or the pxmtv. Trespassing npon Gardens and Orchards. We have several times printed tha Legis- . . v : .1,. ..,,n- I latlve euaciuueni. uuims " .. ders upon gardens and orchards, and we take occasion again calling attention to the subject, in order that all may Iks warned of the penalties incurred by pilfering of foow ers, fruits, &c. Let it be understood, therefore, ha all persons offending are liable to arret, by making complaint before an alderman or , , i ' r..r r;l justice ot the peace, ana dc sem iu. Tbe testimony of the owner or occupant 01 the bremwea. Or. a civil action may be instituted airainst any person who may treapass upon and damage any garden, or chard or field of growing crops in any man ner whatever, and judgment obtained for double the amount of damages proved to have been suffered, with coms cl suit ; and in default of payment the party may be com mitted to prison for not less than ote or more than twenty days. We trust that every offender will be promptly arrested and made suffer the pen alty, without regard to person, age or sex for it is only by this procedure that owners and occupants of premises will be enabled to protect their property property as valu able as auy other, aud frequently prized even beyond its intrinsic value against de predators of the moat reckless description. The law now offers the necesiary security, and hence it will in most cases be the fault of the owners if it is not put promptly iato force. We learn that wherever these offences l. n a kAAn A.:.:K.llt. it ,nm I -tiiuiii.j Viv uo rr i. 4 " 1 . I a most wuoiesume tuecu a wui;ie surai is all sufficient for oue neighborhood. A : -i : i . t-.a J - jail IB lu Ugly tlUIIg 10 tuuiciuiuaic auj. a I few days would probably scare out fruit and flowers stealing propensities for all time to come. Let the reckless take warning. Germantowa Telegraph. Salting Milk Cows. William Eirger, a Swiss dairyman of experience, stales the method practiced id Switzerland by the best stock keepers in salting stock. lie says cows should be salted early every morning, and if they are fed in the stable the salt should be given before foddering. Salting in this way improves their appetite ; they drink with more regularity, are kept in bet ter health, and give more milk than when salted in the usual way as practiced by dairy men in America. He thinks it very injuri ous to salt milk cows once or twice a week, as they will lick too much for the day. To have stock to do well, they must be fed with regularity.every day alike, and never given- too much of anything at one time. He says, throwing a little salt before the cows in the morning, is much better than allowing them to have free access to it dur ing the day or at all times, as they choose to take it ; because, it is not taken with regularity, which has a very important in fluence in lessening the average yield of milk. Cows, he says, should never be mal ted after taking water, and then have no chance to drink for hours, as the irritation, on account of thirst, will of itself depreciate the quality of milk and lessen the quantity. These facts he says ho learned from oue of the best and most successful stock keepers in Switzerland, and has found, by repeated experiments in his own practice, to be the best course to be aiopted by dairyman in salting cows, in order to get the most milk aud, at the same time, keep them in good health. IIialtu Hints. It is better to sleep in a room comfortably warm than it is to sleep in a very cold room, provided there is good ventilation, for the reason that lets clothing h required to keep comfortable. The less clothing consistent with comfort, the better, whether awake or asleep. Warm air is just as good as cold air, and ventilation is more easily secured when there is a difference of temperature between the air in the room and that outside. The way of warming and ventilating sleeping-rooms, is to have an open grate and open windows. The months most fatal to life, are February and March, August and September ; the first two for throat and lung difficulties, and the latter two for stomach and bowel complaints. May and June are the- healthiest months in the year Grass FOR Brcf.dino Hogs. A corres pondent of the Western liural says : "A goo 1 suj p'y of grass for breeders is of untold value. They should be put on pasture two or three weeks before breeding time, as it increases the milk greatly. Breeders, on a good supply of grass, with some corn, will not only retain their flesh, but grow contin ually, and be easily fattened iu the fall or winter, while the pigs will be large and healthy, and their growth will not be check ed during the winter. If breeders, with their pigs, are confined io small yards dur ing the summer, and fed on grain alone, it will take two of the former to make a shad ow in the fall while the latter will be small and poor, and go into winter quarters good subjects for disease." Timper and Houses. Downing says that a person's temper depends a good deal on the kind of house which he occupies Downing it right. If you wish to find a cross, crabbed, fretful old fellow, call on some gentleman in the country who lives in a leaky bouse, unprotected by shade trees. e Deueve that a dwelling is8Uch a perfect counterpart of the tenant that occupies it mat we ininic we coma tell tne residence of a small souled man by just examining his aoorway. aucn men always build their stoops without seats. Take a memorandum of it, and when you come across an ample porch, with all tlte conveniences of shade and comfort, just say to yourself here dwells a generous heart ami a fat kitchen. Knock and enter. A Correspondent of the Prairie Farmer says fence poets covered with boiled oil thick ened with pulverized charcoal will make them last longer than iron. Success in farn ing does not depend upon the number of acres, but upon the culture of the ground. !(k THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS s! Eighty - nx Th Bm'd.?i. Eish tu-otic Marntw - Past I tar : Th number exceeds by thousands th Bales of any other Machine, and the demand is still in creasing Tfl0CSAS D' per WEEK AKELNO W BEING MADE AND SOLD. THE REASONS WHY: Because it embodies essential principles not found in any other .Machine; because of us aim piicity of construction, ease of formity of precise action at an; paci,y for lh, greatt range anl operation, uui y speed, and ca variety ei won fine or coarse Parties wishing- to purchase should not fail to examine this best of all tewing Machines. I have the Agency for this Machine, and will keep a full supply on hand. tlearaeld.May 4, iU tr jJ- a. a"""1-""- Marble and Stone Yard. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged in the Marble business, desires to inform her friends, and the public, that she has now and will keep constantlv on band a large ana ..II r..ot.d stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, in pand tone and Marble, CUKES aad POSTS for Cemetery lots, WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS, ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN ORNA ME NTS, ire. Pha would invite sneeial attention to her Pand stone Monuments lhicb are built from original ri.cii.ma ami will comnuro favors blr with any- I .1. : -r u.w:nr1 ; tk A.ti.,,. T' itp&ired Eha faTnish Mrbie Window Sills and Caps at a il:9ht ailvanr.a on the nric of Sandstone. 7-' .v. , , nt..rfi.l,l lfu uu ivcau ui .mw v. .. . , p, May 4, ism. . - a T T CI yj j j J O T1IE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH KESTOP.ER, purifies the blood and cures Scrofula. Syphilis. Skin Diseases. Kheu- O maii?m. Diseases of women, and all Luron ic Affections of the Blood, Liver and Kid neTs. Recommended bv the medical Fac ulty and many lboasands of eur best oiti ceni. Kead the testimony of Physicians and pa S A tients who have used Kosadalis; send for our Kosadalis Guide to Health Book, or Al manac for this year, which we publish for gratuitous distribution; it rill give you mach valuable information Dr. R. W. Carr, ol Baltimore, says : I take pleasure in recommoLding yoar Rosadalis as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two cades with happy results one in a case of secondary syphilis in which the patient pronounced himself cured after having taken nve bottles or D A L I S your medicine. I no other is a cae ot scroi- ulaof long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its use, and the indications are that tne patient win soon recover. 1 have carefully examined the formula by which your ltosadalis is made, aad nnd v an excellent compound of alterative injre dients. . Dr. Epa-ks, of Nicholasville, Ky., says he as nscd Rosadalis in cases or scroiuia ana Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results as a cleaner of the lo?d X know ne bet ter reroudv. Samuel G. UcFadden, Uurfreesboro'. Tenn . savs : I have used seven bottles of Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send me tour bottles, as 1 wisn it lor my Droinar, who has scrofulous sore eyes. liejji-iinin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes I have suffered for twenty years with an in veterate eruption over my whole body : short time since I purchased a bottle of Ro- Fetalis and iteffectei a perfect cure. Labratory, 61 Exchange Place, Baltimore CLEMENTS, A CO , Proprietors. Kosadalis is sold br Hartswick A Irwin and A I. Sfaaw. Clearfield, i. K. Good, Osceola, and by Druggists generally. April 6,'70-ly LOAN Chesapeake & Ohio R. R. Co. The advantages and attraction of this Loan, for investment purposes, are many and important : 1. It is based upon one of the Great Through Lines between the Seaboard and the W est. 2. The security it alrraJy created, the greater part of the line being in successful running oper ation. 3. The Local Traffic, from the unrivalled Agri cultural regions and Iron and Coal deposits ad jacent, must be large and profitable. 4. The enterprise receives important conces sions and privileges from the States of Virginia and Wost Virginia. &. It is under the managoment of efficient aud well-known capitalists, who?e names are guaran. tees fer its early completion and successful oper ation. S. The Bonds can be had either in COUPON OR REGISTERED form; they have thirty years to run, both princi fal and interest being payable in gold. 7. They are ef denominations of $1,000, $500 and $100, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, in coin, payable May 1st aad November 1st. From our intimate acquaintance with the affairs and condition of tha Company, we know tfaee se enrities to be peculiarly desirable, and suitable for safe employmentof surplus capital, and fund ing of Government Bonds, by Investors, Trustees of Ettates, and others who prefer absolute iceu rity with reasonable income. uojuvn oi uuiieii naics riveiwenties are en' abled to procure these Bonds, bearing the same rate of interest and having a longer period to run and to realize a large increase of capital ia ad dition. Bonds and Stocks dealt In at the Stock Ex cbange, received ia exchange for this Loan, at the full market value, and th bonds retarned free of express charges. Price 90 and accrued Interest in Cur rency. PajnphleU.Maps, and fuU information furnish ed on application. FISK 4; HATCH, 5 HAS3AC STRUT, I(W TOSS. May 4-1 Ow psmatfc Journal, kaxfidb, WHO HAS A HOUSB TO PAI5T? READY-MADE COLORS. Known as "Railroad'' Colors. "Guaranteed to be more economical, more durable and more conveni ent than any Paint ever before offered. A book entitled ' Plain talk with Practical Painters, witn samples, sent free by mail on application. MASL'RY W11ITON. Glol Whit Lead and Color Worts, Ap. 13-3m 111 Fulton St., Ntu York Beware of Imitations. Established lbJa. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! JOIIN TROUTMAN, Having just fitted up a new and elegant furni ture Koom, on Market street. East ot the 'Alle gheny House," Clearfield. Pa., notifies the public that he Keeps on nana an '' ' (walnut and common). Cane seat and Windsor share of patronage is respectfully solicited. April 13. Itwu. THE WONDERFUL LlNl.Mfc-Ni. Tl,; Liniment havinc been used, for some years pastas a family medicine by the pro prietor, ana its gooa enecis coming iu " of his neighbors, has, at their suggestion, con sented tomanniacture inor me uou.u dieted everywhere. It is the best remedy ier Catarrh and Billions Cholie, ever offered to the public; and will cure many other diseases in the k.in.111 hnriv 1 1 ia kiro a iuti curt iui x ui. and Wind-galls in horses directions for its use accompany each bottle. Price, SI per bottle, or six bottles for ii. tent to any d(lr inz me price 10 " - Hurd Postoffice, Oct. 6. 1869. Clearfield county, Pa. fISS II. S. SWAN'S, School for Girls, -JJL fUnrfip!.l Pa. The next Term of twentv-two weeks will com mence en Monday, May 9, 1879. TERMS Or TSIT103. Reading. Orthography,Writing, Object Les sons. Primary Aritnmetie ana rnmary Geozraubv. per half term, (of 11 weeks), S History, Local and Descriptive Geography with .Map Drawing, urammar, aisaiai and Written Arithmetic, s? Algebra and the Sciences, " Instruction in instrumental Aiusie, " Oil fnintln. . " Wax Work, a, , 8 t For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Augut25, lSHJ-ly. MILLWRIGHT INC. II. T. Farnsyvorth, Would inform Mill owners, and those desirous f having Jlills built, that he is prepared to build nd ieDair either Circular or Muley Saw Mills), and Grist Mills after the latest improved patterns He has also for sale an improved ater neei, which he guarantees to give satisfaction in regard to power and speed. His motto is, to do work so as to give perfect satisfaction. Those wishing fur ther information will be promptly answered by addressing him at Clearfield, Ciearfiold county, Pa. Wrile your name and address plain. April 20, 1870-ly. THE IIIXKLEY FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. Price $30. Every family in the country needs one. It knits everything from a mitten to a blanket. A child 12 years can learn to work it in an hour. It is operated the same as a sewing machine by hand or fuot. It uses but one needle, and is the perfection of beauty and usefulness. Circulars with cuts and lull particulars free to every body. Agents wanted in every cennty. Apply quickly. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO.. apt 3-3m 176 Broatlway, N. Y., or Bath, M. THE NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE 294 EOWKRY. EMPIRE 294 BowEur. The extraordinary success of their new and im proved manufacturing Machines for light or heavy work, nas induced ibe EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a new Familv Machine ot thesame tvle and construction, with additional ornamen tation, making it equal in beauty and finish with other family machincs.whcreas in usefulness it far OUTSTRIPS ALL COMPETITORS. The price of this now acknowledged necessary article comes wituia reacn ot every class, ana the Company is pi spared to offer the most liberal nducements to buyers, dealers and agents, i-verv Machine warranted, Apply for circulars and samples to EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO., Ap.l3-3iu.l No. 2'J4 Btwerv. New Yort. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. The Fourth Session of the present Shelastie year of this Institution, will commence on Ms day, th 25th day of April, 1870. Pupils can enter at any time. They will b charged with tuition from the time they eater t the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accom plished education of both sexes. The Principal having had tb advantage ef much experience in his profession, assures pa rents and guardians thathis entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his charge. Taaas of Tcitios: Orthography, Reading, Writing, aad Primary Arithmttic, per session, (11 weeks. , $5 9t Qraminar, Qeegraphy, Arithmetic, and Histo ry. $1,00 AIgebra,Gleometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration Surveying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry Book-keeping, Botany, and Physical Qeogra pay. v,o Latin, Greek and Fransi, with any of th a- bove branches, SI 2.6 Music Piane, (M lessons ) $19.08 CSTNo deduction will be made fer absence For farther particulars inquire ef Ret. P. L. UARRIS05, A. v. July 31.1867. Principal. R E M0VA L. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGS1ST1, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. We beg. leave to inform our old aad naar n. ta mers, that we have removed our establishment to tne new Duildingjust erected on Market street, nearly adjoining lb Mansion House on tha west, and opposite Graham A Sons' store, w'hare we re spectfully invite th public to com aad buy their DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI CINES, OILS, TAINTS tr YAUN1SMBM. Our stock of Drugs and Medioinesconsist of every thing used, selected with the greatest eare, aad WARRANTED STRICTLY PURB! W also keep atull stock of I7yes,Pcrf emeries Toilet articles, Soaps. Tooth lirushes. Hair Brush es, Whitewash Brushes, and every other kind of crusnes. no nave a la' go lot ef White Lead, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and ia fact everything nscd in the painting business, whieh we offer at City prices to eaah buyers. TOBACCO AND SSGABM, Confectionery. Spicg, and th largest stack of va rieties ever offared ia this place, aad warranted to be of th beat th market affords. J. Q. HARTSWICK, Dec. 1, 186S. jJOHS F. IRWIN. HARRY F. BIGLER & CO., Clearfield, Pa., Have just received and offer for sale cheap. Single and double, iron and wood, SHOVEL PLOWS ; Patent, iron and wood, expanding CULTIVATORS ; Patent-screw, steel CULTIVATOR TEKTH ; Eolid steel, single and double, SHOVEL PLOW BLADES ; PINK AND WHITE LINING SKI33, AND ROAN SKINS. Clearfield, April 20, 187S. C. KRATZER & SONS arc receiving a splendid stock of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTI1S, LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS, LINEN TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, LADIES SILK COATS AND OVEKSKIRTS, ELEGANT SUAWLS AND LACE POINTS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, DRES5 GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, BEST KID GLOVES LADIES', GENTLE MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FINE BLACK ALPACAS, UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS, MEN'S CALF AND FRENCH KIP BOOTS HEAVT CALF BOOTS, So. MEN'S AND BOTS' FINE AND HEAVY SHOES, BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $S, CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND PROVISIONS AT LOWEST RATES, LIBERAL REDUCTION TO THOSE BUY ING IN QUANTITY, WOOL. MARKETING AND COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. Clearfield, Jan SO, 1S69. ATTENTION, BUYERS READ! READ!!' Who iells the cheapest gooda in th county ? M 0 S S 0 P ! Who sells best calicoes at 12 J cts a yard M 0 S S O P! Whe sells best unbleached muslin at !7cntsT M 0 S S O P ! Who sells Hall's Calf Boots at $5 00? MOSSOP! Who sells Ball's best Coarse Beets at 94 50 ? MOSSOP! Who sells Ilall'g bcstK-p Boots at ?4,50? MOSSOP! Whe sell Hats lower thau anybody else? MOSSOP! Who cells Sugar the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Syrup the cheapest? M 0 S'S O P! Who sells Flour the cheapest ? MOSSOP? I W ho sells Chop tud Feed th cheapest I MOSSOP Who sella Hardware the cheapwt ? MOSSOP! Who sells Queensware the cheapest ? MOSSOP? Who sells Tinware the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Clothing the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Plaster the cheapest ? MOSSOP! Who sells Salt the cheapest ? -MOSSOP! Who first brought goods down to the lowest cash prices J MOSSOP! i Everybody should buy thoir goods a MOSSOP'S! ClearBeld, May 11: 18. Ijfa., game 15, 1870, FULLERTON S (formerly M Gaughey'i,) Restaurant aud Ice Cream balosa, IN LBAVT'S NEW BCILDIHa, Second St., Clearfield, Pa. Constantly kept en hand a tne seleetien ef Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, Nuts, Ae. AUe Fresh Oysters, received daily, a4 served jap in any style, to sait tha taste of easterners. " A full stock of goods just received from the East. SaS" Billiard Saloon in Second Story. April 27-'70 1). R. FULLEKTU3. NEW STORE. Corner of Second St. and Hill f.ead. .R. MITCHELL Has just received aad opened, at the abev earn ed place, an entire new stack of Spring and Sammer Geeds, whieh he will sell very cheap for sash. His steek consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qaeensware. Boots and Shoes. Hate aad Caps, Ready made Clothing, ete. He also keeps choice Flour, Corn Meal, Chop feed, Bacon, Fish and dried Frail. Persoas desirous of purchasing geeds at fair rates are respeetlnlly requested to give him a call. Approved country produce will be taken, at the highest prices, in exchange ier goods. Clearfield, June IT, 18(8. 0, YES! 0, YES!! A GOOD FARM FOR SALE Persons desirous of purchasing a farm, are 4i rti1 tn iitmina that valuable oroDerEV in Law. reuoe township, and situate at the mouth of Clearfield creok two miles Kastot tne cereegu of Clearfield, and convenient te seheols aud churches. The ureoertT contains ONE HUNDRED A.V it X tr ii.V J. I Jl'-JlOO, par, 1 proved and under a high state of eultivation- mo W3010 oemg wen xenoeu. ima other minerals are found on the same. The buildings cenist of a good TWO-STORY IJ v ELLINli HOUSE., 25wly ieoi a ktwjj BARN, and otherconvenientoutbuiliings And there is growing on the premises a young bearing orchard of choice fruit trees. This rrouertv is very pleasantly situated and being at tne commence oj mo oreea, ana m ni, t is a very desirable and inviting residence fer a private fsmily. Its position on the creek mil . . .. e - L. A river also render it a gooa aituaiiea ior .' eg bouse during the rafting season. Tha aat and north sides of this property being bounded by the creek and river, makes it one of tha h.t raftina- rrounas in mis section, ana as such yields a handsome reveaue yearly. Th. narncr. Mr. M. A. Frank, having nerma n.ntlvaattlad ia the west, is the rcasau fer dis posing of this valuable properly. For terms, eta. apply to B. J. ROW, UctOOar , 1M. .liimiu,i. BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT THE M AMMOTH STORE OF THE Moskannon Land and Lnmber Co.. OSCEOLA, Clearfield County. Penn'a. nil i A Hew I mad it in S mo, with stencils. J)X ItU Samples mailed free, New York. A. J. Fullim, I April TTERYFINK blankets 'will be sold cheap F. N X U G L E TF ATCH MAKES, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFIILli. Thanndersizned resDectfuIIy informs his old customers and tbepublie, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a targe stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. r. MICKS, a laree variety from the best Man- nfactory.consistingof Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm ciocas. WA TCHES aline assortment, o fsilver Hunt ing and open case Amerioan patent Levers, plain nd full jeweieo. GOLD rENS. an elegant assortment, of the 0Aen OfJi i Aisucv, -.wu.u., - near signi, coioreu uu JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piece to a fall set. ALSU, a nne assonmeni oi ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. ALSO. Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting. got up to order. Call and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted. A continuance oi patronage is wmucu. Nov. 28th. lh5. U.F.NALGLE. a. l F. neep JOKES. .W.SITTS. woV: NOTICE. ; CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Messrs. HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully infora the citiseni of the county that they have completely refitted and j supplied their PLAHIHG MILL, ia this Borough, with the beet and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared U exeeute all ardors ia their lino of business, sueh as Floorinc, Weatherboardinr, Sali, Doors, Blind., Brackets, and Moldings, of all kinds. Theyhave a large steck af dry lumber en hand. and will pay eash for clear stuff, one-and-a-half ineh pannel plank preferred Not 8. '67. I --r- EW SPRING STOCK! J. SHAW At SON. Have jast returned freas the east and are aew opeaiag an enure new sieoa ai geaus n ua formerly occupied ky TTm. F. Irwia, en Market Street, whieh they now offer te th publi at the I i0a.t ease urines. Their stock consists of a general assortment ef Dry Seeds, Groceries, Qaeensware, Hardware. BeaU, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Boaaete, Dress Seeds. Fruits, Candles. Fish, Salt, Breesas, Hails, etc., in fact, everything usually kept ia a retail store east be had by ealliac at this iter, or will be roeured to order. Their etoek is well selected, and consists ef ike newest goods, is of the best quality, ef the latest styles, aad will be sold at lowest prices fer eash. or exchanged for approved oountry prcduce. Be sure aad call aad examine eur steek before making your purchases, as we are determined lease all who may favor us with their eastern. MayS, 1SC7. J.SHAW A 80S. ?t?RNITUKK ROOMS. JOH.1 CCELICPI, Desires to Inform his old friends and easterners that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is new prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in rood style and at cheap rates for cash. Ba ! mostly has on hand at bis --Furniture Rooms,' a varied assortment ol turniture, among wnic u BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book -cases; Centre, fcfa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posta, Cottage, J ea- ny-J-iind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, W ABH-STASD3, A. Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, aad Parlor Chairs; And common ana otner t-csirs. LOOKING - GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glasaes fer old trames, wrjion will be pnt la on very reasonable terms, onehort notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair. Lern-husk, Hair and Cotton top Matttesses. vorrms, or etery kind. Maia to order, and funerals attended with Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting don to order. The above, and many ether articles are furnished to customers cheap forcasa or exchanged fer ap proved country produoe. Cherry, Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and otner Lumber suitable lor the busi- ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Manet street. Clear field, and nearly opposite tne "Old Jew more." December 4. 1KB 1 juiih uisi.il u P. T. I. .DR. BOYER'S PCRI WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure, Pleasant, Safe and Reliable Tonie.oom peanded from fresh and choice herbs and pea- j lliveiy pur spirits, ire Irom lam oil. er ihcr irritating properties, and will ot disagree or offend the most delicate stomach. Warrant ed to oontain more med icinal virtue than any bitten at present offered to th pabli. IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase th Appetits to promote Digestion -to cure Dyspepsia to cure Fax er and Acue t euro Biliousness to cure Constipation to eur Chronic Diarrhea to cure Flatulence to cure Acid Eructations to cur Nervous Debility to cur Hypochondria to cure Sallownese of the vompiexiou io our x impiea ana dioicocs ear General Debility and Prostration of mysioal lowers, IT HAS NO EQ UAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD KVKRTWHEKB, AT $1 PERBOTTLI. A Ultra! discount to the Irmdt. atAacrscrnaaD kxclitsitblt ar A. I. S II A W, CLEARFIELD. PA.. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dy ciuiis, um, i-ainu, arntsues. Ac., Patent Jaaicinei. rur H ines nd Liquors for medical purposes. Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all gooda usually kept in a Drug Store, sold cheap. Uavinz in his amnlov a clerk a rraduate in Pharmacy who speaks both English and Gar- man, in undersigned tool no Hesitancy in saying thateustomorsean rely upon having the prescript tiens property put up. A. I. SHAW. H. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! C KRATZER & SONS, Have removed te the large aad .1.,., gTORB ROOM, U.oBi 8trMt, adj.ililt roll A Bif ler'i Hardware Slere, where t,., :u be pleased te see their old aad new easteri ' Citiienief the Musty visitlag CIearls! ss, wishing to make purchases, win lad it to advantage te examine their stesk. Seeds at cash prices exekaagea f.r u kilt f country prodaee. j , t LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles aad Miscellaneous !; Ii.., Van. for Piaae, Jlate aad Tielia; Blank Account and Pass Beaks, ef ettry V eription; Paper and Kaveleces. Fraatk presseu ana plain; rcasaau reaailt; Deeds; Mortgages; Judgaeat, Kxestpuai ,ia s reaaisory jeies; Blaak Legal Paper; White aad Parabasal Briar; legai cap; r.eaar cap asa Bill cap, etc., Will be sold at Wholesale er Ketail by P. A. G A U L I V . At th Pest else. Market treat, Clearfield, Pa. May , Hit A. r. nor uvea. a. te. B0YNT0N & YOUNG, Co;-. Fourth and Pine SirceU. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAxeraCoaiEs STEAM ENGINES. Mulay and Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WEZILS, BHAFTlSaPCLLST.!, EOLTI, and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY PAPvLOR 8TOVX5, COOK STOVES, Heating Stores, Sled Skou, Plow! aad eaatiaga ef all blade. DEALERS IK Giffards' Iajoeter, BUasi G safes, luta WalMaee, Oilers, Tallew Caps, Oil Caji, Casj Caaks,. Air Cocks, Glebe Taives, Ckak Talrae, Wrought Iroa Pipe, Staaa ftajs Keller Feed Psmps, Aact-frlsiisa Metal, leap Itsia Paeklaf, tia Paeklag, As.. -, Deeeacker t. lil -X. 1. . MAt-SaT. a. a- aaAxt k a w j i k ii i JAS. B. GRAHAM & SONS, WEOLMALS AXD JtlTAIL DliLlU la all kinds ef Dry Geeds, teste sad Bkeei, Kali aid Cs, Xotieas, Greeeriee, Cardware, Qsaaa Ware, Weed aad Willowware, Fleas, Baeea, Fiah.Balt ete., MarketSi., CLIA&JIELD, FA. FOR THE LADIE3 They have Beae.ts.8Hke Cebargs, Alaaaaa, Marlaes. Weel Dda'.aes, Lastres, !r kasss, PriiU, Pplia. Lawn, ! shades. Handkerchiefs X!4 aa ether 01ovea,Heiry,B!we rals. Hoop-skirts, aai a geaeral variety ef rlb hoaa, trissBi', Be. Meat, Braids, ete , at tie lowest rie) - a .. - FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black aad Blue Cloths, Bleak V Fsaey Cassisseres.Sattiaetu, Tweeds, Ui toas, Water proef Cloth, lilk. Saw ad common Tastiags, etc., ta great rarieiy, aid at pries thatf, will give gaaeral atisfaaiUn t bayerfc ALSO, A geaeral asserleaeat of Beady-mete ClenV ing. Hat and Caps, Beats aad late. Hardware and Queeneware, a f Block, Wod and WUlewwar, aad a full stock ef flreeerie. io 1 th IN FACT, GKAHAM A BOSd sell all article thai an msually kept in a wolI-rgalated eoaalry Iter, and hnth popl generally w,ll And il to their advantag t buy good ef these. raia and eeaatry predui taken xrhang fer 6ot is. V By J.MAH SOT. ren. 23, ibto.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers