ILil n ff;g gfeinro. ountafv gfcarftcl'b, JUtgitsf 24, 1870. Sfcumut. it .-- .iJ-TKLLU'A., ATTGUST24, 1870. . To insure the safe transmission . y'iiy mail, patror.s should remit bj check ,t trill iie endow! in the first paper aftei icy comes to hind: . 'a E. E Snrataer Arrangement. - in leaves Tyrone at : .Arrives at "areola at : : ' J'hilipsbnrs at " Clearfield ut : . r on ?e:tTe OtonrfieH . : '.rr;vcs tt Philipbnrg t (Vceola at : : 11 Tyrone at : : " Iiellefnnte at : Lock Haven at " Williarnportat : : 9.01) s n : : 10 35 a.m : 11.00 a.m : 12 05p.m : 2.30 p m : 3 40 p. in : 4.00 p. m : 5.30 p. m : 3.1 o p. m V50p. m : 10 60 p. m Accommodation Train. V.?artieM at : : : : : : rr:vc3 at l'hilipsbors at : : Os-'enla nt : : : - Intersection at : : Tyrone at : : t -r.rr. le.ive Willinmsport at rries at 1 oi-k Haven at . : I'.ellef'inte : : : 1 ntercci!on at : : Osceola at : : ; : - PhilipFLueg it .' : Clearfield at : : : 7 00 A. K 8 40 a. m 10 2 a. m 1 08 p. 1 29 p. m H 10 . 10 10 a m 11 40 a m 1.03 p. m 2 4 p. m 3 35 p. m 6.00 p. m . ir-cHens made at Tyrone with trains .: . West oti the Maine l.ine. .-era leavinj Clearfield at 2 30 p. m., reach import at 10 50 p. m. the same day. -er-leaving reach i l at fi.eil p m. the same day. .ictors. D'vine services will te he'd .-J in Clearfield, as follows: . I', li-t'i, ri St. Andrew's Episcopal , ii. at 1 1 A. M. and 7 P. M. Snnday .i at Z P. M. Prayer meeting every I -':iv tvenine t 7 o'clock. il.'V. the Presbyterian eliurc'i, -urn i an 1 evening. Sabait'i stdiord at ; . M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday . ..:i.r 7 o'clock. V lie v. J. II. M'Cord, in the Methodist .r.-ii. morning and evening. Sabbath - i nt 'J A. y. Prnver. met tine, every ir :y at 71 P. M. (.'oinniunioti services ' -t ' iM'suh of every month at 10 A. .'I. i'tutnis' church .Mas. at 10 A. M., : k-rood and fourth Sand.-tva of each .. mil. Ti'.us ts. T!i best trusses in the niar . t to Lc had at A- I. Sha'.T.s, Clear Lb Pa. Iays are s-hcrtni'ijr, anil nights beeoni ' v.z cool and pleasant while autumml injects : i co: seerts iu every bush. SuuiOiur l.- :.;i:.-,:.:ii line a uream. i We AK2 informed that a contract ha 1? n elowrd for the construction of the V-:-!i!n,;tou and Buffalo Railroa, from a ;':n: ii;-ar Aurora to O'earj. This iooki v ry much as though the road will be made lL; .ih our county, as profiled. T;is Academy u one of the bet thools o: i:s '.lass iu the State. Prof. Harrison is : aire-: miili-1 if? ! cholar. a goo' I discii)! sci)!an a. :.iij an c'Scietit teacher find juoral in iit ior. If you wi4i to give yonr children s l-' )! practical education send iheu to the AcaJeiuj. Water vs. Filth. We thii.k it wa. l j!i;t us t rated to the entire atiafaction of ii!, last week, that there exi'ts a necessity f r a supply of water, other than that ob t:;i:ic 1 'Votii the wells sunk in the inidt cf i'i-; c?s-pools and .sinks of filth within cur h'-.t ni;h limits. A i'lttsEvr. Mrs. JeSYies of the Sus ij-i -a-ui'ia House, Curwnsville, last wotk, I ' -c:;ted us several of the largest and lot I i.-hes we have seen fur years. They grew ( :: a tr?e, i:i the yard the hotel, in- tir way ; Mrs. Jcifries keeps one of the h : h.iteU in the county, a fact worthy the a :' iiii.nj of travellers. Chaxcif op "" By reference to "ii-advertising c-'umns, it will be tern that Mr. II. II. Shaw, is "bossing" the Tcjbaeeo an l Cigar Store, two doors east of the Post., formerly rrned I t N. M. Hoover. Ii:, irry is a very clever and accommodating tiiaii, and will endeavor to please in-y favor him with their custom. all who Oh, What a Stink! Such was the u:.m ra! exclamation of our citizens, on W day morning last, as they appioach- c iii.arkct street. The cause, at first, was a liiy-tvry ; but it was soon di.jvered that it :r -e fi o iu some fi'th that was scattered in til'; Mroet the debris of a slaughter house, Hirtii.ns of which f-jli out of the wagon bed a ;t uas Lciug buuled along the street, the L:i;lit previous. We have frequently, du r;: the past two months, directed the at-Un-.ion of our borough ofucers to the exit te:iet of a vast amount of filth within the corporate limits, which should be removed, hittle or no attention was given to our bug gc::u:i, no doubt regarding them as a mere matters f talk for talk's sake. But, if such !'" supposition, we think, all fully re a ibe I'aeU, as they exist, on Wednesday m ri!!! ;art ; and, we hope, that now tl cr step- will be taken to renovate the to vri. anl prevent the recurreuee of such ai intolerable stench and nuisance as that r ea.ei and iutiici-jJ upon our citizens last t i km; TtiiANo. (Ja Wednesday morning l.inr young men of this place Messrs. A. A. Adams, A. W. Lee, Frank FicIJ'trg -jJ irv-e Hagerty started on foot for il-'iibr d, Pa. The first information of the :..T.aTH-ats of these ameteur pedestrians, t;r:d !! the Altoona Suit of Friday last, fives a highly interesting description liuir physical condition and general ap l car-nice upon arriving in that city. The ) csierday afternoon, while busily engaj;- i: "lr daily duties, our sanctum was itr v.i.le l ty j,,r individuals of most forlorn a;i I li.ajin ited aspect. They" were travel w .in. and dun -covered, lame and halt, out a'- the hee'a and out at the toes, coatless and a!uio,t hatless. When tl cy divested tlifiiisclves of the du.t that berlouded their 'inienances. we recognized them as Ciear iuliert A. W. ie. Frank Fielding, Alonzo AiJatns and George Hagerty two lawyer", j county officer, and a printer. They left v ii arGeld on Wednesday morning, and were tnu far on their way to Bedford Springs. Ju7 rest m s and enjoying themselves at tae L-igan House, and providing themselves tth new shoes, &c, they resumed their journey.a'id expect to reach their destination i'-iii'irruw morning. Why they undertook "'is journey ou foot we did not learn, but resume they wiahei to realize how people w'rked their way through the world before ")e ag8 of hteaui power and railroads. It will no doubt result in benefit to the springs, their improving health will be attributed w tue healing qualities of its waters. Fox Sale a seeond-hpnd Cooking Stove Triumph, rvo. 9, at the Presbyterian Par sonage, Clearfield, Pa, Remember! the next term of the Clear field Academy begins on Monday, September 5th, 1870. Scholars should be prepared to enter the school at the opening of the ses mod, otuerwise, u will retard their own advancement, and gire additional labor to the teachers. The Ciiiidren's IIoi r for September beautifuhy illustrated, and numbers amon its contributors the names of Kate Sutber land, Ada M. Kennicott, Clio Stanley, am others equally well qualified to please chil dren. "Beech Nut Farm," by Virginia F. Townsed, is continued. This little ma zine is really the prettiest publication for chdd.-en that we know of. CncRcn Dedication. So preventing Provi uouui-c, lu bi. i.. Lnurcn ai uosnen, tnis county, wnl te dedicated on Sabbath, the 1 S;h day of Sep tember eext. Morning termon at li o'clock, A Si., by Rev. J. S. M Murray. Presiding Kldtr of Altoona District, Central Pa. Conference. Inime ai.-.tely after which the dedicatery services will be conducted ty Rev. J .S. M'. Murray, assisted by " i-'ill. Preachers and people of sister churches, and all oar frieudi generally, are coi dially invited to attend. AuS. 24-4t. W. A. CLIPPIXGER, Pastor. Infantry. The Philipsbarg Journal says: A novel sight was presented on our streets or. Wednesday afternoon last. being a procession of baby coaches, each filled with its smiling, crowing infant, and drawn by a party of little girls, clad in their njiiuoy mre, i'j wuum ail Honor ot the .1.... ...!. 1. ti , M conception and execution of this idea is due, They paraded the principal streets, creating onsi ieral le excitement, and culling forth rounds of applause from the spectators all long the line or their march. Lost in the Woods. On Tuesday, Au gust 9, a number of persons from the mines of the Decatur Coai Co. went berrying, in l atch near the Black Bear mills, four or nte miles from this place, a halfwitted in forming one of the company. In the course of the afternoon the became separa ted from the party, and cuuTd not be found. A .1 r .-ij uic aiicnroun ai nailing acarcn was made, but proved unavailing and they de parted, leaving her alone in the forest. She was not discovered until Friday when she ma le her nay to a house near the patch in n almost famished condition. l'Litt'iisLiiru Journal. Look Sharp! -Parties in the habit of itcroaehing on the corn fields and orchards f their neighbors stealing corn and fruit hould bear in mind that bv so doing they place themselves liable to a free pass to the entteiitiary. ihe law used to regard such lepredations only in the light of trespass, it later acts makes it a criminal offense. arer-ts would do well t ) caution their chil rcn in regard to this, as s-me time thev tght have to suffer shams on their account. And no senible person could blame the fanners and owners of orchards i!' they should eirfotce the law on any one so dead to overy sense of honesty as to disturb their crops, the result of their toil and care. Terrible Death. On Tuesday, July IGth, says the Brook vilie JCejntlti'can, a terrible accident happened on the mill of Mr. Andrew But'er, of Pine Creek town ship this county, ,y vvhieh that gentleman was instantly killed. It apaears that he was engaged on the mill, and about two o'clock in the aiternooii, while clearing away sasvdu-t and ru!.li-h from the saw, the saw caught bis arm cutting it fearfully, and at the same lime, striking his head and ssvering it almost in two, the other arm be ing al-o badly mangled. Mr. Butler was an industrious atid good citizen, and the whole community will be appalled to learn of his terrible death. lie leaves a wife and five small children. Match Game. Below we give the scote of a match game of Base Ball, played be' tween the Cbincieclamooe club of th s plare, and the Susquehanna's of Curwens ville, on Thursday, August I8th, on the grounds of 'he latter : Chinks. . O. R Sirequeh annas O.iR II. Adams, o. t 5 W. i bompson. 3b. 2 10 C. Jolill.ori, lb. 4 2.T. Kobisun. c f. 3 8 J. Johnson. I. f. 3; 4 A. Patton. I. f. 3, 8 A W. Wal!ers,p. 4j 4 jF. Thompson, bt b 7 li. Wallaae. ss. 2: 4! I J. Patten, e. , TIO A. W. O raham. 2b 5; I jl V. C. Arnold, 2b. 4 7 J.Cra'le, r. f. 2 illJW Thompson, lb. 5' R C. ParKs. o. f. 5j 2, F.I l'hompson, p 2, 9 L. iior-an, 3b. ! 6j A. Irwtn, r f 2; a Total. 32; Total. J7 74 Inninss, l 2 3 46789 Cbinlts. 30 1G 6 1 222 032 Ssquehannaa. 12 9 1 20 8 7 5 874 ilouie runs. Chinks 1 Susrfiiehannas 0. J'.v e.tnjrht, Chinks 12 Sjuquchannas . .Ire, W M .Mct'u Hough, of ClearBeld. . corers Hooert Jeffries, el' Sesquehannas, . S. J Row, of Clearfield. Bast: Ball. To games were played between the Bough & Heady club, of Penn field, and the L'n.nown, of Centreville the first at PennGcld, on Saturday, August 13th, atid the secotid at Centreville, on Monday, August 15th. Below we publish the score of both games : Kouzh & Ready, tl. Woodward. J. I.ucore M I.ucore. M. Lamb. F. liowman. A. Ill us. A. Ko?ncraas. ti. Lee. J. Itadebach. O Rl 1'nknowo. 2 ;i T. Sullivan. O R 2 2 5 2' Reynolds. 6 I W.Tavlor. 0 J Brown. 4 1 lirown. 1 5J1 barley. 2 4iJ M'Maken. 3 3 8 lirowu. 5 I E. Largey. 27 2j Total. Total. Rough Jt Ready G. Woodward, W. l.amb, J . l.ucere, J. Itadebach, M. I.ucore, E. Lee, F liowman, A. ltofencrans, A. Blits, 7 27 O 5 2 1 2 3 3 I 5 i R Unknown. 4 T. Sullivan, 7 ' Reynolds. I W. Taylor, 1 J. Brown, 611I. lirown, 6 M Early, 7,J M'Maken, 2!-5 Brown, 2 E. Largay, R Total, 27 43! Total, 27 2i MARRIED. On Thursday, August ISth. 1S70, by Rev. W. M. Burchfield. Mr. Henry Ow ens, and Miss Lizzie Moorb, both of Fer guson township. On Sunday, August 14th, 1S70, by IT J Sloppy, Fq Mr. P. B. Sloppy and Miss Hannah McCrackin, both of Lumber City. Oo Thursday, August 11th, 1S70, ly Win. Porter, Esq., Mr. Albert Looa.v and Miu (Jertie Ward, loth of Charge!'' borough. -..- STORE AND SAW MILL. AT BALD HILLS , Clearfield county. The andersirrned. haviae eriened a larra an wall selected stock of goods, at Bald Hills. Clear ueld county, respectfully tolicit a share ef publi patronage. Ineir stock embraces Dry Qoods, Greceries, 11 ardware.Queensware,Tin-ware, Boots and Sheer uars and Caps. Heady-made Clothing, aad a gen era! assortment of Notions, elc. They always keep on hand the best quality e Flour, and a variety of Feed All goods sold eheap for cash, er ezchaaged fer pprovea country produce. 1 uving also erected a Steam Saw Mill, they are preaarcu to saw all Kinds of lumber t order Orders solicited, and punctually filled. Nov. 20, 1857. F. B. A. IRWIiN. C. KRATZER & S0xS are receiving a plendjd stock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTA1XS, VTINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS, LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, Ladies silk coats and oversxirts, ELEGANT SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED IIATS, DRESS-GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCT SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, LN EQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS, UEAVT CALr BOOTS, $, MEN'S AND BOTS'FINE AND HEATT SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $, CASSIMERES VERT CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE CUT- IN tt IN QUANTITT, WOOL, MARKETING AND COUNTET PRODUCE VT ANTED. Clearfield, Jane 30, 1869. ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ?! Who sell the chetpest gooda in th countjr MOSSOP ! Who sella beat calicoes tl2Jct yard M O S S O P ! Wk sells kest eableaeked aaealia at IT seats MOSSOP! Who cells II.ll's Calf B00U at 15 60? MOSSOP! Whe sells Ball's best Cearse Xeeta at $4 fST MOSSOP! Who m!1. Hxll's befctKip Coota at ? 4,50? MOSSOP! TYke salts Eats lewer tkaa aaybaety else? MOSSOP! "Who nils Sugar the chepi ? MOSSOP! Who lli Sjrup the cheapest? MOSSOP! "Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Chop and Feed the cheapest? MOSSOP! "Who sells Hardware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Qucensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! v Who sells Piaster the cheapest? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down te the lowest cash prices ? MOSSOP! Everjbodj should buv their goods at MO. SB OP'S? larleld, May l!:li6, rpo OWNERS OF HORSES. Persons -a- !..,; ..... w i.wwl horsi4 . 1 1... laving; in. a,c ncirUJi IIV- tinea mat tney ean o" -"re enected by call inr on Faliear Parrotte. at the residanea of (I II West, at Burgett's Shingle Mill, jn u irarsl town ship Terms liberal. - cuarge ir net cured. August 3, l7-2aip. A GREAT OFFER Horace Waters, 4S1 Broadway, ew York. . will dispose r ONE lll'NDRED PIANOES. ME LODEONS and OR(l ANS of six firt elaas makers, including Cbickering A Sons, at extriuclt low PRICES FOBCxSn. DUIIINS "OXTH, or will foke fiom 3a to S2i monthly "nm paid. 41370-Iy ST.U3HPS!STU3IPS The undersigned have purchased the right of Clearfield county for Enoch Farnsworth's Stomp Extractor, patented June ith, 1870. This is decidedly the most convenient, most durable, and best niaobine of the day. Wet weather will not effect it. the working part beinz all of iron. The machine is easily set up, and will work any place that can be plowed. We will sell machines at a small profit on cost, and will try to make it to the advantnge of farmers to buy them. We eoneit orders Irom tnoee warning macninea. II. T. rAKS WORTH, Clearfield. Pa., J. B. GARRISON, GEO. II. HALL, Agent. Curwensville, Pa. Clearfield, Pa July 1.V70 N E W TIN S II 0 P! Fred Sackett, Manufacturer of TIN, COPPER m.nd SHEET IRON WARS (nearly opposite the jail), MARKET STREET, CLIARJTELD, PA. ALSO, ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK done oa reasonable terms. April 8. 1871. PULLERTON S . (formerly M'Gaughey'i.) Restaurant and Ice Cream Sale, IH LKAVT'S Bl'ILDIia, Second St., Clearfield, P. Censtantly kept ea band a fine seleetiea ef Candies, Cigars. Tobaeeo, Xuts, Ae. Alse Fresh Oysters, received daily, aad served vp in any style, te sail the taste of eastosaen. A fall stock ef geods ju't received from the East. Bi.liard Saloon in Steond Stiry. April 27-70. D. R FL'LLERTON. NEW STOEE. Ceraerof Stscaet St. aad Bill Read. R, MITCHELL Mas jest reeeived aad opened, at the aev earn ed plaee. aa entire sew steek ef Spring aad Samsser Seeds, wbieb he will sell very eaeap fer task. , His stssk eoasists ef Dry Goods, Greeeriel, Hardware, Qaeensware. Boots aad Shoes. Hate aad Caps, Ready made Clethisg, ete. Ee alse keeps ekoiee Floar, Corn Meal, Chep feed, Bason, Eish end dried Emits. rerseas desireai of perehaiing geedi at fair rates are respeetlvlly reaested te give kins a call. Appreved country prodaee will be taken, at tlie highest prices, ia exchange fer geedg. Clearfield, Jane 17,18(8. BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT THE M AM M O T H STORE OF THE Mojhannon Land and Lumber Co., OSCEOLA, Clearfield County, PeniVa. II. P. BIGLER & CO., DIALERS IK H A R I) 1 A E E, Ann HAJtCrACTUBEBl Of Tin and Sheet Iron "Vrxr, CLEARFIELD, PA. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, Or ALL EISDS. ALSO, Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying . Presses, Improved Money Drawers, sVe., ron sals ar II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealers in Hardware, Mar.hH OfcEARViaxB.PA 137. SAWS! SAWS!! DISTON, CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG, AND CIRCULAR SAWS, for sale by H. F. BIGLER A CO. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD CHOPPERS' AXE, Manufactured expressly for the CLEARFIELD TRADE, for sale by H. F. BIGLER t CO. FRUIT CANS, Manufactured from best charcoal tin, Grooved and soldered on outside, WARRANTED. AIJSO.GLASS FRUIT JARS, for sale by TI. F. BIGLER A CO. COOK STOVES! SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEHANNA, SUPERIOR, GOV.PENN, RE.GULATOR, NOBLE COOKi NATIONAL RANGE, dc , 4-c, And all kinds of II BATING STOVES, On hand and for sale by II. F. BICrLER & CO., SECOND STREETi CLEARFIELD, PA. . Angust 3. 187. PINK and White Lining Skins, and Rnan ktns at 11. BIGLER i CO S. THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, ter Wag ons, for sale by II. F. BI6LER A CO ROXi IROX!! Best bar i-on. fer ale at the store of H. F. BIGLER A CO. s TO VES of all serfs and sixes, constantly en nana at u. r. ElULfcK A CO S CABLE CHAINS a good article, on hand and for sale by II F. BIGLER A CO. HORSE SHOES, and borse-nafls. te he bnd at H. F. BIGLER A CO S. s ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars e., fer sate at 11. F. BIGLER A CO S. G UNS. Pistols and sword canes to be had at H F. BIGLER A CO S. T-TATt.XFS Trimmtn.i J EhuH.JS t XX sale at ii. F. BIGLER A CO S. o TL. Putty, Paints Glass and Nails, for sale at March '70 H F, BIGLER A CO S. NEW LAMPS. Perkins A House's Non-Explosive Lamp a new article just received and for sale by HARRY F. BIGLER A CO. LONGEST ROOF in the United States is on Rinek'i Sons' Factory, Easton, Pa., one third of a mile long and is covered with READY ROOFING CHEAP, DURABLE and easily applied. Send for circular and samples to the manufacturers. Kfc.AU I ROOTING CO, June 1-ap. 13, y. No. 64 Courtland St. N. Y. CIIERIFF SSALR TJy virtue ot a cer- tain writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield coun ty, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of tlearucM.oo .MO.NUAi.the Z'Jih dayol alul&i, 1870. at 2 o'clock P. M the following described property to wit : A certain tract ef land situate In Brady town Viin Clearfield ennntr. Pa., bounded and descri bed as follows: Bounded on the west by land of myley's heirs. North by Bogle and Little, east by J. Lyons and South by 'ieorge Hern, and con taining fifty acres, more or less, with a good or chard and log house and barn ereeted tbereen ; the greater part ot said land is cleared. Seiied, taken iu execution, and to be sold as the property of Alexander Dunlop. Also a certain tract of land situate in Brady township, Clearfield eoonty. Pa., bounded and de arihed a follows, to wit: Beginning at a white oak corner, thence west 110 perches to a post, cor ner of land sold lo Jtooeri ration , tnence norm IS? nercbes to a post, thence east 53 perches to a nnt thence south 20 peiohea to a post, thence cast 67 perches to a poet, thence south 112 perches to the place of beginning, containing 80 acres and allowance, naving suoui uve sore, cimrvu, with a large steam saw mill, two dwelling houses tore room and frame barn erected thereon Sei zed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of ii. W. Canneld ana v . u. emun. C. HOWE, August 3, 1370- Sheriff. -TJEEKSWARK Ten sets, best stone-ware, 4t pieces, at mj at nvKjur n, HINKLEY KNITTER. For Family Use, price J30, Knits kvekttbho, uses only one needle, simple, reliable. Circular and sample stocking sent race. Knits ten pairs per day A child caa operate it. Aoexrs W ast ed. Add -ess, Hisklbt K.Nimso Macminb Co., Bath, Me., July 27-3m. or 17S BROADWAY, N. Y. WILLIAMSPORT DICKINSON SEMINARY, WILLIAMSPORT, PA., FOR BOTH SEXES. Bet. W. LEE SPOTTSWOOD, D.D., President, with a full and experienced corps of teachers Charges moderate. Situation delightful. The extensive buildings are being thoroughly repaired The next term begins August 2j. 1S7(. Fur further information addrei the President, or send for a catal.gue. l-I-ly 20,'7U-7t. WHOLESALE WINE & LIQUOR STORE. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, BBALER IS WIXES AND LTQ UORS, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. A geed assertiaent for medical perpeses always ob hand. April 6. 1870-tf. JAS. T. BRADY & CO., Successors to S. Jones 6r Co.,) CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PAH BANKERS, BUT AND SELL ALL BINDS or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver and Coupons. Fix per cent, interest allowed on deposits sub ject to check. Money leased cn Government Bonds Bonds registered free of charge. JulyH. 1870-ly. JAMES T. BRADY k CO. THE "BLEES PATENT" Noiseless, Link Motion, Lock-etitcb. SEWING MACHINE Challenges the world in perfection of work, strength and beauty of stitch, durability of con struction, and rapidity of motion.- Call and ex amine, and for agencies and circulars, apply AT PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 023 Broadway, New York. June 15. 1870-3m. CLEARPIELD ACADEMY. The First Session of the next Scholastic year of this Institution, will commence en Men day, the 5th day ef September, 1870. ' Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition frem the time they aaior te the elosa or the aaajon. The course of instruction embracer everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal bating had the advaatage ef much experience in bis profession, assures pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and mora! training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms or Tcitios : Orthograpay, Reading. Writing aad Primary Arithmetic, per session, (11 weeks.) f 5 SS Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, and Histe ry. so,o Algeb,Georaetry, Trigonometry, Mensuration Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Geogra phy. ). Latin, Greek and French, with any ef the a- bove branches SI 2.00 Music Piano, (30 lessons.) SI0.06 nNo deduction will be made for abseaee For further particulars inquire ef Ret. P.L.HARRISON. A- w. July 31.1807. Principal. 1870. AUGUST. 1S70. SPRING STYLES! "I Intend to Figlit it Out on Tins Liner 'WM, REED, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, LADIES AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IIATS, CArs, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, AT POPULAR PRICES The entire stock on hand will be sold at TRESENT VALUE, and the stock will be replenished every sixty days, with the choicest and best goods in the market. SHAW'S ROW, (a few doors west of the Postoffice.) CLEARFIELD, FA. February 2,1870. F0"- bVaQE.'Yrn. gTahajl" F. N A ,U G L B, WATCH JtAEEK, GRAHAM'S ROW. CLEARFIlLi. The undersigned respectfully Informs bis old customers and the public, that he has oahand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a larre stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man ufactory.eonsvstingof Eight-day and thirty-hour aprmg and W eight, and Levers. Time, Strike aad Alarm clocks. WA TCHES afine assortmento stiver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. r GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, cf the best quality. Alto, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glaaa. JEWELRY ot every variety, frem a single pioee to a fall set. ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons Forks, bar ter k ni ves, etc., plated on genuine Alaeata. ALSO, Hair Jewelry .with pnre gold mounting', got up to order. Call and aee sample boek. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted. A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth, 1S05. H. F. NAUGLK. L. REED. J. r. WEAVES W. POWELL, . r. Beei NOTICE. wj: SES, .SETTS. CLEARFIELD TLANLNG MILL ALL RIGHT, Messrs. HOOF, WEAVER A CO., FreBrieterty would respectfully Inform the eitixena ef the eoanty that they have completely rcittcd aad supplied their PLAMXQ MILL, In this Borough with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are new prepared te execute all erdcre la their liae of easiness, sash as Flooring, Weatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large Meek efdry Iambera head,1 and will pay cash fer clear staff, cBe-eo-l-a-half inch pannol plank preferred JNev S.'eT. BW SPRING ITOCtt J. S II ATT 4 S02T. Have jest retaraed freas the east aad are aew" opening aa eatirc new eteek ef goods ia the reeax formerly eeenpied by Wa. T. Irwia, aa Market Street, which they aew offer te the public at the lowest cash prices. Their stock coasisti ef a geaeral aeeertatent ef Dry Coeds, Groceries, Qaeensware, Hardware, Beets, Shoes, Hats, Caps. BcbbcU, Dress (Seeds, Traits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Breams., Naile, eta., in fact, everything usually kept la a retail store caa be had by ealliag at this store, er will ba procured to erder. Thcrr stock it well selected, aad ceaslsts ef the newest goodr, is of the best quality, ef the latest styles, and wilf be sold at lowest prices fer cash, er exchaaged for appreved eeaatry produce. Be sere aad call aad examine ear stock kefere making yoar parekascs, as we are doterxeiaeeV cleave all who may favor as with their eastern. May S. 1867. J. SHAW SON. pURNITUKl lOOMI; JOIIX GIELICH,- Desires te inform hiscd friends and easterners that, having enlarged his shop and increased bis facilities for manufacturing, he is new prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates fer cash. He mostly has on hand at his "Furniture Rooms,' a varied assortment of furniture, among whieh ia BUREAUS AJID SIDEBOARDS. Wardrobes and Book -cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Table. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen-ny-liind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, aad Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASEEE Of every description on hand, and new glasses fer old trames, which win be put in on very rensouable terms, en.hort aotioe. He also keopcon hand, or furnishes te order. Hair, lern-BuiK. iiair ana (jetton top jsaitreesee. COFFINS, OF EVERY KI3D, Made to order, and funerals attended with Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done te erder.- The above, and many ether articles are furnished? to customers cheap for cash or exchanged fer ap p roved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the bnsi-- ness. taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Martlet street, Clear field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." December 4. 1861 JOHN GCELICH P. T. I. DR. BOYER'S PURE WEST BRANCH BITTERS, A Pnre. Pleasant, Safe and Reliable Tonic, com pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirita, free from fasil oil, er other irritating properties, and will not disagree or offend- the moe delicate stomach. Warrant ed to eontain more med icinal virtue than any bitters at present offered to the public. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL- To increase the Appetite to promote Digestions to cure Dyspepsia to cure Feterand Ague cure Biliousness to cure Constipation to cur Chronic Diairbea to cure Flatulence to cure Acid Eructations to cure Nervoae Debility to cure Hypochondria to ear Sallowness of th Complexion to eure Pimples and Blotches 1 cure General Debility and Prostration of th Physical Powers, IT HAS NO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHERE, AT SI PER BOTTLE. A literal discount to thi trade. aAScrACTCREO EXCLt-SITELT BT . I. S H A W, CLEARFIELD, PA., Dealer in Drugs. Medicines. Chemicals, Dy Stuffs. Oils, Paints. Varnishes. Ao., Patent Medicines. Pore Wines and Liquors for medical purposes. Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all goods usually kept in a Drug Store, (old Having employed E-'ufsnyder a graduaate in Pharmacy who speaks both EnglisU and Uer man. the undersigned feels no hesitancy in "J'" that customers can rely upon having th P?"0 tioBi properly pat up. A. I. SiiAW Feb. 23, 1870. II. ' ". ? - t i .- if.: IN n ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers