'gpe ,"gUftsman 0rnttf;70car)left,a$ epferor 21, .1870. T3 lnsa-e the afe trantmislon ' patrons should remit by check r -ti"tiv' i r have tnetr letter registered .... ; ,.t w.n ne i r ,f(:fr crn.- to hand: 2. II. Summer Arrarierrj?nt. "r, ,..rtTtrini : : : 9.0 a m. 51-1 .,i(.jlte!l : : : :10 3ia.m. ..' rMlipsburg at . : II 00 a m Cart. -Id at : : : 12 W (i.m T, v Clerfield .: : : 2.30 p m . i PMlipshnrg at : :. S 41 p. m O-eeolaat : : : : 4 Cflp.ro Tyrone at : : : : 5 P- m Pelf -nte at : : : 8 IS p.m. 1 n.-k Haven at : : 9 50 p.m. .. Williamsportat : : 10.50 p. m. '..-e-trnudation Tram. ri'-'f";''' "l : : : : 5 1 " .r-,v3ai rvilinsburget : : .. Osceola at : : : Intersection at : : .. Tvr"" at : : : : T j-jr .r-j Icvc Williamsoort at E- - V, ivtsmt lock Haven at . : Bel'efonte : : : .. Intersection at : : 7.00 a. it. 9 40 a. m. 10 25 a. m. 1 OS p. m. 1 21p m. 8 f!0 a. m 10 10 a m. 11 40 a m. 1.03 p. iu. 2 40 p. to, 3 31 p.m. S 00 p. m villi train! O.ieeola at : : : : Philinsboeg at ; : Clea-Celi at : : : C ... or.r.f'inns m3e at Tyrene a it-.-l 'rst on the Maine Line. r -. is lrini Clearfield at 2 3 p u ; i.mfr.ort at Il 50 p. m. the sanne r -.',.- ieirins WHIiamsportatS 00 m.. reach Jar. a m. reach r. if ,t Id at 0."U p HI. mc ur Ir..n;ufS. Iivine services will I e bold B.Ti'.iMiafh. in ClearSeld, as follows: Bv Rnv. flail, in St. Andrew's Episcopal ru:;:. i., a: 11 A M. and 7 1'. M. Sunday k i ! 3 M. Piayer niciilus every V ' l:tv coning -t 7 Oj.'?tK-k. ! i:. v. I it!er.in the Presbyterian church, n -'.nii-ii nn ! evening. Sab.i.ith school at ,", I'. M. I 'raver meeting every Wednesday f . i i .t at 7 o 1'iork. P.. Hov. J. II. M'Cord. in the Methodist . !i. morning and evening. SaWwth . .! 9 A. M. rra- cr melting, every r. !,,;r..Viv at TV I. M. Ciip.mi'.'.ni.tti sort iff. '; -1 S:ilutth of every month at 10 A. M. F:a:ie;s' clinrch Jh at Id A. M.. ',, s-.m.l and fourth Suudtws of each RErUCLICAN MASS MEETINa. Tlie Republican party of Clearfield county tieiutile in Mas Meeting, at the Court ll,.:ie. in Clearfield, on WKUSESDAY EVENING. SKIT. 2S. l.7i). The meeting will he addressed by Hon. Cr. W. RC'OFIF.I.D, II..n. SAMUEL LINN. H. n. J. 15. MEN ALLY, II. R. SWOOl'E. K., And other speakers. The U'ie involved in (III- political coii oi ure of vast impnrtatiC-to every part of country. Let the people come out and licir tliei:i di-en-ted l.y abl nnd l'. ninrs'i'e 'iwkrr". cj a. to bo prepared to vote i ;tel ',';.-i: voti the Socoii i Tiii-sdiv td O -tol er n i Vil are resi"e!''tilv inviteil to be present." T. II. McartAT, f.t.,t. 14. Ch- Co. Com. dary Lit in ?ipp'e:i!ent. l.o.-.s 1 ricl.t as a r.e'v pin the Court I iwi. wi;h it coat of v-rr paint. C..CKT cotnniences next Mon.lay. Scptem 1 er "JO ; li a convenient season to pay up a-r-.-arage to the Jul RXAL. TrtE ni.?urs dt.viii the !.v-t week have : mi Vn ii.l. though our djvil insists ihv i: i t'.l iii.-...ra'une. -. A splendid lot of Ldi-is' Ti'.-.une.i 7f itj. r-e:-d liorti New York,' ti-u.y, 8 Vvji Matket Street. Wi:r is the Town clock like thf Deio rra'ie tdcci:in r.fiieer.-1 ? Kecan-e it's cut f-.T..i wi;b Hack hands, for t!" rst time, this fal i.iino 110 raoid'v tbe n w three story h'w'r. l.ii::d':2i.? 01. ?.co3 1 street. It will add tr.-i.-h to the teaerc! a;- jcin.O':s of the town, mi; ; t. Irs Or? spao of !;.r-is ran off. on '! s s;i irt ii!,: ".tice b'.'W town. i;'-w Ir. F. It -:e and family out n ci'.iage. No e:in: d-tna-za was !,.w.;v..t. t' ciM.er vcMale or occa- T.n Tov.-s .':.c:k. 'Vj observe that t! i- hands cf ti;e :.:. c!ock hare been pain t. i i,' A. We t i-i!i i: a mistake, as they erun uy can n..t l-j sc;i at as great a d:s t.v:. c mw -! tr..;ji.;re e.'j.'peiu!!y in cloudy i oT: -.:r?et eoni!;a-:;ionr ha3 Wen fiean-ir-jt oat s-fti:e "f tl.e gu'tt-rs, in this place, & I p 'io ibe djbris to more rongenial .' us. This is very c i:mendb!e ; but y tot gade il.e st tits p-oj.frly, prepar 'c:y to ntaea-latnizini; ? Aojl&ENT. V.'e und'.'rsta-.id that Mr. L;ii (.'oj.k'in, L'.wreuce township, tot a leg Ir so. on M iiidiV las', by a log robing on i-b ie n: work at Mr.'ilh Orr's. The frt.-arf. ,va, r-.-ducsd sni hs is getting on as ": rt-.illy a could Le expected under the t' -ii;L-:;,tices-. I''-T Veati;e:i. There appears to be a ---;! dr r.'gh', at this time, throughout - ' . -try. arid fjrmers find the ground 1 r- f ir p! wlmr and seeding. A rain to ': '( : the parched er.rth, raise the springs J ''rL-aitis, an 1 kep d )7:j the clouds of a-"'.. w aij at least bo welcome. I'membe.i ! Unless you are Registered 'i r iper time, yoa will have much i.ty i,i getting your vote. The lists bsfoaui at the d-ors of the election ' s Examine them atid set if your there. Satardiy, O.-tober' 1st, is '? -tz: d-:y on which you can legally rcg- We understand tl at the Clearfield Cornet J!1:il "''" Is to give a Concert in the Coiir. llj'J-e, sou.e c-vciiiug next week. This an- ' "'"-eri.t-i-t, ro doubt, will be hailed with ll" i: ''.v o;ir citizens generally. Much of "e '"u-ic will L.e entirely new. The servi te a neighboring baud ure also anticipa tel oil the oi-casion. A modst IIJUSic jea!er was recently non-I'.'h-j by a aiiy a htout as parep!, Rosa, to inquired, 'Have you 'Put uie in My e Bi.d '!" There are a great number Cl litt.e boys in our town, run jing about the 'rvtt, until at t.tt, who would be in " Ue.y u.tor off it ihey would nightly re Tt that favor of their doting mammas, "H:i!dy if ibair ma aim as obyd. For Sale a No. 12 Speer's Revolving Light Anthracite coal stove and pipe, near ly new. For further information apply to Ilenry E. Snyder. Notice. We are requested to state that William P. Read, Collector of School Tax for Lawrence township, w;ll be at the Treas urer's office, in Clearfield, on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 27th and 28lh, and on Saturday. October 1st, where the tar payers are requested to meet him and pay their tax. New Goods. We hare been requested to state that Messrs. Arnold & Hartshorn, of Curwensville, have just received from the eastern citiei, a large and well selected stock of Reaonable goods, which they are offering to the public at low prices for cash. Per sons in want of gooJs should call and ex amine their stock before making purchases, as they may find it to their cdvanUge to do so. Miss Olive Logan. This popular la"y lecturer, having an unoccupied evening in October, will deliver a lecture in ClearGeld, at that time, il desirable. In order to as certain the public sentiment on the subject, ii has been suggeted. that those favorable should make their wishes fcnrwn. by inform ing A. W. Walters or S. J. Row either verbally or by letter during the coming week of the number of tickou cacl. one desires. Tickets 50 u-nts. The Lady's Friend. This elegant Magazine for October announces that all netc subsefilers for 1371, who subset ibc by 1 he first of November, shall receive the November and I.'ecember numbers in addi tion gratis, maVii g Fiturtecn tnont'ii in all. Thoe who subscribe by the first of Decern be', shall receive the Picember number free making Thirteen M"ntl in all I Those desirous of Mibsc, ibiug f..r a lady's magszins fur n.xt year, should take advantage of these liberal offers. The Lady's Fiiend is an ad mil able nrigazine-l'rico $2.50 a year (whieh aio includes a l.u ge steel engraving). Four copies. J-j. Five copies (and one gratis). 3. Published by Deacon & Peterson, Philadelphia. Simple copirs sr-.it gratis. Campbell's Zoological and Eqces Teian Institute. Uy a reference to our advertising coluxns, it will be observed that this ''Mammoth consolidation of Zoologi cal wonders and Equestrian celebrities," will cs hildt iu Ciearfiel 1. o-i Fiid-ty, Sep teuiber 23d, afternoon and evening. To adopt their own language, "the formation ol ibis colossal tslatiiishnient forms an era in the amusement of 137), presenting, as. it does, more real attraction than has ever been gathered under one paTiiioa for one price of admission. This mammoth organ izati. n has been entire'' reorganized, refit ted, redecorated, and remodeled, for its second annual tour. New animals, new cages, painted, ornamented, and enibe!i?htd in a mannertsupeiior to any that have yet appeared in public. New barueoS, entire cew wardrobe, nsw flag, new plumes, ne.v d-.corutious. A mammoth venter-proof pa viliion, drj in wit vv. a'dier, cool in icxrm weather, and eoiiiforialt: in t.11 kinds of wej'h.-r. 1 ne ur:et CJrps ol tua.c and i'.'ioale rierfouut in t:ie wudd. and the best rejected and contlilioiid stud of horses, po tiiei arid mules that ever traveled. The P:.vsd. We refer with special pleai ire t j i!u advertisment of the Great Piano Manufactory of Messrs. Wit. Knauk k I o. , of Baltimore. This factory is 11 w una of the largest in the world ; it is a magnificent five story structure, fionting an entire block on Eufaw st., and covering, together with the Lumber Y .rds ittaj!i :d, soais tw and one haif acres of ground. Three hundred and fifty men are constantly employed turning out over forty instruments per week. The Kuabe Plain has by its superiority n-t on'y well nigh driven thosj of Northern iiianufacttire from the hotna market, but also enjoys a large sale in New York, Pht'a delphia and throughout the entire North nn 1 West, besides their largely increased Southern trade. The most talented mnMciam of the day, both amateur an 1 profe.innl, testify to tlii ir siipiiority. and wherever exhibited they have nver failed to carry olFthe high est awards over all competition, having received no less than f.i first premiums. During the last season they were used simul t.incou.'ly by the most distinguished artists at the Optra Houses in Baltimore, Phila delphia New Yoik, Brooklyn. Chi.igo. See. There is certainly no instrument made, more durable than the K.NABE Piano, none but the best wurkmen beinc employed and only the very best of materials used. MARRIED. On Thursday morning, September 15th, 1S70, at the residence ot the btido'b parents, by Rev. G F. Stelling, Mr. K. M. Moors au 1 Miss LiLE Sarcii, both of Harrisburg. At Cdina. Ohio. On Monday. September 5th. I.s70. Mrs. A3;ail I'.eams. wife of John J. Beams, formerly of Brady town ship, this county, aged 05 years. The de ceased was a member of the Baptist church for 23 years, and was greatly beloved by all who knew her. Ilerd-aih is deeply mourn ed by many friends and re a! ions. Clearfield Ketail Markets. COnttECTKD WELKLV BT C. MOSSOP. Apples, dried. Ib, App!e. green, bu, I A todebuttrr. gal, 1 12 1 Hay. ton. 50 Hams. Ib. 00 I Shouldrrs, lb, '.2 ('0 2s 17 20 25 fiO 1 CO 14 sn o 50 Jlutter. lb. 25 Sides. Ib, Beef, fresh, lb, 10 ,:f. dried, Ib, 25 Buckwheat bu. 1 2.' Rnckwheat flour. Ib ""5 Ueans. bu. 2 5 Hoard-, per M U Oil Corn, shelled, 1 ?j " ears, 60 " meal, tl!) Chop. rye. 2 8d mixed. 2 4(1 Cheese, lb. 2H Cherries, lb. IS Chickens. dresssed. lb. 15 Fggs. 20 Flonr. bbl. 7 90 Lard, Ib. flats, bu. Onions, bu, Cork. lb. Pork, mess, bbl, Potatoes, bu, Plaster, bbl. Peaches, dried, lb Ityo. bu. Km -e, lb. Salt, per sack. Shingles. iH in. ' Shingles 2i in, Timothy seed, bu Wheat, bu. Wool lb. 12 00 8 f.O 1 60 ' v40 FAIUBANK'S 8TAXDARD SCALES, OF ALL KINDS ALSO, IMPROVED MONET DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., iLSt 6m 102 Seoond At., Pitubarg. Pa. terms or mr. joi'rxal. The Kaftsmas's Jocbmal is publUhed on Vri nesday at S2.00 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of tfce vear. $1.59 rill be charged, and S3.09 if not paid before the elope. Adfektisev rnrs wi'l be inserted at 11.50 per qua re. for three or lesa insertions Ten linet (or lesa) eonnting a qnare. For every additional inaertion 50 cento will be eharfed. A dedaetion will be made to yearly advertisers ..on No aobseription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued iu tillatl arrearages are paid. except at the option W the publiib.r. S. J. ROW. "W"OTICE. Ilavina pnrchaed theinteres- of 'J. A. Blattenberger. Esq., in the but siness hrre-olote earned on under the firm name of -I. A Blattenbeyer Sr Co., the same will be eon ducted hereafter under the name i t Moshannon Land and l umber Co.. (Store) U II SHILLIXtlFORD. JOHN LAWSHE, President. ap't. Mdj 11, '79.-tf. rplIE ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE. The best Double Thread Machine now in u will be j'iIJ lower than an; other machine finished in like manner, and doing tbe same rn?e of work. Machines can be seen at tbe store of Thompson A Co., Cut wentville. or at the resi dence of the undersigned LEWIS C. BLOOM May 11, 187.-."m. Bloom's Bridge. pXECUTOIt'S NOTICE Estate of -J Ann Westfall, deceased. Wli3iea. Letters TetaruentHrv on the eKtate of Ana Westfall. Into f Chest - township, deceased, have been granted to the umlersigned. All per sons indebted o the saii estate are rrqijeste to matte immediate payment, and those having cl iitns ftciimt the same will present them, duly au:henticatcd, for settlement II. II. 1IUKD. Acjast 17. lS70-5t.p. txecutor. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Let- ters of Administration 011 the estate of Jese Williams, late of ISeocaria town'o, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned, notice is bcrebv given that all prrmns indebted to said es'ateare requircl to maSe inmediata payment, and finsehavinsclaiinracninst the same will pre pent them, properly authrn'icated for settlement to JOHN WILLIAMS, EDM. WILLI AMS. Ao;nt 17. lSTft-fit p. Admistrators. gMALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES! HARTS WICK A IRWIK are constantly reple-nishirg their stock ef Drugs, Medicines, is School books and Stationery, incluuitig tbe Oseod and Natienal series of readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of the best quality, and at the lowest prices. CaHaad see. ClearaelJ. Hot 10, 1&69 WOOL CARDING. The undersigned, " proprietor of the Union .M ills, in Union township. ("IrarBeld county, wcu.'d inform the public that be is prepared to card wool, on rea sriptnie terms and in a workmanlike manner Persons having wool to card tlioulii attend te it innnediati y. as the factory wil 1 be cHsd afrer sepientber 1st. Wool iuten.ied for cartiiua; can be lu al It. Mnssop's at I'. Kratzer's. in Clear field, and I ttill t.ka it and return it when Carded. JutmI.IRTO. J R. ARNOLD. J E M O V A L-G UN SHOP The undersigned begs leave te inferm his eld and new customers, and the publie (tenerallv that be has fitted up a new (iUN SHOP, on the lot en the corner of Fourth and Market streets. ClearCelJ, Pa . where he keeps constantly an hand, and makes to rdrr. sll kinds ot iun Also, guns reboroil and revarnii-hed. and repaired neatly en short notice. Orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. June, Iotitf. JOHN MOORE. 'FIIE "EAGLE HOTEL," - Jlain St.. Curwensville. I'a. Having lease l for a term of years tbe ahove well krewn ar.d popular Hotel (formerly kept by Mr Mason, mid Utoty by Mr Fen's), and having newly refitted ind return i.e ed it, tho pre.-ent prupiietor feels asmre l that lie can rendrr entire F..tisf:ict:nn to glletf s-jnurninx with him. A fine. Urtro stable and yard isaticbed. for the care and proiectiun of hordes, carriies and wagons. A hre of patrouas solicited May 4 70-ly A J.DUAU-. K PI'. Trop'r. II K "S II A W IIOUS 12," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. EORG B S. COLBL'R.N', :::::: PaorBrr-TeK This house was laely completed and just open ed to the public is newly lurui.-be l.and provided n i:h al 1 the modern impruveaieuts of a rst-ciain hotel, it is pTea-at't:y Jf.-cnted. in the businefis part of the town, and uear to the publio build i::'s. A shaie of pa'ronao is rrgpectfully solie it?d Chargrs moderate. Thebcsiof Liquor- ia tbe bf-r. March S0.'7-if rplIE LEONARD HOUSE, (!ear the Rai'riad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, Ta. 0. D. GOODFELLOW : : : : : PRopriETOn. A pew first class Hotel in every respect com fortable rooms all the modern improvements the best f Liquors prompiaitcmiance. and rea. sonable charged. The patreuag ef the publie is respectfully solicited. jy-.'l-tf. -ISS II. S. SWAN'S, School for Girls, (Jlearlielil. i'a. The Fall Term of Fiurtcen weeks will com Eeace ou Monday. September 5th, 187. TKHHS OF TttTIOS. Read:n. Orthography. Writing. Primary .Arillunet'e and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 weeksi. $7 00 History, lcal and Descriptive Cieograpby witn Map Drawing. Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, 9 00 Botany. Geology. PuyMolngy. Natural Phi losophy. Physical Ueogrjihy. Alebri, Lhe'crio. Etymology and Latin, 12 00 Oil Painting. U lessons), 12 9 Monochromatic Lrawing, 10 i) Crayon. fl 09 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Mu-de (30 lessons). 19(9 Wax Flcwers and Fruits, with materials, at teacher's charges. For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield. Augost '7. lS7-ly. NEW DRUG STORE. W. B. Alexander, M. D., DRIUJOIST AND APOTHECARY. CURWENSVILLE. PA. K?epp eonstaorlj on han'l an assortment of DRUGS, TATEXT MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, kc, ic. His stock of I'mgsispnre and fresh, and custo mers can rely upon gettingthe bestof everything in his line. ' ' HIS STOCK OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, . Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Crushes, Toilet Soo.p?v Combs, Pocket Books, Pens, Inks, Pen cils and Paper, and a general assortment of this class of goods, are all of the very test quality and latest styles. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, - For Medical purposes only, ' Glass. Potty. Lubricating Oils, Ac, to snit the wants of the'eemmunity. His extensive and well selected slock of Drugs and Medicines enables him ! fill Physietaus' i're- -.Options on short notfes uui on tbe most reason - ab'e terms. Smokers and Chewers will find bis slook of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, figsrs. and Snuff to consist of tbqjvsry best brands in the market. A share of publie prouage is solicited. Aog. 31-3BJ. W. B. ALEXANDER. NEW- MARBLE WORKS. Opprarte th J'l. . CLE.SKFIE1.P, pesxx : i T:f Monuments. Grecian Tombs. French Couches, Mantles. Table Topi. Washing Ranges; Garden Statuary.. Terra Co.la Wr. ol ever aeseriptinn. Head and Foul Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which we offer at eity prices, or 25 percent less Iban any otner establishment in this county Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satirlaction in all cases. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in tbe best workmanlike manner. ' A.GIBSOX. f May 11, 1S70 -tf. JMgsWTaos, Agent. Co-Partnership in Store. C. A Rorobaugh having associated with him in the Mercantile business, in Lewisville, Clear field eounty. Mr. C. R. McCracken. solicits a con tinuance ef the patrouage so generously extended heretofore Having just returned from the eastera cities their stoca em bi aces a large and varied assort ment of Dry Ooods. Groceries. Hardware. Queens ware, and in fact nearly everything usu ally keptin a country store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country preduce taken in exchange for good i C. A. KoltOBAUGH. May l. '70. tf. C R. McCRACKEX QLOTHING! CLOTHIK6H good abd cbxaf::; Men. Touths and Boysean beuplrd.d with fnll uils of seasonable and tashiensble elethicg at I. L. KEIZEXSTEIN'S, where it isseldat prices that will induce their purchase. Tbe universal sat isfactien whieh ha been given, has induced him te increase his s'ork. which is now not surpa'sea by any estab lishment of tbe kind in this part ef tbe State. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, Sells gbeds at a very small prod, fr eas ; His goods are well made and fashionable. I!e gives every one tbe worth ef bis money. He treats his customers all alike. He sel's cheaper than every bedy else. His store is conveniently situated, ne having purchased his stock st reduced prices he can sell cheaper tl an ethers. Kor these and ether reason persons should bay their clething at I L REIZENSTEIN'S. Predece of every kind taken at the highes' market prices Vsy IS. lh4 ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE. In pursuance of an order of the Orpnsn!t' Conrt of Clai field county, the undersigned. Adminis trator ef the citato of -Lien I.. M Cully, late of said county, decea-ed. will .ell at publio sale, at the Caurt House, in CloirS jId. on Tuesday, September 27, 1870, the following described real esMte of said dee'd. f it: All tiiat certain tract of land situate in Ileccaria tp . in said county, containing l.S arres ai.d 131 perches and allowance, and being the same premises conveyed to raid John L. M Cully from Executors and Trustees of Hardman Philips and Sophia Phil'rs by deed dated 6th June, I1'i4, recorded in Clearhfld. P.. in Deed Book V pages 4ti'.l and 479 Also one other f'aet in Hrccaria tp, aforesaid, adjoining the above described piece, containing 114 acres and allnwar.re. beicg the same premises couveyed to said M'Cully from Ilenry Byer. by deed dated June 1 , 1853. recorded in Ciearnold Fa. in Deed Book P. page 59 etc. The improvements are two dwelling bouses, wilb Irims barn, about 49 acres cleared, also a first cl.iss water eaw mill, nearly ne. capable of cat ting frcm five to x Ibousmid leet per day, Tbe said tract' are principally covered wilb white pine white oak and hemlock. The stream known as muddy run pa?e through this land and af f'irds a fine water power. au. good facilities for logging and rafting, lumber can be rafted in at the mill. The baid tracts are also uuderiaid with one ot Ibe most valuable bttum inons coal beds in thecouuty; the survey known as the 4,Slaughter Route' pu.-'fes through the centre of the said premises, an-i also tbe survey ot the '-Madera Coal and Improvement Company 8 Railroad1 pn.-ses within a few rods of litis land. Terms of sale made known on day of sale. GEO. W.M Cl'LLY. Augnt 17, 1S70. Administrator. AMICABLE MUTUAL L I F E INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. The AMrCATlLE issues all approved forms of Life Policies. Endowment, and Annuities. An ample cash capital, securely invested, and a systeta of business wh ich offers every advantage to tbe insurer .compatible with safety to the Com p my. are t'ures which command the Amicable to the confidence of the public . The officers and directors are-known bn'iness men. who?e character and standing are sufficient guarantee of honorable end judicious management of the Company's affairs ALL POLICIES AflE i !fOy-FORFEIT. . A li LEr , ALT. DIVIDE XD S ARI A'O.V-FORFEITABLE. ' ALL POLICIES ARE ISVtiXTESTABLE. THIRTY DiYS OR ACE FOR PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS. PRIVELEGE TO TRAVEL BY L ND AX D SEA.. JOSEPH IIOXtE. rresiJei.L E D WIGHT KENDALL, Vice President. J. F. R. IIADDEN. .Secretary. A U.PI FFA KD, M.D., Medical Examiner. V. M. TWEED. Jr., Counsel. WM. TUCKER, Clearfield. Pa., Agent for Clearfield county. T. J.BOYER.M. D.. - .Medical Examiner. C. BARRETT, General Agent for Clearfield, Centre, Jefferson, Clarion and Elk Co's P. R. WE1TZEL, Sup't of Agencies, Williamsport, Pa. August 17, 1770-'m-pd (I KNF.RAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TlON Whereas, by an Act of the GeneralAsscmbly cf the Commonwealth of Penn a, entitled "An act to regulate Ihc General Election wihin this Comrr-onwealth," it is enjoined on the sheriffs of the several counties to give public no tice of sm-h election, tiie places where to be held, and the officers to he elected : Thkhekorc, I. CY KENL'S HOW E, High Sheriff of Clearfield co.. ,lo hrrrhu ctr pnhlir notice to the Electors of the county of Clearfield, that a GENE It L ELECTION" will be held on the Sron-t T'trtnj of Ortohrr twTt. (being the ELEVEi Ill-day 'of the mouth) at tbe several election districta ru said eounty. at which time and place the qualified voters will vote For ono person for Congress. Jo represent tho counties of Erie.Warrerr, C: meirn. Jefferson, Clearfield. Elk. Forest and McKean. For one person to represent the counties of Clear field. Elk and Forest in the House of Repre sentatives ol this Commonwealth. For one person for Sheriff of Clearfield eonnry For one person for C'cmmitsioner of Clearfield county. For one person for District Attorney of Clearfield county. For one person for Jury Commissioner of Clear field county. Forone person for Audilorof Clearfield county. For one petson for Croner of Clearfield eounty. The electors of the eounty of Clearfield will take notice that tbe said general election will bo held at tbe lollowing places, viz; . Al the Union Hotel, in Glen Hope for Beccaria townsuip. . . . i t - - . Attheboutenf Aseph Ellis for Bell township. At the bouse of the late James Jii.rour. Sen., for Blorm township At the house of Edward Albcrtfor Boggstown'p. At the house of Jacob Pearee, for the township of Bradford At the publio house of R. W . Moore for Brady township. At Young'sSebool Uouse for Burnside township. At the school house near Simon Korabaugh's for the township of Chest. " 4 " At the court house for the Borough of Clearfield - At she bouse of Jacob Maurer for the township of Covington. - At the housa of I.i Blooro,' dee'd, for the Bor ough of Curwensville. At Centre school house for the town'p of Dooatur. At the bouse of John Gregory, formerly occu pied by Thus. Robiaon, (Broadway) for tbe town ship of Ferguson. . At Congress Hill school house fur the township of Girard. At the Public school house for Goshen township. . At the house of Jacob Jiubler for the township of Giaham. At the school house in Janesville for the town ship of Uuelich At the bouse of J.Wilson for the twn'p of II u -ton At the school house ia AnSouville for the town ship of Jordan. At Bridgen's school house for the township of Kartbaus. At the Turkey Hill School house for the town ship of Knox. At the court bouse in the Borough of Clcarfied for Lawrence township At the publie school bouse for the borough o Lumber-eity. At tbe house formerly occupied by Thomas Ky ler for the township of Morris. At tha public school house for the Borough of New Washington. At the pub'io House of Mile Hoyt. for tbe Bor ough of U?ceola. At the house formerly of Wrni "W. Anderson for the township of Peon At tbe nnnse of I. Bloom, dee'd, in the Borough ot Curwensville for Pike township At the bouse of 1). E. Urn baker for Union tow'p. At the house of Thomas Henderson for the town ship of Woodward. MANSER OF VOTING. AN ACT regulating the mode of voting at all elections in the several counties of this Com Section 1. Br it ruactrd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Aoeuib'y met. and it is hereby enaeted by the authority of the same. That the qualifiel voters of the several election districts ot this Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and special elections. are here by, hereafter authorized and required to vote. by tickets, piiotrd. or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace the riatnea of ail judges c f courts voted for, and to be labelled outside, 'judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace the names of the State officers voted for. and be labelled. State;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all eounty officers voted for, including office of Senator, member and members of assembly, if voted for. and members of Congress, if voted for aiy"e labelled -county ;" one ticket shall em brace the names of all township officers verted for. and be labelled ' township ; one ticket sbatl embrace trie names ol all borough officers voted for. and be labelled bo.-ough ;" and each class shall bo deposited in separate ballet boxes. TtaaisTr.r law. I also give official notice to the electors of Clear field county that, by an act entitled '-An act fur ther Supplemental to the act relative lotha elec lions of this commonwealth,' upprived April 17tb A I) iStitl, it is provided as follows: Skction I B' iiniartr-i by thr irnatr and ITonsr. of Rrprf.ntati'ts if tirCommoniratt of Pevn tylvama in Grjural AsvinhJif mrt.anJ it li hrrrby 'Hartf.i hy tt authority jl f the same, That it shall be the duty of each of the asses-ors within this commonwealth. on the first Mondayof June in each year, to take up the transcript be ha received from the county commissioners under the 8tb sec tion of the act of 15th April. lb:14. and proceed to an immediate revision of tbe same by striking therefrom the name of overy person who is known by bim to have died or removed since the last previuus assessment from the district of which he is the assessor or whose death or removal from the same shall be made known to him. and to add to the same the name of any qualified voter who shall be known to him to have eaoved into the district since the last previous aHrefsmcnt. and whose removal into tbe same shall be or shall have been made known to bi u, nud also the names ol all who shall make claim to him to be qualified voters therein. As soon as this rovision is com pleted he shall visit every dwelling house in his district and male caretnl inquiry if any person whose name is on bis list bus died er removed frem the district.and if so.to lake the same there from.or wbeftierany qualified voter ra'ides there in whose name is not on ibe list and if so to add the same thereto; and in all cases where a name is added to the list a tax rb I be forthwith as sessed against the person; and Ibe assessor shall j in all cases ascertain, by inquiry, upon what ground the person so ases-ed claims to be a voter 1 Ppun the completion ol Ihis work, it shall be the duty of each assess r as aforesaid to proceed to iu?ke out a list. in alphabetical order. of the white freeman above tweuty one years ot age. claiming to be q-taiified voters in the ward borouSb. town ship or diatrp.t of which be is the asscsfer. and opposite each of Sail names state whether said freeman is or is not a b..ufekeptr ; ar.d if he is. the number of his residence, in towns whe'e tbe same are uuaabere l.witb the street. alley or court iu which situated; and if in a town whore there are so snmlers, the name of the street, alley or e art on which said honre froDts ; also, tho occu patienof the person ; and where he is not a hnuse keeper.the occupation. place of hoarding and with whom, and if working lor another, Ihc name of the employer, and wri'a opposite each of said names tbe word - voter;" where any person claims to vote by reason of naturalization, he shall ex hibit bis certificate thereof to tho asvs.mr. unless be h been lor five cousecutive yenr. i.ext prece ding a voter in said aistrict; and in all cases where the person has been naturaliz.it. the name shall b marked with tbe letter-N' ;" where the person has merely declared bis intention to be come a citizan and designs to be naturalized be lore the next election the name shall b'jmarked D I.;' where the claim is to vnt? by reason of being between tbe ages of 21 and 22.ns provided hy law. tbe word "age" shall be entered ; and if the per son ha moved into the election district to reside since tfce last general election, the letter -R'sball be placed opposite the name. It sha 1 be the fur ther duty ot each assessor as aforesaid, upon the completion of the duties herein imposed to make ont a separate list cf all new assessments made bv him and the amounts assessed upon each. and fur nish tbe same immediately to tbe eounty commis sioners, who shall immediately add the name, to the tax duplicate of tbe ward." borough, township or district in which they have been assessed. t-r.c. 2. On the list being completed and the as segments made as aforosuid. tbesatne shall forth with be returned to thecounty enmmtssioners.who shall cause duplicate oopies of said lists, with the observations and explanations required to be no ted as aforesaid, to be made out as suon as nraeti cab'e and plat ed in ibe bands of tbe asesor who shall prior to the first of August in each year. put one copy thereof on tho door of or on the home where the election of tbe respective district is required to be held, and retain the other in bia pi..-ewiun for the Inspection, free of chirse of any person resident in tbe said election district who shall desire to see the same; and it shall be tbeduty of the said as essor to add, from time to timo.on tbepeieoual application of any one claim ing the right to vote, toe name of such claimant, and m.rk opposite tbe name -C. V .'' and imme diately assess him with a tax noting as in all other cases, his occupation, residence. whether a board er or housekeeper ; if aboarlcr, with whom be beards; and whether natui ilized or designing to be. marking in all such cases tbe letters opposite the name, N" or -L). I 1 as the case may b ; if tbe person claiming to bo assessed be naturalized ha shall exhibit to the assessor his certificate of naturalization ; and if be claims tbst be designs to be naturalized bclore the next ensuing election be shall exhibit tbe certificate of bis dec'aration of intention; in all cases where any ward, bor ougb, towuship or election district is divided into two or more precincts, the assessor shall note in all bis assessments tbe election preciuct in which each elector resides, and shall mako a separata return for each to tht county commissioners. in all cases in which a return is required from him by tho provirions of this act; and tbe county com missioners, in making duplicate copies of all suob returns, shall make duplicate copies of the names of the voters in each precinct, separately, and shall forn'sh the same to tbe asses. or; and the copies required by this act to be placed on the doors of or on the election places on or before the fir.-t day of Augusliu each year, shall be planed on the door of or on the election place in eaoh of taid precincts. SBC 3. After the assessments have been eom plrtedon tho tenth day preceding the eecoLd i uesuay iu Octet er of tach year, tbe assessor shall, on the Monday immediately following, make a return to thee- unty coniiuisaionetsof the names of all persons assessed by bim by tho sec ond section of this act, noting opposite eich name the observations and eiplaiiations requited to be noted as aforesaid ; and the county commission ers shall thereupon cause the same to ho added to the return required by tbe second section of this act, and a full and corr.-ct copy thereof to be made, containing the names of all persona so returned as resident taxables in said ward, bor ough, township or precinct, and turnish the same together with tbe necessaj-jr.. election blanks to the officers ol tbe election in said ward, borough township or precinct, on or before six o'clock In the morning c f tbe second Tuesday of October; and no man .hall be permitted to rote at the elec tion on that day whose name i uot on said list, unless be shall mal.e proof of his right to vote, as hereinafter required. Pec. 4. On the day of the election any person whose name i not on said list, and claiming tbe right to vote at said election, shall produce at least one qualified voter of tbe district as witness to the residence of the claimant in the distriot in which he claim3 to be a voter, for the period of at least ten days next preceding said election, which witness shall take and subscribe a written, or partly written and partly printed, affidavit to tho facts stated by him. which affidavit shall define clearly where lh residence is of tha person so claiming to be a Voter ; and ibe person 0 claim ing the right to trot shall also take and snbserihe a written. CT partl written anef partly printed affidavit, stating to the beet of his knowledgeand belief, where and wTten her was born: that be is a citizen of tbe evrntnon wealth of Pannsylrania and of the United States; that be has resided in tbe commonwealth one ye-vt. or jf former!;, a eitiien therein, and has moved therefrom, that he has resided therein six months next preceding said election; that he has not moved into the district for the purpose of voting therein; that be has paid astute or county tax within two years.wbich was assessed at least ten days before said e'ec tion ; and. it a naturalized citizen, shall also f'ate when, where and by what court he was natural ized . and shall also produce his certificate of nat uralization fir examination; the said affidavit shall also state when and where the tax claimed to be paid by the affiant was assessed and wbea. where and to whom paid, and tbe tax receipt therefor shall be produced for examination, un less the affiant shalr state in bis affidavit that it has been lost or destroyed, or that he rever re ceived any; but if tiie person so claiming the right to vote shall take and subscribe an affidavit, that he is a native born citizen of tbe t'nited States, (or if born elsewhere shall state thai fnet in his affidavit, and shall prodncc evidence that he has been naturalised that he is entitled to citizenship hy reason of his fa'ber's natural iza lion ) and shall further state is his affidavit that be is. at the time o: taking the affidavit, between the nges of twenty-one and twenty. two years; that be has resided in the Stare one year a'nd in the election district ten days next preceding such election, he shall be entitled to vote, although he shall not have paid taxes ; the said affidavits of all persons making such claims, and the affidavits of the witnesses to their residence", shall be pre served by the election hoard end at the close of the election Ihey shall h enclosed with tha list of voter., tallv liat.nd other papers required by law to be filed by the return jud?e with the pro thonotary, and shall remain on file tbnrewith in the prothonotary s office, subject to examination, as other election pipers are: if the election offi cers shall not find lhatthe applicant or applicants po-sess all the legtl qualifications of voters, he or they shall be permitted to vote and the name or nme shall b added to the 'i"t of tatih'es by the election officers, the word -tax' being aded where the claimant claims to vote on tax. and the word -age" where he claims fo vote on age ; the same words being added by the clerks in earn cae respectively on the lists of persons voting at such election. Sec. 5. It shall be lawful for any qualified citi zen of the district, notwithstanding the name of tbe proposed voter is contained on the lit of res ident taxables. to challenge the vote such p.rson: thereupon the same pro'.f of the rightof suffrage as is now required by law shall be puViclv made and acted on- 4ry the elee'ion bonrd. and the vote admitted or vejytel according to the evidence ; every person clnioting to be a naturalized itizsn shall be required to proTuce his natutalization certificate at the election before vo'ing except where he baa been for ten vcars. consecutively, a voter, in the district in which he offers his vote : and on the vote of snch person being received, it shall be the duty of the election offi 'ers to write or stamp on such certificate the word voted."' with the month and year; nnd if any election of ficer or officers shall receive a second Voe on tbe same aay. b virtue of the same certificate, excepting where sons are entit'ed tovote by vir tue of the naturalization of their father.. Ihey and Ibe person who shall offer such second vote, upon so offending shall be guilty of a high misde meanor, and on conviction thereof, be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the rtiscrotion of the court; but the fine shall not exceed one hundred dollars in each case, nor the imprisonment one year: tho like punishment shall be inflicted, on conviction, on the rffijers of election who shall refuse or neg 'ect to make, or cause to be made, the indorse ment required as aforesaid on said naturalization certificate. Skc 6. If any election offi-r shall refuse or neglect to require ucn proof of the rieht of suf fiajre a-is prescribed by this law. orthe laws to whieh this is a supplement from any person offer ing to vote whose name is not on the list of asses sed voters, cr w hose right to vote is challenged by any qualified voter present, nnd shall admit such person to vote without requiring such proof, every person so nffndtng. shall upon conviction, be guilty of h'gh misdemeanor, and shall be sen fenced, for every such rTerce. lo pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to undergo an imprisonment not more than one year, or either or both, at the discretion of the cour'. Sec 9 The respective assessors, inspectors and judges of the elections 6hall each have the power to admioister o.iths to anv por-ons claiming the right w be assessed or tbe right of suffrage, or in regard to any other matter or thing required to be done or raquir.d into by any of su I officers under this ac: ; and any wi!fm false awearing by any person in relation to any matter or thing concerning which thry sha'l be lawfully Interro gated by any of said officers shall be punished as perjury. Stc 10 "She assessors shall each receive the same compensation for the time necessarily spent in performing the duties hereby enjoined aa is provided by law for the performance of other duties, to bo aid by the county commissioners as in other cases ; and it shall not be lawful for any assessor to assess a tax against any person wbnt tver within ten days next preceding tbe election to be held on th Second Tuesday of October, in any year rr within ten days next before any eieo tion for President or Vice P.osiilent cf the United StVes; any violation of this provision sna" ha a misdemeanor, aud subject the fcf&cer so ofiending to a fine on convictioa. not exceeding one hun dred dollars, or to imptisor.mcnt not exceeding three month!. or both at the difretson of the court Sxc. I i . On the petition of fire or more citizens of thecounty slating under oath that tbey verily believe that frauds will be practiced at tbe elec tion about to be held in any district it shall be the dutv of the curt of common pleas of said co. if in ...Vir.ri.or if not. a iudge thereof in vacation. to appoint two judicious, sober and intelligint oit- ! izeas of the county to act as overseers at sum o lection; sti" overseers shall ba selected from dif ferent political parties, where the inpectors be long to different parties, and where both of said inspectors belong to the strnie po'itical party, both of the overseers shall be taken from the op posite political party ; said overseers sh ill have the rigb' to he present with the officers of tho election, during the whole time the s .me is held, the votes counted and ihe returns made out and signed by iho election offi -ers ", to keep a list of votors. if they see proper; to challenge any pet eon offering to vote, and interrogate him and his witness under oath . i regard to his right of suf frage at said e'eclion. and to examine his papr-rs produced ; and tho officers of said elo-'li'.n are required to afford to said overseers so selected and appointed every convenience and facility for the discharge of their unties; and if said e'ec tion officers shall refuse lo permit said overseers to he present and perlorm their duties as afore said, or if tbey shall be driven away from the . oils by violence or inlim:dation, til the votes polled at such election district may bo rejected by any tribunal trying a contest onder said elec tion : Provi-tfH. That no person signing the pe tition .hail be appointed an overseer. Sue. 12 If any prothonotary. clerk, or the deputy of either, or any other person, shall affix the seal of office to any naturalization paper or permit the same affixed, or give out or eiuse or permit the same to be given out. in b'ank. where by it may be fr luduleuu v used, or furnish a nat uralization certificate to any peison who sbttll not have been duly examined and swern in onen court. in lb." presence of some of the judges there of, according to tbe act of Congress, or shall aid in. connive at. or in any way permit the issue of any fraudulent naturalization certificate. he shal! be guilty of a high misdemeanor ; or if any one shall fraudulently uso any such certificate of nat uri'lizatinn. knowing that it was fraudulently is aned. or shall vote, or attempt to vote, on any certificate of naturalization not itsuel to him. be shall be guilty of a hih u,is.:ti;eanor; and ei ther or any of the persons, their aiders or abet tors guilty of either of the misdemeanors atore said, shall, on conviotion be lined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars and tmprisonei in tbe proper penitettiary for a period not ex ceeding three years. sec 3. Any person who on oa"h or Jjrov:on in or befjro any curt in this Sta-e. or ota jer aa thorired to administer oaths, shall, to procure a certificate of imturiiiizatinii. for himielf or any ntlier carson. wilfully depose, dec j re. cr afH.-tn auy matter to ha fact, knowing the lima to ba J falso or .hall in lito mannor deny any tnattor to j OC fact anoniLg tut batne to uo irua.sauti di pun tvot perjury; and any cerr.ficate of naturaliza tion issued in pursuance of any such deposition, aeolaration or affiraia;ion shall be null and void ; and it shall be the duty or tiie court is-uing the suie. upon proof being uiaoe be:ore it that it was fraudulently oltaiacd lo lake immediate mea sures for recalling tbe sme lor cance lation, and any person who shall vote, or attempt to vote, on any paper so obtained, or who iball in any way aid in. or have any agency whatever in the issne, circulation or use ol auv fraudulent naturaliza tion certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall un dergo an imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than two years, and pay a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, for every such offence, or eiicer or bo.h.ai tbe discretion of tha court. bee. 14 Any assessor, election cfser or person appointed as an overeeer, who shall neglect or refuse to perform any duty etjoined by this act. without leasonable or legal cause. shall be subject to a pssnalty of one honored dollars, and if any assessor shall assess any person as a voter who is not qualified. or shall lefuse to assess any one who is qualified, he shall be guilty of a ml.leroenor in offioe. an on conviction be punish! by fine or imprisonment, and alto be subject to an action for damxges by the partv aggrieved ; and ir any person shall fraudulently alter. add to. deface or destroy any list of voter made out Hreetea ov hfs act.: or tear down or remove the same from the plaee where it ha been fixed, with frauda' lent or m achevioua intent, or tj any improper purpose, the person so offending shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on eonviotion shall he i anished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or Imprisonment not exceeding two year or both, al Ihe discretion of Ihe conrt Sue. 15. AH elections for city, ward, borough, township and election officers shall he-carter be held en the second Tuesday of October, subject te all the provisions of tbe laws regulating the elec tion of such officers not inconsistent with this act; the persons elected losocb offices at (hat time shall take their places at tbe expiration of tbe tetms sf the p suns holding the same at the time of such election: but no election for tbe office of as sessor or assi.tant assessor shall be held under Ihis act until the year ne thousand eight hun dred and aeventy. Skc, Id At a'll elections hereafter held tinder the laws of this commonwealth, tbe polls shall be opened between the hour of six and seven e clonk, a m.. and c'oe-.d at seven p. zn. Sec. 17. It -he'l b Ihe duty of the Srcrefary of tbe Comm. in wealth to prepare forma for all the blanks made necessary by thi ect, and fur nish copies ot tha same to tho eounty crtmmisaiOB ers of the leveral countfes of tbe ommonweatth; aud tbe county cotnini'S'.eners of each county shall, as soon as may ba necessary after receipt of the same, at the proper expense of the coiraty. prnenre and furnish to all tbe election districts ot tbi fr re-peetive counties copies of such blanks. in such Quantities as may be rendered nceessiarj for the discharge of their duties under this act. ' Sec. 19. That citizens of this Ptnte tempora rily in the service of the Stale or ot the United States governments on clerical or other duty. and who do not vote where thus employed, shall not he thereby deprived of tho riht ta vote in tbeir several alejtion districts if othernne duly quali fied. rROCL-AirATftiN. To the County Commissioner and Sheriff of the Cuuittij af Cleirji: !d : '.VlIERF-aaj. Tlie Fitteent b AnTnrlmcnt of the Constitution of the L'niteii tflafes is as follows r .Srmox . The rightof citizens of the U nited .States to vote -shall not be tlenied or abridged by the United States or by any i?:ate, on acMunt of iaee, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. That C-irrrress shal hate power to eiifoice this article by appropriate) legis lation. And whereas. The Congre of the Unt .ted State on the 31 -t day of March, 1S70, poased an act entitled. "An act to enforce the right of citizens of th: United States of this Union, nnd for other purposes," the first and secoud aection ot which are as lol lov. a ; SWTtov 1. fie it enncted hi the Senate, and House of Jieprtscntn fives nf the United States of America, in ('ontrexs assemble)!. That alt citiieiot" the United States) who are or .-hall lie otherwise qualified tovote at any election by the people in any State, territory, restrict, eounty.city, parish, township, school di.sirict, municipality. or other territorial sub- -division, shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all sueh elections, without, distinction of color, race, or previom condition of servi tude ; any consiituiion, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any State or Territory, or by or under its authority, to tho contrary tirtiwith-'inFtflinj-r. Skc. '2. And be it further enncfe.d. That if by or under the authority of the constitu tion or law, of any State, or the laws of any territory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a pre-rcquisite or f-ialiiieation for voting, and by Much Constitution or laws pjrsons or officers are or shall Ixi charged with the performance of duties in furnishing to cities an opportunity to perform nueh pre-requisites. or lo become qualified tovote it shall be the duty of every such person and officer to give all citizeus of the United States the same and eq ial opportunity to perform such pre-requis-ite, and to become qualified to vote without distinction of race, col r. or previous condition cf servitude; and if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effect to this section, he shall for every such offence, for feit ami pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, to be re covered by an action on the case, with full cost and Htich allowance lor counsel fee ai the court shall deem just, and shall also, for every such offence, be deemed guiky of a iiiiJetiieai)(r, and sha.'l, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. And Whereas. It is declared hy the second section of VI. article ol thr Consti tution of the United States, that "This Con-s-it'oion, and the laws of the United Slates which shall be made in pursuance thereof, -ihall be the su pre 'lie law of the land, . . . . anything in the Constitution or laict of any St'tte to the contrary notwithstand ' r And WilEitEAS. The L-gislature of this Commonwealth on the 6th day of April, 1ST0, passed an act entitled "A further sup plt meut to the act relating to elections in this Commonwealth." the tenth -section of whiMi provides as f .'lows : Sec. 10. That bo nuch of every act of Assembly as pruttiea that only white free men shall be entitled to vote or bo regi-stcred as voters, or as claiming to vote at any gene ral rr special election ot this commonwealth, be an 3 the same is hereby reoealed j and that Lercal'ter all freemen, ithout distinc tion of color, shall bo enrolled and registered according to the provisions of the first sec tion of the act approved the lTlli day of A di il. I SCO, entitled "An act I'urther sup plemental to the act relative to the elections of this Commonwealth." nd shall, when otherwise qualified under existing laws, be entitled lo vote at all general and special elections in this Commonwealth." And Whereas, It is my curst it niinnal and oliicia! dutv "to take etire that laws be i'aithiul v executed ;" and it has come to my knowledge that sundry assessors aud regis ters of voters have refused and are refusing to ascess and register divers colored male ci'izens of lawful age, and otherwise quali fied as electors : Xoic therefore, in considerations of the premi.se-', the County Commissioners of said county are hereby notified and directed to instruct the several Assessors a tid Registers of voters thereof to obey and conform to the requirements of said constitutional amend ments nd laws ; and the Sheriff of said, county is hcrehv authorized and required to, pitbii.-h in his Election Proclamation for the. ensiiii!" elections the herein recited eoasti ttitii'ttr.l atnfn linent a.?t of Congress, d act ot Legislature, to the e.id that the saru mav le known, execute,! and obeyed ty lf assessors, registers of voters, election offi cer,, and others; and that the rights and titivik'g"s c'larsnvpd therein m?y be secur ed t all citizens of the Commonwealth en titled to the same. (Jiv-n 'tnrl"r Tny nsni and hrc great 1 1- S. 1 seal of the S-afe. at HarVr-'nre, the day and year first aVore written. sttest: JOIIV W. GEART. F. Jo- pas. See. ef Cotnmo'.nerath. NOTICE 13 FURTHER HEREBY OTVEN?,The all persons, except Justices of the Peace, aba shall hold any cf? jo or nvpeintment of Wear, en der the government of the United Kratee or of this State, or of any incorporated diatsiot. wheth er a commisiii me.l officer or otherwise, a, subardj. nate officer or agent who is Mia! be employed) unJer the Le-'islative. Executive or Judicial de partm<a of ''this State or United. States, or any city or incorporated district, ajid ajse that any motnber of Congress and of tbe Mat. fg-latw... or of the common or select ooancil of any city .or commissioner of aey Incorporated district, are by law ioeapeble of holding or exerctsing. at the saute time, the enVoe or appointment of Judge.ln soector or Clerk of any election of tht Common- "'"I'd the Return Ja.lx or th xexf.eetive ui tricts aforesawt are requested to meet at tlie Coort house, in the B-jroagu ot Cle.rfield. on tbe First Friday next after tbe said Second Tuesday of Oo tober.'then and there to do thoe thing, required. GIVES onder my ban! and seal, al Clearfield, this Fenrteeuth day of September, in toe year of our Urd one t bontand eight hood red and seventy, and of the Independence iftheUrited State. th ninety ftrurth, CY.RESU3 HOWS, CdetlS.