Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 15, 1870, Image 3
$e "giafemaxfe .6nvnat, Qteaxftdb, fct., mxc 15, 1870. Ion icck ef ""border, or have their letters registered. ,r -.J .nclosed in the first paper after tAh.f m' .T me, o band; f 1? Tl Summer Arrangement. -J, ,,... Tyrone at . : Arrives at Osceola at : : 19 35 a.m. ArrJ fhiliptburg at . : 1100 a. m. Clearfield at : : : -P-m- -..i I, tin leave. Clearfield a : : : 2.30 p m Tyrone at : : t :. 5-30 P- m . Bellefonteai : : : 8.1p.ra. Lock Haven at : : SO p.m. i Williamsportat : : 10.50 p. m. Accommodation Train. , ... Clearfield at : : : : : : T OO A. if. U" Ar"tPbiIipSburg.t : : ? Osceola at : : : 10.2 a. m. .i Intersection at : : 1 OS p. m. Tyrona at : : : 120 p.m. s F Exoress leaves Williamsaort at 8 00 a. m. B Arrives at Lock Haven at . : 10.10 a m. Bellefbnte : : : 1140 a m u Interfectlon at : : 1 OS p. ui. Oieeola at : : : : 2 40 p. m Philipsbueg at : : 3 3a p.m. Clearfield at : : : 00 p. m. r0e connections made at Tyrone with trains Fist and West on the Maine Line. P...rs leaving Clearfield at 2 39 p. m., reach Williamsport at 10 .0 p. m. the same day. v..tn-erleavingWilliainportata t a in. reach CIea6ld at 0 p m the game day. Kei.hjiocs. Divine services will beheld E.xt Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : Br Ker. Hall, in St. Andrew's Ej'iseopal tlueb, at 1 1 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday ool t 3 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening t 7 o'clock. By Rev. Butler.in the Presbyterian church. Biorainj and evening. Sabaath school at S r. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday avcaint t 7 o'clock. By lief. J. H. M'Cord, in the Methodist church, moruinjr and evening. Sabbath -hoo! at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, every Thursday at 71 P. M. Communion services i'irt Sabbath of every month at 101 A. M. St. Francis church Mas at 10J A. M., tt wcond and fourth Sundays of each aaonth. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. Friday, July 8th, 1870. The annual Convention of the P.epuhlican Tarty of Clearfield County, for the purpose of nominating a County ticket, will be held at the Court House in Clearfield, on Friday. July th, at .o'clock, P. M. It is hoped that every township in the county wiiljle fully represented. By order of the Couuty Committee. T. II. Mt'RRAV, Cliairman. 'r. "VV. C. Metz, Wm. Riddle, J I. J,. Ucnder.--o:iI Wm. Woodward, .lo!m Clary, John Swan, Jr., T.iiin H!:ir, John M'Garvey, V. H. Shircy, Abraham Walker, 11. V. Sparknian, Philip Antes, J ark Paichin, J- li. Ferguson, 11. II. Hind, Ed. C. Brenner, Kmil Mit-not, James L. Cook, i?ors Ros. Georpe If. Long, . 1. F. Copeliiv David S. Moore, . ". Smith, E. A. Hoover, Alii. Murray, David Drecsler, ". A. Nelson,. John M. Chase. J. LuaieaAV aid, rUns Burned. The lam of John Bai liy. in O-ceola, together with all its con tents including a team r.f hordes and other live stock, was burned a short time since. Several storekeepers have already sold out. and others wish to retire from business fin .-ntit of the dullness of the times:. Ii.-nticiiien, put your goods down low for '.'. Imitate Mossp, and be happy. ' 1'im.m ratic Nominees. At the primary fiiivtiuri on Saturday last, the following nom ination? were made by the Democracy of this county : For SheiifT, J. J. Pie ; Di.st. Attir:i"y, Al. W. Walter; Commissioner, 1. Buck ;' Jury Commissioner, J- A Faust; Auditor, D. A. Wise. The Fourth. A grand celebration will coins oft in the grove near New Wahinij t'lii. on July 4th. An oratiou will be dcliv ercj on the occasion. A platform will also :i erected fur the accommodation of all who uVir? to "trip the light fantasti; toe," to imrry and enlivening uiumc. All are in vited to attend. Ma ix. Some rain fell in this region dur ins the pat week, but not sufficient to raise the river to a good raffing stage at this tee. We und -rstand that the streams be 1" Clearfield, however, had raised suffi cient for rafting purposes, but to what ex tent timber has been pushed forward we have not teamed. Buokf. Loose. We understand that, owing (o a rapid rise in the river at Lock liven, over one hnudred ra.'ta broke loose a;i 1 weiit adrift at that place. A large nuui lcr of rails aljo ttt-nt adiift below Look Haven from the same cause. Thw will eu ta l a heavy loss on some of our lumbermen, w!:i :h is much to be regretted. Barn Dstryku Br Firi. We learn H thai, on Monday, May 30th, at J p. m., ii;ebani of Jeremiah liOrd, of Knox town (fa destroyed by lire. A small quan ''' of fee-I an J farming implements were al butaeJ. Lr,s Hout $3(K). The origin f the confiagraUon u A c?ytery, as neither -re a-r intchts were on the faroi th.it (lay, w 'ir as U known. LF.KF11.I GorSTY' AORICCLTrRAL So cietv. The foikwig additions to the rules of the CleaiSeld County Agricultural Soei e'y hare been adopted by the Executive ' "iinuittce. to which we iirect the atten tion of all interested : Kvery person wishing to b enrolled as a '"ember of the Society must apply on or wt'ire the 4th day of July, A. D. ".670, and upon payment of one dollar to ttc Treasu rer, will receive a certificate of membership containing the name of the applicant. Kvery person ao enrolled as a member fchall, on the .presentation of such certilkate and payment of one dollar in addition, re vive a ticket which will admit himself, wife, and children under eighteen year of during the Fair. Life members of the Society will receive a similar ticket on the Payment of one Julhir. All persons must be provided with ticket-5, either sigued by the President or Chair wan of the Kxpcutive Committee, to obtain admission. They will be furnished by the Treasurer or Sprretarv. or at the office on the ground. Persons acting as judges are t'spcted to become members of the Society. Corner Sto.m Laid. The corner stone of a new M. E. Church, was laid in Phil ipsburg, Centre county, on Thursday, June 9th, 1S70, under the auspices of Mosbannon Lodge, No. 391, A. Y. M. A goodly num ber of the members of neighboring lodges were also present. The concourse of people in attendance was the largest ever assembled in Philipsburg. The' proceedings were of a highly interesting character, and passed off tor the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Marble Works. S. A. Gibson, haying recently opened a Marble Yard in this place, is prepared to make all kinds of work, such as Monuments, Tombs, Couches, Head and Foot Stones, 6tc, on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Having been enga ged in the business for a number of years, Mr. G. flatters himself that he can render satisfaction in regard to work and prices, and solicits a share of public "patronage. All orders entrusted to Mr. J. E. Watson, agent, will receive prompt attention. We would respectfully call the attention of our readers to the card of Straw & Mor ton, agents for the Singer Sewing Machine and the wonderful Ilinkley Knitting Ma chine. The agency for these machines at Pittsburg is the oldest in the United States, having been established by Mr. Straw near ly twenty years ago. The firm is recom men led as entirely reliable and anything coming from their establishment may be re garded as the best. A great advantage in purchasing from this house is that they are firmly established and repairs and parts of machines can always b had. Painful Accident. The Philipsburg "says : About eliven o'clock on Tues day, (7th) a distressing accident took place at Way, loster & Co.'s plaiiing mill, in this place, by which Mr. J. Gorton, an estima ble citizen, lost a hand and portion of his arm. At the time of the accident he was engaged at a large moulding machine, and reaching to pick up a splinter, his left hand caught between two bits, their axes running at right angles oue revolving horizontally and the other vertically and with great rapidity, most ft ightfully mangling the hand to the wrist. Medical aid was summoned, and it was decided tlfct amputation was ne cessary. Chloroform was administered and the arm taken olF just above the wrist. A Narrow Escape. The following no tice, relative to the narrow escape of a for mer citizen of this place from death in a wel', is taken from the Falls City Journal, and will be permed wiih interest by many of our readers s "About half past six o'clock on Tuesday eveuing, (June 7th,) Mr. A. Southard went dowu into Esquire F'rank's well for the pur pose of getting a bucket that bad been in the water for several days, and when down abou' twenty feet the well fell in and buried him. Two of Mr. Frank's fauiily were low ering him on the well bucket, and as soon as the wall gaye way, gave the alarm, and a large crowd of pe jple were at the scene in a few minutes. At this time there was little hope of rescue, although his voice could be distinctly heard from below. Judge Dundy and J. G. Good were first to go into the well for the relief of Mr. S., and were, when exhausted, relieved by others. The ex citement was great, as would be naturally expected, hut was greatly increased by the presence of his wile and children, who could hear his voice, without hope of ever seeing him alive. All present, were of course, beset by the ino.)t terrible apprehensions, though his voice could be heard distinctly urging the workmen to relieve him, still the work went on, and about half past elev en the man was uncovered and drawn, as it were, from the jaw of a terrible death, and restored to his family, having been in the well about five hours. He declares that with the exception of a few ugly bruises, he is unhurt ; and at the time of going to press is doing finely. Mr. Southard is a relative of Esquire Frank's family, and lately arrived at this place from Pennsylvania, and .has purchased a dwelling in town with a view to making it his permanent home." How to Act ix a Post Office. When you call at the ofliea for your mail, and the postmaster hands it out, ask him if that is all. If you ask for mail, and he tells you there is none, tell him there ought to be, and go home ami send the rest of the family around to ask at different times through the day. Don't bring your mail to the office until the mail closes, then curse the postmaster for not unlocking the mail lag and putting your letter in it. When you want a stamp put on your let ter tell the postmaster to put it on ; if he don't lick it you lick him. In case you put the stamp on yourself, soak it in your mouth lone enouch to remove all the mucilage. It will then stick till it is dry. Be sure suid ask the postmaster to credit you for stamps, and if he has any accommo dation about him at all he will do it. If yu have a box, stand and drum on it until the postmaster hands out your mail ; it makes him feci good, especially if he is waiting on some one else. . If you have a letter to put in the office, instead of dropping it in the box, carry it in, hand it to the postmaster and tell him to be sure and have it go. After you have carefully followed thea- bove rules, and the postmaster fails to ex hibit signs of annoyance, ask for all -your neighbors, bur a three cent stamp and ten der a five dollar bill in payment. Don't do this unless the office is full, and several per- eons are tapping at thir boxes at the same time. If this don't bring him, and give him 1 ... C ........ C....n.i .! nn tt,u.i'a ti r. a proper jje ui jvm imi'uiioyv.c,Liitiv a v use trying. mtm MARRIED. ttTmntrilld. on Sunday. June 12, 1S70, V.e l Ttr-cvlor V.in iM r. W M. II. CLOUSER, of Union tp., and Miss Hebscca Yooe, of Big Run, Jefferson county, t a. DIED : T T t v: r , c.l. 1 A 1U 1 III! lUWUMill?, on i',y JUL , Ida May, daughter of Thomas A , and baggie emtio, ageu montns auu l-t uaj Dearest babe, you have left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel. But 'tis God that has bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. $2,000 fh? MACUiNES. Tl a vear and expenses to agents to sell ceieoratea milsus bEWlMl The best machine in the world Stitch alike on both sides. One Machine without money. For further particulars, address 25 N.9th St , Pbil a. ra. inarcn j, ;u-jm D. PERKS A Ce's Dour, the best in market, for Clearfield Ketail Markets. CORKCCTCO WESKLT IT B. KOSSOP. Apples, dried, lb, 12 I Apples, green, bu, 1 5(1 ! Apblebutter, al, 1 0(1 ! Hay, ton. Hams. lb. Shoulders, lb, Sides, lb, Lard, lb, Oats, bu.. Onions, bn, Pork, lb. Pork, mess, bbl, Potatoes, bu, Plaster, bbl. Peaches, dried, lb Rye. bn, Rags, lb, Salt, per sack, Shingles, iH in. Shingles. 26 in, Timothy seed, bn, Wheat, bu, Wool, lb. 16 00 24 16 IS 25 60 1 00 14 35 OS 75 3 50 , 13 1 25 3 1 50 5 00 12 00 8 00 1 40 40 Kutter. lb, 2 Beef, fre.h, lb, 10 rieef. dried, lb, 2i Buckwheat, bo, 1 25 Buckwheat flour. lb 5 Beans, bu, 2 50 Boards, per M Corn, shelled, " ears, " meal, -Chop, rye. " mixed Cheese, lb. Cherries, lb. 14 00 1 25 60 S 00 2 90 2 40 25 IS ChickenS.dresssed,lb, 15 Effgs, 20 Flour, bbl. 6 50 CLOSING PRICES OF DaHAVEN A 49 South Third Street. Philadelphia. 3 o'clock P.M., Juno 11, 1870. U. S. 6'of 1S91, 1141 U. S. 6'sof 1802," 110 U S. 6's of 18B4, 190 V. S. 6 of 1805, . 109 U. S. 6 . of 1305, new, 103 V. S. 6's cf IS67, new, 19 V. S. 6 1 of 18fi8, 109J U. 8. 5"a. 10-40's. 105J U. S 30 year 6 per cent C y., 113 Due Compound Interest Notes, 19 Gold, 113f Silver, ' 108 Union PacifieR. R. 1st M. Bonds, b20 Central Pacific R. R.. 9i0 Union Paeifio Land Grant Bonds, 720 BRO., U4 HOi 100 109 10b! 109i 109i 105 U2j 1I3J 110 630 800 730 NEW BAKERY. The nndersigned respectfully informs the citi zens of Clearfield that she has opened a Bakery on Fourth street.a short distance above Mr. Shirk's tannery, where she is prepared at all times to fur nish fresh BREAD, CAKES, and PIES, to fami lies and others, April 20, 1H70. Mrs. M. J. PURVIANOR. FOR S.ALE, rTfcite Lead, Eine Paint, Linsetd Oil. Terpentine Tarnishes ef all kinds, Colors, in eil and dry, Paint and Varnish brushes. "jlARTS WICK A IRWIW, Clearfield. Pa -U 6.'69. IMPORTED LIQUORS, BR Ay DIES nd HO LLA XD GIXS, PURE OT.T) GRATE BRANDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. OLD GRAPE WINES. All the above brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur poses GEO. N. COLBURS, March 30,'70-tr.J rrop'r ot thaw Mouse. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE A5D RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of jv: M. HOOVER, Two doors east of the PoiloEce. Clearfield. Pa. Constantly oa band a fine apartment of 'stt. Congress Carendi-h, Cable. Spunrell, Michigan and Century Fine-cut Chewio Tobacco, fe. Also, a large and well selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, -Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe fixtures, Tobacco Boxes, Cigar Holders, and everything gener ' J fvund in a well regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. Cy Remember the place:" Two doors east of the PostoSbe, Clearfield, IV May 23, '70. UNITED STATES BONDS, bought, sold and exchanged, on Host libbral terms. G OLD BOUGHT d SOLD at MARKET AATES. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC Ii. R. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT tnd SOLD on COMMISSION only, Accounts received and interest allowed on daily ballnecs subject to check, at sight. De'HAVEN & BRO., 40 SOUTH 3n STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Mar eh 2. 1 870-1 y. 1S70. JUNE. 1870. SPRING STYLES! 'I. Intend to Figlit it Out on This Liner WM. REED, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. DKESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, . NOTIONS, TIIIM MINGS, LADIES' AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes, AT POPULAR PRICES- The entire 6tock on hand will be sold at PRESENT VALUE, and the stock will be replenished every sixty days, with the choicest and best goods in the market. SHAW'S ROW, (a few doors west of the Tostoffice,) CLEARFIELD, PA. February , 1870. . AWED LUMBER- The undersigned lw-ir, . t'l -,,wl in the I .llllllr Kn.-inAM U, INC "I.' 1 - UUOIUVOC, Afiantv P - : uthi vsvcuia, tJicni u - j, ., is nun pre pared to furnish pine boards clear and panel stuff. Ao. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order and shipped on short notice. C.K.MACOMBER. Osceola Mills. May 5, 1869-tf. Clearfield co.. Pa. "VTOTICE. Having purchased the interes- of J. A. Blatteiiberger, Esq., in the but sinoss heretofore carried on under the firm name of J. A. Blattrnbeyer V Co., the same will be con ducted hereafter under the name if Meshaanon Land and Lumber Co., (Store). H. II SHILLISGKORD, .JOHN LAWSHE, President. Sup't. May 11, '7.-tf. g A M U E L I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, CaABFI-D, P. All work warranted to give satisfaction. A good assortment of Watch-glasses and Keys al ways on hand. - Rooms on Second Street, opposite the Court House. March 2. 1870-tf. 0 MY OWN noOK. Having purchased the entire stock at tbs old stand ot Kirk H Spencer, in Lumber City, I intend carrying on tbe business as hereto fore. MY MOTTO IS TO SELL CflEAP TOR CASH. Thanking our friends and customers for past patronaga I solicit a continuance ot the same. Sept. 15tb, 1869, ISAAC KIRK. EW BOOT AND SHOE 9HOP. EDWARD MACK, Market Street, nearly opposite the residence ef 11. B Swoope, Esq., Clearfield, P., Would respectfully announce te tbe eitisens ef Clearfield and vicinity, that he has opened a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately occupied by J. L. Cuttle.as alawofSca.and that he is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices. Special attention given to the manufacture of sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of tbe best quality, always on band. Give him a call. Jne24. '64. p K R A T Z K R, Opposite the JaiL Clearfield, Peun'a, Dealer in Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Millitery Goods, Groceries, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Stone ware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fleur, Bacon, Fish. Salt, etc., is constantly receiving new supplies from tho cities, whih he will dispose of at the lowest market prices, to customers. Before purchaeing elsewhere, examine his stock. Clearfield, February 9. 187C D E N1AL P A R T N E R S II I P. D R. A.M. HILLS desires to inform his patients and the public generally, that he has associated with him in the practice of Dentistry, S. P. SHAW, D. D S , who is a graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, and tbcrulore has tbe highest altcMutions of his Professional skill. All work done in the office I will hold myself personally responsible tor being done in the most satisfactory manner and highest orderof the pro fession An established practice of twenty-two years in th v" place enables me to speak to my patrons with confidence. Engagements from a distance should be made by letter a few days before tbe patient designs coming. iCIearfield. June 3, lS6S-ly. JJ O M K I N D U SIR I I HOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at tho Lowest Rates. The undersigned wonld respectfully invite the ttention of the eitisens of Clearfield and vicini ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St.. nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store, where he is prepared to mane or repairanytniog i bin line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all work warranted as represented. I have now on hand a stock ef extra frencb calfskins, superb gaiter tops, ia., thai I will finish up at tho lowest figures. June l ith. INrtS. ViMMi UIltLiI N CEW STORE AND SAW 51 ILL, AT BALD HILLS, Clearfield county. The nndersiened, having opened a large and well selected stock of goods, at Bald Hill. Clear field county. repectfuliv solicit a share of public patronage. . Iheir stock embraces urj uooas, vrocenes. Hard w are. Qucensware, Tin-ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, iieady made I lothine, and a gen eral assortment of Notions, etc. They nlwavs keep on hand tbe best quality of r lour, and a variety ot reea Ail goods sold cheap for cash, or exchanged tor approved country produce. Jiaving also erected a .Meam oaw Aim, mey are nredared to saw all kinds of lumber to order. Orders solicited, and punctually filled. Nov. 20. IS67. r. rj. A. ItiiUM. SOMETHING NEW TV A-SONVII.T.. Clearfield county, Penn'a. Tbe undersigned having erected, during the past summer, a Urge end commodious store room, is now engaged in filling it up with a new and select assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which e oners 10 in, puoitc ai pric" 10 im, uio nmci 11 is stock of .Mens' ana nova doming is unusual lv extensive, and is offered to customers at from $10 to 120 for a wholo suit. Flour, Salt, and Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Uoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on hand, and sor sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard.and other goods in nronoriion. Now is the time to buy. Lountrv nroduce oi every aino, ai me mgnesi market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will not be refused for any article in store. Examine my stock be fore you buy elsewhere. October 30, 1S9I. m.b act TUST IN TIME! THE NEW GOODS AT A. K. "WRIGHT & SONS, CLEARFIELD, PA., Having just returned from tbe eastern cities we are now opening a full stocs: of seasonable goods, at our rooms on Second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the pub lio renerallv. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very low for cash.- ihe Ftoca consisia iu pari ei DRY GOODS of the best qnality. such as Prints, Dclames.AIpa eas. aiennos. ingnm , fiuonns, oieacnea ana unbleached ; Drillings Tickings, cotton sjpd wool Flannels, Cassimers. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals. Ae.. Ae..al -r Li .k -it V. . .aM i.nw wnm r. a,-. - c , wriKH .III w CI. - - - . .1 . . W,M assortment of the best of M B N 3 WEAR, consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps, cots ana enoes, nurtuniinrM,K. a.. .r, n.n. Tin Ron P.n;n. a- '1 U LSI, I" . J' i n , .-..ILIUM .. and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp .wicks and chimneys, etc., etc. Also. Oneensware. Glassware. Hardware, Qroce ties, and snices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, ail cheap far cui, or approved country proauce. Nov. 23-jal8-nol3. WRIGHT A SONS F OR SALS a good BTJGGT, oa easy terms Apply to jj. v. n.An it S D RIED FRUIT, at reduced prices, at CCRWNSVIL ADVERTISEMENTS, rpEETII ! TEETH ! ! x Extracted for 25 Cents, Extracted with the en of Nitrous Oxyd Oas. and Local Anassthesio, (the- only harmless and efficient anaesthetics now in use,j by S. J. Hays, Surgetx D enlist, CurttnttvilU, Pa., Who would hereby most respectfully return his thanks for the libeial patronage of the past, and inform the publio that be baa removed bis Office to the Corner of State and Locust Streets, over Jenkins' Store, where he- is prepared to receive his customers in newly fitted op Rooms, and do their wotk in the most skilfal and workmanlike manner All work done in the latest and most approved styles, and guaranteed. Dr. Hays will be engaged in his office from the 1st to the 23d of each month ; the balance of each month, he will spend in Glen Hope, Buroside, and Lutharsburg, alternately. Parties residing at a distance, should write to us previous of tbeir eoming. Office hours, from 8 to 12 o'clock, A. M ., and from 1 to 5 o'clock, P. M. We use none but the very best material, and defy competition for beauty, cheapness, and oVu rabrlky. Give tra a call. Curwensrille, Pa., May 2i, 1870.-fek3y: "W-EW FOUNDRY in Corwensville. The undersigned having entered into co part nership, fn the FOUNDRY BUSINESS, in Curwensville, would inform the publio that they keep on hand, and will manufacture to order, Plows, Cultivators, THRESHING MACHINES, Stoves, etc., and every other deseription of artioles generally made in a country foundry. Terms reasonable. Old metal taken in ez change for work. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited. JACKSON ROBISOX, Feb.23,70-ly. JAMES M. WELCH. NEW HOUSE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! 1IARTSOCIC & GOODWIN, Curwensville, Pa., Are now receiving, direot from Baltimore, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, an im mense stock ot DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ' BOOTS AND SHOES, CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, ft , bought at lower prices than have been made to any house in the town isinco the good old days before the late war, all to be distributed to those ho visit Curwensville for supplies.in accordance ith tbe great sacrifice at which they were DougDt. LADIES re particularly invited to eall at Hartsock A Goodwin's cheap store, and examine the splendid stock oi DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SUA WLS, FANCY GOODS, If t., on exhibition. They Defy Competition! Parties cannot do justjee to themselves in buying anylof the necessaries ef life, without calling on May 4.'70-Sm l HARTSOCK A GOODWIN. CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST.' ' GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, ' JUST RECEIVED BY ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, Curwensville, Pa. (One door West First Nat. Bank.) Having: iust returned from tbe East with a com plete assortment ol Goods, suitable for the Spring nd cummer trade, we are now prepare- to iur- sb all kinds or doods 'CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." And after thanking our customers for tbeir lib ral patronage during: the past year, we would most respectfully ask for a continuance of the same, uur stocK oonsists ox DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, WOOD A NT WILLOW-WARE, GROCERIES. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS $ CAPS, ULUiiiiiyir, . CARPETS, TOBACCOS, Ett. Also. Flour. Bacon, Salt, Fish, Grain, Ac, Ae., all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, nd the highest market price paid for Grain. Wool aud all kinds of lumber and country produce. Please give as a call before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and prices. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Cor. Main a Thompson Sts. April 20, '70 Curwensville, Pa. SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvin & Co., Being specially engaged in the business of bay ing and selling SQUARE TIMBER, wonld repre sent that they are now prepared to purchase tim ber, delivorcd at either Curwensville, Look Haven or Marietta, or will take it at any of these points and sell on commission, making such advances as are necessary. Those engxged in getting out timber will find at our store in Curwensville, a very large stock ef STAPLE GOODS, of all descriptions. ALSO, FLOUR, MEAT, ' RYE, OATS, CORN, and everything necessary for use of Lumbermen RAFT ROPB, ef all sites, kept on band in large quantities, and sold at a small advance, by the ceil. Also, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPB, Ae Special inducements offered te those manufac turing Square Timber. X. A. IRVIN k CO. Carf e&STille, Jan. 12, 187. PITT8BCBG ADYERTISEIIIJITS" FAIRBANKS STANDARD BCaL 3, OF ALL KINDS ALSO, IMPROVED MONITDRAWIIL Fairbanks, Morse & Co,r M 38 Cm 10 Ewoid A v., Pittsburg. Pa- MEEICAN HOUSE, a. n--.;n Vi Having taken eharee of this trail-, newa Hotel. the undersigned would respectfully solicit a share of the pnblie patronage. Traveler will find the accommodations equal to those or any otner house in tis Motion. Charges moderate. uee. z. isos-rtf. J. UKKU, J-rop r. rjLEARFIELD NURSERY. En'cocr v ACE Home Industry. The under.oiirn ed having eatablraked a Nursery, on the Pike uau way oeiween Uarwensville and -learneil Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof En trees, (Standard and dwarf,) Evergreen-'. Shrub bery,Urape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Black berry. Strawberry and Raspberry Tine. Als SibrianCrab trees. Quinee and erly ScarleiRheo. barb, Ae. Orders promptly attended to. Addres Aug 3I.1N04. J.D. WKlUHi, VOrwensvuie J) R. B. CLARK'S Cs-LBBB ATBB FEMALE PILLS, Beyer A Ihaw and fiarlawiek A Irwia, Clearfield, Pa. Aig 4,'69-1y Retail Price. $1.50 per package. Y K. S M I T II , MERCHANT TAILOR, Clearfield, Ta., Would respectfully inform the eitisens of Clear field county that he has poiohased the interest of E. R. L. Stoughton, and is now prepared to make np, in tbe most fashionable manner, all kinds of clothing that euatomera may desire, lie has CLOTHS, DOESKINS, AND CASSIMERES, of every style, always on hand, from which cus tomers can mill tneir selections. vne uoor of the Poatoffise. (April 28, 1870. QLOTIIIHG! CLOTHING!! Q00O AHD CHEAP !!! Men, Tenths and Boys can a'uplptcd with full suits of seasonable and tashionablo elething at I. L. REIZENSTEIN'S, where it is sold at prices that will indues their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced him to increase his stock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of tbe State. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, Sells goods at a very small profit, for cash ; His goods are well made and fashionable. He gives every one the worth of bis money. . He treats his eustomers all alike. He sells oheaper than every body else. His store is conveniently sitnated. He having purchased his stock r t reduced prices he can sell cheaper tl an ethers. fer these and other reasons persons should bay tbeir clothing at I. . REIZENSTEIN'S. Produce of every kind taken at tho highest market prices. - May 18, lb4. JENSV TOUT II S AND BOY S CLOTHING. The undersigned having recently added READY-MADE CLOTHING te bis former business, would respectfully solieitan examination oi his stock. Being practical Tailor be flatters himself that he is able te offer a better el ass of ready-made work than has heretofore been brought to this mar ket. Any one wishing to buy goods in this tine would save money by calling at bis stare, and making their selections. At.se, a full supply of Gents'furnishing goods always on hand. Feeling thanklul for past favors, he wauld re spectfully solicit a continuance of tbe same. April 23.1869. H. BRIDGB. H. F. BIGLER & CO., BBALBnl r HAEDf ABE, AcrCTceias or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD, PA. mHIMBLK-SKElKS and Pipe-boxes, ter Wag- X ens, lor sale by n. w. iiwi. - v TROIfl IR03!! Best bar iron, for sale at the store of H. F. BIGLER A CO. C1TOVKS of all sorts and siaes. constantly ea ) hand at n. i iu- -u CABLB CHAINS a good article, ea band aad f.rsaleby . H F. BIGLER A CO. H ORE-SHO8, and horse-nails, te be had St H. f . BlULSK A CO 5 ADDLES, Bridles, harness, collars Ac, for O sale at U. j.u-u. - " G TJHS. Pistelsand sword canes to be had at H I. !- a vu a. TT ARNBS3. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings fer XI sale at u. r.uiduaswt o tL, Patty, Paints Glass and Wails, fer sale at Mareu 70. ll r, biulik m uu s FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, r ALir aims, also, BK Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Cepyiag Presses, Improved Money Drawers, Ac, rOB SALB BT It. F. BIGLER A CO., Dealers In Hardware, March 16 J ?,. I1870- TERMS Or TUB JOURNAL. The RrTSitAa'e Jonmaaa is published on Wed nesday at 32,00 par annum ia advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, will be charged, and 3J0 if not paid baSae the close. ADVErisanas will be iaserted as Sl,6 per square, for three oe leae insertion-Ten lines (or leae) eounting a square. For every additional iaaertion 60 cents wilt be obarged. A dedvetioa wiUbe made to yearly advertisers No subscription taken foe a shorter tiuur than ix months, and ao paper will be discontinued an tillaJl arrearages are paid.exaept at the owtm of the p-BlisW. 8. J. ROW. For Sale or Rent. A two story Store Beaae, with large one scary ware room in rear 23 by 20 fcet ef groaad situate on Second street. Clearfield. T-i prop erty is in good repair, and well sitnated fee a ba aiaaseatand. For farther particulars inquire ef May 30, '70-tf. D. O. MIVtlWG: rpiIE sLLLIPT IC SEWING MACHINE. x Tbe loble Thread Machine now in use will beeol lower tnaa aay ethev araehine finished in like manner, and doing the sae range of work. Machines can be seen at the store of Thompson A Co., Curwensville, er at the resi dence of the andeiwipieat. LEWIS C. BLOOM. May 11, lSTS.-Sm. Bloeas's Bridge. gMALL PROFITS audQUICK SALES. HARTSWICI A IRWni are constantly replenishing their stock ef Drugey Medicines. Ae. School books and Stationery,, insluding tbe Osgood and;National series ef readers. Also Tobacoe and Ci gars, ef tbe beat qiiluy. aad al the lowest prices. Call and see. Clearfield, Nov 10, 1869 WOOL CARDING.--The nndersigDed, proprietor of the Union Mills, in Union township, Clearfield county, would inform tho public that he is prepared to cwrd wool, on rea sonable terms and in a workmaallkw manner. Persons having wool to card should attend te it inimediatly, aa the factory will be eiesed after September 1st. Wool intended for carding oa be left al K. Moaaop a ei C Kratxer a, in Clear field, and I will take it away aad return it hen carded. Jane 1, 1870. J R. ARNOLD. R B M O V A L-G UN S H: O- P" Ihe andersicned bees leave te inform bis eld and new customers, and the jpubiie generally, that be has fitted up a new GCN SHOP, on- the let on the corner ef fourth and Market streets, Clearfield, Pa., where he keeps constantly. hand, and makes to order, all kinds ot Unas. Also, guns rebored and revaraished, and repaired neatly en abort notice. Ordera by mail will re ceive prompt attention. June 9. 1S6. JOHM MOORB. rpIIK "EAGLE HOT EL," - Main St., Curwensville, Pa. Having leased for a term of years the above well-krowo and popclar Hotel, (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fonts), and having newly refitted and refurnished it, the present proprietor feels assured that he can render entire satisfaction to guests sojourning with bim. A fine, large stable and yard is attached, for the care and protection of hoea, carriages and wagons, A share of patronage is solicited May 4. '70-1 y A J. DRAVJcKER, PropV. rpiIE "SHAW HOUSE," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA: . GEORGE N. COLBURN, Fnarr areas This house was lately completed and jaeteaea- ed to the publio is newly furnished, and provided with al 1 the modern improvements of a first-class hotel. It is pleasantly located, la the baeiaese part of tbe town, and near to the public baild l ings. A share of patronage is respectfully solic ited. Charges moderate. The bestof Liquors ia the bar. March 3r 7-tf. rjUIE LEONARD HOUSE, (Near the Railroad Depot) Reed Street, Clearfield, F.. Q. D. GOODFELLOW : : : : : Paoriro. A new first class Hotel In every respect com fortable rooms all the modern imprevements tbe beet of Liquors prompt attendance, and rea sonable charges. The patronage of the public it respectfully aolicitad. jy-21-tf. WOOL ! WOOL ! L FIFTT THOUSAND pounds ef WOOL wanted atThompsen A Co's., where yoa can get the beat price for all produce, and GOODS aa CHEAP aa the CHEAPEST house in this-county. ''They don't defy competition," but are prepar ed to meet it. They are constantly reoeiving goods from Aew York, Philadelphia and Pitta- urg. Call and see their goods and prices. -I-4t Curwensville, Jane 1, 1870. yTK, the undersigned, Blacksmiths of the " Borough of Clearfield, hereby adopt the following rates for work, and rules wits, ie gard to securing pay for our labor; aad we eec pledge our honor as men and meehenres,te adhere to and enforce the tame, Iron and after May 1st. Ib70. A II work done at shoinc horses must ba naid tarn when the work is dose, at the following reus : SETTING NEW SHOE, i t : t it km. RE-SETTING SHOE, : : : : t 20 ,u. "So erediditto be eiven for aloncarncriod thaa ihree months ED. P. PAfJSMORK, AMOS KENNARD, J. KHUNK.WEILER, CORNELIUS OWEKS. THOMAS REILLY, O. L. LAMCH. Apr.20,'70-3ai. O. C. PASSMORB. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEARFIELD, PEMN'A. Monuments. Grecian Tombs. French Concho. Mantles. Table Tops. Washing Ran.es. Garden b'tatuery, Terra Cotta Ware, of every description, Head and Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of wbich we offer at eity pricea, or 2S percent less than any other establishment In this county. Having a large experience in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Or ders thankfully received and promptly filled in me nest woiamaniiae manner. 8. A. GIBSON. May 11, 1870 -tf. Jambs Wstsob, Agent. Co-Partnership in Store. C. A. Rorobaurh havtnr anoaitad with him in the Mercantile businesa, in Lewisville, Clear field county, Mr. C. R. MoCraeken, solicits a con tinuance ef tbe patronage so generously eiteuded Heretofore Havina iust returned from the eastern !,! their stock embi aces a lafge and varied aaaerW niontof Dry Goods. 0 roeeries. Hardware. On.. ware, and in fact nearly everything ui-. ally kept in a country store, which they will selk at prices to suit the times. Country produce Uken ia exchange for good a. C. A. OROBAUGJI, May IB, 70.-tf. C R. McCRACKKN. MEAT MARKET- J. E. Wriglj cfc Bro., Having purchased ttie shop aad fixtures ef W. R MePherson, would, inform the eitisens ef Clear field and vicinity that they are at all times pre pared to furnish FitESH BEEF,, Veal, Mutton, etc., at the lowest cash rates to customers. A liberal share of public patronage is respect, fully solicited. Cash paid for Cattle, Steep and Hogs. ROOM ON MARKET ST., Clearfield, Pa., Jane 1. 1870. CHILDRESS furs twenty-five per cent less than co at J SHA8Qa. ' E ale by j. Mi aw oust May 1J,'1. MUSOUr" S.