"giafteman,z omd, gfcarftefb, "gfa., Qdohx 26, 1870. Raftsman'. Journal "CLEAR IT ELD, PA. lOT. 25,X8T0. To insure the safe trantmisslon ail. piitroiis should remit by check nrhsve their letters registered. To Pythons or m'-s ill "oe enclosed in the first paper after ,'. moitr cr-raes to hand: n I n Perm' E. E. Summer Arrangement 9.00 a ni. Mlillt""1 l"ve J Arrives at Oscoola at : : Vhilipsburg at ' Clearfield at : -j y.jln !a-e floxrfield a : Arrives at Pl.ilipsburg at Oceoiaat : : " Tyrone at : : Bellefonte at : Lock ilaren at Williamsportat : 10 35 a. in. 11.00 a.m. : 12 05 p.m. : 2.30 p m : 3 40 p. m. : 4.00 p. m : 5.30 p. m : 8.1rt p. m. 9 50 p. m. : 10.50 p. m. AncsmTioiiation Train. Lsve ClcarlieH nt : . : : : : Arrives at l'hi'.ipsburg at : : Tureola at : ' : Intersection at : : Tyrone at : : : 7.C0 A. M. 9 40 a. m. 10.25 S. m. 1 OS p. m. 1 20 p. m. 5 00 a. m. 10 10 a m. 11 40 a m. l.Oi p. lu. 2 40 p. m, 3 '!5 p.m. 6 00 p. m. t. E I'snrcis 'cues Williatnsport at Arrives at 1 ock Haven at . : KcUclonle : : : Intersection at : : Osceola at : : : : Philipsbuej at : : Clearneld at : : : C'o-e enne-tiona made at Tyrone with trains K i-t mi ""est on the Maine Line. 1 ,". i '!! loavlne Oleurfield at 2 30 p. m., reach 1 hu.-pnrt Bt 10 S0 P- m' the "'Iie da-y-pj.-eiivcr-ieaving Williamsportat S 00 a.m. reach ( ;c:irfu M at i'.'iu p m. the same day. UKUninrs. Divine services will iebeld n-vt S-i!'b:tili, in Clearfield, as follows : U K.-v. Hall, i: St. Andrew's Episcopal chin'; !., at 1 1 A. M. and 7 P- M. Sunday ..'! ,1 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every ',',lm'-,':iv evening :;t 7 o'clock. L'.y Rev. S'i!er,iri the Presbyterian church, r.K-rn"" a:' 1 evening. Sahaath school at : p. M Prayer meeting every Wednesday cwiiiii:? at 7 o'eloek. I!,- Ucv. J. 11. M'Cord, in the Methodist -!iii:.-!i. uicrnine and evening. Sabbath -hv at 'J A. M. Prayer meeting, every 'flints '.y at 7 P. M. Conununioti services I "n-t S.ild.a'h of every month at 10 i A. M. Sr. i'rancis' church Mas? at 10 A. M., tli -i-eud and fourth Sundays of each lt':.th. Fink m millinery in the county, at Wit. l'.:i::'s. Wk had several heavy frosts in this re t; , during the pat week. FiWSai.E a No. 12 Specr's Revolving JA'lit Anthracite coal stove and pipe, near ly new. l"nr further information apply to Dewy E. Snyder. Xew Pavement. The brick pavement !. ,r uein-r laid in f rtint of the Court House, i a a: id ai;J permanent improvement, and ;. ; the approbation of everybody. Let I rcrty holders follow the admonition it :.T:U" A Vti'.V 'iiicalar phenomena was visible i i Len-eii "ii Sumliy and Monday cv :.:!., !a-t. It eotisiste 1 of a dai k crimen ' .., ext. m iin in sn ur.Lroken line through !.. Z.-I h..r:7,) h, from the western to the camera til I) i'.NF.P. We learn frotn 1 u: j sjuTif .narti'il. (hat the - dwellina t ,u-c-1! Mr. G.-jrgo Kyler, near Williams' tir'.ve. in this county, was destroyed by fire nn'fiif'i:;y evening, October l?th. The 1 :! i-iiir was a total loss no insurance. i n l" i Nr.r ("Iiiods. J. P. Grali;m A: lave iu-t received arid opened a general as- , r- -.Tii.i n; of seasonable goods, to which they i :': t 'he attention of customers, and the ! 1 -..Llie (.'eiioraliy. Persons in wvit ol any-j (h:.'.:i i'i t i - -; r line; hould call and cxamii.e ! '.JT M-nik. before buying elsewh.-ie. OilTAIN ClRE Fta DlPTHKRIA. Take s:.;rirsot turpentine and sweet oil, e jual 1 -arts: mix well together ; tale a thin fine ra: )' wet well : cover throat ar.u necx com !y; th'ti take strong cider vinegar, it staining hot, make a wheat bran .i'i.e an 1 put on over the ra. renew the !: !' rveiy hour, night and day. In no e t'l-fn.it it to get cold until the cure is 1 Soays an exchange. :u:i: We learn that on Thursday . O-t.b.T. lUth. suui person cntcr- th, 1. use i f D. Dressier, Esq., in Union j t .vn-li in. ari 1 sto.e a valise belonging to a i re 1 man in his employ. The alieeou ' ! jlo.i'O in money, some postage r! i'.:::-;. a waiiet. i air of pants, vest arid sjv.t-,1 !,!:;. tj,e whole worth upwards of 'J lie f .lir.win? day the valise, one .'.':: :::! 1 a towel, were found in a field some w?:ati'.-c troiu the hou.-e. No clue to the rubber. New Fa m GrOi'M). We understand lLat the office! s of the Agricultural Society have purchased about- s'.xeeen acres of .'tumid from R. Shaw, Jr., fur the use of t -.eiety. This pieee of groual lies on t -- '!; -.-iie side of the river, and but a s- -st distance fram the end of the new l-i-ijre. I: is in contemplation to lay out a ii-.i mile trotting course ou these grounds, tree: permanent buildings, at an day. This ia a move in the right di- y.ii -n'si.Y Injched. We are informed t' at. .n Friday last, October 2lst, Mr. EJ. I- .--', of 1 1 u-toii township, met with a very s.-ri .-us accident, while he and several other f r- ins were engaged in pulling stumps r a l.ver machine. Having attached ''h-iin to a stuu.p, the power was applied !.:!t-young Lee was holding up the crotch - v-r whi.-h the chain pisses. Uuex pected'y it !'i,i ,.(' the ero:ch sunk in the ground i iT.se: it, striking Lee on the side of the ' ' s t arid fa't with such force as to knock i .'a speecLlfss for some hours. At last ac ' '::r.'s he getting along as comfortably "s i:iist:tnces wou'J warrant, yet little vf his ree jvery were entertained. I'mal .':etl)ENT. We are informed that ' Saturday Oct. 22J. 31 r. David Weityjr., I u:ii .n tp. met with a fatal accident L.lc engaged in raising a shed at his fath er s barn. The top-plato had just been ' 'l-hed up on skids by a number of men, when in the act of dropping it into Its : , the pike poles being released, the one -i of the ulate unexpectedly . slid back ' - Is and descended to the ground, knock- ' ! down young Welty and fell on him - the bowels, crashing htm so baJly t he died the next day, Sunday, He ' an exemplary young man, and h'w sud- ' ' dath is deeply lamented by his many ittive. and by the community generally. Ladies' and childreus' coats, made to or" dtr, in the best ntyle at AV.M. Keep's. Those whi are sick, or affiieted with any chronic difficulty, should without delay write for Dr. Hamilton's New Treatiie,sent free to any address. 11. Leonidas Hamil ton, M. D.t P. O. Bos 4,952, N. Y. City. Sept. 20,-6t. Thk undenigned is now in the Eastern markets, and about the 8th or 10th of No vember will have a full line ot winter Dress Goods, Shawlu, Ladies' and Childrens Coatings, Furs, and Fancy Goods, to which the attention of the citizens of the county is respectfully invited. Wm. Rekd, Mar ket street. House Dckxed. We learn that, on Monday last about 10 o'clock, the house of Mr. John M'Cracken, of Knox township, together with all the furniture and family clothing, was destroyed by fire. Mr. M' Crackeu was out making timber at the time, and his wife had gone to New Millport. It is supposed the fire originated from a de fective flue. Gody's Lady's Book. The illustrations for November consist of a steel plate '"Our Contrioutors ;" a six-figure colored fashion plate; a large extension sheet, containing thirty-three de:gns of dresses, and other articles of the wardrobe ; riding habit ; hats bonnets, etc.; various designs for the work table, etc. The fancy alphabet for marking is a fine illustration. It would be impossi ble for us to enumerate all the beauties of this number, both literary and pictorial. Terms for 1 ST 1 : One copy, one year, $3.00, two copies, one year, $5.00, three copies, one year, $7.50, four copies, one year, $10, five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the c'ub, making six copies. $14.00. Address L. A. Godey, Philadelphia. Fuse. The mill property of Judah Whit comb, known as the Little Hear saw mill, near the New York coal mine, about two and a half miles from this place, was burn ed on Tuesday evening. A fire had been built und';r the boilers for the purpose of putting in some repairs, in the early part of the day, but had been raked out and it was thought extinguished. In the mid lie of the night a family residing near were awak ened by the flames and ;ave the alarm, but the fire had gained too mii. li headway to be suhuued, and the mill burned to the ground. By the fortunate circumstance of a favorable wind the lumber, piled near the mill, escaped, though a pile cf flabs was consumed so close to sown of the lumber as to seorvh it. The loss is estimated at $o,0;K; insured for $3,500. I'hdipxLurg Jov.rnuK Thk Lady's Fkie.nd yon November. This is a very handsome number. The fashions :n this magazine are always supe rior. A group of graceful and elegant !a ilie.t, in parlor or pleasure grouu 1, tastefully and stylishly dressed that is what we see in the colored fashion-plate of The Lady'. Friend. The steel plate is a sctie from Scott's '"Fair Maid of Perth;" there is a pretty, colored Tidy pattern, and the inn ie is the famous 'German Fatherland." '"iSol id silver" is an admirable story, and '"The MysterL.tis Client"' will le sure to please the young ladies. Al! no.v subscribers for 171, who .subscribe br the first of November, shall receive the November and December numbers liit addition gratis, making Four teen Months in all. Those who subscribe oy thj fiit of Dejemb-r, shall revive the December number free making thirteen months in all 1 Those desiring of subscri bing for a lady's magazine for the next year should take advantage of these liberal offers. Price .$2.50 a year (which also includes a large steel engraving). ' Published by Dea eon & Peterson, Philadelphia. Srmple copies sent free. The Stray Law. We are frequently interrogated in reference to the mode ol treating stary horses,' cattle, sheep, &c. The law on this subject is in substance this: Whenever a stray beast is found trespassing on the premises of any one it is the duty of the party to give notice to the owner thereof under the penalty of $5, if he can be found, and withiii'&iir days deliver to the town- ishipcleika full deseiiption of the kind, marks, color, or any natural or artificial marks of such stray or strays, together with j the fees, which are for a horse, 50 cents ; If the owner does not appearswithin ten days after such strays shall be taken up, and settle all damages ard costs, it shall be the duty of the party taking up the same to cause the said stray or strays to be adver tised for three weeks in at least one news paper (which costs 1.50.) And if the owner shall not have appealed within sixty days after sueh advertisement, and settle all reasonable costs and damages, the person taking up the said stray shall make applica tion to a Justice of the Peace, in said town ship, who is required to issue his warrant to the Constable, whose duty it shal be to sell the same at public sale, first giving ten days' notice of such sale by at least three printed or written handbills. And after he shall have sold the same, he shall make re turn of the proceeds to the said Justice, who shall, after paying all reasonable dama ges aud cost, of keeping as aforesaid, pay over the surplus, if any there be, to the County Treasurer ; but if the owner shall appear within one year alter such sale, and prove his property to such stray, the said Justice shall certify the same to the said Treasurer, who shall pay the owner the whole amount of such overplus, but if the owner shall not apply ithin the time afore said he shall thereafter be debarred from recovering, aud the money aforesaid may be applied to county purposes. The work of the extension of the Con nellsville Railroad through to Baltimore is favorably progrefsing,"and before next St. Valentine's day will be completed. Presi dent Hughart has already received through freight, to be carried in the month of Jan uary, thus showing his confidence in the pr0uiises of the contractors. New York detectives on Monday captured plates, presses, ink and paper enough to print half a million dollars in ' counterfeit twenty dollar national bank bills. List of Pmemu'.ms awr-rded at the eighth annual exhibition of the Clearfield County Agri cultural Society, held at Clearfield, od the 12:h 13th and 14th of October. 1S70 : Clark Prown, best Durham Hull, S2i SO L. K. M'Cnilough. best Cow. 2i tli Isaac Swalos. bs.t 2 jeir old Heifer. 8 CO Wm. J. Lumadue, beet Cow for milk, 2i 00 ' best Calf nnderS months, 5 00 M. O. Brown A Dre , best bullocc, . 5 Ot Z L. Ogden, best stallion, 30 00 Enecb straw, best mare and celt, 20 00 Mows Wise, best colt under 2 year old, 4 00 George L. Xorris. bast 3 year old colt, 5 00 A. A. Baird, best span of draught horses, 5 Ot itichard Sjuaw. jr , best family horse, . 2 U0 Jojeph Owens, best work horse, 4 00 W. U. Reigart, bet trotter, "Watchman." 10 00 W. V. iiowman. best tretter, "Richard," 50 00 K. Shaw, jr , best trotter, "Dexter, jr.," 30 00 M. Ogden, best trotting colt, "John," 10 0 S. B. Jordao. best fleece ef wool, 2 00 Morris F.Wallace, best boar, 5 00 Wm. Kigler, best sow, 5 00 John DorTit, best pig under ( months old, 2 00 John Peters, best coop of chickens, 2 00 Clark Brown . best display of chickens, 3 00 Olirer Conktin. best turkeys 2 00 Boyntou A Young, best threshing maehine. Diploma aud 10 00 James Thompson, best plow, 4 00 O. B. Welch, best hor.e rake, Diploma and 5 00 O. B. Welch, best nutting box. Diploma Amus Kennard, best cant hook. Diploma Wm L. i, jNathaniel Kiahel.best stump ma. chine. Diploma and 10 OS George W Marks, potato digger, Diploma O. B. Welch, tread power for eburn. Diploma Jordan Read, best bushel winter wheat, 4 00 Clark Brown, best bushel rye. 3 00 Moses Wise, best acre of clorer seed, 8 00 Henry Ouelieh, beat bushel of potatoes, 3 00 Ilobert Lounaberry, best bushel of oats, 2 .00 Juhn Shaw, best bushel of buckwheat, 3 00 John Ishuw. best bushel of corn, 3 60 ML-s Mary Owens, best loaf wheat bread, 1 OA Mrs. John M Bride, best 5 peunds butter, 4 00 Mrs Wm. Morgan, best firkin butter, 5 00 S B. Jordan, best wheat flour, 3 CO S. Ii Jordan, best rye flour. 2 00 S. B.Jordan, best buckwheat flour, 2 00 a. B. Jordan, best corn meal, 1 50 John Shaw, best honey, 1 00 Miss Mary Caldwell, spiced peaches. Diploma Miss Phoebe Read, air tight peaches, 1 00 D Ilobison. air tight tomatoes. Diploma Mrs John JJ Bride, best pair blankets, 2 00 Elizabeth Ogden. best two pair stockings, 1 00 Mrs. John It Bride, best rag carpet, 2 00 Willi on Heed, case of hats, Diploma Miss Belle jSJi'choll, best log cabin quilt, 1 00 Miss Km in a Dorvit, best quilt, 1 00 Miss Martha Ogden. best pair mittens, Dip. & 59 Miss Sarah Geruioiid, best embroidered cap. 50 Mi?s Sarah (ieruiottd, bet embroidered hdkf, Dip Mrs J. C Uurwick best needle cksbion, Dip. i, 50 Miss UclU Mitchell, tidy, 50 Miss Keturah Dorvit. tidy. Diploma Miss Sarah Gerniond. beat oil painting. Diploma Miss Clara Ad:ims, best rencil drawinz. Diploma I . K. M Kenrick .case writing implements.Diploma W. H. II. jNerling. specimen iron fence, Diploma L. C. Bloom. Elliptic Sewing Machine. Diploma J. Q. Gray. American Combination Sewing Machine, Diploma F. P. Green. 5 G rover t Baker Sewing Ma chines, Diploma Amos Kennard. best specimen btackrn'g. 2 00 H . F. Bieier V Co., bet uarior stoves. Diploma JI. r. Mgier 4 Co , display ot cutlery. II. F. Iliglor A Co , display of edge tools, John Mitchell, lumber sleds, Joseph tiwcns, wagon. Nathaniel Kishel, panel door. Xuthanicl Kishel. specimen sa-h. 2 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 i eo -Abraham Neviing. 0 heads cabbage. Diploma A 5ft Miss Amanda Koozer. best rutabago turuip.i, 1 00 John Peters, best 1 bushel beets, 1 00 Win liie;ler. best 4 scalks celery, 50 W. W. Watson, best squitshes, Diploma and 50 Mss Amania Kooser. be.st pumpkins. Dip. aud 50 Mi.-s Fitiinie Jordan, best specimen soao, 1 00 5. A. Uibson.bf3tdisp!ay oj'dresscd marti'e, Diploma and 10 00 Mrs. S. S. I.iddell, be.t specimen cemetery work, in m .rble. Diploma and 3 00 N. Kissel, Wst flooring boards worked, 1 00 ilon. Win. Bisier. best disular of mineral? , Dip. Jordan Kead. specimen of coal. "lirer Cenklin, best display ef apples. Mijjjs Fannie Jordan, best dozen quinces. Win. L ltishel. best dozen pears. lion. Wm. Biglvr. dest disipUy of grapes, Levi I. Irwin, best blackberry wine. 1 00 6 00 1 00 2 50 1 00 1 00 Levi F. Irwin, best elderberjy wine, Diploma o-ueola cru-t nulla, - . A-rjitiniii John D Wrijjht. best nursery, 3 00 Harry Hoiiver. specimen sin painting. Diploma A.I. Shaw, tor fine display toilet articles. Dipluina 0. W. Lambert, 4tj varities garden sods, Diploma MARRIED. O.i Thursday. Oemler 2';h, 1S70, in Clearfield, by Rev. Win. li.Dill, Mr. JoHN K- Johnson, of Pittsburgh, and Miss Bl ANTIIA J. Glei.ICII , of Cleat field. DIE3 : At his residence near Newton Hamilton, Mifflin county. Pa., on September 14th, 170, John B. Smelkek, iu the 50th year of his age. The deceased suffere 1 intensely.for some years, by iea!on of an insurable and exceedingly pain lul disease, yet he neer failed to obey the injunc tion of Providence to - pray fervently." After a well-spent life he his been called U his final homo, boloved . not only l-y his family, but by a large number ot the citizens of the county in which he resiied, who honored and respected hi u as a noble and most excellent man. it. On September 26th, 1870. near Newton Hamilton, Mifflin county, Pa., Lizzie S. Lamm, daughter of the lute Hon. P. Lamm. AIi'S, my poor heart is aching so. While, alone, 1 wander to and Ire, Striving, oh !- how vainly yet ! My darling Lizzie to forget; Lizzie, with her silken auburn hair, ller bright blue eyes and cheeks so fair. Lizzie, with the snow-white brow. With angel eyes, so quiet now, Aud little dimpled bands and feet, All are gone wiih voice so sweet. Her little form, so perfect made, In the silent grave is laid. That little head, now gone to r. st, Once lay softly on my breast; No sweet voice, like the vesper chime, Now claims ali my thoughts and time ; ller soft fingers no more will stray Back and forth in childish play. Round my neck, no little arm Will gently rest, se safe from harm; No pure eyes, so full of love, As my darling's, now above. Daughter Lizzie, my favorite pet, G an I, caD I, you forget? Net yet will I kiss the rod Laid upon me oy my Ged ; Stricken, faint, yet will I trust, Though He lay me in the dust ; Loving, pitying, still I feel Ilevnly smite that lie may heal v OTHER' t , Plflnrfifdd 'Retatl Markets. COKKBCTKU WRCKLT BY K. MOSSOr. Apples, dried, lb, 12 I Hay, ton, Apples, green, ba, I 50 Hams. Ib, Applebutter. gal, 1 00 Shoulderf, lb, ..rr ,L -ji i s;;.i. ik :2 00 2S ' 17 20 25 60 1 00 14 36 00 50 kniiAr. lb. 35 Sides. Ib, Beef, fresh, lb, 10 Atecf. dried. Ib, 2i Buckwheat, bu, 1 25 Buckwheat flour. Ib. 5 Beans, ba, 2 50 Hoards, ner M 14 00 Lard, lb, Oats, bo. Onions, ba. Pork, lb. Pork, mess, bbl, Potatoes, bu, Plmater hhl. Corn. shelled," 1 25 3 50 " ears. 60 Peaches, dried, lb. 13 1 25 3 2 50 5 00 " meal, 00 Chop. rye. 2 0 mixed. 2 40 Cheese. Ib. 25 Cherries, lb, li Chiekens.dresssed.lb, 15 rggs, so Flour, bbl. 1 00 live, ba Kags, lb. Salt, per sack. Shinnies. IS in. :hinir les. 26 in. 12 00 Timothy seed, ba, 8 00 Wheat, bu, 1 60 Wool, lb, 40 c LOSING QUOTATIONS of Government Secu rities, at J. l. t;raay a to s, so. 09 noouisi. riusoarga, a uguai 1 o 101 e BOT SELL I17J HTf 113 II. ti 113' 112 110' 110J lH'i llfif 107' 107 119 1191 119 1 1 119i liy 87 92 10 Gold, U. 3 6's 1SS1, C S. 5-20's. 12, l S 5-20's. li-6t, I', ss --J9's. 1SC5, 'J.J5 10-lOs, 5-20's. Junaary A July, 1S65, 5-2II S. January A July. 1867, 5-20's, January A Jcly. 103S, t'nion Pacific Railroad. Central Pacific Railroad, Cy . Pacifies, 7ERY FINE blanket will be sold cheap J. SHAW A SON. .-NitJTi nirvri,niniTiiT.it ner cent less than iveostat - J. SHAW A SON. 1 Jilt US or THE JOl'KNAL. The RirTSMAtt's Jocbkal u published on Wed nesday at $2,00 per annum in advance. If cot paid at the beginning of the ear, S2.50 will be charged, and S3,00 if not paid before the close. Advxhtisksiii-its will be inserted at tl,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A. deduction will he made to yearly advertisers No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til lal I arrearages are pail. except at the option of the publisher. S. J. ROW. gOOTS! BOOTS !I BOOTS!!! BOOTS!!!! FRENCH KIP, SS 00 FRENCH CALP, 5 00 LIGHT KIP, 6 09 at C. KRATZER'S. Sep. 21, 1S70. Opposite the Jail. "POU SALE. The farm of John Spack man, late of Girard Township, dee'd, consisting of ahout one hundred and seventy two acres of good farming land, (most of which is cleared.) and having theieon erected a good house and barn, and the usual conveniences of a pleasant home. For terms and further particulars apply to T. H. MURRAY, Att'y for the beirs and persons interested. June 22, '76 -tf. IMPORTED LIQUORS, SUCK AS BRANDIES and HOLLAND GINS, PURE OLD GKA PE BRANDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES. All the above brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur poses GKO. N. COLBL'RN, March 30.7 0-tf 1'rop'r of Shaw House. Co-Partnership in Store. C. A. Rorobaugh having associated with hiai in the Mercantile business, in Lewisvilla, Clear field county. Mr. C. It. McCracken, solicits con tinuance ef the patronage so generously extended heretofore Having just returned from the eastera cities their stoc em bi aces a large and varied assert rcentof Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Qneeas ware, and in faot nearly everything usu ally kept in a country store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country produce taken in exchange for good C. A. ROROBAUGH. May 13, '70. tf. C R. McCRACKEN TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE A5D RETAIL, At the New Tobsces and Cijar Store of li, IT. SUA w. Two doors east of the PoitoSce. Clearfield, Pa. Constantly on hand a fine ajuertment ef Navy, Congress Cavendish, Cable. Spunrell, Michigan and Century Fine-out Chewing Tobacco, Ae. Also, a large and well selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars. Smoking Tobaecos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe fixtures, Tebaeeo Boxes, Ci;ar Holders, and everything goners-' found in a well regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. t""Rcmember the place: Two doors east of the Post-jfiice, Clearfield, Pa. Aug. 24, '70. O U S Q U K II A N N A HOUSE, - - Curwensville, Pa. The undersigned having taken charge of this well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ot patronage. The house has been refittel and re furnished, and now compares favorably with any other Loasc in theeonnty. The best of everything the market affords will be served up to guests. C'haiges moderate. ELI BLOOM. Sept. 2, Ib70-tf. Proprietor. rjMIE " E A G Jj E II O T E L," Main St.. Curwensville, Pa. Having leased for a term of years the above well kcown and popular Hotel (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fouts), and having newly refitted and refurnished it, the present proprietor feels assured that he can render entire satisfaction to guests sojourning with him. A fine, large stable and yard is attached, for (he care and protection of horses, carriages and wagons. A share of patronage is solicited May 4. 70-ly I A J. DRAUcKEB, Prop'r. rp II E "8 II A W II O U S E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. GEORGE N. COLBURN, :::::: Proprietor This bouse was lately completed and just open ed to the public i" newly furnished. and provided with al I the modern improvements of a first-class hotel. It is pleasai't'y located. In the business part of the town, and near to the public build ir.gs. A hare of patronage is respectfully solio--itcd Charges moderate. The best of Liquors in the bsr. March 30.'i0-tf. rjMIE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the Railroad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, Pa. G. D. GOODFELLOW : : ; : : PnerBicroR. A new first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the modern improvements the best of Liquors prompt attendance, and rea sonable charges. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. jy '21-tf. FTIIIE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. This Liniment having been used, for some years past.as fami'y medicine by the pro prietor, and its good effects eoming to the notice of bis neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con sented to manufacture it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Catarrh and Billious Cholie. ever offered to the public; and will cure many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its as accompany each bottle. Price. St per bottle, or six bottles for S3. Sent to any address by enclos ing the price to WM. H. WAGONER. Kurd Postoffice, Oct. 6, 1869. Clearfield county, Pa. NEW DRUG STORE. AV. B. Alexander, M. D., DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, CURWENSVILLE, PA. Keeps constantly on hand an assortment of DRUGS, TATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, kc, kc. His stock of Drugs is pure and fresh, and easte rners can rely upon getting the beat of everything in bis line. HIS STOCK OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, Combs, rocket Books, Pens, Inks, Pen cils and Paper, and general assortment of this elaas of goods, are all ot the very test quality and latest styles. PURE "WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only, Glass, Putty, Lubricating Oils, Ae.t to auit the wants of the community. . His extensive and well selected stock of Drags and Medicines enables bim to fill Physicians' Pre scriptions on short notice and on the most reason able terms. Smokers and Cbewers will find his stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, and Snuff to consist of the very best brands in the market. A share of public patronage is solicited. Aug. 31-3m. ' W. B. ALEXANDER. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Monuments, ftreeian Tombs. French Coach e. Mantles. Table Tops. Washing Ranges. Garden Statuary, Terra Cotta Ware, of every description, Head and Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at city prices, or 25 percent less than any other establishment in this county. Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in the best workmanlike manner. S A.GIBSON. May U, IS70 -tf. Jahbs Watsou. Agent. STUMPS! STUMPS!! The undersigned have purchased the right of Clearfield county for Enoch Farnsworth's Stump Extractor, patented Jane 7th, 1370. This is decidedly the most convenient, most durable, and best machine of tbe day. Wet weather will not effect it. the working part being all of iron. Tbe machine is easily set up, and will work any place that can be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit on cost, and will try to make it to the advantage of farmers to buy them. We solicit orders from those wanting machines. U. T. FARNS WORTH, Clearfield. Pa., J B. GARRISON, GBO.n. HALL, Agent. Curwensville, Pa. . Clearfield, Pa. July 1.V70. inss 11. s SWAN'S, School for Girh, -JJ- Clearfield, Pa. The Fall Term of Fourteen weeks will com mence on Monday, September 5th, 1870. TERMS or TCITIOt. Reading. Orthography, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 weeks). 57 00 History, Local and Descriptive Geograpl. with Map Drawing. Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, 9 00 Botany. Geology. Physiology, Natural Phi losophy, Physical Geography. Algebra, Rhetoric. Etymology and Latin, 12 00 Oil Painting. (24 lessons), 12 00 Monochromatic Drawing, 10 00 Crayon. - 6 0 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Music (30 lessons). 10 00 Wax Flowers and Fruits, with materials, at teacher's charges. For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, August !7, 1870-ly. 5-20'S AND 1881'S BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED, ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. G OLD BOUGHT and SOLD at MARKET HATES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC 11. R. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT and SOLD n COMMISSION y. Accounts received and interest allowed on daily balances subject to check, at sight. Df-HA YEN & B R0., 40 SOUTH 3n STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Mareh 2, 1870-ly,-Jy 13. 1S70. FALL CAMPAIGN! 1S70. WM'." II E E D , 'Market Street, Clearfield, Ya. Has just received an immense stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FANCY AND FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, FURS, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, and a line of the finest grade of INGRAIN AND BRUSSELS CARPET kc, PLAIN AND COLORED SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, ALL WOOL PLAIDS, HEAVY CORDED SILK POPLINS and the best article of BLACK ALPACAS, ranging in price from 25o to SI. 25 per yard. Great bargains in Shawls, Woolen and , Paisley Water-proofs, Table Lin ens, Crash, Canton, & Wool en Flannels, Ladies' Coatings, kc, kc Speciality in Notions and Trimmings, White Goods, New Styles Hair Goods both real and imitation, Kid Gloves from 75c to 2. The Harris' Seamless Kid Glove, the best in the world, Hosiery and La dies and Gent3' Underwear. New Fall Styles in "HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, "LOWERS, HAT PLUMES AND OSTRICH TIPS. ALSO A FIRST-CLASS MILLINER, from Philadelphia, has been engaged to make and trim HATS AND BONNETS, in the most fashionable styles. Having enlarged my rooms, thereby affording better facilities for busi ness, I shall continue to eep a first-class line of goods, A RELIABLE ARTICLE, and will sell the same as low as can be sold in this or any other mar et. CLEARFIELD, PA. September 14, 1S70. SHOES, Ladies' and Children's custom made, Lasting Gaiters, Kia and Carpet Slippers, Moroc co and Glove Kid Balmorals. Children's Colored Shoes, very cheap Opposite the jai I . C. KRATgER, Marble and Stone Yard. . MRS. S.S. L1DDELL, Having engaged in tho Marble business, desire to inform her f riouds. aud the public, that she has now and will keep constantly ou band a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared to furnish to order TOMBS TONES. BOX A ND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, in Sand stone and Marble, CURBS and POSTS for Cemetery lets, VTINDOW SILLS AND CAPS, ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN ORNA MENTS, Srr. She would invite special attention te her Sand stone Monuments which are built from original designs and will compare favorably with any-thin-; ef the kind in the country. If desired she can furnish Marble Window Sills and Caps at a slight advance on the price of Sandstone. Yard on Reed Street, near the Oepot.Clearfield. Pa. May 4, 170. R O SAD A L I S THE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH RESTORER, purifies tbe blood and cures Somfula. Syphilis. Skin Diseases. Rheu matism, Diseases of womon and all Chron ic Affections of the Blood. Lirer and Kid neys. Reoommendod by the medical Fae nlty and many thousands of our best citi sens. Read tbe testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have used Ko-dalis; send for our Itosadalis Guide to Health Book, or Al manac for this year, which we prblifih for gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information Dr. K. W. Carr, ol Baltimore, says : o s A D A I take pleasure in recomuici ding your Rosadalis as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two cases with happy results one in a case of secondary syphilis in which the patient pronounced himself cured after having taken five bottles of your medicine Tbe other is a case of scrof ula of long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its use, and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by which your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent eompound ot alterative ingre dients Dr. Fpa-k. of Nicholasville, Ky., says he has used Rosadalis in eases of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis wiih satisfactory results as a cleaner of the Blood I know no bet ter remedy. Samuel Q. McFadden, Murfreesboro', Tenn , says : I have used seven bottles of Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send me four bottles, as wish it for sny brother, who has scrofulous sore eyes. Be.ijamin Becbtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suflered for twenty years with an in L I veterate eruption over my whole body ; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis and it effected a perfect cure Labratory, 61 Exchange Place. Baltimore S CLEMENTS. A CO , Proprietors. Rosadalis is sold by Hartswick A Irwin and A. L, Shaw, Clearfield, D. K. Good. Osceola, and by Druggists generally. April 8.'70-It ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ!! Who sells the cheapest goods in the county ? M O S S O P ! Who sells best calicoes at 12J ctsayard MOSSOP! Whe sells best unbleaohed muslin at IT eeati' MOSSOP! Who stlls Hall's Calf Boots at 5 00? MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's best Cearse Boots at Si it? MOSSOP! Who sells Hall's bestKip Boots at $4,50? MOSSOP! Who llt Hats Iewcr than anybody else? MOSSOP! Who sells Sugar the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who ells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed th cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down te the lowest cash prices r MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSS OP'S! Clearfield, May IM8M- D RIED FRUIT, at reduced priees. at May 12, ti. o- FOR SALE, White Lead, Zinc Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine Vasoisfies of all kinds, Colors, in oil and Ary, Paint and Tarnish brushes. hartswicc a fawric, ClearSeld.Pa -M V6V. A GREAT OFFER. Horace "Waters, 481 Broadway, New Totk. will dispose or ONE HUNDRED PlAN'rrKS. 1SS LODEONS and '-ROAN'S ef sit first class nraters, including Chickeriog A Sonet, 1 cStrbwclt low r-Rircs for cash, di-riss tbis suits, er will take fiomSi to2i monthly nntil paid. 4 IJ-'TO ly. WHO HAS A HOUSE TO PAINT? 11 EA D T-MADE COLORS. Known as "Railroad" Colors Guaranteed e be more economical, more durable and more conveni ent than any Paint ever before offered. A book entitled ""lain talk with Pvaeiical Painters," with samples sent free by mail on applica-tioa. MASt RY A Will TON". GleU Whit. WW C-Wor Wrlt, Ap. 13-3m J 111 full, St., New 1W . Beware of Imitations. Established IS3S. fjLEAlUTELD N UKSER Y,-Enccb ace Home Industry. The uudersicn ed having established a Nursery. on the Pfke halfway hetweea Cwrwenevill. and Cleaxftcll Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Fnri trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen. SBras) be ry, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, LawUa Black berry. Strawberry and Kaspbetry vines- Also SibrianCrab trees Quince and early Scarlet Rhem barb. Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Adrires Aug 3I.1S64 J. D. W RIO HT, Cwiw.niville THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL, OTHERS I EtAty-lx Tk . HanJ .Smn Hundred and Eigk-ty-our Mdfkiu Mult and Sold tk Pat Y'tar! The number exceeds by thousands the safes ef any other Machine, and the demand is still in creasing THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD. THE RE SON S WHY : Beeaase it embodies essential principles not found in anyotber Machine; because of its sim plicity of construction, ease of operation, uni formity of precise action at any speed, and ca pacity for tbe greatest range an I variety of werk, fine or coarse. Parties wishing topurebase should not fail te examine this best of all Sewing Machines. I have the Agency for this Machine, and will keep a full supply on band. Clearfield.May4.'7Q tf J. S. SHOWERS. NEW STORE. Cerner of Seeoad Et. aad Bill Read. R. MITCHELL Has just reseiveil and opened, at tbe akeve Basa ed place, an entire eew stock ef Spring aad Summer Geeds, which he will ell very cheap for eask. His steek consists ef Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qaeensware. Boots and Shoes, Bats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, ete. He alse keep! choice Flonr, Corn Bleat, Chap feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Persons desirous of percussing geeds at fair rates are respectfully reelected te give hist a call. Approved country produce will be taken, at tbe highest prices, in exchangeior geeds. Clearfield. Jane 17, ISSS. BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT THE MAMMOTH STORE OF THE Moshannon Land and Lumber Co., OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, enn'a. GROUND AND CNGROCND SPICES. Ctrr-ux English Currants, Essence Coffee. aed Vine gar ot the best quality, for sale by Jan. IS. jHART5WTCJJ JftrI. n ii