Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 26, 1871, Image 1

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    BY S. J. BOW.
VOL: 17. NO. 34:
gtlttt 2?ottnj.
sowing: .
Are we (owing seeds of kindness?
They shall blossom bright erelong,
Are we sowing seeds of discord?
They shall ripen into wrong.
Are we sowing seeds of honor?
They fhill bring forth golden grain.
Are we sowing seeds of falsehood ?
We shall yet reap bitter pain,
Whatsoever our sowing be,
Reaping, we its fruits must see.
We can never be too careful
What the seed out bands shall sow ;
Love from love is sure to ripen,
11 ate from hr.'.a is sure to grow ;
Se. dsof g.od or ill we scatter
Heedlessly along our way ;
Hut a glad orgrievona fruitage
Waits us at the harvest day,
Whatsoever our sowing be.
Heaping, we it? fruits shall sea.
Tbe trunk:) were all pactej an I corded,
and the carpet bags were all piled tip in
the corner of a capacious old-fashioned hall.
How melancholy tbey looked, those em
Hems of parting and adieus. Not even the
merry laughter of the two or three young
girls who were gathered round a st'ltvart,
handsome fellow ot about thirty, could en
tirely banish an impalpable something of
sadness from the scene. Cousin Jack was
going away, tbe general mischief uuaLer,
I 1 imit.ritir nnd tAfwn fiF tYin n-li.l fmnilty
and old Mr. Chester, billing by the distant
window, wiped his spectacles every fire min
utes, and declared, pettishly, that tbe type
of the evening paper was a terrible trial to
Lis old eyes.
"Aye, you may laugh, girls," said Jack,
applying himself vigorously to the refractory
lock of a portmanteau. "Perhaps you may
one day dicover it isn't such a laughing
matter. Think ot the Ijss the whole fami
ly is goiug to sustaiu in my departure."
"But you'll come back oon, Jack dear,"
coaxed Minnie Chester, the prettiest and
most roguish of all bis cousins, and the one
who kept up a lire of practical jokes and
girlih tricks at his expense.
There she sat on the biggsst trunk of the
collection, the brown cutis, hanging about
her round face, and her eyes flashing with a
Curious misture of fan and tears.
''I'm not so cartain of that, MIs3 Min
nie," said Jack decisively. "If I succeed
in finding a location to suit toe, I shall prob
ably decide to settle permanently at Thorn
ville, and turn landed proprietor on my own
"Only imagine our Jack a gentleman of
property!" laughed Miu;iic appealing to
her sisters.
"I don't see anything so very ridiculous
in the idea," observed the young man. rath
er pipaed at the amusement of his fair rel
atives. "At all events there is one incalcu
lable advantage that may result from my
"And what is that, Mr. Oracle?"
"The fact is that yon have played your
la.t freak upon nic, you tormenting little
minx !"
''I'on't be so certain of that, cousin
Tick." said Minute, shaking her long curls.
"What will you venture I don't bestow a
parting trick on yon yet? Ah ! I Iiavei't
.tiled with you for several little pieces of
im pertinence, bat pray don't imagine thej
are forgotten, sir !"'
"My diamond sleevo but'.ons to your coral
necklace that you don't impose upon me
within tbe next three mouths, Minnie,"
said Jack gaily.
"Done," said Minnie. "Girls, you a1!
tu-nr the wager don't you ? I always eovet
c J Jack's diamonds."
"Cut you won't have tbein.Madamoiselle?
How Jat k it is getting in this cavernous old
bail. Shall I ring for lights, Unele Chester?
And by the way, have jo x written that let
ter of introduction to Mr. Thorne?"
"All in good time, n?y bey all In good
time," said the old gentleman, depositinsr
his large silver-bound spectactes id their
case. "You young people an-- ail in a des
perate hurry. Tell Detsey to carry a lrgbt
into the library, girls. And Minnie, where
is my gold pen ? I won't be long about it,
and then we will have a nice long evening
t j gossip about Jack's prospects."
While Mr. Chester at in his easy, red
curtained library, revising the letter he had
let-n writing to his college friend, Jabez
Thnrne, of Thornville, to the effect tSathis
m-phew, John Lacy, was in search of an
eligible piece cf land, and wished to settle
down as a planter in that vicinity, and re
MUcsting Mr. Thome's aid and co operation
in the selection of the same, Minnie opened
the door.
"Papa, there's some one down stairs who
wants to see you immediately, for one min
ute!"' "Very annoying." said the old gentleman.
"Just as I was finishing up this letter of
Jack's. However, 1 cau seal it afterward.
Minnie, suppose you glance over it and dot
the i's and cro.-s the t's; I'm not so much
of a penman as I used to be."
And old Mr. Chester pushed back his
chair and rose from the antique oak table
to attend to the claims of his urgent guest.
Olive Chester was brushing out the heavy
braids of her luxuriant hair before the dres
sing mirror of her own appartment, two
hours later, when Minnie ran in with a
countenance comically divided between dis
may and delight.
"My dear Minnie what has happened ?"
exclaimed the elder sister, dropping her
hair brash and letting all her raver tresses
rif pie down over her shoulders.
"I've won tbe diamond sleeve buttons,
Olive ! But, ah ! I didn't mean to. Vi'hat
would papa say if he only knew it cousin
Jact too?"
"Sit down, you little elf-1 wiid Olive gen
tly forcing her sister into a chair, "and ex
plain to md this mysterious riddle."
"Well you know papa left me to look over
his letter to Mr. Thorne, and he was detain
ed longer than he expected, almost an hour
in fact, and I could cot help amusing my
self by writing a parody on the letter."
"A parody?"
"i'es you remember somebody was tel
ling us what a handsome daughter Mr.
Thorne had, so I wrote Jack was in search
of a wife, and fceird of Miss Thorne, 'and
all that sort of thing. In short, wherever
papa had written land or estate, I wrote
wife. Wasn't it fun ?" ejaculated the little
maiden, her eyes dancing with dialrclie.
"But you know I never once thought of
sending the letter. I only wanted to read
it to Jack when I wenjt down stairs. Wei',
I signed it with agreat flourish of trdmpers,
and just then who should come in but papa
and the stranger. Of course I fled and
when I came back tbe letter was sealed, and
safe in Jack's pocket, and, Olive, it was the
wrong letter 1
"It was rather a dim light, and papa's
eyes are not as piercing as they were wont
to be, and icy impertinent missive was gone,
while the realbonaSde letter lay there among
a heap of discarded papers. And I hadn't
the courage to confess ihy misdemeanors
papa is opposed to my innocent jokes and
Jack is off with tiiat indescribable letter! I
shall eenaiuly win tbe sleeve buttons, Olive,
but what a tornado there will be when my
mischief comes out."
And Minnie looked sobewitehinrty lovely
in her alternative paroxysms of terror and
laughter, that Olive, grave elder sister as
she was, had not the heart to lecture her us
roundly as she deserved.
The crimson sunset ot the very next even
ing shone radiantly into the spectral sanctum
of the worthy old Jabcz Thorne, of Thorn
ville, justice of the peace, and chairman of
all the agricultural meetings for teu miles
around. It was no scholarly looking library,
like that of his ancient comrade, Chester,
but a square light room with four uncur
tained windows, and ornamented with nu
merous black-framed engravings of prize
cattle and giant turnips. lie was seated iu
fa leather-cushioned ami chair, looking over
a large tile of agricultural journals, to find
some coveted information on tha subject of
"phosphates" and "superphosphates''
when a servaut brought him a card and a
"The gentleman is in the parlor, sir."
Jabez Thorne had laid aside bis newspa
pets, and glauced at the card, which bore
the inscription of "John Lacy" then at
the letter, which purported to be introduc
tory to that individual.
"Hum ha from an old college chum,
Chester, as I live. Remarkable change in
his hand writing, but time alters ns all.
Haven't heard lrom hiru in twenty years
hallo ! what is this ? A pretty cool request,
upon mv word nephew wants a wife, and
has fcea'rJ that I possess a daughter has
lots of money wants me to aid him with
my well known experience in such matters.
What does the old rascal mean ?"' ejaculated
the old man, the fringe of gray hair that
surrounded his bald head standing absolute
ly ere' with indignation. "I'll send Tom
to kick the impudent young" rasiiil out of
the house."
But with a moment's reflection ccme
"Well, after all, I don't see what there
is iu the matter to make me so foolishly an
gry. Guess I'll see what Mary says. An
excellent family these Chesters and this
letter is just like Zebedee Che?t"f he was
always singular in his notions. Rather un
like the ordinary method of coming to tin
understE'n'iTnig in such matters, but there is
nothvig like a dash of originality in this
world, and if the boy is rich and Mary don't
obiect at all sveriLs, I'll see him on the
And Jabez Thorne tnrnst tbe letter into
j bis pocket and strode determinedly into the
parlor where young Lacy was quietly await
ing his appearance. The old gentleman's
face was eeitfet . with embarrasscient 7 be
was half disposed to get angry at Lis guest's
cool self-possession.
"I had thought of settling in this vicini
ty, Mr. Thorne," sd Jack after the cere
monies of greeting had been exchanged,
"and understanding from my uncle that yon
had a desirable piece or property that you
might be disposed to part with "
"Fieee of property !" said the old gentle
man, beginning to fire up again ;- brt he
controlled his cniotknY, and only answered,
"Kually1, sir, this rs a very strange request.
One can hardly be expected to answer defi
nitely upon so very" short notice."
"Certainly not, Mr. Thorne, 1 hzvi v'o
wish to hurry you," said- Jack, politely j
but I am rather anxious to do for myself,
and if you would favor me with a brief de
scription of tbe prominent features of-"
But Mr. Thorne was fidgeting uneasily in
his chair.
"What do you mean, sir?" he exclaimed
Jack was rather perplexed at his cavalier
reception, but he answered as courteously as
possible :
"Why, sir, of course, it is not best to be
precipitate in a matterof such importance."
"If this is a fair specimen of the 'rising
generation,' " thought the indignant Jabez
"they are about as impudent a set of jack
canapes as I want to see. But I owe some
thinsr to my long friendship to old Zebedee,
I won't turn the puppy out of doors quite
"I suppose it is healthy?" asked Mr.
Lacy, blandly.
"What is healthy?"
"Your property. Sometimes in these
low grounds, diseases are apt to prevail,
"Does he suspect my Mary has the fever
and ague ?" thought Mr. Thorne, leapiug
briskly out of his chair as though an insect
had stung him.
"I'll send my daughter to you, young
man, that will settle the business at puce."
And before he could suppress his surprise
his choleric host had banged the door be
hind him and disappeared.
Mary Thome's astonishment was even
greater than that of her lather. She was
attired in white muslin, with a boquet of
crimson moss-rose buds in her bosom, and a
spray of the same excellent flowers in her
hair for some rural party or pic-nic, aud at
first absolutely refused to enter the parlor.
"What an idea !'' she exclaimed blushing
to the very tips of those shell-like ears.
"To be put on exhibition like one of your
prize cattle ! No indeed 1 Let the young
man go back where he came from. A pret
ty impression he must have of the ladies in
this quarter of the globe 1"
"But my love,, Zeiiedee Chester is one of
my oldest friends, pnd the young man is re
ally a fine looking lellow, aud r ich into tbe
bargain. Go in and talk to hi'ri a little
while, there's a good girl. I can't staud it
a minute longer." . ,
And old Jabez wiped tbe perspiration
from his forehead on which it stood in big
beads. Mary burst into an uncontrollable
fit of laughter.
"The whole ali'air is so ridiculous !" she
But she adjusted the rrfo33 fSsSs, never
theless, and tripped demurely into the par
lor. Now. if there was a determined point in
Jack's character, it was his aversion to wo
men in general, and if there was any one
thing on which he puded himself it was his
old bachelorism. Imagine his vexation and
dismay, therefore, when, after a formal in
troduction, old Mr. Thorne withdrew, leav
ing him tete-a-tete with a pretty creature in
white muslin and roses. It was euibarrtt
ing every time he looked at her, and she
evinced an exceedingly great disposition to
"Well," thought Jack, "the manners and
customs of this locality are rather odd, to
say the least of it. I come to consult an
old gentleman about purchasing land of him
and he bounces out of the room and sends
in his daughter. What on earth am I to
say to her, I'd like to know ?"
And Mary glancing slyly in the direction
of her companion, ctuie to tbe conclusion
that he had "beautiful Spanish eyes" and
a moustache decidedly in style to the hir
suite adornments of the young gentlemen of
Mr. Lacy looked up to the ceiling and
dowu t the carpet, and wondered what the
consequences would be were be to escape
incontinently by the open French window.
That would not be a very dignified proceed
ing, however ; so he resigned himself to
destiny by making some original remarks
on the weather. It had the much desired
effect of breakin? the ice, however, and he
was greatly surprised with the aich vivacity
of Miss Thorne. Only once did he seem
confused; it was when she. had been de
scribing a fine grove of cedars that belong
ed to her father's land, regretting at the
same time that he contemplated selling it.
"I believe I should like to become tbe
purchaser," said Jack. "Your father has
informed y.-u that I had come idea of set
tling here." . -.
Mary grew scarlet and murmured some
incoherent sentence or other. - The conver
sation was effectually checked, and Jack
perplexed at the effect for which he could
see no really visible cause, rose to take his
leave. .
"Will yen mention' to your father, Miss
Thorne, that I shall call to see him to mor
row morning?"
All tbe fcfcss in Mr. Thome's garden
could never have rivalled the hot glow on
Mary's cheeks as she fled out of the room
without a word of rpry.
. "Yer7 singular family, this." muttered
Jack, slowly drawing on his gloves, as he
walked down tfie broad path. "But she is
an uncommonly pretty girl, and I certainly
will take au early walk through the grove of
cednrs to-morrow morniug before break
fast." . .-. . .,
He dreamed of bluo -eyed Mary Thome
that night, and rose feeling satisfied that he
could have a reasonable excuse fc'r calling at
her father's house so soon.
"I certainly can't be in love," qnoth he,
mentally, "but how Minnie would tease me
if she 'nought I was in danger of not only
sueing not only lar a'fsrin but a wife."
Old Jabez Thorne was busily engaged
nipping the dead leaves of? h'rs pet laurus
tinus with' a' gigantic pair of scissors, that
morning, when young Lacy sprang over the
hedge and saluted hiei with
"Good niorrung! Wall sir," he went on
gaily, "I have seen the property, and am
perfectly delighted. A fine, healthy invest
ment ; no disease about it, I'm convinced."
"Hum," said Mr. Thonr, dubiously.
"And I would like to make a second and
more thorough inspection in your society,
sir, if you please."
"Really, Mr. Lacy," said the old man
sharply ; "my daughter has not come down
stairs, and "
"What the mischief has the daughter to
do with the matter," thought Lacy, but he
said :
"Of course I will await any time that
may be convenient to you, sir. I observe a
good deal of roughness, but I cannot doubt 1
that there is a very great susceptibility to
improvement. A littie judicious cultivation
will accomplish wonders."
"Let me tell you, young man," began Mr.
Thome, in a towering rage, but Lacy saw
that he had unconsciously committed some
arch blunder, and hastened to say ;
"In short, air, I am now determined to
secure this rural gem at any price. What
is tbe sum that you demand?"
Mr. Thome fairly sat down upon the
gravelled walk, overpowered with the ava
lanche of anger which he found impossible
to shape into words.
"Upon my word sir!" he began,
"you talk as if this was a mere matter of
business 1"
Jack was puzzled enough. "It is the
tray I have been accustomed to treat such
matters heretofore."
"Heretofore you have been accustomed !
And pray, sir, how many such little affairs
have you had ou your hands?" - shrieked
old Thorne, growing purple in the face.
"Oh, several, sir; I am not so inexperi
enced as you suppose," said Jack.
"And you are not ashamed to confess
"No; why should I be?"
"Get oat of my garden, you young rep
robate!" screamed Jabez, leaping up with
lightning rapidity. "To come here and try
to buy my daughter, as If she was a patch
of potatoes! Go I say !"
"Your daughter, Mr. Thorn ?"
"Yes, my daughter, you jack a-dandy!"
' But, sir, I am not bargaining for your
daughter; I atu bargaining for the land
across the river."
"i)on't tell toe," ejaculated Mr. Thorn,
tugging away at tbe fastenings of his pocket-book,
"your uncle's letter has informed
me of your attrocious intention."
"Will you allow said to see that letter,
sir?" . .
Thorne jerked it out of the compartment
where it lay, and tossed it angrily toward
Lacy. He opened it, and in spite of his
annoyance aud mortification, burst into
laughter at the sight of Minnie's dainty
handwriting. . . ,
"My dear Mr. Thorne, we have all been
the victims of a very ridiculous mistake.
My uncle never wrote this 1-uter. It is the.
work of my mischevous cousin Minnie. The
genuine document must have been left be
hind." "And you didn't come to look for a
"I came to purchase real estate."
"Whew-w 1" old Jabez whistled loud and
long, then oflerc.l HI J to J.;. e"i wtK
a hearty laugh. . f
"Well, my boy, I'm heartily sorry that I
called you so many approbrious names, but
Mary and I thought you were after her. I
must go and tell that little minx what a
blander we've made."
"Stay a moment," said Jack, laying a de
taining hand on the old gentleman's ehotil-
der, as his quick eye detected the distant
flutter of Miss Thome's light dress among
the trees, "will you allow me to make the
necessary explanations myself? I am not at
all certain that after I have selected a home
I shall not enter into less business like ne
gotiations for a charming wife to preside
over it." ......
"As vott please, my lad,", said the old
man, chuckling. "I'll give my consent, if
ouly to atone for my tillainous treatment of
you a while ago." . . - .
He resumed his gardening operations,
occasionally pausing to laugh to himself,
while cousin Jack sprang up tho path to
seek Mary. .. ,
"They were absent a long time ; in fact,'
as old Jabez thought, an unreasonable long
time, before he discerned, through the
dense foliage of the acacia hedges, their ad-
vanci'ftg forms. "Mr. Lacy fo6ked exceed
ingly proud and self-satisfied, and Mary
leaned on his arm, with her pretty cheeks
flushed, and her pretty lips wreathed in
timid smiles.
"What does she say ?" roared pater fa-
"iJhe says she will consider it."
A week or two afterward Minnie Chester
received a neat little package containing the
diamond sleeve buttons and the following
"Dear Minnie: I've lost nrv wager
but I cheerfully deliver over the forfeited
take, for I have won something 01 infinite
ly more value a wife."
From' which we may conclude that the re
sult of Miss Mary's "consideration" was
favorable. . ,
Our Sunday sehool children have had
their yearly gathering; and. what a grand
time it was for theni. Little William
Brown stood by me, drinking in every word
that was said. He got a prize too, and.
held it up over bis head so his toother might
see it.
After it was all over I said, "Well, Wil
lie, I suppose getting your book was the
best thine done to-day ?
"Ah, no indeed, I don't think so," said
"What do you think was any better ?" I
"I liked Mr. Field's talkine best of all."
"Yes, what he said was very good," I
replied. .
"Oh. I don't mean, that exactly:" said
he, "but he does' speak so kind, I guess he
don't forget abodt being a boy, and that it's
hard to do just right all the time.
"Yes William, you are right. Better to
speak kind ; better to have on our tongue
the law of kindness thau get tweuty prizes.
Don't you think so?" American Messenger.
gustos girfrtorg.
W. WALTERS. Attorit at Law,
,. Clearfield, Pa. Office in the Court House
ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa. May 13. lsoS.
HP. BIGLER A CO., Dealers in Hardware
. and manufaatsrers of Tin and Sheet-iron
tare, rieoond Street, Clearfield, Pa. Mar '70.
HF. NAUGLE, Watca and Clock Maker, and
. dealer .n Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in
Graham's row, Marketst rest. Ji'ov.lS.
TUO-SJ McCirLLOrGH, Attorset- at-Law,
Clearfield, Pa. All legal business prompt
ly attended to. Oct. "27, 1S6".
Orris T. Voblc. Attorney at Law. and Alder
man. Office on Grove Street, opposite the
Post Office, Lock Haven, Fa. Je. 2J,;70-y.
WM. REED. Markel Street, Clearfield, Pa
fancy Dry Gols, While Goods, Notions.
Embroideries, Ladies' and Genu' Famishing
Good. etc. Jjinela, 7u.
i. p. irvim. : : :
IRVIN A KRESS, (Successors to H. B.SwoopO
Law and Collection Office. Market Street.
Clearfi ild. Pa. Nov. :;0, 1870.
A I. SHAW,Dealerin Drugs. I'atent Medicines.
i Fanev Artictoa. etc.. and Proprietor of Dr.
Boyer's West Branch Bitters. Market Street,
Clearfield, Pa Jnno 15,'70.
TJt B. READ, M.D., Physician and Surgeon.
I'. Kvlertown. Pa., resoectfullr offers his pro
fessional services to the citiiensof that plitce and
surrounding country. Apr. 2U-6m.
1 It MK ALLY. Attornevat Law. Vlearneict
I . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjtiitrne;
counties. Office in new brick building of J. Boyn
t n, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel.
TTEST. Attornevat Law, Clearfield, Pa., will
. attend promptly to all Legal business entrust
ed to hiseare in Clearfield and adjoining eooa-
ties. Office on Market street. JulyI7,lS0i.
THOMAS H. FORCET. Dealer In Square and
Sawed Lumber, Dry-Goods. Queensware, Gro
eeries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, to., Ac, Gra-
hamton, Clearfield eounty, Pa. Oct 10.
HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Dealers in Urugs,
Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary, Perfume
ry. Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc, Markel street,
Clearfie'd. Fa. leo. 6,1865.
(t KRATZER SON, dealers In lry uooas
Clathinir. Hardware. Queensware. Groce
ries, Provisions, Ac, Second Street Cleaifield.
p. Dec 27. 1665.
TOIIN GUELICH, Manufacturer of all kind o
Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield, Pa
He alsomakes to order Coffins, on short notice. and
attends funerals with a hearso. Apri0.'5i.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreignand Do
j mestio Drv Goods. Groceries, Flour. Bacon,
Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
westot Journal Ofi, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
TJ. LINGLE, Attorney at Law.OsceoIa, Clear
. field coun'y. Pa. Will practice in tbe sever
al Courts of Clearfield and centre counties. n
business promptly atten led to Mar 15. '7 1
tTT ALLACE A FIELDING. Attorneys at Law
Y Clearfield, Fa. Office in res.denee of W. A.
Wallace Legal bosine.s or all ainiis auenaea iu
with promptness and fidelity. .!m.5.'70-yp
WM, A. WAL'.ACR. !
XT W. SjiITII, Attorskv at Law. Clearfield
IT. Pa., will attend -promptly to buines en
trMsted to bis care. Office on second floor of new
buildinjr adioininz County NUoual lianK.and
ticarl vpwiM r- . . 1 1 .. .. . I June 3U. '61
all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
dermolTcited wholesale or retail He algokeep;
on hand and for sale an Htsortinent i-f earthen
ware, of his Own manufacture. Jan. 1. Iw
MANSION HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa This
well known hotel, near the t ourt House, is
rth ihe natronaire of the Dublic. The table
will be supplied with the bet in tbe mnrket. The
best of liouors kept. JOHN PUl'tiflERTY.
JOHN H. FL'LFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear
field. Pa. Office on Market Street, over
Hartiwiek A Irwin's DrngStore. Prompt attention
given to the securlngotliounty claims, Ac. .and to
all legal bnsiness. March 27, 1S07.
W. I. CCRLET. Dealer in Dry Goods.
.Groceries.Uardware. Queensware. Flour Ba
con, etc Woodland. Clearfield eounty. Pa. Also
extensive dealers m all kmdsof sawed lumber
shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited.
Woodland, fa., Aug. istn. ism
DR J..P. BpRCHFJELD-Late Surge" of the
83d Reg t Pcnn'a Vols., having returned
from the army, offers his professional services to
the citisens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes
sional calls promptly -attendad to. Office on
s-ontn-i-ast earner pr 3a and .MarKet cireeis.
Oct. 4. 1365 6mp.
qUJlVEYOR. The undersigned offers
his services to the public, as a Surveyor.
He may be fonnd at his residence in Lawience
township, when not engaged ; or addrflsred bj
letter at Clearfield, Pent a.
March 6th. lS67.-tf. J4MES MITCHELL.
Dll. W. C. 5fOGRE. oWce, (Drug Store)
12 - West Fourth St..Villiamsport, Pa.
Special attention given to the treatment of all
forms of Chronic tmd Cuntititiouai Disrair.
Consultation by letter with parties at a distance.
Fee S 2 00 for first consultation 80b?e(juent ad
rice fre-. (Mar 15. 71-6m
T E F F E It g O N E ITZ, M. D.,
V . . Physician and Surgeon,
Having located at Osceola. Pa., offers his profes
sional services to the people of that place arid sur
rounding country. All calls promptly attended
to. Office and residence on Curtin Street, former
ly occupied by Dr. Kline. May 19.'6tf.
WeORGK C. KIKK, Justice of the Peace, Sur
VJT veyor and Conveyancer,. Luthersburg. Pa.
All business entrusted to him will be promptly at
tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Survey
or will do well to give him a call, as he flatters
himsell that he can render satisfaction. I'eeds
of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legal
papers promptly and neatly executed JeS'70-yp
Horace AVaters,
481 Broadway. New York.
will dispose of ONE HIT?! DUE D PIANOES. ME
LODEONS5 and ORGANS of six first class makers,
includin2 Chickerinz A bom. AT extremely low
from 85 to S25 monthly until paid 4-1 3- 70-1 y
Saw Logs and Lumber,
P.eal eotate bought and sold., titles esamineJ.
taxes paid, conveyances prepared.
Office in Mason i building, on Seeond Street
Room o. 1. Jan. za. l.
oots! boots:: boots ::: boots:::
LIGHT KIP. ' 5 00
Sep. 21, 1870. Opposite the Jail
ANXED FRTIT. Canned Plums, Peaches
ind eanned ccrn, etc , for sale at the Drug
Store of A. I. anAw
ED. PERKS A Co's flour, the best in market, fer
sal by J- SHAW A SON.
The undersigned having recently added
to h is former busineas, would respectfully
solicit an examination o! bis stock. Being
a practical Tailor he flatters himself
that he is able to offer a better
eta's of ready-made work
than SaS heretofore been
brought to this mar
ket. Any one wishing to buy goods in this line
would save money fry calling at his store,
and leaking their selections. Also,
a full supply of Gents'furnishing
goods always on hand.
Feeling thankful for past farors. he would re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the
April 23, 1869. - H. BRIDGE.
1871 SPRING G00D !1SL
Tour Dry Goods. Tour Groceries,
Your Hardware, Your Queensware, .
Tour Notions, Your Boots A Shoes. ,
Toar Leather, Your Shoe Findings,
Your Floor and Fisb,
Yonr Bacon and Feed,
Yonr Stoves, .
Tour Carpet Chains, -Yonr
Hats and Caps,
Your Wall Papers,
Your Oilc'oths. . Your Carpeu,
Your Window Curtains.
salt: salt:: salt::! .
at wholesale to country merchants.
A liberal discount to builders.
Everything that you need can be had at great
advantage to tbe buyer, at
Market Street,
Mar 22. '71. Clearfield, Pa . op. theJail.
Brothers Brothers Brothers
Are receiving thin week a large and attractive
stock of
to which the attention of buyers Is invited.
25 and 30 cents.
25 and 30 cents.
52 00, S2.50 and S3. 00.
4.00 and St 50.
4s. 50 A 60 ctf. per yard.
$2 00 and $2 50.
75 eU., 87 ets., Sl.00 aud S1.2i jer doien.
12i and IS? cenu each.
13, 20, 25 and 31 cents per jard.
6i, 7, 8 and 10 cents per j'ard.
8 cents yer yard.
CURLS, 35 cents. BEST SWITCHES, 20 cents.
Nw Spring Style of
The choicest line of FLOWERS In th market.
6U5DOWS3, in great variety.
Sew Styles LADIES' COATS, Ac, Ac ,
Aad thousanis of other thingsof which w would
like to tell y on but for the want of time, being
too busy selling goods.
Market St., Clearfikli), Pa.
BETTER, EGGS, WOOL, and all marketable
produce taken. March 15, 71.
English Carranta, Essence Coffee. and in
gaot the be,, 4-.li'wrbrTK IRWIN.
J Alay 29, '7.
RY GOODS the eheapt in the county, a
The Kidneys are two !s (lumber, aitnated at the
upper part of the loib, surrounded by fat, and
consisting of three partt, vis: the Anterior, the
Interior, and the Exterior.
The anterior absorbs Interior consisti ot tit
a-. ;
sues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the)
acine aud convey it to the exterior. Tbe exte
rior is c conductor also, terminating In a single
tobe.aod called the I'roter. The ureters are con
nected with the bladder.
The bladder 1 composed of various covering
or tissues, divided into parts, vix: the Upper, th
Lower, tbe Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper
expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to
urinate without tbe ability, others urinate with
out the ability to retain. This frequently occurs
in children.
' , " "
To cure these affections, we must bring into ac
tion the niuxcies, which are engaged in their va
rious functions. If they ere neglected, Gravel or
Drupty may ensue.
Tbe reader mast also be made aware, that how
ever slight may be tbe attack, it is sure to affeo
the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh,
and blood are supported from these sources.
Goct, or Rheumatism. Pain occurring in the)
loins is indicative of the above diseases. Theyj
occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and
chalky concretions.
The Gravel. The gravel ensues from neglect
or improper treatment of the kidneys. These or
gans being weak, the water is not expelled from
the bladder, but allowed to remain; it becomes
feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this de
posit that the stone Is formed, and gravel ensuee.
-Dkopst is a collection of water in some parts of
the body, and bears different names, acooi ding to
tie parts affected, vix : when generally diffused
over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the
Abdomen. Aacito; when of the chst, Hydrotbo
rax. Treatm eh f. Helm bold a highly- concentrated
compound Extract. Bochn is decidedly one of the
bctt remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidney,
gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatisia,and gouty
affections. Under this bead K " -m-
Dyscrie, or difiiculiy and pain in passing water,
Scanty Seetetion, or small and frequent discbar
ges ot water; Dirangury, or miijiu ui ,
Hematuria, or bloody uiine; Gout and Rheuma
tism of tbe kidneys, without any change in quan
tity, but increase in color. er dark water. It wa
always highly recommended by th late Dr.
Physick, in tbeje affections.
.- . ... r
This xed:cine increases the power of digestion
and excites the absorbent into healthy exercise
by which the watery or calcareous depositions
aud all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain
and inflammation are reduced, and it is taken by
men, women and children. Direction for use and
diet accompany.
i ' r
Philadelphia, Pa., FeK S5, 1887.
U. T. Helm bold, Drttjrgist: .
Dear Sir : I bave been a sufferer, for upward
of txenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney
affections, during which time I have nsd variou
medicinal preparation, and been nnder th treat
ment of th most eminent Physician, experien
cing bat littl relief
Having seen your preparations extensively ad
vertised, I consulted with my family physician ia
regard to using your Extract Buchu.
f I did this becauso I had uec-d all kinds (if ad
vertised retneiie. and had found them worthless,
and some q u.e injurious; in fact, I despaired of
ever getting well, and determined tonse no rem
edies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredient.
It was this that prompted me to use your remedy.
As you advertised that it wa composed of buchn,
cubebs and junif er berries, it occurred to uie and
icy physician as an excellent combination, aid",'
ith his advice, after an examination of the arti
cle, and consulting again v. ith the druggist, I
concluded to try it. 1 commenced its use about
eight months ago, at which time I was confined
to my room From the rt bottle I was astoniah
ei and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after
usiug it three weeks waj able to walk out. I fell
much like writingyou a full .'tatement cf my casa
at that lime, but thought my improvement liiigtf
only be temporary, and therefore concluded to
defer and see if it wuuld effect a perfect cure,
knowing then it would be of greater value to you
and more satisfactory to in.
I am now able to report that a cure. is eTeelii
afrar using the remedy for five months.
I have not used any now for three months, and
"eel as well in all respects as I ever did.
Y'our Buchn being devoid ot any oop'eajani
taste and odor, a nice tvni.t and invigorator of th
system. I do nut mean to be without it whenever
occasion iiy requir it ue in such affection.
Shonld any, doubt Mr. McCormick'i statement,'
be refer to the following gentlemen:
Hon. Wra. Bigler. ex Governor Penn'f .
Hon Thomas B Florenae, Philadelphia.
Hon. J, C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor, Penn'n.
Hon. El li Levis, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. R. Q,G rier. Judge C. S Court. . ,
Hon. Q. W. Woodward, Judge. Philadelphia.
Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, PhiUa.
Hon. John Bigler, ex Governor". California.
Hon. E. Bank. Anditor Gen. Washington, D O.
And many others, if necessary.
Sold by Druggie-t and Dealers every where. BV
war of counterfeit. Ask for Helmbold'. Take
n other. Price 1 25 per bottle. or bottle for
(S 50. Delivered to any address. Describe symp
tom in all communications.
Address If. T. HELMBOLD, Drag and Chemf
cal Warehous, 594 Broadway, N Y.
steel-engraved wrapper, with fae-aimil of my
Chemical Warehouse aud signed
June li.'70-ly . U. T. HELMBOLD.