f;c gUffentan's goitrnaf, gfearfteft, Ijfa., jtyrif 19, 1871. get the pxmtt. THE HUSBANDMAH. "Hate not husbandry, which God hath ordained." The &n of Strach, When the Creator's hand had placed In this terrestial 6cene, Man, in His own high image formed, Majestic and serene, . Bade He, this ruler of the globe To mountain summit soar? Or for the wealth of gold and gems Its secret mines explore ! Or blow the rocks to atoms? Or boil the floods to steam ? Or with harpoon and hook transfix The people of the stream ? Or bring with forge and hammer Enormous shapes to light T Or study till the midnight toil Enwrapped the brain in night? No. 'twas the Arbiter's command, JMid that delightful elade, ' To "dress and keep the garden," where His Eden home was made ; And when no more his alien head In Paradise might rest, To till the earth from whence he came Was still his Sire's behest. . So, look not with an eye of scorn Upon the farmer's etate, Ye young and thoughtless sons of ease, With luxury elate, For beings of a purer sphere A different balance hold, And Cincinnatus plow prefer To Nero's house of Gold. Earth, whom he clothes with arn and fruit Accounteth him her friend, And yields him fragrance when he makes Her clover harvest Lend : And healthful vigor as he roams Among his thriving herds. Touching that key tone in his heart Which wakes the song ot birds. She folds him in her arms at last, Like mother sad and kind, v And bids the daisy not forget - The curtaining turf to bind That wraps his bed in cool embrace, Who, peaceful and unstained, Filled with fidelity the lot That Nature's God ordained. To Keep Manure from Heating. J. B., of East Canton, wrote to the Farmers' Club to say that his manure-heaps burn ud to white like ashes. Mr. Ely says this sub ject was only recently und?r discussion, and that it was recommended to mix peat or rich soil with the raacure. Mr. Whitney advised arranging the manure-heap so that the solids and liquids would mix, since the only sure remedy for heating was keeping the mass tolerably moist. Mr. Sylvester said it was a good plan to keep a pile of muck near the stables, and to spread it daily in small quantities over the manure as it was drawn out. This process prevented fire fan rrine . ii 0- Vetches and cut grass should always be given in the spring to horses that cannot be turned out in the fields. Because they arc very cooling and refreshing, and almost medical in their effects; but they must Le supplied in moderation, as they are liable to ferment in the stomach if given largely. For a saddle or coach horse, half a peck of sound oats, and eighteen pounds of hay are sufficient If the hay is not good, add a quarter of a pound more oats. A horse that works harder may have rather more of each; one that works little should have less. r When your horse refuses his food after drinking, 0 no further that day. Because the poor creature is thoroughly beaten, and needs rest. 2JEW SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW k SON. Hare just returned from the east and ar new opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wro. t. Irwin, en Market Street, which they new offer to the publie at the lowest cash prices. Their stock consist of general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Qaeenswara, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Dress Goods, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc., Id fact, everything usually kept la a retail store ean be had by calling at thi store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of the newest goods, is of the best quality, ef the latest tyles, and will bo sold at lowest prices for cash, or exohanged for approved country produce. Be sure and eall and examine oar stock before making your purchases, as wo are determined please all who may favor ns with their custom. May 8, 1S67. J. SHAW A SON. SPRING GOODS! JUST RECEIVING, Splendid 10 cent Calicoes. Light Calicoes, Delaines, Plaids. Shirting checks, Muslins, White Goods. Percales, Black Silks. Japanese Silks. Sit k Poplins, Black Alpacas, Velveteen Shawls, Table Linens, Boys' Cassimeres, Ao. Best Paris Kid Gloves, Blue A Green Kid G lores Hoisery. Pi:k Gloves. Lace Collars, Hair Switches, Chignons, Hair Nets. Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Ao., to. Drera Trimmings. Silk Fringes, Satin, elvet Ribbons, Buttons, 4e., Ao. Trimmed Hats, Ribbons and Millinery Goods. CT,?1 u cf Ldi' Childrens' Shoes and Ga.ters Si.n, French Kip and Calf Boots, va.t and Lasting Gaiters. 2,000 pieces Wall Paper, rrom ctsto SI per bolt. Carpet, Floor Oil CI White Granite Tea Ware. w"" Tabta" Knives and forks. Choice Teas and Coffee and other Grocer U, rri,j Fruits, Peaches, Prunes, Cherries. Cai.'ned Peaches, Tomatoes, Corn, Piokles, Ac. The store, with an immense stock of other goods. .... icen ooujui at toe lowest cash prices, and are offered at very low rate. COME AND EXAMINE THEM, WHETHER TOU BUY OR NOT. J. M . KRATZER, (Formerly C. Kratxer 4 Son), Next door to H. F. Bigler A Co., 3d Street CLEARFIELD, PA. Mareh 15.71. THS highest market prices rtmiA fx ci..-.,. A ' i'HaVf.lbr'l LONGEST ROOF in the Cnited States is on Rinek's Sons' Factory, Easton. Pa., one third of a mile long and is covered with READY ROOFING CHEAP, DURABLE and easily applied. Send for circular and samples to tne nianuiaciurera. READY ROOFING CO, June 1-ap- U, y. No- 61 Courtland St. N. T NEW F.I R M ! The firm of C. Kratxer in the Dry Goods and Provision business will be known hereafter under the name of KRATZER k LYTLE. Thanking the public for past favors they hope for a continuance of the same. Clearfield, Feb. 8, 1871.- . -j IMPORTED LIQUORS, seen as BRANDIES and HOLLAND GINS, - PURE OLD GRAPE BRANDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES. All the above brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur poses GEO. N. COLBLRN, March 30,70-tf.J Prop'r of Shaw House. WEST BRANCH RESTAURANT AND Ladies' Oyster Saloon, OK SECOND ST.. BELOW MARKET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Constantly kept cn hand a selected assortment of Candies, Nats, Cigars, Tobaoeo, .to. Also fresh Oysters received daily, and for sale by the doiea or hundred. J. M. MACOMBER, Oct. 12.70. Proprietor. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEAKFIELD PENX'A. Monuments. Grecian Tombs, French Conches, Mantles. Table Tops. Washing Ranges, Garden Statuary, Terra Cotta Ware, of ever description, Head and Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at eify prices, or 25 percent less than any other establishment in this county. Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all eves. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in the beat workmanlike manner. S. A. GIBSON. May 11, 1S70 -tf James Watso. Agent. M I LLWRIGHTING. II. T. Fauns worth, Would inform Mill o'wners, and those desirous of having Millsbuilt, that ho is prepared to build and tepair either Circular or Muley Saw Mills, and Grist Mills after the latest improved patterns. He has also for sale an improved Water Wheel, which he guarantees to give satisfaction in regard to power and speed His motto is, to do work so as to give perfect satisfaction. Those wishing fur ther information will be promptly answered by addressing him at Clearfield. Clearfield county. Pa. Write your name and address plain. April 2u. 137t)-ly. STUMPS! STUMPS!! The undersigned have purchased the right of Clearfield county for Enoch Farnsworth's Stump Extractor, patented June 7th. 1S70. This is decidedly the uiost convenient, most durable, and best machine of the day. Wet weather wtl. not effect it. the working part being all of ironl The machine is easily set up. and will work any place that can be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit on cost, and will try to make it to the advantage of farmers to buy them. We solicit orders from those wanting machines. U. T. FAUNS WORTH, Clearfield. Pa., 3 B. GARRISON, GEO. II. HALL, Arent. Curwensville, Pa Clearfield, Pa. July 13,70. NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned have opened a Meat Market in the room Inrmerly occupied by Alex Irvin, on Market Street. Clearfield. Pa . adjoining Mossop's, where they intend to keep a full supply of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit the times. Their shop will be open regularly, on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, and meat delivered at any point. A share of public patronage is respectful! v solicited M.G. BROWN, Aug. 31,70 tf. W. BROWN. Also continue to deal in all kinds ef improv ed Agricultural Implements. WATCHES AND JEWELRY I would respectfully announco to citisens of Clearfield and vicinity, that 1 have removed to the new Mansonic building, first door below the Man sion House, on Second street, with an entire new stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Jewelry, of the latest styles and of the best finish, selected with care. I will have an assortment of all the latest Lovelties in jewelry, Ac Thankful for your past liberal patronage I hope by strict attention to buine?s to merit a continuance of the same. IVHAIR JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER. March 1,1870-tf. 8. I. SNYDER. THE NEW FAMILY SEWING MA- vu 111 I j. 204 niRY EMPIRE BO WERT BOW The extraordinary success of their new and improved manufacturing Machines for light or ??-3!i75lik h" in(iuce,l he EMPIRE SEWING .MACHINE CO loinaoufcicture a new Family Ma chine of the same style and construction, with additional ornamentation, making it equal in beauty and finuh with other Family Machine, whereas in usefulness it far outstrips all compet itors. Ihe price of this now acknowledged nee essary article comes within reach of every clans and the Company is prepared to offer the most liberal inducements to buyers.dealers and agents Every Machine warranted. Apply for circulars end samples to EMl'fRE SEWING M ACHINK COMPAN V. No. 294 Bowery, New York March 1, 71.-3m. CROCKS! POTS ! CROCKS! Btone and Earthenware, of every description. Fishers' Patent Airtizht Self-sealini; Fruit Cans. BUTTER CROCKS WITH LIPS, PICKLE and APPLE TS UTTER CROCKS. CREAM AND MILK VROCKS.STEW POTS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, and agood many other things.too numer ous to mention, at the STONE-WARE POTTERY OF F. LEITZINGER, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets CLEARFIELD, PA, Aog. S. 70-tf. ANNOUNCEMENT. REED BROTHERS. I have this day associated with me in the mer cantile busines my brother Robert Reed, and the bniine W;U b, oontioaed nndor ,he fifm nam of ' Reed Brothers." We will continue to make theDry Goed, ,nd Xotion bngine ,..,peoia,ity ., and all the newest fabric, .nd Uu-st novelties in the market will be kept on hand.. The Branch Store in Curweruvill. will be continued, where will be found as choice a line of goods as at the main store in ClearSel 1. New Serine Goods .in bo on hand about the Uth of March. WILLIAM REED ClearfieM. March 1.1S71. Market street. I Dfl book tivniinti " IVea I? ... 1 : I I - w Am4 win ui prouop Alairh 71. GROUND PLASTER. SELF RAISING FLOUR, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CORN IN EAR, OATS.JJORN CHOP, CORN AND OATS CHOP PURE. CORN, RYE AND OATS CHOP PURE. BRAN, Ao. HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, COAL OIL, MOLASSES Drips and New Orleans, TEA, SUGAR, COFFEE, Ae., and a general assortment of Gmeeriei. Reed St., near the Depot. E B ISETT, Mareh 29.71-8t. by J.DYSART. LOOK AT THIS! BOOKS ANH STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Books; Sheet Masio for Piano, Flute and Violin ; Blank Account and Pass Books, of evary de: scrtftion; Paper and Envelopes. French" preyed and plain; Pensand Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exemption and Promisory Notes ; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record eap and Bill cap, etc., Will be sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. G A U L I N , At the Post office, en Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 5. 1868 . ' . L. KEBD, e. i. hoop 'wTESE NOTICE. V IS, BITTS. CLEARFIELD TLAXING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors. would respectfully Inform the citixens of the county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the bestand latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, such as Flooring, Weatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and foldings, of all kinds. They bare a large stock of dry lumber en hand, and will pay cash forolear stuff, one-and-a-hal inch pannel plank preferred Nov 5. 'f7. II. F. BIGLEft & CO., DR1LEK1 IN fl A R D.W A R E, AND H ANCFACTUR ICRS Of Tin ami Sliot Tri Wm-o, CLEARFIELD. PA. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, Or ALL KIND. ALSO, Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Trncks, Copying Presses, Improved MoneytDrawers, Ac, FOR SAL IV II. F. BIGLER k CO., Dealers in Hardware, March It Clcakfif.i.d, Pa 1870. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD CHOPPERS' AXE, Manufactured expressly for the CLEARFIELD Til AD K, for sale by H. F. BIGLER A CO. FRUIT CAN , Manufactured from best charcoal tla. Grooved and soldered on outside, WARRANTED. ALSO,GLASS FRUIT JARS, for sale by H. F. HIGLER A CO. SAWS! SAWS!! DISTON, CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG, AND CIRCULAR SAWS. LIGHTNING SAWS PATENT PFRFORATED, ELECTRIC SAWS, And DISTON'S SAWS of all kinds, for sale by H. F. BIGLER A CO. COOK STOVES! SPZAR'S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEHANNA, SUPERIOR, GOV. PENN, REGULATOR, NOBLE COOK, NA TIONAL RANGE, Sft., And all kinds of HEATING STOVES, On hand and for sale by II. F. BIGLER & CO., SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Aagui.t 3. 1S79. PINK and White Lining Skins, and Roan Fkias ' H. BIGLER A CO S. mlllMBLE-SKElNS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag- TRONi IRON!! Best bsri'on. for sale at the t store oi ll. r. iUOLEK A CO. s TOVES of all torts and sizes, constantly on nana si a. I . isiULLtt. a UU 3 G ABLE CFTAIN5 a good article, on hand and forsaloby H. F. BIGLER A CO HORSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, to he had at H. F. BIGLER A CO S. s ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars Ae., for sale at U. F. BIGLER A CO'S. G UNS, Pistols and sword canes to be had at U F. BIGLER A CO S. HARNESS, Trimmines, and Shoe-finding for sale at It. F. BIGLER A CO S. OIL. Puttv, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at March '70. U F, BIGLER A CO S. "VTEW LAMPS Perkins A House a Non-Explo-1 sive Lamp a new arriole just received and for sale by . HARRT F. BIGLIR A CO. s MALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES. UARTSWICK A IRWIN re constantly replenishing their stock of Drugs, Medicines. Ae. School books and Stationery, including the Osgood and. National series of readers. Also Tobacco and C1-. gara, of the best quality, and at the lowest prices. Call and see. 'ClearBeld. Nov. 10, 1869 W WAS II I N O T ACADEM Y! O N G. IV. 1NNES, A. Af., Principal. The first session of this institution will com mence on Monday, the 15th day of May next, term 5 months. Pupils can enter at any timS, and will be charg ed tuition from the time they enfcr until the close of the session. The coarse of instruction will embrace all branches included in a thorough praatical edu eation for both sexes. Vocal music taught when desired Good boarding ean be bad at public or private houses at low rates. Parents can be assured that the ability ana energies of the principal will be devoted to the menial and moral training of those nlaced under his eharze. Terms of tuition will be modernte, and can be ascertained by addressing Du. J. Isses. at Xtew Washington, or the Principal, G. W. Isnes, at AdoIIo. Armstrong countv. Pa., but who will be at New Washington alter April 1st. Mar.22."71 II. F. N A U G L E . WATCH MAKER, GRAIIAM'S ROW, CLEARFJELu. Theundersigncd respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that be has ou hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, W at. hes and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring ana vv oignt, ana ljevers, lime, striae ana Alarm clocks. IPM TCHESa. fire assortments (silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk notacrs SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plum glass. JEWELRY ot erery variety, from a single piece to a full set. ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. ALSO, Hair Jewelry. with puregold mounting, got up to order. Call and see sample book. All kind3 of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warrautrd. A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth, 1b65. H. F. NAUGLE. pURNITURE ROOMS. JOHN GITELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased bis facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to mane to order sucn turniiure as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. H mostly has on band at his -Fui piture Booms.' a varied assortment of furniture, among which is BUKEAl'S AND SIDEBOARDS, . Wardrobes and Book-eases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor, xreaKiast ana laming extension lables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen- ny-una ana otner .Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ao. Spring-seat, Cain-hottom. and Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOK-ING-GLASSES - Of every description on hnud, and new glasses fc-r old Irames, which will be put tr. in very r'isonab!e terms, on.flort notice. fie also keeps on hacd. or furnishes to order. Hair. Corn-husE, 11 air and Cotton topMattressea. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash er exchanged for ap r'"' r.""? , Cherry. Maple. Poplar, L.in-wooa anu otner LUlroer suitaMe u. bn.u ness. taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Market street, Clear field, and nearly opposite the '-Old Jew SStore." December, 181 JOHN HI KI.lt li TUST IN TIME! The new Goods at A. K. WRIGHT & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., Having just returned from the eastern cities we are now opening a full stocK of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lie generally. Our assortment is unsumassed in this section, and is being sold very low for cuu. xu 'lock consists iu part ei DRY GOODS of the best quality, such as Prints. Delaines. Ainu eas. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels. Cassitner. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals. Ac. Ac. all of which will be sold low foe cash. Also, a fine assortment ot tne best of MENS' WEAR, consisting of Drawers and Phirts. Hats and Caps, cpnis anu anoes, Hanaaercmeiu cravats, etc. Also, Raft Rope. Dog Rope, R.iltina Acgnrs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and iitLHiy wiv&sauu cnimneys, etc., etc. Also, Queensware. Glassware. Hardware.Groce ries. and apices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of everv thine usually kent in a retail store, all cheap for cash, or approved country prouoce. Nov.23-jal0-nol3. WRIGHT A SONS HOMES FOR ALL. ' IX THE Land of Flowers and Perpetual Growth. FLORIDA, THE ITALY OF AMERICA. Is not excelled in Climate by any of the United States, and it may be doubted whether it can be equaled in the world Located on the very borders of the Torrid Zone still her situa tion between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic ocean is su?h that she is swept alternately by the winds of the Eastern and Wes tern seaa. and relieved from the burning heats which prevail in other Southern Status; and thus it happens that by the joint lnilucnce of. latitude and peculiar location, she is relieved, on the one hand, from the rigors of the Winter climate of the Northern and Middle States, and on the oth er, from the extreme heat with which not only the Southern States, but in the summer time the Northern States are characterized. Settlers have not the hardships to undergo that have been the lot of the pioneers who opened bp and developed our harsh Northern latitudes. The tvtirr ytar t a prrfrtual season of gruntli. able to produce and send to markets the productions of the Tropical and Temperate Zones iceeXs and month in advance of any other locality, and at a season when atl tuch prodttHiousat e luxurious, and coinmund the rery highest prices ; THE FLORIDA IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, under the auspices of t& State of Plorida. pro pose to furnish lands of uniform pood quality, and upon which can be raised Vegetable. Fruits, etc . common to the more Northern climates, and n!I the Grains," Fbcits and Vegetables of the Tropics. Suoh sejeited lands, in the healthiest part ef the State, and of the best quality. Ibe Company have issued a pamphlet of 123 pages, containing full and reliable information concerning Floriaa. its Climate Soil, and Produc tions, with a sketch of its history, which the Com pany will forward, free of postage, on receipt of 2 i cents. For other information or circular, address or apply to THE FLORID IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, 31 Park Row, New York. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA COLONY, Partially organised. For full Information, cir culars, .to , address EDWARD I'bLOLE.T, 82 Nassau street, New York Ciy- P- O, Box otod. Mareh 8, 18714m- CCRWENSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS, E W FOUNDRY in Curwensville. The undersigned having entered into ee part nership, in the FOUNDRY BUSINESS, in Curwensville, would inform the publie that they keep on band, and will manufacture to order, Plows. Cultivators, THRESHING MACHINES, Stoves, etc., and every other description of articles generally made in a eeuntry foundry. Terms reasonable. Old metal taken in ex change for work. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited. w JACKSON ROBISON, Feb. 23,'70-ly. JAMES M. WELCH. 'CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST.' ' GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST RECEIVED BY ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, Curwensville, Pa. (One door West First Nat. Bank.) Having just returned from the East with a com plete assortment of Goods, suitable for the Spring and Summer trade, we are now prepared to tur ni.sh all kinds of Goods "CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." And after thanking onr customers for their lib eral patronage during the past year, we would most respectfully ask for a continuance of the same. Our stock consists of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, n uujj ajvjj WILLOW-WARE. GROCERIES. BOOTS 4-SHOES, HATS tr CAPS. CLOTHING. CARPETS. TOBACCOS, Ete. Also. Flour. Bacon, Salt. Fish, Grain, Ac, Ac, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, tnd the highest market price paid for drain, n sol and all kinds ef lumber and country produce. Please gin us a call before purchasing elsewhere Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and prices ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Cor. Main a Thompson Sts. April 20,'70 Curwensville, Pa. SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvix & Co., Being specially engaged in the business of buy ing and selling SQUARE TIMBER, would repre sent that they are now prepared to purchase tim ber, delivored at either Curwensville, Lock Haven or Marietta, or will take it at any of these points and sell on commission, making such advances as are necessary. Those engaged in getting out timber will Snd at our store in Curwensville, a very large atock of STAPLE GOODS; ef all descriptions. ALSO, FLOUR MEAT, RYE, . OATS, CORN, and everything necessary for use ef Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, of all sixes, kept on hand in large quantities, and sold at a small advance, by the coil. Also, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE, Ao Speeial inducements off red to those manufac turing Square Timber. E. A. IRVIN A CO. . Curwensville, Jan. 12. 1870. WHOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR STORE- I. L. REIZENSTEIN, DEALER I WIXBS AND LIQ UORS, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. A good assortment for medical purposes always on hand. - April 6. 1870-tf. Co-Partnership in Store. C. A. Rerobaugh having associated with him in the Mercantile business, in Lewisville, Clear field county, Mr. C. R. McCraeken, solicits a con tinuance of the patronage so generously extended heretofore Having just returned from the eastern cities their stock embi aces a large and varied assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware. Queens ware, and in fact nearly everything equ ally kept in a country store, which they will tell at pcices to suit the times. Country produce taken in exchange for goods C. A.ROROBAUGH. May IB, '7Q.-tf. C R. McCRACKEN QLOTIIING! CLOTHIN6I! good asd chkap::: Men, Touths and Boys can bsfcrloied with fnl suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing a I. L. PEIZENSTEIN'S, where it is sold at prices that Will Induoe their I'urehaee. The universal satisfaction which hf been given, has induced him to increase his i'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, Fells geds at very small profit, for cash; His goods are well made and fashionable. He gives every one the worth ef his money. He treats his customers all alike. He sells cheaper than every body else. His store is conveniently situated. He having purchased bis stock r.t reduced prices he ean sell oheaper than others. For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at I. L. REIZENSTEIN' S. Produce of every kiad takea at the highest market prises. May 18, !. w ' TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The RArTSMAl's JocxALis published on Wed nesday at S2.00 pel annum in advance. If aot paid at the beginning of the year, $2,69 will be charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the close. Advjcbtiseueiits will be inserted at $1,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) eounting a square. For every additional insertion 60 cents will ha charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertiser No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and do paper will be discontinued un tillall arrearages are paid.except at the option ol the publisher. S. J. ROW. rpHE UNIVERSAL DIAL is a curiou? invention, and a perfect success. Its simplicity and accuracy are truly wonderful See "The Old Clock on the Wall," in another column- October 19. 1X70 6m. TOIt SALE. A Double Turbine Water -- Wheel, manufactured by James Laffel! A Co.. at Springfield, Ohio, is new and will be sold at less than cost. For further particulars in quire of the undersigned at Clearfield. March I, '7l.-tf. A S. GOODRICH. rpO THE LADIES. A" circular for mar ried or single ladies, containing desirable7 information upon matters never beiore made pub lio mailed free. Those who wish to give it a care ful perusal may address. Mts. ELIZABETH A. KING, Wiiliomsbaigh, New York. March I. '71 -3m. WANTED, AGENTS. A few first class ' ' men to act, as agents for Wheeler and Wilson's Sewing Machines. We will pay a sala ry or liberal commissions. Horse, wagon and outfit furnished Apply to WM. SUMNER A CO . 140 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., or 91 Franklin Street, Johns town, Pa. - Mar. 8, '70 -3m. "RESTAUR ANT.-The well-known "Goad man Saloon," one square east of the 'Nagle House," on Front St., Marietta, Pa., has been leased by the undersigned, where he will keep a first-clan "RESTAURANT AND CAFE." Kaftmen will find it a convenient place to get re fresh men ts when in Marietta. The most fastil ioua at all times satisfied. G. W. UECEKOTUB Marietta, Feb 2,'71-3mp. T K. BOTTORF'S " PHO TOGRA PH GA LLER Y, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, Pt.NX'i. Negatives made in cloudy as well as in clear weather. Constantly en band a good assortment of (raises, Stereoscopes and stereoscopic views. Frames, from any style of moulding, made to oruer. inayjriuo a ox-i . Dee. 2,'6.vjy. 14-69-tf. BRICKS. The Hotchkiss & Buss Patent Improved BRICK MACHINE will make 20.008 Bricks of tk'PKRioa Qualitv in a working Lv. which can be hacked right from the Machine. It is simple and durable, and Bricks can be made by it cbeaper loan by any otner pro cess. For making Drain Tile it isalso unrivalled. Machines. State. County and Yard Rights for sale. Address FERRY FARM BRICK VVOKKS. 13 Cliff at., Room 7, New Rork. (Mar 15-lm CLEARFIELD N URSER Y. Encock- ace Home Industry. The undersign ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike half wav between Curwensville and Clearfiel Borouchs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees, (standard and dwarf.) Evergreen". Shrub bety, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Black berrv. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Als Sibrianl'rab trees. Quince and early ScarletRbea barb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31,1864. J.D.WRIGHT, Curwensville 0 N M t" OWN II O O K Having purchased the entire stock at the old stand ot Kirk & Spencer, in Lumber City, I iutund carrying ou the business as hereto fore. " MT MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FOR CASH. Thanking our friends and customers for past patronage I solicit a conlinaauce ol the same. St-pt. 15th, lSG'J, ISAAC KIRK. rpHE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. -- This Liniment having been used, for some years past. as a fami'y medicine by the pro prietor, and its good effects eoming to the notice of his neighbors, baa. at their sugeestion. con sented tomanufacture it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Catarrh and Billions ChuHo. ever offered to the public; and will cure many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price. 51 per bottle, er six bottles for S5. Sent to any address by enclos ing the price to WM. II . W.VSONER. Hurd Postoffiae, Oct. . 1S69. Clearfield county. Pa. A Great Medical Discovery ! Dp.. WALKER S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS! Hundreds of thousands bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. W HAT ARE THEY? THEY ARE NOT A VILE FANCY DRINK, Made of Poor Ram, Whiskey. Proof Spirits, and Refuse Liquors, doctore 1 . spiced and sweetened to please the taste.called -'Tonics," "Appetisers." -Restorers." Ac .that lead the tippler on todrunk enness and ruin, but are a true Medioine made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the 'Ireat Blood Purifier and a Life Giving Principle a perfect. Renovator and luvigoratorof the System carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition No person can take these Bitters according tc direction and re main long unwell, provided the benes are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism aiul GoutDyspepsia or Indignation. Billion Re mittent ami Intermittent Fevers. Diseases of tkt Blood. Liver. Kidney and Blidiler, these Bitters have been most successful . Such diseases are caus ed by vitiated blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the digestive organs. Dyspoisiaor Indigestion headache, pain in the shoulders, coughs tightness of the chest, dizziness, (our eructations of the stomach, bad taste in the mouth, billious attacks, palpitation of the heart, inflammation of the lungs, paiu in the regions of the Kidneys and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the atomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all Impurities. and imparting new life and vigor te ike whole system. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our arreat rivers throughout the United States, eipecially those of Ibe Mississippi, Missouri. Illinois, Ten nessee, Alabama. Savannah. Roanoke. James and many others with their vast tributaries, during ins cummer anu Auiumn, ana remarKabl so du ring erase ns of unusual beat and drt ness. are in variably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstruo tions of the liver, a weakness and initable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon thee various orsans.is easentiallv necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpo-te equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter Ud wti ich the b iwels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions ef ti e digestive organs. The universal popular y of this valuable remedy in regions subject to mias matic influences, is sumcicnt evidence or its pow er as a remedy in such eases. For skin diseases, eruptions, tetter, salt rheum, blotchea. spots, pimples, pustules, boils, carbun cles, ring-worms, scald-bead. sore eyes.erysipelus, itch, scurf, uiscolorations of the skin, humors and diseases of the skin, of whatever name or natur. are literally dug up and carried out of the sys tem in a short time by the oseof these Biters One bottle in such cases will convince the most incred ulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting tbroegh the skin in pim ples, eruptions or sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; eleanseit when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tba blood pure and the health of the system will follow. Pin. Tape and other Worms.IorVing in the sys tem of ao many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, read care fully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD A CO., Druggists and Cien, Agents, San Francisco, Cal , and 32 and 3t Commerce Street, New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGeiST. AND DEALERS. Wber f, lifj-ly. . CHEAPEST IX CLEARFIELD! FLOVR IN SACKS OR BARRELS. MILL FEED, RYE CHOP, GROCNb PLASTER, CORN ASD OATd, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY EKED, BOUGHT AND SOLD BY ALEXAPDFR IRWIN. Clearfield, Feb 22. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Succtsiort to Boynton 4 Young), Cor. Fourth and Pine Streets. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAXFFACTV&SfcS Q STEAM ENGINES, Mulay and Circular Saw Mills, UEAD BLOCKSVATER WHEELS, FHAFTING, PULLETS, BOLTS, and all kinda of Mill work. ' STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stovs, Sled Shoes, Tlows, and eastings of all kinds. DEALER? IX Giffsrds' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Wkl.Ues Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Air Cocks. Globe Valvee, Cheek Valves, Wrought Iron Pipe, Ream Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti-frietion Metals, Soap Stone Packing, Sam Packing, io.. Ae., December 14. 1870-tf. A T T E N T 1 0 N, BUYERS READ! READ! Who sells the cheapest goods ia the county J MOSSOP ! Who ells Lest calicoes at 1 2 eta a yarl MOSSOP! Who sella best unbleaohed muslin at !7 e.o'j' MOSSOP! Who Bells Hall's Calf Boots at 5 00! M O S S O P! Who sella Flail's beit Coarse Beotsat SI iO M O S S 0 P! Who sells Hall' best Kip Root, at 4,50? MOSSOP! Whsselli Hats lower than anvbiv;f MOSSOP! Who sells Sugar the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup th cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour th cheapen ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sella Hardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sella Clothing the cheapest ? M 0 S S 0 P ! Who sells Tlaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down to the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'S! Clearfield, May H.1HM. BACOS, Haaaa. Sides and Shemlderiat redeeea prieee, at UOSSQrs