Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 19, 1870, Image 3
Wc l&tfizmtxn'z gonrnaf, gfearftef b, Qdokt 19, 1870. i it "c LE A RFIE L D, FA., OCT. 19, 1870. To Pvtp.oss. To insure the safe transmission - .jney by mail, patrons should remit by check or matey-order, or have their letters registered. A receipt will te enclosed in the first paper after the io..ney comes to band: Pecn'a K. E. Summer Arran "i.lirritn leaves Tyrone at - : Arrives at Osceola at : : : ' v hilipsburg at . : " Clearfield at : : : Triin leave Clearfield a : : Arrives at Philipsburg at : : eraect. 9. (Ml a m. : 10.35 a.m. 11.00 a. m. : 12 65 p.m. : 2.:i p m 3 40 p. in : 4.00 p. m : 5.30 p. m : 8.16 p. m. 9 SOp. ra. : 10.50 p. m. - Or-ceola at : : Tyrone at : Bellefonte at : Luck Haven at " Williamsportat Accommodation Train. Leaves Cloarueld at : . Arrives at I'hilipsbu : : y.uo . burg at : : 9 40 a. m. Osceola at : : : 10.2a a. m. Intersection at : : 1 Uri p. m. ' Tyrone at : : : : 1 20 p. m. j, jr Express leaves Willianisport at 8 00 a. m Arrives at lock iiaveu ii Iiellefoute : ; Intersection at Osceola at : : Philipsbueg at Clearfield at : 10 10 a D). 11.40 a in. 1.0S p. iu. 2 19 p. m, 3 35 p.m. 6 00 p. m. C!oe connections made at Tyrone with trains V-it and West on the Maine Line. r.-1-x-ntfers leaving Clearfield at 2 30 p. m.. reach 'vyiltinuif-port at 10.50 p. m. the same day. faenerr leaving Williamsport at IS 00 a m. reach t!e:irii.-ld at 6.00 p m. the same day. Ilr.n nous. Divine services wil! be bold E,";t .-'itlbath, in Clearfield, as follows : Dy il-;v. IIaII, in St. Andrew's Episcopal chur.-h, at 1 1 A. 31. and 7 P. 31. Sunday at 3 P. I. Prayer meeting every Wedne-.ilav evening ::t 7 o'clock. p,v K-v. Uuiler.iii the Presbyterian church, inoitiin,,' and evening. Sabaath school at 2 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday cvoninc at 7 oVlock. Bv licv. J. II. M'CorJ, in the Methodic (birch, morninsr and evening. Sabbath c huoi at 0 A. M. Prayer meeting, every Tii'ir.-dav at 7i P. 31. Comniuniou services l'ir-t SaiiUth of every month at 10 A. 31. Sr. Francis' charch Mass at 10 A. 31., tha eco"i and fourth Sundavs of each iuoii.h. For Sale a No. 12 Speer's Revolving Lirht Anthracite coal stove and pipe, near Iv new. For further information apply to lie-in E. Snyder. Examination of teachers f r La-rrencs and ClearGeld. at CL-m field, on Saturday, )v !ober 22J. Special cxnniiaati at Cur t. eu-vine, on Saturday, Ocioler 'Jth, and at C'ca: field, on November 5th. Sn iiP IVllek. The stump iu"er tu tV: Messrs. Kishel, on exhibition at the 1" ..if, in our opinion, is the most powerful 1 most e!ScieDt machine of the kind we t-.-er witnessed perform. The largest and utuM firmly .-t stuinp.s are torn from the j.:ViusJ with Lut. little apparent t-rort. Such a iu ic'iine is worthy the attention of far Uitrs everywhere. P.OWDVis.u. We u!ider.-taiid lhat seve ral in J;vi.!;Kns, who conrained a ht:le too i:.aclt "Lctiziiie," on Saturday night Lift, p ! in'.f a incite. Tiu-y were ta'.-:oii !. fore '.vj-iire Poncr, wiio. after a heai iiig, hi:ed the:. i each ten dollars and costs. This jH ':,;;iii?ss on the part of the officers, meets tl.-.- approbation of all pea?eable citiaens.and v'.l tu.in break up the rowdyism. TiiE FaIR. The Agricultural exhi'-ition. ! .-. wt-ek. was a decided .-uceess. etp;e.;al!y ! ti.t!!y the Society haviug rea!i:;, d a 1. rijsu ne profit over and aVive a'l espen-sv.-'. The uisp'ay of agrieulturt! and iue-, .r.anical pro ducts w,r n t so l.trira as we siioiilJ like to L ive seen, yet a g 'odly ii-.::.l''.'r ef artieles were on exhibition, and c, aj:i-r.il!y. of a very superior charao-t'.-r. The list of premiums awarded, vviii Le Jjli-ii A next week. Tun CdNCERTS. The musical entert iin meats lven by 31 r. & 31 rs. Hays and 3ir. & Mrs. Oui'.uieite, at the Court II. ase iu i:i' place, last week, were of a decided iy 1 tuiicd cLaiacttr, and met the utiim.-t e-.;. -ctaiioiia of our citizens generally. 'J he ::.a io Wkti g lo-l. the sentiaie'its contained :n tin Mia;j flu. to and i.istruofive, and the ar-.icuLtio'i of tin performers very clear and i .h-iinct. That the.-e entertainments were LLviiy a;ireei:ted, it is only necessary to .-t-ite. that many of the audience have ex-pre-.-e-l a d:--'ui to have them repeated at rO'Ji- future lime. Li krary Entertainment. We have . Iccti rcij nested to state, that Prof. John llait. ot Lancaster, will give a?i entertain meat in Keadins;, at the Court House, Oil Friday evening n ;xi, October 'st. lVo. Hurl has the reputation of being one of the lest elocutionists in thj State, and never ftils to give satisfaction to his audiences. V,V hope the citizens generally will attend, a- they may'not have another opportunity t ! caji.y so rich a literary feast. Admission 'Si ceuts the prccjcJs to be presented to the C unty Institute. iow in session. Ti.-k ;ts for s.i'e at II trtswiek k Irwin's lhug Store, and at the i'ost office. An Assault. We learn that four bellig ereiitly inclined individuals, stimulated by an i Ver-li if h. il ili.. " on S:ltlird:lV CVCnillir last, made an assault upon our to a nsman, G. L l;.-cd. Esip ctriking hiai about the head, knocking tiff his hat, and Licking it to pieces. '1 Le rc.-u'.t was, two of them soon found them s lves in the presence of 'Squire Porter one i'f elhers Laving made Lie escape, while '-' 'tl ' r plead off as being innocent. After hcaiing, the 'Squire committed the two to 1 I'lmii, one of wlioia entered bail for his ap 1 caratue. while the other is still caged. Let tliegoodw.uk be contiuued. ll is the otilv ay to suppress such outrages. The Time for Colds. The present is the time to catch Cold, when the weatJier is changing from the extreme warmth ol sum Ujct to the condition of fall. 3Ien often L ave their houses in the morning when the sun is shining warm and pleasant, and, therefore, do not take more than sufficient e'othihg for present need. Perhaps before i i ht, a cold, drizzling rain gets in, and the fc;'stem is chilled, iuduc'mg rheumatism, ca-t-'th, fever, etc, etc.; and all for the want of a little more precaution in the amount of clothing to protect the body. It is far pre ferable to suffer a little inconvei-deuco from a Wovden bhirt, during the warm part of the "lay JUao to suffer from chills in the even-iai. Paradise Dedication. No preventing Providence, the Nev? Bethel i:i the town of Paradise, Clearfield county, Pa., will be dedicated to the service of God on Sabbath the Cth of November nest. Dedication Sermon to be preachtd at 10 o'clock, a. ni. Services will commeuce on Saturday even ing previous. Ministers and people are all invited to attend. Joitn A Plowman, Pastor. BoRorcn Election. The following named persons were elected in this borough on Tuesday, the 1 1 th October, lor the seve ral offices designated : J udge of Elections, James Wricley. Inspectors, V. Barrett, V. .1. Hemphill. Constable, John McCleilan. Burgess, J. Blake Walters. Town Council, V. C. Foley, J. P. Bureh ficld. School rircctors, Isaac Johnson, Thos. Pauaherty, Jos, Delehunt. Assessor, Jacob A. Faust. Assistant Assessors, Frank Short, W. W. Beits. Overseers of Poor, James T. Leonard, John V. Shugart. High Constable. Ed. 3Iack. Auditor, Win. I). Bigler. Large Purchase. 3Ir. J. F. Stiner, one of the most enterprising citizens of this cotiiiimtiily, has entered into partnership with two gentlemen named respectively Binder and Weiser, and the firm has- pur chased the large tract of fine timber land iu Clearfield county formerly owned by Ilesser and 11 ilt nian, and are now planuing for the erection of a mammoth sat mill for the pui pose of working up the lumber. A tram road is now under construction to connect the mill wito the railroad, to intersect it about tno miles from this place. This is one of the best timbered tracts in the State and was held at the price of $100,000. We know of no one more eminently" fitted for conducing the business than our progres sive friend whose name appears at the head of this article. Pi'tt'ttjlnrg Journal. Bass Ball. Bj'ow wa give the score of several games played between the Rough i. Ready club, of Pennfield, and the Chincle clainoose, of Clearfield, and the 3!oshan non, of Philipsburg, at this place, on Wed nesday and Friday, of last week : Hough i Heady, 0 R Early, lb. 4 3 Lamb, If. 3 2 J . Lucure. c. 5 2 Kadebuch ss. 3 4 . Brevvn. 2b 3 4 E. Lee. 3 . 4 2 I'uvtiuan rf, 1 4 i'.o3v reruns, p. 2 2 Wood ward, cf. 2 2 Chines, luhnson, 10. Moore, c. Irvin. 2b. Walters, p. CrHl. If. Thouipson, ss. Wil -on. iib. M-iran. cf. Uoive, rf. 0 R 6 1 5 2 1 4 Tot Ml, 27 25 Total, 27 20 Ii.ninjs 1 23416TS9 It A K. 4 9 2 0 3 0 4 2 125 Chines. I 1 ii It 5 3 (I 4 0 20 K!ys caught R. H. 5 ; Chines 7. Fouls " it. t Ii. 3; Chiiiij i. seconu cms : rm.incs- 12 3 4507S9 11. A 11. S 5 2 1 0 6 10 1 33? Ciiii.cs 33133 1 3 5 327 Flys caught K. Jfc H 5 ; rhino 4. irYuiJ - U. A 11. 5 ; Chii.cs I. Tama aiiiE. - Ruugh i Itcady, O It Musbannon, O R E.irly, 2 4 Adaiu. 3o, 0 6 Lamo. 2 4 Miers. o 3 3 Lucore. 2 6 Shearer, p. 5 3 Ralobaoh, 3 5 (J. Joues. ss, 2 d Riown, 2 5 Hunk. If. 2 4 Leo, 7 I 1-. .Mur.sn. lb. 3 4 I.onman, 4 3 V. Munsou rf. 5 2 Unsenran?, 3 4 Viioncr cf 3 4 Vi'uodvrar J, 2 5 O. i. Jom.-s, 2b. 4 3 Total. 7 37 Total, 27 35 Inninsfs 1 2S45S7S9 It. It 3 2 I '. 2 2 3 9 o 37 JJo.-h'u S 4 0 0 U 1 4 9 035 l"!vs caught U R. 5 ; Moshannon C. fouls ' K. & It 3 ; Moabauuon 2. Local Corretposience. r.L'RNSil.E, October 10, 1S70. 31 R. Editor: Once more Ben introduces himself. I hope lie don't intrude.? Since last writing our little town has been preg nant with events. On last. Thursday week the County Superintendent, Mr. Snyder, examined a class at this place, but the ma jo:ity of aspirants didn't bring their study ing caps along, and conse-iuently they have come to the conclusion tiiat something else would pay better thau "teaching the young idea how to shoot." O:: the next day Prof. Hamilton & Raw don's '"Bi Injun" show came into town amid a chilly, drizzling autumn rain, and pitched their tent in a vacant lot next to Uneie Horace's mansion. They drew quite a crowd, and the "Injuns" raised such a "hullabaloo" that one of our citizen resi ding near, (W. B. ) threw up breastworks around him, thinking that Dakota had de clared war against Burnsidc. "But," said Billy, with a grin, "they caa't raise my har." After the night show, a select paity ad journed to Sam. Reed's new hall and "chas ed the glowing hour with flying feet" till dawn. What's the reason, 3Ir. Edinr, that all the pike are disappearing from the streams? "Nobody don't catch none" nowadays. The last unsuccessful attempt at Pike fishing was made Py two of our Democratic fellow titizeus, 31r. 31. I. and Mr. G. C. They cast their "lir.es" in the Prothonotory's of fice at Clearfield, expecting U get a bite from a pike that once run from Tyrone to some jHujit west of the mouutaius. But "he wouldn't bite, darn her." The Homer, Cherrj tree ai d Susquehan na Railroad still looms up in prospective. Teu dollars per share has been assessed up on the capital stock fo commence business. But about the Patehinviile Lyceum? "We" attended the last meeting which opened and proceeded as follows: First, select reading, by the ladies. Next, an ora tion by the Judge from Chcrrytree ; sub iect. "The Superiority of American as com pared to Foreign teenery. due subject was ably handled, and the speaker gave the audience an interesting account of his late trip to Niajara Falls. Then followed the debate, question. Resolved, that fire is a stronger and more dangerous element than water. A number spoke on each side. 3Ir. F. said a bucket of water would put out a barrel of fire if it "wasn't" coal oil. 3Ir. A. C, of Slabtown, in reply said, that once upon a time when he lived iu Connec ticut, their corn crib caught fire, 3Ir. C. dashed boldly to the roof with a bucket of water, roof fell in, C. ditto. lie remarked in conclusion that the water didn't put the fire out, but the latter put him out "cus sed" quick. Jury out when we retired. Lccky Old I3e.. CLEAEFIELD COUNTY ELETION EETUENS OFFICIAL. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11TH, 1870. ' Con gres?. i Assembly. II Sheriff. I' Couiroiss'r. DISTRICTS. I! 5 - ? - I Beecaria, I 86 86 86 86 S5 86 86 86 Bell, J 49 105 4'J 105 49 K0 49 105 Bloom, i 31 28 31 26 30 25 31 2.3 Bocsrs, 21 98 21 JS 19 92 21 93 Bradford, f 23 J9 ! 2S 99 2S 97 28 05 Brady, 54 274 i 54 268 J 54 274 54 274 Burnside, j 115 74 117 73 116 71 117 73 Chest. I 77 85 77 85 j SO 79 77 85 Clearfield, I 102 187 102 179 : 100 187 99 188 Covington. 21 93 21 93 ! 17 96 20 94 Curwensville, J 72 49 71 49 ! 70 49 73 43 Decatur, 1 32 80 32 80 32 80 j 32 hO Fereusoc, 30 56 30 58 26 57 30 58 Girard, 34 58 3-1 5S I 34 58 36 57 Goshen, 20 41 20 40 I i 20 40 I 20 41 Graham, 9 81 9 81 8 81 9 81 fiuelich, " 66 22 N C6 22 64 22 I C6 22 Huston, 63 48 j 63 48 63 48 ! 63 48 Jordan, 41 57 1 41 57 41 38 41 57 Karthaus, 23 57 I 24 51 22 56 24 57 Knox, 24 83 24 83 23 77 24 81 Lawrence. 72 212 72 211 72 207 72 213 Lumber-city, 24 26 24 26 , 25 24 24 26 Morris, 42 160 I 42 160 42 157 42 1C0 N. Washington, 8 44 ' 8 44 i 9 39 8 44 Osceola, 42 115 j 44 112 43 114 42 115 Penn, 1 53 84 53 83 j "3 65 53 83 Pike. 73 88 I 73 83 73 78 73 '86 Union, 31 40 j 31 39 CO I 39 j 31 39 Woodward, 23 7S 28 78 j 28 j 78 27 79 Totals, .1371 2608 I 1375 2580 1366 12514 1372 kw 1371 i 1375 1306 J1372 .Majorities, 1237 ' 1205 1118 I 1 1220 Republicans in Roman, and Democrats in Italic. Barlow Chase, independent in Bloom tp. 3 iu Bogirs tp, and 2 in Curwensville MARRIED. On Thursday, October 13th, by Rev. W. G. Ferguson, 31r. E. B. Spencer, of Clear field county, and Miss Avoliue E. Dun worth, of Huntingdon. On Sunday, the 16th of October, 1S70, byL. F. Irwin. Esq., Mr. Manuel F. Hoov er, and 31 iss Alice G. Brown, both of Law rence town-hip. Nci PH1CK.3 OK DeIIAVKX A BKO., 40 South Third Street. Philadelphia. 3o'elock 1". Jl. October 13, is,u. IT. S fl's of 1SSI, 1I3J 1I V. S. fl's of 1S.52, 110 110 II S. 6's of IraH, 109 10H1 V. S. 6 g of 1SS5, 10'JI lo'.lj II. S fi's of I.m!.., new, 10s Ills U. S. tf IS7, new, 109 109j I". 8. 6 s of ls'iS, in'.H ln3 U. S 5's. 10-40'. lOj 10o 1-. S 30 year 0 per cent Cy., 1121 1 121 Pue Compound Interest Notes, 19 Oold, 113 111 Silver, 112 115 Union PaciCo R. R. 1st M. Bonds, 820 830 Central Pacific K. R.. 9"0 900 Unijn 1'acifio Land tjrant Condi, 72-1 730 COUNTY DIRECTORY. TIME OF IlOLDI.Wi COURT. 2d Monday in January. Id in March, 4:h ' in May, .'id Monday in Juno. 4th in Sept 2d iu Nov : COUNTY AND DISTKCT OFFICERS. I'res't Judge Hon Cli.is A Mayer. Lock Haven. As'le Judges Hon. .Samuel Clrde, Clearfield. Hon. Jaeob W illhchn Oruhamton Sheriff. . . . Cyrenus Howe, . . . Cloarduld i'roihonolary, Aaron 0. Tato, . Reif. 4 Ree. . Ashury W. Lee. " Pistrict Alt'y.W. SI M'Cullough, . " rreasurer. . . Lever Klegul,. . . " Co. Surveyor, S. F SleOloskey, . Curwensville Comiuiss'ii'rs, Othello Suiea 1, . X. W ashington Samuel t-huffoer, . Clearfield. Samuel 11. liindinan, Glen Hope. Auditors. . . Clark Brown. . . . Clearfield. Price A . Itowles, . ? .Millport. John D. Miller. . . llurd. Curoner. . . . James A. Moore, . . Clearfield Cu.auperind't Ueo W. Snydir, . LIST OF I'OST-OFFICKS. To'otshtp- Sutnrs of P. O. Xaiurxo f P.M. Ijeccaria, - - Glen Hope, - - I1"U er i-uRrce, ... Utahville, - - - S. .MoFarland. IIej;arty Roads Samuel iiegarty Cell, - - - Rower, - - S A. Roraiiangh Caoat, .... Thus.A. Sl'Ghee . ... Cush. - - J. W Campbell. .i .... Ostend. - - - - H. L. Henderson RIoom, - - Forrest. - - - - Algernon Holdeu Uozirs, - - - Clearfield Bridge, - torrent Wallaceton lohn K Moore Crailford, - Woodland. - - - Win's Grove, - Brady, - - - Luthcr.burg, - - - Troutville, - - Jefferson Line, - Burnside, - NewWasbingtou$ . ... Burnside, " ... Patehinviile, - East Rid-e, - Chest,- - - - Kurd, - - - ... Mo'iarvey.,- - i - W'estover, - - Clearfield, - Clearfield, - - Covington, Frenchvil'e, ' ... Karthaus, - - Wm. Albert. - hd. Williams - L. B. Carlile Mrs. C. Weaver - John Heberliu. - Siim'l McCune - Sinr.hcw Irwin. Jack Patchin. W Summerville - LewisJ. Hurd Wm Meiiarvey - S A. Farber. - P. . (iaulin - Claud. Hiiimoy - John Kciier - Charles Hoel Curwensville Curwensville, becatur, - Phiiipsturg. Centre county Pa. West Decatur, l.ever Smeal, Ferguson, ijirard, - - Ooshen, -Graham, -Guclich, - Marron. - -Leconle's Mills. Bald Hills, - John P Strr.w. - Angu s Lccuute, Alex. Irwin. - II Ii. Morrow. - Thos. II. Forcey - Jcs. G. Ganoe. - Henry AJleman. - Miss R J. Tyler. Frank Bowman. If. Swan (too. lleckadorc. H J. Sloppy, Ed. C. Brenner. John Odell. - - Snawsville, - - Grahamton, - - Smith's .Mills, - A Hem ana - - - - Tyler. - - - Huston, .i . . Jordan, -Karthaus, Knox, - -Morris, - - .i - -Osceola. -Penn, - - i. . - - - Pike, - - -Union, - -Woodward. - - Pennfield. - - - - Ansoxiville, - -. - Salt Link, - - - New Millport, - - Kylertown, - - - Slorrisdale. - - - Osceola Mills.- - - Lumber City.t - - Grampian Hills, - Curwensville, - - Rockton, - - -Jeffries. - - - T. F Boalich. II W. Spencer. Jona. Wall Chas. Hoel. l. E. Bruhaker. James Lockett. - Mailers. - - J.1 Derby. I This Post Office w:Il do for Chest township. f Will answer for Fergusontownship. "STATE V. STATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Governor. - - - John W. Geary, Cumberland. Scc'y of Com. -Pep. Secretary, Auditor Gen -Survevor Gen. - Frank Jordan, Bedford, J M. Weakley, -John F. Ilarl rauft, J. M. Campbell, - Montgomery, Cambria, Attornev Gen. - F. 0 Brewster. - Philadclr hia. Adjutant Gen. D. B. M Crea y. - Erie, ite Trtasurcr, V, in. W Irwin, - Beaver, Sup Com Sch's J. P.Wickershara. Lancastar, Deputv Sup't. - C R. Cobum, - - Bradford, State Librarian. Wien Forney, - - Dauphin. S ci it km b Couut. Chief Justice. James Thomp son. Associates. Henry W. W illiams, John SI. Reed. Daniel Agnew. George Sharswood. Ses sions, Philadelphia. 1st S'on lay of January. Har risburg. 4th Slonday of April. Sunbury. 1st .Mon day of October Pittsburg, 31 Monaay of October OFFICERS OF TUK UNITED PTATK'S. President. - - - Ulysses S Grant. - Illinois Vice President, Schuyler Colfax, - Indiana. Sec. of State, - Hamilton Fi.-h. - New York. Sec. of Treas'y. Geo 8 Boutwell, Massachusetts Seeif War, - Win. W. Belknap. Iowa. See of Navy. - Hen. SI. Robeson, New Jersey, Sec. of Interior Jacob D. Cox, - - Ohio, P SI Gen. - - J A.J. Creswell, Slaryland, Attorney Gen. - E. R Hoar. - - - Slassacbusetts Supreme Cocrt Chief Justice. 8, P. Chase, of Ohio. Associate Justices Nathan Clifford, of Slaine. Samuel Nelson, of New York. David Da vis, of Illinois. Noah H Swayne, of Ohio, Sam uel F. Miller, of Iowa, Stephen J. Field, of Cal. Salaryof Chief Justice Si.500,of Associates S6, 000. mllK highest market prices paid for Fhincles by J SHAW jfc SOX. c URUASTS the best and cheapest in th GRAHASUS. county, at -yERY FINE blankets will be sold cheap J. SHAW A SON. SHOES, Ladies' and Children's custom made. Lasting Gaiters. Kid and Carpet Slippers, Moroc co and Glove Kid Balmorals, Children' Colored Shoes, very cheap. Opposite 'j? j ,ATZEr a. V5 86 49 31 21 28 54 117 76 105 21 73 32 30 36 19 8 66 C3 41 24 24 71 24 42 8 42 53 73 31 28 84 103 28 97 97 274 73 86 181 93 48 SO 58 57 41 82 22 48 57 57 82 213 26 160 41 115 82 87 39 78 2583 1376 11376 I 1207 I'DKHS TIIK JOURNAL. - The Raftsman's .Iocbsal is published on Wed nesdny at $2.00 pet annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, $2.50 trill be charged, and S3, 00 if not paid before the close. Advertisements wi'I be inserted at $1,50 pei square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or loss) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers No autsciiptiou taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un tiiill arrearages are paid, except at the option ol the publisher. S. J. ROW. O USQU E II A N N Curwensville, A HOUSE, Pa. The undersigned having taken charge of this well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ol p atronajfo. The hou.-o has been refitted and re furnished, and now compares favorably with any nther houe in theoounty. The best of everything the market affords will be serv?l up to guests. Chaiges mo.lerata. ELI BLOOM. Sept. 2S. ISTO-tf. Proprietor. rpiIE " E A OLE II 0 T E L," 3Iaiu St., Curwensville, Pa. Having leased for a term of years the above well krown and popular Hotel (formerly kept by Mr. Mui"n. and lately by Mr. Fonts), and having newly refitted and refurnished it, the prer.ent proprietor feels asfured lhat he can renderentire Mitisfnction to puests sojourning with him. A fine, large stable and yard is attached, for the care and protection of horses, carriages and wagons. A rhnr of natronAa is soheite-1 - ... - - M ay 4. 70-ly J A J. IIRAUlKEH. Prop'r. rp II E "S II A W 1IOUS E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD. PA. GEORGE N. COLBCRX, :::::: PBirniEjon This bouse was lately completed and just open ed to the public is newly furnished, and provided with al 1 the modern improvements of a first-class hotel. It id pleasantly located, in the business part of the town, and near to the public build infra. A share of patronage is respectfully solic ited. Charges moderate. The best of Liquors in the bur. March 30, .0-tf. T HE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the Railroad Depot), Heed Street, Clearfield, Ta. G. D. GOODFELLOW : : : : : Pbopbietob. A new first class Hotel in every respect com fortable looms all iLe modern improvements the best of Liquors promptattendacce, and rea sonable charges The patronage of the publio is respectfully tolicitoJ." jy-21 tf. rplIE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. -- This Liniment havine been us- d, for snuie ycais past.as a fami'y medicine by the pro-pri-tor, and its good effects coming to the notice of his neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con sented tomanufaclure it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Catarrh and Billious Cholio. ever offered to the public; and will cure many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price. SI per bottle, or six bottles for S5. Sent to any address bv enclos ing the price to WM. U. WAGONER. Hurd Postoffice, Oct. 6. 1819. Clearfield courty, Pa. Opposite the Jail, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Monuments, Grecian Tombs, French Couches, SI antics. Table Tops. Washing Ranges, Garden Statuary. Terra Cotta Ware, of every description. neau ana root ?iones, oi .n anu ucaumui uc signs, all of which we offer at eity prices, or 25 per cent less than any other establishment in this county. Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in tha best workmanlike manner. "" S A. GIBSON. May 11, 1370 -tf. James Watson, Agent. STUMPS!STUMPSH The undersigned have purchased the right ot Clearfield county for Enoch Farnsworth's Stump Extractor, patented June 7th. 1S70. This is decidedly the most convenient, most durable, and best machine of the day. Wet weather will not effect it. the working part being all of iron. The machine is easily set up, ucd will work any place thiit can be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit on cort, and will try to make it to the advantage of farmers to buy them. We solicit orders from those wanting machines. II. T. FARNS WORTH, Clearfield. Pa., J B. GARRISON, GEO. II. HALL. Agent. Curwensville, Pa ClearSoId, Pa. July 13.'70. 5-20'S AND 1881'S BOUGHT, SOLD A?fD EXCHANGED, ON MOST LIBERAL TERSI3. (J OLD BOUGHT and SOLD at MARKET RATES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC K. It. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT and SOLD on COMMISSION Wy. Accounts received and interest allowed on daily balances subject to check, at sight. DeHAVEN & BR0., 40 SOUTH Sn STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JHareh 2, 1870-1 y,-Jy 13. I Jury Coin'rll Auditor. Coroner. I j ' ' I I I - 86 86 86 86 86 86 , 49 105 49 105 49 105 31 28 31 28 31 J 2.3 21 92 21 93 2r 95 28 99 23 99 2S 95 54 272 : 54 274 54 274 117 73 I 117 73 114 73 77 85 1 77 85 77 84 100 1S5 99 184 101 IS6 21 93 21 93 21 93 73 49 73 49 73 43 32 80 32 80 32 80 30 58 30 58 30 58 36 56 36 57 I 35 57 20 40 20 41 20 41 9 81 9 81 9 81 66 22 66 22 66 22 63 48 63 43 63 48- 41 57 41 57 41 57 24 56 I 24 57 24 57 24 82 24 83 24 83 71 209 72 2U8 71 209 24 26 24 20 24 26 42 160 42 160 . 42 160 8 44 8 44 , 8 44 42 115 42 115 42 114 53 82 53 83 i 52 83 73 87 73 87 I 71 88 31 39 SI 39 i 31 3S 25 78 ii 28 78 28 73 1-1374 2V7S 1 1 374 2593 P1368 2591 jl 1374 j 1374 jl 136S II 1204 Il219 1223 candidate for Sheriff, received 2 votes borough. "POR SALE. The farm of John Spack man, late of Girard Township, dee'd, consisting of ahout one hundred and seventy two acres of good farming laud, (most of which is cleared ) and having theieon erected a good house and barn, and the usual conveniences of a pleasant homo. For terms and further particulars apply to T II. MURRAY. Au'y for the heirs and persons interested. June 22. '70. -tf. AflSS II. S. SWAN'S, School for Girls, JL Clearfield, Pa. The Fall Tertn of Fourteen weeks will com mence on Monday, September 5tb, lb'O. TEHMS OP TUITION. Reading. Orthography, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per form, (of 14 weeks). S7 00 History. Ixcal and Descriptive Geography with Slap Drawing. Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, 9 08 Botany. Geology. Physiology, Natural Phi losophy, Physical Gcographv. Algebra, Rhctorio. Etymology and Latin, 12 00 Oil Painting. ,21 lessons), 1 2 00 Slonoehromatio Drawing, 10 60 Crayon. - 6 00 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Music. (30 lessons). 19 06 Wax Flowers and Fruits, with materials, at teacher's charges. For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, August !7, lS70-ly. 1S70. FALL CAMPAIGN! 1S70. V M . REED, Market Street, Clearfield, Va. Has just received an immense stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FANCY AND FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, FURS, Ladies', Misses' and Chililrens' Shoes, and a line of the finest grade of INGRAIN AND BRUSSELS CARFET &c, & PLAIN AND COLORED SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, ALL WOOL PLAIDS, HEAVY CORDED SILK POPLINS and the best article of BLACK ALPACAS, ranging in price from 25o to S1.25 per yard. Great bargains in Shawls, Woolen and Paisley Water-proofs, Table Lin ens, Crash, Canton, & Wool en Flannels, Ladies' Coatings, &c, &c. Speciality in Notions and Trimmings, White Goods, New Styles Hair Goods both real and imitation, Kid Gloves from 75c to 2. The Harris' Seamless Kid Glove, the best in the world, Hosiery and La dies' and Gents' Underwear. New Fall Styles in HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, HAT TLUMES AND OSTRICH TIPS. ALSO A FIRST-CLASS MILLINER, from Philadelphia, has been encased to make and trim HATS AND BONNETS, in the- most fashionable styles. Having enlarged my rooms, thereby affording better facilities for busi ness, I shall continue to eep a first-cla ss line of goods, A RELIABLE ARTICLE, and will sell the same as low aa can be sold in this or any other nnr et. CLEARFIELD, PA. . September 14, 1870. -IIILDEENSfurs twnvy-fiv per cent less than cost at J.SHAW SOS, Marble and Stone Yard. MRS. S.S. LIDDELLy Having engaged in the Marble business, desires to intornk her friends, aud the public, that she has now and will keep consiantly en band a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared tofuroish to order TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, in Samd- stone and Marble, CURBS and POSTS for Cemetery loU, nrixDoiv sili and caps, ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN ORNA MENTS, IfC. She would invite special attention to her Sand stone Monuments which are built from original designs and will compare favorably with any thing ef the kind in the country. If desired she can furnish Marble Window Sills and Caps at a slight advance on the price of Sandstone. xara on tieea Street, near the DepoLCIeartieia, Pa ISlay 4. 170. 110 SAD A LIS milE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH J. RESTORER, purifies tha blood and cui cs Scrofula. Syphilis. Skin Diseases. Rheu matism. Diseases of women, and all Chron ic Affections of the Blood. Liver and Kid neys. Recommended by the medical Fac ulty aud many thousands of our best citi sens. Read the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have used Rs.-adalis; send for our Roradalis Guide to Health Book, or A 1 uianac for this year, which we pi blish for gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information Dr. R. W larr, o: Baltimore, says : I take pleasure in rccouimci ding your Rosadalis as a vey powerful alterative. I have seen it used iu two cases with happy results one in a case of secondary typhi I is in which the patient pronounced himseif cured after having taken five bottles of your medicine The other is a case of scrof ula of longstanding, which is rapidly im proving under its use, and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by which your Roeadulis is made, and find it an excellent compound ol alterative ingre dients Dr. Spa-ks. of Nicholasville, Ky ., says he Las used Rosadalis iu eases of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results as a cleaner of the Bload I know no bet ter remedy. Samuel G. SlcFadden, Slurfreesboro', Tenn , says: I have used seven bottles of Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, wbo has scrofulous sor eyes. Bejjamin Bechtol. of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have sutlered for twenty years with an iu veterate eruption over my whole body ; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis aud it effected a perfect cure Labratory, 61 Exuiiange Place, Baltimore. CLEMENTS, A CO , Proprietors. O S A D A L I S Rosadalis is sold bv Hartswiek A Irwin and A. I. Shaw, Clearfield. D. K. Good. Osceola, and by Druggists generally. (April 6,'70-lv ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ!! Who sells the cheapest goods in the county ? M 0 S S 0 P ! Who sells best calicoes a 1 1 2 i cts a yard iiossori Whs sells best unbleached muslin at 17 cents 31 O S S 0 P ! Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at ?5 00? MOSSOT! Who soils Hall's best Csarss BoaU at Si it T MOSSOP! Who sells Hall', bestKip Boots at $4,50? MOSSOP! Who sells Hats lower than anybody else? MOSSOP! Who eells Sugar th cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who soils Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sails Ilardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware tha cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing th cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down t the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'S! Clearfield, May H.18M. DRIED FRUIT, at redaeed prioes SaBn-,- FOR SALE, White Lead, Zine Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine Varnishes ef all kinds, Color, in eil aad. dry. Paint and Varnish brashes. HARTSWICK IRWIJI, Clearfield. Pa M S,'6. A GREAT OFFER. Horace Waters, 4S1 Broadway, New York, will dispose of ONE HUNDRED PIANOES. ME LODEOXS and ORG.iNS of six first class makers, including Chickering Sons, at extbsmblt low trices roit cash, dihixo Tins mostb, er will take from 85 to S25 monthly nmil paid. 4-13 '70 y 17HO HAS A HOUSE TO PAIST? READT-MADE CO LOKS. Known as "Railroad'' Colors Guaranteed to be mors economical, mors durable and mors conveni ent than any Paint ever befora offered. A book entitled --Plain talk with Practical Painters," with samples sent free by mail on application. MASLRY A WUITON. Glob WktU Ua.1 and Valmr Wmrls, A p. 13-3m 111 Fulto St.. Nne Ymrt. Beware of Imitation. Established 1S.T5. rLEAKFIELD N URSER Y. Escora- ack Hoxik IsDtsrrRT. The undersritra ed having established a Nursery, sn the, Piks halfway between Curwensville and Clsarfell Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreens. Strut bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawten Black berry. Strawberry and Raspberry Tines. Alss Sibriant.'rab trees. Quince andearly ScarletRhes. barb. Ae Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug Jl . 1864. J. D. WRIGHT, Curweasville TIIE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! Eighty ix Th'triaid.SrviH Ilimdrtd and EtgK-ty-ong Machina Mid and Sold tit Past Ytar'. The number exceeds by thonsands the sales of any other Machine, and the demand is still in creasing THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD. THE RE SONS WHY: Because it embodies essential principles not found in anyotber Machine; because of its sim plicity of construction, eass of operation, uni formity of precise action at any speed, and ca pacity for the greatest range and variety sf wsrk, fine or coarse. Parties wishing to purchase should not fail te examine this best of all Sewing Machines. I have the Agency for this Machine, and will keep a full supply on band. Clearfield.Slay 4. '70 tf J. S. SHOWERS. NEW STORE. Corner of Seeoad Et. and Hill teas.. R. MITCHELL Has just received and opened, at the above aaa ed place, a entire nrw stock sf Sprint; and Summer Goods, which ho will sell very cheap for cash. Ilii steck consists sf Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilardware, Queocsware. tSoots and Shoes, Bats and Caps, Ready made Clothing, ete. Be alss keeps choice Flonr, Corn Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruit. Persons desirous of purchasing geeds at fair rates are respectfully reqaeitad ts give hiso a call. Approved country prodnes will be taksn, at the highest prices, in exehange tor gesdt. Clearfield. June 17, 1SSS. BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT THE MAMMOTH STORE OF TIIE Mosliannoii Land and Lumber Co., OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, Penn'a. GROUND AND UNG ROUND SPICES. Citron English Currants, Essence Coffee, and Vina, gar tbs beat quality .for sala by Jan. 10. HAaTSWICK IRWIX. li 'i ! a-' A t T i! f; n 't: