Hi 1 1 - u i .1 :- J. ."t i. ; s-. t -X i . -3 BxnU3io Plants. The law of nature is each, that the opportunity for the elec tion and consequent improvement of seeds and plants is almost infinite, and one great source of improvement is in cultivating seedling of plants, bulbs, roots, cr tube s ect., by which new varieties are very often obtained, superior in many respects. The seeds of plants will not produce a growth precisely like the original stock, owin 10 the cause that the polen from several varie ties of the same plaut, will mix and estab lish a new variety. As, for instance, take the potato, btrswberry, apple, pea, etcHand observe how roach they have improved in size and flavor by propagation from seedling plants. The strawberry has so much- im proved in bize and sweetness, that the orig inal has been lest sight of. and is rarely or never cultivated, and the potato, from its primitive state, an insignificant, tasteless 'root, has progressed to excellent farinaceous esculent, of which we have thousands of new varieties, and every day more are pro duced from the bolls of seeds, of superior excellence. By sowing the seeds of apples and pears, hundreds of new varieties are brought into existence, many of which are very superior fruit, and supersede many in cultivation. In fact nearly all our best fruits are from seedling plants, and every, new fruit of superior quality propagated, is only preparing the way for future crops of fruits of greater value, and which will amply re ward, by their superior excellence, the labor bestowed upon them. Plowing, Wagoss, &c It should be a rule that the traces to the gears of a team should be as short as possible, without im peding the freedom of the step of the hor ses, for the nearer they are to the point of draft, the less force will be required to draw the plow. The tallest horse should walk in the furrow to keep the doubletree as level as possible, and the team must be kept go ing at a--i regular and smart a gait as the na ture of the work will admit ; they are thus better managed, and the draft will be light er than if walking slow, and by due atten tion to this particular, heavy soil will cling less to the plow, and the operation will seem pleasant and free. There is a certain taste in plowing, as well as many other things, a sort of tact acquired by instinct, and a slight movement of the bands will keep the plow right, while a swerving, clumsy plowman, without perception will be constantly letting the plow, with everv unsteady movement of the horses, run out and into land, and make bad work. A Pound of Flesh. An English chem ist and agriculturist has calculated that to obtain a pound of flc-sh on domestic animals, the following qualities of either of the va rious kinds of food mentioned below must be used: Turnip, 100 pounds; potatoes, BCi rumnls ". carrut, 60 pounds; milk, 25 pounds; oat meal, 9 pounds; corn meal. 8i pounds; barley meal, i pounds ; peas, 3 J pounds ; and bean. 3i pounds. FOR SALE, Whit Lead, Zine Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine Tarnishes of all kinds, Colon, in oil and dry. Paint and Varnish brushes. HART3WICK. A IRWIN, Clearfield.Pa -M .'fi9. EONARD HOUSE. Opposite the Railroad Depot, CLEARFIELD, PEXNA., Feb. 8. 71 D. JOHNSON A SOX. Props. Q U S Q U E II A N N A HOUSE, Curwensville, Pa. The undersigned bavin? taken charge of this well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ot p atronnRe. The house has been refitted and re furnished, and now compares favorably with any other bouse in tbeeoanty. The best of everything the market affords will be served up to guests. Charges molerate. - ELI BLOOM. Sept. 2S. 1370-tf. Proprietor. rplIE "EAGLE HOTEL," Main St.. Curwensville, Pa. Having leased for a term of years the above well krown and popular Hotel (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fonts), and having newly refitted and refurnished it. the present proprietor feels assured that be can render entire satisfaction to guests sojourning with bim. A fine, large stable and yard is attached, for the care add protection of horses, carriages and wagons. A share of patronage is solicited May 4,'70-ly A J. DKATXKEK. Proper. rp II C "S II A W IIOUS E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. GEORGE X. COLBCRN, :::::: Pkipiuetor This house was lately completed and just open ed to the public is newly furnished, and provided with al I the modern improvements of a first-class hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the bnsiness part or the town, and near tc toe pnblie build ings. A share of patronage is respectfully solic ited. Charges moderate. The best of Liquors in the bsr. March 30.70-tf. SOMETHING NEW IV ASSONVILI.E, Clearfield county, Penn'a. The undersigned having erected, during the put summer, a large and commodious store room, ts now engaged in filling it up with a new and select assortment of fall and Winter goods, which be offers to the public at prices to suit the times His stick of Mens' and beys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered te cuatniaers at from H0 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour. SalLand Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete aoitment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. i great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and other goods in proportion. Now is tbe time to buy. Country produce of ever kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for gowds; and even Greenbacks will not be refused for any article in store. Examine my stock be fore you buv elsewhere. October 30. 1SB7. h SWAW TOBACCO AM) CIGARS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of R, II. SIT A ir, Two doors east of the Postoffice, Clearfield. P. Constantly on hand a fine assortment of TJavy, Congress. Cavendbh, Cable. Spunroll, Michigan and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, to. Also, a large and wi ll selected stock of Imported and Domestio Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar fipes, Pipe fixtures, Tobacco Boxes, Cigar Holders, and everything genes " foccd in a we'd regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. LT Remember the place: Two doors east of tfce PostoflW, CUorield, Pa. Ag n, '70. . f;e REWARD. STOLEN! from C. Vlw"a M'Clellaod, at Round Island. Clinton County. Pa., on the night ot the 8th day or Deoember, 1870, a Urge Dun or Cream colored Hone, eight years eld. with black mane and tail. nd legs also black nearly to the knees, with a little white on one hind foot, and fest small for so large a horse. The horse is rather stylish end has a small bunch under the throat which only shows when be is eating with head down. Also, taken at the same time a saddle with black quilt ed horn with leather worn off on top with army stirrups. The above reward will be paid for the recovery of the property and the arrest and conviction of ih their; or S100 will be paid for the horse alone Jan 4, 7l-3m. C. C. M'CLELLAND. NEW STORE ! CHEAP GOODS ! At Glen Hope, Clearfield Co. HOMER DUBREB Is now selling the cheapest goods in the county at Win. U. Dickerson's old stand. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, te , HEAP FOR CASH! Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as by so doing yon will save money. Nov. 23. 1870 3m. BARGAINS IN CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, AT THE FANCY STORE OF Misses Rynder & Lanich. We have just received and opened a full and com plete stock of CHOICE TOYS, Ladies' Dress Caps, Grover and Baker Sewing Machines, both Elastic arid Lock Stitch, and a very beautiful assortment of GOLD AND SILVER FISH AND AQUARIUMS. The goods are all just new. and a share of pnblie patronage is respectfully solioited. Clearfield, Dee 14, 70. ATTENTION, B TJ YE R S e READ! READ!! Who sells the cheapest goods in the count j ? MOSSOP ! W ho fi Ah best calicoes at 12 cts s yard iiossor: Who sells best unbleached muslin at 17 cents MOSSOP! Who sells HaTs Calf Boots at $560? MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at t tlT MOSSOP! Who sells Ilall's bestKip Boots at $4,50? MOSSOP! Who sells Hats lower than anybody else? MOSSOP! Who sells Sugar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sella Chop and Feed the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Hardwar the cheapait ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Tlaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! "Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brorrght good down to the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'S! Clearfield. May 12. 1R69. GK,?C?.D.KI AGROUND SPICES. Citr.r English Currants, Kasence Coffee. and Vine gar ot tbe best quality. for Fxle by Jan. 10. HARTSWrCK A IRWIJf. OWAIM'S PASACEA. Kennedy's Medical D;. O oovery. Hembold's Baehu. Bake's Cod Liver on. Jayne sand Ayer s Aledicmes.ror sale by Jan.la HAKTSWICK A IEWIS affemcm's goitnmf, gfetttfofo, ffiu, gffartl; fTHE UNIVERSAL DIAL is a curiou invention, and a perfect success. It simplicity and accuracy are truly wonderful. See "The Old Clock on the Wall," tn another column. Ootober m. liu om. NOTICE Having purchased the interest of J. A. Blattenberger, Esq., in thebu sinesa heretofore carried on under the firm name of J. A. Blattenberger A Co., tbe aame wni eondnoted hereafter under the name of Mosuan non Land and Lumber Co., (store). H. H.SHILLINGFORD, JOHN LAWSHE, President. 6uP ' May 11, 1870-tf. SANDY LICK HOTEL, Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pa. J. S. RADEBACII, Proprietor. A first class country Hotel. The table supplied with the best tbe market affords. Choice liquors at the bar. A share of public patronage respect, fully solicted. November 9, 1370. REM0J A L ! REMOVAL! C. KRATZER & SONS, Have removed to the large and elegant NEW STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoining Mer rell A Bigler's Hardware Store, where they will be pleased te see their old and new customers. Citisenaof the county visiting Clearfield, ana wishing to make purchases, will find it te their advantage to examine their stock. Oeods at cash prices ezohanged for all kinds of eomtry produce. Jan. 8,'69. NEW ST0EE. Corner of Second St. and Hill Road. R. MITCHELL Has just received and opened, at the above nam ed plaosxan entire new stock of Spring and Summer Qoeds, which he will sell very cheap for cash. His stack consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, ete. He also keeps choice Flour, Corn Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Peraeni desirous of pnrchssing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested te give him a call. Approved country produce will be taken, at the highest prices, in ezohange tor goods. Clearfield, June 17, 188S. GRAND OPENING THIS WEEK. French Merinos, good colors, at 75 ct3. Black Alpaca, 25 cents to 1,25 Elegant Plaids, 20 cents to $2. Plain and Figured Foplins,20c to$1.25. Reps, in the handsomest colors. Satins', at 50c to 1.25. Great bargains in Black Silks, prices ranging from 1,25 to 4. Bargains in Coating,Frosted and Plain Bearers, Sealskin, Dogskin Curlicula. Astrachan Beaver, from 3,50 to 12. Splendid Velveteen, 75c to 2. Waterproof 90c to 1,75. All Wool and Zephyr Shawls, cheap. Roman Stripe Shawls. Mourning Shawls. Paisley and Broche, from 18 to 40. Furs, from 3,00 to 75,00 a set. These furs are purchased direct from the manufactories, and I will warrant them in ev ery respect. Also a full line of MILLINERY GOODS, of the latest styles. Millinery and Coat Making done in best style?. Ladits', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes. Gents' Hats, Caps, &c, &c. These Goods have been purchased low and will be sold the same. Persons are respectfully invited to call. Butter, Eggs, and all marketable coun try produce taken in exchange for goods. W M. REE D, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 9, 1870. T-RV GOODS the cheapest in tbe county, a J May 38. 67. JUUSAOfS. c URRANTS the best and cheapest in th GRAHAM'S BACON, Hams, Sides and Shoulders at red need prices, at MOSSOP'S. LONGEST ROOF in the United States is on Rlnek's Sons' Factory, Easton, Pa., one third of a mile long and is covered with READY ROOFING CHEAP, DURABLE and easily applied. Bend for circular and samples to tbe manufacturers. June 1-ap. 13, y. No- Coortland St. N. Y CLEARFIELD NURSERY. Encocr acz Uomk Industry. The undersign ed having established a Kursery,on the Pike naif way between Curwensville and Clearfiell Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees, (standard and dwarf,) Evergreen. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Law ten Black berryStrawberry and Raspberry vines. Alas SibrianCrab trees. Quince and early ScarlctRbeu barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Addres ..Aug 31,1864 J. p. WRIGHT, Curwensville 0N MY OWN HOOK. Having purchased tbe entire stock at the old stand ot Kirk fc Spencer, in Lumber City, 1 intend carrying on the business as hereto fore. MY MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FOR CA6H. Thanking our friends and customers for past patronage I solicit a continuance ot tbe same. . Sept. 15th, 1869, ISAAC KIRK.. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEARFIELD, PENX'A. Monuments, Grecian Tombs, French Couches. Msnlles, Table Tops. Wanning Ranges, Garden Statuary, Terra Cotta Ware, of every description. Head and Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at city prices, or 2i percent less than any other establishment in this county "Having a larre experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all eases. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in the best workmanlike manner. S. A. GIBSON. May 11, 1870 -tf. JiH Watsoh, Agent. NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned have opened a Meat Market in tbe room lormerly occupied by Alex Irvin.on Market Street. Clearfield. Pa., adjoining Mossop's. where tbey intrnd to keep a futi supply of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit the times. Their shop will be open regularly, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and meat delivered at any point. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. M. O. BROWN. Aug. 31,'70-tf. E. W. BROWN. Also continue to deal in all kinds of improv ed Agricultural Implements, WHOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR STORE- I. L. REIZENSTEIN, DBALia IB WINES AND LIQ UORS, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. A good assortment for medical purposes always on hand. April 8. 1870-tf. JAS. T. BRADY & CO,, Sucrenors to S. Jonts Sf Co.,) CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSB URGII, PA., BANKERS, PCT AND BELL ALL KINDS or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver aad Coupons. Eii percent, interest allowed on deposits sub ject to check. Money loaned en Government Bonds. Bonds registered free of charge. July 1. 18r0-ly. JAMES T. BRADY t CO. TO LUMBERMEN! PERFECTION IN CANTHOOICS! The Clearfield Excelsior Canthook will not wear out or break, beinj constructed with one solid band from clip to point. It is prononneed by all practical Lumbermen who huve examined It to be tbe most perfect cant hook ever invented. Amos Eennard. Patentee. All orders promptly attended to. .Manufactured by AMOS KENNARD & CO., Nev 23. Clearfield, Pa. 1870. QLOTIIING1 CLOTIIIN6II C00D AND CETP !!! Men, Youths and Boysean betuplpied with ful suits of seasonable and lasnionaDie doming a I. L. REIZENSTEIN'S, where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced him to increase his s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, Sells goods at a very small profit, for cash; His goods are well mad. and fsshienabl.. H. gives every one the worth of bis money. He treats his oustomers all alike. He sells cheaper than every body else. His store is conveniently situated. He having purchased his stoc!: it reduced prices he can sell cheaper tl an others. For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at I. L. REIZENSTEIN'S. Produce of every kind taken at the highest marcei prices. aaay i, io LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. BiWes and Miscellaneous Pooks; Sheet Masie for Piano, Flute and Tiolin ; Blank Account and Pass Boohs, of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment. Exemption and Promisory S otes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap and Bill eap, etc., Will ke sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. GAUL IN, At the Post office, en Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May S, 1969 O ALT? SALT: A prime article of crourd a IO nm salt, potup la patent sacss. fersaleeaea at the (tei. of R. MOSSOr. GTOP CHEWING TOBACCO. Save your money and restore your health, by using Dr. Byrn's Antidote for Tobacco. This Is not a substitute but a cure for Smoking. Chewing and Snuff -taking. Few persons are aware of the terrible effects of the noxious weed on the human system. Dyspepsia, headache, diseasoof tbe liver, sallow complexion, eostireness of the bowels, loss of memory, and other diseases, are tbe afflictions brought en by its use. Tbe Antidote is purely vegetable and harmless. It acts as a tonic on tbe system, purifies the blood, and enables a person to digest the heartiest food. Samples sent free tor 50 cts. S3perdosen. Address M J YARNELL, 8 Cannon Kt., N. Y. Nov. 23. :70-3m. WEST BRANII RESTAURANT AND Ladies' Oyster Saloon, OK SECOKD ST.. BCLOW MARKET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Constantly kept cn hand a selected assortment ol Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco. Ac. Also fresh Oysters received datly, and for sale by the doien or hundred. J. M. MACOMBER. Oct. 12.'70. Proprietor. WEAYIN G! Mrs. R. CALDWELL, Having engaged in tbe WEAVING BUSINESS, at her residence near Logan's Mill, desires to in form her friends and the public, that she has now and will keep constantly on band, a well selected stock ot COTTON, WOOLEN and HEMP WARPS. and is prepared to furnish to order Carpet ready made, or warp and weaving. weaving 01 an kinds done to order. If desired she can furnish cotton warp of all kiuds for linen or woolen fill ing, wool and rags taken in exchange. Address, MBS. 11. UALUn tLL, Oct 1 2. '70-1 y. Curwensville. Pa. SAWS! SAWS!! DISTOX. CROSS CUT. MILL. DRAG. APIi U1KUUL.AK SAWS. LIGHTNING SAWS PATENT PFRFORATED. ELECTRIC SAWS, And DISIUN'S SAWS or all kinds, for sal. by H.'F. B1GLER A CO. II. F. BIGLER & CO., DEALERS lH HARDWARE, AND MAMCFACTCBEBS Of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD, PA. FAIRBANKS'" STANDARD SCALES, OP ALL KIND... ALSO, Eagjage Earrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Presses, Improved Money'Drawers, Ac, roa SALE ST II. F. BIGLER k CO., Dealers in Hardware, March 18 Cleabtield. Pa. 1870. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD CHOPPEP.S' AXE, Manufactured expressly for the CLEARFIELD TRADE, for sale by H. F. BI-iLEK A CO. FRUIT CAN, Manufactured from best charcoftl tin. Grooved and soldered on outside, WARRANTED. ALSO,GLASS FRtflT JARS'f for Sale by H. F. BIGLER A CO. . COOK STOVES SPEAR S CALORlFld S USQ UEIIA XNA , SUPERIOR, GOV. PElflfi REGULATOR, NOBLE COOK, NATIONAL RANGE, Sfc, 4c, And all kinds of HE A TING STOVES, On band and for sale by H. F. BIGLER & CO., SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. August 3. 1870. TIKC and White Lining Skins, and Roar fkins J at 11. DiuLr.lt A UU 5. rpHIMBLE'SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag- 1 ons, lor sale oy u. t . uitlLt.ll CO TRONi IRON!! Best har iron. for sale at the X. store of H. F. BIGLER A CO. CJTOVESof all sorts and sizes, constantly on U hand at II. F. EKJLEK A CO S tABLE CnAISS a good article, on hand and V torsaie oy a. r. KIULtlt A UO. JJORSE-SHOES, and horse-nails, to be had at . if. F. BIGLER A CO S. C ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars Ac, for sale at U. F. BIGLER A CU'S. GrUXS; Pistols and sword canes to be had at II P. BIGLER A CO S. H ARNESS. Trims lings, and Shoe-finding, for sale at a. W. B1UL.E.UV w s. vIL, Putty. Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at March '70. H F, BIGLER A CO'S. NEW LAMPS. Perkins A House's Non-Explosive Lamp a new article just received and for sale by HARRT F. BIGLER A CO s IXTT-FIVI FIRST PRIZB MEDALS AWARDED. THE GREAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OP GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments bave been before tbe pabiic for nearly thirty years ud upon their excellence alone attained an unpurchased pre-eo.inence, which pronounces mem unequaiea. xneir TONE combines great power, sweetnes and fine singing quality, as well as great purity of Intonation.and sweetnes. uirougmrut iu. euur. scat., x aeir TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from tbe stiffness fornd ia so many Pianos. IN WORKMANSHIP they are nnequaled, using cone but the very best seasoned material, the large capital employed in our business enabling us to keep continually an immense sioca oi lumoer, so., oa nana. tr aii our square nanos nave our new im proved Overstrung bcale and the Agraffe Treble. CP" We would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS; Patented AoenH U. lsGfi. which bring in. moo nearer periccuon man nas yec oeen at tained. Every Piano fully warranted far 5 years. no nave maae arrangements ior tuo sole wno'e- sule airency for the mest Celebrated PARLOR OP GANS and MELODEANS. which we offer Whole sale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prices. WILLIAM KNABE A CO., ft.pt 3l.'7 Am Baltimore, Md. i, i871. H. F. K A- U G L K WATCH KAKS&, GRAHAM'S BOW, CLEARFJELl. Thanndarsfirned reiraaetfullT informs hU old customers and the publie. that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new aaamons,ia large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day end thirty-hour apriDg and Weight, sad Levers, Time, Strike aad Alarm clocss. If A VflTfRS m. Una uurlmant.o (silver Unnt- L"j&xf1I"sr rio" pUnt UT," pUin GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, of the I best quality - Also, in silver extension and desk . Bolder SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full set. A LSO, a fine assortment of Spoons. Porks, but ter knives.eto., plated on genuine Alabata. ALSO, Hair Jewelry .with pore gold mounting got up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted. A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2sth. looa. H. F. NAUGLE. a. L. BEKD. a. r. Boor J.r.WEAVKK NOTICE.' JONES, W.BETTS FOWCLL, CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors. would respectfully inform the citizens of the county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, nth the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to exeoute all orders In their line of business, such as Flooring, Weatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. Tbey have a large stock of dry lumber on hand. and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-half inch punnet plank preferred (Nov '7. JJEW SPRING STOCK! J. SIIAW k SON. Have just returned from the east and are now opening an entire new stock of goods ia the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they bow offer te the publie at th. lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment ot Dry Goods, Groceries, Que.nsware, Hardware. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps," Bonnets, Dress S oeds, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc., in fact, everything usually kept ia a retail store can be had by calling at this store, er will be procured fo order. Their steel; is well selected, and consists of the newest goods', it of the best quality, of the latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchanged for apv'VoTcd country produce. Be sure and eafl and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determined Mease all who may favor us with their custom. MayS, 18(17. J. SHAW A SON. F URNITURE ROOMS J OHM tit'ELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shot) and increased his facilities for manutacturins;. h. is n.w prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for ea.h. He mostly has on hand at tis -'Fui niture For his a varied assortment ei rurnrture, among which is BUREAUS AXD SIDEBOARDS. Wardrobes and Book-eases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen ny-Jjind and other .Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KISDS. VTORK-STASDS, HAT RACKS, WASH STA.XPS, Ac Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on blind, and new g !! fcr old frames, which will be put i& n very r.'.sonable terms, es.nort notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair, Corn-busk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFF1), OF EVERY KI'D, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Uenrse. whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash er exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable lor tbe bnsi ne5S. taken in exchange for furuiture. Hemember the sbcp is on Mantel street. Clear field, and nearly opposite tbe "Old Jew btore." December 4. ISfil JOHN G Fl.lt H. P. T. I. DR. ROVER'S PURE WEST BRANCH BITTERS A Pure. Pleasant. Safe and ReliableTonio.com pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirits, free from fusil oil. or other irritating properties, and will not disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal virtue than any -bitters at present offered to the public IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite to promote Digestion to cure Dyspepsia to cure reierand Ague t cure Biliousness to cure Constipation to cur Chronic Diatrhea to cure Flatulence to cure Acid Eructations to cure Nervous Debility to cure Hypochondria tf. cure ballownese of tb Complexion to cure Pimples sad Blotches to core Ueaeial liebiuty ana rroetrauon o: id Physical Powers, IT HAS NO EQUAL TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED, SOLD EVERYWHERE, AT SI PER BOTTLI A literal difonnt to the trade. -..I MASCFACTUEEb EXCLCSIVELT BT A. I. S II A W, CLEARFIF.LD. PA., Dealer in Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye stuns, tins. rnint, varnisnes, Ac, ratent Medicines. Pore Wines and Liquors for medical purpw.es. Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all goods usually kept in a Drug Store, sold cheap. Having employed E. D.Snyder a gradusate in Pharmacy who speaks both English and Ger man, tbe under.iiii:d feels no hesitancy in ."ying that eustomerscan rely upon, having the pre; crip tions properly put up. A. L IHtv. Feb H, CCRWI5SVTXLE ADVERTISEMENTS EETHl TEETH!! . Extracted for 25 Cents. t wUh r Sitrous Oxvd flM Dd Local An.stbesia, (the only harutle. eScte.t austhertes now in use.) bv 8 J. JIay$. Surgeon DtntUt, Cunotnin.. p. Jenkins' btore, where he I, ;.red .n,!!! his customers in newly fitted up Rooms .77 their woik 1a the mort skilful L.dtiIik manner All work don. in ,h. U,.., 7 m0 approved styles, and guaranteed. Dr. Hays will be engagu in his office from tK. 1st to th. 23d of each month ; the b.lanV. of ... ' month, he will spend in Gl. H J ell and Luthersburg. alternately. P.iti'e. Tri.'ir.'; at a distance, should write to us rrevion. ri T' coming. Office hours, from A ta 1 1 -.il. . id from 1 to 5 o'clock. P. M. We use Done bat the verv K.f ...:- defy competition for beauty, oheapness a. 'd rability Give us a call. ' Cnrwensnlle. Pa , May 23, 1870 -febjy. cr e w . P O U N in Curwensville. D R The undersigned havinr entarrrf nership, in the FOUNDRY Bt'SI.VE 7. Curwensville would inform the publie thit"thev keep on hand, and will manufacture to order Plows, Cultivators, HRESIIIXG MACHINES, Stoves, etc., and every other description of articles general, made iu a ceuntry foundry. Terms reasonable. Old m.t.t t.k.n i. . change for work. A share of patronage Is respectfully solicit.. . . JACKSON RBrr, Feb.2V70-1y. JAJ1ES.V. WELCH. IIK1PER than the CHEAPEST. GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST RECEIVED BY ARNOLD &; HARTSH0RX, Curwensville, Pa. (One door West First Nat. Bank.) Having just returned from tbe Eat witt. . plete assortment ol Goods suitab'efnr tK. S...;., and Summer tra.le. weare now nrunared to fur. ciah all kinds of Goods CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." And after thankinz our customers fir iir n eral patronage during tbe past year, we wou.i ujuai n-pccuun; iti ior a eontisuane. of tL. aarcu. Our stock consists ci DR Y GOODS. NOTIONS. HARDWARE. O IT k K v -or ATI it WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. GROCERIES. a an r.t a. . ua HATS if CAPS. CLOTHING. CARPET? TOBACCOS. Et Also. Floor. Bacon. Salt, Firh. Grain, tc. Ac . )l of which will be sold on the most mnik terras. -nd th. hiehest market rrico uiid l Grain Wool and all kinds of lumber and country p 1 UU ULD. Please give us a call before purchasing sltevhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and pri e ARNOLD A HARTS.10RN. Cor. Main ThniEpsoti Sts. April 20, '76 Ocrw.csvillr , Pa. SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvin & Co., Being specially engaged ia the busincsr of lay ing and selling SQCARE TIMBER, would repre sent that they are Bow prepared to pnrsht.e tinu bcr,de!irortd at either Curwensriils. Lock Dsrea r At arietta, or will take it at any of tbue pcisu and sell on commission, making suck acrtssuM are accessary. These erg?ged ia getting out timber will fcj at our store in Curwensville, a very large Hook of SIAPLE GOODS, of all description. ALSO, FLOUR, . MEAT, RYE, OATS, cony, and everything necessary for use of Lncbanaea. RAFT ROPE, of all sixea.kept on ba&d Is large quantities, and sold at a small advance, by lis coil. Also, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL K0PE. As special inducements offered to tboe aianula turing Square Timber. E. A. IRVIN 1 CO Curw.nsvill.. Jan. 12. 1870 R E M 0 V A L . HAKTSWICK & IRWIX, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old an.l new eurt mere, that we bave removed our eitnbli.hn.eat K the new building just erected on Market iirj. nearly adj-in?ng the Mansion Hoiue on ibe and opposite Graham A Sons' ttore. where we re spectfully invite the publie to come and ba tt"r DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATEN t C INS, OILS. PAINTS AND VARNISHES, Our stock of Drugs and Medicines consist ol tbing used, selected with th. greatet care, am WARRANTED STRICTLY FIRE'. W. also keep alull stock of Dyes T":"'? Toilet artieles.Seaps. Teeth Brushes. ,r.l'ru"f es. Whitewash Brushes, and every oiker k.aa Brushes. We have a la' ge let of White Lead Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and in fast everythirg in the painting business, which we offer at ; prioes to cash ouycrs. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Confectionery. Spices, and the largest stock of -rieties ever offered in this place, and wans to be of the best the jkej dRT?WIcK. Dec 2.1 IBS. JOHN P. J R ?J2L CMPil KEY'S CELEBRATED Ctuj Free from all impurities again ' nf " H ket. Oroere left at the stores fll -1 Ml . i' ' A Son's, or Richard Mossop s will 'XZ prompt "vCEENSWARI Tea ..U.best ttjjJ-4 I ) siHW. at at