Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 19, 1870, Image 1

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" L'.
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VOL. 17.-N0. 8.
J ill W H . .J . W I . M 9
i f:
dcct i'octvu.
V 1,-ve to .-ee the blooming rose,
:i ail its b-auiy dre.-t ;
Y," live to hour our friends di.-closc
The uii; i.i jrii of the breast.
,ve to -ee t he fchip arrive,
V.Vtl laden to our shore ;
V.V iovc to ?f i onr neighbors thrive,
Ati 1 love I j ijless tho poor.
V. ' vt? tu s-x domestic life,
Wi h urii.ifcrrupted joys ;
YiV ! : t.i M e a liript y wife,
V.'h cheerful girls ami hoys.
V.".' ! a'l these .ret far above
A',: Tirit. v,e ever said,
V i jvf w!iat every printer loves
Tin: stose vault.
: . I en with Morris ami GrinLy
- !: !- J.i; ty years come the first of
: i!!i!.tli. I was forty when I came
. ; :rl r'o I have si habit of beiri
:r. .?bt-'it dates I am within a few
i seventy-five; but as for
,i' . i I, Hess you, I am younger
youngest clerk, Tom Codger,
. v. ;:.!: late suppers anil hanl driuk
'. i han-1 that shakes like tiio.se
.-r leaves blowing in the wind
;',! :k-u iind:w yonder.
! 1 water, early hours, and tem-
in ;:I1 thing-, keep a man hale
; through. If you don't believe
. i-.ok at me ; I t;ta an exainnle.
Ye?, I've seen change.-; here. The
i - ;is '-Morris, Grinby & TJIooih,"
:i I ca:n-?. thougii voting B!oum
three liioiit hs after, and young
'y was taken into pmt;ieiIiii.
i: : 1 a fite here, too, and the ofiiees
le'-n built on a different jl in.
v. ! .-h .ntres eiioueh, s id sin.!
:it ; b.it the ;tr;:ne: t and end- i
of nil was what hapD.'iieJ to poor
1;. dt ar r.ic ! It did seem hard.
:t it with human eyes, and
:;i:.g as we sire sij.t to, that G1
i V'-iyihiiig fur the best,
ci ir'.; s you don't know how this
i- built. It's an oil place, al
the iYunt and ifiiees are iie
:'. great liahjtr;:des were r-i;!y
'-. ';; -t ve':r. Ijuwn beloA YOU
sir ma-sive walls, and all pav
i and b A.v: the cellar a
m v:;iut, wliie'a C i lgcr, wlm
it -e j.i-i- tilings, says the old
;i" ; i ! burn 1 in. My own
that it was intended to con
''r' le-, i" .i- it had a great pia
r : 1 1 ; 1 thne hicks, each fastened
-.--fit k-y-:-
l at all.
-that is if they
The vault was
ire niv ti;:!.
i ei l.
tai-re months.
' day r rather one ovu-ing,
' --v.: - i!i-.-.r .-ix i.iere'i-nts kept
' r i - t'i i.-e days I had oe-
- .i -e i i-.wii into tin; cellar bl
h..ai.', i.j give seme diree
' - : p-.rter al.ont some bales to
: up in the eariv j:iorn2)j next
i were tip r.t tho north '
Hi c -ll.ir, wlie; c t:ie bales were.
' l 1 i; L-i.'iarrhhn my orders, when,
';' !" -.v,-, as it ?eehied, I heard an
- 1. a Kind of wheezing cough,
netht-tvd in a moment.
I 1' ked aroun.l, tie re was nobody
.-. !i a soul, and I thought how
:is deceive us, to-be-sure, and
t t ilhing. Hut I give you my
I hadn't sj oke three words, v lien
that sound ajain. It quite
"'M '. ' s-iid I. '-did you cough?"
N" . :r." said Mike, "I thought
:. r .ii.i."
"i' !s.tit be imagination, or some
' i Ta tin,' oiliee overhead," I said.
' '-hcti a otigh ough. We
v :r l it.
"!: - t;., go, id. your honor,," said
! : j s i;r.e one hiding in the
-VA I.
" 'a Mike's lant'-rn. we went
"" "' .'"at st .tie-paved place, look-
- '-;i:t 1 boxes and bales, and under
; - and up the coal slide. 15ut
; ' " ;1 'lid we find, until, passing
i r ,f the vault, I heard it this
'"" n-rv faint and strange, and called
' to M.ke
o i;.,ever it is, is hiding in this
A:d with this we both turned stair
rland bolted into Mr. Griuby's
- together. The old jientleman.
''by. .senior he don't come to the
e-e once a year now, for he is past
nety. Old Mr. Grinby was just lock
ing his desk and butteninsi his over
coat. He stared at us through his
glasses, and ejaculated,
"Bless me, Humphries, is the house
on fire ?"
"No, sir," said I, "hut there is some
one hidden in the stone vault."
"liah!"said Mr. Grinby, "I tho't
you had more sense, Mr. Humphries.
No one could exist ten minutes in the
stone vault. It is next thing to air
"It is my belief, sir, that whoever it
is, may be choking to death, sir," I
said, "but there is some one there.
Mike hoard a cough as well as I."
"Very.wcll," said Mr. Grinby; "call
the nearest constable, Mike, and Mr.
Morris, are you in vour office, sir?
I'erhaps you'll come dow n and assist
in the capture of a burglar Mr. Hum
phries has discovered in the air-tight
stone vault below the cellar."
He was very satirical ; so was Mr.
Morris. But we all went down to
gether, the constable with us, and
stopped before the stone vault. The
door was shut so tight that it took all
Mike's strength to force it open. And
Mr. Grinby, looking straight before
him shouted :
"Ila ha! nobody, as I told you."
But the next minute he saw what
the rest of us had already seen a bun
dle of -rags in one corner of the vault,
down on the floor, and amidst the rags
was a while face and thin hands, a
bare, bruise 1 and bleeding foot; and
we dragged out into such air as there
was in the cellar, a mi -erable wretch
of a litllu boy, who seemed (piite dead.
Up in the o'Hce, however, we bro't
him t, life, and cot the storv from
him. He lived, it seems, ao.ioiig thieves.
arid they had planned to rob us that j
ntgnt, and he, poor little midge, had I
slipped in somehow and hidden in the
cellar to open the door for them, -never
thinking any one wutiid come there that
But when Mike and I went down, he
took to the vault, and there would have
smothered but for lay hoarintr him. I
do not care t i tell you how we kept
him, and filled the place with Consta
;, who wheti ti.
pounced out upon them, and took them
into eu-to.ly. You can guess all that.
It's the boy I have to tell you about
poor Ben Wade. It came out during
the investigation eoiiseiuent upon the
arrest that the poor child was kept
among the thieves by force, and that
th y used him cruelly. Once a ruili
a:i of the gang had broken his leg in
a drunken fury, and he limped yet from
the iniurv. lie was such a pale, worn.
miserable thing that everv one felt
nereis ttl to mm, an t it was ciecnleil to ,
pardon him and send him to the poor
But that very morning. Grinby, Jun
ior, a young man, came into tho office
where his father ar, and put his hand
upon his arm.
"Ftuher," said he, "I want to ask
you a favor. 1 want my own way in
one thing."
"Well," snid the old gentleman, "let
me hear you."
"I want to take Ben Wade into the
house as an errand boy," said young
"llev?"aid the old gentleman
"what, a young housebreaker as an er
rand boy ? Bless my soul !"
"Father," said young Grinby, "the
boy is naturally a good boy. I like
him; I want to save him. I'erhaps, if
I had not so good a father to guide me,
to take care of me, I might have been
worse than he. I don't ask you to trust
him, sir. I only ask leave to trust him
myself. I am sure he will prove deser
viiiir of confidence."
Old Mr. Grinby took out his snuff
box, and looked at Mr. Morris.
"I've noticed the lad's eye; its a
nod one," said Mr. Morris.
"It's a risk," said Mr. Grinby, "but
we'll consider."
And I suppose the result was what
young Orinby wanted, for little Ben
Wade came to u on the next Monday.
Now he was clean and whole, he
din't look so bad, and good food and
no abuse made a difference in him in a
In a month or so, people stopped
predicting that young Grinby would
repent some day, and in a year I don't
think there was one in the office who
didn't love that boy so grateful and
trustworthy, and so ready to do every
thing for every one. Young Mr. Grin-
by had him taught, and well taught,
too. The lightning calculator might
beat him, hut I doubt it ; and I never
knew that lad to forget to dct his i's
and cross his t's in all my acquaint
ance with him, after he learned to write
at all.
At twenty he was one of the best
clerks in our establishment, besides be
ing as fine a looking young fellow as
one would wish to see. On the whole,
I did not wonder that Miss Lucy Ev
ans took a fancy to him a sister, sir,
of one of the young fellows at our
place, and a girl who looked like a
ijuoen, and was as good as she was
I used to meet them walking on the
battery, where lovers used to walk in
those days. He was so fond and
proud of her, and she had such a ten
der w ay of looking at him, that they
made mv old heart vounc aain, as I
often told Mrs. Humphries, to whom I
always confide everything. And how
he reverenced her why a ribbon or
faded flower, that she had worn, were
cherished by him as a miser cherishes
his gold.
At last he told me in confidence
for her name was sacred, and not to
he spoken before every one that they
were to be married.
'And when I look ba.ck, sir," said
he, "and remember the miserable days
of my wretched childhood, and think
how friendless ami forlorn I was, and
how there was nothing before me but a
prison or gallows, and think now I
have every thing to make man's life
blessed the power to win a respecta
ble livelihood by reputable labor, the
respect of men, and the love of such a
crirl as Lucy I ran never be too crate-
fi t0 the kind friend who saved me
f,-,,m a j;f0 I dare not contemplate.
God bless Mr. Grinby!" said he, lift
ing hi.? hat reverentially as he might
in church, and there w a a prayer in
his dirk'eyes as he looked upward.
Those were the last words I ever
heard him speak, except '-Goodnight."
Ah, dear me, it should have been good
bye. Ten minutes later I went one
1 way home, and he, as it seemed after
ward, walked just two blocks, and then
came back here. At twelve o'clock
that night I awoke Mrs. Humphries.
"My dear," said I, "I must have
had the nightmare or somothing."
"(roodne.-s !" said site, "it seems so.
Your hands are like ice. What gave
it to you, love? That lobster, I'll be
"Perhaps," said I. "I admit I ate
a hearty supper. And nothing else
could make me fancy young Wade at
mv bed side, white as a ghost, with
notli lianas on mv ore
"Ah, but the night mare is always
black, not white," said my wife. And
then she -went to a little cupboard and
brou'-ht me a glass of wine. Afttr
that I wen: to sleep again.
I did not rise early, and was quite
behind my usual time. VYhcn I reached
our place I found it in a great commo
tion. Clerks running hither and thith
er, the heads of the firm standing about
in the most unbusinoss-like manner,
and three constables on the premises.
"What is the matter?'' I said, ad
dressing Mr. Grinby.
"Matter enough," said he. "We've
been heavily robbed."
"I fancied that couldn't happen
here," said I. "I really believe it
would be impossible for burglars to
break into Morris, Grinby & Son's,
"Ah," said he, "they did break in.
Tho door has been quietly opened from
the inside."
"And I believe " began Mr. Moms.
"Sir," cried young Grinby, out of
breath, "I beg as a gentleman, as a
man, of principle, you will not give
utterance to your unfounded suspicions
totally unfounded ami unworthy of
"Prove them so, sir," said Mr. Mor
ris cooly, "and I'll apologize."
I looked an inquiry.
"Don't ask explanations, I beg, Mr.
Humphries," said Mr. Grinby. "Some
thing has been said the speaker will
regret. Ah ! there comes my mcssen
ger. And in ran one of our boys.
"Well, Tom ?" said Mr. Grinby.
"Mr. Wade ain't been homo all night
sir," said Tom.
"I told you so," said Mr. Morris.
"And I tell you even yet, I will not
hear my dear friend's yes, my very
dear friend's character aspersed," said
young Grinby. "Humphries, I know
you love Ben Wade as I do. Fancy
imagining him connected with this
robbery. As well suspect my father,
or myself, or you."
"He's missing," said Mr. Morris,
shutting the door upon us three, "lie
was seen to return late in the evening.
He was one of a band of house-breakers
when we took him in, and many
declare the character to be -formed at
six years old. lie was nine. I be
lieve he has been won back to his old
"You will uot express your belief to
others," said Mr. Grinby.
"Not as yet, most certainly,' said
Mr. Morris.
Well, sir, that wa3 a bitter day to
me a bitter day. We could learn
nothing of vounjj Wade, after ei"-ht
o'clock on the previous night. Then
several had seen him. He had taken
tea at a little coffee-house, as he some
times did, and when he did not return
home tilllate.and had said to said some
one there : "I must go back to the
oiTiee. I have forgotten something."
Half an hour afterwards, Mike, the
porter, had passed him in the street,
and voung Wade had said:
"What's the time, Mike?"
The porter told him.
"I .-hall be too late," he said. "I
have an engagement, and must go back
to our place for a parcel I've forgot
ten." An apple woman on the corner had
seen him enter. He often bought fruit
from her for lunch, and she knew him
well by sight.
There the news ended, until Mike
going in to light the fires, found the
place a scene of confusion desks ri
fled, papers strewn about, and ' every
mark of systematic burglary.
Later iiTThe" day, LaeyUrarre THTT"
come down. Her brother hid sent
her word of what had occurred. She
believed some terrible accident had
happened to Ben, and begged the firm
to spare no efforts to discover him.
She was almost distracted ; and who
can wonder ? They had been going
together, it seemed, to some play
the night before, and she had been
sufficiently alarmed by his failing to
keep the appointment, to be, in a meas
ure, prepared for the worst. She knew
he intended to bring her a book, lie
had spoken of it. That must have
been the parcel he went back for. Of
course she never doubted him, and no
one dared to hint at what had been
whispered, in her presence.
For a week, sir, the authorities were
at work. Immense rewards were of
fered for the burglars, and for the re
covery, alive or dead, of young Ben
jamin Wade, but without the least
We were notified of everybody
washed ashore, and of every unknown
man found dead for months, and at
last there were few who did not laugh
at poor Ben's friends for their credu
lity. It seemed plain to them and may
Heaven not judge them as they judged
their brother Ben Wade was guilty !
Toor Lucy never looked up. It was
easy enough to see that her heart was
broken, and in a year she died, just a
week too soon to hear what I shall tell
One morning I was busy at my desk
in the office, when a gentleman came
in and asked for either Mr. Morris or
Mr. Grinby. Old Mr. Grinby was at
home with the gout, and Mr. Morris
and the young gentleman were in. I
saw that the gentleman was a clergy
man, and fancied he had called to so
licit a subscription for some mission to
the heathen, or Sunday School, or new
church. But his first words made me
start. They were these :
"You remember, of course, a bur
glary committed here a year ago or
I could not keep my seat, but went
forward trembling like a leaf.
Young Mr. Grinby had turned quite
faint, and was leaning against the wall
for support.
"You are agitated," said the clergy
man; "I fear you will be still more
affected by what you must soon hear.
A person now in custody, condemned
to execution, has a confession to make
to you in regard to that affair a very
horrible one, I fear."
lie took a card from his pocket and
wrote a few lines.
"If you will call at the prison any
time to-day you will not be too late.
To-morrow will be Friday, and lie is
to suffer execution at dawn. Present
this, if you please, and I implore you
to ask no questions now.
Before they could say much he was
gone, afraid, I think, to be first to tell
the story, and our gentlemen called a
cab and took me with them at my re
quest. They seemed to expect us at
the prison, and we were admitted.
But in the narrow corrider Morris stop
ped : I
"Gentlemen, you must nerve your
selves. Have you reflected that you
may see Benjamin Wade when yonder
door is opened ?"
Young Grinby put his hand upon
his heart, and seemed turning faint
again. It was the first time the thought
entered my mind, and it was a blow.
It staggered me.
The next minute the turnkey flung
the door open, and we were in the cell.
On the floor lay a man a broad shoul
dered fellow, in rough garments who
seemed to have cast himself down in
grief or terror. It was not Ben Wade.
At first I thought I had never seen
the face he lifted as he rose. In a
moment it came to me.
It was the leader of the gang who
had been arrested for that old attempt
at robbery, when we found little Ben
in the stone vault.
"You've come, have you?" said he,
sitting down on the stone seat, "and I
see you know me. They have caught
me again and it's murder this time,
and I've got to swing. If it wasn't
for that, no person would have got this
out of me. But I've promised, and I
always keep my word, I do. You re
member a young man called Beij Wdu?
"Wh?t of him?" we cried in a
"..-sot 'much lie "rticin't foTj youY
place, that's all. We done it Die
Burch, and Slippery Tom and me.
Tell you how it was. Y'ou now that
boy informed on us, and I was locked
up for hard labor for more years than
most men live. I didn't stay, though
I cut oft" and came home. And the
first thing I did was to vow vengeance
on that boy. Why, there he was, a
gay young bucA-, in fine togs, with the
handling of money, and thought of,
ami trusted just for having done for
us. Proud too wouldn't spea& to us
in the street. Threatened to give in
formation if he ever saw one of us
prowling about. I heard it all. I
swore I'd fix him ; and it seemed to
come to me.
"One night I was going to Shipper
Shades to have a drinA. Burch was
with me; and in a quiet sort of street
we came up to Ben, in a mighty hurry.
"I'd have A-nocA-ed him on the head
but Burch stopped me.
"See what he's up to," says he. And
we followed. He went down to your
place and went in. He left the door
ajar, and we made the best of it. lie
was coming out, with a booA or some
thing in his hand, and we met him.
He w as pluery, I tell you. One of us
would not have got off easy, but we were
two to one. We gagged and tied him,
and made a clean sweep of the place
that night."
"And lien tny God, did Ben thinAr
vve would not believe him ?" cried Mr.
Grinby. "lie had but to come to us
to tell the truth. Where is he? Do
you Amow ? SpeaA: !''
The robber was turning to the hue
of ashes. His words came slowly,
His eye glanced over his shoulder, and
he bacAed up against the wall.
"We locA-ed him in the stone vault,
and tooA- the key with us. If you looA
you'll find Lira there."
And Mr. Grinby fainted outright in
my arms.
Well sir, the robber's words were
true. The stone vault was opened that
day, and there no matter. It was
easier to A-now the ring he woie, and
the keys and purse in his pocket, than
poor Ben Wade.
The first thing Mrs. Humphries said
was: "Thank Heaven, Lucy cannot
know it." And the next she sobbed,
"Oh, but for the certainty would have
been better for her after all. And then
to know his name w as clear."
And so that is the story of the stone
vault ; and, strange as it is, it is quite
true. You may see his grave close
beside Lucy's any day. And Mrs.
Humphries she's a romantic woman
sir, says she thinks the violets and
roses grow there of their own accord,
under the white monument.
w. waltek.s. attorney at law,
Clearfield. Pa. Office in the Court 11
r ALTER DAKRETT, Attorney atl.aw. Clear
neia,ra. .Mar la. ISOa.
T B.GRAHAM A SONS, Dealers in DrT-Ooods
tt . Urocenes, Hardware. Queoruware. Wooden
ware, Provisions, etc., Market St. Clearfield. Pa.
HF BKiLER & CO., Dealers in Hardware
and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron
tare. Second Street, Clearfield. Pa. Mar 'TO.
HF. SAVULE, Watch and Cloek Maker. and
, dealer in Watches, Jewelry, ie. Koom in
Uraham'srow, Marketstreet. Not. II).
HBl'CHEK SWOOPE. Attorneyat Law.Clear
. fivld.l'a. OCc intiraham's Kow, four-loo I
went of (irabain A Bojcton'e store. Not. 10.
ri-MlO'S J. MeCrLLOfif II. Attorxb. -at-La .
l Clearfield, Pa. All legal business prompt
ly attended to. Oct. 27. ISdtf.
"tlTM. KEEP. .Market Street, Clearfield, Pa .
V Fancy I'ry Ooi.di. WLi'e fiooils. Nution.
Kid broideries, Ladies' and (Jents' Furnishing
Uood. etc. Jane 15, "70.
VI. SHAW,Dea!er in Drug?. Patent Medicinrj
Funey Artictos, etc.. and Proprietor of Ilr
Dover's Vet Branch Litters, Market Street,
Clearfield, Pa. June 15, '70.
11 P, READ, 31. D., PiIVtriAN and Frnceo.
' m Kylertown. Pa., respectfully offer his .ro
fedional services to the citizens of lhit place and
surrounding country. l r""- 20-rtin.
On nix T. N'obi.k. Attorney at Law. Lock Ha
ven. Pa. Will practice in the several court.
of Clearfield county. Ku'iness entrusted to hiui
will receive prompt atum!i'n. J. 2'j. '7t:-y.
C, KRATZER, Dealer fn Dry-iioods. Clothinp,
y. Hardware Queensware. Groceries. Provi
sions, etc , Market Street, nearly opposite the
Court House, Clearfield, Pa. June. lSf.5.
JU .VEX ALLY, Attorneyat Law. Clearf.el.i
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjnin'ng
jountie8. Office in new brick building of .1. Iloyn
t n, 2d street, one door south of Lanich s Hotel.
rTEST. Attorneyat Law. Clearfield. Ta.. will
. attend promptly to all Legal bu."ine entrust
ed to his eare in Clearfield acd adjoining coun
ties. Office on Market street. July 17, IShi.
rjlHOMAS II. FOBCEY, Dealer in Square and
Sawe-1 Lumber. Dry-Goods. Quee nsware. Gro
cerics. Flour. Grain, Feed, Hacon. &c , ie.. Gra
h am ton. Clearfield county. Pa. Oct 10.
HARTSWICE A IRWIN. Dealers in Droir.,
Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume
ry . Fancy G nods, Notions. etc., etc.. M a rkei street.
Clearfield, Pa Dee. 6, 1S65.
( KRATZER A SON. dealers in Dry Goods.
. Clothins. Hardware, iueensware. Groce
ries, Provisions, Ac, Second Street Clearfield.
Pa. Dec 27. 1SB.V
JOHN Gl'ELICH, Manufacturer of all kind o
Cabinet-ware. Market street. ClearOcld, Pa
lid iilsouiukes to order Coffins, on short notice and
attends funerals with a hearse. AnrlO.'o0.
IV. mesne 3rv Goods. Groceries. Flour. Bacor,
4 A-
Liquors. Ac. Koom. on Market street, a few doors
westoi JoirrnatOMrf. Clearfield. Pa. Apr27
Clearfield. Pa Office in res Hence of W. A.
Wallace Lezal bn.-iness of all Kinds attended to
wiih promptness aad fidelity. Jan.o.'70-yp
wii, a. wal'.ack. fkask riKLni.vr.
I r W. SMITH, Attornkt at Law. Clearfield
II. Pa . will attend promr-ily o busino s en
trusted to his care, office on second floor of new
building adjoining County National Panic, and
nearly opposite the Court House. Jnn 3'-'. 'tii
T-IREDEItlCK LEITZINGER. Manufacturer of
1 all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retail He also keeps
on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen
ware, of his own manufacture. Jan . 1 , 1 M3
MANSION HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa This
well known hotel, near the ' ourt House, i;
worthy the patronage of the public. The tble
will be supplied with the bct in the market. The
best of liquors kept. J OH X DOUGHERTY.
fifIN II. FULFORD. Attorney at Law. Clear
field. Pa. Office on .Market Street, over
Hartswick A Irwin's Drnz Store. Prompt attention
given to the securingofliounty claims. Ac. -and tc
all Ical business. March 27, 1,7;
V I T II O 11 X , M. R, PHYSiriAN AND
- Surgeon, liuviua located at Kylertown.
Pa., offers his professional service to the citi
zens oi that place nnd vii-inify. Sep.29-ly
I. CURLEY. Dealer in Dry Goods,
V . Groceries, Hard ware. Queens ware. Flour Ba
con, etc., Woodland. Clearfield county Pa. Also
extensive dealers in all kindsof .awed luuiber
shingles and square timber. Orders solicited.
Woodland. Pa., Aug. llith. 1MU
DM J. P. TiUKCHFIEl D I.ate Snrgeon of the
Sid Rc;$'t Penn'a Vols., hiving returned
from the army, offers his professional services to
the citiins of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes
sional calls promptly nttendad to. Office on
South-Ens? corner of 3d and Market Streets.
Oct. 4. I Siii Cm p.
aURVEVOK. The un-ler.-ipned offers
his services to the puliiie, as a Surveyor.
He may be found at his residence in Lawiet.ce
toa-nship. when not engaged; or addressed by
letter at Clearfield. Pent) a.
March 6th. Isfi7.-tf. J AMES MITCHELL
T E F F E R S O N L I T Z, M. D.,
I'hy.-ician and Surpfnn,
Having located at Osceola. Pa., offers his profes
sional services to the people of that place and sur
rounding country. All calls promptly attended
to. Office and residence on Curtin Mrect. former
ly occupied by Dr. Kline. May 19. '89-
GEORGE C. KIKE. Justice of the Peace. Sur
veyor and Conveyancer, Luthcrsburg. Pa.
A:l business entrusted to him will be promptly at
tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Survey
or will do well to give him a call, as he flatters
himself that be can render satisfaction. Deeds
of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legal
papers promptly and neatly executed jei'70-yp
7 A L L A C E
Heal Estate Agents a-d CosvensccES,
Clearfield, Pa
P.eal estate bought and sold, titles examined,
tales paid, conveyances prepared, and insuran
ces taKen.
Office is new building, nearly opposite Court
House. JJan i IS70.
The undersigned begs leave to inform his eld
and new cu.-lnn.ers. and the publiu eenerally.
that he has fitted up a new GI N .--HOP. on the
lot on the corner of Fourth and Market streets.
Clearfield, Pa., where he keeps constantly on
hand, and makes to order, all kinds ot Guns.
Also, guns rebored and revarnished. and repaired
neatly en short notice. Orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
June, lo69. JOHN MOORE.
are constantly replenishing their stuck of Drugs,
Medicines. Ac. School books and Stationery,
including the Osgood and National series
of readers. Also Tobacco and Ci
gars, of the best quality, and at
the lowest prices. Call and see.
Clearfield. Nov 10, 19
DRY GOODS the cheapest in the 5"a,tT- "
May 24, 'o7. JiOeSOP o.
The Kidneys are two in number, ti Mated at the
upper part ot the loin, surrounded by and
eoiuistiug of three parte. Til ; tbe Anterior, In
Interior, and the Exterior.
The anterior absorbs Interior oe&eiati f tit
sues or veins, which serve as a depoeit for the
tine and eonrey It to the eiterlor. Tbe ete
rier is c conductor also, terminating tn atagle
tube, and called the Ureter. The ureter are oon
neetod with the bladder.
The bladder Is composed of vartoaa 90 wrings
or tissues, divided into parts, tbe Cpper, ia
Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. Tbe epfer
expels, tbe lower retains. Many fcave d afire to
urinate irithout tbe ability, others srioate with
out the ability to retain. This frequently occurs
in children.
To enre these affections, we must bring Into no
tion the innscics, which are engaged in their va
rious function. If they ore neglected, Gravel or
Drupy may ensue.
The reader must also be made aware, that how
ever slight may be tbe attack, it is sure to affec
the bodily health and mental powers, aa our flesh
and blood are supported from these sources.
Gorr, on Run vatisk Ps.in occurring In tbe
loins is indicatiro of tho above diseases. They
occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and
chalky concretions.
Ths Gkavki.. Tbe grate! ensues from neglect
or improper treatment of the kidneys. These or
gans being weak, the water Is not expelled fsom
tho bladder, but allowed to remain; It beoomei
feverish, and sediment forms. It If from this de
posit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensuee.
DnopMT is a collection of water in some parts of
the body, and bcarsjdifferent names. according te
the parts affected, via : when generally diffused
over the body, it is called Anasarca ; whan of the
Abdomen, Ascites; when of the cbest, Uydrotho
rax. Tiibatvent. Uelmbold's highly concentrated
compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the
best remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys,
gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatiiu.and gouty
affections. Under this head we have arranged
Dysurie, or difficulty and pain In passing water,
Scanry b'ecretion, or small and frequent dischar
ges of water; Strangury, or (topping of water;
. Ileimttni ir,, ox.bUuuiv Gout. mti m.
ti-m of the kidneys, without any change in quart-.
tiiy. but increase in color, or dark water. It was
always highly recommended by the late Dr.
Physick, in these affections.
This medicine increases the power of digestion
and excites the absorbents into bealtiy exercise
by which the watery or calcareous depositions
and all unnatural enlargements, as well a pain
and inflammation are reduced, and it ie taken by
men. women and children. Directions for nee nod
diet accompany.
Pbh.aof.lfhi a, Pa., Feb. 25, 1S67.
H. T, neLUBot.n. Druggist :
Drar Sib : I b ive been a sufferer, for upward
of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney
affections, during which time I have nsed various
meiiciual preparations, and been under tbe treat
ment f tbe most eminent Physicians, experien
cing but little relief
llavirg seen your preparations extensively ad
vertised, I c.nisulted with rcy family physician in
regard to uing your Extract Bueba.
I did this because I bad used all kinds of ad
vertised remedies, and had found them worthless,
and oit quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of
ever getting wi.ll, and determined to use no rem
edies hereafter unless I knew of the Ingredients.
It was this that prompted me to use your remedy.
As yon advertised that it was composed of buchu,
tubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and
my physician as an excellent combination, and,
with his advice, after an examination of the arti
cle, acd consulting again with tbe drnggist, I
concluded to try it. 1 commenced its use about
eight months ago, at which time I was confined
to my room From the first bottle X was astonish
ed and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after
using it three weeks was able to walk out. I felt
much like writing you a full statement of my case
at that time, but thought my Improvement might
only be temporary, and therefore concluded to
defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure,
knowing then it would be of greater value to you
and more satisfactory to me.
I nrn now able to report that s care is effected
after using the remedy for five mouths.
I bavo not used any now for three montba, and
feel as well in all respects as I ever did.
Your Euchu being devoid of any unpleasant
taste and odor, a nice toui.-atd invigorator of the
system. I do not mean to be without it whenever
occasion may require iu use in such affections.
Should any doubt Mr. McCormick'l statement,
be refurs to tho following gentlemen:
Hon. Wm. Eigler, ex Governor Penn'a.
Hon Thomas I! Florenae, Philadelphia,
lion. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. J. S. LUck. Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor, Penn'a.
Hon. Ellis Levis. Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. R. 0. Gricr.Jcdge U. S Court.
Hon. (i. W. Woodward, Ju lgc. Philadelphia.
Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Phil a.
Hon. John Eigler, ex Governor. California.
Hon. E. Banks. Auditor Gen. Washington, B.C.
And many others, if necessary.
Sold bv Druggists and Dealers eTerywhere. Be
ware of counterfeits. Ak for Uelnibold'f. Take
no other. Price 51 .25 per bottle.or bottles for
55.50. Delivered to any address. Describe symp
toms in all communications.
Addreaa II. T. HELM BOLD, Drng and Cbcml
eal Warehouse. 94 Broadway, N Y.
steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-aimile of my
Chemical Warehouse and signed
June lS.'TO-Iy H. T. HEL&BOLD.
4 f :
1 i