fie gUffeimut' gournaf, gfcarftcfb, Iga., "gtommfot 2, 1870. or the farmer. Maxcre from Fowls. Poultry when confined, I judge, pass t wo thirds of the time upon the roost, and by a little care and trouble a great deal of valua! le com post can be made even from a flock of a 'hzvn fowls. Two years ago I made in my hennery a plat form two feet wide under the entire roost, putting up boards at the sides and ends one and a half feet high, thus uuiking. as it were, a large trough. I theu covered the bottom with dry earth two or thrc! inchi-s deep, and occasionally with a li or spade mixed up the earth with the Jan.; accumu lated, continuing to add freh earth and a small quantity of plaster every two or three weeks. The result lias been that each spring I have had a number of wheelbarrow loads of excellent compost, equal if not superior to guano, by the use of which I have been enabled to produce in my garden a good crop of fine melious, squashes, sweet corn, and tomatoes; in fact, the best vege tables in my garden grew where I used this compost. In the autumn I haye a quantity of dry eartli placed in the corner of the hen nery, and from thi pile I find it but little trouble to throw wbat is needed under the roost. Make THE I'iGS Fat. Purs are heaiee and pork is likely to command a good price. A well fatted pig brings at least two cent? per pound more than one with bare kidneys and thin aides. Kight bushels of corn, with ordinary pigs, that have nearly attained their growth, should give us at least 100 pounds of growth. At 10 cents per pound, live weight, the present price for fat pigs in Chicago, ibis would give us one dollar a bushel for the corn. Uut this is not all. If we sell a pig not half fat, weighing ay 250 pounds, we should get only S cents per pound or $'20. Keep this pjg two months and feed it eight bushels of corn, an 1 it should thn weigh 350 pounds, and bring, without any advance in prices, 10 cents per pound, or 135. In this way we get $15 for 8 bushels of corn, or $l.7j per bushel. During October, fattening pigs should be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. It is poor economy to feed the:n on nubbins, or soft, immature corn. Better give such corn to cattle or milch cows. A Good Fabmek. A good farmer wears thick boots, and has a thick wallet ; his but tons are horn, but his word is gold ; his bills are short, his horses fat, and his fences Btrong. lie does not chaffer with a tax assessor, nor send away a hungry man. When he travels he finds his credit has run before him. A prominent New York farmer believes that the loss to farmers who do not cook food for stock is from I'O to 40 per cent. A cucumber over four feet long, arrl a beet fifty-four inches in circumference, are among the products of Vermont this season. COl'XTY DIREC'TORV TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, j 3J Monday in Jane. 2 w 3.1 " in -March, 4th ' ' in Sept 2 w. ta in .May, 2d ' in Nov 2 w. COUXT1T AXD DJSTKCT OFFICERS Pres'tJudge Jlon.Chas. A Mayer. Lock Haven As'te.Judges Hon. Samuel Clyde, Clearfield Hon. Jacob Willhelm. C. rahamton Fhcriff. . . . Cyrcnus Howe. Clcartiel SelJ ! i'rotnonotary. Aaron C. late. . . i Keg. A Kec. . Arbury W. Lee. District Att'y, W M M'Cullough, . " Treasurer.. . Lever ! legal.. . . Co. Surveyor, S. F McCWkey, . CurwensviRe Comaiiss'n'rs tnhello Smead. . X. Wa-hinrtou Samuel Shafirier, . Citarflold. Samuel 11. Hindmau. i len Hnpe. Auditors. . . Clark lirown. . . . Clearfield. Price A . Row les, . N Millport John D. Miller, . . Hum. Coroner. . . . James A. Moore, . . Clearfield Co.Superind't (tco W. Sryder, . " LIST OF POST-OFFICES. To wnh ip t . Xi mn of P.O. Xamr.iof P. M . Beccaria, - - den Hope, - - Homer i-uCee' ' - - . rtahville, - - - S. McFarland - Jlegarty 'sK Roads Sninuel Hearty liower, - - S A. Kor-ih-iui-h - Csest, .... Tims. A. M i.ii.-e - Cush. - - - -J.W :.-!:,!, I,eli. - Ostend. ... - 11. L. licnd-ison Forrest. .... Algrton !oldeu - Clearfield Bridge, - Jas Forrest. - Wallaccton, - - John K .-,fi,re - Woodland, ... W,r.. Alnert. - Wm's Urove, - - Ed. WiJ'j.aus - Luthersburg, - L. R. Carlilc Bell, . . . Bloom, - -Boggs, - - Bradford, Brady, - - - - - Iroutnlle. - - Mrs. C. Weaver " - - Jetf!,-son Line, - . John Heherlia. BurnsiJe, - Xcw Washington - S.iui'l Mct:Une I - BiirusMe Aiat:hcw I-win. Jii. k l'utchin W Siimmervillo l ewis .1 . Hurd in Mctlarvey S A. Farber. P. 4. Oaulin P.itcbirville, -Fast ILide, Hurl, . - -Mc'.iarvey, -Westover. -Clearfield.-- -Frcnchvii'e, Karthaus. - - Chest,- - -" . . . Clearfield, Covington, Claud. inoy John Rci'er Curwensville Curwensville, - Charles lloel Decatur, - PhilipsburR, Centre county. Pa 11 - - West Decatur, - - Lever Smenl, Ferguson, - Marron, - - - J,.hn P Mraw. Uirard, - - - Lccontc's Mills. - Augu's Lecouto, nam mils. - - Alex. Irwin. Shawsville, - - II. II. Morrow. Grahamton. - - Thos. JI. Forcer Goshen, -Graham, -(iuelich, - Huston, Jordan, Kartbaus, Knox, - - Morris, - -, . Osceola. -Peon. - - Pike. - - -I nion. - -Woodward. ciuim B.niua, - Jt s. t. tianoe Ailemans Tyler, - - - Henry AII man. - Miss K J. Tyler. Frank Bowman. II Swan Geo Heckadorr . H J. Sloppy. Kd. C. Brenner. John o,eli. T. F Iloalich. l'eunfiel.t, - -Ansonville, - -Salt Lick. - -New Millport, -Kylertown, - -Murrisdale. - -Osceola Mills.- -Lumber Citv. -Grampian Hills, Curwensville, -Kockton, -Jeffries. - - n v . pcncer. Jona Wall Cbns llol D. K. Jaincs l.oi-kett. J. ii IierV v - - - - Mattera. - t I his Post Office w-11 do for Chest township. t Will answerfor Ferguson township. STATE & I . STATICS J)IUEC'J t)itV OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANI A Governor . . . j,(hn w r.cary. Cumberlard. bee y of Com. - Erank Jordan. - Bedford, Dep. Secretary, J. M Weaklev, -Aud.torl.en - John F Hartrinft, MonK-tnerr burveyor .ien.- J M Ca.nphe.l, - Cambri t ' Attorney (Jen. - I-. c E:ewfr - Philadelrhia Adjutant (ien. - 1). 1 ,, ,.,' F'ri Plate Treasurer, Wm. W irwiny . f;r. Sup. Com Scb sJ.PWi, ker.ham , . I." DeprtrSup't.- C. U. Coburn.".: XlT' fctate Librarian, Wicn Forney, - . Dui.bin Sri RKME Coi kt Chief .lusti.-e 1. . Vi son Assr.iates. Henry W. WiHiftiT'johCl" Keeil linn n A II i U1 -' 1 ... -: " ;,., Sc .-narswio( . sions. Philadelpiha, 1st -Mon Jav of Jaru ,rT ;'(., " ' risburc 4th Monday of April Sunburv. 1 it' M.,' ' ! aay of October Pittsburg, 3d Monaay of October OFFICERS OF THE UNITED ST tTFS P-esidint. - Ulysses S Grant, - Illinois. ice President. Schuyler Colfax, . Indiana, hec. or tate, - Hamilton Fish. - New York. Se. .r v ' ' V'm " Uclknap, Iowa. s thV7-- ' '.iei M Kbesoi, New Jersey, of Interior Jacob D. Cox, - - Ohio II. F. BIGLEIt & CO., DEALERS IS II A E D W A B E, AND MiMFACIIIKBBS DC Tin aud Sheet Iron Ware, CL EA II FIELD, PA. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, OP ALL KINDS. ALSO, Baggage Earrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawers, FOR SALE BY II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealers in Hardware, March 18 Clearfiflo. Pa. 1870. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD CHOPPERS' AXE, Alanufaetured expressly for the CLEARFIELD TRADE, for sale by II. F. HIGLKK A CO. FRUIT CANS, Manufactured from best charcoal tin, Grooved and soldered on outside, WA R R A X T F.D A J.S 0,GLA SS FR UIT JARS, for sale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. COOK STOVES! SPEARS CALORIFIC," S USQ UE1IA NNA . SUPERIOR. GOV. PENN. REGULATOR. NOBLE COOK, NA TIONA L RA NGE. d-r , A-r., And all kinds of HE A TING S TO VES, On hand and foe sale by IT. F. 1MGLEII & CO., SECOXP STREET, CLEARFIELD, FA. Aagust 3. 1370. O'.NKand White Lining ?kins. and Roar Skins J- "t II. BIG LEU A CO S. THIMI5LK-SKE! and Pipe-boxes. Irr Wag on", for sale by H. F. BIG LEU A CO yRON', IKON!! JL store of -Rest h.-r iron, for sale at the H. V. BriiLKU A CO. s TO VES of all sort and II. F. sizes constantly- on life; LRU A CO'ri hand at liBLt CHAINS a go .fl nrii.-I.- on and lku ,i CO forsslo by II F. HOKSE-SHOKS. and horse-nails, to be hurl at H. F. EIGLER A CD'S. SADDLES, Bridles sale at harness collars Ac., for JI. F. IinjLKR A CO'S. S. ristols and sword eimes to bf n f. bi;li:k a had at CO". HARNESS. Trimuiings, and Shne-ficilir" for float II. F. BIGLEIt A CO S. OIL. Putty. Paints Glass and Nails, for s.-lc at March 70 II F. BIGLEIt A CO S. Perkins A House's Xon Eplo--a new article just received and I1AKRT F. LIGLVlt A CO i sive Latup for sale bv L O N G E ST ROOF in the Vnitel States is on llineks Sons' Factory, Kaston. Pa.. one third of a mile long aud is covered with READY ROOFIXG CHEAP, Dl'KALLF. and easily applied. Send for circular and samples to the manufacturer.-!. - I.'KAIiY Rooi-'INt; CO Juno l-ap. 13, j. So. 04 Courtlami St X Y QO AAA a year and expenses toacntsfo sell Ov1MMMb celebrated WfL-oX SKWIMJ .M M..IJI.N r.. the t.tft mai-hine in the J-tiloh alike on both aides. Cue Machine without niom-y. Forfurihor particulars, addre-s 2" X ilth t I'b'l'- Faj (March 0.'70-ni. "TTi.VTSnX HrV F. P.AIXTINt!,'- by I V, .1 2 Mat:ry. CL. H p., 41c. Fro- bv mail .'.n receipt of prico Masluv a Whitox, X. V. ,-im "ttw sihll ive r.rxTon? iiofses ? J 1 Ry J.W. Masi-rv. CI 2:'0 p . 51 r-i) Free by UKiil on receipt of pri.-e. )l.tni:v A Whitox. Xew York. f Ap l.'i 3m. Oil f A How I mad it in R months, wi'h Stcn- Y i -i w.a. uuiuiys tree. j . J. t-ui.jtm. June 22. -5m OWATM'S PASKE.v Kennedy's Mc.lic.1 ris covcry. H-mbold'f Ruc'iu. Bake'e Cod l.hcr Oil. Jay ne s and Ayer's Medicines. tor sale by Jan. I U HAKi.-WICKA IRWIN I A DIES The Eugenie is the most Useful arti .m " i"fr mvei.rc'J t- free Mrs. Morgan, P. O. I your Circ.ilirs N. Y. Je22 .tm j (!'.. i lii CrantCigarTip is a novol- FNTLEMKX ; yji n-i a pirasurc. mplt;3 .'ill cents A ir.ti.'i. I- t. i.ex 4-iJi). S. V Je "ID. PKKK8 A Co's Ccur, the best in market, for J J saie by j A l nv HAW A SON. Of EF.XSWAltE Tea so piecss.atSii St) at best stone-ware. 4S MOSSHp'?;. SIXTY FIVE FIRST PlilZK MKHAl.S AWAliDED. TIIKGUKAT 1JALTIM0KE PIANO MAXKFACTORV. WILLIAM KiN'ABE & CO., M - X CFACTL'REKS OF GRAND, Sl.'ARK AND UPRIGHT PIAXO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. ' These Instruments huve bocn before tbep,ihlie j ior neariy tnirty years ami upon their exeelleuce I alone attained an unpurchased pre-emiuci.ce which pronounces them uo equaled Their ' j TONE I combines creat power, swccttics and fine nnzinfr ; quality, as well as cre.-.t purity of Intonation'tni I Mveetncss tbrout-ho'jt the entire scale. Their I Tore 1 1 , is pliant an I elati,;, and eniirclv free from the , stiffness fo-ml in s,, ,.. in voj:kmansiiii they are une.p.aled. usir,R none hut the very best seasoned matll:! t!,e Ia ... . , our business cr.abm UR tl h.' , , J ,n immense stock of lumber, in band ( T All our Square Pianos have ,,, . :. prove.1 Overstrung Scale and ,h Agraffe Treble Vir We would call special attention to our late improvements inGRANU PlANuS and soi'iri" GKANUS; Patented August 14. 1 SOS, which brio the I lano nearer perfection than has yet been at tained. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. e arrangements for the sole who'c ,? vl?'"7,f'" ,h m est Celebrated P A KLOK OR. ,. " . -ujiii U itlUT II r.u c. "I "" in, at Lowest lactorv Prices Sept 21. '70.6m WILLIAM KNABE 4 CO , Baltimore. Md gWEET POTATOES at C. KRATZEK'S, Oppsite the Jail. J . UKAIJAM'S. j.n "u:.-A prime article or erourJ . urn Kit. pat up i0 p,tent sarK9 for," j at the f !cie of K.MOSaOr-. 1 P. N A U G h E VATCH MAKER, GRAHAM'S ROff, CI-EARFIELu. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) large stock of Clocks, and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufaetory.consisting uf Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, strike and Alarm clocks. IVA TCIIES a fine assortment. o Jsilver Hunt ing aud open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled GOLD PEXS. an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a full set. ' ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alubata. ALSO, Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting got up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warrantrd. A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2lh, Istid. H.F. NAliULE G. L. RUED. J V. AVKU W. POWELL, G. F. noop NOTICE. ; . JOXKS. W.EKTT9 CLEARFIELD I'LANING MILL ALL RIG II T . Mhssrs. HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Pioj rictors, would respectfully inform the citizens of the county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of busiress, such as Flooring, NYeatlierljoardinsr, Sash, Doors. Blinds, Br.'ickc-ts, anil Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large stock of dry lumber en hand, and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-hal; inch pnrnel plank preferred 7ov ft. '67. nrsi'RLVG STOCK! J. SUA W &-SON. Have ju?t returned from the east and are now opening an entire now stock of goods in the room formerly occupied by Wm. F. Irwin, on Market Street, which they now offer to the public at the lowest cash prices. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Dry rtoods. Groceries. Qtieensware. Hardware. Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. Bonnets, Dress lloeds, Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brooms, Nails, etc., in fact, everything usually kept in a retail store can be had by calling at this store, or will be procured to order. Their stock is well selected, and consists of the - ..r i lie tjui, tjuirnty, or latest styles, and will be sold at lowest prices for caeh, or exchanged for approved country produce. Bo sure and call and examine our stock before making your purchases, as we are determined 'lease all who may favor us with their cu.- tuln. May S, ISri7. J. SHAW A SON. P U 11 X ITURE K O O M S. jons GueLicn, Desires to inform his old frientls'and cu3toers that bavL'ig enlarged his shop and increased his facilities lt mauufacturinj. he is low prepared to make to order such furniture s nuv be desir ed, i n gond stylo and at chei:p rates for'cash. He mostly has on hand at his --Furniture Krenif,' a varied titsortment of furniture, an.crg which U !U iti!Ar.s am) sidi-:boaki;, VVord robes nnd Lot h-enscs ; Centre, Sofa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. ' Common, Frsneh-posts, Collage, Jcn-r.y-i.ind and ctLer Bedstcad3. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WOl'.K-STAWDS HAT HACKS, WASU-STAXDS. Ac. ifpring-si-at, Cain-bottom, and Pi.rlor Chairs; Atid coii.ion and other Chairs. I. () O K I S G -G L A S S K S Of eveiy description on hand, and new glasses fez old frames, which will be put is on very reHsonable terms, on.nort notice, tie aloe keeps or, hand, or furnishes to crdcr. Hair, Corn-husk. Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. corrixs, of every kixu. Mad to order, and funerals attended with a whenever desirable. Also, Houbo painting dne t older. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchun ged for p. proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, 1. in-wood end other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in eschanpe for furniture. Remember tho shon is on Marr.i .tro.t r ficld. and yearly opposite the -Old Jew Store." December 4. JOJ! (i 1 ELI ( H . P. T. I. DR. r.OYEll'S FIRE WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure. Pleasant. Safe ar-d pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirits, free from fusil oil. or other irritating properties, and will not disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. Warrant ed to eontain more med icinal virtue thin nnv bitters at present offered to the public. IT NEEDS EUT A TRIAL. To mcrc-a.e tho Appetite-tr, promote Dijrestion -to cure Dyspeps.a-to cure Fe, er and Aue-to cure L.llousness-to cure Constipation-to cure Chronic D,arruea-to cure Flatulctice-to cur Acid Eructations to cure Nervous Dcbilitv-to cure Hypochondria te, cure Shallowness o'f the Complexion to cure Pimples anil Blotches to cure Ucneral Debility and Troitration o' the lhysical Powers, IT HAS NO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHERE, AT $1 PER BOTTLE. A li'jtral diiraunt to tk traJt. ASt rirrrHto exclcsivelt Br A. I. S IT A W, . CLEARFIELD. PA., I '.l-.1"'- M1' wines, Chemicals, Bye bluffs Oils, Paints, Varnishes. Ae.. Patent Medicines. Pure Wines and Liquors for medical Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all goods usually kept in a Drug Store, sold cheap. Having employed E. I. Snyilcr agraduaato in barmacy who speaks both English and Her man, the undersigned feels till fl PC J f ' rif in that eustomer.cao relyapon Baring tbe prerip FibTof" "P- A, I. SHAW. II. CCBWEXSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS, -PEETII! TEKTII ! ! x" Extracted for 25 Cents, Extracted with tho use of Nitrous Oxyd Gas, and Local Ame-stbesia. (the only harmless and efficient anaesthetics now in use,) by S J. lluy.i, Snr'fon Druli't, CnrwtMn-ille, Pa., Who would hereby most respectfully return his thanks for the lihetal patronage of the past, and inform the public that he has removed, his Office to the Corner of State and Locust Streets, oyer Jenkins' Store, where be is prepared to receive his customers in newly fitted up Rooms, and do their work in the most skilful and workmanlike UK-oner All work done in the latest aud most approved styles and guaranteed. lr. Hays will be engaged in his office from the 1st to the Tii of each month ; the balance of eath month . be will spend in (lcn Hope, Burnsido, and Luthersbur. alternately. Parties residing at a distance, should write to us previous ot their coming. Office hours, from 8 to 12 o'clock, A. M ., and from 1 to 5 o'clock, P. M. We use none but tbe very best material, and defy competition lor beauty, cheapness, and du rability tiive us a call. Curwensville, Pa , May 25, 1870.-feb3y. -vr E W F O II N D II Y in Curwensulle. The undersigned having entered into co part nership, in the FOUXDRY BUSINESS in Curwensville, would inform the public that they keep on hand and will manufacture to order, Plows, Cultivators, TIIEESIIIXd MACHINES, Stoves, etc., and every other description of articles generally made in a country foundry. Terms reasonable. Old metal taken in ex cbange for work. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited. JACKSON ROIHSON Feb. 2V70-ly. JAMES M. WELCH. ' NEW HOUSE ! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! IIA11TS0CK & GOODWIN, Curwensville, I'.'t., Are now receiving, direct from Baltimore. Boston, Xew York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, an im mense stock ot DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS AXD 'JAPS, CENTS' FURXISnrNG GOODS, HOOTS AXD SHOES, CHINA. GLASS AXD OUEEXSWARE, "' HARDWARE, GROCERIES, ire, bought at lower prices than have been made to r.ny bouse in the town since the good old days bt-tore the late war. all to be distributed to those wbovisit Curwensville f ir supplies in accordance ith the great sacrifice at which they were bought. L A I) I E S Are particularly invited to call at Flartsock A lioodom'j cheap stoie, and examine tho splendid stock of DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS. SUA WI.S, FA XC Y GOO DS. 4 -c ., on exhibition. cfy Competition ! Parties cannot do justice to themselves in buying any of tbe necessaries of life, withouteallinj; on May 4.7U-:tui H AKTSOCK. A tiOODW IN. 'CHEAPER thaa the CHEAPEST." GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST KKCEIVED I!Y ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, Curwensville, Pa. (One door West First Nat. Rank.) Havintr just returned from ths East with a com plete assortment oi (ioods suitable for the Spring and Snminer trade, we are now prepared to fur liish all kinds of (ioods 'CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." And after thanking our customers for their lib oral patronage .iuriii tbe past year, wo would most respectfully ask for a continuance of the same. Our stock consists of DRY GOODS. NOTIOXS. HARDWARE. Q U IS ENS WA R E, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. GROCERIES. LOOTS & SHOES, HATS If CATS. " CLOTHING. CARPETS TOBACCOS, Ete. AIo. Flour. Bncon. Fait. Fish, lirain. Ac, Ac. all ot which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, ind the highest market price paid for iraiu Wool and all kinds of lumber and country produce. Please give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and prices ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, i Cor. Main 4 Thompson Sts. April 20, "70 J Curwensvillr, Pa. SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Iuvix cc Co., Being specially engaged ia the business of buy. ing and selling SQUARE TIMCE11, would repre sent that they are now prepared to purchase tim ber, delirortd at either Curwensville. Lock Haven or Marietta, or will take it at any of these points and sell on commission, making suoh advances as are mcescary. Those engaged in getting ent timber will find at our store in Curwensville, a very large stock ef STAPLE GOODS, of all descriptions. ALSO, FLOUR, MEAT, RYE, OATS, CORN, and everything necessary for use of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, of all sizes, kept on hand ia large quantities, and sold at a small advance, by the coil. Also, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE, to Special inducements offered to those manufac turing Square Timber. E. A. IRVIN A CO. Curwensville, Jan. 12, 1S7. g A M U E L I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Cliiiiiild, Pa. AH work warranted to give satisfaction. A good assortment of Watch-glasses and Keys al ways on hand. Rooms on Second Street, opposite the Court House. March 2. 1870-tf. 0 N MY O W N HOOK. Having purchased the entire stock at the old stand ol Kirk & Spencer, in Lumber City, I intend carrying on the business as hereto fore. MY MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FOR CASH. Thanking our friends and customers for past patronage I solicit a continuance ot tbe same. Sept. 15th, 1869, ISAAC KIRK. NEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. K D WARD MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite the residence of 11. B. Swo&ipe. Esq., Clearfield, Pa., Would respectfully announce to the citiiens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has opened s ROOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L Cuttle, as alawofTice.nnd that he is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of tbe best quulity, always on hand, (iive him a call. June 24. 'tU. c. 11 A T Z E U, Opposite the Jail. Clearfield, l'eno'a, Dealer in Dry Qoods. Dress Goods, Millinery (ioods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Stone ware, Clothing, Coots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Flour. Eacon, Fish, Salt, etc., is constantly receiving new supplies from the cities, which he will dispose ef at tbe lowest market prices, to customers. Before purchasing elsewhere, examine his stoek. Clearfield, February 9, 1S7C. D ENTAL rAllTN'EIlSIIir. DR. A M. II ILLS desircstointorm his patients and the public generally, that be has associated with him in the practice of Dentistry. S. P. SHAW. D. 1) S . who is a graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental College, and therelore has tho highest attestations of bis Professional skill. All work done in the office I will hold myself personally responsible tor being done in tbe most satisfactory manner and highest order ol tbe pro tessioii An established practice of twenty-two years in this place enables we tospeak to my patrons with conn Jence. Engagements from a distance shon'd be made by letter a few days before the pntiont designs coming. Clearfield. June 3, lSOS-ly. H OMR INDUSTRY! BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Kates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of tbecitixens of Clearriel j nd vicini ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St., nearly opposite Uartswick 4 Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to make or repair any thi og in his line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on baud a stock of extra french calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ac, that I will finish up at the lowest figures. June 13th. 18B6. DANIEL CONNELLY SOMETHING NEW IN ANSONVILLE, Clearfield county, 1'cnn'a. The undersigned having erected, during tbe past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now engaged in filling it up witn a new and select assortmentof Fall and Wintergoods, which he oners to the public at prices to suit the times His stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from S10 to S-'fl for a whole suit. Flour, .-alt. and Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete assoitment; t-toves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Boots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps, in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, togather with an endless assortment of notions tee tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and other goods in proporjion. Now is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused or any article in store. Examine my stock be fore you buv elsewhere. October SO. lSr7. II. SWAN. JUST IN TIME! THE NEW GOODS AT A. K. W 11 1 G II T & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., Having just returned from tbe eastern cities we are now opening a full stoca of seasonable goods, at our rooms en Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention ot the pub lic generally. Onr assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very lew for cash. The 'lock consists in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality, such as Prints. Dclaines.Alpa can. Merinos Ginghams; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drilliugs Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels. Cassimers. Ladies' Shawls. Coats. Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals. Ac. Ac. all ot wich win be sold low roa cash. AIs. a fine assortment ot me nest of M E X WEAR, consisting ef Drawers and Fhirts. Hats and Cans. T . It?, it 1 1 . 1 ' i;v"ii! itou i-uors, iianaaercnieitt cravats, ete. ALSO. Raft Rope. Dog T.ope, P.altina Augurs uu inra. .iaiiuDn cpises. i inware, Lamps and j p wicKsanu cnimncy s, ete., etc. Also, Queensware. Glassware. Hard ware.O race ries, and spices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, all chrap for eah, or approved country Nov. 23-iala-n13. WRIGHT A RONS MILL Wit I G II T I N C. H. T. Farxhwokth, Would inform Mill owners, and those desirous of having Mills built, that ho is prepared to build and tepair either Circular or Muley Saw Mills, and (irist Mills after the latest improved patterns. He has also for sale an improved Water Wheel, which he guarantees to give satisfaction in regard to power and speed His motto is. to do work so as to give perfect satisfaction. Those wishing fur ther information will be promptly answered by addressing him at Clearfield. Clearfield county. Pa. Write your name and address plain. April 20. IiS7ft-ly. CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Stone and Earthenware, of every description. Fishers' Patent Airtight Self-sealing Fruit Cans BUTTER CROCKS WITH LIDS, PICKLE and APPLE BUTTER CROCKS. CREAM AND MILK UROCKS,STEW POTS, FLO WER PO TS, PIE DISHES, and agood many other things too numer ous to mention, at the STONE-WARE POTTERY OF F. LEITZIXGER, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA, Aug. 3. '70-tf. Ol 1 I A How I made it in mos. with stencil), (51 1 -r Samples mailed free. A. J. FtTLLAn, New York. April 13-3m- HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Tubs. Brooms. Churns, Wash Rubbers. Butter Bowls, Coffee Mills, Bath Brick, Hall and Paper and Muslin Blinds, Clothes Baskets, Tea Trays. Opposite the jail. C. KRATZER. WHOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR STORE I. L. REIZENSTEIN, DEALER IS WINKS AND LIQ UOllS, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. A good assortment for medical purposes always on hand. April . ISTO-tf. JAS. T. BRADY &; CO., (Snerrxtora to S. Jones 4" Co.,) CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA., BAN KERS, BOT An SELL ALL KINDS OP GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver and Coupons. Six per cent, interest allowed on deposits sub ject to chccK. Money loaned on Government Bonds Bonds registered free of charge. Julyjl. lS'O-ly. JAMES T. BRADY A CO. EEM0VAL! REMOVAL! C. KRATZER & SONS, Have removed to the large and elegant NKW STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjoining Mer rell t Bijler's Hardware Etoro. where they will be pleased to see their old and new customers. Citizens of the county visiting Clearfield, ana wishing to make purchases, will find it to their advantage to examine their stock. Goods at cash prices exchanged for all kinds of comtry produce. Jan. 8, '69. LOOK AIrTlIIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Tooks; Sheet M-isio for Piano, Flute and Violin; Blank Account and Pass Books, of every de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pecs and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment. Exemption and Premisory Notes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap and Bill cap, etc., Will be sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. GAULIK, At the Post office, on Market Street, Clearfield. Pa. May 5. 1S58 CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The First Session of the next Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence en Mon day, the 5th day of September. 1870. Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the timo they enter to the close of the sesuien The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accem plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage ef much experience iu Lis profession, a-snres pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energios will be devoted to the mental and meraT training of the youth placed nnder his charge. Terms or Trinow : Orthojraphy, Reading. Writing and Primary Arithmetic, per session. (11 weeks.) Si M Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histe ry Sol Algebra.Oeometry. Trigonometry, Mensuration Surveying. Philosophy. Physiology. Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. ' Latin, Greek and French, with any cf the a bove branches. $12.00 Music Pinna, (36 lessons ) 10.0 rNo deduction will be made for abscaee For further particulars inquire ef Kr.v P. L. HARRISON. A . July 31,1 SC7. Principal. A. r. BOtXTON. a. s. Teens B0YNT0N & YOUNG, Coy. Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA., MAXUf ACTUBEB.S eF STEAM ENGINES, Mulay and Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, EHAFTISG. PULIES, BOLTS, and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating Stoves, Sled Shoes, Plows, and eastings ef all kinds. DEALERS 1NT Giffards' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gangs Cecks, Air Cocks. Globe Valves, Chock Valves, Wrought Iron Pipe, Steam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti friction Metals, Soap Stone Packing, Sum Packing, Ac. Ae., December 9, lS6S-tf. To nrrnnPRs v.:i. !,.. n - . - - .,.iis, iaHfl, vug, raints. t. at cine Plaster. Lead, Varnishes, Locks, Hinges, Ao, i-iwcb. vijj.osiie me jai i . C1AXXED FRUIT. Canned Plum, Teaches J and ftnnfrl rem fX tha Tim tr Store of A. I. S11AW. IIIXKLEY KNITTER. For Family Use, price $30, Knits veRTT,. uses only oss needle, simple, reliable Cil and ,mpl. stocking sent rasa. Knit, tea . ' nr aZa a ehild " prt accVtsV:;;' ao. Address, 't- t , 'I,',,"' Kmttisq .Machine Co., Bath V. jJuly J7 .Im or 17 BKOADWAY, N. T . KV STORE AND SAW MILL AT BALI) HILLS, Clearfield county. The undersigned having opened a large are well selected stoek of goods, at Bald Hill, iw field county, respectfully solicit a share of'rubb. patronage. 1 Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Grocerie. Hardware.ueensware.Tin-ware.r.ootsacdhee!' Hats and Caps, eady-made Clothing, and T eral assortment of Notions, etc. s They always keep on hand the best qualitv Flour, and a variety or Feed 3 All goods sold cheap for cash, or exchaaced f.r approved country produce. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mill, thev are predared to saw all kinds of lumber to order Orderssolicited.aod punctually filled Nov. 20, 1867. F. b. A A. IR wis. the "BLEES PATENT" Noiseless, Link Motion, Lock-stitch SEWING MACHINE Challenges tho world in perfection of work strength and beauty of stitch, durability of cob struction, and rapidity of motion. Call end x. amine, and for agencies aud circulars, apply AT PRINCIPAL OFFICE, G23 Broadway, New York. June 15. 1870-Sm. TOUT II S' AND BOYS', CLOTHING. The undersigned bavin; rfntly dVJ READY-MADE CU 'THING to his former business, wu'd re-pecfolly solicit an examination -t 1 is itoe'E Koirf a practical Tailor be fit;r h:ialf that be ia able to cCVr a I-tier clas ef re;dy-u:nde weik than has heretofore beea brought to this mar ket. Anyone wishing to buy goods In this lis would save money by calling at his stere, and making their selections. Also. a full supply ef tients'fursishing goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for past favors, he weald re spectfully solicit a continuance f the sane. April 2?. ISM. 11. EKIKCB. j.i. crisis. : m w.oiii. i a. a. uihii, NEW FIRM! JAS. B. GRAHAM &; SONS, WH0LSSALI AXD RETAIL DBALERI' la all kinds ef Dry Goods, Foots and Shoes. Hats and Ctpi, Motions, Groceries. Hardware, Qoesss ware. Wood and Willowware. Flour, Bacon, Fub.Falt etc, Marie: St , CLEARFIELD, PA FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets Silks Coburgs, AlpMas; Merinos. Wool Delaines. Lustres. Sicf hams. Prints, Poplins, Lawns. Fvn shadea. Handkerchiefs Kid aud other Gloves. Hosiery. Earmo rals. Hoop-skirts, and a general variety ef rl bons, trimmings. Buttons, Braids, e'o., at the lowest price FOIl GENTLEMEN They hare Black and Blue Cloths Blaok ai Fancy Cassimeres.Sattinetts. Tweed., M.-1 tons, Water-proof Cloth. Bilk. Sstia and common Vesting, ete , ia great variety, and at prices that' will give general satisfaction to bayei. ALSO, A central assortment of Ready-made Cl"ia ing. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shti, Hardware and Qucensware, a good Stock, Wood and Willowware, and a full stock of Groceries. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SONS soli all articles that are usually kept in a well-regulated eonntrj store. and hence the people generally will find it to their advantage te bnj goods of them. Grain and conntry produ;e taaea exchange for Got is. Ana. 55-'6 B ACON, Hams. Sides and Shoulders at rerfuni MOjSOP'S. B OOTS 100 eases Richardson's Elmira Boots, just received at C. KKATZFK S. 0p.JeiL STOVES Ironsides and Farmer Cooks. Knjs, Parlor Stoves. Stove Grates, Tea Kettles. 4-c, at C. KRATZEP.'S, Opposite the Jj; TADIES' SHOES Kid, Turkey Morocco. J Goat Balmorals, Calf and Goat Shoes, also, assortment Childrens' Shoes, at O KKATZEK S, Opp.theJaiL "VTAILS A SPIKES theeheapeet lotbeecnntj 1 at MOsSOPb.