f;c vjiafizman1 ouxal, ffcatfcfb, ffit., ay H, 1870. Raftsman's Journal, r . J-BOW.BOlTORAa'DPBOr'RIB'TOR. CLEARFIELD, J'A., iAT II, IS70. The Democratic papers are greatly en raged at the Wea of electing negroes to office ; and yet, in many heavy Republican districts, they are ready to vote for any colored man who consents to run against his party ! The Chicago Times, lemocratic, coolly claims that the fifteenth amendment ha added one million of votes to the Democratic party. Perhaps the Times meant to say that that amendment bad obliterated that many Democratic suffrages. The World gives the "revenue reformers" professing Republicanism, notice that "they must choose between surrendering their new connections and sundering their old party ties." So face the music, gentlemen, and prepare to inarch. The World says the arms of the Democracy are ready to receive you, and it invites you to come. Free trade writers have been misrepresen ting facts by putting the value of American iron and 6teel and the manufactures thereo at $119,950,000; whereas the true value, as carefully calculated by the American Iron and Steel Association, is $750000,000 a year, more than six times the amount con ceded by the free traders. Now here (says the Cincinnati Timet) is more persecution of Democrats. Some nine hundred of them, confined in the Illinois peuitentiary. have been deprived of their daily mental pabulum, the Warden having prohibited the circulation of the Chicago Tiutex in thartbstitution on the ground that it is an indecent and immoral publication, and calculated to corrupt, the morals of prisoners. It is considered a very good pa per for Chicago, but it won't do for the penitentiary. It is authoritatively charged in the Phila delphia Prets that certain Democratic Con gressmen, representing the strongest iron and manufacturing districts of Pennsylvania, have been in the habit, during the discussion on the tariff bill, of voting with the free traders when the vote, taken viea voce, is not recorded, and with the protectionists when the yeas and nays are called and recor ded. This belongs to the lowest stratum of political meanness, and the deceptious gentlemen should be ferreted out and ven tilated. There is a singular newspaper at Manas sas, Va. The tone of the whole paper, with the exception of one columu, is ultra South ern Democratic.- The one column supports Grant and his Administration. In conse quence of the confusion created by this mix ture of politics, the editor has been obliged to announce "that the arrangement by which the 'Republican column' is inserted in this paper was made without his consent," and adds emphatically "that he is Southern, born and in lull sympathy with the people of bis native soil." And now comes the report that the Hon. John Morrissey, memher of Congress from New York, threatens to resign because he is unacquainted with the duties of the position. Mr. Morrissey has certaiuly not distinguish ed himself as a legislator, nor even champi oned the cause of Democracy as valiantly as was justly expected of so doughty a warrior; but he could not more fittingly represent the class of Democrats who elected him than by remaining at home and attending t his faro business, as he is said to do. It would be well if ignorance were always voiceless in our governmental affairs. It is doubtful if another man could be found in the party who would do lesa talking and voting against the interests of the eountry, and we hoie, there fore, that Mr. Morrissey may be persuaded not to resign. Now when the Democracy are in convul sions over the proclamation of the Constitu tional Amendment which confers on some 900,000 Nativ Americans the rights of A merican citizens,!and thereby does such sig nal injustice and outrage to about the same number of Irishmen ; and when these much wronged Irishmen are clamoring for a re duction of taxation to relieve them from the burdens which others bear just now, when we are gravely informed that the payment of our Debt is a fantastical dream and an "abolition" impossibility comes the bil lious and remorseless Boutwell to say that "the reduction of the National debt has de creased during April, 1870, $11,697,793 39!" What cursed particularity ! Even to the 39 tynts ! Verily, the troubles of the Democra cy increase apace, and the necessity for a '.'white man's" party is becoming pressing. Senator SauLbury, of Delaware, is in a bad way. Stewart, of Nevada, has introduc ed a bill to enforce the provisions of the Fif teenth amendment It is so framed as to take in the State of Delaware, and to allow the negroes to vote there a prospect not at all p leaking to Saulsbury. To drown his grief, the Senator has taken to the flowing bowl, and he is beginning to repeat his old exhibitions on the floor of the Senate Cham ber. The other day he met Senator Stew art, and informed him that if the bill passed he would challenge him to mortal combat "Do itV said Stewart; "but remember, Saulsbury, the eyes of all Delaware will be on you, and you most kill me, or else you will never come back to the Senate!" "Well," said Saulsbury, reflecting, "if that bill passes, I guess I won't oom back, any how which guess may be nearer the truth than he iu?agV?C( when he made it. Match-Stick Factory. Within the past week, mention has fre quently been made in reference to the loca ting of a match-stick factory at Clearfield, by the Snow Shoe Company-their establish ment at that place having recently been de stroyed by fire. How much truth there is in the romor. we are unable to gay not bavin, any definite information on the sub ject But, te that s it may, why should iiot such a manufactory be located here? We have plenty of timber, of the best qual ity, for that purpose. Then, all that is re quired is the requisite capital and enter prise. To give some idea of the vastness of the match business, in this country and in Eu rope, it is only necessary to give a few facts. It is estimated that Europe daily consumes two thousand? millions (2,000,000,000) of matches, and to manufacture these at least four hundred thousand (400,000) cubic yards of timber is required, giving employment to five hundred thousand (500,000) work men, and produces goods valued at fifty mil lions (50,000,000) of dollars. In this eoun tiy, in Western New York, is located a match factory which uses annually seven hundred and twenty thousand (720,000) cu bic feet of white pine, and four hundred thousand (400,000) feet of basswood for ca ses, besides a vast amount of other material. These statistics furnish conclusive evi dence of the extent of the match business, and will serve to illustrate the importance of the locating of a match-stick factory in our midt In fact, the general benefit to be derived from the erection of such estab lishment here can scarcely be estimated. It would create a home market for a vast a mount of lumber. It would give employ ment to a large number of persons ; and hence, as a result, would stimulate all oth er branches of business to increased activity and prosperity. Merchants, mechanics, ar tizans, laborers, farmers, everybody, would be benefitted thereby. We commend this subject to our citizens, and hope that an ef fort will be made to induce the erection of a match-stick manufactory here. The Sew York Legislature. There appears to be among the people and press of New York a pretty universal senti ment that the Legislature of that State which very recently adjourned and disband ed, was, in no respect, any better than it ought to have been, and in most respects much wore. The Sun expresses the pre vailing opinion in the following paragraph : "After a trial of four months, what is the verdict of every well informed and unbiased citizen of this State? Undoubtedly it is, that the Legislature which has just retired from the Capitol is the most corrupt and infa mous body that ever defiled its halls. So audacious, brazen and shameless has it shown itself to be, that it has made itself ridicu lous by affecting to hold up to scorn those who have had the courage to expose and de nounce its manifold rascalities, while, when hard pressed by explicit charges of corrupt tion, it has gone through the mockery of selecting some of its tainted members to si in judgment upon its own delinquencies." This it should be remembered is the Leg islature for which Governor Hoffman became a responsible guarantor last November, when, in a congratulatory speech, he assured his political friends that their long-cherished hopes of reform should not be disappointed, snd especially that, whatever else might hap pen, the Legislature of J 870 would prove to be an honest one. Finally Settled. The decision of the Philadelphia Court of Quarter Sessions, last week, in the Dis trict Attorney cae, Furman Sheppard r. Charles Gibbons, is, we presume, a final de termination of the question. The following is the decision and decree which ousts Mr. Gibbons and restores Mr. Sheppard : "It therefore becomes our duty, and we do hereby declare and decree that, at the general election, held on the second Tues day of October. 1S63, Furman Sheppard, having received the highest number of votes, was duly and legally elected to the-of-fice of District Attorney for the city of Phil adelphia. And we do further order, that the decree of the 16th of October, 1869, of this Court, wherein it is stated that Charles Gibbons was elected District Attorney, he set aside and annulled, and that the decree now made, declaring the election of Furman Sheppard to the office of District Attorney, shall be substituted, and stand for the de cree, which is hereby set aside and annull ed." Immediately after the delivery of this de cision. Judge Allison administered the oath of office to Mr. Sheppard. The contest has been a "nip-and-tuck" affair from beginning to ending, and we presume the parties them selves are glad to have it terminated. The opinion appears to have been unanimous, and therefore, whatever way be thought to the contrary by many, we presume the de cision will be quietly and generally acquiesc ed in. Another Hollidat. Mr. Schenck in troduced in the House, on Monday, May 2, a joint resolution, which was passed with out division, declaring the 30th of May, be ing the day appointed and accustomed to be used for the decoration of the graves of sol diers who died in the war in defense of the Union against rebellion, a public holliday to be forever observed aa such by the people of the United States. Improved. The Somerset Herald, last week, appeared in a new dress, and enlarg ed form. The Whig attachment has been dropped from the heading it having be come obsolete. The IleralJ is a good, reli able paper, and deserves increased support at the hands of the Republicans of Somer set county. Conflicting accounts continue to be re ceived from the Indian country. Strong hopes are still entertained that a general war may be avoided. As yet no open out break has occurred, and if prompt measures are taken at once, it is believed at the In dian Bureau, that there will be none. The General Committee of the Grand Army of the Republic has ordered that the 30th inst. be observed throughout the coun try as "Decoration Day," on which day the posts of the order throughout the country will attend to the decoration of the graves of the nation's dead, in national and other cemeteries. A Just Tribute. The Harrisburg Tel egraph of the 2d says : State Treasurer, Hon. R. W. Mackey, to-day transferred the Treasury to his suc cessor, Hon. W. W. Irwin. We doasimpie duty in recording that, never in the history of Pennsylvania have her finances been no ably managed or transferred in a manner so creditable to the retiring officer. During Mr. Mackey's term of one year the repre hensible and illegal system of loaning the funds of the State to private individuals for their benefit has been abolished. The "vault laccount" which consisted of due bills of these parties amounted one year ago to $211,000; to-day there is no such ac count Ihe balance on nana is now 91,- 762,000, against $880,000 one year ago, and not less than $600,000, in round numbers, of our State debt has been paid off. Mr. Mackey's able report on the finances; bis business-like suggestion; his untiring and restless energy and activity in the man agement of his trust ; have not only favora bly affected the value of our bonds, but have strengthened the financial condition and standing of the State. His bold, and at the time startling, offer to anticipate the pay ment of a loan not due was found to imme diate! v enhance the nrice of our loans, until now every bond issued by our State com mands a premium the five per cents, even selling at 103- it will be difficult to surpass this superb management of our finances ; and the vear endine May 2. 1870, will fur nish a severe test and comparison for any future administration of this important de partment of our State government Fair Warning. The audacious pro position of certain Republicans to disband the Republican party in the interest 01 Free Trade, has elicited some plain talk from the New York Tribune. In the course of an edi torial, that paper gives the gentlemen the followine fair warning ; Again we insist that the Republican party can be upheld only by respect freely accor- AA Li? its mpnihpra tn panh others COnvic- tions. If the Free Traders in that party want to turn the frotectiousts out 01 u we bid them set about the job af once, and linn thpv II have a enmi time : if thev choose to get out themselves, they have a perfect right to do so, and we snail not try to stop them ; but if they choose to stay in the party and let us stay also, they may wisely as well as justly concede that wei'rotectionists hold our opinions by as valid a tenure as they hold theirs. They may go farther and fare no better. Pennsylvania State Sundat School Association. The Annual Convention will be held at Harrisburg, Tuesday, Wedne- day and Thursday, June 14, 15. and 16. George II. Stuart, Esq., is expected to preside. Each Sunday school in the State is requested to send two or more delegates. Pastors and Sunday school workers are also invited to attend and participate. It is re quested that the names of those who expect to attend shall be sent to Rev. Thomas II Robinson, D D., Chairman, or John M Sayford, Esq., Secretary, of the local com mittee of arrangements at Harrisburg, on or before the first day of June, .so that places of entertainment may be provided. Secrc tariea of country organizations are requested to immediately send their address to the State Secretary, Lewis D. Vail, Esq., 703 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, so as to re ceive printed details. Where there is no organization, the Secretary wishes to corre ipoud with some earnest Sunday-school worker, and requests that his or her name be forwarded to (hem. " Hon. G. W. Scofjkld. The Warren Ledger, (Democratic,) says : Mr. Scoficld has written a letter in reply to one received, to the effect that if his party desire him to be a candidate for re-election to Congress, he will not decline. He has jumped over to the old Southern theoiy of keeping men iu office learn them the trade and let them work at it. It is a little strange that he could adopt anything having a Southern tincture. The Harrisburg Patri ot pays Mr. Scofield a compliment in saying he is the ablest man in either House oi Congress from this State, We recollect that the late Abyah Morrison used to say that he was a better lawyer than there was in Warren, and then setting bis cane firmly on the floor to give the words emphasis, would say, "And that is not saying much." But really we agree with the Patriot. It is of but little use to hunt in the Republican ranks for a better man. Is Tms So ? The Washington correspon dence of a New York journal makes known a very interesting fact IThe writer had been permitted to examine a number of private letters received by Senators from eminent English statesmen, and all of which evinced an earnest desire for an early and satisfactory adjusnictit of our Alabamaclaims. One letter, from Mr. Gladstone, said sub stantially, this: Canada was gravitating towards this conn, try so fast that the mother country was fully reconciled to the idea of cutting loose from her. If Canada had a mind to ask for inde pendence through her Parliament, England would yield a ready assent. The English government had been gradually cutting off the supplies from Canada solely with the view to her annexation to the United States, and there was now a powerful influence at work in the Canadian Parliament to urge on an appeal for self-government, which, although it meant annexation, the English government was more than willing to grant Railboads Liable To State Tax Tion. In the case of John Edgar Thom son vs. the Union Pacific Railroad, which came before the United States Supreme Court, on the refusal of the Company to pay certain taxes assessed by the State of Kansas, Chief Justice Chase decided that if the principle of exemption, fought to be estab lished, were recognized, it would remove from the reach of State taxation all the pro perty of every agent of the Government. Every corporation engaged in the trans-' portation of the mails, or Government prop erty of any description, by land or water, or in supplying materials for the use of the Government, or in performing any service, of whatever kind, might claim the exemp tion. He decided against the company. O'Brien's Menagerie is composed of the riehest collection of the most singular and picturesque marvels in the animal king dom ever combined in one exhibition. By reference to the tidvertisement, it will be seen that Mr. O'Brien's exhibition is exclu sively a Menagerie that no circus show is identified with it and as such is unobjec tionable, and will afford all classes of per sons an opportunity to witness this vast col lection of the wonderful works of nature. Will exhibit in Clearfield, on Thursday, May 9th, and at Luthersburg, on Friday, May 20th. For full particulars, see large posters and descriptive bills. A Little of Everything. ' j Hayi City, Kansas, hat a female eonstable. Declines John Covode to run fur Congres gain. The Government is "reconstructing"' Fort Sumpter. The erop report thus far from all parts of the country ara favorable. In California the Japanese bare let ont 300,000 tea plants at Calistago. Philadelphia hu railed 13,500 and Baltimore nearly $3,000 for the Richmond sufferers A Connecticut wrestler recently broke ene leg in four plaoea in hi athletie practise. A little Ohio girl wanted to fee how strychnine tasted, and fonnd ont She itaow no more. The Germantown Telegraph annonooes John W. Forney as iu eandidate for Governor to suc ceed Geary. The Salt Lake saints think they have discov ered a Gentile plot the assassinate Brother, Brig- ham. Gilmanton, N. H. has. snow drifts twelve feet deep, yet the people'are modest and unassuming about it Frank Blair announces that he will not leave Bt. Louis. Thereat of the world must manage te do without him. . Highway robbers are active, and their special branch of industry is flourishing finely in the neighborhood of Chambersturg. j The fiist victim to the new medical law of the State was arrested at Brie the other day, for doctoring without a license. The Boston Traveller predicts that Grant will be re-elected, and that this year there will be an other earthquake in California.' A Varmonter, en a bet, has agreed to harness himself in a sulky and draw a man weighing 160 pounds a mile in. fifteen minutes. Josh Billings reckons among the Lost Arts Pumpkin Pi, Ram and Tansy. Honesty, and the art of getting up in the morning. An Indian, near Fort Scott, recently traded two mules for a set of false teeth, and proudly wore them, necklace-fashion, around his neck. Associations ef capitalists and land-owners are being formed in various parts of Mississippi for the purpose of encouraging immigration. Illinois has a preacher who gets his eongrega tion in church, locks the door, and preaches to them until the deacons collect a speeifled amount Kerosene oil has been tried in Texas to kill bags on plants. It was effectual indeed, ratber too effectual for it killed the plants as well a; the bugs. Four hundred and sixty-eight rafts, of lumber were run out of the Mahoning so far this 'spring and seven hundred and sixty eight wore run out of Redbank. Boston taw a wonder a few days ago a woman seated on a pile of rubbish hard at work, with several tnalecoupanioos, chipping off the dried mortar from old bricks. Killed A son of Mr. Senior, Beech wood?, Jef ferson eounty, while rafting on Sandy Lick Crrek. He had taken a hitch to a tree when the tree broke and struck him. During th firing of a salute in Pottsville on Monday, a cannon exploded, blowing to pieces a small boy named Theodore Jubos, and severely injuring another boy named Williams. During the past month the receipts at the Phil adelphia custom house amounted to 1,051,799 which is the largest sum ever realised at that port in any month with but a single exception. The first appointment of a colored man to office yet made in Pennsylvania is now to; be cbron cled. The Governor has commissioned one of our new electors a a Notary Public in Philadelphia Toung Drum, convicted two years ago in the Westmoreland court of killing a man in Greens- burg, and sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of years, has been pardoned by the Gover nor. A gentleman in Craig eonnty, Va., writes tha the ice in Sinking ereek is from four to twenty inehes thick, and that at the time of writing (April 19th) it was snowing, and had been for three days. The Maine forests have been so well stripped that not a tree of old growth is te be seen in them. The white pine is represented only by sapling?, which will not be of any service as lumber for year. An Alleghany county, New York man. who died recently, left his wife one cent, his brother a few dollars and $5 000 for the erection ot a monument, but his wife should be permitted to furnish the inscription. A country exchange has a story headed '-Lore warmed over." ' If it is anything like tbe hash that is warmed over in boarding house, we would prefer it in its original purity, tt is apt to get scorched when warmed over too much. The heaviest biil storm for years visited Cle burne, Texas, on the iota. Some of tbe stones were as large as hen eggs, Jand came with such force as to break through the roofs of the houses. Nearly all the fowls exposed to the hail were kil led. Tbe champion trapper James K. Moorhead, of Mew Alexandria, Westmoreland county. His prowess in the art the pest winter has awarded him with two otters, ten mink, four foxes, twenty-eight coonj and forty snuskrati Greensburg Argus. Dnring the delivery of a lecture by Mrs. Dr. Mary Walker in Illinois a few days ago, a proeo eious youth in the audience cried ont ' Are you the Mary that had a little lamb?" No!" was the ready reply, ' but your mother had a little jackass " . " Tbe Mayor of Meadevilla offers a reward of one thousand dollars, and commissioners of Crawfoid eounty another thousand dollars, for the arrest and conviction of the murderer or murderers of Christian Richard, whose body was found last week in French ereek. General Sherman has prohibited Infuse of violet and all the various "colored" inks in of ficial correspondence and records throughout the army, except carmine or ted ink, as generally used in indorsement, ruling, or io record books. The New Tork Sun lately published a report that a Presbyterian minister, Rev. Dr. Smythe, had made a lot of reporters drunk on gin and milk at a restaurant in that city. - On Wednesday last, at the trial, which the article provoked, tbe reporter who wrote the article swore that it was untrue in every particular ! A fair illustration of Dana's paper. The gold mines of Nova Scotia are In a flour ishing eondition. the number in operation having increased nineteen in one year, making total of eighty seven ; 25.424 tuns of quarts were Brush ed lasi year, yielding 17,868 ounces of gold, or nearly one-half ounce to tbe tun; while in Aus tralia three-eights of an ounce to a tun is named aa a good result. It is said that the ladies of Wyoming are plan ning to have one of their sex sent as the next Delegate to Congress. They 'talk of importing seme distinguished female orator to fill the posi tion, and a wicked Western editor suggest that if Mis Anthony should go there, she would un doubtedly be eonspieuously mdiukutud. In Europe the Freemasons are beginning to move against the Pope. The GrandJLodgeof the "bun," at Bayreuth, has sent out an open letter to all other ledrea, reminding Freemasons that the rules of their association bind them to keep a watch upon the present proceedings of the Va. tiean, in so far aa they may be inimiaal to th general welfare. The dogma of infallibility is characterised a the beginning of a Romish war upon the moral and spiritual development of the Advertisements setup mtargt lifve,orout of yfatm style, mill bt charged double usual rotes. Ns cuts. ATOTICE. Having purchased the interes- il r 1 4 ii.... X. v tV... K.,f siness heretofore earricd on under tbe firm name of J. A. Blattenbeyer 6)- Co., the same will be eon ducted hereafter under the name cf Moshannon Land and Lumber Co., (Store). 11 curi T 1 vr' T. . tmiV V.SVCCUP President. cup 1. May ll,'70.-tf. rpIIE ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE. The best Double Thread Machine now in use will be sold lower than any other machine finished in like manner, and doing the same range of work. Machines can be seen at tbe store of Thompson A Co., Curwensville, or at tbe resi dence of the undersigned May 1 1 , 1 870 -3m . Bloom s Bridge. ?XECUTORS NOTICE. Letters Testa---'uientaryon the estate of Wui. C. Irvin, late or Kurnside township, ueceaseu, naving been granted to tbe undersigned, notice is hereby given tbatal) persons indebted te said es tate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present- them, properly authenticated, for settle ment, to JOHN EASON. FORTtit liisruttis. May, 11, 1870-it. Executors. SELECT SCHOOL. The Susauebanna Select School at present lo cated at Burnside, Pa., will open for a session of sixteen weeks. on Monday, May SOth, with a va cation ef two weeks in mid summer. Tbe prices of tuition varies according to the age ana ad vancement of pupil. Boarding ean be had in town en reasonable terms. For further particu lars address J. fcylv. Smith. Curwensville. or JAMBS DOW LEK, See'y. Mayll.-3t. Burnside, Pa, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The mnart nershin beretnfnre existintr between the undersigned in the mercantile busi ness in Lumber City, was dissolved by mutual consent on May 9th, 1870. The books and ac counts will be in the hands of D L. Ferguson for eollection. All persons knowing themselves in debted will please call anaiettie. J. B. FERGUSON. Mayll-3t. D.L.FERGUSON. N. B The bnsiness will be continued at the old stand by D. L Ferguson. A share of pa'.roaage i solicited. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, James Forrest, ) vs. i Yen. Ex. Ho. 67. March T. 1870 James M. Shaw. 1 The undersigned. Auditor bavin; been appoin ted to make distribution of the money arising r . 1 1 r 1 , V. .L... writ. irom ine saie 01 neai tuais gives notice that he will attend to the duties of uts appointment at nis omco inviBumciu, " u --. urday, May the 28th at 3 o'clock, P.M., when and where all parties interested may attend A. W. WALTEUS, May tl,'70.-3L A"ditor- AUDI TOR'S NOTICE. Andrew Oregguse, 'I Yen. Ex. No. 114 Mar.T. 70 vs. llitnrv Orrti The undersigned. Auditor appointed to xake distribution of the money arising from th sale of Real Estate on the above Writ, gives notice tbat he will attend to the duties of h appoint ment at his office in Clearfield on Saturday, May the 2Sth at 2 o'clock, P. M.. when and where all parties interested may attend. A. Vf. WALTERS. May 11, '70.-3t. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. James Forrest vs. Yen. Ex. No. 85 March T. 1870. The undersigned, Auditor having been appoin ted to make distribution of the money arising from the sale of Real Estate on the above Writ, gives notice that he will attend to tbe duties of his appointment at his office in Clearfield on Sat urday. May the 28th at 4 o'cloca, P. M., when and where all parties interested may attend. A. W. WALTERS, My 11, 70.-3t. Auditor. NEW MARBLE WORKS. Opposite the Jail, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Monuments, Grecian Tombs, French Couches, Mantles. Table Tops. Washing Ranges, Garden Statuary, Terra Cotta Ware, of ever) description, Head and Foot Stones, of New and beautiful de signs, all of which w offer at eity prices, or 25 percent less than any other establishment in this county. Having a large exporienee in the busi ness, we guarantee satisfaction in all caws. Or dan thankfully received and promptly filled in the best workmanlike manner. S. A. GrBSON. May 11, 1870 -tf. Jaa Watsow, Agont. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice ishere by given that the following accounts have been examined and passed by me. and remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of beirs.legatees.creditors.and all others in anyway, interested and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Cearfield county, to beheld at the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfied commencing on tbe 3d Monday of June, 1S70 : Partial account of Samuel Hegarty. Executor of Samuel Hegarty, sr., late of Woodward town ship, dee'd. Final account of Henry and Jacob Mehrwine. Executor of Conrad Mehrwine, late of Brady Township, dee'd. Final accout of Freleriek Arnold, Administra tor of Peter Arnold, late of Brady township, dee'd. A. W LEE, May 11. 1870. Register T)ISTRICT COURT of the United States for the Western District of Penn'a. In the Matter of James H. ) T p.v,,. Dale. Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. Western District of Pennsylvania. Ss : A warranju Bankruptly has been issued by said Court against tbe estate of James H. Dale, of tbe eounty of Clearfield and State of Pennsyl vania, ip said District, adjudged Bankrupt upon petition of one of his creditors, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to laid bankrupt, to bim or to his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are for bidden bylaw. A meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court ot Bankruptcy to be holden at Clearfield, In said Distrust on the 8th day of June, A. D. 1S70, at one o'clock, P. M.. at the office of Hon If. 5 Swope, before S. K. Woodruff. Esq., one of tbo Registers in Bankruptcy of said District. A. MURDOCH, May ll.-2t. TJ. B. Marshal as Messenger. NEW HOUSE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! HARTSOCK & GOODWIN, Curwensville, Pa., Are now receiving, direct from Baltimore, Boston, New York, Philadelphia .and Pittsburg, an im mense stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTH1XG, HATS AND CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CHINA, GLASS AND Q TIE ENS WA R E, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Sre , bought at lower prices than have been made to any bouse in the town since the good old days before the late war, all to be distributed to those who visit Curwensville for supplies.in accordance with the great saorifioe at which they were bought. LADIES Are particularly invited to call at Uartsock A Goodwin's cheap store, and examine the splendid toek of DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, 8 II A WLS, . FANCY GOODS. Ire., on exhibition. Jlieyi Dtfy Competition Parties eannot de justice to themselves in Spying anyl of the necessaries ef life, without calling On May 4,'70-3m.J HARTaOCK A GOODWIN. OCl Af! A yer "d expenses to agents to sell O-wsUUU the celebrated WIL-oN bEWING MACHINES. The best machine in the world. Stitch alike on both side. One Machine without money. For further particulars, address 35 N.9th St , Phil'a. Pa. March 30,'70-3m. House and Lot For Sale. The undersignrd will sell, at private sale. Lot No. 21 in the Borough of Clearfield, situate on South 4th ftrect, npon which is erected a large two-story plank dwelling house, 24 by 40 feet. This house is new, and has a spring of good wa ter in tbe cellar. For further information apply to WALLACE WALTERS. ap 27-4t ) ' Heal Est. Agf. Clearfield, Pa. rpnE "EAGLE HOTEL," Maiu St.. Curwensville, Pa. Having leased for a term of years th above well-known and popular Hotel, (formerly kept by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Foot), and having newly refitted and refurnished it, tbe present proprietor feels assured that be ean render entire satisfaction to guests sojourning with bim. A fine, large stable and yard is attached, for the care and protection of horses, carriage and wagons. A (hare of patronage is solicited May 4,'70-ly.) A. J. DRAUcKER. Prop'r. Ym K. S M I T II , "merchant tailor, Clearfield, Ta., Would respectfully inform the eitixens of Clear field eounty tbat he has putebased the interest of b.. K. Ji. btoughton. and is now prepared to mate up, in tbe most fashionable manner, all kinds of clothing that customers may desire. lie has CLOTHS. DOESKINS, AND CA.VIMERES, of every style, always on hand, from which cus tomers ean make their selections. One door East of the Postoffice. April 20, 1S70. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE AHEAD OF ALL. OTHERS! Eighty ix Thousand JSrven Hundred and Etgh lysn Maehine Made and Sold the Past Year! The number exceeds by thousands the sales of any other Machine, and the demand is suit in creasing THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK ARE NOW BEING MADE AND SOLD. THE REASONS WHY: Because it embodies essential principles not found in any other Machine; because oi its sim plicity of eonstruction, ease of operation, Uni term uy or precise actional any speea. anu ca pacity for the greatest range anl variety ef work fine or coarse. Parties wishing to purchase should not fail to examms this best of all sewing Alacbines. I have the Agency for this Machine, and will keep a lull supply on hand. Clearfield,May4.'7Q tf J. S. SHOWERS Marble and Stone Yard. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL, naving engaged in the Marble bnsiness. desires to inform her friends, and the public, that she has now and will keep constantly on banda large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, In Sand atone and Marble, CURBS aad POST for Cemetery lots, WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS. ARCHITECTURAL AND LAWN ORNA MENTS, 4-r. She would invite special attention to her Sand stone Monuments which are built from original dasierna and will comnare favorably with any thing of the kind in tbe country. If desired she ean furnish Marble Window Sills and Capi at a slight adranee on the price of bandstone. Vard on Keed Street, near the Depot.Clearfleld Fa. lnj LOAN Chesapeake Sc Ohio R. R. Co The advantages. and attraction of this Loan.for investment purposes, are many and important : 1. It is based upon one of tbe Great-Through Lines between the Seaboard and the W est. 2. The sreurtty is already treated, th greater part of the line being in suoceseful running oper ation. 3. The Leeel Traffic, from the unrivalled Agri cultural regions and Iron and Coal deposits ad jaeent, must be large and profitable. 4. The enterprise receives important eonces sions and privileges from the States of Virginia and West Virginia. 5. It is under the management of efficient and well-known capitalists, whose names are guaran tees for its early eompletion and successful oper ation. . 6. The Bonds ean be had either in COUPON OR REGISTERED form ; they have thirty yean to run, both princi pal and interest being payable in gold. 7. They are of denomination of $1,000, $500 and $100, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. In eoin, payable May 1st and November 1st. From our intimate acquaintance with the affairs and eondition of the Company, w know tbeoe se curities to be peculiarly desirable, and suitable for safe employment of surplus capital, and fund ing of Government Bonds, by Investors. Trustees of Estates, and otters who prefer absolute seen rity with reasonable income. Holders of United States FiveTwentle are en abled to procure these Bonds, bearing the same r of interest and having longer period to run and to realise a large iuorease of capital in ad dition. Bond and Stocks dealt in at the Block Ex change, received in exchange for thia Loan, at the full market value, and the bonds returned free of express eharge. Price 90 and accrued Interest in Cur rency. Pamphlet. Maps, and full information furnish ed oa application. FISK & HATCH, May4-10wJ i ttassao street, mw tore. TERMS Of THE JOCrn.i The Raptsmah-, Joiual i, pnwui r 9 Ml , "d aesday paid al thm K.i...:.. .v. 'i not charged, and 3,00 if no, paid before ,h. 21 5 w' J 0 "ill t- . and a no ir ...u . 111 e Adv aaTisaaasTa will be Inwrted at ii0 . for three or U.. - ' ' square (or les.) eounting a square. For ever, 1" .nerUon M e.nu will be charged A d" , ' will be made t - j..- ae-ct10s J ve.1 J bMJ YCrUtrCrt sabtwription t&k. . -u i. months, and no p.p.r will be discontinue d' 0? til la tbe p lb'"h,r- S.J. ROW. TO RAFTSMEN f ood landing at tbe Mouth of the Sinmm.h Jood post, for cubbing. ,nd Hotel. J u- uC.VV: 1.1' ' th T- TODrittnr T II E "8 II A W HOIS E," MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD. pA GEORGE N. COLBCRX, :::::; p. tsToa. This house waslatelv inmnl.i.J ..j ed to th. r,Mio i. , t.u. J 7 !' i.t f,rV '"""""""J provTd.a nh al I the modern improvements of a 6nt sit otel. It is pleasantly located, in ,h. i..r " part of the town and near to the public buili! nigs. A share of patronage is respectful! v o it ited !i marge moderate. The betof Liquors ;D b'r- March 3oAfl-S tb TyE, the nndersipned, Blaclisumhsof the y Borough of Clearfield, hereby aW the following rates for work and i..:?'' gard to securing pay for our labor; and we tlct pieage out Donor as men ana mechanim.to adhere to and enforce the same, from and after M i.. 1870. ' ' All work done at shoinr horses mint k. . when the work is done, at the following riM SETTING NEW SHOK .... ,. RESETTING SHOE, : : Z"'; No erediditto be a-lven for ilnnrn..,-.j three months " r kumn El. P. PASSMORE, AMOS KEXVARD J. Mtr.NKWKn.ER, OKXELIfSOWENN THo.M VS REILLY. . L LAXtril ' Apr.2u,'Tu-3m. (J C. PASSMORE PAY YOUR TAXES! In accordance with an act of the ;.,.. i . sembly of this Commonwealth, approved the I"i day of March, A. I. Ib70. -relatmg to the collw tion of taxes in the eounty of Clearfield' Notice is therefore hereby given to tbe tax-payers re siding in tbe districts below named.that the eoen ty Treasurer. in accordance with the 2i nection of said act, will attend at tbe plce of boldibg tb Borough and Township elections, on the follow ing named days for tbe purpose of receiving tbe county, bounty. State taxes and militia Eih.ii. seiaed for i7u : For the Borough of Clearfield and Ijurr.n.. township, on Friday and Saturday, the 13ih ar.a 14th days rf May. For Pike township and the Borough ofCerwn ville, on Saturday and Monday, the 21t r.d day of May. ror Hartnaus. on Tuesday. May 17th. For t'ovington, on Wednesday ,My Hth. For Girard. on Thursday. Mv I9iu. For Goshen, on Friday. May 20th. For Graham, on Tuesday, May 21th. For Morris, on Wednesday, .Vj'y 2ith. For Decator. on Thursday. Mav 2th. For Osceola, on Friday, May 27tb. For Boggs. on Saturday, May 2Sih. For H union, on Monday. May 30th. For Union, on Tuesday May 31t For Biady, on Wednesday. J one lt. For Bloom, on Thursday. June 2d. For Penn. on Friday. June 3d For Lumber City, on Saturday, June 4'h. For Uradford. on Saturday. June 11th. Upon all taxes paid on Ihe days deirntej there will be a reduction of fi jitr Cent, its balance of toe districts will be announced is das time. LEYilrl FLE'iAL, April 13. Treasurer. T 1ST OF RETAILERS, of Fotelpn and Pomestic Merchanlise, in the (Vuntrcf Clearfield, sul ject to the payment of license' for the year 1870 : Class. License. arx. KfCARIA. 13 W. S. JJickey. 510 14 A. Montgomery. 7 !lt Wtn W is A Son. 7 LRfCS 13 James Forrest. It 14 Janas Mru. 7 12Lconsrd Kylr. 12 13 Johnsoo t Co., It CMOS 14 D a J. iirnbaser.7 WOODWARD. 14 G M llriibio. 7 12 ?am l Uegartv.l? iO 14 T. Henderson 7 14 John M Chase. 7 ri.gAHriKLi BRor;!t. JO Weaver A tteiu 2 14 I. L Kei-csle:n.7 13 J. . Olusgo, 10 II S. McFarUnd, IS 14 J. . Diilen, 7 BRAOT H D. Goodlander. 10 12 L. B. Carlile 12 50 12 C iU.Schvfm.12 i 13 R. M. Moore, 10 14 J. Kudu A Son. 7 ' 14 John Scheurich, 7 14 John Carlile, 7 13 J A Terpe. BI'RMKinR. 13 Jack. Patchen, 10 14 Horace Patrben. 7 13 Jas McMurrxy, 10 13 Wm C. Irwin, 10 BR CL 14 Robert MehafTy. 7 14 C. A. Korabauh.7 14 David Bell. 7 BOOK 14 II. Bridge. 7 10 Wm. Kred, M 1 14 Mrs. Watson. 7 10 J. Shaw 4 Son. 10 , 9 K. Novsop. : 14 II. F Nausle. 7 12 Graham A Son". II SO 112 Wright A Sons. II 50 'mi F.Uigl.r A Col 111 Krataer A Sons. 1 j 10 C. Krstier. 20 1 12 U.(i. Niv!ir?. 12 50 iMMiwRvndrrtCd.; 14 J R. Reed A Co, 7 BRAWURU. 13 Albert A Bro., 10 14 E U.Williams, 7 CHEST. 14 Rose A M Cane. 7 12 Hurd A M Uee, 12 50 13 R. Mitchell. 10 14 Wm Hunter, I I't'BWKaVILLS. !l2 Uartsock o Co. II '14 Fuming A line!. 7 '14 L V. 11. Seper. 7 1 12 Arnold A Co. 12 i 112 Thompson A Co l 2 60 13 Wm. M Hride, 1 ! 1 2 John Irwin. II M lOE.A Irwin. 20 I LrVBKR CITT covisgto. 14 .1 Plubell. 7 14 Francis Coudriet 7 14 L. M. Coudriet. 7 14 S S Cranston, 7 14 Gilland A Co., 7 nrciTtn. 14 J. tfr D Knight, 7 GI'RI.K'H. 12 P A A. Flynn, 13 50 13 Isaac kirk l 14 T A. Prideaux, 7 114 rurguson tsro s. 1 12 J Furgusou A Col 2 5 j BCW ASHISSTOV. 11 S.M'Cune. 1 10 Mc.Murray A Co.M I OSl'LOLA 'it M T lt.,kl 7 13 II. A Hainan A colO eiRARD. 14 R.S. Stewart, 7 13 Aug. Leconte, 10 ORAHA. 13 T. H Forcey, 10 oosna. 14 E. Irwin A Son, 7 1 .a " s. 1 '. ;i4 Kepner Bro. 7 0 .A ... i ii t Hraro. 12 u. A moneroau.i- ' 12 F. C. Bowman. 12 50 6 Blattenberrer a Coif 14U.W Brown. 7 I 9 Whitcouib a Co. 25 joriiax. 11 W el Is a lleimt. 1J 12 Henry Swan. 12 50 14 John W Wapler7 KABTBArs '2 M'Grath Co., 1! 13McCloskyACo, 10 14 W. J. Buffer, 7 14 Wm S.Sankey, 7. 14 James Wiggins, 7" RETAIL DIALERS I.W PATENT KIIUCI'H CLASS. LICS"". 4 T. H. Forcey, Graham township. 4 Dr. D. R Good. Osceola Borough. 4 J . R. Irwin. Curwensville Borough. 4 HartiwicK A Irwin, Clearfield borough. 4 A.I.Shaw, do do BRBWKBS. 13 Peter Garnier. Covington township. ' 10 Charles Shaffer. Clearfield Borough. 1 10 Lipoldt A Hessenthnler.ClearSeld Born',1' BILLIARD 8 A LOOK 8 AID IU FIX ALIBIS Solomon Nnnemaker, Osceola, one alley. & D. R. Fullerton, Clearfield Borough. 3 tables and one alley, bans: brs. Clearfield eounty Bank, COS FECTIOK ERB ABD OBorrBICS. 4 W. C. Mots, Beeearia township. 4 James Thompson, Morris township, 4 John O'Dell, Morris township, 4 Anna Boalich, Osceola Borough. 4 Patrice Dunne. Oceola Boreugb. 4 Miss S. M Miller, Osceola Borough, 4 Dr. D. R.Oood, Osceola Borough, 4 Joshua Brown. Osceola Bon ugh, 4 Edward Shoff Osceola Borough, 4 Christ J. Shoff, Osceola Borough. 4 J. Heberling A Co , Brady township, 4 James Flynn, Penn township, 4 J.R Jenkins, Curwensville Borough. 4 Edw. Gallooey. Curwensville Borough, 4 J. R. Irwin. Curweusrille Borough. 4 Catharine Graff, Curwensville Borough 4 D. S. Plotner. Curwensville Borough, 4 Jamee Comely, Woodward township, 4 Wm. M. Foster, N. Washington Boro', 4 Thos. W. Moore, L. city Boroogh, 4-C. D Watson,-Clearfield Borough, 5 4 W. Endres. do do 4 Hartswiek A Irwin, do do L-4 N M. Hoover, do do 4 P A. Uaulin, do HO 4 Alexander Irwin, da do 4 A.I.Shaw, do do 4 D. R. Fullerton, do do 4 John A. btadler, do do 4 M. Neiee A Co., do do 4 J. h. 6haw d- Co.. Woodward town p, An appeal will be held a the CommiWo"1. office, in Ctearfield. oa Monday, the 23d " May. A. D. 1870. wbea aad where all ps; ing aggrieved will please attend according ' J. B. SHAW. Apr. !7-4t. Mercantile Appr"r-