Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 08, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. 17.--NO. 27.
rltrt Mtru.
She Always Made Home Happy.
Io an old churchyard stood a stone,
Weather-marked and stained ; t
The band of lime had crumbled itj
So only part remained.
Upon one tide I just could trace
"In memory ot our mother;"
An epitaph which spoke ot' "home"
Was chiselled on the other.
I'd gazed on monuments of fame.
High towering to the skies !
I'd seen the sculptured marble stone
Where a great hero lies;
Hut by this epitaph I paused,
And read it o'er and o'er.
Fur I had never seen inscribed
Such words as those before.
"She always made home happy,' what
A noble record left !
A legacy of memory sweet.
To thooe she loved, bereft.
And what a testimony given
By those who knew her best
Kneraven on this plain, rude stone
That marked their mother's rest.
t wis humble resting place,
I know that they were poor,
But they had seen their mother siuk,
And patiently endure.
They had marked her cheerful spirit,
When bearing one by one.
Her many burdens up the bill,
Till all her work was done.
So. when was stilled her weary heart,
Folded her hands so white,
And hhe was carried from the home
She'd always made so bright.
Her children raised a monument
That money could not buy,
As witness of a noble life
W hose record is on high.
A noble life ! bat written not
In any book of tame ;
Among the list of noted ones
Noiio ever saw her name.
For only her own household knew
The victories she had won.
And none but they could testify
How well her work was done.
.Better than costly monument
Of marble rich and rare.
Is that rude stone whose humble face
Such words of honor bear.
Oh ' may we chisel on the hearts
Of those of whom we love
An epitaph whose truth may be
Witness for us above.
'Always for (he want of news they pin
And if there's anything in which they shine.
'Tta in arranging all their friends aSiiirs.
Jot Binding well their own domestic cares.''
Most saiall towns and villages are noted
for the gossiping propensity ef their inhab
itants, but perhaps no other place enjoyed
that reputation to such a degree as the vil
lage of Ea.-tvi!lo; where the worthy peopla
manifested their undorstaiidi ng of the com
mand, "Thou, sliak love thy neighbor as
thyself," by attending to the tjasiiiess and
domestic concerns ot that or those persons
in preference to their own.
Kastville was now busy considering the
merits pro and con of tl:i new minister
young Brother Allworth. Yes; at last,
tht'y had an unmarried man !
They had sent their delegates to the Con
voutiou with the understanding "to accept
none but a young man," meaning one unen
cumbered the real truth being that the
main mas wanted a chance towards matri
mony for their daughters for a wedding
was a rare occurrence in Kastville: and the
worthy dames had come to the conclusion
that if they had an unmarried minister with
them, that his friends (brothers in fbc min
istry) wlio should visit him, most likely,
would be like himself a chance for their
girl-! And no it was this time ; just the
one they wanted cam 3. .
"Forewarned is to be forearmed," proved
a true saying in this case. Brother Heart
well gave his young friend a full and true
account of his late charge their weaknesses,
nd particularly their "ruling passion."
'"Thank yoti. Brother Heart well, for the
iniipht you have given me as to the charac
ter of my new parishoners, although there
appears but poor comfort for me, and little
hupe that I snail prove a comfort to them,
yet I think that your account wiU aid uie
Mimewliat ui my future course with my
charge," said Mr. Allworth.
He determined not only to govern him
self according to circumstances, but likewise
to characters. So when with Brother Jones
an J his cheerful girls, the young" minister
- perfectly nalural, happy and hopeful as
thee. ()n tl,e contrary when visiting Sis
tT ruiith, whose daughter Patience being
f no particular age, and imbibing her
mother's t'loouiy disposition, could not. to
save her, feel content and happy, particu
larly since Faraier 1 lay worth had (despite
all her endeavors and her mother's invita
tion t partake of endless good things of
her prud'jetion), gone and married one of
those gay worldly Jones' girls. W ith these
folks brother Allworth was grave and rather
'Idiet, conversing on just such subjects as he
thought would please them. When sur
rounded by all dispositions, where extremes
met, he tried to maintain a happy medium.
Thus suiting all and so it r-ally happened
that during the first term of his ministry
with the people of Kastville, they had for
he only time, one with whom all were
pleased. So the delegates went up to Bal
timore to attend the annual conference with
orders to get Brother Allworth back for an
other term, and not to hear for a moment
of the coming of any other.
It was in Mrs. Ilawke's pretty comfort
able little cottage that the young minister
made his home. One day while this Sister
was busily engaged giving his apartment a
good cleaning against the return of the oc
cupant. Sister Jones chanced to drop in,
nd finding what her friend was about,
Ventured to eay:
"You will not have that trouble very
much longer, Sister Hawke, I reckon."
"I'd like, to kiiow why not 1?" replied
Sister Hawke.
"Oh, no offence to you. I'm certain
sure that Brother Allworth is mightily
pleased with his home, but well, you know
it would be only too natural for him to make
his home with his wife's relations "
"Oh, yes ! now I know what you mean,
Sister Smith was in here a minute ago and
she hinted as much herself. Well, Pa
tience is a nice gal, but I should think she
was a little too old for our brother but
that's a good fault."
"Sister Smith!. Patience! Marry!
Brother Allworth 1" gasped sister Jones,
scarcely able to speak for her astonishment.
"Why, what an awfnl " and here
she stopped short, either from prudential
motives, or want of breath. Possibly it
flashed through her mind that sister Hawke
was not a safe person to express her opin
ion to concerning the truthfulness of an
other sister, and she did not care to be
called up before the church for accusing
one of the members of direct falsehood;
so, fining a little composure, she pro
ceeded :
"Sister Smith mly think what she says,
but I know that brother Allworth only goes
there as his duty calls him, and he comes to
my house on a different business. Every
body can see if they choose tf .7e their
eyes that it's my Sally he's looking after.
But time will prove who is right. I hope
you won't speak of this to anybody."
Sister Hawke, of course, promised to be
very quiet, and gained from her sister the
same with regard to what she had told her
about Patience Smith, and as a testimony
thereof, before night all Kastville were busy
considering this important question.
The delegates returned. "Is brother
Allworth coiuiug back ?" was the universal
"Yen," and then the worthy brother's
eyes grew sad, faces long, and shaking their
heads in a very ominous manner, said :
"They feared that they had all made a
very grave mistake; brother Allworth was
not what he should be."
"But he is all he need be for us, and good
enough for us," said sister Hawke.
"Ah, so we all thought. But now oh
dear, dear, what wickedness there is ia I his
world! Who can be true? Listen, while
I whinper what 1 know, what my own eyes
have witnessed," and Brother Jones whis
pered in the various sisters' ears the story,
but in a voice so low and deep, that we
could not catch it, my dear reader, aud will
have to wait patiently lor a while to hear
the charge.
A deep groan escaped from the lips of the
listeners ! Aud then some oue ventured to
suggest there must be some mistake.
"No, it was too true. Brother Jones
could and would prove it."
"Oh!" groaned furth Sister Smith,
"What a deceiving tuan! How wo all
loved him ! and only think, sister, he has
christened our children "
"Thank heaven, we can have thetn chris
tened over again!" said Sister Bright
thought. "Buried ourdead," resumed Sister Smith.
"That can't be undone," answered an
other sister.
"Married our daughters "
".No, not quite, although you offered him
a good chance and great inducements. "
"And you ought to thank him for resist
ing your attempts," said Siter Hawke,
spitefully, and darting an angry look toward
both Sister Smith and Brother Jones. She
was very fond of the young minister, acid
held a slight hope (despite all the seeming
truth of the charge,) that he would prove
all things right in the end.
The minister returned, and very soon dis
covered that something was wrong. Every
body looked dark and cloouiy. The sun
even did xiot seem to shine as brightly, or
the sky so blue as it was. The whole atmos
phere was chilled. Merry Sally Jones'
ringiu.z laugh was hushed; Patience Smith
relaxed into deeper gloom thau ever, and
his cordial, kind and attentive hostess was
quiet, and looked at him so sad, and wore a
look of such disappointment whenever he
was near her. What could it mean ? lie
never was so Lappy in his life before!
Well, well, he must watt for time to tell the
trouble, and appear wt to notice it, he
Many secret meeting? were held prayers
at. various Msters' houses, which he was not
invited to attend.
"My time has come at last! I might
hbe known that it would come some time.
I could not expect so umch better luck than
all my predecessors. But what on earth
have I done to occasion all this change?"
At last the deacots of the church called
a public meeting, and requested the pres
ence of the minister. The usual prelimi
naries cone through with, one of the dea
cons arose and stated that :
"With die deepest regret they had felt it
their duty to request their brother's pres
ence on that occasion to answer a charge
made against him of the gravest character.
He trusted that this charge could be met
md dealt with in such a manner by their
bitherto much respected and beloved
brother, that it would not only satisfy the
brethren and prove hi? innocence, but re
store their brother to his former high posi
tion in their esteem. It had been charged
that brother Allworth was in Baltimore
during the meeting of conference, in the
company of and occupying the same apart
ments in Barnum's Hotel with" and here
the worthy deacon stopped, drew a long
deep breath, and gasped forth "A married
The deacon dropped in his seat.
The minister started to his feet. His face
flushed with anger and in a voice quiver
ing with exci'ement he demanded the name
of the person who dared to utter such a
charge againtt him ? One so entirely false.
Urol her Jones arose and said it was he,
aud asked :
"If brother Allworth could persist in de
nying the charge ?"
The mitiister stopped suddenly then ; his
band iu his pocket, drew forth his hand
kerchief, covered his face and sank into his
''Convicted ! Guilty I Ilia manner proves
it too truly!" were the whispered com
ments. A profound silence ensued tor a few mo
ments, during which was heard a groau or
so, and then an audi bib sob from the bosom
of some soft-hearted sister, probably Sally
Jones or Mrs. Hawke. r
The minister arose, removed his hand
kerchief, and displayed a face on which
were unmistakable signs not of guilty emo
tion, but of suppressed iiiirth.
"The hardened sinner!" whispered Sis
ter Smith.
"I cannot deny f he charge, brother Jones,
it is true," and here the minister's facie
broke into a becoming smile. "I shall take
the pleasure of introducing that lady to you
as soon as possible."
A distinct groan now issued from some
one, and was immediately followed by many
., "Asniy wife! Mrs. Allworth!" added
the minister.
After the surprise had subsided iu a
slight degree, and the whisperings in a
measure ceased, the minister proceeded to
state :
"That he had, as they well knew, gone
to his horns a few days previous to the
meeting of conference, and then aud there
consummated an engagement of two years'
standing. That his wife accompanied him
to Baltimore, and then returned to her
home, until the deacons could repair the
parsonage, or be could make some arrange
ments for her reception in the home of one
of the kind sisters of the church. That
his first answer that the charge was false
they must excuse for it was occasioned by
Lis great surprise; aud, iu tiulli, he had
hardly gotten accustomed to regard himself
in the position of married man, or to re
member he had been ia company with a
married woman."
Not a word more was spoken by the dea
cons. What could they say? But, one
after another came forward, grasped his
h-ud aud pressed it warmly. He felt his
old position was regained, and they were all
glad to have it so. The sisters endeavored
to show their regret for their hasty judg
ment, by every one offering her home for
the reception of .Mrs. Allworth. Mrs.
Hawke was so delighted at his innocence
(for "she had nothing to regret, as she had
never judged him wrongly," she said) that
she actually hugged her favorite, and she
didn't care if she dil as she was old cuough
for his mother.
There was a tear in the eye of merry
Sally Joues and a sigh in the heart of Pa
tience Smith, but they both came Forward
to clasp their minister's hand.
The people of Kastville had that day re
ceived a salutary lesson. And it was im
pres.ed fp'reibly on their minds and 'deeply
in their hearts by the next Sabbath's ser
mon, in which their minister spot? so feel
ingly of the wrong of hasty judgments,
tegged tbcm so earnestly to consider well
before they spoke aught of ill ; to have
charity toward one aud all ; to rather hide
ihau display their neighbors' faults; to be
lieve in their innocence, until their guilt
was proven; to judge, not by ipcirances ';
and above all, it behooved Christians to
keep their hearts from evil thinking and
their tongues from evil speaking.
This sermon, and the event which called
it forth, made a lasting impression aud
great improvement in the character of the
people of Easti ille. The last 1 heard of
them, the deacons were considering the
propriety of suggesting that there should
be a new article added to those requisite
for membership in the church namely,
"That of miuding one's own business."
The young ninister did admire merry
Sally Jones, as her mother had thought,
and sang her praises so continually to a
brother minister that he induced him to
come and know her, which he did, snd be
fore many months had passed Kastville re
joiced in a wedding the first time for years
so many they could not be remembered.
Soon after this happy occurrence there came
to visit Brother Allwoith, a brother, grave
and sorrowful, mourning the loss of a loving
wife. 'Twas sad ; ot eourse he heeded sym
pathy, and some one to help him mourn.
No one could do this more effectually than
Patience Smith, and so she did, and is now
haud in hand endeavoring to console and
comfort him through the journey of life.
All b!e3S the day which brought Brother
Allworth among theiu ; the mother and
daughter particularly. He suited them in
every way. Matrimony is still prevalent.
A wedding is no longer a nine-day's wonder
and Eastville is fast losing the bad name
that had clung to it so long.
A quaint old writer says: "We have
need of grit as well as grace," which, al
though a rather gritty way of putting a
point, has more than the average amount
of truth in it."
A disturbed Dreacher remarked, "If that
cross eved ladv in the side aisle, with red
hair and a blue bonnet, don't stop talking.I
mut point her out to the congregation."
The Democrats Opposed to Constitutional
The proceedings in the House of Repre
sentatives, Jionday evening,tjebruary 7tb,
clearly demonstrate that the Democrats are
opposed to Constitutional Reform, every
member or that party voting against a most
liberal bill, giving the people of the State a
right at the next election to vote for or
against a Constitutional Convention, the
delegates to be chosen under the apportion
ment to be made at the present session of
the Legislature, ana since the House is Re
publican and the Senate Democratic it is at
least a fair presumption that an honest ap
portionment of the State will be made.
Such being the case we cannot see any good
reason why the Democrats should oppose a
measure which, it is alleged, the people de
maud. Below we present the full text of
the bill, as prepare! by Mr. Mann, who
urged it to its final passage, and made a
speech ot great ability iu favor of its adop
tion. The bi!l deserves a careful perusal by
all who are in favor of Constitutional Re
form :
As Act to provide for calling a convention
to revise or amend the Constitution of the
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by tie
authority of tlw. same. That for thepurpose
of ascertaining the souse of the citizens of
this Commonwealth on the propriety of cal
ling a couyention to revise and amend the
Constitutiou of this State, it shall be the
duty of the inspectors and judges of the
several election districts of this Common
wealth, at the election to be held on the sec
ond Tuesday of October next, to receive
tickets, either written or printed, from the
qualified voters, and deposit such tickets in
proper boxes, to be provided by the proper
officers, which tickets shall be labelled on
the outside "convention," arid on the inside
"for convention" or "against convention."
Skc. '2. At the said election the qualified
electors are hereby authorized to vote for
delegates to attend a State convention to re
vise and umend the Constitution of the State,
the said convention to consist of one
hundred and forty-three members, one hdn
dred and three of the members t'o hi appor
tioned among the several Senatorial districts,
and to be elected in the following manner :
There shall be three delegates elected in
each Senatorial district, as formed at the
time of the election, each voter to vote for
two delegates, and the three persons having
the greatest number ot voles to be declared
elected : Prodded, That in districts, elect
ing two Senators each voter may vote for
four delegates, and the six candidates hav
ing the greatest number of votes shall be
declared elected : And provided ;fnYther,
That in the Philadelphia districts each elec
tor shall vote tor three delegates, and the
four persons havina the greatest number
uhuii be declared elected ; the other iurty
delegates to be apportioned at large to the
Slate, and to be elected as follows : each elec
tor to vote for twenty persons if he chooses
and the forty having the largest number of
votes to be declared elected. . , Mi
Sec. 3. The said elections shall be con
ducted in all respects according to the gene
ral clectiou laws of this Commonwealth; aud
it shall be the duty of the return judges ot
I he respective counties to make duplicate
returns of the votes given for and against a
convention, and of the votes given for dele
gates, and to deposit one copy thereof with
the proihonotary of the proper county, and
seal and direct the other copy to the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth.
Sec. 4. That the Secretary of the Com
monwealth shall, ou the second Thursday
after the election, in the presence of the
Governor and attorney General aud such
other citizens as desire to be present, open
and count the returns so made to h'nu ; and
if a majority of the votes in relation to a
convention shall bo "for a convention, "then
in that case the Governor shall issue his
proclamation of the fact that a majority
have voted tor a convention, aud shall give
in said proclamation the names of the per
sons duly elected as delegates to the conven
tion, which shall entitle such persons to take
their seats and bo sworn in as delegates.
Anv oerson desiring to contest the seat of
yoy delegate so sworn in shall proceed as io
the case of contesting tbe seat ot a member
of the House ot Representatives but if a
majority of the rotes so returned shall be
"against a convention." the Governor shall
announce the fact, aud no further proceed
ings shall be had under this act.
Sec. 5. That it, at the said election, a
majority of the votes shall be "for a con
veution," it shall be the duty of the dele
gates elected as aforesaid to assemble at the
Mate Capitol, at Harrisburg, on the first
Tuesday of November next, and organize by
electing a president and such other officers
as nitty be needed in the transaction of the
business of the convention; and after the
said convention hive so Organized they shall
have power to adjourn to any other place, if
it seem desirable, and to propose to the cit
iebs of this Commonwealth, for their ap
proval or rejection, a new Constitution, or
amendments to the present one, which shall
be engrossed and signed by the president
and chief clerk and delivered to the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth, by whom aud
under his direction it shall be entered ot rec
ord in his office and published once a week
in at least two newspapers in each county
where two naners arc published for six weeks
next preceeding the day of the election that
shall be held for the adoption or rejection of
the Constitution so submitted.
Sic. 6. For the purpose of ascertaining
the sense of the citizens on the expediency
of adopting the Constitution as prepared by
the convention, it shall be the duty of the
said convention to order an election and to
issue a writ of election, directed to the sher
iff of each county of this Commonwealth,
commanding notice to be given of the times
of holding an election for said purpose ; and
it shall be the duty of the said sheriffs, re
speciively. to take notice accordingly; and
it shall be the duty of the inspectors and
judges of elections throughout the State to
hold an election in obedience to the said
convention, in each of the election districts
of the Common wealth, at the legally ap
pointed place for holding the general elec
tion ; and it shall be the duty of the said
election officers to receive tickets, either
written or printed, from citizens qualified
to vote, and to deposit them in a box, which
tickets shall he labeled on the outside "new
Constitution," and on the inside "for new
Constitution," or "against new Constitu
tion :" Provided, That on the demand of
one-third of the whole number of delegates
to the convention, any proposition -ball be
submitted separately.
Sec. 7. The election to decide for or
against the adoption of the new Constitu
tion shall be conducted as the geoeral elec
tions of this Commonwealth are now by law
conducted ; and it shall be the duty of tbe
return judges ot the respective counties.first
having ascertained the number of votes giv
en tor and agninst the new Constitution, to
make out duplicate returns thereof, expres
sed iu words at length, one of which returns
so made shall be filed iu the office of the
prbthonotary of the proper county, and the
other sealed and directed to the Secretary
of the Commonwealth, which said returns
shall be opened, counted and published as
the returns for Governor are now by law
counted and published ; aud when the num
ber of votes given for and against the revis
ed Constitution shall have been summed up
and ascertained, and the duplicate copies
thereof delivered to the proper officers, the
Governor shall declare by. proclamation the
result of the el ection, and if a majority of
the votes polled 6hall be for the revised
Constitution, it shall thenceforth be the
Constitution of this Commonwealth.
Sec. 8. The delegates to the said con
vention shall be entitled to receive five dol
lars per day for the time occupied in the re
vision of the Constitution, and the same
mileage as the members of the Le2islature
are now by law eutitled to ; which together
with the pay of the olficers of the conven
tion, and the expenses of reporting and pub
lishing the proceedings of the convention,
shall be paid by the State Treasurer on the
warrant of the presiding officer of the con
vention. Street Education. Amonj the thariy
prominent features of American life, there
is none which attracts so little attention, or
which exerts so much influence, as the per
nicious system of street education. It ap
pears to be a cherished principal of Auieii
can parents to give their offspring every ad
vantage of education, arid by a correct in
sight of life iu the early stages of youth, to
fit them for a useful and practical career
wfich the hand of time stamps upon their
brow the impress of manhood. But while
they ftiruUli them with every facility for ac
quiring knowledge, they frequently forget
to keep over them the eye of parental pro
tection. While they are engaged in the
pursuits common to all, their children are
roamiug through the streets breathing into
their buoyant spirits the poison of vice so
prevalent in all communities. The heart of
youth, ere the blighting rail of siu has dead
ened the finer sensibilities an J finer feelings
ot its spiritual foriuatiou, is always favo.a
ble, to first impressions, and more particu
larly those of an evil nature. Our children
naturally of aii impressible and ardent dis
position, must necessarily have incorporated
into their own hearts the sentiuieuts and
teachings of those w ith whom they are as
sociated. We are all liable to the attacks
of old aafan and his Votaries, but how luueli
more uitist be those who have not yet be
come hardened by coataminatiou with the
world'. ,
Parents should see to it that their children
do hot receive an ttducatiori on the streets.
It will be tio benefit to them or credit to the
community in which they reside. Those
who receive their education in this manner
generally end their days iii a penitentiary or
work house, or else drag but a miserable ex
istence in some obscure corner of a dirty
alley. They occupy no honorable or respon
sible positions in society ; they command the
respect of noiie, cot even those whose moral
affinities should make them friends. They
are looked upon as the infecting lepers ot
the community, and ar$ chunned as such by
all. Educate vour children ait home, at the
social circle of your firesides. Instill into
their young minds the great principles of
virtue, for the time will soon couie when
they must join the great caravan of human
life, and it is tlieu that the teachings of
youth are most heeded. The streets were
never intended as schools of instructions for
the youug, but as . places cf business and
trade, where the vilest of the vile resort for
the purpose of securing the meagre, pittance
of some nefarious wort. Those whose vir
tues have beeu matured by age can, aud
sometimes must, ruitigle with those who, at
the domestic board, would be shunned as
vipers. But how can the young, whost in
uoceut minds are "wax to receive and mar
ble to retain," come out of the fire unscath
ed? As the rock receives the impriut of
the flower, so will the unmatured heart re
ceive and retain the examples ot early im
pressions. The directest way of ameliorating the con
dition of the world is iudirect. The true
philanthropist shows his love for men by
keeping his hands off. Wise charity lets
alone. A little more of that homely, old
fashioned virtue of minding one's own bu
siness would save society, as well as individ
uals, from untold miseries, and reduce the
number of misery makers.
The other day, in a rural town, an inquest
was held over the body of a man who had
beeu killed by a horse. After bearing the
testimony of several witnesses, the jury re
tired and soon returned with the following
verdict : "That deceased canie to his death
from the effects of wound iu the bead,
caused by a horse shoe in the hands of a
"Madam," tbtr lawyer demanded, "what
sort of couduct have you pursued through
life that should subject you to the suspicion
of this outrage upon the plaintiff?" She
answered : "Impudence, which has been
the making of you, has caused my ruin."
What is the greatest feat, in the eating
way, ever known ? That recorded of a man
who commenced by bolting a door, after
which he threw up a window, and then sat
down and swallowed a whole story !
Ia there any affinity between a man who
lives by chance and a rascal who lives by
u$fntUj$ ilircctoru.
AW. WALTERS. Atturubt at Lw,
; Clearfi.ld. Pa. Offiee in the Court House
U "ALTER BARRETT, Attorney atl.aw.Clear
6eld, Pa. May IS. 1S63.
HF. BIULEK A CO., Dealer ia Haruwary
, and manufacturers of Tin and hbeet-iron
are. .Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. Mar '
- J
HF. NAUGLE. Wale a and Clock JJaker.and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in
Urahaai'erow,Marketstreet. Nov. 10.
THO'S J McCTJLLOCGU, Attbmbv-t-Law,
Clearfield, Pa. All legal biuine prompt
ly attended to. Oct. 27. 1 -o'J.
WM. REED. Market Street, ClearCeld, Pa.,
Fancy Dry Oood. While Uoode Noti.n.
iauiet and Urals fnrnivoing
June 1j,'7u.
aood. etc.
1. p. IRVI
0. L. k UK Ml
IRVIS KREBS. (Saceeiwori to H. B. SwoupO
Law asd Collection Orrica. Market Street.
Cleard jd. Pa. Nov. 1S70.
A I SHAW Dealer In Drugs. Patent Medicines
. FanoT Artictos. ete.. and Proprietor of Dr.
Boyer West Branch Bitters, Market Street,
Jlearfield, Pa. June 15,70.
B READ, M l., Phtsicias and Shruio"!.
? ; Kylertown. Pa., respectfully offers his fo
tessional services to the eitixansof that pine and
surrounding eountry. lpr- 20-iim.
Orbi T. Nobi.b. Attorney at Law. Lock Ha
ven, Pa. Will practice in tun several court
of Clearfield county. Business entrusted to biin
will receive prompt attention. Je. 29, '70-y.
JB &I EXALLY, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
wunties. OfEeein new brick building of J. Boyn
t n, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel .
I TEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa., will
. attend promptly to all Lesal business entrust
ed to bis care in Clearfield and adjoining coun
ties. Office on Market street. July 17,1867.
rpU'lMAS H. FORCEY. Dealer in Square aud
J Sawed Luuiher.Dry-lioods.Queeneware, Gro
ceries. Flour, drain, Feed, Bacon, Ac, Ac, fira
hainton. Clearfield county, Pa. Oct 1.
TTARTSWICK A IRWIN. Dealers in Drues,
O Medicines. Paints, Oils.Stationary, Perfume
rv . Fancy Ooodi. Notioas,etc, etc.. Market street,
Clearfield. Pa
Dee. 6, lSno.
(( KRATZER A RON. dealers in Dry oods.
. Clothing. Hardware. Qneensware. Groce
ries, Prorisiputi, Ac, Second Street . Clem Held.
Pa. Deo 27.1Sfij.
JOHN Gl'ELICJi. Manufacturer of all kinds o
Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. Pa
He alsoinakestoorderCoffins.onshort notice and
attends Tunerale with a hearse. AprlO
I) I CHARD MOSSOP, Dealer ip Foreign and Do
j nicotic Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour. Bacon,
Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, afewdoor
west ot .lour-J()ffirr. Clearfield. Pa. Apr27
W Clear6eIJ. Pa. Office in residence of W. A.
Wallace Legal business of all ainds attended to
with promptness and fidelity. (.lan S.tt-yp
HW SMITH. ATTuRSfcr at Law. Clearfield
. Pa., will attend promptly to husine-S, en
trusted to hts care. Office on second floor of new
buildinj adjoining County Satioual Bai.K.atd
nearly opposite the Court Jlouse. (June J0J'J
I.iRBDKICK LEITZINOER. Manuiacturer ef
' all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa Or
der solicited wholesale or retail , He also keeps
on hunt and for sale au assortment of earthen
ware, of hi own manufacture. Jan. 1. ISrtS
H well known hotel, near the t part House, is
worthy the patronage, of the public. The table
will be supplied with the bet in the market. The
best T liquor Kept JOHN OtHEKTY
TOnN H. Fl'LFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear
field PA. Otfice on .Market Street, over
Hartswick A Irwin's Drog Store. Prompt attention
eiven to the securingufdountj claims, Ac. .and to
all legal business.
Alaren z, tstw.
WI. CL'RLEV. Dealer in Dry Goods,
.Groceries, II :ird ware. Vueet i ware. Floor Ba
con, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield couuly Pa. lso
extensive dealers in alt kinds of sawed lumber
shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited.
Woodland, Pa.,Aa;. Itb.l8n3
Dtt J. P. BCUCliFIELD Late Surgeon oVtpe
R3.I Reg't Feno'a Vols., having returned
from the army, offers his professional services te
the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes
sional calls promptly attended to. Office oi.
South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets.
Oct. 4. ISSa 6mp.
CUltVEYOR. The undersigned offers
his services to the public, as a Surveyor.
He may be found at his residence in Lawienee
township, when not engaged ; or addressed by
letter at Clear(lt)td. Peoo'a-. , .n
March tith. 18S7.-tf. J AMESMITCHELL.
" Physician and Surgeon,
Having located at Oaceola Pa., offers his profes
sional services to the people of that place and sur
rounding country.. All ealts promptly attended
to. Office an4 residence on Curtin Street, former
ly occupied by Dr. Kline May IHBH.
FORGK C. KIKK. Justice of tbe Peace. Sur-
JT veyor and Conveyancer. Lutbersbtirg. Pa.
All business entrusted to biin will be promptly at
tended to. Persons wishing to euiulov a Survey-
rr will do well to give hiui a call, as be flatters
himselt that be can render satisfaction. Deeds
of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legal
papers promptly and neatly executed jeS7u-yp
A G K E A T O F F ER .
Horace AVatcrs,
4SI Broadway, New Turk,
will dispose of ONE HUNDRED PIANOES. ME
LODEOXS and ORGANS of six first class makers,
including Chickering A Sons, at bxtrivklt low
mice for cash, ddri.vo this iiustb, or will take
from $3 to f 2i monthly until paid 4-1 ? '"0-1 y
market street, CLUAP.Klr.I.n, pixk'a.
Negatives made in cloudy as well as in clear
weather. Constantly en hand 4 pood assortment
f Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views.
Frames, from anv -style of moulding, made te
Dec. 2.'6&-jy. 14-69-1.'.
Saw Logs and Lumber,
Real estate bought and sold, titles examined,
taxes paid, conveyances prepared.
Office in Masonia building, on Second Street
Room No. I . Jan. 23, 'Tl.
are constantly replenishing their stock of Drugs,
Medicines. Ae. School books and Stationery,
including the Osgood and National series
ef readers. Also Tobacco and Ci
gars, of the best quality, and at
the lowest prices. Call and see.
Clearfield. Nov 10. ISM .
1-1D. PE.tCS ACo's flour, &,- "V"
) rale by J. 3H AW A VJN.
The kidneys are two in number, situated at thai
upper part at the loin, surrounded by fat, anal
consisting of three parts, vis : the Anterior, the!
Interior, and tbe Exiorior.
The anterior absorbs. Interior oonaiau of tie
sues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the
urine and oonvey it to tbe exterior. Tbe exto
rter is c conductor also, terminating in a single)
lube, and called the t'reter. The ureters are oon
iiected with the bladder.
The -ladder is compoteJ of vanoas coverings
or tissues, divided into parts, vis : the I'pper, la
Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper
expels, the lower retains. Many hare a desire to
urinate without the ability, others urinate with
out the ability to retain. This frequently occurs
To cure these affections, we must bring into ac
tion the muarles, which are engaged in their va
rious functions. If they ere neglected, UrAvel oi
Dropsy i ay ensue.
The reader must also be made aware, that how
ever slight inay be the attauk, it is sure to affec
the b'ldily health and mental powers, as ur flesh
and bloud are supported from these sources!
Ooit, oa Khei'M ATi.M. Pt,in occurring in the
loins is indicative of the above di teases. Tbey
occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and
chalky concretions.
Tux Gravel. Tbe gravel ensues from neglect
or iupruper treatmentof the kidneys Theae or
gans ieing weak, the water is not expelled from
the bladder, but allowed to remain; it becomes
feverish, and sediment forms. It is V.oin this de
posit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensue.
liRVFsr is a collection of water in some parts of
the body, and beare'different names, according to
the parts affected, vii : when generally diffused
over the hody.it is called Anasarca 5 when of the
Abdeinon, Ascita; when uf the chesi, Uydrothc
rax. Treat. ext. llelmbold's highly concentrates
compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the
best remedies for disease of the bladder, kidneys,
gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuuiatisuuind gouty
affections. Under this head we have arranged
Dy.urie, or difficulty and pain iu passing water,
Scant; Secretion, or small and frequent dischar
ges of water; Strangury, or stopping" of water ;
Hematuria, or bloody urine ; 'lout and Bheuina
tisiu of the kidnejs, without any change in quan
tity, but increase in color, er dark water. It was
always highly recommended by the lata Dr.
Physick, in tbe.e aiiectious.
This medicine increases the power of digestion
and excites tbe absorbenUi into healthy exercise
by which tbe watery or calcareous depositions
and all unnatural enlargements, as well as paia
and in B animation are reduced, and it is taken by
men, women and childrou. Directions for use and
diet accompany.
., PuiLAOELraiA, Pa., Feb. 35, 1867.
II. T, Helmbolo, Druggist:
Deab Sib : I nave been a sufferer, for upward
of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney
affection, during which time I hare used various
medjinal preparations, and been under tbe treat
ment of the most emiueut Physicians, experien
cing but little relief
Having seen your preparations extensively ad
vertised, I consolt:d with my family physician in
regard to using yv'ir Extract Buchd.
I did this bec-uso I bad use- all kinds of ad
vertised remedies, and had fouud them worthless,
and eouie quite injurious ; in fact, I despaired of
ever getting wtll, and determined to use no rem
edies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients.
It was this that prompted me to nse your remedy.
As you advertised that it was cow posed ot Luchu,
i abeos and juniper berries, it occurred to me and
my physician as au excellent combination, and,
a ith his advice, after an examination of the arti
cle, and consulting again with' tbe druggist, t
concluded to try it. I commenced its aesj about
eight mouths ago, at which time I was confined
to my room From the Srst bottle I was astonish
ed and gratified St tbe beneficial effect aud after
using it 'three weeks was able to walkout, t felt
much like writing yon a full statement of iuy case
at that time, but thought my improvement might
only be temporary, and therefore concluded to
defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure.
knowing then it would be of greater value to yea
aud more satisfactory to me.
I am new able to report thai a care is effected
after using the remedy for five mouths.
I Lave not used any now for three months, and
feel as well in all respects as I ever did.
Your Buchu being devoid oi any on pleasant
taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigoratorof the
system. I do not mean to be without it whenever
occasion may require its use ia such affections.
fiiouM any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement,
he refers te the following gentlemen :
Ileh. AY to. Bigler, ex Governor Penn'a.
Hon Thomas B Florenae,, Philadelphia.
Hon. J. C Knox, Judge, Philadelphia,
lion. J. 8. Black .Jutige, Philadelphia.
Hon. I). R. Porter. ex-Uoveroor. Penn'a.
Hon. El lis Levis. Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. B.C. Grier. Judge V. 8 Court.
Hon. ii. W. Woodward, Judga. Philadelphia,
lioh. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor. Pbil"a.
Hon. John Bi jjler; ex U weruor, California.
Hon. E. Banss. Auditor Oeti. Washington, D C.
And many others, if necessary.
Sold by Druggists an-Dealers every Where. Be
ware of counterfeits. Ask for lielmoold's. Tako
no other. Price 51.25 per bottle. or bottles for
6.50. Delivered to any address. Describe symp
toms in all communications.
Address H. J. UELMBOLD, Dreg and Chemi
cal Warehouse, 594 Broadway, N Y.
steel-engraved wrapper, with fac simile of my
Chemical Warehouse aud sijned
jane li.'7-ly T. HILMBOLD.
its ,