(;e gtaffeiuan' gournaf, gfearftefo, Ijfa., "jXtovemhx 2, 1870. ffiaftsnmrt's Jmtrnni I. J. ROW, EDITOR 4!IDPnopnlETOB. CLEARFIELD. l'A., NOV. 2, 1870. Id another column we pubii.sk the pro clamation of I'lesiuent Grant, recommending Thursday, November 2-Uh, as a day of thanksgiving. There ate reasons for expecting that Chief Justice Chasa and Justice Nelson will be fore lonp re.-it'n from the Supreme Bench. To fill the vacancies that will be thus crea ted will devolve ua important duty on the President. " It is stated ex-Congressman Whittemore has been defeated for the South Carolina Senate by a colored man. 31.-. W., it will be remembered, was turned out of Congress fjr his alleged connection with the selling out the nomination of acaJotship for a con sideration. The World thinks the electiou law of Congress ought to be calle J "a law ilr di minishing Democratic majorities." The World has hit the nail right on the head in this instance, and certainly realize the full effect of the election law. It will materially reduce Democratic majorities by preventing fraudulent registering and voting. The Republicans of Iowa put Protection into their platform, at the recent election and carried the State by the largest majority ever given but one that given to Grant. In the les Moines District an out and out Free Trader was put up against Palmer, Protectionist, and Palmer wis elected by the largast majority ever given in the DUtiict. The Democracy are figuring very hard to make Pennsylvania a Democratic Slate. Democratic figures Luve, however, a repu tation of being a little loo?e, and the calcu lations don't all agree. Is is a pity, how ever, to deprive '.he Democracy of ths joy their calculations five thetu, and which they fai.'ed to receive from the voses of their party. Tho official account of Governor Scott relative to the recent outrages committed in South Carolina, s'ates thut at lca:t sixty person have been Liiled or seriously injured since t'u; eiectto.i. The Do:u ciaiic; press Y, ol Win trdnliint ltn rcadctd to tclivc tlmlf the Democracy wouIJ be triumphant and when it was discovered to be defeated, out rages u;aitist Republicans were at once ci-iiimeij'.-ed. Application for a military force to be stationed in that State, it i.s said, Trill be trrauteJ, and .similar outrages thus be prevented. It seems, however, as though the ruling spirit of the Ddinocrany was rit. West Virginia Democracy carries out the letter and spirits of the Democratic press, , to its roughs. General Harris and Mr. Old j ham discussed the political issues of the day, on Wednesday, the 24th of October at West j Union, West Virginia. The discussion was j carried on very temperately and gentlemanly j on both sides, and the result was a complete ' Itepublican triumph. Ou his way home, some one unable to stand the logic of the General struct him in the dark with a larpe stone, injuring him very seriously. This was a Democratic triumph, a "while man's" victory. Ex-Senator Bucfcalew is fctrongly opposed to the Crawford-county system of making nominations. Ilia opinion, coming from a man whohasgiven much attention ai:d thou ght to minority representation, atid whose motives cannot be otherwise than unrjM -s-tioncd. ouht to possess a double weight, lie thinks it a plan of plurality representa tion, whereby the minority are every com monly overruled, or rather coerced into sup port of a candidate to whom they are oppos ed. It also tends strongly, in his opinion, to produce fraud and increase the expense of a canvass. Protection is crowing among the people, notwithstanding all the efforts to talk them over to Free Trade. Protection is practical. Free Trade is a theory, au 1 the public pre fers what it can understand. The following remark of the St. Louis Tribune shows what advance the American principle is ! making in Missouri : "The brass founders j of St. Louis say that since the developments of the zinc mines of Missouri, -inder the j Protective Tariff, they are able to compete I with foreign manufacturer, (five good wajres and prosper, though the price of copper is high, for brass in common u e is ma le of copprrand zinc They expect when our tin mines are developed, under the same pro tection, they will be able to give good wage.-, and prosper in the manafiicture of the better description of brass." While Northern Democracy crows jubi lantly over the late elections, their Sout hern Lrethern see rlaiiily that there is no caue k i e Kjfiems. uimcu neiory, ir.at avails .u: r. it .u . : , ..U......S, --.. lUC i' ne Northern I Democracy made, has aroused the anm r of ! .i. i u i n: .i oi iue meuujunia j(iu(ti, auu ii strikes Lark as follows : The truth is, the Xorthern Democrats have not the tact , or good sense, or wisdom, or what you will, t make up good issues. The Southern Democrats formerly made ibse up for them, and then they were al Tvaysaceessful. This is hardly kind to the Northern Demo crats, when they have been asserting so joyously for weeks that they have had a Democratic triumph. But the sting of the rebuke resia in the fact, that of old, South- 1 ii t . - tm uemocrats, saving an tne wisu,u, msde up the issues tor the .Northern i, mr.cats, j ;;:.7U "" " l,K U WW wS.lwys,ucceuL Politicsl Items. The overage Republican majority iu Ohio is 16,073. The Democratic township of Eat Vin cent, Cheter county, elected William John son, a colored man, constable at the late election. The Indiana Lcgislatuie stmds: Senate Republicans, 2C ; Democrats, 23 ; Peo ple's ticket, 1. House Republicans, 47 ; Democrats, 52; doubtful, 1. Two town.ships in Tama county, Iowa Geueseo and Claik did not poll a single Democratic vote. Winnebuco county, in the the same State, palled 242 Republican votes, uiidjust 1 Democratic. The Nebraska Legislature stands : Sen ate Regular Republicans. 8 ; Republicans elected on People's ticket, 2; Democrat-?, 3. House Regular Republicans, 20 ; ltepub ieans elected on People's ticket, 5 ; Demo crats, 8. lk Republican majority on the aggre gate Coiigreisional vote, at the last election in Pennsylvania is about 2,547. So the Democratic roosters crowed prematurely over a claimed Pcraocratie majority of 8,000 on the same vote. The Republican majority of Iawa in 1360 was 12.4S7, and in 1S70, 41,000. There are only four Democratic counties in the State, and there are three counties that do not poll a single Democratic vote. The Repub licans elected all the rucuibers of Congrcsa from Iowa. The official result of the election h;;M in Ohio on October 11, is announced as fol lows i Sherwood, the Republican canJi iate for Secretary of State, h i? 221,70?, votes against 204,079 for Htisley, the Democrat. The Republican majority is, therefore, 16,7.jO, coupled with a total falling off in the vote of the whole State of 25,700 since the election of 1SG9, when the Republican majority was 7,501. The States of South Carolina and West Virginia, h which elections have just been held, have balanced each other, in that the former went solidly Republican and the lat ter is reported to have goue Democratic. The only matter for surprise is the result in South Carolina. Of course the presence of the colore 1 vote explains the result. It teeiui very like a case of poetic justice. Ti.e head and front of the rebellion the Stale which did more than any other to briug on the rebellion i the one which, by that rebellion, has been so affected as that popular sentiment is entirely changed, and, in place of the Democracy ruling. Repub licanism is rampant everywhere. This must be couviling to the old &lavchold'ng Do mocracy in that Slate. Thanksgiving Da v. By the Pkksi- Li..r OF THE L'mTKI) STATES A PROCLA MATION. Where, It tichuovjs a people sensible of I heir d. pead-jnee on the Almigh ty, publicly and c..,ec-.i-. e'y lo acknowledii: tnetr iaiii.ui.e ror Mb javi.TS un;X mercies, and humu'y beseech for their cjiiiiau.ince ; and Whem.it, The people of tho United States, during the year now about to end, have special cause to be thankful tor genera! prosperity, abundant harvests, exemption troiu pestilence, foreign war, and civic strife; now, therefore, be it kn wn, that I, Ulys pes S. Grant, President of the United States, concurring in any similar recommen- dation from Chief Magistrates of Siatos.do hereby recommend to all citizens lo meet in their places of Worship on Thursday, the liith day of November next- there to give thanks for the bounty of God during the year about to close, and to supplicate for his continuance hereafter. In witness whereof 1 hrsve hereunto set my hand and eau ed the ica! of t'uj United Stares to be affixed. llone at the city of Washington this 21st day of Octoiier, in the year of our Lord o:i thousand eight hundred an 1 seventy, and of th.s independence of the United Sutes, the ninety-tifth. U. S. Grant. By the President : Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. Coxgrf-Ss. An error having got into the figures of Jefferson county, last week, we republish them, corrected. Counties, Cauiernm, Clearfield, Flu, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, M'Kean, Warren, Scofield, R. 437 J,371 VA1 ij.i 'J5 oGG 1.S1-2 2.-J.W Marvin, D. 390 2,603 7S7 4,089 276 1,004 70(t 1,057 13.055 12,411 12.411 Seofield's majority. 64 1 Mr. Senfie'd's mijoiity is ,9uGless than it was two years aao. This is attributable m two censes : 1st", to the smailnrs r,f ,h vote cast ; and 2d, to the division on the J,i;eial mixtion in Krl. Warren n,l V:.V counties. The Republican vote in the dis trict is 3, 015 less than in 1SGS, and the Democratic 1,119. Wkst ViftyixiA Election. A Wheeling dispatch says: JiiC-.mrlctc reitiius from about twenty cou-i res, embracing two thirds of the State, show large Democratic gains enough to wurrat t the announcement that the State has been carried by the Democra cy, by a small majority perhaps one thou sand or twelve hundred. This the Repub licans concede. Tluy have also elected two Congressmen from the First and Third Dis triets, and by their large cains will be ena- bled to control the next Legislate, which k. it . i e.-. . a en i elects a United States Senator to fill the seat made vacant by the reiirement of Senator Wiley. The inteiim counties will not be heard from for several days, owing to a lack of telegraphic communication, but these re turns will not materially change this estimate. The Dayton Tdrcraph says Gen. Schenck will contest for the election of Lewis D. Campbell, on the ground that voters were illegally deprived of ths right to vote, said voters being inmates of the Soldiers' Home in that city. Gov. Ge-arv has issued his ,.ro,l..,,.,:... concurring in the appointment by President G,,nt. ot Thursday, iWember 2Kb. .s a ! day of Ihaak-iving. ' THE CENSUS. Western District of Pennsylvania. The 1'jl'owing are the official figures for all the counties iu the Westeru District of Pennsylvania : 1870. 1S60. Allegheny, 202,482 178,831 Armstrong, 35,707 Reaver, ' cG,132 20.140 Dutier, 30,465 3o,5y4 Hlair, 33,050 27,829 Bradford, 51,100 4S.734 Bedford, 23,636 20,730 Cameron, 4.273 new couniyt Clearfield, 5.770 18,750 Cambria, 3t5,572 20.15a Ciiuton, 23,213 17,723 Columbia, 28.765 25.U1.5 Crawford, 03,827 4,75o Centre, 34,304 27, W0 Clarion, 26,542 24,0.SS Klk, 8.315 5,915 Erie, 65.'J77 49,432 Fulton, 9,301 0,131 Forest, 4,183 898 Favetie, 43,284 30.0U0 Greene, 25,803 24,343 Huntingdon, 31,252 28.100 Indiana, 36,123 33.0S7 Jefferson, 21,601 18,270 Juniata, 17,401 16,086 Lawreuee, 27,208 22,000 Luz.--ru, 160,071 90.244 Lvcouiing, 47,638 37.3'JX M'Kc-an, 8,826 8,859 I Mercer, 49.981 36.856 Mifflin, 17,509 16,340 Montour, 15.334 13 053 Northumberland, 41,440 38.922 j Potter, 11.418 11,470 Snyder. 15,606 15,035 Somerset, 28,325 26.778 Sullivan, 6,191 5-6I Susquehanna, 37.530 36 267 Tio-a. 35,1.2 31,044 Union, 15,568 14,045 Venang.J, 46 382 25.043 Warren, 23.897 10.190' Washington. 48.481 46,805 1 Westmoreland, 58.699 53.736 Wyoming, 14.5S5 12.540 1 1,713,957 1,233,039 1,233,039 Increase, 480,918 Barclay towr.sip not yet in. tNew couuty formed out of Potter and M'- Iveau, Capitol Convention Collapsed. It is probable that we ahall hear but little for sometime to come of the proposition to re move the national capitol. The gentlemen who engaged in the enterprise of getting up a convention met with so many misfor tunes, that after a two days' session at Cin cinnati, they gave the matter up in disgust, and went home. Greeley male sport of them by proposing New York as the proper place for the capitol. Forney did worse, by quoting to thrm the sayings of Western men in opposition to the project. And some one else d.alt the finishing blow by moving an a ijoarnuient sine die. This was the Wst and c.-uelest blow of all. To save ar peai auces th.5 chairman appointed a com mittee to memorialize Congress on tho Fub- joct. As 3ir. U.-etlcy Is on the committee, it may be readily seen th'it the Wisllft.S Ol the speculators in capitol removing will not be very fully realized. Capitulation of Mktz. At last we have official inte-liiyeiK'3 of the capitulation: of Melz. Raz.iine and his whole army, e.sti. mated at 170,000, including the regular gar rison and 3 l,0'i) nek, are pris-oners of war to the Prussians. This is the greatest vic tory of the campaign. The number of pris oners exceeds by one half those taken at Sedan, and th-spoils of war, cannon, small arms, ammunition, etc., roust h- immense. The capitulation of Metz will enable King William to send larg reinforcements to I'aris and other points against which his ar my is operating. The question now is, how lonir can Paris hold out? The spoils captured at Mefz inblude 3,000 guns, forty millions of French war funds, and twenty millions of French civil Govern ment Department funds. - Loss ov Life at Sea. Another terrible disaster and loss of life at sea, has occurred. The steamship Cambria, which left New York on the Sth of October for Glasgow, with 170 passengers, besides the officers and crew, was lost on Wednesday night a week, off the Irish coast, ai:d of the whole num ber on board, only on; person is so far known to have been saved. A small boat was picked up containing a sailor, and a corpse of a pirl. Four other boats, con taining passengers, left the steamer, but have not yet been heard of. The sailor re ports that his own boat was upset, and all in it but himself were drowucd. Win. Bingham, Jr., wife and twa children, of Pitt-burg, were anione the passengers. Tho area of the organized Territories of the United States including Alaska.is great er than all the States which have been ad mitted into the Union. There are nearly a billion of acres of land in these Territories, and not over a halt a million of white in habitants. In natural resources this territo rial domain is richer than the area included in the States. The latter contain say 40,- 000,000 inhabitants. But here is a country waiting for 40,000,000 settlers, and even the.-e would hardly be near enough for neigh borhood purposes. Railraods will open up the country and bring iu population. What a magnificent country to carve into home steads for 40,000.000 landless people. The-.Pre 'hows that according to ihe in crease in dwellings since 1SG0, Philadelphia should have 739,115 population ; according to the increase in voters, there should be 742, 107 inhabitants ; according to the in crease in tax payers, the population should be 742.S55. As it thinks either of these results is actually too small, it is somewhat dissatisfied with the census enumeration of only G57.159 persons. A person in prison was asked by a friend what it was for. "For telling lies," he re plied. "Telling lies ! how is that?-' de manded the other. "Why telling people I would pay 'em, and not keeping my word." It is a blessed thing that "telling lies" under similar circumstances is not punisha ble by imprisonment in this section. Our jail would be full to overflowing in less than An official Statement reports 87,521 in-I valid pensioners at tho close of June. ! A Little of Everything. Christmas cornea on Sunday this yoar. Get your turkey ready for Thanksgiving. The needle-woman's exclamation a-bem '. A very difficult thing to remember the poor. Is it wrong te take asy one in when it rains? Love is au internal transport. So ia a canal boat. Dont light fires with coal oil. It is very dan gerous. A g(od rule back your friends and free your enemies. Business men that advertise gat the cream of ibe trade. The most useful thing, after all, id the 4;Iong run" is breath . How to take ink out of linen jerk our devil out of his shirt. The tobacco chewer is like goose in a dutch oven always on the spit. 'Blowing jour own horn" cannot be classed under the Lead of modesty. While some ladies lace their waists tight, some gentlemen get tight al! over. When a good man dies the tears are shed which he in life prevented from flowing. Look out for counterfeit 6's on the Farmer's Bank of Reading. They are afloat. The Mormons predict a civil war between them and the United States within a year. Grapes are now so abundant in some parts of the west that they are sold by the ton. Fo:ne girls are like old tnurUcts; they nse a good deal of powder, but won't go off. A Maryland paper notice that kerosene ia a very popular '-hair oil'' in that section. Hops, in the country, run on poles, but atfash iontibte parlies they spread on the floor. A '-girl" of the tender age of fifty-two is among the students of the Mijhi;;an University. New York city, according to the "corrected eon su3 figures, ,; contains itL'u.910 inhabitants. A miirried lotbirio of eighty has eloped with a deluded maiden of fourteen in Minnesota Charleston, S C, has a population of 43,131. In 1S60 it had 40.22. A fact worth noting. A western editor says he is "pained to bear that a dear friend of bis hus just gone te heaven.' Apothecaries should be careful in compounding prescriptions, and physicians ia writinj them. Olive Logan ssys she will ' remove the myste ries that surround gir'.s." Oh, good gracious. A dog is said to be a biped --when his tail curls so tight that it lifu his hind legs off the ground." Philadelphia has a population of 637. 19, an increase of V1.750 since 1851, or about Id 29 per cent. A Troy brute beat his wife's face with his fist, and thcu said he was '-only putting in souao dim ples." The man who wruld keep his head cool sheuld not put a stove pipe on it. Young swells, take uotice. A rsvenue collector in Missouri reeenlly tried to collect fifty cents a head ia a ball room the tax on hops. It was woman, perhaps, who first tempted man to eat, but he took to drink on his own aaceunt afterwards. 'What is home without a mother?" aaid ajoung girl the other day asshesont the old lady out to chop wood. The N Y. World says: "Having successfully invaded ail Inacches. women 9 want U take I tho ftumr. .' What a nuisance that word '--Tf ' is ; it stands in the nay like the danger signal of a railroad, and stops everything. A fiiend of oura describing the dress worn by a young Udy op itrcct, says, '-it busts open at the top and foams over." Wendell Phillips aa.TS " tarring and feathering" cm be traced to the Crusades. Why did it not continue a "Lost Art?" Fond parents around town are engng oj in fil ing up the front gates that wee damaged durinj tho cuniuier sparking campaign. An ecbange says : An Indiana attorney went q'luil hunting and killed S'UO worth of pointer dog, lie mado that dog quail though. How much better it would bo (or boys to be storing up useful knowledge at ho:ne these long evenings, than to be ruuning about the streets. "Names are nothing." according to an old saw. bat call any of your lajy friends a perfect fright ant toe the style of 'nothing" you got in return. The Philadelphia Pres. says: "It is a sad com mentary on French vivacity that no news can be trusted unlessit bear the mark of lleraaa origin." Tho first coin made in the Philadelphia Mint was the copper cent in 17'J'I. The first silver dol lar was made iu 1793, and the first gold eagle in W95. A Louisville merchant has sworn off. Last week he decanted the last of a barrel of whiskey ana fouud in the bottom two plugs of tobacco and six rats. A Texan begun to think that possibly his pres ence might be obnoxious to bis neighbors when they tarred and feathered and threatened to hang him. The largest bill ever drawn on any bank in the world was drawn ou the Iauk of Kngland duriug the war of l'J 12, and amounted to five million dollars. A sheriff in Minnesota last week, performed the very disagreeable duty of arresting bis own son and lodging him in prison fr murdering a prom inent citizen. Sawdust pills, says an old physician, would ef fectually cure many of the diseases with whica mankind is afflicted, if every patient would make hi own saw dust. A physician of Valparaiso, Indiana, was out seventeen nights in succession attending to '-late arrivals." An anxious desire is now manifested for the census man to come back. The plan of the Democrats is to abuse the mem bers like pickpockets if they remain in the Cabi net, and to accuse the President of more crimes thun the decalugue mentions if they quit it. Charles S. Swin has been expelled from the O nondaga (Sew York) Democratic County Commit tee fur having accepted a nomination for the As sembly from the Labor Reform organization. A Fast Tennessee woman stopped a railroad train by waving a red flag- and wanted to know of the conductor if -Sairey Melvina Thompson was aboard which the sainc was her sister." It is estimated that from 163 Turkey has hal a treaty with Fngland by which she has bound herself to charge no higher duty upon imports than three per cent. Her people have suffered from internal taxes in eonsequence. It is wonderful what a high opinion the Demo cratic press has now of Mr Wendell Phillips, since he denounces the Republican party of Mas sachusetts. But what is to be done with the few tons of approbrious epithets east at him before ? The Atlanta Georgian says: "'A smart chap is going aroand the city buying up H the empty goods boxes he can find, with a view to renting them out as lodging places during the State Fair. He expects to provide 1,240 beds iu this way, and realize a snug fortune out of the venture. Js'oth ing like enterprise." Senator Vickers.of Md.. deeded a foot of ground to ninety-four Democrats of Chcstertown, and this gave them property qualification to vote. A colored ge hearing of these things, deeded a foot of land to 150 colore! man. and in the local election, for which all thla wa? done, cleaned out the Democratic ewnJilatos. Our Noith western States are sometimes represented as having a rigorous climate ; but one would think, from the stories told of their wonderful productions, that the theory was true which some philosopher has propounded, that the original Paradise was on the Northern Mississippi. In I'olt county, Wiscon.-in they are harvesting a second crop of oats, and for a second time this season the lilac blooms by the garden wails. They have cabbages weighing thirty or forly pounds; turnips almost a yard in circumference, and "other things in propor tion." That is one of the places where the catlh, if "tickled with a hoi." "laughs with a harvest." We don't believe half of their stories, however, and their three footed turnips can hardly be fit to cat. A Correspondent of the Springfield Ite publican in the Yellowstone Valley, on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains, speaks of the wonders of nature iu that region, confirming the opinion of tourists that our midland country will vie with Europe or South America in the grandeur and pictresqueness of its scenery. The writer says: "Here, within a radius ot two miles, I saw hot springs by the thousands and the geysers that surpass the great geyser of Iceland. I saw no less than seven of these geysers in operation during the two days of our stay. One of these threw water to the hight 250 feet, but as my owu eyes bore me witne.s, it was a surprise to all of us and exceed all power of brief discriptioo." Save all your cats. Don't throw away a cat! Don't permit your servant girl to throw away a cat. If you see one (a cat) in an ash barrel pick her carefully out and save her coat. Because machinery has been in vented in Kngland which makes silk velvet, from the hair of cats, and their first cousins, rabbits. There are at least three hundred thousand superfluous members of the feline family in this State ; ten of them will make a silk dress or a velvet cloak. "Just think of it ! Don't suffer another puss to go to that bourne whence no traveler returns, as Handy Andy beautiful y says iu his "Much Ado About Nothing," Till you have picked every feather wff. A South Corolina letter Fays it is difficult for the people of the North to understand the actual state ot affairs, or to comprehend how this system of barbarity can exist or be earned ou so long before it is found out by the authoriiies. It must be remembered, however, that the railroal system ot the State is quite limited, tod the telegraph is known only in certain quarters. But one train a Jay pisses over any of these roads expect the Southern Central Railroad. A system of outrages cau'.d be perpetrated for weeks within ten mile3 of the county seat of many of the upper counties, and no one outside of the immediate vicinity kuow anything about it. Not less than one million of the freedmen have been, to agreateror lers degree, receiv ing elementary education. 1,0'J-t night schools have been sustained by the freedmen themselves. They now own 5S4 ochool houses. The average attendance of pupils has been 78 per cent, of the number enrolled. They have paid tuition ti.es to the amountol $51,009. They have deposited in their savings banks nearly $13,000,000 ; tho num ber of depositors being 45,000. They have drawn from their savings bat.ks. to be used for their education, $70,000. And them are now among them 1 1 colleges, 43 high schools and 2,8-3 ordinary schools. Professor Olmsteal furnished the follow ing solution of the auroral lights: lie considers the aurora to bo due to nebulous matter, like that which furnishes material for meteoric showers, or the zodiacal liht. The light, he thinks, is ciused by the fric tion of the earth in plunging with its at mosphere through this matter, which, being parity metallic, thus gives rise to the con current magnetic phenomeua. The returns of all postmasters in the country of the free matter leaving their offices in the first sis months of this year, show that if it had all paid postage the re ceipts therefrom would have boon two or three millions of dollars, being more than would make the department self-sustaining. The Revenue Bursau now saves $1,200 per day by a reduction of 284 in the num ber of Assistant Assessors. Over three hundred more are to be dismissed, making an aggregate saving of nearly $900,000 per unnuin. A Nashville girl tried to hang herself because her nose was turning red. "Tastes is warious," said Sam Wcller. Some men spend large sums of money, time and whis ky in bringing their noses to a bright red. It is said that, at the lowest calculation, three hundred thousand bales of cotton will be made in Georgia during the present season, and that the wheat crop is the finest ever gathered in the State. A large meteor, which was seen near Troy and Saratoga, last Sunday morning, burst near North Adams, Mass., shaking the earth and buildings for miles around. Plum township, Venango county, has been overlooked by the census takers AJwrusfmeut tetup tnrTgetyp,0 muff pft style, will be charged doiiblt usual rates. JVari 'aril tut ij. M. Pbttesoili, A Co.. 37 Park Row. New Tork, and io. P. Kowkll A Co.. 40 Park Row. New York, are the sole agents for the Jocrxal in that city, and are authorized to contract for in serting advertisements for us at onr lowest eah rates. Advertisers in thateity are requested to leave their favors with either of the above bouses. Dtt. KLINE, at the Philadelphia Cancer Insti tute. 9 il Arch St.; Prof. Dalton, 2: W. 4th St.. Cincinnati. O , and Dr. Greene, at ChaMotte, N.C aremnking astonishing cures of a 1 1 by their I'LCF.P.S great Cancer An tidotes without Tt" M O RS the knife or cnus- tic medicine. mid CASt'tKS wi!h but little and fibre is killed pain, t-veryrooi and removed, if taken in time an-! cannot return, lie ware of bogus Professors, with their bogus treatments, stealing our advertisements. No others have these treatments. None other should ever be ned. For particulars, send for circular, call, ar ad dies? as above. Sov.3,'74. HEW ADVJEETISEalENTS ClI ERUT S SALE. Hy virtue ot a cer tain writ of Fieri Ficias issued out of the Court of Comion l'lens of I learfield cona- tv. and to me direciel. tl.ere will be exposed to au1. -, ,'.... II u I, lli. i;.rni:if II r.f Clearfield, on WEDNESDAYS tb 16th day of NO- YEMI'EU. 1S70. at 2 o'clock, i il tha following desciibed property to wit: Defendants rights and interest in lease of ten acres of land, in Brady towush'p. Clearfield Co . Pa., embracing the old saw mill ind dam and mill scat of Andrew Pen's the same baring been ac quired by contract dated November 27, ISSj. re corded iu Miscellaneous Docket A, page 269, Ac Also all that tract of land situate in lira Jy tp.. aforesaid, beginning at a white oak corner thence 110 peiches tu post co:nr ot I a nils sold Kotiert Patton. thence North 132 perches to post, thence East 53 perches to pust. ibence South 20a perches to post. Iheuee East 7 perches to post, thence South 112 perches lo place of beginning, contain ine 84 acres, mote or less, same laud conveyed by J. C. Fuller and wife to Smith and Canfield.by deed recorded in Clearfield, in deed book B. B , page 247. Ac. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of U. W.Canfield, Win. C. Smith and Wni. . Curry. Nov 2. 1S7 U. Iiut, snenn. jTIST OF JURORS drawn for November Term FIRST WEEK. S. C. Davis. Beccaria r-amuel Sunderlin. Ii il James James, Boggs Jacob Buniirardner, JaeobS Lines, Brady James Holt, Covington Jno Simmons. Clearfield A. F. Boynton, ' Edwin Cooper, " iieury Stone. " Micbal Walker ,Decatnr J. D. Denning, " James Flynn. Gnclich Alex Burkey, llustou F. E Hewitt, Churles Brown, 14 kohcrt Liddie. Jordan D . Bloom. Lawrence AnsoLDiugherty Morris Malt M Cully. Osceol a Nathan Lines, Union George Buwcr?ox, 44 D. Kephart, Woodward William Henry. Bloom Fobert Conner. Burcside William Lamar. Jo.'eph Mutton, " Peter Beck, " Iiaac Bentiett, " . Saw'l Brillhart. " Abraham Kuland Chest George M'Cully, James Wood. ' John M. Westover. 4i F. Scbnarrs, Covington Lewis Cuutreit, SECCN'R WEEK, Thomas Flik, Beccuria William Bell. Bell Thomas A. M'Shee George W. Adams, Boggs Jonas 1 Peters, Daniel Smeal, ' J A Woolridge. Bradford John Shirey jr.; " Hobert G recti, J. B Dellasa, ' K. A llail, " Cenj. Carson, H'orje Ellinger, " Fred. W ingcrt, " Wash Ganlner Burnside Al. M. Yingling, John Fraley, Chest B. F .fcleilmj.C eai field G A. Kephart. Decatur W.T.'ihompson, Harry Test, R. S. Stewart. Girard Samuel Flegal, Graham S. D. Kobiton, Guelich Jas. Geuckeven, Huston R.J. Johnson, Jordan Henry Slrppy, Knox John Fulton, Lawrence Miles Peltcr, MoriU K i.-ha Dale. . S M'Ewen N.Wathing'n Jno llammerly, Oareola Roberta. Bailey, 44 Jospb Newcomer, Penn Robert Necper, Pise David Way, rniUAL LIST for November Term, 1ST0 : L FIRST WEIK. 1. Morgan v. Shr.ff. 2. Hagerty's executors vs. Jefl'iios. 3. lianerty'scxccutois vs Jiff lies. 4. islooin i. Bloom 6. Osceola Coal Co vs. Snyder. Caldwe'.l. ( Oil. Lytle. Leonard. Cook i Bell. Goss, et. al. TS TJ TS. vs vs. 7. Bear 8. Irwin 9 Snyder 1(1 "Morgan, et. al. 11. Hoover 12 Gallagher 13 Dellass 14. Snyder 15 Caldwell vs vs. Clary, et al. vs. rarest. ta. Barger's estate, vs Mitchell. ts. Kerns. 1. Hagerty's executors vs erus. Jenks' betrt vs. Wright. Henry Goss French Yinjhug vs. Biiger, et. al. ts. Cuttle. ts. Hale. ts. Brothers. TS. Lncas. vs. Sboff. et. al. ts. Snyder. SKCOKD WEEK. 22. Dale 2.1. Sboff 24. Worrall 1. 2 3 4. & B. 7. 8. 9. 10 . II 12 13. 14. 15. !6 17 H. 19. 20 21 . 22 21. 24. 23. rialey ve Carter. Cummings. et. al. M'Cuilyi Fatterstn ts Goss vs. Lacgttoc Ct JJivcn Carrv Cairy Urooh s Goss Miller White Merman liu'hrie Woulriuje Way A M'Nanl Wny A M'Naul Thompson IK rile in Dii len Merhiing, et. al Braiuiff Mokel Erhurd Chambers D'lniar vs. TS. T3 V V. VS VI TS. TS. VS. w agoner, et al. Kiiciien. Horn. Gos. Sl'Mas'ert. M'Uarvey. fioss. Lowrie. Launsberry. M.r.ll . TS. Btaucbard TS. TS. Way. White. TS. HnmiiiCTrilan rb . VS. vs. TS. TS. TS. TS- Wribt. et. al. Lightner Dunkelbarger. Ljlie. F.cbison. ct. al. Worrall I'xynton vs. I'pdegruff, et. af. Fisher. Smith, et. al vs. ewan, et. al. BIUCK FOtt SALE. The undersigned ha mntif:ii''iirfd and has now on hand for sale 150 000 BRICK, whicn he will dispose of on reasonable terms, in large or small quantities to Puit purchasers. J- A. l'EKPE. Luthersburg. September 14 iS70-6m. SAWED LUMBER. The undersigned having started in the Lumber business, sear Osceola, ClsarQeld county. Pa., is now pre pared to furni&h pine board, clear and panel stuff. Ac. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed te order and shipped on short notice. C.R. MACOMBKR. Osceola Mills. Mny 5. !Sfi9-tf. Clearfield oo.. Pa. -flavin? purchased theinteres Plattenbercer, Eq., in the but sincss horeiofore carried on under tne firm name of J. A Blattentieyer Co., the same will be con ducted hereafter under the name vt Moshannon Land and Lumber Co.. (Store). 11. II SHILLING FORD. JOHN LAWSHE. Preiddmt. Sup't. Mayll,?7?.-tf. 1 ASTRAY. Came trespassing, on the prrmijes a of Ihe subscriber, in tiueliri township, Clear field eounty. Pa . on or about the 27:h of Septem ber last, a DARK BROWN COW. with white legs, and a white spot in ber face, an i supposed to be about four ytars old. The owner ia requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away; otherwise she will be disposed ol according to law. Oct. l9-3tp. MATTHEW M CULLY. DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership hereto fore existing between A. B. Long. Tf. J. Long and George II. Long, doing business onder the firm name of A. B. Long fc Sons, has been dis solved by mutual consent. The books will re main in possession of A B Lone; and all accounts of said firm will be settled by bim The business will be carried on by A B. Lang A. B. LONG, Osceola Mills. Pa., J W.J I.O.Vd, Oct. 2, 1870-3t. G U LONG. NEW STORE! I wonld announce to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that I have just opened a large FLOUR, FEED AND Grocerr Store, on REED STREET, next door to the Leonard House, Clearfield, Pa., where I will keep con stancy on hand, for WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, GOODS IN THE ABOVK LIN E, At the LOWEST PRICES, Flour in Barrels anl Sacks. CORN MEAL, OATS, BRAN, and all kinds of feed constantly on hand, CALL AND SEE. Clearfield. Pa., Oct. 26, 70-lt. E. B. ISETT, by J. DYSART. "T7" ANTED 300 Tushels of Potatoes In ex v change for Flour, Feed, 4c. E. B. ISETT, by J DYSART. "VJ OTICU. All persons indebted to the subscri- ber, are req nested to como and settle with out delay. Ii. M'WriOI. T ORINU'S Dollar Box of Iuiticd Freu- -ot I J Purer tnatka to yoa on receipt of SI " n dress LOHING, PubiisherJBoston, Mas. Ocl2 WyUU rn three oest things out. Ja oo. " and cuelnuation premi ira; to agentj 't.i,, and tc,.. frt. Aldrei, J. L bYKX.su Cejj ci. 12."70-Iai. T A- OMTTISBERGER. Claim mrMltr el . Tm Office. Conveyancing and at) u"," Papers drawn with accuracy anddispatch btft: oa and pas.-ae ticket., to and ftotn , point fcuropo secured. Os.-eola, Clearfield County V October i. Ia7u-3ia. " J. K. Ii o T T O R F a PHOTOGRAPH G41 .1 r Mtr.XKT STREET, CL t !! Fir LD, PEsaV Negatives made in cloudy as well m, i -t.,r weather. Crn.Untl, en b.nd a g.d aMortaen, . frames t-tereoseupes and Stereoscopic Yiiw. Frames, from any ty, of mouldins. ut.de u order. CIIK'JMOS A SPECIALITY FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL KINDS ALSO IMPROVED MONEY DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., M SO-tm.) 1m2 Second At.. Pittsberj. Pa SAWS! SAWS" D1STON, CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG A.D CIRCULAR SAWS. LI-iHTXINtJ SAff3 PATENT PERFORATED, ELECTRIC SAW? And DISTON'S SAW'S of ail kinds, for sale by II. F. B1GLER A CO. "riHIE OLD CLOCK ON THE VALL,,T with X its dusty FACE, may now put on a bright new DIAL, and henceforth keep the time of funr or five of the great cities of the wcrld, either ia Europe or America, as you may desire, and keep your own time as before, alto. It msy be attach ed to any ordinary clock, and is both ornamental and useful. In the parlor it is ornamental. In the public hoase it is a matter of curiosity, and in the school room it is a matter of ereat utility bend for a circular to S. L PL'llbY, Oc'. IS).'70-6m. Westover. Pa SINOER SEWIN'O MACHINES, il IN K.LEY KN ITTINO M ACH INKS. 1 he most perfect and simple machines of the kind ever invented. Both of the above papular machines have been lately improved until they stand without a rival Price of the Singer Fam ily Machine from Sfij,C6 ntward8, according to finish, lliuklev Knitters, S-'O.OO. Circulars and samples mailed free on application. STRAW A MOiU'JN, Gen. A-t's, No 20 Sixth St., Pittsburgh. Pa. Axents wanted for the H inkley Machine every, where, and for the Singer in Western Pens a, Eastern Ohio anl West Vs., whore thre are nose already established. I Nov. 24.'6S ly. TN TUB COURT or Con.mon Pleas ot Clears!4 Count j. Pa. : CtKTUii Hepbub. ) No. 39, Sept. Term. 1370. vs Jaues Hrri R!. 1 SUH. SUR. DIVORCE. Se itember 23tb. IS70. II W. Smith appointed a Commissioner to take testimony in the above case. A.C TATE, Troth v. I will attend to the duties of the above apr oint ment at my ofnV'e. ia Ciaarfield. on Thursday the 10th day ot -November, at 10 o'clock, A.M., whsre all parties interested can attend. Oct. 19. i0-3t. ii W SMITH. Coinm'r. wIk a yTn g! Mils. R. CALDWELL. Having ensued in the WEAVING BfilXESi, at ber residence near Logan's Mill, de&ircs to in form ber friends and the public, that she tns n and will keen cont:intlT on hn.l. a we!lsrlo l ttoctc ot COTTON. Wo Vl.EN' sod tIE.'iP WAKPi. and is prepared to furni'h to orusr Carpet res :y made, or ns.rp atd wearing Wecvin; ol a!! kinds done to order. If desir-d she fan famish col'.ou warp of all kiuls fjr iiuen or woolen fill ing. Wool and rags taken in exuhn;n Address, Ms. it rALl Tl.T.. Oat 12.'70-ly. Cui weusviiie. Pa WESTBEANCH RESTAURANT AND Ladies' Oyster Snloon. OK SKCOKD ST.. ItEI.OW HtltKET, CLEARFIELD. PA. Constantly kept rn hand a xcleeted assortment of Candies. Nuts, Cigars. Tobaeoo. Ac. Aliofreih. Oysters received daily, and fjr sale by the iutta or hundred. J. M. MACO.MEtK. Oct 12.'7i). Proprietor. T) ErOKT OF THE First National Bank of Ciirwensville. Ta., a shown liy it books at the close of business on tnisih dt cf October, 11:79. BiCSOlBCeS. Loans an 1 discounts - - ... $17Kis35l Overdrafts - - - U. S. Bonds deposited with Treasurer of U. S. to secure circulation - -U. S. Bonds on band - - - Due from re-lecminc; agents,- - - -Due from other Nat Banks. ... Due from ether Banks and Bankers -Bttukinir. HouFe. : : : : : . : Furniture and Fixtures - - - - -Curient Expenses .... - - Taxes Paid Checks and other Cash;Itema -Bills of National Banks, - - - - - Fractional Currency, ------ Specie, (coin). - -- -- - - Legal Tender Notes - - - - - - 477 63 SI 000 09 - 2.;0 10 . 26 024 0 - 7.H9 41 - 19 6f3 12 : J in 09 1 0i0 09 - 1 003 23 - 1 ins 05 . - 5.IS7 . - 4'0 00 . . t' il . - 20 00 . 19411 00 3I?0."4 i Total ------ - UHKIl.ITIKS Capital stock paid in, : : : : Surplus fund, :::::: Profit and Loss, ; : : : : Circulation. : : : : ; : Individual Deposits, : : : Total Liabilities : : : : : SI03 0C9 Oft ; 26.900 00 : S.07S 29 : 67.Io9 09 : 137,59-1 V V47,SJ41 State o f Penn-'ylvnaia, 1 tJ . County of Clearfield. I. Samuel Arnold, C shier cf the First Nation al Bank of Curwensrille. P , do olmnlT swear thai the above statement is true, to Ihe bct ef mj knowledge and belief. SAM'L ARNOLD. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tki Mi" day of October, 1870. Jos. R. Irwik. 5 r- Correct. Attest : F. A. IitTi. ) Jobs P Ibvix, J Directors. Job.h Ietis. J Oct. 19 '7f-2t II E M 0 Y A L . HARTSWICK IRWIX, DRUGGISTS, Market St., Clear field, Ptu We heg leave to inform am old and new eni:-me.-e. that we hare removed oar establi.hment t the new building just erected on Market nearly adjoining the Mansion House on the weit, and opposite tirabam A Sons' store, where spectfully invite the publie to come and buy their DRUGS, C HEMIC A 1, PATEXT AfE"" C.YS, fJiXS. PAIXTS AXl K4K.Y5- Ourstock of Drujrs and Medioir.esconsist of every thing used, selected with the gretcst rare, ana WARRANTED STRICTLY n'RB- We also keep a full stock ef Dyes, rrrfareeriei Toilet articles.Soaps. Tooth Brushes. Hair Bra o es. Whitewash Brushes, and every eiher ktna Brushes. We have a la-ge lot of White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and in fact everything ewd in the painting business, which we ener ' prices to cash uuyera. TOBACCO AND SEGAES, Confectionery . Spices, and the largest stock of va rieties, ever offered ia this place, and warran to be of the best the market aff uds. J. . HAKTSVWK. ee 1 SSJ JOHN F. JRWIV-- rpilEkf"! ."l market price.j pjM fr