u u ! t i' 4 f BY S. X KOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1871. VOL 17 NO. 33. I li A ky .a a A a am M R fc3 M fed .4 i 84 ii 'il it-'! fi :Mi r? ir n ri m m im; n ,m it' 0 f H M . 18 SPUING. A greenest light and tender Re-clothes each field and plain It is the new year's gladness Returning once again. It ii the spring 10 welcome After chill winter's sway, Bidding each sorrow vanish , And every heart be gay. 1 too awake from dreaming, For rh ! I look on ibee ! So U my winter over And spring revives in ma. APRIL. Through all her thousand pores. Old earth awakens from her winter's dream. And dozing nature feels the quickening pulse That stirs to life within her torpid breast, And gushes out in little rills of joy. Which gently breathe their softly murmured thanks For all that is. and is so soon to be. The sun mounts high in his daily course. And casta his mid-day beams in burning rays ; Tet fails to melt the deeply drifted banks In sheltered nook, and shadowy hollows piled. The swelling bud and the tiny pushing leaf hows moving life within its woody veins, Which fcy and by shall burst upon tho view In all its glorious wealth of leaves and flowers. The early birds, so late from southern ciimea, Awake us with the r native gongs of praise. And lowing cattle join in the glad refrain Which man fills up and offers to his God. THOSE JEROME GIRL?. Those Jerome girls had a piano, and what Aunt Prissy calls '"bristles carpet," on their parlor flor. They had lately in troduced into ' their front door yard, a jrame, which the good lady persisted in designating as "crocket," with a dim notion that it was an invention made by l'avid Crocket, and therefore disreputable. There was a little odd cornering window, where Aunt l'rissy sat at work ; and from there she could look over into the Jerome place, which hud been fixed and improved until it was quite a tasteful and pretty resi dence. The old squat farm house, with its blinking windows i.nd overhanging eaves, faced by that admiration of the ancients, a red barn, had been altered into a tasteful cottage, with a piazza embowered in honey suckle and rose vines. The barn had been moved out of view, opening a prospect to the river, with its fringy willows. A neat, ornamental fence had been built, and trees and shrubs planted and Cower beds laid out. Aunt Prissy shook her head ruefully over what she called those "(Join's" every time he looked out of the little cornering win daw: and she did look out many times a day, somewhat to Ihe detriment of her reel ing and knotting on a little wheel, a remin iscence of her girlhood she had never given tip. For Aunt Prissy sighed heavily over the degeneracy of modern stocking yarn ; and, if anything, to her mind, was an out ward and vinible sign of the approaching end of the world, it was "them flimsy bought things through which a person can poke their finger.' "1 don't believe Uncle Abner ever would hive thought of making such changes in the old ilace." Aunt Prissy remarked to het fritter-in law, Mrs. J.abbett, who was f ml of good old ways too, and loved the More of nice, old fashioned things in the liabbett farm house, and yet h:id thought more and lived more in her time than Aunt Prissy had, "if it hadn't been for the hee t .rin' of them girls." And the old lady lid J up a long, cotton sotk she was knitting for her favorite nephew. Asa (she always knit Asa's Blockings three inches longer in the leg thad she did the others) and she looked at it critically through her glasses. "It does folks good to get stined up once in a hile,"reinarked Mrs. Babbett, who was stepping about in her bruikins, to brush up the tidy room, with gieat patches of sun shine lying on the rag carpet and the braid ed mats, and lighting up a grain of dust if there had been one; "and Uncle Abner has appeared younger and smarter," the added, ' ev;r s:ne the girls got back from school. Tiie improvements have given him some thing to think about besides his rhcum atiz. ?' "There they are, crocketing again, "tried Aunt Prissy, putting her wrinkled old face cut between the dimity curtains with smells of southern wood and sweet clover coming thro-uh the open window. "I can't for the life of in e see what sense there is in knockir.e them balls around. They'd a f-ight better be dring something useful. I'll be bound Uncle Abner don't get bis socks mended once a month. Do hear 'em laugh an i holler like loons. I must say, Miran dy, that sounds brazen." "It's only -a bit of fun," replied Mrs. Bbbett, who was putting up her combs n-.'W, before the glass. "And for my part I like to see the young folk enjoy them selves. It carries me back to my owu young "There was no such goings on when we were gils," remarked Aunt Prissy, pushing her cap frill more out between the window curtains, and letting her knitting rest in her lap. "It makes me ache, most, when I think how pertickler Miss Jerome was about the house; and now look there at the doors all stretched open, as if it was gen'ral trainin', and the muslin curtins a blowin out of the front room winders, and the suu streamia' right in on that bristles carpet, and everything speckled with flies." "Sophy says she won't have anything in tha house too good to use every day," put in Mrs. Babbett, bitting down ia her favor it rocker, in one of the patches of sunlight and gently oscillating to and fro, with a big, yellow pussy cat at her feet, aod basket of the week's mending close by her elbow. "She wants to keep the rooms light and open, because they look pleasant; and her notion is to make life cheerful." "Well," sighed Aunt Prissy, "I should think poor Miss Jerome would almost groan in her grave. They know how to make the money fly ; and a man would need a pretty long puss that would marry one of them girls. To my thinking, they'll stay single many a long day. Sensible young men like our Asa ain't a goin' to be kitched by such highty tighty creatures, with rag bags stuck on the back of their heads. I say them Jerome girls is highty tighty creatures with their new notions ; and for my part, I pity Uncle Abuer,for I don't believe he has any peace of his life." "You needn't pity him," quietly remark ed Mrs. Uabbett. "Bless your heart he likes it. You never saw a good-natured old man yet who wasn't pleased to have his girls pussying around him. It wiil keep him smart for ten years yet." "Wall," rcmaiked Aunt Prissyf taking up her knitting needles .again pnd begin ning to clank them vigorously. "I guess he'll have a chance to keep them by him yet awhile. They ain't going to marry" off so dreadful easy, let me teli you. Our Asa and Henry Fisher love to run there, and they'll fool round as much as you please ; but when it comes to marrying that's anoth er story." "Uncle Abner won't wart his girls to marry any more than other folks, and I shouldn't be a bit surprised if they was old maids after all," said Mrs. Babbett. A number of days passed, and Aunt Pris sy got the notion into her head that there was a mystery going on in the house some thing to be hushed and kept out of sight. She had heard her brother Bon and his wife talking late at night ; and Asa, her fa vorite, seemed hardly himself. He hurried in to his meals, and was off again, appear ing to have lost all his relish for jokes and fun, although he was unusually particular about his clothes. Nathan, the younger brother, kept nudging and poking Asa ; and twice he made him downright vexed, so that Uncle Ben was obliged to speak, al though there was n queer, dry smile curling round his lip-sat the time. Aunt Prissy pricked up her ears and opened her eyes, and wondenid what was to pay, but she was too proud to ask. "I should just like to know what Asa brought home from Milton iu that big paper bundle," said she, trotting out nfter sister iu law into the sweet milk room. T'U by, did he hriii home a bundle?" io qaired Mrs. Babbett, and looking half guilty at her pretence of ignorance. "Yes, of course he did ; .and you know well enough, MiranJy. There's some con- jiinng going on in tins house, mat you re all trying to hide from me ; but thank the Lord, my curiosity won't kill me 1" and she flounced back into tin .sitting-room before Mrs. Babbitt could devise an answer. In spite of her offended dignity, the old lady kept thinking of that bundle ; ami at last she opened the chamber door and crept up the stairs, and slipt into Asa's room, soft ly pulling out the bureau drawer, for fear Mirandy should hear a squeak and guess what she was about. "1 vum !" she exclaimed aloud, "if here ain't a bran new suit of clothes ; the finest kind of broadcloth, as smooth and shiny as satin, every bit good enough to be married in, and better than his lather ever had since the day he was born. The cxtravigaut young dog ! I wonder what ho wants of a white vest ?" When Mrs. Babbett came into the sitting room rea"ly to slick up a bit :.fier her morn ing's work, there Aunt Prissy, sut iu the cornering window, with the dim'tty curtains fluttering in the fresh breeze, and breaking the shadows of the morning vines and bal sams opening white and red, in the little strip of ground beneath. The Jerome place looked just as open and inviting as usual with dew clinging to the pink roses about the porch and a pair of tripping hands playing a tripping tunc on the piano. Aunt Prissy had forgotten her tiff, and thought best to couceal her discovery con cerning the clothes. "Land o' Goshen," said she, all of a sud den, "if there ain't our Asa going into the Jerome's front gate. What, arrant can he have at this time o' day ? And Henry Fish er has just hitched his horse by the post. I think them girls ought to be ashamed of themselves. Uncle Abner is coming out now, and Matildy has run out after him with that rag-bag stuck on the back of her head, all frizzled aod frowzled. I don't see how anybody can call that girl purty. She's fussing round the old man, brushing his coat and quirking up his hair, and he looks as pleased as Cuffy. I do believe Uncle's get ting childish. Mercy ou-us Melindy, Elder LI a Heck has just arriv' in his shay; and they've brought out into the stoop some chairs, and Uncle Ab has gone round the house with him. .I've is good miud as ever I had to eat to happen over and see what it's all about. Couldn't you trump up some excuse for me, Melindy? You know I don't want to have it appear as if I mistrusted anything." "You might borrow a nutmeg," replied Mrs. Babbett. demurely, looking down at her work. "I thought I should make some cake, and we are just out." "That's the talk," said Aunt Prissy. So she put on her 6haker, and trotted across the road. . The moment she was out of the house, Mrs. Babbett burst into a hearty laugh ; and Uncle Ben, who appeared to have been lying concealed in the wood-shed. came in, and sitting down, went off into a regular guffaw. "The cat's out of the bag by this time Melindy," said he, when he could manage to speak. "And won't the old lady steam ? I should like to see her." "I am afraid we -have carried the thing too far," returned Mrs. Babbett. "She won't get over it easy." Meanwhile Aunt Prissy had traversed the pleasant, shady door yard of the Jerome pluce, and mounted the front steps. The fron't door was standing wide open. She walked in with a neighborly freedom, and tapped at the parlor door which was slightly ajar. A low murmurous, humming, buz zing, cooing sound appeared to issue from the appartuient; but still no voice said "walk in." The old lady's impatience grew apace ; and at last she gave the door a push and entered the room unbidden. Good gracious! what a sight met her eyes. There sat Harry Andrews "snuggled" as she af terwards expressed it, close up to Tilly Jer ome with his arm tucked cosily round her waist ; while the young lady herself looked flustered and rosy, with the obnoxious rag bag somewhat discomposed. "Ain't you ashamed of yourself, Matildy Jerome," cried Aunt Prissy, pointing her long Gnger, with righteous indignation ex pressed on every feature, "to be sparking with that young man right in open day light?" "And why shouldn't we be sparking?" cried Harry Andrews, as bold as brass, hold ing Tilly a little tighter, "when we mean to be married to morrow ?" Aunt Prissy was stunned, and dazed. She felt as if she had been suddenly taken with the blind staggers. Without another word, she walked out of the room as straight ae a caudle. Her ideas were so completely ob fusticated that, instead of going out of the front door, she proceeded down a littte pas sage way and on to a porch that led into the vegetable garden. Behind a screen of lilac and snowball bushes voices were issuing and merry laughter. Those were the tones of Asa Babbett. her favorite nephew. Aunt Prissy's heart stood still, and then it gave a great jump. "The old lady don't suspect a thing," said he. "There never was such a sell. Won't she be knocked up when I introduce you as her niece ?" "I'm ulrnost sorry you played such a prank ; for I want her to learn to liko me." Tt was Sophy Jerome's voice that uttered these words. Aunt Prissy waited to luar no more. In a towering rage she flew down the steps and presented herself to the astonished pair.who naturally ehatijred th-ir ro"itiot. in lmsie ami turned a variety of bright colors. "You ain't fooled the old woman quitj so bad as you thought to !" she cried with her eyes flashing and the specs just ready to tumble off the tip of , her nose. Aa saw he must face the music; so he tried to laugh it off. "Don't make too se rious a thing of it. Auntie," said he, in a coaxing tone, "Sophy ain't a bit to blame. I did it all for a joke, and meant to confess and beg pardon before I went to bed to night." "I didn't think you'd do such a thing, Asa Babbett," and a series of dry twitches began to convulse the old lady's mouth and chin. "I could stand 'niCst any kind ot hectoring, and never inindsd your putting a bee in my cap, when you was a shaver,and making me an apple pie bed ; but to think of your getting promised to one of tho Jer ome ga!s. and making a fool of your old Aunt into the bargain !" And Aunt Prissy broke down into a series of hysterical sobs. Nothing that Asa or Sophy could do or say sufficed to picify her. She crept back over home much crestfallen, and opened the sitting room door where Mrs. Babbett was at work. The next nunrning, which was bright and breezy, a great bustle arose early in the house ; and she knew that all hands were getting ready to go to Asa's wedding. She could hear Asa himself tramping about overhead and putting on those new cltthe"; and although he was immensely happy and busy, he did find time to coine and execute one last series of thumps on the old lady's door. "Come, Aunty, don't hold a grudge against a follow," he coaxed. "Do come over to the wedding. You always said you would dance at my wedding, and now you're going to give me the cold shoulder. It's too confounded bad." Not aword did she answer, although her heart thumped hard and fast. By and by Mrs. Babbett was dressed in her black silk, and a tasteful cap, trimmed with pink bows; and Unci Ben had shaved and donned' a clean dickey, and poked his hair up very high in front, and then they all went off, and left the house solitary and alone. Aunt Prissy began to feel vury forlorn and more aggrieved than ever. She got up, pushed the bureau away, and stole out into the sit ting twin in her double gown and list shoes, and peeped forth from the hule cornering window. There was music playing, and the neighbors girls were dotting the green dooryard with their light dresses. She thought with a kind of dumb swelling of the heart that her boy was being married over there, and she, his old doting, fond Aunt, was staying away in a fit of the 6ulks. Why should she bite off her nose to spite her face? They probably wouldn't mi.-s her at all ; but she had half a mind to dress up and walk over there, just for all the world as if nothing had happened. Accordingly the old lady slipped on her tibinet gown, and donned her gold beads and an amazing head dress belonging to the last century ; and just as Elder Halleck was performing the ceremony of the double wed-' ding, with the brides looking as sweet as twin rosebuds, who should come in but Aunt Prissy, for all the world, as Uuelo Ben ex pressed it, ''as stiff as buckram." They had a good old-fashioned merry time ; and Aunt Prissy actually danced un der the waving apple boughs with Uncle Abner ; and Asa put up the old gentleman to give her a hearty smack, which caused her to blush and bridle a good deal, though I rather think she liked it. "Wiil Aun't Prissy ever get reconciled to the match ?" whispered Deaeon Dent's wife to Mrs. Babbett." "Law, ye Now Sophie has ceased to be 0113 of those Jerome girls, and has be come Asa's wife, thi old lady will thit.k her perfection." A Beautifi'l Sentiment. Life bears us on like the stream of a mighty river. Our boat at first glides down the narrow channel through tho playful murmurings of the little brook and the winding of the grassy borders. The trees shed their blos soms over our young heads ; the flowers on the brink seem to offer themselves to our young hands ; we are happy iu hope, and grasp eagerly at tho beauties around us ; but the stream hurries ou, and still our hands are empty. Our course in youth and manhood is along a wider and deeper flood, and amid objects more striking and magnificent. We are animated at the moving picture of enjoyment and industry passing around us are excited at some short-lived disappointment. The stream bears us on, and our joys and griefs are alike left behind us. We may be shipwrecked we cannot bo delayed ; whether rough or smooth, tho river hastens to its home, till the roar of the oceau is in our ears, and the tossing of the waves is beneath our feet, and the land lessens from our eyes, and the floods are lifted up around us, and we take our leave of earth, and its inhabitants, un til of farther voyage there is no witness save the IuQnite and Eternal. The Tuck Idea of We. ltii. The Meth-odi.-t thus concludes an article on this sub ject : "We would uot have men t desist from the lawful pursuit of wealth, but we would have them comprehend the true char acter of the enterprise in which they are en gaged. Riches bring an increase of respon sibility which cannot be transferred to an other. The faculty to acquire moncy.which is given to some while denied to others, is a talent, and is sulject to the same laws which regulate the possession of other taUnts. Souio m-n - I'1 -;e this gift they are to use only for the promo tion of the right, -whether in the pulpit, the fbrum, or at the bar. In like manner others have the gift of money making. Everything they touch seems to turn into gold. God has bestowed this gift on them that they might bless the world. If they employ it merely to hoard money, "or to squander on themselves, they arc recreant to a most sacred trust, and must account to God." Daxgek from using old Petroledm Barrels. A case of poisoning has been reported in Germany from the drinking of rider that had been preserved in an old pe troleum b'arrel, although the cask was thor oughly cleansed before u.-ing. After the funeral of the first victim the crave diggers returned to the house and partook of the same drink ; oue of theui soon afterwards died, and the others had a narrow escape. It is well for the public to know that petro leum acts as a poison, the symptoms being dizziness and vomiting, and it is unsafe to use the old barrels for the storing of any articles of foo 1 or drink. A Printers' Puzzle. The following "Printers' Puzzle'.' was taken from the Printer Remittor: Twice nine of us are eight of us, Ten of us are three! Five of us are four of us, Who can WE" be ? If this be not enough. Or you incline to more, Then SEVEN of us are FIVE of us, Five of us are four 1 Our little four year old remarked to her mamma going to bed, "I am not afraid of the dark." "No, of course you are not," replied her mamma, "for it ca't hurt you." "But, mamma, I was a little afraid once, when I went in the pantry in the dark to get a cookey. " "What were you afraid of?", asked her mamma. "I was afraid I couldn't find the cookies." "I don't care much for a quiet baby, but 1 dote on a squalling one," said an old bach elor. "Why, how strange !" admiringly chorussed all the mothers in the room. "Not at all," responded the bachelor, "be cause, as soon as a brat begins to squall it's always taken from the room 1" The bachel or had no sooner delivered himself thus than he took himself from the room, fol lowed by maternal execrations. A gentleman traveling on a steamer, one day, at dinner was making away with a large pudding close by, when he was told by the servant that it wasdesort. "It matters not to me," said he, "I would eat it if it was a wilderness." He who toys with time trifles with a fro zen serpent, which afterwards turns upon the hand that indulged the 6port, and in flicts & deadly wound. A W. WALTERS, Attorney at Law. jL, Clearfield. Pa. Office in the Court House w ALTER BARRETT, Attorney atl.aw. Clear field, fa. .May 13. lSli.i. HF. BIGLER A CO., Dealers in Hardware c and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron raro, second Street. Clearfield. Pa. Mar '70. HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker. and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ae. Room in Grahau'srow,Marketstreet. Nov. 16. THO'S J McCULLOl'GU, Attob.net j-at-Law, Clearfield, Pa. All legal business prompt ly attended to. Oct. 27. ISCtf. W.M. REED. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa.. Fancy Dry Goods, White Goods, Notions, Embroideries, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Liood, etc. June 15, '70. j. p. irtviif. : : : : . i.. kbebs: TRVIN & KREBS. (Successors to II. B. Swoopi). Law and Collection Office, Market Street. Clearfi -Id. Pa. Nov. 30, lb'O. 4 I. SHAW. Dealer in Drugs. Patent Medicines . Fancy Artictos. etc.. and Proprietor of Dr. Hover's West Brauch Bitters, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa June li,'?" FB. REA1. M. D., Physician and Si'ncEON. . Kylertown. Pa., respectfully offers his pro fessional services to the citizens of thnt plnce and surrounding country. Apr. 2tMim. V iibis T. Noni.E. Attorney at Law, Lock Ila- J vcn. Pa. Will practice in the several courts of Clearfield county. Humness enirusicu 10 niin will receive prompt attentinn. Je. 2'.). '7il-y. I II M'EX ALLY. Attornevnt Law, Clearfield J. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjnin;ng counties. Office iu new bnok building otJ.ljojn t u, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel. TEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield, Pa., will 1. attend promptly to all Legal business entrust ed to his care in Clearfield and adjoining coon ties. Office on Market stroet. July 17, 16t7. rplIOMAS II. FORCEY. Dealer in Square and J Sawed Lumber, lrj-Ioods. Queensware, Gro ceries. Flour. Oram, l eed, Bacon, 4o., 4c., ora hamton. Clearfield county, Pa. Oct 10. TT HTSWICK A IRWIN. Dealers in Drugs, Jl Medicines. Paints, Oils.Stationary, Perfume ry. Fancy Goods, Notions, eic., etc., Market street, Clearfield, Pa eo- 6. KRATZER .1 SON, dealers in Dry r j. Clothing. Hardware, yueensware. Groce ries, Provisions, c, Second Street Cleai field. pa. Dec. 27.1865. JOHN QITELICH, Manufacturer Cf all kinds o Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa lie also makes to order Coffins, on short notice and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0.'59. 1CIIARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreignand Do , mestin Drv Goods. Groceries. Flour. Bacon, l.i'iuors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west ot jonrnalOffim, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. J J. MNGLE, Attorney at Law. Osceola, Clear . field oounty, Pa. Will practice in tho sever al Courts of Clearfield and Centre counties. All business promptly attended to. Mar 15. '71 . "1T7ALLACE A FIELDtN'n, Attorneys at Law Clearfield. Pa. Office in res dencc of W. A. Wallace I.eal business nf all Kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. .Ian.5.'70-yp vi, a. wal'.ace. rA!is riEimsQ rj W SMITH, Attorney at Law. Clearfield II . Pa . will ottnnd promptly to huxino s en trtKfe.l to his care. lrac m - .. building adjoining County National BanK.and nearly opposite the Court House. June 30. '63 I FREDERICK LEITZINGER, Manufacturer of all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. He alsokeeps on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen ware, of his own manufacture. Jan. 1. ISB: MAXSIOX HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa This well known hotel, near the ourt House, is worthy the patronage of the public. The table will be supplied with the betin the market. The best of liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY. JOIIS H. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field. Pa. Office on Market Street, over Hartswick & Irwin's Drugstore. Prompt attention given to the securingofltounty claims. Ac. .and to ail legal business. March 27, li7. Y I. CCRLKY. Dealer in Dry Goods, IT .Groceries, Hardware. 0.ucens are. Flour Ba con, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. Also extensive dealers in all kindsof sawed lumber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. Woodland. Pa., Aug. lSthM DH J P. RURCH FIELD Late gurgeon of the S.tJ Re;?'t Penn'a Vols., having returned from tbe army, offers his professional services to the citiiens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sional calls promptly attended to. Office on South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4. lsfla 6m p. CURVKVOn. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a purveyor. He may be found at his residence in Lawience township, when not engaged; or addressed by letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. March fith. !8S7.-tf. JAMES MTTCHKLL. DU. W. C. MOORE. Office, (Drug Store) 12- West Fourth St..Villiamsport, Pa. Special attention given to the treatment of all forms of Chronie awl CuiiftitutiovaJ Dtirax's Consultation by letter with parlies at a distance. Fee 52 00 for first consultation subsequent ad vice free. Mar 15,'71-om JEFFERSON LIT Z, M. P., Physician and S'urgon, Having located at Osceola. Pa., offers his profes sional services to the people of that place and sur rounding country. AH calls promptly attended to. Office and residence on Ourtiu Street, former ly occupied by Dr. Kline. May 19,'6tf. GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of the Peace, Sur veyor and Conveyancer. Luthersburg. Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly at tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Survey or will do well to give him a call, as he flatters himselt that he can render satisfaction. Deeds of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all letrul papers promptly and neatly executed je3'70-yp A GREAT OFFE II . Horace Waters, 4S1 Broadway, New York, will dispose of ONE HUNDRED PIASOES ME LODEO.NS and ORGANS of six first class makers, including Chickering A Sons, at eitkf.iiklT low PRICES FOB CASH. DPF.INO THIS MONTH, OT wHI take from Si to $25 monthly nntil paid 4-l3-'70-ly J BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, AND DEALER IN Saw Logs and Lumber, CLEARFIELD, PA. Real estate tought and sold, titles examined, taxes paid, conveyances prepared. Office in Masonia building, on Second Street Room No. 1. Jan. 25, '71. B OOTS! BOOTS!'. BOOTS!!! BOOTS!!!! FRENCH KIP, FRENCH CALF, IS 041 00 6 0 LIGHT KXP. at KRATZER t LTTLE'S, Sep'. 21, 1870. Opposite the Jail CANNED FRDIT. Canned Plums, Peachea and canned corn, etc , for sale at the Drag Stor.of A.I.SHAW. E D. PERKS t Co' Sour, the best ia market, for sal by J. SHAW i SON. Y O ifH II S' A N D BOY S CLOTHING. The undersigned having recently added READY-MADE CLOTJIIXG to his former business, would respectfully solicit an examination ol bis stock. Being; a practical Tailor be flatters himself that he is able to offer a better class of ready-made work than has heretofore been brought to this mar ket. Any on wishing to buy goods in this line would save money by calling at his store, and making their selections. Also, a full supply of Gents'furnishing goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for past favors, he would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the am. April 2s?, 1869. H. BRIDGE. 1871. 1S71 1 SPRING GOODS! A- TITE FIRST OF THE SEASON ! TIIE CHEAPEST IN THIS MARKET! BUY I BUY!! BUY!!! 0 F KRATZER & LYTLE. Tour Dry Goods. Tour Groceries, Your Hardware, Your Queensware, Tour Notions, Your Boots & Shoes, Your Leather, Your Shoe Findings, Your Flour an J Fish, Tour Bacon and Feed, Your Stoves, Tear Carpet Chains, Tour Hats and Caps, tour Wall Papers, Tour Oilo'oths. Tonr Carpets, Tour Window Curtains. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! at wholesale to country merchants. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, Ac, A liberal discount to builders. Everything that you need can be had at great advantage to the buyer, at KRATZER 4 LYTLE'S, Market Street, Mar 22,'7I. Clearfield, Pa .op. the Jail. BEFIl Burn USED nVED Urotbers Brothers . Brothers REED BROTHERS, ed REED REED REED REED BROS BRO'S BROS Are receiving this week a large and attractive stoek of FANCY DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, kc, to which the attention of buyers is invited. SPLENDID PLAID DRESS GOODS, 25 and SO cents. SPLENDID BLACK ALPACA, 25 and 30 cents. SPLEFDID SUMMER SHAWLS, $2. 00, $2.50 and (3.00. SPLENDID LACE POINTS, S4.00 and 54 50. CPLENDID LINEN DAMASK, 45. 50 A 60 clt. per yard. ELEGANT MARSEILLES QUILT3, $2 09 and $2 50. GOOD NAPKINS, 75 ot., 87 cts., SI. 00 and 51.25 per dozen. GOOD TOWELS, 12iand IS cent each. GOOD TOWELING, 10 and 12cents. SPLENDID PIQUES, 18, itf, 25 and 31 cents per yard. GOOD CALICO, 81, 7, 8 and 10 cents per jard. MUSLIN. YARD WIDE, 8 cents yer yard. HAIR GOODS IN GREAT VARIETT. CURLS, 3i cent. EEST SWITCHES, 20 cent. NEW CHIGNONS, VERY CHEAP. NETT MILLINERY GOODS ! New Spring Styles of HATS AND BONNETS! The choicest line of FLOWERS in the market BDNDOWNS, in rreat variety. New Styles LADIES' COATS, 4c. Ac , And thousands of other thingsof wti:h we would like to tell you but for the want of time, being too busy selling goods. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ! REED BROTHERS, Market St., Clearfield, Ta. BETTER, EGGS, WOOL, aod all marketable prod ace tak en . March 15, 71. GROUND AND TJNGROTND SPICES. Cirr n English Currant, Essence Coffee. and ine garot the best 11'X A ntWIN RT GOOD!? the beapt 2 b eu7' May 2. 7. J ' " " THE KIDNEYS. The Kidneys are two in number, sitnated at the upper part ot the loin, surrounded by fat. and consisting of three parts. Tit: the Anterior, the Interior, and the Extorior. The anterior absorbs Interior consist of ti sues or veins, which serve a a deposit for the if urine and convey it to the exterior. Tb exte rior is t conductor also, terminating ia a singl tube, and called tbe Ureter. The ureter are con nected with tb bladder. Tbe bladder is composed of various covering or tissues, divided into parti, vii : tb Upper, th Lower, th Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many bar a desire to urinate without tbe ability, others urinate with out the ability to retain. Thi frequently occur in children. To cure these affections, we must bring into ac tion the muscles, which are engaged in their va rious functions. If they ere neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensne. The reader must also be made aware, that how ever slight may be tbe attack, it is sure tt affeo tbe bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. Govt, or Kbeitmatish. Piin occurring In tbe loins is indicative of tbe above diseases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. ' Tub Gravkl. The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treatment of the kidaeys. These or gans being weak, the water i not expelled from tbe bladder, but allowed to remain; it become feverish, and sediment forms. It it from this de posit that the stone (s formed, and gravel ensues. Dkofst is a collection of water in some part of tbe body, and bearsjdifferent names, aceoi ding to tbe parts affected, vit: when generally diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of tb Abdomen. Acite; when of the chest, Hydrotho rax. Tbeatvxst. Helinbold' highly concentrated compound Extract Bucbu Is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of tbe bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism .and goaty affections. Under this bead we have arranged Dysurie, or difficulty and pain in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent dischar ges of water; Strangury, or flopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine; Gout and Rheuma tism of the kidneys, without any change in quan tity, but increase in color, er dark water. It wa always highly recommended by th late Dr. Physics, in these affections. This medicine increases the power of digestion mad excites the absorbent into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous deposition and all unnatural enlargements, as Well a pain and inflammation are reduced, and It I taken by men, women and obildren. Direction for use and diet accompany. PniLADELrniA, Pa., Feb. 25, 1867. H. T, Hrlvcold, Druggist: Dear Sir : I nave been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney affections, during which time I have used variouf medicinal preparations, and been ander the treat ment of the most eminent Physieians, experien cing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively ad vertised, I consulted with my family physician In regard lo using your Extract Bnchu. I did this because t had nsed all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and bad found them worthiest, and soma quite injurious ; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to ate no rem edies hereafter unless I knew of tbe ingredient. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. At yon advertised that it wa composed of bocha, cubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, ith his advice, after an examination of the arti cle, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced its use about eight months ago, t which time I wa confined to my room From tbe first bottle I was astonish ed and gratified at the beneficial effect and after using it three week was able to walkout. I felt much like writing you a full statement of my ease at that time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of groater value to yon and more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cure it effected after using the remedy for five months. I have not used any Dow for three months, and feel as well in all respect at I ever did. Tour Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice toni and invigorator of the system, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in tuch affections. M McCOKMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormick' statement, be refers to tbe following gentlemen: Hon. Wm. Bigler, ex -Governor Penn'a. Hon Thomas B Florenae, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor, Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. R.C. Grier. Judge U. S Court. Hon. G. W. Woodward, Judge. Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Phil'a. Hon. John Bigler, ex Governor, California. Hon. E. Baaks. Auditor Gen. Washington, D.O. And many other, if neeeasary. sold by Druggist and Dealer every where. Be ware of counterfeit. Ask for Helmbold. Tak no other. Price- 125 per boUIe,or bottle for $8.50. Telivered to any addrea. Describe tymp tom in all communication. Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drag and Chemi cal Warehouse, 594 Broadway, N Y. NOSE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONB UP El steel-engraved wrapper, with fao-imil f 7 Chemical Warehou and signed J.r- 1 5. 70-1 y H. T. HELJUJOLD. i . 1 1 i II