"pc laffewmt's gonntaf, Uaxfdb, ga., cfanaxq l, 1871. 5Jaft$iUiiu Journal Valuation of all Property Assessed for Years 1S71, 72 and 73, Taxable for County and State purposes, as returned by the Assessors of the respective Districts in Clearfield County reimsylvania, with the rate per cent, and Tax, subject to Kevisiou by the County Commissioners. CLEARFIELD, PA., FEB. 1, 1871. Te Patro-s To insure the safe transmission . b mail, patrons should remit by ebeek t m.?-order, or -v. their letter, registered. A receipt will be enclosed iu th. firit paper after tae money comes to hand: Real Estate. Value of all seated and unseated lands. Houses and Lots, jj Personal Property. Horses, Mules, Cows and Oxen. i Salaries, kc. jjCounty Tax, Carriages. Watches. :frtra i Furniture State T. c c 2 c B T3 a a 1,-1 t 5 4 a g o 1 1 ' - as c 5 cr to tn SB 5 5. ' x a 3 K O 3 o !:2-2 k ?: 2 i s 1 3 CK - 5 2. c 3 c O o: e P 3D vi S it r- x ss c - -1 . w - r r c n h SS I: S- a 2 m Jt c H S 2- c - -i n o c - a HL s is. a 5" o a I 3 o 3 5" o m 1 c 3 o . o a it f ST S S o Ux ! S.U2 5-j 1 s 15 !. Penn B. K. "Winter Arraagement g. B 5 SB c r- C 2. o ileillr-in leaves Tyrone at 9.34 a m. 5 a- 2 a- i o - 5 a , sr X S 2-3 11.15 a.m. 11.40 a. m. 12.40 p.m. 2.40 p m 3 40 p. m. 4.00 p. m. 5.35 p. m 12.25 p. m 2 a c E-o'3 ? Cl c c - c w 2 a 2 c c a O c " 2 3 " 5".2 Arrives at usoeoiu. at . Philipsburg at Clearfield at : Mall Tril-leaves Clearfield a : Arrives at Philipsborg at Osceola at : : Tyrone at : Lock Haven at - o c m - n " " o ..r. o 1 ari 5 - --v c S 0 a 5 -! I ? Si II I 4 O X cr i o oo -I - zr a 3 ft c a- D-d o a S 5 c a 0 cr a o 5 a 1 s 2 8 o - ? oc g. c S o e a a o -c o CO -K IB ( Accommodation Tram. Leaves Clearfield at Arrive at Philipsburg at : : Osceola at : : : Interaaetion at : M. Tyrone at Beeves East Tyrone at : t : : : Arrives at Interieotlon at : Osceola at : : : : - Philipsburg at : s Clearfield at : : : Close eenneetions mad at Tyrone t East and West on the Maine lane. 7.00 A. M 9 00 a. m 10.00 a. so 12 50 p. m. 1 13 p. m. 10.00 a m. 1.08 p. in. 2.0. p. m, 3 40 p.m. 4.50 p. m. eith train Kki.igiocs. Divine services will be held aext Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : By liev. Hall, in St. Andrew's Episcopal church, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday school at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o'elock. By Hev. Butler, in the Presbyterian church, morning and evening. Sabaath i school at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every ednesday evening at 7 o'clock. By Rev. J. H. M'Cord, in the lethodist church, inoroinir and evening. Sabbath school at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, every Thursday at 7 P. M. Communion services Firt Sabbath of every month at A. M. St. Francis' church Mass at 10. A. -M., the second and fourth Sundays of each montli. ' " Kevived business, in this place, since the recent fall of enow. There in still room for improvement in that line. Felt Cheap when detected the chap who had "bagged" another man's goods, at a certain store in this place, last week. ThasSs. We tender oar thanks to Hon. U. W. Sjofield, for a copy of the Congress ional Globe for the session of l?G9-70. Progressing the religious revival, at the M. E. Church, in this borough. About fifty have already united with the church, and quite a number are still seeking the blessing of God. Sxow. During the past ten days, some eighteen inches of snow fell in this region. As a consequence, everybody is busy hauling timber and logs. We presume that nearly, if not altogether, the usual quantity of tim ber will be on hand when the spring floods come. Usgenf.kocs. The Brook ville Republi can, last week copied our notice of the Har der trial and gave credit to another paper. This is ungenerous. We make noobjection to coteraporaries copying our locals without giving ui credit therefor, but we do object to crediting theiu to others. Late Publications. Arthur's Lady's Home Magazine, and the Children's Hour, for February, have reached us. These are both very excellent and entertaining publi cations excelled by none in the country. They are worthy a place in every household. Price, Home Magazine $2 a year in advance; Children's Hour $1.25. Address T. S. Ar thur & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. Tns Academy. The third session, of the current scholastic year of this Institu tion; will be opened on Monday, February Gth, 1S71. Professor Harrison is meeting wiib increased success as his capabilities as a teacher beeome better known. All the English branches, together with Latin, French and Music, make up the course of instructions imparted. Those interested in the education of children and youth, should thoroughly inform themselves of the advan tages of this institution before tending away from, home. "Everybody Knows Us." Some sny that it is do use for them to advertise, that they have been in one place of business all their lives, and everybody knows them. Such people seem to forget to take into con sideration that our county is fast increasing in population, and no matter how old tha place may be, there are constant changes ta king place ; some move to other parts, and suneers fill their places. In this age of the worU, utiless the name of a business firm is constantly before the public, some new firm, hy liberally advertising, in a very ahort time takes the place of the older one, and the 1-ttcr ru.-n out, as it were, and is forgotten. No nian ever lost money by judicious adver tising. Riot. Or. Thursday evening last, five men, engaged in cutting hoop poles a few miles north of this place, came to town and after indulging pretty freely in "benzine," entered the saloon of Mr. Endresand called ir some lager. This being refused them, they assaulted an inoffensive German tailor ho was sitting in the room at the time, laying open the skin on his forehead several inches in length and otherwise bruisitig him Irettj severely ; whereupon the proprietor of the saloon ordered the "hoop-poleites" t leave the house. Upon reaching the pave "'"t the ejected party indulged in some load talk and threatened to "blow their I rams out" at the. same time, one of them discharging a revolver. This attracted the attention of Chief liurgess Walters, who fci?teutd hither to ascertain what was the matter. The Burgess asked who had fired that pistol, when one of the party answered he had done it, and had another in reserve him if he did not shut up." The Bur-8-'ss then called some bystanders to his as sistance, and arrested the rioters and took them to jail. As they were going into the i nner door of the prison, Constable McClel land came up, when one of the rioters turn ed around and knocked the Constable down. As a result, the following day the "hoop P"le" party were taken before Justice Por ter, who, after a hearing, committed them to answer a charge of riot and of assault nd battery. They were af terward released "Pod eutering bail for their appearance at 'he next term of our Court of Quarter Ses when, no doubt, they will be dealt '" as their several offences merit. eft -r -i 5 mdubcb! schbkr. DOLLARS. Iiecearia Bell Bloom Boggs Bradford Brady Murnside Chest . Covington Clearneld borough Curwensville tor. Decatur Ferguoa Girard Goshen Grajiaui Gulich HustoT Jordan Karthaus Knox Lawrence Lumber City Lor Morris 260 233 72 205 276 431 304 2!4 165 356 140 425 135 126 2t8 14d 163 142 160 142 134 372 58 40fi f,l 205 165 281 97 27S 19,762 21,358 6,027 13,550 16,244 23,725 22,2lJ6 17.021 9,265 231 295 84,292 65,770 15,203 45,862 58,922 189,026 107,604 37,489 29,976 9.950 3,850 42,694 38,573 86,500 17,128 27,185 23,149 24,131 35,347 87,960 12,512 125,225 8.410 42,462 7,040 2,400 35,040 67,154 16.S40 14,800 13,003- 11,865 8,525 4,896 9,093 8,079 5,775 9,830 7,052 9,743 20,240 1,530 14,908 124 40 11.243 17,795 5,819 0,556 N.Washington bor Osceola borough Penn Pike Union Woodward Total 317,223 I 1,362.494 6103 In a?cordarce with the Act of Assembly Countv for 1871 nnni nronertv taxable bv below a just rate; and all parties interested Attest : G. B. Goodlandf.r. Clerk, Commissioner's Office, Clearfield, Pa., Tribune Almanac. We are in receipt of a copy ot this highly useful and interest ing Political Register. Everybody should have a copy. Price 20 cents. Address "The Tribunej-2i' Y. Tue American Artisan. This publica tion has entered upon its twelfth volume. I's career has been a success, and, in the future, promises to be more interesting and useful than ever. It is especially devoted to Inventions and Improvements ot all kinds, whether scientific or mechanical. Each number is handsomely embellished with ap propriate engravings. The present volume will contain several new features articles on "Our Works and Shops," and "Sketches of Distinguished Inventors, Mechanics and Manufacturers." It also publishes the offi cial list of patents, and much other useful information for mechanics and farmers. It is issued weekly, and contains sixteen pages. Price, $2 per year, in advance. Address Brown, Coombs & Co., 189Broadwav, New York. Local Correspondence. Ccrwensvim-e, Pa., Jan. 27. "II. Mr. Editor : In last week's issue of the Republican I see an article from this place, over the signature of "A Fact," in which the writer endeavors to create the impression that the loyal or Republican citi zens of our borough treated inhumanly a negro, who came here on a visit to John Carl, (a barber,) and who had his foot bad ly frozen on his way here. He also says the leading business men of the place "raised a fund to reship him," leaving the inference that they were all Republicans. I admit that nearly all the money paid over for that purpose came from Republicans, but dny that a single Republican approved of the course pursued in the case. Quite a num ber of our best citizens, of both parties, deprecated the act, and were in favor of keeping him here until he was in a condi tion to be removed with safety. The man who went around town soliciting money to defray the expenses of his removal, was a Copperhead of the worst and mot venojious kind, a Knox township secession ist one who proclaimed aloud, during the war, his preference for Jeff. Davis and his followers, and one cf the gallant and chiv- alric (?) gentlemen who "were determined to resist the draft," and a supporter of, and sympathizer with, that gallant little a.uy who were so ignomiuiously defeated, by less than half their cumber of the Invalid Corps, and where the brave, though illy advised, Tom Adams fell a victim to the cowardly treason of the Democracy of Clearfield county. This is the man and kind of men that "wont pay taxes to support a nigger pauper." "A Pact" knoici'nyly misstates facts, when he sa,s he don't know whether or not this man was brought here for the purpose of securing his vote. Such couxe and tcross misrepresentations and falsehoods should not be allowed to go unrebuked in our county any longer, par ticularly when ibade by a man who professes Chii-'-tianity and proclaims himself a fol lower of the meek and lowly Jesus. If "A Fact" was a humane,- or Christian gen tleman, he would have contributed some thing, however small, to the relief of this unfortuuate felllj creature, who, had their positions beeu reversed, would, I have no doubt, have proved himself superior,- in every respect, to the coarse, unfeeling and cold-hearted Copperhead who would write such an article. A CITIZEN. MARRIED. On Thursday, December 29th, 1870, by K. Hiltebiand, Esq., Mr. Philip Curry, of Indiana county and. Miss Anna MaRIAII Donalson. of Clearfield county. On Sunday, January 22d. 1871, E. Hilte brand. Esq., Mr. George FisiiEL.and Miss Ans Dlnbar, both of this county. DIED : On Sundav morning. January 22d, 1870, at Dunbar, William Sherman, son of Jas. and Nancy Stout, acd 10 months. a O - a 3 s DOLLARS. 4 3 2 3 3 8 4 2 3 00 00 50 50 60 00 50 50 00 7,338 16,346 6,272 6,S97 5,690 12.891 4,112 8,611 16.458 13,000 65,480 6,282 11,853 8,228 46.011 19,805 43,917 39,316 43 00 13 40 3 25 3 50 10 00 3 50 7,975 1.385 27,700 23,848 9,809 6,187 67,239 2 022 15,163 13,045 28,117 20.1S8 24,030 4,918 142.361 118,235 16,004 37,630 335,500 3 3 4 00 50 00 50 50 50 oo 25 00 60 i 3 7,500 85,360 69,130 145,142 12 1 6 5 3 5 84,845 60 00 3 00 3 40 3 10 2 00 6.361 15,886 8,374 12,390 31,805 26,1 S3 42,870 119,270 ' 3 56 ' 350310 1,544.676 regulating Trienial Assessments, and constituting law. and Lerf ftiih cive notice that the 15th, 16th will take notice, that appeal may be maJe between this time and thoi-'days. but, that after that Jan. 18, 1S71 MOSHANNON Land and Lumber Co., MANUFACTURE LUMBER, LATH, PICKETS, AND SHINGLES. II. II. SHILLING FORD, President, Office Forest Place, 125 S. Ath St., Phil' a. JNO. LAWSIIE, ;Gen'l Sup't, Osceola Jtf.7., Clearfield County, Pa. Mosliannon Land and Lumber Co.. Otter Inducements to Purchasers of CHOICE GOODS, AT THEIR M A M M O T H STORE IN OSCEOLA. Mosftannon Land and Lumber Co;, Offer LOTS in r.he Borough of Osceola and vicinity for'sale. Terms edsy; Apply at the Office of the Co. JOHN LAWSIIE, Gen'l Sup t. January 18,1371. WATCHES AND JEWELRY I would respectfully announce to citisens o Clearfield and vicinity, that 1 will epen on Thurs day, Dec 22d. in the new room, first door below the Mansion House, on Second street, with an en tire new stock of. . m WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Jewelry, ot the latest and of the best finish, selected with care and" I b.,pC good taste. I will have an a.ssortment from all the iateit novelties in jewel- ry suitable for the Holidays. Thankful for your J past liberal patronage 1 hope Oy strii.: nuenuon to bnine?s to merit a continuance of the same. t?-HAIR JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER. Dee. 14. 1370-tf. S. I. SNYDER. CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Stone and Earthenware, of every description. Fishers' Patent Airtight elf-scaling Fruit Cans. BUTTER CROCKS WITH LIDS, PICKLE and APPLE BUTTER CROCKS. CREAM AND MILK VROCKS,STEW POTS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, and a good many other things too numer ous to mention, at the STONE-WARE POTTERY OF F. LEITZINGER, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA, Aug. 3, '70-tf. THE GREAT PRESERVER OF HEALTH! Perforated BUCKSKIX UNDERGARMENTS, For Ladies and Gentlemen. . A sure cure for Rheumatism. A preventive of Colds. For sale by C. KRATZER k SOS, Dec.2i. tlearneM, l a. to a 2 I 1 II . ' ! I ! HO. HO. I DOLLARS. "- DOLLARS. DOLS. SO- DOLLARS. DOLS X. DOLLARS. I DOLLARS. jDOLS j DOLS. CTS. j : ,j , 1 1 75 ! 66 36 ; 7,660 202 10,085 50 266 3,192 12 13 345 ! 8,745 29 M 1,273 19 4 00 i I 179 16,110 90 222 3,300 14 22 1,056 j 9.250 73 '! 1,609 6& 1 00 1 65 3,045 47 72 946 13 2 75 jj 3,570 5; !j 291 21 1 75 I 58 46" f 6,305 ! 150 8,963 60 152 2,280 15 6 215 I 8,870 43 j 843.48 1 75 15 22 i 1,530 i 212 13.395 63 t 196 2,940 15 V. 9,340 32 ;; 943" 55 3 50 I 101 84 .' 2,618 ' 352 24,714 70 I 424 5,0S 12 56 4,245 11 20,515 47 .! 3,102 17 4 50 50 35 8,725 253 17,425 69 j 313 4,695 15 11 1,025 !i 8,505 25 li 1.677 85 5-00 ! 168 ' 9,510 57 i 215 3,146 14" 18 595 I; 11,175 52 II 1,058 32 3 50 35 19 3,280 : 139 10,146 72 ' 115 1,976 17 12 500 jr 6,416 39 !j 916 70 J 351 241 , 11,697 74 1 3,786 52 j 109 1,038 12 j; 23,725 06 'j 1.554 69 122 100 58,650 52 3,033 64 61 732 12 1 9,450 69 jj 730 15 3 50 ! 107 70 1 12,900 : 165 9,073 55 175 . 2,197 13 j; 25,745 62 , 1,166 39 3 50 i I ; 142 10,310 72 j 156 2,340 15 i 4 2CW 21,875 21 590 16 1 5 00 I 2 2 ! 575 120 7,455 62 j 105 2.200 20 10 - 710 ,' 6,505 52 ! 2,463 06 j 5 00 I j 10 7,459 69 1 77 1.001 13 j 8 346 ii 14.803' 55 1 1,589 72 1 75 ' 2 2 t 200' : 115 j . 7.235 63 j 130 1,783 14 4 110 ij 2,080 14 ;i 545 97 ! 6 00 29 21 : 2,745 : 113 5.925 52 j 110 1,100 10 j 2 75 ji 5.415 33 j 760 39 ! 5 00 I I 128 j '-6.510 129 j 115 2.20;) 20 26 1,950 U 7,990 63 j! 3.882 81 j 3 25 ' 13 11 ! 1,000 147 8,270 56 159 2,290 14 6 230 j 1,307 10 j 55'J 44 5 50 . ; 95 10.465 110 88 1,700 20 4 225 7,455 52 1,931 55 5 00 J 30 20 3,525 141 8,465 60 135 1,925 15 2 125. 4,175 31 998 57 5 50 j 65 43 8,405 2SS 20,760 72 367 5,349 15 2 SO 14,960 40 3,199 21 68 30 8,720 36 2,235 62 . 63 786 12 2,970 51 231 21 4 25 i 44 37 7,369 206 12,960 63 : 193 2,857 15 4 120 15.690 42 1,663 03 55 35 8,715 36 2,100 59 44 ' 666 14 2 110 2,025 33 206 51 I 194 139 154,215 34 2.410 71 43 860 20 ! 12,445 55 1,723 30 5 00 ! 26 23 . 3.192 331 i 6.550 50 . 159 2,220 14 6,935 42 , 857 48 1 75 j 12 14 1,560 217 12,495 58- j 265 3,877 15 10 350- 4,7.-0 17 l 1,163 99 5 00 4 2 5(H) 1 .84 3.695 ' 44 j 89 1,198 13 3 185 3.610 37 jj 6 98 9 00 I 100 60 10,709 126 8,925 71 ' 125 1,650 13 .2 f 50 10,085 30 1,654 89 ! j -I 1 j ' , i4 40 1 1198 S56 330.098 JJ4.278 ' 2s3,8()9 K36 i!4,743 67.533 14 229 12.982 J;271.41 1 '450 1:39,897 63 a board of revision, the Commissioners of Clearfield Co-inty, herewith publish the above statement, s-bowinsr the aceregale value and assessments made Ly each Assessor in the and 17th days of March, 1x71, at the Commissioners' office, in Cloarb'eld, arc fixd Uiiou fur dually dcterLuiuiug whether any of the said valuations of assessors have been tuada TERMS O Tilt JOURNAL,. The Kaftsm as'b Joi'RNal is published on Wed ne-day it $2.00 pet annum in advance. If bo paid at the beginning of the ear. $2,50 will be charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the close. Adtertisemekts wi'l be inserted at SI, 50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or lew) counting a square. For everj additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly adrertisers ( No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til I all arrearages are paid. except at the option of the publisher. S. J. ROW. B OOTS! BOOTS!! BOOTS!!! BOOTS!!!! FRENCH KIP, FRENCH CALF, S8 00 i 00 ' 5 00 at C. KEATZER'S, Opposite the Jail. Sep. 21. 1870. A G II EAT OFFER. Horace "Waters?,- 481 Broadway, New York, will dispose or ON K HUNDRED PIAXOE3. ME LOHE'iNS nd OKU aNS of six first class makers, including Chikering-Ji Sons, at extbemelt low prices vim cash. Dciiisa Tms HoNTii, or will take from $5 to f 2a monthly until paid. 4-13-70-1- IMPORTED LIQUORS, SUCH AS BRANDIES a,tA HOLLAND QINS, PURE OLD GRAPE BRANDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES. All the above brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur poses UEO.N.COLBLRN, March 30,'70-tf.J Frop'r of Shaw House. rplIE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. Tliis Liniment having been usn.l, for some years past. as a famt'y medicine by the pro prietor, and its goad effects coming to the notioe of his neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con sented to manufacture it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Catarrh and Billious Cholie. ever offered to the public; and will cure many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price. SI per bottle, or six bottles for 35. Sent to any address by enclos ing the price to WJ. H W A'jONER. Huril Postoffice, . Ost. 6, 1869. Clearfield county. Pa. Co-Partnersliip iu Store. C. A. Rorobangh having associated with him in the Mercantile business, in Lewisville, Clear field county, Mr. C. R. MoCracken, solicits a con tinuance ef the patronage so generously exteuded heretofore Having jast returned from the eastern eities their stock embi aces a large and varied assort ment of Dry Gioeds. Groceries, Hard ware. Queens ware, and in fact nearly everything u.u ally kept in a country store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country produce taken in exchange for good C. A.KOROBAUGH. May IS, -70. tf. C R. McCRACKEN 31'PHERSON'S (formerly M'Gaughey's.) Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon, IN LEAVT'S NEW BCILDIN9, Second St., Clearfield, Pa. Constantly kept ea hand a fine selection of Candies. Cigars, Tobacco, Nuts, Ac. Also Frssh Oysters, received daily, and served up in any style, to suit the taste of customers. A full stock of geods just received from the Eut. g'Bi'liard Saloon in Second Story. Deo. 14-7U. y. R M PHE RSON. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of R, II. SUA W, Two doors east of the Postoffice. Clearfield. Pa. Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Navy, Congress Cavendi-h, Cable. Spunrell, Michigan and Century Fine-eat Chewing Tebacao. Je. Also, a large and well selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars. Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe fixtures, Tobacoo Boxes Cigar Holders, and everything gener fi-und iu a well regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. C3Remember the place: Two doors east of the Postoffice, Clearfield, Pa. Au-. 24, '70. 5? s p 3 G g X 3 O 1 S c"o 0 o 4 CD o s time- none will be allowed JUST IN T I M E! TTIE NEW GOODS AT A. K. WRIGHT & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., Having just returned from the eastern eities we are now opening a fall stocK of seasonable goods, at our rooms en Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention ot the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very low for cash. The stock consists in part ef DRY GOODS of the best quality, such as Print". Delaipes Alpa eas. Merinos Ginghams : Muslins, bleached and anbleachod ; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels. Cassimers. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals. &.. Ac. all nf rhif.ll will Kb snlrl I 'IV wnw. I- 1 I: u IT., m K . . assortment of the best ef MENS WEAR, consisting of Drawers and Phirts, Hats and Caps, Beots and Shoes, Handkcrchiefttcravats, etc. Also, Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Raltina Aaron and Axes. Nails and Spikes. Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc., ete. Also, Queensware Glassware. Hardware.Groce ries, and spices of all kinds In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept !n a retail store, all ehrap for cailt, or approved country produce. Nev. 23-ialB-nol3. WRIGHT A SONP. A Great Medical Discovery ! Dr. WALKER S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS! Hundreds of thousands hear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. W II AT ARE THEY? TlIET ARE NOT A VILE FANCY D II INK, Made of Poor Rum. Whiskey. Proof Spirits, and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste.ee led "Tonics," "Appetizers.1 ' Restorers." Ac .that load the tipplron 'o drunk enness an 1 ruin, but are a true Medicine made from the Native Root-- and Herbs nf California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are tbe Great Blood Purifier and a Life Giving Triocii le a perfect Renovator and Invigontorof the System carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood te a healthy condition Nu person can take these Bitters according to direction and re main long unwell, provided tbe bvnes are not de stroyed by mineral poison er other means and the vital org.ns wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism arui Gout. Dyipepsia or Indigestion . litttious Re mittent and Intermittent Fever. Diseases of ts Blood. Liver, Kidneys and Blatlder, these Bitters have been mnt success ful. Such diseases are caus ed by vitiated blood, which is generally p rodueed by derangement of the digestive organs. Dyspopsiaor Indigestion headache, pain in the shoulders, coughs tightness of the chest, dizziness, sour eructations of the stomach, bad tas'e in the mouth, billious attacks, palpitation of the hear;, inflammation of the lungs, paiu in the regions of the Kidneys and a hundred other painlul symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood cf all Impurities. and imparting new life and vigor to ihe whole system. BiUous, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, which are SO prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, eipcci.lly those of the Mississippi, Missouri. Illinois, Ten nessee. Alabama. Savannah. Roanoke, James and many others with their vast tributaries, during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkabl so du ring seastns of unusual beat and dryness, are in variably accompanied by extorsive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstruc tions of the liver, a weakness and ir.ituble state of the stomach, and great torpor of tho bowols. being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In (heir treatment, a purgative. exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which tbe bjwels are loaded, at the same tinie-etimulaiiiiji the secretions of the liver, and frenerally restoring the bea'thy functions ef the digestive organs. The universal popular y of this valuable remedy in regions subject to mias matic infiuenees. is sufficient evidence of its pow er as a remedy in such cases. For skin diseases, eruptions, tetter, salt rheum, blotches, spots, pimples, pustules, boils, carbun cles, ring-worms, scald-head. sore eyes. erysipelas. itch, scurf, discnlnratwns of tbe skin, numors and diseases of the skin, of whatever name or nature, ! are literally dog up and carried out of the sys tem in s short time by tbe use of these Riters One bottle in ruch cases will convince the most incred ulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vi'iated Blood whenever you find Its impurities bursting through the skin in pim ples, eruptions or sores; oleana it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins : cleanse tl when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keen tbe blood pure and the health of the system will follow - ria, lape ana other v orms.iurxrng in tbe sys tem of so many thousands, are effectual! r destroy ed and remover! For full directions, read care fully tbe circular around eU:h bottle, printed in four languages English, (ieiman, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD k CO., DrugsisU and en. Agents. San Franeiseo. Cal . and 32 and i Commerce Street. New York .OLD BY ALL DRU8JIST. AND DEALERS December 7, liTM-Iy. r M S" 2 " C CTl 2 t a a x r r:" ft I so. i so,, j so. dols. CTS. 1 ; ; ; 2 ! 3 j 3 50 j j 5 j 2 50 ! ! I : 2 j 2 00 i j 2 ! j 1 50 ! 2i j 3 ! 3 50 I I 1 ; 75 ; 42 j 4 2 ! 46 00 ! 6 1 4 4 j 10 0 ! j 4 2 j 4 00 I ! 1 ! ! 75 ' ! 4 j 3 00 i : j ill! 1 25 1 1 1 ; 1 i i5 I 2 6 5 00 1 50 3 1 3 50 113 2 25 8 J 4 10 00 18 3 j 18 30 0 1 ! 4 2 75 1 2 j 3 4 00 1 I t 00 1 i I 1 50 1 89 1 28 162 I 140 00 12 15 7 17 20 21 37 18 o 55 26 6 7 13 5 300 735 135 500 650 190 1,435 680 1,200 295 200 475 200 295 3W) 275 610 375 2,172 205 785 700 250 705 S30 SS5 10 i 4,! 12 ! 12 11 54 8 40 14 3 16 23 12 S. H. SlIAFFNKR, :s. if. tu.M.iA.N, DAVID BUCK, NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail. CLEARFIELD, PENNA. Monuments, Crccian Tombs. French Couches. Mantles. Table Tops. Washing Ranges, liarden Statuary. Terra Colta Ware. ofevcr description, Head aud Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at city prices, or 2i percent less than any other establishment in this county. Having a large experience in tbe busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in the best workmanlike manner. S. A. GIBSON. May II, lri'fl -tf James Watsos. Agent. WEST BRANCH RESTAUR AXT AND Ladies' Oyster Saloon, Ol kECOKD ST.. KCLOW MARKET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Constantly kept cn hand a, selected assertment ot Candies, Nuts, Cigars. Tobacco. Ac. Also fresh Oysters reeeived daily, and for sale by the dozen or hundred. J. M. MACO.MBKR. Oct 12. '70. Proprietor. 11j, iTir.Al .UAImfjl. The undersigned have opened a Meat Market in the room formerly occupied by Alex lrvin.on Market Street. ClearScTd. Pa., adjoining Messop'a. where they intsnd to keep a full supply of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at p:ices to ruit the times. Their shrp' will be open regularly, on Tuesday. Tbur'dn- aud Saturday, and meat delivered at any point. A share of public patronage is respectfullv solicited. Al. ( BROWN. Aug 31, 70 tf. I W. BROWN. Also confirms to deal iu all kinds -f improv ed Agricclttt.-al Implements. NEW TljN SHOP! Fred Sackett, Manufacturer of TIN, COPPER etnd SHEET IRON WARE nearly opposite the jail), MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Also, on hand and for sale "The Times" Cook Stove, the best in the world, And an asroitment of PARLOR and SITTING ROOM S 10 YES. which will be sold cheaper than tbeycan be purchased at any ether esiablishuieut in the county. ALSO, ROOFING, SPOUTING aud JOB WOXK done oa reasonable terms. Aprils. 1S70. R E M 0 V A L . IIAllTSWICK k IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old and new custo mers, that we have removed our estblihment te the new building just erected ou Market street, nearly adjoining the Mansion House on the .e?t, and opposite Graham A Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite tbe public to come and bij j their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI- CINS, OILS. PAINTS AND VA11NISHS. Our stock of Drugs and Medioin.escorist of every thing used, selected with the greatest eare, and WARRANTED STIUVTLY PURE! We also keep a full Q? Dves. Perfumeries Toilet articles.Soaps. Tooth Brushes. Hair ttrJh s. Whitewash Brushes, r.nd every other kind ot Brushes. We have a Ia-ge lot of White Load, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and in fact everything used in the paintLng business, which we effer at City prices to cajii buyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Conf 3tionery. Spices, and the largest stock of va rieties ever offered in this place, and warranted to he of the best the market affords. J. a. IF ARTSWICK, Deo. 2. IMS. JOHN t. IRWIN H DM PH REV'S GELEB.RATED COAL. Free from all impurities, again in the mar- Irot ifrrlrT ffi at tl, . . r I n , --- BIVICS UI w . " - I .11. & son or mcnara Moesop will receive prom attention. Nov. 30.'7tf 3m. Pt B OOTS 100 cases Rich ardsoa's Elmira B-ots, just received at C. KRATZER s Op. Jail. IADIES' SHOES Kid. Turkey Morocco, and J Goal Balmorals, Calf and Goat Shots, also, assortment Childrens Shoes, at C KRATZER S, 0p. the Jail. w w ' c 5C i 3 s E i- 3 ? 3 I -1 C5 1 DOLLARS . OLt CTS. 1,000 -! - - or 1 a a I c. a I a- r! S 3 50 96 70 74 13 54 39 36 64 80 106 04 65 2S 50 05 39 49 170 80 42 19 40 76 41 3d 38 84 28 41 30 33 21 3tt 70 13 36 62 79 77 35 29 111 28 14 Cl 61 41 25 61 47 4i 43 62 72 96 24 08 33 37 500 3,100 11.560 2,000 7,200 1,30-0 10,500 3,500 1,150 1,700 2.500 3,500 II 38,810 i 10,700 !1,590 95 Coinmitrfiioners. Marble and Stone Yard.- - mrs.s.sTlTddell, naving engaged in tbe Marble business, desfree to inform her 1 riends, aud the public, that she bae now and will keep constantlv en hand a large and well selected stock of IT ALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared to furnish to erder TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, in Saed stone and Marble, CURBS aad POSTS for Cemetery lots, WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS. ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN ORNA MENTS, IfC. She would invite special attention to her Sand stone Monuments which are built from original designs and will compare favorably with any thin; ef the kind in the country. If desired she1 ran furnish Marble Window Sills and Caps al a slight advance on the price of Sandstone. Vard ou Reed Street, near the Depot. Clearfield', Pa. iMay 4, 1870. It O SAD A LIS rpHE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH L RESTORER, purifies the blood and cnies Scrofula. Syphilis. Skin Diseases. Rheu matism, Diseases of women, and, all Chron ic Affect ions of the Blood, Liver and Kid neys. Recommeiided by the medical Fac ulty and many thousands ef eur best oiti tens. Read the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have used Resadalic; send for our Rosadulis Guide to Health Book, or Al manac fur this year, which we pi.blish for gratuitous distribution; it will give yea niU'.'h valuable inloroiHtion Dr. R. W. arr. ot Baltimore, sava : O s A D A I take pleasure in recommei ding year Rosadalis as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two caxe with happy results one in a case of secondary ayphilie in which the patient pronounced himself cured alter having taken five bottles of your medicine The ether is a ca.e of scref ula of long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its u?e, aud tbe indication are that the patient will mod recover. I have carefully exainiuod the formula by which your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent cempoucd ot alterative ingre dients. It. Spa-ks, of Nicholavi!le, K v.. save he has i.cd Rosadalis in caes of Scrofula aad Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory result, as a cls-ner ol the Blovd I know it bet ter remedy. bamuel G. McFaddea, Mnrfreesbofe, Tenn , says : 1 bare used seveu bottles of Rosadalis, and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, who has scrofulous eore eyes. Be.iaro.in Becntol, of Lima. Ohio, writes, I have aufleied for twenty years with an in L I veterate eruption over my whole body ; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis and it effected a perfect cure Labratory, 61 Exchar-ge Place, Baltimore. S CLEMENTS. i CO , Proprietors. KosaJal's is sold by H.r'swick k Irwin and A. I. Shaw, Clearfield, L. R. Geod, Oseeola. and by Druggists generally. . f April 6,'7u-l v RIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Successors to Boyntoit a)- l"onr' Cor. Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA., MAHirACTeas.es o STEAM ENGINES, Mulay ftir-I Circular Saw Mills, UEAI BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS FHAFT1NG. PULI ES, BOLTS. and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stores, Slef? Shoes, Tlows, and castings of all kinds. DEALER? IS Ui lards' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistle Oiler. Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cecks, Air Cocks. Globe Valves, Check Valve. Wrought Iron Pipe, Steam, Pumps, Boiler Feed Puoips, A n'-frretrn Metals. Soap Stone Pack ig, Gum Packing, Ac. Ac -December 14, lr7u-tj.