uu ft J Mi n rii i-ii ;r h A. r I" : t.l BY S. J. H0. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY. FEBETJARY 8, 1871. VOL. 17.-NO. DAT AND NIGHT. Day," cried the Earth, "Awitil-Amss '." And with a ruler' power Summoned it legions to their tasks, In city. Tale and bower. 6b bade the weary traveler rise, And onward wend his way, And raised the savage hunter's bow Against the flying prey. She warned the merchant to bis desk, The student to his tome, The sailor to his toil and strife Against the salt seas foam , f-he called the farmer to his plough, Amid the furrowed glade, The whisker'd soldier from his tent Forth to his slaughter-trade ; The seamstress to her needle turn'd. The sad brow'd laborer bent, And downward to his cavern dark The mournful miner went. The old man leaning on his staff A quickening mandate feels; And from its cradle soft and warm, The totteriag infant steals. Kiht speaks to Day "Yonr tasks are heard You've weariod all the raee: I'll ful J them in mj pitying arms For downy Sleep's embraoe Of care, I smooth the wrinkling trace That you so deep have made, Take from the statesman's breast its load, From Leber's hand the spade. Of Grief, I soothe the gashing tear, Of meagre Want the sigh, And draw a beating curtain e'er Vexed brain, and bloodshot eye. I say to Prayer 'Look up to God !' I point the soul above " And thus the holy fight began Itsministry of love. THE EESCUE. The incident about to be related is one of many similar oues which occurred during the early settlement of America. Those who sought a home in the savaze wlds, which then covered the land, wedded them selves to a life of peril and hardship. The dangers which coutinually threatened them called forth all the heroic qualities of their nature, and their lives were marked by many a lofty deed of daring and devotion. Such deeds should not siulc into oblivion, lor they beloDg to the history of our country, and as such, bhoul J be recorded and re membered. We touM preserjt a picture to the imag ination of the reader. There is a broad ad beautiful stream, with its deep, still waters, flowing between banks covered by luxuriant foliage ; and its britht surface dotted here and there with fairy little isles, where grace ful shrubs and fratrrant flowers b id and blossom undisturbed in wild and lonely love liness. Bright plumed birds of many va rieties are winding their way over the quiet water, and the surrounding scene e.:l"es with their tuneful minstrelsy. On ire bor ders of the river at the edse of a forest that btretches far away over bill and dale, stands the rude but picturesque dwelling ot a back woodsman ; with the blue siuute curling up ironi its lowly roof, and its humble walls glinting out from the green foliage that surrounds them. There are some indica tions of taste and refinement near the wood man's home, which give a cheerful appear atnv to that otherwise wild and Lively scene. A graceful vino curtain; the lowly window, and many brieht flowers, natives of a di-iant soil, fched their frrateful perfume ar-uud. Near the door hangs a ca?e, con t;ii;iiiij; a rare and beautiful bird, who-e -rme; of 'ui liK-s breaks sweetly upon ibo stiii nes of that solitary phjee. O-i a low seat, at the entrance of the dwelling, is seen a young woman, caressing an infant. the has lost the blooming love liness ot early youth her cheek is pale, and Ler brow wears that thoughtful expression wl:Hh is ituprinteil by the touch of care; yet ,he is still beautiful in form and feature, and none may look upon her without ad miration. As she bends over the child in her arm j. her eye fills with that unutterable t' li ierness and love which are only seen in the eye of a mother and which make the 1 ice of a beautiful woman almost angelic. Now and then she turns from the child, to s-ii l an anxious glance towards the forest, a if she watched for the approach of some ot.elrrm that direction. iShe is momen tarily expecting her husband, lie left his !' :ue at morn ; the hour appoiuted fr his r-;urn had passed away; the shadows of the trees are lengthening in the rays of the setting sun, and yet lie comes not. The i ;ti 1 wife Jiegins to tremble for his safety a tearful fore bod in 7 ot evil steals over her tiiiiid. and the dark dread of some appioach uic calamity haunts her imagination. be has reason to fear; for that portion ! ".mtry was, at this time, the theatre of many a tragic scene. .Sometimes the wood Juan, in pmetratibg too far into the puth le rerfM-s of rhe forest, lost his way, and wan ler.ntr for days in the dreary wilderness, u.i. ring many miseries, and perishing at h-t t.y the pangs of hunger. Sotiiotiincs the wily red man, who yet lurked about !.-i lonely wilds, entrapped the white h i!iter. and from a spirit of revenue, or the sji r-t for blood, sucriliced bis victim with 'he most barbarous cruelty. A the anxious wife thought i of these things her fears and forebodings became al-iiio-t insupportable. Hushing the infant to Y ' !'. she carried it into the dwelling, and j.'1'OMted it in its cradle-bed. She then n i;erie t forth again, and wandered along ' e p ith that led to the forest, arxiousiy 1; kinir forward the while for her husband. lie walked onward for some time, fondly '"ping to see the object of her search, but 'it hopes were vain, and sending one more spar.?hing glance around, and seeing nothing tat the gi.iomy shadows of the trees, she turned with a heavy heart to retrace her step. As she was proceeding homeward, a sudden fear for her child, whom she had ''it alone, crossed her mind and caused her to haten forward. Irawing nearer to the owel i;nir, this fiar became so intense, that it amounted almo.st to a conviction of some Jcrritile calamity. Flying, rather than walk '"g, she reached the house and sprang to tiie cradle it was empty, and the child no where to be sepn t WItJl frnntif. n?HTiiri'(ifl she rushed to the back door of the dwelling, j "men sue had leU closed, and which she now found was open. She was just in time to see a party of Indians making rapidly to tie woods. Her heart whispered the fear lal assurance that they bore away her treasure. Here was a trying situation for a timid and helpless woman her husband ttar off perhaps in peril her child her fcrfct born and only one, torn away by the rude hand of a savage dread night ap proaching, and no earthly arm to aid ! Without pausing for reflection, the mother flew along the path which the In dians had taken. Now and then she caught a glimpse of their forms as they moved rapidly through the trees, but as the. twi light deepened and surrounding objects be came more indistinct, even that slight com fort was denied her, and she traced her gloomy pathway without knowing whetheror not it would bring her nearer the object ot he.r pursuit. ' Yet she paused not a moment in indecision, but hastened onward through the increasing darkness, unconscious of the uncertainty ot her search, and the wildness of her expedition. She had but one thought one hope ; and that was to be near her child to save it, if it could be saved, or perish with it, it perish it must. .Strong in this determination, she pushed forwarj, thoughtless of fatigue, and fearless of peril. As tUo night advanced, the wind rose and sighed among the trees with a mournful and heart-chilling sound. The stars, that bad hitherto shed a faint light through the branches, were now veiled in black clouds that seemed to presage a ptonu ; and ever find anon the shrill croak ing of a night bird, or the prolonged howl of some beast of prey, was borne to the e-ir of the. unhpppy wanderer, waking fearful thoughts, and warning her of the dangers by which she was surrounded. Those who have never roamed in a forest at midnight can scarcely realise how much that is terrifying is connected with such a journey. At one time, the howl of the hungry wolf will burst so suddenly and clearly on the ear that wo can scarcely per suade ourselves the monster is not clo.e at our side at another, the falling of a decayed branch will, produce such a loud and fearful sound, that we deem it the fatal plunge which must doom us to destruction. Now the wind will come with a ntful and moan ing cadence, so like the human voice, that we for an instant believe it the wail of an agonized being and again it will sweep by witii a rushing sound like a troop of en raged monsters bent on a mission of death. Sometimes an unseen, low drooping branch will softly touch the shoulder, congealing the warm current of lite with the idea that a spectral band has suddenly arrested our progress ; and again a black and blasted tree, with one or two sere branches pro- truamg from its side, will, tor an instant, still the pulsation of the heart as we behold in it. a frightful phantom, stretching forth its arms to grasp our shrinking forms. All this, and more, must one feel and fear in a lonely midnight pilgrimage through the forest; and ail this the mother endured as she pursued her almost hopeless enterprise. She had traveled far, very far, for the dark ness of night, and the intricacies of the woo l, had scarcely lessened the speed with which she commenced ber walk, and she had been many hours on the way. Weariness was beginning to overcome her hope was departing lrom ber heart, and despair chil ling all her energies, when she discovered alar off through the trees a light. It was but a feebie glimmer, yet oh ! how it irra diated the path of the wanderer. Tiss in stant she beheld it, hope sprang back to her heart, and strength invigorated her frame. That fiiitit atid lar oil ray seemed the lijjht ot returning happiness, and she watched it as eagerly as the mariner watches the star which guides him over ocean's stormy waves. She now hastened onward with redoubled energy, and though her steps sometimes fal tered, and her heart sunk within her, as the lUht disappeared behind some intervening object, she still kept her eye steadily in the direction of the beacon, and soon gaiuel a position where it shone brightly before bor, and she couid approach without Josing sight of it asain. As she drew near, she gazjd upon the scene which that liyht revealed, with mingled feeling of astonishment, hope and fear. Thvre was a large firo built of the dried branjhes of trees, and around it lay the dus ky forms of iive or six Indians, reposing upon the ground. Their appearance was savige iti the extreme; each wi'.h his paint ed feathers lighted by the fkful glare of the fire, and his tomahawk and scalping knife gleaming at his side. Near them were im plements ot hunting, and around the fire lay scattered bones and" fragments of a recent rude repat. The whole scene was calcula ted to strike terror into the heart of the del icate being who gazed upon it., IJut she scarcely saw the rude savages or their implements of death, for her whole soul was absorbed in contemplating a portion of the scene which we have not yet described, and which rivitcd her attention with a thrilling and magic power. Bound to a tree was the form of her husband ; and at his feet on the cold ground, lay her child. The lather's face was pale, and stained with blood; the infant's f'aea ffaa covered by its dress, and its form was motionless a if chill ed by the cold hand of death. How felt the fond wife and mother when that sight of horror met her eyes ? Repressing by a mighty efTort the shriek of agor.y that rose to her lips and conquering, by the strength of a heroic soul, the almost irresistible de sire she felt to rush forward, and clasp those dear ones to her aching heart, she stood ga zing uprfn the seene with feelings-whieb can not be described. She saw with a throb of sudden joy, that her husband lived, but her heart grew cold again as she watched the inoiiou'ess form of her child. She longed to fly to its side, and ascertain the truth, for the suspense that preyed upon her spirits was terrible, but again her resolute mind restrained her, and sh : began to deliberate upon the situation ot her husband, and de vise means for releasing him. The vivid light oast Ly the (ire on all things near it, enabled the wifj to note the scene distinctly. She saw with a thankful heart, that the savages all slept, and that she could reach the side of her husband without pas sing near enough to atvake them ; but she saw that he was bound by strong cords, which she could not hope, in her wearied sta'e to unfasten, and she looked about for something to sever them. There was nothing,save the knives which the Indians wore at their sides. Looking more intently, she saw that one of these had slipped from its place, and lay on the gi-ouii 1 by its owner, so near that his hand almost touched the hilt. A pang of intense fear shot through he'r frame, when she thought of approaching so close to the teirilic ionu ot theavage,but another look upon the pale face of the prisoner.reassured her, and she determined to rescue him, or perish in the attempt. She could not ap proach the Indians without revealing her self to the eyes of her husband, and she feared, in that case, au exclamation of sur prise would follow her appearanee,and rouse the foe from their slumber. After pouder ing a moment upon the best mode of pro ceeding, she determined to steal softly to the back of the tree, place her hand unon the hp of the captive, whisper a few words of explanation, and implore fun), not by the slightest murmur, to frustrate her plans. With a throbbing heart, she commenced ber perilous undertaking. Noiselessly she made her way to the tree, and accomplished her purpose. There was no time to delay, yet one instant the mother turned to look upon her child, yearning to clasp it to her bosom, but not daring to lift the cloth which con cealed its features, and assure herself wheth er or not it lived. A little while before.she would have given woilds to be able to do this, but now she felt that to behold it wrap ped in the slumber of death would unnerve her arm, and render her unfit for the fur ther prosecution of her trying task. With a frrmnsss that would have done honor to a stoic, conquered the promptings of ratural love and hastened away. With a step as noiseless as the falling t?ew, ehe glided to wards the slumbering savages ; as she drew near, her frame trembled so violently she could scarcely support herself ; and when she put forth her hand to take the knife, the beating of ber heart was so audib!e,she fear ed it would awake the s!eepers,nd she pres sed her hand convulsively upon it to still its tumultuous throbbings. One terrible in stant she thought the eyes ot the Indian opened, glared upon her with a tierce and malignant expression ; but this was mere fancy for he still slept, and the next moment she was gliding away with the knife firmly grasped in her hand. With a few rapid strokes she liberated her husband, and then bent down and uncovered the child. To her unspeakable joy she found it in a slumber as sweet and peaceful as though it had been hushed to rest upon its mother's bosom. With a prayer of gratitude upon her lips, she lifted it from its resting place, turned to her companion, and motioned the way to their home. With rapid and noise less steps they hurried away, speeding on ward with tremulous yet hopeful hearts. Not a moment did tin fond mother spare to caress her infant not a word did she utter to greet her husband. The spell of a new found uncertain happiness had settled upon her spirit, and she feared to break its thril ling charm. For a time they traveled tlius in silence and darkness ; moving as near as they could judge in the direction of their home, and anxious to be farther, still farther away from their enemies. At length weari ness compelled them to rest awhile, and as the dawning day began to shed a' trembling light abroad, they crept into a thicket and sought repose. The beams of the rising sun lighted the wanderers on their homeward pathway ; and when that sun was sinking to repose, its parting rays fell calmly over the woodman's home, revealing a scene of bliss such as sel dom visits the abode of man.. How radiant with greatful joy was the face ot the fond mother, as she clasped her recovered treas ure closer to her bosom ; how full of admi ring love was the eye of the rescued hus band, as it rested upon its fair preserver"; and oh 1 how warm and fervent was the pray er, breathed in that hour of safety bearing up to heaven the deep devotion of thankful happy hearts. Grass in his Liquor. A tavern-keeper in Pennsylvania, whose sijjn s.vung and croaked at the foot ot "Laurel Hill," once received a call from a guest from Virginia, and said euest called for a "uiiut- iulen" to slake bis thirst. v nai is a Ullllt- uiejj i ueiuireu i up land lord. "A mint-julep is a julep with mint in it," replied the Virginiau. "Will you make one yourself? Here are the liquors, the sugar, the spices, but 1 havn't any mint." "I will make two, one for each of us, if I can find the mint." . In a few moments the guest returned from a field where he found some mint, and he made the coveted beverage. The templing doses wete repeated over and over auain, and the delighted landlord was grateful for the lesson he bad received in mixing liquors and making juleps. The Virginian left the jjext day and directed his steps homeward. Six months afterward, he had a business call in the neighborhood of "Laurel Hill," and meet ing a boy in theroad, he inquired the where abouts of his old friend, the landlord. "He has gone," said the boy. "Where has he gone," said the stranger. "lie has gone up," replied the boy. "What do you mean ?" "Ain't you the man who put grass into father' liquors, some time ago?" "Yes, I taught your father how to make mint juleps. " "Well, the old man got to be very fond of drinks with crass in t hem, and kept on taking them from early in the morning un til late at night ; and he never stopped until he went under." "Whatcilo you mean?" "I mean that he kept on taking grass in his liquor until he died." "Hid he die drinking mint-juleps?" " i'es, be died three months ago ; he took too much grass in his liquor." False Economy. "About this time," as the almanacs say, "look out for talk of economy." This n well, for there never was a time when there was more need for the practice of that virtue, or when that virtue was more a necessity. Times are hard and business dull, but in retrench ment, don't begin at the wrong end. Let your family newspaper Iks among the last things touched. Yon can spare many mat ters of household use far better than you can spare your paper. It tells you of all that is going on iu the world around you : it instructs you in morals and religion ; it interests you in your leisure hours; its timely information saves you many dollars, and enables you to earn as many more j it assists your wile in her household duties, you in your farm, or shop, or store; it makes you intelligent among s-our neighbors; it has its word of encouragement, of aid. of fituess for every condition of lifo. It is a member of your family, and the most inex pensive one, and "pays its way" a thousand times over. Iok well about you before you begrudge the one cent a day that your paper costs ; retrench on your table, your clothes, your adornments, your horses, dogs, tobacco, etc., etc., before you give up your paper. And yet, this is the spot where many begin to "economize ;" they deprive themselves and their family of what they can spare the ljast. If any one doubts this, let him take a single number of the family naner and examine it in all its departments, see what it contains, and then think whether for the few cents it costs, he can anord to dispense with it. Many a paper, indeed, almost every, paper has some single para graph which is practically worth the sub scription price for several years. Watch man and Ucjlector. Somebody quietly dropped a hundred dol lar bill into the money bag at one of the Wellsbnrg (Ohio) churches.onThanksgiving day. He has the satisfaction of hearing his home paper say that his gift was either a mistake or "conscience money." Peter's Wife. She was a poor girl when he married her, and Peter himself was the owner of a little farm, with a $50) mortgage on it. You would have thought, to hear Peter's mother and grandmother, and sisters and aunts and female cousins talk, that Peter had been a Prince by birth, or heir to a princely for tune at least, and she the "beggar maid" of the old English ballad, to whom a second "King Cophueta" had stooped and raised her to the throne. In all the five years that succeeded her marriaze, I never, by auy chance, heard one of Peter's female relatives confess that Susan had said, or done, or looked the right thing in any part of her mortal career. She was lazy, she was shift less, she was no cook ; she could not, she would not mend Peter's clothes properly ; she was extravagant ; she was the incarna tion of all domestic vices ; and "poor Peter, who might have done so much better," was the cry on every side. Peter loved his wife, I suppose, iu the beginning, but he was but a man. and could not hear this contin ual chorus of condemnation without feeling in time that "there might be something in it, after all." He began to give himself the airs of a martyr, and to turn Susan into a thorough house and home slaye, by way of convincing her of her surpassing good for tune. She was a gentle, meek-faced little thing, acquiescing in the general verdict, and loving Peter with all her heart and soul. Iav by day she drudged and drooped, and when I left my native town to journey to far distant lands, I bade her farewell with a pe culiar emphasis and teuderness, feeling sure, in my mind, that I should never see her in this world again. Ten years passed slowly by, and I return ed to settle down for life in the familiar town. The very day after my arrival, and before I had time to inquire after my friends of the earlier years, I saw a handsome carriage pas sing by the house horses, harness, coach man, livery, and crest on the panels, all in city style. A portly, good lady, with a rud dy, smiling face, sat inside, and I saw seve ral of our moat respected citizens on the sidewalk liftine their hats as the carriage passed. No one was near, of whom I could make the inquiry, "Who on earth is that ?" and puttin? on my things I called on the Browns. I'eter's grandmother and Peter's maiden cousin lived in that house. Peter's married sister was there making a call, and the carriage was just driving away from the door as I entered. "Who is it ?" was almost my first ques tion. "Peter's grandmother, who, in old dayS had headed all the attacks on the faithful little woman whom I supposed to be in her grave, answered me with a beaming rniila. "Don't you remember her ? Haven't you seen her? That's I'eter's wife !" "Peter's wife I Thei Sasan i dcatL-us t expected, and he has married again, "said L "Susau dead!" cried the grandmother with a look of horror. "Dear Susan. 1 How came you to think of anything so horrible ? Vi'hy that was Susan." "Yes," said the cousin, "that wasmy dear Susan. But she has grown so handsome that I do not wonder that you do not recog nize her." "Dear Susan," said the married sister. "Such a party as she is to give to-morrow night 1 and how well she does the houors,and how beautifully she is always dressed I" "Ah, Peter was a lucky man to get her. and 1 always said so !" chimed in the old grandmother. Scarcely believing tuy ears, I bade them good day. Ou the steps I met Peter. He had not changed, and lie gave mean invita tion to that wonderful party on the spot. "You must come and see how dear Susan has altered and improved!" he exclaimed. "Ah, my dear friend, few men can say tbey have a wile like mine." He bolted into the biuse, and I went on np street. Just at the corner I met Peter's mother, and his maiden aunt. In the old times they would have seen Susan grilled alive with pure pleasure, now and then ; bat on this day they were ready to sing her praise with the rest. "Oh it is so nice to think yon are here in time for the party," said Peter's mother. "1 want you to see the supper table. Dear Susan arranged the flowers with her own hands. Rut then dear Susan has such taste !" "Oh, yes," said the maiden aunt ; "I al ways said that dear Susan had such taste ! Y'ou must go to the party. Dear Susan will be so delighted to see you back." When 1 had escaped from them, I went straight to the house of one of my female relatives, and besought her to read the rid dle that was perplexing me so. "What has 'dear Susan' done," said I, "to be canonized like this? A martyr she was, most certainly, when I went away ; but now is a saint and they are all worshiping her. What does it mean?" My widow cousin looked at me, with a slight smile. "Have jou seen her?" "Yes ; grown fat and ruddy, and in a car riage that looks as if it had jilst driven out Of Central Park." "Well, that is the solution of the riddle, my dear the carriage and all the rest of it. Susan's uncle died in China last year, and left her, in her own right, a fortune ot a hundred thousand dollars." "Oh!" said I, and then I understood it all. - Society op Women. There is no socie ety in the world more profitable, because none more refining and promotiveof virtue, than that of refined and sensible women. The beauty of woman is made to win, her gentle voice to invite, the desire ot her fa vor to persuade men's sterner souls from strife to peace. We honor chivalrous de ference naid to woman. It evinces not only resnect to virtue, and desire after pure af fection, but that our women are worthy of such respect. Rut women were not made merely to win men to society. lo be com panions, they should be fitted to be friends; to rule hearts, thev should secure the ap pro tjat ion of minds. And a man dishonors them, as well as disgrace himself, when he seeks their circle for idle pastime, and not for the improvement of his mind and the elevation of his heart. An old bachelor editor thus, in hU spite, comments on a recent moonlight incident: "We left our sanctum at midnight, last night, and on our way homesaw a young lady and get'.cman holding a gate on its hinges. They were evidently indignant at being out so late, and we saw them bite each other several times." "Boy, why did you take those shingles last Sunday?" "Because mother needed some kindling wood, and I didn't want to split wood on Sunday." A mother's prayer will draw up from the depth of the scai MILLWRIGIITING. H. T. Farnswortii, Would inform Mill owners, and those desirous of having Mills built, that be is prepared to build aDd icpair either Circular er Muley Saw Mills, and Grist Mills after the latest improved patterns, lie has also for sale an improved Water Wheel, which he guarantees to give satisfaction is re gar i to power and speed. His motto is. to do work so as to give perfect satisfaction. Those wishing fur ther information will be promptly answered by addressing him at Clearfield. Clearfield county, Pa. Write your name and address plain. April 2u, 1870 ly. STUMPS! STUMPS!! The undersigned have purchased the rieht ot Clearfield county for Enoch FarnsKonh'a, Mump r.x tract or, patented Jun4 7th, lSiO. This is decidedly the most convenient, most durable, and best machine of thaay. Wet weather wil. not effect it, the workingpart being all of ironl The machine is easily sec op. and will work any place that can be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit on cost, and will try to make it to the advantage of farmers to bav them. We solicit orders fruui those wanting mnchines. U. T. rAK.NbWOKlll, .Ja Clearfield. Pa. , J B. GAURISON, GEO. II. DALL. Agent. Curwensville, Pa. Clearfield, Pa. .July 13,'70 JJ O M K INDUSTRY! BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully Invite the attention of the citizens of Clearficl i and vicin i ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St., nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he Is prepared to make or repairanytbiog u iiih line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock of extra french calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will nmsn up at tnelowest ngurcs. June i;itb, ISHtt. .DANIEL. CDSJhliLY yyE OFFER FOR SALE, AT PAR The New Masonic Temple Loan, Bearing 7 3-10 interest, Redeemable after five (5) and within twenty-one (21) years. Interest Payable Afarch and fceptember. The bonds are registered and will be issued in sums to suit. DeHAVEN & B R 0., 40 SOUTH 3d STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Stocks bought and sold on commission. Gold and Governments bought anl sold. Accounts re ceived and interest allowed, subject te tight drafts. Mareh 2. 1870-1 y.-Jan 4 -71 YOUTH S AND BOYS', CLOTHING. The undersigned having recently added READ Y-MADB CLO THING to his former business, would respectfully solicit an examination ol his stock. Being a practical Tailor he flatters himself that he is able to offer a better class of ready-made work than has heretofore been brought to thi; mar ket. Any one wishing to buy goods in this lino would save money by calling at his store, and making their selections. Also, a full supply of Gents'furnishing goods always on band. Feeling thankful for past favors, he would re spectfully solicit a continuance ef the same. April 23, 1869. It. BRIDGE. C. KRATZER & SONS are receiving a splendid stock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILK COATS AND OTERSKIRTS, ELEGANT SUAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES"' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOODJ AND TRIMMINGS, BEST K,JD GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, HEaVT CALF BOOTS, $5. MEN'S AND BOTS'FINE AND HEAVT SHOES, t. 4, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $5, CASSIMERES VERT CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield, June SO, 1869. N TAILS A SPIKES ihecheapest intheecunty at MOSSOF'S givectont. A W. WALTERS. Attoiikiit at Law. . Clearfield. Pa. Office in the Cocrl ilouc W ALTER BARRETT, Attorney atLaw. Clear ueja, ra. May 13, ISoS. JD. GRAHAM A SONS, Dealers in Dry-Goods .Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Wooden ware, Provisions, etc., MarKet St. Clearfield. Pa, HF. BIGLER A CO., Dealers in Hardware and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron fare. Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. Mar '70. HF. 55 AUGLE. Watch and Clock linker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Room in Graham's row, JIarketatreet. Xov. 10. rilHO'S J McC1:lLL"(H. Attohsey-at-Law. I ClearSeld, l'a. AU legal business prompt ly attended to. Oct. 27. 1869. 7"M. REED. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa.. Y Fancy Dry Goods. Wtite Goods. Notions. Embroideries, Ladies' and Gents' Furniphing Uood. etc. Juno 15, Til. jl p. tRvif : : : B. i. hem 1RVIS A KREBS. (Successors to II. T. Swoop.). Law am Collection' Office. Market Street. Clearfi Jld. Pa; L'lilil-1- - A I. SHAW.Dealerin Drujrs. Patent Medicines . Fancy Artictos, etc.. and Proprietor of Dr Buyer's Went Branch Kilter. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. June 15,70. FB. READ. M D., Phy.sicia ar.d Sl-rggos. . Kylcrtown. Pa.. riiiectfilly offers bis pro fessional services to the citiiensof that place nud surrounding country. L-pr- 20-liiu. Okium T. Noble. Attorney nt Law. Lock Ha ven. Pa. Will practieo in the several courts of Clearfield county. Business entruMad to him will receive prompt attention. Je. U, '70-y. C KRATZER, Dealer in Dry-Goods. Clothing. . Hardware. Queensware, Groceries, Provi sions, etc.. Market Street, neatly opposite the Court House, Clearfield. Pa. June, lsCi. JB M'EN' ALLY, Attorney t Law. Clearfield . Pa, Practices in Clearfield and adjoin:r.g bounties. Ofiice in uew brick building of J . lioyn t n, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel. I TEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa.. w!:i . attend promptly to all Legal business entrust ed to bisoare in Clearfield and ad joining coun ties. Office on Market street. July 17, 1SC.7. rnUOMAS H. FOltCEY. Dealer in Square ard J Sawed Lumber. Dry-Goods. Queensware. G ro ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, Ao , Ac, Ora hamton. Clearfield county, Pa. Oct 10. H ARTSWICK A IRWIX. Dealers in Drucs. Medicines. Paints. Oils.Stationary. Perfume ry. Fancy Goods, Notions. et.. etc.. Market street. Clearfield, Pa Dec. 6, 1S65. ( KRATZER A SON. dealers in Dry Ooods j. Clothing. Hardware. Oueensware. Groce ries, Provisions, Ac, Second Street Cleai field Pa. Dec. 2". ISJIi JOHN GI'ELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds o Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa He also makes to order Coffins, on short noticn and attends funerals with a hearse Aprl0.'59. RICHARD JIOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do i tnestio Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Baeou Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few door, west ot .lourn:lOflicr. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27 "TTALLACF. A FIELDIN., Attorneys at Law V Clearfield. Pa. Office in res dence of W. A. Wallace Legal business of all Kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. Jan.S.'70-yn ... . n .i i . vnivr riri.nixn rj" W S.uITn. Attorney at Law. Clearfield tl . Pa., will attend prorcr-tly to bn-ine s en trusted to his care. Office on Fecnnd floor of new building adjoining County National BanK.ar.d nearly opposite tne uourt tioue. June ou, os FREDERICK LEITZIXGEK. Manufacturer of all kinds cf Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or dcrs jolicited wholesale or retail lie alsokeev on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen ware, of li is on manufacture. Jan. 1 . ls-t MANSION HOUSE. Clearfield. Pa This well known hotel, near t'no i ourt House i worthy the Datronaae of the public. . The tal-'e will be ftipplied with the bet in the inarket. Th best of liquors knot. JVU1.N ',"L1 TOHN II. FI'LVOKl), Attorney at Law. Clear field. Fa. Office on Market Street, over Hart. wick & Irwin's Druz Store. Prompt attention given to the securingufBouuty claims. Ac. mi i to all lcal business. Mareh 27, ls"u. A I T II O R N , M. D., PHYSICIAN AM. - SfROEOX. hav'tni; located at Ky'crtown. Pa., offers his professional services to the citi zens ol fcat r'ce aud vicinity. Sep.2y ly YT 1- CURLEV. Dealer in Dry Goods, V ..Groceries, Hard ware. tHcensware.Klourl!a- con. etc., Woodland. Clearfield county Pa. .' Iso extensive deu.ers in all kinds of sawed Inmber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. Wooilanit. 1 a.. Aug. lath. ISo.i DR J. P. BURCHFIELD Late Surgeon of the 33d Re" t Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, offers bis professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sional calls promptly nttendad to. Ofiice on South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4, lridd 6mp. SURVEYOR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. He may be fonnd at his residence in Lawicnca township, when not engaged ; or addressed by letter at Ulearnela, 1'enu a. March 6th. lS57.-tf. J AMES MITCHELL. JEFFERSON LIT Z, 31. IX, " ' I 1, r-tl,! .1 n anil S n i-,t".ii Havine located at Osceola. Pa., offers his profes sional semces to the people of ttiat place and sur rounding country. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence on 'Jurtin Mrcet. former ly occupied by Dr. Kline .V GEORGE C. KIRK. Justice of the Peace, Sur veyor ar.d Conveyancer. Luthersburs. Pa. All business entrusted to Lim will be promptly at tended to. Persons wih:n? to employ a Survey or will do well to give bim a call, as be flitters binisoll that he ran render satisfaction. Deeds of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all lceal papers promptly and neatly executed jeS'70-yp T K. B O T T O R F'S PIIO TOGRAPH GA LLER T, HAI'.KET STREET, rLEAHFtr.LD. PKNNA. Negatives made in cloudy as well as in clear weather. Constantly en hand a good assor'uient of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoseopio Views. Frames, from any style of moulding, made to order. CHKOMUS A SPECIALITY? Dee. 2,r6t-jy. 14-C'J-tt. J. BLAKE V A L T E R S , HEAL ESTATE BROKER, AN! DEALER IX Saw Logs and Lumber, CLEARFIELD, PA. Real estate bought and sold, titles examined, taxes paid, conveyances prepared. Office in Masonic building, on Second Street Room No. 1. Jan 25, '71. gMALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES. HARTSWICK A IRWIN are constantly replenishing their stock of Drugs, Medicines. Ac. School books and Stationery, including the Osgood and National series of readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of the best quality, and at the lowest prices. Call and see. Clearfield, Kov. 10, IS6 THE KIDNEYS. The Kidneys are two in number, sitnated at the upper part ct the loin, surrounded by fat. and consisting of three parts, via: the Anterior. th Interior, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tia sues or veins, which serve as a deposit for h urine and convey it to the exterior. The exto rier is a conductor also, terminating iu a single tube, and called the Ureter. The aretersare con nected with the bladder. The bladder 19 compu?d of various covering or tissues, divided into parts, viz: the Upper, th Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucons. The upper erpels. the lower retains. Many have a desire te urinate without the ability, others urinate with out the ability to retain. This frequently occurs in children. To cure these affections, we .must bring Into ac tion the muscles, which are engaged in their va rious functions. If they ere neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader ronsf also be made aware, that how ever slight may be the attack, it is sure to affee the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh . and blood are supported from these sources. Gout, or RnEi uatism Ptin occurring ia lbs loins is indicative of the above diseases. Tbey occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. Tbk Gravel. The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treatment of the kidneys These or gans being weak, the water is cot expelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain; it become feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this de posit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensues. Drotst is a eollection of water in seme parts of the body, and bears'diflVrent names, according to the parts affected, vis: when generally diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the Abdomen, Aseiteo; when of the chest, Uydrotho rax. Treatment. Helmbold s highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the best reiscdiesfor diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism .and gouty affections. Under this head we have arranged Dysurie, or difficulty and pain In passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent dischar ges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody mine; Gout and Rheuma tism of the kidneys.without any change in quan tity, but increase in color, er dark water. It was always highly recommended by the late Dr. Physick, in these affections. This medicine increases the power of digestion, and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and inflammation are reduced, and it is taken by men, women and children. Directions for use and diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 25, IS6T. II T, Helmbold, Druggist: Leak Sir; I Lave been a sufferor, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney affections, during which timo I have used various medicinal preparatior.s. and been under the treat ment of the moit eminent Physicians, experien cing but Iltrlo relief Having seen your preparations extensively a8- vertised, I eoiisulted with my family physician in regard to usirg your Extract Uuchu. I did this because 1 had tieed all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no rem edies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of bucbu, i u tabs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with his advice, after an examination of the arti cle, and consulting again with the druggist, I c included to try it. I commenced its use about eight mouths ago, at which time I was confined to my room From the Erst bottle I was astonish ed and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after using it three weeks was able to walkout. I felt much like writingyou a full statetnent of my case at that time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect care, knowing then it would be of greater value to you and more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that a care is effected after using the remedy for five months. I have not ued any now for three months, and feel as well la all respects as I ever did. Your Cuchu being devoid ot any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice ton!. and invigorator of the system. I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use In such affections. M McCOttMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. Wm. Eig'er, ex Governor Penn'a. Hon Thomas 15 Florenae. Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia,. Hon. J.S. ITlack. Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. D. R. Porter. ex-Governor. Penn . Hon. Ellis Levis. Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. R. C. Grier, Judge U. S. Court. Hon. G. W. Woodward, Judge. Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Phil'a. Hon. John Biglcr. ex-Governor. California. Hon. E. Bank s. Auditor Gen. Washington, D.C. And many others, if necessary. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Be ware of counterfeits. Ask for ilelinbold's. Take no other. Price SI 25 per bottle. or 6 bottles for S6.50. relivereifto any address. Describe symp toms in all communications. Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, 534 Broadway, N T. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-oimile of my Chemical Warehouse arid signed Junli. Tu-ly H. T. DELMEOLDi ;1 - t'- i , - II