Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 16, 1870, Image 1

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    fefi ill A, A
4 P I -li
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liJSi M 13!
U v y m' m
VOL. i7.-AT0. 12.
MtUtt ?ortnt.
Whatever be our earthly lot,
Wherever we may roam,
Still to our hearts the brightest spot
Is round the hearth at home ;
The home where we received our birtb,
The hearth by which we at,
No oilier spot on all the earth,
Will ever be like that.
U'hen winter, coming in its wrath,
Piled hii;h the drif ting snow.
Sate clustered round the cheerful hearth
We watched the firelight glow :
Nor brighter seemed the rudy flames
Mian did our hearts, the while
A loving mother breathed our nanies,
With sweet approving smite.
When wearied with our eauer chase
Through many a tangled path,
I low sweet the dear accustomed place,
To talk arouml the hearth ;
And still, when by our tuil and care
We feel ourselves oppressed.
Our thoughts forever cluster there,
And there alone Cud rest.
Encht promise of the rest above,
-Sweet .'helter from the stoiiii,
Iloiue hallowed by a mother's love,
Hearth by that love made warm ;
T-i'i'tuh wildly rottied the storm without
Wi,at recked wo of the coi.i,
V hit place for cny lear or doubt
Within the loving fold ?
Anl v hen some little trouble weighed
Upon the childish heart,
'lii! lrom our Li Hunting eyes it ma Ja
The (rushing tear-drops start :
Ib.w quick ber ire the genial glow,
We t'-Al eaeli soirow cease.
And back tlf! crystal current Sot,
To flood our hearts writ peace.
And brighter with the passing year?
Seems childhood's swo-.-t employ.
And even sweeter still appears
l:n li well remembered j iy.
Around the che rfa! hearth at horn?,
Where we in ehi't'hood sat,
Nr other spot where'er wo roam,
Will ever be like that.
"Look at that!" cried my grandmother,
sinking aa attitude worthy of Ln!y Mac
beth, when she addressed the fatai spot on
her hand ; thi time, however, it was only
the ctsord which, in falling, btoJ uptight
in the floor.
"I see. It's nothing uncommon, is it?"
'"I'iJ you ever know it to happen that a
stranger didn't c.iuic before the day was
out ?"
"I never noticed ; someb J wa3 al.vays
coming, for the r.iittor of that."
"1 tell you tlm sig-i don't fail." (my
iid-norher always n
I do;
w.v-n sh-: meant to he emphatic) -";nost
other will, Lie that's true as a book. And j
another thi t, there wj.i a stranger in my
tra to night, a long on,- tint su ites 'tis a i
. .1., . . c. -, . . !
ii:.:u irt cosiiin . ri.inie io:ks sci a great.
oVal b that sign ; but it ain't to be men
tioned the same day with the scissors stand
ing np in the floor."
' I hope he will come soon, or the storm
rill i here before him;" and with the
words the wind went wailing around the
boi!-e. and the ti st big drops beat against
the window panes.
Throe score years and ten had not" taken
th blo..m from the romance of my
cmi ir.i jfh-r's character ; it was frc.-.h and
pi.fn a in her girlhood. Beggars heard of
':; -ai'-ir oU. ai.d :a:. io fallen the neck of
.-:r ehiriry.
h-' f tl:-? advice of Lamb nilhout
'it having heard of it. When the poor
reat-ir came before her she stayed not to
i wUoth.;r "the seven small children''
! ) r. c lui.ie be implored her as-isfance.
h id a vtn'ai.!- existenoe, bute.ist her bread
upon the waters and lived in faith.
It. fact, he had ca-t so much bread upon
t!;: w:in.-riu the course of her long life, and
f small a proportion had come back to her,
t lat .--lie had nothing left for herself except I
tr.f dm farm and the gambrel roofed house.
U';rhin its walls ruy father had first seen
the light arid lived till he went out to fight
tho world. He fell early in the strife, and
ny mother soon followed him; but not uri
' " hud marked out my way in life, and
"X' 1 me in the groove of her ideas that
i : i t no choice left. I wciU to a village
my til I was old enough to etiler the
-N T.nai Si'ii'Kii." ft;- my J.t.titiy was to be
a t''i''l.er. My li tic income hai! tu be eked
ut 1:1 sjt:ie way ; atrl of all work to which
a 'in an m.iy ti-ru lier hand, a s;hool, per
i a; -, divider th burden mtist equally be
t ii i... y au.J miu.l.
h-n I gra.luatC'l my grandmother left
tin' .11 gambrel rof to see mo do it, and
carrit-1 me home with her for a "ureatliing
-re,: as she said), before getting a place
t'1 Kaoh.
A - to my future I was neither happy nor
u:.!,i;,py, l,iu ra;ier between. At twenty,
run- on with very little friction ; there
t 'lti-nn-nt etioiiL'h in mere vim; h to make
is i
::.!, a pleasure.
I he evening drew on with ever increasing
g'i-'s of wind, and the old house shook to
l s lation, but it clung gallantly to the
?"et.t central chimney, which, being nearly
br..ad as it was high, could afford to be
iaa,fererit when wind and weather came
together and made a uight of it.
''I hope you don't mean to sit up for that
nieb. dy whi is coming. All signs fail in
et weather."
The words were scarcely spoken when we
beard the tread of a horse running at full
fjeed down the steep hill above the house,
'"on a crash of the fence and all was still.
'A e hell our breath and listened. Soon
loan s step sounded low and heavy on the
w.k and uiy grandmother rushed to open
"ie door.
'Don't be scan," caid the familliar voice
0 008 of oar neighbors, and be stumbled
in, carrying a man, pale and life'es3 in his
"Lay him rinht on the lounge get the
camphor bottle here's somebody sure e
nongh don't tell me again that signs ever
fail. Who is it, Bob?"
"I dunno his name ; city fellow, I reckon.
Said he'd pay me most any price to get him
to Meriden to-tiight. The mare did well
enough till we jrot to that 'tre hill, then a
flash s.care 1 her, and she never stopped till
she brought up aiu' your fence. If he
hadn't been a fool and jumped out he might
a-been as spry as I am ; but some folks
don't know no. bin."
' That's so, that the rest can get a livin'
out of 'em," said my grandmother. Mean
time she was vigorously cha'jng his hands
and feet, while dashed I camphor in his face,
and bathed the broad white forehead. which
certainly promised we'd for the brain be
hind it.;
"lie must be dead," sail I ; "be don't
come to at all."
'".No he nin't. Folks can't be killed so
easy. He'll give you trouble enough before
you're done with him. Xow.I'll co after the
doctor; taiu't noways hkciy he'll know any
more what's the matter than we do ; Dut
pretend to, and if the man dies it's his fault
anil not ourn."
The doctor found no bones broken, but
the busaj was injured, and he muse be put
to bed and kept as quiet as possible. Now
was my grat-diuother in her element.
''You couldn't work any harder," said I,
"if he were your own so:i."
"II-s's so nebo ly's own sen, we musn't
never forget that, you knoiv."
Oar paii-'tii fell from his first fainting fi
into a fever ; and from morning till tiijtht.
lii! morning again, he tossed and tinned
with one 'lotitinuous cry to drive fas'er, for
he must be in Meridcn that night. .My
grandmother was nurse in chief, Lut she
olteu made me her deputy when the labor
began to wear upn her.
The doctor h i I found sun cards in the
note b. ok of oar patient, with the name
"John Jacob L'c.tue" engraved on them ;
but we lud uo other clue tJ his identity. It
is impossible to vratch o er a patiert, day
and niitht, striving to be both bruin and
bands to him. wt:hout growing into a very
strong feeling toward him of attachment or
dislike. It was so with me, though 1
scarcely dared whisper to myself to which
jrder of feeling my own should belting. I
thought of him ail the time, and if he hud
died it would have been a blow to me, al
beit I had never hoar I him speak a con
scious s;,.;d.
It was the tenth day of the fever, ami he
had been motionless for a Irng time : a sud
den movement madi me iook up. His eyes
were fastened upon me with a new expres
sion. I knew that he saw uie for the first
"Don't leave me," be said faintly, as I
was about to call my Grandmother. I gave
b.iin the cordial which had bean kept lor
this crisis, anil lie lectived it at one;.
"Tell me all about it," ho said ; "I was
bound for Meriden ; what then?"
''You jumped from the wagon when the
horse was running near our hause.and were
brought in insensible."
"Lti-t night, I suppose ; I must go on to
Meriden to-day."
"I suppose ic was ten dayi ago, aad you
could go to the moon as easily as to Meri
den to-day."
"Jupiter Ton ins! ten days! Whose
houvi is thi- V
"It belongs to my grandmother, Mrs.
Temperance Hale. I wiil call her to see
"Than yo:i ; I can wait. Perhaps the
sight of another stranger might fatigue me
too notch."
But I thought he might safely hi left
alone for awhile.
"Ho wi'.l talk all tha tit.n," sail I to my
grandmother wh;;n she wenc up stairs.
"I don't sr-o but !e is (piiet enough," she
said, coming down again in a few minutes.
"He wants you to write a letier for him.''
I wrote one this wise from his dictation :
"De.vn Maiiy I came to grief within
five miles nl Meliden. and tlnv tell me 1
have been liuht-hended for a m.i'ter of ten
days. The business that I came on will
have to h; done all over asain. Neverthe
less, I wiil not abandon hope, till I enter at
the d"or which, according to Dante, bears
that inscription. Ever vours.
j. j. deane.;
"You must not speak another word," I
said imperatively.
"I promise, if you will sing again what
you were singing when I found myself in
the body this afternoon."
So I sang "Allan l'ercy" and "Auld
llobin Gray" and two or three uh?r old
ballad-, of which I ha 1 a store, and my pa
tient t-oon fell into a healthy sleep. The
next day he found his appetite, and from
that time came back to health with wonder
ful raniditv. He was docile as a lamb to
my grandmother, but with uic he became
the must exacting an 1 troublesome conval
escent that ever tried a woman's patience.
He openly preferred tny grandmother's
dainty dishes, and if L ie!t him for an hour
his bell would ring, and I went back to find
his pillows on the floor and his lp-ad so hot
that nothing but stroking it with cologne
and singirg all the while would cool it. To
keep him still I read aloud for hours, think
ing far more of him than my book
We grew well acquainted with these long
Eumnier days, till I went to Meriden cn a
shopping expedition. I found a thick let
ter at the postofT.ee for Mr. Dcane, which
had been lying there nearly three weeks. It
was directed in a lady's hand, and I thought
the sight of it brought a shadow to his face.
He looked so glad to see me after my two
hours' absence that I went up stairs io quite
a flutter nf stiirifi Cnnl.l if f. n.-.c,!.!. '
that I was to taste at last the joy of which
I had beard and read with unsatisfied long
ing? But I would not stop to think about
"Here's a letter for you that Job brought
in while you were gone," said my grand
mother. I took it and glanced at Mr. Deanc. He
sat by the open window reading one -sheet
of bis letter with knit brows, while the oth
er lay beside him. Suddenly a light breeze
whirled it out into the tiowor plat, and I
ran out to get. it. It had not occured to
tne to be curious about the letter, and noth
ing was farther from my thoughts than to
rad over the date cf it; but tbo writing
was large and plain, and, as I stooped to
pick it up, the Grst four words were turned
i.ito my tiiit'd like letters of fire.
"My own dear husband." Surely it
should have been nothing to me that Mr.
Diane's wife had written to him ; but, woe
i; me! the fact of his having a wife at all
was like a death blow to me like the in
ftatit before dieing, when one sees at a
glance the whole map of one's life.
I gave him the letter without looking at
ami went up to tny room.
Doubtless this was the "Dear Mary" to
whom I had written that first letter from
hii dictation, and I hail foolishly taken it
for granted that she was his sister. He had
never pf token of her, but married people
are always mysterious, and her price
might be far above rubies nevertheless, lie
had done nothing to make her jealous.
Once he had taken my hand and touched
it with his lips, and all the rest of the foun
dations of my castle in the a t lay in looks
uiore or less expressed.
But the love, it appears, was all on toy
side. He was idle and giateful, that was
I would o away at once.no matter where.
Mr. Dcane was so far recovered that my
grandmother could easily attend to all hi
wants, and he could soon return to his own
place. It would Io something to remem
ber, if nothing more.
Then I read my own Ietter: and iu it was
my way of escape.
Aunt Bjchael wrote to say that "she was
it death's door with neuralgia, and would I
come to help her with the children?" She
saw that door so often in her own account
of her sufferings that familiarity with it
had rather hardened my heart toward Aunt
Kachael, but now I was ready to lay all the
stress on her letter which it would bear.
"What will Mr. 1 catiefay to your goine
away?" said my grandmother, when I had
i it pressed on her luiud tny duty to Aunt
"I don't care what be says. "
"Lor!" said my grandmother, with a
I t .k which implied a two hours' speech at
"That letter was from his wife," I said,
looking anywhere but at Ler.
She never answered word, but just kiss
ed me on both eyes, an i stroked my hair
tenderly for a miuuie or two. Then we par
ted fir the night, and I went a-.vay in the
morning before Mr. Dcane was up.
Aunt Kachael was out of sieht of "death's
door" long bcfoie I reached her, as I hail
conSde-itly supposed tihe would be; but she
welcomed me heartily, and the kisses of the
children soothed soiuewl.t the ore spot iu
my heart
For the next three days the activity of the
"busy bee'' long ago impaled on a poetical
pin, was not to be compared with mine. I!
there was any gifts of healing in mere work,
I was determined to have them out of it ;
out the image ot .Mr. J'eane was ever in
my mind's eye, and as people say who have
not been to the "Normal," I got no better
Last of all I went buckle-berrying with
the children, and picked as for my life.
"There's a strange man coming across the
field," said one of them.
I looked up altera minute, r.nd tool; Mr.
Deane's offered hand.
"If you teach school as roti pick berries
your fortune wiil soon be made," he said,
with a glad look in his eyes which seemed
to t ani-h that dreadful wife of his to the
uttermost parts of the earth.
''How did you fin 1 me ?"
"By my wits chiefly. Your grandmother
was as mysterious over your departuft as if
you had gone into a convent ; but when I
told her I had good news for you she relen
ted, and gave aic the clue to your hiding
"Aunt Bacbael directed you here?"
"What is your good news?'
"I have heard of a school that you can
have for thj asking."
"I am exceedingly obliged to you."
"It is a private school, and very small ;
but it has the reputation of being difficult
! to manage ; and trom all tnat 1 know or
you, I have concluded that you will be the
right person. Will yon undertake it?"
"Yes, if 3-ou are sure of my fitness."
"I haven't a doubt of it. I said the
school is small it has, in fact, one scholar,
aged thirty two, and his name is John Ja
cob Deanc."
"If I said anything or committed myself
iu any way for some miuutes after this as
tonishing speech, I have entirely forgotten
"And that letter" I found myself saying
after awhile.
"Was from my sister to her husband,
who bad deserted her. It was to look after
him and bring Li in to reason that I was ri
ding post haste to Meriden that wild night.
She enclosed it in a letter to me. I forgot
to mention," he said, after a pause, which
was not without eloquence of his own, "that
my school begins ubout the first of Septem
ber." "Not if I am to teach it," said I. "I
shall i-.peiid that month and others after it
in turning all my fortunes into the pretty
things that I have always lonzed for."
When Miss Rebecca Verjuice, my former
room mate at the '"Normal," heard the sto
ry ot my engagement, in which she intima
ted darkly that mine would be one of the
many matches founded on gratitude.
'"John Jacob," said I, .solemnly, when I
saw him again, "if you are to marry me
out of gratitude tell me at once, that I may
be off to my Aunt llachael, while there is
yet time."
"My dear little s. hoolmistress," he re
plied, "if I had been moved only by grati
tude, I should have proposed io your grandmother."
Love AM) a Fa::.u. Quite a number of
old and aiuusirg r elies frequently occur
with parties who visit the lYobate Court
for the purpose of securing tlu necessary
document to legaiize I heir marriage. But
the other day a young man, al.out twenty
ottee, accompanied by oti3 of the opposite
sex equally as young, ascended the main
steps of the Court House, and then, on be
ing directed to the Probate Court took up
the line of march for its hallowed precincts.
Beaching the door, he refused to enter.
The rustic maiden, who was extremely
anxious to see the marriage programme car
ried to a successful issue, looked upon him
with pleading eyes, and then, taking him
by the baud in the most tender manner,
beseeched hiui to enter court and obtain the
'"Oh! come ah pg. Jake; what's the use
of Lacking out ?" fell iu dulcet tones upon
Jacob's car.
"MeliuJy, I can't. The old man will
civc me fits it I many you."
Tl-iveu't ou tuid me a thousand tiu.es
over that you would marry me iu spite of
the old man?"
"Yes! yes! but there is"
"Is what?''
"Vt hy the farm."
"1'iague take the farm."
"Yes, but Meliu ly," reasoned her lover,
"Hadn't we better wait till trie old miai
dies, and then I'il have the farm sure?"
"Dod rot his old soul, he'll live fifteen
years yet ; there's no die iu Ianir Come
along now and git that ere license ; I ain't
a-going to be put off any more."
"I'll tci! you what I'll do, Melliidy."
"Well spit her out."
"If the old man hoi Is out agin my hav
ing you tiil Christmas, l it marry you then
fa pm or no farm."
"As sure as my name' Jacob."
"Well, let her go then till Christmas, but
if you back out then, Jake, look sharp."
"I'll .oe the scrateh then by jingo, if the
old man runs me off from the farm with a
double Laireiled shot gun certain." And
Jake looked as if he Would.
Thus reassured on being married by
Christmas, Meiiudy drew off with her Jake
lully satisfied, doubtless, with thepostpjne
nutiit. Hut if Jake docs prove recreant to
his promise we will wager any amount of
uickie that Meliudy will go for hi:u, to use
the venacular of the uncultivated, "like a
thousand of brick."
The "Fat Conli'jutor" stepped off at
Xcuia, Ohio, on the Miami road, for din
ner one day. But this is the hay ho relates
it: "Twenty minutes lor dinner." shouted
the brakesman, as we approached Xenia.
Aniving there 1 entered the di nine room
and inquired of a waiter. "What have you
got for dinner ?" "I'we.i'y minutes," was
the hurried reply. 1 told him I xvoull try
half a duzeu minutes now just to see how
they went. He looked Confused, scratched
his head and walked off. I approached the
man who took the money. "What do you
have fr dinner?" sail I. "Had' a dol
lar." said he. I told him I would take a
half dollar well done. Asked him if he
could send me in addition a boiled pocket
book stuffed fcith greenbacks, and well tar
nished with United Siaies bonds. Postal
currency wasn't bad aa a side dish, and
stamps will do for de.-ert. I would like to
wash my dinner down with national bank
notes, on draft. He said they were out of
eterythir.g but batik notes, and he ordered
the waiter to go to the bank and "draw"
Ocrt Hands. The human band is so
beautifully formed, and lias so fine a sensi
bility, that sensibility governs its motions
so correctly, every.efiort of the will is an
swered so instinctly, as if the hand itself
were the scat of the wiil ; its nations are so
fiee, so powerful and yet so delicate, that it
seems to possess a quality instinct in itself,
and we use it as we draw our breath, un
consciously, and have lost all recollections of
the feeble and ill directed efforts of its first
cxerci-es, by which it b is been perfected.
In the hand there are twenty-nine bones
from the mechanism of which result
strength, mobility and elasticity. On the
length, strength, free lateral motion, and
perfect mobility of the thumb, d;pends the
power of the hand, its strength being equal
to that of all the fingers. Without the
flesby ball of the thumb, the power of the
fingers would avail nothing; aul according
ly the large ball formed by the muscles of
the thumb is the distinguishing character
of the human hand.
There is an old lady living in Lynchburg,
Va., whosa.sshe made a pair of stockings
last fifteen years by merely knitting feet
to thetu every winter and legs every other
A Child Goin Ilonio.
It is seldom that faith iu a present Sav
iour is more clearly exhibited than in the
life and death of Emily A. Drake, the el
dest daughter of Rev. L. I. Drake, of We-t
Liberty, Ohio, who died July 1, lsTit.w'uh- j
in about a month of her sixteenth Lir.huay.
Modest in disposition, and naiuraily amia
ble, she attracted the good and greatly en
deared herself to those who best knew her.
It is believed that from a child she had been
bom of the Spirit ; but it was not until the
last few months ot her life that the gloiy
and strength of the religion of Jesus were
so clearly shown. In the triumphant death
of one in the very bloom of life, with all
its fair hopes spread before her, there is
surely abundant encouragement for the wea
ry and oppressed to trust in the Saviour.
While yet the prosuect of lengl h of days
and ttie realization of the pleasures of life
were fair, and seemed, humanly speakiug,to
be sure, she said to her father,
"I think, pa, if ah the joys and pleasures
of the world were offered ma for Christ. I
would put them all away and cling to Christ.
From being apparently the most healthy
of her family, she. began to decline about
five moo' hs pre ious to her death; but so
obscure was her disea-e. that not until with
in ten days of her death did she or Ler i
family think she might not recover. She
spoke of deatli with the greatest caiuiuess.
"I do not think I am going to die soon ;
at least not now : bur. iti Go I s titne I wain
to go home to Jesus."
For her, death had lost its terrors, and
faith in a risen Saviour had taken away its
sting. As she became conscious that the
hour of her dissolution was not far distant,
she repeatedly spoke ot her death as ''gu
ilty home.'1
'"I do want to go home to Jesus. I want
to die now. I do not. wish to live longer. I
do do not mean that death seems pleasant,
but then I shall be with Jesus."
At another time si e said to her parents,
"I am going home. I wish you could go
with uie ; but then Jesus will go wtih me."
When asked what portioa of the Bible
was the mot precious to her, she replied,
"O, it is ail precious; but now theTtveu
ty third P.:lm seems most piec-ious. The
Lord is my Shepherd ; aud when I shall
walk through the valley of the shadow of
death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with
The Bible was to her a treisure. Her
mother said to her one day,
"Daughter, shall I real to you from some
other good book, or from the bible?''
s-he r. jiiic'J, "O, read from the Bible all
the liiito."
Her luind was remarkably clear. She
spoke of many things that the awful reali
ties of death and eternity rrould seem to
shut out from one's thoughts; But she
seemed to feel that what she did must be
done quickly, an J the past leJocmed. For
getting nothing, she reminded evety one ot
his or her kindness with thanks.
"I would like to be buried," said she,
by the side of sister Liilie. But it does not
seem like I was going to be buried, when I
die. It just seems that I am going home,
going to Jesus in heaven. It is, I know, a
iong way ; it is a dark way ; b'it Jesus will
be with me." To cue of her yoaug com
panions she said,
"I think I have found the Saviour. Won't
you love Jesus, at,d be a Christian, too?"
To her brother she said, "You have be
gun to ;'oiiow Jesus. You must not draw
back. Be a faitbiul Christian man."
To one aged an i iatinu elder in the
church siie sent word, "Teii b'.iu I am going
to die soon, and it will not be ion.; until wo
uie.c'. in heaven. "
To the Sabbati school she sent this mes
sage by the Superintendent : "Tell them I
waut them all to love Jesus j to seek lliui
early, for Ho says, 'I love theui that love
Me. aud they that seek me early shall find
Me.' 1 would like to meet them in Sab
bath school ouco more, but I am too weak
to go ; but tell them I .shall sooon be curie. i
by bright utigels to heaven, where Jesus is
the great Saperiii'endeut."
During her last days, there were times
when she seemed entirely gone when ex
hausted nature sank under its load. When
she would recover a little strength, she
would say : "O, I have come back. 1
thought I was going home."
Once she sail: "O, pa, I saw Jc.-us! I
was almost over ; He put out His hand to
me, but I turned a il came Lack. I aui so
sorry I came back !"'
A few miuutes before she breathed her
last, she took an affectionate leave of her
parents, brothers, sisters, and of all around
her, with all the calmness of one going on
a visit Iroui home. Looking up at her
father, with a smile of triumph on her face
and the light cf heaven in her eye, she ex
claimed, "I am going home this time. Good
bye, ma ! Good bye, dear pa ! Kiss me
for ma." (Her mother was lying sick iu an
adjoining room, aud could not go to her dy
ing child.)
When the darkness of death came over
her, she said, "It is getting dark and cold.
O, so dark ! I know you are all here in the
room, but I cannot see you."
After this she called out again, loud e
iiough for her mother to hear, "Good bye,
ma !" And as though she would draw all
after her. the dying girl exclaimed, "Good
bye, everybody !" And with broken sobs
from those around came the response, ' "Good
bye. darling." When the darkness of death
had forever shut out the natural vision, she
exclaimed, as she lifted her hand, "I see a'
little liirht away off;" and then in a little
bile she said, "It is brighter now, O. so
i bright ! Don't you see it, pa ?" and with
' this light of the eternal day bursting upon
1 her, rhe expired, and was at Home with
I Jesus.
W. WAI.TER.5 A,.,,.. ,, ., r .
CicarSflJ. Pa. tiffin in the Court House
TALTEK UAKKETT. Atturucy Ml.a . Clear
ncia, m. ilay 13. J-i'.s.
Jn.tiKAUAM & SOS'S. Dealvsa in Irv-t; Gt.d, I
. iroeerit:3. iinrilit rtre. yuit;us-.Tiirc. Wtmjoti-
ware, Provisions, etc.. .MarKet St. (JlearCi-lil. Fa. !
f r F. BIG LE It A CO.. Dealer in !lari are
-ii-X an ' iniimfaeturers of Tin niid s'ht-ff-i'on I
t4i. .se-Tiiitd Street. Clearfield. Pa. Mar'Tti.
HP. NAliULK. Watch and Clock Sinker. -ifJ j
dealer in Watches. Jewelry. Jtc. Kuom in i
tiri.iauj niw. Market -rrcet. Xot.Id- I
HBUCIIElt ftWUOPE. Attorniv.it Law. Clear- ;
s field t'a. OEei in'JrahiiDt Kotr. fViiir-ko i
west Graham A Lioynton's store. Not. IB.
1 ClearG-Id. Pa. All legal ba-ir:e pr.nnpt
ly Attended to. I'rt i7. lsii'J.
A1TM. ItFKD. Market Street. Clearfield, !'..
V Kn?.y liry tioi-da.. WI,i-e 'Juoils. Nfti"ti.
Emltroi.lerii:?, Ladies' and Gen:.' r'urtofhiti!;
jto'td. eii!. June lit.'Tii.
A I SII A W.Penler in Itior?. Vhtnt M fdirincs '.
. F.trxy Artictos. etc . ami I'ntrii tur of lJr
ti'.ver'a West Uranuh Li-'tcrs. Matket strict,!
Clearfield, Pa. Jane 1.V70.
17 K HEAD. M It . l'liv-fm nr.d S-?pk.in. j
L Kylerfitwn. Pa.. riir :tf"i:IJ.v i-fTer. bifi r.- j
iesMor.ul service." !o the ciliz-.-i.suf inat j l.'ce mJ j
.surround 1114 cuuntry. Pr 2--.'iu.
OnttiN T. 'oiii.K. Alton. ry at. Law. Lncfc !ln
ven. I'a. Will j r.tcMi-e in the serer il c iuri
of Oiearflcl 1 counly. I'usii;e5i elitrn.-led t'i Lint
will re.it ivo f rompt attention. .ie. vtl "7 y
C1 liitAl'ZEU. ilealer in Dry-GinK's. Clt.tliinst.
. Jlilrdwaie Qucensare. Groceritc. Provi
Muu. eta . Market rv.reet r.uaily opvoMitv ll.e
Court House. Clearfield. Pa. June. InOj.
R M'EX ALLY, Attorneyat Law. Clearficlij
. Pa. Practices in Clearlietd and ijoi:i:rjr
.utilities. Hil-o :r. new brick ouildir.g of .1 l.nyri
t 'ii. 21 itre-.-t. one do-ir south of Lm.ich's Ilotr'
T TEST. Attorney at Law. ClearSelJ. Pa., wi?!
i . attend promt. t l v to all Lea! ImtMt ef errnri
ed to hi care in Clearfield a.i d adjoining coun
ties Office on Market ssroet. July 1 7. 1 -Ii7.
rpilOMA It. FOltCEV Dealer in Po,uare and
1 saired tjumt'cr. i try -Goods. Queens ware. G ro
etries. Flour. Grain. Feed, Hacun. Ac Ac.. Grn
hatbton. Clear&cid county. Pa. Oct 10.
H:iTVICK rilWtX. PeaUrs in Irur.
M'sdicinrs. Paints. Oi'n Stationary. Perftti.e
rj Fancy Goods. Notions. etc., etc.. Markei street.
Cleat field. Pa Iee. 6. l&GJ.
( !vKTZKP. A SON', dealers in Pry Goods
' . Clothin''. Hardware Queenswrire Ori--rics.
Provisions, Ac, Second Street riem field
Pa. Pen -7. Ifij
r );!
.1 ,.i,;..t...,. m n-.r n.o.i P
ltd nlsti makes toorder Coffins, onshort notiee und
ttten.ls funeral with a hearse. Aprl" 'f-
1ICI1AP.1 MOSOP. Water in t'ors-ij;, jnr
s ki mesne Irv Go.uis. Groceries. Ficiir I':
Lienors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few innr
west o: .Initr-uoO-firi: Clcurftrld. Pa
"T7AI.LACF. FtEl.lif SG. ATToi:yEv at Law
V ClearficM. Pa. 1 ti.ee in res det.ee of W. A .
Wallace Leirtl hnir.'- of nil Kin-l- rt..n.T'-! to
wi'Sl promptness and fidelity. ! Jn n. . TP
n'.V SufTil. A-rror.tEY at Law. Clearfield
. Pa . will attend rrmi.f.t!y to hti'M.e s cn
trin'e I to hi care. 'fiice on ei-i'ot.d flour of ur
haildini adjoining County .National Panic. and
nearly opposite the Court House. pfune ?.ii. 'till
rYtKHtfUCK 1 F.fTZINGEP.. Manufacturer rf
all kinds uf Stone-ware. ClearEeld. Pa Or
ler- 'olioitcd wholesale or rotaii He nlsokeep.
on hand and for s.'tlo an assortment of earthen
w.tr. of hiJ o vn manufacture. dan 1- lSr"
"" "AN'sON' HOUSE. Clearfield Ta 'iliis
1 xw-ll known hotel, near the 1 ourt llou in
woritiy the i-aironae of the pul.iic The
will he supplied with the hest in tiie market. Tl.o
best of liquors kept. .loilN" It U"G 11 KilTY.
TOitV II. FL'I.FOKl). Attorney at Law. Clear
field. P.i f-fiice on Market ist,-et. over
ll.trt wick A Irwin's Llru Store. Prompt attention
(liven to the s-curingofUouiit; claims. Ac. .and to
ail Ugi.l husiness. March 2. ISii7.
i I Til O U X. M. D , I'HTSICIAN AM.
SritGKON-, linviti? loeatoii at Kyii-riow:i.
Pa., offers his profta.-iorjil services to the ci';
iens ol that place and vicinity Sep -f iy
llf I. CURLEV. Donlor in Dry Good.
fV , G r..cerie, II a r 1 -:.re. t.iueen;-ware FlourVla
con. etc.. Woodland. Cienrftel.i 'iouniy Pa. lo
extensive dealers in alt kindsof swed lutol-er
shingles, and "qunre timl-t-r. 'rdersoiiei:cd.
Woodland. Pa.. Aug. IHtb. ISM "
Dfl J.P. nimCIIFIhl.D I.nie Surjcoti of the
S.'ld Re t Penn'a Vo'.s.. hvin;; re urt.e i
from the aruty, ofers his protcssiora' services :o
the citizens ol l.lcarueld and vicit.ity. I r;oe
sion: calls promptly attended to. OEco ol
SoutbLast corner of 3d aud Market Streets.
Oct. 4. t st5i Pimp.
QUUVKVOIi. The undersigned ofer-
his services to the publie. as a Surveyor.
He may bo found at his residence in I.wiei-r
township when not engagsd ; or addressed hy
letter at tMearfiel.t. Penn'a
March Htu. IS i7.-tf. .) ..ME3 MITCHELL
" 1'hvsieian and Sur.-n.
H.-ivintr located at O-ceoK. P.- . ..fVr- his profes
sion. -il services to the peotle of ill n t .l:;ce ;ind sur
rmmiin country. AMe.i'ls rrmprfy !did
to. Office and residence on Curt in Street, firmer
ly occupied by Dr. Kline May Vi ''-,
GF.OROE C. KIKK. .'ujtic ef he Peace, e-tjr-vevor
and Cotocj ui.cr :.u' h. r-l.i.r- Pa
All bti-itiess entrusted to him will he promptly at
tended to. Person wi-hinr to employ a Survey
or will do wrll to s!'e 1' lu n "s i a fl-.i'e"
biinselt that be fan rend, r satisfaction. l.cJ
of conveyance, articles i f '.eemcnt. and all litrsl
papers promptly not neatly executed jeS'70-yp
Real Estate Aqksts a'd Con virAJicrits,
Clearfield, Pa
Heal estate boujht and s dd. titles oxi-nir.e l.
taxes raid, conveyances prepared, and insurak
ees tah'en.
I'flice in new buiidin, nearly opposite Court
J a a n 9 I o . v .
J. Bt.AIS WALTr.rs.
tVM. A. wall Are.
The undersigned besrs leave to inform h'"sold
and new cu.o.'.mers. and Iho public generally
that he has htted up a new G V N Sip. on the
lot on ihe corner of Fourth and Markel streets.
Clearfiell. Pa . where he keeps constantly
hand, and makes to tinier, all kinds ot Gnns
Also, guns rehored and revur:: isdied. and ret aired
neatly on short notice Orders by mail will re
ceive ptoinpt atlebtioa.
June 9, isr.9. JOHN MOORE.
are constantly replenisliipg their st. ck of Pntss,
Medicines. Ac. School book, and Stationery,
including the Osgood ai:J National series
of readers. Also Tow.-co and Ci
gars, of the best quality, and at
the lowest r rices. Call and sec.
Clea-field. Nov 10, l5tl9
RT GOODS the cheapest in the county, a
Slay sv, '6T- "-
Tfie Kidneys are twoin number, situated at tlx
npper part ot the loin, surrounded by fat. and
cotmsttng of three i arts, vfi : h Anterior, the
Interior, and the Exterior.
Ike anterior absorbs Iuterior consists of tl
ucs or reius. wbicb serve as a deposit for the
urine aad convey it to the exterior. The exte
rior is c conductor a!, terminating in a (ingle
tabe. atd called the Ureter. The kreters are cou
ceotud with i ho bladder.
The bladder is drrpo.eJ cf various covering
or tissues, divided into parts, vii: the Upper, tb
Lower, the Nervous and the Mucous. The upper
expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to
urinate itiihuut the ability, others urinate with
out the at ility to retain. This frequently occurs
in children.
To ecre the?e affection, we must bring into ao-.-a
(ho musclcs. which ate engaged in their va
rious fur.ciiot.s. If they ete neglected, Gravel or
iJropsy n.ay en.uo.
The reader must also be made aware, that how
ever i flight may be the attack, it is bure to affec
the b .dily health and menial powers, as our flesh
and blood are supported from thce sources.
GotT.cn r.nrrnATtSM Pt in occurring in the
loir.s is i.-jdioativa of the abuve diseases. They
secnr in persons disposed to acid stomach and
chalky concretion.
Tim Gkatel 1 he gravel ensues (torn neglect
or improper treatment of the kidaeys These or
gans being weak, the water is not expelled from
the bladder, but allowed to remain; it becomes
fi'verk-h, and sediment forms. It is from this de
posit that tbe stone is formed, and gravel ensues.
IincrsT is a collection of water in some parts of
the body, and beaiiV.ifferent names, accotding to
the parts affected, via : when generally diffused
over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the
Abdomen, Ascites ; r. hen of the chest, liydrotho
rax. Trcatvest. Uelmlold'a highly concentrated
compound Extract Ituchn is deeidedly one of tbe
best remedies for diseases of tbe bladder, kidneys,
gravel, dropsical swellings. rhecmatisu,and gouty
affections. Under this head we have arranged
I'yfbrie, or difneuhy aud pain in passing water,
Scanty Secr.tion, or smull and frequent dischar
ges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water)
llcn.tituria, or hlof-dy utiue; Gout and Rheuma
tism of the kidueys. without any Change in quan
tity, but Increase in color er dark water. It waa
always highly recommended by the lata Dr.
Cbysick, in theie affections.
Ttits medicine increases tho power of digestion
and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise
fcy nbich tbe watery or calcareous deposition!
und all unnatural enlargements, as welt as pain
and i: a .onmsiion are reduced, and it is taken by
men, women and chilureu. Diicctious for use and
diet accompany.
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 25, 1S07.
I! T, ITei.MBoi t. I'rugsist:
Dear Sir: I Hive been a sufferer, for upward
of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney
aTect;i.ns during which tinio I have used Tartoua
mediciLal preparations, and been under tho treat
ment of the most eminent Physioians; experien
ce g but Utile relief
Having teen your preparations extensively ad
vertised, I consulted with lity family physician in
mgard to uving yourL'xtracl uuhu.
I did this because 1 had used all kind of ad
vertised remedies, aud Lad found Ihetn worthless,
and cme quite in jurious; in fact, I despaired ef
ever getting well, and determined to use no rem
edies bruftee unless I knew of tbe ingredients.
It was this that prompted me to use your remedy.
As you adverti;ed that it was composed of buchu,
lubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to in anil
u.y physician as an excellent combination, and,
a ith his advice, after an examination of the arti
ole, and conu!ting again with the druggist, I
concluded to try it. I commenced its use about
eight moLths ago, at which time I was confined
to my room Fiom Ibe rst bottle I waa astonish
ed r.nd gtatiSed at the beneficial effect, and after
using it thice weeks was able to walkout. I felt
much lias writing you a full statement of iny case
at that '.isi, but Iho ught my improvement might
only ba temporary, and therefore concluded to
defer aiii see if it would effect a perfect cure,
knowing then ii would be of greater value to you
and mre satit-faclory to me.
I .m now sble to report that a cure is effected
after Uairg the remedy for five mouths.
I have cot used any now for three months, and
feel as well is all respects as I ever did.
Ycnr Buchn being devoid of any unpleasant
tasra and odor, a nice toni.'.ard invigorator of tho
system. I do not mean to be without it whenever
occasion may require iti use in such affections.
Should any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement,
be refer to tbe following gentlemen :
Hon. Wm. Biglor, ex Governor Penn'a.
Hon Thomas It Florenae, Philadelphia.
Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia,
lion. J.S. Click. Ju'Jge, Philadelphia.
Hon. I. R. Porter. ex-Governor. Penn'a.
Hon. El lis Levis. Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. R.C. Grier, Judge U. S Court.
Hon. Q. W. Woodward, Judge. Philadelphia
Hon. W. A. Pnrter, City Solicitor, Phil'a.
Hon. John Eigter, ex Governor. California.
Hon. E Bank. Auditor Gen. Washington, D.C.
And many others, if necessary.
Fold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Be
ware nf counterfeit. A-k for Uelmbold'a. Take
no other. Price SI. 25 per bottle or 6 bottle for
tiS 50. Delivered to any address. Describe symp
toms in all con.munications.
Address II. T. HF.LMBOLD, Drug and Chemi
cal Warehouse. b'Jl Broadway, N Y.
steel-engraved wrapper, with fao-rimi) of my
Chemical Warehouse and aigned
June t S-'TtM j H. T. HELM BOLD,