Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 07, 1870, Image 2

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    fye Wffewtan'$ oitntttf, gfeatftefb, "gfa., geccwfler 7, i8?o,
gaftsmait's frontal.
CLEARFIELD, PA., DEO. 7, 1870.
Protection builds towns and villages and
employs labor that otherwise would be idle.
The people of Montana Territory complain
that under Democratic rule for their number
they pay the latest taxes, pro rata, of any
community. State or Territorial, on the con
tinent, and receive lea benefit therefrom.
The Chicago Tribune is trying to kill the
Republican party. It baa a big job, and will
come out about like old Slay-maker's bull in
battling the locomotive. If there is a grease
pot left it will be too small to count.
The Visit of Pon Pedro, the emperor of
Brazil, to this country will be an important
event. Brazil is the most important neigh
bor we have in South America, and her em
peror has the reputation of being an enlight
ened and highly honorable fnan.
The decrease of our nat ional debt for tha
month of November, is $7,475,S60 90.
This is a little below the average for the
second year, but it is at all events, satisfac
tory proof f a wise and judicious collection
of the revenues, and ot the economical ex
penditures of the Administration.
The New Jersey Democrats cannot under
stand why they were defeated at the recent
election, and are asking lor a satisfactory
solution of the problem. The Newark Jour
nal says ''the party must bo reorganized,
and those disposed to fatten on ill-gotten
gains be restored to private life." The
people of the State have already done the
The Pope will not yield. He has just is
aved an encyclical and bull concerning the
spoliation of the temporalities. The Pope
takes high ground. The temporalities, he
says, are not his, but God's. He is simply
a trustee. What is not his own he evinot
surrender. This is sound logic We arc
afraid, however, that.in spite of tho "major
excommunication against the spoliators and
all who are its aiders and abettors," the
temporal power is gone for good. The Holy
Father will do well to make up his mind to
bow to the inevitablo with as good grace as
The statement is made that the govern
ment has determined upon effective mea
sures for the suppression of Kuklux bandg
in the south. There has recently been fur
nished the mnt satisfactory evidence that
these bands of marauders, who respect nei
ther the life nor property of union men. are
rapidly increasing in various sections of the
south, and notably in central Kentucky,
and are becoming more and more a terror to
the peaceable inhabitants, and particularly
to the union element. It is to bo hoped
that the government will lose no time and
spare no effort in ridding the suffering com
munities frcui the ravages of these murder
ers, who should be dealt with in the most
summary manner.
The Republicans of Buffalo County, Min
nesota, were somewhat bothered at their
late election. Their candidate for Assem
bly was Mr. P. IV.in ; but they were met at
the polls by tidings of his death the night
before. Their county is large and new ; its
population thin and scattered ; and it was
utterly impossible that they should eonxult
and agree on another caudidute. But be
tween a dt-a J Republican and a live Demo
crat tbey had a decided choice ; aud rather
than be tnisrcpreientcd, they chose to be
unrepresented ; so they cast their vote solid
for Mr. Polin and elected him. They are
perhaps the only constitut-ncy in the Union
who have attained an ' absolute certainty
that their representative will not betray his
trust by celling his vote.
President Grant has permitted an ex
planation of his relations to ex Secretary
Cox and to the McGarrahan claim to be
published. It shows that the President, at
the outset of the administration, directed
that nothing should be done with the mat
ter, expressing the belief that both the par
ties interested were tainted with fraud, and
that the property belonged to the United
States. He has all along acted in this view
not favoring either McGarrahan or the New
IJiia company. Secretary Cox's letter
clearly convicts him of attempting to give
the land to the New Idria company. What
now will be said against th President ou
this point? Did he commit a wrong in ca
ring for the interests of the government, as
gainst all adveuturers? And was Mr. Cox i
irreproachably right in seeking to give the j
land to a fraudulent claimant? This i all
, there is in the affair.
A somewhat original method of raWiug
funds for campaign purposes was adopted
by the Republicans in Chicago in the can
vass just ended. The Democrats did not;
make a nominatiou for Congress, but united
with the free traders in supporting Wtnt
worth. They felt so confident. They felt
o confident of the of the success of their
little seheme, that tbey were free betters on
Lis ehuitiou as against farwell. The Re
publicans quietly accepted all tbeir bets.and
now find that, after paying all the expen
ses of the campaign by the money won,
they have 1 10,tnj kii in the treasury. The
funniest part of it is, the Dcmociatic pa
pers are decrying the immorality ot the
movement. It seems exceeJiujgly like Sa
tan reproving sip. Tke sore point, we sup
pose, is, that thi Democracy feel that they
Lave been made to pay the expeast of the
. r . i
.-iupign lor tneir winning opponent, in
J iitiou to their owu. It ;s rather at onj;- J
jnaj nay of rai-iiij uioiicy.
According to despatches thsre was some
terrible fighting around Paris, on Monday,
Tuesday aud Wednesday, of Iait week. Oa
Wednesday, it is said, Trochu suddenly
made a furious assault ou the German lines
to the east of Paris, and forced his way
across the river Mafne aud effected a junc
tion with Gen. De Paladincs, who was in
danger of being crushed by Prince Charles
aud the Duke of Mechlenberg. Trochu's
movement, from the despatches, would
seam to have been a success in breaking the
GcTBian coil that has encircled Paris for two
months. This would materially change the
position of the contending forces, and will
likely lead to a battle of great magnitude
that may result in raising the siege of Pari
by the Germans. At all events, the situa
tion of the French is not as gloomy as here
tofore, and further news will bo looked for
with much anxiety.
Later. The sortie of Trochu was suc
cessful onlv in developing iho strength of
the German line, but failod in forming a
junction with De Paladincs, who, it is said,
"has abandoned his grand movement for
the present." Thus it seems, that after a
week's hard fighting but little, if any, per
manent advantage has been gained by either
side. .
Political Items.
Senator Trumbull, whom the revenue re
formers claimed as a convert, says he ap
proves President Grant's administration.
Dispatches from San Franois'.-o say the
Republicans of Nevada elect a Secretary of
State, Controller, Surveyor General, Super
intendent of Pjblic Instruction, aud Public
The little State of Delaware steadily in
creases her IvL-p-jhlicin vote. We append
a table showing the incres.se from 1S56 to
1870: I Sort, :()s: S.f. 3. 15; 1804,
8.100; 1K0S. 8.3-H; 170, 9.9S0. Gain
since 1855. 'J, 672.
One of the aciaiaptlurn'Mts of its pres
cut Democratic condition is the whipping
post. The pillory alone, might be passed
by, but it is Mm ply wonderful how any
State professing to have any approximation
towards civilization should continue this
brutal and barbarous punishment. On
Saturday last, at New Castle, Delaware,
three culprits were stripped and lashed.
The officer inflicting the punishment seemed
to have soma compunctions of conscience
over his brutal work, but the bystanders
compelled him to perfurm the duties of his
office. When that State becomes Repub
lican, this degrading, heartless scene will be
of the past, aud be wiped from the statute
books forever. The penalty is nothing but
a relic of burburistii and should have been
done away with long ago.
A singular coincidence is aserted to have
been disclosed by the official returns for
Congressmen in tlu late elections in New
Jersey. In 1808, the aggregate of the
votes cast for Congressmen was. Republi
can, 79,404; Democratic, 83,197; Demo
cratic majority 3,423. In 1870 the aggre
gate, counting the votes cast for Mr. Fitz
patrick as Democratic, was. Republican,
80, 40 ; Domrutio, 77.003 ; Republican
majority. 3,423, or precisely the same as
the Democratic majority iu 1.S0S.
Free Trada vs. IL'gh Tariff.
Uudcr this caption, the Il.irri.-burg Pa
triot of Friday, Djc. 21, 1870, publishes
the following letter from B. K. Meyers,
Esq., tho principal editor of that paper, to
Mahlon Sands, Es.p, one ot the committee
of invitation to the Free Trade banquet,
which came off at Dclmoiiico's in New
York, on Monday, Nov. iSih :
Bkdfokd. Pa., Nut. 26, 1S70. MM,t
Sands, Esq: Df.au. Sir: 1 have the
honor to acknowledge the receipt of your
kind uote inviting me to a dinner to be fiv
eu ir. your city on iiia 28th inst. , in honor
ot the triumph of revenue reform princi
ples in the recent Congressional elections
aud in the Missouri State election. I re
gret the pressing business engagements ren
der it out of my power to atteud. Permit
uie to say, however, that my sympathies
are entirely with the cause whose triumph
you arc abir-it to celebrate. During the
last twelve months revenue reform ideas
have made wonderful progress iu this good
old Commonwealth, formerly so tightly
bound with the iron hand ot monopoly. At
the late elections the most prominent advo
cates of tariif bounties to special interests
in this State were igmtiiiiiuuly defeated.
In this (the Sixteenth) district a distinct
ion was made between a tariff for revenue
and a tariff for "prated ion." and though
the power of government oScials, the cor
rupt use of money, ami the iufluence of
party, were all intensely exerted in favor of
.he candidate nf the monopolists, the reve
nue reform candidate was triumphantly elec'
ted. Iu 1S08 the district elected a protect
ionist ion "war issues," however), by 144
I shall only add that it is to be hoped
that in the next Congress the friends ot
revenue reform will b able to act together,
without regard to former political divisions,
in tho organization ot the House of Rep
resentatives, and in the enactment of the
liberal and wholesome laws so greatly de
manded by the countrj. Thanking you tor
your kind invitation, I remain, yours re
spectfully, B. F. Meyehs.
In this letter Meyers, who holds tho cer
tificate of election, to Congress from the
Sixteenth District, d. c'ares h
inself in fa-
vor of "revenue reform," or, iu other words
in favor of Free Trade, for he says "my
sympathies are entirely with the cause(Free
Trade) whose triumph you (the Free Tra-
ders) are about to celebrate." Mr. Mey
ers, also, as editor of the Democratic cen
tral organ of Pennsylvania, in this lettcr.to
a greater or less degree speaks for the Dem
ocratic party of this State, and places
it on the Free Trade platform. Will the
workingmen of Pennsylvania remember
these facts ?
The prisoners taken at Metz by the Prus
sians included three Marshals of France, 50
generals. 6,0u0 officers, and 173,000 rank
and file. There were 20.000 wounded or
sick, aud among the captured materials of
war were 400 pieces of artillery and 100 mit
railleuses. The total number of French
prisoners on the hands of the Germans are
four Marshals, 140 Generals, 10,000 officers
and 320,000 rank and file.
The official returns of the census show an
increase of population in the State of 586
oSS. The increase betweeen 1840 and 1850
was 587,753 and between li& and
A Littla of Everything.
Relative beauty a pretty cousin.
Dubuque rats devoured a bulldog.
Nevada is getting up a lottery to pay her
If you want a nice Cane go to R. n.
Shaw's, Market Street.
The way for people to win colden opinions
is to have plenty of brass.
Tl.cre is a man in Muncie, Ind., who is
the father of seventeen children.
The latest thing in woman's rights is the
St. Albans lady who slaughters hogs.
Texas has seventy millions of acres of land
Waiting for somebody to come and take it.
"Up the flume," is California!! for "where
the woodbine twineth," or in plain words,
If a grapery is a place to raise grapes in,
docs it follow that a gallery is a place to
raise gals in ?
We are told to have hope and trust ; but
what can a poor fellow do when he can no
longer get any trust ?
A Milwaukee woman drowned herself be
cause her husband wouldn't go to a theater
with her one evening.
A Connecticut girl let a horse take an ap
ple from her mouth, and lost her nose. She
don't blame the horse.
Red seeins to be a favorite color in this
We like to see it on the checks aud
lips, but not on the nose.
An article is going the rounds of the pa
pers, headed, "a girl possessed of the devil,"
as it it was something new.
How few are our real wants, and how easy
it is to satisfy them. Oir imaginary ones
are boundless and insatiable.
"Here is the bannisters, but where are the
stairs," as the tipsy chap said when he felt
around the bedstead in the dark.
"Nothing is certain," is a common apho
rism ; but if nothing is certain, how can it
be certain that nothing is certain?
New York merchants have begun to cut
down their clerk's salaries, the reduction be
ing from fifteen to thirt per cent.
Under the head of "crimes and casual
ties," a rural paper mentions the fact that a
rival editor has just published a book.
The weakest organ in the body should bo
the most favored. That is why many pro
pie should especially look after their head.
Upward of one hundred tobacco barns
have been burned in and around P.idiiesh,
Ky., within the last two moiuhs.by Ku Klux
The popular drink of tho young mon in
our town is known as "'the same." It is
baid that it never fails to produce the desir
ed result.
Ellen Black was a beautiful young resi
dent of Bucks county, Pa., until last Mon
day, when she kindled her fire with coal oil.
She is "over there," now.
Too much running about at night is very
ant to result in the penitentiary or matrimo
ny. Young gentlemen, remember that.
Don't hasten an adverse fate.
A person who is too nice an observer of
the business of others, lit: one who is too
curious in observing the movements of bees,
will oiten get stung for his curiosity.
If you desire to succeed, says a cotempo
rary, BtieU to a principle. The most emi
nently successful men we know are those
who stick to both principal and iuterest.
It may iuterest lady readers to know, on a
fashion authority, that "round hats have
suddenly gone out of favor with young la
dies, and that gipsy bonnets are taking their
Beards are fffdng out of fashion. Some
of the young chaps with nary a hair on their
face can congratulate themselves that they
needn't try to put ou (hairs any uioic to be
in fashion.
Three safe-robbers were arrested in Ken
tucky last week, through the instrumentali
ty of an old lady and her daughter.to whom
a member of (he gang had made a confession
just before his death.
The average weight, all the year around,
ot that portion ot woman's cl ithes which js
supported from the waist is between ten im I
fifteen pounds. Are weak bai;Ls a wonder?
Put on ruspenders, girls 1
The short est name on the roll of the newly
elected legislature of New Mexico, is A.I
phonso Ferdinand Senay Graeia Francisco
Antonia Coi tes Maria tiona!vo D'.ego Jua,cz
Mestes. "God save the Republic."
"Women are like horses the gayer the
harness they have on, the better they feci."
So says an old bachelor, who was early crow
diu love, and afterwards went into the
pawn broking business with a cross eyed as
sistant. 1 1 is remarked that nearly every one of the
women who have entered upon the practice
of medicine make the diseases of women a
speciality, in most instances refusing their
services when called upon to atteud other
A file of one of the Metz journals is a cu
rious siehf. Owing to a scarcity of paper it
was printed one day on red placard paper.
another on blue, a third on buff, and so on.
Another journal was printed on brown pack
ing paper.
A bald-headed man -heard that coal oil
would make the hair grow, lie tried it and
gettim; too near a lighted candle was trans
formed into a temporary rourth ot July.
There hasn't becu a hair withiu puushot of
his head since.
The reign of Terror in Texas has recently
had a frer.h inauguration. The danger to
life and property is now so great that the
state papers have begun to cry out against
it, and call for a vigorous enforcement of the
laws by the Governor.
Evidence of breeding for three women
to walk abreast on a four foot sidewalk, and
neither of the trij to give way when they
meet a fellow pedestrian. The reader is best
able to judge what kind of breeding such
conduct is evidence of.
"Jox" wishes to inform a certain young
lady in town "that venitiau blinds are not
the exact thing for Suuday evening spark
ing, unless you have one of ihosc lamps that
turns down, down, down, until there is no
light left at all hardly."
How eloquent is the homely old word fall.
The flowers fall in the garden, the truits fall
in the orchard, the nuts fall in the woods,
the rain falls from the clouds, the leaves fall
everywhere, and the price of coal - no you
don't, that's a cat of another color.
We saw a youn fellow coming down Mar
ket Street, last Sunday night, under full
sail, and from his great hurry we thought he
was Koin? for a doctor. It proved, howev
er, that his girl had given him the "slip."
and be was trying to overhaul her that's
all. Of course, he succeeded.
The Muncie limet says : Volncy Wilson
says he played strategy on the potato bugs
this season. He says he planted a grain of
corn in every bill of potatoes. The corn
beat the potatoes up, and the bugs, think
ing it a cornfield, never went near the pota
toes till it was too late to do them any dam
aae, aol be railed ovej four hundred bush
els cf nice potatoes.
The Bevenue Beport.
The Pittsburgh Gazette says : The report
of Commissioner Delano made from the In
ternal Revenue Office, is full ot interest.
He states that the estimate, submitted in
his annual report of 18t"'J of the probable
receipts from Internal Reveouc resources,
exclusive of the duty upon the circulation
and deposits of National Batiks for the fis
cal year 1870, has been more than realized.
His estimate was $175,000,000, and the ag
gregate receipt 5 are hown to be $1S5,235,
807 97. and excels of $10,235,807 97. The
total receipts for tha fiscal year 1809 were
$160,089,344 i3 ; showing a net gain in
1870 of $25,196,520 68. He recommends
the discontinuance of the employment of
spies and informers, and of the policy of
paving m.ieiies. The Commissioner earn
estly opposes any change in tho law taxing
spirits, and states that the experience of
last year has served to strengthen his pre
vious opinion in that respect. The receipts
from this source are already $55,580,509 13.
Mr. Delano also gives the encouraging
statement, that the receipts from all sources
of Internal Revenue for the first eighteen
mouths of the present Administration,
compared with those of the last eighteen
months of the.late Administration, are in
creased to the amount of $49,672,001 00.
This, too, in spite of our reduced taxation.
In every statement yet presented to the
public, the wise, sound, and economical pol
icy of the Administration, has been demon
strated by dollars and cents, and eannot be
denied. The whole report of Mr. Delano
is an able document.
Fbal'iui.ent Voting. Two individuals,
Potrick McFadden and Francis Shields,
have recently been tried and convicted in
the U. S. District Curt, Philadelphia, of
illegal voting at the' late election, under the
act of Congress. In the first case it was
not distinctly proven that the defendant
voted for a member , of Congress, and the
Court held the verdict subject to review.
Bat in the second Ch.-o, that of Shields, it
was proveti that he voted for a member of
Congress, and the jury returned a verdict of
guilty, with a recommendation to mercy, on
the ground that the fraud was probably un
intentional, the testimony going to show
that such might have been the case. A
few more convictions and a sharp sentence
or two will have a good effect upon that
Irrge class of purchasable scoundrels who
make a practice of fraudulent voting.
In the Kansxs Senate there is our lonesome
"Democrat," a sort of political Alexander
Sclkiik, or "Last Man." He votes with
entire unanimity. Nor is his mind distract
ed by any daneer of a split. It must be
jusiatritle funereal when he holds acaucus,
presiding himself, offering and .seconding all
the resolutions with nobody to help him, sup
porting them by eloquent addiesses to him
self, and then putting the ipiest'ion to him
self, and announcing to himself: ''It is a
vote." How he likes these sweets of solilo
quy we are uoti informed , but human nature
is always pleased to have its own way ; and
here is a "Democrat" whose "right there is
none to dispute" jl comfortable, unembar
rassed and self-sustaining unit 1
If. i eKtimatcd that .'iOO.OOO persons have
settled in Texas during the last year.
Advertisement tt hji in (mrgs typ, mntmf pfatn
.', villi 6t charged dui!t usual ratts. Nuttts
8. M. PsTTeJii.t. A Co., 37 Patk Row. New York,
and Uao. f. IIowkll i. Co.. -10 Pai k Ilow, New
York, are the till afui.is for tbe Joop.sil in
that city, and are authorised to contract fur ia
sorting "advertisements for us at our lowetciuh
ra'es Advertiser in Ibalcily are requested to
leave tbeir favors with either of the above hoj.es.
ters of Administration on tbe estate
of Matthew citolt. Inte of Boggs township, dM'dt
having been granted to too undersigned, notice
is hereby given that ail persons indebted to said
estate are required to make immediate payment,
and thox having claiuiragai us t the same will pro
ent '.hem, properly authenticated fur settlement
Dec. 7. 1370-fU p. Admistrator.
The co partner.-hip
h.:r,tirnr. rvistiuir bet
between the unuer-
signed, in the Mercantile business atUKeoia. lias
beau dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe books
and accounts of the late firm are in tbe bands ot
W.O Kelly far settlement. All person having
unsettled aooouou with said firm are requested to
settle the same without delay.
Ieo 7.70 31 l.0due.) AKK KELLKY.
TN THE MATTER of the estate of Mat
-- thew A. Forcce, deceased :
The Auditor's report in the above estate having
been referred to the undersigned for tbe purpose
of making certain cliangej therein, ha hereby
gives notice that he will attend to tbe duties of
tii appointment, at his office- in Clearfield, on
WlHrsdav.Drttmlr 23. loTO, at 1 o'clock. P. M.,
when and where all persons iutrrested may attend.
, Dee. 7.'70-3t. T. M. MURRAY, Auditor
Ohservor TEAR HOOK and Almanac,
to be issued January 1st, IS71. One of the most
complete coinpends- or important int'oriuation
which has ever been compiled in this country. It
should be iu every Library as a book of reference.
It contains an intertsting History or Almanacs;
Civil. Commercial, and Agricultural Information
concerning all the Governments in the World ; a
general summary of all the Benevolent Institu
tions and Religions Penominations in the World,
with a complete Ministerial Directory of nearly
every religious body in the United States, a com
plete list of all the Colleges. Theological Semina
ries:Medioal and Law Schools in tho United fctaie
Price, One Dollar.
All persons subscribing and plying for the Sew
York Observor for one year (4 will receive a
copy of this valuable work GRATUITOUSLY.
Sample copies of the Observor sent free.
37 Park Row. New York.
Mailed te any addrea jost Vaid.on receipt of prije
REG ISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is here
by given that the following accounts
have been eznminrd and passed by me. and remain
Sled of record in this offico for the inspection of
heir, legatees creditors and all other in anyway,
interested and will be presented to the next Or
phans' Court or Cearfield county, to beheld at
tbe Court House, in lbe Borough of Clearfisd
commencing on the 2d Monday of January, 1871 :
Partial Account or T. II. Murray, Administra
tor of the tbe estate of John Spackman, lata of
Girard tp. dee d.
Final Accountof R. K. Flegal, Administrator
of the estate of Martin S Flegal, late of Goshen
township, deeeased.
Final Account of T. Valentine Bailey, Admin
istrator ol Titu H. Bailey. late of Bloom tp.dee d.
Tie Aoceuntof Henry HartxfeH and J. C.Bar
rett. Administrator of Henry Marshall, late of
Bradj township, deceased.
Partial Accountof John Holt. Administrator or
George G. Smea!, late or Bradford tp. dee'd.
Account of John Holt and V. B. Helt, Adminis
trator of Tho. Uolt, late of Bradford tp, dec d.
Final Accountof John W. Wright and Henry
B W right, Administrator of Vim. Wright, lata of
Beccaria township, deceased.
Final Aecnunt nf Mirth Irwin and Levi Irwin,
Executor ot Jo. Irwia.late of Lawrence tp.deo'd.
Ifce. 7, 70. A. w UfK, Register. 1
Farm in Beccaria Tp.
Pursuant t so order of th Orphans' Court of
CUarBold county, Ca , tbar will be sold t public
e. at tilen liope, in Beccaria township, in taid
ocunty, on
Wedncsday.December 2870,
Ilia follow ins described real estate, late of Porter
T. Jobnton, deceased, to wit :
situate in Eeeearia township. being the hoixiteai
of tbe laid deceient. the time of b'S decr.-.so
ACHES and forty-til prrrhr. more or less.
About eighty acres are cleared and under a gooi
sute of cultivation, with a good frame house and
barn. Persons desiring to iew the premises will
pleaseoall upon the undersigned.
Sate to commence at 2 o'clock. P.M. Condi
tions mxde known atsale. 6. C. PATCHIX.
Deo. 7, 1870. Administrator.
A GENTS WANTED for a new and ele
gantly illustrated work.
By Col. Albert S. Evans, fust published.
the land of the Axteca; with charming Pm and
Pntril Pietitrts of Mexican Life. Character and
I-'cenery. and slanting and romantic llisterioal
Rcininisctmeiof this land of Komanoe, Wonder
and Uystery.
"It is a bright and racy work.written in a bril
liant and attractive style, without a dull poje in
it. and cannot fail to be popular with all claste "
Boston Pott.
--lis pages sparkle with wit. and are instinet
with ever varying pictures of Meiican Life in all
its phases. Every family shou'd put thi" book in
the hands of their children.' C'Aiewe Tnhnnt.
"Many of the stories of adventure are as lively
mt they are fresh. The amusing incid nts of trav
el in tbe interior and the life of the cities are de
lightfully piquant and entertaining. The Book
has a genuine and substantial value " Christum
Ko competition, and sells to all elasses. Ageutv
are meeting with remarkable succesi. For circu
lars anp terms ad J res the I'ubli.hers.
Dec. 7. l570-4t. Hartford. Conn.
A Great Medical Discovery !
Hundreds of thousands bear testimony to their
W'ondorful Curative Effect.
F A N C Y D It I N K,
Made of Poor Rum. Whiskey. Proof Spirits, and
Htfu.e Liquors, doctored, fpiced and sweetened
to please the Ustecille.l -Tonics," -Appetizers."
-Restorers " Ac .tut lea 1 the tippler o:i to lr
enness and ruin, but are a true Medicine made
from the Native Roots and Herbs of California,
free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are iho
ireat Blood Purifier and Life Giving Piinciple
a perfect Renovator and luvigoratorof tbe Syiteiu
carrying off all poisono-is matter aud restoring
the blood to a healthy condition No person caa
take these Bitters according t-.- direction and re
main long unwell, provided the b nes are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other means and tbe
vital organs wated beyond tbe point of repair.
Eor Lift .minatory ami Chronir Kti'itmati'ni
and Gout. Dyifpiiit or Iu ttt'tiou. Billions Rr
mill nit ami IiiUrmiUrut h'rfrs. Diraft of '
Bljod. Ijvrr. Ki'l'ity' aild Pliviilrr. thrse Btltrrs
haw been mot surtrffut. f ucb diseases are caus
ed by vitiated blood, which is geueraliy p roductd
by derangement of the digestive organs.
Dvspei sia or Indigestion hoidache. pain in the
shoulder, coughs tightness of the chest, dizziness,
sour eructations of tbe stomach, bad taste in the
mnuth. billlous attack, palpitation of the heart,
inflammation of the lungs, paiu in tbe regions of
the Kidneys and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are the off-pring of Dyspepsia.
They invigorate the stomach and stimulate tbe
torpid liver and bowel, which render them of
unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood cf all
Impurities. and imparting now life and vigor to
tte whole system.
Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers,
which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great
rivers throughout the United States, eipecially
those of the Mississippi, Missouri. Illiuoi. Ten
nse. Alabama. Savannah. Roanoke. James and
many others with their vnt trilutaries during
the uuitnor and Autumn, and remarksbl so du
ring afasini of unusual beat and drnes. are in
variably accompanied by extensive deranjrements
of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal
viscera. There are always more or less obstruc
tiou of the liver, a weakness and ir.itable Uto
of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels,
being clojrised op witii vitiated aceuinnlations. In
their troalment. a purgaiive. exerting a powerful
influence uoon these various organs. is essentially
necessary. There is no cathartic for the purr o.-e
equal to Dr. J . Walker Vinegar Bitters, as they
speedily remove tbe dark colored viscid matter
with which the b iwola are loaded, at the came
time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and
generally restoring the hca'thy functions ef the
dige-tive organs. Tbe universal popularity of
this valuable retnely in regions suljact o mias
matio influences is suTicient evidence of iW pow
er a a remedy in such c.iscs.
For skin dUeasei1. eruptions, tetter, salt rheum,
blotches, pots. piiup'e. pustules, bails, citban
oiea, ring worms, scild-head.sore eyes.eryaipeUj.
itch, scurf, aisculorations of the skin, humors and
diseases of tbs sitin, of whatever name or nature,
are literally dug up and carried out of the sys
tem iu a short time by the use of these Biters One
bottle in such cases will ennvinee tho most incred
ulous of their curative effect.
Cleanse the Vi'iate J Blood whenever you find
its impurities bursting through the skin in pim
plcj. eruptioas or ras ; cleanse it when you find
it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it
when it is foul, and your feelings will tel! you
when. Keep tbo blood pure and the health of the
system will follow
Pin, Tape and other Worns.luring in the sys
tem of so many thousands, are effectually destroy
ed and removed. For full directions, read care
fully the circular around each bottle, printed ia
four languages English, German, French and
SPJ.nvV ALKEK, Proprietor. R. H. McDON ALt A
CO., Druggist and Gen, Agents. San Francisco,
Cal . and 32 and 34 Commerce Street. New York.
December 7. I87ll-ly.
l. r. ivi . x.. cms
TRVIN A EREBS. (Successors to IT. 1 Swoop,).
Law asm CoLLacTioK Orrics, Market Street.
Clearfl dd. Pa. jSov. 30, 187U.
w AAA BnEEP PELTS. and all other kind of
OsUWU Fur bkias.for which cah will be paid,
wantadby I L. KEIZENTEIN.
N iv 30, '70 3m. Clear&eld, Pa
SLEIGHs Twelve good SLEIGHS, also sever
al TIMBER 6LEDS and three pair TWIN
bLEDS for sale by EA.IRVINACQ.
Nov 2-2m. Curwensvill. Pa.
Free from all impurities, again in the mar
ket. Orders left at the stores of Jas. B. G raham
A Son'ator Richard M.mop will receive prompt
attention. Nov. 30.'70 3m.
meeting of the stock holders in the Clear
field County Agricultural Society." will be hold
in the Court bouse, at Clearfield, on Monday eve
ning ot January Court, (being the 9th d-iy cf ihe
month), for the purpose of electing otBoers for
tbe ensuing year.
Xuv. 30. Q R. BARRETT. Pres't.
Real Estate iu Huston Township.
The undersigned. Admin strator of the estate
of Alfred Pearsall. dee'd, will offer at publio out
cry, in the Borough of Clearfield, on
Tuesday, January 10, 1871,
at 21 o'clock, P. M.. the following described real
siate,situaie in Huston tp. Clearfield eo. Pa., via :
1st. All the south part of a certain tract of land,
situate partly iu 2.1k and Clearfield counties, be
ing that part situate in Huston tp, Clearfield co ,
bounded as follows: On the North by the division
line of Eli county, on the South by tract No. 5061,
West by tracts No' 4181 and 4271, on the East by
trae:a Ne'4l74 and 4133, containing 144 acre,
mora or less
2d. One other tract er piece a f land, situate in
Huston tp. aforesaid, known as the East half of
tract No. 4181, containing 494 acres, more or less.
3d. All that part of tract .No. 4271, situate in
Huston tp. aforesaid, eootainins; 620 acres, more
or las. Tbe above described traets are unsealed.
TERMS. One-third cash on confirmation of
ale ; balance in two equal annual pavmnu,wi:h
interest, to be secured by Judgment Bonds and
Mortgage on the premise. J, A. PEARSALL,
JJov. 3o t Aita't C r. A.
rplIE UN'IVEKSAL DIAL is curious
iiivention, and a perfect success. Iu
simplicity and accuracy are truly wonderful
Fee "The Old Clock ou tbe Wall." in another
column October 19. 1870 6m.
T3UICK FOR SALE. The under.sipne.1
hns iiianufartiireil and has now on hand
for sale 160 onn BRICK wiicb he will dispose of
on reasonable terms, in large or muall quantities,
to suit purchasers. J. A. TUUPE.
Lutbersburg. September 14, 1S70 6m.
T A. BLATTEN BE11G ER, Claim and
' Collection Office. Convevancine and
all Legal Ha pel s drawn with accuracy and dis
patch. Drafts on. and passage tickets to and from
any oint iu Europe secured. 0ceota. Clearfield
county Pa " Octouer a. lb'0-3m.
pXECUroifS NOTICE. Letters Tas
tamentary on the estate of Satnael C.
M'Candless. late f Burnside township, deceased,
having been granteil to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted to laid estate are requested to aiuice
immediate payment, aud those having claim a
guiuji the same will present them, duly authenti
cated, for settlement. JOa. K. M'KEE.
Nov. 2d. l37e-5t.p. Executor.
SAWED LUMBER. The undersigned
having started in the Lumber business,
near O.-ceola, Clearfield eoacty. Pa., is now pre
paied to furnish Pine boards, clear and panel,
stud, Ac. Pine aid Hemlock bills sawed te order
and shipped on short notice.
Osceola Mills,
May 6. 1S69 If. Clearfield co.. Pa
VOTK'E. Having purchased the intsrest
ot J. A. Wat ten herger, Esq., in thehu
siness heretofore carried ou under the firm name
of J. A. Blattenberger t Co.. the same will be
cocduoteJ hereafter under the name of Moshao
non Land and Lnaiber Co., (gtore).
President. Sup't.
May II, lb70-tf.
Revnoltisville, Jefferson County, Pa.
J. S. RADEBACII, Proprietor.
A first class country Hotel The table supplied
with the best tfce market affords- Choice liquors
at tbe bar. A share of public patronage ra-peot
fully solictrd November 9, 1S70.
Tl. KLINE, at the Philadelphia Cancer
XJ ItiMitut. J31 Arch Street; Prof, l al
ton. 2-'W West 4th Street, Cincinnati. Ohio, and Or
Greene at Charlotte. N C, aro miking astonish
ing cures of a 1
by their great
Cancer Antido'e
or caustic me-ii
little pain. Ev
ULCEUS without tbe knife
J I' 1 O K S ciue. and with but
CA.M'EKS ery root and fibre
moved, if taken
is killed and ro
in time, and cannot return Beware of bogus Pro
fessors, with their bous treatments, stealing our
advertisements No others have these treatments.
Noo other should ever be me J. For full partic
ulars, send tor a circular or C3tl. or address as a
bovo November 2 IS7i:-.'im.
your iiiiiiicv and restore vour health, by
using Dr. Byrn'a Autidote for Tobacco This is
uot a auhtiru:a but a cure for Smoking. Chewing
and Snufl' taking Few person are aware of the
terri' le effect of the noxious weed on the human
j?y?tem. Dy.'pepia. headache, disease of the liver,
sallow complexion costiveness of the bowels, loss
of memory, and other diseases, are the afilic.ions
brought en by its use. The Antidote is purely
vegetable and harmless. It acts as a tonic ou the
system, purifies tbe blood, and enables a person to
digest tbe heartiest food. Samples sent fr-e for
30 rta. S3 per dosen. Address M J YARN ELL.
8r Cannon St . N. Y. Nov. 23. "0 3m
The Clearfield Excelsior Cantbook will not wear
out or break, being constructed with one solid
band from clip to point.
It is pronounced by all practical Lumbermen
who have examined it to be tbe moat perfect cant
hook ever indented.
Amo Kennard. Patentee. All orders promptly
attended to.
Minufacturod by
Xev 2i.
Clearfield, Pa.
At Glen Hope, Clearfield Co.
la cow selling tbe cheapest goods in the county at
IVui. R. liickerson'a old stand.
Call and ei.i.o'iie before purchasing rlscvhere,
c by to doing y u will save money.
Nov 23. 1870-3m.
To Builders and Mechanics.
CoaxissioMEBrf' Orrirr. Cle tariKLD, Pa , I
Novsmner d. Itiro. J
Sealed proposals will ie received by the Com
missioners for furnishing the material and'erect
ing and completing a new prison building, with
fcherifffi residence attached. in the manner and of
the form, sue and description given in the eleva
tion, details, drawings and specifications there
tor prepared by Edward Uavillnd. Esq.. Archi
tect, and now on file in their office, omit tha
lira Dav op DsctmiEB. next.
The plans can be seen at any time, and the Archi
tect will be preeut the day previous to the open
ing of tbe bids, to answer and make all necessary
Bids will be received fur the entire contract,
taking the stone now prepare! at a fixed valua
tion, and the name of the sureties to guarantee
the performance of the oon'ract must accompany
the hi. Is. and tha said sureties must be residents
of Clearfield County.
Tbe Board reserve the right to reject any, or all
bids, and to so award the contract as in tbeir
judgment may best subserve the interest of the
Q.B (jooulakoer.
November 23. I.-C0
The f tcond Session of the present fcholastio
Te&r, of this Institution, wiil commence on Mon
uay, tbe 21st day of November, 1870
Pupils can enter at any time. Tbey will be
charged with tuition from the lime they enter to
tbe close of the session.
The course of instruction embraces everything
iuciuded iu a thorough, practical and accomplish
ed education of both sexes
Tha Principal having bad tha advantage a
much experience in hi profession, assare pa
rents and guardian that hi entire ability and
energies will be devoted to the mental and moral
training of the youth placed nnder hi eharge.
Orthography. Reading. Writing and Primary A
rithmetie. per session. (11 weeks). Si 00
English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetio and
Hiory, $5 00
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration,
Surveying Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry,
Book keeping. Botany, and Physical Geogra
phy. S9 00
Latin, Greek and French, with any of the above
branches, si 00
MUSIC. Piano. (30 lessons), $10 00
tyNo deduction will be mad for absence.
For further particulars inquire of
Kbv. P. L. HARRISON, A. .
July 31, 1870. Trisrlpai.
J K. B O T T O R F ,
eik.. r - . J 1 in U
new DIAL, and henceforth keepihe time of "!
or five of the great cilie. or the wor'j I lbT
Europe or AmcrUa. as you may desire 'and k '
your own time as before. al,o. It mav be f
ed to any ordinary clock, and is both crnae-"
and nsefu' In the parlor it is ornament
the public hoa it is a matter of curh.s tv "
in tbe school room it u a matier of o-rea, :
.end f-.T a circular to S L rTPiiv '
JITil-fim We,.v.V f;
The com perfect and simple machines "oi ii.!
kind ever invented. HotH of the above
machines have been U'.elv improved until ,- T
siand without a rival Price of the binecr F -l
ly Machine from SiV-.CO upwards. sceor iiLr T,
finish. Hinkley Knitters. 5 :;0.0o. CirculatiVi
samples mail-d free on application
STRAW A MORTON, ,a. Agr .,
No 20 Sixih St.. Pitlsturrh p.
Agents wanted for the Hiukley Machine eve-t-where,
and for the Sinjer in Western Pea-"."
Eastern 'Jhio and Vint V., where ihtre aren't
already establish el. Xor 24.ttt.iv
Having engaged in the WEAVING BL'ISE
at her residence near Logan' M:ll. denires to in
form her friends and the public, that she !. Bt
and will keep constantly on hand, a wellseier.i
stock ot COTTON. WO'M.EN and HEMP WaUH
and is prepared to furnirh to order Carpet roi -V
male, or warp ard weavir.g t'tri'g , t-,
kinds done to order. If desired sho can lutzi t
eottou warp of all fciuds for linen or woulet fi T
ing Wool and rc;s taken in -xchs.nxe
Address, .Mux. R CALDWELL.
0.!t I2.'7n-ly. Curwemvihe Vt
Corner of Keeund St. and Hill Head. -
Uasjustreceiv.il and opne4. at the Ure cn
ed place, an entire new stock ef Sprisg
and Summer Goads, which he aill
sell ve.-y cheup t-r .-h.
Ilij !JCS Ci Bri.-ti of
Dry Goods, (iroctrie?. Hardware,
Queensnrare. i:ous and f'liuej. Hats and
Caps, Ready made Clothin;. oto. He also See
choice Flour. Coin Meal, Cbep feed,
Bscon.Fich and dried Fruits.
Persons desirous of purchafin; gwwls at fair
rates are respectfully requested te
give him a call.
Approved country produce will be taken, at
the highest prices, in excLange tur guods
Clearseld. June 17. t sB-t.
French Merinos, got.-J colors, atToctj.
TJlack Alpaca, 2o cents to 1.:.
Kk'jrnnl I'iai ls. o.Mitri X 61.
Plain and Finred Pojiliiis.t-'c u.Jl.'J5,
K.e.-, in the lii;i.Ioiin.-.-t colors.
Satins, at ,".0e to-.ti-'J-j.
Great bariiiis in 151 tck Silks, yricvj
ranging from 81, -o to 4.
Bargains in Co iting,Frotcl nnl I'aii
Beavcrs, Sealskin, Dogskin Curlicula.
Astraclian Beaver, frcin 3,o0 tajfl'-
Splendid Velveteen, 75cto?J.
Waterproof itc to ?l,7t. -
All '.Vtiol and Zoplnr Shaw!;, cheap.
Roman Stripe SliawU.
Mourning Shawls.
PaLdcy and Pro lie, from 18 to 4).
Furs, from $:i,00 to 7a,00 a set.
These furs are purchased direct
from the manufactories, aii I
I will warrant them in ev
ery respect.
Also a fall line ot
of the latest style.-.
Millinery and Coat Making
done in best stylo.
Ladits', Misses' and Children' Shorf
Gents' Hats, Caps, &e., &c
These Goods have been purchased low
and will be sold the same.
Persons are respectfully invited to c-
Butter, Eggs, ami all marketable coun
try produce taken in exchange
for goods.
W M. R K E D,
MARKET St., Cleahfikld, Pa-
Nov. 9, 1870.
TXK PALE-a pair of HEAVY
J? HOUSES, being a first class team for
Umber or log. Also, aeveral sets ot .
hurneaa. ii A. IKVIN A to .
Oat. 1,'7C Curwensriil,"
weather. Constantly en hand a good ai- 'r
r rrames. Mereoscopes and Slereoscoi,"i"'i tu
Irauos. from any y. of mould W "
Je. Ifiy y . U-6S)-U.