u - i UY'f ti mi III! 1 EY S. J. KOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2f, 1870. ex o irs GOSSIP. I; i' pov-ihle? Who told you ? j iutfe ;i is not true; Y' i I'm io-iujr my trust, 'j !.a f ii' J are so few, We lose, in e!S.-h lust, dun v 'o heaveuly dew. Ala' ! it may be so l'ti L1 change sometimes, Ar.d Morality runs low, i- jci'f y 'o ooe lines I'.m't c1i:1l peojile now. I ?(!i't like to think " b it cic so long prized A a t. i ti'i. should bin it Without my aJic3. X it te!! me who told you, You wuiu? then I doubt, Truth wont lie crushed. If wiii -ninetiuie come out T!i i..!,ii falhood hovered E'er dirkly abiut. Weil if you must know, ( ln pyrs'jn told another, I cjt t rnjen)l.er who, A eot-tiping old wocuan told tae, And I told via. CTJAED OF JEALOUSY. ''Yoiv wt-il, dijust exact? as you j.!eae, Mr. Vi'i:ioi ; only remember that if you do, j.ni inuy :o;: rJ our encasement cancelled." I irtle Violet Lindsey's Hue eyes were ! Jtuiu iiiiiily indignant at the tall, ' " !:?. !:ivd follow that stood looking so t i nii iitiiiy at her. "Yi;i think I'm not in earnest, maybe ; 1 i: I'll prove to you the truth of my ords ! I ti ilynn tsraiii. On Wilmot, I'm not going i i lr 1 i.-ked at and criticized by that haugh ! truly t'licn 1 of yours any louder. If you ii in bringing us continually in contact to . i off my countryfiel a':r3. as she calls I'uiii, against her city graces, why, just take 1 ':n-k your enia!e:n3nt ring, and put it oil )r fi:i.'-:r. I dare say she'd like it well t!ii;isli," and Violet's cheeks so smooth u:ii mnnl. grew roiier than Gus Wiliunt. in 1 cv.;r seen them, and something very iiKj an angry lear-Jrop trembled on one of tlK- I'ng. curling, golden lashes. "I.iule girl, you are ever getting jealous, you, uiy idol paragon of perfection. Here, ju?" let me kiss that auspicious looking tear :i Tjy." li i- caught her in his arms, but she jerk tu hi t-elf away. tou needn't baby me up, Mr. Wilmot ; J rim not a child to Le coaiei into good hu- .She wasi'rowniDg very prettily, her lover ih.'.iisht. ""So you'v'e confessed you're outof sorts, civ VioSrt. pet?" "i es I a..i. And it i.s all because you are tovcr sjtifi.'d to Take me anywhere without that detestable Mis Armour. I wish her lra!n Mack eyes were in Halifax!" And there wa a quiver in her voice and (iui saw her lip tremble. "):ir!ing. let u drop this gilly alterea i' on. a id tnik rationally over the matter. '1 hU Miss Armour has in some inexplicable iiumier t xr-ite l yc-ur jealousy. Violet, my hit' bet rot he 1 bride, why is this?" "loup rsist in wondering why I am j'-a-uu". and yet wher do you see me that lr r.mis i not on your lips ? When do I I n- your mother's house that I do not see lrr ;Tchtd up at the parlor window, and "ariiig at me when .'he observes we? Then i:ter she a cognizes liie, to have her bow so fttily you M think h:r neck was a whale l. ite; auJ thvo, woio than all, when is I'-iTe a concert r a picnic, a party or a ride that you d not take her? I tell you it is a -h.tii.e! he. with hr elegant dresses and la-e 1. itls. and I with my miserable orgau d e. (ju ihiiot, yon are real mean !" Al:i:ot panting for breath, the ungry lit t e ia iv tos.ed her luaj as she completed her imig tirade. Uor lover hal never smiled while she fpcue, and uow his fa.-e was grave and stern. " io'.et, my child, you know well enough that while Miss Armour visits at uiy moth ers house, I am bound in courtesy to pay tvery atteution due from a gentleman to a hi i.. . Were he not so dear a friend of tuy :er I might le less devoted to her; but a Nellie's frjnd, for mother's sake, I feel us.iiied to reader her btay as pleasant as I -,;Kf." i ou might add for your own sake." "es. perhaps 1 miiht." lie NjmLe calmly, carelessly enough. Vi- - et ; aLght the words. " ou love her, you know you do, and all y u want ot'uie to day is to prevail upon me a.ftharge you and I do it. Here's your Give it to Mis Ltvia Armour, and ?.cuine. Don't ever couie to this house a'aru. '' he walked out of the parlor without a :--nce at him. He gazed after her with -tying love in his haLdsome eyes, "r'ooiish child." Then he went away, and she watched h'.m from a window up stair, a defiant feel-i-g iu htr heart. "I work for my living 1" And the sweet lips quivered as the pale uttered these words. "My child, I would give my life to save 7 "i this blow ; but Low can we avoid it? Uu. to think that we should have come to fJjh a strait!" jeat!e Mis Lindsey stroked the soft gol den hair that was clinging to Violet's neck. If you can but make up your mind to coiici'.c matters between you and Mr. Wil 'ai't, jun think, Violet, what a home we'd tolh hare." As it I'd accept him now, when we are t poverty's door, after refusing him in our tetter days." And Violet's eyes danced with pride. '"And it has been foolish pique all along, child, that has separated you you' knoW you love him this blessed minute." A flush passed over her face, then left her pale as before. "No, I don't I see that nothing bot honor leads him to offer me his hand. He's in love with that Livia Armour, you see it as well as I do. But let us not discuss liiis. What must I do, where must I go?" It was a twelve month after that before that question was answered, and then Violet Lindsey, in her black calico dress, standing beide her mother's grave. "To New York, where I can surely find something to do." Then she walked out cf the graveyard, and down past the house where the Wil mots used to live before their sudden remo val from the village. Violet had never learned where they had gone, and she was too proud to ask. All she had heard was one day when she was sitting beside her mother's bed. that the Wiimots were going to move, and it was rumcred a wedding was on the tapis a wedding between Gus and Miss Armour. She had felt a dull pain at her heart, then a sharper throb of agony as she met her mother's pitying eyes. After that she tried to gt accustomed to it ; but that chil ly, cloudy day in early spring, as she passed the old homestead that had gone to other hands, a fierce, surging home-sickness rush ed ever her ; ?he remembered how she had loved in the dear old home, and of the jewel she had cast from her. Then she dashed away the tear and went determinedly on to the little depot, where she took the next train for New -York. "And what can you do? You don't seem very strong. 'Tend a baby, or do stairs work, maybe ?"' Violet Lindiey stood at the desk of the intelligence office; a flush of mortification on her cheeks. "Yes sir." It was the only answer she made, and the clerk tapped the desk impatiently. "Come, what do you want? I can't wait all day. Here's a couple of cards. One wants a child nurse ; bahy. six weeks old; No. 999 Lexington avenue. T'other for cashier in a wholesale dry goods establish ment. Take 'em and try." "I'll do so, thank you." And thankful to escape from the office thronged with buxom Irish girls, and red faced Germans, Violet took the cards, and hailed a stage for up town. No. (.i'J0 Lexington avenue was a palatial residence, a hu;e brown stone front, with plate glass windows, and sweeping lace cur tains. Violet felt a little afraid to ring the bell or step into the little elegant marble floored vestibule, so she descended the iron steps, to the baseaient ; where everything was more elegant than the parlor in the dear old home. "The mioses was in, shure and wud she plise walk oop and spake wid hrr." The good natured Irishwoman took her through gorgeous halls, and up velvet car pet stairs to a front apartment; and then after tapping at the door, uodded kindly, and returned. . "Come in," said a low sweet voice. Violet timidly entered, and then a torrent of hot blood surged to her cheeks. "Miss Armour I didn't know." Then the angry tear rushed to her eyes. "Not Miss Armour, Miss Lindsey, Mrs. Wilmot." Her voice did not seem as haughty as of old ; certainly her face, with its dainty cap, was less proud than of yore. "Mrs. Wilmot?" She repeated the name with a sort of ter ror; the lady did not seem to notice it. "Certainly ; might it not be, think you? See this." She threw aside a lace curtain and dis closed a sleeping babe. This is Master Gussie, for whom I wan ted a nurse. I little dreamed you would apply. Sit down do. Miss Lindsey." "No, I must go and seek nnother place. I am poor and must earn my living." She wept bitterly. "I am sorry, very 6orry, Violet. Can I not assist you ? Let me, please, for the sake of old times, the dear old days of Or ange vale." How her words stabbed the suffering girl. "You never liked me then, Violet You thought, because I was more unreserved than yourself, that I was friendly. You were wrong, my child. I loved you always; I would have shown you that I did, only that you would never let me. Violet's tears were ready to fall ; the kind words were refreshing after her lonesome ness in the great world of New York. "Stay to lnnch, Violet, and see my hus band. Ho will help you to a situation. He said to-day there was a vacancy in one of their atores." "Indeed, I cannot I must go." "Promise to come again, my dear Vio let." She nodded an affirmative, and then hur ried blindly down stairs. The front door opened and a gentleman met her, face to fi.ee. "Why, Violet Lindsey." She uttered a little cry of dismay and agony. "Gus Mr. Wilmot, let me pass. She sprang away, her heart beating al most to suffocation, her head whirling diz zily, her cheeks palid as death. A parsing car at the corner took her to her lodgings, and in the dreary loneliness she wept and ufferad. . Poor girl 1 would her one hasty act of raab. jealousy follow her even to the end ? It was late in . the afternoon when she started to seek the address on the remaining card ; and when' she reached the elegant emporium, sue found few customers and few clerks. A pleasant voiced caih-boy glanced at the card and escorted her to the walnut door of the private office. "You'll fiud him inside. He'll be going soon though." She opened the door and entered. The gentleman stood before an open sample book, but he turned as she advanced. A smile broke over his handsome face. "My own little darling, I've found yon" at last 1 Oh, my Violet, why do you despise me so?" She felt herself growing faint as Gus Wil mot wound his arm around her. "You must not speak. Let trie explain. I would have done so to-day when I met you at my brother's house." A cry of agonized joy burst from her. "Then she's not your wife?" His merry laugh sent a thrill of old-time joy through her. "Jealous still, my poor hunted bird? No End even in those other days Livia was be trothed to Howard, ray oldest brother, who has always lived in the'eity." "And you never told me?" "Would you have believed it when you would not believe when I declared I cared nothing for her?" He kissed her as he spke "Now, Violet, my darling, we must riev er part again. Come, I am going to take you to our pastor's residence and make you my wife." He was looking down in her tearful eyes. "You are too forgiving, Gus. I dou't deserve it." An hour later they drove up to 999 Mr. Wilmot and wife. Her jealousy had almost wrecked her. Joined hand in hand with pride she had reaped in a plentiful harvest of the evil she had sown. Bui 'joy eomcth in the morning, to those who have crept in the dark night time,' and like Violet's, the enjoyment is the greater for the trials endured. Behind Time. Aa Mr. Hardiffwas go ing through the AthentKum, during some exhibition, he was attracted by a beautiful picture of the Crucifixion, and was much struck by it, inquiriug of his companion the story of it, about which ha had never heard. He was much incensed thereat, and treasu red it in his mind. Going through North street, next day, where the twelve tribes do congregate, he was button holed and held by a member of them, who importuned him to "come and buy something." "What are you ?" said nardriff ; "are you a Jew?'' "I am an Ishraelite." was the reply. "Then take that," giving him at the same time a rap on the nose. "Vot yoa do that for?" aaid Moses, rub bing his proboscis, "I never sold you no :lo'es." "No, but you were one of them that nailed that man to the cro.ss, confound you." "Me! I no do him ; da t was done two thousand years ago." "Well, I don't care anything about that," said Hardriff ; "I never heard of it till yesterday." No blister draws sharper than interest doe. Of all industries, none is comparable to that of interest. It works all day and night, in fair weather or fouL It has no sound in its footstep, but it travels fast. It gnaws at a man's substance with invisible teeth. It binds industry with its film, as a fly is bound in a spider's web. Debts roll a man over and over binding him hand and foot, and letting him hang upon the fatal uieth until the long legged interest devours him. There is but one thing on the farm like it and that b the Canada thistle, which swarms new plants every time you break its roots, whose blossoms are prolific and every flower the father of a million seeds. Every leaf is an awl, every branch a spear, and every plant like a platoon of bayonets, and a field of them like an armed host The whole planes is a torment and a vegetable curse. And yet a farmer had better make hit bed of .Canada thistles than attempt to be at ease upon interest Hold On. Ilold on to your tongue when you are just repdy to swear, lie, or speak harshly, or use an improper word. Hold on to your hand when you are about to strike, pinch, steal, or do aay improper act Hold on to your temper when you are an gry, excited, or imposed upon, or others angry about you. Hold on to your heart when evil associates seek your company, and invite you to join in their mirth and revelry. Hold on to your name at all times, for it is of more value to you than gold, high pla ces or fashionable attire. Hold on to the truth, for it will serve you well, and do you good throughout eternity. Hold on ta your virtue it is above all price to yoa in all times and places. Hold on to your character, for it is and ever will be yonr best wealth. A Boston gentleman who could not waltc, offered a young lady $100 if she would let him hug her a much as the man did who just waltzed with her. It was a good offer and showed that money was no object to him, bat they put him out of the house so hard that his eye was quite black. Prussia's Contribution to America in 1777. While the name of Lafayette, the gallant Frenchman whose services in our war for in dependence will ever be remembered by the American people, U upon a thousand tongues since the opening of the present war in Europe, that of Steuben, Prssia's contri bution to America in 1777, has almost faded from recollection. Baron Frederic William Augustus Steuden, to whose skill in the manipulation of troops and the organization of armies much of the success of our struggle with the mother country is owing, deserves an equal place in the affections of the Ameri can people with Lafayette. A native of Magdeburg, Prussia, he served in 1747 as a volunteer under his father in the array of Frederick the Great, at the early age of fourteen. He participated in many of the battles of the Seveo Years War dis tinguishing himself by his admirable cool ness in action and great bravery. Gradually rising from the ranks, he was in 1764 made a Grand Marshal. In 1777, while on a visit to Franca, he was solicited by a number of our friends there, with whom he held intimate relations, to come to America. After, numerous inter views with our commissioners at the Court of France, he finally decided to come, and on December 1, 1777, landed at Portsmouth, N. II. He immediately tendered his services to Congress and General Washington in a letter which breathed the strongest sympa thy with and devotion to our cause. He shortly after entered the army, then encamp ed in its miserable quarters at Valley Forge, near Philadelphia. The spring of 1773 found the people dis heartened, the public finances in a deplora ble state; the soldiors half fed and clothed aiid without organization or discipline. The news of the treaty concluded with France reinspired the people with confidence, but cduld not reorganize Bur army. It was at this time, May 5th. 1778, that Baron Studen was appointed inspector general, with the rank of major general. Through great efforts the Continental army, which had been somewhat reioforced, waa trained and discipined, and its condition greatly improved. He participated in the battle of Monmouth, on June 23, 1773, adding new laurels to his,already brilliant reputatidd. The greatest of his labors, and the one which was of most serviae to the struggling patriots, was the preparation of a manual for the army. In this work,- which was ap proved by Congress in 1779, he gave evi dence of great military ability and fitness for command. It made out of the Conti nentals an army, and by its sagacious and rigid rules prepared them for victory. In 1780 Baron Studen commanded the Colonial troops in Virginia, where he was active in harrassing the British under Benedict Ar nold. He was afterwards attached toLafay yette's division, and played an important part in the seige of Yorktown. ' Baron Studen was d'sttngiiished for his generosity and kindness of heart He cloth ed his soldiers at his own expense, and la bored incessantly to relieve their privations and to promote their comfort and welfare. The close of the war found the country suf fering from the long stagnation of trade and agriculture, and the treasury exhausted. He consequently experienced much annoy ance and vexations delay in securing an ap propriation for bis pay and to reimburse him for his expenditures for clothing and arms for his soldiers. Congress finally, in 1790, conferred upon him a life annuity of $2,500. The State of New York presented him with 1 5,000 acres of land near Utica, where he settled and passed the remainder of his days. Other States followed with resolutions acknowledging his eminent servi ces and donating him tracts of land. The brave old campaigner, who had fought on two continents with equal renown, died at his settlement near Utica, on the 28th of November, 1794, aged 64 years, leaving be hind him naught but a name which belongs to history. Poor Rule That Won't Work Both Ways. The following is very applicable, and we publish it for the benefit of those most interested : Landlord Mr. Editor, I will thank you to say that I keep the very best table in the town. Editor I'll thank yoa to supply my fam ily with board, gratis. Landlord I thought you were glad to get something to fill up your paper. Editor I thought yoa were glad to get some body to fill your nouse ! it a a poor rule that won't work both ways. Exit landlord in a rage, threatening to have nothing more to do with the office. Fisht. A clcrgymanlnown familarly as Parson Milton, was seen by a neighbor trad cine home one Monday morning with a stout shad which he had just bought, and was accosted with, "Mr. Milton, did you know that fish was caught on Sunday?" The minister, in his characteristic blunt manner replied. "The fish ain't to blame for that!" Woman. As the dew lies longest and produces most fertility in the ibade, so wo man, in the shade of domestic retirement, sheds around her path richer and more per manent blessings than man, who is more exposed to the glare and observation of pub lic life. At a public sale of books in London, "Drew's Essay on Souls" was knocked down toa shoemaker, who to the great amusement of the assembly, asked the auctioneer if be had"any more books oq sboemakitiz. to sell," AW. WALTERS, ArroRr at Law, . CUarBeld, Pa. Offiea in th Court Hons. tT ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law, Clear Y Hold, Pa. May 1J, 1863. JB.ORAHAM SONS, Dealers ia Dry-Good. . Oroeerie, Hardware, Qneeoaware, Wooden ware, Provisions, ete., Manet St, Clearfield, Pa, HP. BIQLER CO., Dealer in Hardware a and manafaotarers of Tin and Sheet-iron fare, Seoood Street, Clearfield, Pa. Mar '70. Hr. S A DOLE, Waten and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac Room in Graham 'srow.Marketatreet. Nov. It. HBDCHEK SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clear . field, Pa. OffcsinGraham'sRow.fonrdoo s west of Graham A Boynton's store. Koi.lt. rilHO'S J McCULLODGH, Attob!its-at-Law, X Clearfield, Pa. Ail legal business prompt ly attended to. Oct. 27, 1869. 1TTM. REED. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. f f Faney Dry Goods, While Goods. Notions. Embroideries, Ladies' and Gents' Forniehinc Good. ato. Jnne lb '79. A I. SHAW.Dealerin Drugs. Patent Medicines. . Fancy Articles, ete.. and Proprieter of Dr. boyer's West Branch Litters, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. June 15,'70. FB. READ, M. D., Phtsicia and Souseo. . Kylertown, Pa., respectfully offers his pro essiooal services to the citizens of that place and arrounding country. Apr. 20-6m. Okri T. Non.l. Attorney at Law, Lock Ha ven. Pa. Will practice in the several courts of Clearfield coorj'y. Business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Jo. 29. '7-y. -A 1 KRATZER, Dealer in Dry-Qoods. Clothing, 1. Hardware. Queensware, Groceries. Provi tceriee. rroi opposite t June, 18f.i. sions, etc., Market btreet, nearly opposite the Court House, Clearfield, Pa. J- B M'ENALT.Y, Attorney at Law. Clearfield . Pa. Practice in Clearfield and adjoin'ng counties. OfCce in new brick building of J.Boyn t n, 2d (treot, on door south of Lanich's Hotel. T TEST. Attorney at Law, Clearfield. Pa., will X. attend proroptl v to all Lezal business entrust ed to bis care in Ulearbeld and adjoining coun ties. Office on Market street. July 17, 1867. THOMAS H. FORCET. Dealer In Square and Sawed Lumber, Dry-Goods.Queensware, Gro ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, Ae., 4o., Gra hamton, Clearfield eounty, Pa. Oct 10. HARTSWrCK A IRWIJf. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oila.Stationary. Perfume ry. Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street, Clearfield, Pa Dee. 6, 1665. (I' KRATZER A SON. dealers in Dry Goods. Clothing. Hardware. Queensware. Groce ries, Provisions, Ac, Second Street Clesi field. Pa Dee. 87. 1865. JOHN GFELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds o Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. Pa Ha also makes to order Coffins, on short notice and attends funerals with a hears. AprlO.'St. RICHARD M0PS0P, Dealer In Foreign and De mestie Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour. Baeen, Liquors. Ac Room, on Market street, a few doors west ot JonmalOffire, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. "Y7"ALLACE A FIELDING. ATTOjt:itTS at Law T Clearfield, Pa. Office in res. deface of W. A. Wallace Legal business of all Kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. Jan.5.'70-yp W, A. WALLACE. FRASK FIELDING Fi.v W. SMlTn. Attorset at Law. Clearfield Pa., will attend promptly to business en trusted to bis ear. Office on second floor of new building? adjoini Cour,ty Natloual Bana.and nearly opposite the Court House. June 30. '69 T FREDERICK LEITZINGER, Manufacturer of ; all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. He so keeps on hand and for sals an assortment of earthen war, of his own manufacture. Jan. 1. 1863 MANSION HOUSE, Clearfield, Pa This well kBbwn hotel, near the ourt House, is worthy the patronage of the public. The table will be supplied with the bettin tbe market. The best of liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY. JOHN, U.JFULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa. Office on Market Street, over llnrtiwick A Irwin's Drugstore. Prompt attention given to the securingofBounty elaims. Ac. .and te all legal business. March 27, 1367. A I THORN, M. D., PnrsiciAN and Scroeon, havine located at Kylertown. Pa., oners bis professional services to tbe eiti tens ol that plaee and vicinity. Sep.29-ly WI. CURI.ET. Dealer in Dry Goods, , G roceries. Hard ware. Queensware. Flour Ba con, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. Also extensive dealer in all kindsof (awed lumber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. Woodland, Pa., Aug. 19th, 1863. DR J. P. BURCHFIELD Late Surgeon of the 83d Reg't Penn'a Vols., having returned from the artny, offers hi professional services t the cititens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sional calls promptly attended to. Office en South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4. 186S 6mp. QURVEYOR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. He may be found at his residence in Lawience township, when not engaged ; or addressed by letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. March 6th, lS67.-tf. JAMES MITCHELL. JEFFERSON L I T Z, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Havinj located at Osceola, Pa., offers his profes sional services to the people of that place and sur rounding country. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence on Curtin Street, former ly occupied by Dr. Kline. May 19,'G9. GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of the Peace. Sur veyor and Conveyancer. Luthersburg. Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly at tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Survey or will do well to give him a call, as he flatters bimselt that he can render satisfaction. Deeds of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legal papers promptly and neatly executed Je8'7t-yp ITIILICI A V 11TII I, Raab Estate Asxxts Arn Cos vstascers, Clearfield, Pa Real estate bought and sold, titles examined, taxes paid, conveyances prepared, and insuran ces tatren. Office in new building, nearly opposite Court House WW. A Jan lS.e. WALLACE. J. BLAKE WALTKRft. j. K. BOTTORF'8 Pno TOGRAPH OA LLER T. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PE!!'A. Negatives made in cloudy as well as In elear weather. Constantly en hand a good assortment of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopio Views. Frames, from any style of mouldine. made te order. CHROMOS A SPECIALITY. Dec .'6S-jy. 14-69-tf. IMPORTED LIQUORS, cca a BRANDIES mud HOLLAND GINS. PURE OLD GRAPE BRANDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES. All the above brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur- pose March 50,'70-tr. UfeU. . Wl.tsuttis, Prop'r of Shaw .House. SHOES, Ladies' and Children' custom made, Lasting Gaiters, Kid and Carpet Slippers, Moroc co and Glove Kid Balmorals. Children Colored Shoe, very eheap Opposite the jail. C KRATZER. FURNITURE FURNITURE!! JOHN TROUTMAN, Having Jan fitted dp a new and elegant Furni ture Room, on Market street. East of the -Allegheny House," Clearfield. Pa . notifies tbepubfio that he keeps on hand all kinds of Chamber raits, (walnut and common). Cane seat and Windsor chairs, ete . which will be sold cheap for cash. A soars cf patronage is respectfully eolicited. April IS 870. rpHE WONDERFUL MiftSiEjft". -- This Liniment havine been usrd, for some years past.as a fsmi'y medicine by the pro prietor, and its good effects coming to the notfc of his neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con sented; tontsnnfaetore it for the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for Catarrh and Billions Cholie. ever efferecf to' the public; and will cure many other diseases in tbe human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Xirections for its use accompany each bottle. Price. St per bottle, or Six bottles for i. Sent to any address bv enclos ing the price to WM H WAGONER. Hferd Postoffice, Oct. 6.1869. Clearfield courty. Pa. MiLLWRIGIiTING. II. T. Farnbwortii, - Would inform Mill owners, and those desirons of having Mills bdilt, that he is prepared to build and lepsir either Circular or Muley Saw Mills, and Grist Hills after the latest improved patterns. He has also for Sale an iinproved Water Wheel, which he guarantees 10 givesatirfaction in regari to power and speed. His motto is. to do work so as to give perfect satisfaction. Those wishing fur ther information will be promptly answered by addressing him at Clearfield. Clearfield county, Pa. Write your name and address plain. April 20. IS70-ly. CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Stone and Earthenware, of every description. Fishers' Patent Airtight Self-sealing Fruit Cans. BUTTER CROCKS WITH LIDS, PICKLE atul APPLE BUTTER CROCKS. CR EAM AND MILK VROCKS.STEW POTS, FLO WER PO TS, PI E DISHES, and a good many ether things too numer ous to mention, at the STONE-WARE POTTERY OF F. LEITZINGER, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA, Aug. 3, 7-tf. THE NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE BOW ERT. llAfc aoWEBT. The extraordinary success of their new and im proved manufacturing Machines for lighter heavy work, has induced tbe EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a new Family Machine ot tbe same style and eonetruetion. with additional ornamen tation making it equal in beauty and finish with other family machines, whereas in usefulness it far OUTSTRIPS ALL COMPETITORS. The price ef this bow acknowledged necessary article comes wiihin reach of every class, and tbe Company is prepared I offer the most liberal inducements to buyers, dealers and agents. Every Machine warranted. Apply for circulars and sample to EMPIRESEWING MACHINE CO.. Ap 13 3m No. 29i Bitmiry, Nr,6 Tmrl. RE M 0 V A Ls HARTS WICK & IRWIN, DRUQGIStS, Jfarfct St., Clrarfield, Pa, We beg leave to inform our old and new custo mers, that we have removed our establishment te the hew building just erected on Market street, nearly adjoining tbe Mansion House en the west, and opposite (iraham A Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite the publie to come and buy their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI- .CINS.UILS PAINTS TARNISH S. Onr stock of Drugs and Mediainesoonsist of every thing used, selected with the greatest oare, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! We also keep atull stock ef Dyes. Perfumeries Toilet artioles.Soaps. Tooth Brashes. Hair Brush es, Whitewash Brushes, and every ether kind ef Brushes. We have a la' g 1st ef White Lead, Turpentin, Flaxseed Oil. Paints, and in fact everything used in the painting business, whish w offer at City prices te cash oayer. TOBACCO AND SEGAKS, Confectionery. Spices, and the largest stock of va rieties ever ottered in this plane, and warranted to be of the best the market affords J. O. H A.RTPWICK, Dee. 2, 1S64. JOHN F. IRWI5. AGRICULTURAL FAIR! Eighth Annual Exhibition OF THE CLEARFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WILL BE HELD OS THE FAIR GROUNDS, NEAR CLEARFIELD, ON Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, OCTOBER 12, 13 and 14, 18?0. The premium lilt is published In pamphlet form and can be had by application to the Secretary ef the Society, either personally or by letter. Family Tickets, during Fair, S3 06 Single Tickets, during Fair, 75 Eingle admission tiokets, 25 THURSDAY, pars ot $100 60 to be trotted for. - FRIDAY, purse of $50 00 too trotted for. For conditions, entree, Ac, see Pamphlets. It is to be hoped that farmers will take an in terest in this exhibition. Ko pains will be spared by the officers of the Society to make it a credit able one. Judges will be announced from the stand on I Wednesday. Premiums for stoca and cereal grains have been largely increased. G. R. BARRETT, Presidsn' A. Wrigbt (SeihaM, Secretary. rpHK highest market prices rWfor Dgg" THE KIDNEYS, The Kidneys nia iwoin number, situated at the' opper part ot tbe loin, surrounded by fat. and eontsting of three parts, vis: the Anterior, the Interior, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs Interior consists of tis sues or vetos, which serve as a deposit for tha urine and convey ft to the exterior. The exte rior is a conductor arso, terminating in a single tube, and called the Ureter. Tbe ureters are eon-' neeted with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various eoverioge r tissues, divided into parts, vis : tbe Upper, Ike Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The opfsr expels, the lower retains. Many hate a desire t urinate without tbe ability, others urinate with out toe ability to retain. This frequently occur in children. To cure these affections, we must bring into ac tion the macles, which are engaged in their va rious functions. If they ere neglected. Grsrel or Dropsy may ensue. Tbe reader must also be made aware, that how ever slight may be tbe attack, it is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesti and blood are supported from these sources. Goct, oa RBEruATissi. Piin occurring in the loias is indicative of the above dineases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. Tn Geatel. Tbe gravel ensue from neglect or improper treatment of tbe kidney These or gans being weak, the water is not expelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain; it become feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this de posit thst the stone is formed, and gravel ensues. Dbopst is a collection of water in some part cf the body, and bear different names, according to to parts affected, rit : when generally diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca ; when of the Abdomen, Ascites; when of the chest, Uydrotho rax. Tbeatwest. Belmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of tbe bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical Swellings, rheumatiu,and gouty affections. Under this head we hsve arranged Dysurie, or difficulty and pain in passing water, Scanty Secrstion, or small and frequent dischar ges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water Hematuria, or bloody urine ; Oout and Rheuma tism of the kidneys, without any change in quan tity, but increase in color, or dark water. It waa always highly recommended by the late Dr. Physics, iu these affections. Thil medicine increase the power of digestion and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous depositions and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and inflammation are reduced, and it is taken by men, women and children. Direetion for use and diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa., Fi. ti, XS07. H. T, Helm sold. Druggist: Dbae Sir: t hsve been a snfferer, far upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney affections, during which time I have used various medicinal preparation, and been under the treat ment of the most eminent Physicisas, experiea' cing but little relief Having seen your preparation extensively ad vertised, I consulted with my family physician is regard to nsing yeur Extract Buchu. I did this because I had used all kinds ef ad vertised remedies, and had found I hem werthless, and aome quite injurious; in fact, I despaired ef ever getting well, and determined te use no rem edies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. Itwas this that prompted me to use your remedy. A yoa advertized that it was composed of buchu cubeb and juniper berries, it occurred to meand my physician a an excellent combination, and, with his advice, after an examination of the arti cle, and consulting again with the druggist, I eoneluded to try it. I commenced its u?e about eight month ago, at which time I Was confined to my room From tbe Erst bottle I was astonish ed and gratified at tbe beneficial effect, and aftef using it three weeks was able to walk oat, I felt much like writing you a full statement of my case at that time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and soe if it weuld effect a perfect cure, knowing then ic would be of greater value to yon and mote satisfactory to ma. I am now able to report that a cure is effected after usitg the remedy for five mouths. I have cot used any now for three months, aad feel as well in all respects as I ever did. Tonr Buchu being devoid of any vnpleasant taste and odor, a nice toni.i and invigoratorof the system, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in such affections. M McCOltMXCK. Should any doubt Mr. MeCormick' statement j be refer to the following gentlemen : Hen. Wm. Bigler, ex Governor Penn'a. Hon Thomas B Flerenae. Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia, lion. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor, Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. R. C. tirier, Judgo U. S Court. Hon. 6. W. Woodward. Judge. Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Phii'a. Hon. John Bigler, ex Governor. Californla. Uon. E. Banks. Auditor Gen. Washington, D.C. And many others, if necessary. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Be ware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold'a. Take no other. Price SI .25 per bottle.or 6 bottle for 58 40. Telirered to any address. Describe symp toms fn all communications. Address H. T. HELMB0LD, Drug aad Chemi cal Warehouse, 594 Broadway, S T. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP 15 steel-engraved wrapper, with fac-simile ef my Chemical Warehouse and signed JnelVT-1r H. T, HELMB0J. til : ;i, rr . tr . m n (J