uu 19 e Uff$matt9$ gountaf, gfearjicfb, ?a., gaimari; 4, 1871. Li I; Raftsman'? goatRal "li ARFIELD, JJi!l2 :rfpATo.-TTnTure the safe transmission Zlnlloid,r. or have the.r Ue reg.siered. ? r.lpt will ba enclosed in the first paper after the money come to hand: Penn' R. E. Winter Arrangement. JfeilTr-ia 'eaves Tyrone at ': ll.li a.m. : U4aa.m. : 12 4A.m. r 2.40 m 3 40 p. m. : 4. CO p. m. : 5.25 p. m : 12 25 p. m Arrives ai ' i"hilipsburg t Clearfield t ; lliil Tr'c leares Clearfield : Arrives at Phitipsburg at Osceola at : Tyrone t : : Lock Haven at Accommodation Train. UtrM Clsartield t : : : : Arrives at Pbiltpsburg at m Osceola at : : m Intersection at - K.Tyrone at : PiKMli'tT."1" t : : : : Arrives t Intersection at Osceola at : t Phi!ipburg at 7.00 a. v i DO I. n 10 00 a. m. 12 50 p. m. 1 13 p. m. 10 On a m. 1.03 p. m. 2 00 p. m, 3 40 p. m. S30p with trains tjlose connections mu- Ext eni Wert on the Maine Line. Iitt igiovs. Divine fci vices will le held B?xt Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follow : IU Rv. Hall, .in St. Andrew s Episcopal eWh. at H A. M. 4 7 P- M. . Sunday ,.ho..l : 3 V. M. Prayer nieetir.g every V-Jneidav evening -t 7 o'clock. RT?- Butler.in the Presbyterian church. B ;,lns an 1 eveninp. Sabaafh school at 3 1. M. Prayer meeting every NY ednesaay vnini at 7 o'clock. Bv t. J- H. MCord, in the Mhnr.it cW-h in-rro"n and evening;. Sanhuth -iioo! it 9 A. M. Praver meeting, every Thursdir at i P. M. Communion Rervir-r-.; First Sabbath of every month at 101 A. M. St Franci' church Mn at 10 A. M., the fcwl aai fourth Sundavi of each UiOotU. A Ik-P. A "hop" came off at tl.e "Shaw Hotife" on the evening of December 2f.th, n the general tu!4c(inn of parties. Mr. Colburn is a first-class landlord, and know3 livw to please his K'.iests. Lumbering. Sirce our last Issue Fufli-r-icnt snow h.n fallen in this: region to make t ilerable g jod hauling, and oir lumbermen ars busily ct.aai(ed itt drawing bs and tim tcr to tlie several landings along the streams. A few inches of huost would male tbe road? very good. TilANKP. The printer.--connected with this office de.-ire to thank Mr. II. U. Shaw, cf the Tobacco Store. for the present on Christ mai Kve. of a box of fine Yaia Ci;rs. They were a "tip top" article. Dick keep c -lie but tho best, and e advi-e iLisc who tie the weed to jrire him a call. Fatal Accident. Mr. J. Saiikcy, aged sv3ut 15 years, a son of Win. S. Sankey. of Kanbaiti township, was killed, on Friday, rccctr.Lor 30(h, whilst enpa;ed In SV-i'.ins a tire for timLer. The falling tree lodged on !!'ther. and the butt broke from the Mump. un around nd struck Mr. S. on the brad, breaking bis neck and dislocating bi.s clmulder. Ii! died in-ytautly. Back Aa.v.N. By rcijuot, re would tate for tha information o: rur reader, thai our friend Uo!. David Jobuson. bs ve tarned ?o Clcirfieid, Cl:d took pos-'esiutl ol thr "Leonard ILjU'.e," near the Railroad. dfj.o-, on Tuesday last. The Colonol is an rxeelletit Juri JI jiJ, and alwa;.v ktep-" a pond J orderly house. Ho solicits the patron t-'e of bis former friend- ai;d customers, ml of thtf traveling pu'ds ia jipuural. IHil DtriCATios. 0:1 F.iity afu-r-i.xn. Pe-. ::.h, D, D. G. M. Orrin T. or.i. ,if L e- Uavrn, aided by members ,.f Piii-irsL-jit.', New Wihinton and (.VarS-dd Ind(fr, ddicaird the. new Ma tju'.i: iU'l. just completed in this '. laec. Th-r r,v:t i- Isr.ir, well vcntil.ited. and ex teil-'ui'.'f ! ,irn h-jil. The "Bbte LoJpe" ar.sl t i.v, It is !i a;t jr"' wii! both mtrt't in the II. ill. i ncui-;y cj posito ibo Court Sr.:u ji Accident. - Jo-'ph llarlcy. of Uni-in township, met vi:h a very .erlous, if riot fata!, accident. on Monday. December 2ith, lS70. He was c :?i' vl in shiftirsg lojti at the landing o:i A'ulerson' Creek, where he wasfoui.d lying fj.t: cini tuion by t:ie teamster. -"o ;,2 ojiriA.' piox;rit. u is ni3;o CO! i:ture it- in iiow the accident oecurreJ. Fiom the urroa::d'mg.i it inferred that he was lifting a So,- rlli a eauf nook, that the 1 g sud leuly f.'M'- J and caused the rautbock to fly and ftr.li.- liliu on the bide of the bead, i:i9:c:ini: i-ijur ;c- to su-.il an extent that bis rc-overy if euiiiidered duubtful. O-cr.OLA. Last week we paid a brief vis-i-O-.v .-l.! one of the most flouri bing t-MTi,- ;;i tliiscouiify. The pnopleare a bos-j-;fb'c auj $0 ahead c.isa The loan lias i'ti;.r--ved very tnueh within the past year, ! " rr ha a population f over SCO. l oi.e Xo 747, I. O. of O. F., was insti ''t'eJ by D. D. G. M. Thomas Kubins, of l'!.ve. on Thursday last. TJje following 'c tic officers of the Lodge : It. A. Camp-l-'i!. N. G. : W. H. Shellar, V. G. ; L. Bribin, Sec y; W. C. Lingle. Ass' t Secy; J. M . Cypherd, Treasurer. The org.tnizi t. jii con-istc-J of twenty members, and four ,fw niembers were initiated. The new LvL'ij staris unler very favorable aupicss. v e wish it success. At 10 o'clock in the f"viiig. the uicinbers of the order partook rf very exccllcut supper.at the "Exchange I'";c!," kept by that elevcr auJ aecommo 'tii.' landlord. T. F. Bjalieh, Esq. The uiid.aly, Mrs. Boalieh, is deserving ofspe- v ai ejiiiinenJation for the manner in which ! ,p. "''"-'barged her duties on the occasion. - a- ftinj, were elegaaily prepared, hand aie:y decoratud, and in great, profusion m fact, the collation was made up of nearly 'veryth'mg the season would afford, or that co'ihl wri! be desired by the guests. , ;j"'e I-aJies of the Presbyterian Church ta a fair during the week, which, we nn fl'-rsund proved a aueeesi. The Odd Fel visited the fair in a body and wcrecor i3 y received ly the ladies. After parta "g o! some refrcsbment the brothers of mystic rites" retired, well pleased with ir vis and reception. It i.iav not be niv. to tt-jre that, during the eariv part of A -VA,,hc 1,!iie bolding the fair'present fi ih'; Old Fellows a larce. beautifullv dee- and very excellent cake. L fUntlie Moshannon Land and W' rc Da mi" " progre5in;r as rap 17a, lhe sfate of (he wea,her wilJ permit- u Vcry ni bubatautial building. , CfnntcH Dedication' at Cleakfield. The new SI. E. Church in Clearfield will be dedicated Jo the worship of Almighty God, on Sunday, the Ctli day of January, 1871. BUhop E. U. Ames, and Kevs. Johu W. Langley. J. S. McMurry. P- K.. and other eminent divines, will take part in the services. Bihop Ames wdl preach in the tnornine, at 101 o'clock, and conduct the dedicatory ceremonies. All are cor dially invited. JoriN G. Saxe. We take pleasure in announcing to our reader, tLat the learned and talented author and eloquent Lecturer, Jchn G. Saxe, will deliver one of his most interesting Lectures in the Court Houc,on Tuesday evening, 10th inst. Our citizens will have a rare opportunity to hea rone of the most accotiiplitlud "star" Ixcturers of the times. Mraxe is a scholar of the highest attainments and culture, a fluent and eloquent speaker, possessing an inex haustible fund of wit and humor, which, added to bis masterly manner of handling bis subjects, renders him one of the mot pleasing and popular Lecturers, and i, at the same time, amusing and instructive. Hi- wit and humor, unlike that of many of our Lecturers, docs not consist in quaint and awkward expressions and bad English, but in sallies of genuine and snarkiinsr bu tnorou bits nt the follies r.r.d fashions of tiie liniM. Wc hope the 'Lecture will be patronized. a- this is aa e:T..rt to establish a course of Lectures fjr the winter season, which nil bo of great benefit to our com munity. Come one, cmc all. Tiekots at the Postoflice, and at the Drug Stores. Price 50 cents. Doors open at 7, Lecture at 7, P. M. Exhibition. The sebolavs r.f the Clear field Acade my, pave a public entertainment in the school building, on Thursday evening. December '221, 1870, under direction of the Principal, llev. P. L. Ha; risen. Tl.e se lections of dialogue., laldei-jx and mu.ie were good, showing the evident g io 1 taste of both teacher and pupils. The Aeadeiny is in a flourishing condition, and Mr. II. will spare no pa'n.s or expense in his efforts to make it a good as the best. The increased attendance during the patt few months lias made it nc-eesary K,r Mr. H. to procure an assistant; and lie has, therefore .secured the sei vices of an accomplished lady teacher, o cond ict the primary and ornamental branch es. The musical department, ui.d;r the management cf Miss Kreb, i la-it growing in popularity, and oilers rarj inducements t.) all who desire timt their cbilJren bbou'.d leeeive a thorough inu-ical education. A!! in all, Mr. II. deserves a liberal encourage me ii t at the hands of our citizens ir. his en deavors to build up a first class school in oar midst. Willi such an able corps of teach ers as are now at the AcaJ-jtt y, no s.eii.j-,1 in the State offers better inducements for siu dents to receive a thorough English cduea lion. Scholars from a distance can procure boarding with privato families, at low rates. For terms. &.e., rdiress Itev. '. L. Ifjrrj sua, Cleai field. Pa. LlsT or LmriiR remaining unclaimed in llie Post-iIIi-e at Cleaiacld, Pa., Jaajavy l-.t, jst; : Wesh-y M Aks. Wriiam Arplrbr. Miss Magaie E. B:ew. r.Ctiaries F. Bu!i. Joseph Bonier, .fumes K. Bloom. Joephus B.on, Jeff Bush, Dvid Bail, Mrs. L'liar illa Bum jarJner Patrick Carroll. L. Ja -ks m (.Vans, Sarah dinger, John Ciiamberiin, William CiOss luun. A. Ii. ChestnuiwiitiJ. Mis Mitw Dole:., Thomas Downing (2), J. II. De H Patri w Finncll. George Flind-jrs, Her mann Frisiti. William Gardner, Lizzie Gier, James C. Gilu.o.v (. is L:Zi;c Hih n. Mis Clara B. Hir.V. V:-iiai!j Hinkal, Mis. A-riv 1 1 i Wui. nassei!. km. llessier, Oi.lI llentfrilii. -. Wiliium Johns. Jauhs S. Kelley (.",). J. C Lewin (2), William Lew'n, John Llr.alcit (2). Brgis Mollenr. Rev. R. Mallalien, John MoNauara. (Jt'ore F. Meliwaine, I. C. McGrecor. D. H. McMwrn, Arthur Me Guire (.'), Mis Magpie Mcllul'y. G. No.ristc Co.. Aiber" Null. Eunice Power. Na'son Perrier. James Ryon. Hugh C. Roberts, John P.ovTcn, Wit.fie d S. Khoades (3), D. V. Roland. Jatues H. Rundy. S. Skinner. William Simmons, Andrew Stotr, J. S. D. Sprout. J. Y. Smith. Miss Ann Thaiulentoii, Mrs. M. J. Tay lor Miss Chris'iana Young. John A Veiicss. Levant Waldo (.3). Frank Wearer. Willis P. Walton. Au-tin T. WNe. Smirh H. Wat kin. Mi-s Martha Wel-h. Miss Annie M. Welsh, Miles Warfell. WasoneriV Bros. P. A. Gali.i.v, P. M. MARRIED. On Saturday, December 2-f. 1870, by D. Dressier. E-q , Mr. W. II. Jackson and .Miss ( -oaiiLLIA BLOO.d, boll) uf Cut wct!."s Til e. Pa. O i Tii"s-lav. D.'cnmbor 27. 1S70. bv Rev. W. M. Bu.ehtie! 1. Mr. N. L HooVKit of Liwrence township, and Miss Magoie Bloo.m, ot Cut wcfisville. On Thursday. December 29, 1S70, by Rev. W. M. Bui chtield. .A r. Thomas Spack MAN. of Lawrence township, and MissTlL LIE READ, of Clearfield Borough. The happy couple will aeeept our thanks for their kind remembrance of theririnter. On Sunday. January I, JS7I, by Hush Loecb, Esq . Mr. .Simon Laboko of Union township, and Miss C'llESTIXA WlIITMAM, of Bloom township. To get mat tied and generously remember the ;,rioter on the first day of.the new year, is euiely a gid beginning. May the last day of l he year le as happy as the first. On Thursday. December 29;h, 187(1. by J. R. I'aldwell.Esq.. Mr. Jared A. Bloom, of Pike township, and Miss Elvira C't'BRi", of New Miilport. On Thursday, December 29:h, 1S70. at Be.ilab 1 'ar riatf. Clearfield county. Pa., bv Rev. Wm. Prideaiis, as-isted by Rev. Win. A. Fleming. .Mr. W. E. Booth, of Pittsburg, and aM:ss Mary II. Prideaux. daughter of the officiating minister. On Tuesday. December 27tji. 1870, by Rev. W. A. Clippinser. Mr. Jacob Craglk and .Mi s Lizzik Derrick, both of Law rence township. DIED: In Lawrence township, orf Friday morn ing, December 23d. 1870, Miss Klizabeth Evans, in the 64th year of her age. On Wednesday. December 2Sth, 1S70. Mr. Hewitt, wifa of Joha U. Hewitt, of Huston txrwoobii. s TOVUS IronslJci and Farmer Conki. Itanzes. Parlor Siova Siova ,rjtcs, Tea Ke'tlr A- at C KRAIZEP-'S. Oppesite tha Ja'.I. Clearfield Esuil Marketi. COfttlfTCTKO HIilKLT BV B. IIOSSOP. Apples, drie l. 1t, Apples. gre?n, bu App!ahul!er, gal. 12 I Hay, ton, ' t5 1 Hru lb. 1 1)0 ! boulders, !b, no 2 s II 21 25 60 1 On U 33 0 HO 3 SO liuttur. lb, Iietf. frejh, lb, ilecf. dried, lb, Buckwheat, hu. Buckwheat fluur lb 35 Side. Ib, Id 25 IO a Lard. Ib. Oats, bu. Onions, ba. Pork, Ib. Pork, neti, bbl, I'.e-.m. bu. 2 bo Hoard, per M 14 ftO Corn. shelled, I 00 ears, 50 " meal, 2 SO Chop. rvo. ' 2 m) tnixej. 2 30 Cbees. lb. 25 Cherries. Ib, IS ChiokeL8.dremsed.lb. 1 ' F.ggs, 2i Flour, bbl. 7 60 Potatoes, bu, Klaser. bl. Pesches, dried, lb. Kve bu. I l:t 25 3 lUga, Ib. Salt, per lack. Shingles, is in. Shiules 23 in, Tiinuthy a:ed, bu Wbeat. hu. Wool. Ib. 1 50 & 0,1 12 00 8 iHI 1 ti() 4U CLOSIXtJ PRICES OF DatlAVEN LRO., 40 Soulh Third Street. Philadelphia. 3 o'clock P. it. December 31. H7I1. S r. sof l-JSl, S. 6 s of ISR2. S. 6 of 1364, S. 6 s of I Sot, S S s of IS6S. S. 6 a of IS57. S. 6 eof IIS lll 110 llt'i 10J lOMj I Ml lc'Ji 10S 10si 109 lOl'i 10'Jl 109J 10 . i6 IIS ll?i iy in 112 112 115 S20 8"0 930 9H0 720 731 new, new. U. S 5 s. 10-40'. V. S 30 yar 6 per cent Ct., Doe Compound Interest Not, (lold. Silrer, I nion Pacific It R lit M. Bonis, Central Pacific R. R.. l.'nivn I'acifio l.xnd tSrant Honds, CL'SrXJ QUOTATIONS of fiovrrnment Secn riiiej. at J T. Brady A Co's So '' Wood at. rituLur"h, lA-:tml.er 31, fS70. Bl-T SELL 111! UU ir. li:: lisj 1I2J lit' in-i lli'j lKj 1C7 1071 1H llfl lUi 1 151 119 ll'J ipj The annual n the Clea- OoM. U. S " 1RS1. u s. :-;o-. iit2, u. . j-L'tr. i;, V S i-J-Td. 1S65, 'J..S 10-10's. 5-20'. .I::nuary A Jotv. l?3i, 5-2's,.Ianuarv A JulV. I!H", s-20's -I iminrv A. Inly. 10JS, Uniin Pncilic Railroid. Ccutrnl PaciSa KailroaJ, Cy . Paci3c. A GKICULTURAL SOCIFTY The meeting of theglock hul.l fitld County Agricultural Sneiety." will ho hld in the Court hi;e. at Cioar6e!d. on Monday eve ning of January Court (tein tb 9tb d.y t.f the uioi.tb). for the purpose of electing officii for theett?uing year. Nov. 30 O It. P.ARRFTT. Pres t. A DMIXISTRATORS NOllCE. Let - ters of Administration on the estate of Matthew Stott. late of uojrs towahip. dee'd. having been granted to the undcc.-izne'i. notir u hre'v given that ail persons indebted te faid estato re re-uiro 1 to luakn iantedinte pjtYinent, and tTishuvingolaiinf iigaiiift tbe Binia will pro Rent thtin, i,roperly authenticated for sett lemeut to J'JilM M. CHASE. Dbo 7. H70-6t p. AHmitr'or. r)ISSOLUTIOV. The co partnrr.-hip fceretoior cxistitiff between tha utider sifrnsd. in the Mercanti'c bifinei at "fi-eo'a. has been dis.-o!red ty mutual cocsent. The books and account ,.f the iate Grin are in the bands ot W.l Kelty f(,r settlexent. All persons having ur.ieir.-i xc.ionnts witii said Srm are requested to ett!e the sons witfoat delay. Dee 7.7H 3. Sl.iOdue AKE KEt.I.r.T. TN THE MATTER of the estate of Mat, thew A. Poreee, deeeased : Tho Au limr's report in the above entire haint; b?en rsferrel to the uniersignel for the J urpfe of making certain cbincei therein. h hereby gives uuit.e that he will attend to the duties of b:s aproiiitment. at bis ofii'-e in Cfeartebt. no Wr.l urn lay.D'rrmhrr ;8. Is70, at 1 o'clock. P. M . n hen arid ,t'.ere ail per'ona intreld may attend Dec. 7. 70--t T. M. MURRAY. Auditor. QTOP CHEWING TOBACCO.-Sr.ve your monre ami re!or vonr heabb. bv i'n Dr. Pyrn's Antidote f r Tobscno T li i -s is uot a so'.-.sti;u'e but a core fur Stno'un. Chewing and nuft' tKkir.ir Fexv per-ors ara .tare .f the tct ri -ie etj-i.-t .f ihe ti'ix'ous stfl on the human syt ;.;in. Dyspepsia, beadaeba. di-eas of the liver. c-JinpUxinn convene1. of the bov&ta. !os c f .i!eii;irr. and other di.ea;es. a: the rfSio'ioos brought u by Da u's. The Atitidole is purely Teerai.e ard b.irm'oss. It acts as a tonic on the tflam. purifies ;he blcol, and enables a nr. ton tf oicjt the htartlc.t foJ. Samples sei.t free tor ia'rt .t per doxen. AdJre M J YARNKI.L. Si t:nnmn St . N . Y. .Nov 21. 'Ill Sin DR. KLINE, at the Philadelphia Cancer lustitut. y.il Arch Street ; Prof. I al ton. 2'SS Vt 4!h streei. Cit.ciniiaii Ohi-t. anj Dr "5reei:e at Charlotte, ii C, sre miking astonish ir,g cares of a I by their great Cancer Anti lore V I. V 13 R S without the knife or c;.ustic rue It 'J'U SI If S cine, and with bat litt'a pjin. i.v CA.M'KK.S ery rojt ami tihre is Ki ic 1 an 1 re move!, it tnken in time, and cinnot re'urn Ps'.tat of bo;n !'ro fs.ra. with their bui;js treatments, aiealini; our advertieoier.ts . oltiers have these treatments No:;e other iknuld ever ba u'd. For fall part-c- u!ars, lead tor a circular or e i'I. or a.tdrcs a a buve November 2 IS7t'-'.m. ORPHANS' COURT SALE! Ileal Et.'tte in Huston Township. The ondersijnel. Adtiin'strator of tbe estale of Alfred Pnr-all. dee d, will ofl"r at publio out cry, in the Borough or CieaiSeli, on Tuesday, January 10, 1871, at 21 o'clock, P. M.. the foPowins; described real catute, situate in Huston tp. Cleardel J co. Pa., vis : 1st. A It the south part of a certain tract ef land, situate partly in and Clearfield counties, be in;; thatptr. situate in lla-ito'i ti. Cie-irSaM co , bounded asf.tllowa: O.i the N rth by tha division line of Ei a c finty. on the So.it 1 Sy trast Xo i3'i I . Vc..t by tracts No'stlSI an 1 4271, on tbe Kast by Irac's No's 41 24 anl 413s, containing Hj acres, tonro or less 21. One other tract or piece of land, situate in Huston tp. aforesaid, known as the EaM half of traot No. 4ISI. containing 49 acres uiore or less. 3d. AH hat part of tract .Nn 4271, situate in Huston tp. aforesaid. eontainin 2.l acres more or less. The above described tracts are unsealed. TEEMS Om-thiid cash on confirmation of sale ; balance in two equal annual payments.with interest, to be secured by Judgment ilonds and Mortgage nu the premises. J, A. PKARSALL. .Nov 30-ts Adm r U. T A CLEARFIJLDACADEM V ! The Second Session of the presout Scholastic year, of tbia Institution, will commence on Mon day, the 21st 4ay of November, 1370 Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from tbe time they enter to tbe close of tbe session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and a -complish-ed education of both sexes Tbe Principal having had the advantage e much exporienc in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and mora! training of the youth placed under his charge. TERMS OF TUITION: Orthography. Reading. Writing and Primary A rltbmetic. per session (I I weeks). Si 00 English Oram mar, Geography, Arithm.tio and History, $.1 00 Algebra. Geometry, Trigonometry , Mensuration. Eurveyin. Philosophy, Physiology, chemistry. Bock keeping. Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. $9 00 Latin. Greek and Freneh, with any of the above branches, . SI2 00 MC5IC. Piano. (SO lessons), $10 00 l7Xo deduction will ba mad for absence. For further partioulars inquire of Ret. P. L. HARRISON, a. at. July 31. 1870. Principal. rvLF.IOH Twelve good SLEIGHS, also sever- ? al TIMRKR cLEDS and three pair TWIN SLEDS for sal by Nov 2-'!-Cm. A. IRVIN A CO . Curwentvillo. Pa- "BANNED FRUIT. Canned Plnma, Peaches I J and canned oorn. et . for wie at the Drag tioprot A-I-SHaVW. T?ANK NOTICE. -Ti e stock bo! Jew of XJ the First National BanK of Cb arCe'tl. meet attheir Bankinj lioa.e. jn C!earfie'd, on Trwiay. January 9:U. 1671 between the hours of 1 and 4 o'elcok, p.m. for the puroose of elect ing directors WM. li. DILL. Dec. 14, 1S70. C-r.ier. piMPLES ORWORM3 IN THE FACE A Treatise on iheir Cause, and how to cure them, including tie sroirW renv wiU be tnt free by mail for i cent. T d'xrnpife pam-ikt't erntit. on receipt of atamti. Address M. LAP Y KTi'K HYBS.il. D . Djx4 i5. - Y. Ofti- 89 Cedar Street. Dwv 14. lS7U!o nlUCK FOjl SALE The undersiened has nianu pictured and has now on hand for sala 16 OCs BRICK, witch be will di-rnse of on retsonabte terms, in large or suall qeatitiries. to suit purchasers. J A. TLltPi. Luthersl-urg. September 14, 1S70 Cra. V"EW SCHOOL HOUSE. Sealed pro posais will be received l)y the School Directors of Lawrence township, until the I4th d:iy of Jannary. 1871 . for tbe erection of a schoel hou.'e near John O. Dixen's. Contractors to find all uiaterial. Plan and specifications can be seen by catling en tbe Secretary at Bloom's Briig. Ity order of Ihe Roard. TAYLOR, UOWLF.S. L. C. IS LOOM. See. President I.awrencr Tp, Deo 14 St. M'P HER SON'S- (formerly M Gaushey .) Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon, 15 LEAVY'S NEW BUILDIXO. icond St., Clearfield, Pa. Censtan'ly trpt ea hand a fine leetiea ef Candies. Cijars. Tobacco, N-its, te. Also Kreh Oystsrs, received daily, and served ep in any style, te swit the tstta of euMoraers. A fu!I stcck ef goods jut raeetvel from the Esst. jrv7 Bi liaid Saloon in Serond Story. Dec 14-701 W II M PHERSDN. WATCHES AND JEWELRY I wou!d repectful'y announce to eit!zn o "le:ili-IJ and vicinity, that I will .sueticit Thurs day. Des 211 in the uw room . firi door below the V:iufiou Hou-, on Second street, wi:h au en tire new ntock i f WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Jewelry, o! the latet styles nr.d of the best 6uis!i. se'eoted with care and I hope good ta".e. I will Lit an a-x.rtiiienl from all the Utat Lovelttas in jesel ry suitab o for tbe lloiidays. '1 hankt'ul fryonr past liberal patromja 1 hope by strict attention to bu.i nef-s to merit a coi:t nuat.ee ef the turn. ly.-IAIR .Ir.WELiiY MADE T" OHDKR. Dc. 14. lS7-'f. S I. S.VYDKR. s O i) K II A N N A HOUSE, Curweiisviiie. Pa. T!;e nnderigne I liaviajr takcu eharje f tbia well-known Hwtel. re.'pectfuMj lolioits a share ni patronage. The boj:e has be.:u refittel and re fmiii2.liei sni now comnaies favorably with any other house in the county, 'i'he best of everything the lanrket aiTorJs wi.l Ls serve! up to usls. Chaiges mo inrat". ELI hLO't.M. ej t. 2S. 1670-tf. Pioprietor rpiIE E A G L E II O T E L," Liu'wcnsriiie, P Having leased for a term cf years tbe above well krown and popular il'itel (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fours). nd having newly refitted and relurnihed it. the present proprietor feels as-ured ttiat he can render entire f-itis. action to guests s-j-iurniii wilh him. A fil e, larig stable and yard ia attached, for the care and pro'ection of bore. carriages and wagous. A fhare of patronage is solicited May 4 '70-ly A J. Pit AUcKEH . Prop'r. II E "S II A W IIOUS E,' MARKET ST., VT.EAS.l-IE LD, PA. G E0F.fi S N. COL30'li, : PaiyitrcTOS This house wss lately eo.-nnle'e I an! just open ed to the pubJic is uewly turnislie-l. Jnd provided ;h al 1 the modern izrjrovstuents of a nr.st-class hotel It is p'eaantiv located In the bu"ines pari of the town, and near to tbe public baild ins. A share -f patronage is rr-specifully solic ited Charges modera'e. Ihe beat of Liquors ta ibo h.-r. March "0.-7C-tf T he LEONARD HOUSE, (Xear the P.ailroad Depot), Rcsd Street, Clearfield, Tat. O. D. GOODFELLOW : : : : : rnorBiSTon. A new first class Hotel in every respest eom fortaljie rot.ais all the modern improvements the btst of Liquors prinriptatten.l:itvsrand tea i.ab!e charges The patronage of tha publie is respectfully solicited. jy-2I-tf O EG ISTEIVS NOTICE. Notice isbere l.v given that the following accounts have licetux.imined snd passed by me and remain liicd of record in this r.rfii'e firr the inspection ef hsirs. legatees creditors and all others in anyway, interevcl ami will be presented to the r.ext Or phans' Court nf cearfie Id county, to lie held at th Court Houe. in the Borough of ClearfD d oonmencing on the 2d Monday of January. ls!7l : Partial Account of T. H Murray. Administra tor of the tho f stat of John Spackmao, late of Gira;d tp. dea d. Final Accuontof R. K. Flegal. Administrator of the estate of Martin S Fle&al, lata of Goshen townehip. deceased Final Aeeount of T. Valentine Railey. Admin istrator ol Tilus H Bailey. la'e of Bloom tp.devd. T ie Account of Henry Hartzfelt and J. C.Bar rett. Administrators of Henry Mirshall, late of Brady township, deceased Parti:il Account of John Holt. Administrator of George Smeal. late of Bradford tp. dee'd Account of John Holt and V. II Holt, Adminis trators of Thos Holt, lale of BradforJ tp. deed., Final Account of John W. Wright and Henry Ii. Wright. Administrators of Wm. Wright, late of Beccaria township, deceased. Final Account ol Martha Irwin and Levi Irwin. Executors ol Jos Irwin. late of Lawrence tp dee d. Account of .S. 11. Caldwell and Robert Louns- berrv. Adu in istrators of Joseph Barker, lata of Bradford township, deceased Account of Meliuda Kogers. (formerly Velinda Curley) Adm'ix of Jaue Curley, late of Kartbans township, tleceaed. Final Account of Deborah Davis. Executrix of Samuel W. Muitb, late of Guelich tp. dee d. Dec. 7. '70. A.W.I.rE Register T ICENSE NOTICE. -The following nam ed persons have filed in the office of tbe clers of the court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield co .iheir Petitions tor License at the January Scs sion.A D.1S7I. agreeably to tbe Act ot Assembly ol March 2Stb. lo-iti entitled. "An Act to regulate the state of Ii.toiictoin; Liquors," Ac : David Persing, Tavern. Pat V. Donnelly, Tavern, JimeS Carter. Tavern, I'etvr Kuffuer' Tavern, Lawrence t'ampbelt. Tavern, Wm, Kiddle. Tavern, Casper Leipoldt, Tarern, George N. Colburn, Tavern. Woodward tp. Beecaria tp. Cleai field boro' W S Bradley. Geo. D. M I'racken, James L. rUrry. Ino 1) M'Ciacken, E W Reed. E. 11. Schafer. George A. Bloom. Wm B. 1 hompson, ndy Shoff. Geo. E Robeeker, A J Draurker, Anircw Glass, John Miiison, Claudius Girard, Tavern, Tavern. Tavern. Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Tavern. Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Tavern. Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Bell township. Lumber city. Corwensvill. Burnside. Bloom township Chest township. Guolich tp. Huston tp Curwensvilla B. Burnside tp. Covington tp. Penn tnwn'p. Bleom tewn'p. Osceola Borough. .. 4. Osceola boro'. r-amuel Hepburn. Algernon lloldeu, Harry Goss, Milo Ilort. Grimshaw Taylor, Tavern, Tavern, ERST APR AST. W.Rose M'Pherson, Clearfield Borough. John Macomber, '". " John Downey. Woodward township. Ann M Digging, Houtxdale. Henry M'vioweu, Eaiiog House. Woodward. UEnCA.XTlLI. I.L. Reiaenstein. Olearlield Boron jb. Patrick Dunn. Osoeola Boroiijb,, Wra. D. Wiltiama. Dee 1470. A. C TATK. CTerk. AAA SHEEP PFLTS. and all other kind of tJslUU Fur fckiss.for which eh will he paid. l wanUd by L. KEIZEStTEIN. "ow 3,'T0 oa tjleswi.ld. Pa TERMS OF THE JOl'KX AL Tha Ravtsuss'; Jocemal i publihed oa Wad neaduy at 92,00 pet annotn in advance. If not paid at tbe beginning of the year, 42 09 will be charged, and S3.00 if not paid before the close. ADV8HTi9KMKSTa wLl be inserted at 41.50 pet snuara. for three or less in-ertiors Ten lines (or leas) counting a square. For every additions! insertion 50 cants will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers No lubscription takes for a shorter time that, iiz aiontb. and no paper will be discontinued uu tiUaii arrea.ees are paid except at the option o ihe puhiiaher. 3. J ROW. rooT3! Biors!! Boors::; boot3!::: FrEXOII KIP. FSrNCH CALF. LI9UT KtP, Sep. 2i. i?;o. $S AO s 01 5 9 at C. KRATZDR'S. opposite the Jail. "POU SALU The farm of Johu Snatk inan, late ot (ilirarJ Township. cV, cn n3! idling of altnut one buntiret nJ frrrnty two Acres of Oti f Arming lmud. (iuo.t of which clearcl ) and Itavin tbs eon erected ft gOtl botie ftO'l baru. ni to ui-unt conveiiience of a pleasaint hoaue. For term nml further Tjarticolrs apply to T H.MUiiKAY? Att'y for the beira mud jjersoos intaretted. June 22. 'TO -tf. IMPORTED LIQUORS, such as BIZA.yDIES ni HOU.AXD (7.VS, PVS.HOt.Tt Git A I'K BZAXDIES. PURE OLD CAI IXET WHISKEYS. OLD CHAPE WINES. Alt the above brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this marker far n:edl-i-i! pur p .s GKO. N OOI.IJUUV March 30.'70-tf 1'rop'r of Shan- l'ouaa. fjMlE WONDERFUL LTNIMENT. This I, iii!!iieut liiivmtr heeii us.-o, lor soma yeais past. as a fami'v n.edicine by tbe pre prietor. aod its good effeola coruiu to rhe notice of bis iieichh'ir. has. at their sutcestion. eon renred to manufacture it for th henelit e f the af-flicte-l everywhere. It is the best remedy far Ca'nrrh an I lillious Cb ilie. ever nHere l to the public; and trill cure many other die3e in the huiunti body. 1 1 is also a snre cure fer Pole evil and H ind-sal's in horses Direction" for its use a?cjtapany each bottle. Price. St per buttle, er six Hottlesfor Sd. 6ei.t to any address bv eceles iug the price to Yi'ii II Vs'A'JON'ER Hor.l PostoO;e, Oct 6 18R9 Clrarfteld com tv. Ta. Co-Partnership in Store. C. A Rorobaush having assoe'ated with him in the Mercantile business, in Lowisvillo. Clear Geld county. Mr. C. R McCracken. salioits a eon tinuance ef the patronage to generously extended heretofore Having just returnel from the eastern cities their stoct etubi aces a large and varied assert. Die :i tot Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Queens ware, aod in fact nearly everything ally kept in a country store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country produce taken in exchange for goods C. A. ROROBAUGH. May IS. "70 If. C R. McORACKEN TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Star ef n, if. sua w. Two doers east ef th PostoSc. CUarSeld, Pa Constantly oa hand a fine assortment ef Navy Congress Cavendith. Cable. Spunrell, Michigan and Century Fine eat . Chewing Tebacce, Ae. Also, a targe and well selected stock of Imparted aad Domestic Cigars. Smoking TobaOCOS, iiearcchaum and Briar I" ipsa,' Pipe fixtures, Tebac: Boxes, Cigar Holders, and everything genera J f.-und in a we 1 regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. iy Remember th place: Two daors east or the PostcE:e, Clearfield. Pa. - Aug. 21. '70. A Great Medical Discovery ! He. WALKER S CALIFORNIA VINEG-AE BITTERS! Hundreds of thousands bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. W II A T ARE T HEY? THEY ARE JVC? T A VILE FANCY D R I N K, Made of Poor Ruin Whiskey Proof Spirits, and Refuse Liquors. do.torel. spieed and sweetened to please me taste csl led -Tonies," "Appetizers.' Restorers Ac .that lea i the tippler on to t.-u:ik-etiuess sil l ruin, but are a true Mudioin made from the Natite Rntts and Herbs of California free from all AK-onolic Stimulants '1 hey are the ireat Btool Purifier anl a Liletiirini; Principle a perfect Renovator an 1 Invigilator of the .-yiteui carrying oil ail poisono-is matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition No person can take these Bitters according t- direction and re main long unwell, provided the b. nes are not de stroyed by mineral poisoner other means and tbe vital organs wasted beyond the ptiint of repair. For Ji.fltnritiitory att i Vhrnnir Rli'itia il'm ait i (tent. Vrffpna nr In ii tie. Eillittix Rr mittetit anH Ititmniueiit Errm. J0:.,ea of f H'-jO't Ltver. A"''yt tin t BfuiJrr. tfirs liitfru buv Lrft! to- Arrr"s'. Such disrasca are caus ed by vitiated b'uel. which i.geiiera'iy produced by derangement of the digestive ergans. Dysp.ii sia or Indigestion heidache. pain in the shoulders, coughs tightness of tbe chest, dizziness, sour eructations of ihe stomach, bad taste in tbe nn.uth. billious attacks, palpitation of th heart, ir: Bun mat inn of the lungs, paiu in the region? of the Kidneys anl a hundred other painful symp toms, are ihe ttff.prings of Dyspepsia. 'fbey invigorate tbe stomach and stimulate the torpid liver ar d bnwrels whi-h render them "1 unequalled efli -acy in cleansing the blo.id of all ttnpunties. and imparting new life and vigor to ihe whole system. Bilious. Remittent and Intermittent Fesers. which are so prevalent in ihe valleys cf our great rivers throughout tbe United Stales cipccially tho;e of the Mis-isippi, Missouri I'linoia. Ten-nes-e Alaba.na. Savannah, rtu-inoke. James aod many others with their vu?t tributaries uutiug the Summer and Autumn, and retearkabl so du ring st as. ns of unu'ual beat an-1 drs nes. are in variably accompanied by extensive derangements of ihe stoinaoh and liver, and other abdominal vi xera. There are always more or less obstruc lions of the liver, a weakness and ir.itahle stile of tne stomach, and fcreat torpor of the bowels, being ctcggml np with vi i ited a.tcutuulatioiis. In their tieattnent. a purgative. exerting a powerful influence upon these various organ. is essentia'.ly necessary There is no cathartic for tbe pur ose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they speedily remove tbe dartc colored viscid snatie with which the b iwela are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the livsr. an 1 generally restoring Ihe ht-x rhy functions ef the dtge-ttve organs, lbe universal potri ar y tms valuable remedy in regions subject lo miss- mat te inuuences. la siitucieut evitleuue or lis pow er as a remedy in such c ises. For skin diseases, eruptions, tetter, salt rheum, blotches, tpnts. pimp'e. pustules, boils, carbun eies. ring worms, scald head. fore eyes erysipelas ircb, scurf, aiscolorations of tbe skin, humors anJ diseases of the skin, of whatever nam or nature are li'erally du up and carried out of the sys tem in a short time by the u.eof these .liters 'he bottle in euch casea will convince tbe most incred ulous of iheir curative effect. Cleanse the Vi iaiel Btood whenever yon find its imparities bursting through the skin in pim pies, emotions ur sores : clean- it when you 3nd it obstructed and sluggish in tbe veins ; eleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tbe blood pure and tb health of the System will follow Pin, Tap and olher Worms.lurlng in the sys tem, of so uaar thoutan Is. are eCsotually destroy ed and removal. Fur fall directions, read cere fully tha eiroular around each bottle, printed is four languages EoglUh. Geiman, Freneh and Spanish. J. WALKER. Proprietor. R. II. McDONALD k CO.. Drug'iats and Gen. Agents. 8an Francisco. Cal . and :-tJ and .54 Cominereo Street. New York. ROLD BY ALL DRHtiUIST, AND DEALERS. Deeember 7. I57li-ty HrMPIir.Ei".S CELEBRATED COAL, Free from all impurities, again in tho mar ket. Oraers left at the atorea of Jus B. li rabam A Son's, or Riahard Moaaop will receive prompt rntion Jior. u, . 3 NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite th Jail. CLEARFIELD, PKN.fA. Monements. Grecian Ton'bs. French Coneie?.. .V a i, lies. Tab's Tops. Washing Ranges. Garden Statuary. Terra Cutta Ware, r.f ever description. Head sod Fool Stones, of New and beautiful t!e sins. alt c which we oifer at city pries, or ZS percent less than any olLer e'tabiishineat in this county, llavine a large expeiieitc in :i,e bu hi res', we guarantee san. taction in all eats. ;r- rier tnaukfully revived and promptly tilled in the best workmanlike manner S A.OIB-'ON. Ms? II, 1870 -tf Janes Watsox. Agent. v7e BRANCH RESTAURANT AND Ladies' Oyster Saloon, OS SICOSD sr . BXLW KAKKCT, CLEAI! FIELD. Pi. Constantly kept rn h nd a selected assortment ol Candies. Nat. Cigars. Tohieco. As AIofre,h Oys'ers received dat y.an l f .r sale by the dessa or hundred. . J. U WACOM DER. Oct 12 '70. I'roprietrr. NEW MEAT MARKET. The nn lerslgned have opened" a Vest Markat in the room f ormerl v fccutied t y A lex Irvio.on Market P.reet Cleaifield. Pa . a.ij.iinii.g Mowep's where they in. nd to keep a fu'l supiiy of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to ssit the titnes Their sop will be open legularl v. on Tus-.ly. Tiiurs-.lay and Saturday, and meal delivfre.l at any (oint A there of public patrvnag is resurc'ful! v solicited . Ji II DRitWN. Aug 5I.70 tf. E VT. BROWN. Al-o cot.tiioie to ! ia a!i kii.ds f inprev cd Aiic.-ttural 1 mplauinnts. N EW TIN SHOP! Fked Sacmett, Manufscturer of r.V, COPPER ,,i4 SHEET IROX TTARE (nearly opposite the Jail). MARKET STrtEET. CLEARFIELD, PA. also, on hard and far saie "The Times" Cook Stove, the best in the world, And an asrotttreut of PARL't'l and SITTIXO it OM SIOV1S which will be s.ild cheaper than tbeycan o purchased at any ether establishment iu tue county. ALSO, ROOFIXG, SPOVTIXG and JOB WORK sots on reasonable tartes. April It. 1378 BARGAINS IX CHBISTilAS TRESENTS, AT THE FANCY STORE cr Misse3 Rynder & Lamch. We have just received and opened a full and aem plete stock of CHOICE TOYS, Ladies Dress Cap3, G rover and Baker Sewing Machines, both Elastic and Lock Stitch, and a very beautiful .issortmont of GOLD AND SILVER FISH AND AQUARIUMS. The goods are all jurt new and a share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Clearfield, Dec 14. '70. 11 E il 0 V A L . UARTSWICK i IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to iniorm enr old and new ensto me.'a that we have removeil our establi.bmcnt te 'he new building just erected on Market street nearly ad.p iuing the Mansion House on tee west mt -pposi'e G raham A S n' store, where we re spectfully invite the publie to come and buy their D MSGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEPI- CINS,UII.S PAINTS AND i'AUNiSIJS. Ourstock of Drues and Medinlrjesconsist of every ihing u.al. s.'IecieJ with the graatest car, ana WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! W also keen a full s'ock ef Dyes Perfumeries Toilet articles. Soaps. Toorh Brushes. Hair Brush es. Whitewash brushes, and every ether kiud el Brushes. W e have a la ge let of White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and in fast everything ased in the painting business, which w etTcr al City prices to eash auyers. TOBACCO AND SEGaRS, Confectionery. Spices, and th largest stock ef va rieties ever offered in this place, and warranted te bo of the best the market affords J. '. fl AKTstWrCK. Dee. 5. .If-ll F IRWfK BIGLEB, YOUNG & CO., Cor. Fourth and Pine Stree', CLEARFIELD, PA., atAXcrxcTcr.tRs or STEAM ENGINES, Malay ami Circular Sew Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING, ?ULIE'rS. E0LT9, and nil kinds cf Mill vrork. STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stoves, Sled Shoes, Plows, and eastings of kll kinds. DEALERS IN Gi lards' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gang Cocks, Air Cocks. Globe Valves, Cheek Valve, Wrought Iron Pip, Steam Pump, Soiler Feed Pumps, Assi-frietiea Metals, Soap Stou Packiag, gum Packing, A.. A , iembor 14: 181 1ft Marble and Stono Yard. MRS. S.S. LIDDELL, nvirg engaged in tha Marble business. defre iatrrm her friend', nud the publio. that she hss tow and will keep cu:is'a nil v eu Lard a iar-e an-1 well selected stock of IT A Lt A N AND VKX.'aTONT MAHPLE. and is prepared tofurnih to order TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CZADLS TOMBS. MONUMENTS, io SanJ. etor aad Marble, CCSB3 aad P jfif 5 for Cemetery lots, WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS, ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN OSNX-MENTS.be.-the would favite special attention to bar -Sal 4- s:o:it Monuments abtcb ara bci'.t from criginai designs ai.d will couiparo favorably with any thing nf tb kind n the country. If desired rha ear furnish Marbi Window Sills and Caps at si gat s.lisnc on the puce or SaDUstoi.e l aid uu Reed Street, tear the Dpot.Cfearftela Pa !M.y. 1S70. 11 0 SAD A L I S ritHR GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH X RESTORER, purifies th blood ted euirs Scrofula. Syphilis Skin Dieeae-s.Rhcu. laatism. Diseases of women anJ aMtbri-n-ic Affecti.tus of the Blood, Liver and K id nes. Recommended by the medical Fae c!ty aud many thousands ef our best oiti tens. Lead the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have used Kullis; seud for our Eosadalis Guide to Health Loo);. v Al u. a iiar for this year which we pi blish for grat'.i'ous i!:-tr:fcutit, ; it will giro yo suuch valuab'e mformaiion Dr. K. W ( arr. o! Baltimore, says, I take pleasure in rtc mruet dnijr fjtr Fo.aditl:s ss a very powerful alterative I Lave sesn it used io two eases with bappr rcsuts -ore in a ease of secondary yf hilis in hich tl.e patient pronounced tiintfclf euted af'er h-vii g t-l-en C bottles of your uiedlcine Tbe other is a ease of scrof ula of Jor.g standing, which is rapidly iu. proving under its ue. and the iiidtcatioss are tht the patient will soon recoier. I have cartful'y examined tbe foratula be which your Rosudalis is made, and find it an excellent compuund ot alterative ingre. diauts Dr. 5pa-ks. of Nicbolaiville. Ky..ays ha Las used i'.osads'is in eases of Scrofula and Secor:darjr Syphilis wiih satisfactory results as a cleaner of the BiOad 1 know no Let ter remedy. Samuel G. McFadden, MurfreesLore. Tenn . aays : I have used seven bottles of Rosadalle. and am entirely cured of Rbeumatism . send me fnur bottles, as I w ish it fur toy brother, who has tcrofulous sore eyes. Be tjatuin Bechtol. of Lima, Ohio, writes, I havo suOered for twenty years w itb au ia veterate eruption uver my whole body : a abort time since I purchased a bottle et Re sadalis acd it effected a perfect cure Labratory, 61 Exchange Plaee.Baltimure O S A D A L I S CLEMENTS. & CO . Proprietor. KossJalis if sold by Hartswick A Irwin and A. I. Shaw. Clearfiold. U. If. Good, Oserola. and by Druggists geuer-lly. I April O.'IC-lT ' ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ H Who lell th cite pe t gls In th? count t ? or MOSSOP Who best calicoes at 12 J eta a yard MOSSOP! Who colli Vest nnblezc'aed mnslln si !T sjobU M O S S O P 1 Who iell Hall's Calf Boots at $560! MOSSOP! Wh z!!a Hair hst Coarse Jteetf at St i'j I MOSSOP! Who sells HsU'i best K''p Boots at $4,5C! MOSSOP! Who sells Hats lower than a ay bed y eltat MOSSOP! Who sells Sugar the cheapest? MOSSOP! "Who sells Symp the cheapcart. MOSSOP! "Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who slls Chop and Feed ths cheape.? MOSSOP! Who sails Ilardwart tha cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sella Qucenswaro tht cheapt ? MOSSOP? Who tells Tinwara the cheapest ? M OSSOP! Who sells Clothing th cheapest ? M O S S 0 P! Who sella Plaster the ehaapoat f MOSSOP! t Who sell! SH tha cheapeat? MOSSOP! - - - Who fir6t brought' goods down to tl 1 lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP!. ' H Everybody shottld buy their goods at . MOSSOP' S! Clearfield. May M ISM 4 TEIED FRC1T, sit raao4 prices, at i J May XSXSevX V 1 M i 4 -.i- i r-: isi - rr- i . li 1 . . i . i r ii