Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 12, 1870, Image 1

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    i !
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VOL. 17. NO. 7.
Was the parting very bitter?
Wis tlie hand clasped very tight?
I.- a storm of tear drops falling
From a face all sad and white?
TMi.k c ! of it in the future.
Calmer. f:irer days are Dizh ;
Uaxenot backward, but look onward
For a sunny "by and by."
Va; the priceless Iov you lavished
Sought for. played with and then slain?
Wif it? crushed and quiv'ring remnant
Csiinly thrown you back again ?
Ci."miy. i"')- the remnants gather,
Drio tbeui home without a sigh,
w?et returns they yet shall bring yon,
Id a coamg "by and by.
Are the eye'Hs very weary?
iiovo the tired long for rest?
Are t!. ; tomp:e9 hot ana throbbing ?
Ac 1 the hLds together pressed ?
b c shah lay you on her bosom,
''. ' the pior lips parched and dry,
A;.J shall whisper rest is coming,
lie-'t forerer, "by and by."
And when calm'd and cheer'd and freshen'd
Py br soul-inspiring voice,
Then look up! the heavens are bright'ning !
Ceae your wailinga and rejoice ;
Cry not for the day departed.
None will bear yoa, none reply ;
I.'at look on where light is breaking
O er a brishter "by and by."
I w inder if one could write a man's his
try it' tliere remained no record of Liui
1. -yiml bills? I cannot help thinking
rl.tit if such a one's bills receipted or not
for (ho Iat quarter of a century were
j 1 before me, I could make a very good
V-i'1" a to bis life ; jint in the same way as
l'rufi-sor Husley, on merely seeing one
L ine, irsaid to be able to construct the en
tire animal, antedeluvian or otherwise.
(V;tji:;;y, ii'.'.;Gdy could tnnke more of aie
t'.ni tbut I v, a? an average Englishman
'i.a;is I Hti ,'ht say a very average Ktitr-
.;n it t liv were to take the trouble
u::;tiyze this pile of old biils that i-i lyin.'
! re me They are all old hotel
!.. iiea.-:mt record being all paid of
,i!y ji'j niiDs in ,unnv .ciiuies ; peaceful
movie-; iaey bring back of careless holi-
(ij and Weil eanud recreation, and I
v "j'J is it p jt t'uetii in tb-3 fire or con.-igu
tiiu tij iL -j wate paper ba-ket on any ae-
J. k tit tliis bill, for instance. Cham
j .tigne u!id diners opart figure largely in it.
1 hi operation jf changing iu )re thin one
:;ejl;.r note ha 1 to be performed before
t -j" r- k mini: could be discharged. I re i
l...-:tibrit we 'I. Here, a-jain. is another
; ?:iet-t contract. The Sybarite appears,
I. t!ie items, t h ive been converted into a
1 ::ii:t. The former bill was incurred at a
1 '-.! i-i mv !i.--t Ion? vacation after I had
. . .ftii'y pa-se 1 the intellectual snares
1 i i't'aHs of my little-go. Oh ! how fear
I should be plucked if I were to try
t. j-i su.-h an examination no. Tli lat
t represents my mode of living with a
reai reading party in Normandy. We all
..:k. d hard there can be n mistake about
ti.it. The peiii-ion, I sec, was five francs a
ti-y: anl the wine account mast have been
ii-ilered contemptible by mine host. Here
i ati-'tiier latch of a subsequent date. Ah!
tlaa w.i when I was on my honeymoon.
The IViris bill is unquestionably heavy; but
sfier tlu: they grow lighter much lighter.
l'aiti fjr two, it appears, is a very difTer
"t :hmj from paying for one. Here is on
nitre';; a -light reckoning at an inn upon a
:.: riuain pass in Switzerland. Ah ! but
I ! L at it more attentive, I rematnber
t .at tLiieby hans a taie a somewhat ro
laaat'u t ile; and it is briefly tliis :
I ive and twenty years ago my wife andT
were ero-ing over into Italy. -After we had
I: v:i siowiy - Hn? for some time, we got
of th ferriage, thinking we should git
in ipiite as fast, and perhaps more pleasant.;-.
...ti ('out ; and by taking tliort cnts
:i r -s t :i zig-zags we soon got far ahead of
"-.r c .tiveyauee. I had been over this same
'is-twice or thviee before, when a happy
I mean an unhappy achelor, and I rani-inhered
the bypaths pretty well ; and wc
w re soon in sight of the inn where we in
trti 1,-d to pass the night, not very far from
t'ue summit of the pass. As we toiled on
overtook a gentleman, apparently an
1'.' -'Miimn. and a little boy. I beliee
lust feeling pretty sure, from the appear
8 1 -' t!ie iu in, that we were compatriots
:tj 1 something or other to him, remarked
t!:a: :t was a fine evening, or that the scene
ry was very grand I forget what. He,
ii v.-r. ma ! sime monosyllable reply,
iii'i did not appear inclined to traterni.e ;
i ,-o ne pa--:d on. Still I took a hasty
'"!' iii n. H- was a man apparently of
oihu eil.t and twei'ty or thirty years of
of a delicate frame, and almost feoai-t'-ie
e-u:it.-tiaiiee. One thing I particularly
ti .tie-. 1 he fiad a slight but peculiar
Ji'ark under the left eye, what DoX or Cox
ih:-')it have called a strawberry mark. The
y thru was with him, a child of not more
tii!i ;s years oi l, was evidently his son, for
1-th I and my wife traced a very strong re-fr-iiib'anee
between the pair, and the little
f-.-iiow looked very pale and tired as his fath
er dragged him slowly up the steep ascent.
e soon left them far behind, and my wife
r-'niarked that it was a curious circumstance
'hat these two should be thus going over
tu-j pa-s ; for we could see no other carriage
t" the road which could belong to theni,and
:ie naturallv thought it very hard that such
yountr child should be forced to make such
tedious journey upon foot. However,
"ten we arriyed at our destination we tho't
Ho more of thetn ; and, after a pleasant and
f Piziog supper, in which red trout I
read them now in the bill formed no un
important item, we strolled out again, and
watched the white glories of the rising moon
spreading over the highland valley in which
we were. When we entered the hotel again,
and went into the salle a manger for some
coffee, we discovered the younger of our fel
low toilers sitting meekly by himself in a
corner of the room. A taMe was spread
for supper before him, and he was patiently
awaiting the arrival of his father.
His large blue eyes looked tired and sad;
Lis golden curls hung tangled over his
shoulders ; no tender hand had cared for
him after his weary walk ;T. saw the tears
stauding in my wife's eyes as she whispered
to me, "He has no mother to take care of
him." This, I thought, was a hasty con
clusion to arrive at ; and I said so. My wife
wiser than I, I suppose shook her head
and entirely disagreed with me.
We lingered over our coffee for some time
longer than necessary. The patient child
sat bilent in the dark corner ; now and then
the blue eyes wandered inquiringly toward
the door, but found no answer there. An
hour passed away, but his father if the
man we had seen was his father, and of this
we had no doubt never came.
"I can't stand this, John," paid Laura to
me, indignantly. "If somebody doesn't
give that poor child his supper, I'll give it
to him myself."
I remonstrated mildly ; "I don't think
we have any right to interfere, my dear.
x- 1 1.1-1 ...
o uouut nis iatner is taking a nap up
stairs, and he will wake up ar:d be down
'"Nap, indeed I" retorted Laura, rather
savagely. Indeed, I had no idea till then
that my sweet bride could be so savage if
she choose. ''Nap. indeed ! with that dar
ling starving in uncomplaining silence !
I've half a mind to ask whieh is his room,
and give him a rousing he won't easily for
get." Tiii. I thought, would be a highly im
proper proceeding upon Laura's part; and
I ventured to say so. She contented her
self with repeating, wish greater vehemence
than before, "Nap, indetJ I"
At that moment we heard the heavy
sound of the diiijene-j. aud the gay jingling
of th.j horses' beiis, as it stopped at the
door of the hotel. Cold aud muiH ;d pas
sengers for we were some seven or eight
thousand feet above the sea came into the
room and partook of various drinks; but
they soon cleared out again. The horses
had been changed ; and, with a great
smacking of whips and loud pcaline of
bells, the huge diligence pursued its load to
The pale-faced, golden hatred child still
sat quietly in the dark corner. Once or
twice the tired head sank upon the little
shoulder, a:;d for a moment or two he drop
ped a-!eep. Then he would wake up again
anl stare at the unkind door, which at ev
ery opening brought no relief.
After the diligence had been gone some
twenty miuutcs, and Laura had got into a
state of fidgets which threatened to pass all
control, the landlord and head waiter came
into the room, looked at the "little boy, then
talked together volubly in a whisper, looked
at the little boy again, and shook their heads
in a mysterious manner. Then the land
lord advanced stiaight to where we were
"A thousand pardons for asking the
question ; but do Monsieur and Madame
know anything of the little gentleman yon
der?"" '
'"No, nothing; beyond that Monsieur and
Madame passed the little gentleman and
his father as they ascended the pass."
"Is Monsieur aware that the father is an
Englishman ?"
"Well, Monsieur had guessed as much,
but could not say more."
"Well, it is very strange. It is some
time now since these two arrived. The
father engaged a room, and ordered supper.
The father had said that his luggage would
be deposited by the diligence ; but the dili
gence had come and gone, and though par
ticular inquiries were made, the conductor
was quite sure there was no lugtrage such
as had been described to be deposited at
ihis hot..l."
"There must have been some mistake."
"Not possible. The authorities are very
particular in these cases. And where is
Monsieur le pcre?"
"(loud to sleep in his chamber, proba
bly," I suggested.
"Not at all! It is empty. There is
nothing whatever in it. In fact the gentle
man was seen to leave the hotel the moment
after ha had ordered supper and given in
structions about his baggage, and ba3 not
Laura was watching the uncomplaining
child. The large blue eyes were directed
toward us, as if guessing that he was the
object of our conversation. She could not
restrain herself any longer; and she rose
from her seat and went up to the child. He
shrank a little, I thought, as she approach
ed, but there was something about her lace
which speedily reassured hiiu.
"You are a little English boy, are you
not?"' she said, as sh sat down beside
He murmured. "Yes." But I could see
a working in the Utile white throat ; the
poor, tired manikin was striving bravely to
keep down his tears.
"You want your supper, do you not?"
asked Laura, as with one hand she stroked
the eolden curls. "You are very tired, and
ought to have your supper and go to bed.
Where i3 papa? Was not that your papa
who brought you here?
"Yes, my papa brought me here ; and he
said we were to have something to eat; and
I was to wait here quietly until he came
back. Very quietly, he told me, and he
should soon be back."
"Would you not like to have your supper
at once ?" said Laura. "Your papa is ta
king a longer walk than he intended, and
he will be very sorry that you should be so
hungry. Shall I not ask the gentleman,"
pointing to Jh'e landlord", woo had come up
to the table, "to bring . you something to
cat at once?"
"No, thank you, I must wait for my
Entreaties and coaxings were all in rain,
and Laura, fearful of distressing him still
more, left him alone, and resumed her seat
by me.
Nearly another hour passed away. Laura
insisted on remaining in the room, and we
listlessly studied the Livre det Etrangers.
Uy-and-by the silence of the dark corner
was broken. The courage of the gallant
little mite had given way ; he was sobbing
as if his heart would break. Laura had
him in her arms in a moment.
'"Oh, papa! papa!" he cried, in his bit
ter agony. Oh, papa ! papa ! how could
you leave me so long aloue ? Oh, papa 1
come back come back !"
Above his low, sad wail I heard the
sound of persons entering the hotel, and
then there was a busy hum of voices, and
a minute or two afterward the landlord,
with a strange expression in his face, looked
in at the door and beckoned to me. I has
tily left the room. There, at the entrance
of the hotel, I found the waiters and other
people gathered. Three peasants lad just
come in. bringing with them something
they had found something whieh lay in a
disfigured heap upon the ground.
They had found the body of a man, I
w as quickly told, at the bottom of a low
cliff ahDiu a quarter of a mile from the
hotel. Then they uncovered the face, and
I at once recognized the man Laura and I
had passed on the ascent. Then, as a cold
shiver came over me, I heard a cry within
the room I had left.
"My papa has come back I know he
has !" and before any one could interfere the
door of the salle a manger was thrown open
and the palid, weeping child tottered out, j
followed hastily by Laura.
"Where is papa? I know he is here!"
And, cheeking his violent sobs, he looked
eagerly at the solemn faces around him.
"Why won't you tell me where papa is?
"Oh ! w'mt's that upon the floor?"
Then, before any one could stop hiin. he
cast himself down and laid his cheek by the
cold white lips that nevermore could kiss
him or breathe a wor.i rt love into his ear.
Gentle hands raised hi,n softly, and bore
him away to the room the dead man had
prepared, and laid him down upon the bed.
He seemed to know his own utter desola
tion, and the paroxysm of grief was strange
Iv stilled. Laura remained with him all
night; and when the first red lights of the
rising sun bathed with deep sp!end?r the
silent glaciers an 1 the snowy peaks, the
young heart ha 1 broken beneath its burden
rnd the weary spirit fled away.
Shortly afterward at Milan, I think it
was I saw a copy of the Times, and in the
second column I saw an advertisement for a
man with a red mark under his eye ; and
when I returned to England I learned the
whole story.
This man, who had ever borne the high
est character, had got into deep distress,
owing principally to the f-hameful conduct
of a friend for whom he had become surety,
and in an evil moment he had fallen, and
had forged a check for a considerable
amount, intending aj such unhappy men
always do intend to replace the money,
lie failed in doing this, and, conscious that
his fraud must infallibly be discovered, he
had fled from England, taking, with him
his motherless child. Whether, in a fit of
dispair, he had thrown himself from the
cliff, or whether he had simply missed his
footing, it is impossible to say. Father and
son rest in one grave in a churchyard on
that mountain height ; and on every anni
versary of the awful tragedy the good peas
ants plaee wreaths of immortelles upon the
simple wh.te cross that marks the nameless
One of the amusements at Long Branch
is to watch the New Jersey mosquitoes open
clams with their bills, on the shore. Seve
ral of these useful insects are being domes
ticated and taught to punch riveta holes in
steam boilers.
"How is it," said a man to his. neighbor,
"that Parson W , the laziest man living,
writes such interminable long sermons?"
"Why," said the other, '"he probably gets
to writing, and is too lazy to stop."
Patience is exemplified in the man who
left his wagon while the horse balked, and
sat on a stump and read the Bible till the
animal was hungry enough to go home.
A tombstone in a Maine graveyard, erec
ted to the memory of a wife, bears the in
scription : "Tears cannot restore thee;
therefore I weep."
"Waiter, this bit of turbot is not as good
as that you gave us last week." Waiter
"Beg pardon, sir, its off the very same
The story of a man who had a nose so
large that he couldn't blow it without the
use of gunpowder, is said to be a hoax.
The man that attempted to look into the
future, had the door slammed in his face.
The richer a man makes his food, . the
poorer he makes his appetite.
Cost of Loaferism : Does the young
man who persists in being a loafer ever re
flect how much less it would cost to be a
decent, respectable man ? Does he imagine
that loaferism is inore ecomieal than gentili
ty? Anybody can be a gentleman if he
chooses to be, without much cost, but it is
mighty expensive being a loafer. It costs
time in the firat plao-days, weeks, months
of it in fact about all the time he has,
for no man can be a first-class loafer without
devoting nearly his whole time to it. The
occupation, well followed, hardly affords
time for eating, sleeping, dri we had al
most said drinking, but on reflection we
except that. The loafer finds time to drink,
whenever invited.
It costs friends. Once fully embarked
on the sea of loaferdom, and you may bid
farewell to every friendly sail that floats
under an honest and legitimate flag. Your
consorts will only be the buccaneers of socie
ty. It costs money ; f r though the loafer
may not earn a cint, or have one for months,
time lost might have produced him much
more if devoted in industry instead of sloth.
It costs health, vigor, comfort all the true
pleasures of living; honor, dignity, self
respect, and the respect of the world when
living, and finally, all regret,. or considera
tion when dead. Be a gentleman, then ; it
is far cheaper.
I. - - ...
Couldn't Stand It. A steward on an
Ohio river steamer was addresced by an
uneasy and excited individual, who wanted
him to put somebody off the boat. The
candidate for a forcible disembarkation was
pointed out, but the steward could see noth
ing out of the way. "You don't eh? Don't
you see a man there hugging a woman ?"
"Well, yes," replied the steward, "but
what of that ; hasn't a fellow a right to era
brace his wife?"
"That's just what I want you to run him
out for," replied the stranger dancing aroutvl
"that's my wife, and I've stood it so long
that I've got mad !"
An old toper started for home one night
in his normal condition, with a turkey he
had obtained for a holiday dinner. He
found the road very rough, and fell several
times over all sorts of obstructions in the
path. Each time he fell he dropped the
turkey, but contrived to pick it up again.
On entering his house he steadied himself
as well as he was able, and said to his wife,
"Jlre, wify, I'vy jifofc levoi 4wk3rs for
you." "Eleven turkeys! What do you
mean? There is only one." "There must
be 'leven turkeys, wifey, for 1 fell down
'leven times, and every time I found a tur
key." A "loving" couple eloped to a city in
North Carolina last week, for the purpose
of bacoming one in the flesh. Tho job was
done for thetn by an obliging clergyman.
Still full of romance, they went to the hotel
to spend the honeymoon. At dinner the
bridegroom accidentally struck the bride
with a piece of ice over the left eye. She
took the matter as personal, slapped him
in the face and returned to her parents on
the next train. It is a pity that a single
lump of ice should have caused such a sud
deu "coolness" between them.
"My gracious," said Ike, "if some fairy
would give me wings wouldn't I go round
among the planets though ; I'd go to Mars
and Venus, and Jupiter, and all the rest of
"And Satan," said Mrs. Partington, stri
king in, "and I'm afraid you will go there
whether you have wing or not."
Ike wh istled and turned the subject to an
orange the old lady had.
A citizen of Buffalo was passing through
one of the back streets of that city Sunday
afternoon, when he both observed and
heard a little doy crying lustily. Approach
iug the little urchin he kindly asked : "why,
little boy, what do you want?" Looking up
into the interrogator's face the precocious
juvenile responded, in whining accents.
"Iv'e got the beller-ache, that's what I
A woman over eighty years of age went
into one of the dental establishments in
Hartford, Conn., to have a set of teeth re
paired, and gave as a reason for being par
ticular about the work, that, though she
did not expect to live long, she desired her
corps to look as well as possible.
"Sir," said the astonished landlady to a
traveler, who had just sent his cup forward
the seventh time, "you must be very fond
of coffee." "Yes, madam, lam," he re
plied, "or I never should have drank so
much water to get a little."
A passenger, having hired a boat to take
him across a very rough stream, asked the
Irish boatman if any body was lost there,
"No," said Pat ; "me brother was drowned
there the other week, but we found him
agaiu the next day.''
A rural Englishwoman had the right idea,
finding herself unable to whip her husband,
she shouted to her son who was up stairs in
bed: "Bill ! come down stairs and lick tbi
feyther, or else he'll be the misster o th'
whole house 1""
Josh Billings says, "Give the Devil his
dues" reads well enough in a proverb; but
"what will become uv you and me if this
arrangement is carried out?"
Men don't commit suicide in Memphis.
When tired of life they go out and insult
some one. and aje at once shot dead.
guoincsis givrrtonj.
. Claar6eld. Fa. Office in tb Coort Ilouee.
fALTKR BARRETT, Attorney at Law. Clear
neia, fa. jiay id, iso).
J B.GRAHAM t SONS, Dealers in Dry-Goods
. Groceries, Hardware, Queensware. Wooden
ware. Provisions, etc., MarKet St. Clearfield, Pa,
HF. BIGLER i CO., Dealers in Hardware
. and manufacturers of Tin and Sbeet-iron
fare, Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. Mar 'TO.
HF. KAUGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ae. Room in
Grahams row.Marketstreet. Nov. 16.
HBUCUER SWOOPE. Attorneyat Law.Clear
. field. Pa. Offet in Graham's Row, fonrdoo'
west of Graham ABoynton f store. Kov.10.
rpiIO'S J McCrLLOUOn. Attorev-at-Law,
1 Clearfield, Pa. All legal business prompt
ly attended to.
Oct. 27. 1S69.
"lir.M. REED. Market Street, Clearfield. Pa.,
W Fancy liry Goods, White Goods. Notions.
Embroideries', Ladies' and Gents' Furniihing
Sood. etc. June 15, '7 J.
I. PHAW.Pealerin D'rnts. PatentMedicinrs.
. Fancy Artictos. etc.. and Proprietor of Dr.
Boyer's West Branch BiUers, Market Street,
ulearfield. Pa. June 15, '70
FB. READ. M. D., PnvstciA and Pitrgeos.
Kylertown. Pa., respectfully offers his pro
fessional services to the citizensof that place and
surrounding country. Apr. 2fi-6m.
Oriiin T. Noisle. Attorney at Law. Lock Ha
ven. Pa. Will practice in the several courts
of Clearfield county, htuiiness entrusted to bim
will receive prompt attention. Je. 29. '70-y.
CKRATZEll, Dealer in Dry-Goods. Clothing.
. Hardware. Qucensware, Groceries. Provi
sions, etc , Market Street, neaily opposite the
Court House, Clearfiold, Pa. June, ISf.d.
JB M'EX ALLY, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield
. P. Practices in Clearfield and adjoiu'ng
counties. Office in new brick building of J. Boyn
t n. 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel .
TTEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa., will
. attend promptly to all Legal business entrust
ed to his care in Clearfield and adjoining coun
ties. Office on Market street. July IT, 1867.
rTT'IOM AS H. FOHCEY. Dealer In Square and
J Sawed Ltfmher, Dry-Goods. Queensware. Gro
ceries. Flour. Grain. Feed, Bacon, Ae Ac. Gra
hamton. Clearfield county, Pa. Oct 10.
HKTSWrCK A IRWIN. Dealers in Drnes,
Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary, Perfume
ry . Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street,
Clearfield, Pa Deo. 6, 1S65.
KRATZER A SON. dealers In Dry Goods.
V . Clothing. Hardware. Queensware. Groce
ries. Provisions, Ac, Second Streot Cleai field,
Pa. Dee. 27.1 SAA.
rolIN GTELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds o
Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield, P."
He also makes to order Comas, on short notice and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0.'i9.
RICH ARD MOPSOP, Dealer in Foreignand Do
mestic Dry Goods. Groceries, Flour. Bacon,
Liquors. Ae. Room, on Market street, a fewdoors
west Ol JaurusJ. (3ir. fMoarSi.ld. Pi- Apr27
"VTT AI.LAdF. A FIELDING. Attor?f.ys at Law
Clearfield. Pa. Office in rea d ence of W. A.
Wallace Lecal business of all Kinds attended to
with promt
ptnes and fidelity. Jan.s.' 0-yp
WW, A. WAL'.Af?.
HW SMITH. Attoret at Law. Clearfield
. Pa., will attend promptly to business en
trusted to his care. Office on second floor of new
bnildingr adjoining County National BnuK.snd
nearly opposite the Court House. jjune30. '69
all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retail He alsokceps
on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen
ware, of bis own manufacture. Jan. 1. 1S6:'.
MANSION HOUSE. Clearfield, Pa This
well known hotel, near the ourt House, is
worthy the patronage of the public The table
will be supplied with the best in themarket. The
best of liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY.
TOHN H.FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa. OfEce on Market Street, over
Hartrwick A Irwin's Drugstore. Prompt attention
given to the securingofBounty claims. Ac. .and to
all legal basin-ess. March 27, 1S6T.
I THORN, M. P., Physician and
ScruEOn. having located at Kylertown,
Pa., offers his professional services to the eiti
zens ot that place and vicinity. Sep. 29 ly
lyr I. CCRLEY. Dealer in Dry Goods.
Y ,Groceric9,Hardware. Queensware. Flour Ba
con, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. A Iso
extensive dealers in all kindsof sawed lumber
shingles, and sauare timber. Orders solicited.
Woodland, Pa., Aug. 19th. 1S63
DU J. P. BURt'H FIELD Late Surgeon of the
83d Rcg't Penn'a Vols., having returned
from the army, offers bis professional services te
the citiiens of Clearfield nd vicinity. Profes
sional calls promptly attended to. Office on
South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets.
Oct. 4. 1S65 fimp.
CUBVEYOR. The undersigned offers
his services to the public, as a Surveyor.
He may be found at his residence in Lawience
township, when not engaged; or addressed by
letter at Clearfield. Penn'a.
March 6th, la57.-tf. J HMEo MITCHELL.
Physician and Surgeon,
Having located at Osceola. Pa., offers his profes
sional services to the people of that place and sur
rounding country. All calls promptly attended
to. Office and residence on Curtin Street, former
ly occupied by Dr. Kline. May 19. '69.
GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of the Peace, Sur
veyor and Conveyancer. Luthersbufg. Pa.
All business entrusted to him will be promptly at
tended to. Persons wishing to employ a burvey
or will do well to give him a call, as he flatters
bimselt that be can render satisfaction. Deeds
of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legal
papers promptly and neatly executed Je3'T0-yp
7 A L L A C E
Real Estate Agents ao Cokvetakcers,
Clearfield, Pa
Real estate bought and sold, titles examined,
taxes paid, conveyances prepared, and insuran
ces tasen.
Office in new building, nearly opposite Court
House (Jan i 1S70.
E M O V A L G UN S n O P
The undersigned begs leave to inform his old
and new customers. and the publio generally,
that he has fitted op a new GEN SHOP, on the
lot on the corner of Fourth and Market ftreete.
Clearfield. Pa., where be keeps constantly on
hand, and makes to order, all kinds ot Guns.
Also, guns re bo red and revarnished, and repaired
neatly en short notice. Orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
June 9, 1869. JOHN MOORE.
are constantly replenishing their stock of Drugs.
Medicines, Ac. School books and Stationery,
including the Osgood and National series
of readers. Also Tobacco and Ci
gars, of the best quality, and at
the lowest prices. Call and see.
Clearfield. Nov 10, 1S69
RT GOODS the nearest in the county, a
May -W. Oi. sWsovr a.
T K. B O T T O R F'S
Negatives made in cloudy as well as in dear
weather. Constantly en hand a good assortment
of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoseopie Views.
Frames, from anv style of moulding, made to
Dec 2,'6s-jy. M-69-tt.
This Liniment having been u.vd, for
some years past. as fampy medicine by the pro
prietor, and its good effects coming to the notice
of bis neighbors, has. at their suggestion, cin
sented to manufacture it for the benefit of the af
flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for
Catarrh and Billions Cbolie. ever offered to the
Eublic; and will cure many other diseases in the
utoan body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil
and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use
accompany each bottle. Price. 51 per bottle, or
six bottles for $5. Sent to any address bv enclos
ing the price to WM. H. WAGONER.
Hurd Postoffice,
Oct. o, 1?69. Clearfield com ty, Pa.
II. T. Farxswortit,
Would inform Mill owners, and those desirous
of haTingMillsbuitt. that he is prepared to hui'.l
and tepair either Circular or Muley Saw Mills,
and Grist Mills after the latest improved patterns.
He has also for sale an improved ater Wheel,
which he guarantees to give satisfaction In regarl
to power and speed His motto is. to do work so
as to give perfect satisfaction. Those wishing fur
ther information wit! be promptly snswer.d by
addressing him at Clearfield. Clearfield county,
Pa Write your name and address plain.
April 2l. 170-1 y .
Stone and Earthenware, of every description.
Fishers' Patent Airtight Self-sealing Fruit Cans.
a good many other things too numer
ous to mention, at the
Corner of Cherry and Third Streets,
Aug. 3, '70-tf.
The extraordinary success of their new and im- J
proved manufacturing Machines for light or heavy
work, has induced the
to manufacture a new Family Machine ot the same
style aud construction, with additional ornamen
tation, making It co.ual in beauty and finish with
other fnmilv machiECS.whieroai in usfulna- it f
The price of this now acknowledged necessary
article comes within reach of every class, and
the Company is prepared t offer the most liberal
inducements to buyers, dealers and agents. Every
Machine warranted, Apply for eiiculara and
samples to
Ap 13-3m No. 2H Batrrr. Nrw York.
U E M 0 V A L .
Market St., Charf'cld, Pa.
We beg leave to inform our old and new custo
mers, that we have removed our establi'bment te
the new building just erected on Market street,
nearly adjoining the Mansion House on tbe west,
and opposite Graham A Pons' store, where we re
spectfully invite tbe publie to come and buy their
Ourstock of Drugs and Medicine? consist of every
thing u.ed. selected with tbe greatest care, and
We also keep afull stock of Dyes. Perfumeries
Toilet articles. Soaps. Tooth Brushes. Hair Brush
es, Wbiteffaih Brushes, and every other kind of
Brushes. We have a la' ge lot of
White Lead, Turpentine,
Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in fact everything used
in the painting business, which we offer at City
prices to cash uuyers.
Confectionery. Spices, and the largest stock of va
rieties ever offered in this place, and warranted
to be of tbe best the market affords.
Eighth Annual Exhibition
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
OCTOBER 12, 13 and 14, 1870.
The premium list ispnblisbed in pamphlet form
and can be had by application to tbe Secretary ef
the Society, either personally or by letter.
Family Tickets, dnrinjc Fair, S3 00
Single Tickets, during Fair,
Single admission tickets,
THURSDAY, purse ot $100 00 to be trotted for.
FRIDAT, purse of tiO 00 to be trotted for.
For conditions, entrees, Ae.. see Pamphlets.
It is to be hoped that farmers will take an in
terest in this exhibition. No paina will be spared
by tbe officers of tbe Society to make it credit
able one. Judges will be announced from the
stand on I Wednesday. Premiums for atoec and
cereal grains have been largely increased.
R. BARRETT, Pre.iden
A. Wright Graham, Secretary.
rpHEhighest market t-jJ Xloj!"
The Kidneys are two in number, fiMetea at th
upper part ot the loin, surrounded by fa, and
consisting of three parts, vis r th Anterior, tbV
Interior, and the Exterior.
The anterior absorbs. Interior eniat of tis
sues o'r veins, which serve a a d sr. east far th
urine and convey it to the exterior. T exte
rior is c conductor als6, terminating ia aiagle
tube, and called tbe I'reter. Th ureter are oon-'
nected with ttie bladder.
Tbe bladder is composed of varloas covering
or tissues, divided into parts, via: th Coper, th'
Lower, the Nervous, and th Mucous. Tk er
expels, the lower retains.- Many have teeire to
urinate without the ability, other arise. with
out the ability to retain. This frequently occur
in cbHdren.-
jo cure these affections, we must bring into ac
tion tbe muscles, which are engaged In their va
rious functions. If they ere neglected .Gravel or
Dropsy may ensue.
The reader must also be mad aware, that how
ever slight may be tbe attack, it il fur to affee
the bodily health and mental powers, as onr flash
and blood are supported from thee sources.
Goit, or RnErMATisv. Ptin occurring in th
loins is indicative cT the above rffseases. They
occur in persons disposed to acid stomach mad
chalky eoncretions.
Trr Gravel. The gravel ensues from neglect
or improper treatment of the kidneys These ti
gans being weak, tbe water it not expelled from
the bladder, but allowed to remain; it becomes
feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this de
posit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensue.
Dnorsv is a collection of water in some srrtj ef
the body, and bearsdifferent names, according ts
the parts affected, via: when generally diffused
over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of th
Abdomen, Ascites; when of th abett, Hydrot he
rax. Treatveht. Helmbold's highly concentrated!
com jonn j Extract Bucho is decidedly en of th
best remedies for diseases of th bladder, kidneys,
gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatism ,and gouty
affections. Under this head w have arranged
Dysurie, or difficulty and pain in passing water.
Scanty Secretion, or email and frequent dischar
ges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water;
Hematuria, or bloody urine; Gout and Rheusaa
ti.'in of the kidneys, without any change in quan
tity, hat 1mmm im m wjb. It we
always highly recommended bj th 1st Dr.
Physick, in these affections.
This medicine increases the power of digestion
and excites tbe absorbents into healthy axereis
by which th watery or calcareous deposition
and all nnnatnral enlargements, as well a pai
and inflammation are reduced, and It 1 tkea by
men, women and children. Direction for aso ao4
diet accompany.
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 45, 187.
H. T, Helhbom), Druggist:
Dear Sir : I have bean a sufferer, far upward
of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney
affections, during which time I have ased various
medicinal preparations, and been under the treat'
ment of the most eminent Physicians, xprin
cing but little relief
Having seen your preparations extensively ad
vertised, I consulted with my family physician in
regard to using yeur Extract Buchu.
I did this because 1 had nsed all kinds ef ad
vertised remedies, and bad found them worthless,
and ecmt quite injurious ; in faet, I despaired of
ever getting well, and determined tus n rem
edies hereafter unices I knew of th ingredients.
It was this that prompted me to use your remedy.
As you advertised that it was composed ef bucha , "
(ubebs and juniper berries, it occurred torn and
my physician as an excellent combination, and,
a ith bis ad vie, after an examination of th arti
cle, and consulting again with th druggist, I
concluded to try it. I commenced its use about
eight months ago, at which tim I was eefifined
to my room From the first bottl I was astonish'
ed and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after1
using it three weeks was able to walk out. I fait
much like writing you a full statement of myeaa
at that tim, but thought my improvement might
only be temporary, and therefore concluded to
defer and see if it would effect a perfect ear,
knowing then it would be of greater vala t yoa
and more satisfactory to me.
I am now able to report that a ear is effected
after using the remedy for fiv months.
I have not used any now for thre months, and
feel as well in all respect as I ever did.
Tour Buchu being devoid ot any unpleasant
taste and odor, a nice tenia and invigorator of th
system, I do not mean to b without it whenever
occasion may require its us in such affections.
Should any doubt Mr. MeCormick's statement,
he refers to tbe following gentlemen :
Don. Wm.Bigler, ex Governor Penn'a.
Hon Thomas C Florena, Philadelphia.
Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor, Penn'a.
Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. R. 0. Grier, Judge C. 8 Court.
Hon. G. W. Woodward, Judge. Philadelphia.
Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Pbil'a.
Hon. John Bigler, jt Governor. California.
Hon. E. Bants. Auditor Gen. Washington, D.C.
And many others, if necessary:
Bold by Druggists and Dealer every whr. Bo
war of counterfeits. Ask for Belmbold . Tak
no other. Price-SI 25 per bottle.or 8 bottle fr
S6 50. Delivered to any addrs. Describe symp
toms in 11 communications.
Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi
cal Warehouse, i Broadway, K T.
steel-engraved wrapper, with fao-imil of aa
Chemical Warehouse and signed
Jan 15.T0-1T H- T. HLMVBOU.
i V I -
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