u u "glaftzmatf gournaf, (pearp 5, 1S71. TlEARFIELD, FA., APRIL 5, 1871. p.TBOs To insura the safe transmission ."M. bT mail, patrooi should remit by check r money-order. ot thetr ,et,e" re8istere,d' "rf.e pt .ill be enclosed in the first paper after ooey comes to hand: Penn'a R. E. "Winter Arraneemrat. lTr"in leaves Tyrone at : : : Arrives at Osceola at : : - Phiiipstmrg at Clearfield ut : Mail Inin leaves Clearfield a : Arrives at Philipsburg at Osceola at : : Tyrone at : Lock Haven at 11.40 a. m. 12 40 p.m. 2.40 p m 3 40 p. m. 4 00 p. m. f.35 p. m 12 2jp. m Accommodation Train, leaves Clear'ield at : : : : : : Arrive, at Philipsburg at : 7.00 A. at t 00 a. ra 10 00 a. m. : 12 50 p. m. : 1 13 p.m. 10 00 a m. : 1 03 p. la. : 2 00 p. m, : 3 40 p. a. Osceola at ; Intersection at . Tyrone at : U,aiEaJt Tyrone at : : : Arrives at Intersection at Osceola at : Philipsburg at Clearfield at : i 50 p. m. Cl ..-conn ections made at Tyrone with trains Fast and West on the Maine Line. KILIGIOUS. Divine Fcrvices will be beld next Sabbath, m uearneia, as iono; By Uev Hail, in St. Andrew's Episcopal cLu.eh, at 11 A- M. a'fJ 1 V- M. . Sunday .ool at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at ', 'o'clock. Bv R-v. B itler.in the Presbyterian church, m .'rnir.sani evening. Sabaath school at 2 1'. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday venine at 7 o'clock. By Kev. J- H. M'Cord, in the Methodist ehnroh. mornin2 and evening. Sabbath Vliool at 'J A. M- Prayer meeting, every ThurJav at 7, P. M. Communion services F;rt Sabbath of every month at 10 i A. M. i;. Rev. Mr. Skinner, in the Baptist church, morning and evening, alternately To the Republicans. The members of the Republican County ('juiuiittee are refjaested to meet in the Court House, at Clearfield, ou Tuesday the :M Jay of May, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for ibe j uri i fe i f electing a Representative, and 2o a Senatorial, delegate to the State Con-M-niion. to be held at Harri.slurg on the K:h day of May. All other members of il.e party are respectfully invited to attend. T. II. Mi RR.tr, March 22. Chairman Co. Com. The mails in this county are, just now, in sdiu.'ralle condition foi .'raveling by i a'.ioon. A MAN named John McDonald, fiom Jent's Itun, Elk county, was drowned at Muney dam, on Friday. March 24th. Rain. S.uiie rain fell here on Monday, 1 ut r.p to ihe hojr of going to press (Tues day neon) thf waters have not raised enough to make a rafting 9.od iu the river. Court. The June tenu of ou? Courts viiilfgin on ihe first Monday. 5th day. All parties interested will bear this fact in Tiiind. We will publish the list of Jurors nest week. The cu d saying, it' "March couies in like a lamb, it will go"ut like a lion,'' and r'ce rfwi. was nrtt veriSed this year the firt day of March being trsrui and sun shiny, end the Jnst day the same. The first day of April, however, ratue in with a balf grown storm. Hons 'Ell Ix. The trouting season is lirre ; and, we suppoe, ere four months itl.e duration of the season) have parsed away, the usual Urge number ot (be '"speck -! Ibe.i'i::.-" will be '"caught on the fly." i-i -.Lis seeiiuii. Who will Lring in the first V.'c had a ?a!l of several inches ! Njv. r.:ij- un ?a:i::;!ar. is tnis recion ',r U thi rP";,,n ti. h r: r ravs oi U.a .o. it was -ii r. --ipateJ. however. Whether this will the la-t den.onstfation of Ol 1 Boreas," soi0:i, dep'onetM tai".t not ; but it is to lo lupc-1 that it was. n iliEA. He un.Krstjnl tnat me 1 t.mi.-sioncrs have furni-h?d the ?Tcal ! I ..rJs ot township Auditors, w::h blank f-rms for Supervisors" orders, so as to es fib!!-h a nniformily in the issuing of such The idea is a good one; and the ( inii:ir.-i iners nre e!it"kd to the thanks of j immediately concerned, for the inter' ! -t manifested in thojr behalf, by furnish ir.c a convenient and proper form for orders. An"thfr Yetf.rax Goxe. It become? ur duty to announce this week the death ! Mr. Ilaniel SpacLman, at his residence :n I.'.-vrence township, on Sunday, March -"tli. l;71. aged l4 year? and 6 months. Mr. Spackman was, with perhaps oue ex- -i-titn. the oldest resident in this county, wa- biirhly respected by all who knew r.ltLi : auu his demise is deeply monrced by 1 hrpt circle of relatives and friends. Le: l-'-n rc.-t in peace. !vv;r,i -! ov.nt. We see l v th Fa Ci;v .Iwmal, that our old friend, M. I A Frar.li, lv., ot that plaee, has bcenap-1 nt to the Eastern ani Middle ! 's'.-.-, by the State Board of Immigration. I ' ' ' Nt.Lra.-ka. We congialulate Mr. Frank fti-Lis aj pointmcnt; ana as he is passes- fv i of eoii.-idcrabl le -go-ahead ativcuess." ill be active in his exer- w'- presume be w t'"iis iu inducing emigration tJ'his adopted hc-u.e a:iJ Siatc. Vu wi.-h him success iu t:.- arpjiutment. To SUI'KRVISORS AND OVERSEERS. e se by the last Republican, that fre I tent application is made to the Commis sioners, by Supervisors and Overseer, for copies ot the adjust el assessment, under the impression that the Commissioners are la doty bound to furnish them copies. This i? a mistake. The Assessors, however, are directed by law to famish such copies to the re-ictive boards of Supervisors and Over ers of Poor, and assist them in making out their duplicates ; while the Commis s:o:ers are to furnish School Directors, npjn application, copies of the latest ad justed1 valuation, which wiH .be done on or aout the middle of May. In all cases wbera the Assessors have tailed to furnish the SupervisDrs and Overseers with the requisite copies of their assessments, they can make copies for their own ue from lixc furnished to the School Directors. T&i is their only remedy. All should re member this. The Children' Hour, for April, cornea J to us with the usaal variety of interesting literature and beautiful engravings for chil dren. Price, $1.25 a year. T.S.Arthur & Sons, publishers, Philadelphia. The Lady's Friend. This popular monthly, has uiadi its appearance for ApriL It continues to grow better,' ss it grows in years. . Deacon & Peterson', publishers, Philadelphia. Price $2.50 a year. Lit of Retailers. The list of Retail ers of Foreign and Domestic merchandise, appears in to-day's JOURNAL, which will te of special interest to those immediately concerned. An appeal will be held on the 1st day of May, at the Commissioners' of fice, in Clearfield. Boots and Shoes. The advertisement of Mr. D. R. Fullerton, appears in our col umns to-day. Iiis stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloth, etc., is now full and complete, which will be sold at very low prices. Reg. is a clever and accommo dating business man, and will do Lis best to please all who may favor him' with their custom. Give him a call. Godey, for April, is received, and con tains its usual varied and extensive budget of fashion plates, fancy patterns and highly entertaining literature. This magazine is the great favorite of the ladies, and main tains its popularity with them. It is the oldest ladies' magazine published in the country, aud age seems only to add to its worth. Price $3 a year. L. A. Godey, publisher, Philadelphia, Vs. To Stop Bleedixg. It is said that bleeding from a wound, cn a man or Least, may be stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common salt, in equal parts, bound on with a cloth. If the bleeding be profuse, use a large quantity, say from one to three pints. It may be left on for hours, even' dajs, if necessary. The person who gave us this receipt says that, in this manner, Le saved a horse which was bleeding from a wounded artery. The bleeding ceased iu five minutes after the application. List of Letters remaining unclaimed ia the Post OffiS, at Clearfield. Pa., Apr?! lit, 171 : I S r.rooks, . j.Iennie McMulHn. .Mis:i lllio McKinney, 'John MepadJeD, N Rurton. V. C. CVder, J.C Colo, Philip Cere. W. 11 Curts W H Chain bcrlin, (2) Isaac C-ii. Abe! liicki&son. (2) Joseph Krrick. lis Sa-p.e Eckley, A. J Ellij. Patrick Finnel. James C. Giluure, Alfred Gray. Miw ja.an Galaspa, J W.Goon Will R. Howard. y.iss Mary Hrwick. Miss F. Wash barker. Jume C. J ?'jbs, I&auc Lcmery, irorge Mackie. Gearys M iller. Alathiai NcTell, jO core Potter, I.Mrs Rate liicharJi, i Albert iiiter. XeiUoa S: irs. Aiex. iutbcrlaT't, yame. Mt-n. ;Mi Sarah E. Sitme, (2) sui'ii! ShutTer, 10. JJ. StraaH, jK Salirbury. Au2us:un Siurgss, Andrew jner, Win. H. uickland, 'Levi Unip5leal. Mrs. K-bcc-a Wekb, K O. WiUon. special and gTowl JVfiff instrfH rtudcr thi hradiHg an follow : 15 ctitt a liut for first insertion ; and i tini$ a hit for each fttbuiqnfnl i axrrtion. Get your Beys' flats at Fullertoa's.' New Hair goods Reed Brothers. received this week at Plaster. Fresh g.oaud Ltnl Piaster at Kratzer & Lytle's, opposite the Jail. The Spring terta of Miss Swan's fchool ujeus ou Monday, April 10. h. Sse adver- t!seu.en. 1- I". Vs.tfTo, formerly of Syracuse, - - 1 . , leaii CS Us l.J lli.orill luC pcupiO Oi t icai iielJ aiiU vicinity tnat he has peraia i cntiy iocatud aitatig thum, for the purpue of pr'iciiaiiig his prffssian. The Doctor u i I in ir.v t.i ..frti 1 til u)i rrnti,. sionJicalls'hcrmghtordav. His ofnoo' is on I'eed street, south si Jo, beteen the liaiiroau and .eecnd street, where DC may be found night an J day, when not engaged elsewhere. March 8, ISTl.tf Silk Hats, latest Spring styles, at D. R. FufIerUin"s. Ladies' rTew Straw goods received this wecfc at cej Brothers. A stvr stock of Cigars' and Tobacco at It. II. Shaw" 5.000 pounds of Wool wanted at Kratrcr & Lytle's, opposite the Jail. apO 4t. Insurance. Life and Fire insurance is becoming more popular every day in all pans of the country. Those cVsifing poli cies are referred to the advertisement of Mr. Fulford which appears in the Journal to day. Mr. Fulford represents a number of the best companies in the country, and per-s-iu are advised to insure with him in pref erence to going abroad, or with (raveling au,s' a s-ctmty against Leine imposed opon by irresponsible and worthless comps- "cs- -tor particulars see aavertisemcnu Nf.'K Ties, the very latest styles, at D. R. Fuii?rton's. A large assortment this week at Koed Errothe Ribbons reeeivel rs. Fitrtt. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Coi Hsh, &c, at Kratzer k. Lytle's, opposite ibe Jail. Neglected Tukoat and Lung Disea ses. During the changeable seasons of fall and winter when Coj?hi an 1 Colds aie so prevalent, no person should be without some reliable preparation for their cute. They shoold recollect that a neglected Corrgh or Cold frequently terminates in Consumption. Haont Compound S.'rup of Tar is the besi and most reliable article known for the cure of Coughs, Cotds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Asthma, Chrome Catarrhs, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. No fam ily should be without it. It is no private "quack" preparation ; on the contrary, it is prescribed by ome of the most eminent physicians in the country. Price iO cents. For sale by Hartswick k Irwin, Ciearfield ; Joseph R. Irwin, Curwensville, and Drug gists everywhere. Feb. 22-12L Calcined Plaster. Kratzer k Lytle keep French, Richards fc Co' Calcined Plaster. Opposite Jail. . Ladies' and genu' Satchels, at D. R. Fnllerton's. Arthurs' II osie Magazine. The April number ot this excellent and entertaining monthly has reached ui. . It is well filled with choice literature, fashion engravings, and patterns for fancy'knick-knacks. Price $2.50 a year. Address T. S. Arthuri Sons, Philadelphia. CLOSING QUOTATIONS of Government Secu rities, at J. T. Brady A Co's, No. (19 Wood St. Pittsburgh, March 13. 1871. BCr SELL Gold, 1101 lilt U. S. 6'alSSl. 113 1131 U 8. 5-20 s. 18(13, 113i 1I2 U. S. 5-20's. 1S64, HOr 1101 U.S &-20's. 1865, 110 llflf J.S 10-40", 107 107 5-20's, January A Jaly, 1S65, 119 1 1 f 5-20's. January A Jnly. 1S67, 1191 11SJ 5-20's. January A Jaly. 1053, 119i lli Union Pacific Railroad, 87 Central PajiSa Railroad, 924- Cy. Pacifies. 10 Clearfield Eetail Markets, CORRECTED WEEKLY BT B. MtJSSOP- Apples. dried, lb, 10 I Hay, ton, Apples, green, bu, 65 Hams. lb. Apnlebutter, gal, 1 00 ) Shoulder, 'lb, :j 00 20 14 1 29 60 I 00 Butter, lb. 3i Sides, lb, Lard, lb. Beef, fresh, lb, 10 xSecf, dried, lb, 25 Buckwheat, bu,' 1 0U Buckwheat floor. lb 4 Beans, bu, 2 50 Boards, per M, 14 00 Corn, shelled, 1 00 " ears, 50 " meal, t bO Chop. rye. 2 50 ' nixed: S SO Cheese, lb. 25 Cherries. Ib, 13 Chickens. dressed lb. 15 Eges, 20 Flour, bbl, 7 50 Oats, bu. Onions, bu, Pork. lb. 14 Pork, mess, bbl, 33 00 Potatoes, ba, B0 Plaster, bol. 3 50 Peaches, drid, lb. l3 Rye. bu. 25 Kags, lb. 3 Salt, per sack, 3 50 Miin;jles, lS in. 5 00 Shingles 23 in, 12 Oo Timothy seed, ba, S 00 Wheat, ba, I 60 Wool, lb, 40 ffOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Thwfollc'win pVopafty, eitnate in tKe town of Bnrnaide, is offered for sale. Two lots, each St) foet front and ISO feet deep, having thereon a good two-story frame house, with cellar all fine ished, and a good, and a never failing spring of- water. These lots are situate on the corner of Main and Second streets, in said town. Also one other lot. opposite the above two, and aUo on the corner of Main and Second streets. SO feet front and i60 feet deep, haviiig thereon a large frame bouse, calculated for a store or shop of nny kind, it being 40 by 20 feet ol two sto ries b'igb : also( a large frame barn 35 by 54 fet. These properties have a good situation in the town for any kind of business and the lots are gtod and will be told on reasonable terms For fujtbet p.uticulars enquire ot the subscriber on the premies, March 22.'7l-1t. SAMUEL REED. EW SPRING gTOCKl J. SHAW k SOX. Hire just returned from the east and are cow opening an entire new stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Win. P. Irwii, on Market Street, which they new offer to the puSlie at the lowest cash priceg'. Their stock consists of a general assortment ef Dry Goods, Groceries, Qoeensware. Hardware, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Botnets, Dress GoeJs, Fruits. Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc., in fact, everything usually kept ia a retail store can be had by calling at this store, er will be procured oordir. Their stock is well selected, and consists of Ibe newest goods, is of the best qaaliiy, ef the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for approved eonatry produce. Be sure and call and examine oar stock before making your purchases, as we are determined "lease all who may faver us with their custom. May, IS". J. SHAW A SON. F.EED T.FED HEED . REED Brothers Brothers Brothers " REED BROTHERS, REED REJ BEXTS D REED REED n&rs EROS Are receiving tbis we:k a large and attractive stxck of FANCY DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, kc, to which the attention of buy en is invited. gPLEXDID PLAID DRESS GOODS, 25 and 30 cents. SPLEXPID BLACK ALPACA, 25 and 30 cents. EPLEFDID SUMMER SHAWLS, $2 CO, $2.50 and S3 00. SPLENDID LACE POINTS, $4.00 and 4 50. SPLtSDID LINEN DAMASK, 45. 5(1 A CO cts. per yard. ELE'JANT MARSEILLES QUILTS, 12 00 and S2 50. G"OOD XAPKIXS, 75 cts., ST cu., Si. 00 and $125 per doxen. GOOD TOWELS, 12l and 15i cents each. GOOD TOWELING, 10 and 12jccnl3 SPLENDID PIQUES, l5, 23, Ij and 31 cents per yard. GOOD CALICO, i, 7. 8 and 10 cents per J art. MUSLIN. YARD WIDE, 8 cents yer yard. HAIR GOODS IX GREAT VARIETY. CURLS, 35 cents BEST SWITCHES, 20 cents. ITEW CHIGNONS. VERY CHEAP. NEW M1LLLXERY GOODS ! 5ew Spring Styles of HATS AND BONNETS! The choicest line' of FLOWERS in the market. StXDOWXS, in great variety. Sew Styles LADIES COATS, Ac, Ac , And thousands of other things of which we wonld like to tell yon but for the act of time, being too busy selling gootfr. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ! REED BROTHERS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. BUTTER, EGGS, WOOL, and aU marketable produce takca. . March 15, 71. DRTWn.S the cheapest ta the county. May 21, '7. MSrOP 5, gANKING nOCSE OF JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Focbth Avsxra in Wood Streets. PITTSBCRlJH. PA Financial Agents o: the United States. Having been annointed by the Government. Agents for the placing of tbe New Loan, we are now ready to receive subscriptions for 'be Funded Loan of IsSO. lsoi and 1900. cither in Coin or Uni ted Slates Bonds known as 5-20's. On Bonds sent us by express we allow freight. Mar. 15,'71-lm. JAa T. BRADY A CO. M E N s' TOUT H S' AND BOYS', 'CLOTHING. Th undnigned hav-cj recMtlj ad dad SEADr-MAPi CLOTHING . te his former business, wonld respectfully solicit n examination, ol his stock. Being a practical Tailor he flatters himself that be is able to offer a better class of ready-made work than has heretofore been brought to this mar ket. Any one wishing to buy goods in this line wonld save money by calling at his store, and making tbeir selections. Also, a full supply of (lents'furnishing ., goods always on hand. " Feeling thankful fur put fators. he would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the sine. April 23, 1869. H. BRIDGE. . L. REED 6. r. BOOT : NOTICE. V W.BETTS. J.r. WEAVKB W. POWELL CLEARFiELD PLANING MILI ALL IilGIIT, IIsjses. HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citizens ef the eesnfy that they hare completely refilled and supplied their PLAMNQ MILL, in tli is Ecroagh with tbe best and latest irtproTed "WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all erders ia their line of bnsitess. such as Flooring, TeatherboarJiiifj, Sash, Doors, Bands, Brackets, and Moldings, of all Kinds. They bare a large s:ock of dry lumber en band. and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-ar.d-a-bal inch i pannel plank preferred (Nov ,'67. H. F. BKiLEU & CO., PBtLECS fX II A It I) Y A it-E, A.IO MAMFACTLHKRJ or Tin and Sheet -Tron Warai, t'i.)lLH;Xtf. FA. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL El-NDY. ALSO, Baggage Etrrows, tVarebouse Trucks. Copying Presses. Improved Money'Drawers, Ae., rax sale ur II. F. BIGLEIl & CO., Dairf in Hardware, March 15 j -iCLtAK field. Pa. (187a. THE CLEARFIELD . WOOD CHOPPERS' AXE, Manufactured expressly for the CLEAR VIE LD TRADE, for sale by H. F. BI'iLKK A CO. FRUIT CAN , Manufactured from best chsreoal Us, Grooved and soldered on ouuido, WA.tKAXTED. a:jso,glass FRUIT JARS, for sale by H. F. 31 j LET. A CO. . SAWS! SAWS!! Dsro.v, CROSS CUT, MILL. DRAG, AND CIRCULAR SAW!?. LIGHTNING SAWS PATENT PFRFORATED, ELECTRIC SAWS, And DISTON'S SAWS of all kinds, . :"or sale by H. F. B1GLEK A CO. COOK STOVES! SPEAR S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEUANXA. SUPERIOR.. GO V. PE.XX. .REGULATOR. XOBLE COOK, XA TIOXAL RAXGE, tre , 4s , Ard all kinds of HEATIXG STOVES, On hand and for sale by H. T. BIGLER &.CO., SECOXD STREET, CLEARFIELD; PA: Augusts, 1376. PlSK acd W hite Lining Skins, and Reap 6kins at .. H. BI LER A CO S. THIMBLE-SKE?.NS and Pipe-boxes t r W: ens, for sale by H. T. BIGLER A CO IRON. IRON !! Best bar iron, for sale at the lore of H. F. BIGLER A CO. STOVES of all sorts acd sises. eencactl? en Tiand at HF. BIGLER A C0'3 CABLE CHAIXS a good article, on hand acd foraaleby H F. BIGLER A CO HOUSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, tn be bad at V. F. BIGLER A CO S. SADDLES, Bridies, harness collars Ae . fcr sale at H. F. BIGLER A CD'S. GUNS. Pistols and rsrord cares to be had at H F. BIGLER A CO S. HARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-finding- for aale at . H. F. BIGLEU A CO'S. "VlL. Putty. Parnu Glass and Sails, for sale at W JiarcQ 0 H F. BIGLER A CO S. VTEW LAMPS. Perkins A House's Nea-Exprc- j i3l Lamp aew article just reoetved and f?i sale by HAKRY F. BIGLER A CO. HOUSE AND LOT at Private Sale. Tn tt.A wil1acr nf Wiftiam'a 'firrtva ' Rirrlpr Station. Tyrone aad Clearfield Railroad.., House, irsme. i:xzi teet, and z stories in aeignt, witn kitchen attached; frame office, 16x24 feet, suita ble for a store room ; and also . a ifable on the property. Lot contains about half an acre. For terms. Ac app'y to Dr. F. R. head, Kylertowa, Pa , or the undersigned. March 8, 1870 -5tp. Clearfield, Pa. Y ALU ABLE FARM FOR SALE TE property known as the -Wheatland Farm," in Uuelich township. Clearfield county, Pa., and be longing to tho estate of Lisle McCully. late of said township, deceased. Said farm is bounded ty lands of Joseph Mcuollougb. u w. MoCuily, Flynn A Co., and others, and contains one hun dred and fifty acres, more or less, one hundred acres of which is eieared and in a good stats of cultivation, aud the balance it in timber. The improvements are two food dwelling houses, a good bank barn, wagon abed spring house, car riage house, and other necessary outbuildings. There are twe bearing orchards on the premises, and abundance or pure water from never failing springs, ef nveniently located The property is convenient to churches and schools, and within a half mile of the lice of theOivcola and Pusey ville railroad. The land for fertility and p-oductive- nesa is not surpassed in tbe county, and is also underlaid with several valuable coal veins. For further information inquire of G W. McCully, Smith's Mills. Clearfield county, Pa , acd who may be found adjoining said farm, and will take pleasure in snowing the premises 'and statitg terms to those wisbin a to purchase. it. W .Med bLl. SUSANNA McCl'LLT. March 1, '71-t. Frecutors. P. T. I. DR, BOYER'S PURR WEST BRANCH BITTERS.- A Pure. Pleasant, Safe acd KeliableTonic.com pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirits, free from fusil eil. er eiher irritating properties, acd will nvt duagree or offend tbe most delicate stomach. Warrsnt . ed to contain more m-d-iciu&l virtue than any bitters at present offered to the public. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. Te increase te Appetite to promote Digestion to cure Dyspepsia to cure Fe cr acd Ague to cure Biliousness to cure Coniirtatif.n to cure Chronic Diarrhea to cure Flatulence !o cure Ae'ul Kructaiions to cure Nervous Debility to cure Hypochondria tc. cure Sallownpsg of the Complexion to cure Pimples and Blotches to cure General Debility and Proilration of the Physical Powers, IT HAS XO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHEF.E, AT SI PER BOTTLE. A librai discount to tht trade. atCFACTTEEO EXCLrSlTELT IT A. I. S II A W, CLEARFIELD. PA., Dealer tn Drues. Mciicines, Chemicals. Dye Stuffs. Oils, Paints, Varuishes. Ac, i'ateni Medicines. Pure Wines pnd Liquors for Cedical purposes. Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all goods usually kept ta a Drug Store, sold cheap. Having employed K.D.Snyder agraduaate in Pharmacy who speaks both English and Ger man, the undersigned feels no htsitaney in saying that customers can rely upon having the prescrip tiucs properly put up. A. I. SUAW. Feb 23. 170. SPRING GOODS! JUST RECEIVING, Splendid lOceut Calicoes. Liebt Citlicows, Delaines, Plt'dt. Whirling checks. Percales. Black f-i!ks, Japanese Silks. Sil k Poplins, Black Alpacas, Velveteens. Sbaw.ie, Table Linens, li-jvs' Cassimcres. Ac. Eet Paris Kid Gloves, Blue A Green Kid Gloves, Hoisery, Srk Gloves. Lace Collars, Hair Switches, Chignons, Hair Nets, Corsets, Hoop ckiris, Ae., Ae. Dress Trimmings. Velvet Kibbjns, Silk Fringes. Buttons, Satin. Ac, Ac. Trimmed Hats, Ribbons and Millinery Goods. Unequaled tfirX of Ladies' and Childrens' hoes sua Gaiters. Mens French Kip and Calf Boots, Caif and Lasting Gaiters. 2,000 pieces Wall Paper, from 6 cts to SI per boll. Caryers,, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shade, best ft hite Granite Tea Ware. Glafs Ware, Tible Knives and i orks. Choice Teas and Coffee and other Groceries. Dried j Fruit. P..k Prnr.. PI....!., r-.n.-l ! Peaches, Tomatoes, Corn, Pickles, Ac. The above, with an immense stock of other goodi. have been bought at the lowest ca prices, anl are offered at very low rates. COME ANB EXAMINE THZM. WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. J . M . KRATZER, Formerly C. Kratzer A- Son-), Next door to H. F. Bigler A Co., 2"i Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. March 15,"7I. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY ! A Mole and Female. High School. Each DriPABTif est IMstisc ajid Complete is Itself. Tee TLi.'d Session of the present Scholastic year, of this Institution, commenced on Monday, the 13lh day'of February, 1871 Pupils can enter at any tfiie. They will be charged with tuition from tbe time they enter to tbe close of tbe session. The coarse of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and axomplUh ed education of both sexss TERMS OF TUITION: Orthography. Reading, Penmanship, Primary Arithmetic, Primary Geography and Pencil Drawicg, per session, (11 weeks), Si CO Gram raarLoeaf and Descriptive Geography, Mcs Drawing. History, Mental an4 Written Arith metic, and Pencil Drawing. " 5 00 Algebra, Geometry,-Trigonometry. Mensuration, Surveying Natural and Moral Philosophy, Ge ology. Physiology, Chemistry, Rhetoric, Physi eal Geography, Book keeping- Botany, and Pen cil Drawing, S9 00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the above branches, S12 00 Pearl or Oriental Painting, 21 lessons, I? 0 Monochromatic Painting, 24 lesions, 13 00 Crayon Drawing, 24 lessen , ; 1 8 CO Fancy Hair Work, 24 lessons. (. ... 12 00 Tapestry, ..... 8 00 Instrumental Muvre. ? lessons. - 10 00 C7 No deduction will be made for absence. t e" Students, from a distance can be accorn modated with boarding at low rates. nS"" Any one, not a member ot th SfchooL can receive private instructions in vSj ef the orna mental branches. For furtier particulars icquire of, or address, .- , VL HABRI?03;a-. March IS, 1371.; Priwrfpal. T A M E S II . PARR Lv It. FORK PACKER, ASO SEALER I - - Baeoa, Lard. Sugar Cured Hams, Tssef, aa4 Cincinnati Lard Oil, ho. 309 Liberty Street. Mar. 15-4t PITTSBURGH. PA. PROPOSALS to BRIDGE BUILDERS Sealed proposals will be received by the under signed Committee, at Curwensville, until Satur day, the litb day of April next, for tbe erection of a covered bridge, of 150 foot . pan. across tbe Susquehanna Rivor. at Bloom's fording, about midway between Curwensville and Lumber-city. Said bridge to be similar in construction to the one across tbe mouth of Anderson's creek. Sep er,.ite bids will be conrlderel for eaeavatien. stone aad masorlry per perch. sqnare and sawed lumber per foot or thousand, for carpentry and black smithing, or for l5o whole, including material and labor. Ample security will be required of ine contractor lor tne completion et tae Drugs :o a workmanlike manner .- ZACHARIAHJUTiAl'L, HENRY HILE. R. S. HUMPHREY. Mar. 22,,71-4t Committee. I 871. 1871 SPRING GOODS! TOE FIRST OF THE SEASON ! THE CHEAPEST IN THIS MARKET ! BUY! BUY!! BUY!!! OF KRATZER & LYTLE, Your Dry Goods. Your Groceries, Your Hardware, Your Qoeensware, Your Notions, Your Boots A Shoes, Tour Leather, Your Shoe Findings, Your Flour anl Fish, Your Bacon and Feed, Your Stoves, Tour Carpet Chains, Your Hrts and Caps, Your Wall Papeis, Your Oilc'oths. Your Carpets, Your Window Curtains. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! at wholesale to cone try merchant. OILis, PAINTS, GLASS. Ac, A liberal discount to beilders. Everytb'tng that yon need can be bad at great advantage to the buyer at KRATZER A LYTLE'S, Market Street, Mar 22.-71. Clearfield, Pa .op. thejail. s ELLING OFF at COST for CASH ! THE LARGEST STOCK OP FUR XI TUBE EVER OFFERED IN CLEARFIELD ! AT THE STEAM CABINET SHOP, CORNER MARKET AND FIFTH STREET CLEAP.FIELD, PA. The undersigned would announce to tbe pnblie that be bas on band and is now offiricg cheap tor cab, tbe largest stock of furniture ever in store in this county, consisting of UPHOLSTERED PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETTS. EXTENSION TABLES, SECRETARIES. BOOK CASES, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS AND MATTRESSES. LOUNGES, BENCHES. TLAIN A MARBLE TOP TABLES A BUREAUS, WAS1ISTANDS. CASE EEAT AND COMMON CHAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, LOOKING GLASSES. WIS DOW SHADES, riCTUrtK FRAMES, CORDS AND TASSELF, Ac. He a!o manufactures acd kep on hand Pat ent Sping Beds, tbe test ever ii-.vented. No fam ily should be without tbem. Ar.y kind of goous not on band can be bad on short notice Uphul stcring itud repairing neatly executed. C FFINS. of all sises. can be had on s half-hours' notice, and at the lowest price; A deduction of 20 percent, made fur Casu METALLIC CASES, or Rositrosd. Walnut and Cherry "fiins. witb f"lsforwood tops; furnish ed on five boors' notice. Personal attenda&oe with hearse, on funeral oc casions, and carriage. furnished when desired. Thank:ng the pnblie fur past favors, and by strict personal attcnttou to business. I hope lo reteivr a continuance of the Same. Remember the plrcett-e Steam Cabinet Shop', corner of Mutfeetand Fifth Streets. -Msr 22,'7i-lv. DANIEL BESNER. . atiLLsa A. a. rowaLi. NEW FIRM. JilLLER k POWELL, Ir'AeAtstz-'r and Retail Desdm in all Iindt of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, No tions, G rocertes .Hard wa re. Quee ut ware, Wood Anl "R illowwaro, Flour, Bac n, Fish, bait, Ac, Market St , Clearfield, Pa. FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets, Silks, Coburgs, Alpaca?, Me rinoe. Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ginghams. Prints, Poplins, La WES. Scnsbaies, Handkerchiefs. Kid acd other Gloves, Hoisery, Balmorals, acd a gen eral variety of Ribbons, Trircmicgs, Etutecs. Braids, etc., at tbe lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They bare Black and Blue Cloths, Black acd Fan ey Caseimeres, Sattinetts, Jweeds. Meltons.Water proof Clotb, 5i!k.Satin and common Veti ngs.etc . in great variety, acd at prices tbat will give gen eral satisfaction te buvers. ALSO, A general assortment of Ready -ii ads Clothing. Hats and Caps Coots and Shoes. Hardware and Queeasware, Wood acd Wiliorwvere, ana a full stoek ef Groceries. IN FACT, MILLER A POWELL sell all articl.r that are usually kept in a well-regulated country store anl hence the people generally will find it to, tfcefr advantage to buy goods tf Item. GRAIN AND CofcSTRY PRODUCE takes in exchange for goods. February 15, 1571 -tf. - mHB highest market prices paid for Shingles J sill AW A SON. DRIED FRUIT, at reduced prices, at May 12,'. MOSCP 8 SW AIM'S PANACEA, Kennedy's Medieal Dis eovery, Hembold s Bucha, fcake's Co4 Liver OH;JvBe'saad Ayer's Medicines for sale bv Jaa lO. HART3WICK A IRWly. FOR SALE, White Lead, Zinc Paint, Linseed OU. Turpentine Tarnishes' of all kinds. Colors, in oil aad fry. Paint aad Varnish brushes. HARTS WICK A IRWTjr, Clearfield. Pa -M .'6f . LONGEST, R OQF is tbe United Stales is an Mice it j foes' Factory, Easion. Fa.. one third of a miie Ittj and iar covered with READY ROOFIXQ CHEAP, DUKABLK and easily applied'. Seed for circular and samples to the manufacturers. KEADr ROOrLNG CO, June 1-ap. 1 J, y. No. 6 Ceurtlan ft S T N E W F I R M I The firm of C. EratreT in the Dry Goods and Provision business will oe Known hereafter aader the uame of KRATZER LYTLE.- Thanking the pnblie for past favor tisy hope for aeontinaanee of tbe. same. Ciearfield, Feb. S. 171 IMPORTED LIQUORS, scca as BRANDIES nd JIOLLAXI) G.VS. r . PURE OLD GRAPE BRANDIES. PURE OLD CAHIXET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WIXES. All the ab ov'e brands warrarted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur poses GEO. N. OOLBUKN, Mare?! 30.'7Q-tf J Prop r of Shaw Honse. WEST BRANCH RESTAURANT AND Ladies' Oyster Saloon, OS SECORB ST.. EELOW SIAKEET,' CLBA KFTELD, PA. Constantly kept i a hand a selected assortment of Candies, Nuts. Cigars. Tobaeeo. Ae. Also fresh. Oysters received daily, and for sale by the dosca or hundred. J. M MACOMBER. Oct. 12. TO. Proprietor. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail. CLE A K FIELD, PENN A. Monuments. Grecian Tombs, French Cceschea, M ulles. Table Tops. Washing Ranges, Garden Statuary. Terra Cotta Ware, of every description. Bead aod Foot Stores, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at city prices, or iS percent less than any caber establishment f4 tbrs county. Having a large experience in tbe busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in tbe best workmanlike manner. S A.GIBSON. Miv 11. 1570 -tf James Watsos, Agent. 31 1 LLWR IGIITIN G. II. T. Faksswortfi', TTonld icferm Mill owners, and those desirous of caving Dili's built, that he is prepared to build and lepair eiider Circular er Muley Saw ill 11a, and Gri't Mills after the latest improved patterns. He has also for aale an improved Water Wheel, which be guarantees to give satisfaction in re pari to power and speed his motto is, to do work so as to give perfeoteatfafnetion. Those wishing fur ther information wil! be promptly answered by addressing him at C'.earfelJ. Clearfield county. ra. n rite your name and aJoroas plans. April 2ii. l7o-ly. W E A V I N G! Mas. R. CALDWELLc . Having engaged in tbe WEAVING BUSINESS, at bar resi'iecea caar Logan's M.il. desires to in form ber trietid: and the public, ttat abe bas now end wijkeep constantly ou band, a well selected slock ot COTTON. WouLEN and HEMP WaRPS. aod is prepared te furnish to order Carpet ready made, or warp acd wearing. Weaving of all k indm done to or4er. If desired she can tarnish eotuo warp of ail fciuds for linen or woolen fill ing Wool and rags taken in exchange. Address. Mas. R CALDWELL. . Octl2,'0-!y. Curwensville. Fa I STUMPS! STUMPS!! The oti'iers'yned have purchased tbe right oi Cleaifleld county fr L'nceb Farnsworth'a r-tuuip Extractor, pk'.ntc l June 7th. Is7. lhis is decidedly tbe most eoi,ei,ier,t. most durable and best machine of the dy Wet weather wil.' pot effect ft. tbe working part being all of iron I lue machine is easily set up. and will work any place Ibatcan be pir.wed. V. e will sell macbiues at a small profit ou ooft. and will try to make it to the kdtantiijfe of farmers to buy them. Wa solicit orJe.'S frira those wanting machines. U. T. KAILNSWOKTBT, Cleajield. Pa., J B. GARRISON, GEO. H. HALL. Agent. Curensville, Pa. CUarteldPa. (Julv 13.70. NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned have opened a Meat Market in the room i orinerly occupied bv Alex Irvin.ea Market Street. C!e:.rr: e!d Pa .adjoining Moatop's. where they intend to keep a full "supply ot All Kinds of Meat, Frnit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit tbe times. Tbeir sr-.ep will be open regularly, on Tuesday. Thursday and" Saturday and meat delivered at any poict. A share of pnblie patrons is rspet(uU v se'.icitel. 41. J BRWN. Aug 31,'70 tf. i tf . BROW". Al.ro eor.ticce to deal fa aH kinds ef improv ed Agricultural Im; lemautr WATCHES AND JEWELRY I would respectfully announce to eitiaen of Clearfield and vicinity, that 1 have removed K the new Mausor.ic builUing. first door belw tbe Han rou House, on Second stract, with an eeirT new stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Jewelry, nf the latest styles and of tbe best finish, se'ected with care. I will have an assortment of all the latent i-ovelties in jewelry, Ae Tbaukful for tout past liberal patronage I hope by strict attention to hu-inefs to merit a continuance ef the same, ry H AIR JEWELRY MADE TO OKDER Alarch l.laiO-tf. B. I. SNViiER. THE XKW x CHINK. FAMILY SEWI.NG MA- EMPIRE 2S4 BoWfiRT BOWERY The extraordinary success ot tbeir new aad! improved mimufieturicg Machines Tor liht or heavy work, bas induced tne EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE C' tomanufacture a Dew Fau'lv-Ma chine of the same style and eonsUuotM.. "with lfdlTM INT ""f? TJlcU comes wittin rea.-ii at ever elasa. ? "e Company -j, pr,pTei , off.r th, mwst 1' w ut buyers dealers and agents i-very Machine warranted'. Apply for circulars and samples, ta EMPIRE SEWING MACHINS COJIPA:; ?, Jio. Bowery. N, York. -M-rca t.l.-Sm. auji,:,.u, ornameuiauon, mi'.iw it eqaal in beauty and finish with other F.m.l, 5faiBe., whereas in usefulness it Ut ca stHps all compel- CROCKS ! I'OTS ! CROCKS ! Stone acd Earthenware, of eiery deecrtptioa. Fishers' latent Airtight Self-sealing Frt.it Cans. BUTTtR CROCKS WITH LI OS. PICKLE and APPLE BUTTEKCROCKS. CREAM ASD MILK VROCKS.STEVT POTS, FLOWER POTS. PIE DISHES, and a good masy Other things too numer ous to mention, at the STOXE-1VARE POTTERY OF F. LEITZINGER. Corner ef Cherry and Third Streets. VLEARFIELD, PA. Aig S '71 "if h 1., ? Hi I If t!. Dn ll