Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 21, 1870, Image 4
jHaffotnatt'd gourndf, gfcarftcfb, f a., g)ecemfier: 21, 1 iS7Q. got the farmer' To Clean a Rct?TT Plow. Put a quart of water into a stone vessel and pour very lowly into it a pint of sulphuric acid. (The ' mixture will become quite warm frow chem ical action, and this is the reason why the acid should be poured into the water rather than the water into the acid. Wash the mould board (or any other iron that is rusty) with this weak acid.and let it remain on the iron until it evaporates. Then wasb it again. The object is to give time, lor the acid to dis solve the rust. Then wach with water and you will see where the worst ruity spots are.' Apply some more acid and rub the "pota with a brick. The acid and the scouring will remove most of the rust. Then wash the mould-board thoroughly with water to remove all the acid,-and rub it dry. Brush it over with petroleum or other oil, and let it be until spring. When you go to plowing, take a bottle of the acid water to the field and apply it every other bout to any spots of rust that'may remain. The acid and the scouring of the earth will soon make it per fectly bright and smooth. If all iron work be washed over with petroleum as soon as we put our tool, implements and machines aside for the winter, it will keep them Irom rusting, and save a great deal of trouble and annoyance, to say nothing of depreciation and loss. 1 Lice on Hogs. In answer to a recent in quiry for a remedy for lice on hog. allow me to aay that I have had an experience of 12 years with breeding hogs. The past five years I have used the following, which will clean off the lice in two days. Put about one gill of kerosene oil into an old dish, and with a paint brush or old woolen rag rub the oil up and down the back of the animals and behind the fore leg and on the flank. Be particular about the last two places, for it is where the lice deposit their eggs, which, if not destroyed, will hatch out in about five days. If it be a black hog, these eggs can be plainly seen, being about the size of tim othy seed and lying close to the tkin fast to the hair. No one need fear to use the oil in the" Vast. Hot water will not kill these lice for I have seen them crawl after the hog had been scalded in a barrel after being butch ered. R. Woodruff. Toung cattle ought to have a warm, dry, randy shed and yard to lie in by day, and to be put up in an inner, closed stable by night. A very little grain or cut and soaked com fodder will keep them e rowing well, sleek and healthy; and thus kept, they maybe wintered much cheaper than in a bleak !toek yard, on uncut cornstalks. Oats should be bruised for an old borne but not for a young one. Because the for mer.through age and defective teeth, cannot chew them properly ; the young horse can do so, and the are thus properly mixed with the saliva, and turned iuto wbo!eotne nu triment. COUNTY DIKECTOKY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 14 Monday in January. I 3d Monday in June. w. Jd " ia March, 4th " in fpt 2 w. to " ia May, J 2d in Nor 2 w. COFNTT AND DISTRCT OFFICERS. Pres't Judge Hon.Cbas A Mayer. Lock llaren. Ai'te. Judges Hon. Samuel Clyde. Clearfield. Hon. Jacob Willhelm Grabamtoo Sheriff. . . . Cyrenua Howe. . . . Clearfield Prothonotary. Aaron C. Tate. . . Reg. A Ree. . Atbnry W. Lea, ... District Att'y.W M M Cnllough, . Treasurer. . . Lerer Flegal.. . . " Co. Burreyor, S. F McCloskey, . Curwensrllle ComBiiia'n'rs, Othello Smead, . N. Washington 6amael tsbuffner, . Clearfield. Samuel U. Uiaduan, Glen Hope Aalltar. . . Clark Brown, . . . Clearfield. Price A. Rowlsa, . N Millport. John D Miller, . . Hera Oeranar. . . . James A. Moore, . . Clearfield Oe.Superind't Geo W. Snydtr, . " LIST OP POST-OFFICES. TavnskifS. HamssofP.O. Namssof P.M. Seoearia, - Glen Hope, - - Homer mEree, - ... Ctahrille, - - - 6. MoFarland. - Hegarty'eM Reads Samuel Uegarty Ball, - Bower, ... 5 A.Korabaugb u ....Chest, ... Thoa.A. M'Ubee. ... Cash. - - - - - J.W Campbell. .... Oslend, - - H. L. Henderson Bloom, - Forrest. - - - A Igernon iioiden Boggs, - - - Clearfield Bridge. - Jas. Forrest. .... Wallaceton, - John E Moora Bradford, - Woodland. ... Wj. Albert. .... Wm'sOrora, - - Ed. Williams Brady, - - - Lotbersburg, - L. B. Cartile " ... Troutrille. - Mrs. C. Wesrrer ' - - Jefferson Line, - . John Heberlin. SumsiJe, . KewWaahington Sam'l Mcrune " ... Burnside. - Manner Irwin. - - - Patchinville, - Jack Patohin. " East Ridge, - -W SummerrilW Chest,- - - - Hurd, ... . Lewis J. Hard ... McGarrey, ... Wm McGarvey ... Westorer. - - - 8 A. Farber. Clearfield, - Clearfield. - - - P. K. (iaulia Covington, - Frenchvil'e, - - Claud. Barmoy " .- Karthans. ... John P.ei'er Cnrweturilla Curwensrilla. - Charles floe! Ireeatar, - Phillpsburg. Centre eonnty. Pa. Watt Decatnr, - - Lerer Stneal. Ferguson. - Marron. - - - John P Straw. Oirard, - - - Leeonte's Mills. - Aaga'a Leeonte, " . - Bald ililli, Alex. Irwin Goshen, Shawtrille, .H.H.Morrow. Graham, - - Grab am ton.' - . Thoa. H. Forcey Ouelieh, - Smith's Mills, - Jcs. O.Gano. ' .... Alleaians' ... Henry A Neman. Hastoa, - .Tyler. . - - Mies R J. Tyler. " ... Pennfield, - Frank Bewman. Jordan, - - Ansonrille, - H. hwan Karthaaa, . Salt Lick. - - Geo. Heekadera. Knoi, - - New Millport, . H J. Sloppy. Morris, ... Kylertowa, - . Ed. C. Krenner. Morrisdale. - - John Odell. Oseeola. - - Osceola Mills.- - T. F Boaliah. Pena, - - Lumber City . . II W. Rpeneer. u . . k . Grampian Hills, Jooa. Wall Pika, .... Curwensrille, - Ches. Uoel. Cnion, - - - Roektoa, - - . D. E. Brubaker. Woodward, Jeffries. ... James Lockett. " .... Maaera. - - . . J. Derby. f Thie Poet OtBee w'll do for Chest township. t Will answer for Ferguson township. WTATETpTsTATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF PENNSTLVAJf IA. Serernor . . . Jhn W Geary, Cumberland, Beo yofCom. . Frak Jordan. - Bedford. Dep. Secretary, J M. Weakley, -AaditorG.n - John F.Uartr.uft, Montgomery, Sarr.yor Gen. - J. M. Campbell, I Cambria, 7 Attorney Gen. - F. C Brewster, - PhMadelihia Adjutant Gen. - D. B. M'Crea r . Erie1 State Treasurer, Wm. W Irwin? . Bearer Sup. Com Sch' J. P Wickersham. LJucMUr Deputy bup t. - C. R. Cobuia, . . Bradford Bute Librarian. Wien Forney. . . Dauphin' Bcrnim Cocbt Chief Justiee Jan.es Tbomn eon. Associetes. Henry W. Williams. John M Seed, Daniel Agnew. George Sharswood Ses Bions, Philadelptha. 1st Mon lay of January. Har risburg. 4th Monday of April Sunbary. 1st Mon day of October Pilhiburg, 3d Monoay of Ootober OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES. President. - - - Ulysses S Grant.. Illinois. Vice President Schuyler Colfa, . Indiana. Baa. ofttate, . Hamilton Fish. - New York. IT Geo 8 lu.w.ll. Ma-Mcbuiette" . " w W. Belknap, Iowa. hZ .fiS Va.M. "le,n, New Jersey, ge. of Interior Jaeob l. Cox. - . Ohio. Att!Lr' " t i 3 Cresweli, Maryland. Attorney Gen. - h. R Hoar. . . . MaiiachusetU k . if ,Jatx,e- Nathan Clifford, of Maisa. Samuel Nelson, of New York t. - ;;-. Koab B 8wjn f' FOR SALE, . Whlto Lead, lint Paint, Liasetd Oil.TurpeatiuB Tarolsbe af all kind. Colon, In oil aa4 dry, Paint and Varnish bruiha. "lIARTSWICK A IRWIH, Clearfield. P -M a.'fir. A GREAT OFFER. Horace Waters, 481 Broadway. 5ew York, will dispose or OXE HUNDRED PIANOES. ME LODEO.XS and OK(i iNS of six fir.t class makers, including Checkering A Sons, at bitrbvblt low mice rocM. Duaisa Tina norm, or will tak from S5 to 12i monthly until paid 4-1 W70-ly WflO H Ad A HOUSE TO PAIST? READY-MADE COLORS. Known a "Railroad' Coloit Uoarantead to b mora economical, nort durable anl Dior conreai nt than any Paint arer before offered. A book entitled -Plain talk alto Practical Painters," with aamples. sent free by mail on applieat'na. MASUKY A WUITON. Gloha What Uad and Vol.r Warts, A p. I.t-3m 111 futtaa St.. Nn Ymri. Beware of Imitations. Established 183S. CLEARFIELD NUHSEKY. Encouk. ace Hone Indcstrt. The undersign ed baring established a Nursery, on the Pike lrlf-way between Curwenarillr and Clearfiell Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindaof Friri treea. (standard and dwarf.) Evergreen'. Shrub bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Law ten Blaok berry. Strawberry and Kaspbeiry Tirre. Als Sibriani'rab trees. Quince and early Scarlet Rhea barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31. IBM. J. D. WRIGHT, Carwasrlll THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! Eifkty-nxTkyuiiwJ.Srwn Huudrtd and Eigk-tf-ant Mtekint, Mud mhA Said tkt Past Yrarl The nnmber exseeds by thousands the tale of any other Machine, and the demand is still in creasing THREE THOtSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD. THE R ESONS WHY: Because it embodies essential principles not found in any other Machine ; because of its aim plicity of eonatrurtion. ease of nperstien. uni formity of precise action at any speed, and ca pacity for the greatest rang an I rariety of work, fine or coarse. Parties wishing to purchase should net fail ta examinstbi best of all Sewing Machines. I have the Ageney for this Maohine, and will keep a full anpply on band. Clearfield, May 4. '70 tf J. 8. SHOWERS. Q LOTH IN O I CLOTHIN8I! COOD AJID CHEAP!!! Men, Tenths and Boysean besanlpied w(t.tul taits of seasonable and tashieaable clothing a I. L. REIZENSTEIN'S, where It i sold at prises that will induce their I'urehaso. The anirersal satisfaction which has been giren. hai induced him to increase his r'ork. which jia,now not surpassed by any estab lituaient of the kind in this part of the State. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, Sells gbods at a ttry small profit, for cash; His goods are well made and fashionable. He gires every one the worth of his money. He treat his customers all alike. He sells cheaper than erery body elsa. His store is conremently situated. Ho baring purchased his riock t reduced prioes be eaa sell cheaper tl an ether. for these and ether reasons person should bay their clothing at I. L REIZENSTEIN'S. Prodaea of erery kind taken at the highest market prioes. May 18, lb64. BARGAINS IK ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT THE MAMMOTH STORE OF TUB MosLaanon Land and Lnmber Co. OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, Penn'a. C VRRANTH lha bt aad ehetpsst ia tk --'7, UKAUAM S H. F. BIGLER & CO., DCALCRS I II A It If AE E, ago nucricTritim or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD. PA. FAIRBANKS' TANDARD GA IE, OF LL KIKO. ALSO, Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Trueka, Copying Presses, Improved MoneyrDrawer. ., . FOR KALB BT II. F. BIGLER t CO., Dealers in Hardware. . March IS J CtaAwrtBtB. Pa. (I87- THE" CLEARFIELD WOOD CHOPPERS' AXE, Manufaetnred expressly for the CLEARFIELD TRADE, for sale by H. F. BIGLER A CO.. FRUIT CANS, Manufactured from best charcoal tin, - Grooved and soldered on outside, warraxt vd. a :jso,glass fr uit jars, for sale by . n. P. BIGLER A CO. COOK' STOVES! SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, StrSQUEIIAXiVA. SUPERIOR. . : GOV. PETW. REGULATOR. TfOBLE COOK. NATIONAL RASGE. c , Ae.f And all kind of HEATING STOVES, On band and for sale by H. F. BIGLER & CO., SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. AagastS. 1370. PINK and White Lining Skins, and Roan klns at U. BIGLER A CO S. THIMBLE-SKEIN'S and Pipe-boxes t-r Wa. ens, for sale by H. F. BIGLER A CO IRON i IRON!! Best r.r iron for .ale at the tore of H. F. BIGLER A CO. s TOVES of all sort and site, constantly on aaaa at H. F. BIGLER A CO'8 I ABLE CHAINS a go4 arfirlr.on hand aad (for sale by If F. BIGLER A CO H OR5E-SHOE;. and horse-nail, to he had t f. r. ISIULKK A CO 8. SADDLE ale at ADDLES, Bridle, barner collars o . for GUNS, Pistol and (word eane to be bad at H F. BIGLEK A C0"8. HARNESS, Trimmines, and Shne-findinr for ale at II. F. BIG LEU A CO'S. OIL. Putty. Paint Glasr acd Nails, for sale at UmI. 'TA IT n nr.a t .. . aivu a v II F. BIULEK A CO'S. -VTEW LAMPS Perkins A Voan't Nn-Explo-1 v ''re Lamp a new ar'ic'e jt retired end for sale l.y HARRY 9. BIGLER A CO LONGEST R07)F in the Unite I States is on RinekVSous' Faetory. Easlon. Pa.. one third of a mile long and is covered with READY ROOFING CHEAP. DURABLE and easily applied. Bead for eireular and samples to the manufaecurers. ItKADY ROOFING CO. June l-ap. 13, y. No. Courtlant St. N. T- 40 Hfifi ,n(1 aap"" o agent to sell C4iUvU the celebrated WIL-oN SEWING MACUiNKS. The best machine ia the woild. Stitch alike on both sides. On Maohin without money. For further particulars, address ti N.Sih St . l'hil a. Pa. Mrofa 30.,70-.tra 'TTIN'TSON HOUSE PAINTING," by J. W XX M"ury. CI.. 4S p , 40c. Free by mail n receipt of price M.tacar a Warron. N. T. 3s. 'TTOW SHALL WE PA INT OCR HOUSES P XX By J.W. MscRT.CI..220p . St 50 Free by mail on receipt of price. Mislrt k Wcttor ? m Ycrlt- f P 13 3m. 1 1 A C Uow In,1 it is 8 months, with Sten OJ ItcV Sample free. A. J. Fuiiam, M- r- June J2.-in SWAIM'S PANACEA. Kennedr's Medical DI oorery. Hembold's Bucho. Bake' Cod Lirer Oil, Jayne' aad Ayer's Medicines for sal by -Jaa.i HARTSWICK alKHlM LADIE3 The Ea;enie is the most Useful ,nKi tide ever invented f r your use Circular 'iMrf organ, P. O. Bo 245d, N. Y. Je22 3m GENTLEMEN Th Grant CigarTip is a norel- J ty and a pleasaro Sample 3(1 eenta , Grant. P O. Bra 4390, S. Y. Jo S2-3m. A. E D- f E.RK8 Co' our, the best in market, fr J . J . BUA TV A HON . rEE.VSWARP-Tea.et..b.t .tone-ware 4( -. ... MUSBW B. S fXlT FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED. THE GREAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGFIT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. Tbete Instruments hare been bforo the pubiie for nearly thirty year aud upon their excellence alone attained an unpurchased pre eminence, hteh pronounces them unequalad. Their TONE HiV. r1? '" ao singing Ht. ,Z ' 'I"" P"'y Intonation and sweetness throughout the entire seal. Their TOUCH iJ.".tr?.lTIl',,ic' "irely free from the (tiflaeu to-nd in so many Piano IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequaled. using none hut the rery best easoned material the large capital employ.d in ourbuaioeMauab mgu to keep continually an immense stock of lumber, Ao., on bead. rjT" All our Square Pianos har our new im Prored Orerstroi.g Scale and the Agraffe Treble. . v would call special attention to our late improvements in liRAN'D PIANOS and SQUARE GhANDS; Patented Aogust 14. 1868. which bring the Piano nearer perfection than ha yet been at tained. Every Piano fully warranted lor 5 yeara. Wo hare made arrangement for the rl wbe'e al agrney for the most Celebrated PARLOR Oll GANa and MELODEANS. which we offer Whole sale and Retail, at Lowest Faotory Price. c WILLIAM KNABE A CO , feept. 31. 78 6m Caltimor. Md. SWEET POTATOES-.tC.KRATZER'S, Opprfte tt Jail: H ORSE NAILS nail rod. horso nails, ran. Aa . . r, I'll . . - . . ' ' v. ivnAttEit o. upp. Jail. PRUNES a quantity on band and for sal at My GRAHAM'S. QALT 8ALT!!-A prime rtial. of g raar4 a a. 1 urn aalt est . 1. . . . " , .sr.. 1 r-' - r ymwm wmnr. ser saieeaee : N A U O L K . WATCH MAK, GRAHAM'S ROW. CLEARFlfcty. The undersigned respeetfally inform his old eustomers and the pubiie. that ha has an hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large tack of Clock, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a largo variety from the beet Man ufactory, eonaisting of Eight-day and thirty-boar spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clock. WA VCHES a fine asaortment.o fsilrer Hunt ing and open case American patent Lerer, plain and full jeweled. GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, ia silver extension and desk holder SPECTACLES, large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every rarioty, from a single piece to a full set At,SO, fine assortment of Spoon. Fork, bat ter knives, etc., plated ongenuin Alabata. ALSO. Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting get up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and (FW-rvUaC . A continuance ot patronage i solicited. Nov. Jittj, 13S4. U. F. NAUGLK a. l. sits. a. r. Boor i r.WBA NOTICE. w'wT.Si. w. rowsLL CLEARFIELD I'LANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Mkssks. U00P, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respeetfally inform the eititeas of the eoaaty that they hare completely refitted aad supplied their PLANING MILL, ia IhlsBar.agh, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to exeeato all orders ia their line of business, such as Flooring, Wcatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. Theyhara a targestoek ofdry lamberon band, and will pay eash forelear tnff, one and-a-htU inch cannel plank preferred Nor .'7. - JEff SPRING S T O C Kt J. SHAW I SON. Har jast returned from the east aad are now opening aa entire new stack of good ia the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they bow offor to the pubiie at the lowest eaah price. Their stock eoasist af a geaeral assortment ef Dry Goods. Groceries, Qaoeasware, Hardware, Boots, Skees. Hats, Cap. Bonnet, Dress Goods, Fruit. Caadie. Fish, Salt, Breams, Nails, ate., ia fact, arorything asaally kept ia a retail store eaa b bad by tailing at tkis store, or will be procured to order. Their steek J well seleeted, aad coaiitfi f the newest good, is of the heat quality, of the latest style, and will b (old at lowest price for eaab, or exchanged for appro country produce. Be rare aad call and' examine our atoct Wore making your parchases, a w are determined Mease all who may favor a wita their custom. MayS, fSff.- J.BHAWA30N. pUKNlTURE ROOMS. JOB.1 GU ELICIT, Desires t Inform hi old fr tends and customer! tnar taring enlarged hi shop and increased hi raointiex for maJiataelrriEe: he is row prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good atyl and at cheap rates for cash. He mortly ha on hand at hi --Fuiriture Bo'tr,' a raried assortment of furnituie. among which is nniEAiTs Ann sideboakds. Wardrobes and Book -cases; Centre. Pefa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny-land and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ap. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chair; And common and otter Charr. rlOOKrNG-GLASSB Of every description on hand, and new glas far old frames, which will ba put it sn rery rSGable term, es.oort notice. Ha also keeps on hand, or furnishes ta order. Hair, Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF ETERV KIKD, Mad to order, and funeral attended witk a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting don to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged forap. proved couutry prodace. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lnmber suitable for tb busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop i on Maraet street. Clear Cold, and nearly opposite the '-Old Jew Htore." rieeembor 4. . JODN Ol'H.I H P. T. I. DR. BOYER'S PURE WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure. Pleasant. Pafe and Reliable Tooio.eom pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirits, free from fail oil. or ether irritating propertiee. and will not disagree or offend the nut delicate stomach. Warraat ed to eontein mora med icinal virtue than any bitter at present offered to the pubiie. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. Ta Inereas the Appetite to promote Digestion to euro !ypepia le cure Fetor and Ague te euro Billou;nese to euro Constipation to euro Cbronie Diairhea to euro Flatulence to cure Acid Eructations to euro Nerrou Debility to eur Hypochondria to euro Sallownesa of the Complexion to euro Pimples and Blotebe to euro General Debility and Prostration of the Physical Power, IT A S NO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHERE, AT $1 PES BOTTLI. A liitrtj dttrtttHt t th trait. aBCrACTCBBD IICIXSITILr T A. I. SUA W, , CLEARFIELD. PA., Dealer in Draa. Medicines. Chemicals, Dya Stuffs. Oil. Paints. Varniehe. A., Talent , hledieiues. Para Wines and Liquor for medical purposes Fancy and Toilet Artiolea. and all good usually kept in a Drug Store, aald , cheap. Uaring employed E. D. Snyder agradaaate ia Pharmacy who apeak both Eagliati and Ger man, th undersigned (eel no heaitaaey in aaying that customer can rely ism Bering the preeerip iton prowarl pw A. I. gHAV. He CCRWENSVILLB ADVERTISEMENTS, rrEETrtt TEETHI! A Extracted for 25 Centa, Extraoted with th use of Nitrous Oxyd Gas, and Local Anaestheaia. (the only barm leas and meient ansstbetie now in use,) by S J. Hays, Surgton Dsntist, Curwnntillt, Pa., Who would hereby most respectfully return bis thank for the libeial patronage of :b cast, and inform the pubiie that ba has removed nis Office to tb Corner of State and Locust Street, ver Jenkins' (-tore, where he is prepared to receive bis customer in newly fitted up Rooms, and do their work in the most rkilful and workmanlike mtnner All work done in the latest aad most approved style and guaranteed. Dr. liars will ba engaged in his office from - the 1st to the 2'id f each month : the balance of eah month. lie will spend in Glen Hope. ISumMtl. and i.utbersbtirg. alternately, fame resi-iiug at a distance, should write to us previous ot their coming. Office hours, from M ta 12 Velock, A. W., and from 1 to A o'clock. P M, We ure none but the rery best material, and defy competition for beauty, cheapness, and da ra bilitr Gir u a call. Curwensrille, Pa , May S5, 1870 -febSy. JI K W FOUNDRY in Curwensvillc. The undersigned harinc entered into et part nership, in the FOUNDRY BUSINESS in Curweofville. would inform the publio that they keep on hand, and will manufacture to order, Plows, Cultivators, THRESHING MACHINES, Stoves, etc., and every other description of article generally made in a country foundry. T.rm a ms fc.,-i . . change for work. A share of patronage I respectfully olleltd. JACKSON ROBISON. Feb.SVTMy. JAilKSM. WELCH. NEW HOUSE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES1!! HARTSOCK & 'GOODWIN, Curwensville, P.j Are now recciring. direet from Baltimore. Boiton, New York, Philadelphia ai.d Pittabarg.au im mense stock oi DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AJVD CAPS, GENTS' MTRNISIIING GOODS, ROOTS AND SIIOES.t CHINA. GLASS AND Q UEENS WAR E, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Sfe , bought at lower price than hare been mad t eny bouse In the town tinco the good old day before the late War. all to be distributed to those who visit Curwensville for supplies in accord a nee with the great sacrifice at which they were bought. .LADIES Are paftteelarly invited te call at Haft soak A Goodwia cheap store, and examine the fjflenuid tock of DRESS GOODS. tR IM MINGS, SUA WIS, FANCY GOODS. At., on exhibition. TJiey Defy Competition! Parties csncot do justice to theiuselre in buying any of the necessaries of li e. whhoutcalling en May 4 '70-3ai J HARTSOCK A GOODWIN. "CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST?' Goods at redCcEd MIces, JUST RECEIVED BY ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, Curwerisvilie, Pa. (One door West First Nat. Baal.) Tlaring iuat returned from the' Eat with a roi plete assortment ol Good auitab'efor the Snrina- w.. . iiu rimuir irAie. we are bow preparea to lur nish all kinds of Good CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." And after thanking our eutrotnerr f r therr lib oral patronage during the past year, we woeld mot reFpcctfuily ask for a coatinaaa of the am. Our stock coniiits of DRY GOODS. NOTIOXS. HARDWARE. Q UEENS WA R E, WOOD AND WILLO W- WA R E. GROCERIES. BOO TS d- SHOES, HATS If CAPS. CLOTHING. CARPETS. TOBACCOS. Eta. Aire. Flour. Baon, Bait. Fish. Grain, Ac. A., all of which will be sold ea th moat reasonable terms. od th highest market price paid for Grain Wool aad all kinds of lumber aad country prodaea. Please give a a tall before purchasing elsewhere. 6a t sf action guaranteed as to quality and price. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Cor. Main a Thompson St. April J0,'7 CurwensriHr, Pa. SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvin & Co., Being ipaoially engaged i a th basinets ef bay ing and oiling SQUARE TIMBER, would repre sent that they are now prepare! te purohue tim ber, delirorcd at either Curwensville. Look Harea or Marietta, r will take it at aay of these poiats and II oa eommisaion, making sask advance as ar necessary. The engaged ia gettiag out timber will f nd at oar ator ia Carwansrilla, rery largo stock of STAPLE OOODS.ef alld.seriptieas. ALSO, FLOUR, MEAT, RYE, OATS, CORN, aad rrything aeasesary for cm ef Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, ef all (is, kept oa hand ia large quantities, and sold at a email adranea, by tb coil. AUo, PULLET BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE, Ae Fpecial inducement offered to thoa manufac turing aara Timber. Z. A. UUNACO , Jan. 14,l$n. g A M U E L I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND EWELER, C t irnti, Pa. All worx warranted to giro lattnaeuoa. A good assortment of Watch-glawe and Key 1 war on hand. wayaonoana. Rooms on second Btreet, apposite tee Court House. March t ia70-tf . 0 N MY OWN HOOK. Having purchased the entire stock at the old stand of Kirk It Senc-r, in Lumber City, I intend carrying on the buainesa a hereto fore. MV MOTTO IS TO SELL CUEAP FOB CAaH. Tlianking oar (rifnJs ami enstomers for past (atrunage I solicit a continuauco ot the aame. Si't. 15th, 1869, ISAAC KIRK.. N EV BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Btreet. nearly opposite the residence of 11. B Swoope. Esq., Clsabpibld, Pa., Would respectfully announce to the eltlsensof Clearfield and rioinitr. that ha has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J I, Cuttle. as alawofEce.and that he i determined sot to be outdone either in qaality of work or price. Special attention giren to the manufacture sawed work. French Kip aad Calf Skins, of the belt quality, always on band. Ulre him a call. June 24. p K R A T t E R, OproMta the Jail Clearfield, l'eon'a, Dealer la Dry Ooed. Dress Good. Millinery Ooeda, Groceries. Hard-ware, Queena-wara, Stone- war. Clothing. Boot. Shoes, Hat, Cap, Flour. Bacon, Fish. Salt, ate., is ooristahtly receiving hew supplies from th cities, which he will dilpos of at tbe lowest market prices, to customer. Before purchasing elsewhere, examine hi (tock. Clearfield. February , 187C- D ENTAL PARTNERSHIP, DR. A.M. HILLS desireitoihtorm his patiehtt and the pubiie gebcrally. that he has associated with him in th practice of Dentistry. S. P. SHAW. D. V S , who is a graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental College, and therefore ba th highest attestations of hi Professional skill. All work done in the office I will bold myself personalty responsioi tor feing dene lu tbe most satisfactory manlier and highest order of the pro fession An established practice of twenty-two years la this place enable me tospeak to my patrons with confidence. Engagements from a distance should be made by letter a few day before tb patient design coming. Clearfield. June 3. IHSfc-lj. JJOMK INDtlBtltl BOOT AXD SHOES Mtde to Order at tbe Lowat Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite ite attention of tbe citisens of Clearfiel i aad vieiat ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St. aearly opposite liartlwick A Irwin drug store, where be if prepared to hi ale or repair any thiag ia bis line. Order entrusted to him will b executed with promptness, strength and neatness, aad all work warranted as represented. I hare ncrw on band a stock ef extra french ealf skins, superb gaiter top, Ao., that I will finish ap at tnelowesl figures. Jane 13th. ISott. UAXIEL COM.XKLLt SOMETniNO NEW IN ANSONVILI.K. Clearfield county, Peon'. Tb undersigned havif ereetad. (faring the past summer, a large and Commodious star room, is now engaged in tilling it up with naw ac)j select assortmentof Fall and Winter goods, which be offer td tb pubiie at prices to suit tbe times Hisatock of Mens' and buys' clothing is ut usual ly extenire, and ia oifered t customers at from SI0 to J 20 for a whole suit. Flour. Salt-and Or eerie, of erery kind, a complete assoitiuent; 5toves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boot and Shoes, flats aud Cap in great variety : Ladies' dress good, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless aS-orttnent of notions to tedieu to enumerate, always on hand, and ser sal very cheap. Prints af 10 cent a yard and other good in proportion Now is tb time te buy. Cbtrntry produce of every kind, at the bighest market pfie'e. will' be taken in exchange for gcd j and eve'ri tSre'enbarks will net k refused rvr anv article in store' Examine my stock be fore reu bur elsewhere". fVetober 3.I87 H. SWA!. JTJ8T IN TIME! InS SEW GOODS AT A K. WRIGHT k SOKI, CLEARFIELD, PA., flaring just returned from tbe eastern cities we ar now Opening a folletoca of seasonable goods, at eur room on Second street, to which they respeetfally invito the attention ot the pub lie generally. Our aasortment unsurpassed fn this section, .and is being sold very iow for easb. Th tock ewaaiat iu part af DRY GOODS of tb best quality. such Print. Delaines'. Alptf as Merinos (linghainp : Mui-lins. bleached and; unbleached ; Drillings Tirkings. eotton and" weor Flannel. Caasimer Ladies Shawl. Coat, Nu bia. Hood. Hoop skirts. Balmoral. A . Ac. all of wHch will beaold low fob casb. Also, a la assortmentof the best ef XIII1 W I a R , consisting af Drawer and Ffairt. Hat and Cap, Beat and Shoe. Uaadkerehieftterarae,ete. Alo. Raft Rep. Dog Rope. Raltina Augurs and Axe. Nails and fpik. Tinware, Lamp and Lamp wicas and chimney, t at. Alio, Queenswsre Glaaawar. Hrdwar,Oroc rlas. and spices af all kind In short, a geaeral assortment of erety thine usually kept in a retail store, mil thtajt far rash, ar approved" country produce Ker. 2.MaT-nnl9r WRIGHT A SONS. M ILLWRIG HTING. H. T. Farxsworth, Wonld inform Mill owners, and those daeiroa of having Mills built. tbt be in preoared to build and lepair eiiber fi-eu'ar or Muley Saw Mill, and rit Mill afrer th late.t improved pattern. He has alo Tor sate an improved Water Wheel, wkicb he guarantee to cve aativfaotion ia rogart to power and speed His motto i. to do work o as to gir perfectsati.faetion. Those wishing fur ther information wil! ba promptly answered by addressing him at Clearfield. Clearfield county. Pa Write yoor name and addres plain. April 20. 1 y. CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Stone and Earthenware, of rry description. Fishers' Patent Airtight Self-sealing Frnit Can BUTTER CROCKS WITH LIDS, PICKLE and APPLE BUTTERCROCKS CREAM AND MILK VROCKS.STEW POTS FLOWER POTS. PI E DISHES, and ' a good many ether things too numer ous to mention, at the STONE-WARE POTTERY OF F. LEITZINGER, Corner of Cherry and Third Straati, CLEARFIELD, PA. Aug. 3, TO-tf. SUA I!ow 1 m,d U ln B "oa. etenefla, JJ" Sample mailtd fr. A. J. Fcllaxj. w York. April 13 Jm. HOUSEHOLD GDS -Tub. Broom. Churn., i Waah Rubbers. Butter Bowls. Coffee Mille. Bath Brick, Hall and Paper and Mudin Blind, Cloth Beeheta, Ta Tttf OpFcrtt tb Jail. I O. KBATEBK. n SAWS! SAW'! DISTO.N, CROSS CUT yp CIRCULAR SAWS, 'V1LL' Dlt. FATRHT PFRPOKATED, U'3HTS! AS. AadDl,TOai8SAK.-0Iffs,;'t, for aal hy j!- BltiLER A CO. WHOLESALE WINE LIQUOR STORE. I. L IUJIZKSSTKIN, XALIB U WINES AND IIQTJOKS, MARKET SrKIET, CLEARFIELD, Pa. AgedM..rtm.alf, tt.dU.aJ prp. en baud. April . 18T-tf. JAS. T. BRADV & CO., (Xuersuort ta S. Jow J fs.J CORKER FOURTH AND WOOD bTRES-ii. PITTS B URGH. Pa ., B A X K E R S. BCT UD KLb ALL Klxt or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, - Gold, Silver anil-C'oupous. Sit prnt. inUrest allowed 6, d.poeiu mW Jeot to ebaec. Money loaaed ta dereremetit BoaJ Bonds registered free of charge. Julyjl. lSTO-ly. JAMES T. BRADY A 00. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bible aad Mlseellaaeeas e.ks: het Maafe for Piano, Fla:e aad Tialla; Blank Aeeeaat aad Paas Beeks ef every ee seffptioa; Paper and Eavelepe.. Frvaah pressed aad plaia; Pens and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; JuJjamt. FxUt aiU Preioiiery Mates; it Blaat Legal Paper; Whit. , preks..al Brief; Legal cap; Reeurd aap aa Bill eap eU . Will he sold at v?k0l..,i , R,u y P. A OAUHJi. it t Pt Bee. Market aoaet, CUarfleld. Fa. May J, I3SS TOCTnS' And dot s", CLOTHING. The undersigned kavicg reeeafly adeai readt-MAde cluthinj to hi former inline, w,Lld tea;. L'atiy olielt aa exaulaailua tf his svuck P!c j Bpraetieal Tailor b flatters t:ti4 tiat he Is able to offer a better lais of rcady msd wrk tbaabas heretofore beea kreught t tili mar ket. Aay on wishiLg' to bay gweii !u Uls l aw would sr mosey by ceiling at kis tt, and making their sslestioa kit. a fall supply of Ueuu furulihiis good aleays s taai. Feeling rhaaklal for past favets he stU ra peotfuliy Sutlait a. vuUaae ef U aave. April tt. Hf. B. BPII1. C. KRATZER & SONS ar rpcfciTtng 4 aplendid atock A CABPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADIS, COUNTERPANES AND QCILT3. LINEN TABLE CLOTUS AND NAPK1XS, LAD1F.S SILK. COAT3 AND UVEKSKlETa, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACK POI.VTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S THIHXED HATS. DRESS GOOD. AND TBIafMi-VOS, BEST KID OLOrES LADIES'. GESTLl MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCY 811 ES. . FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AX3 CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITEES, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP B00T8, HEAVT CALF BOOTS, IS. MEN'S AND BOTS' FINE SV0 HSVT SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, , CASS1MERES VERT CHEAP. GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISOS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO TH03B LrT- ING IN QCANTITT. WOOL, MARKETING AND CoC.fTRT PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield. Jan SO, ISM. BACON.nam,Sidnd Bhoulden-et""1 price, at MO?SOP BOOTS-IOO ease Richardson Eliaira Boa. Just received at C. URATE E KJ?rJL-. LADIES' rtHOES Kid. Turkey Morc--ee ' Goat Balmoral. Clf and Goat bhoS. aaaertmant Children' Hbnes. et " . C KRATZiiR 9, Or? theJ!!. SHCK, Lodiei'and Children' custom tr af Lasting Gaiter, Kid and Carpet Slippers, eo and tiloro Kid Balmorali, Cbilarcu s Col 8h, rery cheap Opposite th,cRiTiER. JAILS SPIKaiS-theeieafest Ur '