u u laftmxan oxmxaU4Udxdbf a., gLytit 12, mi. "CLEARFIELD, PA., APRIL 12, 17 L t0Pa,t.o.-To inrete the fe tran.irisfion monff by mail, patron should remit by check j er 0:;?T-crier, or have iwit le.iers rcg.-ier -.. or dot; t will be enclosed in the first paper alter i re-eip uioiieyeo-r.es to ban: ,3 ?na' E. R. Wirjter Arrace'oerit. u.:tr.'n ljTrtonen : : : 9.-15 a Arrive' at 0-eola at : rriiiirsburg at " ClearSeM at ; Va'.' Ir : in leare? Clearfield a Arrives at Phiiipaburg at Osceola at Tyrone at : Lock Haven at : 11.15 a.m. 1 1 .41 a. m. 1 2 4u t m. : 2 to P rn 3 40 p. . 4 0i p. m. : 5. Si p. m 12 25 p. m AcotnTnatioa Tram. -.riearSeid ' : : : : : : 7.99 A. j ,,,.-,. t P: 'linsbars at : : 9 P'J a. m O.-eoiaat : : : 10.00 a.m. ' Intersection at : : 12 50 p.m. E Tvrt.na at : : : 1 13 p m. rw.!E.tT.r.n,'t: : t : : lOOuam. rrives at Intersection at : : p.m. O-ceo'aat : : : : 2 00 p. m, Pbiiipfburg at .- : 3 40 p.m. Clearfield ut : : 6 59 p.m. C'-ie nn-ln reaie at Tyrone with trains ( lit end We?: on the Maine Line. IIemoioi."-. T".vine H;rviecs will Le held r-v": Sahi.ath, in Clearfield, as follow?: At Uev. Hail, in St. Andrew's Episcopal , ': '::'(?!.. at 1 1 A. M. a" 1 M. Sonday ,j it 3 P. M. l'rayor meeting every y-r ':!.eday evening :-t 7 o c!ocit. r,-.-v. I ,,!.,r in ll.l Tr,-.Vtfi IIH P h'lrcll. y - I'rr.-r ni-jiiiin; every Wednesday ; :.r rt T o :k. j ; - ;;. r. J. H. -d Cord, in thi? :.Iorhrdit .','' " m.,rnir.ir and evening. Sabhat.i 1 ..,1 at '.' A. 1. i'raver meeting, every j rl.iv at V. M. Communion services j : .-tit '.it!; of every month at 10 A M j ,- K,v. Mr. Skinner, in ' jl1 ! .h, morning and evening, alternately. J - . To tae Eeabiicar.:. j ? m-.tjli rs of the flrpublican County i .. ;.,-.( 6r, reo'iested to meet in the ; ct C'.T.rf:!d. cn Tuesday the ; f !:-. at -J o'-l..ck. P. M., fjr tb.r : i f t'.r-etiDff a rk?r.re-entative. an2 v ' . riegate to the State Con- j t'1 he held at IlarrtsbtiT? on th ; av i Jin-.-. All other members r-f ar:y are re.'r-eotfu'iV invited t. attrn 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 1 uitAi , r.'l. C2. C!i5i--fi"'t Co. Corn. Mr. Josepb At;;in rrman. of i- ; ;u-e, l.fid his Jeft snki. s-,ra:oed, one ' !.it week, whila engac-d in tearing r-r. t'.ii? ,;!d lH'r.lup liou-e. Ui is about M.'TtK I ';t".i"vl!IIn'TS. V.'e f. that Dvler, Young !; Co., are bui! ling aHi'inu t- their machine shop, in piae, prepara'ory to an increase in tlie v rL.:n capacity of the eitabuahuttat. Flight rir.r Th o! 1 br.il ling n Ma I -t stn-ei, known as thi "'..li Jew Store." cti-i n--w o np:cd by a .bt-.-cotit, took 6 re ' Fri :iy ritunsri?, !t tr.f-an of sparks f-i! l f. U Was fT. iti;::rl ts : n a:ei .n tat r wjs- con 2. Pt A-r::.T I '.'l '.V. f V. .L hrrefish. A p.M;.-n:- 1 a l-'i.g'.h arid v: O irfrk ni ".lack John-. ; he 'd:;," h w? r-'i-y day r.t tb.isiy-Gvc .-re .-'vera! tine i ten inct.es m Luckv ' ; -as u-u Oi-r fitirKi.tn The Trrore lleroll j vs. the number of La e 1 cars brought off 1 Tvr :; an I Cieu: 5-' l road rltirin . r,-!. cf M,r h. ti CITS or an average ; n .-ver s d-! the large 1 .,. .1,r rctd vrs opoued. 3 ;rtv mi'e branch. t ,-.--,i Tije ti se" nny pr i-iii ;;? Lne evt "nigs, an-'i u,n ( te tif.nl him. j-sst W3:ic to th i r in::!, in ;hiS ..-rht-rn end of the ar.d ba k. an 1 if y-i don't meet i- p-'rrs n'ju' i:i !is. y.u liallwtter , ; -!..:!. That board walk mikes wirm j : t..:T.v The feT nn isna! diVs t f last w -ek. br oiihl quite a '- ot our yotin.? ladies out in their new ; r h it-. T'ao'JsIt amaitt is not yet ! t:, 1, -.-; are ; they are so?i:i.-:Hns after .-' (f the "sundown" of Ja-t reason ' -l ie and serviceable, r. well as orna- j il ' IviiT.r.T!. (Jn Tuesday njnr.nin.ir as a Mr. j i--e IUvhard-, was passim; aloria Market ' :. riding one h "irse and leadintr another, ; N. .. desires ns to inform the people of ... i,.,rn upon which he sat stumbled and ; Clearfield and vieinity that he has pernia ". thrt'Wiotr Mr. U. forward and under j I entiy locate 1 anion? them, for the purpose ii.-.re, while the second horse stumbled j of y rietUini; his profession. The Doctor 1 ! ei! over the fir-t. Assistance being j will be in readiness? to attend to all proles - ': -. Mr. R. was relieved (rem his per- ' sional calls, either night or day. Iiis office ; -irj: !- .(. ).y rollimr the horse off him. is on Reed street, south side, between the . s.vwhat i.iijred. bnt to what ex- j Kai'.roa I and Second street, here he may 'Tta;n. Time will tell. N Oi.l, ClT!7 FN'. oeil shel. ui t; rt-M ter,( p . sou- on .Sat:j.-.'.-.y, April :h. .- 1 74 years. 11 m onai- an i S d:iys. 1: 1 was amonjr thi first settlers ir t-'wr-hip, iiavins locate 1 t'.iie in He wae an indti'trions and hard- hone-t and frugal, an d be n. y ;11 vho knew him. His death is :i. ivw i y his relatives and fi ieiiJs. -. 'I sf I Tit riate to tne oj?:t:on, was; ; - n L-d in the Lutheran church in this on futility morning at eleven o eloeK. r -ervices his remnins we-.-e conveyed to r-nitcry, on tho O.vju's f.trm, where v were interel with great solemnity. A j."i ectneottrse of people wa-tin attendance. V'iix IT Pay? The su'C"ssu! operation ' f a large machine shop, a planing uiilhan 1 a steam tannery in tnis place, tl- ar'y detn ' -nitrates that manufacturing establishments only way t build up a town or city is to -.-ec: within its limits manufactories of va rl us kinds. The more varied thei.-eharac; tr. the better for all concerned. R. sides; -i increase in minuficturing establishcients r. eL-sariiy tarings an increase in population, '"j. a eonsc'jueoee, increases every other "'n 1 of business, and industry, and enhances t tie value of real estate. We hope our cap--.i-u.s-j -rti c:?e this subject the considers t; n its importaaca demands, and that soon e -ha'.i see raanufaetaring establishments 7 '-igliig up all aroani us. Ix will pat ' ! Monet Drawer Robbed. About twen ty five dollars was abstracted from a money drawer in Hartswick it Irwin's Drue Store, on Tuesday afternoon, April 4tb, by Fome ligbt-fineej-ed thief. Tee mystery is liow the person managed to take the money with out being discovered, the thelt Laving ''een perpetrated during business hours, and evi dently when the clerk was in tha stose. I Suspicion? are entertained as to who took tba money, and if it is retnrned withont delay, no questions will be aked, but other wise proceedings for its rsuvery wid Le in stituted. Fire at Ccrwensville. About S o'clock on Saturday evening, April 8th, a houe near Curwensville, belonging to the estate cf William Irvin. E-q., dee'd, nd occupied by Mr. A, I-vio Thompson and fattiily, wa discovered to be on fire. The alarm was promptly tlven, but before as sistance reached from town the fames bad progressed so far as to reader resistance in effectual. Such hou-" hold poods a,? were on the lower finer and in the cellar were saved; hut all effects, such as beds and Le-ldiri, clothing, and a lot c-f meat in the second story Were destroyed. The eaiise of the fire is a mystery, having originated in t'ue npper story, and fcprea 1 fo rapidly, that Mrs. Thompson, with difficulty, and not ej in saving her children, who were slecp- ;!t, on tjje second fijor at the time Mr. T . . Thonii.son ling abseut from home. Th tmuily received all possible attention from the neighbors, and. c-onsi )erin ail things, Were (ltunate in escaping as well as ttW did. in.ranee on the property. Mr', ' J l.omp--on s loss is frfm $ i t) to $4)0. The building was wth r.bout 1,600. 15 a ;rr r first -r ; uni jf'rfttfl t 'l J'ot rath iuhs--utiit t n'ri , 1'u.srto. I-Ve.-Ji e .oua J Lip.d Piasto Krol,ir j.,u- - , ... at ' 1 , - fi.tisnEX making time has coin?, an 1 those in want of carderiing i:i:p!e!i)er.ts of any kind, canfiid a full assortment at II. F. Bigler & Cj's. 5.iVi; pounds of Woo! wan'eJ at Kraizr-r & Lytic s, opposite the Jail. . apo 4t. - rABDEX Sked.s. lu-t received and for sale c;t the I'rng Stars of Ilartswkk & Ir win. ireh garden seeds, and mixed lawn and white clover seed. -apr. U-Sr. II. F. Rigler ti Co., have j-i-t received .. an extensive and well as, -iru-d stock of 2h in? tackle, consisting of rods, baskets, lines, ; horks, etc.. which will be disposed of to the i "liis-iples of I-dio Walton" at reasonable J ratiis. J'fad ' Reap!: At per-ons- interested I vt hiving a p'? ni? ero-m 1 or driving park. ' a?e respeetfi ti'.t rfoue-tf 1 to m'-'t at t'se "Sjvr House" on Fridav evening at 8 o'elor - k, whn the onvntttee Rpnointed at a farmer tne-tina will offer their report on th; s :' j--.-t. 1 rt i :i-trziTr.-i.il mier- .:,'n d r.re prepare i to take any reasonable r - 7 . . .. . " - r;sRs m pooi an i rena'oe cotnpanies. s - .ieh a the 'Tarmr-r's Matual," of York, Fa.; 'Andes.'" of Cincinnati. Ohio; "Ger- nimia." of N-?w York, and others. R jtes reasonable ; and in cae of lo.s, money paid j up promptly. Irvtn & KttEjis. EvETtv T:tAIN brings r.n addition to the r.'i c-i lv 1 true ari 1 well Cir ted assortment of en'-ral UirLvar nt I! F. P.ialor A on ."s j.' i!! ! street. 15 lil fers. meMnn -a Idler, sh.-:ai-.iker, f irmer, house ers. rr !.' 1 ". t-le can Ka arr.-ini- 1-.. in -!.! wl'h a-iy artie'e that m iv be need ri by them, tijols, tho be-t in the mar kot. Prices mod irate. Call and see. To FnMF.?.s and Ornz&s For several years pa-r. many fruit tree- have been in- j ire iby ""bcrers." and fJi ant, gnoslKrrty. ro-e bushes, etc., de'troye i.y creen worm. A remedy for these pe-ts has been discover- ered. They can be destroyed without injury I to trees or bu-hes. r or farther information apply to Nathaniel RUhel, near thi. place, who is a sent fr Clearfield JJoroatrh and Lawrenc.- townsliip. Ir?. F. Platto, formerly of ?yrr:euse. be found night and day, when not engaged ! e':sevhe:e. March 8, lsTl.tf Fil. M.u-kerel, Lake Ilerrin?. Col Fish. Arc, at Kratzer A Ly tie's, opposite the J ail. NE'il-ECTED TlIHOAT AND Lr.VO f'iSEA- .iiini te.e ch.in: ib:c seasons o f fall and winter when Cou;h" an! Colds are so prevalent, no person should be without some reliable preparation for their cure. They sh o:ld recollect that a neglected Couh or Cold re.juent'v terminates in Consumption. .,..', y,7 Syrup of T-ir is the lesc and most reliable arriele known for the ctir? of Co!ih-i, Col Is, II'-ar.-ene, Sore Throat, A;thnn. Chronic Catarrhs, and all di-eaesof the Throat and Lure. No fam- ! i'y should be without ir. It is; no private "f-jua k"" preparaiion : on the contrary, it is ! res -ribe l by some of the most eminent physicians in the country. Price 50 cents. 1 For sale by Ilartswix-k k Irwin. CiearSeld ; ! rt T-.:.. ' . l r Feb. 22-1 2l Calcined Plaster. Kratzer & Lytle keep French, Richards & Co's Calcined Plaster. Opposite JaiL MARRIED. ' On Thursday, March 3)ih. 1S7I, bv Rev W. M. BurchSeld, Mr. A. Milton Kirk, of Lumber city, and Mis Bertie J. Port, of Ciarion county. rRIED FRUIT, at reduced prices, at XS "lay iz.na MOSi-OPS. rnllK hfghestaarkpt prices paid frr Shiniles j X by J SHAWASOS. ' G LOS IK r QUOTATIONS of Government Secu rities at i. T. iiradv h. C No. 6 Wood c.t. Pitubargh, 51 arc i IS. 1871. irr ell lioi nit 113i 1U 1 V'i IK'i I10 110) 119 mi im ii9i U9k 1 Ut 92t 1CJ Gold, C. S. 131. V S. 5-20'a. ISfll, V. S. 5-ii) . 1 f,i. V. S 5-2.. Is-5, 'J.S I0-10"s. 5-20 . Jsnuary A Jnly. 1S63, 5-2u', January A July. lf7, 5-20'g..Tjnuary July. Union Psciae P.ilroil. Central Paciuc Railroad, Cy. PaeiBef.. PACTION.- I hev.by s To nil ichom it may ancrrn : eive notice to any fcnd all per sons. tDat i win mt pay a certain rtijlt. given by me to E II. Wiisoo. lor the sum of One Hun dred and Fifty-five Dollars, payable ninety days after dale, aaid note being daied the t5tb day ot March. A. I)., 1S71, and being rayable at the Clearfield County Back, I having received no cfln siJeiation therefur. March 29 -St. Z C. M CCLLOIjOH. A DM I X ISTR ATO U'S NOTICE. Iet ter. of administration on the estate of Jacob Stme. late of Uirarl township, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned, no tice is hereby given fist all person i indebted to lid estate are requeued to make immediate pay ment, and thore bavio claims aeaisst the ame S'iil present them, properlv antbenticated, lor settlement to. ALEX AXDLlt WISER. Apnl 5. lsl-Rt Administrator. pXECUTOnS NOTICE. Letters Tes -1-4 tainetitarv on the estate of Rebecca Iav3. late of Penn township, deeajed. having been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby, giren tb.it all persons indebted to said estate are required to m ;i immediate payment, and tsose having c' ltuif aaint tbe same will present them, properly acthecticated for wttlemen to ELTs.1 A DAVIS, JOsEPU D4VI5. Mar.l5.1S71-6t p. Liecotors A UDITOR'S .NOTICE. In the matter of the estate ot Theodore Pdoples, de ceased. Tbe nnderigned auditor, having been appoin Ud U make diairibqtion cf the balance in the hinds of John Owens, Administrator of aaid es tate to and among the person legally entitled th-ret. will attend to the duties of the arniint ment at the office of .f"E. McEnally, q..io '-"lear-f.tld cn Tuely, April ISth. H7l.'at2 o'clock. T, M . when SLd where d!l ier-n intere5t?l mav afend CtRUS GOKION'. Mjirch5. 1S7I. Auditor. CDITOF'. S NOTICE In the matf r -- of the estato'.if Christian Eineijh, de-cea-d Tba on'ler.irr.c-l. auditrr. having been appoin ted to make distribution of the balance in the ( bands of Edward 1'etk?. one cf the executors f f s.-.M es'nte. Vt anI smoo; the persons letrallyen tit'ec? thereto will 't-nd to the dofies of hi ap pointment at the offi-e of J. It MEr.allv. K-q , in C!cart!'d. on Wedr.ea-lsv. ADril lMth."l7l. at 2 o'clock. P. M., when and where all terons in- j terf'-ea mtv attend. CYtiU.5 U"KU'.. .March 2' 1871. Auditor. ORMAL INSTITUTE. The " Fibh . . w o T -in iani i-'iL ij t; i iia wru fircur A l ilrulu CtlTJ UV u I I a. cheap as mywhere in the cunny. Teachers fboul J hria- all ibetr oltl Tex h'yoks. p. 5 -It ii. SNTUKU- Co Snpt. FARM' FOR SALE! Containing 2S acres, in a good state of cultiva tion, situate in Pike township, about fD rods from Logans' Grist Mill, on the Turnpike leading from Clearfield to Carwensville. There is a story and a half house, a stable and other outbuilding erected therein. There is also a spring of good water and a young orchard on the premises. Any per-on devring a good small T.ARM and HOME, Fill find this a very desirable location. For farther rirticalars inquire of RACHAEL CALDWELL, on the premises, or address T. W. FLEMISH, Marsh 20 :t Curwensville, Ta. JIats and Caps TIIE PLACE TO GET HATS AND CAPS, 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, . i 13 AT i Fullerton's Xcw Store, OXE DOOR XORTU OF 1 Ae" -iaOniC UUliUlHg, CLEARFIELD, PA Ike iargeit stock of goods in tfcis line ever brought intfl the county, is now open fjr the inspection cf the publie.. and will be sold at the Very Loivest Cash Prices. ;.o. a splendid assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, eoEiting of sHIRTS, COLLARS, SECKTIE5. HANDKERCHIEF?. GLOVES. CXDERWEAIt. Et?. A large stock of CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS, which will be disposed of at astonishingly low prices. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited . TX"T FAIL TO CALL. I. B. Ft LLERTOX. Ebccxd St., Bclow Makiet. Clearfilp, Pa. Aprils, 1S71. JAS. T. BRADY & CO., Successors to S. Jona ir Ce.J C0R5ER FOURTH AND WOOD STREET., PITTSBURGH, PA.. B A X.K E R S, arr axd sell aij. kiii or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver and Coupons. Pit per cent, interest allowed on deposits aa'as jeet to chock. Money leaned on Government Bonds Bonds registered free of charge. July 1. 13T0-ly. JAMES T. BRADT A CO. M.PHERSOX'S (formerly M Gaughey's.) Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon, IS LEAVT'S SEW BOLDIJJG, Second St., Clearfield, Ta. Constantly kept en hand a fine eleetioa af Candies. Cigars. Tobacco. JlotJ, it. Also Freh Oysters, received daily, and served ip in any style, to suit tba taste of customers. A full stock of goods jat received from the East. f&Biliard Saloon in Second Story. lee. 14- 70 1 V. R M PriERSQX. BARGAINS IN CHIUSTAIAS PRESENTS, AT TUB FAXCY STORE or Misses Ryiitler & Lanicli. Wa have just received and opened a fall and com plete io'k cf CHOICE TOYS, Lrdie1 Pre? Cap-, G rover and Biker Sewing t-tcbinc?, both Elastic . snd IiOck Stitch, and a very beautiful assortment of GOLD AND SILVER FISH AND AQUARIUMS. The goods ar, all j.-t new aid a share of p"ut!i. CiearfieM. lee v Job Office. On TT find FIP.ST CLASS COMMERCIAL NOTE, PACKET X0TB, LETTEE, FLAT CAP, AXD CHECK FOLIO PAPERS. PILL HE'D MONTHLY STATEMENT, AND STATEMENT PAPERS. CRYSTAL. ENAMELED. AND BRISTOL BOAiiD VISITIXti CAPTtS. BRISTOL BOARD. CHINA AD CMM0X Rr5IXE?3 CARD', OF VARIOUS SflADES AND COLORS AX A550RTMJKXT OF COLORED PAPER, FJR DRUiaiST"? LABELS, AND HANDSILL5. PRINTED TO ORDER, on short notice, AND AT CITY PRICES. MOSHAXXOX Land and Lumber Co., MANCFACTURK LUMBER, LATH, PICKETS. AND SHINGLES. II. II. SI1ILLINGF0RD, rresident, OJir For f st Tlie, 125 S. 4lh St , PLil'a. JNO. L.WYSIIE, Gen'I Sup't, Otcola Mtti, CUarfi'U Connty, Pa. Mohanncii Land and Lumber Co., Oiler Inducements to Purchasers of CHOICE GOODS, AT THEIR M AMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA.- Mosliannon Land and Lumber Co., Offer LOTS in tbe Borough of Osceola and vicinity forsale. Terms easy. Apply at tbe Office of tlie Co. JOHN LAWSIIE, Gen'I Sup't. January 15. 1S71- R E M 0 V A L. II ARTS WICK & III WIN, DRrGOISTS, Market Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform onr old and new custo mers, that we have removed oar establUhmeut to the new building just erected on Market street, nearly adjoining the Mansion House on the west, and opposite Graham 4: Sons' store, wbere we re spectfully invite the public fi corns and bu their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI- CIXS.UILS. PAINTS AND VARNISHES, Our stock of Drus and Medicicesconaist oi evtry thing used, selected with tbe greatest care, and WARRAXTED STRICTLY PIRE'. We also keep aiull stock of Dyes Perfumeries Toilet artictes.Soaps. Tooth Brushes. Hair I;ruh es. Whitewash Pruahes. and every other kind of Brushes. We have a la' ge let of White Lead Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in fact everything used in the painting bnsiness. which we offer at City prices to cash uuyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Confectionery. Spices, and the largest stock of va rieties everoSered in this place, and warranted to be of the best the market aff ord J. 1. H AKT5WICK. Deo. 2. 1R. . JOHN P. IRWIN. P. T. I. DR. DOVER'S PLKK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure. Pleasant. Safe and P.elieble Tonic . com poonJed from freb and choice herbs ar.d pos itively pure spirit, free from fu-il oil. or , , other irritating properties, and will not disagree or effsad the most delicate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal virtae than any litters at presort offered to tin pablis. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL To increase the Appetite to promote Digestion to care Dyspepsia to cur T ei er nr:d -Ague to cure K:l!r.nr.es4 to cure Cosri;erion hi core Obronie Diatrhea to cure Flatolen'e to care Acid Kructaiions to cure Nervous Lebilitv to cure Hypochondria tr. eure Shallowness o'f the Complexion to cure Pimples anit Blotches to cure iieneral Di;i:itj atd Trostration of the Physical Powers, IT HAS XO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SC-L1 EVERT WHERE, AT 51 PlMtBOTTLr. A lih'ril disronnt to the trrtdt. mirrrrrEo EXCi.rsivELT ar A. I. S II A W, CLEAUF1ELV, FA., Dealer in Brnc?. 5!?-licinei. Cbcmica!?, Pye fctae'. nils. Pa'tnt. Varnishes. Ac.. Patent Medicines. Pure Wines and Liquors for medical purposes. Fancy and Toilet Articles, aid all goods usually kept in a Drug Store, sold v cheap. Having employed Ii. D. Fnyder a gradnaate in Pharmacy who speaks both Lng!i?li and Ger man, the undersigned feels no fat sitancy in sry ittg tnat enstomerscan rely upon having the prescrip tions properly put up. A.I. eHAW. Feb 2:5 IsM. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY! A Male and Female High School. Each Department Distivct aid Couplets; is Itsa-if. The Third Session of tbe present Scholastic T tUr, pr tbl I rrS,tl Uf l..n . VMMMMUvwd WM the loth day of February, 1971 Pupils can enter at any time Tbey will be charged with tuition from tbe time they enter to the close of the session. -Theeonrst of instruction embraces everything included in a thnrongh. practical and accomplish ed education of both SJ-Zes TERMS OF TUITION: Orthography. Reading. Penmanship, Primary Arithmetic. Primary Geography and Tencil Drawing, per session, (1 1 week). 55 00 Grammar. Local and Descriptive Oeography. Map Drawing. His'ory, Mental and Written Arith metic, and Pencil Drawing. 5? CH Algebra. Geometry, Tr!g"jnomtry . Mensuration, purveyin', Natural end Moral Philosophy. Ge olegy Physielogy. Chemistry. Rhetoric-. Pby.ei cal Geography, Book keeping Botany, and Pen cil Drawing. ti (Ml Latin, Greek and French, with any cf the above tranches, 512 oa 12 00 1) GO IS 00 12 Oil 8 00 TO 00 Pearl or Oriental Painting, 21 lessnna. Monochromatic Tainting, 2 lesons, Crayon Drawing. 24 lerjnn-, Fancy Hair Work, 21 'essons. Tapestry, Instrumental Mu?ic. 30 lessons. i No deduction will be made for absence. ITS'" Student, from a distance can be accom modated with boarding at low rates 13?" Any one. not a member ot the School, can receive private instructions in any ef the orna mental branrhes. For further parn'cuJars inquire cf, or address, Rsv. P. L. HARRISOS, A. x. March 15. 1371. Principal. jXEAY store. Corner of Second St. and Hill Road. R. MITCHELL . , r d place, an entire new stock of Spring and Summer Geeds. which he will sell very cheap for eaih. His '. eonsisu of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Qaeensware. Hoots and Shoes. Bats and Caps. Ready cade Clothing, etc. He also keeps choice Flour, Com Meal, Chop feet?, Bacon. Fish and d.ied Fruits. Fersocs desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested te jive him a call. Approved country produce will he taken, at the highest price. in exchangef or goods. Clearfield. June 17, 1563. TO -LUMBERMEN! "" .PERFECTION IN C AN T HO OKS! The Clearfield Excelsior Cantfcook will net wear out or break, being constructed with one solid band from clip to point. . It is pronounced by all practical Lumbermen who have examined it to ba the most perfect cant hock ever invented. Amos' Kennard. Patentee. AH orders promptly attended to. Manufactured by AMOS KENNARD i CO., Kv J3. Ciearfield, Pa, 1-Tf . FOR SALE, White Lead. Zine Paitt, Linseed Oil. Turpentine Tarnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and dry. Paint and Varnish brushes, "ii ARTS WICK k JRWin. Ciearfield.Pa -M ,'6. PROPOSALS to BRIDGE BUILDERS Sealed proposals will be received by the unde--rigned Committee, st Curwensville, until Satur day, the 15th day of April next, for the erection of a covered bridge, of 150f ot spas, srtws the Susquehanna Kivor, at Bloom's fording, shuut midway between Curwensville and Lumberri'y. Said bridge to be similar in construction to the one across the month cf Anderson's creek. Sep erate bids will be considered f.r eicavation. stone and masonry per.perch. square and sawed lumber per foot or thousand, for carpentry and black amitbicg, or fr the whole, ii.cluding matcial and labor. Ample security will be requi-ed of the contractor for tbe completion ef the bridge id a workmanlike manner ZACHARIAH M SAIL, HENRY HI I.E. R. S. HUMPHREY. Mar. 22 '7I-4t. Committee. gELLING OFF at COST for CAS II ! THE LARGEST STOCK OF F UttXIT UR E EVER OFFERED INCLEARFIELD ! Af THE STEAM CABINET SHOP, CORNER MARKET A"D FIFTH STREETS. CLEARFIELD, PA. The undersigned would announce to the public that he has on hand ar.d is now ofTsriug. cheap lorea.h.the largest stoek. of. furniture eter in store in this eouuty consisting nf UPHOLSTERED PARLOR EUIT3, CHAMBER SETTS. EXTENSION TABLES, SECRETARIES, DOOK CASES, BEDSTEADS. SPRING r.EDS AND M ATTRESSES. LOUNGES, tHNCUES. PLAIN k MARBLE TOP TABLES A BURSALS, WASIIiTANDS, ' CANr SET AND COMMON CHAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, LOOKING GLAS5LS, WINDOW SHADES. PICIUKE FRAMES. Cf F D3 AND TASSl'LS Ac. He also mannfj-tures and keeps on haf!? Tat ent Sp ing Eels. the t e?t ever invented . N o fam ily should be without them. At.'V kind of goojs not on hand can be had on short notice Uphol stering and repairing neatly executed. COFFiNS, of a'lsfies.can be had on a ba'.f-hnurs' notice, and at tbe lowest prices A deduction of 20 percent, made f trcasa METALLIC CASF.S. or Rosewood, Welrnt and Cherry Ccffins. with ptissor wood top-s. furnish ed ojj five hours' notice. Perrtnal attendance wi:h hearae. nn funeral oc casions, and carriage furnished when desired r Thanking the public for past favors, and by strict pcr-unal attention to busine.-s. I hope to reteivr a continuance of the same. Remember the place the Steam Cabicet Shop, corner of Market and Fifth .Streets. Mar 22'71-ly. DANIEL TENNER. T. S. KILL IX. NEW FIRM. MILDER & POWELL, Wiiotr.'ile anil Jlrtjil D'-ilm tn a!! luids f Dry Goods, Eoota acd Shoes, Bats and Caps. No liens. Groceries Hardware Uueen.ware.Wood and Wi How waxe. Flour. Bacin, Fish, Salt, Ac , Market St , CleirEeld, Pa. FOR THE LADIES They have BennetvSilks, Cobu'gs. A'paear, Me rinos. Wool Delair.e.. Lustres, Ginghams. Prints. Poplins, Lawrs. Sunshad.-s, Handkerehiefs. Kid and other Gloves, Iloiscry. P.almorals. and a gen eral variety" f Rihb.ns. TriiTmirig;, Buttons, Br-iJs, etc., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN Tbey have Black ar.d T-loeClotha, Plack and Fan cy Ca-simeres, Sattinet's, Tweeds. Meltons.Wa:cr prnof Cloth. Siik. Satin and common Vctings ee . in great variety, and at j rices that will give gen eral satisfaction to buyers. ALSO. A general assortment of Ready-made Clothirs Hats ani Caps Boots and Shoes. Hardware and Qoeessware, Wood and Willowware, and a full stock ef Groceries IN FACT, MILLER A POWELL :i all articles that are usually kept in a well-regulated country aiore anl hence 'lie people generally will find it to their advantage to buy goods of them. GRAIN AND COUNTRY PRODUCE taten exchange for goods. February 15, lS7I-tf. MARBLE andSTONE YARD. Mr.s. S. S. Liddei.l, Having engaged in th Marble buine- desires to intorui ber f riends. and the public, that fie has new and will keel cons'antlv en hand a iarsp and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared to farnifh to orJer TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CRADLTS TOM3S. MONUMENTS, CURBS and POSTS far CE METER Y IX) TS WINDOW SILIS AND CAPS. ALSO, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, etc. Yard on Reed Street, near the De-ot.C!earSeld, pa. May 4. Is70 TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At th New Tobaeeo and Cigar Store of R, IT. S II A W, Two doors east of th Pou,5c. Cltarfie'.d. Fa, Constantly on hand a nne assortment of favy, Congress CavendWs, Cab!, Spanroll, Kiehism and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobicoo, . Also, a Urge and well selected stock of Imported and liomestie Cigars. Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe fixtures,. Totaceo Boxes. Cigar Hold era. and everything genere f..und In a 1 regulated Cigar rid Tobacco Store- iy Remember th place: Two dosrs txst of th Fowtt--. Clearaeid. Pa. Aug 21 '7. LONGEST ROOF in the United States is en Kinek' Sons' Faetery, Easton. Pa.. oh third of a mil long and is covered with READY ROOFTXa . . CHEAP, DURABLE and easily applied. . Somd for eirec'ar and samples to tbe manufacturers. ready roofing co. June 1-ap. 13. y. KP. S- Ceurtlana Si. S. T X E W F i R M ! The 8rm of C Kratter in the Dry Goads awet ',,v""" oBtineas wm be Known bereafter under J the nam of KRATZER k LYTLE. Tharking tbe public for past favors tby hop for a continuance of the sac. Clearfield, f'b-JbliTl. IMPORTED LIQUORS; arcs as BRANDIES and HOLLAND GINS. PURE OLD GRAPE BRA NDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEY.. OLD GRAPE WINES, All the aoove brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for mejlcinal car Pes UKU.S.WLUlEi". ' 'ITd Prop r of Shaw Hon. TOST BRANCH RESTAURANT ADD Ladies' Oyster Saloon; OatBCOSD ST.-BCtOW HArXCT, CLEARFIELD, PA. Constantly kept rn hand a elctd assortment of Candies. Ndts. Cigars. Tobaeoo. ie. Alaofrerl) "ysters received daily, and for sal by th dosoa or hundred. J. M MACOMBER.. --c'Lli;7f; ?LLri?'' NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail.. CLE A KFIELD. PKNNA.. Mocnments. Grecian Tombs, French Couch, Mxiitles Tab, Tope. Washing Ranges, Uarden Statuary. Terra Ctis Ware, of ever description. Head and Ft Stones, of New and beautiful de- ir.s, all of which we ofTcr at city price, or 24 pereei-.r lea than any otrer establishment in this ccantv. Having a large experience ia tb buai ne, we guara-.tee aa:i.-fai:an in all cans Or ders tnanvfoily rc-eivtd and promptly filled" ia the bet workmanlike manner. - - - ? A. GIBSON. May 11. 1570 -tf ' Javis Watso-i. Agent. - M I LLWR I G II TIN G; II. T. Faiinsworth,' Would inform Mill owners, and those desiroo of having M ills built, that he i" prepared to build and lepair ei;her Circular or Muley. Saw Mills, and Gritt Mills aftar the latest iwf-reved patterns. He has alio fvr rale an improved Water Wheel, which he eruarantcef to sive satisfaction in rerari o power and speed His motto i. to do work aa a to give perfect sa:ifaction. T hose wishing fur ther information wilt be promptly answ.ered by addressitg him at Clearfield, CieareLd county. Pa. Write yoor name aci address plain. April 2o. Is7t'-Iy. STUMPSISTUMPS!! Th undersigned have purchased the right ot Clearfield county far Enoch Farnsworih a Stamp Extractor, patented June 7th. 1S70. IhU is decidedly the most convenient, most durable, and best machine of the day. Wet weather wil. not effect it, th working p.-.rt being all of ironl JO macpjne n easily set up, anl will work any. p lac thai can be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit nn ejst. and will try to make it tohe advantage of farmers to buy them. W solicit orders from thoM wantirg machines. li. T. fAK.VSWoRTH, Ciearfield. Pa: J B. GAP.RIS'.'N, GEO. It. HAT.Tj. Agent. Curweni-ville. Pa. . i f.u i, i i . - NEW MEAT MARKET; The undersigned har opened a Meat Markat in the room formerly occupied by Alex Irtixi. on Market Street. Clearfield. Pa . adjoining Mosaop'e, where they Intrnd to keep a full supply of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit arid Vegetables, and at prices to salt the times Their shep fit b open regularly, on Tuesday. Thursdav . and Saturday, atjd meat delivered at anv pait. X share of public patronag is respectfully tjit-ited. JW.G EROWN. Aug 31, 70 tf E. W. BROWN. AZso continue to deal in all kinds f lmprev edAgricjltural lmp:eaints. WATCHES AND JEWELRY I would respectfully announce to eitii-ns of Clearfield and vicinity.thst I have removed to tb new Maneonie building, first door below tbe Man sion Jliiu. os Second atreet. with an enure cew flock of WATCHER CLOCKS, and .lewelrv, T ol the 1tteet styles ar.d of the best finish, selected with cere. I will have an asaurt'oent of ail. the iatest novelties in jewelry, Ae Tbankfal foryaur past liberal patronage 1 hup. by strict attention to fca-ine to merit a rail D-it f the arm, nrilAIK JfcWLLKY MADE TO OKDLti.. . . March IAH7C--J. 8. 1. SNYDER. . THE NEW FAMILY SEWING MA 1 CIIINE. BOWERY EMPIIlE BOWERT Tbe extraordinary suecesa of their ne -and improved manuf.ioturing Machine, for light- or bravy work, has induced the EMPIRE SEWINii M ACHINE CO tomanufacture a new Family Ma. chine of 'he same s;yle and cjrwtrnctiqn, "with additional ornamentation, racking it equl in beauty and fini-h with o'her Family Machines, whereas in usefulness it far outstrips all conpet itors. The price of thi now acknowledged nee e.-ary article comes witbin reach of everT claaa, and the Company is prepared lo ofTer , th most liberal indm-ementd to buyers. dealers and gents Every Machine warrnte-l. Applv fer circulars nd fatr.ples to EMPIRE SEV(,N.s JtACHINK COMPANY. Ne. 2?4 Bowery, Nw Ycrk." March l.'71.-3ui. CROCKS POTS! CROCKS! Stone and Earthenware of every description. Fishers' Patent Airtight Self-sealing Fruit Cans. BUTTER CROCKS WITH I JDS, PICKLE auJ APPLE BUTTER CROCKS . CREAM AND MILK 'SROCKS. STEW POTS, FLO WER PO TS. PIE DISHES, and a good mary other things too numer ous to mention, at th 5 TO SE-WARE POTTER Y Of F, LEITZINGER Corner of Cherrv and Thiid Street. CLEARFIELD, PA. Acg S, '70-tf. ANNOUNCEMENT. REED BKO'TIIERS. I have this day assc -lated with m ia tb aur eantile busines my ttther Robert Reed, and fb business will be continued sudor th firm Bam of ' Reed Brothers.' We will continue to mak the Pry Goods and No'ion basines a '-speciality, and all th newest fabric and lat-sat novelties ia tbe market will be kept n hand. Th Rraneh Star in Curwentville will be continued, whtrs will be found as ohoic a line of goods as at th main etor in Clearfield. New Spring Goods will be on hand about th i:ub of March. WILLIAM REED. Clearfield. March 1.1 -171. Market Jjtrewt. Tbe bonk aecoantsof Wai. Reel will be pr-jtnp tp, !y and imm4illy tatt!J. W k. March 8, 71. ,