W IN man' goirotaf, glearfMb, fa., Twmikx 7, i870. "Saflsawn's goti'ital "CLKARMELD, l'.C UEO. 7, i870. p Iitos. To insure the safe transmission f money by niaii, patron muuiu rcmi j .... order, or have their letter registered. A reeeipt will he enclosed in the first paper after the money comes 10 uaiiu. Penn' S. E. Winter Arrause-neut. MsilTreia leaves Tyrone at : : : 9.35 m. Arrives at Osceola at : : : :lI.lJ-m. I'll linsbur at . : ii.ui " Clearfield at : Trin leaves Clearfield a : Arrives at Philipsburg at ' Osceola at : : Tyrone at : . Lock Haven at 12 40 ,.m. : 2.4U p m 3 40 p. ill. 4 00 p. m. : 6.3S p. m 12 25 p. m Accommodation Train leaves Clearfield at : : Arrives at Philipsburg at : ' Osceola at : : : Intersection at : E.Tyrone at : : Pseres Et Tyrone at : : : : : Arrives at Intersection at : : Osceola at : : : Philipsburg at : : Clearfield at : : : 7.C0 A. u 9 00 a. m 10.00 a. m. 12 50 p. m. 1 13 p. m. 10.00 a m. 1.0S p. m. 2 00 p. ru, 3 40 p.m. 5 60 p. m. Close eonnections made at Tyrone with trains East and West on the Maine Line. ItKUGiors. livine services will be held next Sabbat h, in Clearfield, as follows: By K-v. Hail, in St. Andrew's Episcopal chuich, at 1 1 A. M. and 7 1. M. Sunday school at 3 I. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening :tt 7 o'clock. By Kev. Butler.in the Presbyterian church, morning and evening. Sahaath school at I V. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evenin? at 7 o'clock. By liiv. J. II. M'Oord. in the Methodist church, iiioniini? a:id evening. Sabbath school at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, every Thursday at 7t P- M. t'oninniniiHi services First Sabbath of every month at 10J A. M. St. Francis" church Mass at 10i A. M-. the second and fourth Suudavs of each month. . . I s demand turkeys and chickens, butter and " - h you want a good Vara cigar for 5 tents, 0 to R. Ii. Shaw's. Kr. return our thanks to Win. L. Parker, Eq., of PcmiSeld. for a handsome ebony rnr he prcseuted, us on Monday last. S. abce -lueal ittiai. Would be- pleased if our t'rien'U tlirougiiout the county would aJvUe us of accidents ocurriii neighborhoods. their Iv you want Tobacco very K. II. Shaw's. eticap, go to Kri'OKTKl) that acoiitiact, for an exten aion 1 1 a certain board walk in the South part of the borough, was awarded one night last week. A hc.n ! Appear this week, the Ilcgister's notices, ). V. Sale of real e.-,tatu of P. T. Johnson, d.-o'd. Auditor's notice, in M. A. Forcce's estate, Li?solutiou n tiiV of Ake & Kelly, notice ot administrator ol M. Stott, uce'd, Vinegar Uitirrs, do. Prirus' Musical Monthly, for 1'eceuiLer, i bcfoie ns. The ' Monthly"' is replete with choice music, and should be in the bauds o! a'.i lovct'S ot tine Uiuie. 1'rice $ i a year in advance ; single copies CO ccntii. J. Lu I'erers. ..! i,n'Viy, j. x. LuMBEitixi;. We !e;:r: that our lumber and log :;jcti are progrca&Iug nnely in their work of cuttiui; and Ii-v.-iiii. . We prcuu.e, the usual quantity of lumber will be gotten out this season, although it is raihr pre mature to anything definite on (he subject. AN iiiC'dcnt in connection with the mild wratlier that lia prevailed in Clearfield county thus far, this season, is the fart, as wt ar intornied. that one of out citizens on Friday last, plucked a Dandelion bloom from a stock growing on the hillside, Lack of tow:i. Stoum A fierce rain and wind etorm, accompanied by very vivid flashes of linhl- iug and heavy and sliatp peuls of lliun icr. prevailed iu this region on Monday eight lint. No serious damage was done, hmrerer, so far a we know. The atmos- phere still continues quite mild and Bpring liLe. MasmMi-. Helow we give the narass of theufiiuersofCleaifieIdlI.lt. A. Chapter No. -2, eh-e'ed Wednesday, Nov. .3d, T'l. Z C. McCullough, II. P.. W. II. li!l. Iv., W. M. MCullouh, S., 11. Me l'herson, Sei., II. Uridge, Tie:u. The following named were elected officers of Cltaifhld Lodge, No. 314 A. Y. M., on Moi.day lcc. 5th, l!70: Wm. M. Mc Cullouglt, W. M., Wm. II. Dill, Sr. W., A. I. Shaw, Jr. W., D. F. Etzwciler, Sec., II. JiriJ -e, Treas. A Valuable Book. In our advertising f ''.minis will be found the notice of ''The iMr Book'" issued byt.be proprietors of the -V.t Y-rlc (tlrurvr. The "Year Book" is valuable work for refcrcu e, containing 1-X(!anaiinns of the Cycle of Time, a Civil "d Cmuiercial department relative to the ' States ami (iovcrnnieuts of the Wo. Id, 1 Ak-ricultural department, Ecclesiastical wit Lurch Work departments, Educatton- JfHrtTii-.'ir n'uh li.-t of colleges and The "'V'.ca! Seminaries of all dennuiinatiotis, Mci'.cil and Legal dt-pannents, price $1, -zl will Le presented to every old and new -WriWr to the Observer whose name is a the books on January 1st. 1871. Price Otxenrer. fa in advancj. See adv't. l.M ok Letters remaining unelaiiucJ at C'rarfield, Pa. , December 1st, 1S70: J M. Beams, J. JJ. Barnes, James Hai p :. j. B. Bail, Wm. D. Brandt, Michael B. nn Buutly. Thomas Burg.-r, Mt-Butk-ri:',), Joseph Border, W. S. " ,r'h n , Jacob Conrad, E D. Conrad. r.:;a!i fonra.l, Honrv Conrad. Edward nraJ (!',, M. A. Galdwell, Thompson lj ' V.IJULT, III. JUUlsa, n-JnV-"-k. Eshick, Wm. :J t uit.ui. Francis Farley. J. V, Eishel, Gil more "ll " t Il"Ptin. 0. Hesser, George 'ir a'' Harpstr, Frank Houser, C. -V Hammond i; i, Henry Johns (2). Mrs. Jennie Lewis, Mrs. Kate Lomadue, Frank uir Miss Kate Bell Moore, U. Mac. V trt M.-Kinney, Joseph Mc-Cauley Miss McCully. Jane McColley, William "men, Joseph Pretet. James J. llobin X?' ra Inr" ,- Sers. Hugh C. Roherts(2) i '?lelJ 14h'.ie, Jack Smith. Charles t nmh , Ja.ne F. Skelly. Walter R. Shir-tf-Thomas Taylor. C. R. Tibbettt. Frank Ihompson, X. Port Wilson, John Wi pQian. Warner & Brothere. Frank Wei r"H- Peter Wiliia,,,,, Edu Wiser, John E. W'.'2;,.J. K. Wilson. P. A. Gatlin, r. m. The Old Franklin Almanac, for 1871, is out. It is one of the best almanacs pub lished. Price liOcts. A Minch, 5U5 Chest nut St., Philalelphia. IL 17. Shaw has just returned from the cast with the largest stock of Tobacco, Ci gars, Pipes and Canes, ever brought to town, which he will sell at wholesale aud retail, at city prices. O.v Thursday, Pec. 13rh, will be opened fur the Holidays, the finest lino of Lace Handkerchiefs, Lace Collars, Chiniisetts, Tidies, Embroidered Setts ever brought to Ciearfield. Wm. Keed. Those wh'i are sick, or afflicted with any chronic difficulty, should without delay write for Dr. Hamilton's New Treatise, sent free to any address. It. Lconidas Hamil ton, M. D., P. O. Box 4,952, N. Y. City. OcL 26,-Ct. Local Correspondence. Burnside, Dec. 1, 1870. Mr. Editor: John Randolph, of Itoa noke, once sarcastically remarked to a wes tern Senator that the Ohio river was dry six months of the year, and frozen over 'tother six. The western man by way of retort told the crusty old North Carolinian that the Mississippi was a little too thick for swimming and not quite thick enough to walk upon. Now if "old Johnny" had only known. of Burnside he could have given the Buck Eye a "cutter" on tho mud busi cessa. From the hotel to the lower bridce the walking is outrageous; uiud almost knee deep. And woe ! to the pedestrian who undertakes to navigate it without top boots. Mine host of the "Slab" brought down a barrel of flour on his one hoss sled last Saturday and when he passed betwet-n K. &. C'. and Daniel's nothing was visible except and old slouch hat, a horse tail and a pair of ears. The business men are be ginning to think seriously of board walks, and it is well nigh time. Do you remember that in one of my let ters I spoke of "Swtet Auburn ?" A wor thy namesake of Goldsmith's famous de serted village. The abiding place of jolly old N. IS. Well, our Auburn, like its pre decessor, is literally a deserted village, its former occupants having ga'hered up their household goods and departed toward sun down. Billy's goods had been advertised and his sale came off a few days before the "'flitting." After the vendue he announced to lift many friends th it he had purchased a store box full of prize packages, and on the morning the "flittiu" departed he wouiJ present to each ot them a box con taiuing a prize. Accordingly on the morn ing selected a large concourse of our prin c:pal citizens assembled at Sweet Auburn for the uotibb purpose of bid iiug good bye t I belc liiliy and drawing -the promised piiza. After the compliments .of the day had been exchanged the interesting ceremo ny of drawing began without further delay. X. B. and Kil served out the boxes, and it was interesting to notice how we:l each priz? 6Uited the wants of the lucky draper. S. C. drew a'Siislocta wagon, painted t'rsen (typical;, I.). F. drew a pair of large tar rings and a gimlet, E. II. W. drew the price down on coal 0 cents, the schoolmas ter drew a lantern aud uiubre Ha, the post master drew a head of cabbage aud a peck of beaus, Enquire R. drew a looking glass and a bottle of Hall's Hair Renewer, J. II. received a blank package which so exasper ated him that he drew a piece of charcoal from his pocket and drew a plan of a church steeple on the hall door. J. H. B. drew a neat lit le pamphlet, entitled, " How to tell the truth." Hi triad to draw off the Burn side bridge wall but struck it five logs dep and knocked his raft all to ginger smash. J. A. drew a barrel of petrified whale oil, the only sample ever seen in this country. "Jacib" drew a pair o! N. 14 Loots (a leetle tight across the toes,) and H. P., who had been on the ground since long before daylight, drew a large sized dinner horn. This ended the iuU resting ceremony, and all being ready the wagons drew up to the gate to receive the passengers. 'Now everything' read y.you'J better be moving" Craid P with a wave of hi big dinner horn. lt' time to bogiuin' with ttiis flittin' For dejlifht a a coming sure its jou'ro born. The caravan moved slowly off amid the cheers of the multitude. l'letjuifcat in pace!" fd.outed the schoolmaster, as the train wound slowly up the hill. '"Never mind the cats." yelled Billy, "the old woman give 'em a piece just before we started." The 'Sijuire as soon as he drew his prize hurried to the river to apply tome of it. "How's the renewer working, 'Squire," inquired P., "docs it appear to Hall the hair out any?" "This hair renewer may be a good article but it don't effect my bald pate a particle," replied the 'Squire, "and," he continued, '"I wouldn't care, you know, only I have so much face to wash and would like to reduce the surface some if possible." J II . B., Truth 13 mightv mnd mu5t prevail, J A . !' rifitJ whale oil here for sale. P. M. Cutbage and bennc a very good dih. H. P., Blow your horn if you don't soli a fih. At twilight I sauntered down toward tlx? ds-e:tcd village. As I came iii sight of the dwelling, something in the bsck yard at tracted uiy attcn tion. From my point of oberval ion it looked exactly like a new found land dog house erected cn a telegraph pole. I bravely entered the yard and fouud frieud Kil trying on a pair of B's. old boots. Lucky Old Ben. Westovku, Nor. 30, 1870. S. J. Row, Esq : I told you iu a former letter that Westover was a small village, situate on the head waters of Chest Creek, Chest Township. Since that time it has improved very much. Hurd & McKee have put up a capacious store room. 24x40 feet. The -econd story is a fine hail, occu pied by the Temple of Honor, which insti tution is, I think, in a flourishing condition. James McEwen has repainted his house, and made other improvements, which adds uuch to the appearance of our village. Our streets are without sidewalks yet, but some of the citizens think sidewalks would be better than tramping through uiud, and 6o we live in hopes. W. N., a prominent mechanic of our village, has put up a new i and comfortable house, moved his old one to front the street, and made other improve ments, so that he has now a solid block of about 150 feet front. So much for improve ments. We also have a shoemaker who is doing a whole $uli busines?, while Mr. S. I. P. puts new faces on our old clocks, so that we can tell at a glance what time it is in New York, and when they eat breakfast in laitioriua. ine logmen are uoiug a thriving business in Chest Creek ; or rather they are doing tile pulling business now, and expect to do the driving by and by. A little incident happened a few evenings ago, which is worthy of note. A young chap was seeing the village after dark, aud his nearest way beinx through the grave yard, the entrance of which is a gate. A block of wood about twelve inches long ly 3 inches in diameter is suspended to a rope to swing the gate to the block of wood being near the fence. When the gate opeiis the block gradually rises up and, in the dark, presents the appearance of something crawling np the fence. Our young herr, on opening the gate saw this, when he jumped back exclaiming, "By jolly, a coon!" Closing the gate, cautiously, he retreated a few paces, and, after rallying his excited nerves and arming himself with & stout cudgel resumed the attack, when, lo ! and behold, he discovered it was only a block of wood. The citizens of Westover hare organized a Literary Society ; if any thing of interest occurs, I will let you know. The Evangelicals are having quite a revi val at their church, about a mile from this place. More Anon. MARRIED. On Thursday Nov. 17th, at the Metho-di.-,t Parsonage, by W. T. Wilson, Jon G. Oim.Land Miss Mart C. Breath, tl ilest daughter of Henry Breath. Jr., all of Bell lownship. On Saturday, Nov. 26th. 1S70, by Rev. G. VV. Newell, Mr. Joux Ross, of Anson ville, and Miss Maria Jaxe McCuackex, of Glen Hope. On Thursday, Dec. 1st, 1S70, by Rev. G. W. Newell, Mr. Joseph P.itteuson and Miss Elizabeth Ass Rea, both of Jordan township. DlEO : On Sunday, Nov. 13th, 1K70, Jottn Hunter., Sr., a ruling Elder in Fruit Hill Presbyterian church, Jordan township, aged 85 years. Crfearfield Eetail Markets. rORKRCTKD Apples, dried, lb, Apple, green, bu, Applebutter, gal, WRCKLT BV It. UOSSOP. 12 I Hay, ton, 65 1 Hums. lb. 1 00 j Shoulders, lb, 35 Sides, lb, III Lard, lb, 20 Oats, bu. 1 00 Onions, bo. :2 oo 2S 17 20 25 60 1 Oil 14 23 00 60 3 SO Hutter. It), Beef, fresh, lb, Serf, dried, lb, Buckwheat, bu, ' 1 Buckwheat Sour. lb Beans, bu. 2 Board, per M 14 Corn, dhelltd, . 1 5 Pork, lb. all I Pork, mess, bbl, 00 Potatoes, bu, OH Has-er. bbl. i0 J Peaches, dried, lb 50 Bye. bu, 50 lta'S, lb, 2(1 Salt, per sack, 25 I Shingles, l.S in. 13 25 3 50 00 tn-al, 2 Cbop, rye. 2 ' mixed- 2 Cheese, lb. Cherries, lb,- Pi -KhinirU 2rt in. 12 00 15 Tiinothv keed, bu, H 00 25 Wheat, bu, 1 0 5ft Wool. Ib. 4!l r'hicker.s.drestsed.Ib Hour. bll. 7 '.osi ;i Pitiors ok r.:uv EN s! hia. into., J 40 South Third Street. Pbilad 3 o'clock P. M. Jioveuiber CO 1S70. 1131 110 109 10:q 10S 109 10(11 105 3 1 21 19 111 112 K20 9-0 720 V S -j of Hit. II-J l!0i lll'.lt 100 1 1W luui 109 106 1121 112 115 h.iO 0.0 730 V . fi-sof 15 1." S. " of ! t, V S. 6 s of 1S1S, V. S. fi'sof IS65. new, V. S. fl's .f ItW. new, v. s. r. of lsss, r. s. 5 s. io-io'. I'. S. 311 year 6 per cont Cy., liue Compound luteresl Notes, Unld. Silrer, Union Pacific It. U 1st 51. Bonds, Ontrnl Pacific K K.. Union Pacific Land (irant Bnndj, iL"SIN(J QUOTATIONS of tovernment Sectt- j rities. at I T. Brdy St tV I'iUsburgU, Xjvaaiji 9 No fill Wood St. r 28, 170. HI'V UH 1131 1131 imi 110 1171 119 1 lj IU; r.i.L 111 ll.:l 112 lid 1101 107 1191 119 1191 871 921 103 t"iM. II. S S s I SSI. r s. .-:ri-s. isfil, V. S. 5-20's. 18(54. i;. S 5-20's. ISS5, j . t . u a, S-20's. Jiinunry A July. 19?V - , .. i . ' i ji". 'IS rT v in tit'. .iii s, uaiiuiirj i .juij. I3H7 . lOio, t moil Puciuc Kailroau. Cenir.il P.ioifio Huilroad, Cy. Pacifies. SAWS! SAWS!! DISTON, CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG, AXO CIRCULAR SA TVS. LIJHTNINU SAWS, PATENT PFKFOKATED, ELKCTRIC SAWS. And DISTON S SAWS or all kinds, for sale by II. F. EIH LEU A CO. C. KRATZEK '& SONS are receiving a splendid stock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAIN'S, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS, LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILK COATS AND OVEKSKIRTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOOD j AND TRIMMINGS, REST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, HEAVY CALF BOOTS, 0, MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $5, CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield. June 30. 1869. - GROUND AND CNGKOCND S-PICES. Citria Knglish Currants. Essence Coffee, and Vine gar el the bet qualitT.for sale by Jan. Ilk UAJtTSWIOK A IKWIX. , TERMS Ot" THE. JOURNAL. The RArT8VAn'i JouatiAL is published oa Wed aciday at 2,00 pet annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, $2.50 will be charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the elose. ADTiitTiSEaaNTS wt'l be inserted at $1,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional Insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertiser No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper vrVil be discontinued un tillall arrearages are paid except at the option ol the publisher. vi' S. J. ROW. B oots! boots:: hoots::: boots:::: FRENCH KIP, S3 00 5 00 al 0. KRATZKR's. Opposite the Jail. FKKNCH OALF, LIOUT KIP, Sep. 21, 1870. "POU SALE. The farm of John Spack- man, late of Girard Township, decV., consisting of ahout one hundred and seventy two acres of good farming land, (most of which is cleared ) and having tbeieon erected a good bouse and barn, anJ the usual conveniences of a pleasant hooie. For terms and turther particulars apply to T H. ML KK AY, Att'y for the heirs and persons interested. June 22. '74.-fY IMPORTED LIQUORS, sri-u as BRANDIES and UO hlM XD GI.VS. PURE OLD GRAPE IiRAXDIES, PURE OLD CAUIXET WHISKEYS. "' OLD GRAPE WIXES, All flie above brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur poses OEO. N.COLUURN,. Mareh 30,'70-tf.l Prop r of Shaw House. Co-Partnership in Store. C. A. Rorobaugb having associated with him in the Mercantile buiiness. in Lewisvil'e, Clear field county. Mr. C. K MCrcken, solicits a con tinuance of the patronage so generously extended heretofore Having just returned from the eastern cities their noon embi aces a large and varied assort ment of i'rj Goods, (Jroceries, Hardware, Queens ware, and in fact nearly everything usu ally kept in a couutry store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country produce taken in exchange for goods C. A. ROKOCAUUH. May 1. 70. tf C It. MrCRACKEN TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of A . SUA W, Two doers e.t of the Posto0i.ee. Clearfield, Pa. Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Navy. Congress Civcndi.-h, Cable, punroll, Michigan aud Century Fine-cu. Chewing Tobacco: Jc. Also, a large and well solected stock of Imported aud Domestic Cigars. Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and llri:tr Pipes, I'ipo fixtures, Tobacco Uoxes, Cigar Holders, and everything gener j f..und in a wed regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. I3rRenieiuber the place: Two doors east of the Postoffice, Clearfield. P. Au. 21, V0. C USQUEIl Af. X HOUSE, f irn'iH-tviili. I'll The ondersizne 1 haviinr Ukjn charge of this well-known Hotel, repe-'tfully solicits a share ot patronage. The bouse bs been refitted and re furnished and uovr compares favorably with any other house in theeounty. The best of everything lite market afiurls will le served up to quests. 'Jhsigcsmoleru'.e. - liLI HI.OO.M. ftept. 2-i. IS7U tt. froprietor. mm-: "K a g h e. n otk l," - Main St.. Curwcnsville, l'a. II avin leased for a term of years the above well krown and popular If'ffoT "(formerly kept by Mr. Mason. auJ lately by Mr. Fouts), and having newly refined and rrturuifhed it, the present proprietor fvcls nssure.l that he ean render entire tutisfaction to gue?t?s. jiurnln with him. A fine. Inrge stable and yard is attached, for the care and protection of horses, carriages and wagons. A thnre of patronage is solicited - aiay4.7u-ly A J . UltA t K, WE K . Prop r rp II E "S II A V HOU.S E," MARKET ST., C LIZ A ft FIELD, PA. (jEORGE X. COLBUUN, ::::: Pbopbitob This house was lately completed and just open ed to the pub.ic is uewly lurni.ihed.and provided with al I the modern improvements or a urst-cUss hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the busines pari of the town, and near to the publie build ings. A share of patronage is respectfully solic itcd Charges moderate. The beBtof Liquors in the bur. March 30.'70-lf. T HE LEON All P HOUSE, (Near the RaiWo'ad le)et), . ,' llecd Street, .Clearfield, Ta. Q. D. U00DFELL0W ": '. : : Pbopbiitor, A new first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the modern improvements the best of Liquors prompt attendance, and rea sonuble charges. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. " ' " jy-21-tf. rPHE WONDERFUL LTXIMEXT. This Liniiiietit havips been usrd, for tome years pastas a fam'i'y medicine by the pro prietor, and its good effucts coming to the notice of his neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con sented to manufacture it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Catarrh and Hillious Chulic. ever offered to the public; and will cure many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sore cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price. SI per bottle, or six bottles for Si. (sent to any address by enclos ing the price to WM. II WAGONER. . Hurd Postoffice, Oct. . 18rV. Clearfield coucty. Pa. NEW DRUG STORE. Y. B. Alexander, M.- D., DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, CURWKNSVJLLE, I'A. Keeps constantly on hind an assortment of DRUGS, - ..V patent medicines, paints and, oils,., , Varnishes, DYE STUFFS, &a, kc: r. His stock of l'rus is -pure and fresh, and custo mers ean rely upon getting the best of everything in his line. HIS STOCK OF . PERFUMERY. AND TOILET ARTICLES, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Bruslies, Toilet Soatis, Combs, Pocket Books, Pens, Inks, Pen cils and Paper, and a general assortment of this class of goods, are all ot the very Lest quality and latest styles. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only, Glass. Putty, Lubricating Oils, Ac., to suit the wants of the community. His extensive and well selected stork elf Drugs and Medicines enables him to fill Physicians' Pre scriptions oa short notice and on the most reason able terms. Smokers and Chewers will find hia stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Cigars, and Snuff to consist of the very best brands in the market.' A (hare of pablic patronage is solicited. Aug. Sl-Jm. W. B, ALKXAMJER. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEAH FIELD, PBXX'A. Monuments. Grecian Tombs, French Coucbc Msnlles. Table Tops. Washing Ranges. Garden Statuary. Teira Coita Ware, of every description, Head and Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at city prices, or 2 percent less than any otber ejlat li.tinjcnt in this county. Having a large experience iu the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all eaes. Or ders thaukfully rereived and promptly filled in the best workmanlike manner. S A. GIUSOS. May 1!, IdTO -tf. James Watko. Agent. "STUMPS! STUMPSlT The nndcrsiened have purchased the right nt Clearfield county fur Enoch Farn&worth's Stump Extractor, patented Juno 7th. IS70 This isdeeidedlv the most convenient, most durable. and best machine of the day Wet wenther will not effect it. the working part being all cf iron. The machine is easily set urt. and will work any place tout can be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit oo cost, and will try to make it to the advantage of farmers to buy them. We solicit ordeis from those wanting machines. 11, T. FAUNS WORTH, Clearfiold Pa.. J IS GAKRISON, GEO. H. HALL. Aeent. CurwensviMe, Pa Clearfield. Pa. luly 13. 70. pSS II. S. SWAN'S, School jW Girls, L Clearfield, Pa. The Fall Term of Fourteen wevks will com mence on Monday, September ith, I S70. TKUMS UP TtlTiOf. Reading, Ortbography. Writing. Primnry Arithmetic and Primary ticorapby, per term, (of 14 weeks). S7 00 History, luteal and Descriptive Geography with Map Drawing. Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, 9 00 Botany. Geology, Physiology, Natural Phi losophy. Physical Geography. Alg.jbra, Rhetoric. Etymology and Latin, 12 00 Oil Painting. ,24 lessons), 12 00 Monochromatic Drawing, 10 OR Crayon. 6 CO Pencil Drawing, (no extra eharge). Instrumental Music. (30 lesnna). 10 00 Wax Flowers and Fruits, with materials, at teacher's charos. For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield August '7, 1S70-IT. 5-20'S AND 1881'S BOUGHT, SOLD AXD EXCHANGED, OH MOST LIUERAL TERMS. . GOLD BOUGHT aud SOLD at MARKET RA TES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC R. R. PONDS E O UG li t AXO SOLD STOCKS BOUGHT and SOLD on COMMISSION only. Accounts received aud intere t allows 1 on daily balances subject to check, at siht. DeIIAVEN & BR0, 40 SOUTH .In STH LET, PH I LA DEL Pill A. Mareb 2. lS70-ly.-'y 13. FA I KB A X rS STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL KINDS ALSO. IMPROVED MONEY DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., M 30-6m. In2 Second At- Pittsburg. Pa. rISTKN T) THE MOCKING BIKI The Prai J rie Whistle and Animal Imitator can he used by a child. It is made to imitate the song of every bird, the ne'jrh of a horse, the bray of an a-s. the grunt of a hog. Birds. Hearts and Snitkes are en chanted and entrftnned by it. It Is usc-1 by Dim Pry.int. Charley White. end all the Minstrels and Warblers. Ventrilnquiriu can be loarned in three days by its aid . Scut anvwhere upon receipt of 10 cant;-: .1 for 25 cents; 7 fur .ifl ccnt ; 16 for SI Address T. W. VA LKNT1 SE Ocl2-lm. Box 372 Jersey City, NJ. WEST BILlNCII RESTAUim AND Ladies' Ovstcr Saloon, OK IECOSD ST.. LI LOW MARK XT, CLEARFIELD. PA. Constantly kept cn band a selected assortment ot Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco. Ac Alsofreib Oysters received daily, and for sale by the doaen or hundred. J. M. MACOMBER. Oct. 1270. Proprietor. NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned have opened a Meat Market in the room formerly oeounied by Alex Irvin. on Market Street. Clearfield, Pa . adjoining Mossop'a, where they intc nd to keep a full supply of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit the times. Their , shop will be open regularly, on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, and meat delivered at any point. A share of public patronage ii respectfully solicited. At. . DROWN. Aug. 31, 70 tf. E. W. BKOWX. Also continue to deal iu all kinds of improv ed Agricultural Implements. NEW T 1 N SHOP! Fred Sackett, Manufacturer of TIX.COPPER and SHEET IRON WARE (nearly opposite the jsil), MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Also, on band and for sale ;The Times" Cook Stove, the best in the world, And an asroitment of PARLOR and SITTING ROOM STOVES, which will be sold cheaper than they can be purchased at any other establishment in the county. ALSO, ROOFIXG, SPOUTING and JOB WORK done ob reasonable terms. April fi. 1P70. R E M0A L . IIARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Vicar field, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old and new custo mers, that we have removed our establishment to the new building just erected on Market street, nearly adji-ining tke Mansion House on the west, and opposite G raham A Sons store, where we re spectfully invite the public to come and boy their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MED I- CINS, OILS. PAINTS AND VARN1SHS. Our stock of Drugs and Medioineseonsist of every thing used, solected with the greatest care, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! We also keep alull stock ef Dyes. Perfumeries Toiler articles. Sonns. Tooth Brushes. Hair Brush es, Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind of Brushes. We have a la' ge lot ot White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in fact everything used in the painting busineis, which we offer at City prices to cash uoyera. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Confectionery. Spices, and the largest stock of va rieties ever offered in this place, and warranted to be of the ben the market affords. J. G. HARTSWICE, Dee. S, 180. JOHS g. IftWIX. Marble and Stone Yard. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged in the Marble business, desires to inrorm her friends, aud the public, ihat she has now and will keep ronsiantly on band a large and well selected stock of ITALIA X AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared to furnish tu order TOMBSTONES. BOX AXD CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, in .Sand stone and Marble, CURBS aai P.'Srs for Cemetery lots, ' WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS. ARCHITECTURAL AXD LAWN ORNA MENTS, Ire. Sho would invite special attention to her Sand stone Monuments which are built froirl original de-'igns and will compare favorably wiih any thing ef the kind in the country. If desiied she can furnish Marble Window Sills and Caps at a slight advance on the price of Sandstone. Yard on Read Slreut, near tho Depot.t'lcarficid R O SAD AL I S TV L RESTORER. . purifies the blood ni'd cuii s Scrofula. Syphilis Skin Diseases. Kheo matism. Iiieases tf women ard alt t'hron ie Affections of the Blood. Liver and Kid neys. Recommended by the medical Fac ulty and many thousands of eur best oiti lent. Head the testimony of 1'bysirians aud pa tients bo have cfed Rosadalie; scad for our Rwadalis Guide to Health Book, or Al manac fur this year, which we p bliah for o s gratuitous distribution ; it will give you much vanmble information Dr. K. W rr, o.' If-ltimore says : & 1 take pleahure in reci minei ding your Roadaiis as a vety powerful aiifrrtOve. I have seen it used in two ctes with happy results one in a cato of secondary syphilid in wLicb tl.a patient ptououcced himself cured after having taken lite buttles of Dyour medicine The other is a cae f scrof ula of long standing, which is rapidl im proving under its use, and tho indications are that the patient will soon recover, f have caivfwlly exatalue.f the formula by which your Kosadalis is made, and find it a an excellent compound ot at;erative iugre i diec's Dr. Fpa-ks. of XichoUsville. Ky.. says he bas used Kosaoalis in cau.- of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis wiih satisfactory results ss a cleaner of HoA I know no bet--MT- ter remedy. I Samuel G. McFaddeu, Murfrecsboro'. Tenn , says : I have ued even lmttli-s of Ro?adaiis and am entirely cured of !theuuiatini . send ine fiur bottle;, rs I wih it for my brother. I who ha? scrofulous sore eyes, lie ijmin Bccl.tol. of Lima. Ohio, wrilcs. I have sullered for twenty years with an in veterate eruption over my whole to.ly ; a short tiiuo since 1 purchased a bvitie of Ro sadalts and it cflVued a perfect cure Labratory, 61 Exchange l'lace,Baltimore. S " CLEMENTS. A OO . Proprietors Rosaialis is suld by llartsivirk A Irwin and A T. Shaw. llcatCelJ. t. It. Good, Osceola, and by Druggists generally. (April 6.'70-lv ATTENTION, B TJ Y E II S READ! READ!! VLo tells the cheapest goods in the county ? MOSSOP ! Who sells best calicoes at 1 2 j ct3 yard -M O S 3'0 1'! Who sells best onbleacbed muslin at 17 cent' MOSSOT! Who sells Halls Calf Roots at ?5 00? MOSSOP! Wae sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at 4 0 T MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's bestKip Boots at 54,50? MOSSOT! Who sells Hats lower than anybody elsof moss on Who aells Sugar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who eells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feci the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapen ? MOSSOP! Who 3clls Clothing the cheapest ? Mosson Who sella Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who aells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who firet brought goods down to the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'SI Clearfleld. May H.186. D RIED FRUIT, at red used prices, at May 13,'wV. jawovr b. FOR SALE- White Lead, Zinc Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine VarnM.'t of all kinds, Colors, in "oil" and dry. Paint and Varnish brushes.' H A RTSWICK k IRvtlS, ".. ClearUeld.Pa -M S.'S. A GREAT O FFE R . Horace Waters, 4S1 Uroadway, New York.- ; will dispose of ONS JIUNDUED PI ANOES, ME LODKONS and 0.J iNS of six rst class makers, including Cbickeriag A Sons, ar cxtskm atr low i-ntCRK wor cash. iukino Tuis itonth, or will uke fiom Si to SIj monthly nntil paid 4-13- 70y 1I7H0 II.'.S A Unl'SE TO PAINT? i V ; ea n y.M a d h co lors. Known as -'Railroad'' Colots Guaranteed to be more economical, more dnrable and more conveni ent than any Paint ever In-fore oSVred. A book entitled -Plain talk with Practical Painters," with Samples .cut free liv mail on ai.plicat'aj. MASl'KY A VvlilTO.V. GtoU Wh.t lad and Caer Wort, A p. 13-Sm H Fulton St.. Nrw Yri. Me it j re 'j f Imitation. Kxtablisbed ln35. rjLtLVHFlkLl N L'HSERY.-Kncolr-ack II'i.mk I.nucstry. The uudeiyi-rn ed having c-tabl!:hed a Nursery. on the Pike hallway between Curwensvillc and Clearfiell Boroughs, is prepered to furnish all kindsof Fro; trees. (Standard anJ dwaif.) Kversreen -. hrub h llrann Vn. .3 W T . . . ...tJf vKiuncrr,, Livirn rwacs; I berry. Strawberry and Raspbeiry vines. Als ! Sihriar. IT rah Ir... ....I... -1... barb. Ac. Orders promptlv attended to. Addres Aug 51.1364. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensviija - THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD or ALL OTHERS ! Eighti tixTI.'H-Hit.t.Srrri) Hitndnd and Eigk-ty-oiu Mrh'' Made fnd Sold th Past Yuar! The number cxoeds by thousands the sale of auy other Machine, aud the demand is atill in creasing THREE T1I0CSAND PER WPEK ARE NOW IJEIXG MADE ASD SOLD. THE hESONS WHY: Reeaui it embodies essential principles not found in any other Machine ; because of its aim plicity of construction, ease of operation, uni formity of precise action at any speed, and ca pacity for the greatest range an 1 variety of work, line or coarse. Parties wishing to purchase should not fail to examins this best of all Sewing Machines. I hnve llie Agency for this Machine, and wil! keep a full supply on hand. Clearfield. May 4.'7fl tf J. S. SHOWERS. QLOTIIING! CLOTUINtJ.M GOOD A5i CHEAP Men. Youths and Roys can bevcplpied with ful suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing a I. L. REIZEXSTEIN'S, where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchaso. The universal satisfaction which baa been given, has induced biiu to increase hia j'ock. which is now cot surpassed by any estab lisbnieut of the kind in this part of th State. I: L. KKIZEXSTEIN, Sells gbods at a very small profit, for cash i His goods are well made aud fashionable. He gives every one the worth of his money. He treats his customers all alike. He sella cheaper than every body else. His store is conveniently situated, lie having partbasec! bis st'ick t reduced prices he can sell cheaper tl an otheri. tor these and other reasons worsens should buy their clothiug at I. L. REIZENSTELS'S. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18, lb64. BARGAINS ALL KINDS OF GOODS A T T II E MA M MOTH ' ori'AT) t. OF THE Moshannoa Land and Lumber Co., OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, Penn'a. CURRANTS th beat and cheapest in to. eoaaty.al RAHAM .