Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 11, 1870, Image 1

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    BY S. J. ROW;
V0L.-16.HTO. 36.
Select goftn?.
Shadows o'er the vale are creeping,
And the ran sinks to his rest ,
Twilight draws bereurtains softly,
tioldcn clouds han? in the west.
idibe 1 the noise of busy labor,
Toil haa sought its wonted ret ;
Whimpering truer and murmuring streamlets,
Sweetly sooths each troubled breaat.
Time is fleetiDg. and ITin drawing
Aear the sunset of my life ;
Soon will end my weary journey.
$oou will ceaie ail toil and strife,
Shadows o'er my path are falling.
Earthly visions lad away ;
Voices, soft and aweec, are telling
Of and endless, orient day.
O'er the misty mountain hastens
One I've wailed long to see;
Soft a. night-dew fails on meadow?,
ilia kind bidding. "Cowe to me."
I.o ! tbo purple light of evening,
Stealing gently up the shy.
Incurs me on ita winga Vi meet him,
Is this death '. 'lis eet to die!
Jejus calls me, an i I'm going
Where the shadows never eunie ;
Now the desert lies behind me,
And X hasten to my huuso ,
To my home bejoni the suuaet.
Far beyond the day's decline,
Where the glory is unlading.
" here the golden lortul thine.
There never breathed a more merciless
and villainous monster thau liun Natlis,
a tellow who had attached hi msd t to the
interests of the l'awnee Lidiaus, then a
jieaeeaUe tribe and well ineiiiied toward the
white settler of the far West. J5ut .Nathans
had sowed the seeds of di.-oobiciit. among
the red men; and although hucouid not. in
iuee the chid lo join him iu air. uiurderous
enterprise, he had completely won over a
uutut-er of the w.irriors who agreed to join
lmu in atiy desperate ui.Jei taking might
Le called upon to attempt, provided he
would lead ihuiti, and provided aUo, that
they would be rewarded.
With a dozen of these fiendish Pawnees,
Nathans .-tit out one hitter winter's night
uuon an excursion, which ho ialormed ids
lnen would pay ihiiui iiandwtndy, and that
liio, without iucurriissr. any great risk to
Tna point of at tacit was a rant-.he situated
i,ti the maiii roaii iroiu Laramie to liridger's
Pass. The leader and his savatres entered
it ahout midnight. They had murdered the
watchman outside, ar;d kft, hid bloody ioriu,
pitas' ly and horrible to look uyou, stretched
be tore the dwelling.
Within, they fbuuJ two men; and even
be to re they had been arotsjd Iroiu their
lumbers, tiie dripping tomahawk was raided
over tbetn, and wh-u if. felt, it crashed
through the brain of the hall art u.-.ed sleep
ers, and sent them back to their Ion bleep.
A heavy door now intervened between
Nathans and an apai tnteut he wished to
reach. He tried the latch, and found that
ir was locked; but ccizUxk an ase, ha s-.i-m
f ileoted an entrance by battering the door
into splinters.
A siu.sle shot was fired at him. and the
bullet whizzed past hid head, cutting cap
but cKiing bint no iianu.
Instantly he leaped through the opening
he had made, but all was darkness around
him. And yet he thought that lie heard
i sound of a light, foot, liii!, a: d saw the
flutter of a n'nht dre.ss by the rays of the
loicheo which were biazitijr iu the next
apartiiietit. Ho he ci led :
"Hrini; lights, men! Q lick, biinij
1 he avac."s sprang tiirough tiie rpcrture
vii'i wiM yells, ilashi:ir their torches over
tlu-ir heads, and dai.-cinjr about in evident
d-.'iighc. They already felt thciitsoives more
t'lau repaid for their journey, for in llic
l.otebe stere tlt-y had found rj!a:;ket.s, nrna
inentK, furs, tobacco, an. I, what was of still
frreatiT importance, to them, whisky. Of
tiii-, they had drank until they were ready
for any act, no matter how daring or brutal.
As soon as the lights were brought into
the room, their rays revealed a bed which
u-, sramliiirf in one corner. To the side of
this eo:ich the reneade sprang. lie saw
that it had been but recently occupied, for
it wis yet warm. Iut there was only a
r i;ijr'? indentation upon the pillow. Could
tbi' be the couch.nl' the woman lie Bought;
where was the husband ? And where was
thv woman '!
Nathans at once began his search. He
seize ! a torch, and l.ih and Jow through
tlie bui'Mint; he went, not a spot escaping
his iicrutiny. lnt he returned to the mam
r.Min foiled, for not a sou! could be found,
and yet the villain felt sure that he had
cuieht the glimpse of a female form, flying
from his presence.
Upon reacliitiif the upper room, he found
that it was in flames. He was angry, but
his wrath was of no avail, and he found it
impossible to extinguish the flames.
At the moment he believed himself to bo
f tile 1 : for it was a woman he soueht. But
a tv 'ell upon his ears. . He spranginto the
slr-ej ii:; apartment and throwinc back the
1,1 coverim; he saw an infant, who, up to
this moment, had remained concealed from
bis view, lie seized the child in his arms,
and as he gained the outside of the burning
mass. he ;iuS,ed loudly, and exclaimed:
m "The proud beauty is in uiy power now.
Tlii is her child, and wherever the infant
taken she will follow. But it is strange
'bat the mother should forsake her little
flne. even f r an instant, at a inoiueut of
'-"lEor. Where can she possibly be?"
15 it the question wa not answered. The
f the little one roe
upon the fitui
nvht air; but there came to it uo
mother s
bins voice.
The vil lain and his followers took their
into the uiountains, bearing their booty
w''-h thjiu, as well as the frightened and
f'Kbi.iir infant. But thry halted only a
sh.-irt ilance from the ranche, for Nathans
r!'s ilvcd 0Il further plans, lie had deter
tuitiedthat the woman he sought should
becjiue his captive, and that, too, before he
returned to the Pawnee stronghold, at Table
aylieht dawned, and while he was trying
ti decide upon some plan of action, he saw
a white boy approaching h'R camp.
'i h savages had discovered the lad at the
fvm; time. Thoy were yet under the influ
ence of liquor, for they had a quantity of it
ith them, still unconsumed, and upon
ein? the annrofich of the bov. thev leaped
ut'"n hint, and their knives were raised.
adyto be plunged i
Nathans sprang to his
into his breast; bull
strans to his rescue, and. witn tue
prcatest difficulty, succeeded in Earing his
life. -
As soon as the little fellow was safe, the
villain asked :
"Well, my boy, what brings you herel"
''I came, sir," replied the lad, "on ac
count of that child. '
"Did the mother send you?"
"N'o the mother is dead." -- .
"How is that?"
"Well, sir, when the alarm of the attack
was given last night, poor Mrs. Webber
was frightened nearly to death. She f.prang
from her bed, and, forgetting her littleoue
entirely, she ran into the cellar for safety.
It was not long after before she discovered
that the building, was on fire, and, then she
thoueht of her child. She made an effort
to return for it, but a faintnees came over
her, and lor a time could not move. But
she rallied and staggered forward, only to
fall from suffocation. And there she per
ished." How Jo you know this?"
"I was sleeping in the same apartment
with Acne.s. When she ran to the cellar I
followed. I was as much frightened as her
self, and only thought of the child when the
mother spoke of her. I tried to save my
sister but had only time to crawl through a
window nnd save my own life."
''Are you the brother of Acnes Webber?"
"You etui see that I am if you ever met
Agnes, by the strong resemblance to her."
"The resemblance is a striking one, I
confess. But where was the husband of
your sister ?"
"He weut to the mountains" for a hunt
soveral days since, and had not returned last
'Well, what do von want with m ?"
"I knew yon had the child, for I saw it
in your anus last, and I hoard it cry as yon
passed by me. I was too much frightened
to speak to you then. But when I came to
think, 1 didn't know why you should wish
to harm me or to keep the babe, nnd so I
resolved to come to you and ask for it."
"What will yon d, with the brat ?"
"I really don't know; but I am the uncle
of the little am; and of course 1 must do all
lean for it, fir 1 think its father must have
already been killed.
"Then the best thing I can do with this
little w!fL!; is to dash its brains out againrst
a tree," said the monster, raising the child
by on foot, and making a movement as if
to put liis suggestion into cxevuiion. But
the boy sprang forward, and catching the
infant in his arm ;, he cried :
"0 no ! don't harm the innocent thing !
She will be a woman s-.iine day, and then
you might be glad to let her live."
"True, true I never thought of thnf,"
continual the Send, "and she may look like
Iter mother, it is a lon time to wait and
I shall be old then. But the death of the
brat wiil do me n. good now, and I'll let
her live, if I don't change my mind. Still
I cannot help cursing myself for permitting
Ague to slip throit.-h my finders. I loved
her as much as I could love anybody, and
if I had only been mors careful, I might
have made h'.'.r mine."
For ouc moments the villain remained
silent nntl thoughtful; then he turned to
ward the boy a;sd exciairned :
"You may be deceivin.v' nie. Tf I thought
you were, I would Ja.-.h your trains out in
an instanf."
"Deceiving you in what, sir?"
"Anes may not be dead."
"You can satisfy youisjif about that?"
"How can I do so?"
"(Jo with me and see the body yourself."
"How can this be? If it was in tlia ecl
la r, :to you say, it is .burnt to a cinder by
this time."
"No. When T drew it from the burnt
timbers this morning there was still enc-uh
left to recognize it by. Poor girl a smile
was resting upon her faces blackened as it
"Ro you found tha body?"
"And drew it out?"
"T di'S "
'Whs! did rou di with it?"
"I placed it in the barn. I did not know
bill hr husband misfit bo back in a few
days, and I knew he would want to see it
when he came "
"How ninny men are at the ranche, or
where it stood ?" -
"Not one. Ti cy were all killed last
niirht." ,.,-,,
"Is it nos-ible that the fither of thischild
may be hack by this time?"
' Yes. it is possible."
"V'ell, I will take mv wirrior anil eo to
th birn. I will satisfy myself that Aenes
is dead, if such is really the case. But it
will be a sorry deception for you, if I find
your are deceiving me."
"Come on. and you will .find it as I tell
you. I will carrv the child, The little
thins is frightened, when in your arms', and
if it cries! which it is sum to do; the Indi
ans may get angry and kill it."'
"Very well you can hold the brat."
' Several of the savages were so drunk that
thoy were not able to wilt, or even stand
alone, and these had to be left behind. But
Nathans started on his return to the- scene
of the murder, accompanied by four of his
red fiend. These were wild with-stimuLmts
they had swallowed, and sevpral times they
attempted to kill the lad and the child, but
were prevented from doing so by their lea
der. .
As thev approached the barn Nathans
appeared to I e . somewhat suspicions. He
gazed cautiously amnnd on every side, but
not a sign of life was there.
The ruins of the ranche still smoked, and
occasional shoots of flame darted up from
beneath the timbers. But beforft the black
ed mas lav a ghastly eight. It was Xhe
Imdy of the watchman, who had, been mur
dered and literally cut to pieces by the fien
dish enemy.
The charred remains of the two who had
been killed within were visible, and the
spectacle wis a sickeninc one, although Na
thans lauf hed as he looked upon it.
Nearing the barn, the villain exclaimed:
"Boy, open the door for us!"
The lad advanced and did so; but he
started back, and exclaimed :
"O, I cinnot look upon h-?r face again
it would kill me! You will-find the bodr,
sir. near the further end of the barn. Go
in, for I cannot." t
Nathans gazed in at the door, ana ap
peared to examine the interior of the place.
He was evidently satisfied, for he exclaim-
"I don't see anv living being here; but
there is a heap of half burnt rags, I suppose
all that is left of Atrnes is in there.
As the villain spoke he entered the bam,
and the savages followed him.
The boy crouched low, watching the
wretch and his red fiends, until they bad
disappeared from view. lie manifested
considerable excitement, and then leaped
to his feet, and ran to the .ruins ot the
ranche. lie seized a blazinsr faeot and re
turning a tew steps toward the barn, applied
it to a train of powder which had been pre
vionsly laid. The flash shot up, and crawl
ed like a fiery serpent to the building in
which the wretches were standing. In an
instant after, there came a terrible explosion
and the murderers, together with the bia
sing masses and broken limber were hurled
high into the air. They met a terrible but
merited doom. ....
Tn half an hour after the husband re
turned. The boy explained matters, ad
ding : fr4
"I have saved our child, William, lkjt we
must go where the child will be in - no' fur
ther danger.
"Ye., my wife, we will do so."
The mother had been temporarily absent
from her dwelling, when the vidian
and the Indians came upon the ranche.
She had returned just in time to see her in
fant in the arms of Nathans. She had de
cided in an instant upon her plan of rescuing
it, nd she laid the trap. She disguised
horselfasthe boy, and tshe recovered her
darling; while she was terribly revenged up
on these who had murdered her friends and
despoiled her home. -
The Thoughts op a Daw If all the
thoughts which pass through the mind of a
person in' a day were gathered together and
placed in the order in which they first ap-'
peared, what a mountain of ideas would be
brought to view ! They would form a mon
ster quilt ot patchwork, checkered with
pieces of every shnpe, and size and hue.
They would prove time, space and order to
be nonenities compared with thought. The
speed with which they travel from place to
place as far exceeds that ol electricity as the
rapidity of motion of that annihilating sub
stance does an ordinary can&l boat. One
thought is resting upon the edibles for
breakfast, the next, in a second of time, has
traversed the universe and reached the sun's
centre, wandering what it is made of; while
the third is peering into the snow-wroaths
that circle round the topmost point of Mont
Bianc. Then follows half a thought on
death, twenty on the means of keeping a
live ; two on the former Presidents and ten
on the Presidentelect ; three on a new coat,
and one onTgetting a pair of boots mended ;
six on change of life, and twelve on the
change in the pocket. And if the thinker
should chance to be an editor, a thought of
pieC' a e n shocking murders, horrible acci
dent, funny stories, sentimental poetry and
telegraph news. Never for a moment is the
brain at rest only differing in intensity, the
mind or the giddy maiden'and the profound
philosopher are ever busy with thoughts,
noble or commonplace, revelling in pleas
ure's busy whirl, or soaring aloft into the
mysteries of the universe.
Slander. It seems a little thing to slan
der our neighbor; to repeat all ihe harm we
have beard of him, to whisper away repu
tation, and stab him in the dark. Yet it is
a great matter to him. though a small thing
to us. We enn never know the amount of
repeating all the harm of him that we have
heard. The human heart is prone to slan
der, and we should watch ourselves careful
ly when we find that we are about to speak
of our neighbors. e heard a lady once
say. "I make it a rule never to repeat any
thing bad that. hear of another ! I am re
solved that I will never take part in injuring
anyone." What a wise resolve ! Would
that all made it the golden rule of their
life. IIow much misery would be spared,
how much more kindly would be cur intnr
cou've with each other. Why, the world
would be like Kden without the serpent.
But instead of hiding tlie evil that we b.ave
beard, how eagerly we spread it ; how we
gloat over the story ; how glad we are o
pour it into theeara which open $o gladly
to receive it. Deprive us of all that great
staple of conversation, slander, and some of
r-n would bo at a loss what to talk about.
Would that we were only as anxious to tell
the good we know of our acquaintances as
we are to tell the bad ; what, o chaiuiing
thing society ic:-"y would be. There are
people to whom slander is the very breath
of their lift ; social spiders, hideous and
venomous in pecivt, and in darkness they
weave their webs of distraction. They are a
curse to society, a canker to their friends,
and a disgrace lo themselves.
The law of uatuie is, that a certain quan
tity of woik is necessary to produce a cer
tain quantity of good, ol any kind whatever.
If you want knowledge, you must toil tor it ;
and it pieasure, you must toil tor it. But
men do not acknowledge this law, or strive
to evade it, hoping to got their knowledge
and food and pleasure for nothing ; and in
this effort they either iaii of getting them,
and remain ignorant and miserable, or they
obtain them by making other men work for
their benefit ; and then they are tyrants and
robbers. Yes. and worse than robbers. I
am not one who in the least doubts or dis
putes the progress of this century in many
things useful to mankind; but it seems to
me a very dark sign respecting us that we
look with so much indifference ifjfn dishon
esty and cruelty in the pursuit "of wealth.
In the days of Nebuchadnezzar it was only
the f it that were part of iron and part of
cay; but many of us are now getting so
cruel in our avarice, that it 6eems as if, in
us, the heart were part of iron and part of
Many a uiaq is rich without money.
Thousands of men with nothing in their
pockets are rich. A man born with a good
heart and good limbs, and a pretty good
head-piece, is rich. Good bones are better
than gold, tough muscles than stiver, and.
nerves that flash fire and energy at every
furction, arc better than houses and lands.
It is better than landed estate to have had
the right kind of a father and mother. Good
breeds exist among men as readily as among
herds and horsas. Education may do much
to check the tendencies or to devolop f.ood
ones, but it is a good thing to inherit the
right proportion ol faculties to start.
man is in some sort divine," said the an
cient German. "Woman," says the follow
er of Mohammed, "is an amiable creature,
wito only aeiids a cae." "Woman," bays
the Kuropean, "is a being nearly our equal
in intelligence, and perhaps our superior in
tideiity." Everywhere something detracted
from our dignity 1 a god in one country;
muzzled or imprisoned in many others;
and sometimes "the best friend of his mas
ter." IIow is this for1 high ? "Life is the gar
nered condensation of objective impressions;
aud, as the objective is the remote father of
the subjective, so must individuality, which
but focised subjectivity, suffer and fade when
the sensation lessens, by which the rays of
impression are condensed, become destroy
ed and exterminated." .
A lady at sea. full of apprehensions in a
gale of wind, cried out, among other pretty
exclamations, "wo shall go to the bottom !
Mercy on us, how my head swims !"
"Zounds,-madam, never fear," paid oue of
the sailors, "you can never go to the bottom
while your head swims."
The strongest kind ot a hint a young la
dy asking a gentleman to see if one of her
rings would go on his little finger. ,
In 1S61-2 there lived in Monroe county,
Mississippi, a planter Darned Woolcy. Lie
was a half-breed, at least there was a good
deal of Cherokee Indian in him. He owned
about two hundred slaves, and had all the
worst habits of the old-stiuie planter drink
ing, gambling and hotse-racing. These
pursuits alternated formed his sole exupa
tion, the plantation being uiauaged by an
overseer, lie had the sole virtue of posses
sing a sort of Indian veneration, for the sa
creduess ol his word. He would not exe
cute a note for any purpose whatever, and
held ali meu in sovereign contempt who vi
olated their pledged word. He had no com
punction in killing a man in what he deem
ed a just q,uarrel ; but his word was good as
was his bond, 'i bis was his well known
character, and he could have got thousands
on his word ea.sier thau other men could
have got hundreds. At the time we speak
of he had killed several. persons in gambling
quarrels, and he was looked upon as a man
not to be crossed except at the risk of life.
One night while playing cards in Colum
bus, j quarrel arose about the game. His
opponent was a known desperado, and he
gave the lie to Wooley's statement about the
game. Bowies flashed out simultaneously
both were slightly wounded, when a lucky
biow laid Wooley's opponent dead on the
floor. Next morning vVooley was arrested
arrested because lie did not ore that it
should be otherwi.se. Wooley had carried
his killing so far that the judge felt bound
to commit him, in order to avoid the impu
tation of beiug effected either by fear of his
desperadoism or wealth. Accordingly to
jail went Wooley. The jailor was a weak
man weak in courage aud weak "to resist
the influence of a doueeur. After bearing
his confinement for a day or two Wooley seub
for the jailor.
"ee here Jim," said he, "you know me ;
you know I. never break uiy word. Now, 1
want to go out aud have a social game
with my boys. You can just leave me the
key, and when it cot's bed time I wiil come,
lock myself in, and it will be all tight."
This argument was enforced by material
considerations ; and night after night Woo
ley used to conic out end enjoy his noctur
nal liberty. The court sitting soon, he got
the eae put off, and giving bail in the sum
of 10,000, was released."
At the next term of the court, Wooley
was put upon trial ; the jury returned a ver
dict of guiliy, and the judge sentenced him
to one year in the penitentiary at Jackson.
The papers were duly made, out, and the
sheriff proposed to start with him for Jack
son, but Wooley demurred.
"You know, sheritr," said he, "that the
county is poor can't afford the trip and
so I'll just let my boy Caesar drive me down
to Jackson, aud save all expenses. Got the
The sheriff produced them, and ere he
was aware, Wooley seized them and put
them in his pocket.
"All right," said he, "I shall be off to
morrow morning."
The sheriif knew he li3tl a desperate cus
tomer to deal with, but when he reflected
that Wooley never broke his word, and had
besidoB.over IS 100,000 worth of property he
could'nt move, he made a virtue of necessi
ty, and left things to take their turn. ' '
True to his wordr Wooley left for Jack
son, and in due time arrived. Putting up
at the Mansion House he sallied out, visit
ed all the gambling hells with which that
town even then abounded, and the next
morning drove up to the penitentiary. En
tering the ward room, he inquired :
"Where shall I find the warden '"
"I am the man," said Colonel Dickson.
"Well, Pvc brought you a prisoner."
"Whore is he?" inquired the warden.
"Here, I'm the man," aud Wooley hand
ed over the sheriff s mittimus.
The warden was amazed. Had he a lu
natic to deal with, or had the. min killed
the shentt and then come to the prison to
defy him ( lie could not tell ; but he deter
mined quickly to keep the man since he of
fered himself.
"Now, "said Wooley.'let'sgoall through
this place and see how it looks," and
through they went. As they returned to
tlie gunru room, vooicy fcaj. talked so
pleasantly that the warden felt reassured,
and said iocoselv :
"Now, Mr. Wooley, what branch of the
business do you think you would like best ?
"To tell the truth. Colonel," said Woo
ley, "I never done a-day's work in my life,
and I don t think 1 d like any ot your cuss
ed trades. I'll tell you how we can fix it,
I'll clerk for you, just for the name of the
thing, and. we'll live jollily together till the
year's up.
The warden saw that he had a character
to deal with, and concluded that a man who
would go into prison on his own accord.
would-not run away, and acquiesced. Woo
ley stayed his year accordingly .nominal clerk
or companion by day, and a gambler by
night. He kept the ward supplied with
Havanas and a sly noot in the omce al
wavs contained the best of liquors. Hii
vear un. he left unregretting but rcerretted.
for .at heart he was a good fellow, and made
the warden acood companion.
' Such was justice in Mississippi' forty
years ago. but such an incident as this could
have hardly occurred elsewhere.
We envv men not only their success, but
their wives, -chambermaids, aud wine cellars
everything, in taet, put their virtues and
morals, .hverybodtwisucs to become a lit
tie richer, but who ever saw a person who
desired to become a little more good We
puu?c lur in ausnci.
t n 1 aura Afr Tirf inwlnn 11
better calculated to judge of pork than my
poor husband was. lie knew what good
hogs were, for he had been brought up with
them lrom his childhooa.
A correspondent of a paper having de
scrihfil thf Oliin as a sickly Stream, tho pA
itor appended the remark : "That's so !
1L 13 COI1UUCU to lis ucu.
A faehi.-innriln olftrlTVmail in Chit'Stirri Warn
- ....... . w.. ....... - j .
the sinners of his congregation that if thev
don't repent they will go to the "place of
eternal uneasiness."
Wyoming nurses calm the rising genera
tion bv singing :
"Nic little baby, don't gt in a f nry,
:Cani mamma' gone to ait on tfca jury."
Never be sorry for a generous thing that
you nave aone, even 11 is uctrayea.
TnE only blusterer from whom a brave
man will take a blow is tne wind.
The flowers of speech spring from the
root of the tongue.
Men who take things as they come along
i hieves.
CLAWED LUMBER The undersigned
havintr started in the Lumber business,
hear Osceola, Clearfield county. Pa., is now pre
pared to furnish pine boards, clear and panel
toff. As. Pine and Hemlock bills sawed to order
and shipped en short notice.
U.K. MALUMtSfcli.
Osceola Mills,
May 5, 1869-tf. Clear6eld co.. Pa.
K R A T Z E R,
Opposite the Jail.
Clearfield, Penn'a,
Dealer in Dry Oeods. Dress Goods, Millinery
GoodSj Groceries. Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Stone
ware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Flonr.
Baeon, Fish, Salt, etc., is constantly receiving new
supplies from the cities, which he will dispose ol
at the lowest market prices, to customers. Before
purchasing elsewhere, examine his stock.
Clearfield, February 9, 1 87C.
DR. A.M. 11 ILLS desirertoinform his n&tients
nd the public generally, that he hag asaociated
with him in tbe practice of Dentistry. S. P. SHAW,
I. D S , who ia a graduate or the Philadelphia
Dental College, acd therelore bai the highest
attestations of his Professional ekill.
All work done in the office I will hold mvself
personally responsible tor beinfr done in the most
satisfactory manner and highest orderof the pro-
An established practice of twentv-two rears in
this place enables ma totpeak to jay patrons with
ngaenients from distance should be made
by letter a few days before the patient designs
coming. Clearfield. Jane 3, 1868-ly.
JJ O M K I N D U S T R Y 1
Made to Order at the Lowest Rates.
The undersigned would respectfully invite the
attention of theoitixens of Clearfiel i nnd vicini
ty, to give him a cull at his shop on Market St.,
nearly opposite Hartswick & Irwin's drug store,
wnere ne is prepared to make or repair any thi ag
in his line.
Orders entrusted to him will be executed with
promptness, strength and neatners, and all work
warranted as represented.
I have now on band a stock of extra french
calfskins, superb fraiter tops, As., that X will
uoitn up at tneiowest figures.
June i:ith, 1S.0. 1IAS1KL COSSEUT
Clearfield county. .
The undersigned, having opened a laree and
well solected slock of roods, at Bald iiilli. Clear
field county, respectfully solicit a share of public
iheir stock embraces Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hard ware. Queensware.Tin-ware, Hoots and Shorn.
Hats and Caps, ready-made Clothing, and a gen
eral assortment of Notions, etc.
lhey always keep on hand the beat quality of
Flour, and a variety of Feed
All goods sold cheap forcah, or exchanged for
approved country produce.
llaring also erected a Matin Mw Mill, they are
nredared to saw all kinds of lumber to order.
orders solicited, and punctually filled.
AOT.2U, ISS7. K. 11. A. Ill WIN
tv a "iunvrir r p
Clearfield county, Penn'a.
The undersigned having erected, durine the
past summer, a targe and commodious store room-
is now engaged in tilling it up with a new and
select assortment of Fall aod Winter goods, whioh
be offers to the publio at prices to suit the times
His stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual
ly extensive, and is offered to customers at from
(10 to 520 for a whole suit. Flour. Salt, and Gro
ceries, of every kind, a complete assortment;
Stores and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety: Ladies'
dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together
wiin an enaiess assortment or nonSs too tedious
to enumerate, always on baud, and sor sale verv
cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and other goods
in proporjion. jow is the time to buy.
Country produce of eve"ry kind, at the highest
market prices, will be taken in exchange for
good;; and even Greenbacks will not be refused
for any artiole in store. xauwne my stock be
fore you buy elsewhere.
October 30.1847. '- II. SWAN.
Men, Youths and Boysenn batuplpird with fell
suits of seasonable and inshionabla clothing at
where it is sold at prices that will induce their
purohase. The universal satisfaction which has
been given, has induced them to increase their
s'ouk, which is now not surpassed by any estab
lishment of the kind in this part of the State.
Reizenstein Bro's & Co.,
Sell goods at a Very small proSt, for cash ;
Their goods are well made and fashionable.
They give every one the worth of his money.
They treat their customers all alike.
They sell cheaper than every body else.
Their store is conveniently situated.
They having purchased their stoek rt reduced
. prices they can sell cheaper tlan ethers.
For these and other reasons-persons should bay
Produce of every kind taken at the highest
market prices. Jlay IS, Ibc4.
Having just returned from the eastern cities
we are now opening a full stocc of seasonable
goods, at our rooms on second street, to which
thev respectfully invite the attention of the pub
lio generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed
in this section, and is being sold very low for
cash. The stock consists in part of
of the lie. I nnalitv.sucb as Prints. Delaines, Alpa
eas, Merinos. Ginghams; Muslins, bleached and
unbleached : Drillines. Tickings, cotton and wool
Flannels, Cassimers, Ladies' Shawls, Coat, So.
hi as. Hoods. Hoop skirts, Balmorals, Ae.. Ac, all
of which will be sold low ros cash. Also, a fine
assortment of the best oi
. M B N 8
consisting of Drawers and Ehlrts, Hats and Capt,
Bets and bnoes, nanuKercmeiu eravau, eio.
Also, Raft Rope, Dog Rope, Raltina Augur
and Axes. Nails and spikes, Tinware, Lamps ana
Lamp wicks and chimneys, etc, ete.
Also, Queensware. Glassware. Hardware.Groce
riet, and spices of all kinds. , In short, a general
assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail
store, alt cheap for cask, or approved eountry
g A M U E L I. S N Y I) E R,
CiiiiriiLD, Pa.
All work warranted to give satisfaction. A
good assortment of Watch-glasses and SeyS al
ways on band.
Kooma on Sooond Street, ppolte the Coort
House. March 2. 1870-tf.
siitsaa ia
A good assortment for medical pnrporei always
On hand.
January 27, lSSMStn.
Aeconnts received and interest allowed on daily
balances subject to check, at sight.
Mareh 2. I870-ly,
M K N s''
The undersigned -having recently added
to his former business, would respectfully
solieit an examination ol his stock. Being
. a practical Tailor be flatters himself
that he is able to offer a better
elan of ready-made work
- than has heretofore been
brought to this mar
Any one wishing to bay goods in this line
would save money by calling at his store,
and making their selections. Also,
a full supply of Gents'furnishing
goods always on hand.
Feeling thankful for pst favora.be would re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the
April 23,1869. n. BRIDGE.
' Intend to Fight it Out on
Tim Liner
Market Street, Clearfield, Pa.
; ; ; : notions,
Ladies', Misses and CbiHrens' Shoes,
The entire stock on hand will be sold at
and the stock -will be replenished every
sixty days, with the choicest and
best goods in the market.
(a few doors west of the Postoffioe,)
February 2, 1878.
SALT! SALTV.-A prime article '
urn lt, put up in patent
Having taken charge of this well-. owa Hotel,
the undersigned wuUld respectfully solicit a share
of the public patronage. Travelers will find the
avommodatluht caoal to these of any other house)
in this section. Charges moderate.
Dec 2. 188-tf. JOHN J. RrKD, Prop'r.
Home Ivni'srur TKa nnrl..;,.
ed having established a Nursery. vn the Pike,
halfway between Corwensville and Clearfield
Boroughs, i prepared to furnish all kiodsof Frul
trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen. Shrub
bery.Urape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Blaek
berry. Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Als
SibnanCrab trees.Quinse and early SearletRhea
barb, 1c. Orders promptly attended to. Addrea
Ang 3K18o. J.U. WRIUHT.CurwensvilU
C J. HAYES, SmaEOrs Dehtist, OfiW
on Main Street, Curwensville, Penn'a.,
Will make professional visits for the eon vent'
enceof ef the public commencingin April, 18fi,
as follows, via : Lutbersburg.firit Friday of every
month; Ansnnville,firt Monday of every month;
Lumber City, first Thursday of every month;
spending two days in either p'lace. All ordes for
work should be presented oa the day ef his arrl
valin each place.
( Teeth extracted by the application of local
anatheia, comparatively without pain. All
kinds of dental work guaranteed.
N. B. The publio will please botice. that Dr.
H.. when not engaged , the above visits, may be
found in his office in Cnrwensville. (sp.l,'6S-ly
vew Foundry
in Curwensville.
The undersigned baviner entered into e part
nership, in the FOUNDRY BUSINESS, in
Curwensville. would inform the publio that they
keep on hand, and will manufacture to order,
Plows, Cultivators,
Stores, etc., ,
and every other description of artioles generally
made in a country foundry.
Terms reasonable. Old metal taken in ex
change for work.
A shsjeof patronage is respectfully solicited.
Feb.23,'7IMy. JAMES M. WELCH.
Curwensville, Pa.
(One door West First Nat. Bank.)
Having jnst returned from the East with a com
plete assortment of Good, suitable for the Spring
and bummer trade, we are now preparod to fur
nish all kinds of 6oodt
And after thanking our customers for their lib
eral patronage during the past year, we would
most respectfully ask for a continuance of the
uur stock eonsista or
Also, Flour. Baeon. Salt. Fish. Grain. Ae- Ae.. all
of which will hm sold on the most reasonable
terms. nd the hichest market trice paid for
Grain Wool and all kinda of lumber and eountry
Please give us a eall before purchasing elsewhere.
Satisfaction guaranteed at to quality and price.
Cor. Main a Thompson Stt.
April S0,'70 Cnrwensvillr, Pa.
E. A. Irvix & Co.,
Being specially engaged in the business of buy
ing and selling SQUARE TlMBERwould repre
sent that they are bow prepared to purchase tim
ber, delivorcd at either Curwensville, Lock Haven
or Marietta, or will take it at any of these point
and sell on commission, making such advance a
are necessary.
Those engsged in getting out Umber will And
at our store in Curwensville, a very Urge stoek
of STAPLE GOODS, of all description.
and everything necessary for use of Lumbermen.
RAFT ROPH.ef all siaes.kept on hand in large
quantities, and sold at a small advance, by the
Special inducements offered te those manufac
turing Bqeare Timber.
i. a. iRvnr a co.
Curwensville, Jan. It, 1878. -
English Currants, Essence Coffee, aad Time
rar ot the best quality. for sale by
NAILS A SPIKES fheeheapest Intheecunty
m . . . MOSSOP'S
rpHB highest mark. '1