1, 1871. aftsraan'. Journal.: CLEARFIELD, PA., MAU.1, .871. To Ptos. To Insure the safe transmission of money by mail, patrons should remit by check -or money-order, or have their letters registered. A receipt will be enclosed in the first paper after jho money eomes to hand; - ' Penn' E. B Winter Arrangemerit A w.nTPum uefl Tyrone at 9.35 a m. Arrives at Osceola al : " Hiilipsburg at " Clearfield at : .Mail TrinleT;s Clearfield a' : Arrives at Philipsburg at Osceola at : : Tyrone at : Lock Haven at 11.15 a.m. 11 40 a. m. 12 40 p.m. 2.40 p m 3 48 p. in. 4 00 p. m. 5.35 p. m 12 25 p. m Accommodation Tram Leaves Clearlield at Arrives at Philipsburg at : : 7.00 A. : 9 1)0 a. 111 10.00 a. m. : 12 50 p. m. : 1 13 p. 01. 10 00 a in. : 1.03 p.m. : 2.03 p. m, 3.40 p. in. " isceoia " Intersection at " B.Tyrone at Coaves East Tyrone at : Arrives at Intersection at Osceola at : Philipsburg at o.DO p. m ' Close connections made at Tyrone with trains East and west on me iuaino 1.1110. JlEMGiors. Divine services will tc held uVxt Sabbath, in CIear6elJ, as follows: IU Hev. Hall, in St. Andrew's Episcopal church, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday tchoul at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Uy Hev. Butler, in the Presbyterian church, inrning and eveniug. Sabaath school at ' I P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o'eloi-k. 15y ltev. J. II. M'Cord, in the Methodist church, mornin? and evening. Sabbath .-chool at 0 A. M. Prayer meeting, every Thursday at 71 P. 31. Communion services First Sabb-ith of every month at 10 A. M. By Kev. 3Ir. Skinner, in the Baptist church, morning and evening, alternately. "Success," by Pomeroy, on Wednesday evening, 'March' 8th. Somewhat Annoying to have a liule -urchin raking around town and rinsing d.ur hells, in search of county officials. BitE.VK Up. On Sunday morning last", there was a general break up ol the ice in the river, caused by the inciting of the snow u:i Jer the mil l atmosphere of Friday and StiturJay previous. At. present tiie river is clear of ice, although the air is much colder than it was on Sunday. A Hale fcitow fell m Monday. . "The PlI.OKlM." The panorama of "'The Pilgrim" was on exhibition tliree nights, in this pl.ice, last vreek. All the paintings are go'id, and some of them mag nificent. The attendance, at the tevera! exhibitions, was unusually huge, perhaps, from the fact that it was generally under stood that the proli's were to he divided ' with the Presbyterian Sunday School. The amount realized oil the occasion has n. t been stated, but. from the al tendance, ve presume it mut have been con.-iJeral e. Everybody should see "The Pilgrim." Fatal Accident. The follcwi.ig is from a correspondent at New Washington, lut as he does not give his name, we cannot vouch lor the correctness of the statements made : "It is with pain hat I announce the sud den death ot oiic ul' our 1110.-.I worthy citi lens, which oecumd in the fti'lowin inati .ncr: It appears that lr. Tobias 31 ark, and a number id f! Iters, were eniragcd in hauling tiuiLi-r in Bell town.lii). On Timrs day the Kith iu.-tar:t. (Fehruaiy), Mr. 31. drove to the top uf the hill and waited un til, as siippo cd, the "MiuLher" had ta k,-n his hitch .-eeuvely, when h stmed the tfaui down the hil! : but theliiti-h hfing in secure, pulled off the post, and the team da-hed down the hiil at a fearful rate. throw ing Mr. 31. auainst a tree and killing him instantly. 3Ir. 31. was 37 years, 7 months and 5 days old. and unman red." We are not in the habit of publishing communications, when not accompanied y the writer's name : but the minute particu lars in the above have Induced us to depart fi'Mii our rule in this instance, thinking the writer inadvertently omitted his signature. !' rrespomients should be particular in giv in,: th-jir names, not for publication but as an evidence of the truth of thoirfetaiesiier.fi - othorwi.-c theireommunieationsarethrown ftiide. We hope all will remember tins. T'emii of Col. J. P. Hoover. Below wo p'lblit-h a notice of the deaili'of Go!, linvtr, of Franklin, Pa., formerly a resi dent of Clearfield county. He was well known to many of our older citizens, and a luge eirele of ic-laiives still resile in this v..unty. He at one time represented the t'leariield district in the S;ate Senate. Col. II. was tV.i year? of age when he died, ill was a man highly respected by ail who knew him, and his loss is deeply iVgretted by the community in whieh he lived. The follow ing obituary notice is lYoai the ciiango (itizrrt : Vol. James P. Hoover, an old and respect ed citizen of thi- city, whose name is t'auu!-i-ir to die old citizens of the county, and of Wcsteta Pennsylvania. died at his rvsideuea. in this city, on Saturday morning, Feb. 4;h, 17!. posing away calmly and peace! ally. Col. Hoover was born in Centre county, this State, in April 18'J2, and came to Ann Mronir county, (now Clarion.) and was niar r;. in l,H-ctti!er, 1S2'., to Elizabeth Clover, wis-- survives him. He move to this county IVimary r.'th. 1 ?,, sttid acted as the tir-t IVn'mnitary of the county, having received tj.e ijip iintment from Gov. Poller in i'w-i. The next fall he was elected to th? same of li.v. In Is 4 he was elected State Senator, I ei formed the duties devolving upon him in ::n able manner, gaining increased popularity with his constituents and tho re fpect and c nili donee of his fellow members of the Senate. In ISjI ho was appointed s Cliector f Tolls at IKdlidavsiurg, by the Board of Canal Com!uis:-i.nirs, and Krve 1 in (hat position for five years. After tin. discovery of oil, Col. Hoover entered the business, and was the pioneer oil operator of this section of the oil regions, the first developments on the Allegheny riv er being made by him in IS.)1.', m v. hut is now known as the Hoover Farm, hx ated to miles below this citv. Since that time he continued in the oil business until about a year ago, when his health bjciuie very delicate. Having passed a useful and honorable li.'c. extending over a period. of sixty eight years. Col. Hoover has passed away. While living he was honored and respected by men, and now that he is no more, all will cherish End honor his memory. He leaves a wife and five children, three eons and two daughters, all of whom are inarried. and a large cirele of relatives and Irk-uds to mourn his death. The funeral took place from his late resi dence, on 3Ionday afternoon. The tinmh ler.of Myrtle Lodge, No. 31J, A. Y. 31., f,f which he was a member, attended the funeral in a hotly. A large number of citi zens aho followed hib remains to their last lttng place. Come and hear "Brick Pomeroy lecture on Success, on Wednesday evening," 3iarch 8th, in the Court House, Akthur's Lady's Home Magazine, is a high toned and brilliant ladies' compan ion, combining many excellent and interest ing, as well as instructive features. It grows better as it grows older. Price $2 a year. Address T. S. Arthur & Sons, Phil adelphia. The Children's Hour is a sprightly lit tle monthly for the little ones, with numer ous fine illustrations. The reading matter is excellent, and is designed for the amuse ment and instruction of children, and is a great favorite with them. I'riee $1.25 a in a , SCI., .year. Address i. a. Artnur Jt oous, ruii- adclphia. ,. , Odd Fellows' Celebration. The members of Magnolia Lodge, No. 602, Phillipsburg, P.-u, with a goodly number of members from Clearfield and Osceola Lodges, celebrated the 22d at Philipsburg. A grand dress parade, several addresses, and a'sup1 per, constituted the proceedings of the day. Everything passed off to the entire talis lactiou of ail who participated. Lecture by "Brick" Pomeroy, on the subject of Success, on Wednesday evening, .March 6th, ls71, in the Court House at ClesuQdd. The Committee after much ef fort have succeeded in securing .Mr. Poaie roy to lecture on the above evening. Wo feel satisfied from the great popularity of the man, and the signiGcance of the subject of the lecture that all who possibly can will avail themselves of the splendid jiterary least thus offered. The aged will be remin ded of incidents in the path of life long since forgoitcn. Thoe grown to manhood and in the prime of life will hear golden words oi instruction by which their future wiil be made .successful and useful. The young and rising general ion will Hnd in him and his teachins the lesson in life which will guide them to the goal of popularity, hap piness and honor. Come and hear him and learn how to overcome obstacles in life Ktaudiug in the ptithway of an honest heart and unconijuer abie wiil to suocess. Nothing partisan or political will be referred to tut kind words of advice aiid couu-el to all. Don't forget the time, Wednesday even- i -.t V-,,,.n ,, KTI Xeclected Throat and Luxa Pisea ses. During the changeable seasons of fall and winter when Cough.-, and Colds aie so i prevalent, no person should be without borne j reliable preparation for their cure. They should recollect that a neglected Cough or Cold ireiptcutly terminates in Consumption. llisxojt's Coaqiovittl Syrup of T:r is the bes and most reliable uiticSe known for the cure of Coughs, Col Is, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Asthma. Chronic Catarrhs, and all di.-ea-.es of the Throat and Lungs. No fam ily should be uiihoiit it. It is i:o private "quack" preparation ; on the contrary, it is prescribed by some of the most eminent physicians in the coaiYlry. Pace 50 cents. For sale by Hartswick A; Irwin. Cieai field; and Druggists everywhere. U'cL. 22-12L To " HE Trade. I desire to call ths at tenthm of the trade to my stock of lake fish having, for the past thirteen yoais, made this branch of business a speciality. My stock, at this time, is the largest ever held in this city, I am prepared to fumi.-h deal ers, promptly, by the dray or car load, and have made arrangements for shipping by the car load, at special rates, from Betroit, Sas. dus!;y, Huron, Vermillion or Cleveland, and also from Pittsburgh, t j any poir.it, in J'onn.sylvauht or Ohio, as shippers -way with. I would also call th? attention ufdea lers to :i:y cxten.-ive assortment and stock of corn brooms, broom corn, and broom mate rials, a'l of which I can supply fit very low n.tes. J avis, Co.NNEit, Wholesale Grocer, No. 35". Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. i CLI. .. Jt. MARRIED. On Thursday, Feb. 23, by Rev. H. S. Butler. Mr. Washington- I. Clki.ky. and 31 ks Sarah A. Albert, bo:h cf Wood land. I?i Bi idi'port, on Thursday, Feb. 23, T.y Rev. W. ;. Ferguson, Mr. HiramL. CaLD WELL, of Curwensville, ar.d MissLbCRtriA A. i'uitl'ER, ol Pike township. BRICK FOR SALE. The undersigued has m a nil I'u ft u red and has now on hand for sale l.'iftJOOliUICK. whiab lie will tlr';? r ,.n reasonable torurs, in large or fiuall quantitiei, to suit pmchasera. J. A. ILRPE. LuthersbBrg. St-ptcinher 14. 1S70 Cm. rpO WATERMEN. The undersigned would respectfully inform the raftsmen of ClrarGel'l countv. t!it tie will n?nin. this SprltiR. open a ItfUUMN-.J HOt'.SE, AT FLL 1'ijN'S DLAb WATl.li. tor tboir accommodation. Raftsmen will find iHs a pooj pliico to stop, at no pains will be spared to lut-ke ibein cnnifortuble. U M,!iei!5 aoal ilrtou 1j is old fiicadi and cuito tuers Ctirne oic . cute :tl! i-eli.'; I Stp. WM M JOHN-Kt'. o PORTER SHAW. IX V. S. Ojp.-t in MASOyiC IU'ILDIXJ, Cl-EAHPIELn, I'X. Put:ini;of the N'AH'l; AL THETIi in a hoalthj. prosorvaiiva and u-nful cndi:io:i, is made a Hpteiatty. Piaci a ud m il lormationi common to the tuouth. jaw and iucicte jiarla are Iruated an 1 r.irrtetL-d with fair f.icejs Kxann .:fttioiis Rnd cansait.iTiiins FitLVj Prices fur parri ti and fail so:? of loeih CCH Lowtn thntt in 1S7I. It woul l be well for patients from a tlij'.anee to let mo know, by ua.l. a few da;3 bifore coining to the oliioe. It is very important that children bntwrcn the tijea of ix and tweivo jcars should haya their Ueth r.xtvuitT) Uy At;e-chtsia tte:ii are exiraeteJ wimocr pain. February li. lS71-tf n E N T A L C A R !. 17 DR. A. M. HILLS, Wuuld say to his patienW and the public goner aMy ihat having dissolved partnership with lr. Sl.aw.he is now doing the entire work of his offlje himself, eo that ptiiienU need not fer bein put under the hands of any other operator. Having obtained a reduction if the patent oi the plato material. I am enabled to put up teeth Mt-t'H ruEAt-EB than formerly I al.-o have l'r. Stuck's patent process for working Rubber plates, which makes a much lighter, more elastic and ! stronger plate for the same amount of material. and polishes tne piate on botu sides, rendering it much more easily kept clean Special attention paid to the prese: vntion ol the natural teeth, and mil work guaranteed en tirely satisfactory to patient. Office at the old stand oppesita the Shaw House Office hours from 8 to 12. a. .. and I to 5. p. u Patients from a dislanee should notify me a tew days b. fore hand of their intention to come. - Always at home unless other notice appear in i both the c-juuty pap"' (Feb. IsTl-tt. N E W F I R 3.1 ! The firm of C. Kratier in the Dry Goods and Provision business will be known hereafter under the. naine of KUATZER & LYTLE. Thanking the publie for pant favors they hope for a continuance of the same. Clearfield, Feb. 8, IS71. N EW LOOT AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite the residence of II. It Swoope, Esq., CLEARriKin; Pa., Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinitv. that he bas opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L. Cuttle, as alaw office. and that he is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the manufacture of sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the host quality, always on band, liive him a eall. June 24. '64. SEW GOODS! FISH AND SAL T. JAMES CO N N O R , WHOLESALE GROCER., So. 3S5 LiBKHtr Stheet, Pittsbckoh, Fesx. LAKE FISH 7.S20 halt barrels Lake Herring, 5.218 quarter barrels do , 1 OSC half barrels No 1 White Fish. 30(1 bait barrels No 1 Pickerel. For sale by James Cosson. Wholesale Grcctr, Ko. 35j Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. BKOOMS 9j0 duzen Brooms, assorted in store and for sate by Jas Coxnok, Wholesale Grocer, No. 355 Liberty street. Fob. 8. ;71 -at. THE GREAT PRESERVER OF HEALTH! Perforated B U KSKLN" UXDERti ABMENTS, For Ladies and Gentlemen. A sure cure for Rheumatism. A preventive of Colds. For s-ile by C. KRATZER i: SONS, Iec 2i. Clearfield, Pa. 3m. CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Stone and Earthenware, of every description. Fishers' Patent Airtifiht Self-sealing Fruit Cans. BUTTER CROCKS WITH LIPS. PICKLE and APPLE BUTT I'll CROCKS CREAM AND MILK '.'ROCKS. STEW POTS, FLOWER POTS. PIE DISHES, and a good many other things tuo numer ous to mention, at the STOXE-WARE POTTERY OF F. LEITZIXGER, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, CLEAR1TELD, PA, Aug. 3, '70-tf. WATCHES AN!) JEWELRY I would respec'fully announce to citizens o Clearfield and vicinity, that 1 will open on 'I tiurs day. Deo 22d in the new room. first door belon th Mansion House, on Second street, with an en tire new stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Jewelry, of the latest styles and of thn best finish, selected with rare and I hope good taste. I will have au assortment front all the latest r.ovelties in jewel ry suitable for tbo Holidays. Thankful for jour past liberal patron -130 I hope by strict attention to biiMnc.s to merit a continuance of the kiltie. r-IIAIlt JEWELKV ilADli TO OKf'I'.K. leo. 14. lS7t)-tf S. I. SXYIlKR. TN THK COURT of Common l'leas of Clearlield County, I'd. : JllMlMA I'.kTTKKSCa, y vs. ', Jamks Vilson and V XUOMAK SMITH, I iC.47 March Torm, 1870 Domestic AltcUnictil. Garnishee J The undersigned Trutees, appointed by the Court of Common Ples of Clearlield County, ac cording to Act of Assembly, hereby give notice that thevappointTUFRSDAY, the SIXVI'KSTJl DAY OF MAltCH. A. 1.. 1S71. at Clearfield Uor on.h. to receive the proofs of the several credit ors of the ab-jvc name! James Wilson, aud to dc tcrmino upon the same, and iiereby require all porsons holding any stttns of money or other property due tno said James Wilson, to deliver the Suuio to the 'l'tiulecs. nrN'UTSWAK. D. V. M-t I'UDY, X. II. ilUKKAY. Feb. 2. '71. Trus cc. u s T IN T I M E ! TflK KEW GOODS AT A. K. W R I G II T & CLE All FIELD. PA. Having just i etumed from the enstern cities' wa are now opening a full stocit of seasonable goods- at our rooms on Second street, to whieh they respeetfully inviie the atteution ot the pub lie generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very lew for ctsh. The stock consists in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such as Prints. Delaines, Alpa cas. Merinos (iin:hiunf : Muslins, bleached and nnblear-hcd : DriHrnsrs Tiekincs. cotton and wool Flannels. Cassimers Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nn- bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals, 4c . J call of wHch will be sold low ron cash. Also, a fine assortment of the best of MEMS' It A R consisting of Drawers and fhirts, Tlats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, llandkerchieftl oravats, etc. Also. Raft Rope, Dog Rope. Raltina Angurs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and cLimDeys, etc., etc. Also, Quepnswarr.Glassvrare. Hardwaro.O roce riej. and spieesof nl! kinds In short, a general r.ssorlniei.l f.f every r'uins usnally kept in a retail store, 'ill chrau fur catlt, or approved country pr nio Nov. 2-t-inl P-r.ol t. WRIGHT A SONS, Trieniiia! Assessment Appeals. NOTICE is hereby giv.-n that the County Cnm inissioncrs of .e.irticlil County, v. i:i meet the tax payers at the folio win;; named places, for the purpose ot hearing ond determining appeals on the Triennial Asscvvuient of IS71. Tho hours of hearing ili be. at each place, between 9 o'clocK, A M , and 4 o'clock, P. M. Lumber City, at the pubiid School House, on Thursday Ma'rou 21. Fcrjuroa. at tho tlsctien House, on Fiidjy, Mi roll 3d. Knox, at the Tttriicy Hill School House .on Sat urday. March 4th. Huston, at the public house of Geo. E. ".check er, on Monday. Mi.rch 6th. Vnion, at the s.ore house of D. B. Brubakr, on Tuesday, March 7th. Brady, at tho public house of Wm. Schwemni, on Wednesday, .vKrch sth. tlii'im , at tne house of A. S. Holdeu, on Thurs day. Mareb 9.h Perm at bef ublic house of Flynn & Lemon, on F'riday, Marcn lOih Curweissviite ani Pike, at the Election House in Curwensville on Saturday. March 1 1th. Clearfield and Lawrence, at the Commissioners.' Office, on Tuesday March 14th. Notice is therefore horeby given to the Asses tors of the several boroughs and townships, that they be present with the Board. -in their respec tive districts, as well as all persons who may feel tbeuiKlves aggrieved. A general appeal will 1 3 be d at the Commissioners' Olnce.on the 15th. 16th and 17th duvs of March. af;er which no appeals will be held Tbe Assessor is required to five each taxable a notice ot the amount with which he is assessed, at least five days before the day of Appeal. P. H. SH AFFNFR, S H H IN' DM AN, DAVID Bl'Ck. Commissioners. Cohu'rs Offici Clearfield, I' . Jan. 2 i, 71. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES LEVER FI.EOAL, Esq - Trensurer of the County of Clearfield, in the Commonwealth of Peso sylvania. in account wrth funds of said County from the 3rd day of January, A. D. , 1678, to the 20th day of January, A. D., 1871 DIBTGB. To balance due county last settlement, $2,759 49 To amount due from collectors last eei- lleuaent. County, To amount due from collectors laft sct- 2:074 7 tlement. State. 72 81 1.44 43 8,512 41 2d.7t'2 Jrl 1.257 70 103 62 To am't due from unseated lands. To am't ass'd on unseated lands for '70. To am't ass'd on seated lands lor '"!. co. To am't ass'd on unse d lands for '70. St. To am't due from ;o!'rs returns for '7rt. To additional in Beeearia, LV.I, Huston and Knot. 42 71 To am't of Prison bonds issuarf. i : For pureha- e of lot, S,400 06 F or erection of prison. 10,000 00 16,400 00 To fine and costs on Coulters. 13S 00 To ah from Sheriff Howe, for Bennett. 30 80 Toeash from Sanvl Arnold, for Bennett, To cash from old furnaces, Toeash from old Pavement, To cah from old county maps. To cash from rent of prison lot, Redemption ol lands, vi To redemption on Walburn house and lot, Biady, , 63 To redemption on M'Pherson, 50 J40 00 9 24 23 00 12 00 1)0 To redemption on King,H5 aeres, ToBr"d"m;Uo onGe.n.U, 20 acs. To redemption Osceola Coal Co., 18 75 3 15 90 00 26 90 10 30 54 36 Decatur, To redemption on Kremer 740 acre. Braay, T11 r,tuintinn on o- 1097, 66 aciej, lirady , ... To redemption on Beyers, 100 a- crea, Beeearia, T9 redemption oa Trude, 100 - cres. PiUe. , inn . To redemption on fcmeal. 100 a cres, Bradford, , To redemption on Bra4y. cres, Lawrence. . To redemption on Morgn.6aaej, Decatur. ' . ..... To redemption on Martin,I00 ae, 1 46 2 25 253 67 Jordan. , To am't received as jury ft To ain't of fines colleetod. To Com'lth custa refunded, T'jUl, 36 110 105 00 5 00 399 67 ' r7.a2 43 , rwrniTOR J .'.7 7 2j -ill 7i 2n oa S 2i 100 (M! m j on loU t'J H asfesors w t' '"" liy assessors wages tor 1 nissnrs as-is'ains f " 11; 1. It'v sisuicuts re;. fr Is,u Dy ."Igriculturat Soci'y, By Auditors and cierfc, liy LonaJic Asylum. By Atuirney's fees, vis : II . B. Swoope, John H Orvis, .1. 15. M'Knally . T. J. M'Collouch, V. M. M'Culloush, T. II Xlurray, Isrcal Test. itno 03 100 00 loo 00 125 00 iO '0 i no a D3 S5 233 50 150 123 76 hO 50 14D 3fi 10 32 63 425 By District Attorney. By Att'y lor Coii.uiitsicnen, Valtace, By bridges. By court crier, Hy cuit rejtortor. By constables returns, Ilv Ci, roners lees. By census septiennif l expenses, By Commissioner s CtSca, v: OtbelloSliivad. Samuel 11 Shaffner. Samuel H Hiuviman, David Buck. By Clvrt-k. . B. (Jondlauder, By Court lloute. vis ; Repairs, Fuel. Painting. Pavement, (new), Furnaces, Matting, Chairs, :i'19 00 342 all 97 iO 1.039 00 1,000 00 J 1.2513 50 1.0h2 35 ft7 40 Iflil 45 2110 HO 99 00 8,786 63 ROAD. FUND TOR 1870. LEVEU FLFiAIj. Esq., Treasurer of Clefrrfield county, in tho Commonwealth of Penusylva.. account with the fund's of the several townships iu said county (or A I). 1SS7J. PKBTOR. To uncol'd b-il. due tp's last eettl't. 5I,6 611 To cb bal. in Tr's hand last eettl't. 12a SO To aps am't of tax assessed for 1S7. 8 8a b9 Toadd'l in Beeearia. Bell. Huston 4 Knox, 47 2n T..... I ,,v.ri,i'i.l in Dccallir 1- rlll, 10 l Total, tG.007 10 STS-TEMISNT ROAD FUXD HJ DETAIL. To bal due To amount .rrrcit J'T TOWSiurs. January assessed "oU,,t Trea's 1S70. for 1S70. percent Bee aria, Bell. Bloom, Boggs. Lradi'orJ, Brady. Btirnside, (best, Cdiirln, Decatur, Fergiisou, (iirard, tioshen. Crab ,m. tueiich, Huston, Jordan, Kartbaus, knox. Lawrence, Morris, I'enn, Pino. I'liinn. Woodward, Total. :4; 76 S57 3j 273 OS : 2iS 04 2!6 12 951 54 : 313 :tn ; 7-ti 02 610 32 "724 92 104 54 : 727 30 YS3 2 513 5t itl 42 4C91 90 tit ,4s.t 2 51:' ,'H $291 41 : 431 31 12.'. H7 : 142 59 : 108 23 ! 450 72 159 15 342 75 : K.)5 9.1 312 31 44 29 356 S-l 32 311 : 226 1 0 ; 192 21 , 2(179 l6 r,9 St 2.'.9 31 279 70 42 i SU filA 10 240 75 156 77 .til 10 436 11 SS57 SO S i ftfi 79 92 ttti 56 3 '5 60 no 902 OS 17946 H'i SCHOOL riTND I'OR IS70. T EVER FLEGAL T.-n.. Treasurer of Clearfield county, in tho Commonweal:h of Penasylvania ....,uu: with the luudsof the several School District iu said couu:y for A. D. 1S79 nenroR. i. s Tra hands. Jan. :70. Salt M n-" .. ' " u....;.,i h:.! last settlement. 24.202 22 To ain't ass'd on unseated lands for '70, 11.607 77 Toadd'l in Beeearia, Bell. Huston 4 Knox, 63 0a To am't overpaid in Boggsi Woodward. 192 3a Tot.', AHP STATSIISNT O? SCHOOL, FUND TJ D2T AEC. To bal lue To alnount : January : asses-ed . Aggregate amount : TrfWSSHIKS. 1S70. fur 4870 Beeearia, Bell, Bloom, Bog.s- Br.idtord, Brady. l'-urii?iile, 'Chert. t'ovins,ton, Decatur. Ferguson, (iirard, Goshen, tj rahiitu, i uclicb, Huston, ,Jt rd.nl, Karthaus, Knox. Lnwrcnce, Morris, Penn, Pike. I'nion. Woodward, SI 005 l i: $466 25 51512 35 : S'W 16 ,570 34 : SS32 12 . 55 42 fit! 29 1114 5S 646 93 177168: 33 43 7 94: IfluO 00 : 646 96' 83 35 347 12 161 93 : 512 05 10 31 7 '5 2!l 61 lrt4 93 : 37 85 757 50 370 73 : 1135 51 22 73 42 84 : 699 21 370 73 ; 433 60 I 194 81 H 41 l' 00 1.5 43 ; 300 17 I'.'l 81 105 60 1411 (ill : 450 72 1S6I SI 42 31 63 65 1187 30 45.1 72 117 81 fill 51 ' 31S :;0 962 81 7 19 33 550 to Si-S 3d 75 Is 1270 72 : 312 75 : 1622 47 .'W S3 : 17 22 ltlt'0 HO ilii 75 131 It (isit til 4.5S m i 111.5 .'. : 20 6.j 3 till I KO ; 4S 94 .. 6t CI ljSH 49 73 15 :. 2341 74 : 46 75 2.71 83 l.-Li 0.) : 753 IS 175 01 106 Oil 88 53 -: 19 5S ; S 18 . 8 54 75 00 S3 lA 9 2-s 9t.5 4.-, 63 8.5 ' 14(19 33 2i 36 - 0t 50J ti . 46.'! 85 : 387 CS 1450 91 496 t-9 1947 90 43 52 25 59 740 00 6 9J tit! 89 1181 II 339 15 1'20 25 5 3 133 00 . 703 60 " 239 15 o 7 71 653 49 "'26 76 0 25 19 60 60 00 326 76 S3 H9 Sd'tl 52 2J7 'ifl ' 5180 30 97 66 ' 2316 4i 2'HH 78 177 41 274 3) lis 92 . 393 25 8 23 21 32 : 209 00 :i 11.8 92 : 4 4 7S l;t 93 538 62 137 0 56 24 Vo 22 0 5.18 50 . 6:w f.2 : 2! 6 01 fc.!4 55 .. 313 61 12:10 56 25 02 52 50 7 700 00 i 366 PI 57 03 :2'J8 02 : 533 61 ;' l3l 63 38 94 : 13 40 985 62 : 533 61 2-' M 1177 t9 :: 873 00 2050 89 35 S.i 3 1 3 ' 1082 13 : 873 0'J 52 30 538 HO : 96 3ft 635 10 . 16 16 8 13 :: 500 0'1 96 3u : 14 51 557 85 : 203 SO ' 761 65 :i 16 73 37 77 : 419 59 7 203 80 ; 83 78 4-2 72 35! 10 H.'i'i 72 14 48 415 80 . Sal 00 :' 53 24 2021 46 : iio 9 4 : 2773 47 i; 60 64 ; 29(1 25 ' 1H55 65 : 566 94 2471)2 23 11(107 77 li 36577 93 745 13 1245 7H 196R3 45 11713 CHSIM .50 Total. BOUNTY. FUND FOR 170. PKBTOB. LEVER FLEG L. Fsq . Treasurer of Clearfield County iu account with the Bounty Funds of said county for the year A. D 1S70: To bal. due from coil's last settlement, $1,507 45 To am't due from uns d lauds for '6S-9, 8,468 69 To am't due from coJl's returns, - 111 50 To am't ass'd on seated duplicate for '70, 10.156 50 To am't ass'd on uns'd lands for 1870, 4,256 15 To additional in Beeearia, Jie-ll, Huston and Knox. 22 84 To balance due Treasurer Jan. 1S71. 3a 51 Total, ff8jy STATEMENT To -rrrate am t of bounty bonds issued, S-.70.335 00 By a-grc-ate ra't redeemed to Janua ry 1870. S229892 10 Dy aggregate amount redeemed du ring 1870, 14.277 90 By aggregate amount unredeemed January lo71, 19,165 00 270,33-i00 OF CLEARFIELD CO. FOR 1S70. By Commonwealth costs, vix: Com. vs. Anderson, Sla 61 29 10 22 !H 17 76 60 66 35 17 8 90 9 42 7 97 59 93 111 63 Com. vs. Agler, Com. vs. Brady, Com. vs. Coulter. Com. Ts (Joodlauder, Com. e. Henry, Com. vs. HunC Com. ts Jones, Com. vs. Linafelt, Com. vs. McCartney, Com. vi Boss -Com. vs. Harder and Xlueius, Com. s. Siiiipeon. Cfciu. vs. V, i,onr, Misc'jllaneona. By election expenses for 1S78, By inquest foes. By interest on bonds, By janitors wages. By jurors wages, vis : 154 75 75 71 9 K6 14 05 796 74 b7S 91 103 59 27 64 160 04 dranu, Travis, 7Sl 40 3,124 94 4.206 34 124 00 48 09 70 P0 45 75 By boarding jcrors i capital csst)S, By justices fees. By jury commisbioners and clerk, By miscellaneous, By county prison, (oldj, via : Repairs. 5205 3J Phyiieians and medicine. 100 Oil Clothing & washing for piijr's.l 2 31 Fuel, 150 57 By county prison, (new), via : Am't paid Architect, "0 Atu t paid tor stone. 1.126 75 m't pd priut'g jspeeif-JatiouJ, 32 75 By Penitentiary. By printing, vixt S J. ltow. 231 00 (1. B. (ioodlander. al By Prothouotnry's fees. By postage aud telegrams, By refunds. By removing obstructions iu river, By road damages, i' By road views. By records, vix : Protbonotary's ofluce 91 25 Register an I Uecordor's office, 40 00 Commissioner's office, 16 UJ 'By Indexing records. By registry law expenses, tu : Amount p.iid registers, 572 00 Am't paid for blanks & priut'g 144 00 By stationery By Sta'e road, (Karthaus). By Fox. Wild-cat A Wolf scalps. By am't paid Superintendent of Com mon -chools. as per act of April. ISi7, for incidental expenses of Teacher' Ir.s:itute f ir liTtl, By Slicritr.i fees tor 1S70, hy tipstaves, By prison iot bonds cnrel'cd, l..i?3 08 58 25 1.659 50 ii o4 736 00 3S2 05 44 90 15 fcS 233 5 215 l' 279 90 152 25 5SJ 00 716 0 116 17 99 no 133 2 J 75 5') 1.3 19 40 2H 9- 11.511 O 4.9'"t0 00 l.-u C' 852 41 il prison Imilliii' b-juds iC.l'Oii tJ Hy prison lot bo:,Js rjiieem.l. By prison lot coupons redeemed. Hy am't due from uuset-t-l l;imt fcr 70. By am't due O room. l.ih,cer J; Co,'6s), 4 S2 Uy txonerutiutis te coU ' du oounty, 1,-I3 2 ! By axoncraiions to coil's on state. 47 12 By exonerations to individuals. 9" 61 By abatement allowed tax payers on co , 25 74 By abatement allowed tax payorsou State 51 24 By State Treasurers receipt. 1,200 0 1 By am't due from collectors returns, Ju-'t 82 By exonerations on unseated lauds. 44S 45 By exonerations on lands sold to county. 124 IS By cost of advertiinj; and deeds to oiuuty, l' U7 By overcharge in Burnuide duplicate. i::o no liy Tre.i s per cent, on SI7.O40 00 ut ;i, By 'i'rta'e per cent, on SI I 4nl 00 at 3. By Trea's percent, on i'22. 11 4itat 1 i, By balance due county by Trcas i ical, fc77 on 312 03 3.10 46 12.0J4 22 Tetal, S!i",'J92 43 PBOBABLE ORDISAltY EXPENSES FOP. 1371. To estimated ordinary exji's for '71. $25,350 00 To exonerations to coll s A uns d lands, 1.2i7 51) To abuteuient allowed tax payers. I,fl2) 00 To collectors uud lieas J er cciitno, B20 01 Total. 25.4'7 50 By am't due from unsaatei lands. By am't due from collectors returns, By deticicaey for 1S71. Total, 5a 51 2 41 s2 19 SI 27 S2S.45; 0 CRRDITUB. By ensh b:1 1. in Troas. bauds. Jan. 7 By am't of uncollected taxes. By county Ireasurar's per centnga, exonet alions on uuea-'ed l inus, By Supervisors orders rodocnied, Total. I, S2 932 IS .905 .'.12 in ers 77 12 9S3 65 ?iXn7i7 K) By ex'rs By Sup'rs ; By auiou't By cash in on uns d orders re Lands. . deemed . u ncollect- Treas'rs ed. Lauds SSril 07 16 43 77 56 .; 422 OS : S3I6 37 fc $31 69 121H 49 ! 25 73 : 6 12 7W3 00 : 439 II - 32 53 400' 55 ! 8 21 ' 5 65 214 0(1 12o S7 45 r2 400 63 ' 7 74 16 4S ': 32 142 59 27 'JO 321 35 ': 6 4S : II 53 :. 103 92 llW 23 l 34 14 14112 25 2S 55 42 53 '. Silo oil : 450 72 SO 49 477 45 ! 55 1S7 61 ii 1j9 15 :; 121 09 D-7 77 22 33 - 49 75 : 395 (10 342 74 277 S2 916 31 : is :!1 : 2 06 : 460 00 :; 30:. t ; uj iJ5 1067 2" 21 75 ' 125 82 a.SS Ot) 342 31 j MS 83 : 3 13 -r 15 26 4S !; 44 -2t :: 10 47 104 11 21 61 " 15 42 403 15 s 356 HI : 2S7 12 1165 46 23 50 : 13 91 : 3.55.00 :; 3S2 30 390 j 7:i9 64 15 40 ! 60 00 3.2 45 :! a26 in a5 576 63 i II 53 320 00 i- 192 21 : 41 89 612 92 i 122 77 632 41 2092 02 ; 334 65 IS9 OH 3 90 ; 12 54 SI 00 :! 69 SI :, 32 CO 753 13 14 al " 13 44 358 61 ;; 2i9 31 97 26 8ii 4S 15 58 85 00 64 12 ; 281 ?J ' 4 6s 12S9 75 : 25 C9 7 44 769 96 ; 426 89 : Z4 57 1405 i'2 ii 41 '. 5 2t 3-0 0(1 - 65 10 - 352 27 672 .11 9 91 5 I'O 3IS CO r 240 75 4ii 37 : 9 17 20 16 42 76 ; 1j6 77 233 51 101(1 70 ' 20 69 4711 00 i 357 10 ; 19S 91 133S 19 : 27 Otf 131 94 712 66 : 34 II : 30 42 2.5996 95 512 19 ' 673 77 12ts3 65 : J3Ui 06 "! 2932 43 I " CREDITHR. By cash bal. in Treas. hand , Jan. VI, S3.1M0 50 11.713 u6 By am't of amolfected tax. By am't of District Treas. receipts. 19 6S3 45 1.245 79 745 13 S36.577 93 By exoneratioas on unseated lands. By county Treasuier's per ceutage, Total, By By exr s on L. ts. Lands. By Cash paid Dist. Treasury. Trea's per cent By am't uncnllee'd By Cash on hand carritToa. By am't daeTrras. !--- .eIt:orDal. "2S 73 By am't due from uns'd l;m.'.s for 1S70 4.2.6 li Bv am't due from lirooiu. Lilnncr A Ca, 17 46 P-y ttbatemtnts allowed ludividua's, By exonerations allowed colle 'tors. Bv exonerations on land sold to county, By Treas. per cent on $9,765 93 at 2 By Treas per cent on $8,030 95 at 5 Bv exonerations on unseated lands. 491 55 570 44 6;i u7 195 32 401 55 255 57 591 65 By exonerations granted to individuals. By amount ot oonus reaeeinea. By amount of coupons redeemed. Total, 14.277 90 2.890 25 $2455864 IX DETAIL. To amouut of Bonds over due, $1,900 CO To ami due July 1871. ft 765 00 To am't due January 1372. 3 600 03 8,3a5 Oft Total am't redeemable during'71. 10,265 00 Total am't redeema'e July '72. 12 900 00 Total am'Vedeema'e July '73, 1,500 t)0 Total am't redeema'e July '75. 1.500 00 I5.90t Oil Total am't unredeemed Jan 1371, 26.165 00 - . -- . llEaOL'RCEa. To am't due from unseated lands. To am't due lrom collectors returns, To bal. doe Treas. Jan 1S7I. To deficiency to be raised by taxation. $4 256 15 111 0 , 35 il j 756 44 j ' -4 By bonds red'ble during '7I.$.0 ij 00 , . By interest on unrcd b.nds 1 arty 70 By exon ad Treas percent. 425 00 S 127259 70 $12,259 0 CERTIFICATES. Wk tm nnfl nrtii (nnrl Pnm m i innir nf tKa v m . . j w a viuaiaibiU) au vi v j v au ui a wai v vs. Pennsylvania, having met according to law, and having examined the several accounts and vouch ers of Lever Flegal, Ls , Tioasurer of said ooun ty for the year A. D.. Is70, do certify. that we find tb-m a set forth in the foregoing slatouiunt W'e find the amount due rite county from him to 6e t wclve thousand and tfcirty-four dollars and twelve cents. (S'2.134 12) The iim'.utit doe from uhseatel lands (or ciutity purposes is ei-ht thna sand. five hundred and tweive dollars and forty one ceuts,(iS 512 41). and tor bounty purposed four .thousand, two hundred and n;'ty-six duhars end fifteen cents. (? I. 2j6 Ioj 'I be aggregata amount of Bounty Bonds still unredeemed is twenty six lh'iui:iini, one hundred and sixty-rive dullars. ($23,165 90). The amount redeemable during- the year, ten thousand, two hundred and sixty five de!:a-. (S10 2-55 tili). The itounry Fund is indebted to the Treasurer in "he sum of Ibirty-five dol!-rs and Lay one cents, (35 51). We have no' outstanding taxe to re port this your. The chai.ge in tbe uioue of col lecting seems to work admirably iu ibis rjartioubir. Tbe inutey is all in the hauds of thu 1'rcasurer. where those who have cljiius against tbe cuuuty can get their cash The t reasurer ts iuiet:c 1 Jo the road fund in tho .-am of two thousiu.i nii.e hundred and tbirty-two dollars and lorty-t Lie cents. ( ?2 932 43). and to the .school fund in the sum of three thousand, one hundred and ninety doi larsand fifty cents. (3 19u 50). for both of which see tubular statements, thowinj the amount due each township for road purposes and the amount due the several school ditlricts. Witness our hands, at ClearSc!J, this CiU day of February, A. D. In7l pAMTEL II. SIIAFFNElt, Altest: 8 4.MCEL H. HIND.MAJ,, O. B. Uood'ander. DAVID ULCK. Cierk Commis. ieuers. We. the uudersigncd. Aitditurs of thu county of Clearno'd in tbe Oommor, wealth of Peuusyivania. having met at the Court House, in tbe boiouga of Cltartield, according to law. and having exum ined the several aceouuls and vouchers uf Lever Flegal, Esq. Treasurer ot said county, far the year A. D. !7ti. do ret ort that we Uud them as above stated. The balance in his bands due the county .appears to be twelve thousand and thirty four dollars ctiiJ t wclve ct nts. (5 1 2.0.I4 12). while tiie bonrity i"urd is lnil.-bie I to uim in the sum of th'iity-fivo doiljrsauJ Ct'ty-oiieccDt-t (555l) Hi i is indebted to tbe ro?d ixw i-i tho iu:n oi' two i thousniid.nino hun ire 1 r.r.d tuirty-t,ro oliurs nhi : t'irty-three cents. (52 932 i t; and the sehuol fund three thiiu.-.iii.l oik-hundicd aud u:ney u-jiirs a:id fifty cent-, (3. 190 5tt). In testimony whereof we h:ire hereunto set our hands, at Clearfield, this o.ii day ot Fet ru n , A . D. 1871 P. A i;ilV!,r: Attest ; G. B. Gocdlander, Clerk. Clearfield Feb 8. 1371-!t. J. D MILLKK. D. A. 5VbU Auditors, liiilMW OF' THE JOl'it.AL. The Raftsuan's Jolrsal is published on XV ea ML-sJay at S2.0U ynt annum in advance. If ao. paid at the beginning of the .car. S2 50 will ! e sharged. ami S3. 00 if cot paid before the close. AdhlKTISemknts wi'l be inserted at 1.50 pei square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cenyi will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers Xo subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un tillall arrearages are paid, except at tht option o the publisher. S. J. ROW. B FKKNCH KIP, FllKNCH CALF, $6 00 b 09 5 06 LllillT KIP, at C. ICilATZEiV;--. Opposite the Jail. Sep. 21. Io70. T KST AU R ANT.-Tlie well-k uo w n ' 'Goad; iu;m 8a!()(iii," one hqunre cast of tin" Xagte House." on Front St.. Marietta. Pa , h:: been leased by the utiilrined. where he will keen a first-class - itESTACK 4 NT AND CAFE.' tvat'ttuen will find il a convenient placets gut re treshments when in Marietta. Tbe most fastid ious at all times -Juti'sied. li. W. HLi-'KllUTHE. Marietta. Feb 2,'71-3inp. LMFORTEI) LIQU0KS, SCCH AS BR Ay DIES nnil HOLLA MD GIXS. 1' URE Ofn GRAPE li R A.DI ES, PURE OLD CAUIXET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WI.VES. All the above brands warranted pure and to excel anythiug in this m-'irkcr for medicinal pur pof in (ii'.O. X. COLBL'KX. March 36. '70-tf. Ptup r of Shaw House. rplIE WOXDKItFfJIs LIXIMKNT. This I,iiiiiuei,t having Locn tiS' 1, lur some years pRrt.a.i a fami'y nieuicine by the pro prietor, and its good effects cirmiug to'the notice of his neighbors, has. at their 6ii!?ostion. eon sented toiuanufncture it for tbo benefit of tho af flicted every whore. It is the best remedy fnr Ca arrh au l i'.Mlinus Chuiie. ever efiored to the public; and will cure many oilier diseases in tho human body. It is alv a sure cure for Pole evil and V iud-g.ills in horses Directions for its use accompany eacdi bottie. Prieo. SI per bottie. r six bolilcs for 55. Cent to art add rem bv enclos ing la price to VM il" W.VV'XKR JIurd Po.-tfii-e, Oct 6. 18!',9. Cli-arfielt eon, ty. Pa. Co-Part jicrshi in Store. C. A Borobangh having associated with him in the Mercantile busitiess. iu Lcwisville, Clear field county. Mr. C. R. McCracken, solicits a con tinuance of the patronage so generously extended heretofore Having just returned from the eastern cities their K'Cti eiubi aces a largo and varied assort ment of Dry Gocds, Groceries, Hardware. Queens ware, and in fact rietrrly everything u.a nlly kept in a country store, v. bich they will soil at prices to suit the times. Country producu taken in exchange for crond s C. A. KOROIlAl'iiH. May IS. "70. tf. C R MrCft ACKES M'PHERSON'S (formerly M Gaughey's.) itestaurant and Crcatn SIuon, IX LEAVY'S EW BLILDIXt), Second St., Clearfield, Fa. Ccn.-.an'iy kept cn Lr.r.d a Hr. ae'ec'uu of Cardies. Cigars. Tobarco. Nuts. Ae. Also Ircsh Oysters, received daily, i.r.d ccrrcd ip in ar.y style, to suit the t.-e of customers. A full stock of go-ids ju.t revived fro:n the "ait. 7.filiirl iitxluon in SconJ Story. Dec. I ;-'7o. v.'. R M PilKltOX. S H 0 n pi 1 j Vi 1 i li Ynr.D Sack err, Manufacturer of TLX, COPPER and SHEET IROX ITAllL (nearly opposite tbe jiil), MARKET STREET, CLEAtlFIELD, PA. f Iso, on hand and for sale "The Times" Cook Stove, the best in the world, And an asrottment of PARLOR and SITTING ll'JOM f-i'OVES, which will be aold cheaper tuau'theycan be pnrrtasod at any other establishment in tuo county. ALSO, ROQFIXG, SrOUTIXG and JOB WORK j done on reasonable terms. J April 6, 170. ' "ANXED FRI'lT. Canned Plums, Peachee J and canned ccrn, etc .for sale at the Drug i Store of A. I.fcHAW. R O SADALIS rpHE Oft EAT AMERICAN HEALTH X RESTORER, purine tie blood and O- cum .Scrofula. .-yphiiis.. skin Diseases. Kheu inarism. Diseases uf women and, all Chron ie Afiection of the Blood, Liver' and Kid ney. Recommended by the medical F'ac . uity and rcrij lhoueaads of our beat citi eue. J'ead the testimony of Physicians and pa- Stienrs who have useJ ltosadalis; send for our Uoeadalis Guide U- Uealth Book, or Al hanae for this year, which we pi blish for gmtuiious distributiun; it will .gire you much valuable information Dr. K. W. Carr, ol Haltiaiorei. says : I take pleasure in recominei ding your Rosadalis as a very powerfal alterativ. 1 have seen it used In two e.ises with happy results one in a case of secondary yphiii in which lb patient pronounced himself cured alter having taken five bottles of your medicine .The other is a case of scrof ula of lolig Ftanding. whieh is rapidly im proving under its ue, and the iudioationa are that ih patient will shod recover L have careful'y exsinioel fLe formula ly which' your Stosadalirt is made, and find it au excellent compound ot aUerative ingre dients It. r'pa-k. of Nicholas-ville. Ry..sayshe hns u.d hos.idalis it. cases cf Scrofula and rJecoiidnry Syphilis with satisfactory reseii as a cleaner of the Bload 1 know no bet ter remedy. Samuel . McFadden, Murfreeobwro', Tenn , snys : 1 bae usedasevn bottles, of Rosadalis. and am er.ri rely cured of Rh-euiatinn ; end me four bottles, aa I wi.-h U Tor ey beotter, who ha? scrofulous or eyes. J'o-.junin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have surlercd for twenty years with an in veterate eruption over my whole body ; a short tiino since 1 purchased a bottle of Ku ajiis and it eft'eeied ft jierfect cure Labratory, CI Exchange Place, Baltimore. A P S CLEMENTS, 4 CO , Proprietors. Knsaialis is sold by Hartswick & Irwin and A. t. Shaw. Cleaifie'id. D. U. Good, Osceola, and by Di:ij4-ists generally. (Auril 6.'70-lv BIGLER, .YOUNG & CO., (Successors to Boyuleii c- YtitHg'ft Cor. Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA., aiM.iacri.ULRs or STEAM liXGIXES, Mitlay a:id Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATKli WHEELS. EUAFTING. PULl ES, BOLTS, Sriiil ull kirals of Mil! work. STANLEY PARLOli STOVES, COOK STOVES, Ileiting Stove3, Sled Siiocs, Plcws, and oastings of all kind. IVKAI.ETIS IX 'iiffsfis' Injector, leam Gauges, Steaai Whietlul Oilers, Tallow Cuts Oil Cups, Gauge Cooks, Air Cocks. Globe Valves, Cheek Valves, W roujrht Iron Pipe, bteam Pump. Laiter Feed Puxn.s, Anti fri."o llet:il.", osp Stone Packia;, 6um Packing, Ac. are., Deceu-I er 14. lS70-f. A Great Medical Discovery ! Te. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS! Hundreds of thous ands bear "teAitaony t thir Wonderful Cu-rniive KUt-cU. W II A T A II E THEY! THEY A (i E XO T A VILE FANCY D II I N K, Mae of t'oor Ru'u. Whiskey Proof Spirits, and ltcf-ise Liquors, doctored, npiccd aud sweetened to please toe rtsie. called -Tonics,'1 ppetiiers.' -Kestorers '' &a .that lead the tipplron todrank .'in. ess aud ruin, bat ate a true Mcdioine made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free fioiu all Alcoholic Stimulant. They are the ireat lltood Purifier and a Lit'o t! ivinir Plinciple a perfect iteuovalor and luvignratorof the fytem c.rr.ving off ail poisoiiu'is matter aud restoring tiie blo-d to a hua'.hy oondition No person can take tbeso Uiitors acorJin t;- diroction and re main iof. unaeil. provided the b;nes are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means and tbe vitnl orpsns wasted Iwyood the point of repair. For luff mnituiy avi Chrimic Rhrtmntim ait't liot l)iipptu r In titration, lliltuius Re mittcMt and littrrmiltrut Frrm. f)iaw.i nf t" li'uoil. Ltrcr. Kidney ut4,l Rhvldrr. t'trse Bitters hav lirfi; nto.t ttirti's Oil . Such diseases are eaus f d by Titiated blood- whieh Is genera liy productd by derangement of the digestive orsrats. Dyspo sia or Indigcstiou hc-ulnehe. pain in tbe shoulders. onugb6 righiaeesof tbe chest, etiasiness, sour eructations of the stomach bad tastelo the m uth, biilious attaeks. palpitation of the heart. ii-Caicmation of the lungs, pain In the regions of the Kidneys and a hundred other paintul symp toms, are the off pringsof Dyspepsia '1 hey invigorate the stomach and srirmilate the torpid liver nnd bowels, whi-h render tlietn of uueiiu illed efficacy in cleansing the bleod of all tu. purities, and imparling coa life and vigor to ifcc whole .3 sua. lliiius. Remittent anJ Intrrmittot Fevers. I nhich are so prevalent in the. valleys of our great rivers tUrouhout tho I nited State's, cipecially those of the Mtssia-ippi, Missurt. ltiiuois, feu-ne3.-ee. Atubaaia. t-HVi.iinah. Kiwinoke, James ai:d iuuuy others wilh their va.t tributaries, during tho Summer arid Autumn, and remtfrk.ibl souw riiig seas' lis of unu-ual beat and Jr;, ues. are ia- . ' " r ? - . r. .- of the stomach and liver, aud other abd'Uiiual j Vi.ccra. There are'always more or less obstruc rii.ns of the liver, a weakness and ir.ilable state of tne stoui'iirh. and great torpCr of tbe bowels. 1 being eloged up witii vi.i ilel a-.--uruulations. In their treatment, a purgative. exerting a powerful j it.fluctsce upon these various orgnms.i essentially j necessary 1 here is no eurluir.'ic for the purioe 1 eoiat to Dr .1 VVa'Ker's Vit:ej:;ir Hitlers, us they j sj e-li'y r-cttif tlic clr.rU colored viscid muites j with v,ii'.h tSo b ivcls are loaded, at the same, i t;rne tti:nul:itiii2 the secretions of tho liver. aul ' pfccra'ly r-tu.-i:ig f'.e bea'itiy funrtirms of the ! directive orj;ar' 'I be onivorsai vPu'ar 7 01 j this vatn ible renieJy in reirior.s juVjo't to mias- Trnic intiiicT.crs. is sutii.Men: etideneo of its pow-, j er a ren.ciy iu stih c ic. For skio cis-ser. crupti air., ttiler. salt fVuita. bli.:cbes, pnts pimple. putuies, hKils. oarbun-, j nrs. ring worm. :all.v:ead.sre eyej.erysipela, ieb, st?aif. 'li-col.iratr.c of tiie skin., humor ard ! d:ra?s of the fk.r., uf whatever ;.arue nature. I :.re literally d'. up ai;d oari.i out gf the sys ! feu fn a ibcrut i.oe by the u.-e t.f th. e Ititers "r e i bnttie ii pe..f, casis v?i!l cnviijco the rii'jst iacred ' ulous of leir curl.lie tfiVt. I Cleanse the Viti-toi li'ooj whepcrnr you find tt.s impurities ruriUt through the skin in iiw pits, oiut tions ar s..re, ; c'.eiin'o it hen you hud it obtriic4 ind .lucish io Ihe veins : eleunse it when i; i, fol. and your feetiuKa w.il tell you whea. Keep tbe blood pure ur.d tbe he.vlrk ol the syAteui will foltuW Pin. Tape and other Wi.nas.taeing in the sys tem of so aianv thoasaa s. are eflectuuily destroy ed and removed- Ki.r full di.oetioiis, read eare fu'lv the circular around each bottle, printed in four lnuaes English, Get man, French asd pnnii-h. - j. W Al.KElt. Proprietor. K U. MVIN'ALD A C"., Drugiisu and (ten. Agent.', aa Francisco, Cal .and 'Al and 1 tomnifros t.et. New YtW. FOLD HY ALL PHCUiUST AN'U DEALER3. Decern oer 7, la7'J-Iy. - AA-i SHEEP PELTS, and all other kind of j j)U''i Fur tkias.lor which rash will be paid. win(al bv X L. KhifcJMf.!.. N -v.30,'70 3m. Clearfield, Pa. . fllllK highest market prices pai.lf.-r 8hin-lo bv J tllAW k S02i. i I -vKIED FBl'IT, at rsiuaed prices at t XJ May 13, oy. JPJScOP'S,