91 Meaxfui 1871. 8T& 9 '5 G? t ;'l :!4 fc'i :.4 1H 1 '2 v ri ; 3f " . i ; ' ' ' ' or t&c farmer. Pruning Fruit and Ornamental Trees. We read a great deal about the proper time of pruning trees, and especially theap ple tree. Sooie prefer full, some uiiii-winter, some spring; but scarcely one recommends the very best lime in our humble opinion mid-summer. Doubtless soiiie olJ fogies will open their eyes and hold up their bauds at euch an iunovation, and denounce il a an absurdity ; but we think wo iii W sustain ed by a majority of the "live" men of the day. If we desire to improve the form of a fruit tree and get rid of some of the super fluous wood, we should prune in winter ; but if we desire fruit and a perfectly healed stump, we should pruue from the fifteenth of June tothe twentieth of July. We have done this olton with the happiest result.?. The fruit buds form after this, and the -operation suddenly cutting off its growth, pro duces buds; while the winter or early spring pruning will produce only wood. In pruning ornamental trees in mid-sum mer, the bark, instead of rcuediui; from the stump, prows over it, and iu a few years will completely cover it and uiakc a perfect am putation. We have noticed this upon our own prem ises as wei! as upon tnose of others many dines. This pruning is done when the tree is taking its mid summer "tiesta," and then wakes up, rurcsUud for another sturt, and the bark prudualiy s-teals ovtr the stump as "if ashamed of the shabby looking exposure. When the tree is in f ull leaf, and presents its full form to its, we can tee exactly where the pruning thouid he done, in order that while the overgrowth may be removed, the PS'wmetry of the tree may be preserved. Especially is mid summer pruning to be pre served, fir.-,t, to produce Lud.i on fruit-bearing trees as before stated ; and second when large limbs are to be removed. German town Ttlegraph. IIow to Raise Corn. Mr. David II. Kranson, of Chester Co., who received the premium offered by the Drandywine Farm ers Club, for the bet four acres of corn, give the following details of his mode of cul tures I applied List fall and spring aiiout one hundred wa.on loaduC-unbieacheJ liv ery and barnyard manure, broadeast on 2i acres of clover and timothy sward, 50 loads of which was hauled a distance of thite miles; and furrowed down during the month of Aprii and first week of May last. In ad ditiou to the stable manure 1 applied on the eod 3 ox-cart loads to thu acre of manure from the hog pens. After having plowed and thoroughly pulverized the sriil, marked the rows one way 3j feet distant ; dropped corn by hand 2 grains from 15 to IS inches apart, applied to each hiir oue handful of manure, ashes and plaster, equal parts, cov ered with the hoe May 10th. Five hundred bushels of lime were applied and cultivated in on 12 acres, the remaining 13 having been previously limed on the s6d. A Dairy laruier states that in June, 1S6S, he sowed an acre of corn in drills, and on the first of July commenced cutting and feeding to twenty-six cows, daily. When the September rains came he omitted the corn-fodder for some days and the conse quence was a decrease in the yield of milk of fifty-two pounds per day, or an average decrease of two pounds per cow. The corn feeding being resumed, the cows in fuur days regained their usual yield. Q'tT SQUEHA X N A HOUSE, Curwensville, Pa. The undersigned having taken charge of this well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share et patronage. The hon?e hn hc-n refitted and refurnished- and now compares favorably with any other house in theeounty. Tho best of everything the market affords will be served up to "uests. Chaiges moderate. ELI iJLOO.M, tcpt. 2S. lS7t)-lf. Proprietor. rpiIE "EA G L E II O T E L," Main t.. Curwensville, Pa. Having leaded for a term of years the above well kcown and popular llotol (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fouts), and baring newly refittd and refurnished it. the present proprietor feels assured that he can render entire satisfaction to guest s-jourlint with him. A fine, large stable and yard is attached, for tho care and protection of horse?, carriages and wagons. A share of patronage is solicited May 4. 7u-ly A J. DKAUcKEP , Prop'r. Tjy II E "S H AW IIOUS E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. GEORGE N. COLBURX, ; Proprietor This house was lately completed and just open ed to the public is newly lurnished.and provided with al 1 the modern improvements of a tirst-class hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the business part of the town, and near to the publio build ings. A share of patronage is respectfully solic ited. Charges moderate. Thebestof Liquors ia the bar. March 30.'76-tf. o N ii r O W N HOOK. Having purchased the entire stock at the old stand of Kirk Jk Spencer, iu Lumber City, I intend carrying ou the businer as hereto fre. MT MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FOtf CAisIl- Tliatiking our friends and customers for past patronage 1 solicit conticuauce ol the same. Sept. 15th, ISG'J, ISAAC KIRK. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. 1 E I W A Ii D MACK, Market Afreet, nearly opposite the residence ef it. li ewoopc. tsq., Ci-riKriKi.D, Pa.. Would respectfully announce to the citizens ef Clearfield an1 vietcitv. that ho has ipened a BOOT AXD .IIOK SIH'P, in the huildii c lately occupied by J. h Cuttle. as alswomce.and that he is determined not to be oublone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention civeti to the manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the best quality, always on hand, tiive him a call. June 24. 'ri. c. K A T Z E Pv, Opposite ,he J8;j Clearfield, I'enn'a, Dealer in Dry Goods. Dress Goeds Millinery ; Goeds. Greceries. Hard-ware. Queens-ware, Stone- ! ware, Clothing, BoeU. Shoes, Hats. Caps. Flour. ! Bacon, Fish. ?alt. etc. is constantly receiving new j supplier from the cities, which he will dispose of j at the lowest market prices, to customers. Before purchasing elsewhere, examine his steek. Clearfield. Ffbrunr? 9. 1-7C O O M E T H I N G N S tV IX ANSONYir I E, Clearfield county, Venn's. The-iindersigned having erect i. during the past summer, a lare and cummo lfou b;orc roola is now engaged in tilling it up with a new and select ajuortmentof Fall and Winter s"ds. which be offers to the public at prices to suit the time His stack of Mens' acd boys' clothing is mu-ual ly extenive. and is odtred t'e customers at from ilO to flO for a whole suit. -Flour. alt.and tire eeries, of every kind. complete asset tment; Stoves and stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety: Ladies' dress goods, furs, and orher fancy soods. together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on band, and eor sale very cheap. Prints at 1 rents a yard. and other goods in proporjion. Now is the time to bny. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will he taken in exchanjo for goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused for any article in store. Examino my stock be fore you bnv elsewhere. Oojober 30.IS6T. II. SWAN. STOVES Ironsides and Farmer Cooks. Ringr. Parlor Stoves Stove Grates, Tee Kettles e t C KRATZER S, Orjv,siie the Jli. NEW STORE ! CHEAP GOODS ! At Glen Ilope, Clearfield Co. HOMER DITBKEg Ii now selling the cheapest goods in the oeunty at Win. K. Iickcrion a old stand. DRT GOODS, GROCERIES, B00T3 AND SUOES, DKrOS, MEDICIN'liS. 4e , CHEAP FOR CASH Call sud examine before purchasing elsewhere, as by fo doing yon will save money. Nov. 23, 1870-3m. BARGAINS IN CIIEISTMAS PRESENTS, AT THE EVA N C Y STORE or Misses Rynder & Lanich. M'e bare just received and opened a full and com plete stock of CHOICE TOYS, Ladies' Dress Caps, Grovcr and Baker Sewing Machine?, both Elastic ami Lock Stitch, and a very beautiful assortment of GOLD AND SILVER FISH AND AQUARIUMS. The goods are all jutt new. and a ehnre of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Clearfield, Dec H. TO. ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ!! Vho sells the chapest goods ia the county ? MOSS OP ! "Who tells best calicoes at 12 J cts z yard moss on ' ri Who sells best nnhleached muslin at IT cents M 0 S S 0 P ! Who sells IIair Calf Boots at $5 00? j MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at ti 58 T MOSSOP! VThasells Hall's bestKip Boots at 4,50? MOSSOP! Who sel'.s Hats lewer thaa anybody else ? j MOSSOP! Y7ho sells Sugar the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who soils Sjrt'p the cheapest? ' MOSSOP! ! Who sells Flour tho cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sella Chop nvA Feed the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Ilardwar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware tho cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells riastcrtho cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt ths cheapest? MOSSOP! Who first brought poods down to the lowest cash prices ? . MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'S! . Clearfield. May 12 18M. SHOE?. Ladicj ' and Children's cutom made. Lasting 'Sailer". Kid and Carpet Slippers, Moroc co and Glove Kid lialmorals. Children's Culored Shoes, very cheap Opposite the jail. KRATZER. HOl'SEIIOLD GOOD?. Tubs. Brooms. Churns. Wash I'.ubbers Ku'ter Bowls. Coffee Mills. Bath I'-rick. Hall aud Paper and Mus.in Blinds, Clothes baskets. Tea Trays Opposite the jail. . C. KKATZEK. GKOUKR AND rXGROUND SPICES. Citrn tnglish Currants. Essence Coffee, and Vine gar of the best quality, for sale bv Jn.l. HAKTaWICK i IRWIN. QtWAIM'S PANACEA. Kennedy's Medical Cis O covery. Uembold s fJuchu. Hake's Cod Liver Oil. Jayce'sand Ayer's Medicii.es.for sale br .Ian. 10 HARTS-WICK A IRWIN TO Pt'IDDERS. Nails. Glass. u)u, Pin7s7caT cine Planter. Lead, Varnishes. Locks. Hinges, ic at reduced prices. Opposito the jail. ' ' C. KRATZFR. D RIED FRI IT, at reduced prices, at ! rpHE UNIVERSAL DIAL is a curious ' -- invention, and a nerfeet success. Its simplicity and accuracy are truly wonderful. free "The Old Clock on the Wall," in another column. October la. 1 jTO Cm. SAWED LUMBER. The undersigned hnvin; started in the Lumber business near Ofeeola, Clearfield county. Pa., ia now pre pared to furnish Pine boards, clear and panel, atufl, ie. Pine and Hemlock biils sawed to order and shipped on short notice. C. 11. M .4 COMBER. Osceola Mills. May 6, 189-tf. Clearfield CO., P- "VTOTICE. Having purchased theintsrest X of J. A. Uluttenberaer, Esq., in the bu siness heretofore carried on under the firm name of J A. Dlattenberger Co., the same will be conducted herearter under the name of Moshan- non Land and Lumber Co., (Store). H.H.SHILLINHFORD. JOUN LAWfllE, President. Sup't. May II, ISTO-tf. . SANDY LICK HOTEL, Eeynoldsville, Jeflerson County, Ta J. S. RADEBACH, Proprietor. A first cln?s country Hotel The table supplied with the beat the market affords. Choice liquors at the p&i A share of public patronage re.-pecu fully soliored November 9, 1370. K E M 0Jr A L ! REMOVAL! C.JvRATZEU & SONS, Have removed to the large and elegant NEW STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoining Mcr relf 4 Bigler's Hardware Store, where they will be pleased to see their old and new customers. Citixenaof the county visiting Clearfield, ana wishing to make purchases, will find it to their advantage to examine thoir stock. Goods at cash prices exchanged for all kinds of country produce. - Jan. 6,09. IE STORE. Corner of Second St. and Hill Road. Ii. MITCHELL lias just received and opened, at tho above nam ed place, an entire new stock ef Spring - and Summer GoeJs which he will tell very cheap for cash. His stack consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswart. Uoota and Shoes. Hats and . Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc. Ho alto keeps choice Flour, Com Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desireus of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to jive him a call. Approved country produce will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange lor goads. , Clearfield. June 17, 1963. J GKATCD OPEmiTa "THIS WEE K. Freiuth Merinos, good colorsat 75 cts. Black Alpaca, 25 cents to 1,25 Elcgant Plaids, 20 cents to 2. riain and Figured Pop!ins,20c to$1.25. Reps, in the handsomest colors. Latins, at 50c to 1.25. Great bargains in Black Silks, prices ranging from ?1,25 to 4. Bargains in Coating,Frosted and riain Beavers, Sealskin, Dogskin Cuilicula, Agtrachan Beaver, from 3,50 to 12. Splendid Velveteen, 75c to 2. "Waterproof DOc to 51,75. All Wool and Zephyr Shawls, cheap. Roman Stripe Shawls. Mourning Shawls. Paisley and Broche, from 18 to 510. Furs, from 3,00 to 75,00 a set. These furs are purchased direct from the manufactories, and I will warrant them in ev ery respect. Also a full line of MILLINERY GOODS, of the latest styles. Millinery and Coat Making done in best style. Ladits', Misses and Childrens' Shoes. Gents' Hats, Caps, kc, kc. These Goods have been purchased low and will be sold the same. Persons are respectfully invited to call. Butter, Eggs, and all marketable coun try produce taken in exchange for goods. ' v M. REED, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. Nov, ?. 1870. F 0 11 SALE, White Lead, Zino Taint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine Tarnishes of all kinds. Colors, in oil and dry, Paint and Varnish brashes. ' MARTSTVrCK 4 IRWIS, Clearfield. Pa -M 6. '69. LONGEST K O O F in .the United States is 0:1 Uinek's Sons' Factory, Eastou, l'a.. one third of mile long and is covered with READY ROOFIXG CHS AP, DURABLE and ei-sily applied. Send for circular and camples to the manufacturers. READY ROOFING CD, June 1-ap. 13, y. No. 61 Courtland St. N. T- ("1LEA1I FIELD X MISERY. Encolr- ace Home Ixdi'sthy. The utidorsi.L'n ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike halfway between Curwensville and ClearSell Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindf of Frni tree.". (?cmlard and dwarf.) Evergrfn. Shrub bery. Grape Vinesiioopebcrry, Lawtcn Ltacli berry, !-trawberry aT.d Raspberry vines. AIsj SibrianCrab trees. Quince and early ScarlctRbeu barb, &s. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31,lhC4 J. U. V. 'KIGHT, Cnnvensvilie 'mliE OLD CLOPK C'N THE WALL," with 1 its dusty FA'' 12, iuut now put on a bright new DIAL, and faencrforth kep the time of four er live of the jrreat cities of the wcrld, either in Europe or America, us you may desire, und keep y-Hur own time us betore. alo. It may be attach ed to any ordinary due, and is both ornamental aud use! tl. In the parlor it is crnumcntal. In the public hou-e it is a matter of curiosity, and in the school room it is a matter of (Treat utility. Send fr a circular to cs. L. PURDY, !. l!l,'7ft-f,oi Westover. Pa. WHOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR STORE- I. L. EEIZEXSTEIN, 1KALCR Iff WIXBS AXB LIQUORS, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. A good assortment for medical purposes always kra hand. Anril 6. lS70-tf. JAS." T. BRADY & CO., (Surresiors to S. Joitrs f Co.,) CORNEK FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, PITTS B ITSGH, PA., B A N K E R S, Btr AND SELL ALL KINDS of- GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver and Coupons. Sit percent, interest allowed on deposits sub ject to check. Money loaned on- Government Bonds. Bonds registered free of charge. July 1. ISTO-ly. JAMES T. DRADY t CO. TO LUMBERMEN? PERFECTION IN CAN T HO O K S ! The Clearfield Excelsior Canthook will not wear out or break, beinj constructed with one solid band from elip to point. It is pronounced by all practical Lumbermen who have examined it to ho the most perfect cunt hook ever invented. Amo? KennarJ, Patentee. All orders promptly attended to. Manufactured by AMOS KESNARD k CO., Nov 23. - Clearfield, pa. 1S70. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! Eijri'y-six ThtHianil.S'WH II itndrrd and ZL'Wt- ty-on JTti ci i n iuaUe and old the Past Year'. The number exceeds bv thousands the sales of any other Machine, and the demand ia still in creasing Inttbti THOUSAND rttt KthK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD. THE BESOKS WHY: Because it embodies essential principles not found in any olber Machine ; because of its im plicity of construction, ease ot operation, uni f 'riuity f precise action at anypeed,and ca paciiy for the greatest range an I variety of werk, fine or coarse. Parties wisbiiii; to purchase should not fail te exam in this best of all Sewing Machines. I have tho Agency for this Machine, and will keep a full suunjj on haiid. Cieiira'Md.Miiy 4, '70 tf J. a. MlUivjtr.s. Q LOTH IN G! CLOTHING!! G003 AUD CH2A?!!! Men. Youths end Boys enn he f uplr-ieJ with ful suits of seasonable aud fashionable clothing a I. L. EEIZENSTEIN'S, where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has heen given, has induced him to increase his s'ock, which is now net surpassed by any estab lishment of tho kind in this part of the Ct.ito. I. L. KEIZENSTEIN, Fells rous at a very small proOt, .for cash; His goods are well made and fashioLable. He gives every one the worth of his money. Us treats his customers all alike. He sells cheaper than every body else. His store is eonvenently situated. He having purchased his stock 1 1 reduced prices he can sell cheaper tl an others. For these and ether reasons persons should bny their cloihii. at I. L. REIZENSTKIN'S. Produce of every kind taken st the highest market prices. May 13, lbf.4. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Pooks; heet Masie for Piano, Flute and Violin; Blank Account and Pass Books", of every de scription; Paper and Enwolop'? French pressed and plain; Pens-and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exemption and Promisory Notes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap and Bill cap, etc, Will be sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. GAULIN, At the Post office, on Market Street, Cleariield, Pa. May S, 1363 ft ALT ' SALT!: A crime article of groutd a O um <, pat cp in patent liens, for salecuea attaeetcieot '"'"" QTOP CHEWING TOBACCO Save your money ami restore your health, by using Dr. By-rn's Antidote for Tobacco This is not a substitute but a cure for Suio'sin?. Chewing and Snuff-takinjf Few persons are aware of the tcrrii.ie effects of the noxious weed on the human system. ly.--pepsia. headache, disease of the liver, sallow complexion, costiveneri of the bowels, loss of memory, and other diseases, are the affliotions brought eu by its use. Ihe Antidote is purely vegetable and harmless. It a.-ts ss tonic on the systoni. purine the blood, and enable c person to digest the heartiest i'od. atnpks sent free for 50 ts S3 rer dozen. Address M. J YAKNELL. i Canuou ft., N. Y. Nov. 2 t. 'TO-tiin r)R. KLINE, at the riiilu.J.'lphb Caticor 1J Inftitut. Ml Arch Street ; Prut'. 3 ni ton. 23S West 4th Street, CiLcinnati. Ohio, and lr tJreene at Charlotte. N C, are making astonish ing cures of al by their great Cancer Antidote 1'IX'FRS without the knife or caustio wedi TV M O I! S cine, and with but little pain. Ev CA.NCIiKS ery root und fibre is killed and re ' moved, it taken in lime, aud cannot return. Beware of bogus Pro fessors, with their bogus treatu;ems, stealing our advertisements. No otuars have these trentmeius. None other should ever be used. For full pari y ulars, send for a circular, or call, or addres ns u bove. November 2. lftTU-m. W E A V I N G ! Mrs. R. CALDWELL, Having engaged in the V, EAYINil BUSINESS, at htir rci.ititico nnr Logan's .M:I1, desires to in form her friend acd the public, that she Las now and will keen cnri mtlv on ban I. a tf" selected t.wk ot COTTON. WO'i'LKN and HUMP V.'AilPS, and is prepared to furnish to order Carpet ready made, or warp and weaving. Weaving ot all kinds done to order. If desired sho cau furnish cotton warn if al! kiuds fur linen or woulcn fill ing. Waul and rags tnken in txch.inio. Address, Jilts. U. CALDWELL, Octl2,'70-lyr Curwensville, Pa. SAAVS! SAWS!! D1STOX, CROSS CUT. MILL, DRAG, A.XD CIRCULAR SAWS. LIGHTNING SAWS PATENT PFKrORATED, ELECTRIC SAWS, And DIaTON S SAWS of ail kii.d.i, for sa! by li. F. B1GLEU A CO. IL F. J3I0LER & CO., JlEW.Er.S IN II A ED ABE, AND MA.XITACTCKBKS OF Tiu and Slicct Iron "Ware, CLEARFIELD. PA. PAIR BANKS' STANDARD SCALES, Or ALL KINDS. ALSO, Baggage Harrow?, Warehouse Trucks, Copyirg Presc3, Improved Monay'Drawers, ic, for sale :.v II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealers in Hardware, March 18 Clearfield. Pa 1870. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD CHOPPERS' AXE, t Manufactured expressly for the CLEARFIELD TRADE, . for tale by H. t. "BI03LEH A CO. ' FRUIT CAN , Manufactured from bet charcoal tin, Grooved and soldered on ouuide; WARRAXTF.D. A ISO, GLASS FJ1 TUT JARS, for sale by H. F. Iil'.iLEil & CO. C OOK ST 0 V E S ! SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEIIA y.YA, SUTERIOR. . GOV.PENN. REGULATOR, NOBLE COOK, XA TIONA L RA XGIT. 4r., A-c, And nil kinds of IlEATIXG STOVES, On hand and for sale by II. F. BIGLER & CO., SECOXD STREET, CLE A RFIELD, 1A. Augu.t3. 1S70. PINK and White Lining Skins, and Roan Skins at H. Dili LEE 4 CO S. TniMSLE-SKElNS and Pipe-boxes. t r Wag ons, for sale by 11. F. BIGLER i. CO I KONi IKON" Lest bar iron, for tale at he i n store of II. F. LIGLEU 4 CO. OTOVES of all sorts and si;es. eonstantly on O hand at II. F. 1UGLEK ii CO S ABLE CHAINS a good articli . en hand and forsalo by ii 1" . li I iJLi.lt & CO. HOR5E-SHOES, and horse-nails, to be had at I'. F. Bill LEU & CO S. SADDLES, Bridles, harness, eollrwa ic. fcr sale at H. F. EIGLEll A CO S. GUNS. Pistole and sword cnr.es to he lad at ii F. El'ILEli & CO o. HARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-nndinrs for salect H. F. J'ltiLElt A GO'S. OIL, Putty. Paints Glass nnd Nnils. for sale at March '10. H F EHJLEU CO S. -VJEW LAMPS Perkins Hon-c's Non-Explo-sive Lamp a new articte iust received aud for sale by HAKlty F. MULFR A CO. s IXTT-FIYE FIRST TRIZS MEDALS AWARDED. TOE GREAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE & CO., MANCFACTUlLEilS OK GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT TTANO FORTES U J' (J K 1 BALTIMORE, JIB. These Instruments have been before tbo public for nearly thirty yenrs and upon their excellence alone attained an unpurebaj-cd pre-eminence, which pronounces them unequaled. Their TONE combines great power, swoetnes and Cne singing quality, as well as greet purity of Intonation. and sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the etifiuees fo"nd in so many Pianos. IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequaled. using cone but the very best seasoned material, the large capital employed in our business enabling us to keep continually an immensestock of lumber, &c., on hand. ljtf All our Square Pianos have our new im proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Trehle. "i" We would call spec.in.1 attention to our late improvements lnliliANU MA&os ana N'LAUt GRANDS: Patented August 14, lt-fiti. which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been at tained. Every Tiano fully warranted for 5 years. We have made arrangements for the sole who'o- salo agency for the niest Celebrated r.AttL,mt UR U ANs'ur.d MFLODEANS. which we offer Whole sale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prices. WILLIAM KNABE A CO.. Sept. 21.'70-6m Baltimore, Md. J J 1 F. N A D G L F, . V7ATCK HAKEE, GRAHAM'S JtOW, CLEAKFIELu. Theundereigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that he h-s on hand, (nnd constantly receiving new additions;) a large stock of Clocks, A7atcb.cs and Jewelry, CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Iai ufactory.coniisting of Light-day and thii ty-hour spring and ll eight, aud Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. WA TCHESa.ir.a assortment. o fsilver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled GOLD PEXS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Afso, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortmant, fT acd near siht, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single pioco to a full set. A LSU. a fiue assortmitnt of Spoons. Forks, but ter ki.i vei. etc., plated on genuine Alubata. ALSO. Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting gat up to order. Call and see sample book. All kind? of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warraittrd . A continuance ol patronage is solicited. Nov. 2-uh. JsidS. H. F. NALGLE C. L. KEEB, j.r.ffut ti: W. POH tLL. O. F. BCOP NOTICE. V jon ns, W.tliTIS CLEAR ?IELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Missrs. HOOP. WEAVER 4 CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citizens (J the county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PEAKING MILL, is this Borough, with the best acd latest improved WOOD "WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all eiders i l. their line of business, such as Flooring, Weatherboarclinfr, Sash, Doors, Rmids, Brackets, aud Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber ea hand, and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-hal' inch Ditnnc! pl-ink preferred Nor .T7. XT E W SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW k SOX. Have just returned from the east and are new opening an entire new stock of geods ia the reom formerly eccupied by Vm. F. Irwiu, on Market Street, which they sow efTer to ike publie at the lowest cash prices. Their stock consists ef a geaeral assortment ef Dry Goeds. Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Dress Goeds, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Droams, Nails, etc., in fact, everything usually kept in a retail More can be had by calling at this store, er will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, acd consists of the newest gooJj, of the hcet quality, ef the latent styles, and will he sold at lowest prices for cash, or exchtiEGjfcd for approved country produce. Be sure and eall and examine oar steck before making your pnrchases, as we are determined Please all who may Livor us with their custom. May8, 1907. J. SHAW A SON. pUEXITUKE li O O M S. JOHN GVELICII, Desires to Inform his oi l friends p.nd cettomerg that, having enlarged Lis shop and increased his ftiri'itics for nrnrufjcturirip. he is low prepared to make to ordr sah furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rctcs for ca.-h. lie mostly has on hand at his --I'uiniture Itornis.1 a v&rtcd assortment of turnituie, among which i, Bl'KEArSASD SIDEROAKDS, Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre. Sofu. Parlor, Breakfast aad Lining extension Tables. Common, French-poets, Cottage, Jen ny- Liind r.na oilier Eecsstcads. SOFAS OF ALL KIXl-'S. tV'ORK-STAXDS, HAT ItACivS, WAsil.SlA.NiJS, 4e. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlur Chairs; And common and oiher Chairs. LOO KING-GLASSES Of every description on hsnd. and new jlassM fcr old frames, which will be put :t in very r'isoniibie terms, onmurt notice. He alse keeps oa hand, or furnishes to erder. Hair, Corn-husk, Hi:ir end Cotton top 3Iattreses. COi'FI.-XS, OF EVERY CI 3D, Uade to order, acd funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. Tbea'jove. and many other articles are famished to cnstomo'S cce:ip torcasn or exchappeef for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maprte. Por lar, Lin-wooci r.nd other Lumber suitable tor thetbasi ncs. taken in Xi-t:HiFu fci furniture. Itemetrher the ?hcp is nn aLirKet street. Clcar field, and ueariv opposite the -Oid Jew Store." December 4. 1K1 JCI Ol I I I I Ii- P. T. I. DR. BOYER'S PUUfi WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure. Pleasant, f nfc and KelinMe Tecic. com pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirits. Lee fn nj fuil oil, er other irritating properties, and will not disagree or offend the most dclicnte stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal viitue than any bitters at prcseut cfTcied to the pubiia. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite to promote Hijrestion to cure Hyspcpsia to cuia I'e er and Ague to cure llillonsness to cure Consti pation to cure Chronic Hinirhca to cure Flatulence to cure Acid Kruotations to cure Nervous L'ebility to cure Hypochondria tr. euro Sallownese of the C F-nplexion to cure Pimples and blotches to euro Uencrul Debility and Prostration of the Physical Powers, IT HAS XO . EQ UAL. TRY IT AND BE Cdls VINCED. SOLD F. VERY WHERE, AT $1 PER BOTTLI. A liberal discount to the trade. isrFACTCar.n exclusively bt A. I. S II A W, CLEARFIELD. PA., Dealer in Drutrs. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs. Oils. ' ::ints. Varnishes. Ae.; Patent Mediciues. Pure Wines and Litjuora for medical purposes. Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all goods usually kept in a I'ru Store, seld chenp. Hsvinir employed E. D. Snyder a gradunate in Pharmacy who. speaks both English and tier man, the undersigned feels no hesitancy in saying that eustomcrscan rely upon having the prescrip Hons properly put up. . A. I. SHAW. Feb. 23, 1S70. . . CCRWENSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS, rJ1EETU ! TEETH ! ! Ertrai-tel for 25 Cer.t., efiidcut inx-tiietics now in usa.j'by Ml S J. 1 1 mix. Srqton Dentist, Curnill,. Pm toth.Crr,.erofMato ani Locusl Jenkins' More, where he is r.repircd to roc' his customers iu newly Ct.d p ltOPms. thetr-woik inthemof. ,kiiful knd worstulikl manner All .ork don. in the la... "ptroved styles and guaranteed ' Dr. Hays will ben-gaged in h is office from tr. 1st to the 2:id of each month ; the balance .?., month he will sj end in Glen Hope, l4ns'd. and Luther.Urg. alternate!,. set distance, .-hould write to us previous ot ,h.,r coming. ifS.H boM. from te 13 oelovk A V and from 1 to i o'clock. P M ' ' He uc-e r one but the very best material ,n4 defy eompetuiun for beauty, cheapness, ai,d du lability Give u a call. Curwensville. 1'a . M.-.y 25, 1S78 -ftby. N . P O U N D R iu l.crwensville. TK. 1 ; , . .. uuueraigitcu navine "!erM into ce Sr4 cership. in the FOUNDRY KUSIYESS ia Curwcivil!e. wanld iuform the public that the keen on baud, and will manufacture to order. Plows, Cultivator?, THRESHING MACHINES, Stove.?, etc., and every other description of article generally trade iu a country fuuudry. Teiuis reasonable. Old metal taken ia ex change for work. A share of patronage is respectfully aolielUe. JACKSON ROCISO.w reb.2:i,'7()-ly. JAMLS .'. WELCH. ' "CHEAPER ihii lie CHEAPEST." GOODS AT REDUCED FRICES, JUST RECEIVED I5Y AEN0LI) & IIAIiTSIIORX, Curwensville, Pa. (Oue door West First Nat. Back.) navin? just returned from the East with a plete a: .n.rtinect of lioods suitable for the Spring and J-'uii.mer trade, wo are now prepared te fur- niin a!i Emus ol uoods 'CHEAPER THAN TES CnL'A6T." And p.fier thankini; our customers fur their lib eral patronaja during the pu.t year, we would mojt re.-pectfully atk for a continuance of the same. Our stcck consists cf DRY GOODS. XOTIOXS. HARDWARE. QVEEXSWAim. WOOD AXD WILLOW-WAKE. GROCERIES. boots irSHota. II A TS CA TS. CLOTH 1 XG. CARPETS TuVACCOS.KttK Al-e. Flour. Bacon, Salt. Fi.-h. Grain, is., lo , aB of which will be sold en the most reasonable terms. nd the highest market price paid fer Grain Waol and all kinds of lumber and country produce. Please give ns a call before ptirehasin; elsewker Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and pneee. AiiNOLD A'HAKTSHORT, Cer. Main Thcmpsci, 3t. April ?.'7S CcrnDsvil!f , J?k SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvi.v & Co., Ceing specially engaged ia the hosineu ef Hy ing an selling SQCAF.B TlMBSIt, weu.'d re ire sent that they are now prepared te parihase time ber, delivered at either Curwessrille, Lodk Bavea or Marietta, or will tae it at any cf thete peiaU and sell on eoBimissiea, reakicg t?n sdvaaeee u are necessary. Those engaged la getting eut tiiceer wiU id at our store in Curwensvi.'!. a very large sek of STAPLS GOODS, of all description. ALSO. FLOUR, MEAT, RYE, OAT3, CORN, and everything necessary for use of Lumbenaee. RAFT KOrC. of all sires, kept est hacdia large quantities, and sold at a email advance, by tie coil. AL-o, TL'LLEr BLOCKS, SMALL ROI'B, As. Special inducements offered te those maaatee turing Square Timber. E. A. IKVIX A CO CurwensTille. Jan. 12. 1S79 CLEARFIELD ACADEMY! The Second Session of the present cholastn year, of this Institution, will commence on Mon day, the 21st day of November, 1570 Pupils can enter at any timo. They will b charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session. Theconrscof instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical ami axomplish ed education of both sexes Tho Principal having had the advantage e much experience in his profession, a.-:sure p rents and guardians that bis entire at.ility energies will be devoted to the mental and meral training of the youth placed under his charge. TERMS OF TUITION: Orthography. Reading. Writing and T.-imary A rithmetie, per session, (llwceks), English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetio ana History, 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveyin-, Philosophy, Physiology, iibeniistry. Book keeping. Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. 00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of the abave branches, 12 00 MUSIC. Piano. (.10 lessons), 10 00 IXo deduction will be made for absence. For lurther particulars inquire of Ret. P. L. HARRISON, a. July 31. 1870. PincipaL, rpHE highest market prices p.iUor SMijl- lAXXED FRUIT. Canned Plums. p" j and canned corn, ete .for aale at " 1 Store of A. I. fcB A" ir