$e "giaftzmaii'z goitrnaf, leaxfielb, ?a.5 4, 1870. 8, 'CLEAEFIELD, gA, MAY 4, .870. -r,.TIlol,sTo insure the safe transmission Jin.T by ml, patrons .honld remit by check oo.y-order, or We their letter registered. A reipt will be enclosed in the first paper after the money comei to hand: - : Tyrone and Clearfield Eailroad. ' u.il IfBin leaves Tyrone at : : ;., " M Arrives at Clearfield at : : 1- P- MlUlr.inl. Clearfield at : : : 2.- P m ' 'Arrive, at Tyrone at : : : :f.?.fW CennecM with Cincinnati Expres. Em at 60 . J Mail West at 6 44 p, m ; Bald.fcaile . 1 ' ITMin AccommoaaTaon j.-" Leaves Clearfield at : : Philipshurg at Arrives at Osceola at : Leaves Osceola at Phillr-sbarg at : Arrives at Clearfield at : 7.00 A. 10 A. M 10.15 A. M. 2 00 p. ar. 2.30 p. M. 5.45 P. . j;EIjIornrs. Divine pervices will be held 0e xi Sabbath, in Clearfield, as follows : By llev. Hall, in St. Andrew's Episcopal clinch, at 1 1 A. M. and 7 1. M. Sunday -hool at 3 T. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eveuing r-.t 7 o'clock. By Hev. Liutler.in the Presbyterian church, morning and evening. Saliaath school at 3 1'. 31. Prayer meeting every Weduesday evening at 7 o'cloc-k. Uy llev. J. H. M Cord, in the Methodist church, mornins; and evening. Sabbath choul at 9 A- 31- Prayer meeting, every Thursday at 7 P. 31. Communion services First Sabbath of every month at in A. M. St. Francis' church Mas at 10J A. 31., the second and fourth Sundays of each Booth. ... Covrt. Persons interested will bear in mind that Court commences on the first Monday in June. Sai.f.s of Real Estate. Below we give a lit of the Deeds, as entered of record in the Recorder's office in this county, for the week ending Monday, 31 ay the 2d, 1870, together with the consideration named, where located, and the naiues of the grant ors and grantees : Deed. EUeanor and Algernon Hidden and others to Catharine llolden, for lot of ground in I'ike tj. Consideration $5. Deed. Win. 1 Midrkle to David Coul tor, for 7S acres in tJ irard tp. Considera tion Deed, David Coulter to Anderson Mar ray, for S acres in Girard tp. Considera tion $500. Deed, Einanual Bvieh to Andrew Walls, f.ir ut acres in .Armstrong Co. Considera tion fSlh). Deed. Win K. W'riley. Trea. to Tl. II. Shaw, for 13 acres in Lawrence tp. Coiisid eration S7.35. Deed, J. C. Smith ,t Co. to John Peel. 4'r acres in Brady tp. Consideration th.Ki. Deed. Georee A. B.ial to Joseph Bailey, for 9 acres in Pike tp. Consideration $ 1 ,200. Deed. John Patton to Joseph Bailey, for lot in Curwensville. Consideration $300. Deed. John 31. Chae to John Rowle, f.ir 39 acres in Woodward tnp. Considera tion f 4. Deed. Horace Ileeman to P. F. Coplin. f.r lot in Decatur tp. Cn:deration $3'). Iced, Joseph B. MeEnally to Catharine Kiine, for hit in Wallaeeton: Considera tion Sl.tHW). Deed. Andrew S. Moore to Reuben Lew is for "i acres ia l-erjjusou tp. Considera ti.m t'l'.O. IWd, Mile Dent to Mary A. Lewis, for .Vi acres in Ferguson tp. Con-ideration Deed, Jacob P. S;m!co to O.virjr:; Thorn, for lot in Clearfield. Consideratio;i $:50O. Deed, Wm. V. Keating to Jos. Owens, fir 99 acres in Lawrence tp. Consideration $-97. De.l. K. B.-Witfton & Davis to T. & C. 11. II. Co., for lot in Decatur tp. Consid eration $1. A H'ttti'.Tu.K and Fatal Accident. Tt h wi;h tecling of intense sadness, that we te.Mrd. thi week, one of the most distress inj ari'I heartrending aceidesits that ever oe c;irred in our county. O i Wednesday last. A;.ril 27th. .Mr. John II. Hoover, of Law rence township, was aeciuentiy killed, on the siw mill of (i. D. Ooodfe'Iow. Ej., situate on tlic river, a:id at the mouth of Montgom eiy creek, two inTes south of this plare, by beine caught in the "bull-wheel" rope while engaged in drawing lo.c upon the mill. A bout o'clock, A. M.. 3Ir. II. was observed floating sonii logs down the ram, which was t?i? last seen nf him until near 1 o'clock, P. 31., when his lifeless remains were discover ed on the hull-wheel haft, and still revolv 1"?. The wheel was stopped and the body removed. The siuht was a horrible one. IIi arms and legs were so terribly brokeu that the bones protruded through the fles.h several inches the head crushed in on one ViJe so as to forco lh left eye entirely out of its socket and, in fact, almost his entire b dy was a crushed and mangled mass the r ie having passed over the body and around t!:e 5iaft of the wheel some twenty-five or thirty times. How the accident precisely wurred is mere conjecture, as Mr. II. was alone upon the mill at the time, but from in "oatiyna it would seem the rope was not winJuig right and that he attempted to ad-;u-t the same, when it caught his hand and was unable to extricate himself. The ?H parents have the sympathies of the ntire community in their sad bereavement, ni h- many friends and neighbors deeply lacr.t his sudden and terrible death. The K'ja-ed was a single man, of sober and in 1 i-tr;cus 1 abits, and ibout 35 years of ags. To i much care caanot be exercised with fii.liiiitry of this character. The bull irel ha!t, upca which the rope is wound ,r' raw the logs from the dam, being so ar ranged that its motion is continuous unless hrwn out of gear ; and in this case the I ' wer of the wheel was so great that it take a 1 i inch cable. Had a friction wheel bren ustd, which reijuiras the weight of- a ""in on the lever to draw up a log, such an Evident could not occur, for if a limb of the 'eratorwas to get under the rope,or crush -e 1 by the rolling of the log, it would remove the weight from the lever at once, and the tu-e would become clack and the motion of the log cease. This is the second fatal ac cident that has occurred in this neighbor bood, within two years, Jrom the use of the continuous motion. Had the power been applied by friction, in both of these cases, the motion of the log would have been in stantly stopped, and the fatal results pre 'ented. Would it not be well if mill own er were to give this matter some attention, nd endeavor to have their machinery so ad osted as.ro prevent the recurrence of simi 3r aidentx- - - - Early Goodrich Potatoes, for sale at $1 per bushel, by A. M. Hills, Clearfield. 2t New Goods. Jlessrs. Hartsock and Goodwin, of Curwensville, advertise a large stock of new and seasonable goods, at the lowest cash price?. Purchasers are request ed to give theiu a call. Fire in the Forests. Within the past week, extensive fires have been raging in the forests in various parts of this county, no doubt, destroying much valuable timber. Xo other damage has been done, so far as we kuow. Marble AYorks. The advertisement of Mrs. S. S. Liddell, announcing that she is prepared to furnish all kinds of Ctmetery work, appears in another column. Mrs. Liddell is worthy the patronage of a gener ous public. Give ber a call. The Annual Sunday School Convention will be held at Harrisburg on the 14th, 15th and ICth days of June. Al intereted a:e' invited to attend. Delegates can procure excursion tickets by sending their names to Rev. Thos. II. Robinson, or John 31. Say ford, Secretary. Presto. Change ! Mr. Eugene Blitz -son of the old Signor will give one of his inimitable exhibitions at Leavy's Hall, on this (Wednesday) evening. Persons who have never seen the wonderful things per formed by this famed Mimic and Magician, should by all means attend. To Travelers. In our advertising col umns will be found the card of A. J. Draucker, who has just re-opened and re fitted the well known Eagle Hotel, in Cur wensville. G uests stopping at this house are assured that they will receive proper at tention and care, as there is not a more clever and accommodating landlord in the county. Ho! ye Thirsty. For the information of the public, we would state that the "thirsty' ' can obtain the best Champagne nectar,. Ti a or Coffee, cold and sparkling, from A. I. Shaw's Soda Fountain. Having just returned from the East, he is also re ceiving and opening a gobd assortment of imported perfumes, brushes and toilet arti cles, which will be sold cheap. Don't fail to give hi ui a call. Meterolouical report for the week ending April 28.h, 1870, from three daily observations, as furnished by E. Fenton, of Penn tp. 3Iai. of Thermometer, 78 on April 24th. Min. 36 on April 2Cth at 7 a. ra., but down tc 25 at 5 a. ni., with heavy fros. 3Iean of the week, 53. Max. of Barometer 28.40, on the 2Gth. Min. 28.05 on April the 28th. Range 35. 3Ican of Barometer for the week 28.20. Depth of water fell dur ing the week, .025 of an inch. The week mostly clear and diy throughout, except a slight drizzle of rain on the 28th. Apple trees coming in leaf fields and meadows green. List op Lettets remaining unclaimed in the Pof Office at Clearfield, May 2d. 1870; R. P Allebach, John L Barr, John Hark. Mips Celia Bight. Miss C. M Hrickett, Mrs. C. S I'ir'on Mis Linnio Conrad, Valentiiie Culp, I) D. DeRerk, Jo.ph Fngol, Pat i'innel. Samuel liable, M C. Hall. Vim Il.skell. lieorge W. Ilr.yne", F. M Hrtekenhcrrj, J V Hull. C. S Luther. fi?nrgo Lur..ar. ri Sarah .McFarlanl. Miss Majrie Meioarin tVro. A Atunre, Wm. Mahaffey, Mr Jljr.lwell, Rtv. .Mrs. tieo. Newell; Wnv O Krien; Florence Oleary. Andrew Pendergrast, J.T. Uobins. ieorge U Richards. John T Smith. MifS Ella li Smith, Jenny K. Smith. Mrs Jane P Snackman. PJohn S SheJd. Wm. Simpson (2, Schuni.:k A Whif.Ies.-y K K. Ward. 3) Jacob B Way, Christian Wanicl, Harvey Wilson, Alhian Welch. Martha Welsh. Mis M.-ir? A. Woods, J. R Wilson. Wm. Whajre ek, Mr J. Werla. Joseph D Wescott, John A. Wenesi, . P. A. Uaulin, P. M. MAR3IED. On Sunday, May 1st, 1870. by H. J. Sloppy. E-q., Mr. Jacoh W. Downnictc.of Heading, Pa., and Mrs. Hannah Elenbar r.Eti, ot Knox township, Clearfield Co. Pa. DIED : On Sunday, April 24th, 1870, Susannah J. Collins, of St. Clair, Sehuylkili county, Pa., ig'ed 38 years, 5 months and 13 days. - Iir Lawrence township, on Monday, April ISth, 1870, Mary Emma, daughter of .Mat thew Taylor, aged 19 years, 5 months and 1 8 days. Clearfield Setail Markets. CORRr.CTID WEEKIiT BT R. HOSSOP. Apples, dried, lb, 12 1 Applet, green, bu. I 50 Applebutter. gal, 1 00 Butler, lb. Beer, freirh, lb, . tecf, dried, lb, Kuck wheat, hn. Buckwheat Hour. Ib Beans, bu. Boards, per M Corn, shelled, " ears, " meal. Chop. rye. - m i xed Cheese. Ib. Cherries. Ib, Chicker.s.drcs?ed.lb. 15 Eggs, 23 Flour, bbl. S 50 40 10 25 25 5 2 50 14 00 1 25 60 3 00 3 00 2 50 25 11 Hay. tun, 20 00 Hams. lb. 25 Shoulders, lb, 18 Sides. Ib, 18 Lard. lb. J5 Oate, bu. ffO Onions, bu, 1 25 Pork. Ib. 14 Pork, mess, bbl, 35 00 Potatoes, bu, 90 Plaster, bbl. 3 50 Peaches, dried, lb. 1 5 Rye. bu, 1 35 Raps, Ib. , S Salt, per aaek. 3 00 Shingles, IS in. -- 00 Shingles 25 in. 12 00 Timothy eced, bu, 5 00 Wheat, bu, , 1 SO Wool. Ib, 45 c LOStNiJ PRICES OV DeHAVEN 4 BRO., 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia. 3 odock, P. M., April SJth, 1870. I" ! of LSSI, 114 1'. S. 6 s of l-ifi2, 110 U S. 6 s of 1S64, 190 I". S. 6 a of 1S65, 10Vi V. S. 6"of ISfij. new, I0S U. S. 6 a tf ISS7. new, 109 U. S. 6"of ISfiS. 10i f S. 5 e, 10-40'. . V. S. 30 year 6 per cent Cy., 1 1 2 Due Compound Interest Notes, 19 Gold. 114 Silver, -. " 18 I nion Pacific R. R. 1st M. Bonds, 820 Central Pacific R. R.. 950 I'niun Pacifie Land Grant Bonde, 720 m . CLOSING QUOTATIONS of Government rities. Gold, etc . at James T. Brady A No. C3 Wood Street; Pittsburg. Pa. Saturday, April 30, 1S70. buy. Gold, lUi W S. 6'i. 1SSI. 109J U. S. 5-20 e IS62, I0SJ U. S. 5-2u"s 1SJU, . MS V. S. 5-20 1S65, 19 U.S. 10-40 1, H7 &-20 a. January A July,m5, H8t 5-20 January A July,lS67, 118 Due Compounds, Union Paeifis Railroad, Central Pacifie Railroad. 1I4J 110i 109r . 109 10i 10i 109 lrns 112 1151 110 830 960 730 Secu Co , Mil 114J 110 fOSJ 109 110 1171 11SJ HSf 87 90i 12 A GREAT OFFER HORACE WATERS, No . 4S1 Broadway, New York, will dispose of One Hundred Pianos, Melodeons and Organa, of eix firvt clase makers, at extremely low prieca tor cash during this month.or will take from 65 to f 25 monthly until paid. New 7 Octave Pianos for S275 and upwards. New Organs for $45 and upwards foreaso ( Ap 1.1,'70-ly. m m ' By J.W. Mascft, CI .-; 220 p., 51 50. Free by mail on receipt of price.' Masgbt A Whitos. New York. fAp.l3-3m. WHO HAS A HOUSE TO PAINT? READY-MADE COLORS. Known as "Railroad'" Colors Guaranteed tube more economical, more durable and more conveni ent than any Paint ever before offered. A book entitled "Plain talk with Practical Painters," with samples, sent free by mail on applicatioa. MASURY WHITON. Globo White Isad and Valor Worh, A p. 13-3m 1 111 FulloH St.. Krw York. Beware of Imitations. Established 1835. THE HINKLEY FAMILY KNITTING MACHISE. Trice $30. Every family in the country needs one. It knits everything lrom a mitten to a blanket. A child 12 years can learn to work it in an hour. It is operated the same as a sewing machine by hand or foot. It uses but one needle, and is the perfection of beauty and usefulness. Circulars with cuts and lull particulars free to everybody. Agents wanted in every ecunty. Apply quickly. HINKLEY KNITTIXG MACHINE CO., apt 1-3mJ 176 Broadway, iV. Y., or Bath, Mt. THE NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE 294 FAfPTTE 294 BOWERT. A XLKXi BOW KB. Y. The extraordinary success of thoirnow and im proved manufacturing Machines for iightor heavy work, has induced the EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a new Family Machine ot the same style and construction, with additional ornamen tation, making it equal in beau'y and finish with other family machines.wberea in usefulness it far OUTSTRIPS ALL COMPETITORS. The price" of this now acknowledged necessary article comes within reach of every clans, and the Company is prepared 10 offer the most liberal inducements to buyers, dealers and agents. Every Machine warranted, Apply for circulars and samples to EMPIRE SEWING MACftlNE CO., Ap l3-3m No. 2'J4 Bo very, Nttr York. B ANKING HOUSE OF HENRY CLEWS & CO., (United States Treasury Buildings), 32 WALL STREET, JY. Y. The buaincs of our house is the same in all re spects, as that of an Incorporated Bank Checks and Drafts upon us pass through the Clearing House. Corporations.Firins and Individuals keep ing Bank Accounts with us, either in Currency or Goid, will be allowed five Fer cent, interest per annum, on all daily balances, and can check at iight without notice. Interest credited and ao count current rendered monthly. We are prepar ed at all times to make advance! toour dealers on approved, collaterals, at the market rates. Certificates of Deposit issued, payable on de mand, or after fixed dale, bearing interest at the current rate, and available in all partu of the country. Collections made promptly everywhere in the United States, Canadas and Europe. Divi dends and coupons promptly collected. Wo buy. sell and exchange all iwue? of Government Bonds at current market prices. Orders exei uted tor the purchase or s lie of Gold and exchange, also for State, City end all other first-class securities. Special attention given to the negotiation of Rail road, State, City and other corporate loans. We are prepared to take Gold accounts on terms the same as for currency, to receive gold on de posit, bearing interest and subject td ebeck at sight, to i-sue go.'d certificates of deposit, to make advances in gold, agiinst currency and other col laterals. and to afford Banking facilities generally upon a (told basis April 13-lm. COUNTV DIRECTOR V TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday in June. 2 w 3d 4th in March, in May, 4th 2d in Sept 2 w. in Nov 2 w. COUNTY AND DISTRCT OFFICERS. Pres't Judge As te Judges Sheriff. . . . Prothonolary, Keg. & Kec. District Att'y Treasarer. . . Co. Surveyor t urumiss u rs, Audltdra. Coroner. Co.Superind't llon.Chaa A Mayer. -lion. Samuel Clyde. Hon. Jacob Willhel Cyrenus Howe, . . Aaron I. 1 ate, . Asbury W. Lee, W. M M Cullough, Lever Flegal.. . . S. F McCloskey, . Othello Smead, . Samuel Shaffner, Samuel 11. Uiudman Clark Browu, . . Price A. Rowles, . Jobn D. Miller, . . James A. Moore, . Geo W. Snyder, . Lock Haven. Clearfield, a Grabamton Clearfield. Curwensville N. Washington Clearfield. , Glen Hope. . Clearfield. N Millport. . llurd. . Clearfield LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Townships. Names of P.O. Names of P.M. Ueocaria. - - Glen Hope, - - Homer L'uBree,' " . Utahvillc, - - - S. McFarland, " - Hegarty'iX Roads Samuel Hegarty Bell, - - - Bower, - S A.Korahaugh Chest, .... Thos.A. M'Uhee ... Cush; -J.W Campbell. ;i .... Oftend. ... - 11. L. Henderson Forrest. - - - - Algernon llolden - - Clearfield Bridge, -Jai. Forrest. . - Wallaeeton, - - Jobn E Moore - Woodland. - - - W.n. Albert. - . Wm's Grove, - Brady, - - - Luthereburg, " ... Troutville. " - - Jefferson Line. - Burnside, - NewWaahington Bloom, - Hoggs, - Bradford, - Ed. William - L. B. Carlile - Mrs. C. Weaver . John Heberlin. Sam'l Mct'une Burnside. 2 Matthew Irwin. . . i Patchinville, - Jack Parchln. --- East Ridge, - W Sumnierville Chest,- - - - Hurd, - - Lewis J. Hnrd " - - - McGarvey. - - - Wm McGarvey ... Westover, - - - S A. Farber. Clearfield, - Clearfield. - - - P. A. Gaulin Covington, -frenchviHe, - - Claud. Barmoy " - - - Karthaus, - - .- John Reiter Curwensville Curwensville, - - Charles Hoel Decatur, - Philipsburg. Centre county, Pa. - - West Decatur, - - Lever Smeal, Ferguson, - Marron, - - - John P Straw. Girard, - - - Leconte's Mills. - Augu's Leconte, " ... Bald Hills, - - Alea. Irwin. Goshen, - - Sbawsville, - - H. U. Morrow. Graham, - - Grabamton,; - - Thos. II. Forcey Guelich, - - Smith's Mills, Jos. O. Genoa. . " .... Allemans' - - Henry Alleman. Huston, - Tyler. - - Miw K.J. Tyler. - - - PennfieU, - - Frank Bowman. Jordan, - - Ansonville, - H. Swan Karthaus, - Salt Lick, - - Geo. Heckadern. Knox, - - - New Millport - H J.SIoppy. Morris, --- Kylertown, - - Ed. C. Brenner. ... Morrisdale. - - John Odell. Osceola, - - Osceola Mills.- - T. F Boalich. Penn, - - - Lumbet City.t - H W. Spencer. " .... Grampian Hills, Jona. Wall Pike, .... Curwensville, - Chas. Hoel. Unioh, - - - Rockton, - - . D. E. Brubaker. Woodward. Jeffries. . - - James Lockett. . ; . . i Madera. - - - - J.G Derby. 4, This Post Office w'll ,do for Chest township. t Will answer for Ferguson township. STATE & C STATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Governor. - - - John Vf. Geary, Cumberland, See'yofCom. - Frank -Jordan, - Bedford, Dep. Secretary, J. M. Weakley, 4 Auditor Gen - John F.Hartranft, Montgomery, Surveyor Gen.- J. M. Campbell, - Cambria, Attorney Gen. - F. C Brewster, - Philadelphia Adjutant Gen. - D. B. M"Crea?y. - Erie, State Treasurer, Wm. W Irwin. - Beaver, Sup. Com Sch"e J. P.Wickersham, Lancastar, Deputy Sup't. - C. R. Cobum, - - Bradford, ?tate Librarian, Wien Forney, - - Dauphin, St'PBBUB CorHT. Chief Justice. Jamea Thomp son! Associates. Henry W. Williams, John M. Reed, Daniel Agnew. George Sharswood. Ses sions, Philadelphia, 1st Monday of January. Har risburg, 4th Monday of April. Sunbury. 1st Mon day of October Pittsburg, 3d Monday of October. OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES. President. Ulysses 3. Grant, - Illinois. Vice President, Schuyler Colfax, - Indiana. See. of State, - Hamilton FUh. - New York. See. of Treaa'y, Geo. S. Boutwell, Massachusetts Seo of War, - Wm. W. Belknap, Iowa. See. of Navy.,- Geo. M. Robeson, New Jersey, See. of Interior Jacob D. Cox, - - Ohio. P. M. Gen. . - J. A. J. Creswell, Maryland, Attorney Gen. - U. R. Hoar, - - Masaaebusetui Sr-inw fao-RT Chief Justice. S. P. Chase, of Ohio. Associate Justices Nathan Clifford, of Maine, Samuel Nelson, of New York, David ua vis, of Illinois, Noah H. Swayne, of Ohio, Sam uel F. Miller, of Iowa, Stephen J. Field, ef Cal. Salaryef Chief Justice $6 500, of Associates Jo, -600. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LARDS roB TAXES For 1860 and previous years. NOTICE isnaRBBveivBS.that in pur tuance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 1 2th day of June,A.D. 1S15, entitled "An Act to amend an Aet directing the mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field county." will be exposed to Public Sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House 'in the Borough of Clearfield, on the Seo ond Monday in June, A. D. 1870 : Ac. 88 53 50 26 99 71 232 151) 85 433 399 S49 181 134 104 215 433 433 30 330 2!6 828 74 100 300 SO 174 176 100 118 118 186 89 76 47 BECCARIA T0WSSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes.. John Mailer, 26 00 Teter Miller, 18 80 Fred'k Hubley, 16 20 John Bausuian, . 9 42 Frmi'k Ilawman, 32 08 Thomas Billington, 24 00 Philip Mjsoncope, 75 16 John Mysoncopo, 48 60 Michael Musser, 28 54 John Fordney, 141 32 John Wituior, 129 32 Henry Witmor, 114 08 William Wilson, 40 50 Jacob Krug, 43 42 John Gibson, 33 40 Kobert Wilson, 69 66 William Grsy, 104 21 John Millef, 104 21 John Ketland, 9 tl Martin Fautz, 81 00 Jacob Faut, 96 00 George Musser, 79 80 Thomas Gibson, 23 30 John Beam, 32 40 Jacob Krug, 88 48 Win. Pluutket. 9 72 Adam Mysoncope, 57 38 Jere. Mvsoncope, 67 02 Keaggy 32 40 Fred. BVates, S8 24 Adam Kuhn, 40 50 Thomas Billington, 60 2H John Beams, 29 84 113 80 153 73 153 153 80 153 125 153 32 No. 5(520 57-16 4S6 35A5 5918 5019 42S7 51.19 59J5. 59H7 42S7 42S7 BELL T0WKSEIP. Ae Per. Warrai tees, etc. 560 Hetfry Beck, 71 Henry Beck, u 1000 half Henry Beck, 161 118 John Nicholson. iao nttiim oniiui on 400 2J3 Henry Beck. Nicklin A Griflitl Sicklln A Griffi.l Henrv Beck. mry Beck, Taxes llOl 77 13 16 92 52 46 81 63 67 , 21 76 139 81 50 22 17 25 20 61 , 6 22 , IS 41 74 00 33 50 B0OOS T0WHSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantee, etc. Tales. 196 John Thomas, - $39 20 234 76 Joseph Drinker, 47 80 48 76 II. S. Drinker, 81 61 413 Wm. McCormick, 83 61 440 Nancv Boggs. '88 00 429 41 Malcolm McDonald, 86 88 42!) 41 John Bvers, 86 88 IM Barbara Snyder,. . 20 00 132. . George llootman, 33 00 4-J7 George Ayrus, . 64 00 427 31 Wm. Troutwine, 64 00 400 John Ream, 60 00 100 Hannah Stewart;' 20 00 139 27 John Montgomery, 34 61 49 Barbara Snyder, . 9 80 404 Blair M'Lanahan, 80 80 427 Jonas Steiiiheiser, 64 20 96 157 Richard Waple', " 20 20 96 Jas.C. Williams, 20 20 216 M ilson St Monson, . 43 20 125 G. Hootman, , 25 00 ,66 third Joseph Ball, 13 80 No. 5923 36 It Taxes BLOOM TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees to. Nicklin & Griffith.S41 09 J. W. Smith, , 47 65 A. K Wright, 22 20 Kirk A Whitmore. 37 39 Fenton A Sneneer, 2 22 Hhr A Fox. 12 29 3530 J 005 159 Roberts A Fox, 1U 68 3ol6 100 Jacob lliiger 1 1-.0 250 Da, id Irvin Est. 94 50 290 Ml 100 135 5 111 . B2AD50RD T0W5SHIP. Ac. Per. Warantee'c-.te. Taxes 324 Hugh Ely. , jTW- ' 102 35 John Car."' Tt" . 159 Hall & BiickT 17-3 John Vaughn, H0 JoIid Vaughn, - 250 Bltir M'Lanahan, . 437 17 Polly M'Laii.ilian, 109 Andrew Peters, 48 Matthias Slaymaker, SO Matthias Slaymaker, 200 52 France Wst, 100 .Neliemiali Mains, J Thomas Holt, 64 David Mains, 100 Josf Jih Powell, 50 Daniel Graham, 50 Horatio I). Hall, 127 V. B. Holt, 85 Win. Graham, 40 Alex. Dallas, 43 29 18 ? 20 80 82 45 8 70 34 80 57 08 28 47 8 36 6 53 34 80 17 40 87 11 17 13 05 8 70 8 70 23 09 14 79 7 36 r 40 Susanna Rayser, 6 65 85 John Hanna. 19 53 20 Robert Blaio, 4 85 175 Leonard & Clyde, - 88 10 200 Reynold Kaan, 84 80 46 Jobn G. Gray, 10 02 50 Mordica Shirk, 10 89 49 George Turner, 12 85 80 Andrew Petlit, 21 88 BRADY T0WSSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 492 303 W. Kirkpatrick, S75 06 626 215 Conrad Long. 51 32 5861 990 Jona. B. Smith, 406 10 58771 S46 Henry Wykoff, 260 63 5886 j 323 331 JohnDunlap, 119 22 195 100 Casper Stiver, 27 30 195 77 Casper Stiver, 2106 218 501 Christian Lower, 195 40 2009 650 Roberts & Vol. 253 60 13 421 Christian Lower, 174 21 1988 i 40w CarisifarfLoirer, 156 10 1994 385 RobertsAFox, 142 36 2010 604 RobertsAFox, 226 44 3580 995 94 Roberts A Fox, 389 16 20U9 61 1 Roberts A Fox, 2:i8 30 27 256 Benj. Henry, 99 84 155 135 Caaper Stiver, 62 66 276 472 Casper Stiver Sr., 194 08 92 83 62 George Sbafer, 32 38 65 R. 8. A J. Cathers, 19 94 323 Robt.8. Cathers, 89 14 100 Baum, 28 30 60 McGairy. 13 56 110 132 Christian Lower, 66 45 BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Wairantees. etc. Taxes. 200 Snyder & Burns, $52 80 300 Jere. Williamson, 105 60 324 Mary Crawford, 114 05 100 Leonard Hollis, 31 80 CHEST T0WHSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 100 158 John Boyd. $41 50 313 153 Josiah Haines, 131 91 433 153 Thomas Hamilton, 180 71 258 Jonas Ross, 107 97 433 153 John Cunninghatr, 145 89 433 153 John Cook, 134 89 433 153 Joseph Ewing, 13189 433 153 William Cook, 134 89 386 Isaac Kirk & Co., 162 39 100 31 Henry Pole, 47 65 140 - Fulton, 37 85 256 Miller t Crist, 106 24 22 Miller & Crist, 9 23 200 Mahafley & Mitchell, 49 50 433 Mathias Slough, 88 94 100 John 'Brenneraan, 26 05 61 . J. & II. Bretb, 22 25 600 Samuel McC'une, 75 70 100 John Witraer, 34 20 57 ' William Roland, 25 67 150 Jos. R. McMurray, 20 25 No. COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxe 5363 1083 George Mead. $76 36 5373 1I0 George Meal, 87 55 5374 1100 George Mead, 87 55 540S 1100 George' Mead, 87 55 a:;S9 1048 George Mead, 73 83 5370 1100 George Mead. 87 55 5410 1100 . George Mead, 87 55 5367 804 Oeorgo Mead, 59 63 5373 483 George Mead, 38 08 5404 325 George Mend, 22 92 5407 1000 George Mead, 71 50 1392 200 Morris A Stewart, 35 25 1940 175 122 Morris A Stewart 9 25 3941 133 Morris & Stewart 10 67 1891 283 Morris A Stewart 59 35 5377 1100 George Mead, 77 55 127 Emerick A Reiter, 8 97 200 II Burgett, 23 20 133 Charles Brown, 9 50 Ac. 241 123 4d8 358 203 106 49 34 73 433 152 391 100 50 202 404" 84 200 108 20 76 50 90 333 400 200 281 195 193 100 50 83 200 125 200 17 75 JJECATTJB TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 47 John Drinker, $98 75 John Skvxon, 50 44 Richard Thomas, 167 07 Jacob Downing, 146 61 Hugh Ely, b3 18 Jos. Hamilton, 43 42 John Skyron, 20 12 Wm. Montgomery, 14 93 Thos. Edmonson, 29 94 John Anderson, 167 62 Gilbert Vaught. 65 82 Thomas Billington, 133 87 Thos. Stewartson, 87 40 Robert Hallzumer, 13 75 Mary M'Lahahan, 73 72 Ann M'Lanahan, 91 91 Joseph Whitehall, 31 57 Mary M'L.inahan, 63 70 Jacob Downing, 40 31 Joseph Sansom, 7 28 William Sansom. 28 05 Thos Stewardson, 18 20 Jobn Drinker. 32 80 Thos. Edmomlson. 121 32 Samuel Hambletou, 128 40 Csper Haines, -. 82 80 Gilbert Viuj;ht, 102 39 Joseph Harrison, 70 98 Joseph Harrison, 72 08 Wm. Hoover, . 33 85 Thos. Stewardson, 13 65 Joseph Whitehall, 31 22 Jonathan Netsbit, 55 60 A. & J. Goas, 43 85 Sam'l. M Clurran, 74 80 Joseph Sansom, 7 13 David Stewart, S3 76 137 137 154 115 41 60 60 159 137 99 147 80 136 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 58 Matthias Slough, $10 45 433 153 George Ross, 78 99 74 Lewis Jordan, ' 19 73 50 Hiram Passmore, 10 80 100 John Hambright, 21 60 100 Adam Reigart 18 00 309 73 Jobn Donghtoo, 45 93 ISO J. 11. Furguson, 84 40 OIBARD TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 5356 1100 George Mead, f 61 07 5364 1066 George Mead, 63 46 5365 752 George Mevi, 39 87 5375 1082 George Mead. 59 20 5363 1140 Georgi Mead, 61 07 5372 1100' George Mead, 61 07 5379 641 George Mead, 47 00 5371 10S3 George Mead, 60 17 5360 1100 George Mead, 61 07 5358 1048 George Mead, 61 81 5354 1003 George Mead, 61 07 5359 1003 George Mead, 55 50 5355 1100 George Mead, 6107 I3?X 160 Morris A Stewart, 19 40 1931 54" 116 Morris Stewart, 72 04 1935 636 Morris A Stewart, 70 40 1924 408 100 Morris A Stewart. 37 74 1918 114 Morris A Stewart, 14 80 1890 254 120 Morris A Stewart, 51 64 3647 10 Morris A Stewart, 171 5352 794 George Mead, 173 15 5376 1100 George Mead, 244 20 5353 1100 George Mead, 244 20 5357 1100 George Mead, 244 20 3647 194 81 Morris A Stewart. 7 24 1889 227 125 Morris A Stewart, 17 81 3H43 283 56 Morris A Stewart, 21 88" 1929 33 Morris A Stewart, 2 47 1890 187 F. Berthand est, 13 85 1926 1 05 Stephen Buthand 7 69 1883 373 Morris A Stewart, 27 96 1917 346 Morris A Stewart, 26 61 3650 106 Morris A Stewart, 8 84 1887 456 Morris A Stewart, 33 75 1916 60 Morris A Stewart, 3 70 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. No. Ac Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes 5313 653 George Mead. iii 41 5317 1059 George Mead. 90 C 3 5313 1099 George Mead. 93 83 5319 1099 George Mead, 93 83 5320 1100 George Mead, 93 83 5321 1008 George Mead, 85 84 5323 1100 George Mead, 93 50 5314 760 George Mead. 96 90 5315 1000 George Mead, 127 50 5316 1000 George Mead, 127 50 5323 1100 George Mead, 93 60 5331 1100 George Mead, 3 50 5325 200 George Mead, 2 59 6134 09 Wm. Mapes, 38 25 1912 433 Morris A Stewart, 37 23 1884 1 1915 j 430 153 Morris A Stewart. 54 84 5324 1213 67 George Mead, 309 32 5326 1100 George Mead, 2S0 50 5327 1113 George Mead, 284 83 5329 1100 George Mead, 2H0 60 6329 1100 George Mead, 20 50 IOiiis 100 Amos Reeu. 35 00 1923 S63 G. Albeit A Bro., 32 03 1921 200 Wm A. Wallace, 17 00 1922 200 Morris A Stewart, 25 60 1336 999 15 Gil miV Garrison, 169 83 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Pur. Warrantees, ete. Taxes, 297 Thos. P. Copo, $41 88 198 John Skyron, 29 01 1 John Skrun, 2 36 145 T. Cope," 20 34 109 Geo. Moore, 40 98 340 Joseph Simons, 127 81 164 Bernard Grals, 233 12 130 Bernard Gratz, 133 80 10 Joseph Henry, 3 76 348 Joseph Henry, 81 77 100 Charles Hall, 38 60 41 C. J. Allport, 15 42 50 John Skyron, 4 60 Ac. 245 100 ... 48 114 349 96 134 158 433 260 98 126 116 100 100 180 GUELICH TOWNSHIP Per. Warrantees, etc. Bent. Wilson, Ricu'd Alherton, Geo. Moore, Geo. Moore, Philip Gloninger, John M'Calien, Edward Hand, John M'Cahen, John Lamtiblack, Benj. Wilson, John Winner, John Witmer, Daniel Fnlkerson, Robert Henderson, 153 Taxes. $80 29 28 70 13 79 110 21 88 4G 45 35 98 81 T4 72 28 12 37 21 19 03 28 70 8 20 13 91 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes I G. Ridder. S56 40 Dan'l Caldwell. 49 14 Moore A Delaney, 262 37 Moore A Delaney, 2 '? 37 Moore A Delaney, 2-52 37 ' Wm. Powers, 251 48 Wm. Powers. 231 60 27 Moore A Delaney, 80 97 15 James Wilson. 54 94 James Wi son, 139 01 James Wilson, 51 86 James Wilson, 77 99 James Wilson, 93 57 James Wilson, 93 57 James Wilson. 197 11 Willhelm Willink 93 61 James Wilson, 92 71 James Wilson, 119 86 Wm Powers, 17S 61 Wm. Powers, 218 41 E. Shoemaker, 84 73 E. Shoemaker, 22 25 James Wilson, 43 25 4236 500 Jamea Wilson, 94 50 200 195 5673 1041 5P74 1041 5675 1041 5066 990 5067 879 6672 347 4257 883 4264 990 4200 660 4182 990 4199 495 4199 495 4261 990 4902 420 4235 490 4225 740 5064 810 5065 990 375 101 2.0 5676 5677 567S 4181 35X9 2000 2fll 3592 1988 4200 4188 4I8S 4181 3593 3401 3600 3578 3576 3594 3597 3607 3584 35S5 3604 5063 4193 4256 4254 5679 252 11 13 6 8 15 4271 4271 547 147 1041 347 856 1020 109 900 429 330 140 250 495 1020 43T 899 733 903 1020 888 685 1020 1020 ny 297 927 888 927 1041 206 510 95 30 105 4 6 110 495 495 81 Moore A Delaney, 68 81 Moors A Delaney, 26 81 Moore A Delaney, 141 27 Jas Wilson's est, 23 22 Roberta Fox. 164 Roberta A Vox, 234 Rolerta A Fox. 20 Roberts A Fox. 130 23 Robert ir Fox, 91 James W'ilaon, 16 James Wilson, IS Jamea Wilson, 31 James Wilson, 24 60 Roberts V Fox, 192 20 Roberts A Fox, 83 151 Roberts A- Fox, 203 Roberta A Fox, 148 109 Roberts A- Fox, 171 60 Roberts A Fox, 193 35 Roberta A Fox. 167 65 Roberts Fox. 129 64 Roberts A Fox,' 193 64 Roberts A Fox. 193 136 Roberta A Fox, 179 Wm. Powers, - 65 23 James Wilson, 175 115 Janes Wilson. 167 23 James Wilson, 175 81 Moore A Delaney, 2S3 John Duulap, 65 Dubois fr Low, 110 Reynolds sub J. Nicholson, 20 u 6 109 23 j33r4WiIaon, James Wilson, 1 24 46 46 J0SDAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes. 224 153 Richard Peters, $59 81 433 153 Peter Kuhn, 61 06 209 Richard Peters, 67 82 433 153 Tfcoma Martin, 135 39 283 Rob.rt Martin, 43 20 91 135 Philip Loiist, 21 22 49 Win. Johnston, 6 50 100 Jonathan Jor.es, 16 59 UK) Richard Martin, 22 25 100 Richard Martin, 22 2-1 433 153 John Dunwoodie, 115 70 KARTHAUS T0WNBHIP.' No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes 5409 1100 5411 1100 5412 747 5413 1013 5406 neo 5414 1100 5405 167 1430 249 1095 97 1095 122 1097 100 1097 100 1097 89 43 200 1665 300 1665 356 1097 25 1096 61 500 122 83 89 18 37 ;33 255 144 25 60 100 11 George Mead. ltt 46 George Mead, 53 46 George Mead, 41 00 George Mead. 51 70 George Mead. 53 46 George Mead, 63 46 27 George Mead, 4 50 Wm. Smith, 67 82 129 Charles Willing. 9 81 Charles Willing, 12 30 Charles Willing, 11 14 Charles Willing, 11 14 Charles Williag, 7 22 J R. McClonkey, 5 78 Wm Michaels, 24 30 MoClosk v A Potter. 48 60 B. D liill. 56 70 Charles Willing, 2 04 Charles Willing, i 36 P. A SchnarraA- Co,8l 00 Daniel Yothflrs, Mary F.ggtins, F ir I. W hite, F. Ac I White, F. A I. White, Christian Brown, John Gi'liland. Jobn Giliiland, Olive Moore, Jobn McGonegal, Mary E Micheis, ilenry Y others 19 86 10 14 9 00 2 30 7 55 26 90 17 02 16 61 93 6 09 10 14 49 5298 110 5293 374 5289 .339 1995 33 1995 33 221 413 2W3 1020 90 35 74 46 9 ' 24 41 10 52TK) 488 6291 1100 1905 173 !W8 173 19V7 241 1913 37 1913 100 35 Out Lot Ac. 402 20ri 827 378 440 440 840 423 815 272 400 433 433 438 170 298 407 244 231 125 112 213 19 137 484 375 25 400 88 100 95 136 62 180 5e. George Mead,- 60 Off George Mead, 21 IS George Mead, 102 92 80 Roberts A Fox,- 6 03 80 Roberta A Fox, 8 99 Hugh Jordan, 25 84 Jobn Reed, S SO tO Roberts A Fox, 59 69 Robert Mitchell, 35 00 Wm. Montgomery, 44 46 J. M. Maeumoef, IT 23 J B. Garrison. 1 13 W. W. Snyder, 2 12 Isaae Conklin, 2 03 Jaa. B Shaw, 3 63 Israel Wfeholsy I 5 George Mead, 162 47 George Mead, 843 K Ellis Irwin A Son, 21 91 Ellis Irwin A Son, 21 77 Ellis Irwin A Son, 30 19 Ellis Irwin A Son, 4 13 ilenry Mead. 7 30 Alorgan, 13 &S Mordica Shirk, ' 1 97 . MORRIS TOWNSHIP Per. Warrantees, etc. Tales' George Wetcell, $64 51 William Werix, 82 66 Christian Werix, 61 66 David Laneh, 69 94 65 Joseph Tornet1, 69 53 19 Joseph Turner, 69 ffi Id Joseph Turner, 64 72 Getirge llabecker, 66 84 91 Jobn Read, 82 73 16 Robert Glenn, 48 85 John Huston, 63 20 15S Ch-ni Stocker,- 68 42 16S Jobs Vaughn,' 68 42 153 Jonathan Neabit, 68 42 Blair M Lanahan, 6 73 William Stewart, 47 19 Richard R. Smith, 16 80 James Smith, 19 27 Christopher Backer, 9 17 George Gates, 2 91 Hyman Grate, 17 69 Conrad Smarts, 83 66 John Graff, 2 69 Nicholas Ridenour, 10 84 114 73 88 89 7" 14 73 20 6 81 15 8 4 63 10 76 4 90 21 83 139 40 17 6962 95 i Robert Carson, t 117 f Nich. Ridenonr. f jnatinias lougn, Henry Drinker, Frederick Hubley, Matthias Sk.ngh, William Bigler, Joseph Potter,- Francis Johnston, Francis Johnston, Ralston & Hoover, PENT TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, eto 163 Greenwood Bell, 63 135 Taxes $33 81 12 73 Kliiah Heath. Bicklin A Griffith, 30 69 No. PIKE TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees, ete. Ac. 437 435 433 433 429 433 433 433 233 433 433 433 433 373 72 433 100 423 354 351 225 109 255 100 200 200 40 364 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes 48 R. Haynes.5 6 $85 22 60 Luke Morris, 5 6 84 83 153 Joseph Milliard. 5 6 84 44 153 Robert Grav,5 6 84 44 41 J. Binghurst, 56 83 66 153 Sarah Ward, 5 6 84 44 153 George Eddy, 5 6 84 44 153 Moore Wharton, 6 6 84 44 153 George Aatucn,5-6 54 63 153 William Hunter, 111 83 153 John Dorsvy, 69 65 153 Benj. Poulluey, 145 10 153 Israel Morris, 145 10 153 Martin Pierce, 188 88 Thomas Jordan, 14 04 153 Isabella Jordan, 101 24 Henry Tront, 23 40 153 Caleb Fotilk 109 40 153 George Wescott, 82 84 163 George Sbeeff, 82 13 John Bovd, 52 67 Susanna Ward, 25 63 G- & M. M'Cormick.59 56 4252 957 5777 410 5777 410 1429 70 25 4260 990 135 4C20 476 409 296 460 5776 27 6776 176 5776 140 5776 201 5776 100 85 James Wilson, 12 John Nrrhohwa, 12 John Nicholson, S, Blodgett, John P. Hoyt, James Wilson, George James, Wm. S. Roberts, Joseph Bailey, R. W.McNaul, Z. McNaul, John Nicholson, J. A Caldwell. John Nicholson, John Nicholson, Jobn Nicholson, Tae $81 36 62 29 52 29 8 94 6 391 67 33 17 18 60 69 20 99 21 10 32 27 S 89 44 8T 63 70 25 59 14 25 Alex. Hunter, Silas Wilcot, Isabella Jordan, Heury Trout, John Piron, 15 60 31 20 81 20 4 68 . 85 27 No. LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per Warrantees, ete. Taxes 4225 5299 1100 5300 1100 530 1 1100 5302 1100 5303 1100 5304 1 "00 5305 1100 5306 1700 5307 1100 5308 1109 5309 1100 5310 1100 5311 1100 5292 1100 5234 1100 5295 1100 George George George Gerrge George George George George George George George George George GfOrge George George Mead. Mead. Mead, Mead, Mead. Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead, Mead. Mead, Mead. Mead. Mead, Mead. S60 06 60 OS 60 06 60 06 60 OA 60 06 60 06 60 06 60 06 60 or, 60 06 60 06 P0 06 60 116 60 00 G 06 UNION TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes 3603 909 151 Roberts A Fox, $234 80 3599 606 66 Roberta A Fox. 187 84 3582 799 30 Roberts A Fox, 247 70 3581 125 Roberta A Fox, 31 09 3593 350 Roberta 4- Fox, 75 96 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes. 433 15S John Vought, $179 81 4oC 159 John Walls, 188 81 433 153 John Roll, 17. 81 100 William Wilson; 41 40 412 Jobn Cannon, 132 67 433 153 Israel Wheeler, 99 64 215 6 Thorns .Neil, 49 42 60 EliHoottnanj 13 80 204 Mary Neil, 69 68 333 Benj. Johnston, 107 19 538 Hegartv, 193 24 402 Matthias Barton'j 131 46 311 145 John M'Cahen, 92 72 57 143 Mary Connelly, 16 75 100 Roland Evans, 41 40 121 Eli Hootman, 38 92 100 Mary Sandwick, 18 40 218 Cbauncey Rickets, 40 12 If Cbauncey Rickets, 2 81 248 Charles Hlght, 102 68 237 Daniel Tamer, 98 08 170 Peter Louder, 64 75 91 Charles Louder, 84 19 40 William Wister, 7 36 150 John Low, 27 60" 100 Isaac Go$s, 27 60 72 Roland Evans, 13 24 100 Benjamin Johnston, 41 40 90 Mary Niei, 39 75 437 1 half Reuben Haines, 140 76 4C3 1 half Luke Morns, 139 10 100 1 half George Ashton, 27 60 LEVER FLEGAL, Trams', Clearfield, April 6, 1S70. D 11. B . CLARK'S cSt.asaiTsK FEMALE PILLS, roa sai.c st Boyer A Shaw and Hartswiok A Irwin, Clearfield, Pa. Aug 4.'69-ly) Retail Price, $1.50 per package. IMPORTED LIQUORS, such as BRANDIES aid HOLLAND GINS, PURE OLD GRAPE BRANDIES, PURE OLD CABINET WHISKEYS. . OLD GRAPE WINES. All the above brands warranted pure and to excel anything in this market for medicinal pur poses March 30,'70-tf GKO.N.OOLBURN, Prop r of Shaw House. N E W T S II 0 P! Fred Sackett, Manufacturer of TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WARE, (nearly opposite the jil), MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. ALSO, ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK done ob reasonable terms. April 6, IS70. MEAT MARKET. W. R. McPiiersox, Keops constantly on hand Fresh Meals, such as - BEEF VEAL, MUTTON. Etc., FIIESII FISH, All kinds of Vegetables, in season, CANNED FRUITS, BUTTER, LARD, Etc., Whioh he will sell at the lowest market prices. Cash paid for Cattle, Butter, etc. ROOM ON MARKET ST., " Clearfield, Pa.-Mareh 30,'70. D KT GOODS the ehespeit rathe eoeaty. at May 29, '67. M0560F B. HARRY F. BIGLER & CO., Clearfield, Pa., Have just received and offer for sale cheap, Single and double, iron and wood, SHOVEL PLOWS ; Patent, iron and wood, expanding CULTIVATORS J Patent-screw, steel CULTIVATOR TEETH ; Solid steel, singte and double, SHOVEL PLOW BLADES ; PINK AND WHITE LINING SKINS, AND ROAN SKINS. Clearfield, April 20, 1870. PITTSBURG ADVERTISEMENTS E O SAD A L I 8 AMERICAN HEALTH purines tne blood ana THE SRfiAT RESTORER, cures Scrofula. Syphilis. Skio Diseases. Rheu matism, Diseases of women, and all Chron ic Affections of the Blood, Liver and Kid neys. Recommended by the medieal Fac ulty and many thousands of our best citi sens. Read the testimony of Physicians and pa tients who have uled Rosadali.; send for our Rofadalis Guide to Health Book, or Al manac for this year. Which we publish for gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information Dr. R. W. tarr, oi Baltimore, says : I take pleasure in recommending your Rosadalis as a ve'y powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two cases with happy results one in a ease of secondary syphilis in which the patient pronounced himself cured after having taken five bottleof your medicine The other ts a ease ot scrot ula of long standing, whieh ia rapidly im proving under its use, and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by which vour Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative ingre dients , Dr. Sparks, of Nicholasviiie, j, says ne has used Rosadalis in eases or Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory results u a cleaner of the BIokI I know no bet- Lter remedy. Samuel G. McFadden, Mrfreesboro', Tenn , says : I have used seven bottles of Rosadalis and am entirely cured of Rheumatism ; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, who has scrofulous sore eyes. T Benjamin Bechtol, of Lima. Oh Id, writes, -I- I have suffered for twenty years with an in veterate eruption over my whole body ; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Ro sadalis and it effected a perfect core. Labratory, 61 Exchange Place.Baltimore. CLEMENTS, A CO , Proprietors. Rosadalis is sold by Hartswick A Irwin and -A. I. Shaw, Clearfield, D. R. Good. Osceola, and by Druggists generally. April 6,'70-ly. O s A D A FAIRBANK'S STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL KINDS ALSO IMPROVED MONET DRAWER. Fairbanks, Morse & Co,, M 30 6m. Iu2 Second Av., Pittsburg, Pa. JAS T. BRADY & CO., Successors to S. Jones d- Co'-,) CORNER P0LRTU AND WOOD S1RKBTS, PITTSB URGH, PA ., BANKERS, arraiD sext. all xidTxt GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver and Coupons. Six per eent. interest allowed en deposits sab ject to eheek. Money loaned on Government Bonos. Bonds registered free of charge. May 19. '69-1 y. JAMES T. BRADY CO. NEW BAKERY. The undersigned respectfully informs the citi zens of Clearfield that she has opened a Bakery on Fourth street. a shortdistanee above Mr. Shirk a tannery, where she is prepared at all times to fur nish fresh BREAD, CAKES, and PIES, to fami lies and others. April 20, 1870. Mrs M. J. PUKVIAV'K. FOR SALE, White Lead, Zine Paint, Linseed Oil. Turpentine Tarnishes of all kinds, Colors, in oil and dry, Paint and Varnish brushes. 'HARTSWICK A IRWIN; Clearfield. Pa -M 5.'69. 0 N MY OWN IIOOKi Having purchased the entire stock at the old stand of Kirk & Spencer, in Lumber City, I Intend carrying on the business as hereto fore. Mr MOTTO IS TO SELL CHEAP FOR CASH. Thanking onr friends and customers for past patronage I solicit a continuance of the same. Sept. 15tb, 18691, ISAAC KIRK. f1 1 A A How I made it in 6 mos. with eteneiU. Oll4U Samples mailed free. A. J- Fcllaw, Sew Tor,. lAprilI3-3m. II. F. BIGLER & CO., It CALEBS IR HARDWARE, AMD MAtlFACTCRXRt CUT Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD, PA. THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag.' one, for sale by . H. F. BIGLER A CO IRON. IRON!! Best bar l'on. fer sahs at he store of U. f. BIGLER A CO. STOVES of all sorts and sites, constantly on hand at II . F. BIGLER A CO S CABLE CHAINS a good article, en band and forsaleby II F. BIGLER A CO. 0R5E-5H0ES, and horse-nails, te be had at H. F. BIGLER A CO B. H SADDLE sale at f G ADDLES, Bridles, harness, eollars As., fer 11. r. U1GLKK CO'S. VKB. Pistols and sword eanes to be bad at H F. BIGLER A CO'3. HARNESS. Trimmings, and Shoe-findings for' sale at 11. F. BIGLER A CO'd. OIL, Putty, Paints Ola-s and -Tails. lor sale al Mareh '70. U F. BIGLER A CP'S. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES, ' or all kihds. also, Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawers, Ae., FOB SALE BT II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealers in Hardware, March 16 Clearfield, Pa., 1870. E D. PERKS A Co's flour, th Best in market, for aaie Dy J. SHAW A SON, 4 TTIXTS ON HOUSE PA INTINQ," by J. W. XX Masurr. ti., 48 p., 0e. Free by snail .n receipt of prr?4 MascsT Wairon, N, T, 3m. Hi I-.- i 1 1 ; i. 1