Raftsman's 3ourmnl " CLEARFIELD, PAGCT. .12, 18"G Ti r tiitoN. To ir.'ure the ssfe transmission . m,,ncT iv rasil. patrons should remit by check , 5, oEf'-oHer. cr have thaw letters registered. n -ti-.i Ki" " enclosed :'o the first paper after , ;em..; yr. .; ! !r.-. J: r.-r u'i F-. E. Summer Arrangement. MulTi '" leave" Tyrone at : : : 9.0(tam. Arrives at Osceola at : : : : 10 35 a.m. 1'liiliprburg at . : II 00 a.m. Clearfield at : : : 1305p.m. Me'I TniulcsTes Clearfield a : : : 2. SO p m Arrives at Philipsburg at : : S 40 p.m. 0eeoIaat : : : : 4 00 p. m " Tvrone at : : : : 5.30 p. m " Bl-llefoateat : i 3.1 p. m. l ock Haven at : i 9 50 p.m. " 'Williainsr.ortat : :10.50 p.m. Accommodation Train. . Leivcs ("c-irliol'l at : . : : : : 7.00 A. H. ArMvc3 at PI ilirwbiir at : : 9 40 a. m. iifrif:i at : : : 10 25 a.m. Intersection at : : 1 OS p. m. Tvrone at : : : : 1 211 p. m. r. r -x..rF lc.ives Willinmsport at 8 00 a.m. Arrives at Lock Haven at . : 1010a m. Lellefbtite : : : 11.40 a m. " Jnter-ectlon at : : I. OH p. m. ti-.-e.Iaat : : : : 2 40 p. m, rhilipsbueg at ; : 3;t5p.m. Clearfield at : : : 6 00 p. m. fMe connections made at Tyrone with trains (Vt atr. Weft o- the Maine Line. r.H-sfn:-rr I.avin? Clearuel.I at 2.30 p. m., reach 'tViliiiii':po,f "t II r,0 p. m. the same day. -leaving W illiamnportat8.00a.nl. reach V;ea?4'-!d t t.u'l p m. the same day. itiii.i: l livinc services will be held T,,t S::V-:!tli, in Clearfield, as foll.TWs: llr W.i. T I -ill, in St. Andrew's Episcopal cl,:u"ch. :tt 11 A. M. and TP. M. Sunday s :i: 3 V. M. Prayer meeting every V-.!r.:-''.:iv evening nt 7 o'clock. ly 11 'V. 15itler,in the Presbyterian rhrjrcn, ' i :n' l evening. Sabaath school at V. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday f-v niir-' t.t 7 o clock. . i. By lief. J. II. M'Cord, in the Methodist o!i:ir.h. tiiornir.s; and evening. Habbath v h.ij' ;.t J A. .M. Prayer meeting, every Tlmr?'a- P. M. Communion services J" t t'vh i every month at 1 A. M. St I ruti -i?" church Mass at 10J A. M., the fva! and fourth Sundavs of each iin-rith. . I'.ir. '.m.e a No. 12 Speer's Revolving I.iil.t Ari'liriu-ire coal stove and pipe, near r n vr. Fr further information apply to Ilt-r.rj E. FnyJer. t irKNKn tli public schools, in this place, ni M'.ti'i:.y of last week. A VERY brilliant rain bow was visible in the West on Tuesday morning last, a view lift very often enjoyed. Fk-ist. S-jveral frosts occurred in parts (:f this caiir.y. daving the past week. No Vlit matcra! damage wa done, however. To r.H fl M) all the late literary papers T.n-i monthly magazines, at the PostofSce. Also, all the la' e daily papf-rs. ."i .:si'a.tial the new iron fence, at the Pe.-inter inn church. Its close proximity, L..wever.ni:t!cnal!y obstructs the front view: Pips-!. Mr. R. II. Shaw,Market Street, l.a''i-i received the largest, the best, and tli.- ciitait lot of pipes ever o fie red to the sin' s-r- in this county. Now is the time to u!I ai:d jLct a choice article. L-iok lire a better the hand on ihe i. Tvn elo.k, since they were re-giided. Black, t-iruiin. was the worst color that could ! iv.: I-. n put on them. We congratulate tii.- L'imuissioners on their present neat o; ; ci:.;ice. Pi.fvtt mud, in our streets. The bor i (-li i -Ticers, in oar opinion, did not.at as j:-:.i;!y in removing the dirt from the ' -.- -i - as they should have done ; and hence : i-nljiic will be compelled to wade in mud '.j: ar.Mther season. I;ama;f.d. We learn that niot of the Ptikwhcat, that was unthreeh&I, hs been v ;y I adly damaged by the wee weather vliieh prevailed during the pat ten or twelve '.v..-. This will seriously effect the "cake u p," during the coming winter. A lamp was accidentally knocked over in Mr. M.).-.-iij)'s !tore, on Friday evening last, v.hkh c-au-ed an alarm of fire to be given. The tlaze was extinguished, however, with-i-ut Joins; any damage, cau.-ing only a little i'-ktmc-tit lor a few minutes. A paper comes from away down in Ar-J-inas. and in looking over its market prices e find href, " and ft cents per pound ; but ter cents : egg. 10 cents per dozen ; fionr, il per barrel ; chickens. 10 to IScents each. Think of that ye mnnehcrs tf 20 cent beef and mi ceuts-a pair chickens. Fracas. We understond that a "knock down"' occurred between several pugilistic individual, in front of the PostofBce, on Saturday night. They were arrested and taken before 'Squire Porter, who fined one f thm $2."0 and committed the other in d-fuu'.i of bail and the ready rhino. Served them right. Di-wx Grates. We would tate i' at Messrs. II. F. Bigk-r Si Co., in this 3 see. l;ave jut received a g.iod supply of Low l.)wn ( Irate?,'" which they offer to v i-enicrs at low rices. A number of grates are in u.-i in this idace, and ate k-li!y praised by ail. Persons who want a S-s'ant. bright Sre to sit by, should by all L,e i".s proeure one of these grates. They ari'u-t the thin- Lr.,e.Potatues -Mr. Philip Blanchard, ' I tii.in township, a short time since, dug pitch of pt tatoes, when, upon several Surge oneg attracting his attention, he picked i'-f-' from the pile, which, upon being placed ,n the s'ra!e, weighed t'6 pounds. Two of he number weighed 1 pounds each, and 50 t- larj-st weighed 52 pound. Pretty ?xk1 iized potatoes, wirely. The ground Upon which they were grown.nieasured three Sve rods, and yielded bushels. Fair ant. Festival. The ladies of Os wola will hold a fair and festival, in aid of 'LenewM. F.. Church, for four evenings, "imencingTuesday evening, October ISth. A cane will be voted to the most popular 1 w?er in Clearfield county. Contributions ' ' urf al and fancy art icles solicited. Ft iend" s" a distance will please send their contribu l.r'tis by express, addressed to Rev. J. Fos kr BU. Fair will be held in the M. E. Ti.?reD' t'le delicacies of the season yim be served each evening. . Cigars. A very large lot of choice ci gars, just received at R. II. Shaw's, on Market Street. Go to Mrs. Lid dell' s, if you want good cemetery work. She uses none but the best materials, and the workmanship is of supe rior quality. Don't fail to call at the "West Branch Restaurant," on Second Street, when in town. The best oysters always on hand. See advertisement in to day's paper. Remember ! that the first concert by fir. Si Mrs. Hays, will come off at the Court House, this evening. Don't fail to go, as you will never have a better opportunity to enjoy so rich a musical treat. . Saws! The Best Saws You Ever Saw ! A large Iut of Lightning, Patent Perforated, Electric, and Piston's Saws, of all kinds, just received at II. F. Cigler & Go's. These saws are made of the very best materials, and superior to any other manu facture offered in this market. Call and see the in. Messrs. Phury & Bowie, of Philadel phia, have just engaged to make Hotel Reg isters for the Shaw and Leonard Houses, in this place. This Grin has the exclusive right to make this style of Register the left hand pages being occupied by twenty-four busi ness cards. This is becoming a very popular way of advertising. Business men will bear this in mind. We understand that the Borough Fathers have pawed en ordinance prohibiting the throwing of coal ashes into the streets. If j this be so, they should provide a means to j convey them away. We would suggest that our citizens place Miiall boxes on the curD stones, put their coal ashes into them, and that the council have them hauled away dai ly. What say you all ? Teachers' Institute. We have been requested to state that a Teachers Institute will open in Clearfield, on Monday next.Oe tober 17th, at I J o'clock, P. M. These in stitutes are held in accordance with a special law, and are intended solely for the instruc tion of Teachers. All persons desiring to teach should attend in fact it is their duty to attend these institutes. Five compe tent instructors from abroad have been en gaged for the occasion. Lectures will also be delivered by a number of local speakers. Rev. J. H. M'Cord, of Clearfield; Mr. F. W. A. Shultz.of Osceola, and Mr. W. H. Prideaux, of Clearfield, will deliver lectures on Monday evening. Thursday is set apart as Director's day. We also understand that the several Hotel keepers have consented to make reasonable reductions, on usual char ges, to all Teachers in attendance. The namer f every teacher and director present at the Institute, should he published, to in dicate to the people those who feel a proper interest in the advancement of education. MARRIED. On Sunday. September 11 th. 170, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. John A. AKDERY.of Curweiisville, and Miss Alice Caldwell. of Pike township. Clearfield Eeiaii Markets. COKHBifEn WKEKI.V BT R. KOSSOP. Apples, dried, lb, Apples, green, hu Applebutter, gal, Knt'ter. lb. lieef, fre'h. Ib, rteff. driei. Ib; liuckwheat. bu. 12 I 50 1 (10 35 10 Ifay, ton, :2 flams. Ib. Sbonlder;. lir, Sides. Ib, Lard. Ib. Oats. bu. Onions, bo, 1 Pork, Ib. Pork. mess. bM, 30 Potatoes, hu, Piaster, bbl. 3 Peaches, dried, lb, Kv6. bn, I Rags, Ib. Sail, per sa--k, 2 Shintflef. IS in. 5 shinnies 25 in, 12 Timuthy aoed, ba, 8 Wheat, ou, 1 W'oul.lb, 2.' 25 .S 1 Fuckwheat flour. Ib lteans. bu, Itoafds. per M Corn, shelled, " ear, " UT-.ll, Chop. rye. mixed. Cheese, Ib, Cherries, lb. 2 50 14 no 1 2'. G-l 1 no 2 in 2 411 25 IS Chieker.s.dresfsed.lb. 15 rs?s. v Flour. Mil. 7 00 CISIXlJ QUOTATIONS of Government Secu rities, at i. T. II red y 4 Co s So 6tf Woodst. Pittsburgh, August 13 1S70. aiv if.ix fiold, 1171 1 17t r. ,S 6'slSsf, 113 1I3J V S. 5-20 8. Itf,2, 1I3J 112J V. K. 5-20's, ls64, 1 lui HPi V.S 5-20 s. ISrta, HO? 110 V.S IC-l's. 107 107! 5-215. January A Julv.lSfii, 119 H9i 5-2H S. January A July. I SC.7, ll 11UJ 5-20's. January A July 10SS, 119i 1 19i 1'niou Pacioo Uuiiroud. S7i Central Pacific ltailroad, 92 Cy. Paciacs. 10j CLOSISU PRICES OF HkIIAVEN A 40 Sooth Third Street. Philadelphia 3 o'clock P. M. October 1, ls70. BRO., V S of 1SS1, IT. S. 6 s of l!W2, li. S. 6'sof lstU, V. S. 6 s of ln5. V. S. 6'sof l!5, new. TJ. S. 6"s cf lSf7, new, U. S. fl'sof IH6S, V. S. i f. 1 0-40' s. V. S. 30 year 6 per cent. Cy., Doe Compound Interest Notes, Gold, Silver. tnioo PacifieR. It. 1st M. Bonds, Central Paeifie R. K.. I'aian Pacific Land Uract Bonds, 1131 HS 110 110: 10B 10.l 109 109) 1US 10Ki 1 09 1 0Ji 109i 109 105! lOd 1 1 2J 112! 19 1IX! 114 112 115 820 830 9,i0 90 720 730 5-20'S AND 1881'S BOVGriT,SOCD AXI EXCHANGED, ON MOST LIBERAL TEKM3. a OLD BOUGHT a id SOLD at MARKET RATES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC K. P. PONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD STOCKS BOUGHT and SOLT en COMMISSION nly. Accounts received and interet allowed on daily balances subject to check, at sight. D HAVEN & BR0., 40 SOUTH 3n STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Mareh 2. 1370-ly.-Jy 13. STUMPS! STUMPS!! The undersigned have purchased the right ot Clearfield county for Lnoeh Farnsworth's Stump Extractor, patented June 7tb. 1670. This i decided! j the most eonrenient, most durable, and best machine of the day. Wet weather will not effect it. the working part beinir all of iron. The machine is easily set up. and will work any place that can be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit on cost, and will try te make it to the advantage of farmers to buy them. We solicit orders from those wanting machines. H. T. KAK.VWORTH, Clearfield. Pa., J. B. GARRISON, GEO. H. HALL, Agent, Curwensrillc, Pa. Clearfield, Pa. IJuly 13,'0. COl'STV DIKECTORV. . TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday in June. 2 w. 3U " in March, 4th " in Sept 2 w. 4th " in May, 1 2d in Nov ..2 w. COllNTV a v h niriTRPT nri'trv-us Pres't Judge llon.Cbas. A Mayer. Lock Haven. as te.Juages linn. Samuel uit.1o. Clearfield. lion. Jacob Willhelm, Grabamton Sheriff. . . . Cyrenus Howe, . . . Clearfield Prothonotary. Aaron O. Tate.- . . . Keg. A Rec. '. Asbury W. Lee, " district Att y, W. M M'Cullough, . " -rMa,. t ..... l-i .. i Co. SurVey0r, S. F McCloskey, . Curwensville Commiss'n'rs, Othello Smead, . N. Washington MiDiuel t hanaer, . Clearfield. Samuel II. Hind nan, Olea Hope Auditors. . . Clark Brown. Clfarfiit1 Price A. Howies, .- N.Millport. jotin u. tinier, , . Jiura. Coroner. . . . James A. Moore, . . Clearfield Cu.Superind't Geo W.Snyder, . . " LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Townhip. Nam of P.O. Nam af P.M. Leocaria, - - Glen Hope, - - Homer UuBree, --- Vtahvillo. - - - S. McFarland, " - - Hegarty'e, Roads Samuel Hegarfy Boll, - - - Bower, - - - S A.Korabaugh " - - - - Ciest, - - - - Tbos.A. M'Ghee. " - - - Cush. J.W Campbell. " .... Ostend, .... II. L. Henderson Bloom, - Forrest. - - - - Algernon Holden Boggs, - - - Liearneia linage, - Jas. forrest. ' .... Wallaceton, - - John E Moore Bradford, - Woodland, ... Win. Albert. " .... Wni's Grove, - - Ed. Williams Brady, ... Luthersburg, - - L. B. Carliie " - - . Troutville. - - Mrs. C. Weaver " - - Jefferson Line, - John Heberlin. Bnmside, - New Washington Sam'l McCune " ... Burnside. - Matthew Irwin. " - - - Patchinville, - Jack Patchin. ' - - - East Kidge, - - W. bummerville Chest, - - - - Hurd, .... Lewis J. Ilurd " ... Mctlarvey. - - - Wm McGarvey ... Westorer, - - S A. Farber. Clearfield, - Clearfield. - - - P. .. Gsulin Covington, - FrenehviPe, - - C'land. Barmoy " ... Karthaus, - - - John Keiter Curwensville Curwensville, - - Charles Iloel becatur, - Pbilipsburg. Centre county, l'a. ' - - West iJecatur, - - LercrSmeal, Ferguson, - Marron, - - - John P Straw. Uirard, - - - Leconte's Mills. - Angu's Leconte, " ... Bald ililla, - - Alex. Irwin. Goshen, - - Sbawsville, - - II. H. Morrow. Graham, - - Grahamton.' - - Thos. II. Foreey Guelich, - - Smith's Mills, - - Jos. G.Ganoe. " Allemans1 - - - Henry Afleman. Huston, - - Tyler. .... MissR J.Tyler. " ... Pennfiel.1. - - Frank Bowman. Jordsn, - - Ansonville, - - II. Swan Karthaus. Salt Lick. - - Geo. Hcckadom. Knox, - - - New Millport, - H J. Sloppy, Morris, - - - Kylertown, - - Ed. C. Brenner. " ... Morrisdale. - John Odell. Osceola. - - Osceola Mills.- - T. F Boalich. Penn, ... Lumber City .t - H W. Spencer. " .... Grampian Hills, Jona. Wall Pike, .... Curwensville, - Chas. Iloel. I'nion. ... HoektoD, - - - D. E. Itrubaker. Woodward. Jeffries. ... James Lockett. Madera, - - - - J. G Derby. This Post Office wfll do for Chest township. t W ill answer for Ferguson township. STATE ft r. STATES DIHECTORV. OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Governor. - - - John W. Geary, Cumberland, See'yofCom. - Frank Jordan, Bedford, liep. Secretary, J. M. Weakley, -Auditor (ten - John F.Hartranft, Montgomery, Surveyor lien.- J. M. Campbell, - Cambria. Attorney Gen. - F. C Brewster. - Philadelphia. Adjutant Gen. - I. B. M'Crea y. - Erie, State Treaxurcr, Wm. W Trwin, - Beaver, Sup. Com Sch's J. P.Wickersham. Lancastnr, 1'epufy Sup't. - C. R. Coburn, - - Bradford, State Librarian, Wien Forney, - - Dauphin. Suprkmc Coi rt. Chief Justice James Thomp son. Associates. Henry W. Williams. John M. Keed. Daniel Agnew. George Sharswood. Ses sions. Phtladelpiha, 1st Monlay nf January. Har risburg, 4th Monday of April Sunbury. 1st Mon day of October Pittsburg, 3d Monoay of October OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES. President. . - . I'lysses S. Grant. - Illinois. Vice President. Schuyler Colfax, - Indiana. Soc. of Sr.-ite. - Hamilton Fish. - New York. Sec. of Treas'y. Geo S Boutwell, Massachusetts Seo of War, - Wm. W. Belknap, Iowa. See of Navy. - Go. M. Kobeson. New Jersey, Sec. of Interior Jacob D. Cox, - - 'hio. I M (ien. - - "J A J. Cresweil, Maryland, Attorney Gen. - E. R. Hoar. - - - Massachusetts Sitrf.mh Cwrt Chief Jnstice. S, P. Cbastr.-of Ohio. Associate Justices Nathan Clifford, of Maine. Samuel Nelson, of New York. David Da vis, rif 1 liinois. Noah II Swync. of Ohio, Sam uel F. .Miller, of Iowa. Stephen J. Field, of Cat. Salary of Chief Justice S6 500. of Associates Sfi,- oeo. TERMS Of THE JOl'KJiAL. The Raftsmah's JorKSAL is published on Wed ncsday at 2.00 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year. S2.50 will be charged, and ?3,no if not paid before the close. Anvea-riSEMrsTs wi:l be inserted at 51,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 rents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers No snb.er?ption taken for a shorter time than iix months, and no paper will be discontinued un ti! I all arrearages are paid.except at the option of the pu blither. S. J. ROW. WOOL CAPPING. The undersigned, ' proprietor of the Union .Mill, in Union township. Clearfield county, ttonld inform the public that he is prepared to card wool, on rea sonable terms and in a workmanlike manner Persons having wool to card should attend to it immediatly. as the factory will be closed after September lt. Wool intended for carding can be left al tt. Mossop's oi C. Kratier's. in Clear field, and I will take it away and return it when eerded. June 1.1870. J R.ARNOLD. SUSQ U K II A N N A HOUSE, Curwensville, Pa. The undersigned having taken charge of this well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ot patronage. The house has been refitted and re furnished, and now compares tavoraoiy witn any other house in theeounty. The best of everything the market affords will be served up tu guests. Chaiges moderate. ELI BLOOM. Sept. 23, 1870-tL Proprietor. tTHE "EAGLE II O T E L," -- Main St.. Curwensville, Pa. ning leased for a term of years the above well-kcown and popular Hotel (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fonts), and having newly refitted and refurnished it, the present proprietor feels assured that he ean render entire satisfaction to guests sojourning with him. A fine, large stable and yard is attached, for the care and protection of horses, carriages and wagons. A share of patronage is solicited Mny 4,f70-ly j A J. DHAl'lKEF. Prop'r. rp II E "S II A W HOI'S E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. GEORGE X. COLBL-RN, :::::: rmrRiaron This house was lately completed and just open ed to the public is newly furnisbed.and provided with al I the modern improvements of a first-class hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the business part of the town, and near to the publie build ings. A share of patronage is respectfully solic ited Charges moderate. The best of Liquors in the bsr. March 30,'70-tf. rjiIIE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the Railroad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, Ta. G. D. GOODFELLOW : : : : : PReritiKTOR. A new first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the moaern improvements l. . W.j. r. f I :.ham r.rAmnl,ttpnrfini and .PR- tuv . . .. .......... sonable charges. The patronage of the publie is respectfully sellcited. jy-21-tf. TT7" ANTED. The School Directors of " Curwensville Boroueh desire to em ploy TWO MALE TEACHEKt. to teach schools No. 1 and 2. 'J arm, four months. Application, with wages, to be made in writing to the under signed Schools to commence on the first Monday in November, 1870. H. B. lUOMl'oON, September 21.'7tf 4t Secretary. DMINISTKATORS NOTICE. Let ters of Aduiiuistration on the estate of Jeese Williams, late of Beecaria town p, dee d, having been granted to the ondersigned. notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to said estate are required to maze iubbiiih pjumi, and these having claims against the same will pre sent them, properly authenticated for settlement JOIl" WILLIAMS, EDM. W ILLIAMS. ;: Admistrators. August 17, lS70-6t p. "POU SALE. The farm of John' Spaek" man, late of Girard Township, dee'd, consisting of about ore hundred and seventy two acres of good farming land, (most of which is cleared.) and having thereon erected a good house and barn, and the usual conveniences of pleasant home. For ter ns and further particulars apply to T. H. MCRK4Y, Att'y for the heirs and persons interested. June 22. '70 -tf. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEAH FIELD. PENX'A. Monuments. Grecian Tombs. French Conches. Mamies. Table Tops Washing Ranges, Garden Statuary, Terra Cotta Ware, of every description, Head and Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of wbich we offer at eity prices, or 25 percent less than any other establishment in this connty. Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in the best workmanlike manner. S A.GIBSON. May 11, 1870 -tf. Watson. Agent. AflSS II. S. SWAN'S, School for Guh, L Clearfield, Pa. Th Fall Term of Fonrteen weeks will com mence on Monday, September 5th, 1S70. TKBS or TC1TIO. Reading. Orthography, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 weeks), $7 09 History, Local and Descriptive Geography with Map Drawing. Grammar, Mental and Writ ten Arithmetic, 9 00 Eotany. Geology, Physiology, Natural Phi losophy, Physical "Geography, Algebra, Rhetoric Etymology and Latin, 12 00 Oil Painting, (24 lessons), 12 00 Monochromatic Drawing, 10 00 Crayon, " 6 09 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Mosie. (30 lessons). 10 00 Wax Flowers and Fruits, with materials, at teacher's charges. For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, August 17, lci78-ly. PUinj(Mi:XDUE! Will le sold at the reeidence of the undersign ed, in Lawrence township, on THURSDAY', UC TOBEK 3"th, Ih70, the following personal prop erty, to wit : 2 horses. 2 cows. 3 heifers. 1 bull, I railway threshing machine. Wood's combined reaper and mower. Koo'h and Rumbarger's stump extractor, 1 wagon. 1 top bugy, fodder cutler. set blacksmith tools, sled, plows, harrows, cultivators, and other farming urensis. One eook stove to burn coal or wood, pnrlor stove, nine plate stove, corner cuplward, wash m.-whincbe-Jsteads. chairs, tables, settee, boor caes. cross-cut saws. siJe sad die. 4 Set harness, large ircn kettle. apple grinder, grain cradle, scythe, forks rakes, patent hay fork. tubs, dinner bell, rifle gun. and many other article. Also, hay by the t-)u. grain by the bush el, and a lot of corn fodder. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. Terms made known on day of sale SJS-Sfp. JOSl AH W, THOMPSON. 1S70. FALL CAMPAIGN! 1S70. AV M . HEED, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Has just received an immense stock of FOREIGN AM) DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FANCY AND FUR NTIIING GOODS, , .. . IIA-TS, - HAP;, FTIHS, - ; - Ladies', Mists' and CliilJre-ns' Shoes, and a jirre of the finest grade of INGRAIN AND BRUSSELS CARPET ic, &c. FLA IX AND COLORED SILKS, JAPANESE SILK?, ALL WOOL PLAIDS, HEAVY CORDED SILK TOPLINS and the test article of BLACK ALPACAS, ranging in price from 25c to SI. 25 per yard. Great bargains in Shawls, Woolen and Paisley Water-proofs,' Table Lin ens, Crash, Canton, & Wool en Flannels, Ladies Coatings, kc, kc. Speciality in Notions and Trimmings, White Goods, New Styles Hair Goods both real and imitation, Kid Gloves from 7ic to 2. The Harris' Seamless Kid Glove, the best in the world, Hosiery and La dies' and Gents' Underwear. New Fall Styles m HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, HAT PLUMES AND OSTRICH TIPS. ALSO A FIRST-CLASS MILLINER, from Philadelphia, has been engaged to make and trim HATS AXD BONNETS, in the most fashionable styles. Having enlarged my rooms, thereby affording better facilities for busi ness, I shall continue to cep a first-class line of goods, A RELIABLE ARTICLE, and will sell the same as low as can be sold in this or any other mar et. CLEARFIELD, PA. number 14. 1376. nUILDHENSfura twemj-fi t per ent leas than 1 O IT it a Vycot at i c-vii "VTOTICE. All persons indebted to the aubscri ber. are requested to come and settle witn out delay. R. MOSSOP. SHOES, Ladies' and Children's custom made, Lasting (Jailers. Kid and Carpet Slippers, Moroc co and Glove Kid Balmorals. Children's Colored Shoes, very cheap Opposite the jail. C. KRATZER MOP. SALE -OXE NEW CARRIAGE. Apply to ! E. A. IU l-"-, lurwensTille. fa PRUNES a quantity on hand and for sale at May 27. GRAHAM S. O ALT SALT?: A prime article ef grnnrd a IO um s&It. putcp in parent fares, for salecnea at tne rtcteof n- HUSWlf- Marble and Stone Yard. MRS. S.S. LIDDELL, Having engaged in the Marble business, desires to inform her friends, sad the public, that she has now and will keep constantly en hand a large and well selected stock ef ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARRLB, and is preparetl to furnish to order TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, ia Banff stone and Marble, CURDS sad POSTS for Cemetery lots, WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS. ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN ORNA MENTS, ire. She wonld invite special attention to her Sand stone Monuments which are built from original designs and will compare favorably with any thing ef the kind in the country. If desired she ean furnish Marble Window Sills and Caps al a slight advance on the price of Isaudstone. Yard on Heed Street, near the Dcpot.Clearfield. IV May 4, 1S70. R O SAD AL I S THE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH RESTORER, purifies the blood and cutes Scrofula, Syphilis. .''kin Diseases. Kheu- matism. Diseases of women and all Chron J ie Affections of the Wood, Liver and Kid neys. Recommended by the medical Fac ulty and many thousands of eur best citi sens. Read the testimony of Physicians and pa- Stients who have nsed KoiaJslir; send for our Roeadalia Guide to llealih IJook. or Al manac for this year, wbich we pi blish for gratuitous distribution; it will give you OiUch valuable information Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says : VI take pleasure in recemmerding your Rosadalis as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two eases with happy results one in a ease of secondary syphilis in which the patient pronounced biuself cured after having taken five bottles of Dyour medicine The other is a ca-e of firof ula of long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its ne. and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by wbich your Rosadnlis is made, and find it Van excellent compound ot alterative ingre dients Dr. Spa-ks. of Nii.-ho!aville, Ky.. says be Las nsed Rosadalis in esses of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results as a cleaner of the Ulood 1 know no bet- Ltcr reiaetsj. Samuel G. McFadden, Murfreesboro', Tnn . ... - - - - " , -- j -. I have used seven bottles of Ro:-adaIis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism . send me four bottles, as I wir-h it fur my brother, I who has scrofulous sore eyes. Be uj in in Uechtol. of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have Suffered for twenty years with an in veter.ite eruption over my whole body ; a short time sinee I purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis and it effected a perfect cure Labratory, 61 Exchange rlaco, Baltimore. s CLEMENTS, A CO , Proprietors. Rosadalis is sold by Hartswjck A Irwiu and A. I. Shaw. Clearfield. D. K. Good. Osceola, and by Druggist! generally. (April r..'70-lv ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ!! "VTho sells' tlie" cheapest goods in the county? MOSSOP ! Who sells best calicoes a 1 1 2 1 cts a yard MOSSOP! Who sells best anbleaehed muslin at 17 cents' MOSSOPI Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at $5 00? MOSSOP! W he sells Hall s best Cearse Boots at 4 SOT MOSSOP! Who sells Hall'sbestKip Boots &t ?4,50? MOSSOPI Who sel.a Hats Iver than acjbodj else? MOSSOPI Who sells Sugar th cheapest ? MOSSOPI ' Who eslls Syrup the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who ells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed tho cheapest? MOSSOPI Who sells Hardware- the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sella Tinware th cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down t the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everybody should buy their goods at MOSSOP'S! Clearfield. Mav 12 DRIKD FRCIT, at reduced prices, at M-.yl2. slf, iO.SOP-. FOR SALE, White Lead", Zinc Paint, Linseed Oil.Turpentina Varnishes of all kinds. Colors, in oil and dry, Paint and Varnish brashes. JIARTSWICK A 1RWIS, Clearfield, Pa -M 5.'fii. A GREAT O F F E R . Horace Wa-ters,- 4S1 Broadway. New York, will .fispose of ONE HUNDRED 'PI A NOES. ME LODEOXS and ORGANS of six first class makers, including Chickerinj & Sons, at kxtrdiklt low PRirr. POR CASH. nnRIIO trii m.i,tu nr will t-lr from $5 to tli monthly nntil naid 4-13-'7ff-l v WHO HAS A ITOUSE TO PAINT? READ Y-MA D E COLORS. Known as "Railroad" Colors Gnarantccd to be more economical, mar riiir.il, !a nti m.ir. ent than any Paint ever before fifTcred. A beek ouiuicu -i .am lai wun rractisei rainicrs, with samples, sent free bv mail on epplicatioj. MA SCRY i WIUTON. Gol.e Whiti Io and VaUr Wvrlt. Ap. 13-3m in i-lio.i St.. AVv Ytrl. Beware of Imitations. Established 1335. c LEARF1KLI) XUIISEHY. Excoir n IloxfR I vm-MTitv Th,. i...; ed having established a Nursery, on the Pike halfway between Curwensville end Clearne'.l Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsot Froi trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen -. fhru bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawten Black berry. Strawberry and Raspbetry vines. Als SibrianCrah trees. Ouince and early Scarlet RheT oaro. d. Urdcrs promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31.134. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL OTIIEKS ! EtghtynxThtftinii.Srrrii HrtuJrrrl anif Eigll-ty-ttut M u-lnxr, MjjI and SqiI tit Prist 1'rar .' The number exceeds by thousands the sales ef any other Machine, and the demand ia still in creasing Tfir.EE THOUSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD. THE RE SONS WHY: Because it embodies essential principles not found in any other Machine ; bcianse ef its sim plicity ef eonsrrut;on. ease of operation, uni formity of precise action at any speed, and ca pacity for the greatest rangre an t variety ef wrk. fine or eoarse. Parties wishing to purchase should not fail to examine this best of all Sewing Machines. I have the Agency for this Machine, and will keep a full S'ipply on hand. Clearfield. . May 4.'70 tf J.S-SHOWF.PS. NEW STORE. Corner of Second St. and Kill Read. R. MITCHELL Has just receive d and opined, at the shove nam ed place, an entire new steck ef Spring aoa Summer Gceis, which he will ell very cheap for cash. His stack eoBststs ef Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Queensware. Boots and Shoes. Hate and Caps, Ready made Clothing, etc. Ho al-o keep choice Flour, Corn Meal. Chep feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Fruits. Perseas desirous of purchasing geeds at fair rates are respectfully reaaested t give bias a rail. Approvad eau ti t r; will UhM, the highest prices, in exchange tor goods. Clearfield. June 17. 16. BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT THE M A M M 0T II STORE OF THE Moskannon Land and Lumber Co., OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, Pcnn?a. Nmirvn iyii rvr.rnr'ri PFICFP- Cifrin ijT English Currants, Essence Coffee. and Vir.e- I gar ot the best Quality .for sale bv Jan. 10- HARTSWICt, A IN GR0CF.RIES.Cld fSnverement Java and choice Rio Coffees. Young Hyson. Imperial Black and Japan Teas, SuSar, yrnp, Rica, Cavendish, Navy. Spunr.ill, and Cut Tobaccos, and Snuff, at reduced prices. Opposite the jail.- C KRATZER. TYOOTS r BOOTS H BOOTS!!! BOOTS !!T FRENCH KIP. FRENCH CALF, LIUHT KIP, ep. 21. ISfo: S8 00 S 00 ea st C. KRATZF.R'S, Opposit the Jail. IMPORTED LIQUORS, BRANDIES ami HOLLAND" GINS, PUREOf.D GRATE BRANDIES', PURE OLD CAHINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES. All thj, aV-nrit tirfina vtrnnliul ,.. . 1 . - . . . - u i auu IV excel anything in this market for medicinal pur-' poses U EO. N. COLlil KN, March -tn.'7C-tf Prop'r of Shaw House. N E W THV SHOP! Fred Sackett, Mannfjctarer of T.V, COPPER mn4 SHEET IRON WARS (nearly opposite the jail), MARKET STREET ..CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK don on reasonable teraas. Aprilfl. 1876. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLFSALK A !fD" RKTATL, At the New Tobacee and Cigar Store of 7?, IT. SUA IT, Two doors east of th Poitoffice. Clearfield, Pa. Cenitantfy on hand a fin assortment af Navy, Congress- Cavendish, Cable, Bpunrell, Michigan and Century Fine-eat Chewing Tobacco, Ae.- Also. a Isrge and well selected stock of Imported? and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaecos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, ripe fixtures, Tebaeeo Boxes Cigar Holders, and everything genere' frond in a wa'l regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. t C Remember the place: Two doors east of the Post. fice. Clearfield, Pa. Aug. 24, '70. FULLERTON S (formerly M'Oaughey'a, Restaurant and Ice Creani Salens, IN LEAT'S NEW BUILDINfl, econd St., Clearfield, Px. Ceestanily kept ea hand a fine selection ef Candies. Cigars, Tebaeeo, Huts, Ac. Also Fresh Oysters, received daily, end served up in any style, to suit the taste ef customers. A full stock of goods jut received front the Cast. JS Billiard fialoon in Second Sfiry. April 27-70 P. R FULLERTON. Co-Partnership in Store. ii. A Rc-obangh baring associated with him tu t Maroaamv Inntaw; la - Ijawtsvtlle, Clear field county. Mr. C. R. McCraeken, eolioita a con tinuance of the patrouage 10 generously extended. heretofore Having just returned from the eastern cities their stock enibi aces a large and variel aasert mentof Dry Uoods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, and in fact nearly everything usu al j kept in a country store, wbich they will sell at prices to suit the time. Country produce taken in exchange for goods C. A. ROROBACOH, May IS. -yo.-tf. C R. McCRACKEN. NEW DRUG STORE. A . P. Alexander, M. D., DRCGCIST AND APOTHECARY, CUItWKNSVILLE, PA. Keeps constantly on hand an assortment of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES PAINTS AND OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, kc, kc. His stock of Drugs Is purerfvt4 fresh, and custo mers can rely npon getting the best of everything in his fine. HIS STOCK OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, Combs, Pocket Books, Pens, Inks, Pen- cils and Taper, and a general assortment of thie class of goods, are all ot the very test quality and latest styles, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medical purposes only, Glass. Putty, Lubricating Oils, Ac, to tall the wants of the eemmunity. His extensive and well selected stork of Drugs and Medicines enables him to fill Physicians' Pre fcjiptioos on short notice and on the most reason able terms. Smokers and Chcwers will find his stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Cigars, and Snuff to consist of the very best brands in the market. A share of publie patronage is solicited. Aug. 31-am W. B. ALEXANDER. AMICABLE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. The AMICABLE issues all approved forms of Life Policies. Endowments and Annuities. An arr pie cash capital, secwrely invested, and a system of business which offers every advantage to the insurer. compatible with safety to the Com pany, are features wbich commend the Amicable to the con6dcnce of the publie. The officers and directors are known business men. whose character and standing are sufficient gus rantee of honorable and judicioas management of the Company's affairs ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEIT. ABLE. ALL DIVIDENDS ARE NON-FORFEIT ABLE. ALL POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE. THIRTY DAYS GRACE FOR PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS. PRIVELEGE TO TRAVEL BY L ND AND SEA. JOSEPH IIOXIK. President E. DVTIGIIT KENDALL, Vice President. J. F. R. HADDEN, Secretary. H.G. PIFFAKD;M.D., Medical Examiner. W. M. TW EED. Jr , Counsel. WM. TCCKER. Clearfield, Pa., Agent for Clearfield county. T. J-BOYER.M.D.. Medical Examiner. C. BARRETT, General Agent for ClearEeM, Centre, Jefferson, Clarion and Elk Co s. P. K. WE1TZEL, Sup't of Agencies. Williamsport, Pa. Auiut 17. 1770-lsu-pd. n II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers