u u f fte QlaftemaxC onxal, glearfiefb, "ga., tonemBcr 30, 1870. gaftttwn'si goutnal. CLEARFIELD, PA., NOV. 30. H70, To PiTBOSf. To insure the safe transmission el money by mail, patrons should remit by check Tr money-order, or have tbeir letters registered. A receipt win " ' r the ay comes i ui.ii.. Pena' B. B.-Winter Arrangement. u.;iTf,nn Itiru Trrona at : 9.35 am ji t Arrives at Osceola at : rhilipsburg at ' Clearfield at : .Mail Triin leaves Clearfield a : Arrives at Philipsburg at Osceola at : : Tyrone at : Lock Haven at 11.15 a.m 11 40 a. m. 12 40 p.m. 2.40 p in 3 4U p. in 4.00 p. m. 5.35 p. in. 12 25 p. m. Accommodation Train. Learei Clearfield at : : : : Arrives at Philipsburg at Osceola at : " Intersection at : T OO A. m : 9 00 a. m. 10 00 a. m : 12 &0 p. m : 1 13 p. m 10.00 a m ' E.Tyrone at : : Desvcs East Tyrone at : : : : : Arrives at Intersection at : Osceola at : : : - Philipsburg at r . ' Clearfield at : : Cloie connection made at Tyrone East and West on the Maine Line. 1.03 p.m. : 2 08 p. m. 3 40 p. m 6.50 p. in. ith trains Kemoiocs. Divine services will be held nxt Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : By Rev. Hall, in St. Andrew's Episcopal church, at 11 A. M. atid 7 V. M. Sunday eohool at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednelay evening at 7 o'clock. By Kev. liutler.in the Presbyterian church, tnnrnin? and evening. Sabaath school at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every edtiesday venim? at 7 o'clock. By Kev. J. II. M'Cord, in trie Methodist church, morning and evening. Sabbath tchool at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, every Thursday at 71 P. M. Communion services First Sabbath of every month at 10J A. M. Sl Francis' church Mass at 10 A. M., "the second and fourth Sandavs of each ' month. Looks neat the Court House fence, since it has been repainted. Westly Miller had his left thumb badly mashed, the other day. Query? Who owns the skirt found in a certain hay mow, last week ? Increasing the quantity of mud, in our gtreets. Boats will soon be required in cer tain localities. A popular play "consequence, at xocial gatherings, now-a days. Some very fuuny sayings are the result. Noisy a certain individual, in the street, on Saturday la. He should have been jugged, after being so freely Lottleil. Gents should be careful where they stoop, when they have extensive rents in their in expressibles. Dirty linen djc't look wed in a crowd. That panther, reported as having been killed near Powelton, it now turns out, was only a big "Thomas" cat. Somebody sohl Brainurd. H-i-ss Scat ! Very low the water in our strea:n, for this season of the year. . The present mode-rate weather may, however, bri:ir rain suf ficient to make water plenty, for the rest of the winter. CEASED.-Heretofore personjt fcoldin;; pub lic sales of personal property paid a certain j er ctntage on lbe amount sold by the auc tioneer, who made the return to the asses or. This tax ceased on the 1st of October, 1S70 a fact overlooked by ninny. Caution. Several of our exchanges have recently announced the deaths of children from eating fresh orange peel.. The oil of the rind is highly acrid and extremely indi gestible and irritating to the digestive or gan. A little care may prevent very seri ous consequences. Noteworthy. An exchange says, that book canvassers may not "be aware of the fact that a five cent stamp is required to be attached to every signature in their books; the agreement to purchase being considered a contraft. We give this item for the ben efit of those interested. Thanksgiving. This day was not so gen erally observed last Thursday, as is usually the cafe in this place. Why not, deponent saiih not. Notwithstanding there were but few, if any, business places closed, yet Di vine services were held in the Presbyterian and Episcopal churches, in the morning and in the evening. I P- We understand that the Moshannon Land and Lumber Company, at Osceola, in this county, have their r.ew mill -up, under roof and wealhf rboaided. The building is 'niK-h larger than the one that was burned "era! months ago. Tho machinery will a.iobc more extensive, more diversified., and of an improved character. The new mill wiil be ready for operations early in the Coining spring. For Everybody. Be sure you lock your doors. A couple of suspK ious looking char acters wore ia our town a few days ago, and v-:tci aome of our citizens and solicited lunney and old clothes. Whether they were really in need of aid, we know not. But it h well to be cautious, for there are plenty " scamps prowling around the country.who would much rather steal than work aad earn aa honest living. The Lecture. Du Chaillu delivered bis lecture at the Court House, according to an nouncement. The lecturer is a Frenchman, ff small stature, dark complexion, bald beaJed.aud a rapid talker. His subject was n interesting one, but owing to his imper fect english pronunciation, and weak and rather effeminate voice, many persons failed bear much that was said, and hence the lecturer did not tender general satisfaction, better luck next time, we hope. Highway Robbery. Highway robbe r'es are becoming frequent on the mountain. Two weeks ago we published an account of the robbing ot a Mr. Shope, a short distance Wond Philipsburg, The Journal of that P'aee, last week stated that a man named Hood was ?topped on the road between AI toooa and Williamsburg by two men. in ''aylight, and robbed of $75. From the des cription given, the robbers were the same ""mp8 who relieved Mr. Shope of his mo It is a pity the scouadrcls can't be ahtsod pu&ishej. Head Humphrey's card, relating to coal Reizensteio wants 5,000 sheep pelts. See notice in to day's Journal; Very pleasant the weather, on Monday last The sua shone bright and warn the whole day. Yni. Reed, Market street, Clearfield, has a very fine stock of Ladies coatings. Call and see them. The card of Messrs, Irwin k Krebs, At tornejs at Law, will be found in our adver tising columns. The administrator of Alfred Pearsall, de ceased, advertises some real estate for sale, in to-day's paper. A notice, for the election of officers of the Agricultural Society, appears among the new advertisements. J. P. Irwin, Esq., will sell a lot of house hold and kitchen furniture, on Saturday next, Dec. 3d. lor particulars see adver tisement. I have already purchased, and will be o pened about the 10th or 15th of December, a very fine lot of goods suitable for the hol idays. We. Reed, Market St. U. B. The person who (by mistake it is presumed) carried off a good umbrella and left an old one, at the air? on Friday evening last, wiil please return the same to Mr. Fred Nisley. Those whi are sick, or afflicted with any chronic difficulty, should without delay write for Dr. Hamilton's New Treatise, sent free to any address. II. Leonidas Hamil ton, M. D., P. O. Box 4,952, N. Y. City. Oct. 26,-Gt. Any one wishing to make a Holiday pres ent to wife, daughter or sifter, should call and select a set of Furs at Wm. Reed's. They are right in quality and price ; and the most appropriate article that could be pre sented, being both useful and ornamental. Local Correspondence. Bcrnside, Not. 22, 1370. Mr, Editor: We had made arrange ments (Bill, Hi and myself) that I should come over home on the afternoon previous to the Lyceum, harness "Snow Shoe" to his wagon and drive, in the evening, to Pat- cliinville. In accordance with this program me I reported, on time, at the door of our rural home, an J, after supper, all bsing in readiness, we drove off in the direction of P. V. Everything was lovely until we began the descent of tho hill at Burnside, when a slight accident happcusd. Hi was holding the reitu carelessly in one hand, and taking a chew of tobacco with the other, when all at once Snow hoe broke down the hill in a run. Hi tried to check him, but in vain. Dasterwas no touch to him. Hi stood ud i.i the wafion, and sawed the reins "with might and main." Finally one line broke, and the pressure being thrown on the ro maiiiing one, it drew Snow-shoe suddenly into a fence corner, stopping him allfired quick. Hiram landed flat on the animal's back, from which pisition he sent forth a scries of groans an 1 grunts, leading us to believe that he vras at least ha!f killed. We arrived at the school house just as the President called tho society to order. Hi was to deliver the oration of the evening, and, as a matter of course, had come fully prepared. When the President called his name, he stepped briskly to the platform and addressed the audience as follows : "Mr. President, &c, I shall take for my subject to night, 'The Grasshopper.' 'The grasshopper sat on the sweet pouto vine . When up come the (fret goose ilippin' up behind. And gobbled him up off the sweet potato vine.1 "Most people" he said, "supposed thit the grasshopper is so called on account of its hopping about so much. This is not so. It is altogether on account of the tremendous amount of vegetation he stows away in his hopper, during bis short sojourn in our meadows. If you take the trouble to search this country, ladies and gents, you won't find a hopper now, because they migrate just the same as the blackbirds, swallows, &s., do. Along in October, I noticed large flocks of them on the wing, steering down the Pan handle of the Ohio to make a land ing in the Southern States. Each grasshop per carried an elder stalk, loa 'ed with ber ries, in his teeth, to grub him on his long journey. And I shouldn't wonder if there was lots of grasshoppers sitting in the hol low Ions and stumps, in the swamps of Flor ida, eating Patchinville elderberries, this very night. (Sensation.) The grasshopper is an inveterate tobacco chewer," (some noise among the boys in the corner,) Hi peered savagely toward tho culprits and ex claimed : "Boys, if you don't keep shady back there, I'll hop in among you and land you out in the grass before you know where you are. Yes, gents, the grasshopper chews tobacco, but he never begs any; mind that! Grasshoppers have been known to stop a lo comotive on the railroad, but I ncvor heard of them stopping a raft on the Grass Flat just below 'Buttermilk.' where occasionally stops one" The "Judge" was called next, but did not respond; one of bis neighbors remarking by way of apology that he (tho Judge) had sev en rafts of timber to get out, aud conse quently could not attend. When we arrived at home, we heard a ter rible racket inside the house. We entered and struck a light, and found our cat chas ing a rat around the room. Tabby was mak iig the varmint "get up and git," but wasn't gaining an inch on him. Bill seized the old "double bit" that stood in the cor ner, and, watching his chance as they came around, aimed a vigorous blow at the rat, but missed bis mark, and, sad to relate, whacked poor Tabby's tail off within an inch ot hindjuarters. Bill was terribly mortified at bis blunder. But uiam spoke up, "never mind Billy, Tabby's a young, wigorous cat ; the flies ain't bad now, and her tail will grow on agin next fly time." At this Bill's countenance brightened up a little, but it seemed to express a doubt as to mam's logic as to the cat's tail growing on again. Our big meeting closed to night on ac count of bad weather j but, never mind, Le-. vi and Undo Abe will be &own one of these times and stir our people up. Hastily, Lucky Old Bex. MARRIED. On Thursday. Nov. 24. ISTO. bv Tlov. A Tl lODipson. Mr. John M. Hunter, of Jor dan ti., and Miss Martha A. Euhaud, of JNew Millport. Clearfield Be tail Markets. COR It KC TED TBEKLT BV K. H0SSOP. Apples, dried, lb, 12 1 Hay, ton, Apples, green, bu, 65 J Hams. lb. Applebutter, gal, 1 00 j Shoulders, lb, :2 00 28 17 Butter, lb, 35 Sides, lb, 20 Beef, fresh, lb, 10 Btot, dried, lb, 25 Buckwheat, ha,' 1 00 Buckwheat flour. lb 5 Beans, bu. 2 50 Boards, per V 14 00 Corn, shelled, 1 00 " ears, 50 " meal, 2 50 Chop, rye. 2 50 " mixed. 2 30 Cheese, lb, 25 Cherries, lb, 18 Chickens.drosssedjb, 15 Eggg, 25 Flour, bbl. 7 50 bard, lb, Oats, ba. Onions, ba. Pork, lb. Pork, mess, bbl 25 60 '1 00 14 S3 00 60 rotatoes, bu, Plaster, bbl. Peaches, dried, lb. Bye, bn,. Kin, lb, 3 50 , 13 1 25 Salt, per sack, 2 50 Shingles, lS in.' ' 5 00 Shingles. 26 in, 12 00 Timothy seed, bu, 8 00 Wheat, bu, . 1 60 Wool, lb, 40 C LOSING PRICES OF PeHAVEJf A BKO 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia. 3 o'clock P.M. Noremher 26, IS70. T S (Tsof 1881, ll.ij 1IS U. S. 6's of 1SB2, 110 110 U S. 6's of 1884, 109 109 U. S. 6's of 1H65, l(Wi 109 U. S. 6 of 1865, new, 103 ,10Sj U. S. 6's of IS67, new, 10? 10i V. S. 6's of 18)48, 109i 109 U. S. 5 s, 10-40's. JOS lort U. S. 30 year 6 per eent. Cy., 112 112 Due Compound Interest Notes, 19 Gold, 111 112 Silvec, 112 115 Union Pacific B.. R. 1st M. Bonds, 620 830 Central Pacific K. R.. 9 .0 r0 Uni-jn PaciSc Land Grant Bonds, 720 730 CLOSING QUOTATIONS of Government Seen rities. at J. T. Brady & Co's No. fi9 Wood St Pittsburgh, November 26, 1870. Bur SRI, l. 111) 111 113 11MJ 1I3J 1121 110 110f 110 110J 107, 107J 119 1191 119, 119 1191 1191 87 92J 103 Gold, U. S. 6's1S31, U S. 5-20's. 18R2, U. S. 5-20's, 1864, U. S 5-20 s. 1865, U.S 10-40-g, 5-20's, January A July. 186S, 5 20's, January A July. 1867, 5-20's, January k July. 1058, Union Pacific Railroad, Central Pacifio Railroad, Cy . Paci6cs, J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, HAKKKT STRBKT, CLKARFIFLD, PUj'l. Negatives made in cloudy as well as in elear weather. Constantly en hand a good assortment of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. frames, from any style of moulding, made to order. CHROMOS A SPEC1AUTY. Dee. 2,'6S-jy. 14-69-tf. S A W S ! S A AY S!! DISTOX, CROSS CUT. MILL. DRAG. AIt V1KUUL.AK SAWS, LIGHTNING SAW8. PATENT PFRFORATED, ELKCTRIC SAWS. And DISTORTS SAWS of all kinds, for sale by n. F. BIGLEK A CO. "rnh'E OLD CLOCK ON THE WALL." with JL it dusty FACE, may now put on a bright new DIAL, and henceforth korp the time of four or five of the great cities of the wcrlJ, either in Europe or America, as you may de.ir. aud keop your own time as betore, also. It may be attach ed to any ordinary clock, and is both ornamental and uefu). In the parlor it is ornamental. In the public hoase it is a matter of curiosity, and in the school room it is a matter of great u'ility. Send for a circular to S. L Pl,'RIY, Oc'. 19.'70-6m. W-stover. Pa. OIXfJEB SEWING MACHINES. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES. The most perfect and Miupte machines ol the kind ever invented. Both of the above popular machines have been lately improved until they stand without a rival Price of the Singer Fam ily Muchine Irom $j.00 upwards, according to finish. Hinkley Knitters, S10. 00. Circularsand samples tn-iiled free on application. STRAW & MOKTON, (icn. Agfa. No 20 Sixth St.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Agmts wanted forho llintloy Machine every where, and for the Siutrtr in Western Pena'a. Eastern Ohio and West Va., where th-re are none alrcadv established. INov. 24,'69-ly. W E A V I N G! Mrs. R. CALDWELL, Hiving engaged in the WEAVING BUSINESS, at her residence near Logan's Mill, desires to in form ber triendi and the public, that she has now and will keep constantly on hand, a well selected stock ot COTTON, WOOLEN and HEMP WAKPS. and is prepared to furnish to order Carpet ready made, or warp and weaving. Weaving ol all kinds done to order. If desired she can furnish cotton warp of all kiuds for linen or woolen fill ins Wool and rags taken in exchange. Address, Mas. K. CALDWELL, Ojt 12,'70-ly. Curwensville. Pa. Orphans' Court Sale OF REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans Court of Clearfield county. Pa., there will be sold at pub lie sale on the premises, in Jordan township, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1870, the following described real e.-tato. late of Wm Williams, deceased, to wit: A valuable firm sit uate in Jordan townthip on the main road--from Ansonville to New Washington, about two miles from Ansonville, bounded by lands of Johu Wil liams and Ingles Miles, and containing one hun dred and twenty-six acres, more or less. The im provements are a two-story log bouse, a large and good bank barn, abont 40 byliO fcot,together with all necessary out buildings. Tbe land is under a fair state of cultivation, fifty acres or more being cleared. There is also a good apple and peach orchard. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M. Conditions made known ou day of sle. A. W. YOUNG, Nov. 9 '70. A. S. WILLIAMS. C. KHATZEIl & SONS arc receiving a splendid stock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS, LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILKCOATS AND OVERSKIRTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCY SII.KS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN-S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, HEAVY CALF BOOTS, $5, MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $5, CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PPvOVISlONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield. June 30, 1869. TERMS Of THE JOURNAL. The RirT8As'a Jofbsil is published on Wed nesday at $2,00 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, 1 2,50 will be charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the close Advertisemchts wi'l be inserted at $1,50 per square, for three or les insertions Ten lines (or less) oounting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued an tilla.11 arrearage are paid,except at the option ol the publisher. 8. J. ROW. B OOTS! BOOTS'.! BOOTS'.!! BOOTS!!!! FRENCH KIP, $6 00 5 00 00 at C.KR ATZER'S, Opposite the Jail. FRENCH CALF, LIGHT KIP, Sep. 21, 1370. FOll SALE. The farm of John Spack A man. late of Girard Townsbin. de'r1,. consisting of ahout one hundred and seventy two acres of good farming land, (most of wbieh is cleared.) and having tbeieon erected a good hou.se and barn, and tbe usual conveniences of a pleasant home. For term' and further particulars , . rrt fj Uf'mi . . . Att'y for the heirs and persons Interested. June 22. '70. -tf. IMPORTED LIQUORS, SUCH AS BRANDIES and HOLLAND GINS, PURE OLD GRAPE BRANDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES, All the above brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur poses GEO. N. COLBURN. March 30.'70-tf.j .VJ of Shaw Honse. Go-Partnership in Store. C. A. Rorobaugh having associated with him in the Mercantile business, in Lewtsville, Clear field county. Mr. C. R McCracken, solicits a con tinuance of the patronage so generously extended heretofore Having just returned from the eastern cities their stoca embi aces a large and varied assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queens ware, and in fact nearly everything mo ally kept in a country store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country produce taken in exchange for good i C. A. ROROBAUGH, May 18, -70. tf. C R. McCRACKEN TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of 7i, . SUA W, Two doors east of the PostoSce. Clearfield. P Constantly on hand a fine anertroent of Navy. Congress Cavendish, Cable, Sponroll, Michigan and Century Fine cut Chewing Tobacco, io. Also, a large and well selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Ueerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe fixtures, Tobacco Boxes, Cigar Holders, and everything gener ' fund in a well regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. rSRetuembor tbe place: Two doors east of Aug. 21, '70. the Postofiice, Clearfield. Pa. QUSQUEHA X N A HOUSE, ( ?iirwpnKvi!lf la The undersigned having taken charge of this well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ol patronage. Tbe bouse has been refitted and re furnished and mw enmpares favorably with any other hnne in the county. The best of everything the market affords will be sorred up to guests. Cha:pomi.lerte. ELI BLOOM, Sen- 2-t. lj70-tr. Propri otor. rpHE "EAGLE HOTEL," Havlns leaved for a term of years tbe above well krown and popular Hotel (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. routs), and having newly refiued and jelurnished it, the present proprietor feels assured that he can render entire satisfaction to guustssJourning with him. A fine, large stable aud yard is attached, for the care and protection of horses, carriages and wagons. A share of patronage is solicited Slay4. 70-Iy j A J. UKAULkEW, Frop r. rp HE "SHAW II O U S E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. GEORGE N. COLBUKN, :::::: Proprietor This house was lately completed and just open ed to the public is newly furnished, and provided wttn al I tbe modern improvements ot a nrit-class hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the business pari of -the town, and near to tbe public build ings. A share of patronage is respectfully solic ited. Charges moderate. The liestof Liquors in the b.-r. March 30.'70-tf. IJUIE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near tbe Railroad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, Pa. G. P. GOODFELLOW : : : : : PKornmTon. A new first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the modern improvements the best of Liquors prompt attendance, and rea sonable charges. The patronage of the publie is respectfully solicited. jy-21-tf. rpHE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. This Liniment having been used, for some years past. as a fatni'y medicino by the pro prietor, and its good effects coming to tbe notice of his neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con sented to manufacture it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It ia the best remedy fer Catarrh and Billions Cholie. ever offered to the public; and will cure many other diseases in tbe human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its nse accompany each bottle. Price. SI per bottle, or six bottles for So. Bent to any address bv enclos ing tbe price to WM. H. WAGONER, Hurd Postoffice, Oct. 6. 1SB9. Clearfield county, Pa. NEW DRUG STORE. V. B. Alexander, M. D., DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, CURWKNSVILLE, TA. Keeps constantly on hand an assortment of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, kc, &c. His stock of Drugs is pure and fresh, and custo mers can rely npon getting the best of everything in his line. HIS STOCK OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, Combs, Pocket Boots, Pens, Inks, Pen cils and Paper, and a general assortment of this ciasj of goods, are all ot the very test quality and latest styles. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only, Glass, Putty, Lubricating Oils, Ao., to suit the wants of the community. His extensive and well selected stock of Drugs and Medicines enables him to fill Physicians' Pre set i p tions on sb ort notice and on the most reason -able terms. Smokers and Cbewers will find his stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, and Snuff to consist of tbe very best brands in the market A share of publie patronage ia solicited. Aug. 31-3m. W. B. ALEXANDER. NEW MARBLE WORKS, Opposite the Jail, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Monuments. Grecian Tombs,. French Couches, Mantles. Table Tops. Washing Ranges, Garden Statuary, Terra Cotta Ware, of every description, Bead and Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all or wbicb we offer ateity prices, or 25 percent less than any other establishment in this county. Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all eases. Or uers manaiaiiy received ana promptly filled in the best workmanlike manner. S A. GIBSON. Mt 11. 1370 -tf. Jams Watso. Agent STUMPS! STUMPS!! The undersigned bave purchased the right ot Clearfield county for Enoch Famswortb's Stump Extractor, patented Jane 7th, 1870. This is decidedly the most convenient, most durable and best machine of the day. Wet weather will not effoct it. the working- part beine all of iron. Tbe machine is easily set up, and will work any place that ean be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit on cost, and will try to make it to the advantage of farmers to buy them. We solicit orders from those wanting machines. H. T. i'AR.NS WORTH, Clearfield. Pa., J. B. GARRISON, GEO. H. HALL. Agent. Cnrwensville, Pa Clearfield, Pa. (July 13.'70. "riSS H. S. SWAN'S, School fur Girlt, AL Clearfield, Pa. Tbe Fall Term of Fourteen weeks will com mence ou Moadav,- September 5th, 1876. TERM 8 Or TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 week"). $7 00 History, Local and Descriptive Geography with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, 9 00 Uotany. Geology, Physiology, Natural Phi losophy, Physical Geography. Algebra, Rhetoric. Etymology and Latin, 12 00 Oil fainting. (24 lessons), 12 00 Monocbromatio Drawing, 10 AO Crayon, 6 00 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Music. (30 lessons). 1100 Wax Klofferf and Fruits, with materials, at teacher's charges. For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, August '.7, 1 370-1 y. 5-20'S AND 1881'S BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED, ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT and SOLD at MA RKET RA TES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC R. R. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT and SOLD n COMMISSION Hily. Acoounts received and Interest allowed on daily balances subject to check, at sight. DeIIAVEN & B R0., 4J SOUTH 3n STREET, PHI LA D E LP II I A. Mareh 2. IS70-ly.-'y I?. FAII .BANK'S STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL KINDS ALSO, IMPROVED MONEY DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., M 30-6m. 1u2 Second At., Pittsburg. Pa. rISTEN TO THE MOCKING RIKD. The Prai J rie WhisMe and Animal Imitator can he urcJ "y a child. It is made to imitate the song of every bird, the neigh of a horse, the bray of an a-, the grunt of a hog. Rirds. Beasts and Snakes are en chanted and entrapped by it. It Is used by Dan Pryant, Charley White, and all the Minstrels and Warblers. Ventriloquism can be loarned in three days by its aid. Sent anywhere upon receipt of 10 eanr; 3 for 25 cents; 7 for 50 cents ; 15 for 51 Address T. W. VALENTINE. OcI21m. Box 372 Jersey City. N.J. WEST BHANCII RESTAUBANT AND Ladies' Oyster Saloon, ox secoitn it., brlow uakkct, CLEARFIELD, PA. Constantly kept cn hand a selected assortment of Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, Jtc. Also froth Oysters received daily, and for sale by the doten or hundred. J. M. MACOMBER. Oct. 12.70. Proprietor. NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned have opened a Meat Market in the room formerly occupied by Alex Irvin. on Market Street. Clearfield, Pa., adjoining Mossop'a, where they intend to keep a full supply of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit the times. Tbeir (hop will be open regularly, on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, and meat delivered at any point. A share of public .atronage is respectfully solieited. M. G. BROWN, Aus. 31.-70 tf. E. W. BROWN. Also continue to deal in all kinds uf improv ed Agricultural Implements, N E W TLN S II 0 P! Fred Sackett, Manufacturer of TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WARE (nearly opposite the jail), MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Also, on hand and for tale "The Times" Cook Stove, the best in the world, And an asroftment of PARLOR and SITTING ROOM STOVES, which wiil be sold cheaper than they ean be purchased at any ether establishment in the oounty. ALSO, ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK don on reasonable terms. April 6, 1870. RE M OVAL. IIARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old and new custo mers, that w have removed oar establishment to the new building just erected on Market street, nearly adjoining tho Mansion House on the west, and opposite Graham A Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite the public to come and buy their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MED I- CINS, OILS. PAINTS AND VAKNISHS. Ourstock of Drags and Medieineseonsist of every thing used, selected with the greatest eare, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! We also keep a lull stock of Dyes, Perfumeries Toilet articlcs.Soaps, Tooth Brushes. Hair Brush es, Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind of Brushes, nenaveaiage 101 oi White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in fact everything esed in the painting business, which w offer at City prices to cash ouyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Confectionery. Spices, and the largest stock of va rietiea ever offered in this place, and warranted to be of toe best the market affords. J. G. HARTS WICK, Dee. 2,188. JOHN P. IRWIN. Marble and Stone Yard. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged in tbe Marble business, desire to inform her friends, and the public, that she has now and will keep constantly on hand a Inre and well selected stock of ITALIAN ND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES'. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, in Sand atone and Marble, CURBS aad POS TS for Cemetery lots, WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS. ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN ORNA MENTS, l,r. She would invite special attention to ber Sand stone Monuments which are built from original designs and will compare favorably wih any thing of the kind in the country. 15 desired she ean furnish Marble Window Sills aad Caps at a slight advance on the price of Sandstone. Vard on Reed Street, near the Depot.CleKrfieli, Pa. May 4. 1870. H O SAD A L I S rpHE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH 1 RESTORER, purifies the blood and cuies Scrofula.Syphilis.Skin Diseases. Rheu matism. Diseases of women, aud all Cbron ie Affections of tbe Blood, Liver and Kid neys. Recommended by tbe medical Fac ulty end many thousands of our best citi sens. Read the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who bave used Rosadalir,; send for our P.oadalis Guide to Health Book, or Al manac for this year, which we pi b!Ub for gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information Dr. R. W tarr, ol Baltimore, says : O s A D A I the pleasure in Tecciniiiei ding your Rosadalis as a vety powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two case3 with bappy results one in a case of secondary syphilis in which the patient pronounced himself Cured after having taken five bottles of your medicine The other is a eae of scrof ula of long standing, wbicb ts rapidly im proving under its use, and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by which your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound ot alterative ingre dients Dr. Spa-ks. of Ntcholasville, Ky , says he has used Rosadalis in cases of Scrofula and Secondary Syphiliswrth satisfactory results as a cleaner of the Bloid I know no bet ter remedy. Samuel G. McFadden, Murfreesboro', Tenn , says: I have used seven bottles of Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Itlieuuatism ; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, who has scrofulous sere eyes. Be-ijimin Becbtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes. Ihavo suffered for twenty years with an in L I veterate eruption over my whole body : a short time since I purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis and it effected a perfect cure Labratory, 61 Exchange Place, Baltimore. S CLEMENTS, A CO , Proptietors. Rosadalis is sold by Hartswuk A Irwin and A. I. Sbaw. Clearfield. D. R. Good, Osceola, and by Druggists generally. I April 6,'70-lv ATTENTION, BUYER S READ! READ!! Yho Bells the cheapest goods ia the county? M O S S O P ! Who sells Lest calicoes a t If? J eta a jar J M O S S O P ! Who sells best unbleached muslin at 17 cents M OS SOT! Who sella Hall's Calf Boots at 5 00? MOSSOP! ! I Wbe sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at Si ii MOSSOP! Who sells Hall' bestKip Boots at 4,50? MOSSOP! Who sells Hats lower than anybody else f MOSSOP! Who sella Sugar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who Sells Syrup tha cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour tho cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who tells Hardwar th cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! -as- Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Tlaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who eells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down to the lowest cash prices r MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MO S SOP'S! Clearfield, May H.18M. D KIED FRUIT, t reduced prices, at mossop'S. May 13,'8. FOR SALE, White tead', Zine Paint, Lrneetd-OiLTaraeBtln Taruisnee ef all' Kinds, Colors, in edf aad Try, Painf and Varnish k-ruekea. nARTswrcK a iRwrsr, Clearfield. Pa -M ,'. . .. A GREAT OFFER Horace Waters 431 Broadway, Sew York. 7Li?la ot OKK HUNDRED PI WOES. LODEO.VS aud OK ANS of six first class makers, including Checkering & Sons, at bxtrbmblt loir price ro casn. dcriso this moktb, or will take fi om Si to 2A monthly until paid. 4-lS-'70-ly WHO HAS A HOUSE TO PAINT T READY-MADE COLORS. Known as "Railroad" Color Guaranteed to b more economical, more durable and mora conveni ent than any Paint ever before offered. A book entitled "Plain talk with Practical Painteri," with samples, sent free by mail on application. MASLRV WHITO.V. Globt Whit W and Valor Wtrft, Ap. lJ-SmJ in futton St.. Nnm Y,ri. Beware of Imitations Established 183. pLEAUFIELD NURSERY. Ehcowb Y ace Home Industry. The underflgu d having established a Nursery, on the Piha bait way between Curwensville and Clearfiell Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Fnri trees, (standard and dwarf,) Evergreen... Phrub bery,Urape inea. Gooseberry, Lawtra Black T"? btawberry and Raspberry vines. Ala Mbriani.rabfrees.Quinee and early PcarletRfceu barb. . Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31.1364. J.D'. W RIGHT, Curwensville. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS Lighty-ttx Thyi'ailJ.Srvm, Huudrtd and Eigk- ty-ont Mthine Mad and Sold th Pott Ytar! The number exceeds by thousands the sales of any other Machine, and the demand is stil! In creasing THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD. THE RESONS WHY: Because it embodies essential principles sot found in any other Machine ; because ef its aim plicity of construction, ease fit Operation, net' fortuity of precise action at any speed, and e pacity for the greatest fang's att I variety of work, fine or coarse. Parties wishing to purchase should not fail la examins this best of all Sewing Machine. I have the Agency for this Machine, and will keep a full sipply on hand. Clearficld.May4.'70 tf J. 3. SH0WER3. QLOTIIING! CLOTHTNGll GOOD ARB CEIIT'J Men, Youths and Boys can besuplpied withful suits of seasonable and fashionable olothing a I. U l.ETZENSTEIK'S, where it is told at prices that will Induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which 41 been given, has induced him to Increase hit s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State; I. L. REIZENSTEEN, Pel's geds at a very small profit, fer cash ; His goods are well made and fashionable. He gives every one the worth of his meneyj He treats his customers all alike. He sells cheaper than every body else. His store is conveniently situated. He having purchased his stock t reduced prices he ean sell cheaper tl an others; for these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing At I. L. REIZKNSTEIN'S. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18, lb64. BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT THE M AMMOTH : STORE OF THE Moshannon Land and Lnrauer Co., OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, Penn'a. CURRANTS the best d cheapest In th Si 'I . I. ' u i ; VA- ' i '!- ..... H f, V I v.. i 'f n I! Ci