved by the Governor. One of the provision of the bill requires that the bonds shall be used for the full and entire completion of the road, which we hope will secure its construction from one end to the '"tother." A letter from tbe fTfesident of tbe company Mr. Miller states that "work is being commenced at once, and the enlite road Completed at the earliest possible Jay." Bcllefontc Watch num. They have a uew cirv.'uir.ting medium out in Utah. A correspondent writing from Provo, in that delectable territory, tells of a case in which a beau secured admission to a show for himself and sweetheart by passing in at the ticket office - a pumpkin. Moreover, tho latter being worth more than the price of the ticket, he got two carrots as "change." Tbe writer adds that several otber persons secured admission by parsing iu chickens, eggs, butter and grain. A Great Road. The Pennsylvania Railroad,, incorporated about twenty-five years ago, has a continuous double track railway from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, the lease ot the Philadelphia and l'rie, with the control of the Northern Central, and connections with Chicago, St. Louis and Omaha; it is building a road from Wash ington to Baltimore. Practically, the road is three thousand miles long. In tlio Circuit Court of Charleston, South Carolina, a rithcr singular argument is pending on- an appeal. Certain election of ficers were tried and convicted ot misde meanor in allowing five colored Women to vote in October last. The Case lias been appealed, and the ground stated is, that the constitution and laws authorize- women to VOtCi According to the Richmond Enquirer, real estate owners in Virgiuia are in a pecu liarly perplexing predicament. Forty coun ties are on the market. "There are no buy ers, yet they must be sold." How this unfortunate combination of an irresistible force and an immovable body is to be sur mounted we are not informed. Had the Democratic majority in our State Senate been prompt in passing the bills act ed upon by the House, the Legislature would have adjourned weeks ago, and saved the people thousands of dollars. The De mocracy are responsible for this waste of time and money. The people will bear these facts in mind. The amount of the National Loan sub scribed up to Monday evening, April 17th, was $59,760,400. The Tennessee Industrial Exposition will be held at Nashville, MaySth, and continue nineteen days. 2lcur SWrcrttecmtntis. A4vrruementt trtuv tnlargtyp,r out f ptatn tiiU,wiill bi charged doiMi usual rates. Nacuis 8. M. PrTTEioiLL A Co.. 37 Park Row. New York, and Use P. Kowell Co.. 40 Park Row, New York, are the sole agents for the Jji bsial in that city, and are authorised to contract for in serting advertisements for us at our lowest cash rates. Advertisers in that city are requested to leave their favors with either of '.he above houses. WAMTED a reliable man to bum a kiln of YY brick. Apply to E. A. IRVIN ft CO.. April 2tt-3t. Curwehsvillo, Pa. TN THE COURT of Common Pleas of Clearfield County, Pa.: DisiEL P. Bloom, ) No. 27 Mvbcb Ter, 1871. vs. Sabah Asm Bloom ) Subpoena Bur Divorce. Tbe undersigned Coiumissio ner. appointed by the Court to take testimony in the above case, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the du ties of his appointment at his office in the liornnph of Clearfield, on Wrdnnday .tht.'Utk day ef My , A D., 1871, at 2 o'olock, p. m., whor sll parties interested may attend. VYM. M. M CL'LLOUSH. AjrJ 2V71. Commissioner. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WOOL WANTED. 10.000 pounds of ' Wool wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid, W50I carding will be done throughout the season at moderate prices We a'so nave on band a large stock or woolen goods, enough te supply all our old Customers, and as many new anes as will give us a call. . JAMtS JOHNSTON &'J.", April 26.'71-r.rop. Bells' Run. Penn ip. TO TAX-PAYERS. In accordance with an Act of the General As sembly of this Commonwealth approved the 2'2d day ot Slarcn. A. U. ISiH, "relating to tne collec tion of taxes in tbe county 01 Ulearneld, ' notice is hereby given to tbe taxpayers residing in the districts below named, that tbe County Treasurer, in accordance with the -second section of said Act, will attend at the place of holding tbe borough and township elections on tbe following named days, for tbe purpose of receiving the County and Stale Taxes and Militia Fines assessed for 1871 : For tbe Borough of Clearfield and Lawrence town ship, on Wednesday and Thursday, May 17th and 18th. For the Borough of Curwensville and Pike town ship. Friday and Saturday. May 19th and 20th. For Karthaus, Tuesday, May X2d. For Covington. Wednesday. May 24th. For Girard. Thursday. May 2ith. For Goshen. Friday, May 2Mb. For Graham, Monday May 29th. For Morria, Tuesday May 30th. For Decatur, Wednesday, Marxist. For Osceola, Thursday, June let. For Uoutxdale. Friday. June 2d. For Boggs, Saturday, June 3d. Parties can also pay tbeir taxes at the Treasu rer's ofQce at any time from thif forward. Cpon all taxes paid on and prcvioLS to the davs desig Dated, there will bo a reduction of five per cent. Tbe balance of the districts will bo announced iu due time. LEVER FLKtJAI.. April, 2S.'7t. Treasurer. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY ! A Male and Female Hiuh School. Each DiPaetssjt Distisct and Comtletk is Itself. Tho Fourth Session of the preseut Scholastic year, of this Institution, commences on Monday, the 1st day of Maj, 1871 Pupils can enter at any time. Tbey will be charged with tuition from the time tbey enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and ajcompluh- ed education of both sexes TERMS OF TCITI6S: Orthography, Beading, Penmanship, Primary Arithmetic, Primary Geography and Pencil Drawing, per session. (II weeks), 5 00 Grammar, Local and Descriptive Geography, Map Drawing. History, Mental and Written Arith metic, and Pencil Drawing, 8 00 Algebra. Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration. Surveying Natural and Moral Philosophy. Ge ology. Physiology, Chemistry, Rhetoric, Physi cal Geography, Book-keeping. Botany, and Pen cil Drawing, $9 00 Latin, Greek and French, with any ef the above brancbes, Pearl or Oriental Painting, 24 lessons , Monocbromatio Painting, 24 lessons, Crayon Drawing, 24 lesson', Fancy Hair Work, 21 lessons, Tapestry, Instrumental Music 30 lessons. 812 00 12 00 10 00 10 00 12 00 8 00 10 00 PiT No deduction will be made for absence. (7 Students, from a distance can b accom mod a ted with boarding at low rates. UT Any one, not a member ot tbe School, can receive private instructions in any ef tbe orna mental branches. For iurther particulars inquire of, or address, 1.KV. P. h. HASKISON, A. M. April 28. 1371. Principal. P I S II I N G TACKL K . Sucn as RODS, LfXES, REELS, itOOKS, sxoods, baskets, iYc, at II. F. BIGLER A CO'S. SACKETT & SCIIRYVEll PEMCRS IS BUILDING HARDWARE, and Manufacturers of T1X, COPPER an i SUEET IROX WARE (nearly opposite tbe jn'I), MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Carpenters and Builders will do well to exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. STOVES. We sell the TIME'3 COOK STOVE, the cheap et and best in the market. AI.o, Heating, Parlor and Raftinc Stoves, which will be sold as cheap as any in the county. Px-cUl attention paid to ordering goods for parties who desire it. ROOFIXG, SPOUTIXG and JOB IVOR a done ob reasonable forms. April 12. 1871. Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLEJREAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county . there w ill be sold at public salo, at tbe Conrt House, in Clearfield, on Friday. May 12th, 1871, at 1 o'clock,? M, the following described renl estate, late of John Spnckman deceased, to wit: A VALUABLE FAhM. situate in Girard town ship, lying between the farm of Thomas Leonard and the river at -'Gallows' Harbor." about two miles from the mouth of Deer Creek and about the same distance from LeconteS" Mills, bounded by lands of Thomas Leonard N. K usrolott. 11. M'Govern, and by tbe river, containing about one hundred and seventy acres. The improvements are a comfortable and convenient dwelling bouse, two stories, three rooms on first floor, and three rooms on the second floor ; a good spring of wa ter and also a well at the doof ; a good bank barn and all the urual outbuildings, all in good repair About one hundred acres of the land is cleared and in a fair state of cultivation. Much of it is underlaid with a vein of good coal. There is also a good orchard upon the property. TERMS. One-fourth in hand at time of salo one. fourth at confirmation of sale, and the bal ance in one year thereafter. Ap-19-at. T. H. MURRAY. Adm 'r ORPHANS' JC0URT In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Cosirt of Clearfield county. Pa., tbe undersigne 1 admin istrator cf the estate of Kichard Asheraft. lite of said county, deceased, will sell at publio sale, on the premises, on Thursday, May 18th, 1871, at 1 o'clock, P. M , tbe following described real estate of said deceased, to wit : All those three certain pieces or tracts of land, situate in Burn side township, said county, described as follows: No. 1. Containing one hundred acres, more or less, being tbe same premises whereon said Richard Asheraft lived at the time of his death, and having thereon erected a log house, log barn and otber outbuildings. No. 2 All the interest of said Asheraft in another tract of land In said township, adjoining tbe tract above mentioned, containing fifty-five acres, about thirty acres of which are cleared, the improvements being a two-story plank house, log barn, and other outbuildings. "- 3 Another tract of land adjoining or near the piece last described, containing eight acres and fiftv-five nerahct mnp n, i . . .. - cleared. TERMS OF SALE One half cash on the con firmation of sale, and the balanoe in one year thereafter. The la'ter payment, with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the prem " ALEXANDER M lLWAIXE. April 10-3t. Administrator. B A CON'. Haras. Sides a-nd a boulder - at reduced prices, at Mo.-..P'5. gTEAM I ENGINES FOR SALE. One 7,,' 2nd one 25 horse Tow"- Engine. w, ranted first class, of superior finish and w0Tk'""" APnriir.?!;,by ttlSlikR. YOLStl 4 CO JApril l2.:7l. Clearfield N0JIT1!VWher?,,s- m mn- Alexander Z. t k Jo'AAn' f?ed 16 years, having k hX. r V 7 nt, as I will net p.v ,Bl !gjiggjga0IlyM joix'As- XKCUTORTNOTrCE.-Letter3 T- tamentary on the estate of Simn.1 Brmh.rt late of Bnsid. ,p., dUVbivftv granted to the undersigned, notice is berebv eTv en that all persons indebted to said estate a'r. quired to make immediate payment, and tbe having claims against the same will pre-eot than, properly aufhenticated. for settlement to Ap.l2, 71-fitp. jAMCEL ISRETII. Eiee ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Le7. ters of Administration 011 the estate ot Isaac fccoficld late or Clearfield Boronrh deceased, b-.ving bon granted to tbe undersiiu! ed.aotioa is beruby given that all persona in debied to said estate are required to m-ike ia mediate pa.vmeat.oc4 those baying claims scain.t tbe same will present ?hm . properly authentica ted for settlement to JANE hOO FIELD -AU'llJ-LLlZh Admiiii.tra'rix. EXECUTORS NOTlCK.-Lett7r7Te7 tamentarv oil the estate of ReWa Davis, late of Penn township, deceased, bavii:g been granted to the utider.iitned. notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to naid estate are required to muse immediate payment, and thns havingclaiuisaguiut: the same will present ibem. j-fupciij auiucuiiCJieu lor Fc;riti)eiit to ELIHII A DAVIS, JOsfcPil I4VI?. Mar. 15,lS7Mit r- Executors. AEW BOOT AND SHOE SliOR i : D W A II D MACK. Market Street, nearly opposite the ? 11. r rwoope. r.sq., CLKAiiviai,!!. Pa., ould respcctfullv announce to the eitir...p Clearfiald aiid rieiiiitv, that he fca oiieinl a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L. alawoffice.and that be is determined not to be ontdeme eilher in quality of work orprices. Special attention given to tie manufacture ot sewvd work. Freneli Kip ar. Calf Skins, of the best quality, always on hand. Give bim a call. I June 24. '84. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! The undersigned takes pkature in announcing to tbe citixen of Clearfield county, that he bas opened an INSURANCE OFFICE, in Cleartlold, Pa., where all may avail themselves of First 01as Life and Fire Insurance. Tbe following nies are represented : IIOM E, X.w York, xonrn America. rk ur:j,., FRAXKL1X. PhitatUlphi. EXTJlRPRISE, Phia.lrfj.k.a, HANOVER, New lri. NORTH AMERICA X, X, Tori, REPUBLIC, X,w Yuri, SECURITY, Xeic Yuri, WYOMING, WiUt-bcrr,, Pa , WILMAMSPOR T PI RE. WUliamtyei, f,., LANCASTER FJRE, Laueater, Pa , ALPS FIRE, Erie, Pa., LYCOMIXC MUTUAL. Munrg. Pa , GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE, X.w York. I would warn all to beware of Traveling Agaato representing Fire and Life Insurance Companies as you may easily be deceived. an I if you do baye a loss.will be unable to Bad tbe Ageut who in sured you. or the Company you are iutured in. WM. TUCKER. Esq , is connected with me ia the bueiui-ss, and any business entrusted to hlut will be promptly attended to. "(Sire opposite the Jotrial Office, over Harti wick A Irwin's Drug Store Ap V71-y J JOHN II. FULFORD, Agsat. I 1ST OP RETAIL DEALERS in Foreign anl J Dcmtic Merchandise in Clearfield ct nntr, for the year 1S71. Class. License. ' Cto i Lmuti cco.k'a. li Win. M'Cride, 5i0 0" 13 W.S. Dicfcey. $10 00 12 John Irvin. 12 id 14 Heuier Dubrce, 7 OO'lO E A. Irviu. 20 Oil 13 J. Ulaxgnw, 10 Oil 14 Wui Herd, 7 00 11 J. E Dillon. 7 nll4 Jacob linger. 7 (.0 Ii S. M'Farland. 15 (10,14 A. A J. liates. 7 00 14 Mis E. A. Wright 7 CB 14 Ca'harine tir..ff 7 00 14T.B. Melt, 7 0U 14 J. K. Jei.kins. 7 19 bkll 114 Ed tialonev. 7 t'H 14 It. MebafTey, 7 CO; 14 J. U Irwin". 7 I'tf 1.1 David Bell. lo (Itll4 I) S 1' I finer. 7 i 14 Korabaugh A Co. 7 00:14 V B Alexander. 7 03 nr.i:aH. 14 P tialiuhcr, MtltlFUUD 15 Albert Mro . 14 Ed Williams, 14 11. C. Faust, pKr.r rr.'iTrR. 7 IV 13 J 1 1 Kuight, 10 CO G'.r.Aiut. 10 Of i I A. Lacon c. 7 CO 7 Ot! i4 K. S.titeaart, 7 fcj 7 till UI'.AIUU. ;I2 T. :1. Fetcey, 00' C'SIIEV 12 ia 14 n!-brr!ii;1; 4 Co. 7 13 l. tioodlander. 10 C'.i 13 E Irwin t ,.n. 10 C9 12 L I! CarLle. 12 Soi lii ei.i. a 12 C (i Schwetn. 12 50 13 ii AUet.iau. 12 It I!. Moore, 12 All II I. A A.Fltnn. 10 Cil 11 ft 14 J Kuiiit a Son. 7 00 14 T. A 1'ride.iui 14 J S.-burich, 7 Oil 14 Ed FUi.ders. 14 J C'nrli'e. 7 till! Houston. 13 J A Trrpe, la 10 12 Iiowman A Co. 14 Jesse Ferrier. 7 00 14 H W Broun. 14 W.T. Hamilton, 7 00j jokw.o. iinosiDE. 112 Henry .-wn. 13 J Paichin, 10 Odj kaktiims. , 7 C 7 Oil i: :i 7 I'd 12 ii 7 Oil 10 ill) ; uj 7 00 14 II. l'a'chin 7 01 I4 W J il ;fl-.r. 20 0013 J. W. Fuller. il4 W. S., 7 00! Ks.ix 10 (I0! i D. A J. ErharJ 13 J. M Murrav, CHKST. 14 Rose A M t une 1.1 Hnrd A M Ke-, 14 Wui. Hunter. ruvisuTo. 14 S. S. Cransion, 14 UilliUud A Co. 13 L .M Coutritt. 14 F Ccutriet, 14 Justin Plunell. 14 IVter it ariiier. 7 00 LI HI1KII CITT Ii li ii on i2 Isaac Kirk. 1 -' i 7 00 12 J. Fur?usn. 1- " 7 00 12 D. L. t'uniuwjn. 12 10 noj aoiiui. 7 0( 1 1 4 Jonas Moiis, 7 i0 7 U0il2 L kvier, 1 7 0') 14 J Ih. u.I'son. 7 (' 7 00 1 n.w WAS!iiN;rox cor"' 14 John Uergley, CI.K HunnrcM 1 1 Al t unf, 1- 6 R. Mussod. 60 10110 M Murrav A Co. 2" CO 9 Kratzrrl I.vtlo 9i rtflllA W V Foster. 7 00 14 i. I Snyder, IIO IWCKiiH MllOltn. 14 li. H., 13 I. Ncice A Co. 9 J. M Kratxer. 7 CO 12 W. U . Kellev. 12 :''0 10 00j 6 M..S L 1 li Co. i" 2i Kill V Wbitcoiub a Co.?J C" !! Ml 10 Weils llcims 2 " 12 Wright A Sons II F BielerA 2i 00 14 J W W p!e, 7 uo 2 9 7 I'd T 00 7 iio 7 0i 7 t 10 R. Mitchell. 21 OullO Mdrnth A li.. 10 Miller A Powell. 20 00jl4 G. V Line. 10 Reed A Brother.20 Ollju Anna Hoalicb, 13 I L.Reizenstein.lO 00114 D. K. liood. 8 Weaver a Betts. 30 00,14 .1. R, Brown. 14 FrH 7 OA'li Pnlrtlc UunD. 9 Jos. Shaw A Son 25 0oll4 MrsJ tireeuwjlt W 14 U Ilridge, 7 0IM14 J C. Heiid.rwn . l' I H. F. Naogle. 7 00U4 Henry Wallace 7 C 14 Mrr.T.E. Watson. 7 Ooll4 Mrs K Bockle. 14 Rycder Lanich,7 00 14 Wm Dar.L-er ' 9 1J 1 ... I..Cnr. T Anl .,V1 14 J. S. Cowell, ' 7 00 13 Johnson A KnfTylO 14 C. 1. Watson, 7 00114 James Hyun 14 W. End res, T OOi riKt. t'O 14 Hariswick a Co, 7 OOj 14 Davis a to. 7 09 7 i-O 14 It. II. Shaw, 7 00i 14 LawSykes. 14 P. A. Qaulin, 7 14 Alea. Irwin, 7 14 A.I.Shaw. 7 14 J. A. Stadler. 7 14 W K.M Pberson. 7 14 J. Maeomber. 7 CtTRWS.ISVILLE BOKO 00 viica OO 14 D.a J Brubaker WOOUWAB" 14 J. M Chase. 14 T. Henderson. 14 James Cormly. 14 S Heagerty. 13 F- Liveright, 7 CO 7 CO t 00 7 00 19 10 7 00 T 00 7 to 12 Hartscck a Co., 12 0 14 Fleminc A lloel. 7 Oo'l4 Benj Davis, 14 L. C. V. Soper, 1 00-H J. L. Sbaw 10 Arnoll A Co.. 20 00;i4 O W. Wesms, 12 Thompsons Co. 12 SO RETAIL DIALER" IS PATtST EBICIS 3 T. H. Foreey. Bradford, 3 Hartswick A Irwin, Clearfield, 3 A. I Fhaw, Clearfield. 4 O. D. Watson. Clearfield. 3 J. R. Irwin, Curwensvil'e. 3 W. B. Alexander, Curwensville, 4 D. R. Good, Osceola, aaewEKS. 13 Peter Qarnier. Covington, 13 Charles Schaffor, Clearfield. 13 Casper Leipoldt, Clearfield. BILLIARO SALO. W. Ross M Pberson, Clearfield, 3 tables Aliases. SI0 00 10 00 10 0 i 00 10 00 10 00 i 00 10 1 a 00 10 o 11 0 30 00 Clearfield County Bank, Clearfield. Aa appeal will be held at the Co"B'M10". Office, on Monday, the First day i where all who feel aggrieved can attenit. Api4t) K.k. rMUKET. .Uer Af r