Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 21, 1870, Image 3

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    aftsman'js Journal
CLEAUFIELJ). PJL. pEC. 21. 187a.
t.' '" -S ! New I- O. O. F. Lodge.
f. ""V-oHer, or have their letter. registered. . 0t th'e I. O- Ot O. F., will be
a receipt wiil be enclosed sn we nrst paper r , , Thursdav. IW
Ike money comes " -L""-1: .
. Pean' R- E
VTiater ArraaS.enient.
UI!Tr; leaver tyroneet -A
rrl e at Osceola at :
- Khilipsburg at
" Clearfield at
Hi", Tr.in leaves C learfieM-a :
Arrive, at Philipsburg at
Osceola at - :
, Tyrone at :-
Lock Haven at
o.3J a m.
: 11. li a.m.
11.40 a. to.
: 12 40,) ra.
: 2 4 p in
3 43 p. m.
: 4.01) p. m.
: 5 3S p. m
12 Sip. m
Accommodation Train.
leaves Clearfield t : .:
Arrtre. at Philipiburi at
" Osceola a,t :
Intersection at
E. Tyrone t :
D.ave. East Tyrone at : ; : :
Arrives at Interjection at
Osceola at :
Philipsburg at
.. rM.srfield at :
T.00 A. K
: 9 00 a. m
10.00 a. at.
: 12 50 p. m.
i 1 13 p. m
10 til a m.
1 OS p. in.
: 2 no p. m,
3 40 p. m.
5 50 p. m.
Clo.e eonr.ef.oni made at Tyrone wills train.
K ,nl West on the Maine Line.
lui liioirsf Divitie services will le held
next Sabbath, in Clt-ar6eld, as follows :
By UcV; Halt, it. St. Arsdrews LpwconnJ
hutch, at 1 1 A. M. "d 7 P. M. ; Sunday
school at 3 P. M. Fraycr meeting every
Wednesday evetlin -it T o clock.
Br Rev. Butler. in the Presbyterian rhurcli,
morning an 1 evening. SaWth "vhool at
3 I'. M. Prayer tnoetinj; "every YV ednesday
erenins at 7 o'clotk. -
By HeV.-.TH. M'Cnrd, in the MetWlist
church." l'iorain; 'ami evening., habbath
erhoul at t A. M. Prayer meoting. every
Thursday at 7 P. M. Comnmnion services
Fir SabWlt of every month at 101 A. .M.
St. FtaniHa' church Mas aC 10 A. Jl.,
too second. 'and fourth' Sundavs of each
mouth. -
No Vai'KR. In accordance with onr an-
.1 cuctotst, nf? paper wilj be issued from
l ti office next week, to enable Our hands to
enjoy a little recreation.
A Nice Pic,. We aie informed that Mr.
rf. Whipple, of Penn township, this coun
ty. lat week killed a pig, five days less than
vcn month ol'd. that weighed 2.15 pounds
When drcs-ved. "That was certainly a very
nice pit;, s.iid i'd be hard to beat.
A Goon Improveuent. We sec that
5!trrs. J. It. Graham, A. I. Shaw and It.
Mo-op, have plankcl the alley alons; their j
several properties. 1 bis is a very creditable j
-and -much "needed -improvement. ; Others
bou'l i. follow "live, example." But, 'if prop
eity holders would only scrape up the nw
iiu're that lia been accumulating in the al
bys be ytsrs, wid haul it oat on theirlands,
they wyuld n n only improve- the condition
' ,f tbeaRey6;' but add 'greatly to the prod uc
L iiveiies of. tha'rr, farms' and lots. We hope
the. Borough o.T-cers will Fee to having thej
alleys" properly ro'ntfatfd and improve.!, as
-A s u'ar rtivei--, the coming Spring. This
th'.ir !:.! Aypropos to this sul-ject, we
lusy t-r-ire. tlinj tli re is sonit talk of niakins
. appiiciUow t.-ihc nist C Jurt for aii. ordeT
tu eimjj. Jtbe U.rfsb j'-di i ,, qjake certain
Mreoi ."wtitrv4iienti, "flow is thrt' for
, A Fact, It i lmrd . to couviriee a , man
Kiai.t. bui wLl.-- One .may oTgae-aikV talk
' with aiiot'liW tinti! le is hoai i'ea.id, if bis
.jpon4is UKide up -his nind. he might
"a xelhtiy to luVn'iiight tuto daju.or . make
a uitabin liia will carry him on an CXi lor
' in j expedition "f.j Jhe tiiooiuas tp.g-y,to"ibiiiig
him owflo I'm ide the tutriio;. - Ar
jjfiwen's. aj'.sar as noonday, tuy. be .pre
wnted. plain fa-Tf elicited, yet-lie will be
blind to your riews,atida in -plain " Knglish.
"he can't fee it. " ': A wan who cotoviuced.
anl a.'k'niwiedgcs it, wjieu tberu is a ' ghost
of a chance t"Tr'Tppoitii!i, if a novelty in
d We, heard a case in point, oa night
" last .fk. A caitp!,? ot'Tiicn were en raged in
n attive esnvas' iSf each blhcrf tnerils and
demerits, when onev lot-iup ground, appa
rently. raMtj th ptb.jr, ;;Woll. you are a
d ti fool.'" The recipient of this con pli
ment l?i pitt the brake on bis tongne for a
tuumeut. It was. no doubt, a new view of
the question to him, "but Je soon mastered
it, ir. J wtrrly repliel : !'It rbay be so, but it
will take more brains - Uiaii. you possess to
tsake-me believe it!" ?.Ho evidently" was
noi'eonrcrud to the other persou'a view of
the matter', and would not. if , lie had been
lilked to al! iiiirh.t,
The SNow.-After a few premonitory
fiike., tliatjmt wbi"te"nedlie earth lor an
hoar or two and then di.'nppearcd, the 'first
rj(u!ar 5now storm of the season began on
Wt.iniVflay night ol last week and.. twritin-
during the greater part of Tharsday.
A the airy flakes descended to theCarth,
fiJualir bat surely obliterating all tdie- re
Uiininj vestiges of., a "glorious autumn,
thoughts, jileasantand painTul,' flitted thro'
isr mind. There is a joyous vision, of sleigh
til's, and in iiuatiiration we hear the merry
WIN and see the charming belles, as happy
ewpies davh along the street; aud we sec,
'xi. ih unphilojophical boys, laboriously
lr??injt their sleds to the top of sonic long
'-J hiil, for the pleasure of dashing down
;va attlif rik of breaking the'r precious
Ths first snowstorm heralds glori-
d ior the boys. How. many a young
r.a! w" hail with joy an opportunity to
' plnmp" with a .now ball some podr unfor
tJiate who has stooped to pick up his hat,
ft! how the provoking peals of laughter will
r:"'(! 'ut when some dignified gentleman, in
tjie ct r,f raising bis hat to a passing lady,
f-;;aind roiiies down on his coat tails with
. r . . .
i-irje tuat Uringi the starry firmament to
vmioii in the twinkling of an rye.
Hut 'her are othe r thine t be sn thro'
Hc fall.,, .., th thinlv-olad.
tiie hvjie'esj. Jo them this whitened cov-
ent1? f,f 3r,i, 1,, i;j.e a jbroud, and they
t"iiik of jreary winter with gloomy
frreV;.,,,' ' (' w- Et f..i hd cloth
ln? to krj, Ui wal m "(Jan we get food
t0ep us from starving?" Those are the
aixiou questions ot the Door. What more
? than to sej the little children of
'"poor. their balffcd forms shivering io
enTy garments, as they stand belore tba
i:ter:n how window, looking with eager,
'i'urnful e-es, at the holiday gifts, knowing
that in their little otockiugs on
riMui.n morning, they will find nothing
. :t hAp. llappjly. there are but few such
,iur '"'d-t ; if there le any, remember
"u nueu ;'e cuour is deep aud diif ling.
; Peters MrsicAL Monthly, for Janua
ry, IS" I, is bt fore us. It contains its usual
extensive budget of "music'. $3 per year.
J. L. Petem', Publiaiicr.599 BroadwayiX. Y.
A ihw Lodi?o
i-tstitoted at
inbcr 29, 1S70.
A cordial invitation i extended to members
j of the several i eihboriDg Lodges to b
present cu the occasion.
I Tow is IT? We learn t hat there is some
talk of citablUhiug a Lodqe of O Id Fellows
at Troutville, io this county. We have no
definite information in regard to it, as yet.
Luthcrsburg would be better a point, in our
opinion, for inch an institution.
A. Y. M. The new Masonic Hall in this
place will be dedicated on Friday, December
30th,' 1S70, at high 12. The officers of No.
314 will be installed in the evening. All
members of the order are cordially invited
to participate in the interesting ceremonies
of the day. . .
Fair and Festival, The la lies of Os
ceola will hold a Fair and Festival, for the
benefit of the Presbyterian Church, com
mencing on Monday eveniujr, December 26,
and 13 continue during the the week. Come
and get your money's woith. All are re
spectfully invited to attend.
The New Jail. We understand that
the County Commissioners, on Thursday
last, opened the bids for thecreetion of our
new County prison. The contract, we are
informed, wasawarded toGeo. Thorn, K.q.,
for $S9..500. Mr. Thorn is a good mechan
ic, and will fulGll his contract according to
the specifications furnished by the architect.
Festival. 1 he ladies of Bloomington
M. E. Church, will hold a festival at the
church, on Saturday, December 21st, the
proceeds to be applied to liquidate an un
paid debt on the building. Dinner from 12
to 4 o'clock, P. M. Oysters, candies, fruits,
etc., in the evening. Horse feed to be had
uear the church. All arc invited to attend.
. i
Os Their Track. The Phi'ipsburp
Journal gays: "We gather the informa
tion that an experienced detective has found
a clue to the highway robbers who recently
c inmitted the outrage and lobbery on Mr.
s;n0pi 0f tl,;, j,ace, which will probably
lead tv the recovery of a portion of the sto
len nionev and the thieves.. It is to be
hoped that they will be brought to justice."
Not Let. The 1'rjmLlicun, of last week,
says:,"Tn accordance with public notice,
the County Cotnmissioners.oti Saturday last,
fipched the' proposals for the erection of .a
Bridge over the river in Bell township. Nine
different proposals were submitted', bat the
Iioard we understand, has postponed the
letting of the Bnds-Vindeliiihc'iy, from the
fact.that. the bids appew;to .be entirely too
high, much higher thai has heretofore been
paid for similar strasfures." We heard a
little cursing in -regard" to the dccidim refer
red to, but, -we, presume, the Board acted
conscientiously in the matter.
TnE Holidays. Messrs. Ilirtswick &
Irwin Lave just received au'exten.-ive assort
ment of Hol d y Goods, selert-d with great
e re and with a view toil ascboth old and
A!st, a fresh su'rp''y T)r"ngsand S'edieinefs,
B.o's, Stationer, Mu'Meal Instruiueuts.arid
a general variety of articles, both ornamen
tal and useful.
They have, aiso, a large stock of the finest
brands of Cigars and Tobacco, Confections,
and a general variety of Notions and Fancy
Articles, which will be disposed at the most
reasonable prices. Give them a call.
To CoRRE-TS dents.-' J. It. : Your let
ter came to hand, but at too late an hour for
it.6i-riou this week. It will appear iu our
CliToj: Your communication was re
ceived in due time, but would have to be
r-:-wr'.t-en before published. We have not
time to'- o , and heuee it will not appear.
W. IL S. will please accept our thanks for.
several items of uews. L't u hear from
you often.
Moke Anom, is on br'ml again this week,
and contains several news items. That's
right ; state facts only, and as brief as pos
stble. .
Discipi'I.us is a new correspondent. We
have som; doubts, as to the propriety of
some things he says. Hope he will try to
avoid all statements that arc likely to give
offence. ,
Correpondence from the vaiious towns,
and other localities iu the county, solicited.
Give us the facts of accidents, incidents, etc.,
occurring, and we will put thcin in ahapo.
The Week or Prayer in 1871. The
following programme for the annual week of
ptayer. beginning Sunday, January I, 1S7I,
has been issued by Hon. Win: E. Dodge,
President of the Evangelical Alliance of tl e
United States, ami the Itev. Dr. Noah II.
Schetick, Chairman of the Executive Com
mittee :
Sunday, Jan. 1 Sirmons Subject : In
spiration of Holy Scriptures ; its sufficiency
and sole authority for religious faith and
Monday, Jan. 2 Prayer Grateful re
view of the past, calling for renewed confi
dence and for increased devotedness ; hu
iniliation for the worldliness in the Church,
and for national tins provoking divine judg
ments. Tuesday, Jan. 3 Prayer for all nations ;
for all in authority : for soldiers and sailors;
for all who haye suffered in the recent war,
and lor the blessings of peace.
Wednesday, Jan. 4 Prayer for the con
vOTkinn uf children : for Sunda. schools and
all the seminaries of learning, and for the
raising up of more laborers in Chrisf'a ser
vio. , . - . ' ;
Thursday. Jan. 5 Prayer fT the out
pouring of the IJoly Spirit on all who pro
fess and call themselves Christians; for the
increase of charity, and of affectionate com
munion and co operation anione ail in every
land who love the Ijord Jesus Christ.
Friday, Jan. 6 Prayer for the circulation
of the Word of God; for a blessing on reli
gious literature, and for the removal of all
hindrances to the spread of the Gospel.
Saturday, Jan. 7 Prayer for Christian
Mis-dons; for the conversion of the world,
and for '"the glorious appearing of our Lord
Jesus Christ." ",. .,
Sunday, Jan. 8 Sermons-.Subject : l aitli,
Hope and Love evential wituesscs lor the
A Splendid - Assortment of Gents'
Bows, Ties and Gloves, expressly for the
Holidays, received on Friday.at Wiii. Keed'a.
I Skates. The largest and best assortment
j of Skates ever brought to this- place, are
i now on exhibition at U. F. Bigler & Co'
Hardware Store, on Second Street. Now
is the time to buy cheap skates. - Call and
examine them.
Church Dedication at Clearfield.
The new M. E. Church in Clearfield will
be dedicated to the worship of Almighty
God, on Sunday, the Sth day of January,
1871. Bishop E. R. Ames, and Revs.
John W. Langley, J. S. McMurryv P. E.,
and other eminent divines, will take part in
the service. Bishop Ames will.preach in
the morning, at 10J o'clock, and conduct
the dedicatory ceremonies. AH aro cor
dially invited.-
Godey's Lady's BooK.lsTt.-The put--
11 r.t r ...
u.iiier oi me iajy s uoot Has presented h a
patrons with an extra number of embellish,
rueijts for January. "Lookinjt for' the
Eclipse," a steel plate; a steul plate title
page ; a six figure colored fashion plate ;
handsome Berlin wool work pattern, printed
in a variety of colors; two beautiful wood
cuts, printed pn tinted paper, and the best
extension sheet of fashionable and useful
designs ever published. Price $3 a year. L.
A. Godey, Philadelphia, Pa. . .
Lady's Friend. 1871. The New Year
number cerainly surpassses anything tjiis
Queen of th? Monthlies has hitherto accom
plishfd two steel ' plates, one of them an
exquisite '"Desdumonia ;" a colored two page
steel Fashion Plate, superior to any thing of
the kind; a colored Lamp -Mat; a pretty
fancy woodcut, 'My Little Lady," a pop
ular picoe of music, and a most profuse va
riety of illustrations of dress and fancy work.
$2.r0 a year, including a large steel engra
ving. Deacon &, Peterson, Philadelphia.
Shaw's Great Holiday JBaxaar.
To our Patrons, Old and Young, we ofier
our usual annual Holiday greeting, A Mer
ry Curismmas and a Happy Nr.vv Yeah.
Having just received a full anil complete
stock of Holiday goods, useful, ornamental
ahd amusing, which I do not promise to give
away, but will sell so cheap that all may pur
chase with the smallest possible amount of
Come and see this mammoth collection of
rare and beautiful things.
They will please the most fastidious ;
, They will make your homes cheerful and
pleasant '
Your wives more amiable ;
-.Your daughters look more beautiful, (if
Your sons more obedient, grateful and
Your babys praitlc more musical ;
Your recoilectious of the dying year plea
sant and serene.
Drive dull care from the hearth and sub-,
stitute svnslii;ie, peace, happiiuss and con-tontmentiii-evw-y-hoine.'"
' , ,
' Come one," coiiic all, and bring - the chil-
drcn, aud be amused," be astonished,' be in
expressibly happy. . ..'
Remember the place;:". J. '.' '
- - A. I. Shaw's,.'.".. , . . J
" 5Lvlet.$trect.,-"Clarfi(id Pa.
"'" . ", , n .1-' . ' t , , '
- " " M A R ft E O ' ' 1
On Thursday; Nov- 24; 170,"by Rev. S. "i
Croft, Mr. C. C. Sphoaiu.e.-oI' Clearfield,
county", andMias S, C- O-swhlt, of Centre
county. - ' : . ' , .
At the residence of Ho-i.. John Patton,
n Tuosd-jy, December 20i1l. 1S70. by Rev.
W. G. Ferguson, Mr. l'HINEAS IJLOom, ot
Pike township, and Miss Maria Hadden,
of Curwensville. ' " '
ten of Administration on the estate
of Matthew Stott. late of Uogg" township, dee'd.
barinK been grained to the underirne.l. nutice
i. hereby given that all person, indebted to .aid
estate are required to make immediate pnyment,
and thnaehavingolaiin.ag'rint the .nine will pre
sent them, properly authenticated for settlement
to . . JOHN M. CHASE.
Deo. 7. lS70-6t p.' ' Admi.trator.
DISSOLUTION. The co partnership
heretofore existing between the under
aigne.l. in the Mercantile businese at Oi-eoola. ha.
been diasoWed by 'muttial consent. The book,
and account, of the late firm are in the band, ot
W.d Kelly for settlement. All persons having
unsettled account, with sajd firm are requested to
settle the same witnnut delay.
Dec 7.70 . It Sl.SOdue-l ARB KELLEY.
TN THE M ATTER of thd estate;of Mat
thcr A. Furcee, deceased : "
The Auditor, report in Ibe above estate having
been referred to the undersigned for the purpose
of nikinz certain chne-i therein, he hereby
give, notice that he will attend o the -duties of
hi. appointment, at his office In Clearfield, on
VmHii't'lay.Yrtrmlirr 2. 1S70, at 1 o'clock. P. M ,
whonand where all persons interested may attend.
Dec. 7.,70-1t. T. M. MURRAY. Auditor.
Farm in Beecaria Tp.
Pursuant te en order of the Orphans' Court of
Cleardold eoonty. Pa , there will be sold at public
t.i'e. at (Ilea Hope, in Beecaria township, in said
county, on ...
Wcdnesday,Dccember 23,'70,
the following described real estate, late ef Perter
X. Jehason, deceased, to wit :
situate in Peecaria townsbip beirg the homr-teal
of tbesaid dec lent, at the time of his deee ue
containing O.VE IlUXDREl) AND -TEX
ACHES and forty air ftrrhr.i, more or less:
About eight T ares are cleared and under a good
.tate of cultivation, with a good frame booe and
barn. Perso.n deaiilng to iw the premise, will
pleasecall upon the undereisned.-
S"ale to commence at 8 o'clock. P. M. Condi
tion, made known at sale, a. C. PATCJilN.-
Deo. 7. 1870. . .. .Administrator. .
Real Estate in Huston Township.
The undersigned. Administrator of the estate
of Alfred Pear.'all, doo'd. will nfferat public out
cry, in the thorough of Clearfield, ori
Tuesday,. January 1 0, 1871,
at 2 o'clock. P. M.. the following described real
esiau.situa'e in Hust'in tp. CleartieH co. Pa., via :
let. All the south part of a certain tract r-f land,
situate partly in Jlk and Clearfield counties, be
ing that part fituate ia 11 uftoa t, Clearfield co,
bounded asfollows: On the North by the division
line of Em county, on the South by traot No. 5061,
Wert by tracts No'.ilSl and 4271, on Ihe fcast by
trac'. So's4U -and 4134, oontainirig 1 4i acres,
more or less
2d. One other traet or pieae of land, situate la
Huston tp, aforesaid, known as the East half of
tract No. 41S.I. oontaininj 49S acres, more or less.
3i. All that part of tract Ho. 4271, .ituate in
Huiton tp. aforesaid, containing aores. more
or less. The above desoribed traets are unseated.
TERMS. One-tbird cash on confirmation of
sale ; balance in two equal annual payments.wiih
interest, to be secured by Judgment Hosids and
Mnrtgaee on (be prouiuts J, A. PEAH.SAI.L.
, ' or. 0-ls : - . . Aim tf T. A.
HANK NOTICE. -The stock holder of
. the First National Bank of Clearfield,
win meet at. their Banking House, in Clearfield,
on TttMrlay. January 9A..137I between the hoore
of 1 and 4 sroloek, p.m.. for the purpose of elect
ing direetors WM. U. DILL.
. Dee-14, 197I. . SMD r
-. -
A Treatise on their cause,, and how to euro
them, including ths frrydrtd rcmrdy, will bo seat
free by auail for 2 cents, or drtsripfr pamiititct
gmtit, on receiptor stamp Address M. LAF4Y
KTTE BYRN..M. D., Ii"i 4."C. N Y. Office 90
Cedar Street. - - Deo, 14, 1 570-1 m
TJRICK FOR SALE The undersigned
has manufactured and has now on band
for sale 15I.000 BRH'K. wbich he will dispose of
on reasonable terms, in large or sioall quantities,
to suit purchaser.. - J A. Tfc'KPE.
Luthersburg, September 14, 1S70 Cm,
x' posals will be received by the School
Director, of Lawrence township, until the I4th
day of January. 1871 - for the erection of a school
houfe near John O. Dixen's. Contractors to find
all material. Plan and specifications can he seen
by calling en the Secretary at Bloom's Bri-Jge.
By order of the Board: TAYLOR BOWLES.
L. C. BLOOM, Oee, President
Lawrence Tp, Deo 14 3t.
iformorly M'Gaughey"..!
Restaurant -and Ice Cream Saloon,
Second St., Clearfield, Fa.
Constantly kept on hand a fine .election ef
Candies, Cigars. ToCacco, Nats, Ae.
Alto Fresh Oysters, received daily, and
served np ia any style, to suit the
taste of custonors.
A full stock of goods jut received from the East.
S&m' Billiard Saloon in Second Story.
Dec. U-'70. : W. R M PUERSUX.
I would respectfully announce to citizens o
Clearfield and vicinity, that I will open on Tbur.
day. Dee 2 2d in the new room . first door below
the Mansion House, on Second street, with an en
tire new stock of ....
and Jewelry,
of the latest styles and of the best finish, selected
with care and I hope good taste. I will have an
assortment from all'tbe latent LOveltie. in jewel
ry suitable for the Holiday. Thankful for your
past liberal patronage.! hope by strict attention
to husir.e. to merit a cont nuanco of the mu.e.
Dee. 14. lS70-tf. " ; S. I. .SNYDER.'
' ... Curwensville, Pa.
The undersigned bavin; taken charge of this
well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ot
patronage. The house has been refitted and re
furnished and now compares favorably with any
other hoase in theeounsy .--The. bestf everything
the market affords will be Sorted up. to guesU.
Chasgesino lerate. - " . ELI BLOOM.
Sept. 2S, IS70-tf. - Proprietor.
rpHE - .-'E A O L E II O T E L,"
Main St., Curwensville, Pa.
Ifavint leased for a term of years the above
well krown and popular Hotel (formerly kept hy
Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr lioutsl. and having
newly refitted and tefurui&hed. it, the p re-en l
proprietor fuels assuted tbnthe can render entire
satisfaction to guests s-jourafng with hiua. A tine.,
large stable an J tard is aUaehkd, for the care aiid
proteAinn .of hqxiosicarriaaje.'Vnil wagons. A
share of patronage is oiite4-.
May 4. 70-ly., Jj.i:milV..rroT,t.
n H E VS II A w ii 'o U S IT,"
- , . . . -i .-r r.'f s' - :
This house-was lately corapleled and jmt open
ed to tba-puhlic rs newly IHrnished.and provided
with al I the modern haproTtmeats of a first-clase
, ; : - i . i i t ). . I :
part of the town, and near to the public build
ings. A share of patronage is respectfully aolic-
: , 1 Pt,.....M.uJ.,.-f. : Tl.."!! Iin,irtr, in
the.bsr. , .:. ., - "; ... March 30, '70-if.
rji II li LEONARD ' ftOUSE,
, (Near the Railroad Depot),
Reed Street, Clearfield, Ta..
A new first class Hotel j a every respect com
fortable rooms all the modern .improvements
the best of Liquors promptatteudance. and rea
sonable charge. The patronage of the public is
respectfully solicited. . - jy-2l-tf.
pEGISTER'S NOTICE Notice ishere
by givn that the following accounts
have been examined and passed by me. and remain
filed of record in this office for the inspection ef
heirs. legatees creditors. aud all others in anywsy.
interested and will be presented In the next Or
phans' Court of Cearfield county, to be bold at."
the Court H .ue. in the Borough, of Clears t7J
commencing on the 2d Monday oT January, 1671 :
Partial Account of T. II .Murray. Administra
tor of the the estate of John Sp ackman, late of
Uiruid tp. dee'd.
Kina! Account of R K. Flegal. Administrator
of the estate of Martin 5 Vlegal, lato ef Goshen
township, deceased.
Final Account of T. Valentine Bailey.- Admin
istrator of Titus II. Bails?-late.of Bloom tp.deo'd.
- T ie Account of Henry Ilartxfelt and J. C.Bar
rett. Administrators of Henry Marshall, lata of
Bradjr township, deceased.
Partial Account of John Holt. Administrator of
George Soseal, late of Bradford tp. dee'd.
Account of John Holt and V. B. Ilelt, Adminis
trators of Thru. Holt, late of Bradford tp.deo'd.
Final Aocotint or" John W. Wright and Henry
B. Wright. Administrators of Wm. Wright, late of
Beecaria township, deceased.
Final Account of Martha Irwin and Levi Irwin.
Executors ot Jos Irwin, late of Lawrence tp.dee'd.
Account of S. H. Caldwell and Robert Louns
berry. Adrt.in istrators of Joseph Barger, late of
Bradfor d township, deceased.
Account of Molioda Rogers, (formerly Melinda
Curley). Adm'rx of Jane Curley , late of Karthan.
township. deceased
Final Account of Deborah'Psvis, Exeoutrix of
Simiitl W. Smith, late of Guelich tp. dea d.
Dec. TV70. . A. W. Lt'K Register
T ICENSE NO riCE.-The rollowmgnam
ed persons have lil'-d in the ofiit-e of the
clerx of the court of Quurter Sessions of Clearfield
cu .their Petitions for Liccns. at the January Ses
sion.A.T).lS7i.M,'rccnbly to theActot Assembly ot
Mun-h 2Sth. I.sfio. entitled. ;'An Act to regulate
the state of I Uoxicating Liquors." Ac:
Dnvid Pcr'i'ix, Tavern. Woodward tp.
Pat F. Donnelly, . Tarern. . . ; ' - ?
James Carter, Tavera,
Peter Ruffner' Tavern,
Lawrence Campbell, Tarern.
Wm. Riddle. Tavern, Beesaria to.
Casper Leipoldt, Tavern, Clearfield boro'
(leore N. Colburn, Tavern,
W. S. Bradley, Tavorn. " "
Geo. D. M'traet!l, Tavern; Bell township.'.
James L. Currt. Tavern. Lumber city. . .
Jno. D. M Ora'cken, Tavern, ' " ...
E W. Reed. Tavern, Curwensville.
K. H. Se'iafir. -'Tarern, Burnside.
Georito A. lllootrj. 'Tavern. Bloom towns hip
j Wm B. ih uipon, TarertJ, Ch-a township
rqu rabo, ixroiu, ,iucnoa tp.
Get. E Robecker, Tavern, Huston tp
A J. Draurker, Tavern , Curwensville JR.
Andrew 14 lasr, ' ' Tavern," Burnside tp.
John Mulf-n, . . , Tavern, . -Covington tp.-
Clatt iins Oirarif.' ' Tavefa,
Samuel Ucpbnrn, . , Tavern, Po3n tiwn'p.
Algernon llaldcn, Tavern, Bloom tewn'p.
Harry (Joss, Tarern, Osceola Borough.
lliio Jloyt, Tarern,
W. Ross M'Pherson, Clearfield Borough.
John Macousoer, " "
Joha Downey,. Woodward township. "
Ann ,M HifTgine, Hontzdalt. r -
Henry M'Goweu, . Eating House. Woodward.
I. L. Reijenstein. Cloartleld Borough '
Patrick Dnno, slsceola borough.
Wm. D. William., ,
Deo. 14'70. - - A. 0. TATK. C'erk.
" AAA SHEEP PELTS, and all other kind of
MUU Fur kie,for which cash will be paid,
waatad by
N jv.30,'70 9ai.
Clearfield, IV '
The Raftsmah'i JotrastAL is published on West
neslay at S2.00 pel annum in advaae. If aot
paid a 'the beginning of the year, ti.it will bo
charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the eloee.
Aev.KTi.RUBKT. will be Inserted at Sl.iO per
quaro. for three or leae Insertiena Ten lino
(or len) counting a square. For every additional
insertion 00 cents will be eharge4.- A deduction
will be mad to yearly advertiser.
Xo subscription taken for a shorter tiwie than
six month., and no paper will be discontinued un
tillall arrearages are paid.exeept at the option of
the publisher. S J ROW.
i 09
5 00
. LIU 111 Jell,
flpposite the Jail.
FOR SALE. The farm of John Spack---
man, late of Girard Township, dee'd,
consisting of ahout one hundred and serenty two
acres of good farming land, (most of which Is
cleared.) and having theieon erected a good
house aud barn, and the. usual conveniences of a
pleasant home. For term, and further particulars
apply to T.H.MURRAY.
AtC'y for the heir, and persons interested.
Jane 22. '78 -tf.
acca ai '.
All the above brand, warranted pure and to
excel anything in this market for medicinal pur
pose. GEO. X. COLBURN.
March 30,'70-tf Prop r of Shaw House.
This LiiiTrlient havine been us'-d, for
some year, past.aa a fami'y medicine hy the pro
prietor, and its good effect, coming to -the notice
of bis neighbor., ha., at tbeir auggestion. con
sented tomanufacture it for the benefit of the af
flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy fer
Catarrh sod UillioOs C-holio, ever offered to the
public; and will cure uiauy other dUoates in the
human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil
and Wind-gAlls in horses Directions for its use
accompany each bottle. Price. SI per bottle, or
six bottles fur Si. dent to any address by enclos
ing the price to WM U WAUOXEK.
Hurd P,i.itt-fS;e,
Oct. lt, IS9. Clearfield cour ty. Pa.
Co-Partncrship in Store.
C. A. Rorobangh having associated with him
in the Mercantile business, in Lewisville, Clear
field county. Mr. C. R. McCracken, solicit, a con
tinuance of the patronage so generously extended
Having just returned irons, the eastern eitie.
their stocn erabi aces a large and varied assort
ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queone
ware,' and in fact nearly everything aiu
ally kept in a country store, which they will sell
at price, to suit the times. .
Country produce taken in exchange for goods
May 18, "TO. tf. C R. Mi-CRACKEN
At the New Tobacco and Cigar Storo of .
J!, If. SUA W,
Two doors oast of the Postoffioe. Clearfiali". PA.
Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Navy.
Congress Cavendish; Cable. Spanrsll,
." . ; Jllichigan and Century Fine-out'
. Chewlug Tobacoov -
Also, a large acd well (elected stock of Imported
- and Domestie Cigars. Smoking Tobaecoa,
JdeeTschaum and Briar Pipe., . .
Tipe fiattrea, Tebaeco
Boxes, Cigar Holders, and everything goner '
frond In a we'l regulated Cigar
, and Tobacco Store.
" tlTRemember the place: Two .door, eaat of
the PostcBce. Cleurfleld; Pa. . Aug. 24, '70."
A Great Medical Discovery !
Hundreds of thousands bear testimony to their
Wonderful Curative Effects. ..
F A N C Y P R I N K,
Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey. Proof Spirit.' and
Refuse Liquors. doctoreJ. spiced aud sweetened
to please the taste.c.tlled 'Tonics," " Appetiiers."
Restorers " Jte .that lead" the tippleron todruuk
enneM and ruin, but are a true Modioino made
from the Native Roots and .Herbs of California,
free from all Alcoholio Stimulants. They are the
'treat Biood Purifier and a Life Giving Principle
a) perfect Renovator and Invigoratorof the System
Bajj-ying ou -ait poisonwas matter ami restoring
the 4osk1 te a healthy eondltton No person ean
tike these Bitters according tr direction and rt
suain long unwell, provided the benes are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or otbor means end the
vital organs wasted beyond the point cf repair.
For IiUmalalory aud Vhronir R'i'itniatf'm
aitd (rout. Dyifttptia or In Hzr.itiojt. liil'iotts Kc
mttunt and Iutrrmiiteiit I'tt'-ers, Disrates of t
B'.aod. Ltver. Kiditry ami BlcvlJrr, thrse ,Eitten
have bren mnxt xttecful. Such disease, are caus
ed by vitiated blood, which isgeneraiiy produscd
by derangement of Ihe digestive organs
Dyspopsia or Indigestion headache, pain in the
shoulders, coughs. tightness of the chest, dizziness,
sour eruotatidns of the stomach, bad taste in the
m mth, billiou. attack., palpitation of the heart,
ii (lamination of the lungs, pain in the regions of
the Kidneys and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are the eff.priugs of Dyspepsia.
They invigorate the atomaeli aud stimulate the
torpid liver and bowels. whi:h reader them of
unequalled euicacy in cleansing the blood of all
tmpurities.aud imparting new life and vigor to
ihe whole system.
Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers,
which are so prevalent in the vnlle.vs of our great
rivers throughout the United States, eipecially
those of the Mississippi, Missouri Illinois Ten
nessee, Alabama. Savannah. Roanoke, James and
many others with their rust tributaries, during
the Summer and Autumn, and reraarkabl so du
ring fra.ns of onu-ual heat aud dryness, are in
variably accompanied by extensive derangement,
of the .tomach and liver, and other abdominal
vi-cers. There are always inure or loss obstrue
tiort. of the liver, a weakness and ir.i table state
of tne stomach, and great torpor of the bowels,
being clogged up with ri'.iated accumulations. In
their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful
influence upon these various organs, is essentially
necessary There U no eatbartie for the-porfoso
equal to Dr. J. Walker". Vinegar Bitters, a. they
speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter
with which the b iwel. are loaded, at the saire
time stimulating tbe secretion, of the liver, and
generally restoring the health v functions of the
digotive organ. The universal popularity bf
thi. valuable remedy In regtons subject to mias
matic influence.. Is sufficient evidence cf its pow
er as a remedr in such ease. '
For skin diseases, eruptions, tetter, salt rheum.
blotches, spots, pnnp'e. pustnles. Boils, earoua
oses, ring worms, scald-head.sure eyes.erysipelas,
itch, scurf, discoloration, of the skin, humors and
diseases of the skin, of whatever came or nature.
are literally daa: up. and carried out of ihe sys
tem in a saorttimeby the o.eof these lliters One
bottle in ruch eases will convince the most incred
ulous of their curative effect.
Cleanse the V itiated Blood whenever yoa find
It. impurities bursting through the skin in pim
ples, eruptions or aires; eleau-e it when you find
it obstructed anJ elu'gish in the veins; eleansait
when it ii foul, and your feti ng will leil you
when. Keep tbe blood pure and the health of the
ystem will follow .
Pin, Tape and other Worms.lur'cing in the sys
tem of so many thousands, are eectuily destroy
ed and removed. For full directions, resd care
fully the circular anuml each bottle, printed in
four languages Koglish. German, French and
BPJ.nw ALK"R. Poprietor. R. H. McDONALOrsV
CO.j Druggists .and lies. Agenu. San Francisco,
Cal . and -V2 and S( Commerce Street. New York.
December 7, lS7-ly. .
Free from all imparities, again in tbe mar
ket. Order, left at the More, of Jaa. B. Graham
it Son'., or Richard Moosop . will receive prompt
1 attention, ov. 30, 70 i.
- " - Opposite laVjei,
Monuments. Grecian Tombs. J'reoeh Conebes,
Mantle.. Table Tops. Washing Katger, Garden
Statuary. Terra Colt Ware, of every description ,
Head and Foot Stones, of New aud beautiful de
signs, all of wbich we offer at eity price, or 23
percent las. than any otbor ostablisbatienl in thi.
county. Having a large experieuoe in the busi
ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all case.. Or
ders thankfully received and promptly filled ia
the best workmanlike manner.
May 11. 1870 -tf. Jatsse Wat.os. Agent.
The undersigned hare pnrcbaoed the right
ot Clearfield county for- Eneeh Farn.worth'l
Stump Extractor, patented Juno Tib. 1!70 This
i decidedly the moat convenient, tasoat durable,
and best machine of the day. Wet weather will
net effect it. the working part being' all of iron.
The machine i. easily set up. and wrll work any
place that ean be plowed. VVe will sell machines
at a small profit on east, and will try to make it
to the advantage uf farmer, to buy them. We
olieit order, from those wanting machines'. ' --
Olearfield. Pa. ,
GEO. H. HALL. Agent." Curwensville, Pa ,
Clearfield. Pa. (July 13, W.
MISS II. S. SWAN'S, Schoolor Girl,,
Clearfield, Pa.
The Fall Term of Fourteen weeks will com
mence oa Monday, September ith, 1S71.
Tats or TCITIOM.
Reading. Orthography. Writing. Primary
Arithmetic and Primary Geogrsphy, per
term, (of 14 weeks;. 7 00
History, Local and Descriptive Geography
with Map Drawing. GTam-rtfar, Mental
and Written Arithmetic, f M
Botany. Geology, Physiology, Natartrf Phi
losophy, Physical Geography. Algebra,
Rhetorio. Etymology and Latin, I! 00
Oil Painting. (24 lessons), II 00
Monocbromatio Drawing, 10 00
Crayon. 6 M
Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge).
Instrumental Mwie. (30 lessons).. It 00
Wax Flowers and Fruits, with materials, at
teacher', charges. .
Fur full particular, .end for Circular.
Clearfield, August ?7, 1 870-1 y
o-20'S'AND 1881'S"
G O L I)
Accounts received and inlere-t allowed on daily
balance, subject to check, at light.
, . 40 SOUTH 3o STREET,
Mareh 2. 1 870-1 y.-Jy 13.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co.,
M.30 6m-l 102 Second Av., PitUbnrg. Pa.
J rie Whistle and Animal Imitator oan be used'
by a child. It i. made to imitate the song of every
bird, tbe neigh of a horse, the bray of an a, the
grunt of a hog. Birds. Beasts and Snake, are en
chanted and entrapped by it. It i. used by Dan
Bryant, Charley White, and all the Minstrels and
Warbler.. Ventriloquism ean be learned In three
days by its aid. Sent anywhere upon receipt of
10 cjnt.; 3 for 25 cents; 7 for 50 cents ; li ior SI
Addres. T. W. VALENTINE.
Oe 1 J-1 in . Box 872 Jersey City, M.J.
Ladies' Oyster Saloon,
on fieoxn t.. bclow makkbt,
Constantly kept rn hand a selected assortment
ol Candies, Nut., Cigars. Tobacco, e. Also fresh
Oyster, received dally, anil for .ale by the doiea
or hundred. J. M. MACOMBER.
Oct. 12.'70. Proprietor.
. t ,
Th. nndarsiirned have enened a Meat Market
in the room formerly occupied by Alea Irtio. en
Market Street. Clearfield. Pa . adjoining Mosiop .,
where they intend to keep a full supply of
All Kinds of Meat,
Fruit and Vegetables,
and at prices to tuit the times. Tbeir shop will
i .... 1 -,,-1 . An Tn.div. Thnradar and
Saturday, and meat delivered at any point. A
share of public patronage is respectfully solicited.
1 u ,i rortu-w
Aug. Sl.'70 tf. E. W. BROWV.
a i.o continue to deal ia all kind. f improv
ed Agricaltnral Implements.
Fred Sackett,
Manufacturer of
(nearly opposite tbe jail),.
Al.o, on hand and for sale
"The Times" Cook Store,
the best in the world.
And an asroitment of PARLOR and SITTING
ROOM STOVES, which will be twld cheaper
than they can be purchased at any ether
establishment in the count.
A Leo,
done on reasonable teres..
April . 1870.
R E M 0 V A L .
Market St., Clearfield, Pa.
We beg leave to inform our old end new eoste-me.-.
that we have removed oar establihment te
the new building just erected on Market street,
nearlv adjoining the Mansion House en tbe west,
and opposite Graham Hods' .tore, Where ws rs
spectfully invite the public to Come aud buy their
Our stock of Drug, and Medieinesooni.t of every
thing used, .elected with the greatest care, end
We also keep a lull stock of Dye., Perfumeries
Toilet articlee.Soap.. Tooth Brushes. HatT Brush
es. Whitewash Brushes, and every ether kind, of
Brushes. We have a la ge lot of
White Lead, Turpentine,
Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and in faet everything used
in the painting business, which wo offer at City
price, to cash onyert.
Confeetionery. Spice., and tbe !arg stock of va
rieties ever offeree! ia thi. place, antt warranted
to b. of the best Us. --;Ti,w fCK.
' D.e.3,lS. JOlih S. JRWIJ".
Marble and Stdne Yard.
ltweQlg engaged .J tba Marble business desire
ro rnrsrsa ber triende, end tbe public, (hat she baa
sow and will keep const act I v on band a large an
well selected .took of IT.ALf A N AND VERMONT
MARBLE, and i. prepared tofuraisb to order
, " TOMBS, MONUMENT, in Sand
N .tone and Marble, CURBS and.
.P.iKrS for Cemetery I4r.
(the would invite special attention to her Sand
stone Monuments whet-b- wre built from original
designs and will compare favorably with any
thing of the kind in the country". . lleVsirod she
een furnish Marble Window Si He rn Csrpe at m
.light advance en the price of Sandstooe.
Vard oa Reed Street, near the Depot.Clearfield', .
Pa. ' May 4, g:tr.
It O S A 1) A L I S
JL KE-5TORER, purifies the blood and
e-nes Ssrofula.Syfkh-ilis.Siin DIseaees.Rhea
srtHssm, Dtseasee of women, ami nil Carou
se Affection, of thw Blood, Live? ax Kid
neys. Rtcomursraded by the taetTies-l1 Fao-
Ityand many lhoaeaad o onr but otti
Read the testimony of Physician, and pa-
Stienls aho have need Kesadalis; send for
our Rosadalis Guide to Health Book, er Al
manac for thi. year, wbich we publish fer
gratuitous distribution; il will give yea
much valuable inform-ntso
. I'r. R. W. larr. ot Bal ti score. ayc :
i I take pleasure in reeoasmei ding your
j Rosadali. as a very powerfwl alterative. I
have seen h need in two- ease, with happy
result. one in a ease of seconder syphilic
in which tbe patient pronounced himself
cured after having taken five bottle, of
Dyo'ur medicine The other 1. s ease of scrof
ula of mng standing, which i. rapidly rm
prov fhg under its use, and tbo indication,
are that the patient will soon recover. I
nave eurefully examined the formal sy
which your Rosadalis is made, and find it
i an eacellent compound of alterative ingrew
, dients.
Dr. Fpa-kcof Nicholaxville, Ky., says he
has nsed Rosadalis in cases of Scrofula and
Secondary Syphilis with sjitisfaotofy results
as a cleanbr of the Blovd I, know no bet-
Iter remedy.
. Samuel Q. McFaddon, Murfreesbore",
J Tern,...;
I have nsed .even bettlee of Rosadalis,
and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send
me four bottles, as 1 ish it for mj brother,
Iwh'i has scrcfulou- sore eyoa.
Benjamin Beeht. 1, of Lima, Ohio, wsltoc,
I have .uttered for iuty year witbfta in
veterate eruption over my whole body ; a
short time since I purchased a bottle ef Re
(aalali. and it effected a perfect euro.
Labratory, 61 Exchange Place, Baltimore.
S CLEMENTS, A CO , Proprietor..
Koaadali. is sold by Hartswick A Irwin nod A.
f. Shaw. Clearfield, D. il. Good, Osceola, and hy
Druggists generally: (April O.'tO-lv
Who lells th cheapest goodn n tb
couutj ?
Who selli best caiicoea at i2 eta a yard
Wk bat nbUohd mill at IT -
M O 8 S O P!
Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at $5 90?
Who .ell. Hall, beat Coarse fteeta at 4 II f
Who aells Iiall'Bbesttfip Boots at 54,50 .
Who sells Hau lower than anjbedy else t -
Who aells Sugar lh cheapest t
Who aelis Syrup ths cheapest !
Who aells Flour tha cheapest ?
mos sop? ;
Who aells Chop aud Feed ths chsapct?
Who sells Ilardwart the chapst ?
m o s so pi .: : :
Who sells Queenswart the cheapest ?
Who sflla Tin -Jars the eheipast?
W ho aeil Clothing ths cheapest t " :
Sho sell Tlaster the choapest ?
I Who sella Salt the cheapest l
Who Cret fcrought goods down t the
lowest cash prices ? . .
Everybody should buy their goods at
Clearfield, May 13. '
I -pvRIED FRUIT, atresaecc ftKM. as
J May 13; e?
5 fit
i -
I : ;-v:-
: 1.
i i
". j
V -'
. i .-
- I. i
j 1 ' '