W) IKaff Oman's gonrnaf, f earfief b, a., ToiiemGer 23, 1870. -IltFIELD.yOV- 23, 1870 . t insure the safe transmission ?a?yl7l lZ f should remit by check D J i ;.i., nr hn their letters register ,rUuj - .--lased in the first paper alter A reeet A receipt -- ... . ,. the money com ' . Penn B- E.-Snmmer Arrangement. Jr8?.?. ...les Tyrone at : : : 9.00 a m w.iiTr'ia lea.es tyruu . ..r..nla at : : : :103a.m Fhiliwburtit . : llima.ra Clearfield at ; fail Tr lis leave" Olonr&eld a : Arrive at Philipsburg at - Osceola at : : Tyrone at : : Bellefnnfe at . : - . Lock Haren at Wiltiamsport at 12 05 p. m 2.:t p en 3'4H p. m 4. on p. m &.3A p. m 31 p. m 9 SO p- m 10 50 P- m. Acoomuioilation Train. L.veCtertield at : - : : : W Arrives at Philipsburg at : : .. Osceola at : : : Intersection at : : Tyrone at : .: : 7.00 A. M. 9 4ft a. m. 10.25 a. m 1 US p m 1 20 p m. 3 (in a m 10 10 a m. 11 40 a ta l.MS p. iu. 2 40 p. m, 3 35 p. m. S Oj p. m. tith trains B.E Excreta leave " uiiamspon ' T I. II. . . Arrive! at i oca imou. . .. tsclieionio . . Intersection at : : Os-.-eola at : : S .. Phi:ipbue at . : Clearfield at : :. : , n-tions made t Tyrone last and Wert on the Maine Line pj,.'a-r leaving Clearfield at 2 30 p. m.. reach Wi.liaunport at 10.50 p. tn. the tame day. Prrer-Ieavintr William.portatS 00a m. reach Clwrficld at .du p in. the same day . "ueTioious. Divine services will Ic held B.rt Sabbat li. in ClcarG' ld, as fallows : Rr lie v. Hall, in St. Andrew Episcopal -aurclt, at 1 1 A. M. V. M. . Sunday Vclwol at 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every Veiiaday;eveiiii!g ; i " o'li'.ock. Bvitc. 15utler,tn the Presbyterian church, ornms eveu'm Sahaath ? chool at j p . JVayer meeting every V eUuesday Jv'jriev. J. H. -Jl l.wu, in me '"'"' churcV. luornjnc ami . 0 V M. 1 'rover meruit?, evvrj fliool cjon'-b. Toe population of Phi'.ipsburg, as per the late census, i,sJj0S6. Winter M"ipon We had OTerI ow atorms, in thi region, within a week past. TiiK M E Church t.T this place is now trio finished. The freeoing in the audi ence room is very bcautifut' THE wild peese have Wo en.igtatinp Sjath, an indication that coid weather has minonthe yorthero lakes. K mammoth new tannery is about to be ffjried at Phiiipsburg. Why can't s. situ i!ar 'institution" be htartedjiere ? Tfli Philipsbur? Journal says, Ur vis killed about three miles from that pkr.-e wkbfr. Ust. Th bear -varmints" Ktm t le unusually plenty, this year. Court wan in session unti! late hour on Saturday, having dispoirfd oi a goodly imouot of business during the w.ck. It ?aio called at 0 oclock on M iuJay mo.u and is ttill in session. NkV J.4IL By reference to the alvcr t'uient, it will be seen that the Comtuis t,,..r if ricarBuld eaunty will receive ifile.1 proposals fortius building ot. the uer jl Bids will be opened on December loth. i'oi Na men dusirir.g a practical business (raining will tiud Duff's MireaJitilu college the oldest, the iuo.-t rcl tble, and permanent in-ti;ution of the L'uiteJttarrk Cisvului.s nn be had by addressing iho jsiucij.als P. Duff & Sorio, Pittsburg, Pa. Coange of Schedule. Wc observe that there is a change of Schedule on the railroad. The pass-ngor train tiow irrirei here at 12:40, aud leaves at 2:30. "W III our friend Dan send us the Brunch sad Main line schedules? ri(iBB!.F.isTlc O ir gobbler is "nacilm-tibu-," and we conclude he hasn't gobbled Jet, or else some ciu el-o has gobbled him. Weil, no matter who gobbled the gabbler. oa!y so thit the p'ibb!er wa gabbled as a fxiJ gobbler ouht to be gobbled; That'a For good cemetery work, go to Mrs. LdJell's. Some one having circulated that r had quit bisin-ss, the public in in form -el iht su:h is nit the fact. She is fully rrcf ared t ) exftcule all orders in the brt kv' of workuiansbiii, ai.d using only the 1-en uiiteria! IIocgish. Tbe editor of the T!eI!efonte R'pM'can has besn visiting atnon; the styes of that ancient Borough for the pist tro wroks in quest of the biggest, hog iu the place. He has come to the conciu :on that tbe biggest hos in town make their nest in tho sanctum of the Democrat- Thanksctvino. We would remind our Mr reader ti.at to morrow (Thursday) is ir.e Jay appcicted for general thanksgiving taroBjrhout the States. It is to be hoped rci!is?ns will observe the day in a becom-l-l manner, by closing their places of busi-B-". aad n far as fkissible refrain from blowing their uual occapation. Divine wrices will be held ia several of the Lodic Orr ! We understand an attempt w nude, on Friday night last, to break '"'I the store of Win. Reed, on Market by tmcicg opes the shutter of one o: :b windows. Whether the individual m ioile the building is not positively aaiwn, as nothing has been missed from Ignore. This incident, however, should - uuou to our business men, to secure thr IDOniinff ihav f!n. tKt tKw ban - ' -..J J - robbed of a large aruount of goods. "NiBBLtaa." Some of the Pottaville Tooers complain tHtterr' of "nibblcrs" just Ej- A ' nibbler" is a man who enters a f'ooery store, runs his fingers into every !unr barrel and takes a eouple of ounces, 'JLI to the cheese and cuts off a slice, jJ:t l'J tilste, then, as a matter of course, -'Jt have a few CTackcrs, and perhaps be- : he makes up his mind to purchase a i wrter dollar's worth, he has eaten up the fsts on two dollars' worth of groceries. ibblers" visit other groceries besidea of Pottsville, TWav at 7J Y. M. Commun.o.. j rvttvjs thf Jeood1;,! ioarth Sunday of each Religious. Rev. John D. Brown, for nine years a missionary in India, will preach iu the M. E. Church, in Curwensville, on Sunday uiornine, Nov. 27th. ..TnosE who are sick, or aSiuted with any chrouie difficulty, should without delay write for Dr. HaiiiiltonH New Trcatise,.scnt free to any address. R. Leonidas llamil ton. M. D., I. O. Box 4,952, N. City. Sept. 26,-Ct. . Ncitice. We have been requested to state that John I'. Irvin. Emj., having purchased the property of II. B, Swoope, Ksq., in Clearfield, will offer for ale on the premi ses, on Saturday, December 3d, 1870. a gen era assortment of Parlor, Household and Kitchen Furniture ; a full descriptive list of which will appear in our next issue. On! no ! The folic wing love missive full into cur hands, which we give as a lit erary curiosity : ClearSrlJ Toun Nov 21. 1870. Mr. You may think us bold for writing to you but as we wish U got a acquainted with you we thought we would write a few lines, and if vnu can find out who we are we hope you will answer this jrain wen.sdav at noon, you will be smarter than we think you are if you find us out. From vnur true friends guess who. to our friend'Mr Would it not be more profitable if the writers of the above would attend to their school, studies, instead of writing such non bense? Local CorrespondeiJcB. Burnside. November 17, 1S70. Mr. Editor : Yon might have wondered, "mister," at my long silence, but I think I can give a "korrcct" account of myself. Let me introduce to you, Jlr. Editor, my brother Bill, the pride of our family, five feet ten and a half in his stockin2, trcishs 190 pounds. I tell you Bill's a roarer, he put twelve men to flight in Richmond, just after the evacuation. But Bill had the ad vantage during that "fiitiin," be was on the lead all the time. ' Bill met with a sen ous accident last mouth. 1 1 u was lying iu bed just before breakfast, yawning, when happening to stretch his jaws too far apart, they became locked. Bill rushed in terror to the kitchen where ''mam" was getting breakfast. lie couldn't speak a word, but bis countenance spoke volumes, it was like an open book to "mam." t:he saw io a .moment w'tat was wrong, and cried out, ''Run to tba wood pile. Bill, take the axe and strike with all your might on a b. tbat will unlock 'em." Bill run out, seized the axe and, raising it over his head, bro't it down with tremendous f.iree on the big. ths esperiment was successful, and his up pv r row of molars eaiue d-iwn in a "jirfy. " Lui. aia: at the last moment l:is tongue had sprayed out to see what was wrong, and the bapy ineetiiig of his jaws well uigli cut it io iwo. Bill locked sadly toward '"uiani," wi'O stood ifl ibe door, and, f-uid he, (in an entirely different dialect from tb.at foriueily used by him,) "Mam, that's what I clall glittin out of.the Dyin pan into the Aire." We sent for a doctor, who dressed his wounds. But Lv il Mill talks .- li.de thick, and we were ismrli ainusod the even jug of tue disaster, while .-i'tiiig at tliCstip per tabic. L';Pi suid, "Mam, piass thtni c.'oiu clakes. " For a long time Bill and I had coiitempiated emigrating to the west. So iat Friday, after bidding a Cuul o'iicu to all our friends wc started for Indiana to take the cars lor Ioi. "Hi" took us to tou, and "uiam'- bad baked us a pillow ca.-e full of ilotigbiiuts, and packed up with ihiiiu bu'f a boiled fliich io provision us on the journey. "For," said she, "bnys you must be savin'." We at rived at Indi ana that evening, and the nest morning pit a!oard the train. Hi was there to see us off, and as the train moved away, I heard hi in remark to some bystanders, "Gentle men, there's a pair of boys you won't never see in this country again, they are bound lor the far. far west." The train rolled quietly jo iiiairsvilie Intersection, where we dismounted and entered the Ailantic Ex press, ar least I think it was, as I noiiicd lots of folks aboard from 'tother sids of the Atlantic, smoking short pipes and wearing skull caps. I asked the conductor who them fellows was, and he smiled, and said "they were a batch of operatives from the Tower of Babel," and I guess he was right, fir I couldn't und.r,tand a confoui ded word thcyaid. Well, we whirled into the big Union Depot at Pittsburgh, and left our train to change for one going out the P. l' W. & 0. R. R. We ma relied through the depot. Bill ahead with the doughnuts, and I behind with our carpet bag. "Say, mis ter, what yer got in that bag ?" said a news boy. "Gioughnuts," replied B.l', inno eently. "Give Us doe, won't yer ?" "Cier taiidy," replied Bill, thickly. An 1 untying his pillow cae he gave the boy two large doughnuts, then shouldered it and started on and had not gone a rod before that un grateful little cuss, drawed his knife and slit the pillow case from top to bottom, out rolled the fat cakes, and twenty newsboys and bootblacks gobbled them up quicker than you could snap your finger. Bill was totally disheartened and swore he would re turn home forthwith. I tried to persuade him, but no use. So we took the back track and the next night brought up at home again. Wt tried to slip quietly to bed but the old lady heard "smliin.'" and. thinking it was the cat, the cried "Hiss." "Oh f ma:u. taint the clat, its me and B!en. Where did you plut them clorn clakes?" said Bill, sadly. We eat souie, retired. and nest morning mounted Snowshoe and rode to Bura.-iJe. The Methodist Episcopals are building a new ehureb, eifecting to dedicate it some tirce this winter. A grand union protracted meeting com mences in the IJrrioa church on Saturday evening next. The vanguard of winter, in the shape of blustering snow storms, has made its ap pearance in our little valley. Autumn lin gered long, but I fear now the brown cheek ed maiden has bid a final adieu to 1370. Lucky Old Ben. MARRIED. On Wednesday, October 12th, by the Rev. S. Croft, Mr. H. S. Cone, of the Stale of Maine, to Miss Mart C. Brao- TORD, of CoTlDgtOO tOWOfahip. Clearfield Retail Markets. COf.lIfcl TE1 WfcCKLY BY K. k 03 SOP. Apples. drieJ, la, 12 I llay, tin. '.2 00 1A 17 20 25 nO 1 Po 14 33 00 til) Applet, green, ba 65 ' Hams. lb. 1 110 Shoulder!, lb, Aprlebutter, gal Ilutter. lb. 35 Keer. fresh, lb. It) rfeef. dritd. lb. 25 Huckwheat. hu, 1 00 (Suck wheat flour. !b 5 (leans, ba. 2 50 Boards, per M 14 00 Corn. shelled,' 1 0 " ears, 50 " inil, 2 50 Chop. rye. 2 50 ' tn'ixed: 2 30 Cheese, lb. 25 Cb-rries. ib, IS Chiokena.dres:sed:Ib, 1 5 Kirs, 2 Flour, bbl. 7 50 Hides Ib, Lard. Ib. Oale. bu. On'on. ba. Pork, -lb. Pork, mess, bbl, 1 oiatoes. bu, PI as er, bbl. Peaches, dried, lb Kye bu, K:.s, lb. Salt, per sack. 3 50 13 1 25 3 2 o(l 5 00 Shingles. iH in Shingles 2S in, 12 00 Tiinutbv seed, bu, 8 00 Wheat, bu, 1 00 Wool. lb. 40 CLOSINO-PKTCES OK DeIIAVEN 4 BRO., 40 South Third Street. Philadelphia. 3 o'clock P. M. Xoveuber 19, IS70. S B aot" ISSI, S. fi sof Hil2, S. fi'sof 184. S. 6 s of Hdi, S. 6's of lSli :. 113, lls 110 1 1 01 10l lfml 10'Jj lil'Jj 10S losi li9 lost loy t io" lOiJ 1S 1122 112 1U 112 112 112 115 820 830 ,u S0 720 730 near, 6's r.f ISrt; new, IT. S. g of l.S'is. IT. S 5's, 10-40-. V. 3 30 year fi per cent Cy., tue Compound Interest Notes, 'iild, .silver, tuion Pacific R. R 1st M. Bonds, Central Pauifi K K.. linin Pacific Land Grant Bonds, CLSINU QUOTATIONS of Government Secu rities, at i T. iirady k Co's No Oil Wood it. Pittsburgh, November 19, 1ST0. BITT SELL in nil 113 mt 1131 ll2i 1I0 llclj 1 10 110 107J I07i 119 II'.' Dili 119 1191 1101 io: Oo!d, T. S. 6's 1SS1, V S. 5-20V 1SB2, U. S. 5-20's. 1804. U. S 5-20 . 1805, 'J.S lfl-10 , 5-20s. Junuary .t Jutr. IS65, 5-J0,.Ianuarv A July. I87, S-'20"s. J inuary .t luly. 10$S, Union Pacific Railroad. Central P:uiflc Railroad, fly. Pacific KfiAA MEN WANTKD - 100 percent, profit QJJr on three best IhinRs out. 50.000 club and cow binalion premiuiu lo agerits. Cnlalojrue and terms free. Address M. L lA'RN.80 Cedar St., N. Y. Oct. 12."70-lm. J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GAU.KRY. NAIIKKT tTr.KET. CLKAKFU.Ln. rtNN'. Negatives made in cloudy as well as in clear weather. I iuMunlly en band a good aMorln.enl f Frames. Stereoscopes and Siereoscopic Views. rrauies. from any Mvle of moiiblin?. made to order. CIIKOMOS A SPECIALITY. Dee. 2 '0s-jy. !4-0u-tf. SAWS! SAWS!! D IS TON, CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG, AND CIRCULAR SA1VS, LIGHTNING SAWS. PATENT PFRFORATIiD, ELECTRIC SAWS, And 5 SAUS ot a:i kluds, for sale by il. F. Liiil.EK A CO. "rilHE OLD CLOCK ON THE WALL." with 1 it- dufy P ACK. luay now put on a bright new DIAL, nod henceforth korp ihc time of four or five of the zrrm ci'iVs of the urcld, either in Lurope or Ariicri.u. us you may desire, .and kceo your own time as before, also. Il imy be attach c4 to any orJiiiry clock, and i.s b':!h nrn.imental Mtid ueru1. in tno parlor it is ornamental. In tho puli!ic hoie it is a matter of curiitsitv. and in the fcLool roi-in it is a matter of -rear utility, send for a circular tu S. L l'UitDV. Oc'. y,'7i'-"in. We.ii, ivcr. Pa QlNtiKi; SF.WINT, MACHINES. II INK LEV KNITTINT. MACHINES. The imt I'trfeet rni'l itnplo. m;ichiuc ot the kinl e er invcnio'l. Uuth of the atra- pi-pii!ar mitohine.- b.-ive hen n 1 tt-iy iin;r-vci until they Sfiri'l wtfh.'iit :i r'Vtil I'ritic ut' the Singer Fatu ity Machine from $i".f 0 u? irnrn?. u.o.r.iiri t finish, liinkley Knitter. 5 m.i.. Circulttrs and pauiplca iuitel free nn r.pt'to.iMon. No 20 Sixrh St . ritisburgb. Ta. . Agents w:ibte l fr iha Uiuhlbv M'l'olune every where', ifnd for th Pinter in Western Pena'ft. t5rern Ohio n-l Va , when th re ate riuiie rea(ii ejrh!ihe i . . INwv. ii.'fiy ly. W E A "vTi G! Mrs. B. CALDWELL. Having en-.i3ed id the WEAYINtl Ht'SINESS, at her residence near l.osan's M.ll. desires lo iu form her Iriend and the public, thai she Las now .h;J willkoep constantly on b ind, a well selected Piock i.t COflOS.WOOLKX r.a' UK MP WARPS, an i is prepared to furiiiih to or Jet Caruet iealy made, -t warp ar d weaving. Weaving ol all kinds dona to order. If desired she can lurnish cotrou warp of all kiuds for linen or woolen fill- ; ing Wool and rags taken in exchange. I Address.. Jlns. R. CALDWKLL, ! 0.-.t 12 '70-ly. CurwensviHe. Pa Orphans' Court Sale OF REAL ESTATE. Pnrsnant to an orderof the Orphins Court of Clearfield county. I'.l.. there will be sold at pub lic sale on the premises in Jordan township, on THLRSDAY.DECE.VIUER1.IS70, the following described real estate late ofWm. Williams deceased, lo wit : A valuable farm sit uate in Jordan town-hip on the main road from Ansonville to New Washington, about two miles from Ansonville. bounded by lands of John Wil liams and Ingles Miles, and contiiniaf .one hun dred and 'weuty-six acres, more or less The im provements are a two-'ory lo house, a largo and good bank barn, about 40 by tin tcel.together with all necessary out buildings. The land is under a fair state of cultivation, fifty acres or more being cleared. There is also a iood apple and peach orchard. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M. Conditions made known 011 day "fs-i'x A W. YOUNG. Nov. 9 '70. A. S. '- ILL! A MS. C; KRATZER & SONS are receiving a splendid stock of cut CARPET3 AND OIL CLOTI13, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTEKl'ANES'AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILK COATS AND OVEKSKfRTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE TOINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOOD i AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES. GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANC1" SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, HEAVY CALF BOOTS, $5, MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE AND HEAVY " . SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, So, CASS1MERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield, Jqd SO, 1863. TERMS or THE JOL'RXAt. The Kaftsuam's Joubsal is published on Wed nesday at 52,00 per annum in advance, ft not paid at the beginning of the year. $2 5a will U charged, and S3.00 if not paid before the Close. Advertisements wi I be inserted at 1.50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un till all urrearages are paid, except at tht option ol the publisher. S. J. ROW. rOOTS! DOOTS!! E00TS!!! LOOTS!!!! FRENCH KIP, FKKXCH CALF, S3 00 & 00 LIGHT liir, at C. KRATZER'S, Opposite the Jail. Pep.2l.lS70. L'OR SALE. The farm of John Spack-- man, late of Giraid Township, tb;cV., conjitingof about one hundred and seventy two acres of good farmiD land, (most of which is cleared ) and having the eon erected a good house and barn, and the usuM conveniences of a pleasant home. For terms and lurther particulars uppiy to 1. 1! Jiunrm, Att'y for the heirs and prrsous interested June 2. '70 -tf. IMPORTED LIQUORS, Seen as" BEAN DIES and MOLLAXD G.VS, PURE OLD GR.irE BRANDIES, PORE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES All tba above brands warrante4 pure and to excel anything in (his market for medicinal pur poses Gli". N. UOLHUUN, March 30.'70-4f. Prop r of Shaw House. Go-Partnership in Store. C. A Rorobaujh having associated with him in the Mercantile business, in LcaUville, Clear field county. Mr. C. R McCrackea. solicits a con tinuance of the patronage to generously extended heretofore Havingjujt returned from th eastern cities their etoc4 embi aces a lare and varied assort- rucntof Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Queens- ware, and in fact nearly everything u.u ally kept in a country store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country produco taken in exchange for good C. A. ROROBAUGII, May IS. "70 If C R. MrCRACKEV TOBACCO AM) CIGARS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of a . S.4 ir. Two doors east of the I'ostoffice. Clearfield. Pa Constantly on hand a fine areertment of Navy. Congress Careiidi-h. Cable. Kpunroll, Jichtifan and Century Fine-cut . Chewing Tobacco, Jo. Also, a large and well selec'ed stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars. Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and liriar Pipes, Pipe a lures, Tobacco Coxes. Cigar Holders, and everything gjaor j fi utid in a we 1 regulated Ciar and Tobacco iore. t"Rcincmber the place : Two doors cast of the Posti fficc. Clearfield. Pi. Auj. 21. '70. Q U S Q U E H A N N A' HO US E, Curwensville, Pa. The bnilers;ne 1 bavin- takon charge of this ntil-knowQ Hotel, rc.-pectfuily solicits 4 haro ol laironaire. 1 be boiife has been refitlud. ami ro 'utfii?bcrJ and nw coidpaccs f.,vorab: V wiib any- otbor hoje in theeour.ty. Tho bf.t of everything Ibe market affords will be served up 't.i jrutsts. 'Dai::cilio.lcr.i! - i,n i:i.i-M, iu l. 24. IsTO tf. Proprietor. rvilK " E A O L E II O T E L," J. '.,; s, ......,n ii... VUi Liiai nil;, AO. Having; leaded for a term fif years toe above well krowu and popular Hotel (formerly kopt by .Mr. Muson. and latoly by Mr Kouis), and buvinir newly refined and relurui.-bed it, the present pioprietor fuels assure.) tbat he can rendvretitire rutisra-'li.iU to guc.-t.- i' jouriiiii" with bim. A fine, lare Stable and yard is attached, for the care and protection of horses, carriage and wagons. A bare ot patronage is solicited May 4. 70-ly-t A J . 1 R A Uu K F.I' . Prop'r. . rp II E "S II A W IIOUS E," MA R KE T ST., C t EA li FIELD, PA. GEORGE N. COLEL'RN, PlUrillltTOR, 'i liiihoiiss was lately completed and ju-'t open ed to Ibe public is newly luraisbed.nnd provided with al I the modern improvements of a first-cuss hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the business part of the to.vn. and near to the public build ings. A fhare of patronage is respectfully solic ited Charges moderate. The best of Liquors in the hir. March 39.0-tf rjnilE LEONARD HOUSE (Near the Railroad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, Pa. O. D. GOODFELLOW : Veopbietor. A new first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the modern improvements tho best of Liquors proniplattendnnce. and lea sonnble charges. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. jy-il-lf rpHE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. -- This Liniment liavinc heen usrd, for some yens past. as fami'y medicine by the pro prietor, and its good effects coming to the notice of bis neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con sented toinnnuf icture it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Carnrrh and iiillious Cholic. ever offered to the public', and will care many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price. SI por bottle, or six bottles for i. Sent lo any address bv enclos ing the price to WM. II WAUONE'R. Hurd PostofEse, Oct. fi 18fi9 Clearfield coui ty, Ta. NEW DRUGSTORE. W. B. Alexander, M. IX, DRUGGlst AND APOTHECARY, CURWKNSVILLE, PA. Keeps constantly on hand an assortment Of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, kc, &c. His stock of rugs is pure and fresh, and custo mers can rely upon getting the betof everything in bis line. HIS STOCK OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET' ARTICLES, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, Combs, Pocket Books, Pens. Inks, Pen cils and Paper, and a general assortment of this ctas of prx-ds are allot the very lest quality and latest etyle;. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only. Glass. Putty. Lubricating Oils, Ac, to suit the wants of the community. IIi extensive and well selected stork of Drugs ami Medicincsenables bim to fill Physicians' Pre scriptions on short notice and on the most reason able terms. Smokers and Chcwers will find bis stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, f igars. and Snuff to consist of the very best brands in the market. A share of public patronage is solicited. Anj. 31-3n; '" " W. B. ALEXANDER. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, .CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Monuments. Grecian Tombs. French Couches, Mantles. Table Tops. Washing Rauges. GsrJon Statuary. Terra Cotla Ware, of ever description. Head aud Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at city pnees.. or 2 percent less than any otter establishment in this county. Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all ca-es Or ders tbaukfully received and promptly filled in the best workmanlike manner. S A.GIBsON. May 11. 1H70 -tf J sans Watsos. Agent. STUMPS! STUMPS !! The nndersigned have purchased, the riirbt ot ClcarftelJ county for Enoch Farnswonb's Stump Extractor, patented June 7th. ISTll11 This is decidedly the most convenient, most durable. aDd bestma:hine of tho day Wet weather will not effect it. the working part being all of iron The machine is easily set up. and will work any place that can be plowed. We will sell uiachiue al a small profit on cost, ar.d will try to make it to the advan'age of farmers to liny them. We solicit orders from those wanting machines. H. T. FARNS. WORTH, Clearfield. Pa., J. B. GARRISON. GEO. II. HALL. Agent. Curwensville. Pa Clearfield. Pa. Iu!y13 "7i MISS H. S. SWAN'S, Schoolor Girh, Clearfield, Pa. The Fall Tem of Fourteen weeks will com mence on Monday, September oth, 1370. TKims or tcitios. Reading, Orthography, Writing. Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 weeks). $7 CO History, t.ocal and Descriptive Geojrraphy with Map Drawing. Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, 9 00 Botany. Geology. Physiology, Natural Phi losophy, Physical Geography. Algebra, Rheiorie. Etymology and Latin, 12 00 Oil Painting. ,jt lessons), 12 00 .Monochromatic Drawing, - 10 Ail Crayon. 6 09 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Music. (30 lesWns). IS 09 Wax Flowers and Fruits, with materials, at teacher's charges. Fur full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield. August '7. 1H70-Iy o-20'S AND 1881'S BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED, ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT ami SOLD at MAR KET RATES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC R. It. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT aud SOLD oa.COM MISSION uly. Accounts received and intere-t allowed on daily balances subject to check, at sight. DeIIAVEN & BRO., 40 SOUTH 3n STREET, PH I LA I E LI'IIl A. March 2. ISTO-Iy.-Iy 13. FAIlllJAXK'S STANDARD SCALES. OF ALL KINDS ALSO. IMPROVED MONEY DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., M 30-Om-l lu2 Second lv.. Pittsburg. Pa. I 1ST FN TO THE MOfKIN'i RIKD - The Prnf J rie Whistle and Animal Imitator can be nJed by a child. It is m;uic to ituitve ihe S'n ill every bird, the neigh of a hore. ihc bray of 1111 a.-s. the .frunt of a hoz. liird. HtSL-ls and Snakes are en chanted and entrapped by it. It is used by Dan Hrynot, Charley Wbite..nnd nil the Minstrels an-1 Warblers. Yentriloqui.-m can be 'oarncd in three days by its aid Sent aiivwhcre ution rece.pt of lOcanb-: .:iur2) ecu's ; 7 for ' cents ; lJlor;l. Address T. W. VALENTINE 0cI2liu. Box 372.lcrscy City. SJ, AND Ladies' Oyster Saloon, OS SEt-OND ST.. BELOW M tr-.KET, CLEAR FIELD, PA. Constantly kept 1 n hand a selected assortment ol Candies, Nuts, Cigars. Tob icco. io. AIofreh Oysters received daily, and for sate by the doieo or hundred. J. M. MAC0MBER. ' Oct 12.'70 Proprietor. NEW MEAT MARKET. The un.1er?ined have orencJ a Meat Market in the room iormerl.r occupied hrAlex Trvio. nn Market Street. ClearflclU. ia . nHjininr Mossop', wLcro they !ntnd to keep full eupply of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit the times. Their shop will be open regularly, on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, and meat delivered at any point. A share of public patronage is respeotlully soi ioited. M.G 1SKOWN, Au; 31, 70 tf. E. W. BROWN. Also continue to deal iu all kinds f improv ed Agricultural Implements. N E W T LN SHOP! Fred Sackett, Manufacturer of rV, COPPER an J SHEET IRON WARE (nearly opposite the jail). MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Also, on hand and for sale "The Times" Cook Stove, the best in the world. And an asroitment or PARLOR and SITTINQ ROOM SIOVLS. which will be sold cheaper Ibuu they can be purchased at any ether establishment in the county. ALSO, ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK (lone on reasonable terms. April f. 1870. R E MOV A L . HARTSW1CK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform our old and new custo mers, thai we have removed our establishment to the new bailding just erected on Market street, nearly adjoining the Mansion House on the west, and opposite Graham A Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite tne publio to coma and buy their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI- CINS, OILS. PAINTS AND VAKNISES. Ourstoek of Drugs and Medicineseonsist of every thing used. Sjlected with the greatest oare, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! We also keep a full stock of Dyes. Perfumeries Toilet articIes.Soaps. Tooth lirushes. Hair Brash es. Whitewash Itruthcs. aud every other kind of Brushes. We have a la' ge lot of White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in fact everything used in the painting business, which we offer at City prices to cash uuyers. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Confectionery Spices, and the largest stock of va rieties ever offered in this place and warranted to be of the best the market affords' -.'-- J. n. HARTSWICK, Deo. 3, 1963. JOHN F. IRWIN. Marble and Stone Yard. MRS,S.S.LIDI)ELL, Having engaged in the Marble business, datirei tn iniorui her I riends, aad the public, that she has now and will keep cons'antlv on hand a large aud well sele,-ted"stock of ITALIAN AND VKKMMNT MAKbLE. and is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, io Sand stone and Marble, CURBS aad POSTS for Cemetery lots. WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS. ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN ORNA MENTS, be. She would invite special attention to ber Sand stone Monuments which are built.frum orTinal designs and will compare favorably wiili any thing of the kind in 'he country. If desired Oo can furnish Marble Win low Sitls and Caps at a slight advance on tho price of Sandstone. Yard uu Reed Street, near the Depot.l'learfield. IV . MayjLJ:S7U 11 O SAD A L I S milE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH X RESTORER, purifies the bbwd ud cuie Scrofula. Syohilis Skin Diasa.Kheu matism. Diseases f women and all Chron ic Affections of the Itlnod. Liver aud Kid neys. KvCotU'nended by the medical Fac uliy aud many thousands of our best citi tens. Read the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have used Kosadali.; seed for our Riuadalis Guide to Health Book, or Al manar for ibis year which we pi biish for gratuitous distribution ', it will give yoa much va liable information Dr. K. W t'arr. ot Baltimore, says : O S A D A I take pleasure in reccmmei ding your Rosadalis as a ve-y powerful alterative. 1 have seen it used 111 two eases wilb bappy results one in a ease of seeocdary syphilis in which the paiicnt pronounced himself cured alter having taken five bottles of your medicine The other is a ca-e of scrof ula of long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its u?o. and the indications are that the paMont will soon recover. 1 have carefully examined the formula by which your Rotadati is wade, and find it an excellent compound ot alterative ingre dients Dr. Spa-ks. of Nicholasville. Ky . says he Las used Roeadalis in ease- of Scrofula and Secondary S ph ilis a iih satisfactory result ai a cleaner of the Blojd 1 know no bet ter remedy. Samuel G. McFadden, Murfreesburo', Tenu . says : I have used seven, bottles of Roadalis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism : send me four bottle, as I w ish it for my brother, who has scrofulous sore eyes". lie.'juniu liechtol. of Lima, Ohio, writes I have suffered for twenty years with an in L I veterate eruption over uiy whole ooay . a short time t-iuce purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis and it effected a perfect core Labratory, 61 Exchange Place. Baltimore. S CLEMENTS. A CO . Proprietors. Rosadalis is sold by Hnrtswick A Irwin and A I. Shaw. Clearfield. D. R. Good. Osceola, and by Druggists generally. (April 6.'70-lv ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ!! WTio sella the cheapest goods in the count j t M O S S 0 P J Who sells best calicoes 1 12 i cts yard. M 0 S S 0 P I Who sells best unbleached muslin it 1 cents7 M 0 S S O P ! Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at 5 00? M 0 S S O P ! Who sells Hall's best Coarse Boots at $1 if MOSSOPI Who sells Hall's bestKip Boots at ?4,50? MOSSOT! Who selU Hats tower tlitn tn-bodj diet M O S S O P! Who sells Sugar the cheapest ? M O S S O P! Who sella Syrup the cheapest ? M O S S O P! Who sells Flour the cheapest 1 MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed tba cheapest? MOSSOPI Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down to the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MO S SOP'S! Clearfield. May 12 -pvRIED FRTTtTatredaeed prices iossor-e. - .FOR SALE, - White Lead, Zino Paint, Linseed Oil.Torpeatinsr" Tarnishes" of all kinds, Colon, in oil an dry. Paint and Varnish braskea. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield.Pa -M 5,fii. A GREAT OFFER. Horace' Watr-re, 481 Broadway, New York, will dispose of ONE HUNDRED PIANOKS. fifi LODEONS and UKMaNS of tix first class makers, including Checkering A Sons, at extremely 10W . i-Bices roa oassj. M'ris this sioxtb, or will take ftotn j to monthly until paid 4-l.yTO-ly 7UO HAS A HOUSE TO PAINT? ... RtiADY-MADE COLORS. Known as "Railroad"' Coluis Guaranteed US be more economical, more durable and more fnoveni ent i ban any Paint ever before offered. A book1, eutitiel --Plain talk with Practical Painters," with samples sent tree by mail on applicatAa. MASLKY A WHITON. Glote Whttr Lead and Caior Worl. A p. 13-3m HI failuH St.. N'W Ymrk. - Beware of Imitations. Established 183S. fjLEAKFIELD NURSEKY.-E.nuocr-J ack IIomk Industry. The uuderin ed having established a Nursery. ibe Pike hallway between Curwensville an Cleerfiell " Bornaghs. is prepared to furnish all kiaaVsof Ffni trees, (standard and dwarf.) Evergreen-". Shrub' bety. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Slack; berry, strawberry and Raspbei ry vines. Also bibriar. t.'rab trees.tluince and early Scarlet Rhea barb. Ao. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31.1864 JWRtonTCarwensvillsj THE SINGER' SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! Eighty-six Th iM-auJJtrvrA Hundred and Eigh ty a ilr MtJi: Mid and SmU th Past Year! The cumber exceeds by thousands the sales of any other Mach ice, and tba demand is still in creasing THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD". THE li ESONS WHY: .. Because it embodies essential principles not found in any other Machine ; besau'ae of its sim plicity of construction, rase of operation, uni formity of precise action at any speed. and ca pacity for the greatest range cnl variety of work, fine or coarse. Parties wishing to pot-chase should not fail te examins this best of all Sewing Machines.-. . .. I have the Agency for this Machine, and will keep a full sopply on band. Clearfield, Ma4.'70 tf J. S. SHOWERS. , QLO THING! CLOT HI NGN COOS ARD CHEAP !!! Men, Youths and Eoys can besoplpied with fal suits of seasonable aud fashionable clothing a h L. REIZENSTEIN'S, where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced him to increase h is -I'oct, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the Stat. i. L. REIZENSTElN, Sella gods at a very small profit, for cash ; His goods are well made and fashionable. He gives every one the worth of his mosey:, lie treats his customers all alike, lie sells cheaper than every body else. -His store is coevemeptly situated. ' He hat ing purchased his stock 1 1 reduced prices he oan sell cheaper tl an others. for these and other reasons persons should buy" their clothing at I. L REIZESSTEIN'S. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18, lb4. BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS 01? GOODS AT THE M AMMO TH STORE OF THE Mosbannon Land and Lumber Co., OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, Penn'a. 5URRANTS the kaet aad cheapest In t eoanty, at KABAM'8.