- To ini-e b' "" tranftnitwlnn - '" - v kv oafrci.s should remit by check 3 c'"'','.'' r.r 1-r crbave their letters registered. " :a?fi-it "- - in th first PPer ter iheM""? :" !""lJ: -m'i K. F.. SrtDxer Arrangement. v.:-'rr i "ron tt : : : 9.00 m. rritna:,,f -; : : : 10 35 a.m. I'f.linslmrg at . : 11.110 a.m. Clearfield at : : : 125.m. v ;i t-,h leaves Ole.ir!iH a : : : 2-Srt p m i.-rives at Thi in.-u.iirij at : : J40p.ro O v ):a t : : : : 4 on p. m Tyrone at : : : : 5.30 p. m ' Isalltfjnteat : : : 8. IS p.m. I.r-"-Haven at : : 9 50 p.m. V.iliimsportat : i 10.50 p.m. Acc-imrrio'lation Train. Len..taei.Iei : . : : : : 7.00 A. . ,mT, s at Pbi.ipsbarg at : : 9 40 a.m. 0-e.U at : : : 10 25 a. m. lut.-rpeetion at : : 1 OH p.m. 1 vr"ni at : : : 1 20 p. m. s E EitC ie-vC VVilliatnport at 8 00 a. m Kr, ves ati Haven at . : 10 10 a m. .. Ktfiier.nte : : S 1140 a m. Kter.-ectlon at : : 1.03 p.m. c . colaat : : : : 2 40 p. m, !lii'ipsbneg at : : 3 35 p.m. C.Earfield at : : : 00 p. m. at Tyrone with triibs W -ii n 'he Maine Line. n,.".i' 5 'avinr Clearfield at 2 39 p. m., reach ' ri:!iau-'': ' a 10.M p. m. the same day. r-wr.;er- iritln: Williamsport at 3 00 am. reach rL-.irf-c! i ai 6 ' p m 'be same day. lit: I'iioi 's. Divine services will le held ept( S.i'.i 2 I., in Clearfield, as follows: ilv i! -r. IL.ll, in St. Andrew's Episcopal rli iu 'i. at ! I A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday . .'.;i:.i nc 1. M. Prayer meeting every V'-'ie- by ('ening -it 7 o'clock. 1'.. K -v. I uler.in the Presbyterian elmrcli, HK'rni; an 1 evening. Sabaath school at i'. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday f. mimit at 7 o'oloi-k. I; - J. II. M'CorJ, in the Methodic chti.' tc mornine; and evening. Sabbath . !, o! .if lJ A. M. Prayer meeting, every T;.r-':iv at 71 P. M. Communion services v-t Sabbath of every month at 10$ A. M. Si. I'ra-icis' church Mas.' at 10 A. M., tL': vvjuI and fourth Sundavs of each BtijMill. REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING. Tip- Republican party of Clearfield county v '! .i-''iiit!e in Mass Meeting, at the Court JI.t..v in Clearfield, on AV!-:iXESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 23, 7'. The meeting will be addressed by Hon. G. V. SCOFIELD, Hon. SAMUEL LINN, II. B. SWOOPE,Eq., E. LAf HEY, Kq., And other speakers. T!-o issues involved in this political con t. -'. aro of vast importance to every part of i! e e i:titry. Let the people come out and In i' :iieiii discu-sed by able and honorable ?: MkeM, .? a to be prepared to vote intel i.;ctit;y on the Second Tuesday of October u: xf. AH are respect fully invited lo be IMwnf. T. II. iMrmRAY, .-opt. 14. Ch. Co. Com. Gen. I clgara at A. I. Shaw's Drug Store. Try llieui. ;KE that you are registered, and properly t:ix. J, or you will lose your vote at the next tk-ction. Attend to this duty at once. TicKtrrs. The tickets for Congress, As KtnUy. etc., will bo ready for distribution .i l'-mn week. We hopu our friends, in t!;e various townships and borouglis, will c..!l and ret a supply f'r their tiiMricts. Ihi? wiii nave much expense and trouble. T.twNsiMp Officers. The lecal officers tie to be choncn on the Second Tuesday of "I October. Our friends i-'uuuld at once organize in the vai ii.u districts, and select tlrir candidates for Inspector, etc., and hsve their tickets prepared before the day ot e'.iciion. ?i'ND.Y School Picnic1. On Thursday 1 -it tho j.npi's. teachers. ofTicers and friends of th-? M. E. Sabbath School held a picnic a' Cabin Spring. The attendance was lar".'. die day a delightful one, and the oc cain Liirii'.y enjoyed by all. The rarty wont to have a ?)od time, and they were n .t iii-appo'.Tited. Refreshments, both sub-sia-itlal and delicious, were abundantly pro ilcl and pnrtake.i with that keen relish with which ail can eat, when in the grove, l-rfathinjr puie air, and taking exercise and t"j yuieut. A 1Iaxd-jtje I'ke-kst. We return thanks t- Mr. Win. Reed merchant on Market s'rcpf. for a 5rst class pocket knifu ai;J fix best lin?:i pocket handkerchiefs pre sprite.! u Kt week. Rred has all kinds 't handket chiefs, and can accommodate m with "th:ee for 25 cents," or at prices nnijiiig up to 7a cents each. Besides ; he bs. just received from the eastern cities, a sry extensive and e-rmplete stock of fancy an staple dry poods, notions, etc, which he i se'lin? : t un.isually low prices. But his ftock needs no commendation from us ; go and se it and judge for yourselves both at to quality and prices. A YV,':i) for Evebtbodv. We have, !! scleral occasions, heretofore, referred to tac lact that the Academy building, in this l'iao. ndt insiiiricieut for the coducting ' ' List clavs institution of k-aring, no 'i.attr how wcli .-juaiifid the corps of teach r iuiut be. We n w recur to the sub J '-t, I .r the purpose of presenting a few l- 't Lets to our citizens : Quite a num Cer of instances could be mentioned, where I .-t n-.s have, within the past two or three ?iirv s -:n thoir children abroad to be edu cated, at a, c?st of about six hundred dollars a yrar, while their tuition at home would lue e-.st thdu. perhaps, fifty dollars ; sim J -y leeaac our Academy building was con ''dereJ insufficient and uoeomfortable. "ow, we subciit, would it not have been "ach better if these parents had appropri :e'i the Ave hundred and fifty dollars a l-tr. which it cost, them over and above the tuition, to the erection ot a first class build 'c; at this pliCe? Besides, had we tho proper buildings, many scholars would be Jrawn hither from other portions of the country, on account of the pure and health Kivinj a'.mosphere that ever pervades this "'ouiituin region '-thus adding greatly to our population, and largely increasing all k"i is ul business in our midst. We hope ths ereaion of a. lur and commodious ailiing, and the establishing of a first-class itutton f learning in Clearfield, will re eeire tn immediate and earnest consider tiooufal. If you want good cigars and tobacco, go to' ShaW's tobacco store, near the Postoffice. The best and largest assortment 6f Trusses and shoulder bhrces,- in the county, at A. I. Shaw's Drug Store. Call and see them. Wm. Cald well, of Pike township, will sell a lot of farm implements, household arid kitchen furn(t6re,on Wednesday, September 21. Read his advertisement. A match gami of Base Ball was played on Friday, September 2d, between the Rough Sc Ready, of Pennfiuld, and Un known, of Centreville, on tire grounds of the former. Rongh & Ready, O Woodward, W Lamb. J Luenre. J Radebacb, M Lncore, B Lee. F C Bowman, A Roaenkraaa, A Bliss, O R 2 8 Unknown', W Early, I SnlliTau, I Brown, K Largay, 8 Brown. J Reynold!, .1 Brown, McMakes, W Taylor, ft 3 a Total, 17 53 I Total, 27 3i Fly catches Rough t Ready 10. Unknown Iff. Umpire Thou. Manor, of the Unknown. Scorers 11. W. Brown, N. U. Bandy. Base Ball. A match game was played on Tuesday, September 6th, between the Susquehannas, of Curwensrille, and Her cuieans, of Lumber City, on the grounds of the latter. The following is the score : Susq'a. O R I Herculean, O R Wm Thompson, 3b 3 4 L M l.nmailne. a 8 I T Koblson. ef 3 4 U L Fernuwn p 3 4 Ig Thompson, e 3 4 J I Hepburn, a i 3 4 J F Thompson a 3 4 L Potter, lb J 4 A liloom, if 3 4 1 Bloom. 2b 3 3 WC Arnold, p 3 4 E Hile, 3b 2 i W Thompson, lb i 2 J Hile. If 2 5 E l Thompson, rf 2 3 J llagerty, cf 2 3 Alex Xrwiu, 2b 3 i A liile, rf 3 2 Total 27 34 Total 27 31 Innings 1 23456789 nere n I960 10 012 331 Susq; 14 1 2 2 4 1 7 2 034 Fly catches Sus qaebannaa 6,Hercultans S. Home runs Surqebannas I. Umpires I. P. iarewell. R A. Leonard. Scorers- Robert Jeffries, E. E Segner. Time of game 3 hours. When a Officer Can Make an Ar rest. A party tried at the recent court in Montgomery county, for assaulting an offi cer made the point in his defence that the officer had no warrant for his arrest, where upon the Court defined the? rights and du ties of police office as follows : An officer, as any private citisen, has the ri'ht and it is his duty to prevent a Crime without a warrant ; and where a breach of the peace is imminent he oul't to interfere and arrest the offenders; and when be sees an assault committed he ought to make nn anest and follow in pursuit, with nr with out a warrant. Whenever the officer hts the offender within his view at the time of committing the offence he has the right to make the anest with or without a warrant. He has the power when the offence is com mitted in his view, but, when he act on the information of others he must have a proptr authority. In this case the officer saw the affray or fight, which was stopped by bis approach. He had the right to arrest the offenders. Distressing Accident. The Franklin Spectator of the 2d inst., contains an ac count of the horrible death of Mr. William A. Thompson, afortner resident of Clearfield county, by the explosion of anitro glycerine torpedo which he was taking to a torpedo factory near that city. He had two torpe does in the bujfy both of which had failed to explode when tried in wells, but which had been exposed to the weather for sever al weeks, rendering theiu extremely liable to explode. We clip a portion of the arti cle : The accident occurred about one mile and a half out on the Bully Hill road; The body of Mr. Thompson was thrown about fifty feet from the place where the torpedo exploded, and was lying terribly mutilated, at the aide of the road, the left arm above the elbow dissevered from the bod, and missing. The horse and the fore wheels of the bugiry were found about fifty yards away which distance the horse had run before he fell. The scene around showed the terriSIe power of nitro glycerins The al'terpart of the buygy was reduced to chips, and a large portion of the axle not found. One of the tire was hanging in a tree, some 20 feet high, and one of the unfortunate victim's boots was hanging in another. The main charge of the torpedo had entered the left, side just above the hip, and death must have come like a flash and without physical suffering. The head and face were not much disfigured, showing slight abra sions, caused doubtless by the fall of the body on the ground. MARRIED. On Wednesday, September 7th, by Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr. James Ardert, of Lawrence township, and Miss Martha Price, of Pike Township. On Thursday, September 8th 1870, by Rv. Y (i. Feririison. Mr. Peter Starr. of Pike township, and Miss Emeline Bloom, ot Knox township. DIED I On Friday, September 2d, 1870, Etta McO. Oodkn. dauehter Cant. M. Oedcn. of Lawrence township, aged 5 years, 9 months ami z days. In Chest township, on Monday, Septem ber 5, 1S70. Mary Armir.da, only daugh- Ia, tl lfiiaiiiml nrl VMiT .IjiiA 14 iilH. anrl aged 15 years, 7 months and 1 i days. Indi ana and Liar ion papers please copy. GENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TION Wiicreas, by an Act of the General Assembly of the Common wealth of Peon a, entitled "An act to regulate the General Election wi'hin this Commonwealth," it is enjoined on the Sheriffs of tho several counties to give public no tice of such election, the places where to be held, and the officers to be elected : THERgroRK, I, CT ltENLS HOWE, High Sheriff of Clearfield Co., Jo hrrrbit fftre public notie to the Ejectors of the county of Clearfield, that HiKNKRA L ELECTION 1 will be held nn the Secoii'l Tuesday of October next, (being the r.Lfc r.X 1 11 day o! tnemontn) at the several election districts iu said county, at which time and place the qualified voters will vote For one person for Congress, to represent the counties of Erie. Warren, Cameron. Jefferson, Clearfield. Elk. Forest and McKean. For one person to represent the eounties of Clear field. Elk and Forest in the House of Repre sentatives ot this Commonwealth. For one person for Sheriff of Clearfield county. For one person for Commissioner of Clearfield coanty. For one person foe District Attorney of Clearfield courty. For one person for Jury Commissioner of Clear field county. For one person for Anditorof Clearfield conoty. For one person for Coroner of Clearfield county. The electors of the county of Clearfield will take notice that the said general election will be held at the lollowing places, via : At the Union Hotel, in Glen Hope for Beccaria township. At the house of Aseph Ellis for Bell township. At the house of the late James Bloom, Sen., for Blocm township At the house of Edward Albert for Boggetown'p. At the house of Jaeob Pearce, for the township of Bradford At the public house of R. W. Moore for Brady township. At Young's School House for Bornsida townshis. At the school house near Simon Rorabangh's tor the township ot Cheat.. . . At the court house for the Borough of Clearfield At the hotise'of Jacob Maurer for the towusliip of Covington At the house of I. Bloom, dee'd, for the Bor ough of Curwensrille. At Centre school house for the town'pof Decatur. At the house of John Uregory, formerly occu pied by Tboa. Robison. (Broadway) for the town ship of Ferguson. At Congress Hill school house for the township of Uirard. AY the public school house for Goshen township. At the house of Jacob Hubler for the township of Graham. At the school house in Janesville for the town ship of Guelich. At the house of J.Wilson lor the twn'p of Huston At the school house in Ansonville for the town ship of Jordan. At Bridgen's school house for the township of Karthans. At the Turkey Hill School bouse for the town ship of Knox. At the court house in the Borough of ClearCed (or Lawrence township At the public school house for the borough of Lumber-city. At the house formerly occupied by Thomas Ky ler for.tbe ts.wrrsbfp of Morris. At the public school house for the Borough of New Washington. At the publia Horn of Mile lloyt. for the Bor ough of Osceola. At the bouse formerly of Wm'. W. Anderson for the township of Penn At the nouse of I. Bloom, dee'd, in the Borough of Carwensville for Pike township At the house of ti. E. BrubaksY foir Cnientow'p. At the house of Thomas Henderson for the town ship of Woodward. AS HER Of VOTTSO. AN ACT regulating the mode of voting at all elections in the several counties of this Com Sectios I. He it euaetrd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it Is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the qualified voters of tbe several electintr distrietsot thie Commonwealth, at all general, towrutbip. borough and special e!ections.are here by, hereafter aLthoriaed and required to vote, by tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace tbe names of all judges cf courts voted for. and to be labelled outside, judiciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of the State officers voted for. and be labelled. "State;" one ticket shall embrace tbe names of all county officers voted for. including office of Senator, member and members of assembly, if voted for, and members of Congress, if voted for. and be labelled eounty one ticket shall em brace tbe names of all township officers voted for. and be labelled '-township ; one ticket shall embrace tbe names ot all borough officers voted for, and be labelled "bo.-ough , and each elass shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes. REGISTRY LAW. I also give official notice to the electors of Clear field county that, by an act entitled '-An act fur ther supplemental to the act relative to tbe elec tions cf this commonwealth,' approved April 17th A D iS69, it is provide d as follows: Skctiox 1 Be U exacted by the Senate and Halite of Representatives of tkeCommonirealtli of J'ruv- tyfvaua in Grn jral Assembly met. and it is hereby I ruacie.i ny me auinoniy or me 9amr.t jam it eun be the duty of each of the assessors within this commonwealth. on the first Mondayof Juno in each year, to take up the transcript be has received from the county commissioners under tbe 8th sec tion of the act of loth April. 1834. and proceed to an immediate revision of the same by striking therefrom the name of every person who is known by bim to have died or removed since the last previous assessment from the district of which he is tbe assessor or whose death or removal frora the same shall be made known to bim. and to add to the same tbe name of any qualified voter who shall be known to biro to have asoved into the district since tbe last previous assessment, and whose removal into the same shall be or shall have been made known to bin, and also the names of all who shall make claim to bim to bo qualified voters therein. As roou asthis revision U com pleted be shall visit every dwelling house in his district and make careful inquiry it any person whose name is on bis list has died er removed from the district.and if so.te take the same there from or whether any qualified voter resides there in whose name ia not on tbe list, and if so to add tbe same thereto ; and in all eases where a name is added to tbe list a tax sball be forthwith as sessed against the person; and the assessor sball in all cates ascertain, by inquiry, upon what f round the person so asses-e -1 cluims to a voter, pun tbe completion oi this wedk. it shall be the duty of each assessor as aforesaid to proceed to make out a list, in alphabetical order. of tbe white freemen above twenty-one years ot age. Claiming to be qualified voters in tbe ward, borough. town ship or district of which he ia the asseser. and opposite each of Slid names state whether said freeman is or is not a housekeeper and i' be is. he number of bis residence, in towns wbera 'be same are numbered. with tbe streat.alley er court in which situated; and if in a town where there are no numtera, the name of the street, alley or c urt on which said bou e fronts ; also, the occu pation of the person ; and where he is not a honSe kecper.the occupation. place of boarding.and with whom, and if working lor another, the name of tbe employer, and write opposite each of said names Ih e word - voier ;" where any person claims to veto by reason of naturalization be shall ex hibit his certificate thereof to tho assessor, unless he has been for five consecutive years t ext prece ding a voter in said district; and in all cases where tbe person bas been naturalized, the name sball be marked with the Utter - N ;" where the person has merely declared bis intention to be come a citizen and designs to be naturalized be fore the nest election tbe name shall bejmarked D I .;' wbre tbe claim is to vote by reason of being between tbe ages ef 21 and !2.as provided by law. tbe word -age'' sball be entered i and if the per son has moved into the election district to reside since tbe last general election, the letter -R' shall be placed opposite tbe name. It sba I be the fur ther duty ot each assessor as aforesaid, upon the completion of the duties herein imposed to make out a separate list of all new assessments made by him and the aniotanta assessed upon each. and fur nish tbO same immediately to the county commis sioners, who sball immediately add the names to tbe tax duplicate oi tne ward, borough, township or district in wbicb they bavo been aasossed. Sac. 2. On the list being completed and the as sessments made as aforesaid, tbe same shall forth with bo returned to tbe county commissioners. who shall cause duplicate oopiel of said lists, with the observations and explanations required to be no ted as aforesaid, to be made out as soon as practi cable and plat ed in the bands of the assessor . who shall prior to tbe first of August in each year.put one copy thereof on the door of or oa tbe house where the election of the respective district is tequirod to be bold, and retain the other in his possession, for the Inspection, free of charge of any person resident in tbe said eleetion district who shall desire to see tbe same; and it shall bo tbe duty of tbe said assessor to add, from time to tiiue.on the personal application of any one claim ing the right to vote, tne name of such claimant, and so irk opposite tbe name "C. V.' and immo diately assess him with a tax neting.as in all other cases, his occupation, residence. whether a board er or housekeeper ; if a boarder, with whom be boards; and whether naturalized or designing te be, marking in all such eases the letters eDDnsite the name, N" or-D. I ' as the case may be; if tne person claiming to be assessed be naturalized he shall exhibit lo the assessor his certificate of naturalization; and if be claims that be designs to be naturalized before the next ensuing election he sball exhibit the certificate of bis declaration of intention ; in all eases where any ward, bor ough, township or eleetion district is divided into two or more precincts, the assessor sball note in all his assessments the eleotion precinct in which each elector resides, and shall snake separate return for each to the county eemmissioBors.in all eases in which a return is required from him by tho provisions of this act ; and the eounty com missioners. In making duplicate copies of all such returns, shall make duplicate copies of the names of the voters in each precinct, separately, and sball furn'sb tbe same to the assessor; and tbe copies required by this act to be placed on tbe doors of or en tbe election places en or before tbe fint day of Auguatin each yaar. aball be placed on tbe door of or on the eleetion place in each of said precincts. Sec. 3. After tbe assessments have been com pleted on tbe tenth day preceding tbe second Tuesday in October of each year, the assessor shall, on the Monday immediately following. make a return to the e unty commissioners or the names of all persons assessed by him by the sec ond reetion of this act, noting opposite each name the observations and explanations required to be noted as aforesaid; and tbe eounty commission ers shall thereupon cause the same to be added to the return required by tbe second section of tnis act, and a lull and eorreet copy tnereoi lo be made, containing tbe names of all persons so returned as resident taxables in said ward, bor ough, township or precinct, and furnish tbe same together with the necessary election blanks to the officers ot tbe election in said ward, borough township or precinct, on or before six o'clock in the morning cf the second Tuesday of October; and no man shall be permitted to veto at the elee tion on that day whose name is not on said list, unless be shall make proof of his right to vote, as hereinafter required. Sec. 4. On the day of the election any person whose name is not on said list, and claiming tbe right to vote at said election, shall produce at least one quanneu voier it ino men iu, wnucsa to 'he resilience of the claimant in tbe district in wbicb he claims to be a voter, for the period of at least ten days next preceding said electron, which witness shall take and subscribe a written, or ... i . i . I .aj.:, ... tl. i narti v written ena naxiiv Driowu. "uiunn facts stated by him, which affidavit ehall define I elearJy where tbe. residence is oi ui jsnw claiming to be a voter ; and the person to claim ing the right to voti shall also take and subscribe a written, or partly written and partly printed affidavit, stating to tbe best Of his know ledge and belief, where and when he was bora; that he ia a citizen of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and of the United States; that be has resided in the commonwealth one year, or if foimerl a citiien therein, and bas moved therefrom, that he lias resided therein six months next preceding said election; that he bas not moved into the district for the purpose of voting therein; that be has paid a state orco-bnty tax within two years. which was assessed at least ten dsys before said e'eo tion ; and. it a naturalized citizen. shall also state when, where and by what court he was natural ized, and shall also produce bis certificate of. nat uralization far examination; the said affidavit shall also state when and where the tax claimed to be paid by the affiant was assesses1 and when, where and to whom paid, add the fax receipt therefor shall be produced for examination', un less tbe affiant shall state in bis affidavit that it has been lost or destroyed, or that be never re ceived any; but If tbe person so claiming the right to vote shall take and subscribe an affidavit, that he ia a native born citizen of the United States, (or if born elsewhere, shall state that fact in bis affidavit, and shall produce evidence that he haa been naturalized, or that he is entitled to citizenship by reason of bis father's naturaliza tion ) and sball further state ia his affidavit that he is. at the time ot taking tbe affidavit, between tbe ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years; that he has resided in the State one year and in tbe eleetion district ten days next preceding such election, he shall be entitled to vote, although he shall not have paid taxet ; the said affidavits of all persons making such claim, and the affidavits of the witnesses to their residence, shall be pre served by tbe eleetion board, and It tbe elose of the election they shall b enclosed with the list of voters, tally list nd other papers required by law to be filed by the return judge with the pro themotary, aud sball remain en file therewith in tbe pretbenotary's office, subjeot to examination, as other election papers are; if the election offi cers shall not find that the applicant or applieantt possess all the legal qualifications of voters, he or they shall be perm" (ted to vote, an. the name or names shall be added to the list of taxables by tbe election officers, the word "lax' being added where the claimant claims to vote on tax. and the word "age" where be claims to; vote nn age ; the same words being added by the clerks in each case respectively on the lists of persons voting at sucb election. Sec. 5. It shall be lawful for any qualified citi zeh of the district, notwiihstanding the name of the proposed voter is contained on the list of res ident taxables, to challenge the vote such person; whereupon the same proof of rhe rightof suffrage as is now required by law sball be publicly made and acted on by the election board, and tbe vote admitted or rejected according to tbe evidence ; every person claiming to be a naturalised citizen shall he required to produce bis naturalization certificate at the election before voting except where be bas been for ten years, consecutively, a voter, in the district in which he offers his vote ; and on the tote of such person being received, it shall be the duty of the election officers to write or stamp on such certificate the ord 'voted." with the month and year; and if any election of ficer or officers shall receive a second vote on tbe lame day. by virtue of the same certificate, excepting where sons aro entitled tovote by vir tue of tbe naturalization of their fathers, tbey and the person who shall offer such second vote, upon so offending shall be guilty of a high misde meanor, and en conviction thereof; be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the court; but tbe fine shall not exceed one hundred dollars in each case, nor the imprisonment one year; tbe ike punishment shall be Inflicted, on conviction. oh the officers of election who shall refuse nr neg- ect to make, or cause to he made, the indorse ment required as aforesaid on said naturalization certificate. Sac. 8. If anv election officer shall refuse or neglect to require such proof of the right of tuf- frage l. is prescribed by this law. or tbe laws to wbicb tbit is a supplemnnt tmm any person otter ing to vote whose name is not on the list of asses sed voters, or whose right to vote is' challenged bv anv qualified voter present, and sball admit such person to vote without requiring sucb proof, every person so offending, shall upon conviction, be guilty of high misdemeanor, and shall be sen tenced, for every such offence, to pay a fine not exceeding- one hundred dollars, or to undergo an imnrisonment not more than one vear. or either or both, at the discretion ot tbe court. .. -. Sec. 9 The respective assessors, inspectors and Judges of the elections shall each have the power to administer oaths to any persons claiming the right t be assessed or tbe right of suffrage, of in regard to any other matter or thing required to be dooe or required into by any of said officers under this act ; and any wilful false swearing by any person in relatiow. to any natter or thing concerning which they sha'l be lawfully interro gated by any ot said otucerstnan De punisucn as perjury. ' " " Sac 10. The assessors shall each receive the tame compensation fur the time necessarily spent . c - . i j .. . : t.kk m. t. : ..; tm in ptrinrninK mtuu.m n t . " . eujuiura " j provided by law for the performance of other duties, to be paid oy tnecoaniy eimmissioners as in other cases: and it snail not do tawtui ior any assessor to assess a tax against any person what ever within ten days next preceding tbe election to be held nn the Second Tuesday of October, in any year. rr within ten days next before any eioe- tinn for fratl. snl Of t ICO trjCSlUCUlOl ISO States ', any violation of this provision shall be a misdemeanor, ana suoieet me ameer so eaenaiog in u fine an conviction, not exceeding one dun dred dollars, or to Imprisonment not exceeding three months. or both at the discretaon ef the court San. II. On the petition of Ave or more citizens of the county, stating under oata mat tney veruy believe tbat frauds win do. practiced at tne elec tion about to be held in any district, it shall be the dutv of tbe court of common pleas of tald eo. if in session.or if not. a judge tnereoi in vacation, to appoint two judicious sober ana intelligent cit izens of the county to act as overseers at said e lection; said overseers shall be selected from dif f. r.ut nnlitieal narties. where the inspectors b- lone? to different narties. and where both of said inspectors belong to the same politioal party, both of the overseers shall be taken from the op dos ite nolitioal nartv : said overseers shall have the right to be present with tbe officers of the election, during tne wnoie nn tne mi uoiu. tbe votes counted and ibe returns made out and signed by tbe election officers; to keep a list of votora, ir tbey see proper; iccuauengc any per son offering to vote, and interrogate bim and his witness Under oath, in regard to his right of suf frage at said e'ection. and to examine his papers . . ... rtr r :j -l .1 produced ; and tne ouiccrs ,i nam omuua a,rv reanired to afford to said overseers so Selected and appointed every convenience and facility for tho discbarge of their duties; and if aaid elec tion officers sball refuse to permit said overseers to be nreaent and naftorm their duties as afore said, or if tbev shall be driven away from the .oils bv violence or intim'datlon, all the votes polled at such election district may be rejected by any tribunal trying a contest under said elee tion: 1'rei iata. i nat no person signing tne pe1 titinn shall be appointed an overseer. Sac. 12 If any protbtraotary. clerk, er tbe deputy of either, or any other person, shall affix the seal of office to any naturalisation paper, or permit tbe skme affixed, or give out or cause or permit tne same to oe given out, in o,ana.woere bv it bit be fraudulently used, or furnish a nat uralization certificate to any peiton who shall not have been duly examined and sworn in open court,in the presence of tome of the judges there of.aceordina to tbe act of Congress, or shall aid in. connive at, or In any way permit the issue of anv frandulant naturalization certificate, be sball be guilty of a high misdemeanor ; or if any one shall fraudulently use any such certificate of nat uralisation, knowing that it was fraudulently is sued, er shall vote, or attempt to vote, on any certificate of naturalization not issued to bim. be shall be iruiltv of a high misdemeanor: and el ther or any of the persons, their aiders or abet torsf ailtv of either of the misdemeanors afore said, shall, ou conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars and imprisoned in tbe proper penitentiary ior a period not ex ceedintf three Tears. Sec. 13. Any person who on oath or affirmation in or before anv court in this State, or officer au thorized to administer oaths, shall, to procure a certificate of naturalization, ior nimseir or any other person, wilfully depose, declare, or affirm any matter to be fact, knowing the same to be false or shall in like manner deny any matter to be fact knowing the same to be true, shall be guil ty of perjury ; and any certificate of'naturaliza tion issued in pursuance of any such deposition, declaration or affirmation. shall be null and void ; and it shall hethodutvof the court issuing tbe same, upon proof being made before it that it was fraudulently obtained, w ac immediate mea sures for recalling tbe sstne for cancellation, and anv nerson who shall vole, or attempt to vote, on any paper so obtained, or who shall in anyway aid in. or have any agency whatever in the issue, circulation or use of any irauciuient naturaliza tion certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and unun conviction thereof, shall un dergo an imprisonment iu the penitentiary for not more tban two years, auu pay a nne ot not more than one thousand dollars, for every such offence, or eitber er both, at tbe discretion of the court. - Sec. 14 Any assessor, eleetion officer or person appointed as an overseer, who shall neglect or refuse to Berform anv duty enjoined bv this atrt. without seasonable er legal cause.ahall be subject 13 a peralty of one nuaarea ooiiers, and it any assessor shall assets any person as a voter who is not qualified. er sball i ef use te assess anyone who is qualified, be shall be guilty of a misdemeanor in etoee, an on eonvictioo be punished by fine or imprisonment, and also k subject to an action for damages by the party aggrieved ; and if any person ahall fraudulently alter, add to. deface or destroy anv Met ef votrt mad out u lUrected by this act. or tear down or remove tbe same from 'he plate where it bas been fixed, with fraudu lent or m'scbevious intent, or for any improper purpose, the person so offending shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction aball be nanisbed by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding two yean or both, at the diseretiorj'of the ctrsrt Sec. 15. All elections for citv. wsrd. bofsueh. township and electron officers shall hereafter be held on the second Tuesday of October, subject to all the provisions of tbe laws regulating the elee tion of inch officers not inconsistent with this act; the persons elected to such offices at that time shall take their places at the expiration cf the teims -jf the pe sons holding the same at the time of such-election : but no election for the office of as sessor" or assistant assessor shall be held under this act until the year one thousand eight hun dred and seventv. Sec. It. At all elections hereafter held under the laws of this commonwealth, tbe polls shall be opeued between the hours of six and seven o -clonk. a. m. , and closed at seven p. m. Sac. 17. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth to prepare forms for all toe blanks made necessary by this act, and fur nish eopies of tha same to tbe county commission ! en of the several counties of the commonwealth; and the eounty commissioners of each county aball. as soon as may be necessary after receipt of tbe same, at the proper expense of the county, procure and furnish to all the eleetion districts of their respective eounties copies of such blanks. in such quantities as may be rendered necessary for the discharge of their duties under this act. Sic. 19. That citizens of this State tempora rily in the service of the State or of the United States governments on clerical or other duty. and who do not vote where thus employed, sball not be thereby dsprived of the riirtrt to vote ia their several election districts if otherwise July quali fied. FROCItAM ATIOH TothtCcntnty Commissioners and Sheriff of the County of Clearfield : WnEREAS, The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is as follows : Section 1. The right ofcitizens of the U- nitcd States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United Slates, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. That Congress suall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. And whereas. The Coneressof the Uni ted States on tbe 31st day of March, 1870, possed an act entitled, "An net to enforce tlxeriyhtof citizens of the. United States of this Union, and for other purposes," the first and second sections ot which are as fol lows : ' Section 1. Be it enacted Lu the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, m Lonaress assembled. That all citizes of the United States who are or shall be otherwise qualified to vote at any election by the people in any State, territory, district, eounty.city.parisb, township, school district, uiunicipality.or other territorial jub- division. shall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, without distinction of color, race, or previous condition "vl servi tude; any constitution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any State or Territory, or by or under its authority, to tne contrary notwithstanding. Sec 2. And be it further snacted, lhat if by or under the authority of the constitu tion or laws of ao? State, or the laws of any territory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a pre requisite or quauncation ior voting, and by such Constitution or laws persons or officers are or shall be charged with the performance of duties in furnishing to cities an opportunity to perform such pre-requtsites, or lo become qualined to vote it shall be the dutv of everv such person and officer to give all citizens of the United States the same and -equal opportunity nerform such urt-reouisite. and to become qualified to vote without distinction of race, color, or previous condition of servitude ; and if any siich person or officer shall refuse or knowingly qmit to give full effect to this section, he shall for every such otrence, ior feit and pay the sum ot five hundred dollars m ih nsrsnn aggrieved thereby, to b! re covered bv an action on the case, with full nnsts and atieti allowance tor counsel iees as the court shall dectn just, and shall also, for every such offence, be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and snail, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or Dotn, it li .liTHtion of the court. Avn Whereas. It is declared by the second section of VI. article of the Consti tution of the United States, that "This Con stitution, and the laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of the land, . . . . anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstand i9" ,. And Wuerea, The Legislature of this Commonwealth on the 6th day of April, 1870, passed an act entitled '"A further sup- pkmeut to the act relating to elections in this Commonwealth," the tenth section of which provides as follows : Sec. 10. That so muck of every act of Assembly as provides that only white free men shall be entitled to vote or be registered as voters, or as claiming to vote at any gene ral or special election of this commonwealth, be and the same is hereby repealed ; and that hereafter all freemen, without distinc tion of color, shall be enrolled and registered according to the provisions of the first sec tion of the act approved the 17th day of April, 1869, entitled "An act further sup plemental to the act relative to the elections of this Commonwealth," and shall, when otherwise qualified under existing laws, be entitled to vote at all general and special elections in this Commonwealth." And Whereas, It is my corstitutional and official duty "to take care that laws be faithfully executed ;" and it has come to my knowledge that sundry assessors and regis ters of voters have refused and are refusing to assess and register divers colored male citizens of lawful age, and otherwise quali fied as electors : t Now therefore, in considerations of the preuiiees, ihe County Commissioners of said county are hereby notified and directed to instruct the several Assessors and Registers of voters thereof to obey and conform to the requirement5 of said constitutional amend ments and laws ; and the Sheriff of said county is hereby authorized and required to publish in bis Election Proclamation for the ensuing elections the herein recited consti tutional amendment, act of Congress, and act of Legislature, to the end that the same may be known, executed and obeyed by all assessors, registers of voters, election offi cers. and others ; and that the rights and privileges guaranteed therein rur-y be secur. ed to all citizens ot tne uommonwealtn en titled to the same. Given under my band and the great L. S. seal of the Slate, at Harrisburg, the day and year first above written. Attest: JOHN W. GEARY. F. Jordah, Sec. of Commonwealth. UTOTTCE IS FURTHER HEREBY GIVFN.That all persons, except Justices of tbe Peace, who sball hold any office or appointment of trust, un der the government of tbe United States or of this State, or or any incorporated district, wheth er a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordi nate officer or agent who is orthall be employed under tbe Legislative. Executive or Judicial de partments of this State or United States, or any city or incorporated district, and also that any member of Congress and of the State Legtslature, or of the common or select eouncil of any city .or commissioner of any incorporated district, are by law incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time, tbe offioe or appointment of Judge, In spector, of Clerk of any election of this Common- WAnd the Return Judges of the respective dis triots aforesaid are requested to meet at the Court house. In the Borough ot Clearfield, ou the Firtt Friday next after tbe said Second Tuesday of Oe tober. then and there to do those things required. OI VKN under mv hand and seal, at Clearfield. thit Fourteenth day of September, in tbe year of our Lord one thousand eight buna red ana seventy . and of tha Independence of the t rited States the , niBeij-wuTtn."r ... t,iwuo ou", can THE GREAT CAMPBELL MASTODAX FIRST VISIT OF THE MAMMOTH TO THE : GREAT LUMBER REGION.. WILL EXHIBIT IN CLEARFIELD." On the other side of the New Bridge, (the Bridge FREE, to all foot ptssen gera who wish to attend the exhibition), on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1870. V IIjLi- AlioU AjA.iriIIT AT LUTIIERSBUllG, ON TIIURSEAY, SEPTEMBER. 22r PII1LIPSBURG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24r TYRONE CITY, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2tT, SECOND ANNUAL TOUR. EVER.HIKG HEW AKD BRTIXIAKT, Re-oreanlzed. te-modeI-d and Re-decorated for tho Travelini: Jonon oi' 1S79. w aud Miici-ilirnr Ani mal Ix-iis, New llarncv. New and OiMlv VV:.ri!rv, Manufactured by John Wau.. maker, o."sjo (.'uroliiul bLreet, Fliiliuleli.bia. A FULL AND COMPREHENSIVE MSNAG-SEIE, BEST CIRCUS TROUPE S ETER liEFnjtE THE FEOt'LE. Kvery attention lias heeo pnld to tho Zoological parliMvuL ot tbt? t'olua.-tal Organ izuliuxi. 71'?' NEW SPECIMENS or THI . hHimhh KIKGS022 Hare bii urdnr-M at rrt InSor ftnrt cxyrmac. T!it kjnf Liuu of Cafo con tatu the to lmi:ag BRAS. lUm Mid V.H; . lUTK . iluji N V'f or Sacrl TanH-l otihr frtfMtt&tx: ii;yY.I. r, TIiiKK; MAMMOTH iih.iV.A. Ki'.A it. .r.rx.-l - captured; OIKTAHs, or Unntl'i Z.w,w : AKltl CWX and ASJI ATI I.K'. ffi.-ttViu (- 'Tver of both varif tit-; TIIK Tit V K I MKX. -nttur-) in Ahvtv ainiadurtncthp fit.n of t!i. Jjiiilish uemu.m Km rHrorTiitrvlurii; Mon.-r VH i Tri J;Jy.LV JiKAK, I rum Alaskik. In th r-:: wiri h fotl African nnd Asiatic f,f'n, r.t-jn r.iil A mrr ;;nr. Ian tl.er. KntzllUii .l.i-ir. imrti, A:ri-ti m I A r.l c IotMfcrtJ, Ntr'rwl llyn.i. !u-o-s,, irirriv. .t..k Browu, and Cin'Bm.m B am, t or.ptrx. Sr.o:Te-.l 7v ms. Zjtu. i'.n.iis, -curie. Maiitrjir.Mi!i, ..- I)romHiario. WoIvm. Jrar, OMrlrh-. t.-mc. JnrkrN, iirvys. PWicam, Kui;--. Vultsirw. H'oi.i-...i, I t.xt . alt kinds of CHrn.Vfrtm. A tj tint to ami luu r!t:n-vt Foreign and Ivnestic Brr!-; and an nroHiiMir Bflwt1 assortment of Ape, Tubootm, iiuiikt, nd other Minor AnimulA. if W,. The Kenmriu-d .tore King, vt'lll enter the Den of I.lcru. Tifrir and ornrt rt erxrh KxhlWtion. howiriir the POWER F MAN OVKK THE WtrTE .JtEATION The Animal will he FVd In the Afternoon. In Ihe flrfWMlo o. Ihe K V 'en.-e. Attentive, polite mid ,il nrVirmed keeje.-a constantly la front of Ihe Animal Dena, ft W1U be found excellent in all It Denartnifiits. and comprises tne following Ixng Array ot latent: MADAME BROWN, The Oueen eftke Mahrji. " LITTLE MARY BR0WH, The Premier Child Equestrienne a the U'erlJ. M'LLE JOSEPHINE, The tasking Parisian Equestrieunt. Mr. JAMES DE M OR EST, ifted Equestrian TumbUr And Leafier BURROWS & CONKLIN, fmnasts Extraordinary, and Comic Acrpbats. SAM STICKNEY, Jr. Ik Modern Ttruckstontr. JAMES WARD, Tkt Terrific Cloud String utxd Grotesque Clonm. JOHN CONKLIN, The American HercuUx. CHAS. BURROWS, Traprse and Gymnastic Ex f anient, Ete. The berein brothers, Gjrmntuts, tW. , &r. AUK, Messrs. BAL0IT, BUCKLEY, BREEZE. EIOHAEB BOH, BAH0IT, Lt.CLERO, etc, etc. THE GoANDSTREET PARADE Wbicb will take place dai'y about lO A. M. will be A FAOKAtiT Of 0R1EHTAL CRANDEtJB. Headed b the Triumphal Chariot nnd followed by the Long Lined Mawive Case, the EJfcpliaut, etc. etc Thd Eihlhltlons will be given under Mammoth Three-Centre Pole WATER-PROOF CAXVASS. Dry In Wet Wether, fool In Worm Weather, and Comfortable in all V. euUiers. ICEXESI&EIt Oiut Ticket admits yon to fcoe ClJiCUS mnd M EXAGEU1E. EXHIBITIONS w&wMj Afternoon and. S'ight. Doors open at A In the Afternoon, and 7 lo tbe Evening. Beat for Everybody. The Canvas Brilliantly niuminated at Night. DON'T TOKGET THE SAT AND DATE, bat ait for THE LARGEST SHOW ON EARTH. sr Each Day ADMILSSION, (one ticket admits to both Menagerie and Circus), SO eta. CHILDREN, under 10 yrs, 25 Cts. II