Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 15, 1871, Image 1

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    EY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY," MARCH 15, 1871. VOL. 17.--NO. 28,
The grass of the field shall be now my theme,
For when winter is past, and the snow
Bu melted away from the earth like a dream,
Jio flowers that in loveliness grow
More dear, or more beautiful ever can be
Than the simple gran of the field to me
Xl springs up so quick, when showers call alond
For every thing glad to come firth ;
And when the sun burs's from his rainbow-cloud.
As the rain passes oS to the north
It shines in his glory, and laughs in his light.
The grass of the field, so glistening and bright.
Happy children love in the grass to play,
Thick and soft for their dancing feet ;
And there the wild bees gather hooey all day
From the clover so blushing and sweet,
And find no stores that the garden can yield1
Are richer than tboe from the grass of the field.
The lark makes his nest in the twining grass,
And mcthinks when hr srcars to the skies.
And iiDg4 the clear notes that all others surpass.
Hi gladness must surely arise
From the lowly content of that innocent brenst,
WliKh finds ib the grass of the field a safe nest.
Ihereare few who notice the delicate flower
That blooms in the grass at their feet,
Yet the proudest plant in the greenhouse or bower
Is not fairer or more complete ;
And to those who observe it is clearly revealed
That God clothes with beauty the grass of the field
The mower comes out so busy and blythe.
At the dawn of a summer's day.
Ail the waving grass at the stroke of h:s scythe
Is cut down and withers away ;
Tut the fragrance it sends over valley and hill
Makes the grass of the field loved end lovely still.
And while an the perishing grata we look,
A soft voice in the summer wind
Will whisper the words of the Holy Hook
To the humble and thoughtful mind.
"All flesh ia as grass," it will seem to say
"Like the flower of the grass ye shall pass away."
But oh we will hope with a faith secure
Through the years of this mortal strife
On the words of the Lord, which forever endure
For in them is eternal life :
Thus lemons of troth all our pleasures will yield.
And wisdom we'll learn from the grass of the field.
Doctor 2s , one of the most prominent
surgeons of 1'esth, was summoned at day
break one morning to eco a person who pres
eingly sought to be admitted to htm. While
waiting in the ante chamber, the visitor de
sired the servant to add that every moment's
delay was dangerous, as he stood in need of
instant help.
The surgeon hastily throwing off his "night
robe, gave orders for him to be shown up at
It was an entire stranger, I jt one whose
dress and manner proclaimed him a man
belonging to the host class of society. His
ralid cheeks spoke of some deep inward
hodily and mental pain ; and his ritiht. hand
rested in a silken sling. Though he suc
ceeded perfectly in controlling the expres
sion of his countenance, a low murmur of j
pain, in spite of all his effort?;, broke forth
repeatedly from his lips.
"Have I the honor of addres;r.g Dr.
N ?"' he asked, in a weak, almost faint
ing voice, as he approached the surgeon.
"Ves, sir."
"Pardon the question. I do not live in
1'e-th ; I came from the country, and know
juu I y reputation only. I regret not to be
aM.- to make your acquaintance under han
j ii'T circumstances "
The surgeon seeing that h's visitor could
scarcely stand on hia feet, begged him to
rest on his divan.
''I itm weary ; for a w'iole week T have
rot eliiscd my eyes. I have been having a
pain in my right hand, to which I can give j
no name. In the beginning I felt only a
.-'.isdit pain, but in a short time it commenc
ed to turn with constantly increasing vio
lence, growing to be a torture Leyor, 1 the
r-j.-h of the slightest alleviation. I have
tiif-d every obtainable remedy, far and near,
bar nothing relieves me there remains the
s'.ni'i piercing, cutting deadly pain. Pinal-
ly. I r.ml J Lear no lucre ; I got ia a carriage
n:i 1 hastened here to you, that you might
tr - -i:ie from my torment by an operation
knife or iron, for I can Eupport it no
1 i:e surgeon here endeavored to encour
cp' him, iytng his suffering might be over
coiue by milder roeaas than the use r.f the
'"No, doctor, neither a piaster not yet any
T alli.it: ve can relieve it. What I need is
the knife. For that alone did I come here."
DvtorX asked to be permitted to
l "k at his hand, on which the sufferer, set
t n.i his teeth hard, held it forth. The surf-on,
using the greatest precaution! began
i loos?n the bandage.
"Lit me entreat you in advance, doctor,
not to be overcome by anything you will see.
-My pain is so strange, soextraordinary.lhat
it will certainly take you uuawares. Hesi
tate at nothing, I pray you."
The surgeon assured the stranger that lie
wm accustomed to everything, in bis pro-
frs-ion, and pledged himself to hesitate at
Nevertheless, when the hand appeared,
b shrank back involuntarily, letting it fall
heavily. The hand was apparently as sound,
healthy-looking, and perfect as any other
cot a .spot was to be seen upon it.
A sharp cry fron, the sufferer, as he lifted
tiie dropped hand with hie left, proved that
ne ha.i come in no jest, but that he suffered
' Where deet piin you?"
"Here, doctor," said the stranger, point
nS to a place on the upper surface of his
band, where two veins parted from each
ther in faint blue lines. The surgeon tnark-
! hint shudder as he touched the spot with
i'.s nnger.
"'You feel tire paio here?-'
r rightfully I"
"And you suffer from the pressure when
I touch the place with uiy finger?"
The stranger was not in a condition to an
swer. Tears started to his eyes, so dreadful
was the suffering.
"Wonderful 1 I distinguish nothing here.'
"And yet I experience there' so inexpres
sible a pain that I could dash my head
against the wall."
The surgeon took a microscope, examined
the place and shook his head.
"The skin is clear and healthy ; the blood
courses lreely in the veins; there isnoiufla
mation, no apparent hurt. The place is
precisely in its natural state."
"I think it is somewhat redder."
The stranger took a pencil from his pocket-book,
and drew a line around a spot the
size of a half krewtzer.
The surgeon c'arefullj looked at this spot,
and began to think that his patient was in-f-anc.
- "Remain here," he said ; 'T may be able
to assist you in a few days."
"I cannot wait. Do not think, sir, that
you have a mad:nan before you. This is a
misfortune of which you will not have to
cure me. The place I have indicated caus
es me' such agony lnt, I repeat it. I have
alone come hero to have it cut out."
"Which, however, I will not do I" said
the surgeon.
"And why not?"
"Because 3 our hand is perfectly soiihd ;
so far as I can see, there is no more the mat
ter with it than there is with uiy own hand."
"You are therefore, ready to decide that
I am mad you cannot believe me jest
ing," returned the stranger, taking a note
for a thousand guilders out ot Iris pocket-
b .ok, and laying it ou the table. "'Ihere,
see this is no child's piay, and that the ser
vice which I ask at your hands U of the
highest necessity and in.jiortance to me. I
entreat you, cut this spot from out my
"And I say to you, sir. that all the wealth
of the world would not itiduee ie to look
on a sound member as diseased, or make
the slightest incision in such a one. To do
it would be to do what my surgical knowl
edge condemns it would put my reputation
to shame in a word, my duly fur bit. 4 it !
Tiie whole world would maintain that you
were a lunatic, but of me they would say
cither that I had been so unprincipled as to
profit by your mania, or that I was too ig
norant to perceive the error into which you
had led me."
"S j be. if. At least yen can accord n;e
this favor. I will perform the operation
myself .My !. -ft hand will, it is true, be
somewhat unskilled, bat. let that pa-s. 1
will soon finish; you wiii surely have the
goodness to dress the wound for me."
The surgeon marked with amazement be
yond words that the strange being was in
snd earnest, for he laid aside bis coat, turn
cd back his sleeves, and took his penknife
in his left hand. Another moment and he
would have plunged if deep into his right
"Hold I" cried the surgeon, alarmed lest
the stranger should sever an artery, "if the
operation be really inevitable, then in the
name of Heaven, let me perform it !"
On which, taking his surgical instrument
in his hand, he laid the patient's right hand
siraicht out in his own, at the same tittiere
oicsiintr him to look another way.
."That is not necessary. Allow tre to show
you how deep the knife shall go.''
And truly, during the whole operation,
the stranger's resolution did not fail hir-i ;
he himself directed the surgeon as to the
depth of the incision ; his hand never mov
ed until the spot represented as the seat of
the pain was cut out, when, throwing back
his chest, he heaved a great sigh of relief.
"Di you feel no more burning?" ques
tioned the surgeon.
"It is entirely gone," answered the stian
eer, smiling ; the torture has ceased. As
f r the slighter pain which the wound o
cast 'tis mo, it is to the first pain what a
warm breeze is compared to insupportable
While the bandage was being applied, the
appearance of the stranger totally altered.
A calm, pleasant expression met the sur
geon's eye, instead of the former look of
intense pain ; the bio grew clearer, the
color lively, a returning love of life replaced
Lhe late ;ruel agitation the whole man
seemed transformed.
As the surgeon re adjusted the Ktrnnjret's
hand in the sling, he felt his own seized by
the left, hand of the lattet, who pressing it
warmly, said to him in the most fervent
tones :
"Receive for your most masterly service
my most sincere thanks. You have laid me
under a real obligation to you for the re
muneration on my part is small indeed, in
comparison with the assistance which yon
havi rendered me. I will be indebted to
you all my life long."
But the surgeon's estimate of the value
of his services was wholly different ; he ab
solutely refused to accept the note for a
thousand guilders, which lay on the table.
The stranger persisted in leaving it, and had
passed out of the door, when seeing the
growing displeasure of the surgeon, be turn
ed and begged him at all events to consent
to expend a part of the sum for the benefit
of some hospital, and hastily took his de
parture. Dr. N visited bis patient for a few
days ot the hotel where he was remaining,
until his wound was completely healed. This
was rapidly taking place. During the course
of this the surgeon had ar. opportunity to
make observations, which resulted in the
' convictior rhnt he liad to deal with fin
ed, accomplished man ; one whose every
word evinced not only extensive information
but that knowledge of the world so agreea
ble when united with superiority of mind.
Not the slightest trace of any ailment, either
bodily or mental, was to be remarked after
the operation.
The stranger returned to bis estates short
ly afterward, perfectly restored.
Three months had passed when the ser
vant was again called upon to announce to
the surgeon the arrival of his singular pa
tient. The stranger was instantly admitted,
appeared again with a bandaged arm ; and
so great was his sufferings that, at first
glance, his features were scarcely recogniza
ble. Sinkingjnto a chair, before the sur
geon had time to offer bitn a seat, he stretch
ed out his hand to him, no longer sufficient
ly master ot himself to control his groans.
"What has happened?" sy mpathisingly
inquired the surgeon.
"The incision was riot deep enough,"
groaned the stranger; "the pait: has return
ed burns more fiercely than before. I
could not at first bring myself to trouble you
again; hoping jJiat death would come and
put an end to my existence. But what I
longed for came not. The pain was, and
still rimains, concentrated in th'sone place.
Look at me, and perhaps you will form an
idea of my suffering."
The countenance of the stranger was white
with agony, and cold drops covered his
brow. The wound had healed ; everything
about the band appeared tound and healthy
as before, and the pulse beat evenly and
"This touches on the marvellous!" said
Dr. N . "It passes widely beyond eve
rything in my past existence. Wonderful !"
"Yes, wouderltil, terrible ! Seek not now
for the came, doctor, but free me from this
torture. Take your instrument and insert
it deeper than before; that alone will give
The surgeon saw that he must grant this
prayer. For the second time did he perform
the same operation ; again did he remark
the astonishinsr alteration in the countenance
of the stranger. Affair), as he replaced the
bandage, a fresh color took the place of the
patient's pallor, brightening the visase be
fore sv wan But the smile returned not
now a.Aieforc. ?adly he thanked the sur
geon for his assisianrc.
"Thank you, doctor. Again the pain has
ceased. In a few days the wound will he
healed. Nevertheless, be not astonished i!
you see mc here in a month." . .
"lie easy oii that score, sir; chase that
thought out of your mind!" exclaimed the
"I have an unerring conviction l!iat. tliat
deadly lain will return at tlie CO 1 of a
month," said the stranger dejectedly. "Be
sides, what is to happen to me mist hap
pen ! till we meet again !"
The surcccn related to his colleagues the
particulars of this unaccountable pain. They
consulted together, but no one was able to
offer a theory, perfectly satisfactory, explan
atory of the case so strange.
Toward the end of the month Dr. N
began to look forward, not without sadness,
to aiain seeing the stranger ; but time pass
ed on, and be did rot appear.
Thereupon several w.?nks c!aped, when
the surgeon received a letter dated at his
late patient's place of residence.
He opened it. By the first glaner r.i the
closely written pases within, he saw th;:t
the stranger had written the letter with his
own band, and iifi rred from ibis tiiat the
pain which assuredly would have pre-, cui-od
him from writing had not returned.
The contents of the letter were as fol
lows :
"Dear Sir : T will no longer leave you
in doubt concerning the fearfully strange
malady which lam ai-out to carry with me
ir.to the grave. I will give you the origin
of this terrib!'? evil. For tiio thir l time
within a wed; has this itightful pain re
turned. I will no longer struggle wbh it.
At this moment I am only enabled to use
my pen by placing a piece ot miming
sponge on the back of my hand, ever the
affected part. While fhis burns, I feel only
the smarting caused by the intense heat,
and that ii nothing compared to the former
pnin. '
?Ix months aco I was a happy man. I
lived without care, upon my income, and
was in peace and friendship with all the
world, enjoying all the pleasure that a man
of thirty five finds to enjoy. A year ago I
married married for love. 3Iy choice fell
upon a beautiful, accomplished, warm
hearted girl, the pmtfge of a countess in
the neighborhood. This portionbss maiden
loved mc not fron) gratitude alone, though
through me she bad become mistress of uiy
home, and sharer of all I posessed she
had truly a childlike love for me. For half
a year each succeeding day brought me
more happiness thaa the last. A hen I
went to the city for a day, uiy wife could
scarcely rest ; when I returned, she came
to meet me a mile from home ; and once
when I had been belated, she never closed
her eyes the whole night long. . When I oc
casionally prevailed upon her to pay a visit
to the countess, who loved her tenderly,
she always returned the same day ; it seem
ed impossible for her to remain away from
home and me more than half a day. Her
Jove for me even went so far, that she gave
up dancing, rather than rest her hand in
the clasp of another. In a word, my wife
was tin innocent child, who had no other
thought than of me.
I know not what demon one day whisper
ed in my ear, " What iaf! tin LeassumeJf"
Thus man, in the midst of the greatest
happiness, too often experiences an insane
desire to look for pain.
My wife had a llftle work-table, the
drawer of which she kept invariably locked.
I had often noticed that she never left it
open ; never, by any chance, had forgotten
to take out the key. This thought began to
trouble me ; what had she to conceal from
me? I was certainly beside myse'f. I be
lieved in her innocent countenance, her
clear eyes, her kisses no more. What if
these were but parts of the deception?
One day the countess visited us. She
canio to take my wife home with her, over
whelming her with persuasions to go and
stay the whole day with her. Our estates
lay not far distant from one atMrthcr, and I
gave my wife a promise to follow her soon.
Scarcely had the carriage left my court
yard, when I collected together all the keys
I could find, and with them sought to open
the drawer. At length 1 found one.
A looker on would have taken me, as I
drew out the drawer, for one who for the
first time in his life was about committing a
theft. I was a thief, opening a lock to steal
fiom a weak woman her secrels.
My hand trembled as I came in contact
with the different things in the drawer, but
I carefully avoided creating any disorder
that might be'ray my presence. Suddenly
my .breast seemed as it crushed by iron
hands; I felt on the point of suffocating !
under a roll of lace lay a package of papers ;
quick as thought my heart whispered t hat
they were letters; at the first glance, any
one would have known jhefn to be fore
The package was bound together by a
rose- colored ribbon embroidered with silver.
As I touched the ribbon, I thought, 'Is
this right? Is it not unworthy of an honor
able man thus to steal the secrets of bis
wife secrels which belonged to her maiden
hood alone ? Is she answerablo to me for her
thoughts and feelings before she became my
wife? Should I be jealous of the time when
she scarcely knew of my existence? But
what if these letlcrs date since I have had
a right to watch over all her thoughts, to be
jealous eyen of her dreams finccshehas
been my wife ?'
I untied the ribbon. No one ws there,
no mirror near to point out on my cheek
the mounting flush of shame. I opened
"one letter after another, and read them all
through to the end.
Oh. that was a terrible hour 1
Shall I tell you what was irt those letters?
The most despicable treachery ever prac
ticed agaiiist a man. My best friend had
written them ; but in what tone? With
what persuasive and passionate eloquence
did he speak therein ! How he planned anil
counselled the course wifa might take to
H.x-.-iv.; tier l!U?tanl ! And all these letters
were dated since our marriage while I had
been so happy! I find no word to pictrrc
what I experienced on reading them. It
wt s t feeling like the working of a deadly
poison. I drank this poison to the last
drop. I read every one of those letters
through by itself. Then I laid them in or
der, bound them together, covered them
with the lace, and locked the drawer.
I was certain that my wife, if I did not
go for her, would hasten borne before eve
ning. Aud so' it was. TIow quickly she
sprang f .-oin the carriage, and ran toward
me; how she embraced" me 1 How she kiss
ed me ! How happy she was to be with me
again !
I allowed her to perceive nothing of the
revolution that bar! taken plr.ee" within me.
We talked together, supped together, and
retired as usual to our rooms, which were
side by side. I vd not close my eyelids.
Awake, I continued hourr. As the first
quarter pat midnight struck, I stood in her
chamber. Like a little anel in the midst
of snowy clouds, lay her lovely, fair head in
peaceful slumber upon the dazzlingly white
pillows. What a monstrous lie of nature,
to lend to sin features so innocent 1 I was as
determined, as inflexible as a monomaniac
in his fixed idea. The ragtnj passion of
jealosy had eaten into my soul. Softly I
laid my band' upon her throat, and sud
denly I pressed them together. That mo
ment she opened her large, dark-blue eyes,
saw me with amaze, then closed them siow
lv. She was dead. She died without hav
ing had time to utter one word in her own
defence, peaceful as in a dream. As I mur
dered her, she felt no anger toward me.
Only a single drop of blood, pressed out of
her mouth, fell on the back of my band ;
where, you know but too well
She had no relations to iuquire into the
cause of her death, and I purposely delayed
sending out to my friends invitations to her
funeral, until it was too late for any of them
to reach my place in time. No one upon
my estate had any suspicion of the truth.
Besides, I was master ; who had any right
to question me?
When all was over, and I was returning
to my home, my conscience was not bur
dened in the "least. She had deserved her
fate. I thought of her no more.,
On reaching my home, I found the count
ess, my wife's only female friend, just ar
riving. Like others, she had come after the
hour appointed for the funeral. She was
painfully agitated. Whether from sorrow
or sympathy, I knew not, but the words
of consolation with which she essayed to
addressed me, were so confused, that I
could scarcely understand them. At last
she clasped my hands, and said in faltering
tones, that he saw herself obliged to con
fide to me a secret, which she must entreat
nie not to reveal. She had given my wife a
package af letters to keep for her the Con
tois were such that she could not keep
them by her she had now to beg me to re
tarn them jo her. An icy shudder went
through me as she spoke these words. With
1 marked coldness I askcl her what those
letters contained. The countess shrank
back, and answered hastily:
'Oh. sir, your wife was more generous
than you. When she took these letters into
her care, she did not nsk me what they con
tained, but gave me her word to guard them
well. And I am sure she has kept her
pledge. She had a noble soul ; it would
have been impossible for her to break her
solemn promise."
"Very 'well, " said I ; "how am I to know
these letters?"
"They are tied together with a rose-colored
ribbon embroidered with silver."
"I will look for them immediately."
With this I took my wife's keys in my
hand, and began to search for the packet. I
knew but to. well where to find it.
"Is this it?" said I at last, btingingit to
the ccuntess.
"Yes, yes. Only see, here is the same
knot I made ; your wife never untied it."
I dared not lift up ntyeyes I feared that
the countess would read in them that I had
unloosed it ah. that I had gone further,
and committed a monstrous crime ! I took
brief leave of her, excusing- myself as best
I could. I needed to be alone. Tnc count
ess returned home. Her husband was in all
his actions mean and brutal ; bis tastes were
low, and wholly unworthy of his rank. Hail
I been such a man, I would have deserved
to have such a wife. But my wife was an
innocent, spotless angel, w ho loved ma when
I murdered her ! . . . I remember noth
ing of what passed for hours; but this I
know, that when I returned to consciousness,
I was sitting on my wife's coffin in the vault.
I was not yet so insane as to believe that I
could awake her, but I wanted to speak to
her. It seemed to me she would hear my
words :
"By the true, upright love with which
you once loved mc ; by the love which you
took with you for me, down to the grave, I
implore you have mercy on me. and avenge
yourself in this life 1 Leave not my punish
ment to another world, but let me suffer
bore on earth torture me, kill me ! Wait
not until 1 am dead, but avenge yourself
now "
Thus madly did I speak to the mortal re
mains of my wife ; whereupon I slepr, or
rather swooued. 1 began to dream. Per
haps it was no dream. I seemed to see the
lid of the coffin slowly open, and; the form
of my dead wife therein, as slowly arise. I
was on my knees before the coffin, inv hand
resting on the side." Ilcr lips were pale, but
a red drop ot blood stood on them. Slowly
she bent over me, opened her eyes as. she
had on that last time, and pressed a kiss on
my hand. The red drop which huJ hung
on her lips, rente"! o my fiaml ; Mto closed
her eyes, hid herself back again on her cold
pillow, and the coffin closed over her.
Not long after, I was awakened by a
frightful pain, like the sting of a scorpion.
I hastened home, ft was still daylight ; no
one wd noticed my absence or return. The
blood had disappeared from off my hand,
but in the spot where the drop had rested,
it was burning as if a corrosive poison had
penetrated therein. This pain increased
from hour to 1 our, without ever ceasing.
Even iu sleep I felt it. I said nothing of it
to any one no one would have believed it.
You know, sir, what I must have suffered,
and from what angui.-h your knife relieved
mo! Scarcely had the -second woun 1 heal
ed, however, when the pain came anew.
For tiie third time it now racks nie and I
have not the strength to endure it longer.
In an hour, 1 will say farewell to einh!
Only the thought that, bince she has been
avenged here on earth, she wili forgive me
on the other side, gives me a ray of conso
lation. I thank you for your heartfelt sympathy,
and for your aid. God bless you.
Tootfi Wash The mouth ha a temper
ature of ninety-eight desrees," warmer than
is cvr expcri.nced in the shadv in the lati
tude of New England. It is well known
that if beef, for example, be exposed in the
shade during the warmest of our eu turner
days it will very soon begin to decompose.
If we cat beef for dinner, the particles in
variably find their way into the spaces be
tween the teeth. Now it these particles of
beef are not removed, they will frequently
remain till they are softened by decomposi
tion. In most mouths this process of de
composition is in constant progress. Ought
we to be surprised that the gums and teeth
against which these decomposing or putry-
fying masses lie should become f-ubjects of
disease? Much has been said pro and
upon the use of soap with the tooth brush.
My own experience and the experience of
members of my family is highly favorable
to the regular morning and evening use of
CastHj or other good soap will answertbis
purpose. (Whatever is good for the hands
and face is good for the teeth.) The sliyht
unpleasant taste which soap has when we
begin to use it will be unnoticed. You have
observed upon the teeth a yellow deposit,
sometimes a black substance near the gums.
If you examine either of thctn with a strong
miscroscope, you will find it all alive with
animalculaj. These small animals live,keep
house and raise families of children, and
die in your mouths. Nothing that can be
safely introduced into the mouth checks
them like soap.
A Christian may triumph in the death of
Christ! "Oh death f where is thy sting?
Oh grave ! where is thy victory ? Oh hell !
where is thy terror? Oh world ! where is
thy malice? Oh sin 1 where is thy strength !
Oh my soul ! where are thine accusers?
The man who attempted to "cloak his sins"
could Cot find a garment large enoneh-
W. WALTERS. Attorney at Law.
.jnioarfield. Pa. OSceiii the Court IinuM
T ALTER BAKKETT, Attorney nt Law. Clear
ucm. May 13. JSo:t.
HF. BttSLEK CO.. Tx-alers in Hardware
( and manufacturer of Tin and s'licet-irun
aio. second Street. Clearfield. Pa. Mar "TO.
H-F. XAUOLK. Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, ic. Itoom in
Grfthamrow, Alarketstrect. Nov. 10.
rpilO'S J MeCT'LUinCH. Attohme. -t-I.aw,
I Clearfield, Pa. All legal buines prompt
ly attended to.
cvt. 2:. jr-tv.t.
f If.M. KEEP. Market Street. Clearfield, Pa..
Fancy lry oods. Whpe (,noil.). Nation.
Euibrmderics. Ladies' and Gents' Furnifliing
Jood. etc .fjle l!,'7il.
j. p. tnviv : : : : i. l.kiikds
TRVIN" 4 Kl'.EBs. (Sucref-ors to 11. K Swoop. )
1 Law avi Collei tios wfvice. Marcel .-ireet.
Clcarfiild. Pa. Nov. Mn.JnTO
AI SH VT .Dealer in Prngs. Putsnt Medirinr I
. Fancy Articto?. et;.. and Proprietor of I'r I
l;oyer s West Uranch i;i'.ters, 41arRet Mreet,
Jlearliold, Pa. June li.'TO.
HI I! KEAi). M. D , PnvsiruN nr.d Si-rgkh.
Ij . Kylertown. Pa., respectfully offers his j ru
fessdonal services to the citHonflof that place and
furrouudin country. IAPr 2f-tm.
Onnix T. Vota.K. Attorney at Lnw. Lock Ha
ven. !'a. Will practice in the several court?
of Clearfield county. Husiness entrusted to hiui
wi!l receive prompt attention. .le. 29. '7U-y.
Jn M'EXALTA', Attorneyat Law. Clearfield
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoin:ng
bounties. Office in new brick building of .J . iloyn
t n, 2d street, one door south of Lanich'r Hotel.
TTEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa., will
. attend promptly to all Legal business ectrust
ed to his care in Clearfield and adjoining conn
ties. OQce on Market street. July 1 7, Ib67
rplIOMAS II. FOKCEY. Dealer in Square and
J Sawed Lninbef. Dry-Goods. Qjcenswpre. Jro
ccries. Flour, drain. Feed, Ricon, Jfcc, Ac, Gra
bamton. Clearfield county. Pa. Oct lil.
HRTSVICK A IKWIX. Dealers in Drue's.
Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume
ry . Fancv Goods. Notions etc., etc.. Market street,
Clearfield, Pa Dec (1. 1SP5
- KTtATZER A SOX. dealers in Dry Goods.
V I, Clothing. Hardware. Qucensware. Groce
ries. Provisions. Ac, Second Street Cleai field
Pa. Dec 27.is5
JOHN Gt'ELICH. Manufacturer of nil kinds o
Cabinct-waro. Market street. Clearfield. Pn
He also makes to order Covins, on short notice and
attends funerals with a hearse. AprlO.'itr
1)1C1IAKD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
V roestic Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Bacon,
Liipiors. Ac. Room, on Market fitreet. a few door.
west ot JoururUOfiir,. Clearfield. Pa. Apr27
V Clearfield. Pa. Office in res.denee of V. A.
Wallace Legal business of all Kinds attended to
with promotnes and fidelity. plan 5. '70 yp
fj V SvilTII. Attorney a-? Law. ClearfieM
Si. P V will attend promptly to tnsine s en
trusted to his cure, oflise on second floor of rew
building adjoining County National I'.anK.aTid
nearly opposite the Court IPoise. ( Tune 30. Y.'J
atl kin'ls of Stone-ware. I'leurOeM. Pa. Or
der- .oitrirr d wholesale or retail He alsokcep.
on hand and for sale an assortment rf trt!cn
ware, of his own manufacture. Jan.l. 1813
T"AX5I'X HOUSE. Clearfield. Pa This
jy J well known hotel, near the 1 ourt House, is
woriiiy the patronage of the public The tnMe
will be supplied with the bet in the miirkct. The
best of liquors kept. J.tllX IX 'I'll H Eli T V.
JOHN H. FULKORD, Attorney at Law. Clear
field. Pa. Office on Market fctrcet. over
If art .wick A Irwin's Drugstore. Prompt attention
iriven to the seenrinof liount t claims. Ac.:md to
all legal business. March 27. lsf7.
YT I. CURLEY. Dealer' in Drv Good'
V Groceries, Hard ware. Oucer.riare.Flour P.a
con. etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county Pa. lso
extensive dealers in all kind of s-iwed lumber
shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited.
Woodland. Pa . Aug. 19th. lsf.:
DP. J.P. TiU'.t'"! FIELD I.ntc Surgeon rf 'he
R.'M Ileg't IVnn'a Vols., hnving rctuir.e.J
from fl'e army, offers his proicstonp I service? to
the citizen of Clearfield tnd vicinity. Profas
fion.v ea'Is promt. tlr uUerdad f. OfTre on
South-Er-sr corner of 3d and Market Streets
Oct. 4. lS'lfi Hmp.
mT.Vl'VOR. The u-id.-rsijt.d olr't-rs
his services to the pn't'i!c. a :; Surveyor.
"He ni'ir he fourjd at his resilience in Lawici e'
townsh'p. when not engaged; or addressed by
letter at Clearfield. Penn'a.
March Ct'i. lS-,7.-tf. J AMES MITHKJJ.
T E V F K 11 S O N L I T Z, M. D..
I'hvsician and Surgeon,
Having located at Osceola. Pa . offers his profes
sional s' rvices to the people of that place and sur
rounding country. All calls promptly attended
to. Oflire and residoneeon Curtin Street, former
ly occupied by lr Kline May 19.T.9.
f 1 EORGE C. KIRK. Justice of the Peace. Stir-
JT veyor and Conveyancer. Luthersbnrg. Pa. I
All business entrusted to him will be p'romptly af- 1
tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Survr; - j
or mil do well to give him a call, as re " liters
him.-clt that he can render satisfaction. Ileds
of conveyance, articles of agreement and all ieal
papers promptly and re-.!y executed je-i"7rt-yp J
A G II E A T 0 F F E R .
Horace Water?,
451 Broadway. New York,
will dispose of OXE HUNDRED PIAXOES. ME
LODEOXS and OKtiANS of sir rst class makers,
including Cbickering A Sons, At extbemelv low
phices port cash, pciuno this mostd, or wili tcke
from S to S2i monthly until paid 4-l.V7i1-ly
Negatives made in cloudy as well ns in clear
weather. Constantly eu band a good f-sortment
of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views,
r'rotues. from any style of moulding, made f.
order. CIlliOMOiA SPJZClALllY.
Dec 2."fiS-jy. U-ti'J-tf.
Saw Log and Lumber,
Real estate lw ugh t and sold, titles examined,
taies paid, conveyances prepared.
Office in Masonic building, on Second Street
Boom No. 1. Jan. 25, '71.
are constantly replcrjishirg their stock of Drugs.
Medicines. Ac. School books and Stationery,
including the Osgood and National series
of readers. Also Tobacco and Ci
gars, of the be;t quality, and at
the lowest prices. Call and see.
Clearfield. Xct. 10, 1S63
' ID. PERKS A Co's flour, thebet in market, for I
Hi nit by .-on - - --
the kidm:ys.
The Kidneys ere twoin number, sitnated at tie
upper part ot the loin, surrounded by fat. and
coni-irting of three parts, vis ! the Anterior, tint
Interior, aud the Exterior.
The anterior absorbs Interior consists of tii
sues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the
urine and convey It to the exterior. The exte
rior is c conductor also, terminating iu a single
tube, and called the Prefer. Th ureters are con
nected with the bladder.
The bladder is composed, of various coverings
or tU&ues. divided into parts, viz: the Upper, th
Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper
expels, the lower retains. Many hare a desire to
urinate without the ability, others urinate with
out the ability to retain. This frequently occurs
in children.
To cure these affections, we must bring into ac
tion the mucles, which are engaged in their va
rious functions. If they ere neglected, Gravel or
Dropsy may ensue.
TLe reader must also he wado Awore. that how
ever slight may be the attack, it is sure to afiec
the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh
and blood are supported from these sources.
Goi t, on P.nErATisr P in. occurring in the
loiBf is indicative of the above diseases. They
occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and
chalky concretions.
Thr Gravel. The gravel ensues from neglect
or improper treatment of the kidneys These or
gans being weak, the wnter is not expelled from
the bladder, but allowed to remain; it becomes
feverih. and sediment forms. It is from this do
posit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensues.
Drcorsr is a collection of water in some parts of
the body, and bcarsdifferent names. according to
the parts affected, viz: when generally diffused
over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the
Abdomen. Ascites ; whn of the chest, Ilydrotho
rax. Treatment. Helnibold s highly concentrated
compound Extract Iluchu is decidedly one of the
best remedies for disease of the bladder, kidecys,
gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism. and gouty
affections. Under this head we have arranged
Dysurie. or difficulty and pain in passing water,
Scanty Secrt-tion: or small and frequent dischar
ges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water;
Hematuria, or bloody urine ; Gout and Rheuma
tism of the kidneys, without any chango in quan
tity, but increase in color, fcr dark water. It was
always highly recommended ley the late Dr.
Phytick. in the.'e affections
This medicine increases the power of digestion
and excites tLe absorbents into healthy exercise
by which the watery or calcareous depositions
and all unL.atnr.il enlargements, as well as pain
and inflammation are reduced, and it is taken by
men. women and children. Directious for use and
diet accompany.
Pim.Antti.rniA, Pa . Fi'. 25, 1567.
H. T, H elm boi. n. Drugirist:
Deak Sir: I nave been a sufferer, for upward
of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney
flections during which ttuio I have used various
o:ed iei rial preparations, and been under the treat
ment of the most eminent Physicians, experien
cir.g but litilo relief
Having seen tout preparations extensively ad- -ve.rtised,
I consulted with n:y family physician in
regnrd to uing your Extract Rucbu.
I did this because I had used all tinds of ad
vtrtijci remedies, and bad found them worthless,
and r,tue uiite injurious; in fact, I despaired of
ever getting welT. and deteriained to use no rem
edies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients.
It was this that prompted me to use your remedy.
As you advertised that it was coinposedof buc.hu,
tubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and
my physician as an excellent combination, and,
itb his advice, after an examination of the arti
c'e. rrid consulting again with the druggist. I
concluded to try it. J coLumericed its use about
eight months ago. at which time I was conCncd
to my room From the Crtt beale I was astonish
ed and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after
o. iiij it three weeks was able to walk out. I fjlt
much like writing you a full statement of my ease?
at that time, but thought my improvement might
only ba temporary, and therefore concluded to
defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure,
knowing then ic would be of greater value to 70a
and more satisfactory to me
X am now able to report t'jat a c?re is effected
after using the remedy for five mouths.
I tmv cot used any now for three months, and
fee! as well in all respects as I eierdid.
Your Bnchu being devoid ot any rnplcasant
taste and odor, a Dice tonic ard invigorator of the
system. I do not mean to be without it whenever
occasion may require its use in such affections.
Should any doubt Mr. McCormick 'a statement,
he refers to the following gentlemen :
Men. Vim. Tigler. ex Governor Penn'a.
Hon Thomas IJ Floreoae. Philadelphia.
Hon. J. C. Knox, Jodge. Philadelphia.
Hon. J. i. P.lack. Judge. Philadelphia.
Hon. V. R. Portar. ex-Hovernor. Penn'a.
Hon. Ellis Levis. Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. R. C. Orier, Judge U. S Court.
Hon. G. W. Woodward. Jaigt Philadelphia.
Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Pbil'a.
Ron. John T.igler. ex Goverr.or. California.
Hon. E. Barks. At-jiter Gen. Washington. D C.
And many otherf. ff necearj.
Sold by Druggists ind Dealers everywhere. Be
ware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold'a. Take
no other. Price SI 2S per bottle. or 8 bottles for
$5 iO. Pclivered to any address. Describe jymp
toms in all communications.
Address II. T. HELM BOLD, Drug and Chemi
cal Warehouse. 594 Droadway, N Y.
steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-siioile of my
Chemical Warehouse end signed
June IS.'TO-ly H. T. IIELMB 'LD.