uu ' y " tSly - y BY S. J. KOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, L871. VOL. 17.-NO. 18. Stttt gottxxj. FADED FLO WEES. An oM oian now I sit and thick Alone and sad to-night, gome laded flow'rs, tied up wih pink, Hive dropped before the light. The baok I reach' d from off the stand Seemed quite untouched for ages, It opeu'd wide within my hind, Those flow'rs between the pages. A nce my thought go back for years, My present life fades fast ; My eyes grow diuj unbidden tears Spring forth and fail at last ; And ail the ruUt of years rolls by, And all the weary hours. And once again I hear tbe sigh of "one" who pluck'd those fiow'r?. I stand once more beside the Mile Our usual trystiu? place I watch thu nook and note the Bmiie Of one sweet up tura'd face. And thtn the uii.-t roll backs again, Ar.d all seems !tke a dream ; Tue w.r)dlan.l path, the hav. liiorue lane, The tlow'rs beside the stream. Ah me! those ii'np!e faded flow'rs Have brought back all the past, My ehtiJ.iw'd life, uiy wasted hours. My hopes ; to soon o'ercat. Had tiien.witfs, lying hush'd for years, Have KpruiiR to life once more ; I ri-e and murmur, 'midst my tears, "Sol lost, but gone before." OAST OFF. "Will I forgive you? IIjw dare you ak it, Ua K j-tsitur ? Never, so help me IJea vn ! There was a fierce glare in the b'ack eyes with which Wiiitk-M t.irey steadily regarded the handsome woman Ktaniinir paie and with rompreascd lips before him. SiiO had been for a solitary wa'k on the shore, little dreaming she !hauM meet trie tiiaii who, iu httr lu-art of hearts, was the on!y enshrined idol. .She had seen hiui comiog, when his-yes, Lc!i and bright though they were, had not S ?t ui.-.t-ei ned her graceful 'figure wending kUiouij thecraj;s and clitTs of the rocky, wild lcoh ; and, with a cry of inten.iest delight ui ii her lip, t-he ha.it eued to meet hi.u. She wa n faultlessly be:.uiiful woman, Ku LaiigLiy tjeire.-s, Ida Rossitur, whose tmk, oriental eyei had 'aln scores of vie t:tu; who-e !u'irou-i nurses of ebon blak iiair had driven r-corex of lovers half crazy, the knew her power.au 1 how to use it; hnd before he h -td eeo twenty-two mm Triers drop their load of sweet sCMits.she had kcquited the weU-earued reputation of a coquette. Hut every pnul has its mate ; and Id Kossitur had met the master of her destiny; fcha loved. Vet, .so strange u the iocunsi.s lency of woman, that, though caught and wooed by WinSeid Gray, hiin whom he so k-lured, her habit of coipietry would not tfnr.h tier to eh-jw him a preference. Not that she intended losing him ; and fit! the moonlight night when he told her his loij in terrun so jiassiotiful that heart a:u. w aih.'d with tUs j oy, wiit'ti lu pleaded, the nwtct rumor that was going the rouiid.-i, t,l their eujaumeut, she gracefully warded hiia uiT, faliy inieniius to confess all on the c-.-rrow. Ala, tor what we will do "tri-ihorrow !" M tuj are the in i pen tht't are crushed for their wiiitiiiK-or tliu uiorro'tf;. the rosulu tiin.i Luried that "to J: jr row" wa to oee ItiSikd! And Ida Rossitur, when the morning Gnwriud, learned that. W'mScld Grc) had let'; I--? shore iaai. very mj.Miiig vrlliie sha was drcaiuinj of him. S:ic was too proud to inquire ; too proud t write ; a:il wheu, hours later, she Was p'jyfuliy tauuted with slaying aholhor vic ua, and that WmGeU Grey, sho was too rt-Mrrvcdiy haughiy to refute the aspersion, ttt s Lr a wM bow, gave credence to the ru Ail :!.:.?, the oue preclons episode of her hie, t::at ha J Leea crowded into ooo biissful i-:::;::hL, iso years aone, came rushing i.or aj s'.ie caw Vin5e!J Grey walking S r.v.iy a! ng, all uuconsctous of her near rr;.x.r..i;y to him. "iuUrM, oh, Winfield. can it be possi lc.'' She reached forth b,th her beauti fj: arm, a frlorious light that he could not xiiunJcrotood, glowiog in her dark 'ie sorted, ri.ieJ his bat, and would 'i'-K ; s.-i. J on. are not acgry with me, Mr. Grey?" 1'tr to.. :s were pleading, Lut he looked as a siatue. 1 La-.'-j ijot forgotten our last interview, -''' Il j-.-itur." e M, steely tones raise 1 a fearful an ;:i iier heart. I. I have been waiting ver since tKt..; vju to tell you how I loved you." 1 r mi woman had spoken at last ; 'is t.:'a-j:itul b!u-h overspread lier face as iu..ei almost wistfully at him. U s owu cheeks reddened, but he never &ycj his eyes from her face. ata itiieved the confession has come tjo !te, Jhss Rossitur. I care nothing for .vu." Mic -toe I like one petrified, her eyes -c;i,g bright and wild. -t eari?f(.r me! not care for me?" - t't.iated the words slowly, distinctly.an fu! .-ray palor tko while stealing across "er her eyes riveted on his handsome antenaiica. i do not, Miss Rossitur; good morning." e Uii.-,1 i :i. Ve ly taken a dozen steps, when "ere C"1U clutch on his arm that almost 4de luu cry out. lie turned to see Ida ftSta. Stop t moment, I am mystified I may CTttZ? 'or H I know. But I must have it from your lips again, those lips I have dreamed so often about I thoe lips tha.t told me the only news I ever cared to hear." She spoke in a peculiar dreamy way ! then, before Grey could frame an answer, her eyes filled with tears, and she laid her hand on his arm. "Winfield, my darling, my darling, don't say you have ceased to care for me 1 why don't you know I love you, I worship you?" lie would have been less than human had not his heart throbbed at hercorifession.lut he smiled coldly. "Two years ago. Miss Rossitur, I sued for that love ; you cast it off. To-day you offer it? I cast it off. Remembering as I do the shame, the bitter agony of that night, I can never forget it or forgive it." She seemed not to hear the last words. "You east me off you cast me offl" "That is rather a harsh term. Miss Ros situr. I did not say so. 1 'lease be so gocd as to excuse me." "No, no I Once more TViufield, forgive me, oh, do forgive, will you not? 1 can't live without your love, Winfield !" She clasped her hands pleadingly, asi rested them on his arr. A moment he gazed into fcrer beautiful, stormy face : then, with a calm, almost scornful turn of the lip, spoke. "Will I forgive you? How dare you ask it, Ida Rossitur? Never, so help me Iiea ven 1" It was an awfol Lkw to the proud woman, whose tin was loving too well ! and as Win fiold Grey lengthened the distance between them, a louk of most i i.iful agofty convuls ed her features. Gradually his receding fisture ?rew smal ler and smaller, a he turned an angle that hid him, there swept over her form a per fect gust of e.iiutiou. Unutterable despair was written on every iiueauietit, and iu ihj words the moaned, lusked a lifetime of grief. "Cast 03 !" The early June sunshine came in agolden quiver all over the delicate pink and white velvet carpet that covered the floor of Ma rian Thome's drussinj;-room, and while with light fingers it touched the rare statuary, the costly toslette ornaments, it lingered longest, and most lovingly, oa the slight, graceful figure that stood before ihz dress ing mirror. She was a golden-haired girl, this dainty Marian Thorne, with eyes tliejrery shade ol purple violets; shadowy, serene eyes, that seemed ever lot-king out iuto some misty, uncertain cloud laud. Now, she was looking at herse'f, arrayed in a costly robeof creamy white satin, whore fell cloud on cloud of shimeiitig lace ; where gleamed pure pearls, and soft, white kids. "What, Marioa? surely you are uot growing vain enough to try on your wedding dress to note the effect?" Marion laughed as the young girl held up her hands in-amazement. "Do you consider this vanity? If you do I must plead guilty. I wondered how 1 would look as a bride, so I put on the robes" "As if you couldn't have waited for to morrow noon. Well, I guess Mr, Grey will think you're an angel just floated down. Oh. Marian, chere, you are faultless per fect!" Marian smiled, and tunteJ again to the beautiful reflection. "I th'.ttk my dress is very becoming, and I am pleased for WiriSeld's sake. And yet, with all th.T rapid preparations progressing, you ca:i'l tell the gloouJ that comes over my spirit at times as if some hiddeu vial of wrath was about to be poured upon me." Marian's eyes were gazing away, away off, as if seeking to wrest the secrets Irom her future. Gracie Re gave a little scream. "Oh, you supersticious girl you and yet, Marian, I have heard it was a bad omen to try on a complete wedding-suit. And here you are, nothing wanting, even the kids, the slippers, the veil, and all." Marian smiled and shook her head. "Nonsense. Grade. Yet, to comfort you, please notice I have not on the wreath." The young girl laughed joyously. "Good ; there's hope yet, then. Hark 1 there comes Mr. Grey, now. Shall I send him up?" , A little blush flew to Marian's fair face. "Yes, I'd like his opinion." A moment later, and Winfield Grey stood beside her. "My beautiful darling ! almost ray bride ! almost my darling wife!" He kissed her fondly, then stepped back to regard her toilette. "Perfect, little Marian. Pure as angels' raiment, but none too fair for you, darling. If 30U only were a little less serious." He laughed as lte spoke, but the young girl's face grew graver. "I have such a strange feeling, Winfield. Night alter night I dream of a barren sea shore where are rocks and crags' over which I am constantly fleeing to find you. And there is a tall, dark, magnificent woman, who haunts my dreams, with eyes like a very demoness, that seem scorching my heart out of my body. Then, when I waken, I am eo exhausted that the fright follows me half the day." Her wistful blue eyes were lifted to his face, but the had not noticed the pallor that shifted across the proud, handsome features as she mentioned the "tall, dark, magnifi cent" woman. He laughed, and smoothed her light curls away from her forehead. "If I could but forget the sensation the vision causes." "Perhaps you don't love me, Marian," he gravely. "Oh, Winfield, you know I do ; please don't say so, you hurc me." He kissed her sweet quivering mouth .just as Gracie returned to assist Marian to re move her bridal robes. "We'll excuse you now. Mr. Grey," she said merrily. "I'll bring Marian down pres ently, in a more hugable form." He threw the pretty bridemaid a kiss.and went whistling down stairs, happy, and for getful of the "tall, dark, magnificent wo man." "I'll take them oflj Gracie," erid Marian, as her betrothed's steps sounded further a way; "but, if I spoke the truth from my L heart, I should say I think I'll never put them on again. Gracie glanced in unappreciating curiosity at the bride elect. "You talk so, and still are sure you love Mr. Grey?" A glorious light came int her blue eyes. "Love htm, Gracie? You never can know how well." ''Then there's no danger that you won't wear this it old Trinity to-morrow at mid day," said matter-of fact Gracie. It was a new arave, over which the flow ers of but seven weeks had bloomed; at its heal stood a costly tombstone, and a wreath of immortelles was twined about it. On its snowy white surface were carved letters that were unspeakably precious to found hearts; and the letters read thus: "Sacred to Win field Grey, Aged 2$." On the high, sweet scented turf, knelt, in pitiful abandon, a young, iair baircd girl, whose black robe's swept the spot where her darling lay at rest. She did not moan or cry, but unspoken agony was making her slender frame quiver with deepest emotion. A littJ-i away. standing defiant and stormy, was a noble, commanding woman, her sable garments trailing to the very side of Win field Grey's grave. Her hard, bright eyes were watching the fragile form that was kissing the sod so pas sionaiely, ail tftfeonscious of the presence of anyone, till her own name, spoken iu clear, musical tones, startled her. "Ms The She sprang to her feet, a"nd gaisJ at the intruder. "1 spoke to 3 ou, Marian Thorne, because t have a right tdo so. You loved him, but not half so much as -I did there, don't scream, for I am telling the truth. I wor shipped him, he hated me. Yon loved him, he worshipped you. That's all tiro differ ence. You were to be his wife, I was 'cast off! cast off!'' Oh. those words wLl ring in my ears through eternity!" Marii.11 sank to the grouu i. covering her face with her haals, white, stern, and pas sionless. Ida Rossitur continued. , "The day he deserted me, that day I knew a vengeance would follow him. I knew not what it would be, but when the papers told me he was dead, had died of heart disease on the wedding morn, 1 felt 'twas only just. He had crushed my heart, and I had to live, just as you will live, and suffer till the end. He cared not for the sacrifice I made to win him, and now, lying cold and still under the summer daisies, he knows nut the feaiful saciiuee you have been compelled to endure in giving him up." With a reverential tenderness she bent over Winfield Grey's grave and kissed the weeping, widowed bride ; then departed as she came, silently, mysteriously, leaving a lone, in the early twilight, the utneken girl to bear alone her burden of sorrow. Mr. Connelly, a Missouri gentleman, who had an engagement tii be hanged, is dispos ed to Le querulous. On being informed that his sentence had been commuted, he said: "This is the d det country oh earth, and has the poorest laws. I have been ly ing here in prison for months. My execu tion, for which everything has been made ready, has been twice put off, and tiow I atn going to the psnitentiary for life instead of being hangel, as I wanted to be." A lawyer in S. II., who is noted for his profanity, aud, of course, for an irreligious" life, being deeply engaged in an argument, declared that rather than yield to his oppo uent he would carry his suit to the court of Heaven I "I guess," replied one who stood near,' "you will have to got somebody else to 'tend to it, for I'll be darned if they'll let you into that ar' court." An Etiuira farmer wrote to Horace Gree ley for advice as to the best kind of bees to keep, ani received an answer to the effect that "husking bees" were the best, but iu order to make tbem lay honey profitably he must use a thiua nest egg, aud blanket his bees when they are not on the nest, and feed them bran and "middlings." A good story is told of a railway station agent in New Hampshire, who on being rep. rimanded for allowing a car to be so heavily loaded that it broke down, replied, "Mr. G., what do you expect a man to know for 20 a niODth?" A young lady at Indianapolis, not very long since, killed a skunk with butcher knife. Her lovefcame to see her that night, and told her he could not marry her unless she quit using such hair oil. New Lisbon, Ohio, has a female baseball club. Oue of the girls recently made a "home run." She saw her father coming with a switch. He proved an excellent "shortstop." A romantic youth says a young woman's heart is like the moon it changes continu allyj but alwayn has a man iu il. A W. Vf ALTERS. - Atiorset at Law, A, Clearfield. Pa. Offie in the Court Hou ie fALTER BARRETT, Attorney atLow.Cloar field. Fa. May 13, 1S63. JB.HRAIIAM A SON'S, Dealeia in Dry-Qoods .Groceries, Hardware. Queeosware. Wooden w, Proviaiop. etc.. Market St. Clearfield. Pa, HF. BIGLEK A CO., Dealers in Hardware , and manufacturers of Ti ad Sheet-iron rare. .Secoixf Street. Clearfield, Pa. Mar 70. HF. NAUQLE. Watch and Clock Maker.and . dealer in Watches. Jewelry. Ac. Room in Graham's row, Mirkct Htreet. Nov. 10. rri50 t J McCULLOl'Qlf. Attorn kV-at-Law, I Clearfield. Pa. All legal business prompt ly attended to. Oct. 27. 1869. T7M. REED. Mrket Ptreet, Clearfield, Pa., V Fancy Iry Hoods, While Goods. Nutionfl. Eiubroiderios, Ladies' and lientV Furnishing 'Jood. etc. June li, 70 j. p. itiviic : : : : t. l.ireo IRVIN A KREB.s. (Successors to II. B. Swoop.) Lawanb CoiAECTios Offick, Market Ptreet. Clearfi :ld. Pa. Xpy. 30, 1S70. I SHAW, Dealer in Drugs. Patent Medicines . Fancy Artictos. etc.. and Proprietor of Dr. Hover's West Branch Bitterj, Market Street, Slearfiold, Pa. June 15,'70- HI B READ. M D , Pnricus and Scbokon. . Kylertown. Pa . respeotfully offers his pro fessional services to tbe citizeusof that plnce and surrounding country Apr 20-6m Orinis T. N'or.i.K. Attorney nt Law. Lock Ha ven. I'a. Will pr.iotice in the several courts of Clearfield county. Ilusirjeis entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Je. 29. '70-y. CKRATZER, Denier In Dry-Goods. Clothing. . Hardware Quconsware. Groceries. Provi sions, eto , Market Street, noaily opposite the Court IIouso, Clearfield, Pa. June, lSi'.i I B M'EX ALLY, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield J . p-i. Practices in Clearfield and adjoin'ne viuiifws. Office In new brick hailding of J. Boyn t m. 2d street, one door south of Lanicb's Hotel. FTEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa., will . attend promptly to all Legal business entrust ed to his care in Clearfield atd adjoining coun ties Ofiico on Market street. July 17, IS67. m'lOMAS II. FORCE Y. Dealer Iu Square and 1 Sawed Lumber. Dry-Goods. Queensware, Gro ceries. Flour. (Jraiu, Feed, Bacon. Ac , Ae., Gra haraton. Clearfield ccouty. Pa. Oct 10. HVRTSWICK A IRWIN. Dealers in Drnis, Medicines. Paints. Oils.Stationary, Perfume ry. Fsmcy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street, CleaiGeld, Pa Deo. 6, 1885. KRATZER SON. dealers in Dry Goods. 1 . Clotliinjr. Kardware. Queensware. Groce ries, Provisions, Ac, Second Street CleaiGeld. Pa. Deo 27.1SB5. f-'!IN GVEI I Cabinct-w ELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds n ware. Market, street. Clearfield. Pa Ho also makes to order Cefhus. on short notice and ttends funerals with a hearse. Apr10.'59. 1 1011 ARD MOSSOP. Healer in Foreignond Do V lacstic Dry Goods, GroceriesFlour. Bacon. '.iiiiors. Ao. Room, on Market street, a few door west ot Journal Off) re. Cloarfield, Pa. Apr27 "ITTAl.LACK A FIKLDIXG. Attorneys at Law giearGell, Pa. Office in res dence of W. A. Wallace Leal business of all Kinds attended to with promptness and fidolity. Jan S.'70 yp IV Si. A. WAL'.ACE. SBAJI FIELDIMG rj W, S.MtTU. ATT-iR!F.r AT Law. Clearfield II. Pa . will attend promptly to busine-s cn trusted to his e.ire. Offlco on second floor of new buildin adjoining County Natioual BanK.nnd nearly opposite the C mrt ILjuso. Juno 30. '69 rJtHEDERICK LKITZIXGER, Manufacturer of ; all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders noliciteil nbolosale or retail He alsokeeps on band and for sale an assortment of earthen wrire. of bis onrn manufacture. Jan. 1. 1863 MANSION HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa This well Scown hotel, near HfJi ourt House, is worthy thtf patronage of the public. The table will be sdnp'tird with tbe bet in the market. The best of liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY. TOHV II. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field,. Pa Office on Market Street, over Hartwick A Irwin's Droit Store. Prompt attention given to the securingofliounty claims, Ae..nnd te all legal business. March 27, 1867. I f II O R N . M. D., Physician and Sitrgkon. having located at Kylovtown. Pa . offers bis professional services to the ci'.i xenx oi thai pljce acd vicinity. Sep. 29 ly 7" r. CUILEY. Dealer in Dry Goods, V , Groceries, Hard ware. tuens ware. Flour Ka co, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county Pa. Iso extensive doalers in all kinds of sawed lumber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. Woodland. Pa., Aug. 19th. ISltt DR J. P. KURt:iIFIELDI-te Surgeon of tbe S.1J Rog't Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, offers his professional services te the eittzens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sion1 calls promptly attend d to. OfBce on South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4. 1S65 (imp. OUUVKVUR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. Ha may be found at his residence in Lawience township, when not engaged ; or addressed by letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. Mareh nth. m7.-tf. JAMES MITCHELL. T E FF K R S 0 N ' Physician and LITZ, 31. D., c-urgenn, Havinr located at Osceola. Pa., offers his profes sional services to the people of that place aud sur roanrting country. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence on Curtin Street, former ly occupied by D. Kline May 19, '69. GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of tbe Peace, Sur veyor and Conveyancer, Lutbcrsbnrg. Pa. All business entrusted to bim will be promptly at tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Survey or will do well to give him a. call, as ht flatters bimselt that be can render satisfaction. Deeds of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legal Jispera promptly and neatly executed Je8'70-yp -yALLACB WALTERS, Real Estate Agents axd Cosvetasceri, Clearfield, P Real estate bought and sold, titles examined, taxes paid, conveyances prepared, and insuran ces taEen. Office in new building, nearly opposite Court House. ' Jan S 1S70. WD. A. WALLACE. BLAXE WALTERS. R E M O V A L-G UN SHOP The undersigned begs leave to inform his old and new customers. and tbe publio generally, that he has fitted up a new GUN SHOP, on the lot on the corner of Fourth and Market streets. ClearCell. Pa., where he keeps constantly on hand, aud makes to order, all kinds ot Guns Also, guns rebored and revarnished. and repaired neatly on short notice. Orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. Juno 9, 1869. JOHN MOORE. s MALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES. HARTSWIOK A IRWIN ar constantly replenishing their stock of Drugs, Medicines. As. School books and Stationery, including the Osgood and National series of readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of the best quality, and at the lowest prices.- Call and tee. C4earfild, Nov. 10, 1869 THE KIDNEYS. Tbe Kidneys are twoin number, sitnated at the upper part ot the loin, surrounded by fat. and consisting of three parts, yii: the Antetior, the Interior, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs Interior consists of tia sues or verns, which serve as a deposrt for tbe urine and convey it to the exterior. Tbe exte rior is s eonductor also, terminating in a single tube, and called the Ureter. The ureters are con nected with the bladder. Tbe bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided into parts, vis: the Upper, th Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upfer expels, the lower retains. Many have d-esire to urinate without the ability, others urinate' With out tbe ability to retain. This frequently ocean in children. To cure these affections, we must bring into ac tion the muscles, which are engaged in thoiv va rious functions. If they ore neglected .Grur er Dropsy may ensue. Tbe render must also be made aware, that how ever slight may be the attack, it is sure to affeo tbe budily health and ment'cT powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. S out, or KnECMATisu. Pt in occurring In the loiks is indicative of the abova diseases They occur is persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. Tbe Gravel. The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treatment df the kidneys These or gans being weak, tho water is not expelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain; it becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this de posit That the stone is formed, and gravel ensues Droprt is a collection of water in seme parts of the body, and bears'ditTerent names, accoidiiig to the psrts affected, vis : when generally diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the Abdoicn, Ascite; when of the chest, Hydrothe 1 rax. Treatuekt. Helmbold'a highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of tbe bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings rheumatism, and gouty affections. Under this head we have urranged Dysurie. or difficulty and pain in passing water. ScsAtj Secretion, or small and frequent dischar ges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water ; Hematuria, or bloody mine ; Guut and Rheuma tism of the kidneys, without any change iu quan ' tity, but Increase in color, or dark water It was always highly recommended by th late Dr Phyeick, in these affections. This medicine increases the power of digestion and excites tbe absorbents into healthy exercise by which the watvry or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and inflammation are reduced, and It is taken by men, women and children. Diiections fur use and diet aocompany. FBiLADEimtA, Pa., FoK 25, 1867. II . T, II elm bold, Drugg ist : Deab Sib : I hare beca a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidiey affections, during which time I have used various medicinal preparations, and been under the treat ment of the most eminent Physicians, experien cing but little relief Having seen yeur preparation extensively ad vertised, I consulted with my family physiuinn in regard to nsing your Extraet Bucha. I did this because I had used all kinds of ad vertised remrdics, and Lad found Iheiu worthless, and vme quite injurious; in fact, I despaired ot ever getting well, and determined to use no rem edies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients It ia this that prompted me 10 use your remedy As you advertised that it was com osed of buchu, lubtbj and juniper berries, it occurred to me anl uiy physician as an excellent combination, and r ith his advice, after an examination of tbe arti cle, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced Its us about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room From tbe f rat bottle I was astonish ed and gratified at the boucfioial effect, and after csing it three weoks was able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full statement or my cuso at that time, but tho ught my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effeot a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater value to yon and more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cur is effcoted after using ihs remedy for five mouths. I havo not used any now for tbreo months, and feel aa well in all respects as I ever did. Your Bucha being devoid ot any rnpleasant taste and odor. nice tonta and invigorator of tbe system, I do not mean to b without it whenever eceuion may requir its us in ucb affections. M McCOrtMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. Wm. Biglor, ei Governor Penn'a. Hon Thomas B Florenae, Philadelphia. Eon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. Black. Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. D. tt. Porter, ex-Governor, Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. K. C. Grier, Judge U. S Court. Hon. G. W. Woodward, Judge. Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Pbil'a. Hon. John Biglor, ex-Governor. California. Hon. E. Bank s. Auditor Gen. Washington, D.C. And many others, if necessary. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Be ware of counterfeits. Ask for Ilalmbold's. Take no other. Price SI .25 per bottle. or 6 bottles for $6.53. Delivered to any address. Describe symp toms in all communications. Address H. T. HELM BOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, 594 Broadway, N Y. NONE ARE GEXCINE UNLESS DONE CP IN steel -engraved wrapper, with fac-simila of my Chemioal Warehouse and signed Jma lS.'70-ly B. I. BBLMBQL9. T K. BOTTORF'S " PITO TOG RAP H CALLER r. MARKET STREET, CLHARriELD, PtSs'l. Negatives mad in cloudy as well as in elear weather. Constantly en hand a good assortment of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoseopio Views, (rames. from any style of moulding-, made t order. CIIROMOS'A SPECIALITY. Dee. 2.'6s-jy. 14-69-t t "mHE OLD CLOCK ON THE WALL," with I its dusty FACE, may now put on a bright new DIAL, and henceforth keep the time of four or five of the great cities of the wcrld, either in Europe or America, as you may desire, and keep yeur own time as bcture. also. It may be attach ea to any ordinary clock, and is both ornamental and useful. In the parlor it is ornamental. In the publie bouse it is a matter of curiosity, and in the school room it is a matter of great utility. Send fos a circular to S. L PLRDY, Oc'. lsV7o-om. We-stovcr. Pa. W E A V I N G! - Mrs. R. CALDWELL. Having' engaged in tb WEAVING HVSJNESS. 9T bur residence nrar Logan's Mill, desires to in form her Iriendi and the public, that she has new and wilt keep const-intly on band, a well selected stock ot COTTON. WOOLEN' and H BMP WARPS, and iV prepared to furnish to order Carpet ready made, or warp RDd weaving. Weaving ot ail kinds done to order. If desired she can furnish cotton warp of all kiudsfor linen or woolen fill ing. -Woul and rags taken in exchange. Address. Mrs. K CALDWKI.L, Oct 12 '70-ly. Curwonsville. Pa NEW STOEE. Corner of Seeond St. and Hill Read. K. MITCHELL Has just received aud opened, at the bov nam ed place-, aa entire nw steek f Spring aud Summer Gds, which he will tell very eheap for cash. lips stack consists ef Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Queensware. Boms and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc. jie ale Seepi choice Flour'. Cora Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desirous of purchasing gods at fair rates are respeetlully reqaested f give him a call. Approved country product will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield. Jon 17. ISoS. GR AND OPENING- THIS WEEK. French Merinos, good colors, at75cts. Black Alpaca, 25 cents to $1,25 Elogant Phuds, 20 cents to $2. Plain and Figured Poplins,20c to1.25. Reps, in the handsomest colora. Satins, at 50c to 1.25. Great bargains in Black Silka, prices ranging from 1,25 to 4. Bargains in Coating.'FVosted aifl Plain Beavers, Sealokin, Dogskin Curlicula. Astraclian Beaver, from 3,50 to 312. Splendid Velveteen, 75c to $2. Waterproof 90c to 51,75. All Wool and Zephyr Shawls, cheap. Roman Stripe Shawta. Mourning Shawls. Paisley and Broche, from gl8 to 510. Furs, from 3,00 to 75,00 a set. . These furs are purchased direct from the mauu ketones, and I will warrant, them ia ev ery respect. Also a full line of MILLINERY GOODS, of the latest styles. Millinery and Coat Making done in best style. Ladits', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes. Gent3 ITats, Caps, ic, be. These Goods have been purchased low and will be sold the same. Persons are respectfully invited to call. Butter, Eggs, and all marketable coun try produce taken in exchange for goods. WM. REED, . Market St., Cleakfieli, Fa. , Nov- 9f 180. rpHE UNIVERSAL DIAL b a enriou. inrention. ami a nt-rt-t eililMKC Its simplicity and accuracy ar truly wonderful e -TbaOld Cluck on thm Wtl " i Column October to ISTll Hfn J A. BLATTEXBERGER, Claim and- Collection Otik-c. Convevancine aud all Legal Papeia drawn with accuracy and dis patch. Drafts en. and passage tiekrtsio and froar any joint iu Europe secured. Osceola. CJwBeld county Pa. October . 1S70 3m. 17XECUTOIVS NOTICE. Letters Tes tameutary on tbe estate ur Samuel CT .M Landless, late f liurnsid townsnip. doceaaed having been grantea to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate .r requested to maxr 1ruu1edl.it payment, and thoe Laving claims a gainst th same will present them, duly authentic cated, forrcltOnieiit JoS. R. M K EE Xov 2o IsTS-St.p. Kieoutor. CAWED LUMBER Tho unJersigned having starte.l in the Lnttilier business, near O.ceola, Clearfield county. Pa., ia now pro pared to furnish Pin boards, clear and pauatV stuff, Ae. Pin aid Hemlock bills sawed to ordep and shipped on short notice. C. K. MACOMBKR'. Oteeola Mills. May o. IH9 tf. CUarfield 00 Pa.. JOTICE. Having purchased the intires of J. A. Blattenlierger, Esq., in the bu siness heretofore carried on under the firm nam of J A. liUttenberger A o.. th same will b conduced hereafter under the nam of Mqsojuu non Lard and Lumber Co., (Btoret. H.U.SiULLINtJFoKD. JOHS LAWSUIT. Hies dent. Sup'k May If, 1870-tf SANDY LICK HOTEL, Reynoldsville, Jefferson County, Pa. J. S. RADEBACII, Proprietor. A first class country IJofel The tabl supplied with tbe best the market eflords. Choice liquors at th bar. A shar of puritic patronago rpeot fully solicted November 9, lMtf. r)R. KLINE, at the PliiiaJe'.pTrfa Cancer LJ Intitut. y?.l Arch Street ; Prof. Dal- ton. 2'.ii West t Street, finciunati. Ohio, and Dr tlreeno at Chorion. 2i C, ar niskiug astonish ing cures of a I by their groat CancerAntidote 1' L C K It S without the knife or caustio medi 'fl? JMIKS cine, and with but little pain. v C'A.C'EKS ery root end fibr is killed and re moved, if taken in timo. and cannot return P. war of bogus Pro fessors, with their bogus treatments', stealing our advertisements. others have thee frwtssaiit. N'oue other should ever be used. For full partic ulars, send (or a circular, or call, or address aa a bova. Novemoer 2. 187t-3m. OTOl 5 ,-. ' CHEWING TOBACCO. Sav your money and restore your health, br using Dr. Ilyrn's Antidote for Tobacco. This lr uot a substitute but a cure for Smoking, Chewing and Snuff taking. Few perfocs ara aw&r of th terri'ile effects of the noxious weed on the human system. Dyspepsia, headache, disease of th liver, sallow complejiion costiveness of the bowols, losst of memory, and other disees. are the affliction brought n by its us. Tbe Antidot is purely vegetaole and harmless. It ails as a tonic on th ystem. purines tho blood, and enables a person tu uigest the heartiest feod. Sample sent free for iO eta S3 per doiftt. Address U J. YARN ELL, 86 Cannon St . N. T. Nov. S3. '7-3m e1i oy A L ! HEM OVAL! C. KRATZER & SONS, Hav removed to th large and elegant XKW STORE ROOM, on Seeond Street, adjoining Ucr reli A Bigler's Hardware Store, where thy will be pleased t see their old and new customer. Citixenaof the county visiting Clear field, ana wishing to make purchases, will find it to their advantage t txarniu thoir stock. Goods at cash priesa exshasgad for all kinds of eoaitry produce. Jan. ,'i9. TO LUMBERMEN? PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKS! Th Clearfield Excelsior Cantbook will at wear out or break, beinc constructed with one solid band from clip to point. It is pronounced by all practical Lumbermen who have examined it to b th most perfeot oant hook ever invented. Amos Keunard. Patentee. All orders promptly atuudti to. Manufactured by AMOS KENNARD k CO., Ny 2i. Claarfield, Pa 1S70. NEW STORE! CHEAP GOODS! At Glen Hope, Clearfield Co. HOMER DUBREB Is now selling the obeapest goods in the county at VYrs. K.bickerton old stand. IiRiT GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, DRUGS, MEDICINES, Ac, CHEAP FOR CASH! Call and examine bfor purchasing elsewhere, as by ro doing yuu will save money. Nov. 23. 1S70 3m. CLEARFIEUIACADExMY! Th Scond Session of the present Scholastic year, of this Institution, will commune on Man day, the JIi day of November, 1S70 Pupils can enter at any time. They will t charged with tuition from th time they nter to th close of th acition. The count of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practioal and accomplish ed education of both sexes The Principal having bad th advantage much experience in hit profession, assar pa rants and guardians that his entir ability and energies will be devoted to th mental and meral training of the youth placed under his charge. TERMS OF TCITION: Orthography. P.eadiDg. Writing and Primary A -rithmetio. per session, (1 1 weeks), i 00 English Grammar, Geography, Arithaawtio and History. 8 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Eurveyin-, Philosophy, Physiology, Chamiatry, Book keeping. Botany, and Payeioal Geogra phy. $9 OT Latin, Greek and French, with aey of the abov branches, MUSIC, Piano. (20 lessons), 919 00 fFNo deduction wi'llb so farabnee. For further particulars inquire of Ry. P. L. HARRIOTS, A. it. jit tt, irrt. Prtwoir1-- 1 ' v.i: f t- .1 Sr. w t; . i; v: ir . t f.. 'A . a :
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