u u ft BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1871. VOL. 17.-N0. 21. LIGHT IS LOVE. Dark elouds are hovering round With all their train of car; A thousand woes surround mo, Drear shadows of despair! , Bat what are they ? a richer gem Shines radiuat from aoove : It throws its sunshine over them, And oh ! thai light is Love ! Then why should cares alarm me,' Though adverts lottune reign f Why frowcs of wo disarm me I Why sorrow giro me pain? For what are all ' a richer ges ; Shines radiaa: from above : It throws its sunshine over them. And oh ! that light is Love ! STRONG MIHDED GOVERNMENT. "Is Mr. Cutts in?" asked a gentleman, who, having knocked at a door, wad saluted by a woman at the upper window, with, "Well, what's wantiu' uow ?" "Yes, he- a in, or about somewhere, I sup pose," she replied ; "but l'u Mr. Cuits, when any business is to be done, lie's Mr. Cults, ealiu', driiikin' and sleepin' times." "Well, my Rood woman," said the gentle man, "I think he will be Mr. Ums lor my business, too. I wish to see hiui." "What do you waut with hiui ?" asked tie shrew, thrusting her head further out or the window. "To do soffiething for me. But I must eee hiui myself," wad the reply. "la it real business, for pay, or only faTor you want? 1 can let your boss have a peck of oats, or I can direct you by the shortest road to the Four Corners, or I can 1 can why, I can do anything for you that he could ; and a great deal mure! I take the money aud write out receipts, and pay the men, and I trade off the produce ! I'm as good a judge of stock as he is, aud I can't he beat on horse flesh." "But," said the gentleman, diawing d jwu Lis lace solemnly, "you cuu't take his place now. Find hiui for me at once. " The shrew was baiil.d. "Look-a here, inister," she continued, "may be you don't know the circumstances of the case. This here farm is mine, aud it was my father s afore me ; and Cutis, he aint no more claim to it than that hen down there Las. And besides, I'm seven years older than he is, and afoot higher, and weigh twenty pounds more 1 What is your busiucsj ou my place, if I may make so bold ?" "To see aud talk with yonr husband," aid the gentleman, ?euia out ot hi s e!iai3 aod bitching bis horse to a post as if he meant to stay until he did see him. ''Are you a doctor? cau-e theie ain't a liv ing thine the matter with Cutis, lis s the weliest man iu the towu, and so Lc I," said this womaa tor tLe times. ''No, my good woman, I am no doctor. Do you think your husband sill Itc in souti ? Send that boy to find him," feaid ths stron ger. lne boy loosed up la Lis mothers Uoe; but be knew his owu interest too weii to start without orders. men your e a roirjisteT, i nrrKe &v yonr black coat. I may as well te.l you,ani ave you troubJe,tLt we don't co to meetin.' and don't waat to. It ain't no u- tor you to leave no tracts nor noting' for I've got a biz dairy, and hain't co tiu.e io idle awav readin' and I ke-fp hiiu at ii so early and sate, tbat wb?o be a do&e work he very rlad to ro to bed." "I'm do minister, madam ; I wish I was though lor your rake, said the gentleman. "Seud for yonr husband, I cannot wait much longer." The boy started to brs At an-i lool.vl in his mother's eye, Intt it ve no aja.cUinx orders. "Ljok a-bere, Tnistrr," now a-.;varin;:at the door ind looking draantiy ar him. "y..n are a schoolixiaster a Luwrin' up a district cliuol, ud you think he'sacoaimiitcvuiau, Lut he aiu't." "1 never tatseht school, aud acver mean to," said the stran?T. Ma'am Cutis, as Ler neighbor? Palled her. dropped her hands at her sides and heaved a groan, tint'd found a man shu coulJa't munajie. "See here. mist er,".'he"said, "I'm one that can't be deceived. 1 caa real a' body right through, aad I knew wuatj'ou was the bl.'s sed minute 1 clapped eyes on you. I can tell by your everlasting arjr uin' that you're a lawjer. We hain't got no quarrels, don't want no deed drawed, nor no wills made ; so it yuu'rt huntin' a job out of my husband you may as well uu bitch your boss and drive on. We know enough to make a little mon ey, and I know enough to keep it." "My good woman, yon entirely misunder stand my errand. I can tell no person but himself what it is, and I must tell him in confidence. If he chooses he cm tell you." "O, my goodness sake alive ! Brother Lif 's Mowed in a Mis'sippi boat, I bet. O, la me, the poor fellow. lie left a little some thing, didn't he?" "1 never heard of bira before ; and no body's b'owed up that I know of," replied the stranger. ", now I know ! You'ie the man that wauts to no to Congress, ha, and have come here hunting after votes, lie shan't vote for jti ; I hate politicians, especially them. iii-it j:oes aj;iii women an 1 thinks they was iijaue to drudt'e, a;id iiothin? els i ! I go free an 1 eipjal rights for while folks men and "i:ien for Scripture says, there isn't nuiih,. jr ine;) nor women; but ail's oiisj in politics. I believe the day's a cjiutu' when ucb as F"u will have to bow the knee to women, it jre y m can cet the b g places and hisih. P'.v that's eatiu' Us up with taxes! You cau t see my husband. TVe are goin-?, to the P j'ls on the way t the mill, and I'll prom lse yc.u he votes right." ''1 m no candidate, and I don't know who F'iu are talking about. Ah ! there conies the man I want!" And the stranger went towards Mr. Cults, who had just leaped a fair of bars which Ieii from the potato patch into the lane. Mrs. Cults flew into the house for her euu bonuet, to follow him ; but hy the time sue got to the bars her mysterious visitor Sr l Cults were driving rapidly down the roa 1. 1 he strong minded woman shouted after her husband. "You'd better come back. I ull you!" Bat the wind was the wron: way and carried her words into the potato ratih. . '"f'"'i"aid. the gentleman, to honest Cutts, 1 have a very simple question to ask you ; but I shall have to a.-k you in confidence. I W'H give you five dollars if you promise not 'o repeat my words till to-morrow." "Well, sir," said Cutts, "I shouldn't like to answer any question that would make any trouble among my neighbors. I have my "an.fi full, I can tell you, to keep out of K'rapes now, but I have done it.and haven't n eneiUy in the world as I know." But, sir, you .need not reply to my ques tion, unless you are perfs jtly willing," said the stranger. "Ask your question," said Cutts, "and I will not repeat it." "Well, Mr. Cutts, I am laying fenci oh" that Brisley place that I've jest bought; and was directed to inquire of you where I could buy cedar posts. A fellow in the store said 'Cutts will tell you if bis wife will let him ; but she won't, she'll insist on telling you herself, and perhaps offer to' drive with you wherever you go to order theni.' "I told them I would see you and ask you only; and the young fellows bet on it. They are to give you teu dollars, and two or three widows in town a cord of wood each, if I succeed in asking you this uestk alone, and making sure your wife won't know my business until after breakfast to-morrow morning." Cutts knew bis wife's standing too well to feel very sensitive, aud taking the bill from the stranger, he smiled and said : "I'll go with you to look out cedar posts and keep dark, tor the joke's sake; but I dou't know as she'll let me stay in the house to night; for I don't own it," replied the gjod mi luied Cutts. "Suppose you go up to my place and see to setting the posts. I will send a boy to tell her you had to go off suddenly on a lit tie business, and will be back in the morn ing." said the stranger. "I'll do that," replied Cutts, "for I nev er quarrel with her, but let her have her own wav. I dou't want to worry myself about trifles." "Good man," paid tha stranger, "there are no trifles in life. The smallest act is im portant, and this easy good nature of your's will ruin your family. BHIj that spirit to day, and next Sunday lake your boys and go to the bouse of God, whatever she says,and be a real man at the head ot your own house and family." "It is rather late to begin," said Cutts, shaking his head in a way that would have warned others iroin the trap in which his f -ct were fast. "You see that the pur.se is hers," he added, "and that has lteen a crueller fet ter than her will to me. But I will try to begin anew, for ber good as well as the chil dren's." - i The" boy was rent with the message, but the boy was not sharp enough. Ma'am Cutts di-covercd the whereabouts of b;r lord, tack led up and went after him ! Ait the way home and tar into the night she used her eloquence, loth in pleadings, io find the mysterious errand of that bale ful ton naiob that hid coiue iuto the town to separate huppv families. lJ.tt Cutts yielded lii:iiM.-lf up to a dumb spirit for the night ; and no measures could induce him to taik on any subject, lo.-t she ehould pry thi mijrhty secret out of hiin. About midnight .-ii? wore herself out am! weiit to sioep ; but at break of day she be tan again, lie tlieu ventured to say, "as soon as breakfast u over, I'll break the news to rru." "You'll never eat a morsel in my bouse I can tell you," cried Yaritippo, "till, you've toll me what tiial ere man wanted of you." "Then you'll w.tit a good while to hear it," said Cuits ''for t vowed I'd never teli it till I had Ur-t eaten my breakfast 1" and with these words ho went out. Ma'am Cutt endured tlw tortus as loo as pos-ib'e. and then got breakfast. She calie.i to the door to no one in particular, "Come !" But Cutts didn't come. And after a while she went out to the barn and found him seated on an upturned half bushel meas ure, calmly peeling and eating a raw turnip. '"It does seem as it this here man had possessed you !' ' he criod. "I never saw you so self-willed afore since I took you home ! Your breakfast's all coolia' ; do come in?" Here was a point gained. Cutu went in as requested, and ate bts breakfast, Wh-n this was over.nia'atu set tled herself back in her chair, wi'h her face full of eaz-r expectation, aud said: "Now begin. What did that ere man want '" "lie wanted some cedar posts," replied Cutis, raini'v, without looking up, "and that was all I" If an arrow had struck Ma'am Cutts, she could not have manifested more surprise aud shame. "I'm the lanshing stock of this town," added-Cutts, "and from this hour I turn over a new leaf. I'm henceforth head of mv ftinilv, and unless this house is mads mine. I sh.Ii finish off a room in the barn which is mine and you will be welcome to share it wish me. If not, I'll live ihere with the boys, and yon will find me a civil neighbor." Ma am Cutts power was broken, bince then (he farm has been called John Cutts' place, and he is the head of the house. Unused Powers. We seldom hear a Letter eimon on the duty of preparing for the"hournc whence no traveler relurn3"than is contained in the allegory which relates that a man once tell through this world into' the next. There he discovered that we re tain those parts of ourselves, and th'.se on ly, which we had assniuousiy used here. Curious was the spectacle presented to his wondering sight, lie saw hundreds ot hurr gryli'oking ears. They were forever con gregating aud hit rrying hither and thither, lie Was informed that on earth the.-e bad done the hearing of church music and church sermons; had cultivated the listening facul ties, and nothing else, so that they were now ears, and nothing more, lie noticed bis stomachs lying about contentedly under fen ces and trees, and was told that ihey were persons who had chiefly used their gastron omic powers who had assidiously guxzled at saloons and gormandized at restaurants. He became interested in some very large dolls, wilh complexions like wax dolls too, that appeared to move their t-velids languid ly, and sometimes to cape. "These be learn ed, were what remained of ladles who fiad only cultivated good looks. On inquiring for a popular preacher, he was conducted to a place full of ears ; where a lively skeleton, without a vestige of heart or hraiu, was still gesticulating impressively. Upon making this discovery the man immediately tele graphed earthward as follows : "I find that powers unned die ou, ; that parts neglected fail away; that we ate allowed to keep only so much of ourselves as we use. Look out that yc.u do not end as a restless ear, as a lazy stomach, or as a big b.ig of wind." - Profanity never did any man the least sr-iod. No man is the richer, or happier.or wiser for it. It co:ii mends no one to any society. It is disgust to the refined ; abominable to the good; insulting to those with whom we associate; degrading to the ni'iil; unprofitable, needless aud injurious to society. An Irish girl having been sent to the post o.Ucfi for the mail, came back to inquire whether it was Indian mail or corn mailtha was wanted. Standing Treat." No American custom causes more general surprise and amusement among traveling foreigners than tbat which' is known in our saloons as "treating," consisting in the en tertainment of two or more wilh refresh ments, for which one voluuteer? to pay. It is a pure Americanism ; all over the Repub lic it is as common as in Europe it is un known. There is probably no minute of any day iu the year wheirtwo or three hun dred citizens of Chicago are not guzzling something stronger than water at some body else s expense. The casual meeting of two men who have ever exchanged a word together is a signal for both to exclaim, "Come, let's have something 7" aud tor both to dive down into" the ncaiest subterranean cavity below the sidewalk. The one who spoke first usually insists upon "paying the shot," the word "shot" being a metaphorical reference to the deadly character of the couteots usually taken into the stomach. It two old friends meet, the regular thing to say first is, ' Let'? drink to old times ;" and the resi dent must invariably "treat" the btranger. If a man be well acquainted, it is consid ered the princely thing to seize upon all bis acquaintances as often as possible, take them to a saloon, and give them a compli cated stand-up drink at the bar. If there is anything absurder than this habit we are unable to put our finger on it. Men do not always " treat" one another to car-tickets because they happen to meet on the same seat. We never saw a man take out his pocket-book on encountering an ac quaintance, and say, "Ah, George ! Do lighted to see you I Do take a few post age stamps I it's my treat!" Do men have mania of paying each other's board bill? and isdrii.king together more "social" than citing together or sleeping together? A traveler may go all over the continent of Kurope, of Asia, and of Africa, without seeing any man except a Yankee offer to "treat;" and the l'renehmen are quite social enough, but when they turn into a cafe to sin their wine or brandicd coffee to gether, each man pays for his own. When two Germans long separated meet, they will be very likely to embrace, and then turn in to an adjacent beer cellar, sit down Mid drink lager, cat pretzels, ami chat, btrtwhen they part again, each man settles his own score independently. So in Italy. The Italians are proverbially merry and gener ous, but each man pays for bis own wine, macaroni, and cigars. They never go into each other's poeket-L-Hik in the sacred name of friendship. They wouid as soon think of transferring, to each other their washer woman's bills. The preposterous fashion of "treating" is responsible for the ten ible drunkenness in America. There would be as little need of temperance societies ami as little work for the Good Templars as there is in Germany, France nnd Italy, if this pernicious and in sidious habit was abolished. It is, take it all in a'd, the most ridiculous, the most un reasonable, und the most pestilent custom that ever laid its tyrannical band on civil ized human beings. Bar ELoejctscK. The following speci men of bar eloquence iu a not distant West ern State was actually delivered, as we know from a corre-pontlent, asj here reported in his notes. The case was the trial of a per son on a writ of inouireiido lunatico. Wl ich .side the " learned " aud eloquent advocate was on it is tome hat difficult to aseertain from his speech : " The counsel on the other side, sir, mis apprehends the principle involved in this important case. Law, sir, is very simple, if we understand its elemenntary principles. The principle of this case, sir, is to be found in the horn-Lo:ks of the profession. I bold in my band, sir, a volume of Blackstone, sir, the great author of the English law; yes, sir, I hold in my hand, sir, that glo rious magmis thartus, the foundation and bulwark of English liberty, which was wrung by the illustrious King John, sword iu hand, from the bloody baron ou the banks of the pleasant Bonnymede, on that momentous occasion I But, sir, I did not intend to make a speech, sir, and as I have not examined the question, sir, I submit it to the Court with these few and irioongruvial remarks." A Truth foe Parents. The Rev. Dr. Datf remarks: "I am prepared from ex perience to say that, iu nine cases out of ten, the boards of accumulated money given to children, by whom they were not earned, and who acquired no habits of industry, or thrift, or laboriousness, prove, in point of fact, rather a curse than a blessing. I aui pre pared to substantiate that as a matter of tact, not merely from my own knowledge of the subject, but from the statements of men who have been ot watchful aud observat t habits, cultivated not only in Grca Britain, but in America. But it is a melancholy fact that so little do parents know of the mass of misery they are accumulating for tlre.ir children in heaping up these hordes for them so little do they think how big with misery these hordes are." The remark is worthy of the best consideration of parents, aud the truth it inculcate should constrain them to Use their wealth in doing good, and not board it up to injure their children. A young lady at Cavendish, Vermont, killed a skunk with a butcher knife on Thursday. Her lover came to see her that night, and told her he couldn't marry her, unless she quit Using such hair oil. How fastidious some men are. I would not deprive life of a single grace, or a single enjoyment, but I Would counteract whatever is pernicious ifi what ever is elegant. If among my flowers there is a snake I would not root up my flowers; 1 would kill the snake. While you are living, be very kind, gen erous, and do as much good as you can to your relations and frisnds, but leave them nothing when you die, and you will be sure to be missed by them. It is rare that an open field is struck: by lightning; yet it is uo uuusual thing, in harvest time for a farmer to find that his entire crop ot grain or corn has been shocked. - Johnny is just beginning to learn gcogra: phy. He says that the Poles live partly at one end of the globe and partly at the other. He knows it so because it is marked, on the map. Tbe best thing to resist vice with is love. A man who worships a virtuous woman is as impregnable to the allurements of a woman as Gibralter is to apple dumpliugs. An Irish pi inter declares, in an adver tisement, that, among the portraits, he has a representation ot "Death as largo as life." From the Pittsburgh (Daily) Gasetto. A Democratic Outrage. Scarcely has Democracy settled itself in the State Senate, before its clamor for re form, and its claim of being a " constitu tional loving, liberty, law abiding party," are rapidly ignored, and the violation of a Constitutional provision committed. That this should have been done, will not surprise any person, and our citizens may lock for ward to flagrant abuses of the law, just so long as Democracy holds the power in the State. Senate. Mr Dechert, the Democratic nominee of the First District, was declared, at the re cent election, duly elected to till the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. TVati. On the 11th of January, Mr. Connel presented a petition, contesting the seat of Decbert, and claiming two hundred and sixty-six. of a majority forLyndall, the Republican nom inee. On the same day he made a motion to draw the Committee on the 12th (Thurs day). Mr. Davis, (Deni.) moved a post ponement for the present, which was agreed to by a party vote the Democrats voting aye. On the liiili of January Mr. Conuel moved consideration of his resolution of the 11th, for Diawing the Committee in the Dechert contested case, and again Mr. Davis opposed the motion, and postponement was again agreed to by a striet Democratic vote. On the I3th Mr. Buckalew. (Dem.) offered a resolution referring the petition to a Coin 'iiiittee of five Senators, with instructions to report on Monday, the 10th. Mr. Davis (Dem.) moved to incrase the number of the Committee to seven. This resolution was passed by a party vote, aud a Commit tes consisting of five Democrats and two Republicans was appointed.- On Saturday, the 14th, this Committee met and a report was prepared for Monday declaring that the petition was nut sufficient in its averments to put the sitting member (Dechert) ou his answer. Thus this inimitable farce lias been played, and thus at the very outset, the Democratic members of the Senate have evinced a de termination to override all law. The lan guage of the Act is so plain that no one can fail to understand it. A contested elcctiou petition must Le presented within ton days after the organization of the Legislature uext succeeding the election, and the Com mittee must bedawn within five davs after the presentation of the petition. This is the law, and it is proper to slate in this con nection the manner iu which that Commit tee must be di awn. The names of all the Senators present, rxcrjt the Speaker, are written on separate pieces of paper, care fully rolled up, put in a bi x, and placed on the Speaker's table. The Clerk of the Senate diaws them out one by oue, and as each Senator's name is called, if either of the contesting panics make any objection, that Senator whose name is thus objected to, is discharged from serving on the Com mittee. These objections are a matter of right, until tbirtien names remain uncalled, and then no further obieetions can be made. Ti e thirteen remaining names are then called, and from the list names are alter nately struck off. until reduced to the num ber of seven. Tliete seven mcfi constitute the Committee in that special election case, and their report is fiuol. It will thus be seen how jealously the law guards the se leeton of such a Commtttee, in order that the dominant party may have no unfair ad vantage. Instead of this, however, in the Decbert case, a Committee of seven is appointed ly the Speaker, and so appointed that five ot the members are not only Democrats, but known to be favorable to the fraud pur jiosed and intended. As an evidence of this the Speaker appoints on that Committee Messrs. Buckalcw and Davis. Buckalew made the motion for such Committee, and in doing so used expressions that independent everything else, showed plainly that he in tended to espouse the cause of Dechert. Davis, another Democrat on that Commit tee, made the motion to postpone drawing the usual Committee, and in this way dis closed the fact that he was opposed to any investigation. Why Wallace after all his blarhcr in his address as Speaker, should appoint these two men when they had al ready shown themselves prejudiced, can only be accounted for on the ground that he too is a willing party to this outrage. Where the law votes him out, he has taken the power all in bis own hands, v. iihout even the decency to appoint men that had not committed themselves on the question. Another point to be taken into considera tion as showing the grosshess of the fraud that has been practiced, is this. The re port of a regular committee in a contested election case, u final. This Committee ap pointed by Wallace agreed to report on Mon day. Two questions here present them selves. First is their report to be final? If this is insisted on by the Democratic ma jority in the Senate or ruled to be so by the Speaker, then will" Wallace have given it a power totally unknown to the law. We can not think that even Democratic outrage will go thus far, but suppose that the report will be presented to be acted on by the Senate. Should this occur, the plain intent of the law will be violated. The Act of 183'J does not allow the name of the Speaker to be placed in the box, nor is tbe member hold ing the contested seat allowed to be on the Committee of Investigation. Yet under the fraud practised by the Democracy in Dech ert; case, should the report of the Com mittee be made to the Senate for their ac tion, not only will Dechert vote to retain his seat, but Wallace, the Speaker, who is expressly ruled out unuer the Act of 1839 will vote also. A single glance at this fact shows to what extent this Democratic Speaker will carry the fraud of a Demo cratic Senate. When Wallace made his address as Speaker, he warned the Senate that he in tended to act in a partizan spirit, and this shameless violation of decency and law shows conclusively that he intends to carry his words into effect. Had the Democratic party not been afraid of the result, the usual Committee would have 8eeu drawn. But that party was afraid to meet the issue, and by this one act proves that it is totally un worthy of any respect, and that hereafter as heretofore it intends, whenever the opportunity is offered, to trample crl tbe law. a The course of the Democratic majority in the State Senate in refusing to permit any investigation into th? alleged irauds in the lale election, by which Mr. Dechert'obtained his seal, is an admission an the part of that majority, that such an investigation; if it had been permitted, would have resulted in unseating Mr. Dechert. If this were not so, there would have been no obstruction thrown by them in the way of that investigation. , They would have welcomed any scrutiny that promised to keep their man in his place. If the election in the First District was a fair one, if it was clear of fraud, if Dechert was honestly chosen by a majority of legal voters, there need have been uo fear of the closest exam ination into the facts, and there would not have been. . Honest m4n do not shrink from investigation ; participators in fraud do. The seventeen Democrats in the State Sen ate, including Mr. Robert P. Dechert, knew that, no matter who might have been drawn upon the contested election committee, the eviden'-e that the Republicans were prepared to furnish was damning and complete. Ic would have exposed them all, and particu larly Mr. Dechert, to the utter contempt and irreversible condemnation of the peo ple. Hence they stood" up as one man to prevent an exposure of the greatest election fraud ever committed in Pennsylvania - not excepting Wallace's Coffeepot naturalization fraud. We say they knew this, and their action betrays their guilty knowledge. If they did not know it, why did they refuse to allow a committee to be drawn? The reasons given iu the report of Buckalew's Committee are too trivial for any but children or criminals. If Mr. Lyudall's petition did not, as Mr. Buckalew's report says, u!le?e fraudulent votes enough to unseat Mr. Dechert, even if all proven, they should have welcomed the drawing of a committee to be enabled to demonstrate that fact in a legal way, and so to wash their hands of all participation in the alleged fraud? Men do not shrink from an ordeal that is sure to acquit them. No, no. Mr. Buckalew ; that is a mere pie text. You kuew better. Mr. Dechert knew better; Mr. Wallace knew better; and every Democrat in the Senate not only knew better, but knew that it the investigation w.-tg once beuu, it would irresistibly sweep Mr. Dechert out of his scat. They know what we know, and every one in the First District knows, that the Regis try law was openly set at dea.mee at the late election in the First Disiriot, and. it is said by advice lroni prominent Democratic law yers, that the colore-d voters were forcibly kept from the polls; that the votes cast for Mr. Lyudalliu many of the Democratic pre ciucts were not returned, aud that man); more votes were couuted for Mr. Dechert than were cast for hiin, and that a fair count of the legal votes would have elected Mr. Lyndall by over '2,000 majority, la Aider mail McMullcu's precinct, for instance, the vote returned was 12 lor Lyudall and C47 for Dechef. whilst a fair count of the legal vote cast would have shown 60 for Lyndall and only 147 for Peclieit. And so on throughout the whole district. The proof of ail this was in the hands of the Repub lican contestant, and by shutting the door in the face ot the investigation authorized by law, the seventeen Democrats in the Senate have shown that they kuew all this, and that they have been driven, in order to maintain their party ascendancy in the Sen ate, to deny to Mr. Lyudall a right guar anteed to him by the Constitution, and that they have done this because they kuew the proof was forthcoming. And what arc we to think of Mr. Cheva lier Bayard Buckalew ? This man has been held up to us a man without loar and without reproach, a man above the petty tricks of deiuusonues and the low arts of the mere politician. Vet here we find him, not only voting to sustain a man in his seat elected by fraud, and to keep hiin there by de frauding the contestant cf his constitutional rights, but put forward as the leader in the fraudulent movement. He lends his name at whatever it may be worth, nor, (it can not he worth much hereafter,) to sanction the lowest art of the politician, the pcttie.-t trie! of he demagogue, to cheat a man out of his seat, who was houestly chosen, and to keep a man in who was returned through open, unblushing fraud. From the proud position of a high toned, constitu tional lawyer, he descends to play the part of a pitiful shyster. Alas, Buckalew 1 And what, also, of Dechert? lie, also, has been held up as a model of decency, talent and respectability as a Philadel phia gentleman, incorruptible and in capable ot meanness. Yet, from first to last be has shown himself as mean as the mean est. There is an old precept of the Com mon Law Mr. Dechert knows it very well that no man shall be allowed to take ad vantage of his own wrong. It is a whole some precept, and honest men are uot a shamed to abide by it. Yet he has been profiting by his own wrong throughout this whole f outest. By his own vote he has pre vented the drawing of a Cuiif tuitteu in this case ; by his own vote he got Buckalew's whitewashing committee appointed ; by his own vote he procured the adoption of the report of that committee, which cuts off his competitor from his legal and Constituticn-il right to a contest, bisown oath, and li e law of 1839, and the Constitution to the contra ry notwithstanding. By his own vote he holds his scat, although he knows he was not elected to it ; and since the days cf Yal eltine Best, who elected himself Speaker by Lis own vote, no man Las occupied so un enviable a position. It was said, at the time, that the act ot Best.iti electing himself Spea ker, was the meanest thing ever done at llarrisburg; it remained for Dec hert to over top the meanness by seating himself, 4y his own vote, io a place to which he was uot chosen. This?, our readers wiil say. ifl Revolution. Yes, it is Revolution. The Democracy, to retain their ill gotten power, set the law and the Constitution aside, and that is Revolu tion. Very good. They have made their choice aud must abide the consequences. We appeal to the people against their revo lutionary eourffe. They, at least, have a re gard for the Constitution and laws, and thev will not, we know, see them set aside or trampled on, without resistance. They will vindicate the right, when the time comes; and the Democracy will learn that although cheating prospers for a time, it is sure to come to grief at the last. At a rceont examination of one of the schools in Washington, the question was put to a class ot small bovs : W hy is the Uon necticut river so called?" when a bright lit tle fellow put up his hand. Do yo know, James?" "Yes, ma'am, because it con nects Vermont and New Hampshire, and and cuts through Massachusetts. Bear, and vou shall be borne wilh. For give and you shall be forgiven ; or, if yon expect others to do you a friendship, you, in your turn must be ready so to do by them. An Illinois postmaster trives notice kvlo mil,:!' li.t- tYiii n .w n r. i-i .-.thi for .icy tongue's given out." Stupid people may eat. but should not talk. Their mouths will do well enough as banks ot deposit, but not ot issue. Lockets suspended from the neck by bright colored ribbous are fashionable among tne maioe. fu$itir& girrctorvj. A W. WALTERS. AnonNET at Law. . Clearfield. 1'a. Office in tbe Coort Iloase ALTER BARRETT, Attorney it Law, Clear lieiq, r-a. May 13. 1S63. J B.GRAHAM A SONS, Dealeis in Dry-Goods .Groceries, Hardware. Queensware. Wooden ware, Provisions, eto., Maraet St. Clearfield. Pa, HF BIGLEK A CO., Sealers in Hardware 4 and manufacturers of Tid and Sbeet-iron tare. Second Street. Clearfield, Pa. Mar '70. HF. MAUGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Itoom in Uraham'srow,Marketstreet. Hot. 10. rpno'S J McCULLOCGH, ArTO!t-ETrf-AT-LAW, I Clearfield, Pa. All legal bnines prompt ly atteuded to. Oct. 27, ISfia. "ITTM. REED. Market Street, ClearfieU. Pa.. (V Fancy iry Goods, WLiie Goods. Noiioes. Embroideries, Ladies' aud G cuts' Kurnifhing Uood. etc. June !S.:Ti. J. p. ntTi. : : : : . L-laaM TKVIN A KREBS. (Sacces-ors to H. B. Swoopi). Lawad CoLLEi-non OrrtcE, Market street. Clearfi Pa l-N'OT- "ft. 1870. A I. SIIAVT,Dcnler in Drug.", Patent Medicines . Fancy Artictos. etc. and Proprietor of Dr. tioyer's West Branch Litters, Market fctreet, Clearfield, Pa. J.?n?,jl' l8 B READ, M.D., Phtsicia and Sohgso.v l' . Kylertown, Pa., respectfully offers his pro fessional serYiccs to the cilizensof that plce and surrounding country. Apr. 20-lim. Oniiix T. XoRt.B. Attorney at Lair, I.rck Ha ven, !a. Will pr.ic;i:e in the several courts of Clearfield county. Business entrusted to him will receive prompt atteniion. Je. "3, ?7t'-y. CKRATZER, Dealer in Dry-Gootls. Clothing. . Hardware. Queensware, Groceries, Provi sions, etc.. Market Street, nearly opposite the Court liosse, Cloarfiold. Pa. June, lsr.5 JB M'EX ALLY, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjnin-'ng nmntiea. Office in new brick building of J Both t n, 2d street, one door south of Lanich'a Hotel. I TEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield, Pa., will . attend promptly to all Lejal nosiness entrust ed to b?eare in Clearfield acd adjoining coun ties. Office on Market street. ulyJTlSST '. ntHOMAS H. FORCEY. Dealer In Fqoare anJ J Sawed Lumber, Ilry-Gonds. Queensware, Gro ctrics. Flour Grain. Feed, H-con, Ae , Ac, Gra hauiton. Clearfield county, Pa. Oct 10. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Dealer in Drugs. Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume ry. Fancy Goods. Notions. elo., etc.. Merketstrott Clearfield, Pa i0!86?"- (1 KRATZER A SON, dealers in Dry Goods j. Clothing. Hardware. Queensware. Groce rie. Provisions, Ac, Second Street Cleai field, Pa Dec. 27. 1S.-.5 JOHN Gl'ELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds o Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa He alsomskes toorderCoCins. ou short notice and attends funerals with a hearse. AprlQ.'9 RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreignand Do raestic Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few door westot Jouni'J Otfirt fr.tRrHeM, Pa. Apr27 "TTALLACE A FIELDING, Attoryits at Law Clearfield. Pa. Office in re' dence of W A. Wallace L2l bns:ne of all Kinds attended te with promptness and fidelity. .lan.5.'70-yp km. A. wjiun. lvoAJis; riKtni.ta TT W. S.HITJT, ATTOtiSEt at Law. Clearfield II. Pa., will attend nromptly to busir.es en trusted to bis care. Office on second floor of new buildini; a:l joining Count? National Bans:, and nearly opposite the Court House. Jane 3'J. '69 XTiRKPERICK LEITZINGER, Manufacturer cf ' all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or tfers solicited wholesale or retail He also keeps on hand and for sale an assortment -f earthen ware, of his own manufacture. Jan. 1 . MANSION IIOCSE. Clearfield, Pa This well known hotel, near the oart House, is worthy the patronage of tbe publie Tbe table wilt be supplied with the bej-t in the market. The best of liqu'.rs kept. Jm DOUGHERTY. JOHN II. FULFOUD. Atfnrrey at l aw. Clear field. Pa. Office on Market Street, over UarUWick A Irwin's Drue; Store. Proinplattention given to the secttringofUounty claim". Ae. and te all Ural business. . March 27. 1867. A I T II O R N, M. P., Thtstcian and Surgeon, havin? located at Kylertown. Pa., offers his professional services to toe ciii- zens ot that place and vicinity. Sep 23-ly WI. CL'RLEY. Dealor in Cry Goods, .Gro'erie, Hard ware. Queens ware. Flour Ba con, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county Pa. Also extensive dealers in m'. kindsof sawed lumber ili'r.gles. and square timber. Order3 solicited. Hoo tianit. ri .An;. ivtn.isr,:; DR J .P. LLUOHFIELD Late Snrgeon of the 8:id Rcr't Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, offers his professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sional calls promptly attended to. Office on South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4. IS65 6mp. QURVEYOIl. The undersigned ofTers bis services to the public, as a Surveyor. He may be found at his residence in Lawience township, when not engaged; or addressed by letter t Clearfield, Penn'a. March r.th. Isri7.-tf. J 4.MES MITCHELL. TEFFEI1 SO N LIT Z, M. D., s I li Vcioi.i . nj s ,, rnann Ilavinz located at Osceola. Pa., offers his profes sion.'1.! services to the people of that place aud sur rounding country. All calls promptly attended to. umce and residence on Curtin s-.reer. former ly occupied by Dr. Kline May 13. '63. C, EOUGE C. KlUK. Justice of Ibe Peace, Fnr y vejor and Conveyancer. Lnthcr.sbunr. Pa. All business entrusted to him will he promptly at tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Survey or will do well to give him a call, as be flatters himsell that be can render satisfaction. Deeds of conveyance, articles of aereetsent. and all leeal papers promptly and neatiy eiecuted jeS'7&-yp T K. BOTTOIlF'b " PIIO TOGRAPJi GA LLEP. T, MARKET STREET, CLKAKFltLD, FESS'a. Negatives made in cloudy as well as in clear weather. Ounstaclly en hand a good assortment of Frames, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Frames, froiiv any stvle of moulding, made to order. CIIHOMOS'A SPECIALITY. Dee. 2 "6s-jy. 14-69-tl. r uLiti WUTIli, Real Estate Aoets ad Cokvetakceki, Clearfield, Pa Real estate bought and sold, titles examined, taxes paid, conveyances prepared, and in&uraa ecs tasen. Office in new building, nearly opposite Cenrt House. (Jan a 1S70. W. A. WALLACE. J. ELAKC WALTERS. gMALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, are constantly replenishing their stock of Drus, Medicines. Ae. School books and Stationery, including the Of jood and.Xational series ef readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of the best quality, and at the lowest prices. Call and tee. Ctearfield. Nov 10, 1S s TOVES Ironsides and Farmer Cooks, Ranges, O i C Ca iiratAti I wa K ff Jf .Vfl . ., C. KRATZER S, Opposi.e the Jali. THE SIDNEYS. Tbe Kidneys are twoio number, situated at the' upper part ot the loin, surrounded by fat. and consisting of three parts, vis : the Anterior, the Interior, and the Exterior.' The anterior absorbs Interior consists ef tis sues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the urine aud convey it to the exterior. Tbe exte rior is a conductor a!o, terminating in a single tube, and called the lirater. The ureters are coo-' bected with the bladder. - The bladder is compote! ef various covering" r tissues, divided into parts, vis : the Cpper, tk Lower, tbe Nervous, and the Mucous. The upr.tr expels, the lower retains. Many have a de-ire t urinate without the ability, others urinate with out the ability to retain. This frequently occurs in children. To cure these affections, we most brine; into ao tion the muscles, which are engaged' io their va rious functions. If they ere u;!ected,Grael or Dropsy may ensue. . The reader must Ho be made aware, that how ever tlight may be the attack, it is sure to affeo the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from those sources. Goer, on RBErMATiMM Pin occurring ra the loins is indicative of the above diseases They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and cha'ky concretions. Tbe Gbatkl. The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treatment of the kidneys These ot gans being weak, the water is not expelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain; it becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It is f rem this de posit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensues. Dropst is a collection of wuter in some parts of the body, and beartJdiiTertnt names, according to the psrts affected, vix : alien generally diffused over tho body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the Abdomen, Asaitot ; when of the chest, Uydrothe rax, Teeatmeit. Helmbold's highly concentrated! compound Extract Enchu is decidedly coe of the Lest remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rhesmatisu.and gouty affections. Under this head we have arranged Dysuria, or difficulty and pain in passing water. Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent dischar ges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody mice; Gout and P.heuma- tism of the kidneys, withoBt any change io quan tity, but increase in color, er dark water. It was alwsjs highly recommended by the late Dr. Phybick, in tutit affections This medicine increases the power of digestion and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and inflammation are reduced, and it is taken by men. women acd children Directions for ase and diet accompany. FfliLAoftLFniA, Pa , Feb. 25, 1S67. H T, Helhbolb, Druggist: Dear Sin: I novo been a sufferer, fcr upward cf twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney affections during which time I bare used various medicinal preparations, and been wader tbe treat ment ef the most eminent Physician.!, experien cing but little relief Having seen your preparation extensively ad vertised, I consulted with my family physician iu regard to nsicg yeur Extract Cucbir. I did this bece I bad cst-d all kinds ef ad vertised remedies, and bad found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of erer getting well, and determined to nse no rem edies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of buchn, rubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, ilh his advice, after an examination of tbe arti cle, acd consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced its as about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room From the rst bottle I was astonish ed sad gratified at the beneficial effect, and after nsing it tares weeks was able te walk out. I felt much like writiiigyoa a full statement of my cas at that time, but thought my improvement mifat only b temporary , and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater value to you and more satisfactory to me I am now able to report tbat a cure is tfTocleJ after using the remedy for five months. I have not ured toy now for three months, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did Yeur Buchu being devoid of any vnplessnns tas'o and odor, a nice tonic acd icvigorator of the system. I do not mean to be withoat it whenever elation may require its use ia such affections. M McCOnMICK. Sb pull any doubt Mr. McCormicU's statement , be rt'ers to the following gentlemen : Hon. Wm. Iligler, ex Governor Penn'a. Hon Thomas B Floresae. Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Jadge, Philadelphia. Uon. J. 8. Claei. Judge. Philadelphia. Hon. D. R. Porter. ex-Governor. Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis. Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. R. C. Grior, Judge V. 8 Court. Hon. G. W. Woodward. Juilge. Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Phil'a. Hon. John Bigler. ex Governor, California. Hon. E. Bstks, Acditor Gen. Washington, D C And many others, if necessary. SulJ. by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Co. ware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Price SI. 25 per tott!e.or6 bottles for Sd SO. Delivered to any address. Describe symp toms in all communications. Address It. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, t91 Broadway. N Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemical Warebaase aad signed' ' Ja U. ?-lv H T. RI.lB0LS, f, ; t-Vs t ' j - 4 i 1. t ' H n (I