f)t "gtaffewanV ouroaf, gfcarftcfb, a., ufi; 13, lsro. "CLEARFIELD, PA., JULii 13, .870. -V 1TMji-To insure th safe transmission ,T b mail, patrons should remit by check "on.i-oriler, orbare their letters registered. V , Vet will be enclosed in the first paper after ti B'-r.ey csmcs to hand: pe-n' B..E.-Summer Arrangement. .-r..;., uM Tttod at 9.00 a.m. ri.ii i . - - Arrives at Osceola at : Khilipsburg at Clearfield at : V1 Trim leri Clearfield a : Arrives at Phiiipsbarg at ; Osceola at : : Tyrone at : ' : Iiellefonteat : Ixx-k Haven at " William.portat 10 35 a.m. 11 00 a. m. 2. SO p m 3 40 p. m. 4 0 p. m 5.30 p. m 8. In p. m. 0 SO p. m. 10.50 p. m. Accommodation. Train. at : : : : : : 7.00a.k. Arrives at Pbilipsburg at : : 0 a. as. Osceola at : : : 10.25 a.m. " Intersection at : : 1 OS p. m. " Tyrone at J : : : 120 p.m. n S r.tpr5 leaves Williamsport at 8 00a.m. " "" rrpTe atlock Haven at . : 10 10 a m. Eeilefonte : : t 11.40 a m Interaction at : 1.03 p. ra Osceola at :' : : : 2 40 p. m-i- Fhilipsbueg at r : 3 35 p.m. Clearfield at : : : 00 p. m. -:,,.c er.nscfiorjs tnsfie at Tyren with trains Yt ind West oo the Maine Line. -. .- ?3rncr' leaving; Clearfield at 2 30 p. m., reach V'l'iiamjport u 10 50 P- m" the same day. Tv;r' -erlavir.tr Williamsportatg 00a tn. reach C'rr.rSeld at 6 0 p m. the same day. Kn lU'Oi's. Divine services will te held Sahtath, in Clearfield, as follows: lit iitv. Hull, in St. Andrew's Episcopal c'uatV'n. at 11 A. 51. and 7 P. M. Sunday vh.--c.-I at 3 I'. M. Prayer meeting every Wfaii"J:y evening at 7 o'clock. B He". Butler.in the Presbyterian church. n,.irnirg and everting. Sabaath school at j P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday tTi;r.! at 7 o'clock. Ly Her. J. II. M'Cord, in the Methodist clut-h. niomine; and evening. Sabbath whoul at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, every Thursday at 7 P. M. Communion services! Fi Sabbath of every month at 1 01 A. M. St. Francis' chnrch--Mas at 10 A. M., t'.:s s'lolJ auJ fourth SuuJuvs of each isonth. -par Shot. On Wednesday, Jane 23th, ,f ,!iii s Morrison shot a large black bear, in iL r "Green woods," in Goshen township, !!; county. IWuin was an old fellow, and wi",i:e 1 about 3o0 pounds. ;.-E l?ALi., A game of baseball was j 'r id, on July 2d, between the Susque hanna's, of Curwensville, and the lle.-eule-s'i's (,-f Lumber-city, on tbe grounds of the !" r::i r. The score stood, Susquehanna's Ilerculian's 10. Hail. A heavy hail storm prevailed in ?! .ins unhip, this county, on Tuesday. Ju;:ce'-ih., doinjr much damage to the ;-r-. 'i i.i crops. The wheat and rye was !,: i!y injured, and will make these crops h. rt. The corn was also much cut ap.but, v i:h the auspk-iou- weather, is recovering ia; i. Much of the fruit was also knock .i . T, I'.tt there will still be a good crop. 1? j( j: T5rrc.KE.-Ou Wednesday morning. J -nx -.'ih, the shear boom, at K. A. Big iv r ? mill, on the southern line of this I r broke, and about 300 bgs went a'.r'X:. About I NJof them, howerer, were I 'r- d on tl,e shnre hefore reaching the 1 -.t r uidge, and the balance were run into M;'. Si.aw's boom below town. Mr lJ's loss v'.'.l cousideral'le, notwithstanding the 1 2- vr re ail secure d aain. L'; zd itii 1'owDKtt. On July 4th., i 'iirw-Mn;!e. a Mr. Toot, Frank Thoiup- i. Frank McClure, anj another person, with a painful accident, while firing a i!jtewi:h anvils. Thev h.vl just fire 1 an r v i ! . and in putting in another charge, the kr about four pounds was accidvntly m.Uc i. and the four weve bad'y burned a- it their hands and faces. No cerious re mits are anticipated, however, iorui the ae Fatal Accit-ENT. A shocking end fatal t ..i ll tit oii urrcd at Mill Run, two miles t : it I'ijnufic'.d, this connty, on the uiorn-V-.? vi July 4th. A number of ptrsons as--iijif'jj to fire a salute with a large cast-iron anvil. At the .-ccon l discharge the anvil lur-t, a l irje fragment striking Mr. Thos. on the nei jut back of the er, e er:.ri the head nearly half off the body, ki! i::i ii .n intai t!y. Another piece struck M-. Jj .im Ma.-ray oo the lower leg, while ar.th r pirt took efleit on tho shoul i.r of Mr. Darney Clack, injuring both of tl.etu severely, if not fatally. This sad ac cident cat a deep g!oam over the entire frj:i:aiur.i:y in which it occurred as is much t le n .-.etted by all. A Sr tANr.E I.vcil'E.vr. Some time last fill, M'-s Cora K. Hayes, a;ed 7 years, dju.-'ircr of S. J. Hayes, of Curwensville, c u-ity, swallowed a needle of about 1$ j-ichii i:i length. " Tlic littte girl experieno .' .-1 t:i unpleasant results, at the time, from tb ,--i!!uvritiS of the needle. Several i; n;h a;, however, she began to com t laia of Living a pain in her stcniach, and it' '.'-ni'r of pain in the region of (he ' as J .-ide. Thus makers stood uutil T""iliy last, July 7th, when the Dcedlc fi taken trout her hip, near the losrrr fx tr :nity.,f the ileum, by Mr Ilaye's and hi '-ni'i.y physician. This is certaiuly a very ?it-a!ir 2nd rare incident, and worthy of Parents should exercise much pre- '-latti n to prevent their children from swal ' 'in; n-elies or pins, lest dialh resnk 1'juj su-;h occurreBC. . j An Kvevixo of Sacrkd Soxti. Mr. I'Li'.ip Philip:, will entertain the citizens of (:a;fkH and vicinity, with a number of si'Tod Songs, at the Court House, on Fri Isy Kvening, July 15th. Mr. Philips has 1 wr'd wide reputation as a vocalist. Let 4-i c-i and hear him. The' IFu&t Chrit '"'i .llrrate, speaks of him as follows: 'ThjJewho have heard the sweet singer have a life long recollection of him, for Iays sings himself into the heart. II U r-iwer is marvelous; whether in the pres-"e-e of the higheM dignitaries of the nation, at the conference, prayer meetings or Sab tith School, he charms alike, and rouses ratri.iti4u and devotion at wilL Xor ia he ftrtat akine on great occasions,. before .Tast ics. He is as tonching and as ten kr ia the social circle, with a select and ad--:iringft. ' "' " ' ' Clearfield Acadimt. The first ses sion of the next scholastic year, of this in stitution will begin on Monday, September 5th, 1S70L For particulars see advertise ment. - ' - - ' Magazines. Arthur's Home Magazine and Children's Hoar, are on hand. They are both,excellent and beautiful numbers. The popularity of these magazines are unri valled. - ' : Ladt's Friend. -The July number, of this beautiful and interesting magazine, was received, and is fully up to the standard of its predecessors. $2 50 a year. Deacon A Peterson, Philadelphia. i Nottce. 'The following School -"Iteports have not yet been received : Deccaria, Bell, Brady, Burnside, Covington, G irard, Goshen, Guelich, Karthaus,. Lumber-city, N.Wash ington and Woodward. Gio. W. Snyder, Co. Sup't How to Keep Ice. -As most of our citi zens desire to have this haxury, and also keep a small piece as long as possible, the following is said to be the best plan T '"Make a doubie pocket of strong woolen cloth, no matter how coarse or faded it is. Have a space of two inches or so between the inner and oater pockets, and pack this space as full as possible with foathers. You have no need to use geese feathers, hen's feath ers are just as good. With a pocket thus constructed, and kept closely tied at the mouth, a few pounds of ice may be kept a week. Scndat School Convention. A cir cuit Sunday school convention will be held at or near the Goshen M. E. Church, Clear, field circuit, on Saturday July 23d, 1870, commencing at 9 o'clock, a. m., and contin uing during the day. Reports will be heard from the different schools, questions dis cussed, children's meeting addressed by experienced speakers, and all the exercises interspersed with charming Sninday school songs. All the S. S. friends parents and children are cordially invited to attend. We hope the "Little Folks'' from every family will greet us with their smiling faces. A free dinner will be furnished to all in at tendance, by the hospitable ladies of the community. W. A. C, Pastor. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post-office, at Clearfield, July 1st 1870: Mr. Arnel. Mrs..Mollie A Bell, (2) John or Mary Briggs, A. C. Brwu, Richard Bowen, Jesse Chamherlin, (2) Miss Ada line Dun worth. Miss Maria Dolan, William Iicki-on, John Ditzell, Mr. R. K. Foster, Smith D. Flegal, John Garity, William M. Gettle, Cha.-. A. Ilammand, William Hun ter, S. How, Win. M. Johnston, (2) Wil liam Johnston, Win. R. Johnston, Rusell Jameson," D. II. Kornman, JI i.s Barbara Keller, S. B. Kenepp, James Lotus, (2) James D. Lewis, M. S. Longwell, (2) Al bert Marrits, Samuel E. Midlatn, -John W. MeCosh, Mrs. Mary McGoiuey.Mr. McGar vey,Mrv Nesley, William Rickard, J. Raf ferty, Jos2ph H. Ri lner, Jacob S trickier, S. L. Shaw h Co., David Shoup, Miss Liz zie Taylor, Fred Thic'a. Mi-s Nellie Wat son, E. A Wilson, James Witherow. Sams of Real Estate. Below we give a list of the Deeds, as entered of record in the Recorder's ofHce in this county, far the week ending Monday, July 11th, 1870, together with the consideration named, where located, and the names of the grant ors and grantees : Deed, Win. Sob-rem to David Johnston, for 7 acres in Lutheraburg. Consideration ?5.00'J. Deed. Walter Barrett nl C. L. Barrett to G. I). Goulfeilow, for 5o acres in Law- re'nee township. Consideration $ut0. , Deed, Dan'l Stone ct. al. to Thos. May, fur lots 22 and 22 in Osceola. Considera tion $5oa Deed, A. W. Raymond to John Pioffer, for 52 acres in Morris two. Consideration , .J. . Deed, JacoH Fuliner to Andrew Fulmer, for I acre in Moms tp. Consideration $4Cl). Deed, John B. Garrison to Win. & Jas. Cathcart, for IS acres in Pike tp. Consid eration SI 50. Deed, John Sunderland to This. C. Lec, for tract of iand in Bell tp. Consideration $1,200. Deed, G. L. Reed to J. B. Sunderland, for 127 acres in Belltp. Consideration $400. Deed, J. B. Sunderland to Jas. & Henry McGee. for 127 acres iu Bell tp. Consider ation $1,100. Deed, J. C. Myers' Ex's, to Susannah Barrett, for 10 J acres in Ferguson tp. Con sideration $:;2$. Deed, Henry Buck to Rudolf Buck, for CO acres in Bradford tp. Consideratiod $1. Deed, Esther Solt to Rudolf Buck, for 60 acres in Bradford tp. Consideration $1. Deed, John Buck et. al. to Rudolf Buck, for GO acres in Bradford tp. Consideration J I. Deed, John L. Wilson to Rudolf Buck for CO acres in Bradford tp. Consideration, ?990. Deed. John A. Gamble et. al. to T. & C. R. R. Co., Right of Way, Decatur. Con sideration, $1. 1 Deed, Stephen Kephart to Geo. M'Alpin for 13 acres in Decatur tp. Con. $50. D--ed, A. G. Jamison to Reuben Lewis for 75 acres in Ferguson tp. Con. $252. Deed, -Wm. Irvin toSatnuol FuHerton for 3G0aresin Piketp.' Consideration, $5,500. Deed, The Osceola Coal Co. to Evan Da vis ibr lots No's S4 and 85 ia Osceola. Con sideration, $200. Df.i-,1. M' Davis et. al. to W. R. Ful ton for lots No's 4 aud 85 in Osceola. Con sideration, $0'V - - Deed, W. R. Fulton to John Davis for lots No's S4 and S5 in Osceola. Con. $500. Deed. J. A. L- Flegalet. al. to Robert Flegal I.r S of 131) acres in Goshen tp. Con sideration, $4,000. Deed, George Knarr to George S. Knarr for lot No. 27 in Trout ville. Con. $50. Deed, Wm. A. Wallace to Israel Test for lot in Clearfield. Consideration, $050. Deed, John Flanders to John DuBois for 111 acres in Huston tp. Con. ?3,S00. Deed, David Dressier to Ed. Harmon for 13 acres in Union p. Cod. $132 50. Deed. D. noutz to Isabella Persin-r for 2 lots in Houtzdale. Consideration, $200. Deed, C. M. Graham Si Sarah Wright to A; K. Wright, tor 217 acres ia Morris twp. Consideration $6,000. Deed, A. K. Wright to Stewart & Lutz, for 217 acres in Morris tp. Consideration $2,000. Deed, naonah McNielle to J. F. & John Irvin, CS3 in Pike tp. Consideration $10,(JOO. Deed, Abigail Garrison to Joseph Goon for lot in Blootniogton. Con. $1,424. To the Tcblic. Mrs. S. S. Liddell, would inform the citizens of the county gen erally, that she has just purchased a new stock of Italian, and other marble, which she is prepared to make up into desirable work. LTer workmen, are men of experi ence and reliability. All work will be done in the highest style of the art, and warrant ed as represented. MARRIED. On Sunday, July 3d, 1 -:70, by Rev. W. G. Ferguson, Mr. E. A. Hoover, of Pike township, aud Miss Clarissa. Colk, of Curwensville." " Thanks are returned to the happy couple" for their kind remembrance of the printer. May they be blessed with an sbumiance of this world s good things, and eternal felicity beyond this mundane sphere. On Sunday, July 3d, 1870, by D. Dress ier, Esq., Mr. Geo. E. Williams, former ly of' Maine, and Miss Mart E. White bead, of Union township. On Tuesday, July 5th, 1870, by Re. R. E. Kelly, Mr. T. B. Woodsidz, and Miss Marv A. Tcrner, both of Clearfield co. On Thursday. June 30th, 1S70, by FI. J. Sloppy, Esq., Mr. D. Alfred McCrack EN, of Ferguson township, and Miss FRAN CES L. Bloom, of Pike township. On Monday, June 27th, 1870, by Rev. W. M. BurehtielJ,Mr. Jason K. Spencer, and Miss Fannie Stkes, both of Pike township. On Thursday, June 10th, 1870, by Rev. W. B. Purdy, Mr. SamltelM. Westoveo, and Miss Rebecca Webb, both of Chest township. On Thursday, May 12th, 1S70, by Rev. Abel Thompson, Mr. Geo roe W. Lord, and Miss Maggie B. Owens, of Pike town ship. On Wednesday, June 22d. 1370, by Rev. Abel Thompson, Mr. William Weaver, and Miss Mary E. Rishel, both of Brady township. On Wednesday, June 29th, 1870, by Rev. Abel Thompson, Mr. Lewis B. Hile, of Lumber-city, and Miss Leer Wise, of Bloomington. DIED: On Monday, June 27th, 1870, Mart Jane James, of Laurence township, aged 7 years, 4 months and 12 days. "Farewell, dear friends, and all below, I bid you all, at last, adieu, 1 'Till we shall meet in heaven above. Where all is joy and peace and love.' On Monday. Jnne 20th, 1870, at his res idence in Bradford township, JonN Li zier, aged 05 years, 10 months and 23 days. Clearfield Eetail Markets. CORRECTED WEEK LT BT R. HOSSOP Apples, dried, lb. 12 1 Hay, ton. 14 00 24 IS 18 ' 25 60 1 01) 14 35 00 75 3 50 Annies, preia. Itu. 1 f.. n ..... . ik Applebutler, gal, 1 00 Shoulder;, lb, Mutter. In. Deef, fresh, lb, iteef. dried, lb, -Buckwheat, ha, 1 Duck wheat flour. lb Hdes.lb, Lard, lb. Oars. ba. Onions, ba. Pork, lb. Pork, mess, bbl, lie arcs. ba. 2 Boards, per M 14 fotatoes. bu, Phister. bbl. Peaches, dried, lb K y bu, IUjis, lb, Palt. per sack. Shingles, 3 in. Corn. shelled, 1 25 " ears, 60 " m?al, S 00 Chop, rye. 2 90 ' mixed- 5 40 Cheese, lb. 25 Cherries, lb, 18 Chickecs.dresfsed.lb, 15 k?s, 20 Hour. bbl. fl 50 13 24 3 50 00 3 5 Shingles. 25 in, Timothy seed, ba. Wheat, ba. Wool. Ib, 13 00 6 00 1 40 40 CLOSING PRICES OF UsHAVEN A BRO-, 40 onth Third Street. Philadelphia. -3 o'clock P. IL.Juuo Its, In 70. r S. B i or 114 1 MI K. S. 6 s of IS02. . ' .. 110 110i U S. 6'sof 164, 190 . I0J C S. s of 1865, - 1091 1091 U. S. ri i of 1S65, new, 101 10M U. S. 6's cf ISS7. new, 109 1001 U. S. 6"iof ISM, 109 109j C. S. 5's. 10-40't. - 1055 100 II. S 30 year 6 per cent Cy., 1I2J 112j iue Compound Interest Notes,- 19 Cold, 113 113 Silver, - 13 110 Lnion TaeificTt. R. 1st M. Bonds, 820 BiO Central Pacific R. U.. 850 860 Union Pacifie Land Grant Bonds. 720 T30 X'OCNTV DIRECTORY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Slob day in June. 2 w. 3d - in March, 14th " incept. 2 w. 4th " ia Mav, I 2d u in 'or. 2 w. COUNTY AND DISTRCT OFFICERS Pres'tJudge Hon. Chas. A Mayer. Lock Haren. As te.Judges lion, hamuel Ciyle. Clearneld llon.UaeoD vvillneiui- tranmton Shr:ff. . . . Cyrenus Howe, . Ciearfield Prothonotary, Aaron C."Tate. : ' . Keg. A ltec. . Anbury W. Lee. Distriot Att y, W.il M CuIleugh, T.MVI- PUT.) Co. Surveyor, S. F McCioskey, . Curwensrille N. Washington uouiiuisvn rs, utneno nmtn, . camuel coattoer, Clearneld. Kemuel It. Hinduiaa, Olea Hope . Clark Brown. . . . Clearfield. Auditors. Price A. Kewles. . N. Millport. John D. Milter. . . iiurd. Clearfield Coroner . James A. Moore, Co-Superind'tUeo W.Snyder, LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Townsktp.i. iVjt of J .O. Nainrf P.M. Beccaria, - Olen Hope, - - -' Homer DuBree, ... I'tahvilie, - - - S. McFarland, - ilegarty sXKoads Samuel Uegarty Bell, Bower, - - S A. Korabaugh i . - - Chest, . - - - - Thos.A. il'lihee. t ... Cush. - ' ' - - J.W Campbell, u . . . Ostend. -- - - H. L. Ueudersen Bloom, - - Forrest. - - Algernon Holden Bogge, - -- Clearfield Bridge: - Jas. Furrest. - Wallace ton, ..... ,-. John E Moore Cradfucd, - Woodland, - . - Wu. Albert. .. . . . , Wm 'a Grove, - -.Ed. Williams Brady, -.-. Luthersburg, - . L. B. Carl tie - - Trouinlle, - Mrs. C. Weaver ' - '. Jefferson Line, John Heberlin. BarnsiJe, - NewWaehingten - Sam'I McCune ... Burnside. - Matthew Irwin. v . . Pa?cbinvillevT--" - Jack Patcbin. ... Fast Kidge, W. Summerville Chest,- - - - Hurd, - - .- . - Lewis J. Hurd - . McGarvey, '- -.' - Wm Mctiarvey .i ' . . . Westover, - - - S A. Farber. Clearfield," - Clearfield, - - ' - P. A. Gaulin . Covington, - Frenchville,. - - Claud. Earmoy Karthaus. - . - John Keiter Curwensville Curwensville, - - Charles Hoel Decatur, - Philipsburg, Centre county, Pa. - - West DueatUT- - Lever Smeal, Ferguson, - Marron. - - , - John P Straw. G irard, - - - Leconte's Mills. - Augn's Leeonte, . ..... Bald Hills. - Alex. Irwin. Gosben, - - Snaweville, - - H H. Morrow. Graham, - - GrRhamton.' - Thos. H. Foreey Guelich, - Smith's Mills, - - Jos.O.Oanoe. , .... Allemans' - - - Henry Alleman. Huston, - -Trier, - - - - Mips R. J. Tyler. PennficlJ. - ' - Frank Eewman. Jordan, - - Ansonville, - .11. bao Karthaus, - Salt Lick," -. - Gee. Heckadern, Knox. - - - Sew Millport, .- , H J. Sloppy. Morris, - - - Kylertown, - "- Ed. C. Brenner. " .... MurrUdale. - - John Odell. , Osceola. - - Osceola Mills.-- T. P Boalich. Peun, - - - Lumber City.t - H W. Spenser. . .... Grampian Hills, Jona. "Viall Pike, . ... Curwensville, - Chas. Hoel. Onion, , boekton, - , - - D. E.Brubaker. Woodward. Jeffries. ... James Lockett- . . .'. Maaera. - - - - J. G Derby. 4 This Post OfEce w 11 do for Cheat township. STATE A C STATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OP PENNSYLVANIA. Governor. - - - John W. Geary, Cumberland, Seo'y of Com. - Frank Jordan, - Bedford, Dep. Secretary, J. M. Weakley, -Auditor Gen - John P.Hartranft, Montgomery, u tt.n . J M. Campbell. - Cambria, Attorney Geo- - F..C Brewster, - Philadelphia, Adjutant Gen. - P. B. M'Creaiy, - trie. State Treasurer, Wm. W. Irwin, - Beaver, Sup. Com Seh" J. P.Wickersham, Lancaster, Deputy Sup't. - C. It. Cobuin, - - Bradford, State Librarian, Wien Forney, - - Dauphta, Scfreu a Corar. Chief Justice. James Thomp son. Associates. Henry W. W illiams, Jobs M. Heed. Daniel Agnew, George Sharswood. Ses sions. Philadelpiha, 1st Monday of January. Har riebarg, 4th Monday of April .f anbury, let llot dey oX October. Pittsburg, 3d Monaay of October. F. N A U G L E .. . . "WATCH XAS,IB, ' GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIELU. " The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the pnbiia, that be has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches end Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the best Man- factory, consisting of Eighl-day ai,d thirty-hour prills; and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. YA TClIES. fine assortmento isil ver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD rENS. an elegaat assertment. of tbe best quality. Alto, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a fall act. ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, bat ter knives, etc , plated on genuine Alabirta. ALSO, Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting got up to order. Call and see sample book. AH kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and WarranUd. A continuance ot patronage is solicited Mov. 2sth, 1365. II- i. NAL'GLB a. L. RIKS. o. f. aeer jr. weaver "VTT,r,r'T7 J-JeEBS. w. rowctb, jL J; A vyJLi w.w.aam CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP. WEAVER A CO., rVoprieteri, would respeetfullT infers tbe citiiens ef the eoanty that they have eempletely reClted aad supplied their PLA5ING MILL, ia this Bereugh, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are new prepared te execute all erisrs is their Iiae of business, such al Flooring,Weatherboarding, ' Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. They have a large steck ef dry lamberen band, end will pay cash ferelear staff", ene-ani-a-hal.' inch pannel plank preferred (Xev S. '(7: VjEff SPRING STOCK! 3. SHAW I soy. Hare jast returned frees the east aad are aew opening an entire new steek ef geeds is tie reeas formerly occupied by Wm. . Irwii, ee liarkel Street, wbieb they aew efer te the palslie at the lowest cash prieei. ' . V . Their stcek eonsisti sf a geeersl assertmenl ef Dry Qoeds. Oroeeries. Qeeensware, Bard ware. Beets, F hoes. Hats, Caps, Sennets, Dress Oeeds. Truits, Candies. Fish, Fslt, Breams, Kails, ete., in fact, everything usually kept ia a retail store ean baked by calling at this store, er will be roeared to erder. " '"' Their steek it wall seleettd. "aid consists ef ike newest seeds, is of the best euality, ef the latest styles.-and will be said at lowest prices for eash, or exchanged for appreved seaatry produce. - Be lore and eall aad examine ear steek before making your purchases, as we are determined s lease all wbe may faver at wilb their eistess. MayS,lS7, J- BITAW A (OH. pUKNITURS X O O let 8. JOHJI evELICR, Desires te inferm his old friends and easterners that, having enlarged his shop and ioereaaed bis facilities for manulacturing. ba is new prepared to reake to order inch furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates fer cash. Be mostly has on band at his "Furniture P.eenis.' a varied assortment of furniture, atneog which is BC REAL'S AD SIDEBOARDS. Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa. Parler, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, 'Fretich-postet, Cottage, J- - ny-JL.ind and ether Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS". tTOUK-STAXDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STASD8, Ae. Eprinw-seat. Cain-bottom, aad Parler Chairs; And eomraen and other Chairs. LOOKING - OLA8118 Of every description en hand, and new glasses fry old trames, which win Be put la on very reescuablo terms, ensaort notice. fleaise keeps on hand, or furnishes to erder. Hair. tern-busk, Uair and Cotton top JHattrossef. COFFINS, OF ETERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals 'attended wltk . Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done te erder. " Tbe above, and many etber articles are furnishes) te customers cheap for CAsa or exchanged fer is proved country produce. Cherry. Msple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable lor the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on el an at street. Clear field, and nearly opposite tbe "Old Jew Store." December 4. IP6I . JOB N G I K1.K K P. T. I. DR. BOYER'S. WEST BRANCH BITTERS, A Pare, Pleasant. Safe and Reliable Tonie, seat peanded from fresh a-.-l cboioe herbs and pos itively pure spirits, free from fusil eil. er .' ether irritating properties, and vill Eot disagree or: offend the re est delicate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal virtue than any ' ' bitters at present offered to tbe pa Hie. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite to promote Digestlc to cure Dyspepsia te care Fat er and Ague waw svu nuBuraa s,s e a v vuo paiiuu u) cue; be Chronic Diarrhea to cure F!arulence--to cure ncia r.tuctations to cure nervous uetHl ity 1( cure Hypochondria to cure Sallowness of th Complexion to ours Pimples and Blotches 1 cure General Debility sad Prostration of th Physical Powers, IT . HAS XO KQ UAL TRTIT ANDTJE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHERE, AT SI PER BOTTLE. ' A lihtrml dtien tm th trmd: . AscrAcrraiD kxclcsitelt r A. I. SHAW, CLEARFIELD, PA., Dealer ia Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Molls. Oils. Faint, varnisnes. Ae., Patent Medicines. Pure Wines end Liquors for medical porptK.es. Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all goods usually kept in a Drug Store, sold - ' - - , eheap. ' : " ' Having in his employ a clerk a gradueata in rcarmacy who speaxs ootn tnglisU and Ger man, the undersigned feeli bo hesitancy in saying tnateustomerscan rely upon navmg tbe presarip lions properly put mp. A. I. SHAW. Feb. JS, 1&79, , - II. REMOTAL! REMOVAL, C. KRATZER & SONS, Have removed te the large aad elegaat, SEW STORE ROOM, on Second Street, adjeiniag Mer rell A Bigler'i Hardware Store, where they will be pleased ta see their old and new easterners. Citiiens ef the county visiting Clearfield, us wishing to make purchases, will find it te tfceir advantage to examine their steck. Seeds at eash prices exchanged for all kinds of country produce. ' Jan. 6,'f 9. LOOK" AT THIS! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles aad Miscellaneous Becks; Sheet stasia far Piano, Flale and Violia; - - Blank Aecoant and Pass Beeka, of every de scription ;. Paper and Eavelepes. French pressed and plain; Pensand Pencils; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgment, Exempte aad rremisery Jietes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal cap; Record cap aad Bill cap, etc., Will be sold at Wholesale cr Retail by e P. A. GAUL IN, At the Post effiesl ea Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Maya, 186$ A. P. BCTTC. ; 0. a. Terse B0YNT0N &- YOUNG, Cor. Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA.., : ; MAM VFACTVKBRS OF " - . . STEAM ENGINES, Mulaj and Crrcnlar Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, SHAFTIMG. PVLLB1S, BOLTS. and all kin'Is of Mill worlc. . STANLEY TARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Heating StoTes, Sled Sh'oea, Tlows, and castings ef all kiads. - d ' DEALERS IN , Gifiards' Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles. Oilers, Tallew Caps, Oil Caps, Gauge Ceeks, Air Cocks, Glebe Valves, Check Valves, Wrought Iroa Pipe, 8 learn Paaspa, Beiler Feed-Paaaps, Aali-frletlea Metals, Soap Bteae Packing, am Paekiag, Ac. Ae.f December, 115 tf. i. B. RAEl)f. ! W. tAIABT. ." A. A. aJRABAW. NEW FIRM! JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WHOLESALE A1TD RETAIL DEALISS la all kinds ef Dry Gecdt, Eeets aad Shoes, Halt aad Caps, Notions, Groceries, Hardware, Qaeoas ware, Woed and Willowwarc, Fleer, Bacea, Fish,5al ete., MarkalSt, ' CLEAEJIELD, PA FOR THE LADIES They have Eaaaets, Silks Cebargs, Alpaca, Mcriaes. Wool Delaines, Laslres, fliag - - hams. Prists, Peplias, Lawns, Sea shades, Handkerchief Kid aad ether Gloves. Hesiery, Balmo rals, Ueop-skirU, aad a general variety ef rib boas, trimmings, Battens, Braids, ete., at the lowest prices, , FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cletks, Black sv Taney Cassimaras,SattiBeUs, Tweeds, Mel tons, Wster-proef Cloth, Silk, Sssta and commoa Vestiags, etc., la great variety, aad at prices that' will give geaeral "a satisfaetiea te bayers, . - -: ALSO, A general assertsseat of Keady-mada CI eta ing. Hata and Caps, Beets aad Shoes, Hardware and Queeasware, a geed Block, Wood and Willowwarc, and a fall stock cf flrcceries. IN FACT, - - GBAHA1X A SONS sell al! artielei that are asually kept in m well-regulated eoaatry -store, and hence the people generally will find it to their advantage te buj goods of them. . . Grain and aouatry produje taxea exchange for 6oc is. , - Ao. zs-'fiiv. . : : . CAWED LUMBER. The undersigned having started in the Lumber business, near osceoia, urarneia eounry. ri,, is now pre parea to iurnisn pine ooeras. Clear and panel stuff. Ae. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order and shipped on short noriee. C.ti. MACOMBER. Osceola Mills. May a, 1869-tf. Clearfield co.. Pa. "W'OTICE. Having purchased the interes of J. A. Blattenberjrer. Fs,-i., in the hut sinesi heretofore carried on under the firm nam of J. A. Blattenbeyer d- Co., the cam will be con ducted hereafter under the name it Mosbannon Land and Lumber Co., (Store). H. H SHILLISGFORD, JOHS LAWSHE, PreeidtBt. Sup't. May 11, '7.-tR g AM U EL I. S N Y 1) E R, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER A.VD JEWELER, Clsiiiuld, Pi. AH work warranted to give catipfartina. A good assortment of Watch-giasses and Keys al ways on band. Koome on Second Street, opposite the Court House. March 2. lS7Q-tf . 0 N MY OWN HOOK. Having purchased the entire stock at I lie old stand ol.Kiik & Spencer, in Lumber City, I intend carrying on the business a hereto fore. MY MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FO CAall. Thanking oar friends and enstnmers for pest patronage I solicit a continusnco of the ainie. Sept.l5lh, 18fi9, ISAAC KIRK. JEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite tbe residence ef 11. B. r-woop. Esq., . ' CLEARriBLB, Pa., Would respectfully announce ta the citiiens ef Clearfield and vicinity, that be has opened a BOOT A.1U SHOE SHOP, in th building lately occupied by J. I,. Cuttle. ss alawotEo andbat he is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the manufacture ot sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of th best quality, always en hand. Give him a eall. June 24. '64. c. - K R A T Z K R, Oprnsita tha Jail. ' Clearfield, I'enn'a, Dealer la Dry Geeds, Dress Goods. Millinery Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Steac ware, Clothing;, Boots. Shoes, Hata, Caps, Flour. Bacon, Fish, Salt, etc., is constantly receiving new supplies from the cities, wbieb be will dispose al at the lowest market prices, te customers. Before purchasing elsewhere, examine his steck. Clearfield, February t, 187C. D ENTAL PARTNERSHIP. D K. A.M. HILLS desires toinform his patients and the public generally, that he bss associated with him in the practice of Dentistry. S. P.SHAW. D. D S , who ia a graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, and therefor has the highest attestations of bia Professional skill. All work done in the office I will bold myself personally responsible for being done in the most satisfactory manner and highest order of the pro fession. An established practice of twenty-two years in this place enables me to speak to my patrons wilb confidence. Engagements from a distance should be made by letter a few days before tbe patient designs coming- Clearfield. June S, 1868 ly . J-JOMK INDUSTRY! BOOTS AUD SHOES Made to Order at the Lowest Rates. The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the citisens of Clearfiel i end vicini ty, to rive him a eall at bis shop en Market St. nearly opposite llsrtswick A Irwin's drug store. where he is prepared to maaeer repair any tniog in bis line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all werk warranted as represented. . I bar now on band a steck f extra freiirn calfskins, superb gaiter tops, Ae., that I will finish up at tbe lowest figures. JuncIStb, 1SB6. UAMEIi CD.l.tLLLI EW STORE AND SAW MILL, AT BALD HILLS, Clearfield county. Th Budersicned. having opened a large and well selected stock of goods, at Bald Hillt. Clear field county, respectfully solicit a share ef publie patronage. lbeir stock embraces Dry Goods. Groceries, nard ware. Queensware.Tin-ware. Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, veady mad Clothing, aad a gen eral assortment of Notions, etc. They always keen on band the bost quality cf Flour, and a variety of Feed All goods sold cheap for cash, or exchaeged fer approved country produce. Having also erected a Steam Saw Mul, they arc predarcd to saw all kinds of lumber t order. Orders solicited, end punctually filled. Sov.20, 1867. K. B. A A. 1KW1S. SOMETHING NEW IN ANSONVILLE, Clearfield county, I'enn'a. The undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now engaged in filling it up with a new and select assortmentof Fall and Wintcrgoods, wbieb be oners to tbe publie at prices tn suit tbe times Hit stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from 10 to $20 for a whole suit. Flour. Salt. and Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete assortment; stoves and btove-plpe, a heavy stock ; Hoots end Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment or notions te tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents ayard.and other goods le proportion, jnow is tn time t buy. Country produce or every kind, at the bicnest market price, will b taken in exchange fer ?;ooaa; and even Greenbacks will net be refused or any article in store. Examine my steek be fore you buy elsewhere. Oetober 30.186T. H.8WAX. JUST IN TIME! THE SEW GOODS AT A. K. WRIGHT & SONS, . . . . CLEARFIELD, PA., Having just returned from tb eastern cities we are now opening a full stoew of seasonable .uuj, at our rooms oa Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lie generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very low for cash. . las stoeK consists tn part I . DRY GOODS afthe best onalitv. inch a Prints. Delaines. Alpa as. Merinos. Ginebams ; Muslim, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Casimrs. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hood skirts. Balmorals. Ae.. A., al of wbieh will be sold low fob cass. Alee, a fine assortmentof the best ef X B K S1 WEAR consisting of Drawer and Shirts, Hate and Caps, Boots and oa, xiaBuserenieiii cravats, eic Also, Baft Rep. Dog Ror, Baltina Augurs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and enimneys.ete., etc. .... n.....-.u fii.M... rr i c. .... ries. and spices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of every thing asually kept In a retail store, all cheap ftr cask, or approved country r - WRIGHT A BOSS. Kv. xs-jaie-ai3 F'Apply"-. BUqqKY'w' GRAHAM"" jay t a, o. CCRWLSgVILLK ADVERTISEMENTS, TEETH ! TEETH U Extracted for 25 Cents, fextraeted with tbe us of Nitrous Oxyd Gaa, and Local Aaw-sthesia. (tbe only barm tern and efficient anastheties sow ia use,) by J- Hay, Srem Dentist, CuncttuvilU. Pa., Who would hereby most respectfully return bis taanks for tbe libsnai patronage oftb pact, and inform the publie that be has removed, kis OSe to the Corner of Stat and Locust Streets, ever Jenkins More, wbere he Is prepared to reoeive his customers ia newly fitted up Booms, and do their work in the most rkilful and workmanlib manner All werk done ia tbe latest and most approved style, and guaranteed. Ir. Hays will be engaged in his office from tbw lst to the 23d of eecb month ; tbe balance of eat, montb.hewill spend in Glen Hope, Burnside. and Luthersburg. alternately. Parties rsnxltbg at a distance, should write to us previous ot their coming. Office hours, from H t 12 o'clock, A. M., and from 1 to i o'clock. P M. We use Done but tbe very beet material, and defy competition for -beauty, cheapness, aad du rability Give as a call. Curwensville. Pa , May 2, 1870 -feb3y. V" E W FOUNDRY in Curwensville.. The undersigned havinr entered ml a, nmrcs. nershin, in th. FOUX )KV" KIKl.vr.s'."; i Cnrweosville. would inform Hi nnhlia that th. keep eu hand, and will manufacture te erder. Plows, Cultivators, THRESHING MACHINES" Stoves, etc.,. and every other description of artistes generally made in a country foundry. - Terms reasonable. Old metal taken ia er change for work. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited. JACKSGS ROBISON. Feb. 2S.'Jy. JAMKSM. WELCH. NEW HOUSE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! IIARTSOCK & GOODWIN, Curwensville, Pa., Are bow receiving, direct from Hal timers. Boston, Aew iora, fbiladelpbia aad Futsbarg. an tm mus stock eat DRY GOODS, CLOTHIJVtx, II ATS AX T CAPS, Gg.XTS' EUSiriSBIXG GOODS HOOTS AND SHOES, CHINA. GLASS AND QUEENS WAR K, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, ue, bought at lower prices than have been mad te any hous in the Iowa since tbe good old days before the late war. all to ba distributed te tboe wbo visit Curwensville for safplies.in aoeordaa with the great sacrifice at which they were bought. LADIES Are particularly invited lo call at Hart sock A Goodwin's cheap store, and examine the splendid StOCK oi DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SUA WLS, FA NC Y GOO DS, 4)-e., ' son exhibition. , TJtey Defy Competition! Partt e&nnot do justice to thiDS.Ts Id boding anyl of th necessaries ef life, withontealliog on May470-.-m HARTSOOK GOODWIN. CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST.' 9 GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST RECEIVED BY ARX0LD & HARTSHORN, Curwensville, Pa. (Oue door West First Nat. Bank.) Having just returned from th East with a com- plete assortment ol Gooda. anitablefor tbe Spring and Summer trade, wear now prepared to far tiiih all kinds of Goods -CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." And after thanking our customers for their lib eral patronare during tiie past year, we would most respectfully ask for a continuance of tb same. Our stock consists of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. HARDWARE. QCE ENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, GKOCERIES. HOOTS SHOES. HA TS if CA rs. CLOTIIIJ.U. CARPETS, TOBACCOS, Et: Al.'o. Flour. Bacon. Salt, Fish. Grain, Ac. Ae., all ef which will be sold on the. most reaaonabl terms. nd th highest market price paid for Grain W ool and all kinds of lumbar and country produce. . Please give us a eall before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality aad prices. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Cer. Main a Thompson St. April 20,70 Curwensville, Pa, SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvin & Co., Being specially engaged ia th business of bay ing acd telling SQCARK TIMBER, wculd rep re lent that they are bow prepared, ta purchase tim ber, delivored at either Curwensrille, Lock Havea or Marietta, ot will tak it at any of these point and sell oo commission, making such advances aa at necessary. Those engsged in getting cut timber will 1 ad at ear star in Curwensville, very large steely ef STAPLE GOODS, ef all descriptions. ALSO, FLOUR, MEAT, - RYE, OATS, CORN, aad veryth'" accessary for as ef Lambermea. RAFT BOPB.ef all slses.kept kaadia larg quantities, and sold at a small ad vane, by th eoil. Also, PULLET BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE, A. Special inducements offered to the ssaaaia tariBg Equar Timber. E. A. IK VIS A CO, Curwenarille, Jaa. 12, 1S7S. si Vf mi iff Li ' 1 1 Vi It . f .;;! fi'':-l 11 ! i x r, ) ': - i. v:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers