lafferocroV gottntaf, gfcarftcfb, Xat; n, 1870. Cj TLEARFIEmPAMML11' 870- VT".. To insure the safe trarutnisflon T. Pos-,10p;tron,.ho0ld remit b, check "' fd or nave the.r letter, registered. V ""fS'SurU enclosed in the fir.t paper after the money em"-j-i - ..i Clearfield Railroad. i I rtia leaves Tyrone at : : : m " ArriTe.atCle.rfi.ldat : : 1J-IJ P- ,.n leave. Clearfield a : : : 2.30 p m Arrive, at Tyrone at : : : : 5-34 P-m - with Cincinnati Express East at 0 - Wet at 6 4 p, m ; Ex- Accommouauuu iiauu. Leaves Clearfield at : : Philipsborg at : Arrive" at Osceola at LeaTM Oaceolaat Hhilip.bnrg at : : Arrive, at Clearfield at J ..: 7.(10 A. K. 9 10 a. a. 10 15 a. if. 2 00 P. K. 1.30 p. M. 6.45 p. M. REUOtors. Divine services will be held Bf xt Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : B ltev. Hall, in St. Andrew's Episcopal chutch, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. 31. . Sunday fchool at 3 P. 31. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eveuing at 7 o'clock. Jrllev. the Presbyterian church, Biorning and evening. Sabaath school at S P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday vr niti? at 7 o'clock. By Kev. J. H. 31' Cord, in the Methodist cburch, morniug and evening. Sabbath echool at 9 A. 31. Prayer meeting, every Thursday at 7t P- 31. Communion services First Sabbath of every month at 10J A. 31. St Francis church 31 asf at 10J A. 31., the second and fourth Sundays of each month. ' The River. The waters in the river,and other streams, continue low, notwithstand ing the recent rain fall. It will require pretty profuse raiiia to make a rafting flood, at this season of the year. Rain. Within the past six days, we had several refreshing rains in this region, and the growing crops and vegetation present inite a lively appeaiaoce iu consequence. tlnoJ crops are anticipated by our farmer) generally. I'i bi.ic Readings. Mr. 31. L. Guelieh who has jut completed a course of in structions under Prof. Shoemaker, of Phila. will eivc a number of public readings, shortly.iu the upper end of the county. 31 r. is a young man of no ordinary ability, and we have no. doubt will acquit Limself to the satisfaction of his audiences. Fishinu. We learn that, during the past -onp!e of days, a large number of fish have b-.'en caught in the river, close to our town. ehows, without a doubt, that if the dams below us were arranged according to the Act of Assembly, we could have a large Mipply of the "finny tribe" here, without shipping them hither Ly rail, and at more reasonable prices. American Sunday School Wokkbh, J. W. Mclntyre, Publisher, St. Louis. We lave received the 31ay number of this ex cellent magazine for parents and teachers. Its contents are wholly original this month. Its writers represent all sections and denom inations. It has proved a very marked .'.ac-cc-ss, we from the Publisher, in its cir eu'viou and in the increased efficiency giv (u tu those schools that have adopted it. Subscription prie, $1,50 per year. Several weeks since, we cal ls the attention of parents to the fact that rmmbcrs of small boys were engaged, daily, in fTiiiibling for pennies, in our streets amj alleys. The attention of several officers of the law has also been directed to the same tarn. And yet, no effort seems to have U-en made to abate this debasing and morals-corrupting "practice. We hope soma at-t-ntion will be paid to this matter by the l.inugli officers, as it is their duty m sup- I'ress all nuisances. m Horse Bcrned. We learn that the house of Mr. Thomas Waple, in Wallace tun, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday, morning, May 4th. The furniture and household goods were saved. The cause of the fire is unknown, but is supposed to have originated from a defect in the chimney. The fire had made'some headway when dis eoven'd, but it is thought might have been q'lenciieJ, but for the scarcity of water there not being a supply convenient. The loss is estimated at about $1,S(X); insured for $1,000. Kietion of School Directors. A bill was pHsscd by the late Legislature pro viding that at the next election for School directors in each Schnjl District in the Com monwealth, and annually thereafter, the qualified electors thereof shall elect two so ber, intelligent and competent -persons to st-rve as School Directors for three years; that each elector shall vote for one person 'i:!y ; a:i l the two persons having the high i -t number of votes shall be declared School 1 Erectors for three years. This law is a very 1 ropL-r one, as it will have the effect to free the school boards from the influence of po litical parties each of the parties having the privilege of electing one member to the 1-oarJ every year. To Painters. A- I. Shaw, has just re ceived a large lot of first class paints, oils, varnishes, et., which he is selling at a small advance on' cost. Persons in want of anything of the kind should call soon, aa they are selling fast. Important co Buyers. About the mid dle of the present month, the undersigned will be in receipt of an entire new stock of Summer Dress goods, Shawls, Hosiery, Par asoLs, Gloves, Fancy Goods, &c, &c, from New York and Philadelphia markets, and at prices that will compare with any in the State. Wm. Rexd, 3Iarket St., Clearfield, Pa. MARRIED. On Sunday, 3Iay 8th, 1860, by Rev. W. G. Ferguson, at the residence of Sam'l Tay lor in Curwensville. Mr. Edward 31ack and Misa Josephine 3Ialone, both of Clearfield, Pa. We extend to the happy couple our best wishes for their future happiness and pros perity. May their conduct towards each other always be tempered with love and af fection, so that no unpleasant scenes may arise to mar the . felicitious anticipations while journeying band in hand through life. t DIED : At Patchinville, April 24th 1870, Ellis Ryan, in the 12th year of his age. The above was a son of John and Sarah Ryan, of Patchinville, who were called up on a few months ago, in the dispensation of Providence, to mourn the removal of anoth er child to a better wo;ld. Let us not mur mer at what God wills. He doeth all things well. There is a'gem ef purest lustre. From the buried casket gone. Upward taken by the angels, To invest a heavenly crown. Clearfield Eetail Markets. CORRECT F.I Apples, dried, lb. Apples, green, bo., Apnlebutter, gal, Hatter, lb. Beef, fresh, lb, iJerf. dried, lb. Buckwheat, hu. Buckwheat Beans, bo. Boards, per M Corn.. helled. ' ears, " meal, 3 Chop, rye. 3 " mixed r 2 Cheese, lb. Cherries, lb. Chicketis.dre3esed,Ib, Eges, Floor, bbl, 6 WEEKLY BT R. MOSSOP. 12 1 50 1 00 40 10 25 1 25 I 5 50 I 00 25 60 00 00 50 25 1 19 15 I 20 50 2 14 1 Hay, ton, 18 00 Hams. lb. 25 Shoulder., Ib, IS Sides, Ib, IS Lard, lb. 25 Oats, bu. . 60 Onions, bu, I 25 Pork. lb. 14 Pork. mess, bbl, 35 00 Potatoes, bu, 00 Plaster, bbl. 3 50 Peaches, dried, lb. 15 Rye. bu, 1 25 Kas, lb, 3 .Salt, per sack, 3 00 Shingles, IS in. . 5 00 Shingles. 26 in, 12 00 Timothy ;ed, bu, 8 00 Wheat, bu, 1 60 Wool. lb. 45 c ILOINU PRICES OF UcilAVKN i IHiO., Brien's Grand Caravan and 3Ion stkh 31enauerie. By reference to the j ietoral advertisement in another column it Le seen that O'Brien's Monster Mena P'rie and Great Moral Exhibition is to visit Clearfield on Thursday, 3Iay 19th, thus a.'-'pjing our citizens an opportunity of Witnessing not only the largest but rarest collection of wild and savage beasts and beautifully plumaged birds every congre gated under one pavillion. This monster menagerie will be found in all respects worthy the attention of those who delight in study jn; the various specimens of natural history, inasmuch as the number of its inrnates'and tl extent and variety of the species have never been equaled in this country by any organization eer fiftted out. In order to Pive increased respectability to this moral entertainment no circus Is permitted with In this monster institution are 23 ruas ?ive dens, filled with rare beasts and birds, gathered from every quarter of the globe, together with three elephants, one of which w the largest ever brought to this country. T Kive an idea of the magnitude of this colossal caravan all should witness the grand "treet parade on the morning of the day of exhibition . O.bwrve the day and date, OarficM, Thursday, 3Iay 19th. 3 o'clock, P. 31., May 7th, 1570. lS sof 1SSI. 1141 1I4 U.S. 6 s of 1S.;2, 110 lldi II 8 6 . of 1864, 190 lO'.tj V. S 6soflS65, 10i 1091 U. S. 6". of 155. new, 10S 101 U. S. 6 cf isr7, new, 19 10i V. S. 6"sof 18.13, 109 J lua U. S. 5. 10-t0's. 105J ' 1(16 U. S. 30 year 6 per cent Cy., 112 1121 t)iie Compound I mores C Note., l'J Gold. 1 14 J 115 Silver, 1"S 110 Lniou Pacific U. U. let M. Bonds, S20 S.'iO Central Pacific R. K.. 950 P5(l L'nijn Pacific Land Grant Bond., 720 730 "ttow shall we paixtour houses ? -ML By J W. MASURr, CI.. 120 p . $1 50 Froe by uiuil on receipt of price. Mascrv A Wm-ros, New York. Apl3-3m. A GREAT OFFER IIOK4CK WATERS. No 4sl liroadwsy. New York, will dispose -of One Hundred Pianos, Melodcon. and Orm.. of six first class makers, at exniely low prices for ea?h during this month. or will tak- from Si to S25 monthly until paid. New 7 Octavo Pianoj for S -75 and upwards. New Organs for S15 ji it upward fore.ish. JAp i:t.'7l-ly. PURVEYOR. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. He may be foond at hi. residence in Lawience township, when not engaged; or addressed by letter at Clearfield. Penn a. March 6th. Is.i7.-tf. J AMES MITCHELL. TEFFKR SO N L I T Z, 31. D., Physician and Surgeon. Having located atsceola. Pa , offers hi. profes sional service, to the people of that ptaco and sur rouoding eonntry. All ealls promptly attended to. Office and residence on Curtin Street, former ly occupied by Dr. Kline May 11.'69. K. BOTTORF'S rilOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MARK KT STREET, CLKAtlFIELP, PENH A. Nec.'ives male in cloudy a. well a. in clear weather. Constantly en hand a good assortment of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Frame., from any .tyle of moulding, made to order.- dee. 2'68-jy. 14-69-tf TUIO.MAS W. JIOORE, Land Surveyor and Conveyancer. Having recently lo cated in the Borocgh of Lumber City, and recura timed the practice of Land Surveying, respect fully tenders hi. professional services to the own ers and speculators in lands in Clearfield and d joing counties feeds of Convey anre neatly ex eruted. Office and residence one door East of Kirk a-Spencers Store Lumber City. April 14, 1869 ly. J. w ALUOI WALTERS, Real Estate Agists axd Costetakcers, Clearfield. Pa Feal estate bought and .old, title, examined, taxes paid, conveyances prepared, and insuran ces tax en. Office in new building, nearly oppoiita Court House Jan 5 1870. Wl. A. WALLACE. J. SLAS.E WALTERS. SO LDIERS BOUNTIES. A recent bill ha passed both Houses of Congress.and igned by the President, giving soldier, who en listed prior to 22d July. 1861, served one year or more and were honorably discharged, a bounty of Stop. re"Itonntie and Pension! collected by ma for thoseentitled to them. WALTER BARRETT, Att'y at Law. Ang. I5th.l8n6. Clearfield. Pa. JASKINO HOCSEOF HENRY CLEWS & CO., United States Treasury Buildings), 31 WALL STREET, N.Y. The business of our house i. the same in all re spects, aa that of an Incorporated Bank Check, and Draft, upon us pas. through the Clearing House. Corporation. Firms and Individual, keep ing Bank Account, with a., cither in Currency or Gold, will be allowed five per cent, interest per annum, on all daily balance., and can cheek at light without notice. Interest credited and ac count current rendered monthly. Vit are prepar ed at all time, to make advaaee. tooor dealer, on approved collaterals, at the market rate. Certificate, of Deposit issued, payable on de mand, or after fixed data, bearing interest at the current ra;e, and available in all parts of the country. Collections made promptly everywhere in the United State., Canada, and Europe. Divi dend, and eonpon. promptly collected. Wo buy, sell and exchange all issue, of Government Bond, at current market price.. Order. exe uted tor the or sale ef Gold and exchange, also for State, City and all other first-clas. securities. Special attentioa given to the negotiation of Kail road. State, City and other corporate loans. We are prepared to take Mold account, on term, the saiae a. for currency, to receive gold on da posit, bearing interest and subject to eheck at sight, to issue gold certificates of deposit, to make advances in gold, against currency and other eol laterals.and to afford Banking facilities generally npon a gold basis --April 13-lin. "XTOTICE. AH persons indebted to the .ubscri Xl ber, ar out delay. D , are requested to come and settle with TREASURER'S SALE OF TJKSEATED LANDS FOB TAXES For 18G9 and previous years. NOTICE is bkbibt Gives, that in pur suance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 1815. entitled '-An Act to amend an Act directing tba mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field county.' will be exposed to Publie Sale or outcry, for the taxes doe and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on the Seo ond Monday in June, A. D. 1S70: Ac. 88 63 50 26 99 71 232 150 8" 433 399 349 181 134 104 215 433 433 30 330 296 328 74 100 300 30 174 176 100 113 118 186 89 No. 5620 57n5 4SS6 ilS 5519 427 5619 a'JOS 59t7 42H7 42S7 113 80 153 EECCAEIA T0W5SHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. John Mailer, Peter Miller, Fred'k llubley, John Banaman, Fred'lt Hawman, Thomas Billtngton, Philip Mysoacope, John Mysoncope, Michael Mussc-r, John Forduey, John Witinor, Henry Witinor, William Wilson, Jacob Krug, John Gibson, Robert Wilson, William Gray, John Miller, John Holland, Martin Fautz, Jacob Fautz, George Mussor, Thomas Gibson, John Beam, Jacob Krug, Wm. Pluntket, Adam Mysoncope, Jcre. Mysoncope, Keaggy Fred. Beat es, Adam Kuhti, Thomas Billington, John Beams, 73 153 153 80 153 125 153 22 47 $28 90 18 80 16 20 9 43 32 08 24 00 75 16 48 60 28 54 141 82 129 32 114 08 40 50 43 42 33 40 69 66 104 21 104 21 9 72 81 00 96 00 79 80 23 30 32 40 88 4S 9 72 67 38 67 02 32 40 S8 21 40 60 60 2ti 29 84 SELL TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. Warrar tees, etc. Taxes 500 Henry Beck, $!0l 77 7i Usury Beck, 13 16 1000 half Henry Beck, 82 52 &I1A halt Ilenrv Rrok. 46 Bl 161 118 John Nicholson, 5:1 67 Nit-klin A Griffith, 28 76 Benjamin Uibbs, 139 81 20 Henry Beck, 50 22 9ft Henry Beck. 17 25 in lim,k. 20 61 31 12 Nickiin A Griffith. 6 22 90 Nickiin A Onmih, 18 41 400 Henry Beck, 74 00 203 Jlcnry Beck, 38 50 B0GGS T0WKSHIF. 150 433 212 9.1 101 Ac. Per. Warrantee., etc. Taxes. 196 John Tlioms, $39 20 234 "G Joseph Drinker, 47 80 408 76 U.S. Drinker, 8161 413 Win. McConnick, 83 01 440 Nancy Boges. 88 00 429 41 Malcolm McDonald, 86 8i 429 41 John Bycrs. SG 88 1U0 Barbara Snyder, 20 00 132 George Hootnian, 33 00 427 George Ayres, 04 00 427 31 Wm. Trontivine, 64 00 400 John Kcara, 60 0(1 100 Hannah Stewart. 20 00 139 27 John Montemnery, 34 61 49 Barbara Snyder, 9 80 404 Blair M'Lanahnn, 80 80 427 Jonas Steinheiscr, 64 20 516 157 Richard Waplo, 20 20 96 J...C. Wilriarus, 20 20 216 MiI?on & Monson, 43 20 125 G. Ilootman, 25 L) 16G third Joseph Ball, 13 bO No. 5926 311 ri.iStO 3616 BLO02T TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 26 Nickiin A Grifih.$4l 09 322 J. W. Smith. 47 65 100 A K. Wrifht, 22 20 135 Kirk A Whitinore, 37 39 5 Fenton A Snencer, 2 22 111 lti berti- A Fox, 12 29 1005 159 Roberts A Fox, 111 58 100 Jacob Bi gcr. II 10 250 .Da. id Irvin Est. 94 60 40 Susanna Rayser, 85 John Manna, 20 Robert Blain, 175 Leonard & Clyde, 200 Keyno!d Kojd, 46 John G. Gray, 60 Mordica Shirk. 49 George Turner, 80 Andrew rottit, 846 Henry Wykoff, 260 58 6 65 17 6S 4 35 88 10 34 80 fO 02 10 89 12 85 21 88 BRADY T0W5SHI?. No. Ao. Per. Warrantee, eto. Taxes 492 308 W.Kirkpatrick, 75 06 626 215 Conrad Locg. 32 5861 990 Jona. B. tfuiitb, 40 10 5877 5879 5881 5886 323 33t 195 100 195 77 218 501 2009 650 13 421 1994 365 2010 604 3580 995 94 20U9 All 27 256 155 135 276 472 92 S3 62 55 32.1 100 50 110 183 119 22 27 30 21 06 195 40 J..3 50 174 2i Jobn Dunlap, Casper Stiver, Casper Stiver, Christian Lower Roberts A Fox, Christian Lower. Christian Lower. 156 10 142 36 226 44 389 16 238 30 99 84 52 66 Robert. A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Roberts A Fox, Btnj. Henry. Casner Stiver. Casper Stiver Sr., 1R4 OS George Sbafer, 32 38 R. S. A J. Cut hers, 19 94 Kobt.S.Cathers, 14 Baum. 2 30 Metlairy. '3 56 Christian Lower, 66 4 Ac. 200 300 324 100 Ac. 100 813 433 258 433 433 433 433 SS6 100 140 258 22 200 433 loO 61 600 KM) 57 150 So. 5.V.8 5373 5374 5408 b:m 5370 5410 5387 5378 5404 5407 1832 1910 3M1 1891 5377 EUBNSIDE TOWNSHIP. Per. Wairantues. etc. Taxes Snyder & B-urrw, Jtre. Williamson, M;iry Crawford, Leonard llollia, $52 80 105 60 114 05 51 80 TEKGTJS0V TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantee, etc. ' 68 Matthias Slough, 433 153 George Ross, : 74 Lewis Jordan, 50 Hiram Passmore, 100 John ITambright, 100 Adam Keigart 309 73 John Donghton, 150 J. II. Furgoson, Taxes no 45 78 99 19 73 10 80 21 60 18 00 45 93 34 4U 88 94 25 05 oo o. CHEST TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 153 John Bovd. $11 60 153 Josiah lisines, 131 91 153 Thomas Hamilton, 180 71 J.-nas Rosa, 107 97 153 John Cutmiiighatr, 145 89 153 John C..ok, 134 89 153 Joseph Kwing, 13 8S 153 William Cook. 134 89 Isaac Kirk & Co., 1H2 39 31 llemy Pole, 47 .5 Fulton, 87 35 Miller & Crist, 106 21 Miller & Crls, 9 2-3 Malmtl. y & Mitchell, 49 50 Malliias Slough, John Brenneman, J. & II Brwli, Samn-I McCtine, 75 70 John Witmer, 81 20 William Roland, 25 67 Jos. K. Mc.Murray, 20 25 C07IN3T03 TOWfSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Tsxes t,'3 QoorgeMead. $76 36 1109 George Meal, 87 55 POO George Mead, 8755 1MI0 George .Mead, 87 55 1048 George Mead, - 73 88 1 00 George Mead, 87 55 1100 George Mead, 87 55 804- Goorwe Mead, 59 68 483 George .Vead, 38 08 325 Geoigo Mc,d. 12 92 1000 George Mead, 71 50 200 Morris A Stewart, 35 ?5 175 122 Morris A Stewart V 25 183 Morris A Stewart iO 67 2S3 Morris A Stewart 59 35 1100 George Mead. 77 55 127 Emerick A Reiter, 8 97 200 H Burgett, 28 20 133 Charles Brown, 9 50 DECATiJS TOWNSHIP. BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. 324 Hugh Ely, 102 35 John Campbell, 159 Hall & Buck, 175 John Vaughn, 100 John Va'ighti. 250 Bl or M'Lanahan, 437 17 Polly M'Lanahan, 109 Andrew Peters, 48 Matthias SI"? maker, 30 M.ilttiiaa Slay maker, 200 62 Frances Wrst, 100 Xehe'miah Mains, Thomas Holt, 64 David Mains, 100 Joseph Powell, 60 Daniel Graham, 50 Horatio D. Hall, 127 V. B. Holt, 85 Wm. Graham, 40 Alex. Dallas, Taxes $43 29 18 74 20 80 32 45 8 70 84 80 67 08 28 47 8 36 6 53 34 80 17 40 87 11 17 13 05 8 7( 8 70 23 09 14 79 7 36 Ac. Per. Warrantees, elc. Taxes 241 47 John Drinker, $98 75 123 John Slsvrnn, 50 41 4!8 137 Richard Thomas, 1C7 07 353 137 Jacob Downing, 146 61 203 151 Hng Ely, " t3 IS 106 115 Jos. Ilimilton, 43 42 49 41 John Skv ron, 20 12 34 Wm. Montgomery, 14 93 73 Thos. Edmonson, 29 94 433 60 John Anderson, K7 62 152 60 Gilbert Vaught. 85 32 391 159 Thomas Billington, 133 87 100 Thos. Stewartson, 87 40 50 . Robert lUltziuner, 13 75 202 Mary M I.aliiliao, 73 72 404 Ann M'Lunahan, 91 91 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 31 57 200 Miry M'Lnhan,. 63 70 108. Jacob Downing, 40 31 20 Joseph Sansom, 7 28 76 99 William Sansoin, 28 65 50 Thos Stewardson, 18 20 90 John Drinker, 32 80 333 147 Thos. Edmondaon. 121 32 400 Samuel ILimbletou, 128 40 200 Casper H lines, 82 80 281 Gilbert Vaucht, 102 39 195 Joseph Harrison, 70 98 198 80 Joseph Harrison, 72 08 100 Wm. Hoover, 33 85 50 Thos. Stewurdson, 13 65 83 13G Joseph Whitehall, 31 22 200 Jonathan Xesbit, 55 GO 125 A.fcJ. G..SS. 43 85 2i)0 Sam'l. M Clarran, 74 80 I 17 Joseph Sanioin, 7 18 75 David Stewart, 33 76 No. 5356 53r-4 5365 S3?5 5363 S372 5379 5371 6360 5358 5354 5359 5355 1888 1931 1935 1924 1918 1890 3647 5352 &37 5353 5357 37 18.- 348 1929 1890 1926 1888 1917. 36&0 1887 1919 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantee., eto. Taxes 1160 George Mead, $6107 1069 George Mead, 68 46 752 George Mead, 39 87 1082 George Mead, 59 20 ll10 George Mead. 61 07 1100 George Mead, 61 07 641 George Mead, 47 00 10HJ George Mead, 60 17 1100 George Mead, 6107 1048 George Mead, 61 81 100S George Mead, 61 07 1008 George Mead, 55 50 1100 George Mead, 61 07 150 Morri. A Stewart, 19 40 549 116 Morri. A Stewart, 72 04 536 Morri. A Stewart, 70 40 408 100 Morri. A Stewart 37 74 114 Morri. A Stewart, 14 80 254 120 Morri. A Stewart, 51 64 10 Morri. A Stewart, 171 798 George Mead, 178 15 1100 George Mead, . . 244 20 1100 George Mead, 244 20 1100 George Mead, 244 20 194 81 Morri. A Stewart. 7 24 227 125 Morris A Stewart, 17 81 282 56 Morris A Stewart, 21 88 33 Morri. A Stewart, 2 47 187 . Berthand est, 105 . Mephen Buthand. 37 i Morris A Stewart, 34S Morri. A Stewart, 26 61 106 Morris A Stewart, 8 84 456 Morri. A Stewart, 33 7i 50 Morri. A Stewart, 3 70 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. 13 85 7 59 27 96 Ko. Ac. Por. Warrantee., eto. Taxes 5313 653 George Mead, $55 41 5117 1059 George Mead. 90 03 5318 1CJ9- George Mead. 93 83 5319 1099 George Mead, 93 83 5320 11 00 George Mead, 93 83 5321 1008 George Mead, 85 84 5323 II t)0 George Mead, 93 50 5314 760 George Mead. 96 90 5315 1000 George Mead, 127 50 5316 1000 George Mead, 127 50 5328 1100 George Mead, 93 50 5331 Hoi) George .Mead, 93 50 5325 2'!0 Georgo Mead, 27 50 5134 300 Wm. Mapes, 38 25 1912 438 Morris A Stewart. 37 23 184 1 1915 ) 430 158 Morris A Stewart. 54 84 5324 1 21 3 67 George Mead, 309 32 5326 1100 George Mead, 2M 50 5327 1113 George Mead, 284 83 5329 1100 George Mead, 280 50 5324 1100 George Mead, 280 50 1908 100 AuiosReeu. 35 00 1923 .388 G. .Mbeit A Bro , 32 03 1921 200 Wm A. Wallace, 17 00 '1922 200 Morris A Stewart. 25 50 1886 999 15 Gil'm 6-Garrison, 169 83 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Por. Warranters, etc. Taxes. 297 Thos. P. Copa, $41 88 198 John Sky ron, 29 01 1 John Skjron, 2 36 145 T. Cope, 20 34 109 Geo. Moore, 40 98 340 Joseph Simons, 127 84 1G4 .Bernard Gratz, 233 12 130 Bernard Gratz, 193 30 .10 Joseph Henry, 3 76 3i'? Joseph Henry, 81 77 100 Charles Hall, 38 60 41 - C. J. Allport, 15 42 50 John Skjron, 4 00 Ac. 215 100 48 1 349 134 lot 43.1 2G0 98 126 116 100 100 180 GUELICH TOWNSHIP Per. Warrantees, etc. Benj. Wilson. Rioh'd Atbertcn, 14 Geo. Moore, 96 Geo. Moore. . - Philip Gloninger, John M 'Cahen, Edward Hand, John M'Caheti, John Lampblack, BerJ. Wilson, Jtrfin Witmer, Jobn Witmer, Daniel Kulkrreon, Robert Henderson, 153 Taxes. $80 29 28 70 2 79 )10 21 " 38 46 45 35 SIS 81 74 72 28 12 37 21 19 03 28 70. 8 20 13 94 " HTJSTOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantee., eto. Taxo. 200 I.G. Kidder. S56 40 195 Dan I Caldwell. 49 14 5373 1041 Moore A De!aney.2t2 37 5674 1041 Moore A Delaney, 2 2 37 1011 VooreA Delaney, 262 37 990 Wm. Powers, 251 48 879 Wm. Power.. 231 50 317 27 Moore A Delaney, 80 97 888 15 James Wilson. 54 9t 990 James Wi son, 189 01 660 James Wilson, 51 SS 990 James Wilson, 77 99 495 James Wilson, V3 57 495 James Wilson, 93 57 990 James Wilson. 197 11 420 Willhelm Willink 93 61 490 James Wilson, 92 71 740 James Wilson, . 149 86 810 ' Wm Powers, 178 (1 990 Wm. Powers. 218 41 375 E. Shoemaker, ' 84 73 101 E. Shoemaker. 22 25 250 James Wilson, 48 25 500 James Wilson, 94 50 No. 5d75 50i 5067 5672 4257 4264 4200 4182 4199 4199 421 4902 4236 4225 5064 5065 4225 4236 5B7 5677 5678 4181 3589 2000 2001 3592 1988 4200 4188 4188 4181 3593 3601 3600 3578 3576 3594 3597 3607 3584 3585 3604 6068 4193 4256 4254 5679 252 11 13 6 8 15 4271 4271 647 147 1041 347 856 1020 1089 900 429 330 140 200 495 1021) 437 899 733 908 1020 888 685 1020 1020 896 297 927 888 927 1041 206 500 95 30 105 4 6 110 495 495 81 Moor A Delaney, 81 Moore A Delaney, 81. Moore A Delaney 27 Jaa Wilson', est, 22 Roberta 6 Fox. Robert. A Fox, Roberts A Fox. Robert. A Fox. 23 Robert. d Fox, Janse. Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, 60 Roberts 4- Fox, 20 Roberts A Fox, 151 Roberts It Fox, Roberts A Fox, 109 Roberts a Fox, 60 Reberts A Fox, 35 Roberta A Fox, 65 Roberts 4- Fox. 64 Robert. A Fox,' 64 Robert. A Fox. 136 Robert. A Fox, Wm. Powers, 28 Jams. Wilson,' 115 James Wilson, 28 James Wilson, 81 Moore A Delaney, John Dunlap, Duboise ir Low, Reynolds sub J. Nicholson, 109 " James Wilson, James Wilson, , fS 95 36 02 ,141 17 23 44 164 78 234 90 210 16 180 10 91 10 16 59 i8 64 31 50 24 44 192 78 83 61 208 28 148 55 171 61 193 78 167 83 129 46 193 78 193 78 179 34 65 52 175 2. 167 83 175 21 288 79 65 93 110 25 20 90 6 62 23 68 88 1 34 24 26 43 82 46 82 JOSEAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 224 153 Richard Peters, $59 81 433 153 Peter Kuhn, 61 OG 209 Richard Feteru, 67 82 433 153 Thomas Martin, 135 39 283 Koli.rt Martin, 43 20 91 135 Philip Lonst, 21 2'i 49 Wm. Johnston, 6 60 100 Jonathan Jones, 16 59 100 Richard Martin, 22 25 100 Richard Martin, 22 2o 433 158 John Duuwoodie, 115 70 Xo. 5409 1100 5411 1100 5412 747 5413 1043 5406 1l0 5414 1100 5405 167 143U 249 1095 97 1095 122 1097 100 1097 100 1097 .89 48 200 1665 300 1B65 350 IC97 25 1096 65 500 122 83 89 18 37 133 255 144 25 50 100 11 KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantee., eto. Taxe. George Mead, $53 46 George' Mead, 53 46 George Mead, 41 00 George Mead, 51 70 George Mead, 63 46 George Mead, 53 46 27 George Mead, 4 50 Wm. Smith, 67 82 129 Charle. Willing. 9 81 Charles Willing, 12 30 Charles Willing. 11 14 CharU. Willing, "11 14 Charle. Willing, - 7 22 J R. MeClokey, 5 78 Wm. Michael., 24 30 McCloskyA Potter, 4 i 60 B. D Hall, 56 70 Charles Willing. 2 04 (.nines w liurg, 3 -5 F.A.SchnarrSiVCo.Rl 00 Daniel Vothers, Mary Eggans, F V I. White, T. ir I White, F A I. White, Christian Brown, John Gilliland. John Gilliland, Oliver Moqre, Jobn McGonegal, Mary K MicboL, ilenty Vothers 19 86 10 14 9 00 2 30 7 65 26 90 17 02 16 61 .98 6 09 10 14 49 Ac. 437 435 433 433 429 433 433 433 2-33 433 433 33 J33 373 72 433 100 423 354 351 225 109 255 100 2 200 40 864 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 48 R. Hay ties, 5 6 $85 22 60 Luke Morris, 5 6 84 83 153 Joseph Milliard, 6 6 84 44 153 Robert Grav,5 6 Hi 44 41 J. Binghurs't, 5-6 83 C6 153 Sarah Ward, 5 6 84 44 153 George Eddv,5 6 84 44 153 Mooro Wharton, 5 6 84 44 153 George Ashton,5 6 51 53 153 William Hunter, 11183 153 John Dorsey, 69 65 153 Bepj. Poultnev, .145 10 153 Israel Morris," 145 10 J 53 Martin Pierce, 188 88 Thomas Jordan, 14 04 153 lsibellaJordii, 101 24 Honry Trout, 23 40 153 Caleb Fonlk 109 40 153 George Wescott, 82 84 153 Georgo SheatI, 82 13 John Boydr 52 67 Susanna Ward. 25 63 G. & M. M'Cotmick,59 66 529 1106 5293 374 529 330 1995 38 1995 3 221 43 2003 1020 90 286 74 te 9 24 41 10 5290 488 5291 1100 1905 173 1908 178 1907 24 t 1913 37 1913 100 35 Out Lot George Mead, 60 (I George Mead, 21 1H Georgo Mead. 102 92 80 Roberts A Fox 6 03 80 Roberta a Fox. tt 9V Hugh Jordan,. 25 84 Job. Keed. 48 30 fO Robert. A Fox. 59 69 Robert Mitchell, 35 00 Wm. Montgomery, 44 46 J. M. Maeunibcr, ft 28 J B. Garriso. 7 18 W.W.Snyder, 2 12 Isaac Conklin, 2 02 Jas. B Shaw. 3 02 Israel Nichols, 1 56 George Mead, 12 47 George Mead, 33 20 Ellis Irwin A Son, 21 91 Ellis Irwin A Soc, 21 77 Ellis Irwin A Son. 30 19 Ellis Irwin A Son. 4 18 Henry Mead. 7 30 - Morgan, 13 58 Mordica Shirk, 1 97 MORRIS TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 402 George Wellell, $64 51 206 William Werts, 32 66 827 Christian Worn, 61 66 878 David Lanch, 69 94 440 65 Joseph Tomer, 69 52 440 209 Joseph Tnrnur, 69 62 840 20 Joseph Turner, 64 72 423 George Habeckcr, 66 84 315 91 Joint Read, 82 73 272 16 Robert .Glenn, 43 35 400 John Huston, 63 20 433 153 Clem Stoeker, .08 42 433 15S John Vaughn, 68 42 433 153 Jonathan Nesbit, Ctf 42 170 Blair M'Lunahan, 6 73 298 William Stewart. 47 It 407 139 Richard R. Smith, 16 80 244 James Smith, 19 27 231 Christopher Barker, 9 17 125 George Gates, J PI 112 llvman Gratz, 17 69 213 40 Conrad Swarlc, S3 GG 19 17 John Graf!', 2 69 137 Nicholas Ridonour, 10 84 484 95 (Robert Cai son, i 117 (Nich. Ridenour J 375 Matthias Slough, 88 89 25 Henry Di inker, 7 14 400. Frederick Haliley, 73 20 38 MMIhias Slough, 5 81 100 William Bigler, 15 80 96 Josepii Potter, 4 69 136 Frsncis Johnston, 10 75 62 Ftancis Johnston, 4 90 180 Kakton & Hoover, 21 S3 PSNN TOWNSHIP. No. Aa. Per. Warrantees. eto. Taxe. 168 Greenwood Hell, $33 81 5962 63 Elijah Heath. 12 72 135 riifkiin A Griffith, 30 59 PIKE TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes 4252 957 R5 James Wilson, S81 36 5777 410 12 John Nicholson. 52 29 5777 410 12 John Nicholson, 62 2j 1429 70 S. Blodgett. 8 94 25 John P. lloyt, 6 39 4260 990 James Wilson, 67 33 135 George James, 17 18 4020 476 Wm. S. Hoberts, 60 69 400 Joseph Bailey. 20 93 296 R. W.McVaul, 21 10 460 Z MeNaul. 32 27 5776 27 John Nicholson, 6 89 5776 176 J A Caldwell, 44 87 6776 140 John Nicholson, 53 70 5776 201 John Nicholson, 25 59 5776 100 Jobn Nicholson. 14 2i TJUI0N TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 3603 909 151 RobortaAFox. $284 80 3599 60S 66 Robert. A Fox. 187 86 35H2 799 30 Roberts A Fox, 247 70 3581 125 Roberta A Fox, 31 00 3598 350 Roberts Fox, 75 96 153 169 153 Alex. Hunter, Silas Wilcot, Isabella Jordan, Henry Trout, Jobn Piron, 15 60 31 20 81 20 4 G8 85 27 LAWRENCE T0WN3HIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes No. 5299 1100 5300 1100 5301 1100 5302 1100 5303 1100 5304 l'OO 5305 1100 5306 1100 5307 1100 5303 1100 5309 1100 5310 1100 5311 1100 5292 1100 5294 1100 5295 1100 Oeorge George George George George George G eorge George George George George George George George George George Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead. Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead. Mead, Mead, Mead, 560 06 60 06 60 06 60 06 60 08 60 06 60 06 60 06 60 06 60 06 60 06 60 06 63 06 60 06 60 06 69 06 145 143 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Tsxes. Jobn Votight, $179 81 John Walls, 188 81 John Ro'l, I7J 31 William Wi'son, 41 40 John Cannon, 132 67 Israel' Wheeler, 99 61 Thorna Neil, 49 42 Eli nootman, 13 80 Mary Neil, 65 68 Benj. Johnston, 107 19 Hcgarty, 193 24 Matthias Barton, 131 46 John il 'Cahen, 1)2 72 Mary Connelly, 16 75 Roland Evans, 41 40 KM Hootnian, 38 92 Mary Sandwick, 18 40 Chauncey Rickvts, 40 12 Chauncev Rickotl, 2 31 Charles flight, . 102 68 Daniel Turner, 98 08 Peter Louder, 64 75 Charles Lnndor, 84 19 William Wistct, 7 36 John Low, 27 60 Isaac Gos, 27 60 Roland Evans, 13 24 Benjamin Johnston, 41 40 Mary Niel, 89 75 437 1 half Reuben Haines, 140 76 433 1 half Luko Mirrls, 139 10 1001 half George A.hloo, 27 60 LEVER FLEG AL, Treaa'r. Clearfield, April 6, 1870. Ac. 433 4oG 433 100 412 433 153 215 6 60 204 333 638 402 811 57 100 121 100 218 it 248 237 170 91 40 150 100 72 100 96 D it. CLARK'S CILIBR1TIB FEMALE PILLS, FOB SALE BT Boyer A Shaw and llartswick A Irwin, Clearfield, Pa. Aug 4.'69-lyl Retail Price. $1.50 per package. IMPORTED LIQUORS, seen AS BRANDIES and HOLLAND GINS, PURE OLD GRAPE BRANDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS, OLD GRAPE WINES. All the above brands Warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur poses GEO. N. COLBURN, March 30,'70-tr Prop 'r of Shaw Hoae. NEW T I IN SHOP! Fred Sackktt, Manufacturer of TIN, COPPER ami SHEET IRON WARE, (nearly opposite the jail), MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. ALSO, ROOFING, SPOVTING and JOB WORK done oa reasonable terms. April 6, 1870. MEAT MARKET. R. MOSSOP RIED FRI'IT, at reduced prices, at Mav 12,69. iiOM OP' AV. 11. McPherson, Keeps constantly on hand Fresh Meats, such as BEEF, VEAL. MUTTON. Etc., FRESH FISH, . All kinds of Vegetables, iu season, CANNED FRUITS, BUTTER, LARD, Etc., Which he will sell at tba lowest market prices. Cah paid for Cattle, Butter, etc. ROOM ON MARKET ST., Clearfield. Pa.-March 30,'7Q. DRY GOODS the eheapest in the county, May 29, '67. MOSS'?'. at Valuable Grist Mill Property For Sale; I. offered at private sale. the Cadwnl'ader Mill property, situate on Daurel Run, on the line of Ihe Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, and two miles West of Phitipsburg. The pjoperty consists of 22 acres of land, with a grist mill, 33 by 43 feet, and three stories high. land ha. two run of French burrs and double bolting cloths J a frame dwelling house, with a small cleared lot; tba balance tim bered with Pine and Hemlock ', and a first-class water power, suitable for a woolen factory all in good order. The property will he sold very low and on easy terms. Apply to, or address by letter. WALLACE A WALTERS, ap 27-4t Real Estate Agents; Clearfield, Pa. PITTSBURG" ADVERT ISEME5TS R O SAB A L I S 0 s THE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH RESTORER, purifies the blood and cures Scrofuia.Sypbili.Skin Diseases.Rheu tnatism. Diseases of women, and all Chron ic Affections of the Blood, Liver and Kid neys. Recommended by the medical Fac ulty and mnj thousands of our best eiti sens. '- Read the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have used Rosadalis; .end for onr Rosadalis Guide to Health Book, or Al manas for this year, which We publish for gratuitous distribution! it will giro you much valuable information Dr. K. W. Carr, ot Baltimore, says : I take pleasure in rrecmmCLdiug your Rosadalis as a ve-y powerfnl alterative. I have seen it used in t6 caees with happy result. one in ease of secondary syphilis in which the patient pronounoed himself cured after having taken five bottles of your medicine. The other is a case of scrof ula of long standing, which is rapidly im proving under its use, and the indications art that the pati.nt will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by which your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative ingre dients Dr. Spa-ks. of Nichoiasville, Ky., says be ha. used Rosadalis in cases of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfacttrry results as a cleaner of the Blojd I know do bet ter remedy. Samuel G. McFadden, Murfreesboro', Tenn , says: I have used seven bottles of Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; Send me four bottles, aa I wish it for my brother, who has scrofulous sora eyes. Beojamin Becntol, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty years with an In veterate eruption over my whole body ; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis and it effected a perfect euro. Labratory, 61 Exchange Place, Baltimore. CLEMENTS, A CO , Proprietors. Rosadalis is sold bv Hartswick A Irwin and A. I. Sbaw, Clearfield, D. K. Good, Osceola, and by Druggist, generally. April 6,'70-1y D A S F OR SALE- Apply to -a good bl'GGY, on easy term. E. W. GRAHAM FAIHBANK'S STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL KISDS ALSO, IMPROVED MONEY DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., M 30 tkn ' 1u2Seeond A v., Pittsburg. Pa. JAS T. BRADY & CO., Successors to S. Jones 5 Cm.,) CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD E1REETS, PITTSB URGII, PA ., BANKERS, BrT AXD SELL ALL K1XDS OP GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Oolti, Silver and Coupons. Six per cent, interest allowed on deposits sub ject to cheok. Money loaned on Government Bonds. Bonds registered free of charge. May 19.'69-ly. JAMES T. BRADY A- CO. NEW BAKERY. The undersigned respectfully informs the citi xens of Clearfield that she has opened a Bakery on Fourth street. a short distance above Mr. Shirk 's tannery, where she is prepared at all time, to fur nish fresh BREAD, CAKES, and PIES, to fami lies and others, April 20, 1870. Mrs. M. J. PCRVIANOE. . FOR SALE, White Lead, Zine Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine Varnishes of all kinds, Colors, la oil and dry. Paint and Varnish brushes. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Clearfield.Pa -M 6.'69. 0 N MY OWN II O 0 K. Having purchased the entire stock at the old stand of Kirk & Spencer, in Lumber City, L intend carrying on tba business aa hereto fore. Ml MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FOR CASH. Thanking our friends and customers' for past patronage I solicit a continuance of the same. Sept. 15th, 1869, ISAAC KIRK. H. F. BIGLER & CO., DEALERS IK HARDWARE, AKD M AStlFACTCRERt Of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD, PA. y mHIMBLE-SKElNS and Pipe-boxes, lor Wag- on., for .ale oy it. r. iiiullu a TRONi IRON'.! Bet bar iron, for .ale at the I i 4... a j. .tore oi it. r . biulub a vv. STOVXS of all sorts and sixes, constantly on hand at 11. F. BIGLER A CO S CABLE CHAtNS a good artlele. on hand and for sal. by U F. BIGLER A CO. HORFE-SHOES, aad horse-nails, tola had at U. F. BIULER A CO'8. ADDLES; Bfidles, harness, eollars As., fer 11. t . BK.Llr.ri m vU a, SADDLE sale at G UNS. Pistol, and .word canes to be bad at H F. BIULER A CO'B. HARNESS, Trim mines, and 6boe-Sndir,g for .ale at At. F, BIGLER A CO'S. All jA How I made it in 6 mo., with stenciK Ol I -V t-smple. mallei free. New Vork. A. J. Ftllak, (April OIL, Putty. Paint. Glaa. and Nail., for .ale at March '70. H F, BIGLKK A CO'S. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, or iu ctjios. also, Baggage Barrow., Warehou.e Tracks, Copying Presses, f mpfoVed Money bra war., Aen FOR SALE BT II. F. RIGLER k CO., Dealers In Hardware, March 16 j ClbahpiblB, Pa. - 1S70. 171 D. PERKS A Co, flour, the best in market, for 11 sale by J. SHAW A SOX. O'BRIEN'S GRAND GARAVAN MONSTER MENAGERIE AND STRICTLY Moral Exhibition. Tlie Rlcliest in trie Vorld I Tie Largest in lie UniTerse! A Hew Era In Amusements I Snuerl Rcpesitory of Wonfiers ? Pleasure anil Instruction Coibineil TM Is an Institution that the Proprietor W dfter tcrniiued to ii.nke CoIomhI It PrMr CI oa a and PcrD'tann.. f a lis luHucuc, aud whfttorvr la offensive la rultivftiod luoril isM'-s will be rl5:til ?xcludru c Deceiving that ttt-riiLjc porliy crer he prttralilc to a frix-clu of nifxttd amnKiiivDU Uiat convey i-r..otifl tltmorai- lxice Iu their tiifluco- ' ft. therefore. unto emeus Performance aru pcruiitust with Una GREAT MOB IL EXIOS2TIO', But In connection will) the Exhibitions of Animal Sagacity, A nouiher of XwXlr-txr-uX Qoonos Wtll be lnlrodnrrd. blending tiir Kuhllme aturra with HarmlM i'ieatir-, . lliat all load ana te alroua of INNOCENT RECREATION! can be grattllcil. All part of tlie WorM liar contrtVntl to make tins rlia: LAHoi.ti i.uU AlObT AKLE COLLECTION IX THE WOULD- Aad Ue AMASSED SPLENDORS Of the AX lat AL KLKGIXiat, are mostly FRESH FROM THEIR KATIVE WILDS And the Beat Representative of their ttpecte eTer eeit lu captivity niertta Uiat no olber MenaKerlo cat. cUim. I o m il. eve this aupf rtoritv, the resource of ccalili were lavished wt'tu bountiful hand. hi1 lite Mitiajactory rt uli jUh.irit- ihc enommuaexpeiiaV tare required U accom pilol it. THE PFlSOMiNATlKG FEATURES Are Terr namrroc. and execsa!relr Intercatlna-j Amoojc linin m tbo lUtuiiioolb iylo fcle phant, " IUUG I'L. fi :.. a it:u,i.- d w le the Ur if.'i c it ac-ru 1 !i Aru ni.- Llrpliiinr, Pttl t'tS" ana the Aft irau fcJvpLuwi. I.1TTI-K HOKLXK,' .no .lt;t-t i.e crr bruuei 1 10 tnU country, tuid elavoriwi .1 t ltti t-ttj Children. African hikI Ar iutie IMG N? Ren?al nni Brazilian Trt..;r H VLAtol;AkS H EARN WO 1 V KtS and cliter a rmuola. Urco and email, mipermidt-4 1 a worM of Minor Animal 4ZE1VjV.S AT 5.fMFH. afcc &c UAB OO n!S AiH u l NitNIiKYS a . lp-P'i-lar favorii"i. ind slu it maci.vh. lir.Htnrtty Hntnocrrd II I Kim itotu t lrorV lUcoi.M. endw-f v:ntv ,i -luaay u i-.eiu Lei:i ex hibited for the flr&i A Tery rare Aula. a' from t.e vtldanctu Ia!c Kg&ai, CtiaOorial Alrtaow TheGnu.GrKorned Horse. Is also to bo seea alive In this Great Moral Exhibition. BOLD Whose unexampled eonracs kobs i. ar.u or its stiax;, Will enter llio DEN OF SAVAGE BEASTS, And perform them !n & manner that Transfixes ell Spectators For momenta a:;tr a 13 lLEltOlC ACT terminate. ' TTISTS 0X HOUSE PAINTING," bv J. AV. 1 L M receipt of p Prof. Wh .taker, The eminent Explorer and KongTapher.of the" Phila delphia Academy of Natural er'iic, who If per fcrlly with th subject,- m ill n a DcacripliVM Lertnre on Zoology, explain th varied traits of AnimiU XlTc. LLTni DISCIPLINED ANIMALS, The Elephant Camels, the Tiny Ponies and their Monkey Riders VVtH he In trod need Jin the ari-a, and rtlaplay the eTtra ordtnary proflclcr." ;ortHeir Instructed develop ucuta ofreaaoniiig CacalUca. tlio Grand Free Display OMhe Inlmltahle rfW,01H, CAKS. CAGKS ANL VANS lu the fctreota oj thu Usorutua: of EXHSUITEOX BAY ! Wrtl aarpaa1n rranenf frery Hmllar Para-le erer ae n In tufa e To render the apectaela, lmpree4vc aud aupcrtor, i!te vat4reaonrce oi THIS GREAT KEXAGERIRC Wlllhebroncht Intd renrilaHton, aided by eTeryaAt. Catry ettacntinl id p-oJuce prenea pretttaraj Hh niajEnlfteenteffectaaiid wm-onimate aeador., Tlie F.lephnma atit 4'amela wtihott-er AnK mala mill he paraded t.i lb- ltwiloa ad made e'mrnrieiH;le featuxoi of tlte imperial raeeanu The Philadelphia 14 LLITARTBAXD or Prof KATJIT'-Awisr WUl ocenpr tboetesani. "Cr o? tlio Musesi' Which will be drawn I f Horses, .cgcrblr capart. aooei. 12 EXmBITIO.YS DAILY, Aftsrnoon. and Night. Ioar pea ait X and 7 'clack. Admission -50 Coats , Children under lcrjnn 25 Cents So other eh antes. All tr o- n for abOTe Frlcea of Admission to the Mammoth Six Oiure Pole Pa vilion, whlfh -ontaln aeat for 4.7(10. pMn aban. da;it prompadttia ppacn near the Csym. Attectlre , T7lrr and Onfles eonstantlr prem tftrrfn.: the Kl hlhltlnp Alt the enrroundlnrfl of Uils GHKAT MO. JIAL tNTa,14TAl-NIh.VT will be reapectable and pi-re. Will Enltltolt ,t Cloarfield, Thursday, May 19th. Philipsburt'Wodncsday, May ISlh. Luthersbui1?, Friday, May 20th. AAA A active man. In each S. JUL". County in the State, to travel and take order, by sample, for TEA. COFFEE an4 SPICES. To suitable men we will give a salary of S900 to SI. 000 a year.above traveling and other expenses, and a reasonable commission on sales. Immedi ate applications are solicited from proper parties. Reference exchanged. Apply to, or addrea. uaw mediately, J. PACKER A CO . "Continental Mill," Apr. 27-lt. asl Bowery, New Tork. IT Masorv. C1-. S p., 40c. Free by mail -a ! "OLA3TER the cheapest is ths eonnty. at rice Msrr 1. -'m- - j,. 01. a'-'w'i t.