fje afttman'z gonxnal, ieatfidb, ga., Jtttgusf 24, 1870. ur tfce farmer. Wlat A Kitchen Should Be. The following is a lady's idea of what a kitchen should be. She says : "To begin with. I would bae a kitchen well lighted; some,, yes a great deal of the broad expan sive sunlieht coming in boldly, as if it had a perfect right to be there. That would, of course, necessitate large windows. And then I would give as much attention to the ventilation of a kitchen as I would to a sleeping-room. I would have a large circular device suspended over the cooking stove With a hole in. the centre, and a tube lead ing to the top of the house, to carry off the savory smells, which the process of cooking generates, and prevent them from permeat ing the whole house. "For these smells, however savory and agreeable, are apt to take away something from the keenness of our appetite ; or. at least, cause ns to anticipate something better than the reality. Then I would have a large ink, with a permanent soapstone or marble washbowl, for washing the dishes, and an other for draining. I would also have an adjustable pipe leading from the hot water tank to either of these basins. Besides this, I would have sundry cupboards and closets arraoged on the wall, so as to be tasteful and decorative as well as convenient. "Then I would have a space devoted to tiny drawers, similar to those in a drugstore, and labeled in this manner : Soda, allspice, nutmegs, cream of tartar, etc., so that at a single glance I could discover just what I wanted, without rumaging to fiud these things in some out-of the way corner, placed there by some untidy Bridget. This would save one a world of care now devoted to in structing every new servant, as to all places of things. Cooking is becoming so com plicated now-a-days that one needs all the arrangements, and as many utensils, as a chemical laboratory ; and the good architect should give the mater familias 'a place for everything.' " Cacstic Limb for Insects. There are few insects than can withstand a dose of freshly slacked lime. We always keep a quantity of it on hand ready for sprinkling oer plants infested with slugs or bugs of any kind, and it has always proved effectual if applied at the right time. Last year, the white pine worm attacked nearly every pine tree on our place, but two or three dustings of lime when the trees were wet with dew banished or destroyed this pest, which in a few days, if unchecked, would have stripped every leaf from our tree. The asparagus beetle appeared upon our beds of this vegeta ble in countless numbers, but a few doses of lime have made them leave, and the plants look healthy and vigorous at the present time. TVe have driven from our garden the rose slug, cabbage flea, and numerous other pests by the use of this same material, and we have never observed that the ' plants were damaged by its use. A correspondent at the West says he has entirely checked the ravages of the Colorado potato bug by freely using lime upon the plants, and we have no doubt that others might be equally success ful by a persistent use of this material. Lime is so cheap that no one can object to its use on that score, and if it fails to kill the insects, it will usually do the land good wher ever applied. Ex. Cabbaoes for Cattle. An English writer says : The cultivation of the cabbage is greatly extending. It comes into use when other things fail, and is far the best vegetable succulent for milch cows keeping np the yield of mljk, and preserving better than any other food some portion of the quality which cheese loses when the cows quit their natural pasturage. Cows fed on cabbages are alwaysquiet and satisfied, while on turnips they often scour and are restless. Cabbages are giveu whole on the pastures, and later in the season are either pulled or placed in the trough whole. Whenfiostcd they are likely to produce hoven, unless kept in a shed to thaw before beiog used. Fifty-six pounds, given at two meals, are as much as a large cow should have in a day. Frequent cases of abortion are occasioned by an oversupply of green food. Cabbages are excellent for young animals, keeping them in health. A calf of seven months may have twenty pounds a day. Harrowed vs. Drilled Wheat. Experiments at the Experimental Farm, of Pennsylvania, the present season, have demonstrated the fact that harrowed in wheat produces a better crop than drilled in. In every instance where the experiment was tried the product of the broadcast sow ing exceeded the drilled 10 or 15 per cent. Further testimony in favor of harrowing in is furnished by the experience of Adrian Cornell, of Bucks county, one of the most pbservaDt and thoroughly practical farmers in the State. Mr. C. long ago discarded the drill and broadcasts all his wheat, oats, &c He says that whenever his neighbors who use the drill can grow as much wheat per acre as he obtains he will drill also. It is the opinonofboth Mr. Harvey and Mr. Cornell that the drill buries the seed too deep. Pocltrt. Feed your poultry on raw on ions chopped fine, mixed with other food twice a week. It is better than a dozen cures for chicken cholera. Fowls exposed to dampness are apt to be troubled with catarrh, which will run into croup if not attended to. Red penper mixed with soft food, fed several times a week, will remove the cold. Pulverized charcoal, is a preven tive of putrid affections, to which fowls are very subject The Teasel should be deep enough to let the hen stand. Pulverized chalk administrated with softer food will cure diarrhoea. This disorder is caused by want of variety in food, or by too much green food. Garlic fed once or twice a week is excellent for colds. Gardener's Magazine. The Liberty (Mo.) Tribune says the fruit crop of Southwest Missouri is very promis ing. Accounts from Bates, Cass and Ver non counMes represent the peach crop as eafe. The apples and small fruit never promised better. j REMOVAL! REMOVAL! C. KRATZER & SONS, Bar removed to the large aad elegant HEW STOKE ROOM, en Second Street, adjoining Mar rail A Bigler'i Herd war Store, where they will be pleased te ee tbeir old and new easterner!. Citisensef the count; visiting Clearfield, ana wishing to make purchases, will Sad it te their advantage to examine their stock. Oeedi at cash priees exchanged for all kindi ef country produce. Jan. ,'69 LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Becks; Sheet If (lis fer Piano, Flute and Tielin ; Blank Aeeeant and Pass Beeks, ef every de seriptioa; Paper and Envelopes. French pressed and plain; Pensand Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exemption aad Premisory Kates; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap and Bill cap, etc., Will be sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. GAULIK. At the Post office, on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May i, 18SS A. f. aernTOJ. O). s. TOMS). B0YNT0N & YOUNG, Cor. Fourth atufaJPinc Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA., MASsrAfTvaxK or STEAM ENGINES, Mulay and Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WA TER WHEELS, BHAFTIMO. PULLETS, BOLTS, and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Haating Stoves, Sled Shoes, Plowa, and eastings ef all kinds. DEALERS IK Giffards' Injeetor, Steam Ganges, Steam Whistles Oilers, Tallow Cops, Oil Caps, Gango Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Check VaW.s, Wroaght Iron Pipe, Steam Pampa, iler-..d-P.,p., A.M-frietioa If etals, Soap Stone Packing, G am Packing, Ac., Ac., December t, 1863-tf. 1. . RAHAaT. a. w. aaiBAif. A. A. UIHIK NEW FIRM! JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALIXS in all kinds ef Dry Goods, Beets and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Wood and Willowwara, Flour, Bacon, Fish.Salt etc, Market St., CLEARFIELD, PA FOR THE LADIES They have Bonnets. Silks. Cobnrgs, Alpaeas, Merinos. Wool Delaines. Lustres, 8ing haass, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Sa shades, Handkerchiefs Kid aad other Gloves,Hesiery,Balmo , rals, Ileop-akirts, aad a general variety ef rib boas, trimmings. Buttons, Braids, etc.'at the lowest priees. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cletbs, Black a Taney Cassimeres.Sattinetts, Tweeds, Mel tons, Water proof Cloth, Silk, Satin and common Testings, etc., ia great variety, aad at priees that: will give general satisfaction to buyeie. ALSO, A general assortment of Ready-made Cloth ing. Bats and Cap, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Queensware, a good Stock, Wood and Willowwara, and a fall stuck of Groceries. IN FACT, GRAHAM A SOUS .ell .11 article, that art sually kept in a well-regulated country ore,and hone the people generally will find it to tb eir advantage to oj goods of the Graia and eonntry produce tauea xebango for Cot 4a. An. 24-'6, CURWENIVILLK ADVERTISEMENTS, TiEETH! TEETH ! I Extracted for 25 Cents. Extracted with the nae of Hitrous Oxyd Gas, and Local Anaesthesia, (the only harmless and efficient anaesthetics now in ase,) by J. Hayi, Surge Demist, Curweneville. P" Who would hereby mast respectfully return hi thanks fer the libeial patronage of the past, and inform the public that he has removed his Office to the Corner of Stato and Locust Streets, ore Jenkins' Store, where he is Dreoared to receive bin customers in newly fitted up Rooms, and do their work in the most skilfnl and workmanlike manner All work done in the latest and most approved styles, and guaranteed. Dr. Ilavs will be encaged in bis office from tb 1st to the 23d of each month ; the balance of eaih month, ha will spend in Glen Hope, Bnrnside, and Luthersburg, alternately. Parties residing at a distance, should write to us previous ol their coming. Office hours, from 8 to 12 o'clock, A. M ., and from 1 to a o clock, P. M. We nse none but tbo very best material, and defy competition for beauty, cheapness, aad da rability Give us a call. Cnrwensvilla, Pa., May 25, 1870.-feb3y. XTBW FOUNDRY -4-1 in Curwensville. The undersigned having entered into co part nership, in the FOUNDRY BUSINESS. Curweosville, would inform the publio that they Keep on hand, and will manufacture to order, Plows, Cultivators, THRESHING MACHINES Stoves, etc., and every other description of articles generally made in a esuntry foundry. larma reasonable. UM metal take a in ex cbange for work. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited. JACKSON ROBISOIf Fob.z3,'70-ly. JAMES M. WELCH. NEW HOUSE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! Curwensville, Pa., Are now receiving, direct from Baltimore, Boston new iora, i-nuaaelpma and Pittsburg, an im mouse aiocs: ox DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GENTS' FUR NISIIING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CHINA, GLASS AND Q UEENS WAR E, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, d, oougnt at lower prices than have been made to any oouse in tbo town Mince the good old days before the late war. all to be distributed to those wbovisit Curwensville for supplies. in accordance wua ine great sacrifice at which they were bought. ' LADIES Are particularly invited to call at Hartsock Uoedwin s cheap store, and examine the splendid noes oi DRESS GOODS, TR IMMINGS, SUA WLS, FANCY GOODS, 6.. on exhibition., They Defy Competition . Parties cannot do justice to themselves in buying uj- w uwcHwinea or mo. witnouteallmr on May .'70-Sm l HARTSOCK A GOODWIN. "CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST." GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST RECEIVED BY ARXOLD & HARTSHORN, Curwensville, Pa. (One door West First Nat. Bank.) jus, inuriicu i rum mi r,a.i witn a com plete assortment ol Goods, suitable for the Spring and Summer trade, we are now prepared to fur nish all kinds of Goods "CHEAPER THAN THB CHEAPEST." And after thanking our customers for tbeir lib erai patronage during the past year, we would most respectfully ask for a continuance of the name, uur stock consists of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. HARDWARE. nv. , QUEENSWARE, , - WILLOW-WARE. GROCERIES. ITATJ-ner, BOOTS SHOES, CLOTHING, CARPETS, TUBACCOS,Ett. Also. Flour. Bacon, Salt. Fish, Grain, Ac. Ac , all of which will be sold on tbo most reasonable terms, no tne Highest market price paid for na an Kinds or lumber and country produce. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and prices. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Cor. Main a Thompson Sts. April 20,'70 s Curwensville, Pa, SQUARE TIMBER. B. A. Irvix & Co., Beluf specially engaged in the business of buy ing and selling SQOARB TIMBER, would repre sent that they are now prepared to purehasa tim ber, delivorcd at either Curwensville, Lock Haven or Marietta, or will take it at any of these points and sell on commission, making saeh advacoesas are necessary. These eng,g.d B ftinf ,,t iiahmT , M at our store in Curwensville . very large stock of STAPLE GOODS, of .11 d.seriptions. ALSO, FLOUR, MEAT, RYE, OATS, CORN, and everything necessary for ase of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, of aU sises, kept on hand ia large quantities, and sold at a small advance, by the coil. Also, PULLET BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE, Ao Special inducements offered to those manufac turing Square Timber. . A. IRVIN A CO. CmrwensTille, Jan. 12, IZ79. i AMUEL I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, CiaAariaLD, Pa. AH work warranted to give eatisfaetiea. A good assortment of Watch-glasses and Keys al ways on hand. Rooms on Second Street, opposite the Court House. March 2. 1670-tf 0 N MY OWN nOOK. Having purchased tb entire atock at tbo old stand of Kirk & Spencer, in Lumber City, I intend carrying on tba business as hereto fore. Mr MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FOR CASH. TbankiDg our friends and customers? for past patronage I solicit a continuance of tba same. Sept. 15th, 1869, ISAAC KIRK. JEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite tb residence of 11. B. Swoopo. Esq., Clsarfield, Pa., Would respectfully announce to the citizens ef Clearfield and vicinity, that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L. alawoffice.and that ho is determined not to be outdone cither in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the manufacture of sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the best quality, always on band. Give him a call. f June 24. 'o4. c. K B A T Z I , Opposite tb Jail. Clearfield, Penn'a, Sealer ia Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Milliaory Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Stone ware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, flats, Caps, Flour, Baeon, Fish, Salt, eto.,is constantly receiving new supplies from the cities, which he will dispose ol at tha lowest market prices, to customers. Before purchasing elsewhere, eiamine his stock. Clearfield, February 9, 187. J)ENTAL PARTNERSHIP. D R. A.M. HILLS desires to inform his patients and tb publie generally, that he has associated with him in the practice of Dentistry, S. P.SHAW, D. I S , who is a graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, and tberelore baa the highest attestations of his Professional skill. All work dona in the office I will hold myself personally responsible tor being done in the most satisfactory manner and highest order of the pre fession. An established practice of twenty-two years in tius place enables me to speak to my patrocs with connaence. Engagements from a distance should be mod by letter a few days before the patient designs coming. Mjiearneia, June s, ISBK-Iy. JJOMK INDUS THY BOOTS A!tD SHOXI . Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention oi tne citizens ol Ulearnel J and vicini ty, to rive him a call at his shoo on Markat St. nearly opposite Uartswick A Irwin's drna store, where he is prepared to make er repair anything in nis line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on band a stock of extra french calfskins, supsrb gaiter tops, A., that I will nnisn up at tne lowest figures. June 13th, 188. DANIEL OSSELLT C50 3IETIIING N K W IN ANSONVILI.l, Clearfield nountv. IVnn'a The undersigned having erected, during the i' - -... . . i . p, v u u uvuiiumivui aivra room, is now engaged in filling it up with a new and select assortmentof Fall and Winter goods, which u uuira iv ioi peouo Mi prices lo suit tne times H in mtnrh nf Man. mnA lui.1,;.. J " viv,u,ug a UUUEUJftl ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from ' Y - wu, mii. r iour. Balt,and Ore v. -. j miuw, complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-nin a h.i. itmb I? i r i -' - - , .vv,o auu bboes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies' j.... . , . . i - . uiceo giruuo, ,uro, uu oiuenancy goods, together to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sala very wU-F. i nut in c-ms a yard. ana omer goods r -1-- . ' u " ia in, uiiii ly uui, country produce of every kind, at the hiehest market prices, will be taken in exchange fer . . ..j . i i , ... . s K vVU 3 . ,IIU HIU U IMBOURI Will Till n. p f , . u . . for any article in store. Examine ay stock be- ueieoer u,iao7. .SWAIf. JUST IN TIME! THE MEW GOODS AT . K. WRIGHT k SOXS, CLEARFIELD, PA., Having just returned from the eastern cities we are now obenina- a full stoea of goeas, at our rooms on becond street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic generally. Our assortment is unm m...mA in this section, and is being sold very low for vmou. a.ue loc COnslBIS in DSTI OI DRY GOODS of the best quality, sueh as Prints. Delainea.AIn eas. Merinos. Uinghams ; Muslins, bleached and unoieacned ; Drillings 1 lekings, cotton and wool Flannels, Cassimers. Ladies' Shawls. Coatu Nn. bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals, Ac. Ac. all of wMch will be sold low roa casb. Also, a fine DDiuouii mo vest ox MM. M, m - TY BAR, ir ef Drawers and Fhirts, Hats and Caps, id Shoes, Haadkerchicftt cravats, ate. M B K S eonsistin coots an Also, Raft Rene. Dor Rone. Raltina An?Tire and Axes. Mails and Spikes. Tinware, Lamps and "p wicas ana chimneys, ate., et., Queensware. OlaMware. Hardware. Or, ries. and spices of all kinds. In short a general assortment of a very thing usually kept in a retail store, all cheap far task, or approved country frev. Z8-jal0-nel3. WRIGHT A SONS 5-20'S AND 1881'S BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED, OS MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT and SOLD at MARKET RATES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC 11. R. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT and SOLD n COMMISSION anty. Chicago, Darmlle and Vincennes First Mortgage 7 per cent. Gold Bonds for sale at 90 and accrued in terest. Accounts received and interest allowed on daily balances subject to check, at sight. DeIIAVEN & BRO., SOUTH S STREET, PHILADELPHIA March 3. 1870-lyWy 13. HOlIKIHnrn nnnno T,,K Rrnoma rin,.. " - - . " , Wash Rabbers. Butter Bowls, Coffee Mills. Bath Brick. Hall and .nd Muslin Blinds. f!lnf h. Baskets, Tea Trays. Opposite the jail. s TIKES OF THB JOURNAL. The Raftsmai'i Jocbvai. is published Wed aesday at $1,04 pet annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, i,bt will b charged, and S3, 00 if not paid before tb close. Advirtisim esti will be inserted at $1,50 per square, for three or lees insertions Ten linee (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A dedaetioa will be mad to yearly advertisers No subscription taken for a shorter time thaa six months, and no paper will be discontinued un till all arrearages are paid.except at the option of the publisher. S. J. ROW. rpHE ELLIPTIC SEWING MACITINE. The best Double Thread Machine now in use will be cold lower than any other machine finished in like manner, and doing the same range of work. Machines can be seen at the store of Thompson A Co., Curwensville, or at the resi dence of the undersigned . LEWIS C. BLOOM. May 11, 1870. -3m. Bloom's Bridge. gMALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES. HARTSWIOK .A IRWIH are constantly replenishing their stock of Drags, Mediciaes. Ac. School books and Stationary, including the Osgood and National series f readers. Also Tobacco and Ci gars, of the best quality, aad at the lowest prices. Call and see. Clearfield, Nov 10, 1869 WOOL CARDING. The underfed, ' T proprietor of the Union M in Union township, Clearfield counlv. would inform the public that he is prepared to card wool, on rea sonable terms and in a workmanlike manner Persons having wool to card should attsnd to it immediatly. as the factory will be closed after September 1st. Wool intended for carding can be left al R. Mossop's oi C. Kratier's, in Clear field, and I will take it away aad return it when carded. Jane I, 187. JR. ARNOLD. EMOVA L-G UN SHOP Tb undersigned begs leave t inform his old and new customers, and the publie generally, that he has fitted up a new GUN SHOP, on tbe let on the corner of Fourth and Market streets. Clearfield, Pa., where be keeps constantly en band, and makes to order, all kinds ot Guns. Also, gnns re bored and revarnisbed, and repaired neatly en short notice. Orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. June , 1869. JOH3 MOORE. rpnE "EAGLE nOTKL," Main St., Curwensville, Pa. Having leased for a term of years tbe above well krown and popular Hotel (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fjuts), and having newly refitted and refurnished it, tbe present proprietor feels assured that he can render entire satisfaction to guett" sojourning with bim. A fine, large stable and yard is attuched, for tbe care and protection of horses, carriages and wagons. A share of patronage is solicited May.f70-ly. A J.DKAUlKEF. Prop'r. rp H E "SHAW HOUS E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. GEORGE N. COLBCRN, :::::: Prm-bhto This house was lately completed and just open ed to tbo publio is newly lurnisbed.and previded with al I tbe modern improvements of a first-class hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the business part of the town, and near to tb publie build- iue-s. n snare ot pairenage is respectiuiiy sons ilea, marges moderate, ins bestor Liquors l tbe bar. March 30,'70-tf. rpHE LEONARD IIOUSB (Near tb Railroad Depot), Reed Street, Clearfield, Pa. G. D. GOOD FELLOW PaeraixTOB. A new-first class Hetel in every respect com fortabla rooms all tbo modem itnDrovamentii tbe best of Liquors promutattendance. and rea sonable charges. Tbe patronage of the public is rcofjcuuuiiy aviiciica. jy-Zl tf. pLOTIIING! CLOTHINS1! flOOD aD CMEAF!!! Men, Tenths and Boys can be suplpied with full suits of seasonable and fashionable e loth ing at I. L. REIZENSTEIN'S, where it is sold at prices that will induce their pureoase. lot universal satisfaction whieh has been given, has induced him to increase his e'oek, which is now not iDmLuwd lv w . l , j - . lisnsuent ef the kind in this part ef the State. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, Bells goods at a very small profit, for casb ; His goods are well made and fajhienabla. He gives every one the worth ef his money. He treats his customers all alike. He sells cheaper than every body els. His store is conveniently situated. He having purchased his stock t reduced prices he can sell cheaper tl aa ethers. For these and ether raann uhi .1,.M tk.i. r uvu VlWtU AU I. It. REIZENSTEfN'S Produce of everv kind tk tk k t r. nay io, ice NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEARFIELD. PEN'A. Monuments. Grecian Tnmhi n i - ' ' --r, . .11, U VVUtUTS, 1 . i ft UqC9, UlIUfB btatuary. Terra Cotta Ware, of every description, Head and Font Stn .f Yv .-j k...,;r..i j signs, all of which we offer at eity prices, or 25 ym, cum ivBi ipau auy omer establishment in this " J ""ing large experience in tne busi- " - - tuarum lausiacuon in all eases.' dors thankfully received and promptly filled Or- in S. A. GIBSON. May 11, 1870 -tf. James Watsos, Agent Co-Partiiersliip in Store. C. A. Rorebaugh having associated with him in the Mercantile business, ia Lewisville, Clear field county. Mr. C. R. McCracken, solicits a con tinuance ef the patronage so generously ex leaded heretofore Having just returned from the eastern cities their stock mbi aces a large and varied assort mentof Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queeas- ware, and in fact nearly evervthlnr . ncn. ally kept in a eountry store, which they will sell at prices to suit tbo times. Country produce taken ia exchange for goods C. A. ROROBAUGH, May 18, '70. tf. C R. MeCRACKEN MEAT MARKET- J. E. Wrigley k Bro., Having purchased the shop and fixtures ef W. R. McPhersen, would inform the citizens of Clear field and vicinity that thay are at all times pre pared to furnish FRESH BEEF, Veal, Mutton, etc., at the lowest cash rates to customers. A liberal share of publie patronage is respect fully solicited Cash paid for Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. ROOM ON MARKET ST., Clearfield, Pa., June 1, kti70. CHILDREXSfuritweaxy.fiv percent less than coat at .SHAW Ago CURRANTS th beat and cheapest in th county, at GRAHAM'S. RIED FRUIT, at reduced priees. at PITTIBCRQ ADVERTISEMENTS FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL KINDS ALSO, IMPROVED MONET DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., M.3(-fim. 102 Second At., Pittsburg. Pa. CLEARFIELD NURSERY. Encocr ace Home Industry-. The undersira ed having established a Nursery. on Ih Pike halfway between Curwensville and Clearfiell Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Frui trees. (.Standard and dwarf,) Evergreen9. f-"brub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawten Black berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also Sibrian Crab trees. Quince and early SearletRhea barb. Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 31,1864. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville FOR SALE, White Lead, fine Paint, Liaseed Oil.Tarpeatia Tarnishes ef all kiads, Colors, in oil aad dry, Paint and Varnish brushes. HARTSWICE A IRWIN, Clearfield. Pa -M ,'S9. Yt K. SMITH, MERCHANT TAILOR, Clearfield, Pa., Would respectfully inform the citizens of Clear field county that he has purchased the interest of . R L. Stoughton, and is now prepared to make np, in tbe most fashionable manner, all kinds of clothing that customers may desire, lie has CLOTHS. DOESKINS, AND CASSIMERES, of every stylo, always on hand, from which cus tomers can mnke tbeir selections. One door East of the Postcftce. April . 1S7B. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! Eightf -tix ThnanJJ?rv'n Hundred and Eigh-ly-tn Machines Made and Held the Past Year.' The number exceeds by thousands the eales of any other Machine, and the demand is still in creasing THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD. THE RE SONS WHY: Bectiuse it embodies essential principles not found in any other Macbine ; because of its sim plicity of construction, case of operatien, uni formity of precise action at any speed, and ca pacity for tbe greatest range an I variety of work, fine or coarse. Parties wishiag to purchase should not fail to examine this best of all Sewing Machines. I have the Agency for this Machine, .and will keep a full supply on hand. Clearfield, May 4. !70 tf J. S. SHOWERS. Marble and Stone Yard. MRS. S.S. LIDDELL, Having enraged in the Marble business, desire to intorm ber friends, and tbe public, that she has nowand will keep constantly on band a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and ia prepared to famish to order TOMBS TONES. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, ia Sand stone and Marble, CURBS aad POSTS for Cemetery lets, WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS, ARCHITECTURL ND L WN ORN She would invite special attention to her Sand stone Monuments which are built from original designs and will compare favorably with any thing ef the kind in tbe country. If desired she can furnish Marble Window Sille and Caps at a slignt advance on tne price or aandstone. Vaxd on Keed Street, aear the Depot,Clearfield P. May 4. 1S70 M E N s- YOUTHS' AND BOYS', CLOTHING. The undersigusd having recently ad led READY-MADE CLOTHING to his former business, would respectfully selieil an examination ot his stock. Being practical Tailor be flatters himself that he is able to offer a bettor elass ef ready-mad work than has heretofore beea brought to this mar ket. Any one wishing to buy goods in this lino wonld save money by calling at his stere, and making their selections. Alsc, full supply ef Gents 'furnishing goods always on hand. Feeling thankful for past favors, he would re spectfully solicit a continuance ef the April 23. 186. II. BRIDGE. II O SAD AL I S fllME GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH A RESTORER, purifies the blood and euieraro!ula,&ypnilis.ikin Diseases. Rheu matism, Diseases of Women. ssVnd A. 1 1 (!ritrfn. O ia Affections of the Blood, Liver and Kid neys. Recommended by the medical Fac ulty ana many inousands of our best citi sens. Read the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have used Mo:adalis; send fur our Rosadaiis Guide to Health Book, or Al manac for this year, which we pnblish for s ciatuituus ui.'inouuon; it will give you mech valuable information Dr. R. W. torr, of Baltimore, says : I take pleasure in recommerding your Rosadalis as a very powerful alterative. 1 have see it used in two cases with happy results one in a cai-e of secoadary syphilis in whieh tbe patient pronoanced himself cured after having taken five bottles of your medicine. The other is a ca-e of scrof ula of long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its use, and tbe indications are that tbe patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by which your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative ingre dients. I'r. Spa-ks. of S icholasville, Ky.. says he has used Rosadalis in cases of Scrofula and A D A Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results as a cleaner of the Blod 1 know no bet ter remedy. Samuel G. McFadden, Murfreesboro'. Tenn.says: I have u.ed seven bottles of Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, who has scrofulous aora ayes. Be-ijamin Becbtol. of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suScred for twenty years with an in veterate eruption over my whole body ; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis and it effected a perfect cure. Labratory, el Exchange Placa,Baltimore. CLEMENTS, A CO , Proprietor. s Rosadalis is sold by Hartswick A Irwin and A. Sbaw, Clearfield. D. K Good. Unceola. and bv Druggists generally. April 6770-ly N AILS A EPJIEaW theeheapest in the scanty WHO HAS A HOUSE TO PAI5TT READY-MADE COLORS Known as "Railroad" Colors. Q aaranteed to be Bore economical, mora durable aad more convent ent than any Paint aver before A book entitled -'Plain talk with Practical Painters." uitfc Pes,eni free by mail on applicatioa. MAfLRY A WHITON. . ,. J? ,r" nd VeUmr WqtI,, Ap. lS-3m m Fult, St.. JW Y.rt. Beware of Imitations. Established lt',5. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! JOHN TROUTMAN, Having jnst fitted up a new and elegant Fsrni ture Room, on Market street. Lant of th. -n. gbeny House," Clearfield. Pa., notifie. tbe nBbli.' that be keeps on hand all kindsof Chamber nits (walnut and common). Cane seat and Windsor chairs, etc . which will be cold cheap f.,r eh I share of patronage is respectfully solicited April 13 1870. rpHE WONDERFUL LINIMENT. This Liniment having beta us-d for some years past as a fami'y medicine by the'rre prietor, and its g.Kd effects coming to the notice of bis neighbors, has. at their suggestion. cn sented to manufacture it for the benefit of the if. flicted everywhere. It i. the best remedv f.r Catarrh and Billions Chotie. ever offered to the publie; and will core many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cure fer Pole ctiI and Mind-gAlIa in horses Directions for it M accompany each bottle. Priced per bottle or ' six bottles for i. Sent to any address by enclos ing the price to WM. li WA'iO.SKR. Hurd Posteffi-( Oct. ,!Sfi9. Clearfieldoutty, P.. MILLWRIGIITIXG. H. T. Far.vsworth, Would inform Mill owners, and Ibnse desirotjj of having Mills built, that he is prenared to k.iid and tepair eiihor Circular or Muley Saw Mills, and Grist Mills after tbe latest improved pattern' He has also for sale an improved Water Wheel, which he guaranteeeto (rive satisfaction in rejarl to power and speed. His motto is. te do .ri i . as to give perfect atisfaction. Those wish.tif; fur ther information w ill be promptlv answered hy addresaing bim at Clearfield. Clearfield countv, Pa Write your name and address pluia April 2u. Id7l1-ly. THE NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE EMPIRE Bowxur. The extraordinary success of their risw and im proved manufacturing Machines for light or work, has induced the EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a new Family Mjfhine of tbeiane siyle and construction, with additional ormxt:i tation. making it equal in beauty and lini-h wi h other family machines. whereas in usefu:nci: far OUTSTRIPS ALL COMPETITORS. The price ef this now acknowledged r,ecessarv article comes witbia reach of every class anil tbe Company is prepared to offer tbe must literal inducements to buyers, dealers and slants, l.rarv Machine warranted, Apply fer circulars anil samples to EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Ap 13-3i No. TM Bo'ry. Netr Teri. R E M 0 V A L. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRCGCIITI, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg leave to inform onr eld aed aew coite-me.-a. that we have removed our estbii,hsitnite the new building just erected em Markat strearr nearly adjoining the Mansion Iloase ea tht Kt-t and opposite Graham A Sons' store, where we re spectfully invite the publie to come aad tor their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT ITSDI- cins, oil's PAi.vri tf rm vja s. Onr stock of Drugs and Mediaineseossist ef erery thing used, selected with tbe greatest ears, sail WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE! We also keep afull stock ef Dyes, rerfaaieriea Toilet artielos.Soaps. Tootk Brashes. Hsir Brah es. Whitewash Brushes, and every ether kine t! Brushes. We have a la' ge 1st ef White Lead, Turpentine. Flaxseed Oil. Paiats, aad ia fact CTervtkias; in the paintiag basiasss, which we efsr at City prices t cash uayers. TOBACCO AND SIGMS. Confectionery. Spices, and the largest s'eok ef va rieties ever offered ia tbis plae. and warrastec to be of the best the market affords J. G. H ART.'flf E, Dee. S, lSeS. JOHR F. IEWI.W. T IHE highest market prices paid for 5hirr!i y J . r n A v o D ET COODS the cheapest ia the eemitv. at May9. '7. MOSSC' I B A CO. Hams, Sidss aad Ikoelders atreHare prices, at MOSSOPI s ALT' SALT!! A prime ertiele of greuri s a salt, out to ia patent :aris fcrtalaejs at tbe iteie of R. MOOf GROCERIES. Old Geverement Java and choice Rio Coffees. Young Hyson Imperial Black ana Japan ieas, sugar, ryrup. Rice, (.arannm. Navy. Spanr-Jil, and Cut Tobaccos, and Snuff, al reduced prices- Opposite the jail. C. KRATZIR. "VyOTICK. All persons indebted to the suhscri 1 ber. are requested to com and settle vi'k out delay. R. Mo.SSOr )RUNES a quantity en hand and forialetl May 2T. G RAH AM?. ED. PERKS A Co' flour, tbe best in a.arkct, f.r sale by J. SHAW A '. WOOL. Highest market price will he fvea for wool, opposite tbe jail. C KRATZKR- CANNED FRCIT. Canned Plutas. Pesctsi and canned cern, etc , for sale ct the Drug Store ef A.l.SHin. March 1, 1S. GROUND AND CNGROUSD SPICtf. runa English Currants, Essence Coffee. and gar ef the best quality. for sale bv wan. IB. UAAlMTli ft a u-"'-'- TADIES Tbe Eugenie is the most I'seful arti 1 tiel ITSr invntai4 fr.r ,nnr n;n CiTTu'trf free. Mrs. Morgan, P. O. Box 2433, N. T. J-" ' m. ENTLEMEN The Grant dear Tip i ""' T tv end a n!.,.,,.. n 1 ?.fl rants A. Grant, P O. Bex 4390. N. Y. Je 22 3m Oil 4 f How I made it ir. months, with Ol L-J oil: Samples free. A. J. Fui'sb. N. T. r June 12 -" CJWAIM'S PANACEA. Kennedy's Medical D lT COVCrv. Henhnld'a Ruehn. Kake S Cod Li"' Oil, Jayne's and Ayer's Medicines. for sale b Jan. 10 HAKTSW1CK A IK Wjjf QO AAfi nd expenses to rents ! ' C4,UUU the celebrated WILL'S SEi MACHINES. The best machine in the w." . Stitch alike on both sides. One Machine '" money. For further particulars, address zj St , Pnil'a. Pa. I March 30 '70 "TTINTSON HOUSE PAINTING." 0Tf - " II m... n a i, 4(l Free bv Bisil -- j - r , w v la . eipt of priee Mascar a Waivo. 'TTOW SHALT. WE PA INT OCR HOC't M By J.W. Masuar, CI.. S20 p., H i9 Free by mail on receipt of price. Mascar A """v New York TO BDIDDERS. !f ails. Glass n,l. Paints t-11" cine Plaster, Lead. Varnishes. Lock ocks. Hinges, s, at reaueea prices. Opposite t",,KRATZIR WANTED a Salesman in a wholesale no- 1 T tion house, who understands the bnsi ness. and is acquainted with tbe morehsnts " this county. Address THEO. JE!,l.- way li, . AlUSSOP'S. ss jtweoux- ). Iblrd It., Philadelphia, Pa. n 1 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers