?f;c aftzman'z goitrnaf, gfearficfb, Jfcr., Icweroficr 2, 1870. it ft " CLEARFIELD, PA., NOY, 1870. plT..,.v. To injure Ihe safe transmission '.?.- ri-v i.v ii, tl - p-itrons should remit by check ,'.t',.cT-oH-r, or hive tbeir letters registered. V .' :':'t will be .-iie!.i.--cJ iu the first paper after p-im' 2.. E- Summer ArraESemfint. V,ii ''t'::- .ta)cTjr"nt : : : 9 00 " Arrives Uf'-o!;i at : : : :10: m. a.m. fhtlipsbuig at Clearfield at : 1 1 00 a. m. : 12('S) m : 2.30 p m : S 40 p. ui : 4 00 p. m : 5.30 p. in : S IR p. m. 9 50 p. m. : 10 50 p. m. Ki I 1 r'in 's Clearfield a : : Arrives at Philipsburg at : Oseeoi-i at : : '. ' T rone at : ' ' l:ll!-fnnto at : : Lock Haven at : : V'iUi.nusnrtat : : Accommodation Train. je;ivc5 CI-irlic'l t : . '. : : ' Arrnca at I'bilipsburg at : : Osceola at : : t Irirersection at : : T rr-ne :it : : : 7.0D A. u. 9 40 a. m. 10.25 a. uu 1 OS p. m. 1 20 p. m. F I rr re-s Icave V. ilii.-unsDort at 8 00 a. m Arrives at 1 ock naveu si . . - lieilefontJ : : : 11 4" a m. Inter-eellon at : : l.OSp. m. iisceolaat : : : 2 40 p. m, Pliilipsbueg at : : 3S5p.m. Clearfield at : : : 6 00 p. m. cone lions ma-Ie nt Tyrone with trains l i-t iinl West ou the Maine Line, r, :et leaving Clearfield at 2 30 p. ra., reach ' v:i iuH.nfM.rt nt 10 59 p. m. the gaoie day. . ...J.r r. !..ari:r V iliiamsport at 8 00 a m. reach "varfield at 6.60 y ic. the fame day. : : it's. Divine services will be held next t'-i'i ;tt!i, in OUiarlield, as follows: IU :-v. Hull, in St. Andrew's Ej.incnpal tfV.H. h. n: 1 1 A. 51. and 7 1'. M. Sunday ... !;,. l iu 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every V,'.. !:' ". evt-uiag at 7 o'clock. i!v V.-v. l'itkr,in the Presbyterian church, 1 ..'riling uml ( veiling. Sabaath school at ; ! M. Payr meeting every Wednesday n.-nimr at 7 o'clock. IW it 'v. J. II. M'CorJ, in the Methodist .1: niiirnin-.' and evetiinsr. Sabbath -h,, nt -.1 A. M. Prayer meeting, every ft , I'. .M. laHUIllUllUMI Ml l' 11 r i ......... i'ir-t S i'ul.u'h of every month at 10 A. M. St. FiancLs' church Mass at 10 A. M., the s-ond and fourth Sundays of each :i: nxh. W:i: answer ,n is oar thanksgiving turkey? Echo , where ? (,':-.ASBF:".r.ii3 h-ive mads their appear uujt i.i our markets. A:i :.L bt;ck of new and seasonable 11I-- ju.-. received and opened at C. Krat :. r'i. opp'.-.i-.e the jail. Vureiiaacrs will re-i;..-uil-cr this fact. ArJ'i.E latter: The metamorphoris of tV; fr..it ixlapt the apple through a pro c .-- til' f.ihrine iu a pjt, over a tire, with of the sauia fruit into a mushy, uiis- . riiolc lilt ss. C -t !.r. The list ot Jurors and Trial list ! -' N .vearjsr term of our our t, will he : ui; 1 in another column of to-day's Jolh- a:.. 1 ':: t-jurt will continue two weeks, v .MinTieini; on Monday, November I4th. : ..:'.:js interested in the trial of causes .''. 'i W govern themselves aocordu.g';.'. Ii., 'S'JLMKts Pi.KtT. The a-;t of A f.'.ir requires all !orsns elected to the "...- ;!' Justice of the Peace, to f;ive no !. ' to the Proth-inofaiy in writing, within t'-ir:y days alter such ek-etion, of their ac . of the otS-.-o otherwlre the coui- ; .'-iiens will nut be i.-iuci All .should t. ,.- this ia mind. iKtw. 3Jr. El. L.-e, the young man who 'a st:;;sreJtQ I!u.ito:i to-.Triship, w'lile work . . wuh a rtu;:ip aiachin.a notice of which ; ;iubi!r he J )j.t week, died on Friday !nt 1 01 the clT-.ts of th'! injuries received- He wa a very ran indujtrious young man, r.:.l h". s'i'l lea death is tuujh regretted by 'h.'.'.':uu:u:!:ty generally in which he resided. i'ir.ii'ATi'iN. The now M. K. church, in 0"-.-v!a, will be dedicated i Providence per ii.i:.'.. I Saiidav.NoveinberOth. Prcach ii;.; i i A..M.. 2; Und 7 l M. D. tjr : : of i:ok;tiiou Co'dee. atid ILjv. J. !'l M ;: .:iy, P. E., will con.!uet the ser - Tt:c p.-op'.c are cordiul.y invited to ' v. .,...: t the 11 .u.-.c of the Lvri." riv.. Je:- ; e::su-. On Friday, OcL 21st, c. iie, K-'v, of I'ojk .-iiie, while lr.:!J;nrn onrlniiivo on his uronertv ml, ,.f tl P twn nM.-ntallv Wl and I : :ve ut: ane, ' '"' it.jur;.-. lii- i.u . j t.'f! : arr -wlv es-plng -other re- . . .Christian G-.-arhart had ! i acerated l.v coiiilntr in with a taw ou the u.iil on which h? was a kin g. lie mav lose his hand. . . .Mr. Jehn r.ei!. f Wat saw township, last week, j t te-entci th.' editor of the P'ou'Mcuh ! Wi'U an upp!.- weighing 21 oiinjes. l'.Vf.tE. A boy na:;;o I I'i j it j, of Port Matilda, had his laek 'i.iok:i by falling ua-'-r a Aag-n, tlu wael of watc'j was loek- t The M. E. Chu-h, i,. Philips- I : ':ea:!v COin-ileted The Pies- I - - Piiiiinsb !'J--g, Lave en.-ageo , 1 -'' -i-1 f-istor Mr. McCaus- j . I' l'Lilipslurg, wck before last, kill- j r a: on-; sli .t. i ua: was a lurky ; The ll.iptist church will be a.-i 1 ready fr dedication about tii' t tf ..ee nLer A bi azeti-iaced 1 i e:itevtd a houe in Philipsburg, one . -: wc.-i t '.--prave. ind liiade overtures o. a . haracter to the lady of the - - t . v.hti piekej up a j".t of doors. chair a" 1 drove She ought to t:tp- p I iece" a little A freight .-"t o was tl.iov.ii off the track at Philips- a week. No damage was t AKMta.v The number of ho' in at- : :.g tlie li'jei;sburg public; S.-h-t 'N, is !' v-.' Th-s editor of the AHejli-i- ' i u h'iuting all day on Saturday aud didn't get a sight of a squirrel. . 3 -utn ; better luck next time, per- 1! - The United Brethren church, in - :H i e dedicate J to the seivice of ' Ni-veud er 6th. UH. Mr. I). Brady, of Eat Ma had a hand badly cut, while feeding l.'ng luaehiue. Mr. A. McCoy,then tl. 1 - hi, place, and afe,v uiiuutes after cut '" aa 1 A- j.-se thin the other had A "'t sun at: r?augher of Mr. Alex. Lyons, ,: ' -.itienuugh township were attacked by - c r. a wc, k or two ago the girl escaped v li bu! litth- injury, but the hoy was gored -'"i-Ji:h the lower bowels, and will proba- : die Mr. William Stiffs?, had a i out o?. all but the lb iut, while work 1 ' ' tt a thresher when iu motinu. Ani-t''-:;n at ihe wrist was the result. For Sale a No. 1- Speer's Tievolving Light Anthracite coal stove and pipe, near ly new. For further information apply to Henry K. Snyder. Tue very best oysters can be had at Mc Pherson's restaurant, by the dish or quanti ty. Those who are fond of good bivalves should give lloss a call. TnosE whi .".re sick, or afflicted with any chronic difficulty, should without delay write for Dr. Ilamilton's'New Treatise, sent free to any address. K. Leunidas Haniil ton, M. I)., P. O. Box 4,952, N. Y. City. Sept. 2G,-6t. Oyster Scpper. The Ladies' Aid So ciety of the M. E. Church will give an oys ter supper, at the residence of J. W. Shu grart. Esq , on Friday evening next. The funds thus raised will be contributed towards the completion of their new church building in this place. Every one ehould attend, and thus encourage the Ladies in the good work which they have undertaken. Prof. Hart's Readings. We neglect ed, last week, to refer to Prof. Hart's elo cutionary entertainment, in the Court House, on Friday a week. The Professor is one of the best elocutionists in the country. His recitation of '"The Battle," from Shilier, was particularly fine and entertaining ; while his comic pieces afforded much a musement to the large audience iu attend ance. Local Correspondence. Bcrnside, October 27, 1S70. "p.. Editor : I come again. Oh, Knight of the quill ! But my budget of news this week will be light, and I am afraid not very interesting. This very day we had a fistic skirmish iu town and the sight unnerved me. In the Indiana Progress of Oct., 13th there is an interesting account of a trip to ClcarGeld, made by trro of our young friends from Cherry Tree Ed. and C. Most peo here could not get the run of it right. I met our postmaster the other night ou the street, and he hailed me and inquired very seriously, whether or not I had purused that k-tter in the Progress. I replied in the af firmative, and then quoth he, ''Why can't some of our young fellers take a trip some where, and write such a beautiful account of it." A brilliant idea flashed across my unusually dull brain, and I responded, "Mr. K., dang my buttons if I don't take a trip if I can get a suitable companion." I im mediately despatched a message to my friend Hi. F., and the next uiorninz he came over with his "boss" who he calls Grey Eagle, and the mill watron. and about eight o'clock we set sail, our destination, Lumber-city. The first p!a."e worthy of note alter leaving Burnside, is "Sweet Auburn." We reached it after a drive of about mile, at;d cOiielud.id to cali on our friend W. B. We found him sitting o:i the veranda, ph-k-iit his teeth with a harrow pin, we r ined up in front of the domicil and hitched Grey Eagle to a white wire clothes line. Our hostess entertained us with the kitchen pi- ant) for a while, Ki:g of the b:rt and leather breeches,) when, ai! rxcitemen t, i) rushed iu and exclaimed, '"III, your old ! gray boss h as fainted, an J tore down our i new patent while wire e'. jthes line. Come out, for land's sake, aa i let's try to get him i up. e rusu.'a out atu puuea ana nam ed at lrey Eg!e's bridle, but the "old cuss" wouldn't stir. Finally we captured a couple of rails and sueees Jed in raising the venerable steed to Ids pins again. I tender ed in,- resprv;ts to W. B. in th shape of a cent, but he declined, saying, "can't buy anything with that at th.j rate they sell goods in BiiriisiJe." The u ?s.t p!a-.:e to be mentioned is Mi chaelsviHt. We arrived oppo-ite the town ab.iut n uu, bat, the log had not mi.-.ed and we Ji 1 not get to s :2 1:1 my of the buildings. We hid ja-t cleared th j outskirts, when, ail at otsce. Grey Eagle stopped, coughed once, sneezed twice, and fell over again in a Ct. Hi ju-DDed out, gazed f ir a moment on his fallen st.-ed, and exclaimed, "By hevitig, your soul, old Ben, We are in t'.r a " e luitgcu o.a i-. to oue "f the road, left him in cure of a re- . ....... 1 - nit, rmt IH..1 rtnt ctr-rw arriving at A. u. as. aooitt -j o ciock, v. M., took a drink and a half ji i tnd of No. . IT - 1 . 1 1. T - "'ot hold it Uoan, and retired .or tue - Full mniiT a irloriom morning have I seen. Flatter the mountaiu tops with sovereign eyes.eto. Ail in:ereting religious revival is in pro gress at Patehinville, and quite a number of erring ones have returned to the "'iold.'' It is can dueled bv P.3V. J. A. Boyer, an ii I n-nl,r auiu luiui.siei uuu u. hij yjim .j ctJ3e,. The Lyceum meanwhile is sus- p,..1j,.j) i,,Jt re0pen when the meeting yises aii w;,i try and be there to take some notes. Mr. Jack P. has just returned with his ludv from a long trip east, Williamsport, pi ,;;..i..i,,l,;.l -,,.1 Wibnin -ton. He is as fail c,f .i.j a. ever) anj says "She uiu.t c.jn,?." A meeting was held this week at Homer for the purpose of consult ing an JEugineer, but I have not heatd the result. Fraternally, Lucky Old Ben. t.l ARRID. On Tuesday, 0:'ober. 2rrh. 1S70. by Bev. Abel ThompMin. Mr. Joiix N. Hile, of i,utnber city, a.id Mis.s Eliza E. Wise, of i'cigusoti township. On Thursdav, October 27th, 1S70, by Rev. W. y. linrr-t.fi. Id, Mr. .Tames O. Head, and MNs Harriet II. II cry, both of Ferguson township. On Thnrsdav evening, October 27th. 1S70. bv llev. Wm. 11. Dill. Mr. Ur.i BEN U TlMMfSON, and Mi-s Hannah J- Fox, Loth o1- l.iwr.'itfp li.wn-liin c lLOsIN'J PRICES OF DkIIAVFN" BRO , 10 South Thirl Sircct. Philadelphia. 3 o clock ir. hi. 'jctocer J?, l-70. i' S R-s -f 11, 113; 1IS C S. 6"s of I-S2. 110 lK'i V . S. 6's of ISol, lii-J 11:11 lr. S 6's of 1-nS. 10 i ley 1'. S. 6's of l'-Si. new, ins jus U. ?. 6's of !?:'.", new, 19 ion V. S. 6's ot Is'tS. li".' 109 l S 5"s. 10-40's. Mil 106 U. S 30 year 6 per cent. Cy., 1I2J 112 Due Compound Interest Notts, 19 Jold. UU m Silver. 115 L ri n Pacific Tt. R. 1st M. Fundi, 8:;o Cntral Pa.'ifij K. K.. . '" ' I uicn Pacific Laud Uraat Bonis. 720 730 Clearfield Retail Markets. CORKKCTEO WEEKLY BY R. M'JSSOP. Apples, dried, lb, 12 1 Hay, ton, 12 0 Apple, groan, bu. i Ibuiis lb. 2S Applebutter, gal, 1 (10 .Sheiul Jers, lb, 17 liutter. lb, 35 Si.iea. lb, 20 BeeT. fresh, lb, HI Lard, lb, 25 rfec-f. dried, lb. 25 Oata. bu, 60 Huckwheat.hu, 1 00 Onions, bu, 1 0U Buckwheat Uuur.lb 5 Hork. tb. 14 lieana. bu. 2 SO Pork, mess, bbl, 33 00 Hoards, per M 14 00 Potatoes, bu, 60 Corn. shelled, 100 i'luster, br.1. 3 50 ' ears, 50 Peaches, dried, lb, 13 " meal, 2 50 Kye. bu, 1 25 Chop, rve, 2 50 Kairs, lb. 3 ' mixed 2 30 Salt, per sack, 2 6 Cheese, lb. 25 Shingles. 1 8 in. 5 00 Cherries, lb, . IS Shindies 2l5 in, 12 00 Chickei.a.dresssed lb. 1 5 Timutb v seed, bu, 8 00 ngjrs, 25 Wheat. 'bu, 1 60 Flour, bbl. 7 50 Wool. Ib 40 CLOSING QCOTATIOXS of Government Secu rities, at I '. HraJ.Y 4 Co's No y Wood St. Pittsburgh, October 26 1870. BUY SELL 1111 Uli 113 U-H ll.ii 1124 11. 1 iioi no no j I07j I7i ii9 im lnj H9i ll'Ji nui 874 924 103 Cold, i;. s. 6's issi, U S. 5-20"3. 1862, V S 5-20 s. ISril. V. S 5-2011. 1865, 'J.S I0-40 S, 5-20"s. Jsmuary & July. 1S65, 5-20's, January A July. fVR7, 5-20 s. January A July. 1038, Cnion Pacific Railroad. Central Pacific ltailroad, Cy. Pacifies, riHE UNIVERSAL IIAL is a euricus inven 1 tion. and a perfct success. Its simplicity and accuracy nre fuly wonderful. See "The Old Cleck on the Wall." in another column. OlOtm mw c a t it f UPiVV Ti It'PIIT liOUSKS. being a first-class team for haulin? timber or logs. Also, several sets ot heavy tug Durness. Ji A IKW.N L'J. Oct. 19.'70. Curwensville. Pa. rISTFN TO THE MOCKFNM IHKD. The Prai J ri Whistle and Animal Imitator can be u.-ed tiy a child. It is made to imitate the song of every bird, the neigh ff a borse. the bray of an a-s. tbe grunt of a hog. Birds. i!ea-ts and Snakes are en chanted and entrapped by it. It Is used by Dan Bryant, Charley White. and all the Minstrels and Varhlers. Ventriloquism can be loarned in three days by its aid. Sent anywhere upon receipt of lOcantr; 3 for 25 cents ; 7 for 50 cents ; 15 tor SI. Address T. W. VALENTINE. Ocl2-lm. Box 372 Jersey City, N.J. NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned have opened a Meat Market in tbe room formerly occupied by Alex Irvin. on Market Street. Clearfield, Pa., adjoiuing Mossop's, where they intend to keep a full supply of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit the times. Their shop will be open regularly, on Tuesday, Thursdny and Saturday, and meat delivered at any point. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. M. (. I'.RiiWN, Aug. 31, "70 tf. E. W. LKOWN. Also continue to deal in all kiuds of impror ed Agricultural Implements, N E W THS S H 0 P! Fred Sackett, Manufacturer of TlX, COPPER and SHEET IROX WARE (nearly opposite tbe jsil), MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Also, ou hand and for s!e "The Times" Cook Stove, the best iu the world, And an asroitment of PARLOR and SITTINO KOOM S 10 VI-.S. which will be sold cheaper than they can be purchased at any ether e&;abtishmeut iu tne county. 4 !.:, ROOFING, SPOUTIXG end JOB WORK doue os reasonable terms. April S, 1S7C. Q L O T II I N O ! CLOTHING!! good akd cheap ::: Men, Youths and Boyscan be uptpied with ful suits of seasonable and lashionable clothing a I. L. KEIZEXSTEIN'S, wber it is ioKi at pricts tbat will indue tbeir f utrliaec. Tbe universal sat infnctioD which has l-eeii giren. has induced hi to increase his ok, which is now not surpassed by any cetnb lidutuent of the kind in tliia part of the Slate. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, Selii roods at a very email profit, fur cash; His goods are well made aDd fashionable. He gives every one the worth of his money. He treats his customers al 1 alike. "He sells cheaper than every body else. His store is conveniently situated. Ho having purchased bis stock i t reduced prices be can sell cheaper li an ethers. ror these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at I. 1,. RUIZitNSTEfN'S. Troduce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May IS. 1864 C. KRATZEH & SONS are receiving a splendid fctock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAIN'S, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILK COATS AND OVERSK1RTS, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, HEAVY CALF BOOTS, $5, MEN'S AND BOTS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, EEST STONE TEA SETTS, $5, CASSIMERES VERT CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY. WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfit-ld, June 30. 1869. GROCERIES'. Old Goverement Java and choice Rio Coffees. Young Hyson Imperial Black and Japan Teas, Susar. Syrup, Rice. Cavendmb, Navy. Spunr ill, and Cut Tobaccos, and t-nuff, at reduced prices. Opposite the jaU. ATZER c V RU ANTS the best and cheapest in th ccaotT, at ui.auA.i - - TERMS Of THE JOl'KNAl..?;. The Kaptsmax's Joibxal is published on Wed nesday at S2.00 pet annum in advance. If net paid at the beginning of the year, S2.50 will be charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the close. Apvektisexssts wi I he inserted at 41,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers vSo subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un tillall arrearages are paid except at the option of the publisher. v ; S. J. ROW. JOOTS! BOOTS!! BOOTS'!! BOOTS!!!! FRENCH KIP, $S 00 FRKNCH CALF, 5 00 LIGHT KIP, 5 00 at C. KR ATZER'S, Sep. 21. 1870. Opposite the Jail. fOIt SALE. The farm of J0jlri Spaek A man, late of Girard Township, tlecV., consisting of ahout one hundred and seventy two acres of good farming land, (most of which is eleared.) and having theicon erected a good house and baiji, and tbe usual conveniences of a pleasant borne. For terms and further particulars upply to T 11 . Ml' kK AY, Att'y for the heirs and persons interested. June 22. '70 -tf. IMPORTED LIQUORS, SLTU AS BR AX DIES and HOLLA XD G1XS, PURE OLD GRATE BRANDIES, PURE O LH CARIXET WIHSKErs. ULI) GRAPE WIXES. Al! tbe above brands warranted pure and to exeel anything in this market for nicJtcinul pur poses GKO. N COLbURN, March 30,'70-tf Prop'r of Shaw House Co-Partnership in Store. C. A- Rorobauh having associated with him in the Mercantile business, in Lewisville, Clear field county. Mr. C. R. McCracken. solicits a con t inuauce ef the patronage so generously extended heretofore Having just returnel from tbe eastern cities their stoc em bi aces a large and varied assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queens ware, and in fact nearly everything usu ally kept in a country store, which they will sell at prices to suit tbe times. Country produce taken in exchange for good . C A.P.OkOBAUGII. May IS, "70. If. C R. MrCRACKKX TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE ASD E ETAII,, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of n, ii. sua ir, Two doors east of tho Postofrice. Clearfield. Pa Constantly on band a fine assortment of Navy. Congress Cavendi-h. Cah!e. Spunroll, Michigan and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, Jo. Also, a large and well selected stock of Tmported and Domestic Cigirs. Smoking Tol.acoos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe fixtures, Tobaccj Boxes, Cigar Holders, and everything goner' found in a well regulated Ciar aud Tobacco Store. JTRemember the place: Two doors east of the PostofSeo, Clearfilii, Pa Aug. 21, '75. QUSQUEIIA N N A II O U S E, C'urwensvilie. Pa. The undersigned having taken charge of this well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ol patronage. The house has been reiitted and re furnished an 1 now compares favorably with any other hoa'se in theoounty, Tho bi-st of everything the market -fiords will be served up to guests. Chaigesio.lcrata. LLI BLOOM. Sei t. 2S. 1670-tf. Propnetar. rpllE ' E A G L E II O T E L," MVtn Sr.. Curwensville, Pa. Having leased for n term of years the above well krown and popular Hotel (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, aud lately by Mr Fouts), and having newly refitted and refurnished it, tbe present proprietor feels assured that he can rcudar entire satisfaction to guests sojourning with him. A fine, large stable and yard is attached, for the care and protection of horses, carriages and wagons. A share of patronage is solicited May 4.'70-ly l A J. DK.AUt.KER. Prop'r. rp II E "S II A W II O U S E," MARKET S T., CLEARFIELD, PA. GEORGS N. COLBURN, :::::: Proprietor This house was lately completed end just open ed to the public is ucwty turuishcJ.and provided wilb al I the modern improvements of a first-class hotel. It is pleasantly located, in li e businrs pari of the town, and near to tbe public build ius. A share of patronage is respectfully solic ited Charges moderate. Th best of Liquors iu the opr. March 30.'76-tf. rjiIIE LEONARD HOUSE, (Ter the Railroad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, Ta. G. D. GOODFELLOW : : : : : Proprietor. A r.ew first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the modern improvements toe best of Liquors promptattendance. and rea sonable charges. The patrenage of the public is respectfully solicited. jy-21--.f. rpHE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. -- This Liniment havins been used, for some yeats past as a farni'y medicine by tbe pro prietor, and its good effects comi ng to the notice of bis neighbors, has. at tbeir suggestion, con sented to manufacture it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Ca'arrh and Billious Cholic. ever offered to the public; and will cure many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in borses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price. SI per bottle, or six bottles for 5. Sent to any address by encles ing the price to WM. U WAGONER. Hurd Postoffice, Oct. . 1SB9. Clearfield county. Pa. NEW DRUG STORE. V. 1. Alexander, M. D., DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, CURWENSVILLE, PA. Keeps constantly on hand an assortment of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, kc, kc. His stock of Drugs is pure and fresh, and custo mers can roly upon getting the bestor everything inhi8line' HIS STOCK OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, Combs, Pocket Rooks, Tens, Inks, Pen cils nnd Taper, sr.d a general assortment of this clas of goods, aio allot the very I est quality and latest styles. PURE "WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only. Glass. Putty. Lubricating Oils, Ac., to suit the wants of the community. His extet.sive and well (elected stock of Drugs and Medicines enables him to fill Physicians' Pre scriptions on short notice and ou the must reason able terms. Smokers and Chewera will fin! his stoek of Cl.ewim- and Smnk inz Tobacco, fibers, and Snuff I to consist of the very best brands in the market. A thare of public patronage is solicited. Aug. 31-3m. w- S. ALEXANDER. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Monuments;. Grecian Tombs. French Couchea, Mantles. Table Tops. Washing Ranges. Garden Statuary. Terra Cotta Ware, of ever description. Head and Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at city prices, or 25 per cent less than' any other establisbmei t in this county Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Or ders tnankfully received and promptly filled in the best workmanlike manner. " S A. GIBSON. Mar 11, 1S70 -tf. James Watson. Agent. STUMPS! STUMPS!! The nndeisigned have purchased tbe right ot Clearfield county for Enoch Farnswortb's Stump Extractor, patented June 7th. 1S70 This is decidedly the most convenient, most durable, and best machine of tbe day Wet weather will not effect it. tbe working part being all of iron. The machine is easily set up, and will work any place that can be plowed. We w ill sell machines at a small profit on cost, and will try to make it to ihe advantage of farmers to buy them. We solicit orders from those wanting inxchine. ii. T. fAR.VS WORTH, Clearfield Pa., J B. GARRISON. GEO. H. HALL, Agent. Curwensville, Pa Clearfield. Pa. luly 13.'70. HJISS H. S. SWAN'S, School for Gu!s, jX Clearfield, Pa. The Fall Term of Fourtoeu weeks will com mence on Monday, Septembr 5th, TEIIMS OF TIIT'ON. Reading, Orthography, Writing. Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 wncks). $7 00 Hisiory, Local and Descriptive Geography with Map Drawing. Grammar, Mental and Wnttnn Arithmetic, 9 00 Botany. Geology. Physiology, Natural Phi losophy. Physical Geography, Algebra, r.heiorie. Eiyinolojy and Latin, 12 00 Oil Painting. (2t tesM.ns), 12 04 Monochromatio Drawing, 10 On rrayo.i. - 6 00 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Music. (3(1 lessons). 1? 00 Wax Flowers and Fruits, with materials, at teacher's charges. For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield. August !7. IS70-Iy 3-20'S AND 1881'S BOUGHT, SOLD AXD EXCIIA.GED, ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. G O L I) BOUGHT and SOLD at MARKET KATES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC H. li. BONDS BOUGHT AXD SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT and SOLDo.i COM MISSIO X only. Accounts received and interet allowed on daily balances subject to check, at sight. DeIIAVEN & BRO., 40 SOUTH 3r STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Mareh 2. lS70-Iy,-Jy 13. 1S70. FALL CAMPAIGN! 1370. YT M . Ii B 12 D , Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Has jtt?t received an immense stock of FOREIGN AND D03IESTIC DRY GOODS, FANCY AND FURXISIIIXO GOODS, HATS, CAPS, FURSf Ladies', Misses' and ChiUlrcns Shoes, and a line of the finest grade of INGRAIN' AND BRUSSELS CARPET &c, &?. PLAIN AND COLORED SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, ALL WOOL PLAIDS, HEAVY CORDED SILK TOPLINS and the best article of B L A CK ALPACAS, ranging in price from 2'o to $1.25 per yard. Great bargains in Shawls, "Wooden and Paisley Water-proofs, Table Lin ens, Crash, Canton, & Wool en Flannels, Ladies' Coatings, kc, kc. Speciality In Notions and Trimmings, White Goods, New Styles Hair Goods both real and imitation, Kid Gloves from 75c to 2. The Harris' Seamless Kid Glove, the best in the world, Hosiery and La dies' and Gents' Underwear. New Fall Styles in HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, HAT PLUMES AND OSTRICH TIPS. ALSO A FIRST-CLASS MILLINER, from Philadelphia, Las been engaged to make and trim HATS AND BONNETS, in the most fashionable styles. Having enlarged my rooms, thereby affording better facilities for busi ness, I shall continue to eep a first-class line of goods, A RELIABLE ARTICLE, and will sell the same as low as can be sold in this or any other mar et. CLEARFIELD, PA. September 14, 1S70. SHOES. Ladies' and Children's custom made. Lasting Gaiiers. Kid aud Carpet Slippers, Moroc co and Glove Kid Ba'iaiorals, Children's Colored Shoe, very enaan Opposite the jail. C. K.KATZER. Marble and Stone Yard. MRS. S.S. LIDDELL, Having engaged in the Marbte business, desires to inform her t riends. aud the public, that sbe has now and will keep eousiantlr on hand a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MAl'LLE, and Is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTOXES. BOX AXD CRADLE TOMBS, MOXUMEXTS, ia Sand stone and Marble, CURBS aud POSTS for Cemetery lots, WINDOW" SILLS AXD CAPS. ARCHITECTURAL AXD LAWX ORX.1 MEXTS, A-. She would invite spocial attention to her Sand stone Monumeurs which are buil: from original designs and will compare favorably with any thing ef the kind in the eountiy. If desi.ed ihe can furnish Marble Window SiiU and Cap. at a slight advance on tbe price of Sandstone. Yard on Reed Street, near the Depot. Clearfinld. P- iM? 4.JS70. 11 O SAD ALT S rntiE great American health X RESTORER, purifies the blood and cuirs Scrofula. Syphilis. Skin Diseases. Rheu matism. Diseases of women and aU Cbrou. ic Affections of the R!o'd, Liver and Kid neys. Recommended by the medical Fac ulty and many ikousuuls of our be.t ci;i xen?. Head the testimony of Physicians ar.d pa tients who have used Rc-adalis; ci.U for our Rosadaiis Guide to Health Book, or Al n;anac for this year, which we prhiiih f-r gratuitous distribution ; it Kill give you much valuable informati-jn Dr. K. W ( arr. o! 1'a'timore. says : I tube pleasure iu ret-utuuisi liini. your Rosadalis as a ve-y powerful alterative I have seen it used iu two canes with happy results ot.e in a ease of secondary syj bilis inuhicu the patient pronounced b mseif cured after h-ving taken five bottles ef your medicii.e The other is a case of scrof ula of long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its use. and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully rxiinined the formula by which vour Rosadalis is made, and find it O s A D Van die. an excellent compound ot alterative ingre- icnts r. Spa-ks. of fiicholasville. Ky.. says he has used Kosadalis in cases of :crotula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory resulis as a cleaner of the Blo.d I kuow no bet ter remedy. Samuel G. McFadden, Murfreesboro', Tenn , says : L I bave used seven bottlos of Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, I who has scrofulous sora eyes. He ijnuin Bechtol. of Lima, Ohio, writes, I bave suttered for twenty years with an iu veternte eruption over my whole body ; a short time since I purohasud a bottle of Ko sudalis and it effected a perfect enre. JLabratoiy, 61 Exchange Place. Baltimore. S CLEMENTS k CO , Proprielors. Rosadalis is sold by Hartswiok K Irwin and A. I. Shaw. Clearfield, D. K. Good. Osceola, and by Pruggists geterilly. April 6.'70-lv ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ -l Who sells the cheapest goods in the county ? M O S 8 0 P ! Who sells best calicoes at 12 ct3ayard MOSSOP! Wee sells best unbleached muslin at !7 cents' MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at 5 00? MOSSOP! VTbe sells Hall's best Coarse Eoetsat(4 8? MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's best Kip Boots at $4,50? MOSSOP! V he tells Hats lower than anybody else? MOSSOP! Who sells Sugar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed tho cheapest? MOSSOP! Who selh'IIardware the cheapest ? 1 MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down t the lowest cash prices t M O S S O P I Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'S! Clearfield. M-iv 2 D RIED FRUIT. t redneed prices. .. - j --i - FOll SALE, White Lead, Zine Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine Tarnishes of all kinds, Colon, in k and dry, Paint and Varnish brushes JI ARTS WICK M IRWIN, Clearfield Pa -M 5,'6l. A G R E A T OFFER Horace "Waters, 431 Broadway. New Tork. will dispose ..r ON K HUNDRED PMNOE9. MK l.ODEONS ai.i OKU N of six first elan (aakera, including Checkering t sons, at sxtrbm elt vow f kicks roRCASB. nrttitta this uotiTH, or will take fioni ftj to S25 monthly until paid. 4-l3-'70 ty. ;ho HAS A fil SE TO PAINT? V READ Y-MA UE COLORS. Kr.nwn as "Railroad"' Colois Guaranteed to be more economical, more durable and more conveni ent tbanauy Paint ever before offered. A book wfciitied -P.ain talk with Piaetical Painter," with samples sent free by mail on application. MAIRY A WHITON. t7ei Whit, Uad and Volar Worts, Ap. I3-3ui) Ml i-lto St..Nrtc York. Beware of Imitations. Established 1S3S. n LEAK IT E Lii N CKS ERY. Escocb ack Ho.vtK Industry. The underiita ed having established a Nursery, en the Pike nal! way between Curwensville and Clearfieli . ..6u. i. pi.,arra 10 ihrfiisn su sisaioi r rui j trues, (Standard and dwaif .) Evergreen. Shrub ibeiy.Grape Vines, Oooseberry, Lawtrn Black i berry. Strawberry and Haspbciry virei. Als ! MbrianCrsbtrces. Quince and early Searlet Rhea I barh. Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Adtlrei j Aug 31. 164 J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville i ' THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OK ALL OTHERS ! I L.gniv tiz i r iit'onu airtn tlnnitrttt ana JtgH- ig-out Ujcttinc Al id anil old tho Pat Ytar! The number exceeds by thousands the sales of any other Machine, and the demand is still in creasing THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MAPE AND SOLD. THE RE SO A5 WHY: Because it embodies essential principles not found in any other .Machine ; because of its sim plicity of cuustru.'tieii. ease of operation, uni formity of precise actional any speed, and ca pacity for the greatest range an I variety ef werk, fine or coarse. Parties wishing to purchase should not fail te examios this beat of all Sewing Machines. I bave the Agency for this Machine, and will keep a full aMT.iily on band. Clearfield, May4. '70 tf J. S. SHOWER3. NEW STORE. Cerner of Eeeoad St. and Bill itead. R. MITCHELL Has just received and opened, at the abeve nam ed place, an entire aew stock ef Spring and Summer Geeds, wbith he will sell very eheap tor cask. His sUck consists of Cry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queonsware. Boots and Shoes. Bate aad Caps, Ready made Clothing, ete. Be alse keeps choice Flour, Corn Meal, Chep feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desireus of purchasing goods at fair , rates are respectfully requested te give him a eall. A ,prA..il ffanatrr produce will ka takw. at the highest prices, in exchange ter geeda- Clearfield. June 17. 1S63. BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT THE MAMMOT H " STORE OF THE Mcsbanncii Land and Lumber Co.j OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, Penn'a. GROUND AND CNGROUND SPICES. Citrjn English Currants, Essence Coffee.nnd Vine-, car ot the best quality ,foi T11TW Jan 10. HART? ICS IK Wis, it; F 1:, . I! ii IK I it ; V ! tfj- li Pi-- t 7 i . ' t- 4 -t s. - i'K' -; ui ; 5 v.-i m t ! ' .lit y 5- t 'f li i , Hi n ii