Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 12, 1871, Image 2

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    f;c kffemcttt' gonmat, fcarfkfb, l?a., Jlprtf 125 1871.
Haftsmans ItamwL
Clearfield, pa., april 12, isti.
Senator Jacob f I. Howard, of Michigan,
died at Detroit, on Sunday, April 2d.
Senator Sherman's resolution on the Ku
KIux question was adopted by the U. S.
Senate on Wednesday las.. Sumner acted
with the Republicans.
The X. Y. JL.rald srys : "Shad will soon
begin to run up the Connecticut river."
The Democratic "suekors" commenced run
niiiS down last week, ch ?
Sumner's Fpeeeh was printed as a pam
phlet, and lareely circulated in Conneticut
by the Democrats. That accounts for that
'plorious Democratic victory" iu Connecti
cut, on Monday a-week.
Under the constitution of Pennsylvania
no city or county can have more than four
Senators. Thus Allegheny, with 202 000
population, has three Senators, and Phila
delphia, with nearly 700.000, only four.
Democratic journals have f r weeks past
been averting that the Republican party
was ''drifiinir away" from the confidence of
the people. Some evidence of the "drift"
may be found in the late election returns.
We do not read vpry many essays in the
Democratic paper? over the reduction of
the National debt laH month, of $10,011,
2'jO f,5. Such "arguments" are very dam
aging to the success of Kit Kluxisra in
The Albany Journal states that the ex
penses of that city have increased four fold
in ten years. It is even more in Troy 50
ing up frorn' $125,603 in 3S60, to $643,049
in 1S70. Democracy and extravagance keep
even pace everywhere.
Closely following the impeachment and
conviction of Gov. Holden in South Caroli
na, come3 the advocacy, by the same class
of papers that assailed the Governor, for the
re establishment of the whipping post.
Barbarities usually go hand in hand.
Senator Ames is in receipt of letters daily
from Mississippi, narrating outrages that
are constantly perpetrated there by the Ku
Klux. Gov. Alcjrn, it is aiiegeu, lias ap
pointed many ex-rebel soldiers to places of
power in many counties, and that instead of
suppressing the operations of the Ku-Klux
they encourage them in their unlawful acts.
Since Jefferson TaTis' speech at Selma,
Alabama, we would be at a loss to point
out which particular issue of the Democra
cy in the past, is the "dead" one it so con
tinually talks about. D strikes us that
Davis' speech does aTay with these "dead
issues" and resuscitates them into active
The rumor that Bacz lias been killed in
battle has an air of plausibility. Before
the Commissioners left San Domingo, he
was transported to a point from whence he
was to proceed to take command of his ar
my. A battle has been fought, andhe is
thought to be killed. Should he prove to
be dead, it will end the negotiations for the
annexation of San Domingo.
Mr. Butler, in his speech on Southern
outrages, suested as a remedy that the
Democratic party proclaim thrt peace and
ordtr are necessary to its success in the next
Presidential election. This would unques
tionably restraiu the Ku-Klux as a body.
But the Democratic party has decided upon
the opposite policy, and its agents will con
tinue to pillage and murder in intimidation
of Republican voters until the strong arm
of the Govt-rniueut is outstretched for their
The question on which the Democracy
are preparing to go before the country is
the repeal of the reconstruction acts, touch
ing which the Jlemll remarks as fallows :
"But if the Democratic party shall attempt
n.iain to try the experiment of unsettling
the fixed fieis resulting from the war they
wiii surely bo again defeated. In franhly
accepting the Constitution as it is they have
ft fair prospect of success; lu if they will
iu-Ht upun 'the constitution a? it was' un
der Buchanan, they will surely bo agnin r!e
fea'ed. It is far the Northern Democracy
this time to bring the South to reason, io-
sreai of following the Hotspurs of the
South once more on the road to ruin Sure
ly Tammany Hall has had enough of that
The Pittsburg Dispatch says: With the
a.tntion in the Democratic party as to the
candidate mct available for Presidential
nomination comes tho somewhat start'ing
information that Mr. Thnrman, of Obio,
drinks liquor, whether whiky, brandy or
pin, is not stated. Some one has said that
lie was drunk at tho Democratic National
Convention in New York, li-u Alexander
Delinir, the distinguished editor of the
Xitional Intelligencer, comes forward and
te.-tifies that be was present when Thur
waa declared his sentiments from the top
of the table; and he says that the insinua
tion that this distinguished statesman pot
drunk was "a malignant lie,"" for he was
there and knew how it was himself. But
the man who started the story affirms that
all w!iO were present on the occasion refer
red to were drunk, which is entirely pioba
L"e. By the way, isn't it something new
t'.rour Democratic friends to be looking up !
ti question of n:ffal3 so carefully? While
tUir Land U in, we suggest that they rX
,rirei.t ,n Hoffman, lieu jrkki and Blair.
Republicanism "Drifting."
The election in Connecticut on Tuesday,
April 4th, resulted in a victory to the Re
publicans. Last year the Democrats car- 1
r"el the State by a handsome majority, and i
they were very certain of carryiug it again
this year, but they have been sadly disap
pointed in their anticipations the Republi
cans having elected Taylor, Lieut Governor,
by 306 majority; Appleman, Secretary of
State, by f0 maj. ; Manning, Controller,
by 330 inaj. ; and three out of the four
Concressmen. Neither of the. candidates
for Governor receiving a majority of all the
votes cast, the election devolves upon the
Legislature, and as the Republicans have a
majority in both houses, Jewell, Kepubli
can, will of course be. chosen. This is a
grand triumph, and a fair offset to the re
cent result in New Hampshire. Besides it
shows which way ths "tide is drifting."
Rhode Island, on the same day, re elect
ed the present Republican State officers,
with the exception of Lieut.-Governor, by
about 3,300 majority. The question of
abolishing trap fishing in the bay was made
the issue in the choice of Lieut. Governor.
A third candidate being voied for by Re
publican bolters, an election was prevented ;
but the Legislature, which is largely Repub
lican in both Houses, will no doubt select
the regular Republican candidate. This is
another Republican "drift."
As some further evidence as to where Re
publicanism is "drifting," we direct the at
tention of our readers to a few facts relating
to municipal elections in various localities,
to wit :
On Monday, April 3d, the Piepob!;can
ticket in .Cleveland, Ohio, was elected by
l.JjOO majority. In sf'9 the Democratic
Mayor was chosen by 2,677 majority. A
Republican gain of over 4,000. Not a
Democratic rooster ha made its appearance
over that result, the "drift." being enor
mously towards l"jub!ieani.sui.
Wooster,. Ohio, has pone Republican
against a Democratic majority of 200 last
In Maryland, the Republican? hive elect-
j ed their tickets iu towns herctofoie Demo
crat!:; rnd the Baltimore American, after
a careful survey of the political field in
in that State, predicts that Maryland will
"drift" into the Republican line in 1X72.
At Schenectady, New York, the Repub
licans e!eeteHheir Mayor by 200 majority,
being a gain of GOO.
In PaltLer county, N. Y., the Board of
Supervisors stands three Republicans and
one Democrat two of a Republican gain.
Lyons, Iowa, heretofore largely Demo
cratic, has elected a fall Republican ticket.
The elections in Ilarrodslurg and Dan
ville, Kentucky, have resulted in favor of
the Republicans a gain.
At Kvansvi'le, Indiana, a Republican
Mayor was elected by 800 of a majority a
In Milwaukee, Ladingfon. Republican,
is elected by about 1,0 JO majority.
Tiitsc fiic a few of the "tliifW fur llinm-
ciple officers, but they are significant
enough to show that "drift" of which De
mocracy has been predicting so much of
late. Verily, Depublieanism is "drifting"
onward to renewed victory.
The Issues of .1872.
The Pittsburg Gazette of April 6th says
that Senator Morton places the preat issues
of 1S72 fairly before the public in his late
speech in the Senate. Shall reconstruction
be maintained ? Shall Constitutional amend
ments be upheld? Shall colored people be
protected in the enjoyment of equal rights?
Shall Republicans in the South be protected
in life, liberty and property ? These, Sen
ator Morton thinks, will be the great issues
of 1S72. besides which all others will tink
into insignificance. Every day between this
and the campaign of 1S72, we believe these
issues will become more end mnro positively
defined. Every Democratic success will be
attended with a corresponding increase of
confidence on the part ot the Southern men
in the policy of standing Crnily to these is
sues. That they will retire one step from
tho position assumed by Blair and Davis we
have not the least idea. That they will take
bolder grounds than even those yet assumed
is far more probable. The remuneration of
Southern men for the loss of their slaves is
not an exploded idea. Men of all kinds
ciing most ardently to monied demands,and
we are satisfied that this question roust,
sooner or later, have a most positive bearing
on the formation of the two great parties of
the land. That the Novthern Democracy
would to-day support such an issue is almost
unquestionable. Even should policy indi
cate that such an i.-sue would ensure defeat,
the position assumed by the Democratic
party in the North, forces them to make
this concession to the Democrats of the
South. We think, as Senator Morton has
asserted, that the issues of 1672 will be so
strictly defined that 110 collateral peisonal
issues will have the slightest weight with
the public. Believing this, we iullv believe
also that in the coming Presidential cam
paign the Republican party will be a i:u:t in
strength, and that every day and hour t lie
promise of a Republican victory grows more !
It seems that the people of Metz are not
disposed to be absorbed into the great Ger
man Empire without a vigorous protest.
They have issued a document of this kind
in which they recite their grievances, and
appeal to be continued as a part of France,
with which country they are aliied in sym--pathy,
language and Governmental usage.
It is not likely that their protest will effect
any charge in their situation.
A comparative statement which Las been
prepared at the Internal Revenue Office,
showing the receipti from the general
sources of internal revenue now subject to
tax for the first eight months of the present
and the lan fiscal year, shows a total de
crease of f 10,310,133. There has been a
decrease on spirits of $3,124,817, and on
incomes of $4,782,660. Tobacco shows an
increase of $1,373,536.
It is stated from Washington that an ex
tra session of the Senate will be called to
consider the treaty to be concluded by the
Joint High Commission.
The Eu-Klni Startling Pacts.
The Wash ington Chronicle of Tuesday
learns from private advices down to Sunday
night, tt in North Carolina affairs are
worse. than ever for the Union meo. With
in the last few months the Ku Klux organ
ization bus mustered in at least twenty
thousand ni3n, making in all orce of about
feisty thousand in the State, armed and
equipped,' prepared to resist the United
States or any other government, should any
attempt be made to protect the Union uierf
there. Outrages, continue, and theK
Klux have assumed protty much the entire
control over Gaston, Lincoln and adjoining
counties, where they have not exercised
much authority before. In the recent fight
at Union county, South Carolina, over one
hundred men from Charlotte, North Caro
lina (the home of Senator elect Vance)par
ticipated. They took their departure, arm
ed and equipped, for the scene of action" as
cpenly as ever a regimentTof men passed
through Washington into Virginia during
the late war. They returned after the fight
in the same open way, and to day make
boasts in public of their deeds on that oc
casion. Even the' Telegram, published at
Raleigh as an independent newspaper, is so
influenced by publio opinion as to say ,lthat
threats of Federal interference, excite no ear
here." In other words, the Federal author
ities are defied, as was done in 1861. Of
the colored men killed at Chester, Union
county, South Carolina, in the late fight,
eight belonged to the militia. We under
stand they were first di farmed and then hot.
A prominent citizen of North Carolina, who
has a national reputation, and is everywhere
honored and respected, writes that if imme
diate relief is not extended, white and col
ored Union men must flee the State.
President Grant's proclamation of March
24, 1871, commanding persons composing
unlawful combinations in South Carolina to
disperse within twenty days, has revived
the re olleetion of similar disturbances on
previous occasions in the history of the Uni
ted States. In 1785 the people living in
the territory then belonging to North Caro
lina, but now forming part of the State of
Tennessee, became dissatisfied with their
rulers and organized the State of Franklin,
which, under the leadership of John Sevier
was maintained until 1788. In Massachu
setts popular discontents broke out in 1786,
and, under John Shays, assumed alarming
proportions. This outbreak was suppressed
by the militia, and indirectly contributed to'
the catling of the convention to form the
psesent constitution of the - United States.
The whisky insurrection broke out in Penn
sylvania in 1771, and lasted until 1794, and
was only suppressed by troops sent into the
disaffected district by President Wash
ington. In 1842, the Sta'e of Rhode
Island was disturbed for a few months by
the "Dorr Rebellion," martial law having
been proclaimed and the assistance of the
Federal Government having been invoked.
When the recent rebellion broke on1;, and
after Fort Sumter was captured President
Lincoln, on April 15th, 1861, issued a
proclamation, calling out 75.000 militia,
and commanding the persons composing
the illegal combinations of that peiiod o
disperse and retire to their respective abodes
within twenty city 3.
France. An extraordinary scene took
place in Paris on Thursday. Those killed
in the recent battle or died lrom their
wounds, were given a public burial, in which
there were violent demonstrations against
the Versailles Government. The Versailles
army is again operating against Paris, nnd
indications of vigor attend its operations.
Since the battle of Monday there has
been cot.f tantskirmisbing between the Gov
ernment troops and the insurgents to the
south of Paris with a few casualities and
unimportant results. The Government ap
peared desirous to conciliate, nnd the Coni-mur.i;-ts
restricted themselves to a defensive
attitude But on Friday a serious and ob
siinate attack upon the advanced positions
of the insurgents was made by the regulars,
whotock the Bridge of Neuiily, alter a
sharp engagement, ami drove the rebels up
the Avenue d3 Neuiily and inide of the for
tifications. At nightfall, the Government
troops occupied strong position 011 either
side of the Porte Maillot. Besides this
principal engagement, the insurgents were
defeated in several skirmishes in the seve
ral suburbs. The condition of Paris is
most deplorable. The earnest desire of
all reasonable persons for the restoration of
order will be a powerful auxiliary to the
regular troops as soon as they have once
effected a lodgment within the walls.
The condition of affairs in an around Paris
is something remarkable, and will probably
originate fierce animosities that will require
along time to heal.
From Ct KA. The active rebel general
Modesto Diaz lately made h'n appearance in
the vicinity of Manzilo, where a column of
Spanish troops were surprised, forty of
which were placed l.ors du combat. By the
time the column recovered from its sudden
surprise, the rebels had vanished. The de
feat of Col. Morales De Las lvios nearSanti
Esperitu, has been indirectly confirmed, al
though the Spanish journals try to make it
appear of no importance.
Col. Morales La Rios divided his for
ces intrt four columns, intending to surprise
the rebels under command of Salome Her
nandez, Villatnell Bembetta, Marcas aud
Garcia in ttteir strongholds in the mountains
within six miles of Santa Espcritu. The
heavy Spanish loss was the cause of Yal
mazeda's sudden journey to the latter place.
Recently a party of hnnters discovered in
the vicinity of Parksville, Mo., a cave,
which is supposed from articles found there
in to be occupied by counterfeiters. Sever
al boxes with padlocks to them, rolls of
bank note paper, and also dies, inks, and
other appliances and tools such as might be
used in the manufacture of counterfeit
money were discovered, but the discoverers
seem to have become apprehensive of the
sudden appearance of the occupants of the
den, and made haste to leave the locality,
thinking their throats in danger should
they pursue a their investigation either to
satisfy curiosity or with a view of bringing
the outlaws to jaitioe.
, Eiot at Seranton,
On Thursday last April 6th. the long con
tinued "striktj" in the coal region, culmin
ated in riot and blooila.,,e(h r
At about 2 o'clock," a large 1-ody of miners
congregated at Tripp's slope, at Seranton,
assailed the men with stones and clubs, and
stopped the work- On the morning of the
7th about 50 ) rioters drove the men out of
Connel's mines, and the mines worked by
Morris it Weeks, and blew up the slope at
the last named mines with powder, tore up
the railroad track, and douc other damage.
Three men employed at Tripp's works
were shotifown in cold blood, by the mob,
and others were beaten and stoned so se
verely that they will die.
Two breakers were burned at Seranton on
the 7th, one having about 200 hundred tons
of coal in the shute ; and the Noyang brea
ker was burned later in the day, after dri
ving off the workmen. About 1000 rioters
were engaged in this work of destruction.
These acts of lawlessness created intense
excitement throughout the coal region, and
as the local authorities were unable to main
tain the peace and protect the property of
citizens, a request was sent to Gov. Geary
for troops to quell the riots. The Governor
responded promptly to the request, and
placed Gem Osborne, of Wilkesbarre, an
experienced officer in the late war, in com
mand of a battalion of State Guard and a
section of artillery, who reached the scene
of disturbance on the evening of the 7lh.
The arrival of the military at Seranton,
had the desired effect, as no further distur
bances took place, and on Saturday Gen.
Osborne informed Governor Geary that the
riot Was quelled.
This new trouble in the coal region is a
cause of regret throughout the Stjte; and
it-is to be hoped that the end of the strike
has been reached, and that a permauent ar
rangement will bo effected between the mi
ners and operators, so that in tho future 110
more such disgraceful and lawless acts may
be enacted in the coal region in thu State.
The trade between the Dominion of Can
ada and the United States for the year 1870
is repor'ed thust The Dominion imported
from the United States poods valued at
$24,728,100, and exported 32,984,652;ma
kingan excess of exports of $3,256,545. The
chief article of export was sawed lumber,
valued at $4,064,044. The horned cattle
exported were valued at $2,427,680. The
firewood exported was valued at $419,616.
The eggs sent from Canada to the United
States amounted in number to 1,430,756
dozen. The other provinces exported to
the United States the following articles t
Nova Scotia sent coal, valued at $398,521 ;
salted salmon, $471,004; sawed lumber,
$151,076; firewood, $97,3S5, New Bruns
wick sent fish, salted and pickled, $114,927;
sawed lumber, $191,236, and laths, ?92,396.
The Pittsburg Cot nmcrciul says : "The
Tammany leaders are preparing to extend
their rule over other cities and States, and
for this purpose will add twelve million dol
lars to the funds they will control during
the coming year, for not one ent of which
will they give an account. It would seem
that there must be a limit to the endurance
of which the city of New York is capable,
and that tho startling ezpensivenesa of
Democracy there must produce a reaction.
At any rate, the people outside of the city
have an opportunity to make up their minds
in advance, whether they want Tammany
tactics to extend over the whole country,
and the machinery invented to run the me
tropolis set up at the National Capital. The
question is sufficiently real and serious to
arrest the attention of most men, Demo
crats as well as Republicans."
Philadelphia, according to the recent
returns of assessors, contains 94,446 brick,
7,385 etone, and 12,472 wooden dwel
ling houses, moking agrand total of 1 14,303
homes for the population of 700,000. Of
this number of dwellings 37,116 are two
storied and 70,192 three storied. There are
451 church buildings, 134 public school
buildings, 80 school buildings of religious
societies, 63 halls ant theatres, and 8,443
other buildings of various kinds. The ag
gregate of houses and other structures is
122,746. This return of dwellings is about
fifteen hundred greater than the return made
by the United States census marshals, but
the difference is not greater than the rapid
progress of building from June, 1870 to the
close of that year will account for.
The Republicans have now 133 members
of the House, and the Democrats 99. One
from Louisiana and one from North Caroli
na have not yet taken their seats. One of
them is a Republican and the other a Dem
ocrat. Allowing the two vacancies, one in
Illinois, in place of Senator Logan, and one
in Michigan, ir. place of Senator Ferry, to
be filled by Republicans, and one Republi
can from Texas, and one from California, in
the elections to take place, the Republicans
will have in the House 133 members. And
allowing the Democrats three from Texas,
and two from California, the Democrats will
have 105 members, making the aggregate
of 243 members.
The Baltimore American expresses this
opinion: "If a proposition for the purchase
of Cuba for one hundred millions of dollars
were presented to the Senate and people of
the United States, it would, in all probabil
ity, meet with a prompt and almost unani
mous acceptance. Although it is not as
rich sn soil or as healthy in climate as San
Domingo, it would be regarded as cheap at
one hundred millions, and 'manifest destiny
would be the ruling motto of the hour."
On this the American constructs an argu
ment in favor of the annexation of San
As an evidence-of the glorious consisten
cy of the Democracy, we find that the two
hundred murders in Nevada during the
last ten years, are paraded in every Demo
cratic sheet, and loudly commented on. In
Kentucky, alone, there have been more
murders than the number in Nevada, twice
told, and all committed within the past year
or two, and on loyal men and women, only
because they were loyal. Yet Democracy
says not a word, or if it does, tries to da
ily it.
' A Little of Everything.
A new bank ww opened in Philiptburg last
week. .
The way to fettle debts jay them with green
backs. The warm, tnnshiny days are bringing out the
corner loafers.
Ven't take down stores too soon, if yon ''WonlJ
not (!'e in spring time."
.At last atf-.ounta the Paris lnsnrgents still hpi
the twfl forts south tf the city.
The river t.inks are Hied with logs the water
being too low to tarry them off.
Trale in Philadelphia during the1 week past
has been marked by - 'increased activity "
.Alive the chap who refused to attend a IDC ling
erie, because "it was such a brast-iy affair."
It does not look well to see the paremoct in
front of a store blocked up with empty tuits.
A Detroit druggist announces a. tonic which, be
says, will enable the taker to "eat an elephant."
The best looking young man in town is to
smoke the Prize cigar at R II. Shaw's on Satur
day. "augle has had a new floor and a large show
windew put in his jewelry store. Quite an im
It would be a great Messing to our people if
some of the street crossings and pavements around
town were repaired a little.
Kentucky farmers having concluded that the
Ku Klux will never get justice, hare abandoned
the idea of sowing hempseel
Eix genuine Nathan murderers have been dis
covered in the States west of the Missouri. The
supply is steadily increasing.
Messrs. Bigler, Young & Co., of this place, hare
a contract to erect two light houses in the Cbes
apeake Bay. They can do It.
Amu'Injr to see a young man operating on
green soap, in imitation of a cucumber, at the
dinner-tabie on "all-fool's" day.- .
There are in the world about 120.00 miles of
railway, that have cost Ste.000,000,0u0 and give
employment to over 1, Of 0X00 persons. .
A circular saw burst while running through a
log at full speed, at a Pbilipeburg saw mill, last
week. By good luck no one was hurt.
The interior of Iiartswick A Irwin's new Drnj
ttre, on Second street is being rapidly 'finished.
It will be tho neatest store room in towu.
Croquet is claiming the attention and occupy
ing the loisure time Of quite a number of our
joung ladies and their gentlemen friends.
The Young Men's Christian Association, cf this
place, opened a free Reading Room, over Iieed'd
store, on Market St. Open every evening.'
A musical yonng lady in Tyrone, cn being
atked to play the "Maiden's Prayer,' cheerfully
struck up, -Mother, may I go out to swim ?"
Some ol the large mud holes in our streets
were filled with soft dirt last summer, and this
spring the mud in them is deeper than ever.
There are just ene score of styles for sprinj
bonnets, and many young ladier are in distress
because they can't secure a specimen of each.
Quito a number of our citizens have already
commenced gardening operations. Ths weather
during the past week was favorable for such work.
A Washington gossip say3 that whenever the
eminent patriot, B. F. Butler. -'inakes a set speech
he always gets himself up in a magnificent dress
Astronomers say that Satnrn has lost one of her
hoops. Thi ladies are gradually discarding theirs.
Question : Do the ladies or Saturn lead the move
ment? Dishonest dealers in lacteal flu: 1 in Boston, have
paid 9502 33 in Snes the past year. What would
have been the amount had all the rogues been
caught ?
Messrs. Facketts A Schryrer have purchased a
part of the Mrs Punlap lot.on Second street and
intend erecting a building on it for their hard
ware ltnr.
"How morh did be leave ?' inquired a gentle
man of a wag on learning the death of a wealthy
citizen. "Everything," remarked the wag. "he
didn't tr.ke a dollar with him "
It is a littlo singular to seo the Cincinnati En
qnirrr loaded down with an advance copy of a
speeeh from Charles Sumner. Now bring on your
millenium. Ohio State Journal.
Good Democratic York county is & high old
place wherein to live. Last year's expenses
amounted to $t for each man. woman, boy, girl,
at.'l baby, white, black, tan, and spockled.
The latest invention of the Montana Indians is
the setting up of toll gates on narrow passos of the
roads, and compelling travelers to pay for the
privilege of eroding their hunting grounds.
The Brass Band was out serenading on Tues
day evening of last week. They discoursed some
very fine music under onr window, for which
compliment they will please consider our "old
haf' gently elevated.
A wealthy Virginian recently killed a man
whoso life was heavily insured in one of the eity
companies, and it is said the company is about to
bring a suit for damagei against the murderer
for destroj ing its property.
A clever repartee ii attributed to the momber
from Mormondom in the new Congress. A broth
er member asked him how many wives be had.
"Enough to keep me from running aftrr other
people's," he promptly replied.
We notice that a man ib a neighboring county
is ranvassing for a book called "Night Scenes in
Heaven." As this subject is a littlo new, be will
no doubt have lots of subscribers. "And there
shall be no night there,' doesn't appear to dis
courago book publishers.
We learn by the Reading Journal that the
planets Jupiter, Venus and Mars, may row be
seen in all their glory in the heavens soon after
sunset Jupiter in the ccnith, Venus in the east,
and Mars in the west. Saturn appears as a morn
ing star. The show is free to al.
A Masonic apron made by Madam Lafayette,
and sent over to thisoountry as a present to Gen.
Washington is now in Masonic Hall. Philadelphia.
Gen. Washington's regalia. which he wore. belongs
to Washington Lodge, in Alexandria. Va., and is
preserved as a precious relic in that lodge.
A Chicago paper says: From all parts of the
country we bear reports of the farmers being bu
tily engaged in seeding. This time last yc-ar the
ground it" covered with snow, and the seeding
time was a month, later. If the entire season is
only ns favorable as the spring, a large crop will
be harvested.
The rapid growth of timber in Oregon seems to
be asottled fact. Since the settlement of the Wil
lamette valley, ten acres of prairie have been
covered with thrifty trees for one denuded of iu
timber by tho settlers. Lands which twenty
years age were prairies are now covered with a
young and vigorous growth of limber.
A workman in England having to mend a bro
ken lead pipe through which a current of water
was passing with a pressure of fifty feet head,
plugged the two ends and put broken ice and salt
around them. In five minutaathe water was fro
zen, the plugs taken out, a new piece soldered in,
the ice thawed out again and the pipe in perfect
order. - .
Biblical geographers hare long been at issue aa
to the locality of the espousals of the first wedded
pair. That ceremony appears to have taken
place in Ireland. according to the following bymn
sung at the recent marriage of one of the daugh
ters of the Archbishop of Dublin :
The voice that breathed o'er Eiin
That earliest wedding day,
The primal marriage blessing.
It hath not passed away.
San Domingo. The message of the
President, which accompanied the report of
the San Domingo Commissioners to Con
gress, is lreely spoken of in Washington as
the most popular document he has yet
written. It is calm, dignified, clear, ni;d
bears upon its face the most unmistakable
evidence of honesty. His announced policy
of turning the whole thing over to Con
gress is Tegardcd as' particularly wise, and
as giving him the advantage of position.
He doed not, by this, sink his individual
opinion, but simply revows his original pur
pose to have no policy as against the wishes
of the people. If there is any more fight
on the subject iu Congress, it will be against
fhe people and not against the President
fit ws are happily rid of a perplexing ques
tion the President is really triumphant, and
Mr. Sumner's thunder is "empty sound."
Any unpr'sjuoieed "ian may form his
opinion concerning the Sumner and Grant
difficulty, by observing; the newspapers.
All of the Democratic: papers and most of
those known as bolters unJ revenue reform
ers support the doughty cenator, while all
of the thoraugh going llepuMican papers,
with the New York Tribune at their head,
support the President. Another .-.Carious,
way of looking at it will disclosv tha fact
that there is scarcely a free-trade jounialin
the country that is not with Sumner, nor a
protection journal that is not for Grant.
' r
In New York a lawyer has just been fined
fifty dollars for attempting to extort twenty
five dollars from an unwilling client by false
representations as to the. effect of a writ,
threatening him with six months' impris
onment. It would seem as if six months'
imprisonment would have been the least
punishment due the lawyer, but the judpe,
who doubtless knew better, thought nut. and
mulcted him according to his judicial view
of the magnitude or littleness of the offence.
We venture to say no Government has
ever made so magnificent an exhibit of two
yeara' financial work as that of our Nation
al Government. The increase in receipts
over those from 'C7 to "09 has amounted to
$S4.994,049 74; the decrease in expenses,
?12G,700,949 21 ; thereduetion of the pub
lic debt amounts to $204,754,413 09. There
is a ogent el iquence about thee numerals
which exceeds any rhetoric of the Fourth
of July.
The return of the German troops is to be
made the occasion of a grnd triumphal
procession and reception by the city of Ber
lin. Large amounts of money have been
appropriated for the erection of an arch of
triumph, and for decorations, refreshments
and pocket money for the soldiers. IJis
marck and Von Moltke are to be honored
by having their tatues placed in the City
Hall, and in various other ways.
Advrrtixemtnts set ita tn Fargt type , of pfarn
ttiSr.tm be ekarrd donbl ' usual rate. JVoeuts
M. Pette-voim. A Co., 37 Park Row. New York,
nnd eo. P. Uowkll & Co . 40 Park How. New
York, are the sole agents for the Journal in
that citj, and are authorized to contract for in
sert! ng nirertifieaientsTor ua at our lowest cah
ra'os Advertisers in that city are reque.ttd to
leave their favors with eitberof the above houses.
50 and one 25 horse powr Engines. war
ranted firt-clnss. of superior finih and workman
ship, for si! by BItiLtR. YOUSti A CO ,
April li. Jl. Clearfield, Pa.
V-OTICE Having sold Wm. U. Sclmars
of Karthans township, Clearfield eonn
ty, Pa., one bay mare, one wagon, and one set of
double harness I hereby notify him to come and
remove said property from ny premises, and pay
costs, or it will be sold according to law.
frencliville. Apr6. '71-''tp. JOHN' REESE
and Manufacturers of
(nearly opposite the jail),
Carpenters and Rnilder s will do ire'.l to tun
ioe our stock before purebasing elsewhere.
We sell the TIMES COOK STOVE, the cheap
est and best in the market.
Also, Heating. Parlor and Rafting Stores, which
will be sold as cheap as any in the county.
Special attention paid to ordering goods for
parlies who desire it.
done on reasonable terms.
APri! 12. 1871.
I 1ST OF JURORS drawn for June Term, 1781 :
Vm Mays, Eeccaria T Leonard, GirarJ.
Robert Aiehaffey , liel! I Rothrock, Graham
M m Strickland, Boggs 1 Fisher. Karthaus
A Levington. Bradford Clark Drown, Lawrence
it II Luther, l'rady M I. Antes,
Jas Weaver, EurniJe.O T Kee.'e. Morris
Austin Curry, Cbeslj.T M Humming, X.Wash
W C Foley, CIearfieldlI (i I.ingle, Osceola
Uenry Bridge. ' i.M S Speuccr, Penn
1 Fuust, Curwensville Oarius I Hitter. Pike
C M CaJwallader.Deca'rH Whitehead. Vnion
O E Tubbs. Ferguson'J Comely, Woodward
J G Smith, Eeccaria John P Irwin, Clearfield
S .l Ryeis, " M Kratier, Covington
J N M'Cmcken. Cell ; James Shugurt, .Decatur
George Ji'Craeken. jJ Keph.irt,
J F Stult, Bloom J S Williams, Ferguson
James L Morgan, iogs K S -Stewart, (ioshen
Simon Thompson. jEllis Kyler
Ed P.-ile, Bradford Patrick Flvnn, (Tuelich
II J Kyler. IF C Bowman, Huston
Jacob Fesrce.
Peter Evans,
Arthui Draucker, Brady, James Stirk,
Knarr. Jr.,
Fred Smiley,
D (ioodlnmicr
J M Thompson,
P A Owens, Lawrence
!J L M Pherson,
jWm Ardery,
I A t Joss.
iTR M'CInre,
John Reams,
Jack Patobin, Bnmside Moses Bailey, '
W llockenberry, Chest William JJJe,
John Lauibern", " J Hartshorn, li
John Connly, 14 Jordan Blooin,
E A Biftler, Clearfield Urban M'N'aul, "
Wm Hall. " jBen HarUhorn.Jr.. '
A M Hj's, iGeo Hagerty, Woodward
WKMPherson. " I Wm fallen. -
TRATKKsa jnnons-"SBCosi week.
Joseph Campbell. Bell A Baughman,
R Graham, Bradford E Gearbart,
D Risbel,
llrsdyi Adam n alker,
J Rumbarger,
F K Arnold,
C Korb,
R H Moore,
E M'Masters,
James Haley,
E B Clemson,
; Kosselot.
G A Morrison,
Richard K; ler,
R G Sbaw.
Burnside John S Jury.
' (AC bale,
Chest II M HoTt.
J Hockenberry.
Martin smith,
Wm M Shaw. Clear6eld A L Hickok.
J M Kottleberger, (John Smith,
James A Moor., " T J Cramer,
D K Folierton, " 'O B Merrell,
W Bard, Cnrwensvill. Austin Kerin,
J Bi'ger, " .Hugh Mullen,
R Hughes, Decatur J 1 Bloom.
Pik. I
underMjrned are prepared to tit. 1
AHS'lTOR-S -NOTICE.-Let-ters
ol Administration on the eitata f
deceased, having been granted to the nnd.rstr.
ed notice i, hereby given that all person. 1n"
debted to sa.d estate are required t. T :'
mediate pavment.and those having claim. "ai .
he .an,. w.II present tbem . prop.rlv a.th.a?
ted forsettl-ment to JANE SCOFIEI H lv
Aprimri-et. AdminjW
v, .11ian,e1,1,s,r? on 'he estate of Samuel
Brrllbart. late of Burnside tp.. dee d, bar in,n
granted to the undersigned notice is b.reb, e"
n that all persons indebted to said estate a're
qmred to make immediate payment, and those
having clannsginstthesame will pree,it thsin
pioperly authenticated, for set'lement to
Ad 1271-fitn Kitirn r l r t,
, . . . ... uuiia, I, loc r.
- -J'orr'-J;,'e-''iiT's township. Thehou9
is 32 by 21 fwt. two-story. b eitrhtroom. rwi
cellar, and having all facility, fi.r a good hotel
having been a licensed bouse for several yeii-.'
With the house there is half an acre of good fer
tile ground, with stable and o-her outbuildings
thereon. Terms to soit the purchaser.
Apply to A.W.WALTERS.
Ap 12 "71. Clearfield. Pa
TN THE COURT of Common Pleas of
Clearfield County, Pa.:
f bitb A Cramb, ) So 3j7 Sept Term. 1S70 ;a
vs. J, No. 2 March Tern. 1S71
TLe undersigned having been appointed An J!
tor to ascertain tbe Amount aud priority of lien,
an' report distribution of proceeds arising froa
sale in the abive ens, hereby gives notice that
be will attend to the duties of his appointment
on Thurdiy, April '2i. ISTI. at 2 o'clock. P. M ,
at his ouicn i- tiie Borough of Clearfield, wh.u
and where a. a persons interested mav atiend
Ap. 5.'7I-:U. T. II MTRRAY, Auditor.
The undersigned take? pltatore in announcing
to the citizen of ClearficlJ county that he bu
opened sn INSURANCE OFFICE, in C!earBe!d,
Pa., where all may avail themselves of First CL
Life an J Fire Inur;ir.co. The following Compa--
I iessrc repre'entei :
HOME, X.w Yuri.
ER A XKLIN. PhitadrlyKia .
ENTER PR IS E, Ph,llulrl1 a.
11AXOVER, Xcc 1W.
.V J U Til A MER ICA X, Xtw Yuri ,
r.EPVRUC, Xcxc Yuri.
SECURITY. Xcu- Yuri.
WYOMIXS. Vi!t,.Urre. Pa .
LANCASTER FIRE. lauc trr, P ,
ALPS FIRE, Krit. P,t.,
LYCOMlXfi MUTUAL. Mannj. Fa .
I would warn all to beware of Traveling Agent;
reprosonliiig Fire aud Life Insurance Co'aninie.
as you may easily be deceived and if you do hat.
a lois. will be unub:e to find tbe Agent whe in
sured you. or the Company you are i:iurcj in.
WM. Tl'CKER. Esq , is coT.r.eotcJ with me la
the business, and any business eu:ru;e 1 to him
will be promptly attended to.
Office opposile the Jocrnal OS 'e. our Harts
wick 1 Irwin's l'rug Store
Ap S.'71-y.J JailX II. FL'LFORD. A6t.
I 1ST OF RETAIL DEALERS in Foreign and
J Domestic Merchandise iu Clearfield c.-oi,:t,
for the year IS71.
Clats. IstctHs'e Caa Uciis.
BECCARtA. 1 1 5 Wm. M Bride, S!0 09
13 W S. Dfckey. S!0 00 12 John Irvin. 12 is
U llonier Dubree, 7 (1010 E A. Irvin. :ilvi
13 J. ' Glasgow, 10 nnlM M'ui Bead. 7 10
14 J. E Dillon. 7 Otil 14 Jacob ISilgpr, 7 I'O
II S. M'Farl.-tnd, 16 nO 14 A. a S .1. Gate. 7 no
14 Miss E. A. Wright 7 tlt'l 1 1 Catharine Or ff 7 f
H T. 1! Men. 7 00:14 J. K. Jei.kins, 7 10
bell. 1 14 Ed (ialonev, 7 I S
11 R. Mehnffey, 7 00M4 J. It lrin. 7 )
t:t David Bell. 1ii0(iM4D S Piotnrr. it
14 Uorabauh-h A Co 7 0lM4 B AlexjuJer 7 O
!4 P Gallaher.
I t Albert Bro s,
14 Ed. Wiilisms,
li H. C Faust.
7 fly 13 J 1 Knight. 10 O'J
10 00 14 A Laconic.
7 00 14 K S Menart.
7 00 tiKtlMW.
112 T. II. Feicev.
7 P0
7 Vi
12 50
14 Ilebcrlirg A Co, 7 OOi oosi:k.
13 D. Gondlandcr, 10 00 13 E Irwin A Son. 10 CO
12 I. B. C'arl'lo. 12 it), orr.i.iru
12 C.aU Scbwcm.12 50 13 II Alieman
12 It U. Moore. 12 50 II P. 1 A. Fljnn.
14 J Knnti a Son. 7 00 14 T. A Pri ieaai
14 J Svihurich, 7 On 14 td Flanders.
14 J Carlile. 7 0' hoiston.
10 (O
l.i Ml
7 04
7 03
13 J A Terpe, 10 dO 12 Bowman Co. 1! 50
14 Jesse Ferricr. 7 00 14 H. W.Bro.n.
7 in)
14 W . L. Hamilton, 7 CO Jordan.
1.1 J Patch in,
14 II. Patcbin,
13 J. M Murray,
12 Ilenrv Swan. 12 :
10 0(1
7 Oil
10 03
14 W J. Heller, 7 00
13 J. W. Putter. 18 OU
14 W. S. Sankey, 7 M
.4 D, 4 J. Erhard. 7 W
12 Isaae Kirk. li
12 J. Furiruson. U iO
14 Roe. a M Cune, 7 00
13 Hurd a M'Kee, 10 00
14 Wm. Hunter. 7 00
14 5. S. Cranston,
14 Gilliland t Co.
13 L M. Coutriet,
14 F. Coutriet,
14 Justin Piubell.
14 Peter Gamier,
14 John IJcrgley,
7 00
7 00; 12 D. L. Furguson,I2 iO
10 00 tioiiHis.
7 00 14 Jonas Mont, 7 00
7 iUl 2 L Kyler, 12 5"
7 01jl4 J. Thompson. 7 00
7 00, SEW WAflllNliTON ftn.
i LRAi'.riK.i.o Boiioi iiii. lz . M Cune, ti
6 K. Mosaup. 50 10,10 M -Murray a Co. 20 U"
9 Kratier Lytle,2.i 00 14 W. M. Fo.tcr, 7 M
14 S. I Snyder, 7 ool osceoi.a buroich
14 E. B. isett. 7 Wl2 W. G. Keliey. 12 50
13 M. Neice Co. 10 00 6 Mos L L Co. 5" i'
9 J.M Krarzer. 25 00 a Whitcouib a Co.2j 00
12 Wright Sons. 12 50 10 Wells a lieims 20 HO
9 II F liigleri io.25 00 14 J W. Waple, 7 (M
10 It Mit,t,r!l 91 nO 10 MGrath k IS.. 20 UV
10 Miller a Powell. 20 00 14 G. W Lane.
: en
7 00
7 CO-
; no
7 00
10 Reed A I'rolher.20 14 Anna Boalicb,
13 I LKeiien3teio.lt) 00114 D. K. Good
S Weaver a Uetts. 30 011,14 J. li. Brown,
11 t-r,l bat 7 mi! 14 Pntrii-k Dunn
9 Jos Shaw a Son 25 0ol4 MrsJ.Greenwalt t W
14 II Bridge, 7 Oi'iU J C. HenJewn.i 00
14 It F. Naugle. 7 P0 14 Henry Wallace J M
14 Mra.T. E.Watson 7 00 14 Mrs. E. Buckle. i
14 Kvcdert Lanich,7 00 14 Vim Dancer, '
14 I-'aac Johnson, 7 On) "'''', - ,
14 J.S. Cowcll, 7 00113 Johnson Kaflylj) w
14 C. D. Watson, 7 00 14 James rlynn, 7 oo
14 W. Endres. 7 OOj rnia. .
14 Ilurtswick i Co, 7 00' 14 Davis a Co, '
14 R. Ik Shaw. 7 OOiU Law Sykes. ' "'
14 P A.Oaulin, 7 OH cM.m
14 Alex Ir.in, 7 Oo'l4 D. J. Brubak.ff 0
14 A.I.Shaw, 7 00 woouwarp.
14 J A. Stabler. 7 00 14 J.M. ChaM.
14 W.R.M 4'herson. 7 0014 T. Hendersoo.
14 J. Macoifftrer, 7 OOiM James Comely.
CfKWESaVti.LR Bono'. 14 S Meagertv.
12 llar:sock -' , 12 50M3 F. Liverighl,
14 Fleming 4. Hoel. 7 00 14 llenj Davis.
14 L. V. U. Soper, 7 00;I4 J. L. Shaw
1.0 Arnold Co.. 20 OOiU G W. Weams,
12 Thompson Co.,12 0
7 00
7 U0
; oo
7 00
10 03
7 00
3 T. H. Forcer. Bradford,
3 Hartswick A Irwin. Clearfield,
3 A. I Shaw. Clearfield,
4 !. D. Watson. Clearfield,
3 J. K. Irwin, Curwensvil '.,
3 W. B. Alexander. Curwensvil!.,
4 D. R. Good, Osceola,
13 Peter Gamier. Covington,
13 Charles Schaffer. Clearfield,
13 Casper Leipoldt. Clearfield,
W. Ross M Pherson, Clearfield, 3 tables,
Clearfield County Bank. Clearfield,
f!0 CO
10 W
10 0
S 00
10 00
10 0
i 0
ia oo
in oo
10 o
25 00
30 00-
An appeal will be held at th. Commissioners
Office, on Monday, tbe First day of May
where all who feel aggrieved ean attend.
Ap5 4t B.K. 6H.IKEV, Mr. ApB'r-