Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 21, 1870, Image 2

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(c Sountaf, fgarficfb, la -geptemger 21, 1870.
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Raftsman's journal.
CLEARFIELD, PA., SEPT. 21, 1870.
Hon. 0. W. SCOFIELD, of Warren Co.
V. E. LATHEY, of Forest County.
for sacRirr
JOBS 8W A5, Sr., of Jordan township.
' JAMES GLENN, of Tergnaon township,
DAKIEL W. M'CUEDY, of Clearfield.
E02EET MITCHELL, of Clearfield.
JAMES HUGHES, of Morria township.
GEOEGE L. WAY, of Curwenavilie.
Are you Registered? Examine the list
and see ; and if not. attend to it at once.
The movement for the admission of Colo
rado as a State is to be renewed in the com
ing congressional session.
In Arkansas in two years ot Republican
rule more than 2,500 free schools with over
100,000 pupils have been pat in successful
operation, and over 1,000 Echool houses
The national credit stands higher to-day
than at any time fur the past eight years,
and tha Treasury Department is in excellent
conditiou, thanks to the Grant Administra
tion, and to the energy, tact, economy, and
wisdom ot Secretary Bout well.
The Democrats are the "ins"' in Wayne
county, Mi.higaa, and upon the adjourn
ment of their Convention there was witness
ed the singular, but rery appropriate, spec
tacle of all the members thereof in the charge
of the Prosecuting Aattorney, and being
handed over by him to the slier iff in the
county jail.
The candidate nominated in the S.-vond
Cotigressional District, Tennessee, by the
Democrats and Conservatives, to run against
Ilou. Horace Maynard, Republican, owns
the euphonious cognomen of A. Blizzard.
He will have to treat the whisky drinker
of the Second district to many a "blizzard"
and swallow not a lew himself before he
beats Horace we lancr.
The Pittsbnrg Gazelle thus drives the
last nail in a Democratic candidate's coffin ;
"'When the people of this State were called
upon to vote 'y? or "no on the amendment
to the Constitution giving soldiers the right
to vote, there were nine rotes against it in
tbo Second ward, Pittsburg. Oi;e of these
was the vote of Ja:ncs Irvin, the present
Democratic candidate for County Commis
War in Europe is a God send to the
Democratic papers. It maintains their
reputation as prophets and teachers for
another decade. "Don't you see there is a
big war killing hundreds of thousandi of
white men, and didn't we always tell you
that if the niggers got a vote we would
have another war ?"' Nasby is redeemed by
history and the citadels of Democracy are
There is a terrible strife among the Democ
racv in Iowa. At the recent State Conven
tion a new set appeared, dismissed all the
old lenders and placed unon the ticket, and
on the State Committee, the names of per
sons who, to use the emphatic words of one
of their orators, "were born since the cruci
fixion of Christ." The old fellows whose
births preceded that day. and who have
ruled the party so long, take the matter
ery much to heart, and refuse to wote for
the "children," as they style the young
The best election canvassers that Gcneial
Grant can have are the statisticians of the
Treasury Department. They are the most
efective and oavincinj of stump speakers.
Every now an 1 then they utter sentiments
iu advocacy of his re election that burn like
words of firo. Tha very latest reads some
what in this way : "Receipts for revenue
from all sources from September 1. 1867, to
March 1, 1SC9 under Johnson $5.16,3 15,
2j3 ; receipts of revenue from all source
from March 1, 1S69 to September 1, 1870
under Grant $543.72$, 963 ; strength of
argument in favor of Grant, S7,413,765."
The Democracy are disguested with the
Republican party for resurrecting tho dead
iss ues of the past. There are no dead issues.
There may be, a century hence, when the
lives of the present generation become only
a matter of history, but to-day they are
living, breathing realities sanctifisd by jaUy
a vacant chair and desolate hearthstone.
When the present generatiin shall have
passed away, and the keen edgf of grief been
b'unted by the heavy sod that lies above us,
when our present sorrows become only a
school-day's los-on for our children's chil
dren to learn, these things may be dead
issues, and a bog sense of security destroy
our present suspicion and distrust towards
a party who desires its record may be buried
with the past. But at present the Repub
lican party will go to the coming election
wah fhe steadfast determination to protect
the country froiu the hazards of any such
future Democratic dead isro-s.
jThe Eepnblioan Meeting. ' "
Tn nll pril'linrw will K found the
call for a Republican mettiog in the Court
House, on v ednesday evening of Court
Swoope, and other speakers, are expected
to be present and address the people. We
hope th.?re will be good turn out of our
fntnds from all parts ot tue county.
Frotecttox What is it? Working
men should consider that the very root idea
of the protective system is to foster and de
fend hibor. It permits and sufferi the in
gress or importation of all raw materials and
products that do not conflict with domestic
industry. It excludes and drives off foreign
labor. Protection is not taxation. The
tax Is only an incident only- the means
used to guard against a suicidal competi
tion with the under fed, under-paid, un
der paid serfs of other countries. In fact,
when this system has unimpeded play, pro
tection works a2aint and does away with
taxes. It tends to relieve from taxation
everything which we must import, and to
add to the cost only of those articles which,
having or making ourselves, we should not
import. For instance, under a pure system
of protection there will be no taxes on tea.
coffee, indigo, or foreign drugs, or raw ma
terials which we cannot produce. AU th'-sc
things are let in free. Duties are laid only
on the results of labor, because that labor
can be applied to the new product by our
own laborers with more profit to themselves
and to the country. Protection is merely a
breastwork for the American workman
against his foreign enemies. The whole
system reduces itself to that one idea, and
it is an idea tiiat the voting laborers of this
our land cannot revolve in their minds too
earnestly or too often remembering, at the
same time, that the Republican party is the
true fiiend of this protective system, pnd
hence the only friend of the laboring classes.
The DcTr op the Hocr. Ten years
ago says tho Somerset Herald the Dem
ocratic party was in power and to all human
appearances impregnable. The Executive,
Judicial and Legislative departments of the
government were all Democratic. But am
bition, and slavery and treason cohabited
together in its ranks and bred discord, and
it was discord and not the fell spirits that
rioted in its bosom that caused its over
throw. It did not fall asunder because of
its hell-begotten bins of slavery and rebel
lion, for its masses had been so taught and
their better sentiments so blunted that they
bugged those delu-iuus of the devil to their
bosoms, but because schisms in its rauks
w.re fostered by the peisonul ambition of
its leaders it s lit assund:r, and became an
easy prey to the young and comparatively
weak Republican purty. Theirs has been a
severe les-on. Let us profit by it and "lay
its instructions to heart. Let Republicans
discard all strife about men and following
only iu the load of principles unite all their
energies, and thus continue their ascendan
cy and their control of public affairs. Dem
ocrats are to day counting upon regaining
the power they have lost, not by force of
'heir own numbers, but through divisions
and supiner.ess in our racks. Close up the
ranks, KepuMicans ! in unity there is power
and assured success, in discord defeat and
political death.
Drowm.no Mkn Catch at Straw.
We see, the DelleTonie Ytntclnnan and AI
toona Sun take special pains to misconstrue
an item which appeared in the Journal of
the 7th. That the De.nocratio organs are
appealingto tl e "prejudices' of the thieves,
burglars, shoulder bitters, repeaters, etc.,
(the lowest stratum of our population), es
pecially in the larger cities, to save their
sinkti g party fioui utter annihilation, no
intelligent reader will deny the attempt of
the Watchman and Sun to pervert our lan
guage to the contrary notwithstanding.
But again ; this attempt, of the Democratic
organs, to misconstrue our language, plain
ly indicates a want of arguments, on their
part, to bolster up the waning fortunes of
their fast sinking party, and hence, like
drowning men, they "catch at straws," le
eause there is nothing more firm within
their reach to cling to. So, "blow on ye
winds," your blast can do us no harm.
Redictio.-v of Tiir Debt. During the
month of August the national debt has been
reduced over $13,000,000, and the proba
bilities are that the present month will show
another reduction about equally great. It
is stated in a Washington dispatch that the
receipts from internal revenue and customs
during the month have been so heay as to
warrant the belief that the reduction of the
debt wiil be such as to bo gratifying to all
classes of the people of the United States
but the radical Democracy, and nothing
wiil satisfy them but political ascendancy
and consequent ruin of the country. The
receipts from internal revenue, it is stated,
will be over fifteen millions, while those
fioui customs are estimated at eighteen mil
lions. It is such argunientsasthc.se prac
t'cal and telling upon which tho Adminis
trntion relies to deserve and to retain the
continued confidence and support of the
people. They are irresistible.
JfST So ! Some scribbler in the Repub
lican says our statement of the relative ex
penses between Grant's and Buchanan's
administrations U incorrect We again
assert that the ordinary expenses under
Grant's administration are but $1.64 per
capita, while under Buchanan's they were
$2.00. The difference between $1.64, the
true amount, and $4.76 thealledged amount
of the scribbler in the Republican, is the
legacy bequeathed the people by the late
Democratic Southern Rebellion, and cannot
be truthfully charged to the ordinary expen
ses of Grant's administration. But "drown
ing men will catch at straws,"
During the month of August there were
received at thePostoffice Department 312,
071 dead letters. Of this number 4,5S0
were addressed to ficticious persons and
firms, and 409 were registered ; 1557 hav
ing money in them amounting to 7,170 16,
were returned to the writers, the whole
number returned being 122, 59S ; 1,464 had
checks to order and drafts in them, and 916
cx ntalnsd property.
if J What is Doing." ;-'
The Prussians are reported to be some
what embaiTassed in the operations around
Paris by (be rumored escape of a portion of
Bazaine'sarmy from Metz. The number
escaped is reported at six thousand, which
must be an error, as such a number of men
could do little injury. It was probably sixty
thousand men that escaped.
Paris has been declared in a state of siege:;
Noncoiubattants are to be expelled. The
Prussians were in sight of the city-on
Thursday. There have been do -railroad
trains beyond Pontoise since Wednesday
last The forests around the city are now
entirely consumed.
Thursday morning a corps of the army of
occupation left Paris for the purpose of at
tacking the advance guard of the Prussian
army, who are known to be in the immedi
ate suburbs of the city.
The Prussians are closing io on the capi
tal in a way that indicates an attack on 'the
southern and south-eastern side, and in that
direction, so as to receive their support,
and at the same time to prevent reinforce
ments from the south and west to the be
seiged. '
The workmen of the city form sixty-six
battallions, comprising eighty thousand
men. They are among the most determin
ed defenders of the city, and are resolved on
a war of extermination. Military men of
experience say that the power of the city to
resist is limited only by the supply of food.
It is claimed that General Trochu has
410,000 men under arms, who will become
good soldiers behind the ramparts. The
citizeus are determined to emulate Stras
burg. If the city holds out three months
they claim that the Prussians will be driven
back to the Rhine. They will make their
way over barricades if they succeed in bat
tering down the walls or get in by surprise.
The bombardment of Strasburg contin
ues. In his last dispatches General Ulrich,
commandant, admits that the situation is
desperate. General Von Werther, the
Prussian commander, defers the general as
sault on the city in order that the garrison
may not be uselessly butchered. The suf
ferings of the people and garrison are ter
rible. The blockade of the Baltic and North Sea
porta has bcn officially raised.
It is reported in London that the Foreign
OSiee has M. Bismark's reply to the de
mand of Jules Favre for an armistice. Bis
mark says there are questions yet to be set
tled with France before a suspeusion of hos
tilities is possible.
Things to Be Semembered.
As the election approaches, says the
Telegraph, the public mind should awaken
to the actual condition of things, take in
the whole truth, and prepare to decide the
issue upon the facts. In order to do this
there are many things to be brought to the
recollection. Among others.
It should be rememberel that the late
rebellion, which was the immediate cause
of the national dsbt and the taxes which n on
bear heavily upon the people, was inaugura
ted under and by a Democratic administra
tion, and carried on by the Democratic party
under Democratic leaders.
It should bo remembered that the Demo
cratic leaders and their rebel allies (for there
ars rebels still) are influenced by the same
relentless hostility to the principles of
Republican liberty now as d iriiig the rebel
lion, and are actios in conceit, through the
same frcaso nable agencies, to regaiu control
of the Government.
It uhottlJ be rem?mbcrd that the settled
policy of the Democraiio party is to ret u
diateand annual all tha constitutional amend
ments and lawsof Congress conferring equal
rights upon all classes of citizens, and all
the acts of Congress reconstructing the
Southern States, so that, finally, slavery
may be restored.
It should be remembered that, thould
they attain power, they have in many por
tions of the Union expressed a detei ruina
tion to repudiate the national debt, thereby
degrading the nutional honor, and making
us the scorn of the civilized world. '
And it should be particularly and especial
ly borne in mind that the Democratic party
is the openly avowed friend of free trade. and
consequently he enemy of American indus
try. . .
These, and many more things of the same
character, should be remembered by the
people of Pennsylvania during the present
campaign, and especially should they be
kept clearly in view at the ballot box the
arbiter of popular will.
The Late Elections. Some of the
small-fry Democratic organs, evidently
presuming much upon the ignorance of their
readers by withholding the facta, have been
making a great ado about the result of (he
recent elections. For the information of
all, we will briefly restate the result, and if
our Democratic friends can draw any con
solation therefrom, they are welcome to
their enjoyment
Last year the Republican majority in
Vermont was 20,369; this year it is 22,000
the Republicans having elected their en
tire State and Congressional tickets.
In Maine, the Republican majority last
year was 6,363 ; this year about 7,500, in an
increased vote of near 6,000 with a loss of
a few members of the legislature..
Last year the first election was held in
Wyoming territory the vote standing.
Democratic 3,401 ; Republican 1,965; Dem
ocratic majority 1,436. This year. Judge
Jones, Republican, is elected delegate to
Congress by a majority of about 200 being
a Republican gain of over 1,600.
Such is the result of the September elec
tions, in .which the Republicans have: made
handsome gains -and u a precursor to the
result in Pennsylvania on the second Tues
day of October next. Let the Democracy
rejoice if ttey" will. ' ' ' .
The Prussians figure up their losses thus:
Killed 91,605, wounded 119.050, total 210,
C55. The French loss is given at 150,000.
The census of New York city is nearly
finished. It stated that the population will
be uudar 950,X0.
--.A Little of ETerjthinj. -.
iTfc eastora reotipU It ek were f $,53.768
Tie fjMidest Ters In x"teiic-th BaWrs.
Hen wantall they can get women "rH the i
can't get
'-Fall of elan," U the latest name for intoxica
ted persons.
Moat people are determined to have a living if
they die for it
They are hiring white frofti and ice in lome
parts of Maine.
Holland has twelve thoosand wind-mills, and
blows about thetn.
A woman's heart is like a 11 Jd!e; it requires a
bow to play upon it.
Men are like potatoes, never knowing h jw soon
thej will get into hot water.
Montane, Territory has 20,58 population, and
also 18,010 Indians in tribes.
In the game of mortality the last trick is the
sexton's. .He ptajs a spade. . . . .
"Confound all opposition," a the owner of a
street-sprinkler said when it rained. . . ,
Foor pigs, they are doctored the wrong way
round killed first and cured afterward.
The census taker has discovered in Michigana
young lady named Luna Aurora Vorealis.
During the past ten years. Pennsylvania has
produced 24,890.000 barrels of petroleum.
The Indian Summer is nature's sober second
thought, and, to us, the sweetest of all her think
ing. The een'ut hss revealed the remarkable fact
that very many young mothers have very old
If yon want to know hew quick yon can rnn a
mile, tell a red-haired woman that her baby
A Cincinnati orator wishing to apostrophize the
national banner got it "Forever fleet that stan
dard shoat."
A young lady in a neighboring village says
she celebrated her wooden wedding by marrying
a block head.
Jack Frost visited same portions of our count v
a couple of nights last week, to examine the gar
dens lie did but little mischief.
The prayer of the se!6h man is '-forgive ns
our debts," but be makes every man that owes
him '-a red," fork over instanter.
They tell of a man out West whose bair is so
red that he has to wear flv-nets ever his oars to
keep the candle moths from flying in.
A portion of the community the better half
of it will be glad to learn that the eotton crop of
this season is estimated at four millions of bales.
"Solaced in durance vile by tbe radiant smiles
of connubial love." Translation Ilia wife went
to see him in jail, where he was sent for stealing
A young lady strolling through the wools in
Jersej was bung up bj tbe chignon to a limb. and
had to wait two hours for a passer by to extricate
Fomebody s;d ,!the more honesty a man has
the Ie-s he affects the air of a saint " pomebo ly
drove the nail and clinched it, in that short sen
Virginia wants her most gigantio intellects in
the United Mates senate, and accordingly guer
rilla Colonel John S. Mosby is suggested as a can
An Iowa doctoi told a man that he had a "di
agnosia of the polyphemus." and it scaled him sn
he rhot himself dead. That isn't any way to use
a man.
Tbe express messenger on a Western road tho'l
a carpet sack io his charge rather lively, and o
prninj it, found a young infant with limited
A Michigan Schoolmistress has written a book
about "The Boys in Whito." What can an inno
cent young woman be expeeted to knew of boys
in that fix ?
A Kentucky town hn an iron cage on the eonrt
hoose steps, in which young men who indulge too
often are put on exhibition. Clearfield needs
lock-up to keep such persons in.
. Tenuersee is declaied to be tbe heilthiest place
on the face of the globe, and the most remarka
ble for longevity ef life, as the eeasus mortality
lists are said to clearly indicate.
Denver is remarkablefor its shade trees. With
in the past three years, over a half a million of
small trees mostly mountain cotton-woo is hare
been set out witbia the city limits.
A man committed suicide in Chicago, on Sat
urday, because a youug woman said no. It is all
the same, fie would probably have done the
same thing in time had ihe said yes
The Scranton Democrat says one of its boys
had his hand squeesed in a job press. Our devil
often gets bis hand squeesod, but as it is done by
a bandfome young lady he don't object
The Methodist says: Kev. I. James. M. D., of
Eustleton. Pa., has the honor of being the oldest
.Methodist in the world. lie is in his ninety-faurth
year, having been born January 27, 1777.
Leavenworth, Kansas, boasts of a man who is so
tall that his likeness cannot be got into one pic
ture. A local artist has painted his head and
shoulders. and announces that he will be contin
ued next week.
A oity exchange says that a young lady of that
place, while rowing a -kilf was upset anJ a dress
costing Sd SO a yard waa completely ruined. It
also incidentally mentions the fact that the young
lady was drowned.
There are in Baltimore some thirty or forty oys
ter packing houses, having a capital of from $1,
000.000 to $20 COO (if,. Fifteen thousand hands
of all races and ages, and both (exes, are em
ployed in opening oysters. '
An immense slaughter of fi'h has resulted from
the drying up of tbe Dotawnreand Hod joe cans!
and hundreds of acres of Jand are manured with
tbe fish. It ia a:d a week's rain will bo needed
before navigation can be resumed. .
' At Vienna, a manufacturer has earried out the
happy idea of printing pocket handkerchiefs with
maps of the theatre or war. They have been a
great success everybody wishing to poke his nose
into Alsace and Lorraine without risk.
Tbe receipts from internal revenue from the 1st
of July to the 12th of September have been
815,7-14.472 88, and the receipts fer the correspon
ding period of 1869 were 39,424,0tS 45. showing
an increaso of 85,320, 42 j 93 daring the fiscal year.
D. Rosenburg, of Welssenburg. Germany. last
year examined the iron aid coal deposits about
St Louis. and now be is in thai city again asking
the eitixeni to subscribe 3500.000 capital in addi
tion to $1,000 008 raised by O ernian capitalists to
establish a steel rail factory in St. Louis.
Wo have passed from snmmer into fall. What
aaminer it wu! The record shows that there
was more heat than during any corresponding
period for the past eighty years. It is said na
ture always asserts the law of equilibrium. If
this proves true, a cold winter will be the result.
The passion for dress, abont which we bear to
mueh just now. is nothing new. Aa eld satirist
thus lampoons the ladies ot his day :.
""What h the reason can you guess
Why men are poor, and women thinner?
So much they do for dinner dress,
That nothing's left to dress for dinner."
The Spanish Government of Cuba s inaugura
ting many liberal measures and improvements,
the latest and most important being a law which
allows any private individual or company to build
roads or railroads when and wherever they pleas
provided the interests of the Government are not
injured, and that they be built iu a substantial
aiaoncr '
Important Newspaper Changk. The
Hearth and Home. a. finely illustrated fami
ly journal of a high character, 1 hitherto is
sued by Messrs. Pettengill,' Bates & Coi,
has been purchased by Messrs. Orange
Judd & Co., of 245 Broadway, New Yjrk,
the well known publishers of tho American
Agriculturist. Messrs. S. M. Pettengill
&Co., whose great Advertising Agency,
established in 1840, is one of the largest
and moat reputable in the world, find that
their extensive business require their ex
clusive attention, and they therefore trans
fer Hearth and Home, to the new Publish
ers, whose long experience and abundant
facilities will ena'ile them not Only to main
tain the past high character of the paper,
but to add materially to its value. The
new Publishers also announce a reduction
of the terms to $3 per' year. The change
will not at all affect the American Agricul
turixt, which will continue on independently
as heretofore. The Illustrations and read
ing matter of the two journals will be en
tirely different. Either of the journals will
be furnished from now to the end of 187!
(15 months), at the yearly subscription rate,
viz: the Weekly Hearth and Home, at $3;
the Monthly American Agriculturist, $1.50;
or the two for $ 4.
We learn from a Denver paper that engi
neers have recently entered upon the work
of surveying the line of an extensive irriga
ting canal, to be more than one hundred
miles in length, commencing in Platte Can
on, before the river debouches upon the
plains, and extending to the head -of the
Republican river in the eastern part of the
Territory. This canal, it is said, will irri
gate no less than three million acres of land,
now useless except for stock purposes, and
will be, if constructed, the means of making
a place where a million of people may find
homes. It is claimed that means sufficient
to pay for the survey arc raised and the
parties pushing it on can coutrol enough
more to build the canal.
Tiir Co.norkssional Contest. The
Democracy of this Congressional district,
met at Ridgway on the 12ih. and nomina
ted Hon. Selden Marvin, of Erie, as their
candidate for Congress. Upon the an
nouncement of the nomination of Mr. Mar
vin, Mr. Lowry, who had announced him
self as an Independent candidate wittidrew
from the contest, thus confining the fight to
Messrs. Scoficld and Marvin. As to the
final result we have no doubt. Judge Sco
field will be elected bv his usual majority.
ltiv SUmtte? meats.
Averiement.v set up in rmrgttyp,' autmf jifatn
ttylf.wtll be charged doublt usual rate-. JVo iuis
Opsi'e the Jail.
(IRSE HAILS nail rod. horse nails, rasps.
Ac . at C. KRAfZETl S. Opp Jail
OOTS 100 oases Richardson's Flsnira Boots.
just received atC KKATZER b Op. Jail.
TOVES Ironsides and Farmer Cooks. Ranges,
Parlor Stoves. Stove Orates, Tea Kettles, fro ,
at C. KR.t I'ZSR'S. Opposite the Jail.
IADIES' S1IOEH Kid. Tuikey Morocco, and
J Goat Balmorals. Culf and Goat fchois, also,
assortment Ohildrens' Shoes, ot
O K K A I Z K R S. Opp. the Jail.
CAUTION. AH persons are hereby ciu
tinned against purchasins or in any way
meddling with a ONK HORSE SLEl ill. i.ow iu
possession of J. Rlak Gearbart, rear Osceola,
as tbe same belongs to me and is ol j-t to uij
order at any time.
Ulen Hope. Sep 21-3t.50c die. J. H. WET.D.
r)ISSOLUTION. The co partnership
heretofore existine bet ween the under
signed, in tbe Lumber Buaines . was dissolved by
mutual consent, on the 1 7ib September. IS"')
Thomas Wall will be responsiole fir all lebts of
the company. THO.?. WALL.
Penntp.Sep. 8t.'7Q 3t p. A. X. WALKER.
LIU 11 T KIP. 5 00
Opposite the Jail.
Sep. 21. 1870.
WANTED. The School Directors of
('urwensville Borouph desire to cm
ploy TWO MALE TEACHEKS, to teach schools
No. 1 and 2. 'lerm. four months. Application,
with wages, to be tn'de in writing to the under
signed Scheols to commence on the firxt Monday
in November. 1S70. II. B. THOMPSON,
Sep'cmber 21. '70 4t Secretary.
"CAUTION. All persons are hereby cau
tioned acainst purchasing or in any way
meddling with three yearliugs. one two-year old
and on row, now in possessten ot John ti. Caok.
of Morris township, as the same . belong to me
and ere subject to my order at any time.
Sept. 21, 70 -St. B D. SOHOONOVER.
These Instruments have been before the public
for nearly thirty years. aud upon their excellence
alone attained an unpurchased pre eminence,
which pronounces them anequaled. Their
oombines great power, sweetnes and fine singing
quality, as well as great purity of Intonation. and
sweetness throughout the entir scale. Their
is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from tbe
stiffness fo nd in so many Pianos.
they are nnequaled, using none but the very best
seasoned material, tbe large capital employed in
our business enabling us to keep continually an
immeuse stock of lumber, &o., on band.
I. XT' All our Square Pianos have our new im
proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble.
tjs'" We would call special attention to nr late
improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE
GRANDS ; Patented August 14. ISfifi, which bring
the Piano nearer perfection than baa yet been at
tained. ,
Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years..
We have mad arrangements for. the sole who'e
sale agency for the mest Celebrated PARLOR OR
GANS and MELODEANS. which we offer Whole
sale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prieea.
Sept. 21.'7 om. Baltimore. Md." '
TN THE COURT of Common Ploas of
Clearfield County, Pa. :
ef Clearfield, '.
' vs f Foreign Attachment.
Notice is hereby given to thos interested that
the final account of tb Trustees in the above sta
ted case has been duly filed in m v office.
Aug 31.70 4 A.C. TATIi, Prpth'y. j
URRANTS the best and j cheapest in th
county, at UAltA.H S.
BRICK FOR SALE- The undrrsiened
has manufactured and has now on hand
for sal 150 000 CRICK, whien he will dispose of
on reasonable terms, in large or small quantities,
to suit purchaser. J- A. fEKPC.
Lutbersburg. September 14 1870-6m.
SAWED LUMBER. The undersigned
having started in the Lumber business,
near Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., is now pre
pared to furnish p ne boards, clear and panrl
stuff Ac. Pine anu ilemlock bills sawed te order
and shipped ou short notice.
Osceola Mills.
May S. 1869-'X Clearfield co .Pa.
"nOR SALE. The farm of John Spack
man. late of (Jirard Township, dee'd.
eonsi'tingof ahout one hundred and seventy two
acres or good farming land, (most oi wuicu ia
cleared ) and having the'con erected a good
bouse and barn, and the itsu! sonveni-oces .f a
pleasant bom. For terms and further particulars
apply to T H. MCIUHY,
Att'y for tbe heirs and persons interested.
Jane 22. '7 -tf
The most perfect and Mrapl machines ol the
kind ever invented. Uoth of the above popular
machines have been lately improved until they
stand without a rival Price of tbe SilKT Fam
ily Machine from $fi:,.C0 upwards, according to
finish, llinkley Knitters. 53e.H0. Circulars and
samples mailed free on ipp!Sation.
No 20 Sixth St.. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Agents wanted for the llinkley Machine every
where, and for the Singer in Western Pena'a.
Knsiern Ohio and West Va., where there are none
already established. I Nov. 24. 69 ty.
Notice is hereby given that th subscribers of
tbe Stock of the Clearfield Gas Company will
meet at the Arbitration Koom.in the Court Uoue.
in Clearfield on Saturday September 21th. i70.
at i p m . to organize said corporation and select
managers R MOSSOP,
September 7, 1S70.
To Delinquent Tax-Payers.
Notice is beroby given to those persons who up
to tbe present hare failed to pay their County.
Bounty and State Taxes for 1871'. that Treasurer
Flegal is hereby authoriied to allow the usual
disenunt until aud including the First day of Oc
tober next.
Those therefore who desire to avail themselves
of the advantage of a discount of 5 per cent . an d
avoid tb penalty of a similar per centage impos
ed by th Act of Assembly, will of course come
forward and pay their taxes on or before
that time.
Comm'rs Office. ) S. U. HINDMAN,
Clear'd.Sep 7.'70 3t ( Commissioners
Examinations of teachers will he held as fol
lows, in Clearfield couny : Karthaus and Coving-
t"n. at Union -chool h(U?e. m Coving'on, fceptem
bcrlSth; Girard, at Congress Hill, tbe 16th;
Goshen, at Shawsville. the 17th ; Decatur and Os
eeola, t Osoenla. the 19'h; Woodward, at Happy
Valley, the "20th ; Guelich. at Jatie-viHe. the 2ist ;
liecen'ria. at Glen Hone, the 22 I ; Jordan, at An
sonville. the 2:td ; Knox, at New Millport, th
24tb: Lumber city.Ferieuson and Penn. at L. City,
tbe 2Mb: Hell, at Campballs Chur.rh. the 27ih ;
New Washington and Cbest. at N. Washington, tbe
2S:h; Burnside. at Burnside. the 29th; Boggs. at
Ceutre School Uous. October 3 I ; Morris, at Ky
lertown tbe 4'h ; Graham . at Fair View, the sih ;
Bradford and Bradford ('nd ) at Jackson's, tbe
oth; Curwensville avi Pike, at rurwensvil'e. the
ith; Clearfield and Lawrence, at Clearfield, tbe
Sth; Brady. Bloom and Union, at Lutbersburg.
the 2its. Directors, and especially Secretaries,
are reoues'ed to be present Examinations will
b-gin it 9 o'clock, A.M. GEO. W. S.NVDE3,
September 7-3t. Co. Sap't.
Market Street, Clsarfillp, Ta.
Has just received an immense stack of
Ladies', Misses' and Chiluiens' Shoe?,
and a line of the finest grade of
CARPET &c, Arc
and the best article of
ranging in price from 25c to SI. 25 per yard.
Great bargains in Shawls, Woolen and
Paisley Water-proofs, Table Lin
ens, Crash, Canton, & Wool
en Flannels, Ladies'
Coatings, &c, &c.
Speciality in Notions and Trimmings,
White Goods, New Styles Hair
Goods both real and imitation,
Kid Gloves from 75c to '2.
The Harris' Seamless Kid Glove, the
best in tbe world, Hosiery and La
dies' and Gents' Underwear.
New Fall Styles in
from Philadelphia, has been engaged
to make and trim
in the most fashionable styles.
Having enlarged my rooms, thereby
affording better facilities for busi
ness, I shall continue to keep
a first-class line of goods,
and will sell the same as low as
can be sold in this or any
other market.
SepUmWr 14, 1TV
Tb undersigned bar opened a Meat Market
n th room formerly occupied by Alex Irvio
Market Street Clearfield. Pa .adjoinii. Mw,'?
where thy int.n l to keep a full aupply of
All Kinds of Meat,
Fruit and Vegetables,
and at prices to suit the times Their shop ..,
be pn regularly, on Tuesday. Tbursd.y j
Saturday, and meat delivered at any poirt
abaro of public patronage is respectfully sol ici-ed
Aug 31, 70-tf. E. W. BKOWN.
Also continue to deal in all kinds f impror
ed Agrteultural Implements.
At the New Tobacco and Ci;ar Store of
Two doors east of the PostofSce. Clearfield. P.
Constantly on hand a fin araertment of Xt,
Congress Cavndi'h. Cab!. Spunr.U,
Michigan and Century Fine ca;
Chewing Tobacco, e.
Also, R large and well selected stock of Imported
and Domestio Cigars. Smoking Toliarcoj,
Meerschaum and Briar Pipes.
I'ipe fixtures. Tobacco
Boxes Cigar Holders, and everything gener
fr und in a we'l regulated Ci-r
and Tobacco Store.
iW Remember the place: Two doars nt t,f
tb Post( fic. Clearfield, Pa. Aug. 24. '7S.
pKGKSTER"? NOTICK. Notice ishrre
" ly piven that the following ac-ounts
have been examined and passed by me. and reaniti
filed of record in this office for the inspection ef
beirs.Ieratees creditors and all others inanrwnv,
interested and will be presented t the ne'it Or
phans' Court of Cearfield county, to be held at
th Court llous. in th Borough of Clearfit.'J
commencing on the 4th Monday of Sept , ls70 :
Account of James H Turner and Mrs. Saaa
Waple, Administrators of Richard W ,, dee d.
r mill account of A. I ute, survn inr hx;utir
of IVni Sloss. late of Knox township doceael.
Final account of A C 1 ate. r.xecutor of Jo.haa
J.Tate, late of Lawrence towiiship, de -earei.
rinal account or John L " I'mn. Administrator
of Hartwick Buck, late of Bradford tp. de-'d.
fartial and Distribution account ot J . A L.
FUeal. Administrator ot Jacob i lejl. 'ate of
Goshen township, deceased.
t inal account or Joseph Davis and r.Iisna Pa-
vis. Administrators f Joseph Davis, Sr.. late ef
1'enn township, deceased.
final account of James Somerville. Administra
tor of David Somerville. latecf Chest tp. dc d
Final account of I. L M ( lokv. A lmim.tra-
tor of Isaac Prico. late of Karthius tp. dee'd.
Partial account of . w. M Cully. Administra
tor of K'ta'e of John L. M'Cully. late of tiuelich
township, deceased
Final account f Alary Mul'en hxseutrix of
Eftate o. Thomas Mullen, late of Beecsria town
ship, deceased
final account of "m R. n n rley, tiuardian of
R B. Shirev. and James H. Shi.ev. minor chil
dren of John Shirey. late of Bradford tp. dec d
The account of As V ill trims and A. W l niirr,
Administrators of Wm Wil.'iams. late of Jordua
township, deceased
Final account of John .1. ricari and Marrartt
Briel Administrator of John Briel. lute of Cot-
in;;tn townhip deceased.
Final aennunt of Miles Kee l and Marv 1. enl.
Fxeeuiors of tbe last Will and Teptaiuent of Ir-
A. H. heed lata of Woodward townbip. deceased.
Final account of John Sankav. Administrator,
and Mary Irwin, Adininistra'rix. of Hcry liwio,
lata f Lawrence township, deceased
Aug 2V. 7. A W. l.r.E. Keitr
U Kit IFFS SALK. By virtue of sundry
writs of Venttitioni K.rpoimx isue j out
of th Court of Common Pleas of C)ear5?!d
conntv. and to me dircEted. there will be exr.n i
to public sale, at th t'ourt Hou tn Ciearfield
tiorougti. on modai, tn -o'n mi ur
SEPTKMDEIl. Ih7 at2o'c!ock P.M. the follonicj
described property, to wit:
A certain tract of land situate iu Karthatis
township. ClearSeld county, Pa .bounded as fal
lows to wit : On the Soath by land of Jeremi-.h
(1 aine. on tha East br land of (4a: 4finey ni
the West by laoi of Joon M'ltaii'ga!. and on th
.North by lant f J. -M'lii.nii 1. containing it
ceres, all cleared, and bo building tke en. Sei
zed, taken in execution, an 1 to be !! a l!. J
property of Win. tieerfi.ld.
Also a eertaiu trmrx tf land situate io tV.w.
ward township. "Mearfald comity. Pa . h.untft
Fast by lot of C. J. Stuff tsTest ky f!arSM
creek, and North by township mad cor.'sinii.
r:ie balf an aer. with a two-srory tavern h-itc.
two story a!on and ware roim. with two stir
renin and stable erected thereon Also or.
other lot in th villago l Madera Wooiwarl
bounded K-t by lot of Samuel Miteheli. South'
by K;hert Alexander. West i yC. J Sh. B an.i
North by township road, containing i are with
two dwelling houses there. in. Ai.s.i 2''t) feet of
barking ground on Ciearfield cretk.a! Madcrs.
Also or.e other tret?t of lanl situite in Wont
ward townrhip bounded East by W B. Alexander,
South bv James Alexander. North by lienrje
llockrtiberry. and West by V II Alexan.ler.run
tainintr I5S acres and 113 perches. 6a asrss e ear
ed, and having frame hou.e and Io; birn ereftd
thereon. Also one otbr r tract of land in Wood
ward tp. bounded North by Jon. IJnrntnn 1 at
by Samuel ilagerty'. South by Chrii Ski ff. West
by James A lexander. containing abont lou ceres,
having one acre cleared and a log bouse and ln(
barn erected thereon. Ai.c one lot of gro'inl
situate in the village of Amesril e. in Woedeard
township, containing about two acres, and baring
a frame house and flame barn erected theren.
Seized, taken in execution. -and to b sold as tha
property of C. J. Shoff
Also two certain tracts of land Ituate in I!ec.
earia township. Clearfield countyTPa.. bounded
asfollows: let;inning on the S uthwert corner of .
Spruee street thenc Nrth to Metxtre' test,
thence Fast on Pine street ISO Iset tbene South
east to Sprue street 2iii fet. thence Wet on
Spruce street 110 fert to the place of beriunioe.
and having twosmall dwelling houses store rojm
and stable thereon. Also one other lot of jronnd
situate in tb villag of 44 leu Hope. CleurSeld
county. Pa . hounded and described as follows:
lier-inning at a pt at th North corner ef C.
Patehin lot on tbe West side of the Ulen Heio
and Bald Kagle turnpike and running North
degrees, West 21 J perches to Coper Avenue to
post n tbe corner ef Walnut street thence Souiti
5iJ decrees West 27 perches to post n line of said
street and Putchin's line, ihence South 9 degrees
Wast 37 perches along said line to post, theuc
South St degrees East 1SJ perches to post on cor
ner of Spruce street, runniug across said street
and between the lota of S liindiuan and I. I..
Dawalt and bounded on tbe auid street on the
West, thence North 55 degrees Eat al ng ?id
street 1 1 perches to post at the corner of school
bouse lot. tbenc 31 d-grees Ws't Irti fet to pv-t.
thence North iijdegies East fifi fet to po't,
thence South 311 degrees I ast ii feet to the'ireet.
tbenc along Spruce stroet Io corner of I it con
veyed to W. C. Aieti. thcc North 31 i de. W.t
16J perche to post, thence North til degrees t's't
111 perches to line of S. C Patehin lot. then- X
65 degrees East 10 perches along said lot to place
of beginning, containing 4 acres and about on
acr cleared thereon Seized taken in eireuiion.
aad to be sold aa the property of W. C Metf.
Also four certain tracts of land, situa'e as fol
lows : No. 1 situateia Dradford tp. Clearfield co..
Pa., beginning at a black oak on the back of 'he
Susquehanna river, tbenc South i0 degrees We-t
222 perches to a post on the original line of sur
rey. thenc North 22 degrees West 120 perches t
pitch pine corner on the bank of said river. thenc
down said river by its several courscsand distsc
es about 33 perches to tbe plac of beginnings
containing Ir2 acres and allowance anl having
thereon erected a small log house and barn and
about 75 acres cleared. Also tract So 2 situat
in same township, Clearfield county. Pa , begin
ning at a cucumber on the Susquehanna river,
thence North 6S degrees West 56 perches to a post.
Ihence South east 60 per:hes to a pot. tbenc? V
ast 58 perches to the rirer. thence along the river
by iu courses and distances to th plac ot begin
ning, containing ahout 30 aitres. mum or less "
cleared Also No 3, situate iu Karthaus tp.
Clearfield county, bounded East by the Clinton
county tin. North by land of Hugh M'Oonigal.
West by John M (Jonigal. and S.iutn by land td
Jeremiah Gaines, containing shout 50 are and
having erected thereon a large two-story 'nm
house, a frame bank barn, to-cther with a good
bearing orchard, and all cleared and under a
good state f cultivation. Also No. 4. ttaat
in Karthaustp, Clearfield county Pa .containing
about 32 acres, adjoining th abov des-rihed
acres, and being nil cleared Seised, taken tn
execution, and to be sold as tbe property ef Isaac
Uainea. 3. lltjWE.
September 7.1870. Sheriff
nioirb'RfVR riiA i Java
choice Rio Coffees. Young Hyson. Imperial P'!'".fc
and Japan Teas, Sogar, Syrup. Kice. Cavendnh,
Navy. Spunroll, and Cut Tobaccos, and Snutt, ai
reduoed prices. Opposit tbe jail.
TEKY FtXI blankets
will b sold hef.
J. 6BAW k SO