0 3 oitrnaf, t carftcf b, 15, 1871. 1?fa., Parcf; CLEAFwFIELI), PA. , M Alt. 15,JbT 1. To Patbo! To insure the Eafe trantmisslor f money by mail, patrons should remit by check or money-order, or have their letters registered. 4 receipt will ho enclosed in the firit paper after joe money comes to hand: Peaa' K. E. Winter Arrangement. HsilTrin leaves Tyrone at : : : 9-i3 a m. Arrives at Osceola at : : : : ll-la Fhilipsburg at . : 1140 a. in. Clearfield at ; : : 12 W p.m. Ma:I Tr. in leave Clearfield a' : : : 2.40 p m Arrives at Phitipsburg at : : 3 P- Oweolaat : : : : 4.00p.m. Tyrone at : : : : P- m Lock Haven at : : 12 2op.m - Accommodation Tram, Leaves Clearueld at . : : Arrives at Pbilipsburg at : : Osceola at : : t " Intersection at : : " L. Tyrone at : : Deavei East Tyrone at : : : : : Arrives at Intersection at : Osceola at : : J'hilipsburs at : : Clearfield at : : Close connections made at Tyrone East ani West on the Maine Line. 7.00 a. v 9 1)0 a. m 10.00 a. m. 12 50 p. in. I 13 p. m 10 oil a in. 1.0 p. m. : 2.00 p. m, 3 40 p. m. 5 50 p. m. with trains Religious. Divine services will re held next Sabbut h, in Clearfield, as follows : Uy K 'V. Ua',1. in St. Andrew's Episcopal cl.uiMi, at U A. M. ami T P. 51. Sunday school at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednrsdav evening at 7 o'clock. By Rev. Butler,in the Presbyterian church, Binrnin? an 1 evening. Sabaath school at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every ednesday -erenins at 7 o'clock. By Rev. J. 11. M'Cord, in the Methodist church, morning and evening. Sabbath aMiool at 9 A. M. Prayer uiceting. every Thursday at 7 P. 51. Communion services First Sabbath of every month at 10 A. 51. By llev. Mr. Skinner, in the Baptist church, morning and evening, alternately. Ku.i.F.n. A man named Shannon, was killed at the Decatur Coal Company's mines, by a frail of coal, on Wednesday, 5Iarch 8th. His remains were interred at the Catholic i-nmetciy in Osceola. Orn Streets. We take this early op portunity to direct the attention of the Bor-D-u'i officers to the miserable condition of ,..ir strocts. They are a disgrace to any civ ilized community. We hope the Burgess wii! iiive iheui l.i.s personal at:cuii'-t!t and. tout tome substantial iuipiOVtiiituL will be 1 made this aumuitr. J Building We learn that several lus';- j iios bousc-i aie to be erected in thia place, j ti.is summer, besides a miuiuer ot rA-iocu-cvs, and the new jail. We like lo ice .'bis spirit oi improvi'iiiC'iit. Several i:i3iti'ab. turiny establihinenls would add much to the pro.-perity of our town. Who will be the first to move in that dircciiuii '? BitoKE Jail. A prisoner made las es cape from jail, one evening last week, Ly climbing over the outer wail. JIo was. how ever, captured after a liag chase over the liiil.4 east of the borough, and returned to his old quarters, by ihe inr.r S!.e; rfT. Pris oners should remember that Sheriff Pie is pretty fast a foot, and unless the J are mho of a good atari, they had better uot attempt to escape. So look out. R.uti.vi Sn'iW. ILiiing in has lvu quite lri-k, for more tl,a:t a wwk p i-t. hi this r.'gi in, an J a im-iI.'j uoii'er oi" rafts etarted for the lower markers ; but. we pie nine, th greater part of the tim'.w tii! back. The water io ill .' s-. i e no - is freiting ri'.her low for railing, ir.ost of the .-no'.i l.avit.g passed off already, and hct.ee it will l -qiiire pretty copious rains' to raise t:,e .-.reams sufficiently high to 3 .;t off ti3 re maining timber. A ( 1 1 ant Tree. A pine tree wa f.d'.cd mi lands of John iJ iBois, in Huston township, at oat two miles Iroiu lViniSeld, a short time since, by some men working for Mr. James Buiidy. fV.iai which wascut sev i ti'eeu logj sixteen feet in length, and con t i-tiiim seven thousm l two hundred feet of coul lumber. T nik about y ur giutit trees of Cu'.it.inii.i. but you .-el. loin find larger pine trees in ibi.- e. a:itiy, than tlie one obove re'errc 1 ru. S i s ivs a eorrcspon Jetit. A Inv iV.vti .. (Ji Si:il:iy last, we i.o;!ir-i! a wagon driving around our streets uilivciing milk to et:-t otni-rs. 51'tght lioi a ianiier with the same propriety come to T-'Wii and deliver jjO'lc-, or poi aloes, or but t r :.nd gs, orarytbing el e, tuvUu nitTs? Who rerjionsiolc for this innovation, t!:a .seller cr the buyer? Wouldn't Saturday ceiling t-c more appropriate than Sunday Le, ruing for such business? e leave each "i e io answer these quest. oils as conscience locates. Iasiit sTI.Nti SrENE. Oa Saturday rit we wiiiiessed a most disgusting scene, on the street in fiont of our office. A man in mieiiipting to cross the street, was so d unk tiia; he tell into a mudhole, wlirre iie wa! i v.m'i a'Miiit like a hog for a i.m.iue or two. Ki i n be was heijied out'oi the mud and i a i. il on u wagou by several friends and nk'-n ,,ut ol town. This was on' of the ' -: disgusting sj ectaoles we have ever sse J. and we hepe its like luay never j ii ii occur in our streets. l'KATH OK A l'uKME'.t ClTlZEV. It is :i. feelings of deep regret, that we an i' "iir -the death oi' our oi l an 1 esteemed ii 1. Nicholas K. McMu'lin, Esq. He hi.-1 a liis residence, uear Pont cuelle, Wash -i!i-t hi county, Nebraska, on Friday, 5Iarch i. alter a severe illness of six weeks, in tie- "."ith j ear of his age. He was sick all winter, but the immediate c:uis.; of his ii- a'.h was fuit'jux tumor., or bleeding can ters mie in the stymach, two in the mouth, "tie on the lower and one on the upper jaw. 1 l.e growth of these tumors was very rapid, "" I no medical skill could avert the fatal tcsult. His remains were followed to the travc by a large concourse of people. 51 r. McMailiii removed from this place to Ne braska some five or six years ago, where he ae-piired a homestead for himself and fanj-'-Iv. lie was a man ol strong mind, good bu-mcss qualifications, honest and upright an affectionate husband, an indulgent pa rent, and a kind aud accommodating neigh W beloved and respected Ly all who knew him. His death will be much regretted aud "eaily lament-'d by his numerous relatives ari 1 friends, both here sni in his adopted I tern home. Peace to bis remains. I Leg BaoiCES. A 5Ir. J. Laugham, of Grant township, Iudiaua county, had a leg smashed between two timber sticks, while engaged in reaftiug near Cherrytree, last weftk. ... Enlarged and improved the Clinton Hepullictn. It is now a nine column folio, neatly printed and ably edited. The He' pubi.'can is an excellent paper, and worthy a liberal support. We wish jt success. Railroad to CntRRf tuee. Wc nee by the Indiana papers, that some fifteen or twenty men are at work on the Homer and Cherrytree railroad. We presume this road will be extended into this coutty at no very distant day. It is worthy the attention of our citizens, at least. Wolf Caught. A correspondent writes us as follows : "About two weeks ago, Mr. Robert C. Taylor, of New Sa'.em, Biady township, caught a large wolf in a fox trap, near that village. This old trespasser was pursued aud overtaken by a dog, who would not let him cross s fonce until Mr. Taylor Came up and shot the wolf with his cane gun." Now, this may all be so, but we do tiot fully comprehend how the varmint was "caught in a fux trap," and why it "was pursued and overtaken by a dog who would not let binf cross a fence." Thut'tt all. Rowoyism. On Thursday evening last, a man was arrested and lodged in jail, for indulging in a little pugilistic exercise; and another on Saturday evening for trying to incite a disturbance. The immediate cause in Loth eases, was intoxicating drinks. For some time past, our borough has been com paratively free from disturbances of this character, but they eeuu to be on the in crease with the advttit of rafting. But, we are glad to see that our borough Constable is prompt in arresting all offenders against the kws. A few hours quiet lodging in the big stone 'mansion" i!l have a wonderful tendency to alleviate drunKbiine.ss, quarrel ling, iigltting, and s disturbance of the good peace of our town generally. The ijianks of our citizens are due to the officers for their piotiipt aud cfTu-ieni arrest oi ail peace-disturbers. Siigotino Affair. A correspondent in forms us that, on Wednesday night, 51arch Mh, between 12 and 1 o'clock, a shooting a iair came off til the '"American House" in Cui neiisviilc, the facts of which are sub stantiaily as follows : A young man uamed Jac! li-jbis.oii came in and oemanded liquor. 31 r. Bowman, the bar -k-jeper, thinking he had uiUcient already, iviiised to comply with h;s demand, whereupon Ilobisou drew out a pistel. aud the bar keeper retreated. Robisun then, called up 5Ir. Reed, the pro-pii-ior, and repeated his demand for liquor. 51 r. Reed refused IO grant the request and thrust Uohis hi into tii- street, whereui) m the latter attempted to .;' k in the door. Mr. R. then stepped oat and caught liobi son by the wrists aud threw him down, RoLison having the pistol in his ii.iud at the time. While in this position, UuLi,iu tired; the bail entering Mr. Reed's left leg just above the knee, and coming out under th kuee, biiving passed through without Lreak t':e i:eiie or cutting tin artcr'. 'J'be Wound is not C i:!si lered a . i.-. i::g iiuiuediate'.y dan-geroj.-!. Itobisju h:;.- not been aiiesied as yet. fc'tE a Ive: ii. ing cohiiiais fjf several eaa l:j!!s, J'ljLecUloi's notice, eie. If you want to invest in government se curities consult Bra iy 's a Iverusemeiit. To Parents. A select school for girls, designed to be permanent, will be opened in Curiveiisville, bv 5!iss Belle Welch, on the 17 ih o! April. : The card of James II. Parker, of Pitts burg, dealer in pork, etc., appears to day. Read the card, and buy your pork at Par ker's. He sells cheap. The udvertistinent of J- 51. Kratzar ap pears iu another column. lie has just opened a stock of new goods, to w hich he in uitcs the attention of customers. Read the advertisement of Reed Bi oth ers, which is published to day. They are just receiviiig their first hvoice of Spring goods, which they offer lot? for ea-li. Cemetery Work. 5Irs. Lidde'l ha just received a largo stock of Italian and Ver mont marble, which will be worked to order in the highest style of the art. Her work men are of the be.-t in Central Pennsylva nia. Give her a call. : Ir. F. V'i.atto, formerly of Syracuse, N. V.. desires: ns to inform tie; people of Clearfield and vicinity that he has perma nently hicatcd a'oong them, for the purpose of pi iciisin.' his profession. The Doctor will lie in readiness to attend to all proles sional cails, either night or day. His ofiiec is on Reed street, south side, between the Railroad and Second street, w here he may be found night and day, when not engaged cisewhere. 5Iareh S, l71.tf Edicatioxal. Prof. Harrison, it seems, is determined to make the Academy, in this place, a school sofMiid to none in Pennsyl vania. While the Trustees hav-3 fitted up the school room in a very tasty and comfor table style. Prof. H. has been laboring in another direction for the improvement of the school, and his efforts have been crown ed in securing the services of an additional teacher of more than ordinary attainments, as regards both education and experience. Miss Broome comes among us highly rec ommended is a graduate of the Baltimore Female College, and bas had considerable experience as a teacher in the best graded schools in that city. She takes charge of the Female department, in the Academy. The other teachers are too well known to the citizensof the county as first class teach ers, to require any special commendation. Read the advertisement in another column. In Thoiupsontown, Juniata county. Pa., 5lrs. Maky Leas, wife of the Rev. Isaac Leas, aged 50 years, 4 months, aud 1 days. On her death Led she could give testimony thai there was not a doubt of her final salvation. Neglected Throat and Lcxa Disea ses. During the changeable seasons of fall and winter when Cough j and Colds aie so prevalent, no person should be without some reliable preparation for their cure. They should recoi'ect that a neglected Cough or Cold frequently terminates iu Consumption. llassm' Compound Syrup of Tar is the besi and most reliable article known for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Asthma, Chrouic Catarrhs, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. No fam ily should be without it. It is no private "quack" preparation ; on the coutrary, it is prescribed by some of the most eminent physicians in the country. Price 50 cents. For sale by Hartswick & Irwin, Clearfield ; Joseph R. Irwis", Curwensville, and Drug gists everywhere. Feb. 22-12t. CLOSING QUOTATIONS of Government Secu rities, at 1 T. Brady A LVs. No. 69 Wood St. MY SBLI. lUi nij 1 131 1U4 11.U 1121 flOl lmi )io nej 1071 107i 119 1191 lioi 1 1 y l 1191 1191 87 i 92i 10 rbine Water lames Laffcll and will be OoM, U.S. 6 s 1 SSI, U S. 5-20's. lsf.2, U. S. 5-20's, IH81, U. S 5-20's. 1S65, 'J.S 10-40'b, 5-20'f, January t July, 1SC5, 5-20's, January A July. I8S7, -2iVs. January A July. 105S, Union Pacitio Railroad, -Centritl Pacific ltailroad, Cjr. falsifies, R SALE. A Double sold at les than cu.t. For further particulars in quire of the undersigned at Clearfield. March l,'71.-tf. A . S. GOODRICH. II. F. N A U G L E . WATCH HAKES, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLE ARFJELJ. The undersigned respectfolly informs his old customers and the pulilic, that he has on hand, ( u nil constantly receiving hew additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a tarje variety from the hest Man ufactory,eosisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. IYA TCHES a Sue assortment. o silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment. of the best quality. Alto, iu silver extension and desk huMort SPECTACLES, a large assortmauf, far and near siht. colored and plain glass. JSlVELllYot every variety, from a single pice to a full set. A L.SCJ, a Due assortment of Spools, forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. ALSO. Hair Jewelry with pcre gold mounting, ut up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry car fully repaired aud Warnuittti . A continuance ot patronage i? solicited. Niv. isjL, li.i. II. F. NAL'tiLE. e. L. KE-n, J.F WC-iTKlt W. r(lEI.L, a. r. Boor- NOTICE. JONES W.BKTT4 CLEARFIELD I'LANIXG MILL ALL RIG II T . Massns HOOP, WEAVER & CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citiiesj of the eounty that they La?a completely refitted and safplied their PLANING MILL. in this Borough. w:ib Mi best and Ureal improved WOOD AVOJlKiNO MACHINERY, and are now prfpr'4 to execute all orders in Their lir.c of busir.cis, sneli as Flooring, Weatherhoanlin;?, Sash, Doors!" Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber on hand 1 and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-hal inch phnhel plank preferred Nov S. '67. SPRING SHAW k STOCK! SON. J. Have just returned from the &ast and are no opening an entire new Stick of goods iu the room formerly occupied by Win. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offor to the public at the lowest cash prices. Their sfcisk consists of e general assortment ef Pry Goods. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, Boots. Shoes. Hits, Caps, Bonnets, PrenGoedf. Fruits, Candies. 1-isV Salt. Lrenms, Nails, etc. , in fact, everything usually kept is a retail stora ean be bad by calling at tais store, er will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of the newest goods, isof the best quality, ef the latest styles, a: d will be sold at lowest prices for eash. or exchanged for approved eountry produce. Be sure and call and examine our stock before mi"!:ing your pn'rehases. as we are determined - leire all vi ho may favor us with their custom. May 8, Isttf. J. SHAW A SON. P U UNIT U R K R 0 G Zi 3. jon.i u it eli en,- Pesires to inform his old friends and castoners that having enlarged his shop and increased bis facilities for manufacturing, be is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style an'l at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on hand at his - Fui Diture Rooms.' a varied assortment of furnituie, among which is lU'HEAl'S AM) .SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Look-cases; Centre, Scfa. arIor, I'reakfa.-t and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts. Cottage, Jen ny-Luna cna etnef JJcastcads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANLS, HAT HACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; Aud cornmen and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glas- fcr old frames, which will be put ir. sn very r"?c r.a'ole terms, osaaort notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair. Corn-busk, llair and Cotton top Mattress.. COFFINS, OF EVERY K.I.ND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are famished to customers cheap for cash er exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Poj 'ar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on M&rset street, Clear field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." December 4. ISfil JOHN (1FEL1CH HI'MPHREY'S CELEBRATED COAL, Free from all impurities, again in the mar ket. Oraers left at the stores of Jas. B. G rahain A Son's or Richard Mossop s will receive prompt , attention. Nov. I.'70-Im.. rFHE UNIVERSAL DIAL is a curious invention, and a perfect success. Ito simplicity and accuracy are truly wonderful See "The Old Clock on the Wall," in another column. Ootober 19. 1S70 6m. TlO THE LADIES. A circular for niar ried or single ladiis, containing desirable information upon matters never belore made pub lic. mailed free. Those who wish to pive it a care ful perusal may addre?s. Mrs KL1ZAELTH A. KINU. Williamsburgh, New Vork. March 1, '71.-3m. WANTED, AGENTS. A few first ela.ssj " men to act. as agents for Wheeler and Wilson's Sewing Machines. We will pay a sala ry or liberal commissions. Horse, wagon and outfit furnished Apply to WM SUMNER 4 CO . 140 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., or 91 Franklin Street. Johns tewn, Pa. Mar. 8, '70 -3m. "CAUTION. All persons are cautioned1 anainst buying or middling in any way with the following personal property .now in the possession of Theodore Lisenhower, of Burnside township, vii : 1 grey mare, 1 bridle and saddle, 1 one-horse sleigh, 1 buggy, 1 set harness, lot of bay, lot potatoes and household and kitchen fur niture, as the same belongs to ns. March 1, 7l.-3t, H. A Vf . SMITH. M I LLWRIGHTIN G. II. T. Farnswortu, Would inform Mill owners, and those desirous of having Mills built, that he is prepared to build and lepair either Crroular or Muley Saw Mills, and (irist Mills after the latest improved patterns. He has also for sale an improved Water Wheel, which he guarantees to Rive satisfaction inregarl to power aud epeed Hi; motto' is, to do work so as to give perfect satisfaction. Those wishing fur ther information will be promptly answered by addressing him at Clearfield. Clearfield coirnty, Pa. Wrile your name aud address plain. April 20. lS'.'O-ly. STU31PSJJTUMPS!! The undersigned have purchased the right ot Clearftold ?oa'nty for Knoch Farosworth's Stump Extractor, patented Juue 7th, 1S70. This is decidedly the most convenient, most durable, and bett machine of the day. Wet weather wil. not effect it. the working part being all of ironl The machine is easily set up, and will work any place that ean be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit on cost, and will try to make it to the advantage of tarmers to buy them. We solicit orders from those wanting machines. II. T. FAK.NS WORTH, ClearUcld. Pa., J 15. GARRISON, tIEO. II. HALL. Agent. Curweusville, Pa Clearfield. Pa. July 13 . 70 MARBLE and STONE YARD. Miy. S. S. LlDDELL, Having engisred in the Mnrble business, desires to inform her friends, nud the public, that she has nowand wil I keep censinnily on hand a largean.l well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VKKMONT MAltbLtJ, and is prepared tofurnish to order TOMJJSTOyES. HOX ASI CRADLE VOMtis, tiOXl'MEXTS, CURBS au.-i POSTS forCEMETEHY LOTS. WIS DOW SILLS A.ND CAPS. A LSO, nVREAU, TABLE A XD WASH STAXD TOPS, etc. Yard on Reed Street, near the Depot. Clearfield. Pa. May 4, la70 yALUABLU FARM FOR SALE. -The " subscribers offer at private hale the property knjwi as the -Wheatland Farm," in tiuetich township, ClafrcM ccunty, Pa., and be- Lnging to the estate of Lii-le McCul'y. late of said township, deceased. Said farm is bounded by lands of Joseph McCullough. (i W. McCully, i'lynu A Co., and others, and contains one hun dred and fifty acres, more or less, one hundred acres of which is cleared and' in a good stats ct cultivation, and the balance is in timber. The improvements aro two guo-1 dwelling bouses, a good bank burn, wagon shed, spring house, ear riuge bouse, and other necessary outbuildings. There are two tearing orchards on the premises, and abundance of pure water fr"m never-failing flpriuu. O nreuiisntly loc--l I','' t.r.,I,ervy id en. . ..! " ouursScs and sch Is. and wnbin a half mile t.f tho line of the Osceola aud Puej villa railroad The land fir icrlility and productive ness is not surpassed iu the county . aud is alfo underlaid with several valuable coal veins. Fiir further information inquire of ti W. McCuily, .Smith's Mills. OI-arfield county.. Pa , and who may be found adjoining said farm, and will take pleasure in thoiving the premises and stating terms to those wishing to purchase. .. W MeCUM.T. SLSANNA McCLLLY. March 1, 'T 1 St. Kxecutt.rs. yE OFFER FOR SALE, AT PAR The Xcw Masonic Tcinple Loan, Leaving 7 3-10 interest, Redeemable after five (5) and within twenty-one (21) years. Interest Payable March and September. The bonds are rogiste red and will be issued in 8UU.S to suit. I)i HAVEN & RR0., 40 SOUTH 3n STREET, PHI LA DELPHI A. Stocks bought and sold on commission Gold and Governments bought an i suld Accounts de ceived and interest allowed, subject te tight drafts. March 2. 1870-ly.-Jan 4.-71 P. T. I. DR. BOYElt'S PCRE WEST BRANClf BITTERS. A Pure. PlenSeint. Safe and KeliableTonio.com j'ounded from fresh ami choice herl and pos itively pure spirits, free from fusil oil. or other irritating propertied, and will not disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal virtue thon any titters at present offered tu the public. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite to promote Digestion to cure Dyspepsia to cure Fc er and Ague to cure Billnuenei-s to cure Constipation to cure Chronic Diairbea to cure Flatulence to. cere Acid Eruetntions to cure Nervous Debility to cure Hypochondria to curs Satlowuess of the Complexion to cure Pimples ana Blotches to cure General Debility and Prostration o: the Physical Powers, IT HAS NO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONA'INCED. .HOLD EVERYWHERE, AT SI PER BOTTLE. A liberal Ji sroiuit to the traJ: MAKCPACTUREn EXCLCS1TELT Br A. I. S H A W, CLEARFIELD, PA., Dealer in Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs. Oils, Paints, Varnishes. Ac., Patent Medicines. Pure Wines and Liquors for medical purposes, Fancy aud Toilet Articles, and all goods usually kept in a Drug Store, sold cheap. Having employed E. D. Snyder a graduaate in Pharmacy who sneaks both Enslinh and Ger man, the undersigned feels no hi sitancy in saying that customers can rely upon having the prescrip tions properly put up. A. I. SlliW. Feb S3. 1b70. "VTAES 4 SPIKES thecheapest intheccunty i at MOSSUP'S Job Office. On a-xx 3L FIRST CLASS COMMERCIAL NOTE, PACKET NOTH, LETTER, FLAT CAP, ASD CHECK F0XIO PAPERS. BILL HEAD, MONTHLY STATEMENT, AND STATEMEST PAPERS. CRYSTAL, ENAMELED, AND BRISTOL BOARD VISITING CARDS. BRISTOL BOARD. CHINA COMMON BPSIXKSS CARDS, Ot VARIOES SHADES AND COLOS. AN ASSORTMENT OF COLORED PAPER, FOR 'DRUGGIST'S LABELS, AND HANDBILLS. PRINTED TO ORDER, on shovt notice, AND AT CITY PRICES. r. a. killeii. ::::::;".. rowati NEW FIRM. MILLER & POWELL, Wliolte'tzU dud Retail Dtaltrt in all ttndt tf Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, No tions, G roceries , Uai d v ar.Quee ns ware, Wood aud Willow ware, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt, Ac, Market St , ClearCeld, Pa. FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets, Silks, Coburgs, Alpacas, Me rinos, Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ginghams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sunshades, Handkorchiefs, Kid and olber Gloves, Iloisery, Balmorals, and a gen eral variety of Ribbons, Trimmings, Buttons, Braids, etc., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fn cy Cassimeres, Sattinetta, Tweeds, Meitons.Water- proof Cloth, Silk. Satin and common V esti cgs,elc in great variety, and at prices that will cue gen eral satisfaction to buyers. ALSO, j K.uv,.l .-.-.. .al of ...l7. mm ri m CliSthlAi;. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and QuceBSware, Wood and Willowwa're, find ft full stock ef Groieriei. IN FACT, MILLER A POWELL sell all artioles that are usually kept in a well-regulated country store an.l hence tne people generally will find it to their advantage to buy goods of them. GRAM AND COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods. February 15. 1371-tf. MOSIIANNON Land and Lumber Co., MANUFACTURE LUMBER, LATil, PICKETS, AND SHINGLES.- II. II. SHILLINGFORD, President, Offi.1- Forctt Place, 125 S. 4th. St., PUtl'a. JNO. LAWSIIE, Gen'l Sup't, Osceola Mills, Clearfield County, Pa. Sloshannon Land and Lumber Co.j Offer Inducements to Purchasers of CHOICE GOODS, AT THEIR M AMMOTH STORE . IN OSCEOLA. Moshaimoii Land and Lumber Co., Offirr LOTS ia the Borough of Osceola and vicinity forsale. Terms easy. Apply at the Office of the Co. JOHN LAWSIIE, Gen'l Sup't. January 18,1371. mO WATERMEN. The undersigned -1- woulu retfiiectiuliv inform the raltsuicD of Clearfield eounty, that he will again, this Spring, open a BOARDING HOUSE, AT FUL TON'S DEAD WATER, for their accommodation. Rattsmen will find this a good place to stop, as ao Sains will be spared to make tnem com lir table, e solicits a call from bis old friends and easte rners. Come one. come all leb 15,'71 5tp. WM. M JOajiSOX. CURWENSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS, rpEETn ! TEETH ! ! -1- Extracted tor 5 Cents, Extraoted with the u?e of Nitrous Or yd flas, and Local Anaesthesia, (the only harmless and efficient anaesthetics now in use,) by S J. Ilavr, Surgeon Dentist, Citriceusritle, Pa., Who wou!d hereby most respectfully return his thanks for the libel al patronage of the past, and inform the public fhat he has removed his Office to the Corner of State atxi Locust Streets, over Jenkins Store, where he is prepared to receive nis customers in newly uttel np l.ooms, and do their work in the unrst skilftkl and workmanlike manner All work done in the latest aud most approved styles, and gjarutced. Dr. Hays will baengageu in his offioe from the 1st to the 23d of each- month ; the balance of eaih month, he will spend ia Glen Hupe, Burnside. and Luthersburg. alternately. Parties residing at a distance, should write to us previous ol their coming. Oflace hours, from 8 to 12 o'clock, A. X., and from 1 to i o'clock, P. M. We use none but tbo very best material, and defy competition for beauty, cheapness, and du rability Give us a call. Curwensville, Pa tMay 25, 1879 -fcb3y. N E W" FOUNDRY in Curwensville. The undersigned having entered into c part nership, iu the FOUNDRY BUSINESS in Curwensville, would inform the public that they Leep on baud, and will manufacture to order. Plows, Cultivators, THRESHING MACHINES, Stoves, etc., and every other deseription of articles generally made iu a eeuntry foundry. . Terms reasonable. Old metal taken in ex change for work. A share of patronage fs respectfully solicited. JACKSON KOP.ISON, Feb.23,'70-ly. JAMES M. WELCH. 'CHEAPER than the C UEAPEST.' ' GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST RECEIVED BY ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, Curwensville, Pa. (One door West First Nat. Bank.) Having jnst returned from the Ea?tith a com plete assortment ot Goods suitable for the Spring and Summer trade, we are now prepared to fur uish all kinds of Goods "CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." And after thanking our customers for their lib eral patronage during the past year, we would most respectfully ask for a continuance of the same. Our stock consists or DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE. WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. GROCERIES. BOO TS If SHOES, HA TS A- CA TS. CLOTHING. CARPETS. TOBACCOS, El. Also. Flour. Bacon. Salt. Fish, Grain, Ac, Ac. all of which will b sold on the c ost reasonable terms. nd the highest market prroc paid for Grain W;ol and all kindj of lumber and country produce. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and prices. AIISOLD k HARTSI10RX. Cor. Main a Thompson St. April 20.'78 Curwensville, Pa. SQUARE TIMBER. j:. a. lit v in & Co., Being specially engaged in the business of buy ing and selling SQUARE TIMBER, would repre sent that they are now prepare! to purchase tim ber, delivorcd at either Curwensville. Lock Haven or Marietta, or will take it at any of these points and sell on commission, making such advanoes aj are necessary. Those eng-ged in guttin; out timter will find at our store ia Curwensville, a very large stock ef STAPLE GOODS, nf all descriptions. ALSO, FLOUR, MEAT,- RYE, OATS, CORN, and everything necessary for rise cf Lumbermen. BAFT ROPE, of all si:es,kept on hand in large quantities, and sold at a small advance, by the coil. Also, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL KOPE, Ao Special inducements efTered to those manulao taring Sijaare Timber. E. A. IRVIN A CO. Curwensville, Jan. 12.1870. R E M 0 V A L . HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Cearfiecl, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old and new custo mers, that we have removed our establishment lo the new building just erected on Market street, nearly adjoining the Mansion Honse on the west, and opposite Graham A Pons' store, where we re spectfully invite the publio to come and fan their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATEN MEDI- C INS, OILS. PAINTS AND VARNISHES, Our stock of Drags arid Medieineseonsiat of every thing used, selected with the greatest care, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PL RE! We also keep alull slock of Dyes. Perfumeries Toilet articles. Soaps. Tooth brushes. Hair Brush es, Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind of Brushes. We have a la g lot of White Lead Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and in fact everything sued in the painting business, which we offer at City prices to cash ouyers. TOBACCO AND SEGAR&, Confectionery. Spioes, and the largest stock of va rieties ever offered ia this place, and warranted to be of the beat the market affords. J. (1. HARTSWICK. Dee. 2, 1833. JOHN F. IRWIN. CEEXS W ARE Tea sets, best stone-ware, 48 pieoea,at SS 50 al MOSSOP'!?. DRY GOODS the oheapest in the eounty, a Mny 2. '67. MOSSOP S. CURRANTS the best and. cheapest i tk j contv.t vnAisA.M it. EWBOOT AX1 SHOE SIIOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite the residence II. B Swoope, Esq., Clearfield, Pa., Would respectfully announce to the eitinef Clearfield and vicinitv. that he haa opened a BOOT A XD SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L. Cuttle.as alawcfhce.and that he is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the manufacture ot eev4 work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the best 0nalily, always en band. Give him a call. June 24. EW GOODS! FISH A XD SA LT. J A M E S CONNOR, WHOLESALE GROCER, Xo. 355 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Peru. LAKE FISH 7.820 halt barrels Lake Herring, b.1i quarter barrels do . 1 ASO half barrel So. I White Fisb. 300 halt barrels Xo 1 Pickerel. For sale by Jamrs Co son, Whotesnle Grocer. Xo. Hi Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. BROOMS 950 doxen Brooms, assorted in store and for sale by Jas Comsor, Wholesale Greecr, No. 355 Liberty street. Feb. 8. '71.-5t. THE GREAT PRESERVER OF HEALTH I Perforated BUCKSKIX UADK(j ARMEXTS, For Ladies arid Gentlemen. A sure cure for Rheumatism. A preventive of Colds; For stile by C. KRATZER & SONS, D.-c2i. Clearfield, Ta. n. TN THE COURT of Common l'leaa of Clearfield County, Tu. : Juki ma Pattkrscr, ) vs So. 47 March Term, 1870. Jahek Wilsox and Tuomas Smith, Domestic Attachment. Garnishee j The ccdersigned Trustors, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Clearlield County, ao cording to Act of Assembly, hereby give notine ihat thy appoint Till BSD AY, the SIXTEKXTrf DAY OF MARCH. A. D., Is7i. ax CleaTfield- Bor ougb, to receive the proofs of the several credit ors of the above named James Wilson, and to de termine upou the same, aud beieby require all persons holding any sums of money or other property due the said James Wilson, to deliver the same to the Tru:ees. HENRY SWAN. 1). W. M'CURDY, t. h. mcrray, Feb. 2. '71. Trustees. CHEAPEST IN CLEARFIELD! FLOCK IN SACKS OH BARRELS. MILL FEED, RYE CHOP, GROCXD PLASTER, CORN AD OATS, CLOVER ASD TIMOTHY SEED, BOUGHT AND SOLD BY ALEXANDl R IKWIN. Ciearfield. Feb il. - AfISS U.S. SWAN'S, School for GirU, JJ- Clearfio'.d, Fa. The' Winter Term of Fourteen weeks will eom- nience on Moudajr, January 21, li 1. TakMS or TtiTio. Mending, Orthography, Writing. Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 weeks), $7 89 History, Local and Descriptive Geography with Map Drawing. UrainiTK1, Cental aud Written Arithmetic, t 69 Botany. Geology. Physiology, Natural Phi losophy, Physical Geography, Algebra, Khetorio. Etymology and Latin',' IS Ot Oil Painting. (i'4 lessons), 12 00 Monochromatic Drawing, 10 00 Crayon. " fl 00 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrclnental Music (3U lessons). 10 60 Wax Flowers and Fruits, with materials, at teacher's charges. For full particulars send for Circular, Clearfield, August 17, lo7i)-ly: JUST IN TIME! THE NEW GOODS AT A. K. W II I G II T & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., naving just returned from the eastern eltfas we are now opening a full stocK of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lie generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very low for cash. The 'tock consists in part o( DRY GOODS of the best quality . such as Prints, Delaines, Alpa as. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and cnbleached ; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels. Cassimers. Ladiea' Shawls, Coats, No. bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals. Ae.. Ae..alt cf wMcn will be sold low for cash. Also, a ftuqc assortment of the best ef MENS' W K A R , consietir.g of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Uandkercbieftt cravats, etc Also. Raft Rope. Dog P,ope, Raltlaa Augurs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp. wioks and chimneys, etc., eCo. Also, Queensware. Glaaswaie. Hardware, Groee ries. and spices of all kind's. In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, all cheap for eatli, or approved country produce. Nov. 23-jal0-nol3. WRIGHT A POI?. MKNS', Y O U T II S AND BOYS', CLOTHING.- The undersigned having reeetirly added R EA D Y XTADE. CLOTHING 1 to his former business, would respectfully solicit aa examination of his stock. Being a p'rartrcal Tailor he Batters himself that he is able to offer a better elat of ready-made work than has heretofore been brought to this mar-, ket. Anyone wishing to W gooirs- in. thfa Una would save mosey, bj calling at bis store,, and making iair- aeleetioni. Alio, a full say llj of Uents'furnishio goods always on hand; Feeliag thankful for pst favors, ha would re apaclfo!!? solicit a eontirraane. of tbt 'fiSOlt.' April-23; 1SB9: H. BRIDGE. CANNED FRUIT. Cannod Plums. Peachea and eamned ccrn. etc, for e.ile at the Drue Store of. A I.SHAW.